diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Declaration.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Declaration.java
index a979b49ca4cdc8effc6080b5a26f4085cda00d97..1534b23b8e37e2170aa7efccf2bf379b5401fca5 100755
--- a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Declaration.java
+++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Declaration.java
@@ -63,7 +63,8 @@ public class Declaration {
 		//Is the platform clustered?
-		int nb_clusters=TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllCrossbar().size();	
+		int nb_clusters = TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllCrossbar().size();	
+		nb_clusters=2;
 		boolean trace_caba=true; 
diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Loader.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Loader.java
index de4198dfbabc94c423aebb26d6c74177d8638b92..e68e7547cdc56e87cd0d0cf1b792c073f3611c83 100755
--- a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Loader.java
+++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Loader.java
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ public class Loader {
 	public static String  getLoader() {
 	    int nb_clusters=TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllCrossbar().size();		
+	    nb_clusters=2;
 		loader = CR2 + "//-------------------------Call Loader---------------------------------" + CR2 ;
 		loader = loader + "std::cerr << \"caba-vgmn-mutekh_kernel_tutorial SoCLib simulator for MutekH\" << std::endl;"
 				+ CR2 ;
diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/MappingTable.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/MappingTable.java
index b6b919a8289dca852664436d6efd6a15c1689bd3..c7a2f1dae7dc85a96999a448f0d8c8d8e36a78c7 100755
--- a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/MappingTable.java
+++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/MappingTable.java
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ public class MappingTable {
     private static String mapping;
     public static String getMappingTable() {
- int l=0;
+    int l=0;
 	    int nb_clusters=TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllCrossbar().size();
+	    nb_clusters=2;
 	    if(nb_clusters == 0){
       mapping = CR2 + "//-----------------------mapping table------------------------" + CR2;
diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/NetList.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/NetList.java
index 9d9c050197acde3f092e784ad7eed75b362db3b0..3af9505d9bf3198aa7eac55deaf839cc484dbb3d 100755
--- a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/NetList.java
+++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/NetList.java
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ public class NetList {
     public static String getNetlist(String icn, boolean _tracing) {
 	int nb_clusters=TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllCrossbar().size();
+	nb_clusters=2;
 	boolean trace_caba=true; //tracing is enabled in cycle accurate mode
 	tracing = _tracing;
 		String netlist;
diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Signal.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Signal.java
index 392b30a995e1b2e865a5d40decf9576f13434095..5b1d640163e410357d40045a95a72c663c9c60b0 100755
--- a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Signal.java
+++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Signal.java
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ public class Signal {
 	public static String getSignal() {
 	    int nb_clusters=TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllCrossbar().size();	
+	    nb_clusters=2;
 		String signal = CR2 + "//-------------------------------signaux------------------------------------" + CR2;
 		signal = signal + "caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_m[cpus.size() + 1];"+ CR;
diff --git a/src/tmltranslator/HwLink.java b/src/tmltranslator/HwLink.java
index ae95def86adfa356fb0ec48cdb4bece96058d16a..7414693281ed243adb2c7f1e9d932175e9b4d11c 100755
--- a/src/tmltranslator/HwLink.java
+++ b/src/tmltranslator/HwLink.java
@@ -50,9 +50,11 @@ import java.util.*;
 public class HwLink implements Comparable<HwLink> {
     public HwBus bus;
-	public HwNode hwnode;
-	protected String name;
-	protected int priority;
+    public HwVGMN vgmn;//DG 10.08.
+    public HwCrossbar crossbar;//DG 10.08.
+    public HwNode hwnode;
+    protected String name;
+    protected int priority;
     public HwLink(String _name) {
 		name = _name;
diff --git a/src/ui/AvatarDeploymentPanelTranslator.java b/src/ui/AvatarDeploymentPanelTranslator.java
index 1b01f44635fbcc301e87d2b2ca98c492eed94a4f..87272fa1d2583ecfaf779c1c755910d2425e04fe 100755
--- a/src/ui/AvatarDeploymentPanelTranslator.java
+++ b/src/ui/AvatarDeploymentPanelTranslator.java
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public class AvatarDeploymentPanelTranslator{
                 int nbOfAttachedTargets = bus.getNbOfAttachedTargets();
                 int fifoDepth = bus.getFifoDepth();
                 int minLatency = bus.getMinLatency();
-System.out.println("$$$$$$$ vgsb read in");
+System.out.println("vgsb read in");
                 AvatarBus avbus = new AvatarBus(busName,nbOfAttachedInitiators,nbOfAttachedTargets,fifoDepth,minLatency);
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ System.out.println("$$$$$$$ vgsb read in");
                 int nbOfAttachedTargets = vgmn.getNbOfAttachedTargets();
                 int fifoDepth = vgmn.getFifoDepth();
                 int minLatency = vgmn.getMinLatency();
-System.out.println("$$$$$$$ vgmn read in");
+System.out.println("vgmn read in");
                 AvatarVgmn avvgmn = new AvatarVgmn(vgmnName,nbOfAttachedInitiators,nbOfAttachedTargets,fifoDepth,minLatency);
@@ -149,7 +149,8 @@ System.out.println("$$$$$$$ vgmn read in");
                 int cluster_address = crossbar.getClusterAddress();
                 AvatarCrossbar avcrossbar = new AvatarCrossbar(crossbarName,nbOfAttachedInitiators,nbOfAttachedTargets,cluster_index,cluster_address);
-		nb_clusters++;System.out.println("$$$$$$$nb crossbars read in"+nb_clusters);
+		nb_clusters++;
+		System.out.println("nb crossbars read in"+nb_clusters);
             else if(dp instanceof ADDICUNode){
diff --git a/src/ui/GTMLModeling.java b/src/ui/GTMLModeling.java
index da4d0c80965f3792faa2c72609c16b9dd6a967da..f6118021cb81efb7d7f3257c6efec53ab386d402 100755
--- a/src/ui/GTMLModeling.java
+++ b/src/ui/GTMLModeling.java
@@ -2281,12 +2281,16 @@ public class GTMLModeling  {
         TMLArchiCPUNode node;
         TMLArchiHWANode hwanode;
         TMLArchiBUSNode busnode;
+	TMLArchiVGMNNode vgmnnode;
+	TMLArchiCrossbarNode crossbarnode;
         TMLArchiBridgeNode bridgenode;
         TMLArchiMemoryNode memorynode;
         TMLArchiDMANode dmanode;
         HwCPU cpu;
-        HwA hwa;
-        HwBus bus;
+        HwA hwa;	
+	HwBus bus;
+        HwVGMN vgmn;
+	HwCrossbar crossbar;
         HwBridge bridge;
         HwMemory memory;
         HwDMA dma;
@@ -2370,6 +2374,52 @@ public class GTMLModeling  {
+if (tgc instanceof TMLArchiVGMNNode) {
+                vgmnnode = (TMLArchiVGMNNode)tgc;
+                if (nameInUse(names, vgmnnode.getName())) {
+                    // Node with the same name
+                    CheckingError ce = new CheckingError(CheckingError.STRUCTURE_ERROR, "Two nodes have the same name: " + vgmnnode.getName());
+                    ce.setTDiagramPanel(tmlap.tmlap);
+                    ce.setTGComponent(vgmnnode);
+                    checkingErrors.add(ce);
+                } else {
+                    names.add(vgmnnode.getName());
+                    vgmn = new HwVGMN(vgmnnode.getName());
+                    vgmn.byteDataSize = vgmnnode.getByteDataSize();
+		    /*   vgmn.pipelineSize = vgmnnode.getPipelineSize();
+                    vgmn.arbitration = vgmnnode.getArbitrationPolicy();
+                    vgmn.clockRatio = vgmnnode.getClockRatio();
+                    vgmn.sliceTime = vgmnnode.getSliceTime();
+		    vgmn.privacy = vgmnnode.getPrivacy();*/
+                    listE.addCor(vgmn, vgmnnode);
+                    archi.addHwNode(vgmn);
+                    TraceManager.addDev("VGMN node added:" + vgmn.getName());
+                }
+            }
+if (tgc instanceof TMLArchiCrossbarNode) {
+                crossbarnode = (TMLArchiCrossbarNode)tgc;
+                if (nameInUse(names, crossbarnode.getName())) {
+                    // Node with the same name
