diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile index 945e4453fd96b64da637b6623b86b640c4e21baf..10d2506df5897cdbe3d6a45e148e4d47cdf040f3 100755 --- a/Makefile +++ b/Makefile @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ GZIP = gzip -9 -f DEBUG = -g CLASSPATH = -classpath SOURCEPATH = -sourcepath -#PACKAGE = avatartranslator avatartranslator/toexecutable avatartranslator/directsimulation avatartranslator/tocppsim avatartranslator/touppaal avatartranslator/toturtle avatartranslator/toproverif avatartranslator/totpn automata compiler/tmlparser vcd nc ddtranslator launcher myutil tpndescription sddescription sdtranslator tepe translator tmltranslator tmltranslator/tmlcp tmltranslator/toautomata tmltranslator/tosystemc tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2 tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc3 tmltranslator/touppaal tmltranslator/toturtle translator/tojava translator/tosimujava translator/totpn translator/touppaal ui ui/avatarbd ui/avatardd ui/avatarsmd ui/avatarrd ui/avatarpd ui/avatarcd ui/avatarad ui/ad ui/cd ui/oscd ui/osad ui/dd ui/ebrdd ui/file ui/graph ui/iod ui/ncdd ui/procsd ui/prosmdui/prosmd/util ui/tmlad ui/tmlcd ui/tmldd ui/tmlcomp ui/req ui/sd ui/tree ui/ucd ui/window tmltranslator tmltranslator/toturtle req/ebrdd tmltranslator/tosystemc tmatrix proverifspec uppaaldesc fr/inria/oasis/vercors/cttool/model remotesimulation tmltranslator/ctranslator attacktrees myutil/externalSearch +#PACKAGE = avatartranslator avatartranslator/toexecutable avatartranslator/directsimulation avatartranslator/tocppsim avatartranslator/touppaal avatartranslator/toturtle avatartranslator/toproverif avatartranslator/totpn automata compiler/tmlparser vcd nc ddtranslator launcher myutil tpndescription sddescription sdtranslator tepe translator tmltranslator tmltranslator/tmlcp tmltranslator/toautomata tmltranslator/tosystemc tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2 tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc3 tmltranslator/touppaal tmltranslator/toturtle translator/tojava translator/tosimujava translator/totpn translator/touppaal ui ui/avatarbd ui/avatardd ui/avatarsmd ui/avatarrd ui/avatarpd ui/avatarcd ui/avatarad ui/ad ui/cd ui/oscd ui/osad ui/dd ui/ebrdd ui/file ui/graph ui/iod ui/ncdd ui/procsd ui/prosmdui/prosmd/util ui/tmlad ui/tmlcd ui/tmldd ui/tmlcomp ui/req ui/sd ui/tree ui/ucd ui/window tmltranslator tmltranslator/toturtle req/ebrdd tmltranslator/tosystemc tmatrix proverifspec uppaaldesc fr/inria/oasis/vercors/cttool/model remotesimulation tmltranslator/ctranslator attacktrees myutil/externalSearch ddtranslatorSoclib ddtranslatorSoclib/toFile ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell ddtranslatorSoclib/toSoclib BUILDER = builder.jar BUILD_INFO = build.txt BUILD_TO_MODIFY = src/ui/DefaultText.java @@ -153,8 +153,9 @@ jar: launcher ttooljar tiftranslator tmltranslator rundse remotesimulator ttooljar: rm -f $(TTOOL_BIN)/$(TTOOL_BINARY) cp $(TTOOL_SRC)/ui/images/$(STD_LOGO) $(TTOOL_SRC)/ui/images/$(LOGO) - cd $(TTOOL_SRC); $(JAR) cmf $(TTOOL_JAR_TXT) $(TTOOL_BIN)/$(TTOOL_BINARY) Main.class vcd/*.class avatartranslator/*.class avatartranslator/toexecutable/*.class avatartranslator/directsimulation/*.class avatartranslator/touppaal/*.class avatartranslator/toproverif/*.class avatartranslator/totpn/* avatartranslator/*.class avatartranslator/toturtle/*.java automata/*.class compiler/tmlparser/*.class nc/*.class tepe/*.class tmltranslator/*.class tmltranslator/tmlcp/*.class tmltranslator/toautomata/*.class tmatrix/*.class tmltranslator/toturtle/*.class tmltranslator/touppaal/*.class tmltranslator/tosystemc/*.class tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc/*.class tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/*.class tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc3/*.class tpndescription/*.class ddtranslator/*.class launcher/*.class myutil/*.class sddescription/*.class sdtranslator/*.class translator/*.class translator/tojava/*.class translator/tosimujava/*.class translator/touppaal/*.class translator/totpn/*.class req/ebrdd/*.java ui/*.class ui/*/*.class ui/*/*/*.class proverifspec/*.class uppaaldesc/*.class ui/images/*.* ui/images/toolbarButtonGraphics/general/*.gif ui/images/toolbarButtonGraphics/navigation/*.gif ui/images/toolbarButtonGraphics/media/*.gif $(TTOOL_BIN)/$(LAUNCHER_BINARY) RTLLauncher.class launcher/*.class fr/inria/oasis/vercors/cttool/model/*.class remotesimulation/*.class tmltranslator/ctranslator/*.class attacktrees/*.class myutil/externalSearch/*.class #compiler/tmlCPparser/parser/*.class - + cd $(TTOOL_SRC); $(JAR) cmf $(TTOOL_JAR_TXT) $(TTOOL_BIN)/$(TTOOL_BINARY) Main.class vcd/*.class avatartranslator/*.class avatartranslator/toexecutable/*.class avatartranslator/directsimulation/*.class avatartranslator/touppaal/*.class avatartranslator/toproverif/*.class avatartranslator/totpn/* avatartranslator/*.class avatartranslator/toturtle/*.java automata/*.class compiler/tmlparser/*.class nc/*.class tepe/*.class tmltranslator/*.class tmltranslator/tmlcp/*.class tmltranslator/toautomata/*.class tmatrix/*.class tmltranslator/toturtle/*.class tmltranslator/touppaal/*.class tmltranslator/tosystemc/*.class tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc/*.class tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc2/*.class tmltranslator/tomappingsystemc3/*.class tpndescription/*.class ddtranslator/*.class launcher/*.class myutil/*.class sddescription/*.class sdtranslator/*.class translator/*.class translator/tojava/*.class translator/tosimujava/*.class translator/touppaal/*.class translator/totpn/*.class req/ebrdd/*.java ui/*.class ui/*/*.class ui/*/*/*.class proverifspec/*.class uppaaldesc/*.class ui/images/*.* ui/images/toolbarButtonGraphics/general/*.gif ui/images/toolbarButtonGraphics/navigation/*.gif ui/images/toolbarButtonGraphics/media/*.gif $(TTOOL_BIN)/$(LAUNCHER_BINARY) RTLLauncher.class launcher/*.class fr/inria/oasis/vercors/cttool/model/*.class remotesimulation/*.class tmltranslator/ctranslator/*.class attacktrees/*.class myutil/externalSearch/*.class ddtranslatorSoclib/*.class ddtranslatorSoclib/toSoclib/*.class ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/*.class #compiler/tmlCPparser/parser/*.class + +#ddtranslatorSoclib/toFile/*.class launcher: rm -f $(TTOOL_BIN)/$(LAUNCHER_BINARY) cd $(TTOOL_SRC);$(JAR) cmf $(LAUNCHER_JAR_TXT) $(TTOOL_BIN)/$(LAUNCHER_BINARY) RTLLauncher.class launcher/*.class myutil/*.class diff --git a/bin/config.xml b/bin/config.xml index aa84af94baeab208aaf6eea5bbf461e49ee64a15..03d35f7bb8689d12d9c87963b5a23799cbcac92a 100755 --- a/bin/config.xml +++ b/bin/config.xml @@ -6,68 +6,71 @@ <DTA2DOTPath data="/packages/RT-LOTOS.0.12/bin/dta2dot" /> <RG2TLSAPath data="/packages/RT-LOTOS.0.12/bin/rg2tlsa" /> <RGSTRAPPath data="/packages/RT-LOTOS.0.12/bin/rgstrap" /> -<!--DOTTYPath data="/usr/bin/dot" /--> -<DOTTYPath data="/bin/dotty" /> +<DOTTYPath data="//opt/csw/bin/dotty" /> <DOTTYHost data="localhost" /> <AldebaranHost data="localhost" /> -<AldebaranPath data="/home/enrici/cadp/com/aldebaran" /> -<BcgioPath data="/home/enrici/cadp/bin.iX86/bcg_io" /> -<BcgminPath data="/home/enrici/cadp/bin.iX86/bcg_min" /> -<BisimulatorPath data="/home/enrici/cadp/com/bcg_open" /> -<BcgmergePath data="/home/enrici/cadp/com/bcg_merge" /> -<CaesarPath data="/home/enrici/cadp/bin.iX86/caesar" /> -<CaesarOpenPath data="/home/enrici/cadp/com/caesar.open" /> -<FILEPath data="/home/enrici/TURTLE/modeling" /> -<LIBPath data="/home/enrici/TURTLE/lib" /> -<IMGPath data="/home/enrici/TURTLE/figure" /> -<LOTOSPath data="/home/enrici/TURTLE/lotos" /> -<GGraphPath data="/home/enrici/TURTLE/graphs" /> -<TGraphPath data="/home/enrici/TURTLE/graphs" /> +<AldebaranPath data="/packages/cadp/com/aldebaran" /> +<BcgioPath data="/packages/cadp/bin.iX86/bcg_io" /> +<BcgminPath data="/packages/cadp/bin.iX86/bcg_min" /> +<BisimulatorPath data="/packages/cadp/com/bcg_open" /> +<BcgmergePath data="/packages/cadp/com/bcg_merge" /> +<CaesarPath data="/packages/cadp/bin.iX86/caesar" /> +<CaesarOpenPath data="/packages/cadp/com/caesar.open" /> +<FILEPath data="/users/enseig/genius/TURTLE/modeling" /> +<LIBPath data="/users/enseig/genius/TURTLE/lib" /> 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data="localhost"/> -<ExternalCommand1 data="/usr/bin/gtkwave /home/enrici/TURTLE/simulators/c++2/vcddump.vcd"/> +<ExternalCommand1 data="/opt/local/bin/gtkwave /users/enseig/genius/TURTLE/simulators/c++2/vcddump.vcd"/> <ExternalCommand2Host data="localhost"/> -<ExternalCommand2 data="/packages/uppaal(4.0.11/uppaal /home/enrici/TURTLE/uppaal/spec.xml"/> +<ExternalCommand2 data="/packages/uppaal(4.0.11/uppaal /users/enseig/genius/TURTLE/uppaal/spec.xml"/> -<LastOpenFile data="/home/trhuy/Downloads/SemesterFinalResult/StuxnetModel/stuxnet_6_12_split (1).xml"/> +<LastOpenFile data="/users/enseig/genius/TURTLE/modeling/miniAsynchronousDeploy2.xml"/> -<ExternalServer data=""/> -<LastWindowAttributes x="494" y="224" width="1219" height="597" max="false" /> + +<LastWindowAttributes x="744" y="231" width="936" height="596" max="false" /> <ProVerifHash data=""/> </TURTLECONFIGURATION> + + + + + diff --git a/executablecode/Makefile.forsoclib b/executablecode/Makefile.forsoclib index bef60e8437a022103d41c56b304e617dd2757d84..4418d196051182bac01af52b1d9f7877d678036b 100644 --- a/executablecode/Makefile.forsoclib +++ b/executablecode/Makefile.forsoclib @@ -1,50 +1,41 @@ -SOCLIB_CPU=ppc405 -MUTEKH_CPU=ppc -SOCLIB_CPU_COUNT=5 - -#SOCLIB_CPU=sparcv8 -#MUTEKH_CPU=sparc -#SOCLIB_CPU_COUNT=1 - -PATH+=/opt/mutekh/bin -export PATH - -updateruntime: - cp ~/TTool/executablecode/src/*.c ~/Prog/mutekh/libavatar/ - cp ~/TTool/executablecode/src/*.h ~/Prog/mutekh/libavatar/include/ - -updategeneratedcode: - cp ~/TTool/executableCode/generated_src/*.h ~/Prog/mutekh/examples/avatar - cp ~/TTool/executableCode/generated_src/*.c ~/Prog/mutekh/examples/avatar - cp ~/TTool/executableCode/Makefile.soclib ~/Prog/mutekh/examples/avatar/Makefile - -compilesoclib: - cd ~/Prog/mutekh; make CONF=examples/avatar/config BUILD=soclib-$(MUTEKH_CPU):pf-tutorial - -runsoclib: - echo "running soclib" - cd ~/Prog/soclib/soclib/platform/topcells/caba-vgmn-mutekh_kernel_tutorial; SOCLIB_GDB=S ./system.x $(SOCLIB_CPU):$(SOCLIB_CPU_COUNT) ~/Prog/mutekh/avatar-soclib-$(MUTEKH_CPU).out -allsoclib: updateruntime updategeneratedcode compilesoclib runsoclib - - -updateruntime_hw: - cp ~/TTool/executablecode/src_soclib/*.c ~/Prog/mutekh/libavatar/ - cp ~/TTool/executablecode/src_soclib/include/*.h ~/Prog/mutekh/libavatar/include/ - -updategeneratedcode_hw: -#DG 31.10. prendre version du code appli pour soclib materiel - cp ~/TTool/executablecode/generated_src_soclib/*.h ~/Prog/mutekh/examples/avatar -#DG 31.10. prendre version du code appli pour soclib materiel - cp ~/TTool/executablecode/generated_src_soclib/*.c ~/Prog/mutekh/examples/avatar - - cp ~/TTool/executableCode/Makefile.soclib ~/Prog/mutekh/examples/avatar/Makefile - -compilesoclib_hw: - cd ~/Prog/mutekh; make CONF=examples/avatar/config BUILD=soclib-$(MUTEKH_CPU):pf-tutorial - -#DG 31.10.2014 ici ajoute un make dans le repertoire de la plateforme materielle -runsoclib_hw: - echo "running soclib" - cd ~/Prog/soclib/soclib/platform/topcells/caba-vgmn-mutekh_kernel_tutorial; make; SOCLIB_GDB=S ./system.x $(SOCLIB_CPU):$(SOCLIB_CPU_COUNT) ~/Prog/mutekh/avatar-soclib-$(MUTEKH_CPU).out -allsoclib: updateruntime updategeneratedcode compilesoclib runsoclib - +SOCLIB_CPU=ppc +MUTEKH_CPU=ppc + +include generated_topcell/procinfo.mk + +#SOCLIB_CPU=sparcv8 +#MUTEKH_CPU=sparc +#SOCLIB_CPU_COUNT=1 + +PATH+=/opt/mutekh/bin +export PATH + +updateruntime: +# cp ~/TTool/executablecode/src/*.c ~/Prog/mutekh/libavatar/ +# cp ~/TTool/executablecode/src/*.h ~/Prog/mutekh/libavatar/include/ + cp ~/TTool/executablecode/src_soclib/*.c ~/Prog/mutekh/libavatar/ + cp ~/TTool/executablecode/src_soclib/*.h ~/Prog/mutekh/libavatar/include/ + cp ~/TTool/executablecode/src_soclib/Makefile ~/Prog/mutekh/libavatar/ + +updategeneratedcode: +# cp ~/TTool/executablecode/generated_src/*.h ~/Prog/mutekh/examples/avatar +# cp ~/TTool/executablecode/generated_src/*.c ~/Prog/mutekh/examples/avatar + cp ~/TTool/executablecode/generated_src_soclib/*.h ~/Prog/mutekh/examples/avatar + + cp ~/TTool/executablecode/generated_src_soclib/*.c ~/Prog/mutekh/examples/avatar + + cp ~/TTool/executablecode/Makefile.soclib ~/Prog/mutekh/examples/avatar/Makefile + +compilesoclib: + cp ~/TTool/executablecode/generated_topcell/top.cc ~/Prog/soclib/soclib/platform/topcells/caba-vgmn-mutekh_kernel_tutorial/ + cp ~/TTool/executablecode/generated_topcell/deployinfo.h ~/Prog/mutekh/arch/soclib/ + cp ~/TTool/executablecode/generated_topcell/deployinfo_map.h ~/Prog/mutekh/arch/soclib/ + cat ~/TTool/executablecode/generated_topcell/config_noproc ~/TTool/executablecode/generated_topcell/nbproc > ~/TTool/executablecode/generated_topcell/config + cp ~/TTool/executablecode/generated_topcell/config ~/Prog/mutekh/examples/avatar/ + cd ~/Prog/mutekh; make CONF=examples/avatar/config BUILD=soclib-$(MUTEKH_CPU):pf-tutorial + +runsoclib: + echo "running soclib" + cd ~/Prog/soclib/soclib/platform/topcells/caba-vgmn-mutekh_kernel_tutorial; make; SOCLIB_GDB=S ./system.x $(SOCLIB_CPU):$(SOCLIB_CPU_COUNT) ~/Prog/mutekh/avatar-soclib-$(MUTEKH_CPU).out +allsoclib: updateruntime updategeneratedcode compilesoclib runsoclib + diff --git a/executablecode/Makefile.src b/executablecode/Makefile.src index 2b21a39070bcbe168dfc79673113a530049f595d..6501c3123bc7d156373446ff676dd6d2d3d3b3ba 100755 --- a/executablecode/Makefile.src +++ b/executablecode/Makefile.src @@ -1 +1 @@ -SRCS = generated_src/main.c generated_src/System.c generated_src/Bob.c generated_src/Alice.c \ No newline at end of file +SRCS = generated_src/main.c generated_src/System.c generated_src/Bob.c generated_src/Alice.c diff --git a/modeling/CoffeeMachine_Avatar.xml b/modeling/CoffeeMachine_Avatar.xml index f5806191f354c6140f8ab8f7ffbfbf624d26d74c..6bfb3b82b0f25139a594c9259463cec350d8a247 100644 --- a/modeling/CoffeeMachine_Avatar.xml +++ b/modeling/CoffeeMachine_Avatar.xml @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> -<TURTLEGMODELING version="0.98-beta1"> +<TURTLEGMODELING version="0.93-beta3"> <Modeling type="Avatar Requirement" nameTab="AVATAR Requirements" > <AvatarRDPanel name="AVATAR RD" minX="10" maxX="1900" minY="10" maxY="900" zoom="1.0" > <COMPONENT type="5200" id="32" > <cdparam x="661" y="17" /> -<sizeparam width="278" height="120" minWidth="1" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="59" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="278" height="120" minWidth="1" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="59" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1900" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="Requirement" value="req00" /> @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ <COMPONENT type="5200" id="64" > <cdparam x="47" y="457" /> -<sizeparam width="301" height="120" minWidth="1" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="113" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam 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access="0" id="teaMinDelay" value="3" type="8" typeOther="" /> <Attribute access="0" id="teaMaxDelay" value="8" type="8" typeOther="" /> <Attribute access="0" id="coffeeMinDelay" value="5" type="8" typeOther="" /> @@ -1278,11 +1270,11 @@ </COMPONENT> <SUBCOMPONENT type="5000" id="641" > <father id="691" num="0" /> -<cdparam x="695" y="224" /> -<sizeparam width="189" height="102" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<cdparam x="464" y="228" /> +<sizeparam width="190" height="102" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> -<cdrectangleparam minX="0" maxX="272" minY="0" maxY="256" /> -<infoparam name="Block1" value="TeaButton" /> +<cdrectangleparam minX="0" maxX="271" minY="0" maxY="256" /> +<infoparam name="Block1" value="CoffeeButton" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="617" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="618" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="619" /> @@ -1308,18 +1300,18 @@ <TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="639" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="640" /> <extraparam> -<CryptoBlock value="false" /> <Attribute access="0" id="mechanicalDelay" value="10" type="8" typeOther="" /> <Signal value="out push()" /> +<Signal value="out push()" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> <SUBCOMPONENT type="5000" id="666" > <father id="691" num="1" /> -<cdparam x="464" y="228" /> -<sizeparam width="190" height="102" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<cdparam x="695" y="224" /> +<sizeparam width="189" height="102" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> -<cdrectangleparam minX="0" maxX="271" minY="0" maxY="256" /> -<infoparam name="Block1" value="CoffeeButton" /> +<cdrectangleparam minX="0" maxX="272" minY="0" maxY="256" /> +<infoparam name="Block1" value="TeaButton" /> 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value="" /> <actions value="nbOfCoins = nbOfCoins + x" /> <actions value="contentOfWallet(nbOfCoins)" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -1396,7 +1389,7 @@ </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="703" > <father id="705" num="0" /> <cdparam x="382" y="205" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -1410,6 +1403,8 @@ <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -1424,7 +1419,7 @@ 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maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="76" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="Receive signal" value="getCoin(x)" /> @@ -1538,7 +1539,7 @@ <COMPONENT type="5106" id="789" > <cdparam x="460" y="274" /> -<sizeparam width="50" height="40" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="50" height="40" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="main" /> @@ -1582,13 +1583,11 @@ <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="786" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="787" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="788" /> 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width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <infoparam name="connector from Send signal to stop state" value="null" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="900" /> -<P1 x="293" y="552" id="1285" /> +<P1 x="291" y="541" id="1220" /> <P2 x="289" y="748" id="1138" /> <AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="899" > <father id="901" num="0" /> <cdparam x="284" y="594" /> -<sizeparam width="228" height="45" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="228" height="45" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -1821,13 +1822,13 @@ <sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <infoparam name="connector from state0 to Send signal" value="null" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="907" /> -<P1 x="288" y="475" id="1258" /> -<P2 x="293" y="522" id="1284" /> +<P1 x="286" y="464" id="1245" /> +<P2 x="291" y="511" id="1219" /> <AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="906" > <father id="908" num="0" /> <cdparam x="295" y="505" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -1841,6 +1842,8 @@ <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -1849,13 +1852,13 @@ <sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <infoparam name="connector from Send signal to stop state" value="null" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="914" /> -<P1 x="121" y="552" id="1231" /> +<P1 x="119" y="541" id="1274" /> <P2 x="255" y="748" id="1145" /> <AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="913" > <father id="915" num="0" /> <cdparam x="32" y="587" /> -<sizeparam width="262" height="45" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="262" height="45" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -1871,6 +1874,8 @@ <computeMax value="coffeeMaxDelay" /> <actions value="nbOfCoins = 0" /> <actions value="beverageReady()" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -1879,13 +1884,13 @@ <sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <infoparam name="connector from state0 to Send signal" value="null" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="921" /> -<P1 x="222" y="475" id="1257" /> -<P2 x="121" y="522" id="1230" /> +<P1 x="220" y="464" id="1244" /> +<P2 