diff --git a/simulators/c++2/Makefile b/simulators/c++2/Makefile
index 2a52556f81199b25f7c3f8e0a00998d379defb0b..7222dcefda52079c41e4768862bc204a9f95f643 100755
--- a/simulators/c++2/Makefile
+++ b/simulators/c++2/Makefile
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ OS := $(shell uname)
 MODULE = run
 include Makefile.src
-SRCS_base = app/TMLTask.cpp app/TMLCommand.cpp TMLTransaction.cpp app/TMLChannel.cpp arch/SchedulableDevice.cpp arch/CPU.cpp arch/FPGA.cpp arch/SingleCoreCPU.cpp arch/MultiCoreCPU.cpp app/TMLWriteCommand.cpp app/TMLWriteMultCommand.cpp app/TMLStateChannel.cpp app/TMLbrbwChannel.cpp app/TMLnbrnbwChannel.cpp app/TMLbrnbwChannel.cpp app/TMLReadCommand.cpp app/TMLExeciCommand.cpp app/TMLExeciRangeCommand.cpp app/TMLActionCommand.cpp app/TMLChoiceCommand.cpp app/TMLRandomChoiceCommand.cpp app/TMLWaitCommand.cpp app/TMLSendCommand.cpp app/TMLSelectCommand.cpp app/TMLRequestCommand.cpp app/TMLNotifiedCommand.cpp app/TMLRandomCommand.cpp app/TMLStopCommand.cpp arch/Bus.cpp definitions.cpp arch/Bridge.cpp arch/Memory.cpp Comment.cpp sim/Server.cpp sim/ServerLocal.cpp sim/Simulator.cpp sim/SimComponents.cpp sim/ServerIF.cpp evt/ListenersSimCmd.cpp arch/PrioScheduler.cpp arch/RRScheduler.cpp arch/OrderScheduler.cpp arch/ReconfigScheduler.cpp arch/RRPrioScheduler.cpp arch/WorkloadSource.cpp TEPE/AliasConstraint.cpp TEPE/EqConstraint.cpp TEPE/FSMConstraint.cpp TEPE/PropertyConstraint.cpp TEPE/PropertyStateConstraint.cpp TEPE/PropLabConstraint.cpp TEPE/PropRelConstraint.cpp TEPE/SignalConstraint.cpp TEPE/ThreeSigConstraint.cpp TEPE/TimeMMConstraint.cpp TEPE/TimeTConstraint.cpp TEPE/TwoSigConstraint.cpp
+SRCS_base = app/TMLTask.cpp app/TMLCommand.cpp TMLTransaction.cpp app/TMLChannel.cpp arch/SchedulableDevice.cpp arch/CPU.cpp arch/FPGA.cpp arch/SingleCoreCPU.cpp arch/MultiCoreCPU.cpp app/TMLWriteCommand.cpp app/TMLWriteMultCommand.cpp app/TMLStateChannel.cpp app/TMLbrbwChannel.cpp app/TMLnbrnbwChannel.cpp app/TMLbrnbwChannel.cpp app/TMLReadCommand.cpp app/TMLExeciCommand.cpp app/TMLExeciRangeCommand.cpp app/TMLActionCommand.cpp app/TMLDelayCommand.cpp app/TMLChoiceCommand.cpp app/TMLRandomChoiceCommand.cpp app/TMLWaitCommand.cpp app/TMLSendCommand.cpp app/TMLSelectCommand.cpp app/TMLRequestCommand.cpp app/TMLNotifiedCommand.cpp app/TMLRandomCommand.cpp app/TMLStopCommand.cpp arch/Bus.cpp definitions.cpp arch/Bridge.cpp arch/Memory.cpp Comment.cpp sim/Server.cpp sim/ServerLocal.cpp sim/Simulator.cpp sim/SimComponents.cpp sim/ServerIF.cpp evt/ListenersSimCmd.cpp arch/PrioScheduler.cpp arch/RRScheduler.cpp arch/OrderScheduler.cpp arch/ReconfigScheduler.cpp arch/RRPrioScheduler.cpp arch/WorkloadSource.cpp TEPE/AliasConstraint.cpp TEPE/EqConstraint.cpp TEPE/FSMConstraint.cpp TEPE/PropertyConstraint.cpp TEPE/PropertyStateConstraint.cpp TEPE/PropLabConstraint.cpp TEPE/PropRelConstraint.cpp TEPE/SignalConstraint.cpp TEPE/ThreeSigConstraint.cpp TEPE/TimeMMConstraint.cpp TEPE/TimeTConstraint.cpp TEPE/TwoSigConstraint.cpp
 SRCS_base_DIR = src_simulator
 SRCS_generated = .
diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/app/TMLCommand.cpp b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/app/TMLCommand.cpp
index 542cb58c92ca35595387aaa043af0e606dd9e952..b68dd9f1644e60b9278e299a1d5ca0de2c5c8b61 100755
--- a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/app/TMLCommand.cpp
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/app/TMLCommand.cpp
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 #include <SimComponents.h>
 #include <TMLStopCommand.h>
 #include <TMLRandomCommand.h>
+#include <TMLDelayCommand.h>
 std::list<TMLCommand*> TMLCommand::_instanceList;
 SimComponents* TMLCommand::_simComp=0;
diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/app/TMLDelayCommand.cpp b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/app/TMLDelayCommand.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1da3a61c7634dddcb2892140be5002f717404772
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/app/TMLDelayCommand.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+/*Copyright or (C) or Copr. GET / ENST, Telecom-Paris, Daniel Knorreck,
+Ludovic Apvrille, Renaud Pacalet
+ *
+ * ludovic.apvrille AT telecom-paristech.fr
+ *
+ * This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the
+ * edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to
+ * allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram,
+ * and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces
+ * obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP
+ * from INRIA Rhone-Alpes.