+                    CheckingError ce = new CheckingError(CheckingError.STRUCTURE_ERROR, "Two nodes have the same name: " + crossbarnode.getName());
+                    ce.setTDiagramPanel(tmlap.tmlap);
+                    ce.setTGComponent(crossbarnode);
+                    checkingErrors.add(ce);
+                } else {
+                    names.add(crossbarnode.getName());
+                    crossbar = new HwCrossbar(crossbarnode.getName());
+                    crossbar.byteDataSize = crossbarnode.getByteDataSize();
+                    /*crossbar.pipelineSize = crossbarnode.getPipelineSize();
+                    crossbar.arbitration = crossbarnode.getArbitrationPolicy();
+                    crossbar.clockRatio = crossbarnode.getClockRatio();
+                    crossbar.sliceTime = crossbarnode.getSliceTime();
+		    crossbar.privacy = crossbarnode.getPrivacy();*/
+                    listE.addCor(crossbar, crossbarnode);
+                    archi.addHwNode(crossbar);
+                    TraceManager.addDev("Crossbar node added:" + crossbar.getName());
+                }
+            }
             if (tgc instanceof TMLArchiBridgeNode) {
                 bridgenode = (TMLArchiBridgeNode)tgc;
                 if (nameInUse(names, bridgenode.getName())) {
@@ -2453,7 +2503,8 @@ public class GTMLModeling  {
                     //TraceManager.addDev("Not null");
                     if (components.contains(tgc1) && components.contains(tgc2)) {
                         //TraceManager.addDev("Getting closer");
-                        if (tgc2 instanceof TMLArchiBUSNode) {
+			  if (tgc2 instanceof TMLArchiBUSNode) {
                             originNode = listE.getHwNode(tgc1);
                             bus  = (HwBus)(listE.getHwNode(tgc2));
                             if ((originNode != null) && (bus != null)) {
@@ -2465,7 +2516,38 @@ public class GTMLModeling  {
                                 //TraceManager.addDev("Link added");
+			    }
+			// DG added VGMN and crossbar
+                        if (tgc2 instanceof TMLArchiVGMNNode) {
+                            originNode = listE.getHwNode(tgc1);
+                            vgmn  = (HwVGMN)(listE.getHwNode(tgc2));
+                            if ((originNode != null) && (vgmn != null)) {
+                                hwlink = new HwLink("link_" +originNode.getName() + "_to_" + vgmn.getName());
+                                hwlink.setPriority(connector.getPriority());
+                                hwlink.vgmn = vgmn;
+                                hwlink.hwnode = originNode;
+                                listE.addCor(hwlink, connector);
+                                archi.addHwLink(hwlink);
+                                //TraceManager.addDev("Link added");
+                            }
+                        if (tgc2 instanceof TMLArchiCrossbarNode) {
+                            originNode = listE.getHwNode(tgc1);
+                            crossbar  = (HwCrossbar)(listE.getHwNode(tgc2));
+                            if ((originNode != null) && (crossbar != null)) {
+                                hwlink = new HwLink("link_" +originNode.getName() + "_to_" + crossbar.getName());
+                                hwlink.setPriority(connector.getPriority());
+                                hwlink.crossbar = crossbar;
+                                hwlink.hwnode = originNode;
+                                listE.addCor(hwlink, connector);
+                                archi.addHwLink(hwlink);
+                                //TraceManager.addDev("Link added");
+                            }
+                        }
@@ -3151,9 +3233,9 @@ public class GTMLModeling  {
-            // Other nodes (memory, bridge, bus)
+            // Other nodes (memory, bridge, bus, VGMN, crossbar)
-            if ((tgc instanceof TMLArchiBUSNode) || (tgc instanceof TMLArchiBridgeNode) || (tgc instanceof TMLArchiMemoryNode)|| (tgc instanceof TMLArchiDMANode)) {
+            if ((tgc instanceof TMLArchiBUSNode) ||(tgc instanceof TMLArchiVGMNNode) || (tgc instanceof TMLArchiCrossbarNode) ||(tgc instanceof TMLArchiBridgeNode) || (tgc instanceof TMLArchiMemoryNode)|| (tgc instanceof TMLArchiDMANode)) {
                 node = archi.getHwNodeByName(tgc.getName());
                 if ((node != null) && (node instanceof HwCommunicationNode)) {
                     artifactscomm = ((TMLArchiCommunicationNode)(tgc)).getChannelArtifactList();
diff --git a/src/ui/MainGUI.java b/src/ui/MainGUI.java
index b392a89d67709d5d514e093b04ec3c3d51ca357f..b6cf8d23df4da3639791af552f59778ea2003542 100755
--- a/src/ui/MainGUI.java
+++ b/src/ui/MainGUI.java
@@ -8447,6 +8447,9 @@ public  class MainGUI implements ActionListener, WindowListener, KeyListener, Pe
         else if (command.equals(actions[TGUIAction.ADD_VGMNNODE].getActionCommand())) {
             actionOnButton(TGComponentManager.COMPONENT, TGComponentManager.ADD_VGMNNODE);
+	else if (command.equals(actions[TGUIAction.ADD_CROSSBARNODE].getActionCommand())) {
+            actionOnButton(TGComponentManager.COMPONENT, TGComponentManager.ADD_CROSSBARNODE);
+        }
         else if (command.equals(actions[TGUIAction.ADD_BRIDGENODE].getActionCommand())) {
             actionOnButton(TGComponentManager.COMPONENT, TGComponentManager.ADD_BRIDGENODE);
         }  else if (command.equals(actions[TGUIAction.ADD_TTYNODE].getActionCommand())) {
diff --git a/src/ui/TGComponentManager.java b/src/ui/TGComponentManager.java
index 43e802a3138ad691ff082fae8ee0dc983547e4e4..13c9a5654022a63663e30869ceba56ee73f4c89b 100755
--- a/src/ui/TGComponentManager.java
+++ b/src/ui/TGComponentManager.java
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ package ui;
 //import java.awt.*;
 import java.util.*;
+import myutil.*;
 import ui.ad.*;
 import ui.cd.*;
@@ -251,6 +252,8 @@ public class TGComponentManager {
     public static final int TMLARCHI_EVENT_ARTIFACT = 1109;
     public static final int TMLARCHI_PORT_ARTIFACT = 1110;
     public static final int TMLARCHI_KEY = 1111;
+    public static final int TMLARCHI_VGMNNODE = 1112;
+    public static final int TMLARCHI_CROSSBARNODE = 1113;
     public static final int TMLCTD_CCOMPONENT = 1200;
     public static final int TMLCTD_CPORT = 1201;
@@ -402,26 +405,11 @@ public class TGComponentManager {
     public static final int APD_PROPERTY_CONNECTOR = 5312;
     public static final int APD_COMPOSITION_CONNECTOR = 5313;
-    // Avatar Deployment Diagrams at 5350
-    /*    public static final int ADD_CONNECTOR = 5350;
-          public static final int ADD_CPUNODE = 5351;
-          public static final int ADD_ARTIFACT = 5352;
-          public static final int ADD_BUSNODE = 5353;
-          public static final int ADD_TTYNODE = 5354;
-          public static final int ADD_RAMNODE = 5355;
-          public static final int ADD_ROMNODE = 5356;
-          public static final int ADD_BRIDGENODE = 5357;
-          public static final int ADD_DMANODE = 5358;
-          public static final int ADD_ICUNODE = 5359;
-          public static final int ADD_COPROMWMRNODE = 5360;
-          public static final int ADD_TIMERNODE = 5361;
-          public static final int ADD_CHANNELARTIFACT = 5362;*/
     // Avatar Deployment Diagrams at 5350
     public static final int ADD_CONNECTOR = 5350;
     public static final int ADD_CPUNODE = 5351;
     public static final int ADD_ARTIFACT = 5352;
-    public static final int ADD_BUSNODE = 5363;
+    public static final int ADD_BUSNODE = 5353;
     public static final int ADD_TTYNODE = 5354;
     public static final int ADD_RAMNODE = 5355;
     public static final int ADD_ROMNODE = 5356;
@@ -431,7 +419,7 @@ public class TGComponentManager {
     public static final int ADD_COPROMWMRNODE = 5360;
     public static final int ADD_TIMERNODE = 5361;
     public static final int ADD_CHANNELARTIFACT = 5362;
-    public static final int ADD_VGMNNODE = 5353;
+    public static final int ADD_VGMNNODE = 5363;
     public static final int ADD_CROSSBARNODE = 5364;
     // AVATAR CD -> starts at 5400
@@ -650,11 +638,17 @@ public class TGComponentManager {
         case ADD_BUSNODE:
             tgc = new ADDBusNode(x, y, tdp.getMinX(), tdp.getMaxX(), tdp.getMinY(), tdp.getMaxY(), false, null, tdp);
-        case ADD_VGMNNODE:
-            tgc = new ADDBusNode(x, y, tdp.getMinX(), tdp.getMaxX(), tdp.getMinY(), tdp.getMaxY(), false, null, tdp);
+        case ADD_VGMNNODE: 
+	    {
+		TraceManager.addDev("****vgmn");
