diff --git a/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/LiveVariableNode.java b/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/LiveVariableNode.java
index f9533d425038151e9635576a81378a4087cd7ec6..13245f1d8a0f7f15c42a3b10a362b74a91e7ac5f 100644
--- a/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/LiveVariableNode.java
+++ b/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/LiveVariableNode.java
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
 package tmltranslator.tomappingsystemc2;
 import myutil.TraceManager;
@@ -48,759 +47,766 @@ import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;
 import javax.script.ScriptException;
 import java.util.LinkedList;
-public class LiveVariableNode{
-	private LinkedList<LiveVariableNode> _succList = new LinkedList<LiveVariableNode>(), _predList = new LinkedList<LiveVariableNode>();
-	private boolean _valid=false;
-	StaticAnalysis _analysis;
-	//** Live Variable Analysis
-	private int[] _useVars;
-	private int[] _defVars;
-	private int[] _initialDefVars;
-	private int[] _inVars;
-	private int[] _outVars;
-	//** Reachable Definition analysis
-	private int[] _killDefs;
-	private int[] _generateDefs;
-	private int[] _killCandidates;
-	private int[] _inDefs;
-	private int[] _outDefs;
-	//** others
-	private int _myDefID = -2;
-	private boolean _isConstant=false;
-	private boolean _constantStuckToFalse=false;
-	private boolean _infected=false;
-	//private int _checkpoint=0;
-	private CheckpointInfo _checkpoint=null;
-	private boolean _guard=false;
-	private TMLActivityElement _linkedElem = null;
-	private LiveVariableNode _superiorBranchNode = null;
-	//private int _exprValue = 0;
-	private String _exprValue = "";
-	private String _lhs = "";
-	private String _rhs = "";
-	private String _unrolledExpr = "";
-	private boolean _varDepSource = false;
-	private String _nodeInfo="";
-	LiveVariableNode(StaticAnalysis iAnalysis, int[] iUseVars, int[] iDefVars, TMLActivityElement iLinkedElem, LiveVariableNode iSuperiorNode, boolean iConstantStuckToFalse, String iLhs, String iRhs){
-		this(iAnalysis, iUseVars, iDefVars, iLinkedElem, iSuperiorNode, iConstantStuckToFalse);
-		_lhs=iLhs;
-		_rhs= iRhs;
-		//TraceManager.addDev("lhs in init:*" + _lhs + "* rhs in init:*" + _rhs);
-	}
-	LiveVariableNode(StaticAnalysis iAnalysis, int[] iUseVars, int[] iDefVars, TMLActivityElement iLinkedElem, LiveVariableNode iSuperiorNode, boolean iConstantStuckToFalse){
-		this(iAnalysis, iUseVars, iDefVars, iLinkedElem, iSuperiorNode);
-		_constantStuckToFalse=iConstantStuckToFalse;
-	}
-	LiveVariableNode(StaticAnalysis iAnalysis, int[] iUseVars, int[] iDefVars, TMLActivityElement iLinkedElem, LiveVariableNode iSuperiorNode){
-		_useVars=iUseVars;
-		_defVars=iDefVars;
-		_initialDefVars = new int[_defVars.length];
-		for (int i=0; i<_defVars.length; i++)
-			_initialDefVars[i]=_defVars[i];
-		_superiorBranchNode = iSuperiorNode;
-		_linkedElem = iLinkedElem;
-		_analysis = iAnalysis;
-		//_succList = ;
-		//_predList = new LinkedList<LiveVariableNode>();
-	}
-	public void liveVariableInit(){
-		boolean isADefinition=false;
-		_inVars = new int[_defVars.length];
-		_outVars = new int[_defVars.length];
-		for (int i=0; i<_defVars.length;i++){
-			//_defNegVars[i] =  ~_defVars[i];
-			//_inVars[i] = _useVars[i] & _defNegVars[i];
-			_inVars[i] = _useVars[i] & (~_defVars[i]);
-			isADefinition |= (_defVars[i]!=0);
-		}
-		if (isADefinition)
-			_myDefID = _analysis.getNextDefID();
-		else
-			_myDefID=-1;
-	}
-	public int varStatistics(int[] ioStatistics){
-		if(_checkpoint!=null){	
-			for (int bytes=0; bytes < _outVars.length; bytes++){
-				for (int bits=0; bits<32;bits++){
-					//TraceManager.addDev("bytes: " + bytes + " stat index: " + (bytes << 5 |bits));
-					//if((_outVars[bytes] & (1 << bits))!=0)
-					if((_outVars[bytes] & (1 << bits))!=0 || (_useVars[bytes] & (1 << bits))!=0)
-					      ioStatistics[bytes << 5 |bits]++;
-				}
-			}
-			return 3;
-		}
-		return (_linkedElem!=null && (_linkedElem instanceof TMLReadChannel || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWriteChannel|| _linkedElem instanceof TMLSendEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWaitEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLSendRequest))? 1:0;
-	}
-	private boolean atLeast1DepDefForVars(int[] iConcernedVars, boolean iVarGoOutOfScope, int iMinNbOfDefs, CheckpointInfo iCheckInfo){
-		//following a command where a variable goes out of scope which is reached by at least two definitions, at least one of them being dependent
-		//following a command which kills more than one definition of a variable and at least one of these definitions is dependent
-		int[] aDefsForVar = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
-		for (int bytes=0; bytes<iConcernedVars.length; bytes++){
-			for (int bits=0; bits<32;bits++){
-				if ((iConcernedVars[bytes] & (1<< bits))!=0 && (!iVarGoOutOfScope || (_outVars[bytes] & (1<< bits))==0)){
-					//for all variables which are used in this statement and go out of scope
-					//reached by dependent definition?
-					//find all definitions for var
-					for (int i=0; i<_analysis.getBytesForDefs();i++)
-						aDefsForVar[i] = _inDefs[i] & _analysis.getDefsForVar()[bytes << 5 |bits][i];
-					//if (defsInfected(aDefsForVar)<-1) return true;
-					//if (defsInfected(aDefsForVar)<0) return true; //NEW!!!!!!!!!
-					if (defsInfected(aDefsForVar) < 1 - iMinNbOfDefs){
-						  iCheckInfo.setDefinitions(aDefsForVar);
-						  iCheckInfo.setVariableID(bytes << 5 |bits, iConcernedVars.length);
-						  return true;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
-	private int isCheckpointCandidate(CheckpointInfo iCheckInfo){
-		//being dependent or having at least one dependent inverse operator in the task the communication is established with
-		int aReasonCode=0;
-		//if (_linkedElem!=null) TraceManager.addDev("--- " + _linkedElem.getID() + " start isCheckpointCandidate"); else
-		//TraceManager.addDev("--- start isCheckpointCandidate");
-		if(_linkedElem instanceof TMLReadChannel || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWriteChannel){
-			for (int i=0; i<((TMLActivityElementChannel)_linkedElem).getNbOfChannels(); i++){
-				TMLChannel aChannel = ((TMLActivityElementChannel)_linkedElem).getChannel(i);
-				//TraceManager.addDev("get Infected for channel " + aChannel.getName() + "=" + aChannel.getInfected());
-				//if (aChannel.getInfected()) aReasonCode = CheckpointInfo.CHANNEL_DEP;
-				if (_analysis.isChannelDep(aChannel.getID())) aReasonCode = CheckpointInfo.CHANNEL_DEP;
-			}
-		}else if(_linkedElem instanceof TMLSendEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWaitEvent){
-			//if (((TMLActivityElementEvent)_linkedElem).getEvent().getInfected()) aReasonCode = CheckpointInfo.CHANNEL_DEP;
-			if (_analysis.isChannelDep(((TMLActivityElementEvent)_linkedElem).getEvent().getID())) aReasonCode = CheckpointInfo.CHANNEL_DEP;
-		}else if (_linkedElem instanceof TMLSendRequest){
-			//if (((TMLSendRequest)_linkedElem).getRequest().getInfected()) aReasonCode = CheckpointInfo.CHANNEL_DEP;
-			if (_analysis.isChannelDep(((TMLSendRequest)_linkedElem).getRequest().getID())) aReasonCode = CheckpointInfo.CHANNEL_DEP;
-		}
-		//consider receive event
-		if (_predList.size()>1){
-			//TraceManager.addDev("more than one pred found");
-			aReasonCode += CheckpointInfo.CTRL_FLOW_JOIN;
-		}
-		iCheckInfo.setOperationMode(CheckpointInfo.KILLED_DEF);
-		if (atLeast1DepDefForVars(_defVars, false, 1, iCheckInfo)){
-			//TraceManager.addDev(getStatementDescr() + "  kills dependent definitions!!!");
-			aReasonCode += CheckpointInfo.KILLED_DEF;
-		}
-		iCheckInfo.setOperationMode(CheckpointInfo.VAR_OUT_OF_SCOPE);
-		if (atLeast1DepDefForVars(_useVars, true, 1, iCheckInfo)){
-			//TraceManager.addDev(getStatementDescr()+ " variable went out of scope!!! ");
-			aReasonCode += CheckpointInfo.VAR_OUT_OF_SCOPE;
-		}
-		if(_varDepSource){
-			if (canBeRemoved())
-				_varDepSource=false;
-			else{
-				//_analysis.setLastVarDepSource(_generateDefs);
-				iCheckInfo._depSrcDef = _generateDefs;
-				//TraceManager.addDev("Stored defs: "); printDefList(_generateDefs);
-				aReasonCode += CheckpointInfo.DEP_SRC;
-			}
-		}
-		//TraceManager.addDev("--- end isCheckpointCandidate: " +  aReasonCode);
-		return aReasonCode;
-	}
-	//public static int evaluate(String string) throws IllegalArgumentException{
-	public String evaluate(String expression) throws IllegalArgumentException{
-		ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("JavaScript");
-		try{
-			//Object object = engine.eval("eval("+string+")");
-			TraceManager.addDev("Expression=" + expression);
-			engine.eval(expression);
-			Object object = engine.get("xx_xx");
-			if (object != null){
-				String result="";
-				if(object instanceof Number){
-					result = Integer.toString(((Number)(object)).intValue());
-				}else if (object instanceof Boolean){
-					result = object.toString();
-				}else{
-					throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input is neither Integer nor Boolean: '"+expression+"'");
-				}
-                		return result;
-			}else{
-				throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid expression: '"+expression+"'");
-			}
-		} catch (ScriptException e){
-			TraceManager.addDev("expression=" + expression);	
-			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid input: '"+expression+"'", e);
-		}
-	}
-	public void prepareReachingDefinitions(){
-		invalidate();
-		_generateDefs = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
-		_killDefs= new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
-		_killCandidates = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
-		_inDefs = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
-		_outDefs = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
-		//TraceManager.addDev("<> varToStatements asso: " + getStatementDescr());
-		if (_myDefID!=-1){
-		//if (_myDefID!=-1 && !canBeRemoved()){  //NEW!!!!!!!!!!!
-			for (int bytes=0; bytes<_defVars.length;bytes++){
-				for (int bits=0; bits<32;bits++){
-					//if ((_defVars[bytes] & (1 << bits))!=0){
-					//only consider live variables= defined + significant
-					if ((_defVars[bytes] & (1 << bits))!=0){ //NEW!!!!!!!!!!
-						  if((_outVars[bytes] & (1 << bits))==0){
-							_defVars[bytes] ^= (1 << bits);
-							//TraceManager.addDev("del");
-						  }else
-							_analysis.getDefsForVar()[(bytes << 5)|bits][_myDefID >>> 5] |= 1 << (_myDefID & 0x1F);
-						//TraceManager.addDev("var found:" + ((bytes << 5)|bits));
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if (!canBeRemoved()){
-				_generateDefs[_myDefID >>> 5] =  1 << (_myDefID & 0x1F);
-				_analysis.getDefLookUp()[_myDefID]=this;
-			}
-		}
-		//TraceManager.addDev("<> END varToStatements asso: " + getStatementDescr());
-	}
-	public void printKillEntries(){
-		//TraceManager.addDev("++++++++++ Kill definitions list ++++++++++");
-		System.out.print(getStatementDescr() + "  kills definitions: " + printDefList(_killDefs));
-		TraceManager.addDev("");
-	}
-	public void printReachingEntries(){
-		//TraceManager.addDev("++++++++++ Reaching definitions list ++++++++++");
-		//if(_linkedElem!=null && (_linkedElem instanceof TMLReadChannel || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWriteChannel|| _linkedElem instanceof TMLSendEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWaitEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLSendRequest)){
-		System.out.print(getStatementDescr());
-		/*printDefList(_inVars);
+public class LiveVariableNode {
+    private LinkedList<LiveVariableNode> _succList = new LinkedList<LiveVariableNode>(), _predList = new LinkedList<LiveVariableNode>();
+    private boolean _valid = false;
+    StaticAnalysis _analysis;
+    //** Live Variable Analysis
+    private int[] _useVars;
+    private int[] _defVars;
+    private int[] _initialDefVars;
+    private int[] _inVars;
+    private int[] _outVars;
+    //** Reachable Definition analysis
+    private int[] _killDefs;
+    private int[] _generateDefs;
+    private int[] _killCandidates;
+    private int[] _inDefs;
+    private int[] _outDefs;
+    //** others
+    private int _myDefID = -2;
+    private boolean _isConstant = false;
+    private boolean _constantStuckToFalse = false;
+    private boolean _infected = false;
+    //private int _checkpoint=0;
+    private CheckpointInfo _checkpoint = null;
+    private boolean _guard = false;
+    private TMLActivityElement _linkedElem = null;
+    private LiveVariableNode _superiorBranchNode = null;
+    //private int _exprValue = 0;
+    private String _exprValue = "";
+    private String _lhs = "";
+    private String _rhs = "";
+    private String _unrolledExpr = "";
+    private boolean _varDepSource = false;
+    private String _nodeInfo = "";
+    LiveVariableNode(StaticAnalysis iAnalysis, int[] iUseVars, int[] iDefVars, TMLActivityElement iLinkedElem, LiveVariableNode iSuperiorNode, boolean iConstantStuckToFalse, String iLhs, String iRhs) {
+        this(iAnalysis, iUseVars, iDefVars, iLinkedElem, iSuperiorNode, iConstantStuckToFalse);
+        _lhs = iLhs;
+        _rhs = iRhs;
+        //TraceManager.addDev("lhs in init:*" + _lhs + "* rhs in init:*" + _rhs);
+    }
+    LiveVariableNode(StaticAnalysis iAnalysis, int[] iUseVars, int[] iDefVars, TMLActivityElement iLinkedElem, LiveVariableNode iSuperiorNode, boolean iConstantStuckToFalse) {
+        this(iAnalysis, iUseVars, iDefVars, iLinkedElem, iSuperiorNode);
+        _constantStuckToFalse = iConstantStuckToFalse;
+    }
+    LiveVariableNode(StaticAnalysis iAnalysis, int[] iUseVars, int[] iDefVars, TMLActivityElement iLinkedElem, LiveVariableNode iSuperiorNode) {
+        _useVars = iUseVars;
+        _defVars = iDefVars;
+        _initialDefVars = new int[_defVars.length];
+        for (int i = 0; i < _defVars.length; i++)
+            _initialDefVars[i] = _defVars[i];
+        _superiorBranchNode = iSuperiorNode;
+        _linkedElem = iLinkedElem;
+        _analysis = iAnalysis;
+        //_succList = ;
+        //_predList = new LinkedList<LiveVariableNode>();
+    }
+    public void liveVariableInit() {
+        boolean isADefinition = false;
+        _inVars = new int[_defVars.length];
+        _outVars = new int[_defVars.length];
+        for (int i = 0; i < _defVars.length; i++) {
+            //_defNegVars[i] =  ~_defVars[i];
+            //_inVars[i] = _useVars[i] & _defNegVars[i];
+            _inVars[i] = _useVars[i] & (~_defVars[i]);
+            isADefinition |= (_defVars[i] != 0);
+        }
+        if (isADefinition)
+            _myDefID = _analysis.getNextDefID();
+        else
+            _myDefID = -1;
+    }
+    public int varStatistics(int[] ioStatistics) {
+        if (_checkpoint != null) {
+            for (int bytes = 0; bytes < _outVars.length; bytes++) {
+                for (int bits = 0; bits < 32; bits++) {
+                    //TraceManager.addDev("bytes: " + bytes + " stat index: " + (bytes << 5 |bits));
+                    //if((_outVars[bytes] & (1 << bits))!=0)
+                    if ((_outVars[bytes] & (1 << bits)) != 0 || (_useVars[bytes] & (1 << bits)) != 0)
+                        ioStatistics[bytes << 5 | bits]++;
+                }
+            }
+            return 3;
+        }
+        return (_linkedElem != null && (_linkedElem instanceof TMLReadChannel || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWriteChannel || _linkedElem instanceof TMLSendEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWaitEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLSendRequest)) ? 1 : 0;
+    }
+    private boolean atLeast1DepDefForVars(int[] iConcernedVars, boolean iVarGoOutOfScope, int iMinNbOfDefs, CheckpointInfo iCheckInfo) {
+        //following a command where a variable goes out of scope which is reached by at least two definitions, at least one of them being dependent
+        //following a command which kills more than one definition of a variable and at least one of these definitions is dependent
+        int[] aDefsForVar = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
+        for (int bytes = 0; bytes < iConcernedVars.length; bytes++) {
+            for (int bits = 0; bits < 32; bits++) {
+                if ((iConcernedVars[bytes] & (1 << bits)) != 0 && (!iVarGoOutOfScope || (_outVars[bytes] & (1 << bits)) == 0)) {
+                    //for all variables which are used in this statement and go out of scope
+                    //reached by dependent definition?
