diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/TMLTransaction.h b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/TMLTransaction.h
index e04c93b9a30668fed563bdadf1c7b4305ab8ac09..be386432218451f81eb09829ac4ff3829ee9553a 100644
--- a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/TMLTransaction.h
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/TMLTransaction.h
@@ -251,6 +251,8 @@ class TMLTransaction {
   inline unsigned int getTransactCoreNumber() {return _transactCoreNumber;}
   inline void setTransactCoreNumber(unsigned int num) {_transactCoreNumber=num;}
   inline void setTransVcdOutPutState(vcdTransVisState n) {_transVcdOutputState=n;}
+ // inline void setCurrDevice(SchedulableDevice* device) {_currDevice=device;}
+ // inline SchedulableDevice* getCurrDevice() {return _currDevice;}
  // inline void setPreviousTransEndTime(unsigned int n) {_previousTransEndTime=n;}
   //inline unsigned int getPreviousTransEndTime() {return _previousTransEndTime;}
   inline vcdTransVisState getTransVcdOutPutState() {return _transVcdOutputState;}
@@ -278,6 +280,8 @@ class TMLTransaction {
   bool _endState;
   ///previous end time for the cpu VCD output
  // unsigned int _previousTransEndTime;
+  //device executes the current device
+ // SchedulableDevice* currDevice;
   ///Idle penalty
   TMLTime _idlePenalty;
diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/SchedulableDevice.h b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/SchedulableDevice.h
index f07ae41107601ee1f99f99158c83da6c445307c8..8d9eaa08814103ee18709445b68ffabf7b1c3f56 100644
--- a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/SchedulableDevice.h
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/SchedulableDevice.h
@@ -154,6 +154,7 @@ public:
 	inline void setCycleTime (unsigned int t) { _cycleTime =t; }
         inline unsigned int getCycleTime() { return _cycleTime; }
+	inline std::string getName() {return _name;}
 	///Unique ID of the device
 	ID _ID;
diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/sim/Simulator.cpp b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/sim/Simulator.cpp
index 4147b02596b24f20acebd1f9fececd36643c8ffd..058b7c090617ce949587ba070f94963531cb8c3d 100644
--- a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/sim/Simulator.cpp
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/sim/Simulator.cpp
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ Simulator::~Simulator(){
   //if (_randChoiceBreak!=0) delete _randChoiceBreak;
-TMLTransaction* Simulator::getTransLowestEndTimeCPU(SchedulableDevice*& oResultDevice) const{
+TMLTransaction* Simulator::getTransLowestEndTime(SchedulableDevice*& oResultDevice) const{
   //int tmp=0;
   TMLTransaction *aMarker=0, *aTempTrans;
   TMLTime aLowestTime=-1;
@@ -104,10 +104,32 @@ TMLTransaction* Simulator::getTransLowestEndTimeCPU(SchedulableDevice*& oResultD
   //if (tmp==1) std::cout << "trans only on one CPU " << oResultDevice->toString() << "\n";
+  for(FPGAList::const_iterator i=_simComp->getFPGAList().begin(); i != _simComp->getFPGAList().end(); ++i){
+    aTempDevice=*i;
+    aTempTrans=aTempDevice->getNextTransaction();
+    if (aTempTrans!=0 && aTempTrans->getVirtualLength()>0){
+      std::cout << "kernel:getTLET: transaction found on " << aTempDevice->toString() << ": " << aTempTrans->toString() << std::endl;
+      std::cout<<aTempTrans->toShortString()<<"getEndtime is "<<aTempTrans->getEndTime()<<std::endl;
+      std::cout<<"alowest time is "<<aLowestTime<<std::endl;
+      if (aTempTrans->getEndTime() < aLowestTime){
+	std::cout<<"in!!!"<<std::endl;
+        aMarker=aTempTrans;
+        aLowestTime=aTempTrans->getEndTime();
+        oResultDevice=aTempDevice;     
+      }
+    }
+    //#ifdef DEBUG_KERNEL
+    else {
+    }
+  }
   return aMarker;
 TMLTransaction* Simulator::getTransLowestEndTimeFPGA(SchedulableDevice*& oResultDevice) const{
   //int tmp=0;
   TMLTransaction *aMarker=0, *aTempTrans;
@@ -140,7 +162,7 @@ TMLTransaction* Simulator::getTransLowestEndTimeFPGA(SchedulableDevice*& oResult
   return aMarker;
 ID Simulator::schedule2GraphAUT(std::ostream& iAUTFile, ID iStartState, unsigned int& oTransCounter) const{
   CPUList::iterator i;