+ *
+ * This software is governed by the CeCILL  license under French law and
+ * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
+ * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+ * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+ * "http://www.cecill.info".
+ *
+ * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
+ * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+ * with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
+ * economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
+ * liability.
+ *
+ * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+ * with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+ * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+ * that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
+ * therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
+ * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+ * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+ * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+ * data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
+ * same conditions as regards security.
+ *
+ * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
+ * knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
+ *
+ */
+#include <TMLDelayCommand.h>
+#include <TMLTask.h>
+#include <TMLTransaction.h>
+#include <SimComponents.h>
+//#include <CommandListener.h>
+TMLDelayCommand::TMLDelayCommand(ID iID, TMLTask* iTask,TMLLength iStatLength, ActionFuncPointer iActionFunc, const char* iLiveVarList, bool iCheckpoint):TMLCommand(iID, iTask, 1, 1, iLiveVarList, iCheckpoint),_actionFunc(iActionFunc){
+	_length = iStatLength;
+	_type=ACT;
+void TMLDelayCommand::execute(){
+	//std::cout << "execi: " << _currTransaction->toShortString() << std::endl;
+	_progress+=_currTransaction->getVirtualLength();
+	_task->addTransaction(_currTransaction);
+	prepare(false);
+TMLCommand* TMLDelayCommand::prepareNextTransaction(){
+	if (_simComp->getStopFlag()){
+		_simComp->setStoppedOnAction();
+		//std::cout << "sim stopped in action command " << std::endl;
+		_task->setCurrCommand(this);
+		return this;  //for command which generates transactions this is returned anyway by prepareTransaction
+	}
+	if (_progress==0){
+	(_task->*_actionFunc)();
+    _execTimes++;
+    		if (_length==0){
+    			//std::cout << "ExeciCommand len==0 " << std::endl;
+    			TMLCommand* aNextCommand=getNextCommand();
+    			#ifdef STATE_HASH_ENABLED
+                    if (_liveVarList!=0) _task->refreshStateHash(_liveVarList);
+                #endif
+                _task->setCurrCommand(aNextCommand);
+                    //FOR_EACH_CMDLISTENER (*i)->commandFinished(this);
+                #ifdef LISTENERS_ENABLED
+                    NOTIFY_CMD_FINISHED(this);
+                    //NOTIFY_CMD_FINISHED(0);
+                #endif
+    			if (aNextCommand!=0) return aNextCommand->prepare(false);
+    		}
+    	}
+    _currTransaction = new TMLTransaction(this, _length-_progress,_task->getEndLastTransaction());
+    return this;
+std::string TMLDelayCommand::toString() const{
+	std::ostringstream outp;
+	outp << "Delay in " << TMLCommand::toString();
+	return outp.str();
diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/app/TMLDelayCommand.h b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/app/TMLDelayCommand.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e5cfa4fa2b25d41a437924836014ea635b30dc5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/app/TMLDelayCommand.h
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+/*Copyright or (C) or Copr. GET / ENST, Telecom-Paris, Daniel Knorreck,
+Ludovic Apvrille, Renaud Pacalet
+ *
+ * ludovic.apvrille AT telecom-paristech.fr
+ *
+ * This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the
+ * edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to
+ * allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram,
+ * and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces
+ * obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP
+ * from INRIA Rhone-Alpes.
+ *
+ * This software is governed by the CeCILL  license under French law and
+ * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
+ * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+ * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+ * "http://www.cecill.info".
+ *
+ * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
+ * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+ * with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
+ * economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
+ * liability.
+ *
+ * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+ * with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+ * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+ * that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
+ * therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
+ * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+ * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+ * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+ * data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
+ * same conditions as regards security.
+ *
+ * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
+ * knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef TMLDelayCommandH
+#define TMLDelayCommandH
+#include <definitions.h>
+#include <TMLCommand.h>
+///This class executes a C++ statement (probably a variable assignment or modification) defined in the scope of a TML action state.
+/**The command itself is located in the corresponding TMLTask::executeStatement() method as it may access local task variables.*/
+class TMLDelayCommand:public TMLCommand{
+	///Constructor
+    	/**
+      	\param iID ID of the command
+      	\param iTask Pointer to the task the command belongs to
+	\param iActionFunc Member function pointer to the action function
+	\param iLiveVarList Bitmap of live variables
+	\param iCheckpoint Checkpoint Flag
+    	*/
+	TMLDelayCommand(ID iID, TMLTask* iTask, TMLLength iStatLength, ActionFuncPointer iActionFunc, const char* iLiveVarList, bool iCheckpoint);
+	void execute();
+	//TMLTask* getDependentTask() const;
+	std::string toString() const;
+	inline std::string toShortString() const {return "Delay";}
+	inline std::string getCommandStr() const {return "act";}
+	///Member function pointer to the action function
+	ActionFuncPointer _actionFunc;
+	TMLCommand* prepareNextTransaction();
diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/RRScheduler.cpp b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/RRScheduler.cpp