+                    //find all definitions for var
+                    for (int i = 0; i < _analysis.getBytesForDefs(); i++)
+                        aDefsForVar[i] = _inDefs[i] & _analysis.getDefsForVar()[bytes << 5 | bits][i];
+                    //if (defsInfected(aDefsForVar)<-1) return true;
+                    //if (defsInfected(aDefsForVar)<0) return true; //NEW!!!!!!!!!
+                    if (defsInfected(aDefsForVar) < 1 - iMinNbOfDefs) {
+                        iCheckInfo.setDefinitions(aDefsForVar);
+                        iCheckInfo.setVariableID(bytes << 5 | bits, iConcernedVars.length);
+                        return true;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    private int isCheckpointCandidate(CheckpointInfo iCheckInfo) {
+        //being dependent or having at least one dependent inverse operator in the task the communication is established with
+        int aReasonCode = 0;
+        //if (_linkedElem!=null) TraceManager.addDev("--- " + _linkedElem.getID() + " start isCheckpointCandidate"); else
+        //TraceManager.addDev("--- start isCheckpointCandidate");
+        if (_linkedElem instanceof TMLReadChannel || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWriteChannel) {
+            for (int i = 0; i < ((TMLActivityElementChannel) _linkedElem).getNbOfChannels(); i++) {
+                TMLChannel aChannel = ((TMLActivityElementChannel) _linkedElem).getChannel(i);
+                //TraceManager.addDev("get Infected for channel " + aChannel.getName() + "=" + aChannel.getInfected());
+                //if (aChannel.getInfected()) aReasonCode = CheckpointInfo.CHANNEL_DEP;
+                if (_analysis.isChannelDep(aChannel.getID())) aReasonCode = CheckpointInfo.CHANNEL_DEP;
+            }
+        } else if (_linkedElem instanceof TMLSendEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWaitEvent) {
+            //if (((TMLActivityElementEvent)_linkedElem).getEvent().getInfected()) aReasonCode = CheckpointInfo.CHANNEL_DEP;
+            if (_analysis.isChannelDep(((TMLActivityElementEvent) _linkedElem).getEvent().getID()))
+                aReasonCode = CheckpointInfo.CHANNEL_DEP;
+        } else if (_linkedElem instanceof TMLSendRequest) {
+            //if (((TMLSendRequest)_linkedElem).getRequest().getInfected()) aReasonCode = CheckpointInfo.CHANNEL_DEP;
+            if (_analysis.isChannelDep(((TMLSendRequest) _linkedElem).getRequest().getID()))
+                aReasonCode = CheckpointInfo.CHANNEL_DEP;
+        }
+        //consider receive event
+        if (_predList.size() > 1) {
+            //TraceManager.addDev("more than one pred found");
+            aReasonCode += CheckpointInfo.CTRL_FLOW_JOIN;
+        }
+        iCheckInfo.setOperationMode(CheckpointInfo.KILLED_DEF);
+        if (atLeast1DepDefForVars(_defVars, false, 1, iCheckInfo)) {
+            //TraceManager.addDev(getStatementDescr() + "  kills dependent definitions!!!");
+            aReasonCode += CheckpointInfo.KILLED_DEF;
+        }
+        iCheckInfo.setOperationMode(CheckpointInfo.VAR_OUT_OF_SCOPE);
+        if (atLeast1DepDefForVars(_useVars, true, 1, iCheckInfo)) {
+            //TraceManager.addDev(getStatementDescr()+ " variable went out of scope!!! ");
+            aReasonCode += CheckpointInfo.VAR_OUT_OF_SCOPE;
+        }
+        if (_varDepSource) {
+            if (canBeRemoved())
+                _varDepSource = false;
+            else {
+                //_analysis.setLastVarDepSource(_generateDefs);
+                iCheckInfo._depSrcDef = _generateDefs;
+                //TraceManager.addDev("Stored defs: "); printDefList(_generateDefs);
+                aReasonCode += CheckpointInfo.DEP_SRC;
+            }
+        }
+        //TraceManager.addDev("--- end isCheckpointCandidate: " +  aReasonCode);
+        return aReasonCode;
+    }
+    //public static int evaluate(String string) throws IllegalArgumentException{
+    public String evaluate(String expression) throws IllegalArgumentException {
+        ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("JavaScript");
+        try {
+            //Object object = engine.eval("eval("+string+")");
+            //TraceManager.addDev("Expression=" + expression);
+            engine.eval(expression);
+            Object object = engine.get("xx_xx");
+            if (object != null) {
+                String result = "";
+                if (object instanceof Number) {
+                    result = Integer.toString(((Number) (object)).intValue());
+                } else if (object instanceof Boolean) {
+                    result = object.toString();
+                } else {
+                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input is neither Integer nor Boolean: '" + expression + "'");
+                }
+                return result;
+            } else {
+                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid expression: '" + expression + "'");
+            }
+        } catch (ScriptException e) {
+            //TraceManager.addDev("expression=" + expression);
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid input: '" + expression + "'", e);
+        }
+    }
+    public void prepareReachingDefinitions() {
+        invalidate();
+        _generateDefs = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
+        _killDefs = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
+        _killCandidates = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
+        _inDefs = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
+        _outDefs = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
+        //TraceManager.addDev("<> varToStatements asso: " + getStatementDescr());
+        if (_myDefID != -1) {
+            //if (_myDefID!=-1 && !canBeRemoved()){  //NEW!!!!!!!!!!!
+            for (int bytes = 0; bytes < _defVars.length; bytes++) {
+                for (int bits = 0; bits < 32; bits++) {
+                    //if ((_defVars[bytes] & (1 << bits))!=0){
+                    //only consider live variables= defined + significant
+                    if ((_defVars[bytes] & (1 << bits)) != 0) { //NEW!!!!!!!!!!
+                        if ((_outVars[bytes] & (1 << bits)) == 0) {
+                            _defVars[bytes] ^= (1 << bits);
+                            //TraceManager.addDev("del");
+                        } else
+                            _analysis.getDefsForVar()[(bytes << 5) | bits][_myDefID >>> 5] |= 1 << (_myDefID & 0x1F);
+                        //TraceManager.addDev("var found:" + ((bytes << 5)|bits));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if (!canBeRemoved()) {
+                _generateDefs[_myDefID >>> 5] = 1 << (_myDefID & 0x1F);
+                _analysis.getDefLookUp()[_myDefID] = this;
+            }
+        }
+        //TraceManager.addDev("<> END varToStatements asso: " + getStatementDescr());
+    }
+    public void printKillEntries() {
+        //TraceManager.addDev("++++++++++ Kill definitions list ++++++++++");
+        System.out.print(getStatementDescr() + "  kills definitions: " + printDefList(_killDefs));
+        TraceManager.addDev("");
+    }
+    public void printReachingEntries() {
+        //TraceManager.addDev("++++++++++ Reaching definitions list ++++++++++");
+        //if(_linkedElem!=null && (_linkedElem instanceof TMLReadChannel || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWriteChannel|| _linkedElem instanceof TMLSendEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWaitEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLSendRequest)){
+        System.out.print(getStatementDescr());
+        /*printDefList(_inVars);
 		System.out.print("  outvars: ");
 		System.out.print("  defVars: ");
 		System.out.print("  useVars: ");
-		//+ "  reached by definitions: ");
-		//printDefList(_inDefs);
-		TraceManager.addDev("");
-		//}
-	}
-	private String printDefList(int[] iList){
-		String aResult="";
-		for (int bytes=0; bytes<iList.length; bytes++){
-			for (int bits=0; bits<32;bits++){
-				if ((iList[bytes]& (1 << bits))!=0) aResult += ((bytes << 5)|bits) + ", "; 
-			}
-		}
-		return aResult;
-	}
-	private String printDefCmdIDs(int[] iList){
-		String aResult="";
-		if (iList!=null){
-			for (int bytes=0; bytes<iList.length; bytes++){
-				for (int bits=0; bits<32;bits++){
-					if ((iList[bytes] & (1 << bits))!=0){
-						TMLActivityElement anElem = _analysis.getDefLookUp()[(bytes << 5)|bits]._linkedElem;
-						aResult += _analysis.getDefLookUp()[(bytes << 5)|bits].getNodeInfo();
-						if (anElem!=null) aResult += "(" + anElem.getID() + "),"; else aResult += ",";
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return aResult;
-	}
-	private boolean allDefsConstantAndEqual(int[] iDefinitions){
-		boolean aIsConst=true, aFirstTime=true, aDefFound=false;
-		//int aLastExprVal=0;
-		String aLastExprVal="";  
-		//TraceManager.addDev("******* allDefsConstantAndEqual");
-		for (int bytes=0; bytes<iDefinitions.length && aIsConst; bytes++){
-			for (int bits=0; bits<32 && aIsConst; bits++){
-				int anIndex = (bytes << 5)|bits;
-				if ((iDefinitions[bytes] & (1<< bits))!=0){ //what if there are no definitions????
-					aDefFound=true;
-					if (_analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex].isConstant()){
-						//TraceManager.addDev(_analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex].getStatementDescr() + " said to be constant");
-						//if (aFirstTime || _analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex].getExpressionValue() == aLastExprVal){
-						if (aFirstTime || _analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex].getExpressionValue().equals(aLastExprVal)){
-							aLastExprVal = _analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex].getExpressionValue();
-							_unrolledExpr+= _analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex].getExpressionString() + ";";
-							aFirstTime=false;
-						}else
-							aIsConst=false;
-					}else{
-						//TraceManager.addDev(_analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex].getStatementDescr() + " said to be NOT constant");
-						aIsConst=false;
-					}
-				}//else
-					//if (_analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex]!=null) TraceManager.addDev(_analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex].getStatementDescr() + " not concerned"); 
-			}
-		}
-		//if (aIsConst)
-		//TraceManager.addDev(aIsConst + " lhs:" + _lhs + " rhs:" + _rhs);
-		return (aIsConst && aDefFound);
-	}
-	public int determineIfConstant(){
-		//not constant: random, notified event, receive event, select event
-		//if (_linkedElem!=null && (_linkedElem instanceof TMLRandom || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWaitEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLNotifiedEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLSelectEvt)) return false;
-		if (_isConstant) return 0;
-		_valid=false;
-		//boolean aIsConst=true;
-		int aResult=0;
-		if (!_constantStuckToFalse){
-			int[] aReachingDefForVar= new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
-			aResult=2;
-		//TraceManager.addDev("!!!!Checking if  " + getStatementDescr() + " is constant");
-			for (int bytes=0; bytes<_useVars.length; bytes++){
-				for (int bits=0; bits<32;bits++){
-					if ((_useVars[bytes] & (1<< bits))!=0){
-						//TraceManager.addDev("var " + ((bytes << 5)|bits) + " is used  usevars:" + _useVars[bytes]);
-						//TraceManager.addDev("Reached by definitions: ");
-						//printDefList(_inDefs);
-						for (int i=0; i<_analysis.getBytesForDefs();i++){
-							aReachingDefForVar[i] = _analysis.getDefsForVar()[(bytes << 5)|bits][i] & _inDefs[i];
-						}
-						//aIsConst &= allDefsConstant(aReachingDefForVar);
-						if(allDefsConstantAndEqual(aReachingDefForVar)){
-							//toggle bit no [bits] = set it to zero as it is one
-							_useVars[bytes]^= (1<< bits);
-							//TraceManager.addDev("*** " + getStatementDescr() + "toggle bit " + ((bytes << 5)|bits) + "***");
-							//_inVars[bytes] = _useVars[bytes] & _defNegVars[bytes];
-							//_inVars[bytes] = _useVars[bytes] & (~_defVars[bytes]);  NEW!!!!!!!