@@ -605,10 +627,10 @@ bool Simulator::channelImpactsCommand(TMLChannel* iCh, TMLCommand* iCmd){
 bool Simulator::simulate(TMLTransaction*& oLastTrans){
-  TMLTransaction* depTransaction,*depCPUnextTrans,*depFPGAnextTrans,*transLETcpu,*transLETfpga;
-  TMLCommand* commandLET,*depCommand,*depCPUnextCommand,*depFPGAnextCommand;
+  TMLTransaction* depTransaction,*depNextTrans,*transLET;
+  TMLCommand* commandLET,*depCommand,*depNextCommand;
   TMLTask* depTask;
-  SchedulableDevice* cpuLET, *fpgaLET;
+  SchedulableDevice* deviceLET;
   CPU* depCPU;
   FPGA *depFPGA;
@@ -625,194 +647,145 @@ bool Simulator::simulate(TMLTransaction*& oLastTrans){
   for_each(_simComp->getCPUList().begin(), _simComp->getCPUList().end(),std::mem_fun(&CPU::schedule));
-  //std::cout << "after schedule" << std::endl;
-  transLETcpu=getTransLowestEndTimeCPU(cpuLET);	      
-  //std::cout << "after getTLET" << std::endl;
+  for_each(_simComp->getFPGAList().begin(), _simComp->getFPGAList().end(),std::mem_fun(&FPGA::schedule));
+    transLET=getTransLowestEndTime(deviceLET);
   if (_wasReset) NOTIFY_SIM_STARTED();
-  while (transLETcpu!=0 && !_simComp->getStopFlag()){
-    std::cout << "kernel:simulate: scheduling decision: " <<  transLETcpu->toString() << std::endl;
-    commandLET=transLETcpu->getCommand();
-    std::cout << "kernel:simulate: BEFORE add trans " << commandLET->toString() << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "cpuLET= " << cpuLET->toString() << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "kernel:simulate:cpuLET printed" << std::endl;
-	std::cout<<"in simulator begin addTransaction "<<std::endl;
-        bool x = cpuLET->addTransaction(0);
-        std::cout<<"in simulator end addTransactin "<<std::endl;
-  #ifdef DEBUG_KERNEL
-    std::cout << "kernel:simulate: AFTER add trans: " << x << std::endl;
-    if (x){
-      std::cout << "kernel:simulate: add transaction 0" << commandLET->toString() << std::endl;
-      unsigned int nbOfChannels = commandLET->getNbOfChannels();
-      for (unsigned int i=0;i<nbOfChannels; i++){
-        if ((depTask=commandLET->getDependentTask(i))==0) continue;
-        std::cout << "kernel:simulate: dependent Task found" << std::endl;
-        depCPU=depTask->getCPU();
+  while ( transLET!=0 && !_simComp->getStopFlag()){
-        if (depCPU!=cpuLET){
+      std::cout<<"come in cpu"<<std::endl;
-          std::cout << "kernel:simulate: Tasks running on different CPUs" << std::endl;
+      std::cout << "kernel:simulate: scheduling decision: " <<  transLET->toString() << std::endl;
-          depCommand=depTask->getCurrCommand();
-          if (depCommand!=0 && channelImpactsCommand(commandLET->getChannel(i), depCommand)) { //RIGHT one
+	commandLET=transLET->getCommand();
+	std::cout<<"device is "<<deviceLET->getName()<<std::endl;
+        bool x = deviceLET->addTransaction(0);
+	std::cout<<"in simulator end addTransactin"<<std::endl;
-            std::cout << "kernel:simulate: commands are accessing the same channel" << std::endl;
+      std::cout << "kernel:simulate: AFTER add trans: " << x << std::endl;
-            depTransaction=depCommand->getCurrTransaction();
-            if (depTransaction!=0 && depTransaction->getVirtualLength()!=0){
+      if (x){
-              std::cout << "kernel:simulate: dependent task has a current transaction and is not blocked any more" << std::endl;
+	std::cout << "kernel:simulate: add transaction 0" << commandLET->toString() << std::endl;
-              depCPUnextTrans=depCPU->getNextTransaction();
-              if (depCPUnextTrans!=0){
+	unsigned int nbOfChannels = commandLET->getNbOfChannels();
+	for (unsigned int i=0;i<nbOfChannels; i++){
+	  if ((depTask=commandLET->getDependentTask(i))==0) continue;
-                std::cout << "kernel:simulate: transaction scheduled on dependent CPU" << std::endl;
+	  std::cout << "kernel:simulate: dependent Task found" << std::endl;
-                depCPUnextCommand=depCPUnextTrans->getCommand();
-                if (depCPUnextCommand->getTask()!=depTask){
+	  depCPU=depTask->getCPU();
+	  depFPGA=depTask->getFPGA();
+	  if(depCPU){
+	    std::cout<<"lets start cpu"<<std::endl;
+	    if (depCPU!=deviceLET){