index 8fe8f9299c3e1100595b53024613543002e439c1..00735fdb76c51588be67b487640771769bf70eb2 100644
--- a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/RRScheduler.cpp
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/RRScheduler.cpp
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ RRScheduler::RRScheduler(const std::string& iName, Priority iPrio, TMLTime iTime
 TMLTime RRScheduler::schedule(TMLTime iEndSchedule){
 	TaskList::iterator i;
-	CPU* aCPU;
 	//std::cout << _name << ": Schedule called \n";
 	TMLTransaction *anOldTransaction=_nextTransaction, *aTempTrans;
 	TMLTime aLowestRunnableTimeFuture=-1,aRunnableTime, aLowestRunnableTimePast=-1;
@@ -62,22 +61,17 @@ TMLTime RRScheduler::schedule(TMLTime iEndSchedule){
 		if (_lastSource->getNextTransaction(iEndSchedule)!=0 && _lastSource->getNextTransaction(iEndSchedule)->getVirtualLength()!=0){
-			aCPU = _lastSource->getNextTransaction(iEndSchedule)->getCommand()->getTask()->getCPU();
 			if (anOldTransaction==0 || _lastSource->getNextTransaction(iEndSchedule)==anOldTransaction || _timeSlice >=_elapsedTime +  anOldTransaction->getOperationLength() + _minSliceSize){
 				//std::cout << "Select same task, remaining: " << _timeSlice - anOldTransaction->getOperationLength() << "\n";
-				if (aCPU->getAmoutOfCore()>1){
-				    aSameTaskFound=false;
-				}else{
-				    aSameTaskFound=true;
-				}
+				aSameTaskFound=true;
 	if (!aSameTaskFound){
 		//std::cout << _name << ": Second if\n";
 		for(WorkloadList::iterator i=_workloadList.begin(); i != _workloadList.end(); ++i){
 			//std::cout << "Loop\n";
 			//if (*i!=aScheduledSource)
diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/evt/ListenersSimCmd.cpp b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/evt/ListenersSimCmd.cpp
index 4d6138ac10912641477c266c13ff46030599d1e8..6049488ffa6e234ca2c0f7e1b6e249b5a61ce5be 100644
--- a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/evt/ListenersSimCmd.cpp
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/evt/ListenersSimCmd.cpp
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ Ludovic Apvrille, Renaud Pacalet
 #include <TMLCommand.h>
 #include <TMLRandomChoiceCommand.h>
 #include <TMLActionCommand.h>
+#include <TMLDelayCommand.h>
 #include <TMLNotifiedCommand.h>
 #include <TMLWaitCommand.h>
 #include <TMLTask.h>
diff --git a/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/DiploSimulatorCodeGenerator.java b/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/DiploSimulatorCodeGenerator.java
index 15fed6e85b0107dfbbacf0cd50905e36750e80b7..4a09dd30ec61988b3ed101ecc07719b87abc3873 100644
--- a/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/DiploSimulatorCodeGenerator.java
+++ b/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/DiploSimulatorCodeGenerator.java
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ public class DiploSimulatorCodeGenerator implements IDiploSimulatorCodeGenerator
                 if (exNode.getType().equals("CPURRPB")) {
                     schedulerInstName = namesGen.prioSchedulerInstanceName(exNode);
-                    declaration += "PrioScheduler* " + schedulerInstName + " = new PrioScheduler(\"" + namesGen.prioSchedulerName(exNode) + "\", 0)" + SCCR;
+                    declaration += "RRPrioScheduler* " + schedulerInstName + " = new RRPrioScheduler(\"" + namesGen.prioSchedulerName(exNode) + "\", 0," + (tmlmapping.getTMLArchitecture().getMasterClockFrequency() * exNode.sliceTime) + ", " + (int) Math.ceil((float) (exNode.clockRatio * Math.max(exNode.execiTime, exNode.execcTime) * (exNode.branchingPredictionPenalty * exNode.pipelineSize + 100 - exNode.branchingPredictionPenalty)) / 100) + " ) " + SCCR;
                 } else {
                     //tmlmapping.getTMLArchitecture().getMasterClockFrequency() * exNode.sliceTime
                     //declaration += "RRScheduler* " + exNode.getName() + "_scheduler = new RRScheduler(\"" + exNode.getName() + "_RRSched\", 0, 5, " + (int) Math.ceil(((float)exNode.execiTime)*(1+((float)exNode.branchingPredictionPenalty)/100)) + " ) " + SCCR;
diff --git a/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/MappedSystemCTask.java b/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/MappedSystemCTask.java
index a209cc411021199ba315cd0b32dd19dad8bd5488..0b68b8574f27e64f01af23471c798fac609c3a2e 100644
--- a/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/MappedSystemCTask.java
+++ b/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/MappedSystemCTask.java
@@ -230,6 +230,7 @@ public class MappedSystemCTask {
         code += "#include <TMLActionCommand.h>\n#include <TMLChoiceCommand.h>\n#include <TMLRandomChoiceCommand.h>\n#include <TMLExeciCommand.h>\n";
         code += "#include <TMLSelectCommand.h>\n#include <TMLReadCommand.h>\n#include <TMLNotifiedCommand.h>\n#include <TMLExeciRangeCommand.h>\n";
         code += "#include <TMLRequestCommand.h>\n#include <TMLSendCommand.h>\n#include <TMLWaitCommand.h>\n";
+        code += "#include <TMLDelayCommand.h>\n";
         code += "#include <TMLWriteCommand.h>\n#include <TMLStopCommand.h>\n#include <TMLWriteMultCommand.h>\n#include <TMLRandomCommand.h>\n\n";
         code += "extern \"C\" bool condFunc(TMLTask* _ioTask_);\n";
         return code;
@@ -524,11 +525,30 @@ public class MappedSystemCTask {
             //functionSig+="void " + cmdName + "_func(ParamType & oMin, ParamType& oMax)" + SCCR;
         } else if (currElem instanceof TMLActionState || currElem instanceof TMLDelay) {
-            String action, comment;
+            String action, comment, delayLen;
             if (currElem instanceof TMLActionState) {
                 //if (debug) TraceManager.addDev("Checking Action\n");
                 action = formatAction(((TMLActionState) currElem).getAction());
                 comment = action;
+                String elemName = currElem.getName(), idString;
+                if (elemName.charAt(0) == '#') {
+                    int pos = elemName.indexOf('\\');
+                    idString = elemName.substring(1, pos);
+                    //TraceManager.addDev(elemName + "***" + pos + "***" + idString + "***"+ elemName.length());
+                    cmdName = "_" + elemName.substring(pos + 1) + idString;
+                } else {
+                    cmdName = "_action" + currElem.getID();
+                    idString = String.valueOf(currElem.getID());
+                }
+                hcode += "TMLActionCommand " + cmdName + SCCR;