x="119" y="511" id="1273" /> <AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="920" > <father id="922" num="0" /> <cdparam x="229" y="505" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" 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/> @@ -1984,6 +1995,8 @@ <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -1993,12 +2006,12 @@ <infoparam name="connector from Send signal to state0" value="null" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="949" /> <P1 x="277" y="305" id="1002" /> -<P2 x="306" y="370" id="1296" /> +<P2 x="304" y="359" id="1296" /> <AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="948" > <father id="950" num="0" /> <cdparam x="243" y="359" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -2012,6 +2025,8 @@ <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -2026,7 +2041,7 @@ </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="955" > <father id="957" num="0" /> <cdparam x="270" y="264" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -2040,6 +2055,8 @@ <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -2053,8 +2070,8 @@ <AutomaticDrawing 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maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -2097,6 +2116,8 @@ <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -2111,7 +2132,7 @@ </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="976" > <father id="978" num="0" /> <cdparam x="303" y="80" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> 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maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="Receive signal" value="getCoin(x)" /> @@ -2185,7 +2208,7 @@ <COMPONENT type="5106" id="1052" > <cdparam x="649" y="239" /> -<sizeparam width="100" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="100" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="ejectState" /> @@ -2229,13 +2252,12 @@ <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="1049" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="1050" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="1051" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> +<invariant /> </COMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5106" id="1093" > <cdparam x="231" y="188" /> -<sizeparam width="157" height="40" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam 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value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="WaitingForFirstCoin" /> @@ -2388,13 +2406,11 @@ <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="1174" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="1175" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="1176" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5106" id="1218" > <cdparam x="631" y="381" /> -<sizeparam width="137" height="40" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="137" height="40" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="WaitingForFirstCoin" /> @@ -2438,13 +2454,11 @@ <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="1215" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="1216" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="1217" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> 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num="17" id="1247" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="18" id="1248" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="19" id="1249" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="20" id="1250" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="21" id="1251" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="1252" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="1253" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="24" id="1254" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="25" id="1255" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="26" id="1256" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="27" id="1257" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="28" id="1258" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="29" id="1259" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="30" id="1260" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="31" id="1261" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="32" id="1262" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="33" id="1263" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="34" id="1264" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="35" id="1265" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="36" id="1266" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="1267" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="1268" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="1269" /> </SUBCOMPONENT> -<SUBCOMPONENT type="5100" id="1242" > 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num="18" id="1261" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="19" id="1262" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="20" id="1263" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="21" id="1264" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="1265" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="1266" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="24" id="1267" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="25" id="1268" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="26" id="1269" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="27" id="1270" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="28" id="1271" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="29" id="1272" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="30" id="1273" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="31" id="1274" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="32" id="1275" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="33" id="1276" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="34" id="1277" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="35" id="1278" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="36" id="1279" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="1280" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="1281" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="1282" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> +<cdrectangleparam minX="0" maxX="450" minY="0" maxY="334" /> 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num="28" id="214" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="29" id="215" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="30" id="216" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="31" id="217" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="32" id="218" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="33" id="219" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="34" id="220" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="35" id="221" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="36" id="222" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="223" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="224" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="225" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="1175" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="1176" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="1177" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="1178" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="1179" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="1180" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="1181" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="1182" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="1183" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="1184" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="10" id="1185" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="11" id="1186" /> 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/> -<TGConnectingPoint num="11" id="304" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="12" id="305" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="13" id="306" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="14" id="307" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="15" id="308" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="16" id="309" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="17" id="310" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="18" id="311" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="19" id="312" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="20" id="313" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="21" id="314" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="315" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="316" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="24" id="317" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="25" id="318" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="26" id="319" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="27" id="320" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="28" id="321" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="29" id="322" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="30" id="323" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="31" id="324" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="32" id="325" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="33" id="326" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="34" id="327" /> 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+<computeMax value="" /> +<actions value="gotPacket(pdu.x)" /> +</extraparam> +</SUBCOMPONENT> + +<CONNECTOR type="5102" id="1417" > +<cdparam x="414" y="200" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<infoparam name="connector from state0 to Send signal" value="null" /> +<P1 x="441" y="200" id="1446" /> +<P2 x="440" y="235" id="1429" /> +<AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> +</CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1416" > +<father id="1417" num="0" /> +<cdparam x="414" y="240" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="588" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="589" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="590" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="591" /> <extraparam> <guard value="[ ]" /> <afterMin value="" /> @@ -1524,99 +1174,81 @@ </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> -<COMPONENT type="5103" id="605" > -<cdparam x="457" y="356" /> -<sizeparam width="97" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<COMPONENT type="5103" id="1428" > +<cdparam x="395" y="311" /> +<sizeparam width="91" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> -<infoparam name="Send signal" value="port0_out(pdu)" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="595" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="596" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="597" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="598" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="599" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="600" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="601" /> 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minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> -<infoparam name="Send signal" value="port1_in(pdu)" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="606" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="607" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="608" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="609" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="610" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="611" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="612" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="613" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="614" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="615" /> +<infoparam name="Send signal" value="port0_in(pdu)" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="1429" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="1430" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="1431" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="1432" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="1433" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="1434" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="1435" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="1436" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="1437" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="1438" /> </COMPONENT> -<COMPONENT type="5106" id="657" > -<cdparam x="451" y="161" /> -<sizeparam width="109" height="73" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<COMPONENT type="5106" id="1464" > +<cdparam x="387" y="127" /> +<sizeparam width="109" height="73" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="WaitForPacket" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="617" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="618" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="619" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="620" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="621" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="622" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="623" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="624" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="625" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="626" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="10" id="627" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="11" id="628" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="12" id="629" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="13" id="630" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="14" id="631" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="15" id="632" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="16" id="633" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="17" id="634" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="18" id="635" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="19" id="636" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="20" id="637" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="21" id="638" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="639" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="640" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="24" id="641" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="25" id="642" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="26" id="643" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="27" id="644" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="28" id="645" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="29" id="646" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="30" id="647" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="31" id="648" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="32" id="649" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="33" id="650" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="34" id="651" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="35" id="652" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="36" id="653" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="654" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="655" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="656" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="1440" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="1441" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="1442" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="1443" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="1444" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="1445" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="1446" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="1447" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="1448" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="1449" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="10" id="1450" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="11" id="1451" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="12" id="1452" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="13" id="1453" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="14" id="1454" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="15" id="1455" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="16" id="1456" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="17" id="1457" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="18" id="1458" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="19" id="1459" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="20" id="1460" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="21" id="1461" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="1462" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="1463" /> </COMPONENT> -<COMPONENT type="5100" id="659" > -<cdparam x="464" y="84" /> -<sizeparam width="15" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<COMPONENT type="5100" id="1466" > +<cdparam x="400" y="50" /> +<sizeparam width="15" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="start state" value="null" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="658" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="1465" /> </COMPONENT> diff --git a/modeling/ebook_reader_01.xml b/modeling/ebook_reader_01.xml index fd00851b0b57e239961ae24123120302005a38ef..9108ec8bb884e24a3cb8afcb293793c4d2133368 100644 --- a/modeling/ebook_reader_01.xml +++ b/modeling/ebook_reader_01.xml @@ -1,15 +1,9 @@ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> -<TURTLEGMODELING version="0.98-beta1"> +<TURTLEGMODELING version="0.94-beta2"> <Modeling type="AVATAR Design" nameTab="AVATAR Design" > <AVATARBlockDiagramPanel name="AVATAR Block Diagram" minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" > -<MainCode value="void __user_init() {"/> -<MainCode value="}"/> -<Optimized value="true" /> -<Validated value="" /> -<Ignored value="" /> - <CONNECTOR type="5002" id="2" > <cdparam x="504" y="199" /> <sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> @@ -64,7 +58,7 @@ </CONNECTOR> <COMPONENT type="5003" id="15" > <cdparam x="633" y="78" /> -<sizeparam width="212" height="167" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" 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height="96" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="163" height="96" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="DataType0" value="Page" /> @@ -129,7 +123,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5003" id="42" > <cdparam x="148" y="66" /> -<sizeparam width="162" height="92" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="162" height="92" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="DataType0" value="Document" /> @@ -150,7 +144,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5000" id="67" > <cdparam x="379" y="69" /> -<sizeparam width="225" height="191" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="225" height="191" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="Block0" value="PageLoader" /> @@ -179,7 +173,6 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="65" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="66" /> <extraparam> -<CryptoBlock value="false" /> <Attribute access="0" id="doc" value="" type="5" typeOther="Document" /> <Attribute access="0" id="page" value="" type="5" typeOther="Page" /> <Attribute access="0" id="pageid" value="" type="8" typeOther="" /> @@ -195,7 +188,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5000" id="92" > <cdparam x="639" y="283" /> -<sizeparam width="198" height="184" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="198" height="184" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="Block0" value="UserModel" /> @@ -224,7 +217,6 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="90" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="91" /> <extraparam> -<CryptoBlock value="false" /> <Attribute access="0" id="doc1" value="" type="5" typeOther="Document" /> <Attribute access="0" id="doc2" value="" type="5" typeOther="Document" /> <Attribute access="0" id="index" value="" type="8" typeOther="" /> @@ -238,7 +230,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5000" id="117" > <cdparam x="92" y="287" /> -<sizeparam width="250" height="177" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="250" height="177" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="Block0" value="DisplayDriver" /> @@ -267,7 +259,6 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="115" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="116" /> <extraparam> -<CryptoBlock value="false" /> <Attribute access="0" id="page" value="" type="5" typeOther="Page" /> <Attribute access="0" id="data" value="" type="8" typeOther="" /> <Method value="printPage(int data)" /> @@ -277,7 +268,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5000" id="142" > <cdparam x="377" y="282" /> -<sizeparam width="229" height="184" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="229" height="184" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="Block0" value="EReaderController" /> @@ -306,7 +297,6 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="140" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="141" /> <extraparam> -<CryptoBlock value="false" /> <Attribute access="0" id="currentDocument" value="" type="5" typeOther="Document" /> <Attribute access="0" id="currentPage" value="" type="8" typeOther="" /> <Attribute access="0" id="page" value="" type="5" typeOther="Page" /> @@ -338,7 +328,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="143" > <father id="151" num="0" /> <cdparam x="703" y="1048" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -346,7 +336,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="148" > <father id="151" num="1" /> <cdparam x="476" y="889" /> -<sizeparam width="39" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="39" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -360,6 +350,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -376,7 +368,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="152" > <father id="160" num="0" /> <cdparam x="631" y="1459" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -384,7 +376,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="157" > <father id="160" num="1" /> <cdparam x="562" y="1447" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -406,13 +398,13 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <infoparam name="connector from start state to TGComponent" value="null" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="166" /> -<P1 x="256" y="1075" id="978" /> -<P2 x="263" y="1113" id="934" /> +<P1 x="256" y="1075" id="934" /> +<P2 x="263" y="1113" id="977" /> <AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="165" > <father id="167" num="0" /> <cdparam x="148" y="1101" /> -<sizeparam width="293" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="293" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -426,6 +418,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <afterMax value="maxPageLoadingTime" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -434,13 +428,13 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <infoparam name="connector from state0 to state0" value="null" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="173" /> -<P1 x="263" y="1205" id="943" /> +<P1 x="263" y="1205" id="942" /> <P2 x="263" y="1270" id="894" /> <AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="172" > <father id="174" num="0" /> <cdparam x="257" y="1216" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -468,7 +462,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="179" > <father id="181" num="0" /> <cdparam x="273" y="1333" /> -<sizeparam width="200" height="90" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="200" height="90" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -488,6 +482,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <actions value="memory.data2 = memory.data3" /> <actions value="memory.index3 = pageid" /> <actions value="memory.data3 = x" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -496,13 +492,13 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <infoparam name="connector from TGComponent to state0" value="null" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="187" /> -<P1 x="263" y="1143" id="935" /> -<P2 x="263" y="1155" id="938" /> +<P1 x="263" y="1143" id="978" /> +<P2 x="263" y="1155" id="937" /> <AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="186" > <father id="188" num="0" /> <cdparam x="265" y="1152" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -516,6 +512,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -530,7 +528,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="193" > <father id="195" num="0" /> <cdparam x="391" y="807" /> -<sizeparam width="124" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="124" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -545,6 +543,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> <actions value="pageid = pageid + 1" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="200" > <father id="202" num="0" /> <cdparam x="459" y="1019" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="203" > <father id="215" num="0" /> <cdparam x="1046" y="731" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -601,7 +601,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="204" > <father id="215" num="1" /> <cdparam x="1153" y="731" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -609,7 +609,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="205" > <father id="215" num="2" /> <cdparam x="1153" y="378" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="210" > <father id="215" num="3" /> <cdparam x="1046" y="743" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="216" > <father id="226" num="0" /> <cdparam x="527" y="823" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="217" > <father id="226" num="1" /> <cdparam x="493" y="709" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="222" > <father id="226" num="2" /> <cdparam x="647" y="1017" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -679,6 +679,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -695,7 +697,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="227" > <father id="235" num="0" /> <cdparam x="735" y="443" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -703,7 +705,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="232" > <father id="235" num="1" /> <cdparam x="591" y="430" /> -<sizeparam width="39" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="39" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -735,7 +737,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="236" > <father id="246" num="0" /> <cdparam x="440" y="406" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -743,7 +745,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="237" > <father id="246" num="1" /> <cdparam x="441" y="488" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -751,7 +753,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="242" > <father id="246" num="2" /> <cdparam x="350" y="446" /> -<sizeparam width="171" height="30" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="171" height="30" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -780,7 +782,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="251" > <father id="253" num="0" /> <cdparam x="200" y="368" /> -<sizeparam width="171" height="30" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="171" height="30" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -795,6 +797,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> <actions value="page.data = memory.data1" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -809,7 +813,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="258" > <father id="260" num="0" /> <cdparam x="766" y="750" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -837,7 +841,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="265" > <father id="267" num="0" /> <cdparam x="760" y="600" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -865,7 +869,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="272" > <father id="274" num="0" /> <cdparam x="859" y="672" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -879,6 +883,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -893,7 +899,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="279" > <father id="281" num="0" /> <cdparam x="428" y="165" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -921,7 +927,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="286" > <father id="288" num="0" /> <cdparam x="428" y="256" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -949,7 +955,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="293" > <father id="295" num="0" /> <cdparam x="428" y="312" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -971,13 +977,13 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <infoparam name="connector from state0 to state0" value="null" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="301" /> -<P1 x="864" y="565" id="787" /> -<P2 x="858" y="606" id="784" /> +<P1 x="864" y="565" id="784" /> +<P2 x="858" y="606" id="786" /> <AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="300" > <father id="302" num="0" /> <cdparam x="574" y="578" /> -<sizeparam width="293" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="293" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -999,13 +1005,13 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <infoparam name="connector from TGComponent to state0" value="null" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="308" /> -<P1 x="858" y="636" id="785" /> +<P1 x="858" y="636" id="787" /> <P2 x="816" y="660" id="690" /> <AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="307" > <father id="309" num="0" /> <cdparam x="719" y="648" /> -<sizeparam width="84" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="84" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -1020,6 +1026,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> <actions value="page.data = x" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -1034,7 +1042,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="314" > <father id="316" num="0" /> <cdparam x="737" y="820" /> -<sizeparam width="200" height="90" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="200" height="90" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -1054,6 +1062,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <actions value="memory.data2 = memory.data3" /> <actions value="memory.index3 = pageid" /> <actions value="memory.data3 = page.data" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -1068,7 +1078,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="321" > <father id="323" num="0" /> <cdparam x="434" y="408" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -1082,6 +1092,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -1096,7 +1108,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="328" > <father id="330" num="0" /> <cdparam x="272" y="436" /> -<sizeparam width="171" height="30" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="171" height="30" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -1111,6 +1123,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> <actions value="page.data = memory.data2" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -1125,7 +1139,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="335" > <father id="337" num="0" /> <cdparam x="201" y="658" /> -<sizeparam width="329" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="329" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -1153,7 +1167,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="342" > <father id="344" num="0" /> <cdparam x="456" y="770" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -1167,6 +1181,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -1181,7 +1197,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="349" > <father id="351" num="0" /> <cdparam x="581" y="1119" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -1209,7 +1225,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="356" > <father id="358" num="0" /> <cdparam x="26" y="1011" /> -<sizeparam width="850" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="850" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -1223,12 +1239,14 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5107" id="374" > <cdparam x="363" y="829" /> -<sizeparam width="30" height="30" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="30" height="30" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="choice" value="null" /> @@ -1251,7 +1269,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5106" id="415" > <cdparam x="487" y="1149" /> -<sizeparam width="289" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="289" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="WaitingForPageToLoad" /> @@ -1295,13 +1313,11 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="412" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="413" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="414" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5103" id="426" > <cdparam x="322" y="754" /> -<sizeparam width="112" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="112" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="Send signal" value="pageReady(page)" /> @@ -1319,7 +1335,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5106" id="467" > <cdparam x="328" y="672" /> -<sizeparam width="100" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="100" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="PageReady" /> @@ -1363,13 +1379,11 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="464" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="465" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="466" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5106" id="508" > <cdparam x="238" y="486" /> -<sizeparam width="154" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="154" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="gotItFromMemory" /> @@ -1414,13 +1428,11 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="506" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="507" /> <invariant /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5107" id="524" > <cdparam x="382" y="346" /> -<sizeparam width="30" height="30" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="30" height="30" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="choice" value="null" /> @@ -1443,7 +1455,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5106" id="565" > <cdparam x="679" y="919" /> -<sizeparam width="274" height="38" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="274" height="38" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="PutPageInMemoryDone" /> @@ -1487,13 +1499,11 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="562" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="563" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="564" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5106" id="606" > <cdparam x="296" y="270" /> -<sizeparam width="264" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="264" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="getFromMemory" /> @@ -1537,13 +1547,11 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="603" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="604" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="605" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5106" id="647" > <cdparam x="685" y="762" /> -<sizeparam width="263" height="42" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="263" height="42" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="PutPageInMemory" /> @@ -1587,13 +1595,11 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="644" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="645" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="646" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5106" id="688" > <cdparam x="996" y="653" /> -<sizeparam width="100" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="100" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="Interrupted" /> @@ -1638,13 +1644,11 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="686" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="687" /> <accessibility /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5106" id="729" > <cdparam x="766" y="660" /> -<sizeparam width="100" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="100" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="PageLoaded" /> @@ -1688,13 +1692,11 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="726" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="727" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="728" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5106" id="770" > <cdparam x="320" y="166" /> -<sizeparam width="217" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="217" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="WaitingForPageToLoad" /> @@ -1738,13 +1740,11 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="767" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="768" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="769" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5100" id="772" > <cdparam x="421" y="105" /> -<sizeparam width="15" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="15" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="start state" value="null" /> @@ -1753,7 +1753,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5104" id="783" > <cdparam x="972" y="610" /> -<sizeparam width="148" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="148" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="Receive signal" value="loadPage(doc, pageid)" /> @@ -1771,7 +1771,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5106" id="829" > <cdparam x="537" y="510" /> -<sizeparam width="397" height="230" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="397" height="230" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="LoadingPage" /> @@ -1815,35 +1815,33 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="826" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="827" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="828" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> -<SUBCOMPONENT type="5108" id="786" > +<SUBCOMPONENT type="5100" id="785" > <father id="829" num="0" /> +<cdparam x="857" y="545" /> +<sizeparam width="15" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<hidden value="false" /> +<cdrectangleparam minX="0" maxX="382" minY="0" maxY="215" /> +<infoparam name="start state" value="null" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="784" /> +</SUBCOMPONENT> +<SUBCOMPONENT type="5108" id="788" > +<father id="829" num="1" /> <cdparam x="790" y="611" /> -<sizeparam width="136" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="136" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="0" maxX="261" minY="0" maxY="210" /> <infoparam name="TGComponent" value="null" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="784" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="785" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="786" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="787" /> <extraparam> <Data variable="x" minValue="0" maxValue="10" functionId="0" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> -<SUBCOMPONENT type="5100" id="788" > -<father id="829" num="1" /> -<cdparam x="857" y="545" /> -<sizeparam width="15" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> -<hidden value="false" /> -<cdrectangleparam minX="0" maxX="382" minY="0" maxY="215" /> -<infoparam name="start state" value="null" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="787" /> -</SUBCOMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5104" id="840" > <cdparam x="485" y="1083" /> -<sizeparam width="148" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="148" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="Receive signal" value="loadPage(doc, pageid)" /> @@ -1861,7 +1859,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5104" id="851" > <cdparam x="354" y="228" /> -<sizeparam width="148" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="148" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="Receive signal" value="loadPage(doc, pageid)" /> @@ -1879,7 +1877,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5106" id="892" > <cdparam x="126" y="1431" /> -<sizeparam