From 68616be0d8bdea803a480b389f3374b57a7a18e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sophie Coudert <>
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 13:12:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] adding one test

 .../test/java/cli/  |    2 +-
 .../cli/models/AvSysML_graphics1.sysml        | 1639 +++++++++++
 .../cli/models/avSysML_CoffeeMachine.sysml    | 2407 +++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 4047 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 ttool/src/test/resources/cli/models/AvSysML_graphics1.sysml
 create mode 100644 ttool/src/test/resources/cli/models/avSysML_CoffeeMachine.sysml

diff --git a/ttool/src/test/java/cli/ b/ttool/src/test/java/cli/
index 93a829083..220666fc1 100644
--- a/ttool/src/test/java/cli/
+++ b/ttool/src/test/java/cli/
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ public class CLIAvatar2SysMLV2Test extends AbstractTest implements InterpreterOu
             true,  // M
             false  // N
-    private final String[] toTestOrder = {"avSysML_timer", "avSysML_original", "AvSysML_graphics1"}; //
+    private final String[] toTestOrder = {"avSysML_timer", "avSysML_original", "AvSysML_graphics1", "avSysML_CoffeeMachine"}; //
     private StringBuilder outputResult;
diff --git a/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/models/AvSysML_graphics1.sysml b/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/models/AvSysML_graphics1.sysml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..125473579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/models/AvSysML_graphics1.sysml
@@ -0,0 +1,1639 @@
+package AvatarInstance {
+    private import AvatarGeneral::*;
+    private import AvatarBlockTypes::*;
+    private import AvatarCommunication::*;
+    private import AvatarTransitionServer::*;
+    // COMMUNICATIONS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+    // Relation '@NBF0:B0-B2'=============
+    part '@NBF0:B0-B2': '#NBfifo_Rel' = '#NBfifo_Rel'('@block1' = '@blk:B0', '@block2' = '@blk:B2', '@private'=true, '@max_size'=2) {
+        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                '@ident' = 0,
+                '@absciss' = 316,
+                '@ordinate' = 301,
+                '@height' = 0,
+                '@width' = 0
+            );
+            item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                    '@ident' = 2,
+                    '@absciss' = 184,
+                    '@ordinate' = 200,
+                    '@height' = 153,
+                    '@width' = 153
+                ),
+                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                    '@ident' = 4,
+                    '@absciss' = 513,
+                    '@ordinate' = 239,
+                    '@height' = 147,
+                    '@width' = 147
+                )
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    // Channel '@nbf:B0.in0<B2.out2'-------------
+    part '@nbf:B0.in0<B2.out2' : '#NBfifo' = '#NBfifo'('@relation' = '@NBF0:B0-B2');
+    binding : '#InSignalBinding' bind '@blk:B0'.'@sig:in0' = '@nbf:B0.in0<B2.out2';
+    binding : '#OutSignalBinding' bind '@blk:B2'.'@sig:out2' = '@nbf:B0.in0<B2.out2';
+    // Message of signal '@blk:B0'.'@sig:in0'............
+    part def '@MSG:B0.in0' :> '#InMessage' {
+        part '@channel' redefines '@channel' = '@nbf:B0.in0<B2.out2';
+        attribute 'a' : Integer;
+        attribute 't' : Boolean;
+    }
+    // Message of signal '@blk:B2'.'@sig:out2'............
+    part def '@MSG:B2.out2' :> '#OutMessage', '@MSG:B0.in0' {
+        attribute 'x' redefines 'a';
+        attribute 'b' redefines 't';
+    }
+    // Relation '@SYN0:B0-B1'=============
+    part '@SYN0:B0-B1': '#Sync_Rel' = '#Sync_Rel'('@block1' = '@blk:B0', '@block2' = '@blk:B1', '@private'=true) {
+        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                '@ident' = 1,
+                '@absciss' = 316,
+                '@ordinate' = 251,
+                '@height' = 0,
+                '@width' = 0
+            );
+            item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                    '@ident' = 2,
+                    '@absciss' = 184,
+                    '@ordinate' = 200,
+                    '@height' = 153,
+                    '@width' = 153
+                ),
+                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                    '@ident' = 3,
+                    '@absciss' = 388,
+                    '@ordinate' = 151,
+                    '@height' = 310,
+                    '@width' = 281
+                )
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    // Channel '@syn:B0.out0>B1.in1'-------------
+    part '@syn:B0.out0>B1.in1' : '#Sync' = '#Sync'('@relation' = '@SYN0:B0-B1');
+    binding : '#OutSignalBinding' bind '@blk:B0'.'@sig:out0' = '@syn:B0.out0>B1.in1';
+    binding : '#InSignalBinding' bind '@blk:B1'.'@sig:in1' = '@syn:B0.out0>B1.in1';
+    // Message of signal '@blk:B1'.'@sig:in1'............
+    part def '@MSG:B1.in1' :> '#InMessage' {
+        part '@channel' redefines '@channel' = '@syn:B0.out0>B1.in1';
+        attribute 'x' : Integer;
+        attribute 'b' : Boolean;
+    }
+    // Message of signal '@blk:B0'.'@sig:out0'............
+    part def '@MSG:B0.out0' :> '#OutMessage', '@MSG:B1.in1' {
+        attribute 'a' redefines 'x';
+        attribute 't' redefines 'b';
+    }
+    // BLOCKS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+    // Block '@blk:B0'=============
+    part '@blk:B0' : '#AvatarBlock' {
+        // Attributes ---------------------
+        attribute '$x' : Integer := 0;
+        attribute '$b' : Boolean := false;
+        // Methods ---------------------
+        action '$m0v': '#AvatarVoidMethod' {
+            attribute 'x' : Integer;
+            attribute 'b' : Boolean;
+        }
+        calc '$m0i': '#AvatarCalcMethod' {
+            attribute 'x' : Integer;
+            attribute 'b' : Boolean;
+            return : Integer;
+        }
+        // Signals ---------------------
+        part '@sig:in0' : '#Fifo';
+        part '@sig:out0' : '#Channel';
+        // state-machine -------------------
+        exhibit state '@statemachine' : '#AvatarStateMachine' {
+            state '@st:count.in0.0' : '#AvatarCountState' {
+                action '@state_action' redefines '@state_action' {
+                    first start;
+                    then assign '$x' := '@sig:in0'.'@amount'();
+                    then done;
+                }
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 8,
+                        '@absciss' = 292,
+                        '@ordinate' = 351,
+                        '@height' = 31,
+                        '@width' = 122
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:count.in0.0'
+                then '@st:stop' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 2,
+                            '@absciss' = 359,
+                            '@ordinate' = 453,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 8,
+                                '@absciss' = 292,
+                                '@ordinate' = 351,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 122
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 15,
+                                '@absciss' = 338,
+                                '@ordinate' = 423,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 31
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 8,
+                                '@absciss' = 292,
+                                '@ordinate' = 351,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 122
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 15,
+                                '@absciss' = 338,
+                                '@ordinate' = 423,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 31
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 1,
+                                '@ordinate' = 0
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 19,
+                                '@absciss' = 349,
+                                '@ordinate' = 506,
+                                '@height' = 25,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            exit action '@st:stop' :'#AvatarStopState';
+            state '@st:send.out0.0' : '#AvatarSendState' {
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 10,
+                        '@absciss' = 175,
+                        '@ordinate' = 352,
+                        '@height' = 31,
+                        '@width' = 96
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:send.out0.0'
+                then '@st:stop' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 1,
+                            '@absciss' = 168,
+                            '@ordinate' = 404,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 10,
+                                '@absciss' = 175,
+                                '@ordinate' = 352,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 96
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 9,
+                                '@absciss' = 208,
+                                '@ordinate' = 423,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 31
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 10,
+                                '@absciss' = 175,
+                                '@ordinate' = 352,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 96
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 9,
+                                '@absciss' = 208,
+                                '@ordinate' = 423,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 31
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 1,
+                                '@ordinate' = 0
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 18,
+                                '@absciss' = 168,
+                                '@ordinate' = 462,
+                                '@height' = 25,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            state '@st:receive.in0.0' : '#AvatarReceiveState' {
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 12,
+                        '@absciss' = 446,
+                        '@ordinate' = 351,
+                        '@height' = 31,
+                        '@width' = 93
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:receive.in0.0'
+                then '@st:stop' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 5,
+                            '@absciss' = 796,
+                            '@ordinate' = 606,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 12,
+                                '@absciss' = 446,
+                                '@ordinate' = 351,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 93
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 11,
+                                '@absciss' = 477,
+                                '@ordinate' = 426,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 31
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 12,
+                                '@absciss' = 446,
+                                '@ordinate' = 351,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 93
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 11,
+                                '@absciss' = 477,
+                                '@ordinate' = 426,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 31
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 1,
+                                '@ordinate' = 0
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 22,
+                                '@absciss' = 803,
+                                '@ordinate' = 625,
+                                '@height' = 25,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            state '@st:standard.st1' : '#AvatarStandardState' {
+                calc '@pool' redefines '@pool' = {(
+                    if '#else'(('$x' < 0)&('$x' > 4)) ?
+                        '#immediate_request'
+                    else '#NOKrequest'(1),
+                    if '$x' < 0 ?
+                        '#TrivialRequest'('@index' =  2)
+                    else '#NOKrequest'(2),
+                    if '$x' > 4 ?