+                initCommand += "," + cmdName + "(" + idString + ",this,(ActionFuncPointer)&" + reference + "::" + cmdName + "_func, " + getFormattedLiveVarStr(currElem) + ")" + CR;
+                nextCommand = cmdName + ".setNextCommand(array(1,(TMLCommand*)" + makeCommands(currElem.getNextElement(0), false, retElement, null) + "));\n";
+                functions += "void " + reference + "::" + cmdName + "_func(){\n#ifdef ADD_COMMENTS\naddComment(new Comment(_endLastTransaction,0," + commentNum + "));\n#endif\n" + modifyString(addSemicolonIfNecessary(action)) + CR;
+                //functions+="return 0"+ SCCR;
+                functions += "}" + CR2;
+                commentText += "_comment[" + commentNum + "]=std::string(\"Action " + comment + "\");\n";
+                commentNum++;
+                functionSig += "void " + cmdName + "_func()" + SCCR;
             } else {
                 //if (debug) TraceManager.addDev("Checking Delay\n");
                 int masterClockFreq = tmlmapping.getTMLArchitecture().getMasterClockFrequency();
@@ -537,32 +557,36 @@ public class MappedSystemCTask {
                 comment = action;
                 action += "\nif (tmpDelayxy==0) tmpDelayxy=1;\n";
                 if (delay.getMinDelay().equals(delay.getMaxDelay())) {
-                    action += "_endLastTransaction+=tmpDelayxy";
+                    action += "_endLastTransaction+=0";
+                    delayLen = delay.getMaxDelay() + "*" + masterClockFreq + delay.getMasterClockFactor();
                 } else {
                     action += "TMLTime tmpDelayxx = " + delay.getMinDelay() + "*" + masterClockFreq + delay.getMasterClockFactor() + ";\nif (tmpDelayxx==0) tmpDelayxx=1;\n";
-                    action += "_endLastTransaction+=myrand(tmpDelayxx,tmpDelayxy)";
+                    action += "_endLastTransaction+= 0";
+                    delayLen = delay.getMinDelay() + "*" + masterClockFreq + delay.getMasterClockFactor();
+                String elemName = currElem.getName(), idString;
+                if (elemName.charAt(0) == '#') {
+                    int pos = elemName.indexOf('\\');
+                    idString = elemName.substring(1, pos);
+                    //TraceManager.addDev(elemName + "***" + pos + "***" + idString + "***"+ elemName.length());
+                    cmdName = "_" + elemName.substring(pos + 1) + idString;
+                } else {
+                    cmdName = "_delay" + currElem.getID();
+                    idString = String.valueOf(currElem.getID());
+                }
+                hcode += "TMLDelayCommand " + cmdName + SCCR;
+                initCommand += "," + cmdName + "(" + idString + ",this,"+ delayLen +",(ActionFuncPointer)&" + reference + "::" + cmdName + "_func, " + getFormattedLiveVarStr(currElem) + ")" + CR;
+                nextCommand = cmdName + ".setNextCommand(array(1,(TMLCommand*)" + makeCommands(currElem.getNextElement(0), false, retElement, null) + "));\n";
+                functions += "void " + reference + "::" + cmdName + "_func(){\n#ifdef ADD_COMMENTS\naddComment(new Comment(_endLastTransaction,0," + commentNum + "));\n#endif\n" + modifyString(addSemicolonIfNecessary(action)) + CR;
+                //functions+="return 0"+ SCCR;
+//                functions += "std::ostringstream ss" + SCCR + "\n";
+//                functions += "if(" + cmdName + ".getCurrTransaction() != NULL) " + cmdName + ".getCurrTransaction()->lastParams = ss.str()" +
+//                        SCCR + "\n";
+                functions += "}" + CR2;
+                commentText += "_comment[" + commentNum + "]=std::string(\"Delay " + comment + "\");\n";
+                commentNum++;
+                functionSig += "void " + cmdName + "_func()" + SCCR;
-            //cmdName= "_action" + currElem.getID();
-            String elemName = currElem.getName(), idString;
-            if (elemName.charAt(0) == '#') {
-                int pos = elemName.indexOf('\\');
-                idString = elemName.substring(1, pos);
-                //TraceManager.addDev(elemName + "***" + pos + "***" + idString + "***"+ elemName.length());
-                cmdName = "_" + elemName.substring(pos + 1) + idString;
-            } else {
-                cmdName = "_action" + currElem.getID();
-                idString = String.valueOf(currElem.getID());
-            }
-            hcode += "TMLActionCommand " + cmdName + SCCR;
-            initCommand += "," + cmdName + "(" + idString + ",this,(ActionFuncPointer)&" + reference + "::" + cmdName + "_func, " + getFormattedLiveVarStr(currElem) + ")" + CR;
-            nextCommand = cmdName + ".setNextCommand(array(1,(TMLCommand*)" + makeCommands(currElem.getNextElement(0), false, retElement, null) + "));\n";
-            functions += "void " + reference + "::" + cmdName + "_func(){\n#ifdef ADD_COMMENTS\naddComment(new Comment(_endLastTransaction,0," + commentNum + "));\n#endif\n" + modifyString(addSemicolonIfNecessary(action)) + CR;
-            //functions+="return 0"+ SCCR;
-            functions += "}" + CR2;
-            commentText += "_comment[" + commentNum + "]=std::string(\"Action " + comment + "\");\n";
-            commentNum++;
-            functionSig += "void " + cmdName + "_func()" + SCCR;
         } else if (currElem instanceof TMLExecI) {
             //if (debug) TraceManager.addDev("Checking Execi\n");
diff --git a/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/TML2MappingSystemC.java b/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/TML2MappingSystemC.java
index 72ced7949763d23647bc10cb66fdac27a44f9786..4537909a1d0ec0e17ce66a728972b6f5ee26a7e4 100644
--- a/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/TML2MappingSystemC.java
+++ b/src/main/java/tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/TML2MappingSystemC.java
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ public class TML2MappingSystemC implements IDiploSimulatorCodeGenerator {
             if (node instanceof HwCPU) {
                 HwCPU exNode = (HwCPU) node;
                 if (exNode.getType().equals("CPURRPB"))
-                    declaration += "PrioScheduler* " + exNode.getName() + "_scheduler = new PrioScheduler(\"" + exNode.getName() + "_PrioSched\",0)" + SCCR;
+                    declaration += "RRPrioScheduler* " + exNode.getName() + "_scheduler = new RRPrioScheduler(\"" + exNode.getName() + "_PrioSched" + "\",0, " + (tmlmapping.getTMLArchitecture().getMasterClockFrequency() * exNode.sliceTime) + ", " + (int) Math.ceil((float) (exNode.clockRatio * Math.max(exNode.execiTime, exNode.execcTime) * (exNode.branchingPredictionPenalty * exNode.pipelineSize + 100 - exNode.branchingPredictionPenalty)) / 100) + " ) " + SCCR;