+		tgc = new ADDVgmnNode(x, y, tdp.getMinX(), tdp.getMaxX(), tdp.getMinY(), tdp.getMaxY(), false, null, tdp);
+	    }
         case ADD_CROSSBARNODE:
-            tgc = new ADDBusNode(x, y, tdp.getMinX(), tdp.getMaxX(), tdp.getMinY(), tdp.getMaxY(), false, null, tdp);
+	    {
+		TraceManager.addDev("****crossbar");
+		tgc = new ADDCrossbarNode(x, y, tdp.getMinX(), tdp.getMaxX(), tdp.getMinY(), tdp.getMaxY(), false, null, tdp);
+	    }
         case ADD_TTYNODE:
             tgc = new ADDTTYNode(x, y, tdp.getMinX(), tdp.getMaxX(), tdp.getMinY(), tdp.getMaxY(), false, null, tdp);
@@ -1094,6 +1088,12 @@ public class TGComponentManager {
         case TMLARCHI_BUSNODE:
             tgc = new TMLArchiBUSNode(x, y, tdp.getMinX(), tdp.getMaxX(), tdp.getMinY(), tdp.getMaxY(), false, null, tdp);
+            tgc = new TMLArchiVGMNNode(x, y, tdp.getMinX(), tdp.getMaxX(), tdp.getMinY(), tdp.getMaxY(), false, null, tdp);
+            break;
+            tgc = new TMLArchiCrossbarNode(x, y, tdp.getMinX(), tdp.getMaxX(), tdp.getMinY(), tdp.getMaxY(), false, null, tdp);
+            break;
         case TMLARCHI_CPNODE:
             tgc = new TMLArchiCPNode(x, y, tdp.getMinX(), tdp.getMaxX(), tdp.getMinY(), tdp.getMaxY(), false, null, tdp);
@@ -1327,6 +1327,10 @@ public class TGComponentManager {
             return ADD_CHANNELARTIFACT;
         } else if (tgc instanceof ADDBusNode) {
             return ADD_BUSNODE;
+	} else if (tgc instanceof ADDVgmnNode) {
+            return ADD_VGMNNODE;
+	} else if (tgc instanceof ADDCrossbarNode) {
+            return ADD_CROSSBARNODE;
         } else if (tgc instanceof ADDTTYNode) {
             return ADD_TTYNODE;
         } else if (tgc instanceof ADDRAMNode) {
@@ -1763,8 +1767,12 @@ public class TGComponentManager {
             return CONNECTOR_NODE_TMLARCHI;
         } else if (tgc instanceof TMLArchiCPUNode) {
             return TMLARCHI_CPUNODE;
-        } else if (tgc instanceof TMLArchiBUSNode) {
+	} else if (tgc instanceof TMLArchiBUSNode) {
             return TMLARCHI_BUSNODE;
+	} else if (tgc instanceof TMLArchiVGMNNode) {
+            return TMLARCHI_VGMNNODE;
+	} else if (tgc instanceof TMLArchiCrossbarNode) {
+            return TMLARCHI_CROSSBARNODE;
         } else if (tgc instanceof TMLArchiCPNode) {
             return TMLARCHI_CPNODE;
         } else if (tgc instanceof TMLArchiBridgeNode) {
diff --git a/src/ui/TGUIAction.java b/src/ui/TGUIAction.java
index 2376860e7b9852ee656e6e1e81fba73662953d9b..b2af1100603e91952412014319a35deb073e42e2 100755
--- a/src/ui/TGUIAction.java
+++ b/src/ui/TGUIAction.java
@@ -395,8 +395,7 @@ public class TGUIAction extends AbstractAction {
     public static final int ADD_VGMNNODE = 401;
     public static final int ADD_CROSSBARNODE = 421;
-  // julien -------------------------------------------------------------
+  // -------------------------------------------------------------    
     public static final int DEPLOY_AVATAR_DIAGRAM = 418;
     public static final int EXTRAC_DEPLOY_PARAM_TO_FILE = 419;
   // --------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -795,9 +794,11 @@ public class TGUIAction extends AbstractAction {
         actions[ADD_EDIT] = new TAction("edit-add-diagram", "Edit AVATAR deployment diagram", IconManager.imgic100, IconManager.imgic101, "Edit AVATAR deployment diagram", "Make it possible to edit the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0);
         actions[ADD_LINK] = new TAction("add-add-link", "Add a link", IconManager.imgic202, IconManager.imgic202, "Link", "Add a link between two nodes of the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0);
         actions[ADD_CPUNODE] = new TAction("add-add-cpunode", "Add a CPU", IconManager.imgic1100, IconManager.imgic1100, "CPU", "Add a cpu node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0);
         actions[ADD_BUSNODE] = new TAction("add-add-busnode", "Add a Bus", IconManager.imgic1102, IconManager.imgic1102, "Bus", "Add a bus node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0);
 	actions[ADD_VGMNNODE] = new TAction("add-add-vgmnnode", "Add a VGMN", IconManager.imgic1102, IconManager.imgic1102, "VGMN", "Add a VGMN node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0);
 	actions[ADD_CROSSBARNODE] = new TAction("add-add-crossbarnode", "Add a CROSSBAR", IconManager.imgic1102, IconManager.imgic1102, "Crossbar", "Add a Crossbar node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0);
         actions[ADD_TTYNODE] = new TAction("add-add-tty", "Add a TTY node", IconManager.imgic1108, IconManager.imgic1108, "TTY", "Add a tty node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0);
         actions[ADD_BLOCKARTIFACT] = new TAction("add-add-blockartifact", "Map an AVATAR block", IconManager.imgic702, IconManager.imgic702, "Map an AVATAR block", "Map an AVATAR block onto a node in the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0);
  // julien ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -808,7 +809,7 @@ public class TGUIAction extends AbstractAction {
         actions[ADD_CHANNELARTIFACT] = new TAction("add-add-channelartifact", "Map an AVATAR Channel", IconManager.imgic702, IconManager.imgic702, "Map an AVATAR channel", "Map an AVATAR channel onto a memory in the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0);
         actions[ADD_BRIDGENODE] = new TAction("add-add-bridgenode", "Add a Bridge", IconManager.imgic1104, IconManager.imgic1104, "Bridge node", "Add a bridge node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0);
-        actions[ADD_RAMNODE] = new TAction("add-add-ramnode", "Add a RAM", IconManager.imgic1108, IconManager.imgic1108, "RAM", "Add a hardware accelerator node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0);
+        actions[ADD_RAMNODE] = new TAction("add-add-ramnode", "Add a RAM", IconManager.imgic1108, IconManager.imgic1108, "RAM", "Add a RAM node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0);
         actions[ADD_ROMNODE] = new TAction("add-add-romnode", "Add a ROM", IconManager.imgic1108, IconManager.imgic1108, "ROM", "Add a memory node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0);
         actions[ADD_DMANODE] = new TAction("add-add-dmanode", "Add a DMA", IconManager.imgic1110, IconManager.imgic1110, "DMA", "Add a DMA node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0);
         actions[ADD_ICUNODE] = new TAction("add-add-icunode", "Add an ICU", IconManager.imgic1112, IconManager.imgic1112, "ICU", "Add a ICU node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0);
diff --git a/src/ui/avatardd/ADDCrossbarNode.java b/src/ui/avatardd/ADDCrossbarNode.java
index f5d88f7acc650623e043d1627eab6f38835cb9a1..22fc24983bc95d2c2ee8b886290a251dd15bc97e 100755
--- a/src/ui/avatardd/ADDCrossbarNode.java
+++ b/src/ui/avatardd/ADDCrossbarNode.java
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
 knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
-* Class ADDVgmnNode
+* Class ADDCrossbarNode
 * Node. To be used in Avatar Deployment Diagram
 * Creation: 30/06/2014
 * @version 1.0 30/06/2014
diff --git a/src/ui/tmldd/TMLArchiBUSNode.java b/src/ui/tmldd/TMLArchiBUSNode.java
index 5c72cfa14e4c578e87a70c596efdf76fc0abc983..b6c933137df4b8df077e771ee6500ec46beca331 100755
--- a/src/ui/tmldd/TMLArchiBUSNode.java
+++ b/src/ui/tmldd/TMLArchiBUSNode.java
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ public class TMLArchiBUSNode extends TMLArchiCommunicationNode implements Swallo
         int tmp;
         String tmpName;
-        JDialogBUSNode dialog = new JDialogBUSNode(frame, "Setting BUS attributes", this);
+        JDialogBUSNode dialog = new JDialogBUSNode(frame, "Setting VGMN attributes", this);
         dialog.setSize(500, 450);
         dialog.show(); // blocked until dialog has been closed
diff --git a/src/ui/tmldd/TMLArchiCrossbarNode.java b/src/ui/tmldd/TMLArchiCrossbarNode.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..915f1abfeb51bf5586d777b3f0d1cc1bb65506bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/tmldd/TMLArchiCrossbarNode.java
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+/**Copyright or (C) or Copr. GET / ENST, Telecom-Paris, Ludovic Apvrille
+   ludovic.apvrille AT enst.fr
+   This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the
+   edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to
+   allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram,
+   and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces
+   obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP
+   from INRIA Rhone-Alpes.