+                        '#TrivialRequest'('@index' =  3)
+                    else '#NOKrequest'(3)
+                )};
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 13,
+                        '@absciss' = 275,
+                        '@ordinate' = 215,
+                        '@height' = 78,
+                        '@width' = 156
+                    );
+                    item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                        '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 13,
+                            '@absciss' = 275,
+                            '@ordinate' = 215,
+                            '@height' = 78,
+                            '@width' = 156
+                        )
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.st1' if '@index' == 1
+                do action : '#TransitionAction' {
+                    first start;
+                    then action = '$m0v'('$x', '$b');
+                    then done;
+                } then '@st:prereceive.in0.0' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 0,
+                            '@absciss' = 431,
+                            '@ordinate' = 331,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 13,
+                                '@absciss' = 275,
+                                '@ordinate' = 215,
+                                '@height' = 78,
+                                '@width' = 156
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 12,
+                                '@absciss' = 446,
+                                '@ordinate' = 351,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 93
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 13,
+                                '@absciss' = 275,
+                                '@ordinate' = 215,
+                                '@height' = 78,
+                                '@width' = 156
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 12,
+                                '@absciss' = 446,
+                                '@ordinate' = 351,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 93
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 7,
+                                '@ordinate' = 0
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 17,
+                                '@absciss' = 467,
+                                '@ordinate' = 271,
+                                '@height' = 48,
+                                '@width' = 82
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.st1' if '@index' == 2
+                then '@st:count.in0.0' {
+                    attribute '@distributionLaw' : String = "Exponential";
+                    attribute 'mean' : String = "12";
+                    attribute '@weight' : Real = 8.0;
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 3,
+                            '@absciss' = 371,
+                            '@ordinate' = 331,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 13,
+                                '@absciss' = 275,
+                                '@ordinate' = 215,
+                                '@height' = 78,
+                                '@width' = 156
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 8,
+                                '@absciss' = 292,
+                                '@ordinate' = 351,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 122
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 13,
+                                '@absciss' = 275,
+                                '@ordinate' = 215,
+                                '@height' = 78,
+                                '@width' = 156
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 8,
+                                '@absciss' = 292,
+                                '@ordinate' = 351,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 122
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 6,
+                                '@ordinate' = 0
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 20,
+                                '@absciss' = 356,
+                                '@ordinate' = 299,
+                                '@height' = 48,
+                                '@width' = 78
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.st1' if '@index' == 3
+                do action : '#TransitionAction' {
+                    first start;
+                    then assign '$x':= '$m0i'('$x', '$b');
+                    then done;
+                } then '@st:presend.out0.0' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 4,
+                            '@absciss' = 274,
+                            '@ordinate' = 331,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 13,
+                                '@absciss' = 275,
+                                '@ordinate' = 215,
+                                '@height' = 78,
+                                '@width' = 156
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 10,
+                                '@absciss' = 175,
+                                '@ordinate' = 352,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 96
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 13,
+                                '@absciss' = 275,
+                                '@ordinate' = 215,
+                                '@height' = 78,
+                                '@width' = 156
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 10,
+                                '@absciss' = 175,
+                                '@ordinate' = 352,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 96
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 37,
+                                '@ordinate' = 0
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 21,
+                                '@absciss' = 162,
+                                '@ordinate' = 281,
+                                '@height' = 48,
+                                '@width' = 107
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            state '@st:prereceive.in0.0' : '#AvatarPreReceiveState' {
+                calc '@request' redefines  '@request' = {
+                    '#ReceiveRequest'(
+                        '@channel' = '@sig:in0'
+                    )
+                };
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:prereceive.in0.0'
+                do action : '#ReceiveAction' {
+                    item '@msg' : '@MSG:B0.in0' = '@payload' as '@MSG:B0.in0';
+                    first start;
+                    then assign '$x' := '@msg'.'a';
+                    then assign '$b' := '@msg'.'t';
+                    then done;
+                } then '@st:receive.in0.0';
+            state '@st:presend.out0.0' : '#AvatarPreSendState' {
+                calc '@request' redefines  '@request' = {
+                    '#SendRequest'(
+                        '@channel' = '@sig:out0',
+                        '@payload' = '@MSG:B0.out0'(
+                            '$x',
+                            '$b' )
+                    )
+                };
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:presend.out0.0' then '@st:send.out0.0';
+            state '@st:random.0' : '#AvatarRandomState' {
+                action '@state_action' redefines '@state_action' {
+                    first start;
+                    then assign '$x' := '#bound_random'(0, 10);
+                    then done;
+                }
+                attribute '@distributionLaw' : String = "Log normal";
+                attribute 'standard deviation' : String = "10";
+                attribute 'mean' : String = "3";
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 14,
+                        '@absciss' = 250,
+                        '@ordinate' = 147,
+                        '@height' = 31,
+                        '@width' = 207
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:random.0'
+                then '@st:standard.st1' {
+                    attribute '@distributionLaw' : String = "Log normal";
+                    attribute 'standard deviation' : String = "10";
+                    attribute 'mean' : String = "2";
+                    attribute '@weight' : Real = 2.0;
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 6,
+                            '@absciss' = 352,
+                            '@ordinate' = 190,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 14,
+                                '@absciss' = 250,
+                                '@ordinate' = 147,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 207
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 13,
+                                '@absciss' = 275,
+                                '@ordinate' = 215,
+                                '@height' = 78,
+                                '@width' = 156
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 14,
+                                '@absciss' = 250,
+                                '@ordinate' = 147,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 207
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 13,
+                                '@absciss' = 275,
+                                '@ordinate' = 215,
+                                '@height' = 78,
+                                '@width' = 156
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 1,
+                                '@ordinate' = 1
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 23,
+                                '@absciss' = 363,
+                                '@ordinate' = 182,
+                                '@height' = 25,
+                                '@width' = 83
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            entry action '@st:start' :'#AvatarStartState' {
+                calc '@request' redefines '@request' = {
+                    '#TrivialRequest'('@delay' = '#bound_random'(1, 5))
+                };
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 16,
+                        '@absciss' = 342,
+                        '@ordinate' = 47,
+                        '@height' = 23,
+                        '@width' = 23
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:start'
+                do action : '#TransitionAction' {
+                    first start;
+                    then assign '$x':= 1;
+                    then assign '$b':= true;
+                    then done;
+                } then '@st:random.0' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 7,
+                            '@absciss' = 352,
+                            '@ordinate' = 70,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 16,
+                                '@absciss' = 342,
+                                '@ordinate' = 47,
+                                '@height' = 23,
+                                '@width' = 23
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 14,
+                                '@absciss' = 250,
+                                '@ordinate' = 147,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 207
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 16,
+                                '@absciss' = 342,
+                                '@ordinate' = 47,
+                                '@height' = 23,
+                                '@width' = 23
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 14,
+                                '@absciss' = 250,
+                                '@ordinate' = 147,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 207
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 0,
+                                '@ordinate' = 0
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 24,
+                                '@absciss' = 367,
+                                '@ordinate' = 61,
+                                '@height' = 71,
+                                '@width' = 98
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+        }
+        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                '@ident' = 2,
+                '@absciss' = 184,
+                '@ordinate' = 200,
+                '@height' = 153,
+                '@width' = 153
+            );
+            attribute 'color' : String = "-4072719";
+        }
+    }
+    // Block '@blk:B1'=============
+    part '@blk:B1' : '#AvatarBlock' {
+        // Attributes ---------------------
+        attribute '$x' : Integer default := 0;
+        attribute '$b' : Boolean default := false;
+        // Signals ---------------------
+        part '@sig:in1' : '#Channel';
+        // state-machine -------------------
+        exhibit state '@statemachine' : '#AvatarStateMachine' {
+            exit action '@st:stop' :'#AvatarStopState';
+            state '@st:receive.in1.0' : '#AvatarReceiveState' {
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 6,
+                        '@absciss' = 291,
+                        '@ordinate' = 409,
+                        '@height' = 31,
+                        '@width' = 93
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:receive.in1.0'
+                then '@st:stop' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 0,
+                            '@absciss' = 338,
+                            '@ordinate' = 472,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 6,
+                                '@absciss' = 291,
+                                '@ordinate' = 409,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 93
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 5,
+                                '@absciss' = 322,
+                                '@ordinate' = 488,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 31
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 6,
+                                '@absciss' = 291,
+                                '@ordinate' = 409,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 93
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 5,
+                                '@absciss' = 322,
+                                '@ordinate' = 488,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 31
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 1,
+                                '@ordinate' = 0
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 10,
+                                '@absciss' = 343,
+                                '@ordinate' = 493,
+                                '@height' = 25,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            state '@st:standard.st2' : '#AvatarStandardState' {
+                calc '@pool' redefines '@pool' = {(
+                    '#ReceiveRequest'(
+                        '@channel' = '@sig:in1'
+                    ),
+                    '#TrivialRequest'('@index' =  2, '@delay' = 5)
+                )};
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 7,
+                        '@absciss' = 257,
+                        '@ordinate' = 292,
+                        '@height' = 64,
+                        '@width' = 160
+                    );
+                    item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                        '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 7,
+                            '@absciss' = 257,
+                            '@ordinate' = 292,
+                            '@height' = 64,
+                            '@width' = 160
+                        )
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.st2' if '@index' == 1
+                do action : '#ReceiveAction' {