width="274" height="38" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="274" height="38" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="PutPrefetchInMemoryDone" /> @@ -1923,13 +1921,11 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="889" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="890" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="891" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5106" id="933" > <cdparam x="132" y="1270" /> -<sizeparam width="263" height="42" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="263" height="42" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="PutPrefetchInMemory" /> @@ -1973,13 +1969,11 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="930" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="931" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="932" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5106" id="1020" > <cdparam x="127" y="1028" /> -<sizeparam width="258" height="201" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="258" height="201" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1900" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="Prefetching" /> @@ -2023,80 +2017,76 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="1017" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="1018" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="1019" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> -<SUBCOMPONENT type="5108" id="936" > +<SUBCOMPONENT type="5100" id="935" > <father id="1020" num="0" /> -<cdparam x="195" y="1118" /> -<sizeparam width="136" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<cdparam x="249" y="1055" /> +<sizeparam width="15" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> -<cdrectangleparam minX="0" maxX="228" minY="0" maxY="181" /> -<infoparam name="TGComponent" value="null" /> +<cdrectangleparam minX="0" maxX="243" minY="0" maxY="186" /> +<infoparam name="start state" value="null" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="934" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="935" /> -<extraparam> -<Data variable="x" minValue="0" maxValue="10" functionId="0" /> -</extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> -<SUBCOMPONENT type="5106" id="977" > +<SUBCOMPONENT type="5106" id="976" > <father id="1020" num="1" /> <cdparam x="213" y="1155" /> -<sizeparam width="100" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="100" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="0" maxX="158" minY="0" maxY="151" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="PagePrefetched" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="937" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="938" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="939" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="940" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="941" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="942" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="943" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="944" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="945" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="946" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="10" id="947" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="11" id="948" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="12" id="949" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="13" id="950" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="14" id="951" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="15" id="952" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="16" id="953" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="17" id="954" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="18" id="955" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="19" id="956" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="20" id="957" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="21" id="958" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="959" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="960" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="24" id="961" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="25" id="962" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="26" id="963" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="27" id="964" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="28" id="965" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="29" id="966" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="30" id="967" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="31" id="968" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="32" id="969" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="33" id="970" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="34" id="971" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="35" id="972" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="36" id="973" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="974" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="975" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="976" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> -</SUBCOMPONENT> -<SUBCOMPONENT type="5100" id="979" > +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="936" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="937" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="938" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="939" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="940" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="941" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="942" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="943" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="944" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="945" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="10" id="946" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="11" id="947" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="12" id="948" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="13" id="949" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="14" id="950" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="15" id="951" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="16" id="952" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="17" id="953" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="18" id="954" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="19" id="955" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="20" id="956" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="21" id="957" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="958" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="959" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="24" id="960" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="25" id="961" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="26" id="962" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="27" id="963" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="28" id="964" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="29" id="965" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="30" id="966" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="31" id="967" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="32" id="968" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="33" id="969" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="34" id="970" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="35" id="971" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="36" id="972" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="973" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="38" 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the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1025" > <father id="1027" num="0" /> <cdparam x="478" y="456" /> -<sizeparam width="63" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="63" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -2142,7 +2132,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1032" > <father id="1034" num="0" /> <cdparam x="472" y="417" /> -<sizeparam width="63" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="63" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" 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height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -2328,12 +2322,14 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5101" id="1078" > <cdparam x="451" y="589" /> -<sizeparam width="20" height="20" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="20" height="20" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> 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minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="Send signal" value="flipNextPage()" /> @@ -2455,7 +2449,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5103" id="1165" > <cdparam x="415" y="380" /> -<sizeparam width="91" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="91" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="Send signal" value="flipNextPage()" /> @@ -2473,7 +2467,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5103" id="1176" > <cdparam x="415" y="461" /> -<sizeparam width="91" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="91" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" 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id="1190" > <father id="1200" num="2" /> <cdparam x="250" y="167" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -2552,7 +2546,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1195" > <father id="1200" num="3" /> <cdparam x="410" y="275" /> -<sizeparam width="103" height="45" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="103" height="45" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -2568,6 +2562,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <computeMax value="" /> <actions value="data = page.data" /> <actions value="printPage(data)" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -2582,7 +2578,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1205" > <father id="1207" num="0" /> <cdparam x="398" y="135" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -2596,6 +2592,8 @@ ones in 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y="376" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -2733,6 +2731,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -2751,7 +2751,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1276" > <father id="1286" num="0" /> <cdparam x="965" y="368" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" 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@@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1302" > <father id="1313" num="1" /> <cdparam x="894" y="703" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -2873,7 +2879,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1303" > <father id="1313" num="2" /> <cdparam x="894" y="558" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -2881,7 +2887,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1308" > <father id="1313" num="3" /> <cdparam x="852" y="669" /> -<sizeparam width="39" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="39" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -2909,7 +2915,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1318" > <father id="1320" num="0" /> <cdparam x="492" y="725" /> -<sizeparam width="405" height="30" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" 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-2966,7 +2972,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1332" > <father id="1334" num="0" /> <cdparam x="722" y="571" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -2980,6 +2986,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -2994,7 +3002,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1339" > <father id="1341" num="0" /> 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minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -3066,6 +3078,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> <actions value="currentDocument.currentPage = currentDocument.currentPage + 1" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -3080,7 +3094,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1360" > <father id="1362" num="0" /> <cdparam x="309" y="554" /> -<sizeparam width="264" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="264" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" 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value="null" /> @@ -3122,7 +3138,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1364" > <father id="1375" num="1" /> <cdparam x="186" y="676" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -3130,7 +3146,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1365" > <father id="1375" num="2" /> <cdparam x="186" y="515" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -3138,7 +3154,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1370" > <father id="1375" num="3" /> <cdparam x="255" y="697" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -3152,6 +3168,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -3166,7 +3184,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1380" > <father id="1382" num="0" /> <cdparam x="306" y="662" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -3180,6 +3198,8 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <afterMax value="" /> <computeMin value="" /> <computeMax value="" /> +<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> +<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> @@ -3194,7 +3214,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) </CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1387" > <father id="1389" num="0" /> 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maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -3349,7 +3373,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1419" > <father id="1430" num="1" /> <cdparam x="1080" y="272" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -3357,7 +3381,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1420" > <father id="1430" num="2" /> <cdparam x="882" y="153" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="point " value="null" /> @@ -3365,7 +3389,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1425" > <father id="1430" num="3" /> <cdparam x="747" y="461" /> -<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> @@ -3384,7 +3408,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5103" id="1441" > <cdparam x="211" y="622" /> -<sizeparam width="116" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="116" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="Send signal" value="displayPage(page)" /> @@ -3402,7 +3426,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5104" id="1452" > <cdparam x="219" y="570" /> -<sizeparam width="101" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="101" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="Receive signal" value="getPage(page)" /> @@ -3420,7 +3444,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5104" id="1463" > <cdparam x="378" y="590" /> -<sizeparam width="99" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="99" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="Receive signal" value="flipNextPage()" /> @@ -3438,7 +3462,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5106" id="1504" > <cdparam x="412" y="748" /> -<sizeparam width="256" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="256" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="PageLoadingManagement" /> @@ -3482,13 +3506,11 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="1501" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="1502" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="1503" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5107" id="1520" > <cdparam x="760" y="665" /> -<sizeparam width="30" height="30" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="30" height="30" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="choice" value="null" /> @@ -3511,7 +3533,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5104" id="1531" > <cdparam x="678" y="589" /> -<sizeparam width="152" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="152" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="Receive signal" value="goToPage(currentPage)" /> @@ -3529,7 +3551,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5104" id="1542" > <cdparam x="515" y="590" /> -<sizeparam width="120" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="120" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="Receive signal" value="flipPreviousPage()" /> @@ -3547,7 +3569,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5106" id="1583" > <cdparam x="280" y="481" /> -<sizeparam width="590" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="590" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="WaitingForPageBeingLoadedOrUserEvent" /> @@ -3591,13 +3613,11 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="1580" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="1581" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="1582" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5103" id="1594" > <cdparam x="452" y="430" /> -<sizeparam width="247" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="247" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="Send signal" value="loadPage(currentDocument, currentPage)" /> @@ -3615,7 +3635,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5106" id="1635" > <cdparam x="468" y="336" /> -<sizeparam width="214" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="214" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="PageLoadingManagement" /> @@ -3659,13 +3679,11 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="1632" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="1633" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="1634" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5104" id="1646" > <cdparam x="703" y="302" /> -<sizeparam width="212" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="212" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="Receive signal" value="openDocument(currentDocument)" /> @@ -3683,7 +3701,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5104" id="1657" > <cdparam x="969" y="535" /> -<sizeparam width="58" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="58" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="Receive signal" value="home()" /> @@ -3701,7 +3719,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5104" id="1668" > <cdparam x="450" y="197" /> -<sizeparam width="212" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="212" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="Receive signal" value="openDocument(currentDocument)" /> @@ -3719,7 +3737,7 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <COMPONENT type="5106" id="1709" > <cdparam x="488" y="128" /> -<sizeparam width="137" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="137" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="state0" value="WaitingForDocument" /> @@ -3763,13 +3781,11 @@ ones in memory (for example, the three last!) <TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="1706" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="1707" /> <TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="1708" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> </COMPONENT> <COMPONENT type="5100" id="1711" > <cdparam x="549" y="67" /> -<sizeparam width="15" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<sizeparam width="15" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="1000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="1400" /> <infoparam name="start state" value="null" /> diff --git a/modeling/testCP.xml b/modeling/testCP.