-                  std::cout << "kernel:simulate: dependent task not yet scheduled on dependent CPU" << std::endl;
+	      std::cout << "kernel:simulate: Tasks running on different CPUs" << std::endl;
+	      depCommand=depTask->getCurrCommand();
+	      if (depCommand!=0 && channelImpactsCommand(commandLET->getChannel(i), depCommand)) { //RIGHT one
-                  depCPU->truncateAndAddNextTransAt(transLETcpu->getEndTime());
-                  std::cout << "kernel:simulate: dependent transaction truncated" << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "kernel:simulate: commands are accessing the same channel" << std::endl;
-                }
-              }else{
-                std::cout << "kernel:simulate: schedule dependent CPU  " << depCPU->toString() << std::endl;
-                depCPU->schedule();
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
+		depTransaction=depCommand->getCurrTransaction();
+		if (depTransaction!=0 && depTransaction->getVirtualLength()!=0){
-      std::cout << "kernel:simulate: invoke schedule on executing CPU" << std::endl;
+		  std::cout << "kernel:simulate: dependent task has a current transaction and is not blocked any more" << std::endl;
-      cpuLET->schedule();
-      NOTIFY_TIME_ADVANCES(transLETcpu->getEndTime());
-    }
-    oLastTrans=transLETcpu;
-    transLETcpu=getTransLowestEndTimeCPU(cpuLET);
-  }
-   for_each(_simComp->getFPGAList().begin(), _simComp->getFPGAList().end(),std::mem_fun(&FPGA::schedule));
-  //std::cout << "after schedule" << std::endl;
-  transLETfpga=getTransLowestEndTimeFPGA(fpgaLET);	      
-  //std::cout << "after getTLET" << std::endl;
-  if (_wasReset) NOTIFY_SIM_STARTED();
-  _wasReset=false;
-  while (transLETfpga!=0 && !_simComp->getStopFlag()){
+		  depNextTrans=depCPU->getNextTransaction();
+		  if (depNextTrans!=0){
-    std::cout << "kernel:simulate: scheduling decision: " <<  transLETfpga->toString() << std::endl;
+		    std::cout << "kernel:simulate: transaction scheduled on dependent CPU" << std::endl;
-    commandLET=transLETfpga->getCommand();
+		    depNextCommand=depNextTrans->getCommand();
+		    if (depNextCommand->getTask()!=depTask){
-    std::cout << "kernel:simulate: BEFORE add trans " << commandLET->toString() << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "cpuLET= " << fpgaLET->toString() << std::endl;
-    std::cout << "kernel:simulate:cpuLET printed" << std::endl;
+		      std::cout << "kernel:simulate: dependent task not yet scheduled on dependent CPU" << std::endl;
-	std::cout<<"in simulator begin addTransaction "<<std::endl;
-        bool x = fpgaLET->addTransaction(0);
-        std::cout<<"in simulator end addTransactin "<<std::endl;
-  #ifdef DEBUG_KERNEL
-    std::cout << "kernel:simulate: AFTER add trans: " << x << std::endl;
-    if (x){
+		      depCPU->truncateAndAddNextTransAt(transLET->getEndTime());
-      std::cout << "kernel:simulate: add transaction 0" << commandLET->toString() << std::endl;
+		      std::cout << "kernel:simulate: dependent transaction truncated" << std::endl;
-      unsigned int nbOfChannels = commandLET->getNbOfChannels();
-      for (unsigned int i=0;i<nbOfChannels; i++){
-        if ((depTask=commandLET->getDependentTask(i))==0) continue;
+		    }
+		  }else{
-        std::cout << "kernel:simulate: dependent Task found" << std::endl;
+		    std::cout << "kernel:simulate: schedule dependent CPU  " << depCPU->toString() << std::endl;
-        depFPGA=depTask->getFPGA();
-        if (depFPGA!=fpgaLET){
+		    depCPU->schedule();
+		  }
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+	  else{
+	    std::cout<<"lets start fpga"<<std::endl;
+	    if (depFPGA!=deviceLET){
-          std::cout << "kernel:simulate: Tasks running on different CPUs" << std::endl;
+	      std::cout << "kernel:simulate: Tasks running on different FPGAs" << std::endl;
-          depCommand=depTask->getCurrCommand();
-          if (depCommand!=0 && channelImpactsCommand(commandLET->getChannel(i), depCommand)) { //RIGHT one
+	      depCommand=depTask->getCurrCommand();
+	      if (depCommand!=0 && channelImpactsCommand(commandLET->getChannel(i), depCommand)) { //RIGHT one