+                    item '@msg' : '@MSG:B1.in1' = '@payload' as '@MSG:B1.in1';
+                    first start;
+                    then assign '$x' := '@msg'.'x';
+                    then assign '$b' := '@msg'.'b';
+                    then done;
+                } then '@st:receive.in1.0' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 1,
+                            '@absciss' = 357,
+                            '@ordinate' = 362,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 7,
+                                '@absciss' = 257,
+                                '@ordinate' = 292,
+                                '@height' = 64,
+                                '@width' = 160
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 6,
+                                '@absciss' = 291,
+                                '@ordinate' = 409,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 93
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 7,
+                                '@absciss' = 257,
+                                '@ordinate' = 292,
+                                '@height' = 64,
+                                '@width' = 160
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 6,
+                                '@absciss' = 291,
+                                '@ordinate' = 409,
+                                '@height' = 31,
+                                '@width' = 93
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 6,
+                                '@ordinate' = 0
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 11,
+                                '@absciss' = 342,
+                                '@ordinate' = 363,
+                                '@height' = 25,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.st2' if '@index' == 2
+                then '@st:standard.st1' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 2,
+                            '@absciss' = 487,
+                            '@ordinate' = 468,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 7,
+                                '@absciss' = 257,
+                                '@ordinate' = 292,
+                                '@height' = 64,
+                                '@width' = 160
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 8,
+                                '@absciss' = 259,
+                                '@ordinate' = 157,
+                                '@height' = 78,
+                                '@width' = 156
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 7,
+                                '@absciss' = 257,
+                                '@ordinate' = 292,
+                                '@height' = 64,
+                                '@width' = 160
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 8,
+                                '@absciss' = 259,
+                                '@ordinate' = 157,
+                                '@height' = 78,
+                                '@width' = 156
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 26,
+                                '@ordinate' = 4
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 12,
+                                '@absciss' = 454,
+                                '@ordinate' = 331,
+                                '@height' = 12,
+                                '@width' = 12
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 13,
+                                '@absciss' = 454,
+                                '@ordinate' = 196,
+                                '@height' = 12,
+                                '@width' = 12
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 14,
+                                '@absciss' = 459,
+                                '@ordinate' = 246,
+                                '@height' = 25,
+                                '@width' = 78
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            state '@st:standard.st1' : '#AvatarStandardState' {
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 8,
+                        '@absciss' = 259,
+                        '@ordinate' = 157,
+                        '@height' = 78,
+                        '@width' = 156
+                    );
+                    item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                        '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 8,
+                            '@absciss' = 259,
+                            '@ordinate' = 157,
+                            '@height' = 78,
+                            '@width' = 156
+                        )
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.st1'
+                do action : '#TransitionAction' {
+                    first start;
+                    then assign '$b':= not '$b';
+                    then done;
+                } then '@st:standard.st2' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 3,
+                            '@absciss' = 395,
+                            '@ordinate' = 235,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 8,
+                                '@absciss' = 259,
+                                '@ordinate' = 157,
+                                '@height' = 78,
+                                '@width' = 156
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 7,
+                                '@absciss' = 257,
+                                '@ordinate' = 292,
+                                '@height' = 64,
+                                '@width' = 160
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 8,
+                                '@absciss' = 259,
+                                '@ordinate' = 157,
+                                '@height' = 78,
+                                '@width' = 156
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 7,
+                                '@absciss' = 257,
+                                '@ordinate' = 292,
+                                '@height' = 64,
+                                '@width' = 160
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 6,
+                                '@ordinate' = 33
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 15,
+                                '@absciss' = 345,
+                                '@ordinate' = 246,
+                                '@height' = 25,
+                                '@width' = 84
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            entry action '@st:start' :'#AvatarStartState' {
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 9,
+                        '@absciss' = 326,
+                        '@ordinate' = 99,
+                        '@height' = 23,
+                        '@width' = 23
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:start'
+                then '@st:standard.st1' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 4,
+                            '@absciss' = 338,
+                            '@ordinate' = 71,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 9,
+                                '@absciss' = 326,
+                                '@ordinate' = 99,
+                                '@height' = 23,
+                                '@width' = 23
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 8,
+                                '@absciss' = 259,
+                                '@ordinate' = 157,
+                                '@height' = 78,
+                                '@width' = 156
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 9,
+                                '@absciss' = 326,
+                                '@ordinate' = 99,
+                                '@height' = 23,
+                                '@width' = 23
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 8,
+                                '@absciss' = 259,
+                                '@ordinate' = 157,
+                                '@height' = 78,
+                                '@width' = 156
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 0,
+                                '@ordinate' = 1
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 16,
+                                '@absciss' = 346,
+                                '@ordinate' = 85,
+                                '@height' = 25,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+        }
+        // Sub-Blocks øøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøø
+        // Block '@blk:B2'=============
+        part '@blk:B2' : '#AvatarBlock' {
+            // Attributes ---------------------
+            attribute '$x' : Integer default := 0;
+            attribute '$b' : Boolean default := false;
+            // Signals ---------------------
+            part '@sig:out2' : '#Channel';
+            part '@sig:inJunk' : '#InJunkSignal' {
+                attribute 'x' : Integer;
+                attribute 'b' : Boolean;
+            }
+            part '@sig:outJunk' : '#OutJunkSignal' {
+                attribute 'b' : Boolean;
+            }
+            // state-machine -------------------
+            exhibit state '@statemachine' : '#AvatarStateMachine' {
+                state '@st:send.out2.0' : '#AvatarSendState' {
+                    calc '@request' redefines '@request' = {
+                        '#TrivialRequest'('@delay' = 5)
+                    };
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 5,
+                            '@absciss' = 505,
+                            '@ordinate' = 331,
+                            '@height' = 31,
+                            '@width' = 96
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:send.out2.0'
+                    then '@st:standard.st1' {
+                        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 2,
+                                '@absciss' = 703,
+                                '@ordinate' = 484,
+                                '@height' = 0,
+                                '@width' = 0
+                            );
+                            item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 5,
+                                    '@absciss' = 505,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 331,
+                                    '@height' = 31,
+                                    '@width' = 96
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 8,
+                                    '@absciss' = 475,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 173,
+                                    '@height' = 78,
+                                    '@width' = 156
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 5,
+                                    '@absciss' = 505,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 331,
+                                    '@height' = 31,
+                                    '@width' = 96
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 8,
+                                    '@absciss' = 475,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 173,
+                                    '@height' = 78,
+                                    '@width' = 156
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                    '@absciss' = 1,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 4
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 12,
+                                    '@absciss' = 553,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 385,
+                                    '@height' = 12,
+                                    '@width' = 12
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 13,
+                                    '@absciss' = 670,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 385,
+                                    '@height' = 12,
+                                    '@width' = 12
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 14,
+                                    '@absciss' = 670,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 212,
+                                    '@height' = 12,
+                                    '@width' = 12
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 15,
+                                    '@absciss' = 676,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 281,
+                                    '@height' = 25,
+                                    '@width' = 97
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+                exit action '@st:stop' :'#AvatarStopState';
+                state '@st:receive.in1.0' : '#AvatarReceiveState' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 7,
+                            '@absciss' = 384,
+                            '@ordinate' = 296,
+                            '@height' = 31,
+                            '@width' = 93
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:receive.in1.0'
+                    then '@st:stop' {
+                        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 0,
+                                '@absciss' = 340,
+                                '@ordinate' = 320,
+                                '@height' = 0,
+                                '@width' = 0
+                            );
+                            item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 7,
+                                    '@absciss' = 384,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 296,
+                                    '@height' = 31,
+                                    '@width' = 93
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 6,
+                                    '@absciss' = 415,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 396,
+                                    '@height' = 31,
+                                    '@width' = 31
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 7,
+                                    '@absciss' = 384,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 296,
+                                    '@height' = 31,
+                                    '@width' = 93
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 6,
+                                    '@absciss' = 415,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 396,
+                                    '@height' = 31,
+                                    '@width' = 31
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                    '@absciss' = 1,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 0
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 10,
+                                    '@absciss' = 345,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 340,
+                                    '@height' = 25,
+                                    '@width' = 50
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+                state '@st:standard.st1' : '#AvatarStandardState' {
+                    calc '@pool' redefines '@pool' = {(
+                        '#immediate_request',
+                        '#SendRequest'(
+                            '@index' =  2,
+                            '@channel' = '@sig:out2',
+                            '@delay' = '#bound_random'(1, 4),
+                            '@payload' = '@MSG:B2.out2'(
+                                '$x',
+                                '$b' )
+                        )
+                    )};
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 8,
+                            '@absciss' = 475,
+                            '@ordinate' = 173,