+   This software is governed by the CeCILL  license under French law and
+   abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
+   modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+   license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+   "http://www.cecill.info".
+   As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
+   modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+   with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
+   economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
+   liability.
+   In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+   with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+   software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+   that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
+   therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
+   professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+   encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+   requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+   data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
+   same conditions as regards security.
+   The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
+   knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
+   /**
+   * Class TMLArchiCrossbarNode
+   * Node. To be used in TML architecture diagrams.
+   * Creation: 31/10/2007
+   * @version 1.0 31/10/2007
+   * @author Ludovic APVRILLE, adapted for crossbar by Daniela Genius 10/08/2016
+   * @see
+   */
+package ui.tmldd;
+import java.awt.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import javax.swing.*;
+import org.w3c.dom.*;
+import myutil.*;
+import ui.*;
+import ui.window.*;
+import tmltranslator.*;
+public class TMLArchiCrossbarNode extends TMLArchiCommunicationNode implements SwallowTGComponent, WithAttributes {
+    private int textY1 = 15;
+    private int textY2 = 30;
+    private int derivationx = 2;
+    private int derivationy = 3;
+    private String stereotype = "Crossbar";
+    private int byteDataSize = HwBus.DEFAULT_BYTE_DATA_SIZE;
+    /*  private int pipelineSize = HwBus.DEFAULT_PIPELINE_SIZE;
+    private int arbitrationPolicy = HwBus.DEFAULT_ARBITRATION;
+    private int sliceTime = HwBus.DEFAULT_SLICE_TIME;
+    private int privacy = HwBus.BUS_PUBLIC;*/
+    public TMLArchiCrossbarNode(int _x, int _y, int _minX, int _maxX, int _minY, int _maxY, boolean _pos, TGComponent _father, TDiagramPanel _tdp)  {
+        super(_x, _y, _minX, _maxX, _minY, _maxY, _pos, _father, _tdp);
+        width = 250;
+        height = 50;
+        minWidth = 100;
+        minHeight = 50;
+        nbConnectingPoint = 16;
+        connectingPoint = new TGConnectingPoint[16];
+        connectingPoint[0] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.0, 0.0);
+        connectingPoint[1] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.5, 0.0);
+        connectingPoint[2] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 1.0, 0.0);
+        connectingPoint[3] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.0, 0.5);
+        connectingPoint[4] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 1.0, 0.5);
+        connectingPoint[5] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.0, 1.0);
+        connectingPoint[6] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.5, 1.0);
+        connectingPoint[7] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 1.0, 1.0);
+        connectingPoint[8] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.25, 0.0);
+        connectingPoint[9] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.75, 0.0);
+        connectingPoint[10] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.0, 0.25);
+        connectingPoint[11] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 1.0, 0.25);
+        connectingPoint[12] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.0, 0.75);
+        connectingPoint[13] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 1.0, 0.75);
+        connectingPoint[14] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.25, 1.0);
+        connectingPoint[15] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.75, 1.0);
+        addTGConnectingPointsComment();
+        nbInternalTGComponent = 0;
+        moveable = true;
+        editable = true;
+        removable = true;
+        userResizable = true;
+        name = tdp.findNodeName("Bus");
+        value = "name";
+        myImageIcon = IconManager.imgic700;
+    }
+    public void internalDrawing(Graphics g) {
+        Color c = g.getColor();
+        g.draw3DRect(x, y, width, height, true);
+        // Top lines
+        g.drawLine(x, y, x + derivationx, y - derivationy);
+        g.drawLine(x + width, y, x + width + derivationx, y - derivationy);
+        g.drawLine(x + derivationx, y - derivationy, x + width + derivationx, y - derivationy);
+        // Right lines
+        g.drawLine(x + width, y + height, x + width + derivationx, y - derivationy + height);
+        g.drawLine(x + derivationx + width, y - derivationy, x + width + derivationx, y - derivationy + height);
+        // Filling color
+        g.setColor(ColorManager.BUS_BOX);
+        g.fill3DRect(x+1, y+1, width-1, height-1, true);
+        g.setColor(c);
+        // Strings
+        String ster = "<<" + stereotype + ">>";
+        int w  = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(ster);
+        Font f = g.getFont();
+        g.setFont(f.deriveFont(Font.BOLD));
+        g.drawString(ster, x + (width - w)/2, y + textY1);
+        g.setFont(f);
+        w  = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(name);
+        g.drawString(name, x + (width - w)/2, y + textY2);
+        // Icon
+        //g.drawImage(IconManager.imgic1102.getImage(), x + width - 20, y + 4, null);
+        g.drawImage(IconManager.imgic1102.getImage(), x + 4, y + 4, null);
+        g.drawImage(IconManager.img9, x + width - 20, y + 4, null);
+        c = g.getColor();
+        //Draw bus privacy
+	/* if (privacy== HwBus.BUS_PUBLIC){
+        }
+        else {
+            int[] xps = new int[]{x+4, x+7, x+10, x+13, x+16, x+19, x+22, x+22, x+13, x+4};
+            int[] yps = new int[]{y+18, y+22, y+22, y+18, y+22, y+22,y+18, y+35, y+43, y+35};
+            g.setColor(Color.green);
+            g.fillPolygon(xps, yps,10);
+            // g.drawOval(x+6, y+19, 12, 18);
+            //    g.fillRect(x+4, y+25, 18, 14);
+            g.setColor(c);
+            g.drawPolygon(xps, yps,10);
+            //  g.drawRect(x+4, y+25, 18, 14);
+	    }*/
+    }
+    public TGComponent isOnOnlyMe(int x1, int y1) {
+        Polygon pol = new Polygon();
+        pol.addPoint(x, y);
+        pol.addPoint(x + derivationx, y - derivationy);
+        pol.addPoint(x + derivationx + width, y - derivationy);
+        pol.addPoint(x + derivationx + width, y + height - derivationy);
+        pol.addPoint(x + width, y + height);
+        pol.addPoint(x, y + height);
+        if (pol.contains(x1, y1)) {
+            return this;
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    public String getStereotype() {
+        return stereotype;
+    }
+    public String getNodeName() {
+        return name;
+    }
+    public boolean editOndoubleClick(JFrame frame) {
+        boolean error = false;
+        String errors = "";
+        int tmp;
+        String tmpName;
+        JDialogCrossbarNode dialog = new JDialogCrossbarNode(frame, "Setting Crossbar attributes", this);
+        dialog.setSize(500, 450);
+        GraphicLib.centerOnParent(dialog);
+        dialog.show(); // blocked until dialog has been closed
+        if (!dialog.isRegularClose()) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (dialog.getNodeName().length() != 0) {
+            tmpName = dialog.getNodeName();
+            tmpName = tmpName.trim();
+            if (!TAttribute.isAValidId(tmpName, false, false)) {
+                error = true;
+                errors += "Name of the node  ";
+            } else {
+                name = tmpName;
+            }
+        }
+	/*      arbitrationPolicy = dialog.getArbitrationPolicy();
+        privacy = dialog.getPrivacy();
+        if (arbitrationPolicy == HwBus.BASIC_ROUND_ROBIN) {
+            stereotype = "BUS-RR";
+        }
+        if (arbitrationPolicy == HwBus.PRIORITY_BASED) {
+            stereotype = "BUS-PB";
+        }
+        if (arbitrationPolicy == HwBus.CAN) {
+            stereotype = "BUS-CAN";
+        }
+        if (arbitrationPolicy == HwBus.CROSSBAR) {
+            stereotype = "CROSSBAR";
+	    }*/
+	// DG we need only data size
+        if (dialog.getByteDataSize().length() != 0) {
+            try {
+                tmp = byteDataSize;
+                byteDataSize = Integer.decode(dialog.getByteDataSize()).intValue();
+                if (byteDataSize <= 0) {
+                    byteDataSize = tmp;
+                    error = true;
+                    errors += "Data size  ";