                     //tmlmapping.getTMLArchitecture().getMasterClockFrequency() * exNode.sliceTime
                     //declaration += "RRScheduler* " + exNode.getName() + "_scheduler = new RRScheduler(\"" + exNode.getName() + "_RRSched\", 0, 5, " + (int) Math.ceil(((float)exNode.execiTime)*(1+((float)exNode.branchingPredictionPenalty)/100)) + " ) " + SCCR;
diff --git a/ttool/src/test/java/tmltranslator/DiplodocusDelayTest.java b/ttool/src/test/java/tmltranslator/DiplodocusDelayTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f721dbbf3db454c8ff4c242eb51cf56a32bad9a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttool/src/test/java/tmltranslator/DiplodocusDelayTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+package tmltranslator;
+import common.ConfigurationTTool;
+import common.SpecConfigTTool;
+import graph.AUTGraph;
+import myutil.FileUtils;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.BeforeClass;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import req.ebrdd.EBRDD;
+import tepe.TEPE;
+import tmltranslator.tomappingsystemc2.DiploSimulatorFactory;
+import tmltranslator.tomappingsystemc2.IDiploSimulatorCodeGenerator;
+import tmltranslator.tomappingsystemc2.Penalties;
+import ui.AbstractUITest;
+import ui.TDiagramPanel;
+import ui.TMLArchiPanel;
+import ui.TURTLEPanel;
+import ui.tmldd.TMLArchiDiagramPanel;
+import java.io.BufferedReader;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.InputStreamReader;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
+public class DiplodocusDelayTest extends AbstractUITest {
+    final String DIR_GEN = "test_diplo_simulator/";
+    //model for Delay task without penalties
+    final String [] MODELS_DELAY = {"mono-RR", "mono-RRPB","multi-RR","multi-RRPB","fpgaTest"};
+    final int [] NB_Of_DELAY_STATES = {402, 402, 402, 402, 302};
+    final int [] NB_Of_DELAY_TRANSTIONS = {401, 401, 401, 401, 301};
+    final int [] MIN_DELAY_CYCLES = {20200, 20200, 20100, 20100, 20100};
+    final int [] MAX_DELAY_CYCLES = {20200, 20200, 20100, 20100, 20100};
+    //model for Delay task with penalties
+    final int [] NB_Of_DELAY_STATES_PENALTIES = {410, 410, 410, 410, 302};
+    final int [] NB_Of_DELAY_TRANSTIONS_PENALTIES = {409, 409, 409, 409, 301};
+    final int [] MIN_DELAY_CYCLES_PENALTIES = {25718, 25718, 26588, 26588, 20100};
+    final int [] MAX_DELAY_CYCLES_PENALTIES = {25718, 25718, 26588, 26588, 20100};
+    private String SIM_DIR;
+    @BeforeClass
+    public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws Exception {
+        RESOURCES_DIR = getBaseResourcesDir() + "/tmltranslator/simulator/";
+    }
+    public DiplodocusDelayTest() {
+        super();
+        //mainGUI.openProjectFromFile(new File(RESOURCES_DIR));
+    }
+    @Before
+    public void setUp() throws Exception {
+        SIM_DIR = getBaseResourcesDir() + "../../../../simulators/c++2/";
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDelayNoPenalty() throws Exception {
+        for (int i = 0; i < MODELS_DELAY.length; i++) {
+            String s = MODELS_DELAY[i];
+            SIM_DIR = DIR_GEN + s + "/";
+            System.out.println("executing: checking syntax " + s);
+            // select architecture tab
+            mainGUI.openProjectFromFile(new File(RESOURCES_DIR + s + ".xml"));
+            for(TURTLEPanel _tab : mainGUI.getTabs()) {
+                if(_tab instanceof TMLArchiPanel) {
+                    for (TDiagramPanel tdp : _tab.getPanels()) {
+                        if (tdp instanceof TMLArchiDiagramPanel) {
+                            mainGUI.selectTab(tdp);
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            mainGUI.checkModelingSyntax(true);
+            TMLMapping tmap = mainGUI.gtm.getTMLMapping();
+            TMLSyntaxChecking syntax = new TMLSyntaxChecking(tmap);
+            syntax.checkSyntax();
+            assertTrue(syntax.hasErrors() == 0);
+            // Generate SystemC code
+            System.out.println("executing: sim code gen for " + s);
+            final IDiploSimulatorCodeGenerator tml2systc;
+            List<EBRDD> al = new ArrayList<EBRDD>();
+            List<TEPE> alTepe = new ArrayList<TEPE>();
+            tml2systc = DiploSimulatorFactory.INSTANCE.createCodeGenerator(tmap, al, alTepe);
+            tml2systc.setModelName(s);
+            String error = tml2systc.generateSystemC(false, true);
+            assertTrue(error == null);
+            File directory = new File(SIM_DIR);
+            if (!directory.exists()) {
+                directory.mkdirs();
+            }
+            // Putting sim files
+            System.out.println("SIM executing: sim lib code copying for " + s);
+            ConfigurationTTool.SystemCCodeDirectory = getBaseResourcesDir() + "../../../../simulators/c++2/";
+            boolean simFiles = SpecConfigTTool.checkAndCreateSystemCDir(SIM_DIR);
+            System.out.println("SIM executing: sim lib code copying done with result " + simFiles);
+            assertTrue(simFiles);
+            System.out.println("SIM Saving file in: " + SIM_DIR);
+            tml2systc.saveFile(SIM_DIR, "appmodel");
+            // Compile it
+            System.out.println("executing: compile");
+            Process proc;
+            BufferedReader proc_in;
+            String str;
+            boolean mustRecompileAll;
+            Penalties penalty = new Penalties(SIM_DIR  + "src_simulator");
+            int changed = penalty.handlePenalties(false);
+            if (changed == 1) {
+                mustRecompileAll = true;
+            } else {
+                mustRecompileAll = false;
+            }
+            if (mustRecompileAll) {
+                System.out.println("executing: " + "make -C " + SIM_DIR + " clean");
+                try {
+                    proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("make -C " + SIM_DIR + " clean");
+                    proc_in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream()));
+                    while ((str = proc_in.readLine()) != null) {
+                        // TraceManager.addDev( "Sending " + str + " from " + port + " to client..." );
+                        System.out.println("executing: " + str);
+                    }
+                } catch (Exception e) {