+                            '@height' = 78,
+                            '@width' = 156
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 8,
+                                '@absciss' = 475,
+                                '@ordinate' = 173,
+                                '@height' = 78,
+                                '@width' = 156
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.st1' if '@index' == 1
+                    do action : '#TransitionAction' {
+                        first start;
+                        then assign '$x':= '$x' + 1;
+                        then done;
+                    } then '@st:prereceive.in1.0' {
+                        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 1,
+                                '@absciss' = 573,
+                                '@ordinate' = 378,
+                                '@height' = 0,
+                                '@width' = 0
+                            );
+                            item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 8,
+                                    '@absciss' = 475,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 173,
+                                    '@height' = 78,
+                                    '@width' = 156
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 7,
+                                    '@absciss' = 384,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 296,
+                                    '@height' = 31,
+                                    '@width' = 93
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 8,
+                                    '@absciss' = 475,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 173,
+                                    '@height' = 78,
+                                    '@width' = 156
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 7,
+                                    '@absciss' = 384,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 296,
+                                    '@height' = 31,
+                                    '@width' = 93
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                    '@absciss' = 5,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 0
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 11,
+                                    '@absciss' = 395,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 235,
+                                    '@height' = 25,
+                                    '@width' = 78
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+                transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.st1' if '@index' == 2
+                    then '@st:send.out2.0' {
+                        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 3,
+                                '@absciss' = 610,
+                                '@ordinate' = 251,
+                                '@height' = 0,
+                                '@width' = 0
+                            );
+                            item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 8,
+                                    '@absciss' = 475,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 173,
+                                    '@height' = 78,
+                                    '@width' = 156
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 5,
+                                    '@absciss' = 505,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 331,
+                                    '@height' = 31,
+                                    '@width' = 96
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 8,
+                                    '@absciss' = 475,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 173,
+                                    '@height' = 78,
+                                    '@width' = 156
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 5,
+                                    '@absciss' = 505,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 331,
+                                    '@height' = 31,
+                                    '@width' = 96
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                    '@absciss' = 6,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 0
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 16,
+                                    '@absciss' = 559,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 256,
+                                    '@height' = 48,
+                                    '@width' = 108
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+                state '@st:prereceive.in1.0' : '#AvatarPreReceiveState' {
+                    calc '@request' redefines  '@request' = {
+                        '#ReceiveRequest'(
+                            '@channel' = '@sig:in1'
+                        )
+                    };
+                }
+                transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:prereceive.in1.0'
+                    do action : '#ReceiveAction' {
+                        item '@msg' : '@MSG:B1.in1' = '@payload' as '@MSG:B1.in1';
+                        first start;
+                        then assign '$x' := '@msg'.'x';
+                        then assign '$b' := '@msg'.'b';
+                        then done;
+                    } then '@st:receive.in1.0';
+                entry action '@st:start' :'#AvatarStartState' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 9,
+                            '@absciss' = 542,
+                            '@ordinate' = 92,
+                            '@height' = 23,
+                            '@width' = 23
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:start'
+                    then '@st:standard.st1' {
+                        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 4,
+                                '@absciss' = 554,
+                                '@ordinate' = 87,
+                                '@height' = 0,
+                                '@width' = 0
+                            );
+                            item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 9,
+                                    '@absciss' = 542,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 92,
+                                    '@height' = 23,
+                                    '@width' = 23
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 8,
+                                    '@absciss' = 475,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 173,
+                                    '@height' = 78,
+                                    '@width' = 156
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 9,
+                                    '@absciss' = 542,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 92,
+                                    '@height' = 23,
+                                    '@width' = 23
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 8,
+                                    '@absciss' = 475,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 173,
+                                    '@height' = 78,
+                                    '@width' = 156
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                    '@absciss' = 0,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 1
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 17,
+                                    '@absciss' = 562,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 101,
+                                    '@height' = 25,
+                                    '@width' = 50
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+            }
+            item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                    '@ident' = 4,
+                    '@absciss' = 513,
+                    '@ordinate' = 239,
+                    '@height' = 147,
+                    '@width' = 147
+                );
+                attribute 'color' : String = "-4072719";
+            }
+        }
+        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                '@ident' = 3,
+                '@absciss' = 388,
+                '@ordinate' = 151,
+                '@height' = 310,
+                '@width' = 281
+            );
+            attribute 'color' : String = "-4072719";
+        }
+    }
+    // Block Shortcut Links $$$$$$$$$$$$
+    part '@blk:B2' : '#AvatarBlock' :> '@blk:B1'.'@blk:B2' = '@blk:B1'.'@blk:B2';
diff --git a/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/models/avSysML_CoffeeMachine.sysml b/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/models/avSysML_CoffeeMachine.sysml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff5c440d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/models/avSysML_CoffeeMachine.sysml
@@ -0,0 +1,2407 @@
+package AvatarInstance {
+    private import AvatarGeneral::*;
+    private import AvatarBlockTypes::*;
+    private import AvatarCommunication::*;
+    private import AvatarTransitionServer::*;
+    // COMMUNICATIONS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+    // Relation '@SYN0:CoffeeButton-CoffeeMachine'=============
+    part '@SYN0:CoffeeButton-CoffeeMachine': '#Sync_Rel' = '#Sync_Rel'('@block1' = '@blk:CoffeeButton', '@block2' = '@blk:CoffeeMachine', '@private'=true) {
+        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                '@ident' = 0,
+                '@absciss' = 321,
+                '@ordinate' = 567,
+                '@height' = 0,
+                '@width' = 0
+            );
+            item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                    '@ident' = 5,
+                    '@absciss' = 464,
+                    '@ordinate' = 228,
+                    '@height' = 102,
+                    '@width' = 190
+                ),
+                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                    '@ident' = 4,
+                    '@absciss' = 445,
+                    '@ordinate' = 19,
+                    '@height' = 358,
+                    '@width' = 461
+                )
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    // Channel '@syn:CoffeeButton.push>CoffeeMachine.pushCoffeeButton'-------------
+    part '@syn:CoffeeButton.push>CoffeeMachine.pushCoffeeButton' : '#Sync' = '#Sync'('@relation' = '@SYN0:CoffeeButton-CoffeeMachine');
+    binding : '#OutSignalBinding' bind '@blk:CoffeeButton'.'@sig:push' = '@syn:CoffeeButton.push>CoffeeMachine.pushCoffeeButton';
+    binding : '#InSignalBinding' bind '@blk:CoffeeMachine'.'@sig:pushCoffeeButton' = '@syn:CoffeeButton.push>CoffeeMachine.pushCoffeeButton';
+    // Message of signal '@blk:CoffeeMachine'.'@sig:pushCoffeeButton'............
+    part def '@MSG:CoffeeMachine.pushCoffeeButton' :> '#InMessage' {
+        part '@channel' redefines '@channel' = '@syn:CoffeeButton.push>CoffeeMachine.pushCoffeeButton';
+    }
+    // Message of signal '@blk:CoffeeButton'.'@sig:push'............
+    part def '@MSG:CoffeeButton.push' :> '#OutMessage', '@MSG:CoffeeMachine.pushCoffeeButton' {
+    }
+    // Relation '@SYN1:Wallet-CoffeeMachine'=============
+    part '@SYN1:Wallet-CoffeeMachine': '#Sync_Rel' = '#Sync_Rel'('@block1' = '@blk:Wallet', '@block2' = '@blk:CoffeeMachine', '@private'=true) {
+        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                '@ident' = 1,
+                '@absciss' = 275,
+                '@ordinate' = 114,
+                '@height' = 0,
+                '@width' = 0
+            );
+            item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                    '@ident' = 3,
+                    '@absciss' = 106,
+                    '@ordinate' = 55,
+                    '@height' = 218,
+                    '@width' = 200
+                ),
+                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                    '@ident' = 4,
+                    '@absciss' = 445,
+                    '@ordinate' = 19,
+                    '@height' = 358,
+                    '@width' = 461
+                )
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    // Channel '@syn:Wallet.getCoin<CoffeeMachine.ejectCoin'-------------
+    part '@syn:Wallet.getCoin<CoffeeMachine.ejectCoin' : '#Sync' = '#Sync'('@relation' = '@SYN1:Wallet-CoffeeMachine');
+    binding : '#InSignalBinding' bind '@blk:Wallet'.'@sig:getCoin' = '@syn:Wallet.getCoin<CoffeeMachine.ejectCoin';
+    binding : '#OutSignalBinding' bind '@blk:CoffeeMachine'.'@sig:ejectCoin' = '@syn:Wallet.getCoin<CoffeeMachine.ejectCoin';
+    // Message of signal '@blk:Wallet'.'@sig:getCoin'............
+    part def '@MSG:Wallet.getCoin' :> '#InMessage' {
+        part '@channel' redefines '@channel' = '@syn:Wallet.getCoin<CoffeeMachine.ejectCoin';
+        attribute 'nbOfCoins' : Integer;
+    }
+    // Message of signal '@blk:CoffeeMachine'.'@sig:ejectCoin'............
+    part def '@MSG:CoffeeMachine.ejectCoin' :> '#OutMessage', '@MSG:Wallet.getCoin' {
+        attribute 'nbOfCoins' redefines 'nbOfCoins';
+    }
+    // Channel '@syn:Wallet.putCoin>CoffeeMachine.getCoin'-------------
+    part '@syn:Wallet.putCoin>CoffeeMachine.getCoin' : '#Sync' = '#Sync'('@relation' = '@SYN1:Wallet-CoffeeMachine');
+    binding : '#OutSignalBinding' bind '@blk:Wallet'.'@sig:putCoin' = '@syn:Wallet.putCoin>CoffeeMachine.getCoin';
+    binding : '#InSignalBinding' bind '@blk:CoffeeMachine'.'@sig:getCoin' = '@syn:Wallet.putCoin>CoffeeMachine.getCoin';
+    // Message of signal '@blk:CoffeeMachine'.'@sig:getCoin'............
+    part def '@MSG:CoffeeMachine.getCoin' :> '#InMessage' {
+        part '@channel' redefines '@channel' = '@syn:Wallet.putCoin>CoffeeMachine.getCoin';
+        attribute 'nbOfCoins' : Integer;
+    }
+    // Message of signal '@blk:Wallet'.'@sig:putCoin'............
+    part def '@MSG:Wallet.putCoin' :> '#OutMessage', '@MSG:CoffeeMachine.getCoin' {
+        attribute 'nbOfCoins' redefines 'nbOfCoins';
+    }
+    // Relation '@SYN2:TeaButton-CoffeeMachine'=============
+    part '@SYN2:TeaButton-CoffeeMachine': '#Sync_Rel' = '#Sync_Rel'('@block1' = '@blk:TeaButton', '@block2' = '@blk:CoffeeMachine', '@private'=true) {
+        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                '@ident' = 2,
+                '@absciss' = 623,
+                '@ordinate' = 565,
+                '@height' = 0,
+                '@width' = 0
+            );
+            item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                    '@ident' = 6,
+                    '@absciss' = 695,
+                    '@ordinate' = 224,
+                    '@height' = 102,
+                    '@width' = 189
+                ),
+                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                    '@ident' = 4,
+                    '@absciss' = 445,
+                    '@ordinate' = 19,
+                    '@height' = 358,
+                    '@width' = 461
+                )
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    // Channel '@syn:TeaButton.push>CoffeeMachine.pushTeaButton'-------------
+    part '@syn:TeaButton.push>CoffeeMachine.pushTeaButton' : '#Sync' = '#Sync'('@relation' = '@SYN2:TeaButton-CoffeeMachine');
+    binding : '#OutSignalBinding' bind '@blk:TeaButton'.'@sig:push' = '@syn:TeaButton.push>CoffeeMachine.pushTeaButton';
+    binding : '#InSignalBinding' bind '@blk:CoffeeMachine'.'@sig:pushTeaButton' = '@syn:TeaButton.push>CoffeeMachine.pushTeaButton';
+    // Message of signal '@blk:CoffeeMachine'.'@sig:pushTeaButton'............