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6708dbc59e11af7fc5362d1436b3a2838e676520 --- /dev/null +++ b/modeling/testCP.xml @@ -0,0 +1,4861 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> + +<TURTLEGMODELING version="0.96-beta1"> + +<Modeling type="TML CP" nameTab="aSecondCP" > +<CommunicationPatternDiagramPanel name="MainCP" minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" > +<COMPONENT type="1507" id="2" > +<cdparam x="222" y="179" /> +<sizeparam width="20" height="20" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<hidden value="false" /> +<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> +<infoparam name="stop state" value="null" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="1" /> +</COMPONENT> + +<COMPONENT type="1506" id="4" > +<cdparam x="225" y="29" /> +<sizeparam width="15" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" 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value="Reference to a SD" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="29" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="30" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="31" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="32" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="33" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="34" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="35" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="36" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="37" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="38" /> +</COMPONENT> + +<COMPONENT type="1505" id="50" > +<cdparam x="266" y="461" /> +<sizeparam width="124" height="35" minWidth="70" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<hidden value="false" /> +<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> +<infoparam name="CentralSD" value="Reference to a SD" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="40" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="41" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="42" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="43" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="44" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="45" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="46" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="47" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="48" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="49" /> +</COMPONENT> + +<COMPONENT type="1504" id="61" > +<cdparam x="596" y="170" /> +<sizeparam width="123" height="35" minWidth="70" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<hidden value="false" /> +<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> +<infoparam name="AD2_seq" value="Reference to a CP" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="51" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="52" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="53" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="54" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="55" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="56" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="57" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="58" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="59" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="60" /> +</COMPONENT> + +<COMPONENT type="1504" id="72" > +<cdparam x="648" y="447" /> +<sizeparam width="123" height="35" minWidth="70" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<hidden value="false" /> +<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> +<infoparam name="AD2_par" value="Reference to a CP" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="62" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="63" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="64" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="65" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="66" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="67" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="68" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="69" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="70" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="71" /> +</COMPONENT> + +<COMPONENT type="1504" id="83" > +<cdparam x="239" y="931" /> +<sizeparam width="123" height="35" minWidth="70" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<hidden value="false" /> +<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> +<infoparam name="activity22" value="Reference to a CP" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="73" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="74" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="75" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="76" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="77" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="78" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="79" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="80" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="81" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="82" /> +</COMPONENT> + +<COMPONENT type="1503" id="98" > +<cdparam x="225" y="870" /> +<sizeparam width="150" height="5" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<hidden value="false" /> +<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> +<infoparam name="join4" value="null" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="84" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="85" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="86" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="87" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="88" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="89" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="90" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="91" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="92" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="93" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="10" id="94" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="11" id="95" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="12" id="96" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="13" id="97" /> +</COMPONENT> + +<COMPONENT type="1503" id="113" > +<cdparam x="242" y="563" /> +<sizeparam width="150" height="5" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<hidden value="false" /> +<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> +<infoparam name="join3" value="null" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="99" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="100" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="101" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="102" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="103" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="104" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="105" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="106" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="107" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="108" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="10" id="109" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="11" id="110" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="12" id="111" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="13" id="112" /> +</COMPONENT> + +<COMPONENT type="1502" id="128" > +<cdparam x="242" y="700" /> +<sizeparam width="150" height="5" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<hidden value="false" /> +<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> +<infoparam name="fork4" value="null" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="114" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="115" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="116" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="117" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="118" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="119" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="120" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="121" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="122" /> 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id="148" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="149" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="150" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="151" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="152" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="153" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="154" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="155" /> +</COMPONENT> + +<COMPONENT type="1505" id="167" > +<cdparam x="132" y="761" /> +<sizeparam width="124" height="35" minWidth="70" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<hidden value="false" /> +<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> +<infoparam name="seq66" value="Reference to a SD" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="157" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="158" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="159" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="160" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="161" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="162" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="163" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="164" /> +<TGConnectingPoint 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minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<infoparam name="connector from ActivityDiagram to stop state" value="null" /> +<P1 x="300" y="971" id="74" /> +<P2 x="300" y="1025" id="144" /> +<AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> +</CONNECTOR> +<CONNECTOR type="1501" id="239" > +<cdparam x="378" y="407" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<infoparam name="connector from fork3 to seq44" value="null" /> +<P1 x="378" y="407" id="133" /> +<P2 x="531" y="455" id="179" /> +<AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> +</CONNECTOR> +<CONNECTOR type="1501" id="240" > +<cdparam x="227" y="503" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<infoparam name="connector from seq33 to join3" value="null" /> +<P1 x="162" y="504" id="191" /> +<P2 x="267" y="563" id="99" /> +<AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> +</CONNECTOR> 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minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<infoparam name="connector from seq66 to join4" value="null" /> +<P1 x="194" y="801" id="158" /> +<P2 x="250" y="870" id="84" /> +<AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> +</CONNECTOR> +<CONNECTOR type="1501" id="252" > +<cdparam x="406" y="803" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<infoparam name="connector from seq77 to join4" value="null" /> +<P1 x="762" y="812" id="147" /> +<P2 x="349" y="870" id="88" /> +<AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> +</CONNECTOR> +<CONNECTOR type="1501" id="253" > +<cdparam x="321" y="865" /> +<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> +<infoparam name="connector from join4 to stop state" value="null" /> +<P1 x="300" y="875" id="89" /> +<P2 x="300" y="926" id="73" /> +<AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> +</CONNECTOR> +<CONNECTOR 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num="25" id="392" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="26" id="393" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="27" id="394" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="28" id="395" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="29" id="396" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="30" id="397" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="31" id="398" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="32" id="399" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="33" id="400" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="34" id="401" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="35" id="402" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="36" id="403" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="404" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="405" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="406" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="40" id="407" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="41" id="408" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="42" id="409" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="43" id="410" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="44" id="411" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="45" id="412" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="46" id="413" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="47" id="414" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="48" id="415" /> +<extraparam> +<Mapping 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a/modeling/testavatar.xml +++ b/modeling/testavatar.xml @@ -2,25 +2,23 @@ <TURTLEGMODELING version="0.96-beta1"> -<Modeling type="AVATAR Design" nameTab="TestAsynchronous1" > +<Modeling type="AVATAR Design" nameTab="TestAsynchronous" > <AVATARBlockDiagramPanel name="AVATAR Block Diagram" minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" > <MainCode value="void __user_init() {"/> <MainCode value="}"/> <Optimized value="true" /> -<Validated value="" /> +<Validated value="B1;B0;" /> <Ignored value="" /> -<CONNECTOR type="5002" id="2" > +<CONNECTOR type="5002" id="931" > <cdparam x="486" y="310" /> <sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <infoparam name="connector" value="" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="1" /> -<P1 x="486" y="310" id="32" /> -<P2 x="763" y="310" id="6" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="932" /> +<P1 x="486" y="310" id="882" /> +<P2 x="763" y="310" id="908" /> <AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> <extraparam> -<iso value="in m2()" /> -<osd value="out m2()" /> <isd value="in m0()" /> <isd value="in m1()" /> <oso value="out m0()" /> @@ -28,135 +26,157 @@ <FIFOType asynchronous="true" size="5" blocking="false" private="true" broadcast="false" lossy="false" /> </extraparam> </CONNECTOR> -<COMPONENT type="5000" id="27" > +<COMPONENT type="5000" id="904" > <cdparam x="763" y="210" /> <sizeparam width="250" height="200" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="Block0" value="B1" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="3" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="4" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="5" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="6" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="7" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="8" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="9" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="10" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="11" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="12" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="10" id="13" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="11" id="14" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="12" id="15" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="13" id="16" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="14" id="17" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="15" id="18" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="16" id="19" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="17" id="20" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="18" id="21" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="19" id="22" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="20" id="23" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="21" id="24" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="25" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="26" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="905" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="906" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="907" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="908" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="909" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="910" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="911" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="912" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="913" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="914" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="10" id="915" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="11" id="916" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="12" id="917" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="13" id="918" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="14" id="919" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="15" id="920" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="16" id="921" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="17" id="922" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="18" id="923" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="19" id="924" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="20" id="925" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="21" id="926" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="927" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="928" /> <extraparam> <CryptoBlock value="false" /> <Signal value="in m0()" /> <Signal value="in m1()" /> -<Signal value="out m2()" /> </extraparam> </COMPONENT> -<COMPONENT type="5000" id="52" > +<COMPONENT type="5000" id="877" > <cdparam x="236" y="210" /> <sizeparam width="250" height="200" minWidth="5" minHeight="2" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden 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num="25" id="147" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="26" id="148" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="27" id="149" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="28" id="150" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="29" id="151" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="30" id="152" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="31" id="153" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="32" id="154" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="33" id="155" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="34" id="156" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="35" id="157" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="36" id="158" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="159" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="160" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="161" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="1008" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="1009" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="1010" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="1011" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="1012" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="1013" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="1014" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="1015" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="1016" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="1017" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="10" id="1018" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="11" id="1019" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="12" id="1020" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="13" id="1021" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="14" id="1022" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="15" id="1023" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="16" id="1024" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="17" id="1025" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="18" id="1026" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="19" id="1027" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="20" id="1028" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="21" id="1029" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="1030" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="1031" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="24" id="1032" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="25" id="1033" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="26" id="1034" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="27" id="1035" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="28" id="1036" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="29" id="1037" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="30" id="1038" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="31" id="1039" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="32" id="1040" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="33" id="1041" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="34" id="1042" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="35" id="1043" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="36" id="1044" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="1045" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="1046" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="1047" /> <extraparam> </extraparam> </COMPONENT> -<COMPONENT