-							aResult |= 1;   //set bit 2^0
-						}else{
-							//TraceManager.addDev("not all defs constant for variable " + ((bytes << 5)|bits));
-							//aIsConst=false;
-							aResult &= 1;  //del bit 2^1
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			_isConstant = ((aResult & 2)!=0);
-			if (_isConstant && !(_lhs==null ||_lhs.isEmpty())){
-				_unrolledExpr+= "xx_xx=" + _rhs + ";";
-				//try{
-					_exprValue = evaluate(_unrolledExpr);
-					//TraceManager.addDev("Expr: *" + _unrolledExpr + "* evaluated to: " + _exprValue);
-				//}catch(IllegalArgumentException e){
-					//TraceManager.addDev("At lest one variable of the expression remains undefined: " + _rhs);
-				//}
-			}
-		}
-		//boolean aChangeInResult = (_constantStuckToFalse)? false : aIsConst!= _isConstant;
-		//boolean aChangeInResult = (_constantStuckToFalse)? false : aIsConst;
-		//_isConstant = aIsConst;
-		//return aChangeInResult;
-		return aResult;
-		//}
-	}
-	public boolean isConstant(){
-		return !_constantStuckToFalse && _isConstant;
-	}
-	public boolean isInfected(){
-		return _infected;
-	}
-	public String getExpressionString(){
-		return _lhs + "=" + _exprValue;
-	}
-	//public int getExpressionValue(){
-	public String getExpressionValue(){
-		return _exprValue;
-	}
-	public int[] getKillCandidates(){
-		return _killCandidates;
-	}
-	public void setInfected(boolean iInfected){
-		_infected = iInfected;
-	}
-	public void setVarDepSource(boolean iVarDepSource){
-		_infected = iVarDepSource;
-		_varDepSource = iVarDepSource;
-	}
-	public String getNodeInfo(){
-		return _nodeInfo;
-	}
-	public void setNodeInfo(String iInfo){
-		_nodeInfo=iInfo;
-	}
-	public boolean determineKilledSets(){
-		boolean aChange=false;
-		int [] aKillOut = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
-		int [] aKillIn = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
-		if (!_valid){
-			_valid=true;
-			//TraceManager.addDev("determineKilledSets for " + getStatementDescr() ); 
-			for(LiveVariableNode aPred: _predList) {
-				int[] aKillCandidatesPred = aPred.getKillCandidates();
-				for (int i=0; i<_analysis.getBytesForDefs();i++){
-					aKillOut[i] |= aKillCandidatesPred[i];
-					aKillIn[i] |= aKillCandidatesPred[i];
-				}
-			}
-			//TraceManager.addDev( "aLocalKillCandidates[0] " + aLocalKillCandidates[0]); 
-			//TraceManager.addDev( "killDefs[0] before" + _killDefs[0]); 
-			if (_myDefID!=-1){
-				//TraceManager.addDev("Statement " + _myDefID + " (" + getStatementDescr() + ") defines: " + _generateDefs[0] + " could kill input: " + aLocalKillCandidates[0]);
-				for (int bytes=0; bytes<_defVars.length; bytes++){
-					for (int bits=0; bits<32;bits++){
-						if ((_defVars[bytes] & (1<< bits))!=0){   //for all variables which are defined in this statement
-							for (int i=0; i<_analysis.getBytesForDefs();i++){
-								//killDefs = definitions representing kill candidates in program flow & all statements affecting the current variable targeted in this definition
-								//all kill candidates -> for a specific variable -> variable determined by defVars  
-								//_killDefs[i] |= (aLocalKillCandidates[i] & _varToStatements[(bytes << 5)|bits][i]);
-								_killDefs[i] |= (aKillIn[i] & _analysis.getDefsForVar()[(bytes << 5)|bits][i]);
-								//TraceManager.addDev( "killDefs[i] " + _killDefs[i] + " i" + i); 
-								//int oldCandidates = aLocalKillCandidates[i];
-								//delete all kill candidates for the variable yielded by that definition
-								//aLocalKillCandidates[i] &= ~ _varToStatements[(bytes << 5)|bits][i];
-								aKillOut[i] &= ~ _analysis.getDefsForVar()[(bytes << 5)|bits][i];
-								//add this definition as killer for the variable
-								//aLocalKillCandidates[i] |= _generateDefs[i];
-								aKillOut[i] |= _generateDefs[i];
-								//aChange |= (oldCandidates!=aLocalKillCandidates[i]);
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			//TraceManager.addDev( "killDefs[0] " + _killDefs[0]); 
-			for (int i=0; i<_analysis.getBytesForDefs();i++){
-				//aChange |= (_killCandidates[i]!=aLocalKillCandidates[i]);
-				aChange |= (_killCandidates[i]!=aKillOut[i]);
-				//_killCandidates[i]=aLocalKillCandidates[i];
-				_killCandidates[i]=aKillOut[i];
-			}
-			if (aChange){
-				for(LiveVariableNode aSucc: _succList) aSucc.invalidate();
-			}
-		}
-		return aChange;
-	}
-	public String getStatementDescr(){
-		//String aName = "| Live ID: " + _myDefID + " | ";
-		String aName = "| ";
-		if (_linkedElem==null)
-				aName += "cmd type: unknown | cmd ID: unknown";
-		else
-			aName += "cmd type: " + _linkedElem.getName() + " | cmd ID: " + _linkedElem.getID();
-		aName+= " | infected: " + _infected;
-		if (!(_lhs==null || _rhs==null || _lhs.isEmpty() || _rhs.isEmpty()))
-			aName += " | action: " + _lhs + "=" + _rhs;
-		aName += " | const: ";
-		if (_isConstant){
-			if (_lhs==null || _lhs.isEmpty())
-				aName+= "yes";
-			else
-				aName+= _exprValue;
-		}else 
-			aName += "no"; 
-		aName += " | to be removed: " + canBeRemoved() + " | checkp:";
-		if (_checkpoint==null)
-			aName += "0";
-		else{
-			if ((_checkpoint._reasonCode & CheckpointInfo.CHANNEL_DEP)!=0) aName += " CH_DEP";
-			if ((_checkpoint._reasonCode & CheckpointInfo.CTRL_FLOW_JOIN)!=0) aName += " CTRL(" + printDefCmdIDs(_checkpoint._ctrlFlowJoinDefs) + ")";
-			if ((_checkpoint._reasonCode & CheckpointInfo.KILLED_DEF)!=0) aName += " KILL(" + printDefCmdIDs(_checkpoint._killedDefs) + ")";
-			if ((_checkpoint._reasonCode & CheckpointInfo.VAR_OUT_OF_SCOPE)!=0) aName += " VAR_SCP(" + _analysis.printVariables(_checkpoint._varsOutOfScope) + ")";
-			if ((_checkpoint._reasonCode & CheckpointInfo.DEP_SRC)!=0) aName += " SRC(" + printDefCmdIDs(_checkpoint._depSrcDef) + ")";
-		}
-		aName += " | ";
-		return aName;
-	}
-	public void invalidate(){
-		_valid=false;
-	}
-	private boolean chOfCmdAllNBRNBW(TMLActivityElementChannel iElem){
-		for (int i=0; i<iElem.getNbOfChannels(); i++)
-			if (iElem.getChannel(i).getType()!=TMLChannel.NBRNBW) return false;
-		return true;
-	}
-	//public void determineCheckpoints(int iPropagate, CheckpointInfo iCheckInfo){
-	public void determineCheckpoints(CheckpointInfo iCheckInfo){
-		if (!_guard){
-			//if (_checkpoint==0){
-			if (_checkpoint==null){
-				//int aCandidate = iCheckInfo.__reasonCode | isCheckpointCandidate(iCheckInfo);
-				iCheckInfo._reasonCode |= isCheckpointCandidate(iCheckInfo);
-				//if (_linkedElem!=null) TraceManager.addDev(_linkedElem.getID() + "  aCandidate: " + aCandidate);
-				iCheckInfo.setOperationMode(CheckpointInfo.CTRL_FLOW_JOIN);
-				//if ((aCandidate & CheckpointInfo.CTRL_FLOW_JOIN)!=0 && !atLeast1DepDefForVars(_inVars, false, 2, iCheckInfo)){
-				if ((iCheckInfo._reasonCode & CheckpointInfo.CTRL_FLOW_JOIN)!=0 && !atLeast1DepDefForVars(_inVars, false, 2, iCheckInfo)){
-					//aCandidate ^= CheckpointInfo.CTRL_FLOW_JOIN;
-					iCheckInfo._reasonCode ^= CheckpointInfo.CTRL_FLOW_JOIN;
-					//TraceManager.addDev("aCandidate reset control flow join");
-				}
-				//if ((aCandidate & CheckpointInfo.DEP_SRC)!=0){
-				if ((iCheckInfo._reasonCode & CheckpointInfo.DEP_SRC)!=0){
-					boolean aDefReachable=false;
-					for (int i=0; i<_analysis.getBytesForDefs() && !aDefReachable; i++)
-						//aDefReachable |= ((_analysis.getLastVarDepSource()[i] & _outDefs[i]) !=0);
-						aDefReachable |= ((iCheckInfo._depSrcDef[i] & _outDefs[i]) !=0);
-					if (!aDefReachable){
-						//aCandidate ^= CheckpointInfo.DEP_SRC;
-						iCheckInfo._reasonCode ^= CheckpointInfo.DEP_SRC;
+        //+ "  reached by definitions: ");
+        //printDefList(_inDefs);
+        TraceManager.addDev("");
+        //}
+    }
+    private String printDefList(int[] iList) {
+        String aResult = "";
+        for (int bytes = 0; bytes < iList.length; bytes++) {
+            for (int bits = 0; bits < 32; bits++) {
+                if ((iList[bytes] & (1 << bits)) != 0) aResult += ((bytes << 5) | bits) + ", ";
+            }
+        }
+        return aResult;
+    }
+    private String printDefCmdIDs(int[] iList) {
+        String aResult = "";
+        if (iList != null) {
+            for (int bytes = 0; bytes < iList.length; bytes++) {
+                for (int bits = 0; bits < 32; bits++) {
+                    if ((iList[bytes] & (1 << bits)) != 0) {
+                        TMLActivityElement anElem = _analysis.getDefLookUp()[(bytes << 5) | bits]._linkedElem;
+                        aResult += _analysis.getDefLookUp()[(bytes << 5) | bits].getNodeInfo();
+                        if (anElem != null) aResult += "(" + anElem.getID() + "),";
+                        else aResult += ",";
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return aResult;
+    }
+    private boolean allDefsConstantAndEqual(int[] iDefinitions) {
+        boolean aIsConst = true, aFirstTime = true, aDefFound = false;
+        //int aLastExprVal=0;
+        String aLastExprVal = "";
+        //TraceManager.addDev("******* allDefsConstantAndEqual");
+        for (int bytes = 0; bytes < iDefinitions.length && aIsConst; bytes++) {
+            for (int bits = 0; bits < 32 && aIsConst; bits++) {
+                int anIndex = (bytes << 5) | bits;
+                if ((iDefinitions[bytes] & (1 << bits)) != 0) { //what if there are no definitions????
+                    aDefFound = true;
+                    if (_analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex].isConstant()) {
+                        //TraceManager.addDev(_analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex].getStatementDescr() + " said to be constant");
+                        //if (aFirstTime || _analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex].getExpressionValue() == aLastExprVal){
+                        if (aFirstTime || _analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex].getExpressionValue().equals(aLastExprVal)) {
+                            aLastExprVal = _analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex].getExpressionValue();
+                            _unrolledExpr += _analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex].getExpressionString() + ";";
+                            aFirstTime = false;
+                        } else
+                            aIsConst = false;
+                    } else {
+                        //TraceManager.addDev(_analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex].getStatementDescr() + " said to be NOT constant");
+                        aIsConst = false;
+                    }
+                }//else
+                //if (_analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex]!=null) TraceManager.addDev(_analysis.getDefLookUp()[anIndex].getStatementDescr() + " not concerned");
+            }
+        }
+        //if (aIsConst)
+        //TraceManager.addDev(aIsConst + " lhs:" + _lhs + " rhs:" + _rhs);
+        return (aIsConst && aDefFound);
+    }
+    public int determineIfConstant() {
+        //not constant: random, notified event, receive event, select event
+        //if (_linkedElem!=null && (_linkedElem instanceof TMLRandom || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWaitEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLNotifiedEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLSelectEvt)) return false;
+        if (_isConstant) return 0;
+        _valid = false;
+        //boolean aIsConst=true;
+        int aResult = 0;
+        if (!_constantStuckToFalse) {
+            int[] aReachingDefForVar = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
+            aResult = 2;
+            //TraceManager.addDev("!!!!Checking if  " + getStatementDescr() + " is constant");
+            for (int bytes = 0; bytes < _useVars.length; bytes++) {
+                for (int bits = 0; bits < 32; bits++) {
+                    if ((_useVars[bytes] & (1 << bits)) != 0) {
+                        //TraceManager.addDev("var " + ((bytes << 5)|bits) + " is used  usevars:" + _useVars[bytes]);
+                        //TraceManager.addDev("Reached by definitions: ");
+                        //printDefList(_inDefs);
+                        for (int i = 0; i < _analysis.getBytesForDefs(); i++) {
+                            aReachingDefForVar[i] = _analysis.getDefsForVar()[(bytes << 5) | bits][i] & _inDefs[i];
+                        }
+                        //aIsConst &= allDefsConstant(aReachingDefForVar);
+                        if (allDefsConstantAndEqual(aReachingDefForVar)) {
+                            //toggle bit no [bits] = set it to zero as it is one
+                            _useVars[bytes] ^= (1 << bits);
+                            //TraceManager.addDev("*** " + getStatementDescr() + "toggle bit " + ((bytes << 5)|bits) + "***");
+                            //_inVars[bytes] = _useVars[bytes] & _defNegVars[bytes];
+                            //_inVars[bytes] = _useVars[bytes] & (~_defVars[bytes]);  NEW!!!!!!!
