diff --git a/modeling/DIPLODOCUS/CloneCompositeComponentTest.xml b/modeling/DIPLODOCUS/CloneCompositeComponentTest.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a589cd04ec8c340b2c5318c4f941f20be826d3d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modeling/DIPLODOCUS/CloneCompositeComponentTest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ttool/src/test/java/ui/TDiagramPanelCloneTest.java b/ttool/src/test/java/ui/TDiagramPanelCloneTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d2dae0b5eb348f6c2da6c113a118523869173143
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttool/src/test/java/ui/TDiagramPanelCloneTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+package ui;
+import org.junit.*;
+import tmltranslator.compareTMLTest.CompareTML;
+import ui.tmlcompd.TMLCCompositeComponent;
+import ui.tmlcompd.TMLComponentTaskDiagramPanel;
+import java.io.*;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+ * #issue 82
+ * author : Minh Hiep
+ */
+public class TDiagramPanelCloneTest extends AbstractUITest {
+    static TDiagramPanel diagramPanel;
+    static  TGComponent tgComponent;
+    final static String PATH_TO_DIPLODOCUS = "../../modeling/DIPLODOCUS/";
+    final static String ORIGIN_FILE_NAME = "CloneCompositeComponentTest";
+    final static String GENERATED_FILE = "spec.tml";
+    final static String EXPECTED_FILE = "test/resources/tmltranslator/expected/expected_spec.tml";
+    @BeforeClass
+    public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
+    }
+    public TDiagramPanelCloneTest() {
+        super();
+        mainGUI.openProjectFromFile(new File(RESOURCES_DIR));
+    }
+    @Before
+    public void setUp() {
+        diagramPanel = null;
+        for(TURTLEPanel _tab : mainGUI.getTabs()) {
+            if(_tab instanceof TMLComponentDesignPanel) {
+                for (TDiagramPanel tdp : _tab.getPanels()) {
+                    if (tdp instanceof  TMLComponentTaskDiagramPanel) {
+                        diagramPanel = tdp;
+                        mainGUI.selectTab(tdp);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                }
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        //tgComponent = findDiagComponent(238, diagramPanel);
+        for (TGComponent tgc : diagramPanel.getComponentList()) {
+            if (tgc instanceof TMLCCompositeComponent) {
+                tgComponent = tgc;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testCloneComponent() throws Exception{
+        CompareTML compTML = new CompareTML();
+        diagramPanel.cloneComponent(tgComponent);
+        mainGUI.modelChecking();
+        mainGUI.generateTMLTxt();
+        File f1 = new File(EXPECTED_FILE);
+        File f2 = new File(GENERATED_FILE);
+        assertTrue(compTML.compareTML(f1,f2));
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ttool/src/test/resources/tmltranslator/expected/expected_spec.tml b/ttool/src/test/resources/tmltranslator/expected/expected_spec.tml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b9481b48d061c6f3c95cebf60f27f15dff381005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/tmltranslator/expected/expected_spec.tml
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+// TML Application - FORMAT 0.1
+// Application: /home/pham/Documents/TToolDev/TTool/modeling/DIPLODOCUS/CloneCompositeComponentTest.xml
+// Generated: Fri Jan 25 12:05:27 CET 2019
+// Channels
+CHANNEL DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__channel BRBW 4 8 OUT DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__PrimitiveComp1 IN DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__PrimitiveComp2
+CHANNEL DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__channel_0 BRBW 4 8 OUT DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__PrimitiveComp1_0 IN DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__PrimitiveComp2_0
+// Events
+EVENT DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__event_0__DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__event_0() NIB 8 DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__PrimitiveComp1_0 DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__PrimitiveComp2_0
+EVENT DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__event__DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__event() NIB 8 DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__PrimitiveComp1 DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__PrimitiveComp2
+// Requests
+TASK DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__PrimitiveComp1
+    //Local variables
+    //Behavior
+    RAND
+        CASERAND 50
+            NOTIFY DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__event__DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__event
+        CASERAND 50
+            WRITE DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__channel 1
+TASK DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__PrimitiveComp1_0
+    //Local variables
+    //Behavior
+    RAND
+        CASERAND 50
+            NOTIFY DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__event_0__DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__event_0
+        CASERAND 50
+            WRITE DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__channel_0 1
+TASK DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__PrimitiveComp2
+    //Local variables
+    //Behavior
+    RAND
+        CASERAND 50
+            WAIT DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__event__DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__event
+        CASERAND 50
+            READ DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__channel 1
+TASK DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__PrimitiveComp2_0
+    //Local variables
+    //Behavior
+    RAND
+        CASERAND 50
+            WAIT DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__event_0__DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__event_0
+        CASERAND 50
+            READ DIPLODOCUS_C_Design__channel_0 1