type="5100" id="164" > +<COMPONENT type="5100" id="929" > <cdparam x="400" y="50" /> <sizeparam width="15" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="start state" value="null" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="163" /> -</COMPONENT> - - -</AVATARStateMachineDiagramPanel> - -<AVATARStateMachineDiagramPanel name="B0" minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" > -<CONNECTOR type="5102" id="263" > -<cdparam x="486" y="244" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> -<infoparam name="connector" value="null" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="264" /> -<P1 x="486" y="244" id="229" /> -<P2 x="531" y="340" id="199" /> -<AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> -</CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="265" > -<father id="263" num="0" /> -<cdparam x="486" y="304" /> -<sizeparam width="67" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> -<hidden value="false" /> -<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> -<infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="266" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="267" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="268" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="269" /> -<extraparam> -<guard value="[ ]" /> -<afterMin value="5" /> -<afterMax value="15" /> -<computeMin value="" /> -<computeMax value="" /> -<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> -<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> -</extraparam> -</SUBCOMPONENT> - -<CONNECTOR type="5102" id="256" > -<cdparam x="423" y="244" /> -<sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> -<infoparam name="connector" value="null" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="257" /> -<P1 x="423" y="244" id="242" /> -<P2 x="402" y="329" id="188" /> -<AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> -</CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="258" > -<father id="256" num="0" /> -<cdparam x="332" y="285" /> -<sizeparam width="75" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> -<hidden value="false" /> -<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> -<infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="259" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="260" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="261" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="262" /> -<extraparam> -<guard value="[ ]" /> -<afterMin value="10" /> -<afterMax value="20" /> -<computeMin value="" /> -<computeMax value="" /> -<filesToIncludeLine value="" /> -<codeToIncludeLine value="" /> -</extraparam> -</SUBCOMPONENT> - -<COMPONENT type="5101" id="254" > -<cdparam x="536" y="413" /> -<sizeparam width="20" height="20" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> -<hidden value="false" /> -<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> -<infoparam name="stop state" value="null" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="255" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="930" /> </COMPONENT> -<COMPONENT type="5106" id="213" > -<cdparam x="411" y="194" /> -<sizeparam width="100" height="50" minWidth="40" minHeight="30" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> -<hidden value="false" /> -<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> -<infoparam name="state0" value="state0" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="214" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="215" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="216" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="217" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="218" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="219" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="220" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="221" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="222" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="223" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="10" id="224" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="11" id="225" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="12" id="226" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="13" id="227" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="14" id="228" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="15" id="229" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="16" id="230" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="17" id="231" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="18" id="232" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="19" id="233" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="20" id="234" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="21" id="235" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="236" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="237" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="24" id="238" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="25" id="239" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="26" id="240" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="27" id="241" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="28" id="242" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="29" id="243" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="30" id="244" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="31" id="245" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="32" id="246" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="33" id="247" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="34" id="248" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="35" id="249" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="36" id="250" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="251" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="252" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="253" /> -<extraparam> -</extraparam> -</COMPONENT> - -<CONNECTOR type="5102" id="171" > -<cdparam x="342" y="124" /> +<CONNECTOR type="5102" id="1048" > +<cdparam x="407" y="70" /> <sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <infoparam name="connector" value="null" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="170" /> -<P1 x="342" y="124" id="210" /> -<P2 x="461" y="194" id="215" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="1049" /> +<P1 x="407" y="70" id="930" /> +<P2 x="411" y="105" id="1016" /> <AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> -</CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="169" > -<father id="171" num="0" /> -<cdparam x="342" y="164" /> +</CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1050" > +<father id="1048" num="0" /> +<cdparam x="407" y="110" /> <sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="165" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="166" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="167" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="168" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="1051" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="1052" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="1053" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="1054" /> <extraparam> <guard value="[ ]" /> <afterMin value="" /> @@ -660,25 +485,25 @@ </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> -<CONNECTOR type="5102" id="178" > -<cdparam x="344" y="182" /> +<CONNECTOR type="5102" id="1066" > +<cdparam x="386" y="155" /> <sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <infoparam name="connector" value="null" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="177" /> -<P1 x="531" y="370" id="200" /> -<P2 x="546" y="408" id="255" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="1067" /> +<P1 x="386" y="155" id="1013" /> +<P2 x="369" y="224" id="1056" /> <AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> -</CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="176" > -<father id="178" num="0" /> -<cdparam x="344" y="222" /> +</CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1068" > +<father id="1066" num="0" /> +<cdparam x="386" y="195" /> <sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="172" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="173" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="174" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="175" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="1069" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="1070" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="1071" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="1072" /> <extraparam> <guard value="[ ]" /> <afterMin value="" /> @@ -688,25 +513,25 @@ </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> -<CONNECTOR type="5102" id="185" > -<cdparam x="348" y="244" /> +<CONNECTOR type="5102" id="1097" > +<cdparam x="473" y="155" /> <sizeparam width="0" height="0" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <infoparam name="connector" value="null" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="184" /> -<P1 x="402" y="359" id="189" /> -<P2 x="371" y="455" id="186" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="1098" /> +<P1 x="473" y="155" id="1039" /> +<P2 x="482" y="229" id="1087" /> <AutomaticDrawing data="true" /> -</CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="183" > -<father id="185" num="0" /> -<cdparam x="355" y="403" /> +</CONNECTOR><SUBCOMPONENT type="-1" id="1099" > +<father id="1097" num="0" /> +<cdparam x="473" y="195" /> <sizeparam width="10" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> <hidden value="false" /> <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> <infoparam name="List of all parameters of an Avatar SMD transition" value="" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="179" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="180" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="181" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="182" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="1100" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="1101" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="1102" /> +<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="1103" /> <extraparam> <guard value="[ ]" /> <afterMin value="" /> @@ -716,60 +541,6 @@ </extraparam> </SUBCOMPONENT> -<COMPONENT type="5101" id="187" > -<cdparam x="361" y="460" /> -<sizeparam width="20" height="20" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> -<hidden value="false" /> -<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> -<infoparam name="stop state" value="null" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="186" /> -</COMPONENT> - -<COMPONENT type="5103" id="198" > -<cdparam x="384" y="334" /> -<sizeparam width="37" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> -<hidden value="false" /> -<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> -<infoparam name="Send signal" value="m1()" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="188" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="189" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="190" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="191" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="192" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="193" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="194" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="195" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="196" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="197" /> -</COMPONENT> - -<COMPONENT type="5103" id="209" > -<cdparam x="513" y="345" /> -<sizeparam width="37" height="20" minWidth="30" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> -<hidden value="false" /> -<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> -<infoparam name="Send signal" value="m0()" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="199" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="200" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="201" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="202" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="203" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="204" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="205" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="206" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="207" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="208" /> -</COMPONENT> - -<COMPONENT type="5100" id="211" > -<cdparam x="335" y="104" /> -<sizeparam width="15" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" /> -<hidden value="false" /> -<cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="1400" minY="10" maxY="900" /> -<infoparam name="start state" value="null" /> -<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="210" /> -</COMPONENT> - </AVATARStateMachineDiagramPanel> diff --git a/src/Main.java b/src/Main.java index 27a4d6537c6d846ffedaabe29d4521e330710ab0..3ef45a591902ce7edcd73e8c837f299ea1d63b0f 100755 --- a/src/Main.java +++ b/src/Main.java @@ -1,48 +1,48 @@ /**Copyright or (C) or Copr. GET / ENST, Telecom-Paris, Ludovic Apvrille - ludovic.apvrille AT enst.fr - - This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the - edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to - allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram, - and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces - obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP - from INRIA Rhone-Alpes. - - This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and - abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, - modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL - license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL - "http://www.cecill.info". - - As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, - modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only - with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the - economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited - liability. - - In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated - with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the - software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, - that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also - therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced - professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore - encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their - requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or - data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the - same conditions as regards security. - - The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had - knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. - - /** - * Class Main - * starts the main Windows and a project manager - * Creation: 01/12/2003 - * @version 1.0 21/08/2004 - * @author Ludovic APVRILLE - * @see - */ +ludovic.apvrille AT enst.fr + +This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the +edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to +allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram, +and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces +obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP +from INRIA Rhone-Alpes. + +This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and +abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, +modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL +license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL +"http://www.cecill.info". + +As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, +modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only +with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the +economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited +liability. + +In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated +with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the +software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, +that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also +therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced +professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore +encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their +requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or +data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the +same conditions as regards security. + +The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had +knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. + +/** + * Class Main + * starts the main Windows and a project manager + * Creation: 01/12/2003 + * @version 1.0 21/08/2004 + * @author Ludovic APVRILLE + * @see + */ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; @@ -66,71 +66,71 @@ public class Main implements ActionListener { public static boolean os = false; public static boolean uppaal = true; public static boolean nc = true ; // Network calculus - public static boolean avatar = true ; // avatar profile - public static boolean proverif = false; - public static boolean experimental = false; - public static boolean avataronly = false; + public static boolean avatar = true ; // avatar profile + public static boolean proverif = false; + public static boolean experimental = false; + public static boolean avataronly = false; public static void main(String[] args) { - - //testBoolExpr(); - //testMatrix(); - - /* int x = 5 * 2 + 3; - int y = 3 + 5 * 2; - System.out.println("x=" + x + " y=" + y);*/ - - - TraceManager.devPolicy = TraceManager.TO_DEVNULL; - + + //testBoolExpr(); + //testMatrix(); + +/* int x = 5 * 2 + 3; + int y = 3 + 5 * 2; + System.out.println("x=" + x + " y=" + y);*/ + + + TraceManager.devPolicy = TraceManager.TO_DEVNULL; + System.out.println("\n*** TTool version: " + DefaultText.getFullVersion() + " ***\n"); - - /* - TraceManager.devPolicy = TraceManager.TO_CONSOLE; - - IntExpressionEvaluator iee = new IntExpressionEvaluator(); - int result = (int)(iee.getResultOf("(11+3)*7")); - System.out.println("Result=" + result); - if(iee.hasError()) { - System.out.println("Error in parsing:" + iee.getError()); - } - - TraceManager.addDev("Toto"); - BoolExpressionEvaluator bee = new BoolExpressionEvaluator(); - boolean b = bee.getResultOf("not (8 > 10)"); - System.out.println("Bool result=" + b); - if(bee.hasError()) { - System.out.println("Error in parsing:" + bee.getError()); - } - /*b = bee.getResultOf("true == (1 == 3)"); - System.out.println("Bool result=" + b); - if(bee.hasError()) { - System.out.println("Error in parsing:" + bee.getError()); - } - b = bee.getResultOf("true == (3 == 3)"); - System.out.println("Bool result=" + b); - if(bee.hasError()) { - System.out.println("Error in parsing:" + bee.getError()); - } - b = bee.getResultOf("(1 + 5) == (2 + 4)"); - System.out.println("Bool result=" + b); - if(bee.hasError()) { - System.out.println("Error in parsing:" + bee.getError()); - } - b = bee.getResultOf("((1 + 5) == (2 + 4)) == true"); - System.out.println("Bool result=" + b); - if(bee.hasError()) { - System.out.println("Error in parsing:" + bee.getError()); - } - - - System.exit(-1);*/ - - - + + /* + TraceManager.devPolicy = TraceManager.TO_CONSOLE; + + IntExpressionEvaluator iee = new IntExpressionEvaluator(); + int result = (int)(iee.getResultOf("(11+3)*7")); + System.out.println("Result=" + result); + if(iee.hasError()) { + System.out.println("Error in parsing:" + iee.getError()); + } + + TraceManager.addDev("Toto"); + BoolExpressionEvaluator bee = new BoolExpressionEvaluator(); + boolean b = bee.getResultOf("not (8 > 10)"); + System.out.println("Bool result=" + b); + if(bee.hasError()) { + System.out.println("Error in parsing:" + bee.getError()); + } + /*b = bee.getResultOf("true == (1 == 3)"); + System.out.println("Bool result=" + b); + if(bee.hasError()) { + System.out.println("Error