+    part def '@MSG:CoffeeMachine.pushTeaButton' :> '#InMessage' {
+        part '@channel' redefines '@channel' = '@syn:TeaButton.push>CoffeeMachine.pushTeaButton';
+    }
+    // Message of signal '@blk:TeaButton'.'@sig:push'............
+    part def '@MSG:TeaButton.push' :> '#OutMessage', '@MSG:CoffeeMachine.pushTeaButton' {
+    }
+    // BLOCKS $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
+    // Block '@blk:Wallet'=============
+    part '@blk:Wallet' : '#AvatarBlock' {
+        // Attributes ---------------------
+        attribute '$nbOfCoins' : Integer := 2;
+        attribute '$x' : Integer := 1;
+        attribute '$minUserDelay' : Integer := 50;
+        attribute '$maxUserDelay' : Integer := 70;
+        // Methods ---------------------
+        action '$contentOfWallet': '#AvatarVoidMethod' {
+            attribute 'nbOfCoins' : Integer;
+        }
+        // Signals ---------------------
+        part '@sig:getCoin' : '#Channel';
+        part '@sig:putCoin' : '#Channel';
+        // state-machine -------------------
+        exhibit state '@statemachine' : '#AvatarStateMachine' {
+            state '@st:send.putCoin.0' : '#AvatarSendState' {
+                calc '@request' redefines '@request' = {
+                    '#TrivialRequest'('@delay' = '#bound_random'('$minUserDelay', '$maxUserDelay'))
+                };
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 5,
+                        '@absciss' = 217,
+                        '@ordinate' = 206,
+                        '@height' = 20,
+                        '@width' = 69
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:send.putCoin.0'
+                do action : '#TransitionAction' {
+                    first start;
+                    then assign '$nbOfCoins':= '$nbOfCoins' - '$x';
+                    then action = '$contentOfWallet'('$nbOfCoins');
+                    then done;
+                } then '@st:standard.main' {
+                    attribute '@weight' : Real = 0.99;
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 2,
+                            '@absciss' = 223,
+                            '@ordinate' = 260,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 5,
+                                '@absciss' = 217,
+                                '@ordinate' = 206,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 69
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 7,
+                                '@absciss' = 460,
+                                '@ordinate' = 275,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 5,
+                                '@absciss' = 217,
+                                '@ordinate' = 206,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 69
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 8,
+                                '@absciss' = 227,
+                                '@ordinate' = 300,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 1,
+                                '@ordinate' = 1
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 13,
+                                '@absciss' = 175,
+                                '@ordinate' = 246,
+                                '@height' = 60,
+                                '@width' = 225
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            state '@st:receive.getCoin.0' : '#AvatarReceiveState' {
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 6,
+                        '@absciss' = 447,
+                        '@ordinate' = 194,
+                        '@height' = 20,
+                        '@width' = 76
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:receive.getCoin.0'
+                do action : '#TransitionAction' {
+                    first start;
+                    then assign '$nbOfCoins':= '$nbOfCoins' + '$x';
+                    then action = '$contentOfWallet'('$nbOfCoins');
+                    then done;
+                } then '@st:standard.main' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 0,
+                            '@absciss' = 516,
+                            '@ordinate' = 264,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 6,
+                                '@absciss' = 447,
+                                '@ordinate' = 194,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 76
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 7,
+                                '@absciss' = 460,
+                                '@ordinate' = 275,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 6,
+                                '@absciss' = 447,
+                                '@ordinate' = 194,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 76
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 7,
+                                '@absciss' = 460,
+                                '@ordinate' = 275,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 1,
+                                '@ordinate' = 1
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 11,
+                                '@absciss' = 493,
+                                '@ordinate' = 251,
+                                '@height' = 30,
+                                '@width' = 173
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            state '@st:standard.main' : '#AvatarStandardState' {
+                calc '@pool' redefines '@pool' = {(
+                    '#ReceiveRequest'(
+                        '@channel' = '@sig:getCoin'
+                    ),
+                    if '$nbOfCoins' > 0 ?
+                        '#SendRequest'(
+                            '@index' =  2,
+                            '@channel' = '@sig:putCoin',
+                            '@payload' = '@MSG:Wallet.putCoin'(
+                                '$x' )
+                        )
+                    else '#NOKrequest'(2)
+                )};
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 7,
+                        '@absciss' = 460,
+                        '@ordinate' = 275,
+                        '@height' = 40,
+                        '@width' = 50
+                    );
+                    item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                        '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 7,
+                            '@absciss' = 460,
+                            '@ordinate' = 275,
+                            '@height' = 40,
+                            '@width' = 50
+                        ),
+                        '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 8,
+                            '@absciss' = 227,
+                            '@ordinate' = 300,
+                            '@height' = 40,
+                            '@width' = 50
+                        ),
+                        '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 9,
+                            '@absciss' = 345,
+                            '@ordinate' = 135,
+                            '@height' = 30,
+                            '@width' = 50
+                        )
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.main' if '@index' == 1
+                do action : '#ReceiveAction' {
+                    item '@msg' : '@MSG:Wallet.getCoin' = '@payload' as '@MSG:Wallet.getCoin';
+                    first start;
+                    then assign '$x' := '@msg'.'nbOfCoins';
+                    then done;
+                } then '@st:receive.getCoin.0' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 1,
+                            '@absciss' = 382,
+                            '@ordinate' = 165,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 7,
+                                '@absciss' = 460,
+                                '@ordinate' = 275,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 6,
+                                '@absciss' = 447,
+                                '@ordinate' = 194,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 76
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 9,
+                                '@absciss' = 345,
+                                '@ordinate' = 135,
+                                '@height' = 30,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 6,
+                                '@absciss' = 447,
+                                '@ordinate' = 194,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 76
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 15,
+                                '@ordinate' = 0
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 12,
+                                '@absciss' = 419,
+                                '@ordinate' = 170,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 20
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.main' if '@index' == 2
+                then '@st:send.putCoin.0' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 3,
+                            '@absciss' = 357,
+                            '@ordinate' = 165,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 7,
+                                '@absciss' = 460,
+                                '@ordinate' = 275,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 5,
+                                '@absciss' = 217,
+                                '@ordinate' = 206,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 69
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 9,
+                                '@absciss' = 345,
+                                '@ordinate' = 135,
+                                '@height' = 30,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 5,
+                                '@absciss' = 217,
+                                '@ordinate' = 206,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 69
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 14,
+                                '@ordinate' = 0
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 14,
+                                '@absciss' = 220,
+                                '@ordinate' = 174,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 99
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            entry action '@st:start' :'#AvatarStartState' {
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 10,
+                        '@absciss' = 363,
+                        '@ordinate' = 44,
+                        '@height' = 15,
+                        '@width' = 15
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:start'
+                do action : '#TransitionAction' {
+                    first start;
+                    then action = '$contentOfWallet'('$nbOfCoins');
+                    then done;
+                } then '@st:standard.main' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 4,
+                            '@absciss' = 369,
+                            '@ordinate' = 115,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 10,
+                                '@absciss' = 363,
+                                '@ordinate' = 44,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 15
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 7,
+                                '@absciss' = 460,
+                                '@ordinate' = 275,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 10,
+                                '@absciss' = 363,
+                                '@ordinate' = 44,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 15
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 9,
+                                '@absciss' = 345,
+                                '@ordinate' = 135,
+                                '@height' = 30,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 0,
+                                '@ordinate' = 1
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 15,
+                                '@absciss' = 376,
+                                '@ordinate' = 105,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 173
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+        }
+        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                '@ident' = 3,
+                '@absciss' = 106,
+                '@ordinate' = 55,
+                '@height' = 218,
+                '@width' = 200
+            );
+            attribute 'color' : String = "-4072719";
+        }
+    }
+    // Block '@blk:CoffeeMachine'=============
+    part '@blk:CoffeeMachine' : '#AvatarBlock' {
+        // Attributes ---------------------
+        attribute '$teaMinDelay' : Integer := 3;
+        attribute '$teaMaxDelay' : Integer := 8;
+        attribute '$coffeeMinDelay' : Integer := 5;
+        attribute '$coffeeMaxDelay' : Integer := 10;
+        attribute '$coinDelay' : Integer := 50;
+        attribute '$x' : Integer := 0;
+        attribute '$nbOfCoins' : Integer := 0;
+        // Methods ---------------------
+        action '$beverageReady': '#AvatarVoidMethod';
+        // Signals ---------------------
+        part '@sig:pushCoffeeButton' : '#Channel';
+        part '@sig:pushTeaButton' : '#Channel';
+        part '@sig:getCoin' : '#Channel';
+        part '@sig:ejectCoin' : '#Channel';
+        // state-machine -------------------
+        exhibit state '@statemachine' : '#AvatarStateMachine' {
+            state '@st:receive.getCoin.0' : '#AvatarReceiveState' {
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 17,
+                        '@absciss' = 268,
+                        '@ordinate' = 141,
+                        '@height' = 20,
+                        '@width' = 76
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:receive.getCoin.0'
+                do action : '#TransitionAction' {
+                    first start;
+                    then assign '$nbOfCoins':= '$nbOfCoins' + '$x';
+                    then done;
+                } then '@st:standard.WaitingForSecondCoin' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 13,
+                            '@absciss' = 309,
+                            '@ordinate' = 160,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 17,
+                                '@absciss' = 268,
+                                '@ordinate' = 141,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 76
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 21,
+                                '@absciss' = 231,
+                                '@ordinate' = 188,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 157
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 17,
+                                '@absciss' = 268,
+                                '@ordinate' = 141,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 76
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 21,
+                                '@absciss' = 231,
+                                '@ordinate' = 188,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 157
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 1,
+                                '@ordinate' = 1
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 39,
+                                '@absciss' = 328,
+                                '@ordinate' = 178,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 168
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            state '@st:send.ejectCoin.0' : '#AvatarSendState' {
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 18,
+                        '@absciss' = 634,
+                        '@ordinate' = 321,
+                        '@height' = 20,
+                        '@width' = 130
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:send.ejectCoin.0'
+                do action : '#TransitionAction' {
+                    first start;
+                    then assign '$nbOfCoins':= 0;
+                    then done;
+                } then '@st:standard.WaitingForFirstCoin' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 9,
+                            '@absciss' = 667,
+                            '@ordinate' = 346,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 18,
+                                '@absciss' = 634,
+                                '@ordinate' = 321,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 130
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 23,
+                                '@absciss' = 192,
+                                '@ordinate' = 62,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 220
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 18,
+                                '@absciss' = 634,
+                                '@ordinate' = 321,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 130
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 25,
+                                '@absciss' = 631,