+                    // probably make is not installed
+                    System.out.println("FAILED: executing: " + "make -C " + SIM_DIR + " clean");
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+            System.out.println("executing: " + "make -C " + SIM_DIR);
+            try {
+                proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("make -C " + SIM_DIR + "");
+                proc_in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream()));
+                monitorError(proc);
+                while ((str = proc_in.readLine()) != null) {
+                    // TraceManager.addDev( "Sending " + str + " from " + port + " to client..." );
+                    System.out.println("executing: " + str);
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                // Probably make is not installed
+                System.out.println("FAILED: executing: " + "make -C " + SIM_DIR);
+                return;
+            }
+            System.out.println("SUCCESS: executing: " + "make -C " + SIM_DIR);
+            // Run the simulator
+            String graphPath = SIM_DIR + "testgraph_" + s;
+            try {
+                String[] params = new String[3];
+                params[0] = "./" + SIM_DIR + "run.x";
+                params[1] = "-cmd";
+                params[2] = "1 0; 1 7 100 100 " + graphPath;
+                proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(params);
+                //proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("./" + SIM_DIR + "run.x -explo -gname testgraph_" + s);
+                proc_in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream()));
+                monitorError(proc);
+                while ((str = proc_in.readLine()) != null) {
+                    // TraceManager.addDev( "Sending " + str + " from " + port + " to client..." );
+                    System.out.println("executing: " + str);
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                // Probably make is not installed
+                System.out.println("FAILED: executing simulation");
+                return;
+            }
+            // Compare results with expected ones
+            // Must load the graph
+            File graphFile = new File(graphPath + ".aut");
+            String graphData = "";
+            try {
+                graphData = FileUtils.loadFileData(graphFile);
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                assertTrue(false);
+            }
+            AUTGraph graph = new AUTGraph();
+            graph.buildGraph(graphData);
+            // States and transitions
+            System.out.println("executing: nb states of " + s + " " + graph.getNbOfStates());
+            assertTrue(NB_Of_DELAY_STATES[i] == graph.getNbOfStates());
+            System.out.println("executing: nb transitions of " + s + " " + graph.getNbOfTransitions());
+            assertTrue(NB_Of_DELAY_TRANSTIONS[i] == graph.getNbOfTransitions());
+            // Min and max cycles
+            int minValue = graph.getMinValue("allCPUsFPGAsTerminated");
+            System.out.println("executing: minvalue of " + s + " " + minValue);
+            assertTrue(MIN_DELAY_CYCLES[i] == minValue);
+            int maxValue = graph.getMaxValue("allCPUsFPGAsTerminated");
+            System.out.println("executing: maxvalue of " + s + " " + maxValue);
+            assertTrue(MAX_DELAY_CYCLES[i] == maxValue);
+        }
+    }
+    @Test
+    public void testDelayWithPenalty() throws Exception {
+        for (int i = 0; i < MODELS_DELAY.length; i++) {
+            String s = MODELS_DELAY[i] + "-penalty";
+            SIM_DIR = DIR_GEN + s + "/";
+            System.out.println("executing: checking syntax " + s);
+            // select architecture tab
+            mainGUI.openProjectFromFile(new File(RESOURCES_DIR + s + ".xml"));
+            for(TURTLEPanel _tab : mainGUI.getTabs()) {
+                if(_tab instanceof TMLArchiPanel) {
+                    for (TDiagramPanel tdp : _tab.getPanels()) {
+                        if (tdp instanceof TMLArchiDiagramPanel) {
+                            mainGUI.selectTab(tdp);
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            mainGUI.checkModelingSyntax(true);
+            TMLMapping tmap = mainGUI.gtm.getTMLMapping();
+            TMLSyntaxChecking syntax = new TMLSyntaxChecking(tmap);
+            syntax.checkSyntax();
+            assertTrue(syntax.hasErrors() == 0);
+            // Generate SystemC code
+            System.out.println("executing: sim code gen for " + s);
+            final IDiploSimulatorCodeGenerator tml2systc;
+            List<EBRDD> al = new ArrayList<EBRDD>();
+            List<TEPE> alTepe = new ArrayList<TEPE>();
+            tml2systc = DiploSimulatorFactory.INSTANCE.createCodeGenerator(tmap, al, alTepe);
+            tml2systc.setModelName(s);
+            String error = tml2systc.generateSystemC(false, true);
+            assertTrue(error == null);
+            File directory = new File(SIM_DIR);
+            if (!directory.exists()) {
+                directory.mkdirs();
+            }
+            // Putting sim files
+            System.out.println("SIM executing: sim lib code copying for " + s);
+            ConfigurationTTool.SystemCCodeDirectory = getBaseResourcesDir() + "../../../../simulators/c++2/";
+            boolean simFiles = SpecConfigTTool.checkAndCreateSystemCDir(SIM_DIR);
+            System.out.println("SIM executing: sim lib code copying done with result " + simFiles);
+            assertTrue(simFiles);
+            System.out.println("SIM Saving file in: " + SIM_DIR);
+            tml2systc.saveFile(SIM_DIR, "appmodel");
+            // Compile it
+            System.out.println("executing: compile");
+            Process proc;
+            BufferedReader proc_in;
+            String str;
+            boolean mustRecompileAll;
+            Penalties penalty = new Penalties(SIM_DIR  + "src_simulator");
+            int changed = penalty.handlePenalties(true);
+            if (changed == 1) {
+                mustRecompileAll = true;
+            } else {
+                mustRecompileAll = false;
+            }
+            if (mustRecompileAll) {
+                System.out.println("executing: " + "make -C " + SIM_DIR + " clean");
+                try {
+                    proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("make -C " + SIM_DIR + " clean");
+                    proc_in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream()));