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                error = true;
+                errors += "Data size  ";
+            }
+        }
+	/*   if (dialog.getSliceTime().length() != 0) {
+            try {
+                tmp = sliceTime;
+                sliceTime = Integer.decode(dialog.getSliceTime()).intValue();
+                if (sliceTime <= 0) {
+                    sliceTime = tmp;
+                    error = true;
+                    errors += "Slice time  ";
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                error = true;
+                errors += "Slice time  ";
+            }
+        }
+        if (dialog.getPipelineSize().length() != 0) {
+            try {
+                tmp = pipelineSize;
+                pipelineSize = Integer.decode(dialog.getPipelineSize()).intValue();
+                if (pipelineSize <= 0) {
+                    pipelineSize = tmp;
+                    error = true;
+                    errors += "Pipeline size  ";
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                error = true;
+                errors += "Pipeline size  ";
+            }
+        }
+        if (dialog.getClockRatio().length() != 0) {
+            try {
+                tmp = clockRatio;
+                clockRatio = Integer.decode(dialog.getClockRatio()).intValue();
+                if (clockRatio <= 0) {
+                    clockRatio = tmp;
+                    error = true;
+                    errors += "Clock diviser  ";
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                error = true;
+                errors += "Clock diviser  ";
+            }
+	    }*/
+        if (error) {
+            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame,
+                                          "Invalid value for the following attributes: " + errors,
+                                          "Error",
+                                          JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
+            return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    public int getType() {
+        return TGComponentManager.TMLARCHI_CROSSBARNODE;
+    }
+    protected String translateExtraParam() {
+        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("<extraparam>\n");
+        sb.append("<info stereotype=\"" + stereotype + "\" nodeName=\"" + name);
+        sb.append("\" />\n");
+        sb.append("<attributes byteDataSize=\"" + byteDataSize + "\" ");
+	/*  sb.append(" arbitrationPolicy=\"" + arbitrationPolicy + "\" ");
+        sb.append(" sliceTime=\"" + sliceTime + "\" ");
+        sb.append(" pipelineSize=\"" + pipelineSize + "\" ");
+        sb.append(" clockRatio=\"" + clockRatio + "\" ");
+        sb.append(" privacy=\"" + privacy + "\" ");*/
+        sb.append("/>\n");
+        sb.append("</extraparam>\n");
+        return new String(sb);
+    }
+    public void loadExtraParam(NodeList nl, int decX, int decY, int decId) throws MalformedModelingException{
+        //System.out.println("*** load extra synchro ***");
+        try {
+            NodeList nli;
+            Node n1, n2;
+            Element elt;
+            int t1id;
+            String sstereotype = null, snodeName = null;
+            for(int i=0; i<nl.getLength(); i++) {
+                n1 = nl.item(i);
+                //System.out.println(n1);
+                if (n1.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+                    nli = n1.getChildNodes();
+                    for(int j=0; i<nli.getLength(); i++) {
+                        n2 = nli.item(i);
+                        //System.out.println(n2);
+                        if (n2.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+                            elt = (Element) n2;
+                            if (elt.getTagName().equals("info")) {
+                                sstereotype = elt.getAttribute("stereotype");
+                                snodeName = elt.getAttribute("nodeName");
+                            }
+                            if (sstereotype != null) {
+                                stereotype = sstereotype;
+                            }
+                            if (snodeName != null){
+                                name = snodeName;
+                            }
+                            if (elt.getTagName().equals("attributes")) {
+                                byteDataSize = Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("byteDataSize")).intValue();
+				/*              arbitrationPolicy =Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("arbitrationPolicy")).intValue();                                                                    pipelineSize = Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("pipelineSize")).intValue();
+                                if ((elt.getAttribute("clockRatio") != null) &&  (elt.getAttribute("clockRatio").length() > 0)){
+                                    clockRatio = Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("clockRatio")).intValue();
+                                }
+                                if ((elt.getAttribute("sliceTime") != null) &&  (elt.getAttribute("sliceTime").length() > 0)){
+                                    sliceTime = Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("sliceTime")).intValue();
+                                }
+                                if ((elt.getAttribute("privacy") != null) &&  (elt.getAttribute("privacy").length() > 0)){
+				privacy = Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("privacy")).intValue();*/
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+	}
+     catch (Exception e) {
+            throw new MalformedModelingException();
+        }
+    }
+    public int getByteDataSize(){
+        return byteDataSize;
+    }
+/*   public int getPipelineSize(){
+        return pipelineSize;
+    }
+    public int getSliceTime(){
+        return sliceTime;
+    }
+    public int getArbitrationPolicy(){
+        return arbitrationPolicy;
+    }
+    public int getPrivacy(){
+        return privacy;
+	}*/
+    public String getAttributes() {
+        String attr = "";
+        attr += "Data size (in byte) = " + byteDataSize + "\n";
+	/*    attr += "Pipeline size = " + pipelineSize + "\n";
+        if (arbitrationPolicy == HwBus.DEFAULT_ARBITRATION) {
+            attr += "Arbitration policy = basic Round Robin\n";
+        } else if (arbitrationPolicy == HwBus.PRIORITY_BASED) {
+            attr += "Arbitration policy = priority based\n";
+        }
+        attr += "Slice time (in microseconds) = " + sliceTime + "\n";
+        attr += "Clock diviser = " + clockRatio + "\n";*/
+        return attr;
+    }
+    public int getComponentType()       {
+        return TRANSFER;
+    }
diff --git a/src/ui/tmldd/TMLArchiVGMNNode.java b/src/ui/tmldd/TMLArchiVGMNNode.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe88239c2504f0c9039490bad5ec35166210d7da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/tmldd/TMLArchiVGMNNode.java
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+/**Copyright or (C) or Copr. GET / ENST, Telecom-Paris, Ludovic Apvrille
+   ludovic.apvrille AT enst.fr
+   This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the
+   edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to
+   allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram,
+   and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces
+   obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP
+   from INRIA Rhone-Alpes.
+   This software is governed by the CeCILL  license under French law and
+   abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
+   modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+   license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+   "http://www.cecill.info".
+   As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
+   modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+   with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
+   economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
+   liability.
+   In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+   with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+   software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+   that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
+   therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
+   professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+   encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+   requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+   data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
+   same conditions as regards security.
+   The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
+   knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
+   /**
+   * Class TMLArchiVGMNNode
+   * Node. To be used in TML architecture diagrams.