+                                '@ordinate' = 381,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 137
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 1,
+                                '@ordinate' = 1
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 35,
+                                '@absciss' = 707,
+                                '@ordinate' = 368,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 89
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            state '@st:receive.getCoin.1' : '#AvatarReceiveState' {
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 19,
+                        '@absciss' = 239,
+                        '@ordinate' = 280,
+                        '@height' = 20,
+                        '@width' = 76
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:receive.getCoin.1'
+                then '@st:standard.Beverage' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 11,
+                            '@absciss' = 243,
+                            '@ordinate' = 319,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 19,
+                                '@absciss' = 239,
+                                '@ordinate' = 280,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 76
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 26,
+                                '@absciss' = 23,
+                                '@ordinate' = 372,
+                                '@height' = 354,
+                                '@width' = 577
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 19,
+                                '@absciss' = 239,
+                                '@ordinate' = 280,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 76
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 26,
+                                '@absciss' = 23,
+                                '@ordinate' = 372,
+                                '@height' = 354,
+                                '@width' = 577
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 1,
+                                '@ordinate' = 1
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 37,
+                                '@absciss' = 243,
+                                '@ordinate' = 359,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 10
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            state '@st:standard.ejectState' : '#AvatarStandardState' {
+                calc '@pool' redefines '@pool' = {
+                    '#SendRequest'(
+                        '@channel' = '@sig:ejectCoin',
+                        '@payload' = '@MSG:CoffeeMachine.ejectCoin'(
+                            '$nbOfCoins' )
+                    )
+                };
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 20,
+                        '@absciss' = 649,
+                        '@ordinate' = 239,
+                        '@height' = 50,
+                        '@width' = 100
+                    );
+                    item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                        '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 20,
+                            '@absciss' = 649,
+                            '@ordinate' = 239,
+                            '@height' = 50,
+                            '@width' = 100
+                        )
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.ejectState'
+                then '@st:send.ejectCoin.0' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 1,
+                            '@absciss' = 691,
+                            '@ordinate' = 288,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 20,
+                                '@absciss' = 649,
+                                '@ordinate' = 239,
+                                '@height' = 50,
+                                '@width' = 100
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 18,
+                                '@absciss' = 634,
+                                '@ordinate' = 321,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 130
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 20,
+                                '@absciss' = 649,
+                                '@ordinate' = 239,
+                                '@height' = 50,
+                                '@width' = 100
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 18,
+                                '@absciss' = 634,
+                                '@ordinate' = 321,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 130
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 6,
+                                '@ordinate' = 0
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 27,
+                                '@absciss' = 691,
+                                '@ordinate' = 328,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 10
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            state '@st:standard.WaitingForSecondCoin' : '#AvatarStandardState' {
+                calc '@pool' redefines '@pool' = {(
+                    '#TrivialRequest'('@delay' = '$coinDelay'),
+                    '#ReceiveRequest'(
+                        '@index' =  2,
+                        '@channel' = '@sig:getCoin'
+                    )
+                )};
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 21,
+                        '@absciss' = 231,
+                        '@ordinate' = 188,
+                        '@height' = 40,
+                        '@width' = 157
+                    );
+                    item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                        '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 21,
+                            '@absciss' = 231,
+                            '@ordinate' = 188,
+                            '@height' = 40,
+                            '@width' = 157
+                        )
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.WaitingForSecondCoin' if '@index' == 1
+                then '@st:standard.ejectState' {
+                    attribute '@weight' : Real = 0.1;
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 10,
+                            '@absciss' = 348,
+                            '@ordinate' = 228,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 21,
+                                '@absciss' = 231,
+                                '@ordinate' = 188,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 157
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 20,
+                                '@absciss' = 649,
+                                '@ordinate' = 239,
+                                '@height' = 50,
+                                '@width' = 100
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 21,
+                                '@absciss' = 231,
+                                '@ordinate' = 188,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 157
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 20,
+                                '@absciss' = 649,
+                                '@ordinate' = 239,
+                                '@height' = 50,
+                                '@width' = 100
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 4,
+                                '@ordinate' = 3
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 36,
+                                '@absciss' = 411,
+                                '@ordinate' = 206,
+                                '@height' = 30,
+                                '@width' = 100
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.WaitingForSecondCoin' if '@index' == 2
+                do action : '#ReceiveAction' {
+                    item '@msg' : '@MSG:CoffeeMachine.getCoin' = '@payload' as '@MSG:CoffeeMachine.getCoin';
+                    first start;
+                    then assign '$x' := '@msg'.'nbOfCoins';
+                    then done;
+                } then '@st:receive.getCoin.1' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 12,
+                            '@absciss' = 270,
+                            '@ordinate' = 224,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 21,
+                                '@absciss' = 231,
+                                '@ordinate' = 188,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 157
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 19,
+                                '@absciss' = 239,
+                                '@ordinate' = 280,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 76
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 21,
+                                '@absciss' = 231,
+                                '@ordinate' = 188,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 157
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 19,
+                                '@absciss' = 239,
+                                '@ordinate' = 280,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 76
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 14,
+                                '@ordinate' = 0
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 38,
+                                '@absciss' = 270,
+                                '@ordinate' = 264,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 10
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            entry action '@st:start' :'#AvatarStartState' {
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 22,
+                        '@absciss' = 296,
+                        '@ordinate' = 20,
+                        '@height' = 15,
+                        '@width' = 15
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:start'
+                then '@st:standard.WaitingForFirstCoin' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 15,
+                            '@absciss' = 303,
+                            '@ordinate' = 40,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 22,
+                                '@absciss' = 296,
+                                '@ordinate' = 20,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 15
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 23,
+                                '@absciss' = 192,
+                                '@ordinate' = 62,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 220
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 22,
+                                '@absciss' = 296,
+                                '@ordinate' = 20,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 15
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 23,
+                                '@absciss' = 192,
+                                '@ordinate' = 62,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 220
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 0,
+                                '@ordinate' = 1
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 41,
+                                '@absciss' = 303,
+                                '@ordinate' = 80,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 10
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            state '@st:standard.WaitingForFirstCoin' : '#AvatarStandardState' {
+                calc '@pool' redefines '@pool' = {
+                    '#ReceiveRequest'(
+                        '@channel' = '@sig:getCoin'
+                    )
+                };
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 23,
+                        '@absciss' = 192,
+                        '@ordinate' = 62,
+                        '@height' = 40,
+                        '@width' = 220
+                    );
+                    item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                        '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 23,
+                            '@absciss' = 192,
+                            '@ordinate' = 62,
+                            '@height' = 40,
+                            '@width' = 220
+                        ),
+                        '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 24,
+                            '@absciss' = 221,
+                            '@ordinate' = 748,
+                            '@height' = 40,
+                            '@width' = 137
+                        ),
+                        '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 25,
+                            '@absciss' = 631,
+                            '@ordinate' = 381,
+                            '@height' = 40,
+                            '@width' = 137
+                        )
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.WaitingForFirstCoin'
+                do action : '#ReceiveAction' {
+                    item '@msg' : '@MSG:CoffeeMachine.getCoin' = '@payload' as '@MSG:CoffeeMachine.getCoin';
+                    first start;
+                    then assign '$x' := '@msg'.'nbOfCoins';
+                    then done;
+                } then '@st:receive.getCoin.0' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 14,
+                            '@absciss' = 303,
+                            '@ordinate' = 103,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 23,
+                                '@absciss' = 192,
+                                '@ordinate' = 62,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 220
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 17,
+                                '@absciss' = 268,
+                                '@ordinate' = 141,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 76
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 23,
+                                '@absciss' = 192,
+                                '@ordinate' = 62,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 220
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 17,
+                                '@absciss' = 268,
+                                '@ordinate' = 141,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 76
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 6,
+                                '@ordinate' = 0
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 40,
+                                '@absciss' = 303,
+                                '@ordinate' = 143,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 10
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            state '@st:standard.Beverage' : '#AvatarStandardState' {
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 26,
+                        '@absciss' = 23,
+                        '@ordinate' = 372,
+                        '@height' = 354,
+                        '@width' = 577
+                    );
+                    item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                        '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 26,
+                            '@absciss' = 23,
+                            '@ordinate' = 372,
+                            '@height' = 354,
+                            '@width' = 577
+                        )
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.Beverage'
+                then '@st:standard.WaitingForSelection' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 8,
+                            '@absciss' = 280,
+                            '@ordinate' = 420,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 44,
+                                '@absciss' = 254,
+                                '@ordinate' = 401,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 15
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 43,
+                                '@absciss' = 194,
+                                '@ordinate' = 437,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 132
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 44,
+                                '@absciss' = 254,
+                                '@ordinate' = 401,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 15
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 43,
+                                '@absciss' = 194,
+                                '@ordinate' = 437,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 132
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 0,
+                                '@ordinate' = 1
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 34,
+                                '@absciss' = 280,
+                                '@ordinate' = 460,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 10
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            state '@st:receive.pushTeaButton.2' : '#AvatarReceiveState' {
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 42,