in parsing:" + bee.getError()); + } + b = bee.getResultOf("true == (3 == 3)"); + System.out.println("Bool result=" + b); + if(bee.hasError()) { + System.out.println("Error in parsing:" + bee.getError()); + } + b = bee.getResultOf("(1 + 5) == (2 + 4)"); + System.out.println("Bool result=" + b); + if(bee.hasError()) { + System.out.println("Error in parsing:" + bee.getError()); + } + b = bee.getResultOf("((1 + 5) == (2 + 4)) == true"); + System.out.println("Bool result=" + b); + if(bee.hasError()) { + System.out.println("Error in parsing:" + bee.getError()); + } + + + System.exit(-1);*/ + + + // Read the image data and display the splash screen // ------------------------------------------------- - + JStartingWindow splashFrame = null; //System.out.println("hello"); URL imageURL = Main.class.getResource("ui/images/starting_logo.gif"); @@ -142,31 +142,31 @@ public class Main implements ActionListener { splashFrame = JStartingWindow.splash(img, "Loading TTool's elements"); //splashFrame.setLicenceMessage("An open-source toolkit from:"); if (splashFrame != null) { - splashFrame.setMiddleMessage("version " + DefaultText.getVersion()); + splashFrame.setMiddleMessage("version " + DefaultText.getVersion()); } //System.out.println("helly"); } else { System.err.println("Starting image not found"); System.exit(0); } - - + + new Timer(3000, main).start(); - - - + + + // Starting window // setting default language if (splashFrame != null) { - splashFrame.setMessage("Setting language"); + splashFrame.setMessage("Setting language"); } Locale.setDefault(new Locale("en")); - - boolean startLauncher = true; - + + boolean startLauncher = true; + // Analyzing arguments String config = "config.xml"; - startLauncher = true; + startLauncher = true; for(int i=0; i<args.length; i++) { if (args[i].compareTo("-systemc") == 0) { systemc = true; @@ -176,15 +176,15 @@ public class Main implements ActionListener { lotos = true; System.out.println("LOTOS features activated"); } - if (args[i].compareTo("-nolotos") == 0) { + if (args[i].compareTo("-nolotos") == 0) { lotos = false; System.out.println("LOTOS features activated"); } - if (args[i].compareTo("-launcher") == 0) { - startLauncher = true; + if (args[i].compareTo("-launcher") == 0) { + startLauncher = true; } - if (args[i].compareTo("-nolauncher") == 0) { - startLauncher = false; + if (args[i].compareTo("-nolauncher") == 0) { + startLauncher = false; } if (args[i].compareTo("-diplodocus") == 0) { systemc = true; @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ public class Main implements ActionListener { experimental = true; System.out.println("Experimental features activated"); } - if (args[i].compareTo("-nodiplodocus") == 0) { + if (args[i].compareTo("-nodiplodocus") == 0) { systemc = false; System.out.println("Diplodocus features deactivated"); } @@ -210,76 +210,75 @@ public class Main implements ActionListener { } if (args[i].compareTo("-nonc") ==0 ) { - nc = false; + nc = false; System.out.println("Network calculus features unactivated - these are beta features that are meant to be used only for research purpose"); } - - if (args[i].compareTo("-avatar") ==0 ) { - avatar = true; + + if (args[i].compareTo("-avatar") ==0 ) { + avatar = true; System.out.println("AVATAR activated - these are beta features that are meant to be used only for research purpose"); } - - if (args[i].compareTo("-noavatar") ==0 ) { - avatar = false; + + if (args[i].compareTo("-noavatar") ==0 ) { + avatar = false; System.out.println("AVATAR unactivated - these are beta features that are meant to be used only for research purpose"); } - if (args[i].compareTo("-avataronly") ==0 ) { - avataronly = true; - System.out.println("Only the AVATAR is activated"); - } - - if (args[i].compareTo("-proverif") ==0 ) { - proverif = true; + if (args[i].compareTo("-avataronly") ==0 ) { + avataronly = true; + System.out.println("Only the AVATAR is activated"); + } + if (args[i].compareTo("-proverif") ==0 ) { + proverif = true; System.out.println("ProVerif activated - these are beta features that are meant to be used only for research purpose"); } - - if (args[i].compareTo("-noproverif") ==0 ) { - proverif = false; + + if (args[i].compareTo("-noproverif") ==0 ) { + proverif = false; System.out.println("ProVerif unactivated - these are beta features that are meant to be used only for research purpose"); } - + if (args[i].compareTo("-os") == 0) { os = true; System.out.println("TURTLE-OS features activated - these are beta features that are meant to be used only for research purpose"); } - + if (args[i].compareTo("-uppaal") == 0) { uppaal = true; System.out.println("UPPAAL features activated - these are beta features that are meant to be used only for research purpose"); } - if (args[i].compareTo("-nouppaal") == 0) { + if (args[i].compareTo("-nouppaal") == 0) { uppaal = false; System.out.println("UPPAAL features activated - these are beta features that are meant to be used only for research purpose"); } - + if (args[i].compareTo("-config") == 0) { config = args[Math.min(args.length-1, i+1)]; } - - if (args[i].compareTo("-debug") == 0) { + + if (args[i].compareTo("-debug") == 0) { TraceManager.devPolicy = TraceManager.TO_CONSOLE; } - - if (args[i].compareTo("-nocolor") == 0) { + + if (args[i].compareTo("-nocolor") == 0) { ColorManager.noColor(); } - + } - + // Icons if (splashFrame != null) { - splashFrame.setMessage("Loading images"); + splashFrame.setMessage("Loading images"); } IconManager icma = new IconManager(); icma.loadImg(); - + // Loading configuration if (splashFrame != null) { - splashFrame.setMessage("Loading configuration file: " + config); + splashFrame.setMessage("Loading configuration file: " + config); } - - + + //ConfigurationTTool.makeDefaultConfiguration(); try { ConfigurationTTool.loadConfiguration(config, systemc); @@ -289,61 +288,57 @@ public class Main implements ActionListener { TraceManager.addDev("\nConfiguration:\n--------------"); TraceManager.addDev(ConfigurationTTool.getConfiguration(systemc)); TraceManager.addDev("\nDebugging trace:\n----------------"); - - if (ConfigurationTTool.LauncherPort.length() > 0) { - try { - int port = Integer.decode(ConfigurationTTool.LauncherPort).intValue(); - launcher.RshClient.PORT_NUMBER = port; - launcher.RshServer.PORT_NUMBER = port; - TraceManager.addDev("Port number set to: " + port); - } catch (Exception e) { - TraceManager.addError("Wrong port number:" + ConfigurationTTool.LauncherPort); - } - } - - String sk = null; - if (startLauncher) { - RTLLauncher launcher = new RTLLauncher(); - sk = launcher.getKey(); - Thread t = new Thread(launcher); - t.start(); - } - + + if (ConfigurationTTool.LauncherPort.length() > 0) { + try { + int port = Integer.decode(ConfigurationTTool.LauncherPort).intValue(); + launcher.RshClient.PORT_NUMBER = port; + launcher.RshServer.PORT_NUMBER = port; + TraceManager.addDev("Port number set to: " + port); + } catch (Exception e) { + TraceManager.addError("Wrong port number:" + ConfigurationTTool.LauncherPort); + } + } + + if (startLauncher) { + Thread t = new Thread(new RTLLauncher()); + t.start(); + } + // making main window if (splashFrame != null) { - splashFrame.setMessage("Creating main window"); + splashFrame.setMessage("Creating main window"); } MainGUI mainGUI = new MainGUI(systemc, lotos, proactive, tpn, os, uppaal, nc, avatar, proverif, avataronly, experimental); if (splashFrame != null) { - splashFrame.setMessage("Building graphical components"); + splashFrame.setMessage("Building graphical components"); } - mainGUI.setKey(sk); mainGUI.build(); - + // loading configuration - + // starting application if (mainGUI == null) { ErrorGUI.exit(ErrorGUI.GUI); } - + if (splashFrame != null) { - splashFrame.setMessage("Starting TTool ..."); + splashFrame.setMessage("Starting TTool ..."); } main.waitFinish(); mainGUI.start(); - + // Dispose the splash screen // ------------------------- if (splashFrame != null) { splashFrame.dispose(); } - + // Checking for update TToolUpdater tu = new TToolUpdater(mainGUI.frame); tu.start(); } - + public synchronized void waitFinish() { while(finish == false) { try { @@ -352,96 +347,97 @@ public class Main implements ActionListener { } } } - + public synchronized void okFinish() { finish = true; notifyAll(); } - + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { main.okFinish(); } - - + + public static void testMatrix() { - - //int[] numbers = {42, 18, 12,-12}; - //System.out.println("GCD=" + MyMath.gcd(numbers)); - - - /*String[] names = {"a", "b", "e", "ae4"}; - int [] line0 ={-1, 1, 0, 0}; - int [] line1 ={0, 0,-1, 1}; - int [] line2 ={-4, 4, -1, 1}; - int [] line3 ={1, -1, 0, 0}; - int [] line4 ={0, 0, 1, -1}; - int [] line4_fake ={10, 10, 11, -11}; - - - int [] line0b ={-1, 1, 1, -1}; - int [] line1b ={1, -1,-1, 1}; - int [] line2b ={0, 0, 1, 0}; - int [] line3b ={1, 0, 0, -1}; - int [] line4b ={-1, 0, 0, 1}; - - IntMatrix myMat = new IntMatrix(4, 4); - myMat.setNamesOfLine(names); - - - myMat.setLineValues(0, line0); - myMat.setLineValues(1, line1); - myMat.setLineValues(2, line2); - myMat.setLineValues(3, line3); - - System.out.println("mat=\n" + myMat.toString() + "\n\n"); - - myMat.addLine(line4_fake, "duplicate-be"); - myMat.addLine(line4, "be"); - - System.out.println("mat=\n" + myMat.toString() + "\n\n"); - - myMat.removeLine(4); - - - System.out.println("mat=\n" + myMat.toString() + "\n\n"); - myMat.Farkas(); - System.out.println("mat=\n" + myMat.toString() + "\n\n"); - - myMat = new IntMatrix(5, 4); - - - myMat.setLineValues(0, line0b); - myMat.setLineValues(1, line1b); - myMat.setLineValues(2, line2b); - myMat.setLineValues(3, line3b); - myMat.setLineValues(4, line4b); - System.out.println("matb=\n" + myMat.toString() + "\n\n"); - myMat.Farkas(); - System.out.println("matb=\n" + myMat.toString() + "\n\n");*/ - + + //int[] numbers = {42, 18, 12,-12}; + //System.out.println("GCD=" + MyMath.gcd(numbers)); + + + /*String[] names = {"a", "b", "e", "ae4"}; + int [] line0 ={-1, 1, 0, 0}; + int [] line1 ={0, 0,-1, 1}; + int [] line2 ={-4, 4, -1, 1}; + int [] line3 ={1, -1, 0, 0}; + int [] line4 ={0, 0, 1, -1}; + int [] line4_fake ={10, 10, 11, -11}; + + + int [] line0b ={-1, 1, 1, -1}; + int [] line1b ={1, -1,-1, 1}; + int [] line2b ={0, 0, 1, 0}; + int [] line3b ={1, 0, 0, -1}; + int [] line4b ={-1, 0, 0, 1}; + + IntMatrix myMat = new IntMatrix(4, 4); + myMat.setNamesOfLine(names); + + + myMat.setLineValues(0, line0); + myMat.setLineValues(1, line1); + myMat.setLineValues(2, line2); + myMat.setLineValues(3, line3); + + System.out.println("mat=\n" + myMat.toString() + "\n\n"); + + myMat.addLine(line4_fake, "duplicate-be"); + myMat.addLine(line4, "be"); + + System.out.println("mat=\n" + myMat.toString() + "\n\n"); + + myMat.removeLine(4); + + + System.out.println("mat=\n" + myMat.toString() + "\n\n"); + myMat.Farkas(); + System.out.println("mat=\n" + myMat.toString() + "\n\n"); + + myMat = new IntMatrix(5, 4); + + + myMat.setLineValues(0, line0b); + myMat.setLineValues(1, line1b); + myMat.setLineValues(2, line2b); + myMat.setLineValues(3, line3b); + myMat.setLineValues(4, line4b); + System.out.println("matb=\n" + myMat.toString() + "\n\n"); + myMat.Farkas(); + System.out.println("matb=\n" + myMat.toString() + "\n\n");*/ + } - + public static void testBoolExpr() { - - - evalBool("t or f"); - - evalBool("(t) or f"); - - evalBool("(0==0)"); - - - - System.exit(-1); + + + evalBool("t or f"); + + evalBool("(t) or f"); + + evalBool("(0==0)"); + + + + System.exit(-1); } - + public static void evalBool(String s) { - BoolExpressionEvaluator bee = new BoolExpressionEvaluator(); - System.out.println("->Result of " + s + " =" + bee.getResultOf(s)); - if (bee.hasError()) { - System.out.println("Error = " + bee.getFullError()); - } - System.out.println("\n\n"); + BoolExpressionEvaluator bee = new BoolExpressionEvaluator(); + System.out.println("->Result of " + s + " =" + bee.getResultOf(s)); + if (bee.hasError()) { + System.out.println("Error = " + bee.getFullError()); + } + System.out.println("\n\n"); } - + } // Class Main + diff --git a/src/avatartranslator/AvatarBlock.java b/src/avatartranslator/AvatarBlock.java index 6cc1f7b2a877b9f1973d6498b8218c7e48fd5742..46a0f8d366d334282e21224b36e2bbb92f979273 100644 --- a/src/avatartranslator/AvatarBlock.java +++ b/src/avatartranslator/AvatarBlock.java @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ public class AvatarBlock extends AvatarElement { } /////////////////////////////////// - // + public AvatarConstant getAvatarConstantWithName(String _name) { return this.avspec.getAvatarConstantWithName (_name); } diff --git a/src/avatartranslator/AvatarSpecification.java b/src/avatartranslator/AvatarSpecification.java index 15d2c1ce1657e850981dd3bb2ddd368d3f9a0c39..759d60f5b5e39075e51c71a338af10e54e757d64 100644 --- a/src/avatartranslator/AvatarSpecification.java +++ b/src/avatartranslator/AvatarSpecification.java @@ -147,6 +147,15 @@ public class AvatarSpecification extends AvatarElement { } + //DG + public boolean ASynchronousExist(){ + LinkedList<AvatarRelation> asynchro = getRelations(); + for ( AvatarRelation ar : asynchro ) + if (ar.isAsynchronous()) + return true; + return false; + } + // end DG public void addBlock(AvatarBlock _block) { blocks.add(_block); } diff --git a/src/avatartranslator/toexecutable/TaskFileSoclib.java b/src/avatartranslator/toexecutable/TaskFileSoclib.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4ed15509a0f9d1510f8ec5e9aa870be564c38d95 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/avatartranslator/toexecutable/TaskFileSoclib.java @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +/**Copyright or (C) or Copr. GET / ENST, Telecom-Paris, Ludovic Apvrille +* +* ludovic.apvrille AT enst.fr +* +* This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the +* edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to +* allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram, +* and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces +* obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP +* from INRIA Rhone-Alpes. +* +* This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and +* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, +* modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL +* license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL +* "http://www.cecill.info". +* +* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, +* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only +* with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the +* economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited +* liability. +* +* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated +* with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the +* software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, +* that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also +* therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced +* professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore +* encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their +* requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or +* data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the +* same conditions as regards security. +* +* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had +* knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. +* +* /** +* Class TaskFile +* Creation: 29/03/2011 +* @version 1.1 29/03/2011 +* @author Ludovic APVRILLE +* @see +*/ + +package avatartranslator.toexecutable; + +import java.awt.*; +import java.util.*; + +import myutil.*; +import avatartranslator.*; + +public class TaskFileSocLib { + /////////////////////RG + //1) enlever pthread.h + //2) ajouter : srl.h et mwmr.h + //private final static String INCLUDE_HEADER = "#include <stdio.h>\n#include <pthread.h>\n#include <unistd.h>\n#include <stdlib.h>\n"; + //private final static String LOCAL_INCLUDE_HEADER = "#include \"request.h\"\n#include \"syncchannel.h\"\n#include \"request_manager.h\"\n#include \"debug.h\"\n#include \"defs.h\"\n#include \"mytimelib.h\"\n#include \"random.h\"\n#include \"tracemanager.h\"\n#include \"main.h\" "; //--------#include \"request.h\"\n ----------- + private final static String INCLUDE_HEADER = "#include <stdio.h>\n#include <unistd.h>\n#include <stdlib.h>\n"; + private final static String LOCAL_INCLUDE_HEADER = "#include \"request.h\"\n#include \"syncchannel.h\"\n#include \"request_manager.h\"\n#include \"debug.h\"\n#include \"defs.h\"\n#include \"mytimelib.h\"\n#include \"random.h\"\n#include \"tracemanager.h\"\n#include \"main.h\"\n#include \"srl.h\"\n#include \"mwmr.h\"\n "; + + private final static String CR = "\n"; + + private String name; + + private String headerCode; + private String mainCode; + + + public TaskFileSoclib(String _name) { + name = _name; + headerCode = ""; + mainCode = ""; + } + + public String getName() { + return name; + } + + public String getFullHeaderCode() { + String s = "#ifndef " + name + "_H\n#define " + name + "_H\n"; + s += INCLUDE_HEADER + CR + LOCAL_INCLUDE_HEADER + CR + CR; + s += headerCode; + s += "#endif\n"; + return s; + } + + public String getMainCode() { + return "#include \"" + name + ".h\"" + CR + CR + mainCode; + } + + public void addToHeaderCode(String _code) { + headerCode += _code; + } + + public void addToMainCode(String _code) { + mainCode += _code; + } + + +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarBridge.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarBridge.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e23d6c98d052035d2caa0b76a464ee908b7303b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarBridge.java @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +/* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; +import java.util.*; + +public class AvatarBridge extends AvatarComponent{ + + private String bridgeName; + private int nbConnectingPoint = 16; + + AvatarConnectingPoint[] connectingPoints = new AvatarConnectingPoint[16]; + + public AvatarBridge(String _bridgeName) { + bridgeName = _bridgeName; + } + + AvatarConnectingPoint[] getAvatarConnectingPoints(){ + return connectingPoints; + } + int getnbConnectingPoint(){ + return nbConnectingPoint; + } + + void setConnectingPoint(int indexConnectingPoint, AvatarConnector connector){ + return; + } +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarBus.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarBus.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b41f0000e616b1a14cb814ec956077a27fa1a028 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarBus.java @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ + /* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; +import java.util.*; + +public class AvatarBus extends AvatarComponent{ + + private String busName; + private int nbOfAttachedInitiators; + private int nbOfAttachedTargets; + private int fifoDepth; + private int minLatency; + + public AvatarBus(String _busName, int _nbOfAttachedInitiators,int _nbOfAttachedTargets, int _fifoDepth, int _minLatency ){ + + busName = _busName; + nbOfAttachedInitiators = _nbOfAttachedInitiators; + nbOfAttachedTargets = _nbOfAttachedTargets ; + fifoDepth = _fifoDepth ; + minLatency = _minLatency ; + + } + + public String getBusName(){ + return busName; + } + + public int getNbOfAttachedInitiators(){ + return nbOfAttachedInitiators; + } + + public int getnbOfAttachedTargets(){ + return nbOfAttachedTargets; + } + + public int getFifoDepth(){ + return fifoDepth; + } + + public int getMinLatency(){ + return minLatency; + } + + public void setNbOfAttachedInitiators(int nb){ + nbOfAttachedInitiators = nb; + } + + public void setnbOfAttachedTargets(int nb){ + nbOfAttachedTargets = nb; + } + +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarCPU.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarCPU.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7ae8a08cbb7e467daed541157ef3605dcb98ba40 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarCPU.java @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +/* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; +import java.util.