diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/TMLTransaction.cpp b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/TMLTransaction.cpp
index 14a1066796506633e634d361bc1ae03654f72c8d..9bce0cc66a6c6e2ea22f95d0182495af1a3eee96 100755
--- a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/TMLTransaction.cpp
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/TMLTransaction.cpp
@@ -46,7 +46,11 @@
 MemPoolNoDel<TMLTransaction> TMLTransaction::memPool(BLOCK_SIZE_TRANS);
+<<<<<<< HEAD
 TMLTransaction::TMLTransaction():_runnableTime(0), _startTime(0), _length(0), _virtualLength(0), _command(0),
+TMLTransaction::TMLTransaction():_runnableTime(0), _startTime(0), _length(0), _virtualLength(0), _command(0),_transactCoreNumber(0),_transVcdOutputState(END_IDLE_TRANS),
+>>>>>>> simulation_niu
                                  _idlePenalty(0), _taskSwitchingPenalty(0), //, _branchingPenalty(0),
diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/TMLTransaction.h b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/TMLTransaction.h
index bb82e10398784bfd60dcd476a9e150cbbf2e1244..e47ddce7082703b819f8cf7f93d014fa53815d98 100644
--- a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/TMLTransaction.h
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/TMLTransaction.h
@@ -48,6 +48,13 @@
 //class TMLCommand;
 class TMLChannel;
+enum vcdTransVisState
+    {
 class TMLTransaction {
@@ -241,6 +248,13 @@ class TMLTransaction {
   inline void setStateID(ID iID) {_stateID=iID;}
   inline ID getStateID() {return _stateID;}
   inline void setTaskID(ID iID) {_taskID=iID;}
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+  inline unsigned int getTransactCoreNumber() {return _transactCoreNumber;}
+  inline void setTransactCoreNumber(unsigned int num) {_transactCoreNumber=num;}
+  inline void setTransVcdOutPutState(vcdTransVisState n) {_transVcdOutputState=n;}
+  inline vcdTransVisState getTransVcdOutPutState() { return _transVcdOutputState;}
+>>>>>>> simulation_niu
   void toXML(std::ostringstream& glob, int deviceID, std::string deviceName) const;
@@ -255,6 +269,13 @@ class TMLTransaction {
   TMLLength _virtualLength;
   ///Pointer to the command the transaction belongs to
   TMLCommand* _command;
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+  ///Core number of the transaction
+  unsigned int _transactCoreNumber;
+  ///State variable for the cpu VCD output
+  vcdTransVisState _transVcdOutputState;
+>>>>>>> simulation_niu
   ///Idle penalty
   TMLTime _idlePenalty;
diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/MultiCoreCPU.cpp b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/MultiCoreCPU.cpp
index caa144b3352a36326145129efccbe4e68ebfe5a2..370a0df429ba06c0746cc4eddbd1a22ae160f677 100644
--- a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/MultiCoreCPU.cpp
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/MultiCoreCPU.cpp
@@ -469,8 +469,9 @@ void MultiCoreCPU::latencies2XML(std::ostringstream& glob, unsigned int id1, uns
-//TMLTime MultiCoreCPU::getNextSignalChange(bool iInit, std::string& oSigChange, bool& oNoMoreTrans){
 void MultiCoreCPU::getNextSignalChange(bool iInit, SignalChangeData* oSigData){
+<<<<<<< HEAD
   //new (oSigData) SignalChangeData(RUNNING, aCurrTrans->getStartTimeOperation(), this);
   //std::ostringstream outp;
@@ -533,6 +534,87 @@ void MultiCoreCPU::getNextSignalChange(bool iInit, SignalChangeData* oSigData){
       //return aCurrTrans->getStartTime();
+  static bool _end=false;
+  std::cout<<"getNextSignalChangemulticore!!!---------"<<std::endl;
+  for( TransactionList::iterator i = _transactList.begin(); i != _transactList.end(); ++i ) {
+    std::cout<<"transaction core number is "<<  (*i)->getTransactCoreNumber()<<std::endl;
+    std::cout<<"cycle time is "<< this->_cycleTime<<std::endl;