+                            aResult |= 1;   //set bit 2^0
+                        } else {
+                            //TraceManager.addDev("not all defs constant for variable " + ((bytes << 5)|bits));
+                            //aIsConst=false;
+                            aResult &= 1;  //del bit 2^1
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            _isConstant = ((aResult & 2) != 0);
+            if (_isConstant && !(_lhs == null || _lhs.isEmpty())) {
+                _unrolledExpr += "xx_xx=" + _rhs + ";";
+                //try{
+                _exprValue = evaluate(_unrolledExpr);
+                //TraceManager.addDev("Expr: *" + _unrolledExpr + "* evaluated to: " + _exprValue);
+                //}catch(IllegalArgumentException e){
+                //TraceManager.addDev("At lest one variable of the expression remains undefined: " + _rhs);
+                //}
+            }
+        }
+        //boolean aChangeInResult = (_constantStuckToFalse)? false : aIsConst!= _isConstant;
+        //boolean aChangeInResult = (_constantStuckToFalse)? false : aIsConst;
+        //_isConstant = aIsConst;
+        //return aChangeInResult;
+        return aResult;
+        //}
+    }
+    public boolean isConstant() {
+        return !_constantStuckToFalse && _isConstant;
+    }
+    public boolean isInfected() {
+        return _infected;
+    }
+    public String getExpressionString() {
+        return _lhs + "=" + _exprValue;
+    }
+    //public int getExpressionValue(){
+    public String getExpressionValue() {
+        return _exprValue;
+    }
+    public int[] getKillCandidates() {
+        return _killCandidates;
+    }
+    public void setInfected(boolean iInfected) {
+        _infected = iInfected;
+    }
+    public void setVarDepSource(boolean iVarDepSource) {
+        _infected = iVarDepSource;
+        _varDepSource = iVarDepSource;
+    }
+    public String getNodeInfo() {
+        return _nodeInfo;
+    }
+    public void setNodeInfo(String iInfo) {
+        _nodeInfo = iInfo;
+    }
+    public boolean determineKilledSets() {
+        boolean aChange = false;
+        int[] aKillOut = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
+        int[] aKillIn = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
+        if (!_valid) {
+            _valid = true;
+            //TraceManager.addDev("determineKilledSets for " + getStatementDescr() );
+            for (LiveVariableNode aPred : _predList) {
+                int[] aKillCandidatesPred = aPred.getKillCandidates();
+                for (int i = 0; i < _analysis.getBytesForDefs(); i++) {
+                    aKillOut[i] |= aKillCandidatesPred[i];
+                    aKillIn[i] |= aKillCandidatesPred[i];
+                }
+            }
+            //TraceManager.addDev( "aLocalKillCandidates[0] " + aLocalKillCandidates[0]);
+            //TraceManager.addDev( "killDefs[0] before" + _killDefs[0]);
+            if (_myDefID != -1) {
+                //TraceManager.addDev("Statement " + _myDefID + " (" + getStatementDescr() + ") defines: " + _generateDefs[0] + " could kill input: " + aLocalKillCandidates[0]);
+                for (int bytes = 0; bytes < _defVars.length; bytes++) {
+                    for (int bits = 0; bits < 32; bits++) {
+                        if ((_defVars[bytes] & (1 << bits)) != 0) {   //for all variables which are defined in this statement
+                            for (int i = 0; i < _analysis.getBytesForDefs(); i++) {
+                                //killDefs = definitions representing kill candidates in program flow & all statements affecting the current variable targeted in this definition
+                                //all kill candidates -> for a specific variable -> variable determined by defVars
+                                //_killDefs[i] |= (aLocalKillCandidates[i] & _varToStatements[(bytes << 5)|bits][i]);
+                                _killDefs[i] |= (aKillIn[i] & _analysis.getDefsForVar()[(bytes << 5) | bits][i]);
+                                //TraceManager.addDev( "killDefs[i] " + _killDefs[i] + " i" + i);
+                                //int oldCandidates = aLocalKillCandidates[i];
+                                //delete all kill candidates for the variable yielded by that definition
+                                //aLocalKillCandidates[i] &= ~ _varToStatements[(bytes << 5)|bits][i];
+                                aKillOut[i] &= ~_analysis.getDefsForVar()[(bytes << 5) | bits][i];
+                                //add this definition as killer for the variable
+                                //aLocalKillCandidates[i] |= _generateDefs[i];
+                                aKillOut[i] |= _generateDefs[i];
+                                //aChange |= (oldCandidates!=aLocalKillCandidates[i]);
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            //TraceManager.addDev( "killDefs[0] " + _killDefs[0]);
+            for (int i = 0; i < _analysis.getBytesForDefs(); i++) {
+                //aChange |= (_killCandidates[i]!=aLocalKillCandidates[i]);
+                aChange |= (_killCandidates[i] != aKillOut[i]);
+                //_killCandidates[i]=aLocalKillCandidates[i];
+                _killCandidates[i] = aKillOut[i];
+            }
+            if (aChange) {
+                for (LiveVariableNode aSucc : _succList) aSucc.invalidate();
+            }
+        }
+        return aChange;
+    }
+    public String getStatementDescr() {
+        //String aName = "| Live ID: " + _myDefID + " | ";
+        String aName = "| ";
+        if (_linkedElem == null)
+            aName += "cmd type: unknown | cmd ID: unknown";
+        else
+            aName += "cmd type: " + _linkedElem.getName() + " | cmd ID: " + _linkedElem.getID();
+        aName += " | infected: " + _infected;
+        if (!(_lhs == null || _rhs == null || _lhs.isEmpty() || _rhs.isEmpty()))
+            aName += " | action: " + _lhs + "=" + _rhs;
+        aName += " | const: ";
+        if (_isConstant) {
+            if (_lhs == null || _lhs.isEmpty())
+                aName += "yes";
+            else
+                aName += _exprValue;
+        } else
+            aName += "no";
+        aName += " | to be removed: " + canBeRemoved() + " | checkp:";
+        if (_checkpoint == null)
+            aName += "0";
+        else {
+            if ((_checkpoint._reasonCode & CheckpointInfo.CHANNEL_DEP) != 0) aName += " CH_DEP";
+            if ((_checkpoint._reasonCode & CheckpointInfo.CTRL_FLOW_JOIN) != 0)
+                aName += " CTRL(" + printDefCmdIDs(_checkpoint._ctrlFlowJoinDefs) + ")";
+            if ((_checkpoint._reasonCode & CheckpointInfo.KILLED_DEF) != 0)
+                aName += " KILL(" + printDefCmdIDs(_checkpoint._killedDefs) + ")";
+            if ((_checkpoint._reasonCode & CheckpointInfo.VAR_OUT_OF_SCOPE) != 0)
+                aName += " VAR_SCP(" + _analysis.printVariables(_checkpoint._varsOutOfScope) + ")";
+            if ((_checkpoint._reasonCode & CheckpointInfo.DEP_SRC) != 0)
+                aName += " SRC(" + printDefCmdIDs(_checkpoint._depSrcDef) + ")";
+        }
+        aName += " | ";
+        return aName;
+    }
+    public void invalidate() {
+        _valid = false;
+    }
+    private boolean chOfCmdAllNBRNBW(TMLActivityElementChannel iElem) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < iElem.getNbOfChannels(); i++)
+            if (iElem.getChannel(i).getType() != TMLChannel.NBRNBW) return false;
+        return true;
+    }
+    //public void determineCheckpoints(int iPropagate, CheckpointInfo iCheckInfo){
+    public void determineCheckpoints(CheckpointInfo iCheckInfo) {
+        if (!_guard) {
+            //if (_checkpoint==0){
+            if (_checkpoint == null) {
+                //int aCandidate = iCheckInfo.__reasonCode | isCheckpointCandidate(iCheckInfo);
+                iCheckInfo._reasonCode |= isCheckpointCandidate(iCheckInfo);
+                //if (_linkedElem!=null) TraceManager.addDev(_linkedElem.getID() + "  aCandidate: " + aCandidate);
+                iCheckInfo.setOperationMode(CheckpointInfo.CTRL_FLOW_JOIN);
+                //if ((aCandidate & CheckpointInfo.CTRL_FLOW_JOIN)!=0 && !atLeast1DepDefForVars(_inVars, false, 2, iCheckInfo)){
+                if ((iCheckInfo._reasonCode & CheckpointInfo.CTRL_FLOW_JOIN) != 0 && !atLeast1DepDefForVars(_inVars, false, 2, iCheckInfo)) {
+                    //aCandidate ^= CheckpointInfo.CTRL_FLOW_JOIN;
+                    iCheckInfo._reasonCode ^= CheckpointInfo.CTRL_FLOW_JOIN;
+                    //TraceManager.addDev("aCandidate reset control flow join");
+                }
+                //if ((aCandidate & CheckpointInfo.DEP_SRC)!=0){
+                if ((iCheckInfo._reasonCode & CheckpointInfo.DEP_SRC) != 0) {
+                    boolean aDefReachable = false;
+                    for (int i = 0; i < _analysis.getBytesForDefs() && !aDefReachable; i++)
+                        //aDefReachable |= ((_analysis.getLastVarDepSource()[i] & _outDefs[i]) !=0);
+                        aDefReachable |= ((iCheckInfo._depSrcDef[i] & _outDefs[i]) != 0);
+                    if (!aDefReachable) {
+                        //aCandidate ^= CheckpointInfo.DEP_SRC;
+                        iCheckInfo._reasonCode ^= CheckpointInfo.DEP_SRC;
 						/*TraceManager.addDev("aCandidate reset dep src");
 						TraceManager.addDev("comp1 in defs: "); printDefList(_outDefs);
 						TraceManager.addDev("comp2 stored defs: "); printDefList(_analysis.getLastVarDepSource());*/
-					}
-				}
-				//if(aCandidate>0){
-				if(iCheckInfo._reasonCode > 0){
-					if(((_linkedElem instanceof TMLReadChannel || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWriteChannel) && !chOfCmdAllNBRNBW((TMLActivityElementChannel)_linkedElem)) || _linkedElem instanceof TMLSendEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWaitEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLSendRequest){
-						//_checkpoint=aCandidate;
-						_checkpoint = iCheckInfo;
-					}else{
-						_guard=true;
-						for(LiveVariableNode aSucc: _succList)
-							aSucc.determineCheckpoints(iCheckInfo);
-						_guard = false;
-					}
-				}
-			}else
-				//_checkpoint |= iPropagate;
-				_checkpoint.incorporate(iCheckInfo);
-		}
-	}
-	public void reachingDefinitionsInit(){
-		invalidate();
-		for (int i=0; i<_analysis.getBytesForDefs();i++){
-			_outDefs[i] = _generateDefs[i] & (~_killDefs[i]);
-		}
-		//TraceManager.addDev("out Defs " + getStatementDescr() + " " + _outDefs[0] + " generate Defs: " + _generateDefs[0] + " kill Defs: " + _killDefs[0]);
-	}
-	public boolean reachingDefinitionAnalysis(){
-		boolean aSuccInvalidated=false;
-		if (!_valid){
-			_valid=true;
-			for(LiveVariableNode aPred: _predList) {
-				int[] aPredOutDefs = aPred.getOutDefs();
-				for (int i=0; i<_analysis.getBytesForDefs();i++){
-					_inDefs[i] |= aPredOutDefs[i];
-					int aOutDefsOld=_outDefs[i];
-					_outDefs[i] = _generateDefs[i] | _inDefs[i] & (~_killDefs[i]);
-					if (aOutDefsOld!=_outDefs[i]) aSuccInvalidated=true; 
-				} 
-			}
-			if(aSuccInvalidated){
-				for(LiveVariableNode aSucc: _succList)
-					aSucc.invalidate();
-			}
-		}
-		return aSuccInvalidated;
-	}
-	public boolean liveVariableAnalysis(){
-		boolean aPredInvalidated=false;
-		if (!_valid){
-			_valid=true;
+                    }
+                }
+                //if(aCandidate>0){
+                if (iCheckInfo._reasonCode > 0) {
+                    if (((_linkedElem instanceof TMLReadChannel || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWriteChannel) && !chOfCmdAllNBRNBW((TMLActivityElementChannel) _linkedElem)) || _linkedElem instanceof TMLSendEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWaitEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLSendRequest) {
+                        //_checkpoint=aCandidate;
+                        _checkpoint = iCheckInfo;
+                    } else {
+                        _guard = true;
+                        for (LiveVariableNode aSucc : _succList)
+                            aSucc.determineCheckpoints(iCheckInfo);
+                        _guard = false;
+                    }
+                }
+            } else
+                //_checkpoint |= iPropagate;
+                _checkpoint.incorporate(iCheckInfo);
+        }
+    }
+    public void reachingDefinitionsInit() {
+        invalidate();
+        for (int i = 0; i < _analysis.getBytesForDefs(); i++) {
+            _outDefs[i] = _generateDefs[i] & (~_killDefs[i]);
+        }
+        //TraceManager.addDev("out Defs " + getStatementDescr() + " " + _outDefs[0] + " generate Defs: " + _generateDefs[0] + " kill Defs: " + _killDefs[0]);
+    }
+    public boolean reachingDefinitionAnalysis() {
+        boolean aSuccInvalidated = false;
+        if (!_valid) {
+            _valid = true;
+            for (LiveVariableNode aPred : _predList) {
+                int[] aPredOutDefs = aPred.getOutDefs();
+                for (int i = 0; i < _analysis.getBytesForDefs(); i++) {
+                    _inDefs[i] |= aPredOutDefs[i];
+                    int aOutDefsOld = _outDefs[i];
+                    _outDefs[i] = _generateDefs[i] | _inDefs[i] & (~_killDefs[i]);
+                    if (aOutDefsOld != _outDefs[i]) aSuccInvalidated = true;
+                }
+            }
+            if (aSuccInvalidated) {
+                for (LiveVariableNode aSucc : _succList)
+                    aSucc.invalidate();
+            }
+        }
+        return aSuccInvalidated;
+    }
+    public boolean liveVariableAnalysis() {
+        boolean aPredInvalidated = false;
+        if (!_valid) {
+            _valid = true;
 			/*if (_linkedElem==null)
 				System.out.print("recalculate waitRequest invalidate: ");
 				System.out.print("recalculate " + _linkedElem.getName() + " " + _linkedElem.getID() + "invalidate: ");*/
-			for(LiveVariableNode aSucc: _succList) {
-				int[] aSuccInVars = aSucc.getInVars();
-				for (int i=0; i<aSuccInVars.length;i++){
-					_outVars[i] |= aSuccInVars[i];
-					int aInVarsOld=_inVars[i];
-					//_inVars[i] = _useVars[i] | _outVars[i] & _defNegVars[i];
-					_inVars[i] = _useVars[i] | _outVars[i] & (~_defVars[i]);
-					if (aInVarsOld!=_inVars[i]) aPredInvalidated=true; 
-				} 
-			}
-			if(aPredInvalidated){
-				for(LiveVariableNode aPred: _predList){
-					aPred.invalidate();
+            for (LiveVariableNode aSucc : _succList) {
+                int[] aSuccInVars = aSucc.getInVars();
+                for (int i = 0; i < aSuccInVars.length; i++) {
+                    _outVars[i] |= aSuccInVars[i];
+                    int aInVarsOld = _inVars[i];
+                    //_inVars[i] = _useVars[i] | _outVars[i] & _defNegVars[i];
+                    _inVars[i] = _useVars[i] | _outVars[i] & (~_defVars[i]);
+                    if (aInVarsOld != _inVars[i]) aPredInvalidated = true;
+                }
+            }
+            if (aPredInvalidated) {