+   * Creation: 31/10/2007
+   * @version 1.0 31/10/2007
+   * @author Ludovic APVRILLE
+   * @see
+   */
+package ui.tmldd;
+import java.awt.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import javax.swing.*;
+import org.w3c.dom.*;
+import myutil.*;
+import ui.*;
+import ui.window.*;
+import tmltranslator.*;
+public class TMLArchiVGMNNode extends TMLArchiCommunicationNode implements SwallowTGComponent, WithAttributes {
+    private int textY1 = 15;
+    private int textY2 = 30;
+    private int derivationx = 2;
+    private int derivationy = 3;
+    private String stereotype = "VGMN";
+    private int byteDataSize = HwBus.DEFAULT_BYTE_DATA_SIZE;
+    /* private int pipelineSize = HwBus.DEFAULT_PIPELINE_SIZE;
+    private int arbitrationPolicy = HwBus.DEFAULT_ARBITRATION;
+    private int sliceTime = HwBus.DEFAULT_SLICE_TIME;
+    private int privacy = HwBus.BUS_PUBLIC;*/
+    public TMLArchiVGMNNode(int _x, int _y, int _minX, int _maxX, int _minY, int _maxY, boolean _pos, TGComponent _father, TDiagramPanel _tdp)  {
+        super(_x, _y, _minX, _maxX, _minY, _maxY, _pos, _father, _tdp);
+        width = 250;
+        height = 50;
+        minWidth = 100;
+        minHeight = 50;
+        nbConnectingPoint = 16;
+        connectingPoint = new TGConnectingPoint[16];
+        connectingPoint[0] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.0, 0.0);
+        connectingPoint[1] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.5, 0.0);
+        connectingPoint[2] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 1.0, 0.0);
+        connectingPoint[3] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.0, 0.5);
+        connectingPoint[4] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 1.0, 0.5);
+        connectingPoint[5] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.0, 1.0);
+        connectingPoint[6] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.5, 1.0);
+        connectingPoint[7] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 1.0, 1.0);
+        connectingPoint[8] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.25, 0.0);
+        connectingPoint[9] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.75, 0.0);
+        connectingPoint[10] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.0, 0.25);
+        connectingPoint[11] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 1.0, 0.25);
+        connectingPoint[12] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.0, 0.75);
+        connectingPoint[13] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 1.0, 0.75);
+        connectingPoint[14] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.25, 1.0);
+        connectingPoint[15] = new TMLArchiConnectingPoint(this, 0, 0, true, false, 0.75, 1.0);
+        addTGConnectingPointsComment();
+        nbInternalTGComponent = 0;
+        moveable = true;
+        editable = true;
+        removable = true;
+        userResizable = true;
+        name = tdp.findNodeName("Bus");
+        value = "name";
+        myImageIcon = IconManager.imgic700;
+    }
+    public void internalDrawing(Graphics g) {
+        Color c = g.getColor();
+        g.draw3DRect(x, y, width, height, true);
+        // Top lines
+        g.drawLine(x, y, x + derivationx, y - derivationy);
+        g.drawLine(x + width, y, x + width + derivationx, y - derivationy);
+        g.drawLine(x + derivationx, y - derivationy, x + width + derivationx, y - derivationy);
+        // Right lines
+        g.drawLine(x + width, y + height, x + width + derivationx, y - derivationy + height);
+        g.drawLine(x + derivationx + width, y - derivationy, x + width + derivationx, y - derivationy + height);
+        // Filling color
+        g.setColor(ColorManager.BUS_BOX);
+        g.fill3DRect(x+1, y+1, width-1, height-1, true);
+        g.setColor(c);
+        // Strings
+        String ster = "<<" + stereotype + ">>";
+        int w  = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(ster);
+        Font f = g.getFont();
+        g.setFont(f.deriveFont(Font.BOLD));
+        g.drawString(ster, x + (width - w)/2, y + textY1);
+        g.setFont(f);
+        w  = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(name);
+        g.drawString(name, x + (width - w)/2, y + textY2);
+        // Icon
+        //g.drawImage(IconManager.imgic1102.getImage(), x + width - 20, y + 4, null);
+        g.drawImage(IconManager.imgic1102.getImage(), x + 4, y + 4, null);
+        g.drawImage(IconManager.img9, x + width - 20, y + 4, null);
+        c = g.getColor();
+        //Draw bus privacy
+	/* if (privacy== HwBus.BUS_PUBLIC){
+        }
+        else {
+            int[] xps = new int[]{x+4, x+7, x+10, x+13, x+16, x+19, x+22, x+22, x+13, x+4};
+            int[] yps = new int[]{y+18, y+22, y+22, y+18, y+22, y+22,y+18, y+35, y+43, y+35};
+            g.setColor(Color.green);
+            g.fillPolygon(xps, yps,10);
+            // g.drawOval(x+6, y+19, 12, 18);
+            //    g.fillRect(x+4, y+25, 18, 14);
+            g.setColor(c);
+            g.drawPolygon(xps, yps,10);
+            //  g.drawRect(x+4, y+25, 18, 14);
+        }*/
+    }
+    public TGComponent isOnOnlyMe(int x1, int y1) {
+        Polygon pol = new Polygon();
+        pol.addPoint(x, y);
+        pol.addPoint(x + derivationx, y - derivationy);
+        pol.addPoint(x + derivationx + width, y - derivationy);
+        pol.addPoint(x + derivationx + width, y + height - derivationy);
+        pol.addPoint(x + width, y + height);
+        pol.addPoint(x, y + height);
+        if (pol.contains(x1, y1)) {
+            return this;
+        }
+        return null;
+    }
+    public String getStereotype() {
+        return stereotype;
+    }
+    public String getNodeName() {
+        return name;
+    }
+    public boolean editOndoubleClick(JFrame frame) {
+        boolean error = false;
+        String errors = "";
+        int tmp;
+        String tmpName;
+        JDialogVGMNNode dialog = new JDialogVGMNNode(frame, "Setting VGMN attributes", this);
+        dialog.setSize(500, 450);
+        GraphicLib.centerOnParent(dialog);
+        dialog.show(); // blocked until dialog has been closed
+        if (!dialog.isRegularClose()) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (dialog.getNodeName().length() != 0) {
+            tmpName = dialog.getNodeName();
+            tmpName = tmpName.trim();
+            if (!TAttribute.isAValidId(tmpName, false, false)) {
+                error = true;
+                errors += "Name of the node  ";
+            } else {
+                name = tmpName;
+            }
+        }
+	/*      arbitrationPolicy = dialog.getArbitrationPolicy();
+        privacy = dialog.getPrivacy();
+        if (arbitrationPolicy == HwBus.BASIC_ROUND_ROBIN) {
+            stereotype = "BUS-RR";
+        }
+        if (arbitrationPolicy == HwBus.PRIORITY_BASED) {
+            stereotype = "BUS-PB";
+        }
+        if (arbitrationPolicy == HwBus.CAN) {
+            stereotype = "BUS-CAN";
+        }
+        if (arbitrationPolicy == HwBus.CROSSBAR) {
+            stereotype = "CROSSBAR";
+	    }*/
+	//DG we need only data size
+        if (dialog.getByteDataSize().length() != 0) {
+            try {
+                tmp = byteDataSize;
+                byteDataSize = Integer.decode(dialog.getByteDataSize()).intValue();
+                if (byteDataSize <= 0) {
+                    byteDataSize = tmp;
+                    error = true;
+                    errors += "Data size  ";
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                error = true;
+                errors += "Data size  ";
+            }
+        }
+	/*       if (dialog.getSliceTime().length() != 0) {
+            try {
+                tmp = sliceTime;
+                sliceTime = Integer.decode(dialog.getSliceTime()).intValue();
+                if (sliceTime <= 0) {
+                    sliceTime = tmp;
+                    error = true;
+                    errors += "Slice time  ";
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                error = true;
+                errors += "Slice time  ";
+            }
+        }
+        if (dialog.getPipelineSize().length() != 0) {
+            try {
+                tmp = pipelineSize;
+                pipelineSize = Integer.decode(dialog.getPipelineSize()).intValue();
+                if (pipelineSize <= 0) {
+                    pipelineSize = tmp;
+                    error = true;
+                    errors += "Pipeline size  ";
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                error = true;
+                errors += "Pipeline size  ";
+            }
+        }
+        if (dialog.getClockRatio().length() != 0) {
+            try {
+                tmp = clockRatio;
+                clockRatio = Integer.decode(dialog.getClockRatio()).intValue();
+                if (clockRatio <= 0) {
+                    clockRatio = tmp;
+                    error = true;
+                    errors += "Clock diviser  ";
+                }
+            } catch (Exception e) {
+                error = true;
+                errors += "Clock diviser  ";
+            }
+        }*/
+        if (error) {
+            JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame,
+                                          "Invalid value for the following attributes: " + errors,
+                                          "Error",
+                                          JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
+            return false;
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    public int getType() {
+        return TGComponentManager.TMLARCHI_VGMNNODE;
+    }
+    protected String translateExtraParam() {
+        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("<extraparam>\n");
+        sb.append("<info stereotype=\"" + stereotype + "\" nodeName=\"" + name);
+        sb.append("\" />\n");
+        sb.append("<attributes byteDataSize=\"" + byteDataSize + "\" ");
+	/*     sb.append(" arbitrationPolicy=\"" + arbitrationPolicy + "\" ");
+        sb.append(" sliceTime=\"" + sliceTime + "\" ");
+        sb.append(" pipelineSize=\"" + pipelineSize + "\" ");
+        sb.append(" clockRatio=\"" + clockRatio + "\" ");
+        sb.append(" privacy=\"" + privacy + "\" ");*/
+        sb.append("/>\n");
+        sb.append("</extraparam>\n");
+        return new String(sb);
+    }
+    public void loadExtraParam(NodeList nl, int decX, int decY, int decId) throws MalformedModelingException{
+        //System.out.println("*** load extra synchro ***");
+        try {
+            NodeList nli;
+            Node n1, n2;
+            Element elt;
+            int t1id;
+            String sstereotype = null, snodeName = null;
+            for(int i=0; i<nl.getLength(); i++) {
+                n1 = nl.item(i);
+                //System.out.println(n1);
+                if (n1.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+                    nli = n1.getChildNodes();
+                    for(int j=0; i<nli.getLength(); i++) {