+    if( (*i)->getTransactCoreNumber() == this->_cycleTime ){
+      _posTrasactListVCD= i;
+      std::cout<<"bingo!!"<<(*i)->toShortString()<<std::endl;
+      if (iInit){
+	//_posTrasactListVCD= i;
+	_previousTransEndTime=0;
+	(*i)->setTransVcdOutPutState(END_IDLE_TRANS);
+	std::cout<<"init"<<std::endl;
+	if (_posTrasactListVCD != _transactList.end() && (*_posTrasactListVCD)->getStartTime()!=0){
+	  //outp << VCD_PREFIX << vcdValConvert(END_IDLE_CPU) << "cpu" << _ID;
+	  //oSigChange=outp.str();
+	  new (oSigData) SignalChangeData(END_IDLE_TRANS, 0, this);
+	  //return 0
+	  return;
+	}
+      }
+      if (_end==true || _posTrasactListVCD == _transactList.end()){
+	//outp << VCD_PREFIX << vcdValConvert(END_IDLE_CPU) << "cpu" << _ID;
+	//oSigChange=outp.str();
+	//oNoMoreTrans=true;
+	//return _previousTransEndTime;
+	std::cout<<"end transact"<<std::endl;
+	new (oSigData) SignalChangeData(END_IDLE_TRANS, _previousTransEndTime, this);
+	this->_cycleTime++;
+	_end=false;
+      }else{
+	//_posTrasactListVCD = i;
+	TMLTransaction* aCurrTrans=*_posTrasactListVCD;
+       switch (aCurrTrans->getTransVcdOutPutState()){
+	  std::cout<<"END_TASK_CPU"<<std::endl;
+	  do{
+	    _previousTransEndTime=(*_posTrasactListVCD)->getEndTime();
+	    _posTrasactListVCD++;
+	  }while (_posTrasactListVCD != _transactList.end() && (*_posTrasactListVCD)->getStartTimeOperation()==_previousTransEndTime);
+	  if (_posTrasactListVCD != _transactList.end() && (*_posTrasactListVCD)->getStartTime()==_previousTransEndTime){
+	    //outp << VCD_PREFIX << vcdValConvert(END_PENALTY_CPU) << "cpu" << _ID;
+	    aCurrTrans->setTransVcdOutPutState(END_PENALTY_TRANS);
+	    new (oSigData) SignalChangeData(END_PENALTY_TRANS, _previousTransEndTime, this);
+	  }else{
+	    //outp << VCD_PREFIX << vcdValConvert(END_IDLE_CPU) << "cpu" << _ID;
+	    aCurrTrans->setTransVcdOutPutState(END_IDLE_TRANS);
+	    //if (_posTrasactListVCD == _transactList.end()) oNoMoreTrans=true;
+	    new (oSigData) SignalChangeData(END_IDLE_TRANS, _previousTransEndTime, this);
+	    _end=true;
+	  }
+	  //oSigChange=outp.str();
+	  //return _previousTransEndTime;
+	  // this->_cycleTime++;
+	  break;
+	  std::cout<<"END_PENALTY_CPU"<<std::endl;
+	  //outp << VCD_PREFIX << vcdValConvert(END_TASK_CPU) << "cpu" << _ID;
+	  //oSigChange=outp.str();
+	  aCurrTrans->setTransVcdOutPutState(END_TASK_TRANS);
+	  //return aCurrTrans->getStartTimeOperation();
+	  new (oSigData) SignalChangeData(END_TASK_TRANS, aCurrTrans->getStartTimeOperation(), this);
+	  break;
+	  std::cout<<"END_IDLE_CPU"<<std::endl;
+	  if (aCurrTrans->getPenalties()==0){
+	    //outp << VCD_PREFIX << vcdValConvert(END_TASK_CPU) << "cpu" << _ID;
+	    aCurrTrans->setTransVcdOutPutState(END_TASK_TRANS);
+	    new (oSigData) SignalChangeData(END_TASK_TRANS, aCurrTrans->getStartTime(), this);
+	  }else{
+	    //outp << VCD_PREFIX << vcdValConvert(END_PENALTY_CPU) << "cpu" << _ID;
+	    aCurrTrans->setTransVcdOutPutState(END_PENALTY_TRANS);
+	    new (oSigData) SignalChangeData(END_PENALTY_TRANS, aCurrTrans->getStartTime(), this);
+	  }
+	  //oSigChange=outp.str();
+	  //return aCurrTrans->getStartTime();
+	  break;
+	}
+       }
+>>>>>>> simulation_niu
   //return 0;
diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/MultiCoreCPU.h b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/MultiCoreCPU.h
index 4e9f7b938f041335b37a82b0731df3c202e9d9be..766bce178eb476ccb9add58a956c64dd86e91f3b 100644
--- a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/MultiCoreCPU.h
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/MultiCoreCPU.h
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ protected:
 	TMLTime _changeIdleModeTime;
 	///State variable for the VCD output
-	vcdCPUVisState _vcdOutputState;
+	//vcdCPUVisState _vcdOutputState;
diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/sim/Simulator.cpp b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/sim/Simulator.cpp
index 43f3fe4674ad0e2fc30ae504f6572ea7e8548f1e..087b6a0a7921b259f4a601d32c118aaf6b9effab 100644
--- a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/sim/Simulator.cpp
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/sim/Simulator.cpp
@@ -381,7 +381,8 @@ void Simulator::schedule2VCD(std::string& iTraceFileName) const{
   if (myfile.is_open()){
     //std::cout << "File is open" << std::endl;
     SignalChangeQueue aQueue;
-    std::string aSigString;
+    SignalChangeQueue aQueueCpu;
+    //std::string aSigString;
     //bool aNoMoreTrans;
     //TraceableDevice* actDevice;
     TMLTime aCurrTime=-1;
@@ -390,7 +391,12 @@ void Simulator::schedule2VCD(std::string& iTraceFileName) const{
     myfile << "$date\n" << asctime(aTimeinfo) << "$end\n\n$version\nDaniel's TML simulator\n$end\n\n";
     myfile << "$timescale\n5 ns\n$end\n\n$scope module Simulation $end\n";
     //std::cout << "Before 1st loop" << std::endl;
+<<<<<<< HEAD
     //for (TraceableDeviceList::const_iterator i=_simComp->getVCDIterator(false); i!= _simComp->getVCDIterator(true); ++i){
+    std::cout<<"vcd name of cpu is finished !!!!!"<<std::endl;
+>>>>>>> simulation_niu
     for (TraceableDeviceList::const_iterator i=_simComp->getVCDList().begin(); i!= _simComp->getVCDList().end(); ++i){
       //TraceableDevice* a=*i;
       //                        a->streamBenchmarks(std::cout);
@@ -398,6 +404,7 @@ void Simulator::schedule2VCD(std::string& iTraceFileName) const{
       //std::cout << "in 1st loop " << a << std::endl;
       //std::cout << "device: " << (*i)->toString() << std::endl;
       //myfile << "$var integer 3 " << (*i)->toShortString() << " " << (*i)->toString() << " $end\n";
+<<<<<<< HEAD
       myfile << "$var wire 1 " << (*i)->toShortString() << " " << (*i)->toString() << " $end\n";
       //std::cout << "get next signal change" << std::endl;
       //aTime = (*i)->getNextSignalChange(true, aSigString, aNoMoreTrans);
@@ -406,12 +413,84 @@ void Simulator::schedule2VCD(std::string& iTraceFileName) const{
       //std::cout << "push" << std::endl;
       //aQueue.push(new SignalChangeData(aSigString, aTime, (aNoMoreTrans)?0:(*i)));
+      if ((*i)->toShortString().substr(0,3) == "cpu"){
+	for(unsigned int j = 0; j < (dynamic_cast<CPU*>(*i))->getAmoutOfCore(); j++) {
+	  myfile << "$var wire 1 " << (*i)->toShortString() << " " << (*i)->toString() << " $end\n";
+	  aTopElement = new SignalChangeData();
+	  (*i)->getNextSignalChange(true, aTopElement);
+	  aQueueCpu.push(aTopElement);
+	}
+      }
+      else{
+	myfile << "$var wire 1 " << (*i)->toShortString() << " " << (*i)->toString() << " $end\n";
+ 	aTopElement = new SignalChangeData();
+	(*i)->getNextSignalChange(true, aTopElement);
+	aQueue.push(aTopElement);
+      }
+>>>>>>> simulation_niu
     myfile << "$var integer 32 clk Clock $end\n";
     myfile << "$upscope $end\n$enddefinitions  $end\n\n";
+    while (!aQueueCpu.empty()){
+      std::cout<<"this is cpu queue"<<std::endl;	   
+      while (aNextClockEvent < aTopElement->_time){
+	myfile << "#" << aNextClockEvent << "\nr" << aNextClockEvent << " clk\n";
+	aNextClockEvent+=CLOCK_INC;
+      }
+      if (aCurrTime!=aTopElement->_time){
+	aCurrTime=aTopElement->_time;
+	myfile << "#" << aCurrTime << "\n";
+      }
+      if (aNextClockEvent == aTopElement->_time){
+	myfile << "b" << vcdTimeConvert(aNextClockEvent) << " clk\n";
+	aNextClockEvent+=CLOCK_INC;
+      }
+      //myfile << aTopElement->_sigChange << "\n";
+      myfile << vcdValConvert(aTopElement->_sigChange) << aTopElement->_device->toShortString() << "\n";
+      aQueueCpu.pop();
+      TMLTime aTime = aTopElement->_time;
+      aTopElement->_device->getNextSignalChange(false, aTopElement);    
+      std::cout<<"aTime is "<<aTime<<std::endl;