+                for (LiveVariableNode aPred : _predList) {
+                    aPred.invalidate();
 					/*if (aPred.getLinkedElement()==null)
 						System.out.print("waitRequest, ");
 						System.out.print(aPred.getLinkedElement().getID() + ", ");*/
-				}
-			}
-			//TraceManager.addDev();
-		}
-		return aPredInvalidated;
-	}
-	public boolean infectionAnalysis(){
-		//if (_linkedElem!=null) TraceManager.addDev("Infection Analysis: "+  _linkedElem.getID());
-		if (_infected){
-			//TraceManager.addDev("cancelled");
-			return false;
-		}else{
-			if (_superiorBranchNode!=null && _superiorBranchNode.isInfected()){
-				//control dependency
-				_infected=true;
-			}else{
-				//data dependency
-				int[] aRelevantDefs = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
-				for (int bytes=0; bytes<_useVars.length; bytes++){
-					for (int bits=0; bits<32;bits++){
-						if ((_useVars[bytes] & (1<< bits))!=0){   //for all variables which are used in this statement
-							for (int i=0; i<_analysis.getBytesForDefs();i++){
-								 aRelevantDefs[i] |=_inDefs[i] & _analysis.getDefsForVar()[(bytes << 5)|bits][i];
-							}						
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				_infected |= (defsInfected(aRelevantDefs)<0);
-			}
-		}
-		//synchronization dependency
-		if (_infected && _linkedElem!=null){
-			//TraceManager.addDev("in if 1");
-			if(_linkedElem instanceof TMLReadChannel || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWriteChannel){
-				//TraceManager.addDev("in if 2");
-				for (int i=0; i<((TMLActivityElementChannel)_linkedElem).getNbOfChannels(); i++){
-					//TraceManager.addDev("in loop");
-					TMLChannel aChannel = ((TMLActivityElementChannel)_linkedElem).getChannel(i);
-					//TraceManager.addDev("Set Infected for channel " + aChannel.getName());
-					//if (aChannel.getType()!=TMLChannel.NBRNBW) aChannel.setInfected(true);
-					if (aChannel.getType()!=TMLChannel.NBRNBW) _analysis.addDepChannel(aChannel.getID());
-				}
-			}else if(_linkedElem instanceof TMLSendEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWaitEvent){
-				//((TMLActivityElementEvent)_linkedElem).getEvent().setInfected(true);
-				_analysis.addDepChannel(((TMLActivityElementEvent)_linkedElem).getEvent().getID());
-			}else if (_linkedElem instanceof TMLSendRequest){
-				//((TMLSendRequest)_linkedElem).getRequest().setInfected(true);
-				_analysis.addDepChannel(((TMLSendRequest)_linkedElem).getRequest().getID());
-			}
-		}
-		return _infected;
-	}
-	private int defsInfected(int[] iDefs){
-		boolean aInfected=false;
-		int aNbOfDefs=0;
-		for (int bytes=0; bytes<iDefs.length; bytes++){
-			for (int bits=0; bits<32;bits++){
-				if ((iDefs[bytes] & (1<< bits))!=0){ 
-					aNbOfDefs++;
-					aInfected |= _analysis.getDefLookUp()[(bytes << 5)|bits].isInfected();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return (aInfected)? -aNbOfDefs : aNbOfDefs;
-	}
-	public TMLActivityElement getLinkedElement(){
-		return _linkedElem;
-	}
-	public boolean isEmptyNode(){
-		return false;
+                }
+            }
+            //TraceManager.addDev();
+        }
+        return aPredInvalidated;
+    }
+    public boolean infectionAnalysis() {
+        //if (_linkedElem!=null) TraceManager.addDev("Infection Analysis: "+  _linkedElem.getID());
+        if (_infected) {
+            //TraceManager.addDev("cancelled");
+            return false;
+        } else {
+            if (_superiorBranchNode != null && _superiorBranchNode.isInfected()) {
+                //control dependency
+                _infected = true;
+            } else {
+                //data dependency
+                int[] aRelevantDefs = new int[_analysis.getBytesForDefs()];
+                for (int bytes = 0; bytes < _useVars.length; bytes++) {
+                    for (int bits = 0; bits < 32; bits++) {
+                        if ((_useVars[bytes] & (1 << bits)) != 0) {   //for all variables which are used in this statement
+                            for (int i = 0; i < _analysis.getBytesForDefs(); i++) {
+                                aRelevantDefs[i] |= _inDefs[i] & _analysis.getDefsForVar()[(bytes << 5) | bits][i];
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                _infected |= (defsInfected(aRelevantDefs) < 0);
+            }
+        }
+        //synchronization dependency
+        if (_infected && _linkedElem != null) {
+            //TraceManager.addDev("in if 1");
+            if (_linkedElem instanceof TMLReadChannel || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWriteChannel) {
+                //TraceManager.addDev("in if 2");
+                for (int i = 0; i < ((TMLActivityElementChannel) _linkedElem).getNbOfChannels(); i++) {
+                    //TraceManager.addDev("in loop");
+                    TMLChannel aChannel = ((TMLActivityElementChannel) _linkedElem).getChannel(i);
+                    //TraceManager.addDev("Set Infected for channel " + aChannel.getName());
+                    //if (aChannel.getType()!=TMLChannel.NBRNBW) aChannel.setInfected(true);
+                    if (aChannel.getType() != TMLChannel.NBRNBW) _analysis.addDepChannel(aChannel.getID());
+                }
+            } else if (_linkedElem instanceof TMLSendEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLWaitEvent) {
+                //((TMLActivityElementEvent)_linkedElem).getEvent().setInfected(true);
+                _analysis.addDepChannel(((TMLActivityElementEvent) _linkedElem).getEvent().getID());
+            } else if (_linkedElem instanceof TMLSendRequest) {
+                //((TMLSendRequest)_linkedElem).getRequest().setInfected(true);
+                _analysis.addDepChannel(((TMLSendRequest) _linkedElem).getRequest().getID());
+            }
+        }
+        return _infected;
+    }
+    private int defsInfected(int[] iDefs) {
+        boolean aInfected = false;
+        int aNbOfDefs = 0;
+        for (int bytes = 0; bytes < iDefs.length; bytes++) {
+            for (int bits = 0; bits < 32; bits++) {
+                if ((iDefs[bytes] & (1 << bits)) != 0) {
+                    aNbOfDefs++;
+                    aInfected |= _analysis.getDefLookUp()[(bytes << 5) | bits].isInfected();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return (aInfected) ? -aNbOfDefs : aNbOfDefs;
+    }
+    public TMLActivityElement getLinkedElement() {
+        return _linkedElem;
+    }
+    public boolean isEmptyNode() {
+        return false;
 		/*if (_succList.size()>1) return false;
 		for (int i=0; i<_defVars.length;i++)
 			if (_defVars[i]!=0) return false;
 		for (int i=0; i<_useVars.length;i++)
 			if (_useVars[i]!=0) return false;
 		return true;*/
-	}
-	public void setSuccessor(LiveVariableNode iSucc){
-		if(iSucc!=null){
-			_succList.add(iSucc);
-			iSucc.setPredecessor(this);
-		}
-	}
-	private void setPredecessor(LiveVariableNode iPred){
-		_predList.add(iPred);
-		//if (_linkedElem!=null) TraceManager.addDev(_linkedElem.getID() + " adds pred " + iPred._myDefID);
-	}
-	public int[] getInVars(){
-		return _inVars;
-	}
-	public int[] getOutVars(){
-		return _outVars;
-	}
-	public int[] getInDefs(){
-		return _inDefs;
-	}
-	public int[] getOutDefs(){
-		return _outDefs;
-	}
-	public int[] getInitialDefVars(){
-		return _initialDefVars;
-	}
-	private boolean canBeRemoved(){
-		//if ((_lhs==null || _lhs.isEmpty()) && (_rhs==null || _rhs.isEmpty()) && !(_linkedElem==null || _linkedElem instanceof TMLNotifiedEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLRandom)) return false;
-		for (int i=0; i<_defVars.length;i++){
-			if ((_defVars[i] & _outVars[i]) !=0) return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	public String getLiveVariableString(){
+    }
+    public void setSuccessor(LiveVariableNode iSucc) {
+        if (iSucc != null) {
+            _succList.add(iSucc);
+            iSucc.setPredecessor(this);
+        }
+    }
+    private void setPredecessor(LiveVariableNode iPred) {
+        _predList.add(iPred);
+        //if (_linkedElem!=null) TraceManager.addDev(_linkedElem.getID() + " adds pred " + iPred._myDefID);
+    }
+    public int[] getInVars() {
+        return _inVars;
+    }
+    public int[] getOutVars() {
+        return _outVars;
+    }
+    public int[] getInDefs() {
+        return _inDefs;
+    }
+    public int[] getOutDefs() {
+        return _outDefs;
+    }
+    public int[] getInitialDefVars() {
+        return _initialDefVars;
+    }
+    private boolean canBeRemoved() {
+        //if ((_lhs==null || _lhs.isEmpty()) && (_rhs==null || _rhs.isEmpty()) && !(_linkedElem==null || _linkedElem instanceof TMLNotifiedEvent || _linkedElem instanceof TMLRandom)) return false;
+        for (int i = 0; i < _defVars.length; i++) {
+            if ((_defVars[i] & _outVars[i]) != 0) return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    public String getLiveVariableString() {
 		/*System.out.print("Numbers: ");
 		for (int aPos=0; aPos<_outVars.length; aPos++){
 			System.out.print(Integer.toHexString(_outVars[aPos]) + ", ");
-		return intArrayToHexString(_outVars);
-	}
-	public String getStartLiveVariableString(){
-		return intArrayToHexString(_inVars);
-	}
-	public String getStateModificationString(){
-		return intArrayToHexString(_defVars);
-	}
-	private String intArrayToHexString(int[] iArray){
-		String aResult = "\"";
-		//\\x" + Integer.toHexString(iArray.length); 	
-		for (int aPos=0; aPos<iArray.length; aPos++){
-			int anItem = iArray[aPos];
-			for (int bytes=0; bytes<4; bytes++){
-			//for (int bits=0; bits<32; bits+=8)
-				aResult+= "\\x" + Integer.toHexString(anItem & 0xFF);
-				anItem >>>= 8;
-			}
-		}
-		aResult+="\"";
-		//TraceManager.addDev("String: " + aResult);
-		return aResult;
-	}
-	public boolean isCheckpoint(){
-		return (_checkpoint!=null);
-	}
+        return intArrayToHexString(_outVars);
+    }
+    public String getStartLiveVariableString() {
+        return intArrayToHexString(_inVars);
+    }
+    public String getStateModificationString() {
+        return intArrayToHexString(_defVars);
+    }
+    private String intArrayToHexString(int[] iArray) {
+        String aResult = "\"";
+        //\\x" + Integer.toHexString(iArray.length);
+        for (int aPos = 0; aPos < iArray.length; aPos++) {
+            int anItem = iArray[aPos];
+            for (int bytes = 0; bytes < 4; bytes++) {
+                //for (int bits=0; bits<32; bits+=8)
+                aResult += "\\x" + Integer.toHexString(anItem & 0xFF);
+                anItem >>>= 8;
+            }
+        }
+        aResult += "\"";
+        //TraceManager.addDev("String: " + aResult);
+        return aResult;
+    }
+    public boolean isCheckpoint() {
+        return (_checkpoint != null);
+    }
diff --git a/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/StaticAnalysis.java b/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/StaticAnalysis.java
index 8b1d4770a9b9bea22109b772e427adc88f449157..27c40bcb8a381254a6101de10fc036cdce72bb50 100644
--- a/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/StaticAnalysis.java
+++ b/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/StaticAnalysis.java
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
 package tmltranslator.tomappingsystemc2;
 import myutil.TraceManager;
@@ -51,112 +50,112 @@ import java.util.regex.Matcher;
 import java.util.regex.Pattern;
 //import java.util.HashSet;
-public class StaticAnalysis{
-	private List<LiveVariableNode> liveNodes= new ArrayList<LiveVariableNode>();
-	private final static Pattern _varPattern = Pattern.compile("[\\w&&\\D]+[\\w]*");
-	private TMLTask _task;
-	private List<TMLChannel> _channels;
-	private List<TMLEvent> _events;
-	private List<TMLRequest> _requests;
-	private int _nextDefID=0;
-	private int[][] _varToDefs=null;
-	private int _bytesForDefs;
-	private int _bytesForVars;
-	private LiveVariableNode[] _defLookup=null;
-	private Set<Integer> _depChannels;
-	public StaticAnalysis(TMLTask iTask, List<TMLChannel>iChannels, List<TMLEvent> iEvents, List<TMLRequest> iRequests, Set<Integer> iDepChannels){
-		_task = iTask;
-		_channels=iChannels;
-		_events=iEvents;
-		_requests=iRequests;
-		_depChannels = iDepChannels;
-	}
-	public int getNextDefID(){
-		return _nextDefID++;
-	}
+public class StaticAnalysis {
+    private List<LiveVariableNode> liveNodes = new ArrayList<LiveVariableNode>();
+    private final static Pattern _varPattern = Pattern.compile("[\\w&&\\D]+[\\w]*");
+    private TMLTask _task;
+    private List<TMLChannel> _channels;
+    private List<TMLEvent> _events;
+    private List<TMLRequest> _requests;
+    private int _nextDefID = 0;
+    private int[][] _varToDefs = null;
+    private int _bytesForDefs;
+    private int _bytesForVars;
+    private LiveVariableNode[] _defLookup = null;
+    private Set<Integer> _depChannels;
+    public StaticAnalysis(TMLTask iTask, List<TMLChannel> iChannels, List<TMLEvent> iEvents, List<TMLRequest> iRequests, Set<Integer> iDepChannels) {
+        _task = iTask;
+        _channels = iChannels;
+        _events = iEvents;
+        _requests = iRequests;
+        _depChannels = iDepChannels;
+    }
+    public int getNextDefID() {
+        return _nextDefID++;
+    }
 	/*public int getNbOfDefs(){
 		return _nextDefID;
-	public int getBytesForDefs(){
-		return _bytesForDefs;
-	}
-	public int[][] getDefsForVar(){
-		return _varToDefs;
-	}
-	public LiveVariableNode[] getDefLookUp(){
-		return _defLookup;
-	}
-	public void addDepChannel(int iID){
-		//TraceManager.addDev("Add Dependent Channel: " + iID);
-		_depChannels.add(iID);
-	}
-	public boolean isChannelDep(int iID){
-		//TraceManager.addDev("Check if Channel dep: " + iID + " answer: "  + _depChannels.contains(iID));
-		return _depChannels.contains(iID);
-	}
-	private int getVarSeqNoByName(String attName){
-		attName=attName.trim();
-		int aSeq=0;
-		for(TMLAttribute att: _task.getAttributes()) {
-			if (att.name.equals(attName)) return aSeq;
-			aSeq++;
-		}
-		return -1;
-	}
-	private int[] parseExprToVariableMap(String iExpr, int[] iMap){
-		//byte[] aResMap;
-		int[] aResMap;
-		if(iMap==null)
-			aResMap=new int[_bytesForVars];
-		else
-			aResMap=iMap;
-		if(!(iExpr==null || iExpr.isEmpty())){
-			//TraceManager.addDev("Examine expression: " + iExpr);
-			Matcher matcher = _varPattern.matcher(iExpr);
-			//System.out.print("Found tokens: ");
-			while (matcher.find()){
-				String token = iExpr.substring(matcher.start(), matcher.end());
-				//System.out.print(token + ", ");
-				int aVarSeqNo = getVarSeqNoByName(token);
-				if (aVarSeqNo>=0) aResMap[aVarSeqNo >>> 5] |= 1 << (aVarSeqNo & 0x1F);
-			}
-			//TraceManager.addDev();
-			//TraceManager.addDev("Byte sequence: ");
-		}
+    public int getBytesForDefs() {
+        return _bytesForDefs;
+    }
+    public int[][] getDefsForVar() {
+        return _varToDefs;
+    }
+    public LiveVariableNode[] getDefLookUp() {
+        return _defLookup;
+    }
+    public void addDepChannel(int iID) {