+                        '@absciss' = 242,
+                        '@ordinate' = 529,
+                        '@height' = 20,
+                        '@width' = 112
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:receive.pushTeaButton.2'
+                do action : '#TransitionAction' {
+                    first start;
+                    then assign '$nbOfCoins':= 0;
+                    then action = '$beverageReady'();
+                    then done;
+                } then '@st:standard.WaitingForFirstCoin' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 4,
+                            '@absciss' = 355,
+                            '@ordinate' = 545,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 42,
+                                '@absciss' = 242,
+                                '@ordinate' = 529,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 112
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 23,
+                                '@absciss' = 192,
+                                '@ordinate' = 62,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 220
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 42,
+                                '@absciss' = 242,
+                                '@ordinate' = 529,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 112
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 24,
+                                '@absciss' = 221,
+                                '@ordinate' = 748,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 137
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 1,
+                                '@ordinate' = 1
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 30,
+                                '@absciss' = 284,
+                                '@ordinate' = 594,
+                                '@height' = 45,
+                                '@width' = 252
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            state '@st:standard.WaitingForSelection' : '#AvatarStandardState' {
+                calc '@pool' redefines '@pool' = {(
+                    '#SendRequest'(
+                        '@channel' = '@sig:ejectCoin',
+                        '@delay' = '$coinDelay',
+                        '@payload' = '@MSG:CoffeeMachine.ejectCoin'(
+                            '$nbOfCoins' )
+                    ),
+                    '#ReceiveRequest'(
+                        '@index' =  2,
+                        '@channel' = '@sig:pushTeaButton'
+                    ),
+                    '#ReceiveRequest'(
+                        '@index' =  3,
+                        '@channel' = '@sig:pushCoffeeButton'
+                    )
+                )};
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 43,
+                        '@absciss' = 194,
+                        '@ordinate' = 437,
+                        '@height' = 40,
+                        '@width' = 132
+                    );
+                    item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                        '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 43,
+                            '@absciss' = 194,
+                            '@ordinate' = 437,
+                            '@height' = 40,
+                            '@width' = 132
+                        )
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.WaitingForSelection' if '@index' == 1
+                then '@st:send.ejectCoin.1' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 3,
+                            '@absciss' = 555,
+                            '@ordinate' = 559,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 43,
+                                '@absciss' = 194,
+                                '@ordinate' = 437,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 132
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 46,
+                                '@absciss' = 377,
+                                '@ordinate' = 502,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 130
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 43,
+                                '@absciss' = 194,
+                                '@ordinate' = 437,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 132
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 46,
+                                '@absciss' = 377,
+                                '@ordinate' = 502,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 130
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 4,
+                                '@ordinate' = 0
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 29,
+                                '@absciss' = 395,
+                                '@ordinate' = 448,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 100
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.WaitingForSelection' if '@index' == 2
+                then '@st:receive.pushTeaButton.2' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 5,
+                            '@absciss' = 295,
+                            '@ordinate' = 465,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 43,
+                                '@absciss' = 194,
+                                '@ordinate' = 437,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 132
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 42,
+                                '@absciss' = 242,
+                                '@ordinate' = 529,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 112
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 43,
+                                '@absciss' = 194,
+                                '@ordinate' = 437,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 132
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 42,
+                                '@absciss' = 242,
+                                '@ordinate' = 529,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 112
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 15,
+                                '@ordinate' = 0
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 31,
+                                '@absciss' = 295,
+                                '@ordinate' = 505,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 10
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.WaitingForSelection' if '@index' == 3
+                then '@st:receive.pushCoffeeButton.3' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 7,
+                            '@absciss' = 229,
+                            '@ordinate' = 465,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 43,
+                                '@absciss' = 194,
+                                '@ordinate' = 437,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 132
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 45,
+                                '@absciss' = 63,
+                                '@ordinate' = 529,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 127
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 43,
+                                '@absciss' = 194,
+                                '@ordinate' = 437,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 132
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 45,
+                                '@absciss' = 63,
+                                '@ordinate' = 529,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 127
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 14,
+                                '@ordinate' = 0
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 33,
+                                '@absciss' = 229,
+                                '@ordinate' = 505,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 10
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            state '@st:receive.pushCoffeeButton.3' : '#AvatarReceiveState' {
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 45,
+                        '@absciss' = 63,
+                        '@ordinate' = 529,
+                        '@height' = 20,
+                        '@width' = 127
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:receive.pushCoffeeButton.3'
+                do action : '#TransitionAction' {
+                    first start;
+                    then assign '$nbOfCoins':= 0;
+                    then action = '$beverageReady'();
+                    then done;
+                } then '@st:standard.WaitingForFirstCoin' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 6,
+                            '@absciss' = 148,
+                            '@ordinate' = 549,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 45,
+                                '@absciss' = 63,
+                                '@ordinate' = 529,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 127
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 23,
+                                '@absciss' = 192,
+                                '@ordinate' = 62,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 220
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 45,
+                                '@absciss' = 63,
+                                '@ordinate' = 529,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 127
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 24,
+                                '@absciss' = 221,
+                                '@ordinate' = 748,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 137
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 1,
+                                '@ordinate' = 8
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 32,
+                                '@absciss' = 32,
+                                '@ordinate' = 587,
+                                '@height' = 45,
+                                '@width' = 288
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+            state '@st:send.ejectCoin.1' : '#AvatarSendState' {
+                item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                    item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                        '@ident' = 46,
+                        '@absciss' = 377,
+                        '@ordinate' = 502,
+                        '@height' = 20,
+                        '@width' = 130
+                    );
+                }
+            }
+            transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:send.ejectCoin.1'
+                do action : '#TransitionAction' {
+                    first start;
+                    then assign '$nbOfCoins':= 0;
+                    then done;
+                } then '@st:standard.WaitingForFirstCoin' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 2,
+                            '@absciss' = 481,
+                            '@ordinate' = 501,
+                            '@height' = 0,
+                            '@width' = 0
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 46,
+                                '@absciss' = 377,
+                                '@ordinate' = 502,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 130
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 23,
+                                '@absciss' = 192,
+                                '@ordinate' = 62,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 220
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 46,
+                                '@absciss' = 377,
+                                '@ordinate' = 502,
+                                '@height' = 20,
+                                '@width' = 130
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 24,
+                                '@absciss' = 221,
+                                '@ordinate' = 748,
+                                '@height' = 40,
+                                '@width' = 137
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                '@absciss' = 1,
+                                '@ordinate' = 9
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 28,
+                                '@absciss' = 420,
+                                '@ordinate' = 552,
+                                '@height' = 15,
+                                '@width' = 89
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+        }
+        // Sub-Blocks øøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøø
+        // Block '@blk:CoffeeButton'=============
+        part '@blk:CoffeeButton' : '#AvatarBlock' {
+            // Attributes ---------------------
+            attribute '$mechanicalDelay' : Integer := 10;
+            // Signals ---------------------
+            part '@sig:push' : '#Channel';
+            // state-machine -------------------
+            exhibit state '@statemachine' : '#AvatarStateMachine' {
+                state '@st:standard.main' : '#AvatarStandardState' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 4,
+                            '@absciss' = 374,
+                            '@ordinate' = 352,
+                            '@height' = 30,
+                            '@width' = 50
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 4,
+                                '@absciss' = 374,
+                                '@ordinate' = 352,
+                                '@height' = 30,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 5,
+                                '@absciss' = 297,
+                                '@ordinate' = 88,
+                                '@height' = 30,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.main'
+                    then '@st:standard.state0' {
+                        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 2,
+                                '@absciss' = 377,
+                                '@ordinate' = 144,
+                                '@height' = 0,
+                                '@width' = 0
+                            );
+                            item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 4,
+                                    '@absciss' = 374,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 352,
+                                    '@height' = 30,
+                                    '@width' = 50
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 7,
+                                    '@absciss' = 264,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 174,
+                                    '@height' = 130,
+                                    '@width' = 184
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 5,
+                                    '@absciss' = 297,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 88,
+                                    '@height' = 30,
+                                    '@width' = 50
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 7,
+                                    '@absciss' = 264,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 174,
+                                    '@height' = 130,
+                                    '@width' = 184
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                    '@absciss' = 6,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 1
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 10,
+                                    '@absciss' = 377,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 184,
+                                    '@height' = 15,
+                                    '@width' = 10
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+                entry action '@st:start' :'#AvatarStartState' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 6,
+                            '@absciss' = 315,
+                            '@ordinate' = 49,
+                            '@height' = 15,
+                            '@width' = 15
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:start'
+                    then '@st:standard.main' {
+                        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 1,
+                                '@absciss' = 322,
+                                '@ordinate' = 69,
+                                '@height' = 0,
+                                '@width' = 0
+                            );
+                            item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 6,
+                                    '@absciss' = 315,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 49,
+                                    '@height' = 15,
+                                    '@width' = 15
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 4,
+                                    '@absciss' = 374,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 352,
+                                    '@height' = 30,