+      std::cout<<"aTopElement time is "<<aTopElement->_time<<std::endl;
+      if (aTopElement->_time == aTime){
+	delete aTopElement;
+	//std::cout<<"delete"<<std::endl;
+      }
+      else{
+	aQueueCpu.push(aTopElement);
+	//std::cout<<"no delete"<<std::endl;
+      }
+    }
+    //  (dynamic_cast<CPU*>(*i))->setCycleTime( (dynamic_cast<CPU*>(*i))->getCycleTime()+1);
+    // aNextClockEvent=0;
+    // aCurrTime=-1;
+    //if sucess, make it as a fonction !!!! change
+    /*  for (TraceableDeviceList::const_iterator i=_simComp->getVCDList().begin(); i!= _simComp->getVCDList().end(); ++i){
+      if ((*i)->toShortString().substr(0,3) == "cpu"){
+	for(unsigned int j = 0; j < (dynamic_cast<CPU*>(*i))->getAmoutOfCore(); j++) {
+          (dynamic_cast<CPU*>(*i))->setCycleTime(0);
+        }
+      }
+      }*/
+    // myfile << "$var integer 32 clk Clock $end\n";
+    //  myfile << "$upscope $end\n$enddefinitions  $end\n\n";
     //std::cout << "Before 2nd loop" << std::endl;
+    aNextClockEvent=0;
+    aCurrTime=-1;
     while (!aQueue.empty()){
+<<<<<<< HEAD
+      std::cout<<"the member of queue is "<<aTopElement->_device->toShortString()<<std::endl;
+>>>>>>> simulation_niu
       while (aNextClockEvent < aTopElement->_time){
         myfile << "#" << aNextClockEvent << "\nr" << aNextClockEvent << " clk\n";
@@ -428,11 +507,29 @@ void Simulator::schedule2VCD(std::string& iTraceFileName) const{
       myfile << vcdValConvert(aTopElement->_sigChange) << aTopElement->_device->toShortString() << "\n";
       TMLTime aTime = aTopElement->_time;
+<<<<<<< HEAD
       aTopElement->_device->getNextSignalChange(false, aTopElement);
       if (aTopElement->_time == aTime)
         delete aTopElement;
+      std::cout<<"aTime is "<<aTime<<std::endl;
+      //std::cout<<"lets get next signal : )"<<std::endl;
+      //if (aTopElement->_device->toShortString().substr(0,3) == "cpu")
+      // std::cout<<"!!!!!"<<(dynamic_cast<CPU*>(aTopElement->_device))->getCycleTime()<<std::endl;
+      aTopElement->_device->getNextSignalChange(false, aTopElement);
+      if (aTopElement->_time == aTime){
+	delete aTopElement;
+	std::cout<<"delete"<<std::endl;
+      }
+      else{
+	aQueue.push(aTopElement);
+	std::cout<<"no delete"<<std::endl;
+      }
+>>>>>>> simulation_niu
       //if (actDevice!=0) aTime = actDevice->getNextSignalChange(false, aSigString, aNoMoreTrans);
       //delete aTopElement;
diff --git a/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/TML2MappingSystemC.java b/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/TML2MappingSystemC.java
index b91a3940a8eabc23fa826b53a34c8c9a42a72a2a..022057015603faa7a7122437ef804ba1e4053a2d 100644
--- a/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/TML2MappingSystemC.java
+++ b/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/TML2MappingSystemC.java
@@ -280,8 +280,13 @@ public class TML2MappingSystemC implements IDiploSimulatorCodeGenerator {
                         for (int cores = 0; cores < noOfCores; cores++) {
                             String nodeName = node.getName();
+<<<<<<< HEAD
                             if ((node instanceof HwCPU) || (node instanceof HwA))
                                 nodeName += cores;
+                            if (node instanceof HwCPU)
+                                nodeName += ((HwCPU)node).nbOfCores;
+>>>>>>> simulation_niu
                             declaration += "BusMaster* " + nodeName + "_" + link.bus.getName() + "_Master = new BusMaster(\"" + nodeName + "_" + link.bus.getName() + "_Master\", " + link.getPriority() + ", " + link.bus.pipelineSize + ", array(" + link.bus.pipelineSize;
                             for (int i = 0; i < link.bus.pipelineSize; i++)
                                 declaration += ", (SchedulableCommDevice*)" + link.bus.getName() + "_" + i;