+        //TraceManager.addDev("Add Dependent Channel: " + iID);
+        _depChannels.add(iID);
+    }
+    public boolean isChannelDep(int iID) {
+        //TraceManager.addDev("Check if Channel dep: " + iID + " answer: "  + _depChannels.contains(iID));
+        return _depChannels.contains(iID);
+    }
+    private int getVarSeqNoByName(String attName) {
+        attName = attName.trim();
+        int aSeq = 0;
+        for (TMLAttribute att : _task.getAttributes()) {
+            if (att.name.equals(attName)) return aSeq;
+            aSeq++;
+        }
+        return -1;
+    }
+    private int[] parseExprToVariableMap(String iExpr, int[] iMap) {
+        //byte[] aResMap;
+        int[] aResMap;
+        if (iMap == null)
+            aResMap = new int[_bytesForVars];
+        else
+            aResMap = iMap;
+        if (!(iExpr == null || iExpr.isEmpty())) {
+            //TraceManager.addDev("Examine expression: " + iExpr);
+            Matcher matcher = _varPattern.matcher(iExpr);
+            //System.out.print("Found tokens: ");
+            while (matcher.find()) {
+                String token = iExpr.substring(matcher.start(), matcher.end());
+                //System.out.print(token + ", ");
+                int aVarSeqNo = getVarSeqNoByName(token);
+                if (aVarSeqNo >= 0) aResMap[aVarSeqNo >>> 5] |= 1 << (aVarSeqNo & 0x1F);
+            }
+            //TraceManager.addDev();
+            //TraceManager.addDev("Byte sequence: ");
+        }
 		/*for(int i=0; i<_bytesForVars; i++)
 			System.out.print(((int)aResMap[i]) + ", ");
-		return aResMap;		
-	}
-	private int[] parseChannelToVariableMap(TMLChannel iChannel, int[] iMap){
-		int[] aResMap;
-		if(iMap==null)
-			aResMap=new int[_bytesForVars];
-		else
-			aResMap=iMap;
-		int anIndex = _task.getAttributes().size() + _channels.indexOf(iChannel);
-		aResMap[anIndex >>> 5] |= 1 << (anIndex & 0x1F);
-		return aResMap;	
-	}
-	private int[] parseEventToVariableMap(TMLEvent iEvent){
-		int[] aResMap = new int[_bytesForVars];
-		int anIndex = _task.getAttributes().size() + _channels.size() + _events.indexOf(iEvent);
-		aResMap[anIndex >>> 5] |= 1 << (anIndex & 0x1F);
-		return aResMap;
-	}
+        return aResMap;
+    }
+    private int[] parseChannelToVariableMap(TMLChannel iChannel, int[] iMap) {
+        int[] aResMap;
+        if (iMap == null)
+            aResMap = new int[_bytesForVars];
+        else
+            aResMap = iMap;
+        int anIndex = _task.getAttributes().size() + _channels.indexOf(iChannel);
+        aResMap[anIndex >>> 5] |= 1 << (anIndex & 0x1F);
+        return aResMap;
+    }
+    private int[] parseEventToVariableMap(TMLEvent iEvent) {
+        int[] aResMap = new int[_bytesForVars];
+        int anIndex = _task.getAttributes().size() + _channels.size() + _events.indexOf(iEvent);
+        aResMap[anIndex >>> 5] |= 1 << (anIndex & 0x1F);
+        return aResMap;
+    }
 	/*public String makeLiveVarEvalFunc(){
 		String anEvalFunc="";
@@ -201,109 +200,112 @@ public class StaticAnalysis{
 //			TraceManager.addDev("reqChannel: significant");
 //	}
-	public String printVariables(int[] iVariables){
-		String aResult="";
-		int aSeq=0;
-		for(TMLAttribute att: _task.getAttributes()) {
-			if ((iVariables[aSeq >>> 5] & (1 << (aSeq & 0x1F)))!=0)
-				aResult+= att.getName() + ",";
-			aSeq++;
-		}
-		for(TMLChannel ch: _channels) {
-			if ((iVariables[aSeq >>> 5] & (1 << (aSeq & 0x1F)))!=0)
-				aResult+= ch.getName() + ",";
-			aSeq++;
-		}
-		for(TMLEvent evt: _events) {
-			if ((iVariables[aSeq >>> 5] & (1 << (aSeq & 0x1F)))!=0)
-				aResult+= evt.getName() + ",";
-			aSeq++;
-		}
-		if (_task.isRequested() && (iVariables[aSeq >>> 5] & (1 << (aSeq & 0x1F)))!=0)
-			aResult += "reqCh";
-		return aResult;
-	}
-	public LiveVariableNode startAnalysis(){
-		int aNbOfLiveElements = _task.getAttributes().size() + _channels.size() + _events.size();
-		//int aNumberOfBytes=0;
-		//LiveVariableNode.reset();
-		liveNodes = new ArrayList<LiveVariableNode>();
-		if (_task.isRequested()) aNbOfLiveElements++;		
-		_bytesForVars = aNbOfLiveElements >>> 5;
-		if ((aNbOfLiveElements & 0x1F)!=0) _bytesForVars++;
-		LiveVariableNode aStartNode=null, aLastNode=null;
-		//_depChannels.clear();
-		for(TMLAttribute att: _task.getAttributes()) {
-			if (att.hasInitialValue())
-				aStartNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, new int[_bytesForVars], parseExprToVariableMap(att.name, null), null, null,
-			false, att.name, att.initialValue);			
-			else
-				aStartNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, new int[_bytesForVars], parseExprToVariableMap(att.name, null), null, null,
-			false, att.name, "0");
-			liveNodes.add(aStartNode);
-			aStartNode.setNodeInfo("init " + att.getName());
-			if (aLastNode!=null) aLastNode.setSuccessor(aStartNode);
-			aLastNode=aStartNode;
-		}
-		if (_task.isRequested()){
-			int[] aReqVars = parseExprToVariableMap("arg1__req", null);
-			for (int i=2; i<=_task.getRequest().getNbOfParams(); i++){
-				parseExprToVariableMap("arg" + i + "__req", aReqVars);
-			}
-			//parseExprToVariableMap("arg2__req", aReqVars);
-			//parseExprToVariableMap("arg3__req", aReqVars);
-			int[] aReqChannelVar = new int[_bytesForVars];
-			aReqChannelVar[_bytesForVars-1] = 1 << ((aNbOfLiveElements-1) & 0x1F);
-			aStartNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aReqChannelVar, aReqVars, null, null, true);
-			for(TMLRequest aReq: _requests)
-				if (aReq.getNbOfParams()>0){ aStartNode.setVarDepSource(true); break;}
-			liveNodes.add(aStartNode);
-			aStartNode.setNodeInfo("rec req");
-			aStartNode.setSuccessor(buildLiveAnalysisTree(_task.getActivityDiagram().getFirst(), aStartNode, null));
-		}else{
-			aStartNode = buildLiveAnalysisTree(_task.getActivityDiagram().getFirst(), null, null);
-		}
-		if (aLastNode!=null) aLastNode.setSuccessor(aStartNode);
-		boolean aChange;
-		int aConstChange;
-		do{
-			//TraceManager.addDev("******************* one analysis round");
-			_nextDefID=0;
-			for(LiveVariableNode aLiveNode: liveNodes)
-				aLiveNode.liveVariableInit();
-			do{
-				aChange=false;
-				for(LiveVariableNode aLiveNode: liveNodes)
-					aChange |= aLiveNode.liveVariableAnalysis();
-			}while(aChange);
-			_bytesForDefs = _nextDefID >>> 5;
-			if ((_nextDefID & 0x1F)!=0 || _nextDefID==0) _bytesForDefs++;
-			_varToDefs = new int[aNbOfLiveElements][_bytesForDefs];
-			_defLookup = new LiveVariableNode[_nextDefID];
-			for(LiveVariableNode aLiveNode: liveNodes){
-				aLiveNode.prepareReachingDefinitions();
-			}
-			do{
-				aChange=false;
-				for(LiveVariableNode aLiveNode: liveNodes)
-					aChange |= aLiveNode.determineKilledSets();
-			}while(aChange);
-			for(LiveVariableNode aLiveNode: liveNodes){
-				//aLiveNode.printKillEntries();
-				aLiveNode.reachingDefinitionsInit();
-			}
-			do{
-				aChange=false;
-				for(LiveVariableNode aLiveNode: liveNodes)
-					aChange |= aLiveNode.reachingDefinitionAnalysis();
-			}while(aChange);
-			aConstChange=0;
-			do{
-				aConstChange &= 1;
-				for(LiveVariableNode aLiveNode: liveNodes)
-					aConstChange |= aLiveNode.determineIfConstant();
-			}while(aConstChange>1);
+    public String printVariables(int[] iVariables) {
+        String aResult = "";
+        int aSeq = 0;
+        for (TMLAttribute att : _task.getAttributes()) {
+            if ((iVariables[aSeq >>> 5] & (1 << (aSeq & 0x1F))) != 0)
+                aResult += att.getName() + ",";
+            aSeq++;
+        }
+        for (TMLChannel ch : _channels) {
+            if ((iVariables[aSeq >>> 5] & (1 << (aSeq & 0x1F))) != 0)
+                aResult += ch.getName() + ",";
+            aSeq++;
+        }
+        for (TMLEvent evt : _events) {
+            if ((iVariables[aSeq >>> 5] & (1 << (aSeq & 0x1F))) != 0)
+                aResult += evt.getName() + ",";
+            aSeq++;
+        }
+        if (_task.isRequested() && (iVariables[aSeq >>> 5] & (1 << (aSeq & 0x1F))) != 0)
+            aResult += "reqCh";
+        return aResult;
+    }
+    public LiveVariableNode startAnalysis() {
+        int aNbOfLiveElements = _task.getAttributes().size() + _channels.size() + _events.size();
+        //int aNumberOfBytes=0;
+        //LiveVariableNode.reset();
+        liveNodes = new ArrayList<LiveVariableNode>();
+        if (_task.isRequested()) aNbOfLiveElements++;
+        _bytesForVars = aNbOfLiveElements >>> 5;
+        if ((aNbOfLiveElements & 0x1F) != 0) _bytesForVars++;
+        LiveVariableNode aStartNode = null, aLastNode = null;
+        //_depChannels.clear();
+        for (TMLAttribute att : _task.getAttributes()) {
+            if (att.hasInitialValue())
+                aStartNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, new int[_bytesForVars], parseExprToVariableMap(att.name, null), null, null,
+                        false, att.name, att.initialValue);
+            else
+                aStartNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, new int[_bytesForVars], parseExprToVariableMap(att.name, null), null, null,
+                        false, att.name, "0");
+            liveNodes.add(aStartNode);
+            aStartNode.setNodeInfo("init " + att.getName());
+            if (aLastNode != null) aLastNode.setSuccessor(aStartNode);
+            aLastNode = aStartNode;
+        }
+        if (_task.isRequested()) {
+            int[] aReqVars = parseExprToVariableMap("arg1__req", null);
+            for (int i = 2; i <= _task.getRequest().getNbOfParams(); i++) {
+                parseExprToVariableMap("arg" + i + "__req", aReqVars);
+            }
+            //parseExprToVariableMap("arg2__req", aReqVars);
+            //parseExprToVariableMap("arg3__req", aReqVars);
+            int[] aReqChannelVar = new int[_bytesForVars];
+            aReqChannelVar[_bytesForVars - 1] = 1 << ((aNbOfLiveElements - 1) & 0x1F);
+            aStartNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aReqChannelVar, aReqVars, null, null, true);
+            for (TMLRequest aReq : _requests)
+                if (aReq.getNbOfParams() > 0) {
+                    aStartNode.setVarDepSource(true);
+                    break;
+                }
+            liveNodes.add(aStartNode);
+            aStartNode.setNodeInfo("rec req");
+            aStartNode.setSuccessor(buildLiveAnalysisTree(_task.getActivityDiagram().getFirst(), aStartNode, null));
+        } else {
+            aStartNode = buildLiveAnalysisTree(_task.getActivityDiagram().getFirst(), null, null);
+        }
+        if (aLastNode != null) aLastNode.setSuccessor(aStartNode);
+        boolean aChange;
+        int aConstChange;
+        do {
+            //TraceManager.addDev("******************* one analysis round");
+            _nextDefID = 0;
+            for (LiveVariableNode aLiveNode : liveNodes)
+                aLiveNode.liveVariableInit();
+            do {
+                aChange = false;
+                for (LiveVariableNode aLiveNode : liveNodes)
+                    aChange |= aLiveNode.liveVariableAnalysis();
+            } while (aChange);
+            _bytesForDefs = _nextDefID >>> 5;
+            if ((_nextDefID & 0x1F) != 0 || _nextDefID == 0) _bytesForDefs++;
+            _varToDefs = new int[aNbOfLiveElements][_bytesForDefs];
+            _defLookup = new LiveVariableNode[_nextDefID];
+            for (LiveVariableNode aLiveNode : liveNodes) {
+                aLiveNode.prepareReachingDefinitions();
+            }
+            do {
+                aChange = false;
+                for (LiveVariableNode aLiveNode : liveNodes)
+                    aChange |= aLiveNode.determineKilledSets();
+            } while (aChange);
+            for (LiveVariableNode aLiveNode : liveNodes) {
+                //aLiveNode.printKillEntries();
+                aLiveNode.reachingDefinitionsInit();
+            }
+            do {
+                aChange = false;
+                for (LiveVariableNode aLiveNode : liveNodes)
+                    aChange |= aLiveNode.reachingDefinitionAnalysis();
+            } while (aChange);
+            aConstChange = 0;
+            do {
+                aConstChange &= 1;
+                for (LiveVariableNode aLiveNode : liveNodes)
+                    aConstChange |= aLiveNode.determineIfConstant();
+            } while (aConstChange > 1);
 			/*TraceManager.addDev("-----------------new step------------");
 			for(LiveVariableNode aLiveNode: liveNodes){
@@ -312,268 +314,270 @@ public class StaticAnalysis{
-		}while(aConstChange>0);
-		do{
-			aChange=false;
-			for(LiveVariableNode aLiveNode: liveNodes)
-				aChange |= aLiveNode.infectionAnalysis();
-		}while(aChange);
-		return aStartNode;
-	}
-	public void determineCheckpoints(int[] iStatistics){
-		TraceManager.addDev("*** Static Analysis for task " + _task.getName());
-		for(LiveVariableNode aLiveNode: liveNodes)
-			aLiveNode.determineCheckpoints(new CheckpointInfo());
-		//TraceManager.addDev("Create array size " + (_bytesForVars << 5));
-		int[] aStatistics = new int[_bytesForVars << 5];
-		int aNbOfCheckPoints=0, aNbOfCandidates=0;
-		for(LiveVariableNode aLiveNode: liveNodes){
-			int aStatResult = aLiveNode.varStatistics(aStatistics);
-			if((aStatResult & 1)!=0){
-				//aLiveNode.printReachingEntries();
-				//printLiveVarNode(aLiveNode);
-				aNbOfCandidates++;
-				if((aStatResult & 2)!=0) aNbOfCheckPoints++;
-			}
-		}
-		if (aNbOfCandidates==0)
-			TraceManager.addDev("No checkpoint candidates");
-		else{
-			TraceManager.addDev("a: " + _task.getAttributes().size() + " c: " + _channels.size() + " e: " + _events.size());
-			//int aNbOfLiveElements = _task.getAttributeList().size() + _channels.size() + _events.size();
-			int nbOfVars=0, nbOfChannels=0, nbOfEvents=0;
-			for(int i=0; i<_task.getAttributes().size(); i++)
-				nbOfVars += aStatistics[i];
-			TraceManager.addDev("Variables Checks: " + nbOfVars + "  Candidates: " + (_task.getAttributes().size() * aNbOfCandidates));
-			if (!_task.getAttributes().isEmpty()){
-				iStatistics[0] += _task.getAttributes().size() * aNbOfCandidates;
-				int aVarGain = (100 * (_task.getAttributes().size() * aNbOfCandidates - nbOfVars) / (_task.getAttributes().size() * aNbOfCandidates));
-				iStatistics[1] += _task.getAttributes().size() * aNbOfCandidates - nbOfVars;
-				TraceManager.addDev("Variables Gain: " + aVarGain);
-			}
-			for(int i=0; i<_channels.size(); i++)
-				nbOfChannels += aStatistics[i + _task.getAttributes().size()];
-			TraceManager.addDev("Channel Checks: " + nbOfChannels + "  Candidates: " + (_channels.size() * aNbOfCandidates));
-			if (!_channels.isEmpty()){
-				iStatistics[2] += _channels.size() * aNbOfCandidates;
-				int aChGain = (100 * (_channels.size() * aNbOfCandidates - nbOfChannels) / (_channels.size() * aNbOfCandidates));
-				iStatistics[3] += _channels.size() * aNbOfCandidates - nbOfChannels;
-				TraceManager.addDev("Channels Gain: " + aChGain);
-			}
-			for(int i=0; i<_events.size(); i++)