-            std::cout << "kernel:simulate: commands are accessing the same channel" << std::endl;
+		std::cout << "kernel:simulate: commands are accessing the same channel" << std::endl;
-            depTransaction=depCommand->getCurrTransaction();
-            if (depTransaction!=0 && depTransaction->getVirtualLength()!=0){
+		depTransaction=depCommand->getCurrTransaction();
+		if (depTransaction!=0 && depTransaction->getVirtualLength()!=0){
-              std::cout << "kernel:simulate: dependent task has a current transaction and is not blocked any more" << std::endl;
+		  std::cout << "kernel:simulate: dependent task has a current transaction and is not blocked any more" << std::endl;
-              depFPGAnextTrans=depFPGA->getNextTransaction();
-              if (depFPGAnextTrans!=0){
+		  depNextTrans=depFPGA->getNextTransaction();
+		  if (depNextTrans!=0){
-                std::cout << "kernel:simulate: transaction scheduled on dependent CPU" << std::endl;
+		    std::cout << "kernel:simulate: transaction scheduled on dependent CPU" << std::endl;
-                depFPGAnextCommand=depFPGAnextTrans->getCommand();
-                if (depFPGAnextCommand->getTask()!=depTask){
+		    depNextCommand=depNextTrans->getCommand();
+		    if (depNextCommand->getTask()!=depTask){
-                  std::cout << "kernel:simulate: dependent task not yet scheduled on dependent FPGA" << std::endl;
+		      std::cout << "kernel:simulate: dependent task not yet scheduled on dependent CPU" << std::endl;
-		  // depFPGA->truncateAndAddNextTransAt(transLETcpu->getEndTime());
+		      depFPGA->truncateAndAddNextTransAt(transLET->getEndTime());
-                  std::cout << "kernel:simulate: dependent transaction truncated" << std::endl;
+		      std::cout << "kernel:simulate: dependent transaction truncated" << std::endl;
-                }
-              }else{
+		    }
+		  }else{
-                std::cout << "kernel:simulate: schedule dependent FPGA  " << depFPGA->toString() << std::endl;
+		    std::cout << "kernel:simulate: schedule dependent CPU  " << depFPGA->toString() << std::endl;
-                depFPGA->schedule();
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
+		    depFPGA->schedule();
+		  }
+		}
+	      }
+	    }
+	  }
+	}
-      std::cout << "kernel:simulate: invoke schedule on executing FPGA" << std::endl;
+	std::cout << "kernel:simulate: invoke schedule on executing CPU" << std::endl;
-      fpgaLET->schedule();
+	deviceLET->schedule();
-      NOTIFY_TIME_ADVANCES(transLETfpga->getEndTime());
+	NOTIFY_TIME_ADVANCES(transLET->getEndTime());
+      }
+      oLastTrans=transLET;
+      std::cout<<"task is !!!!!"<<oLastTrans->toString()<<std::endl;
+	transLET=getTransLowestEndTime(deviceLET);	
-    oLastTrans=transLETfpga;
-    transLETfpga=getTransLowestEndTimeFPGA(fpgaLET);
-  }
-  bool aSimCompleted = (transLETcpu==0 && transLETfpga==0 && !_simComp->getStoppedOnAction());
+  bool aSimCompleted = ( transLET==0  && !_simComp->getStoppedOnAction());
   if (aSimCompleted){
diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/sim/Simulator.h b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/sim/Simulator.h
index d04b19337ea789b39b4b1f33f2ae0fcf47e56b48..59e0c8016d2ee7c547edf8ce20436cf0a2248b5c 100644
--- a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/sim/Simulator.h
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/sim/Simulator.h
@@ -293,13 +293,13 @@ protected:
 	\param oResultDevice Pointer to the CPU which is running the returned transaction
 	\return Pointer to transaction with lowest end time
-	TMLTransaction* getTransLowestEndTimeCPU(SchedulableDevice*& oResultDevice) const;
+	TMLTransaction* getTransLowestEndTime(SchedulableDevice*& oResultDevice) const;
 	///Returns a pointer to the transaction with the lowest end time proposed by FPGA schedulers
 	\param oResultDevice Pointer to the FPGA which is running the returned transaction
 	\return Pointer to transaction with lowest end time
-	TMLTransaction* getTransLowestEndTimeFPGA(SchedulableDevice*& oResultDevice) const;
+	//TMLTransaction* getTransLowestEndTimeFPGA(SchedulableDevice*& oResultDevice) const;
 	///Decodes a simulation command
 	\param iCmd Pointer to the command