+                        n2 = nli.item(i);
+                        //System.out.println(n2);
+                        if (n2.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+                            elt = (Element) n2;
+                            if (elt.getTagName().equals("info")) {
+                                sstereotype = elt.getAttribute("stereotype");
+                                snodeName = elt.getAttribute("nodeName");
+                            }
+                            if (sstereotype != null) {
+                                stereotype = sstereotype;
+                            }
+                            if (snodeName != null){
+                                name = snodeName;
+                            }
+                            if (elt.getTagName().equals("attributes")) {
+                                byteDataSize = Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("byteDataSize")).intValue();
+				/*             arbitrationPolicy =Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("arbitrationPolicy")).intValue();                                                                    pipelineSize = Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("pipelineSize")).intValue();
+                                if ((elt.getAttribute("clockRatio") != null) &&  (elt.getAttribute("clockRatio").length() > 0)){
+                                    clockRatio = Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("clockRatio")).intValue();
+                                }
+                                if ((elt.getAttribute("sliceTime") != null) &&  (elt.getAttribute("sliceTime").length() > 0)){
+                                    sliceTime = Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("sliceTime")).intValue();
+                                }
+                                if ((elt.getAttribute("privacy") != null) &&  (elt.getAttribute("privacy").length() > 0)){
+				privacy = Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("privacy")).intValue();
+                                }*/
+                            }
+                        }}}
+			}
+	}		
+			 catch (Exception e) {
+            throw new MalformedModelingException();
+        }
+    }
+    public int getByteDataSize(){
+        return byteDataSize;
+    }
+    /*   public int getPipelineSize(){
+        return pipelineSize;
+    }
+    public int getSliceTime(){
+        return sliceTime;
+    }
+    public int getArbitrationPolicy(){
+        return arbitrationPolicy;
+    }
+    public int getPrivacy(){
+        return privacy;
+	}*/
+    public String getAttributes() {
+        String attr = "";
+	attr += "Data size (in byte) = " + byteDataSize + "\n";
+	     /*attr += "Pipeline size = " + pipelineSize + "\n";
+        if (arbitrationPolicy == HwBus.DEFAULT_ARBITRATION) {
+            attr += "Arbitration policy = basic Round Robin\n";
+        } else if (arbitrationPolicy == HwBus.PRIORITY_BASED) {
+            attr += "Arbitration policy = priority based\n";
+        }
+        attr += "Slice time (in microseconds) = " + sliceTime + "\n";
+        attr += "Clock diviser = " + clockRatio + "\n";*/
+        return attr;
+    }
+    public int getComponentType()       {
+        return TRANSFER;
+    }
diff --git a/src/ui/window/JDialogCrossbarNode.java b/src/ui/window/JDialogCrossbarNode.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d1475899248ca95c8f1464d065113601f267f6d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/window/JDialogCrossbarNode.java
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+/**Copyright or (C) or Copr. GET / ENST, Telecom-Paris, Ludovic Apvrille
+ *
+ * ludovic.apvrille AT enst.fr
+ *
+ * This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the
+ * edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to
+ * allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram,
+ * and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces
+ * obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP
+ * from INRIA Rhone-Alpes.
+ *
+ * This software is governed by the CeCILL  license under French law and
+ * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
+ * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+ * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+ * "http://www.cecill.info".
+ *
+ * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
+ * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+ * with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
+ * economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
+ * liability.
+ *
+ * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+ * with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+ * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+ * that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
+ * therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
+ * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+ * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+ * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+ * data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
+ * same conditions as regards security.
+ *
+ * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
+ * knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
+ *
+ * /**
+ * Class JDialogCrossbarNode
+ * Dialog for managing attributes of crossbar nodes
+ * Creation: 31/10/2007
+ * @version 1.0 31/10/2007
+ * @author Ludovic APVRILLE adapted by Daniela Genius 10.08.2016
+ * @see
+ */
+package ui.window;
+import java.awt.*;
+import java.awt.event.*;
+import javax.swing.*;
+//import javax.swing.event.*;
+//import java.util.*;
+import ui.*;
+import ui.tmldd.*;
+public class JDialogCrossbarNode extends javax.swing.JDialog implements ActionListener  {
+    private boolean regularClose;
+    private JPanel panel2;
+    private Frame frame;
+    private TMLArchiCrossbarNode node;
+    // Panel1
+    protected JTextField nodeName;
+    // Panel2
+    protected JTextField byteDataSize, pipelineSize, clockRatio;
+    protected JComboBox arbitrationPolicy, privacy;
+    protected JTextField sliceTime;
+    // Main Panel
+    private JButton closeButton;
+    private JButton cancelButton;
+    /** Creates new form  */
+    public JDialogCrossbarNode(Frame _frame, String _title, TMLArchiCrossbarNode _node) {
+        super(_frame, _title, true);
+        frame = _frame;
+        node = _node;
+        initComponents();
+        myInitComponents();
+        pack();
+    }
+    private void myInitComponents() {
+    }
+    private void initComponents() {
+        Container c = getContentPane();
+        GridBagLayout gridbag0 = new GridBagLayout();
+        GridBagLayout gridbag1 = new GridBagLayout();
+        GridBagLayout gridbag2 = new GridBagLayout();
+        GridBagConstraints c0 = new GridBagConstraints();
+        GridBagConstraints c1 = new GridBagConstraints();
+        GridBagConstraints c2 = new GridBagConstraints();
+        setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 14));
+        c.setLayout(gridbag0);
+        setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
+        panel2 = new JPanel();
+        panel2.setLayout(gridbag2);
+        panel2.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.TitledBorder("Crossbar attributes"));
+        panel2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 200));
+        c1.gridwidth = 1;
+        c1.gridheight = 1;
+        c1.weighty = 1.0;
+        c1.weightx = 1.0;
+        c1.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
+        panel2.add(new JLabel("Crossbar name:"), c2);
+        c1.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        nodeName = new JTextField(node.getNodeName(), 30);
+        nodeName.setEditable(true);
+        nodeName.setFont(new Font("times", Font.PLAIN, 12));
+        panel2.add(nodeName, c1);
+	/* c2.gridwidth = 1;
+        c2.gridheight = 1;
+        c2.weighty = 1.0;
+        c2.weightx = 1.0;
+        c2.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
+        panel2.add(new JLabel("Arbitration policy:"), c2);*/
+	/*   c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        arbitrationPolicy = new JComboBox();
+        arbitrationPolicy.addItem("Round Robin");
+        arbitrationPolicy.addItem("Priority Based");
+        arbitrationPolicy.addItem("CAN");
+        arbitrationPolicy.addItem("Crossbar");
+        arbitrationPolicy.setSelectedIndex(node.getArbitrationPolicy());
+        panel2.add(arbitrationPolicy, c2);*/
+        c2.gridwidth = 1;
+        panel2.add(new JLabel("Data size (in byte):"), c2);
+        c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        byteDataSize = new JTextField(""+node.getByteDataSize(), 15);
+        panel2.add(byteDataSize, c2);
+	/*     c2.gridwidth = 1;
+        panel2.add(new JLabel("Pipeline size (num. stages):"), c2);
+        c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        pipelineSize = new JTextField(""+node.getPipelineSize(), 15);
+        panel2.add(pipelineSize, c2);
+        c2.gridwidth = 1;
+        panel2.add(new JLabel("Slice time (in microseconds):"), c2);
+        c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        sliceTime = new JTextField(""+node.getSliceTime(), 15);
+        panel2.add(sliceTime, c2);
+        c2.gridwidth = 1;
+        panel2.add(new JLabel("Clock diviser:"), c2);
+        c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        clockRatio = new JTextField(""+node.getClockRatio(), 15);
+        panel2.add(clockRatio, c2);
+        c2.gridwidth = 1;
+        panel2.add(new JLabel("Bus Privacy:"), c2);
+        c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        privacy = new JComboBox();
+        privacy.addItem("Public");
+        privacy.addItem("Private");
+        privacy.setSelectedIndex(node.getPrivacy());
+        panel2.add(privacy, c2);*/
+        // main panel;
+        c0.gridheight = 10;
+        c0.weighty = 1.0;
+        c0.weightx = 1.0;
+        c0.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        c.add(panel2, c0);
+        c0.gridwidth = 1;
+        c0.gridheight = 1;
+        c0.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
+        closeButton = new JButton("Save and Close", IconManager.imgic25);
+        //closeButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 50));
+        closeButton.addActionListener(this);
+        c.add(closeButton, c0);
+        c0.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel", IconManager.imgic27);
+        cancelButton.addActionListener(this);
+        c.add(cancelButton, c0);
+    }
+    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)  {
+        /* if (evt.getSource() == typeBox) {
+           boolean b = ((Boolean)(initValues.elementAt(typeBox.getSelectedIndex()))).booleanValue();
+           initialValue.setEnabled(b);
+           return;
+           }*/
+        String command = evt.getActionCommand();
+        // Compare the action command to the known actions.