-				nbOfEvents += aStatistics[i + _task.getAttributes().size() + _channels.size()];
-			TraceManager.addDev("Event Checks: " + nbOfEvents + "  Candidates: " + (_events.size() * aNbOfCandidates));
-			if (!_events.isEmpty()){
-				iStatistics[4] += _events.size() * aNbOfCandidates;
-				int aEvtGain = (100 * (_events.size() * aNbOfCandidates - nbOfEvents) / (_events.size() * aNbOfCandidates));
-				iStatistics[5] += _events.size() * aNbOfCandidates - nbOfEvents;
-				TraceManager.addDev("Events Gain: " + aEvtGain);
-			}
-			//TraceManager.addDev("Request Checks: " + aStatistics[_task.getAttributeList().size() + _channels.size() + _events.size()] + "  Candidates: " + aNbOfCandidates);
-			//if (_task.isRequested()) TraceManager.addDev("Saved Requests: " + (100* (aNbOfCandidates - aStatistics[_task.getAttributeList().size() + _channels.size() + _events.size()]) / aNbOfCandidates));
-			//TraceManager.addDev("Checkpoints: " + aNbOfCheckPoints + "  Candidates: " + aNbOfCandidates);
-			iStatistics[6] += aNbOfCandidates;
-			iStatistics[7] += aNbOfCandidates - aNbOfCheckPoints;
-			TraceManager.addDev("Checkpoint Gain: " + (100 * (aNbOfCandidates - aNbOfCheckPoints) / aNbOfCandidates));
-		}	
-		TraceManager.addDev("*** End of Static Analysis for task " + _task.getName());
-	}
-	private LiveVariableNode buildLiveAnalysisTree(TMLActivityElement iCurrElem, LiveVariableNode iReturnNode, LiveVariableNode iSuperiorNode){
-		LiveVariableNode aResNode=null;
-		if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLStartState) {
-			iCurrElem.getNextElement(0);
-		}
-		if (iCurrElem==null || iCurrElem instanceof TMLStopState){
-			return iReturnNode;
-		} else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLActionState){
-			String[] aTokens=MappedSystemCTask.formatAction(((TMLActionState)iCurrElem).getAction()).split("=",2);
-			if (aTokens.length<2) aTokens=new String[2];
-			aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, parseExprToVariableMap(aTokens[1], null), parseExprToVariableMap(aTokens[0], null), iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode, 
-			false, aTokens[0], aTokens[1]);	
- 		} else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLRandom){
-			TMLRandom aRndCmd=(TMLRandom)iCurrElem;
-			int[] aRandomVars = parseExprToVariableMap(aRndCmd.getMinValue(), null);
-			parseExprToVariableMap(aRndCmd.getMaxValue(), aRandomVars);
-			aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aRandomVars, parseExprToVariableMap(aRndCmd.getVariable(), null), iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode, true);
-			aResNode.setVarDepSource(true);
-		} else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLDelay){
-			int[] aDelayVars = parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLDelay)iCurrElem).getMinDelay(), null);
-			parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLDelay)iCurrElem).getMaxDelay(), aDelayVars);
-			aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aDelayVars, new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
-		} else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLExecI){
-			aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLExecI)iCurrElem).getAction(), null), new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
-		} else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLExecC){
-			aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLExecC)iCurrElem).getAction(), null), new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
-		} else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLExecIInterval){
-			int[] aExecVars = parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLExecIInterval)iCurrElem).getMinDelay(), null);
-			parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLExecIInterval)iCurrElem).getMaxDelay(), aExecVars);
-			aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aExecVars, new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
-		} else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLExecCInterval){
-			int[] aExecVars = parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLExecCInterval)iCurrElem).getMinDelay(), null);
-			parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLExecCInterval)iCurrElem).getMaxDelay(), aExecVars);
-			aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aExecVars, new int[_bytesForVars],iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
-		} else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLForLoop){
-			TMLForLoop aLoop = (TMLForLoop) iCurrElem;
-			String[] aTokens=aLoop.getInit().split("=",2);
-			if (aTokens.length<2) aTokens=new String[2];
-			LiveVariableNode aInit = new LiveVariableNode(this, parseExprToVariableMap(aTokens[1], null), parseExprToVariableMap(aTokens[0], null), iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode, false, aTokens[0], aTokens[1]);
-			aInit.setNodeInfo("init");
-			LiveVariableNode aCondition = new LiveVariableNode(this, parseExprToVariableMap(aLoop.getCondition(), null), new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
-			aCondition.setNodeInfo("cond");
-			aTokens=aLoop.getIncrement().split("=",2);
-			if (aTokens.length<2) aTokens=new String[2];
-			LiveVariableNode anIncrement = new LiveVariableNode(this, parseExprToVariableMap(aTokens[1], null), parseExprToVariableMap(aTokens[0],null), iCurrElem, aCondition, false, aTokens[0], aTokens[1]);
-			anIncrement.setNodeInfo("inc");
-			aInit.setSuccessor(aCondition);
-			anIncrement.setSuccessor(aCondition);
-			aCondition.setSuccessor(buildLiveAnalysisTree(iCurrElem.getNextElement(0), anIncrement, aCondition));   //in loop
-			aCondition.setSuccessor(buildLiveAnalysisTree(iCurrElem.getNextElement(1), iReturnNode, aCondition));   //outside loop
-			liveNodes.add(aInit);
-			liveNodes.add(aCondition);
-			liveNodes.add(anIncrement);
-			return aInit;
-		} else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLReadChannel){
-			TMLReadChannel aReadCmd = (TMLReadChannel)iCurrElem;
-			int[] aReadVars=null;
-			if (aReadCmd.getChannel(0).getType()==TMLChannel.BRBW || aReadCmd.getChannel(0).getType()==TMLChannel.BRNBW)
-				aReadVars = parseChannelToVariableMap(aReadCmd.getChannel(0), null);
-			else
-				aReadVars = new int[_bytesForVars];
-			parseExprToVariableMap(aReadCmd.getNbOfSamples(), aReadVars);
-			aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aReadVars, new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
-		} else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLWriteChannel){
-			TMLWriteChannel aWriteCmd=(TMLWriteChannel)iCurrElem;
-			int[] aWriteVars = new int[_bytesForVars];
-			for(int i=0; i< aWriteCmd.getNbOfChannels(); i++){
-				if (aWriteCmd.getChannel(i).getType()==TMLChannel.BRBW) parseChannelToVariableMap(aWriteCmd.getChannel(i), aWriteVars);
-			}
-			parseExprToVariableMap(aWriteCmd.getNbOfSamples(), aWriteVars);
-			aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aWriteVars, new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
-		} else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLSendEvent){
-			TMLSendEvent aSendCmd=(TMLSendEvent)iCurrElem;
-			int[] aSendVars=null;
-			//if (aSendCmd.getEvent().isBlocking())
-				aSendVars = parseEventToVariableMap(aSendCmd.getEvent());
-			//else
-				//aSendVars = new int[_bytesForVars];
-			//parseExprToVariableMap(aSendCmd.getParam(0), aSendVars);
-			//parseExprToVariableMap(aSendCmd.getParam(1), aSendVars);
-			//parseExprToVariableMap(aSendCmd.getParam(2), aSendVars);
-			for (int i=0; i<aSendCmd.getNbOfParams(); i++){	
-				parseExprToVariableMap(aSendCmd.getParam(i), aSendVars);
-			}
-			aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aSendVars, new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
-		} else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLSendRequest){
-			TMLSendRequest aSendReqCmd=(TMLSendRequest)iCurrElem;
-			int[] aSendReqVars = parseExprToVariableMap(aSendReqCmd.getParam(0), null);
-			//parseExprToVariableMap(aSendReqCmd.getParam(1), aSendReqVars);
-			//parseExprToVariableMap(aSendReqCmd.getParam(2), aSendReqVars);
-			for (int i=1; i<aSendReqCmd.getNbOfParams(); i++){
-				parseExprToVariableMap(aSendReqCmd.getParam(i), aSendReqVars);
-			}
-			aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aSendReqVars, new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
-		} else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLWaitEvent){
-			TMLWaitEvent aWaitCmd=(TMLWaitEvent)iCurrElem;
-			int[] aWaitVars = parseExprToVariableMap(aWaitCmd.getParam(0), null);
-			//parseExprToVariableMap(aWaitCmd.getParam(1), aWaitVars);
-			//parseExprToVariableMap(aWaitCmd.getParam(2), aWaitVars);
-			for (int i=1; i<aWaitCmd.getNbOfParams(); i++){
-				parseExprToVariableMap(aWaitCmd.getParam(i), aWaitVars);
-			}
-			aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, parseEventToVariableMap(aWaitCmd.getEvent()), aWaitVars, iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode, true);
-			if (aWaitCmd.getEvent().getNbOfParams()>0) aResNode.setVarDepSource(true);
-		} else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLNotifiedEvent){
-			aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, parseEventToVariableMap(((TMLNotifiedEvent)iCurrElem).getEvent()), parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLNotifiedEvent)iCurrElem).getVariable(), null), iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode, true);
-			aResNode.setVarDepSource(true);
-		} else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLSequence){
-			((TMLSequence)iCurrElem).sortNexts();
-			for(int i = iCurrElem.getNbNext()-1; i>=0; i--){
-				iReturnNode = buildLiveAnalysisTree(iCurrElem.getNextElement(i), iReturnNode, iSuperiorNode);
-			}
-			return iReturnNode;
-		} else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLChoice){
-			int[] aChoiceVars = new int[_bytesForVars];
-			TMLChoice aChoiceCmd = (TMLChoice)iCurrElem;
-			for(int i=0; i<aChoiceCmd.getNbGuard(); i++)
-				if (!(aChoiceCmd.isNonDeterministicGuard(i) || aChoiceCmd.isStochasticGuard(i) || aChoiceCmd.getElseGuard()==i)) parseExprToVariableMap(aChoiceCmd.getGuard(i), aChoiceVars);
-			aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aChoiceVars, new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
-			if (aChoiceCmd.nbOfNonDeterministicGuard()>0 || aChoiceCmd.nbOfStochasticGuard()>0) aResNode.setInfected(true);
-			//TraceManager.addDev("checl:  " + aChoiceCmd.nbOfNonDeterministicGuard() + " ** "+ aChoiceCmd.nbOfStochasticGuard());
-			for(int i=0; i<aChoiceCmd.getNbNext(); i++)
-				aResNode.setSuccessor(buildLiveAnalysisTree(iCurrElem.getNextElement(i), iReturnNode, aResNode));
-			liveNodes.add(aResNode);
-			return aResNode;
-		} else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLSelectEvt){
-			aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, new int[_bytesForVars], new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
-			if (iCurrElem.getNbNext()>1) aResNode.setInfected(true);
-			for(int i=0; i<iCurrElem.getNbNext(); i++){
-				aResNode.setSuccessor(buildLiveAnalysisTree(iCurrElem.getNextElement(i), iReturnNode, aResNode));
-			}
-			liveNodes.add(aResNode);
-			return aResNode;
-		}
-		LiveVariableNode aSucc = buildLiveAnalysisTree(iCurrElem.getNextElement(0), iReturnNode, iSuperiorNode);
-		if (aResNode==null || aResNode.isEmptyNode()){
-			aResNode=aSucc;
-		}else{
-			liveNodes.add(aResNode);
-			aResNode.setSuccessor(aSucc);
-		}
-		return aResNode;
-	}
-	public LiveVariableNode getLiveVarNodeByCommand(TMLActivityElement iCmd){
-		for(LiveVariableNode aLiveNode: liveNodes)
-			if (aLiveNode.getLinkedElement()==iCmd) return aLiveNode;
-		return null;
-	}
-	public void getCommandsImpactingVar(String iVarName, HashSet<Integer> oList){
-		//int[] aVarMap=new int[_bytesForVars];
-		int aVarSeqNo = getVarSeqNoByName(iVarName);
-		if (aVarSeqNo>=0){
-			//aVarMap[aVarSeqNo >>> 5] |= 1 << (aVarSeqNo & 0x1F);
-			int intPos = aVarSeqNo >>> 5;
-			int bitMask = 1 << (aVarSeqNo & 0x1F);
-			for(LiveVariableNode aLiveNode: liveNodes){
+        } while (aConstChange > 0);
+        do {
+            aChange = false;
+            for (LiveVariableNode aLiveNode : liveNodes)
+                aChange |= aLiveNode.infectionAnalysis();
+        } while (aChange);
+        return aStartNode;
+    }
+    public void determineCheckpoints(int[] iStatistics) {
+        //TraceManager.addDev("*** Static Analysis for task " + _task.getName());
+        for (LiveVariableNode aLiveNode : liveNodes)
+            aLiveNode.determineCheckpoints(new CheckpointInfo());
+        //TraceManager.addDev("Create array size " + (_bytesForVars << 5));
+        int[] aStatistics = new int[_bytesForVars << 5];
+        int aNbOfCheckPoints = 0, aNbOfCandidates = 0;
+        for (LiveVariableNode aLiveNode : liveNodes) {
+            int aStatResult = aLiveNode.varStatistics(aStatistics);
+            if ((aStatResult & 1) != 0) {
+                //aLiveNode.printReachingEntries();
+                //printLiveVarNode(aLiveNode);
+                aNbOfCandidates++;
+                if ((aStatResult & 2) != 0) aNbOfCheckPoints++;
+            }
+        }
+        if (aNbOfCandidates == 0)  {
+            //TraceManager.addDev("No checkpoint candidates");
+        }
+		else {
+            //TraceManager.addDev("a: " + _task.getAttributes().size() + " c: " + _channels.size() + " e: " + _events.size());
+            //int aNbOfLiveElements = _task.getAttributeList().size() + _channels.size() + _events.size();
+            int nbOfVars = 0, nbOfChannels = 0, nbOfEvents = 0;
+            for (int i = 0; i < _task.getAttributes().size(); i++)
+                nbOfVars += aStatistics[i];
+            //TraceManager.addDev("Variables Checks: " + nbOfVars + "  Candidates: " + (_task.getAttributes().size() * aNbOfCandidates));
+            if (!_task.getAttributes().isEmpty()) {
+                iStatistics[0] += _task.getAttributes().size() * aNbOfCandidates;
+                int aVarGain = (100 * (_task.getAttributes().size() * aNbOfCandidates - nbOfVars) / (_task.getAttributes().size() * aNbOfCandidates));
+                iStatistics[1] += _task.getAttributes().size() * aNbOfCandidates - nbOfVars;
+                //TraceManager.addDev("Variables Gain: " + aVarGain);
+            }
+            for (int i = 0; i < _channels.size(); i++)
+                nbOfChannels += aStatistics[i + _task.getAttributes().size()];
+            //TraceManager.addDev("Channel Checks: " + nbOfChannels + "  Candidates: " + (_channels.size() * aNbOfCandidates));
+            if (!_channels.isEmpty()) {
+                iStatistics[2] += _channels.size() * aNbOfCandidates;
+                int aChGain = (100 * (_channels.size() * aNbOfCandidates - nbOfChannels) / (_channels.size() * aNbOfCandidates));
+                iStatistics[3] += _channels.size() * aNbOfCandidates - nbOfChannels;
+                //TraceManager.addDev("Channels Gain: " + aChGain);
+            }