+                    while ((str = proc_in.readLine()) != null) {
+                        // TraceManager.addDev( "Sending " + str + " from " + port + " to client..." );
+                        System.out.println("executing: " + str);
+                    }
+                } catch (Exception e) {
+                    // probably make is not installed
+                    System.out.println("FAILED: executing: " + "make -C " + SIM_DIR + " clean");
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+            System.out.println("executing: " + "make -C " + SIM_DIR);
+            try {
+                proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("make -C " + SIM_DIR + "");
+                proc_in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream()));
+                monitorError(proc);
+                while ((str = proc_in.readLine()) != null) {
+                    // TraceManager.addDev( "Sending " + str + " from " + port + " to client..." );
+                    System.out.println("executing: " + str);
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                // Probably make is not installed
+                System.out.println("FAILED: executing: " + "make -C " + SIM_DIR);
+                return;
+            }
+            System.out.println("SUCCESS: executing: " + "make -C " + SIM_DIR);
+            // Run the simulator
+            String graphPath = SIM_DIR + "testgraph_" + s;
+            try {
+                String[] params = new String[3];
+                params[0] = "./" + SIM_DIR + "run.x";
+                params[1] = "-cmd";
+                params[2] = "1 0; 1 7 100 100 " + graphPath;
+                proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(params);
+                //proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("./" + SIM_DIR + "run.x -explo -gname testgraph_" + s);
+                proc_in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream()));
+                monitorError(proc);
+                while ((str = proc_in.readLine()) != null) {
+                    // TraceManager.addDev( "Sending " + str + " from " + port + " to client..." );
+                    System.out.println("executing: " + str);
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                // Probably make is not installed
+                System.out.println("FAILED: executing simulation");
+                return;
+            }
+            // Compare results with expected ones
+            // Must load the graph
+            File graphFile = new File(graphPath + ".aut");
+            String graphData = "";
+            try {
+                graphData = FileUtils.loadFileData(graphFile);
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                assertTrue(false);
+            }
+            AUTGraph graph = new AUTGraph();
+            graph.buildGraph(graphData);
+            // States and transitions
+            System.out.println("executing: nb states of " + s + " " + graph.getNbOfStates());
+            assertTrue(NB_Of_DELAY_STATES_PENALTIES[i] == graph.getNbOfStates());
+            System.out.println("executing: nb transitions of " + s + " " + graph.getNbOfTransitions());
+            assertTrue(NB_Of_DELAY_TRANSTIONS_PENALTIES[i] == graph.getNbOfTransitions());
+            // Min and max cycles
+            int minValue = graph.getMinValue("allCPUsFPGAsTerminated");
+            System.out.println("executing: minvalue of " + s + " " + minValue);
+            assertTrue(MIN_DELAY_CYCLES_PENALTIES[i] == minValue);
+            int maxValue = graph.getMaxValue("allCPUsFPGAsTerminated");
+            System.out.println("executing: maxvalue of " + s + " " + maxValue);
+            assertTrue(MAX_DELAY_CYCLES_PENALTIES[i] == maxValue);
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/ttool/src/test/resources/tmltranslator/simulator/fpgaTest-penalty.xml b/ttool/src/test/resources/tmltranslator/simulator/fpgaTest-penalty.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eea3dd1bab42d4e5ca027cc1893a31c627f633ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/tmltranslator/simulator/fpgaTest-penalty.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<Modeling type="TML Component Design" nameTab="TestCycleEvt_wait" tabs="TML Component Task Diagram$C1$C0" >
+<TMLComponentTaskDiagramPanel name="TML Component Task Diagram" minX="10" maxX="2500" minY="10" maxY="1500" channels="true" events="true" requests="true" zoom="1.0" >
+<CONNECTOR type="126" id="1" >
+<cdparam x="442" y="295" />
+<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" />
+<infoparam name="connector" value="Connector between ports" />
+<P1  x="456" y="258" id="13" />
+<P2  x="613" y="277" id="2" />
+<AutomaticDrawing  data="true" />
+<COMPONENT type="1202" id="12" >
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+<sizeparam width="200" height="150" minWidth="1" minHeight="1" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" />
+<hidden value="false" />
+<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="2500" minY="10" maxY="1500" />
+<infoparam name="Primitive component" value="C1" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="4" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="5" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="6" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="7" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="8" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="9" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="10" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="11" />
+<Data isAttacker="No" daemon="false" Operation="" />
+<Attribute access="2" id="x" value="" type="0" typeOther="" />
+<SUBCOMPONENT type="1203" id="3" >
+<father id="12" num="0" />
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+<hidden value="false" />
+<cdrectangleparam minX="-13" maxX="187" minY="-13" maxY="137" />
+<infoparam name="Primitive port" value="Event evt" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="2" />
+<Prop commName="evt" commType="1" origin="false" finite="false" blocking="true" maxSamples="8" widthSamples="4" isLossy="false" isPrex="false" isPostex="false" lossPercentage="0" maxNbOfLoss="0" dataFlowType="int16_t" associatedEvent="" checkConf="false" checkConfStatus="0" checkAuth="false" checkWeakAuthStatus="0" checkStrongAuthStatus="0" vc="0" />
+<Type type="1" typeOther="" />
+<Type type="0" typeOther="" />
+<Type type="0" typeOther="" />