+        if (command.equals("Save and Close"))  {
+            closeDialog();
+        } else if (command.equals("Cancel")) {
+            cancelDialog();
+        }
+    }
+    public void closeDialog() {
+        regularClose = true;
+        dispose();
+    }
+    public void cancelDialog() {
+        dispose();
+    }
+    public boolean isRegularClose() {
+        return regularClose;
+    }
+    public String getNodeName() {
+        return nodeName.getText();
+    }
+    public String getByteDataSize() {
+        return byteDataSize.getText();
+    }
+    /*   public String getPipelineSize(){
+        return pipelineSize.getText();
+    }
+    public String getClockRatio(){
+        return clockRatio.getText();
+    }
+    public int getArbitrationPolicy() {
+        return arbitrationPolicy.getSelectedIndex();
+    }
+    public int getPrivacy(){
+        return privacy.getSelectedIndex();
+    }
+    public String getSliceTime() {
+    return sliceTime.getText();
+    }*/
diff --git a/src/ui/window/JDialogVGMNNode.java b/src/ui/window/JDialogVGMNNode.java
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8110728511795b8f428a78bd8bfa0914462dccec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ui/window/JDialogVGMNNode.java
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+/**Copyright or (C) or Copr. GET / ENST, Telecom-Paris, Ludovic Apvrille
+ *
+ * ludovic.apvrille AT enst.fr
+ *
+ * This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the
+ * edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to
+ * allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram,
+ * and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces
+ * obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP
+ * from INRIA Rhone-Alpes.
+ *
+ * This software is governed by the CeCILL  license under French law and
+ * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
+ * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
+ * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
+ * "http://www.cecill.info".
+ *
+ * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
+ * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
+ * with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
+ * economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
+ * liability.
+ *
+ * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
+ * with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
+ * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
+ * that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
+ * therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
+ * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
+ * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
+ * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
+ * data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
+ * same conditions as regards security.
+ *
+ * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
+ * knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
+ *
+ * /**
+ * Class JDialogBUSNode
+ * Dialog for managing attributes of bus nodes
+ * Creation: 31/10/2007
+ * @version 1.0 31/10/2007
+ * @author Ludovic APVRILLE adapted by Daniela Genius 10.08.2016
+ * @see
+ */
+package ui.window;
+import java.awt.*;
+import java.awt.event.*;
+import javax.swing.*;
+//import javax.swing.event.*;
+//import java.util.*;
+import ui.*;
+import ui.tmldd.*;
+public class JDialogVGMNNode extends javax.swing.JDialog implements ActionListener  {
+    private boolean regularClose;
+    private JPanel panel2;
+    private Frame frame;
+    private TMLArchiVGMNNode node;
+    // Panel1
+    protected JTextField nodeName;
+    // Panel2
+    protected JTextField byteDataSize, pipelineSize, clockRatio;
+    protected JComboBox arbitrationPolicy, privacy;
+    protected JTextField sliceTime;
+    // Main Panel
+    private JButton closeButton;
+    private JButton cancelButton;
+    /** Creates new form  */
+    public JDialogVGMNNode(Frame _frame, String _title, TMLArchiVGMNNode _node) {
+        super(_frame, _title, true);
+        frame = _frame;
+        node = _node;
+        initComponents();
+        myInitComponents();
+        pack();
+    }
+    private void myInitComponents() {
+    }
+    private void initComponents() {
+        Container c = getContentPane();
+        GridBagLayout gridbag0 = new GridBagLayout();
+        GridBagLayout gridbag1 = new GridBagLayout();
+        GridBagLayout gridbag2 = new GridBagLayout();
+        GridBagConstraints c0 = new GridBagConstraints();
+        GridBagConstraints c1 = new GridBagConstraints();
+        GridBagConstraints c2 = new GridBagConstraints();
+        setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 14));
+        c.setLayout(gridbag0);
+        setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);
+        panel2 = new JPanel();
+        panel2.setLayout(gridbag2);
+        panel2.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.TitledBorder("VGMN attributes"));
+        panel2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 200));
+        c1.gridwidth = 1;
+        c1.gridheight = 1;
+        c1.weighty = 1.0;
+        c1.weightx = 1.0;
+        c1.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
+        panel2.add(new JLabel("VGMN name:"), c2);
+        c1.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        nodeName = new JTextField(node.getNodeName(), 30);
+        nodeName.setEditable(true);
+        nodeName.setFont(new Font("times", Font.PLAIN, 12));
+        panel2.add(nodeName, c1);
+	/* c2.gridwidth = 1;
+        c2.gridheight = 1;
+        c2.weighty = 1.0;
+        c2.weightx = 1.0;
+        c2.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
+        panel2.add(new JLabel("Arbitration policy:"), c2);
+        c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        arbitrationPolicy = new JComboBox();
+        arbitrationPolicy.addItem("Round Robin");
+        arbitrationPolicy.addItem("Priority Based");
+        arbitrationPolicy.addItem("CAN");
+        arbitrationPolicy.addItem("Crossbar");
+        arbitrationPolicy.setSelectedIndex(node.getArbitrationPolicy());
+        panel2.add(arbitrationPolicy, c2);*/
+        c2.gridwidth = 1;
+        panel2.add(new JLabel("Data size (in byte):"), c2);
+        c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        byteDataSize = new JTextField(""+node.getByteDataSize(), 15);
+        panel2.add(byteDataSize, c2);
+	/* c2.gridwidth = 1;
+        panel2.add(new JLabel("Pipeline size (num. stages):"), c2);
+        c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        pipelineSize = new JTextField(""+node.getPipelineSize(), 15);
+        panel2.add(pipelineSize, c2);
+        c2.gridwidth = 1;
+        panel2.add(new JLabel("Slice time (in microseconds):"), c2);
+        c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        sliceTime = new JTextField(""+node.getSliceTime(), 15);
+        panel2.add(sliceTime, c2);
+        c2.gridwidth = 1;
+        panel2.add(new JLabel("Clock diviser:"), c2);
+        c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        clockRatio = new JTextField(""+node.getClockRatio(), 15);
+        panel2.add(clockRatio, c2);
+        c2.gridwidth = 1;
+        panel2.add(new JLabel("Bus Privacy:"), c2);
+        c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        privacy = new JComboBox();
+        privacy.addItem("Public");
+        privacy.addItem("Private");
+        privacy.setSelectedIndex(node.getPrivacy());
+        panel2.add(privacy, c2);*/
+        // main panel;
+        c0.gridheight = 10;
+        c0.weighty = 1.0;
+        c0.weightx = 1.0;
+        c0.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        c.add(panel2, c0);
+        c0.gridwidth = 1;
+        c0.gridheight = 1;
+        c0.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL;
+        closeButton = new JButton("Save and Close", IconManager.imgic25);
+        //closeButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 50));
+        closeButton.addActionListener(this);
+        c.add(closeButton, c0);
+        c0.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+        cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel", IconManager.imgic27);
+        cancelButton.addActionListener(this);
+        c.add(cancelButton, c0);
+    }
+    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)  {
+        /* if (evt.getSource() == typeBox) {
+           boolean b = ((Boolean)(initValues.elementAt(typeBox.getSelectedIndex()))).booleanValue();
+           initialValue.setEnabled(b);
+           return;
+           }*/
+        String command = evt.getActionCommand();
+        // Compare the action command to the known actions.
+        if (command.equals("Save and Close"))  {
+            closeDialog();
+        } else if (command.equals("Cancel")) {
+            cancelDialog();
+        }
+    }
+    public void closeDialog() {
+        regularClose = true;
+        dispose();
+    }
+    public void cancelDialog() {
+        dispose();
+    }
+    public boolean isRegularClose() {
+        return regularClose;
+    }
+    public String getNodeName() {
+        return nodeName.getText();
+    }
+    public String getByteDataSize() {
+        return byteDataSize.getText();
+    }
+    /*  public String getPipelineSize(){
+        return pipelineSize.getText();
+    }
+    public String getClockRatio(){
+        return clockRatio.getText();
+    }
+    public int getArbitrationPolicy() {
+        return arbitrationPolicy.getSelectedIndex();
+    }
+    public int getPrivacy(){
+        return privacy.getSelectedIndex();
+    }
+    public String getSliceTime() {
+    return sliceTime.getText();
+    }*/