+            for (int i = 0; i < _events.size(); i++)
+                nbOfEvents += aStatistics[i + _task.getAttributes().size() + _channels.size()];
+            //TraceManager.addDev("Event Checks: " + nbOfEvents + "  Candidates: " + (_events.size() * aNbOfCandidates));
+            if (!_events.isEmpty()) {
+                iStatistics[4] += _events.size() * aNbOfCandidates;
+                int aEvtGain = (100 * (_events.size() * aNbOfCandidates - nbOfEvents) / (_events.size() * aNbOfCandidates));
+                iStatistics[5] += _events.size() * aNbOfCandidates - nbOfEvents;
+                //TraceManager.addDev("Events Gain: " + aEvtGain);
+            }
+            //TraceManager.addDev("Request Checks: " + aStatistics[_task.getAttributeList().size() + _channels.size() + _events.size()] + "  Candidates: " + aNbOfCandidates);
+            //if (_task.isRequested()) TraceManager.addDev("Saved Requests: " + (100* (aNbOfCandidates - aStatistics[_task.getAttributeList().size() + _channels.size() + _events.size()]) / aNbOfCandidates));
+            //TraceManager.addDev("Checkpoints: " + aNbOfCheckPoints + "  Candidates: " + aNbOfCandidates);
+            iStatistics[6] += aNbOfCandidates;
+            iStatistics[7] += aNbOfCandidates - aNbOfCheckPoints;
+            //TraceManager.addDev("Checkpoint Gain: " + (100 * (aNbOfCandidates - aNbOfCheckPoints) / aNbOfCandidates));
+        }
+        //TraceManager.addDev("*** End of Static Analysis for task " + _task.getName());
+    }
+    private LiveVariableNode buildLiveAnalysisTree(TMLActivityElement iCurrElem, LiveVariableNode iReturnNode, LiveVariableNode iSuperiorNode) {
+        LiveVariableNode aResNode = null;
+        if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLStartState) {
+            iCurrElem.getNextElement(0);
+        }
+        if (iCurrElem == null || iCurrElem instanceof TMLStopState) {
+            return iReturnNode;
+        } else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLActionState) {
+            String[] aTokens = MappedSystemCTask.formatAction(((TMLActionState) iCurrElem).getAction()).split("=", 2);
+            if (aTokens.length < 2) aTokens = new String[2];
+            aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, parseExprToVariableMap(aTokens[1], null), parseExprToVariableMap(aTokens[0], null), iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode,
+                    false, aTokens[0], aTokens[1]);
+        } else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLRandom) {
+            TMLRandom aRndCmd = (TMLRandom) iCurrElem;
+            int[] aRandomVars = parseExprToVariableMap(aRndCmd.getMinValue(), null);
+            parseExprToVariableMap(aRndCmd.getMaxValue(), aRandomVars);
+            aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aRandomVars, parseExprToVariableMap(aRndCmd.getVariable(), null), iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode, true);
+            aResNode.setVarDepSource(true);
+        } else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLDelay) {
+            int[] aDelayVars = parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLDelay) iCurrElem).getMinDelay(), null);
+            parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLDelay) iCurrElem).getMaxDelay(), aDelayVars);
+            aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aDelayVars, new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
+        } else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLExecI) {
+            aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLExecI) iCurrElem).getAction(), null), new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
+        } else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLExecC) {
+            aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLExecC) iCurrElem).getAction(), null), new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
+        } else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLExecIInterval) {
+            int[] aExecVars = parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLExecIInterval) iCurrElem).getMinDelay(), null);
+            parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLExecIInterval) iCurrElem).getMaxDelay(), aExecVars);
+            aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aExecVars, new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
+        } else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLExecCInterval) {
+            int[] aExecVars = parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLExecCInterval) iCurrElem).getMinDelay(), null);
+            parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLExecCInterval) iCurrElem).getMaxDelay(), aExecVars);
+            aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aExecVars, new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
+        } else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLForLoop) {
+            TMLForLoop aLoop = (TMLForLoop) iCurrElem;
+            String[] aTokens = aLoop.getInit().split("=", 2);
+            if (aTokens.length < 2) aTokens = new String[2];
+            LiveVariableNode aInit = new LiveVariableNode(this, parseExprToVariableMap(aTokens[1], null), parseExprToVariableMap(aTokens[0], null), iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode, false, aTokens[0], aTokens[1]);
+            aInit.setNodeInfo("init");
+            LiveVariableNode aCondition = new LiveVariableNode(this, parseExprToVariableMap(aLoop.getCondition(), null), new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
+            aCondition.setNodeInfo("cond");
+            aTokens = aLoop.getIncrement().split("=", 2);
+            if (aTokens.length < 2) aTokens = new String[2];
+            LiveVariableNode anIncrement = new LiveVariableNode(this, parseExprToVariableMap(aTokens[1], null), parseExprToVariableMap(aTokens[0], null), iCurrElem, aCondition, false, aTokens[0], aTokens[1]);
+            anIncrement.setNodeInfo("inc");
+            aInit.setSuccessor(aCondition);
+            anIncrement.setSuccessor(aCondition);
+            aCondition.setSuccessor(buildLiveAnalysisTree(iCurrElem.getNextElement(0), anIncrement, aCondition));   //in loop
+            aCondition.setSuccessor(buildLiveAnalysisTree(iCurrElem.getNextElement(1), iReturnNode, aCondition));   //outside loop
+            liveNodes.add(aInit);
+            liveNodes.add(aCondition);
+            liveNodes.add(anIncrement);
+            return aInit;
+        } else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLReadChannel) {
+            TMLReadChannel aReadCmd = (TMLReadChannel) iCurrElem;
+            int[] aReadVars = null;
+            if (aReadCmd.getChannel(0).getType() == TMLChannel.BRBW || aReadCmd.getChannel(0).getType() == TMLChannel.BRNBW)
+                aReadVars = parseChannelToVariableMap(aReadCmd.getChannel(0), null);
+            else
+                aReadVars = new int[_bytesForVars];
+            parseExprToVariableMap(aReadCmd.getNbOfSamples(), aReadVars);
+            aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aReadVars, new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
+        } else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLWriteChannel) {
+            TMLWriteChannel aWriteCmd = (TMLWriteChannel) iCurrElem;
+            int[] aWriteVars = new int[_bytesForVars];
+            for (int i = 0; i < aWriteCmd.getNbOfChannels(); i++) {
+                if (aWriteCmd.getChannel(i).getType() == TMLChannel.BRBW)
+                    parseChannelToVariableMap(aWriteCmd.getChannel(i), aWriteVars);
+            }
+            parseExprToVariableMap(aWriteCmd.getNbOfSamples(), aWriteVars);
+            aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aWriteVars, new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
+        } else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLSendEvent) {
+            TMLSendEvent aSendCmd = (TMLSendEvent) iCurrElem;
+            int[] aSendVars = null;
+            //if (aSendCmd.getEvent().isBlocking())
+            aSendVars = parseEventToVariableMap(aSendCmd.getEvent());
+            //else
+            //aSendVars = new int[_bytesForVars];
+            //parseExprToVariableMap(aSendCmd.getParam(0), aSendVars);
+            //parseExprToVariableMap(aSendCmd.getParam(1), aSendVars);
+            //parseExprToVariableMap(aSendCmd.getParam(2), aSendVars);
+            for (int i = 0; i < aSendCmd.getNbOfParams(); i++) {
+                parseExprToVariableMap(aSendCmd.getParam(i), aSendVars);
+            }
+            aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aSendVars, new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
+        } else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLSendRequest) {
+            TMLSendRequest aSendReqCmd = (TMLSendRequest) iCurrElem;
+            int[] aSendReqVars = parseExprToVariableMap(aSendReqCmd.getParam(0), null);
+            //parseExprToVariableMap(aSendReqCmd.getParam(1), aSendReqVars);
+            //parseExprToVariableMap(aSendReqCmd.getParam(2), aSendReqVars);
+            for (int i = 1; i < aSendReqCmd.getNbOfParams(); i++) {
+                parseExprToVariableMap(aSendReqCmd.getParam(i), aSendReqVars);
+            }
+            aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aSendReqVars, new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
+        } else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLWaitEvent) {
+            TMLWaitEvent aWaitCmd = (TMLWaitEvent) iCurrElem;
+            int[] aWaitVars = parseExprToVariableMap(aWaitCmd.getParam(0), null);
+            //parseExprToVariableMap(aWaitCmd.getParam(1), aWaitVars);
+            //parseExprToVariableMap(aWaitCmd.getParam(2), aWaitVars);
+            for (int i = 1; i < aWaitCmd.getNbOfParams(); i++) {
+                parseExprToVariableMap(aWaitCmd.getParam(i), aWaitVars);
+            }
+            aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, parseEventToVariableMap(aWaitCmd.getEvent()), aWaitVars, iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode, true);
+            if (aWaitCmd.getEvent().getNbOfParams() > 0) aResNode.setVarDepSource(true);
+        } else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLNotifiedEvent) {
+            aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, parseEventToVariableMap(((TMLNotifiedEvent) iCurrElem).getEvent()), parseExprToVariableMap(((TMLNotifiedEvent) iCurrElem).getVariable(), null), iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode, true);
+            aResNode.setVarDepSource(true);
+        } else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLSequence) {
+            ((TMLSequence) iCurrElem).sortNexts();
+            for (int i = iCurrElem.getNbNext() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+                iReturnNode = buildLiveAnalysisTree(iCurrElem.getNextElement(i), iReturnNode, iSuperiorNode);
+            }
+            return iReturnNode;
+        } else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLChoice) {
+            int[] aChoiceVars = new int[_bytesForVars];
+            TMLChoice aChoiceCmd = (TMLChoice) iCurrElem;
+            for (int i = 0; i < aChoiceCmd.getNbGuard(); i++)
+                if (!(aChoiceCmd.isNonDeterministicGuard(i) || aChoiceCmd.isStochasticGuard(i) || aChoiceCmd.getElseGuard() == i))
+                    parseExprToVariableMap(aChoiceCmd.getGuard(i), aChoiceVars);
+            aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, aChoiceVars, new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
+            if (aChoiceCmd.nbOfNonDeterministicGuard() > 0 || aChoiceCmd.nbOfStochasticGuard() > 0)
+                aResNode.setInfected(true);
+            //TraceManager.addDev("checl:  " + aChoiceCmd.nbOfNonDeterministicGuard() + " ** "+ aChoiceCmd.nbOfStochasticGuard());
+            for (int i = 0; i < aChoiceCmd.getNbNext(); i++)
+                aResNode.setSuccessor(buildLiveAnalysisTree(iCurrElem.getNextElement(i), iReturnNode, aResNode));
+            liveNodes.add(aResNode);
+            return aResNode;
+        } else if (iCurrElem instanceof TMLSelectEvt) {
+            aResNode = new LiveVariableNode(this, new int[_bytesForVars], new int[_bytesForVars], iCurrElem, iSuperiorNode);
+            if (iCurrElem.getNbNext() > 1) aResNode.setInfected(true);
+            for (int i = 0; i < iCurrElem.getNbNext(); i++) {
+                aResNode.setSuccessor(buildLiveAnalysisTree(iCurrElem.getNextElement(i), iReturnNode, aResNode));
+            }
+            liveNodes.add(aResNode);
+            return aResNode;
+        }
+        LiveVariableNode aSucc = buildLiveAnalysisTree(iCurrElem.getNextElement(0), iReturnNode, iSuperiorNode);
+        if (aResNode == null || aResNode.isEmptyNode()) {
+            aResNode = aSucc;
+        } else {
+            liveNodes.add(aResNode);
+            aResNode.setSuccessor(aSucc);
+        }
+        return aResNode;
+    }
+    public LiveVariableNode getLiveVarNodeByCommand(TMLActivityElement iCmd) {
+        for (LiveVariableNode aLiveNode : liveNodes)
+            if (aLiveNode.getLinkedElement() == iCmd) return aLiveNode;
+        return null;
+    }
+    public void getCommandsImpactingVar(String iVarName, HashSet<Integer> oList) {
+        //int[] aVarMap=new int[_bytesForVars];
+        int aVarSeqNo = getVarSeqNoByName(iVarName);
+        if (aVarSeqNo >= 0) {
+            //aVarMap[aVarSeqNo >>> 5] |= 1 << (aVarSeqNo & 0x1F);
+            int intPos = aVarSeqNo >>> 5;
+            int bitMask = 1 << (aVarSeqNo & 0x1F);
+            for (LiveVariableNode aLiveNode : liveNodes) {
 				/*int[] aDefVars = aLiveNode.getDefVars();
 				boolean aMatchFound=false;
 				for (int i=0; i<aDefVars.length && !aMatchFound;i++){
 					aMatchFound |= ((aDefVars[i] & aVarMap[i]) !=0);
-				//if (aMatchFound && aLiveNode.getLinkedElement()!=null) oList.add(aLiveNode.getLinkedElement().getID());
-				if ((aLiveNode.getInitialDefVars()[intPos] & bitMask)!=0){
-					if (aLiveNode.getLinkedElement()!=null) oList.add(aLiveNode.getLinkedElement().getID());
-					else TraceManager.addDev("No linked elem");
-				}else
-					TraceManager.addDev("Bit for var not set");
-			}
-		}else
-			TraceManager.addDev("Variable " + iVarName + " not found in getCommandsImpactingVar");
-	}
+                //if (aMatchFound && aLiveNode.getLinkedElement()!=null) oList.add(aLiveNode.getLinkedElement().getID());
+                if ((aLiveNode.getInitialDefVars()[intPos] & bitMask) != 0) {
+                    if (aLiveNode.getLinkedElement() != null) oList.add(aLiveNode.getLinkedElement().getID());
+                    //else TraceManager.addDev("No linked elem");
+                } //else TraceManager.addDev("Bit for var not set");
+            }
+        } //else TraceManager.addDev("Variable " + iVarName + " not found in getCommandsImpactingVar");
+    }