+<Type type="0" typeOther="" />
+<Type type="0" typeOther="" />
+<COMPONENT type="1202" id="23" >
+<cdparam x="243" y="158" />
+<sizeparam width="200" height="150" minWidth="1" minHeight="1" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" />
+<hidden value="false" />
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+<infoparam name="Primitive component" value="C0" />
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+<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="16" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="17" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="18" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="19" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="20" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="21" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="22" />
+<Data isAttacker="No" daemon="false" Operation="" />
+<Attribute access="2" id="x" value="0" type="0" typeOther="" />
+<SUBCOMPONENT type="1203" id="14" >
+<father id="23" num="0" />
+<cdparam x="430" y="245" />
+<sizeparam width="26" height="26" minWidth="1" minHeight="1" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" />
+<hidden value="false" />
+<cdrectangleparam minX="-13" maxX="187" minY="-13" maxY="137" />
+<infoparam name="Primitive port" value="Event evt" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="13" />
+<Prop commName="evt" commType="1" origin="true" finite="false" blocking="false" maxSamples="8" widthSamples="4" isLossy="false" isPrex="false" isPostex="false" lossPercentage="0" maxNbOfLoss="0" dataFlowType="int16_t" associatedEvent="" checkConf="false" checkConfStatus="0" checkAuth="false" checkWeakAuthStatus="0" checkStrongAuthStatus="0" vc="0" />
+<Type type="1" typeOther="" />
+<Type type="0" typeOther="" />
+<Type type="0" typeOther="" />
+<Type type="0" typeOther="" />
+<Type type="0" typeOther="" />
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+<sizeparam width="92" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="1" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" />
+<hidden value="false" />
+<enabled value="true" />
+<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="2500" minY="10" maxY="1500" />
+<infoparam name="for ever loop" value="Loop for ever" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="24" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="25" />
+<COMPONENT type="1001" id="28" >
+<cdparam x="513" y="301" />
+<sizeparam width="20" height="20" minWidth="1" minHeight="1" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" />
+<hidden value="false" />
+<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="2500" minY="10" maxY="1500" />
+<infoparam name="stop state" value="null" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="27" />
+<COMPONENT type="1010" id="31" >
+<cdparam x="496" y="185" />
+<sizeparam width="49" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="1" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" />
+<hidden value="false" />
+<enabled value="true" />
+<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="2500" minY="10" maxY="1500" />
+<infoparam name="wait event" value="evt(x) " />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="29" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="30" />
+<Data eventName="evt" nbOfParams="5" />
+<Param index="0" value="x" />
+<COMPONENT type="1000" id="33" >
+<cdparam x="400" y="50" />
+<sizeparam width="15" height="15" minWidth="1" minHeight="1" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" />
+<hidden value="false" />
+<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="2500" minY="10" maxY="1500" />
+<infoparam name="start state" value="null" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="32" />
+<CONNECTOR type="115" id="34" >
+<cdparam x="500" y="181" />
+<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" />
+<infoparam name="connector" value="null" />
+<P1  x="520" y="210" id="30" />
+<P2  x="523" y="296" id="27" />
+<AutomaticDrawing  data="true" />
+<CONNECTOR type="115" id="35" >
+<cdparam x="407" y="65" />
+<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" />
+<infoparam name="connector" value="null" />
+<P1  x="407" y="65" id="32" />
+<P2  x="482" y="113" id="24" />
+<AutomaticDrawing  data="true" />
+<CONNECTOR type="115" id="36" >
+<cdparam x="497" y="132" />
+<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" />
+<infoparam name="connector" value="null" />
+<P1  x="528" y="132" id="25" />
+<P2  x="520" y="180" id="29" />
+<AutomaticDrawing  data="true" />
+<TMLActivityDiagramPanel name="C0" minX="10" maxX="2500" minY="10" maxY="1500" >
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eea3dd1bab42d4e5ca027cc1893a31c627f633ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/tmltranslator/simulator/fpgaTest.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d18a5bc39547d99ff786740cfc14c2a5bce91fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/tmltranslator/simulator/mono-RR-penalty.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/tmltranslator/simulator/mono-RR.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2d93550577cfbd31417bd0996bbb4edf668f2936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/tmltranslator/simulator/mono-RRPB-penalty.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2d93550577cfbd31417bd0996bbb4edf668f2936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/tmltranslator/simulator/mono-RRPB.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..827033d74cb25e236455d800c2a22c47a8906ede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/tmltranslator/simulator/multi-RR-penalty.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..827033d74cb25e236455d800c2a22c47a8906ede
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/tmltranslator/simulator/multi-RR.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..191a8e83310345354cb20e71528b8ff4dd5ceaaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/tmltranslator/simulator/multi-RRPB-penalty.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ttool/src/test/resources/tmltranslator/simulator/multi-RRPB.xml b/ttool/src/test/resources/tmltranslator/simulator/multi-RRPB.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..191a8e83310345354cb20e71528b8ff4dd5ceaaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/tmltranslator/simulator/multi-RRPB.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
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\ No newline at end of file