+                                    '@width' = 50
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 6,
+                                    '@absciss' = 315,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 49,
+                                    '@height' = 15,
+                                    '@width' = 15
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 5,
+                                    '@absciss' = 297,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 88,
+                                    '@height' = 30,
+                                    '@width' = 50
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                    '@absciss' = 0,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 1
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 9,
+                                    '@absciss' = 322,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 109,
+                                    '@height' = 15,
+                                    '@width' = 10
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+                state '@st:standard.state0' : '#AvatarStandardState' {
+                    calc '@pool' redefines '@pool' = {
+                        '#SendRequest'(
+                            '@channel' = '@sig:push',
+                            '@payload' = '@MSG:CoffeeButton.push'()
+                        )
+                    };
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 7,
+                            '@absciss' = 264,
+                            '@ordinate' = 174,
+                            '@height' = 130,
+                            '@width' = 184
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 7,
+                                '@absciss' = 264,
+                                '@ordinate' = 174,
+                                '@height' = 130,
+                                '@width' = 184
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.state0'
+                    then '@st:send.push.0' {
+                        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 0,
+                                '@absciss' = 177,
+                                '@ordinate' = 199,
+                                '@height' = 0,
+                                '@width' = 0
+                            );
+                            item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 13,
+                                    '@absciss' = 333,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 213,
+                                    '@height' = 15,
+                                    '@width' = 15
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 12,
+                                    '@absciss' = 330,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 257,
+                                    '@height' = 20,
+                                    '@width' = 46
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 13,
+                                    '@absciss' = 333,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 213,
+                                    '@height' = 15,
+                                    '@width' = 15
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 12,
+                                    '@absciss' = 330,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 257,
+                                    '@height' = 20,
+                                    '@width' = 46
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                    '@absciss' = 0,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 0
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 8,
+                                    '@absciss' = 177,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 239,
+                                    '@height' = 15,
+                                    '@width' = 10
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+                state '@st:send.push.0' : '#AvatarSendState' {
+                    calc '@request' redefines '@request' = {
+                        '#TrivialRequest'('@delay' = '$mechanicalDelay')
+                    };
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 12,
+                            '@absciss' = 330,
+                            '@ordinate' = 257,
+                            '@height' = 20,
+                            '@width' = 46
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:send.push.0'
+                    then '@st:standard.main' {
+                        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 3,
+                                '@absciss' = 377,
+                                '@ordinate' = 187,
+                                '@height' = 0,
+                                '@width' = 0
+                            );
+                            item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 12,
+                                    '@absciss' = 330,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 257,
+                                    '@height' = 20,
+                                    '@width' = 46
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 4,
+                                    '@absciss' = 374,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 352,
+                                    '@height' = 30,
+                                    '@width' = 50
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 12,
+                                    '@absciss' = 330,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 257,
+                                    '@height' = 20,
+                                    '@width' = 46
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 4,
+                                    '@absciss' = 374,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 352,
+                                    '@height' = 30,
+                                    '@width' = 50
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                    '@absciss' = 1,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 1
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 11,
+                                    '@absciss' = 417,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 335,
+                                    '@height' = 15,
+                                    '@width' = 145
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+            }
+            item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                    '@ident' = 5,
+                    '@absciss' = 464,
+                    '@ordinate' = 228,
+                    '@height' = 102,
+                    '@width' = 190
+                );
+                attribute 'color' : String = "-4072719";
+            }
+        }
+        // Block '@blk:TeaButton'=============
+        part '@blk:TeaButton' : '#AvatarBlock' {
+            // Attributes ---------------------
+            attribute '$mechanicalDelay' : Integer := 10;
+            // Signals ---------------------
+            part '@sig:push' : '#Channel';
+            // state-machine -------------------
+            exhibit state '@statemachine' : '#AvatarStateMachine' {
+                state '@st:send.push.0' : '#AvatarSendState' {
+                    calc '@request' redefines '@request' = {
+                        '#TrivialRequest'('@delay' = '$mechanicalDelay')
+                    };
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 3,
+                            '@absciss' = 340,
+                            '@ordinate' = 179,
+                            '@height' = 20,
+                            '@width' = 46
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:send.push.0'
+                    then '@st:standard.main' {
+                        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 0,
+                                '@absciss' = 363,
+                                '@ordinate' = 193,
+                                '@height' = 0,
+                                '@width' = 0
+                            );
+                            item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 3,
+                                    '@absciss' = 340,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 179,
+                                    '@height' = 20,
+                                    '@width' = 46
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 4,
+                                    '@absciss' = 337,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 257,
+                                    '@height' = 30,
+                                    '@width' = 50
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 3,
+                                    '@absciss' = 340,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 179,
+                                    '@height' = 20,
+                                    '@width' = 46
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 4,
+                                    '@absciss' = 337,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 257,
+                                    '@height' = 30,
+                                    '@width' = 50
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                    '@absciss' = 1,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 1
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 7,
+                                    '@absciss' = 380,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 228,
+                                    '@height' = 15,
+                                    '@width' = 145
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+                state '@st:standard.main' : '#AvatarStandardState' {
+                    calc '@pool' redefines '@pool' = {
+                        '#SendRequest'(
+                            '@channel' = '@sig:push',
+                            '@payload' = '@MSG:TeaButton.push'()
+                        )
+                    };
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 4,
+                            '@absciss' = 337,
+                            '@ordinate' = 257,
+                            '@height' = 30,
+                            '@width' = 50
+                        );
+                        item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 4,
+                                '@absciss' = 337,
+                                '@ordinate' = 257,
+                                '@height' = 30,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            ),
+                            '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 5,
+                                '@absciss' = 338,
+                                '@ordinate' = 120,
+                                '@height' = 30,
+                                '@width' = 50
+                            )
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:standard.main'
+                    then '@st:send.push.0' {
+                        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 1,
+                                '@absciss' = 363,
+                                '@ordinate' = 150,
+                                '@height' = 0,
+                                '@width' = 0
+                            );
+                            item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 4,
+                                    '@absciss' = 337,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 257,
+                                    '@height' = 30,
+                                    '@width' = 50
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 3,
+                                    '@absciss' = 340,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 179,
+                                    '@height' = 20,
+                                    '@width' = 46
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 5,
+                                    '@absciss' = 338,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 120,
+                                    '@height' = 30,
+                                    '@width' = 50
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 3,
+                                    '@absciss' = 340,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 179,
+                                    '@height' = 20,
+                                    '@width' = 46
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                    '@absciss' = 6,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 0
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 8,
+                                    '@absciss' = 363,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 190,
+                                    '@height' = 15,
+                                    '@width' = 10
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+                entry action '@st:start' :'#AvatarStartState' {
+                    item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                        item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                            '@ident' = 6,
+                            '@absciss' = 355,
+                            '@ordinate' = 81,
+                            '@height' = 15,
+                            '@width' = 15
+                        );
+                    }
+                }
+                transition : '#AvatarTransition' first '@st:start'
+                    then '@st:standard.main' {
+                        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                '@ident' = 2,
+                                '@absciss' = 362,
+                                '@ordinate' = 101,
+                                '@height' = 0,
+                                '@width' = 0
+                            );
+                            item '@otherRefs' : '#AvatarGraphicObject'[*] = (
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 6,
+                                    '@absciss' = 355,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 81,
+                                    '@height' = 15,
+                                    '@width' = 15
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 4,
+                                    '@absciss' = 337,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 257,
+                                    '@height' = 30,
+                                    '@width' = 50
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 6,
+                                    '@absciss' = 355,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 81,
+                                    '@height' = 15,
+                                    '@width' = 15
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 5,
+                                    '@absciss' = 338,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 120,
+                                    '@height' = 30,
+                                    '@width' = 50
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicPoint'(
+                                    '@absciss' = 0,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 1
+                                ),
+                                '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                                    '@ident' = 9,
+                                    '@absciss' = 362,
+                                    '@ordinate' = 141,
+                                    '@height' = 15,
+                                    '@width' = 10
+                                )
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+            }
+            item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+                item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                    '@ident' = 6,
+                    '@absciss' = 695,
+                    '@ordinate' = 224,
+                    '@height' = 102,
+                    '@width' = 189
+                );
+                attribute 'color' : String = "-4072719";
+            }
+        }
+        item '@graphics' : '#AvatarGraphicData' {
+            item '@refObject' : '#AvatarGraphicObject' = '#AvatarGraphicElement'(
+                '@ident' = 4,
+                '@absciss' = 445,
+                '@ordinate' = 19,
+                '@height' = 358,
+                '@width' = 461
+            );
+            attribute 'color' : String = "-4072719";
+        }
+    }
+    // Block Shortcut Links $$$$$$$$$$$$
+    part '@blk:CoffeeButton' : '#AvatarBlock' :> '@blk:CoffeeMachine'.'@blk:CoffeeButton' = '@blk:CoffeeMachine'.'@blk:CoffeeButton';
+    part '@blk:TeaButton' : '#AvatarBlock' :> '@blk:CoffeeMachine'.'@blk:TeaButton' = '@blk:CoffeeMachine'.'@blk:TeaButton';