*; + +public class AvatarCPU extends AvatarComponent{ + + private String cpuName; + + private int nbOfIRQs; + + private int iCacheWays; + private int iCacheSets; + private int iCacheWords; + + private int dCacheWays; + private int dCacheSets; + private int dCacheWords; + private int nb_init; + private int no_proc; + + + private LinkedList<AvatarTask> tasksMapped; + + public AvatarCPU(String _cpuName, int _nbOfIRQs,int _ICacheWays, int _ICacheSets, int _ICacheWords, int _DCacheWays, int _DCacheSets, int _DCacheWords , int _nb_init , int _no_proc ){ + + cpuName = _cpuName; + nbOfIRQs = _nbOfIRQs; + iCacheWays = _ICacheWays; + iCacheSets = _ICacheSets; + iCacheWords = _ICacheWords; + dCacheWays = _DCacheWays; + dCacheSets = _DCacheSets; + dCacheWords = _DCacheWords; + nb_init = _nb_init; + no_proc = _no_proc; + tasksMapped = new LinkedList<AvatarTask>(); + } + + public int getNb_init(){ + return nb_init; + } + + public int getNo_proc(){ + return no_proc; + } + + public String getCpuName(){ + return cpuName; + } + + public int getNbOfIRQS(){ + return nbOfIRQs; + } + + public int getICacheWays(){ + return iCacheWays; + } + + public int getICacheSets(){ + return iCacheSets; + } + + public int getICacheWords(){ + return iCacheWords; + } + + public int getDCacheWays(){ + return dCacheWays; + } + + public int getDCacheSets(){ + return dCacheSets; + } + + public int getDCacheWords(){ + return dCacheWords; + } + + public LinkedList<AvatarTask> getAllTasks(){ + return tasksMapped; + } + + public void addTask(AvatarTask task){ + tasksMapped.add(task); + } + +} + diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarChannel.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarChannel.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..40bd778c904015d7358c343d99c50c363ec03a75 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarChannel.java @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; + +public class AvatarChannel extends AvatarMappedObject{ + + private AvatarRAM avatarRAMReference; + private String referenceDiagram ; + private String channelName ; + + public AvatarChannel(String _referenceDiagram, String _channelName, AvatarRAM _avatarRAMReference ){ + referenceDiagram = _referenceDiagram; + channelName = _channelName; + avatarRAMReference = _avatarRAMReference; + } + + public AvatarRAM getAvatarRAMReference(){ + return avatarRAMReference; + } + + public int getRAMNo(){ + return avatarRAMReference.getNo_ram(); + } + + public String getReferenceDiagram(){ + return referenceDiagram; + } + + public String getChannelName(){ + return channelName; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarComponent.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarComponent.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89090378815dd4eebba7ad295e02feb8c3edb597 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarComponent.java @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ + /* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; + +public abstract class AvatarComponent { + +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarConnectingPoint.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarConnectingPoint.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3f228b138642953890b3deeb6d3971ab78dd1158 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarConnectingPoint.java @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; +import java.util.*; + +public class AvatarConnectingPoint{ + + AvatarConnector ownerConnector ; + AvatarComponent ownerComponent; + + public AvatarConnectingPoint( AvatarComponent _ownerComponent) + { + ownerComponent = _ownerComponent; + } + + AvatarConnector getConnector(){ + return ownerConnector; + } + + AvatarComponent getComponent(){ + return ownerComponent; + } + + void setConnector(AvatarConnector _connector){ + ownerConnector = _connector; + } + + boolean ConnectingPointIsFree(){ + return ownerConnector == null; + } + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarConnector.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarConnector.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5f6f39afaff057d36274c9eb9c5a03c3b2c43d50 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarConnector.java @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +/* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; +import java.util.*; + +public class AvatarConnector{ + + private AvatarConnectingPoint connectingPoint1; + private AvatarConnectingPoint connectingPoint2; + + + public AvatarConnector(AvatarConnectingPoint _connectingPoint1,AvatarConnectingPoint _connectingPoint2){ + + connectingPoint1 = _connectingPoint1; + connectingPoint2 = _connectingPoint2; + } + + AvatarConnectingPoint getconectingPoint1(){ + return connectingPoint2; + } + + AvatarConnectingPoint getconectingPoint2(){ + return connectingPoint2; + } + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarCoproMWMR.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarCoproMWMR.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1599eb304ec9fc2e1f6daf3466b5fdd6fc0d89fe --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarCoproMWMR.java @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +/* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; +import java.util.*; + +public class AvatarCoproMWMR extends AvatarComponent{ + + private String timerName; + private int srcid ; + private int tgtid ; + private int plaps ; + private int fifoToCoprocDepth; + private int fifoFromCoproDepth; + private int nToCopro; + private int nFromCopro; + private int nConfig; + private int nStatus; + private boolean useLLSC; + + private AvatarConnectingPoint[] connectingsPoints; + private int nbConnectingPoint = 16 ; + + public AvatarCoproMWMR(String _timerName,int srcid, int _srcid, int _tgtid, int _plaps, int _fifoToCoprocDepth,int _fifoFromCoproDepth, int _nToCopro, int _nFromCopro, int _nConfig, int _nStatus, boolean _useLLSC) + { + timerName = _timerName; + srcid = _srcid; + tgtid = _tgtid; + plaps = _plaps ; + fifoToCoprocDepth = _fifoToCoprocDepth; + fifoFromCoproDepth = _fifoFromCoproDepth; + nToCopro = _nToCopro; + nFromCopro = _nFromCopro; + nConfig = _nConfig; + nStatus = _nStatus; + useLLSC = _useLLSC; + + connectingsPoints = new AvatarConnectingPoint[nbConnectingPoint] ; + + } + + AvatarConnectingPoint[] getAvatarConnectingPoints(){ + return connectingsPoints; + } + + int getnbConnectingPoint(){ + return nbConnectingPoint; + } + + void setConnectingPoint(int _indexConnectingPoint, AvatarConnector _connector){ + connectingsPoints[_indexConnectingPoint].setConnector(_connector); + } + + String getTimerName(){ + return timerName; + } + + int getSrcid(){ + return srcid; + } + + int getTgtid(){ + return tgtid; + } + + int getPalpas(){ + return plaps; + } + + int getFifoToCoProcDepth(){ + return fifoToCoprocDepth; + } + + int getNToCopro(){ + return nToCopro; + } + + int getNFromCopro(){ + return nFromCopro; + } + int getNConfig(){ + return nConfig; + } + + int getNStatus(){ + return nStatus; + } + + boolean getUseLLSC(){ + return useLLSC; + } + +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarCrossbar.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarCrossbar.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff56b2c11fbeb9aab3b06b5f84ae40a2fb17a3a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarCrossbar.java @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +/* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; +import java.util.*; + +public class AvatarCrossbar extends AvatarComponent{ + + private String crossbarName; + private int nbOfAttachedInitiators; + private int nbOfAttachedTargets; + private int cluster_index; + private int cluster_address; + + public AvatarCrossbar(String _crossbarName, int _nbOfAttachedInitiators,int _nbOfAttachedTargets, int _cluster_index, int _cluster_address ){ + + crossbarName = _crossbarName; + nbOfAttachedInitiators = _nbOfAttachedInitiators; + nbOfAttachedTargets = _nbOfAttachedTargets ; + cluster_index= _cluster_index ; + cluster_address = _cluster_address ; + + } + + public String getCrossbarName(){ + return crossbarName; + } + + public int getNbOfAttachedInitiators(){ + return nbOfAttachedInitiators; + } + + public int getNbOfAttachedTargets(){ + return nbOfAttachedTargets; + } + + public int getClusterIndex(){ + return cluster_index; + } + + public int getClusterAddress(){ + return cluster_address; + } + + public void setNbOfAttachedInitiators(int nb){ + nbOfAttachedInitiators = nb; + } + + public void setnbOfAttachedTargets(int nb){ + nbOfAttachedTargets = nb; + } + +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarICU.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarICU.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..62be8b6adc313f6803c02ba02909928c5d134994 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarICU.java @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +/* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; +import java.util.*; + +public class AvatarICU extends AvatarComponent{ + + private String ICUName ; + private int index ; + private int nbIRQ; + + public AvatarICU(String _ICUName,int _index, int _nbIRQ){ + + ICUName = _ICUName; + index = _index; + nbIRQ = _nbIRQ; + + } + String getICUName(){ + return ICUName; + } + + int getIndex(){ + return index; + } + + int getNbIRQ(){ + return nbIRQ; + } + +} + diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarMappedObject.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarMappedObject.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00685ae6b68b83cb5f5bbca5a21d71d0096fcb6d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarMappedObject.java @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +/* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; + +public abstract class AvatarMappedObject { + +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarRAM.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarRAM.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43fb0be8d097dbbfb0de1ee226233e6181f1e494 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarRAM.java @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +/* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; +import java.util.*; + +public class AvatarRAM extends AvatarComponent{ + + private String memoryName ; + private int index; + private int dataSize; + + public int no_ram; + public int no_target; + + LinkedList<AvatarChannel> channelMapped ; + + public AvatarRAM(String _memoryName,int _index,int _dataSize,int _no_ram) { + memoryName = _memoryName; + index = _index; + dataSize = _dataSize; + no_ram = _no_ram; + + channelMapped = new LinkedList<AvatarChannel>(); + } + + public String getMemoryName(){ + return memoryName; + } + + public int getNo_ram(){ + return no_ram; + } + + public int getNo_target(){ + return no_target; + } + + public void setNo_ram(int _no_ram){ + no_ram = _no_ram; + } + /* the target number is set by the topcell generator*/ + public void setNo_target(int _no_target){ + no_target = _no_target; + } + public int getIndex(){ + return index; + } + + public int getDataSize(){ + return dataSize; + } + + public LinkedList<AvatarChannel> getChannels(){ + return channelMapped; + } + + public void addChannel(AvatarChannel avcl){ + channelMapped.add(avcl); + } +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarROM.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarROM.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..501eab17c9e87f754f8fd1cab6016580f48fe358 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarROM.java @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +/* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; +import java.util.*; + +public class AvatarROM extends AvatarComponent{ + + private String memoryName; + private int index; + private int dataSize; + + nbConnectingPoint = 16; + connectingPoint = new ConnectingPoints[16]; + + + + public AvatarROM(String _memoryName,int _index, int _dataSize) { + + memoryName = _memoryName; + index = _index; + dataSize = _dataSize; + + } + + String getMemoryName(){ + return memoryName; + } + + int getIndex(){ + return index; + } + + int getDataSize(){ + return dataSize; + } + + +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarTTY.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarTTY.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a38559f8f22b5e92f124f601e0bec2a4266fb3a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarTTY.java @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +/* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; +import java.util.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.*; + +public class AvatarTTY extends AvatarComponent { + + private int index = 0; + private String ttyName; + private int no_tty; + private int no_target; + + public AvatarTTY(String _ttyName,int _index, int _no_tty){ + index = _index; + ttyName = _ttyName; + no_tty = _no_tty; + } + + public String getTTYName(){ + return ttyName; + } + + public int getIndex(){ + return index; + } + + public int getNo_tty(){ + return no_tty; + } + + public int getNo_target(){ + return no_target; + } + + public void setNo_tty(int _no_tty){ + no_tty = _no_tty; + } + + public void setNo_target(int _no_target){ + no_target = _no_target; + } + +} + diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarTask.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarTask.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e335158a947438aaa1b320fcaddf42b92625f021 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarTask.java @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +/* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; +import java.util.*; + +public class AvatarTask extends AvatarMappedObject{ + + private AvatarCPU avatarCPUReference; + private String taskName ; + private String referenceTaskName; + + public AvatarTask(String _taskName , String _referenceTaskName, AvatarCPU _avatarCPUReference ){ + + taskName = _taskName; + referenceTaskName = _referenceTaskName; + avatarCPUReference = _avatarCPUReference; + } + + public String getTaskName(){ + return taskName; + } + + public String getReferenceTaskName(){ + return referenceTaskName; + } + + public AvatarCPU getAvatarCPUReference(){ + return avatarCPUReference; + } + + public int getCPUNo(){ + return avatarCPUReference.getNo_proc(); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarTimer.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarTimer.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22751b69017d615abe2b7925730bb4b410c69d11 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarTimer.java @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; +import java.util.*; + +public class AvatarTimer extends AvatarComponent{ + + private String timerName; + private int index; + private int nb_irq; + + public AvatarTimer(String _timerName, int _index, int _nb_irq ){ + + timerName = _timerName; + index = _index; + nb_irq = _nb_irq; + } + + String getTimerName(){ + return timerName; + } + + int getIndex(){ + return index; + } + + int nb_irq(){ + return nb_irq; + } + +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarVgmn.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarVgmn.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6fc10f26b749523098d297d7a94104ee7a5b010 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarVgmn.java @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +/* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; +import java.util.*; + +public class AvatarVgmn extends AvatarComponent{ + + private String vgmnName; + private int nbOfAttachedInitiators; + private int nbOfAttachedTargets; + private int fifoDepth; + private int minLatency; + + public AvatarVgmn(String _vgmnName, int _nbOfAttachedInitiators,int _nbOfAttachedTargets, int _fifoDepth, int _minLatency ){ + + vgmnName = _vgmnName; + nbOfAttachedInitiators = _nbOfAttachedInitiators; + nbOfAttachedTargets = _nbOfAttachedTargets ; + fifoDepth = _fifoDepth ; + minLatency = _minLatency ; + + } + + public String getVgmnName(){ + return vgmnName; + } + + public int getNbOfAttachedInitiators(){ + return nbOfAttachedInitiators; + } + + public int getNbOfAttachedTargets(){ + return nbOfAttachedTargets; + } + + public int getFifoDepth(){ + return fifoDepth; + } + + public int getMinLatency(){ + return minLatency; + } + + public void setNbOfAttachedInitiators(int nb){ + nbOfAttachedInitiators = nb; + } + + public void setnbOfAttachedTargets(int nb){ + nbOfAttachedTargets = nb; + } + +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarddSpecification.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarddSpecification.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..612f30ceb6f8c001ac1dd95269586444d0053ae8 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/AvatarddSpecification.java @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +/* * @version 1.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Julien Henon, Daniela Genius */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib; +import java.util.*; + +public class AvatarddSpecification{ + + private LinkedList<AvatarComponent> components; + private LinkedList<AvatarMappedObject> mappedObjects; + + private int nb_init = 0; + +/*there are seven targets which are fixed but invisible to the user of the TTool deployment diagram) : + +Targets on RAM0 : +the text segment (target 0) +the reset segment (target 1) +the data segment (target 2) + +Other targets : +the simhelper segment (target 3) +the icu segment (target 4) +the timer segment (target 5) +the fdt segment (target 6) + +There always is a RAM0, a TTY and an interconnect (Bus or VGMN or crossbar) otherwise an error message is printed +*/ + +/* initialization of counters, there are at least 6 targets */ + int nb_target = 6; + int nb_mwmr_segments = 0; + + public AvatarddSpecification(LinkedList<AvatarComponent> _components, LinkedList<AvatarMappedObject> _mappedObjects, int _nb_target, int _nb_init){ + components = _components ; + mappedObjects = _mappedObjects ; + nb_target = _nb_target; + nb_init = _nb_init; + } + + public LinkedList<AvatarComponent> getComponents(){ + return components; + } + + public LinkedList<AvatarMappedObject> getMappedObjects(){ + return mappedObjects; + } + + public LinkedList<AvatarTask> getAllMappedTask(){ + LinkedList<AvatarTask> tasks = new LinkedList<AvatarTask>(); + for (AvatarMappedObject task : mappedObjects ) + { + if (task instanceof AvatarTask) + tasks.add((AvatarTask)task); + } + return tasks; + } + + public LinkedList<AvatarChannel> getAllMappedChannels(){ + LinkedList<AvatarChannel> channels = new LinkedList<AvatarChannel>(); + for (AvatarMappedObject channel : mappedObjects ) + { + if (channel instanceof AvatarChannel) + channels.add((AvatarChannel)channel); + } + return channels; + } + + public LinkedList<AvatarTTY> getAllTTY(){ + int i=0; + LinkedList<AvatarTTY> ttys = new LinkedList<AvatarTTY>(); + for (AvatarComponent tty : components ) + { + if (tty instanceof AvatarTTY){ + //tty.setNo_tty(i);i++; + ttys.add((AvatarTTY)tty); + } + } + return ttys; + } + + public LinkedList<AvatarCPU> getAllCPU(){ + LinkedList<AvatarCPU> cpus = new LinkedList<AvatarCPU>(); + for (AvatarComponent cpu : components ) + { + if (cpu instanceof AvatarCPU){ + cpus.add((AvatarCPU)cpu); + } + } + return cpus; + } + + public LinkedList<AvatarRAM> getAllRAM(){ + int i=0; + LinkedList<AvatarRAM> rams = new LinkedList<AvatarRAM>(); + for (AvatarComponent ram : components ) + { + if (ram instanceof AvatarRAM){ + rams.add((AvatarRAM)ram); + } + } + return rams; + } + + public LinkedList<AvatarBus> getAllBus(){ + LinkedList<AvatarBus> buss = new LinkedList<AvatarBus>(); + for (AvatarComponent bus : components ) + { + if (bus instanceof AvatarBus) + buss.add((AvatarBus)bus); + + } + return buss; + } + + public LinkedList<AvatarVgmn> getAllVgmn(){ + LinkedList<AvatarVgmn> vgmns = new LinkedList<AvatarVgmn>(); + for (AvatarComponent vgmn : components ) + { + if (vgmn instanceof AvatarVgmn) + vgmns.add((AvatarVgmn)vgmn); + + } + return vgmns; + } + + public LinkedList<AvatarCrossbar> getAllCrossbar(){ + LinkedList<AvatarCrossbar> crossbars = new LinkedList<AvatarCrossbar>(); + for (AvatarComponent crossbar : components ) + { + if (crossbar instanceof AvatarCrossbar) + crossbars.add((AvatarCrossbar)crossbar); + + } + return crossbars; + } + + public LinkedList<AvatarCoproMWMR> getAllCoproMWMR(){ + LinkedList<AvatarCoproMWMR> copros = new LinkedList<AvatarCoproMWMR>(); + for (AvatarComponent copro : components ) + { + if (copro instanceof AvatarCoproMWMR) + copros.add((AvatarCoproMWMR)copro); + + } + return copros; + } + + public int getNbCPU(){ + return (getAllCPU()).size(); + } + + public int getNbTTY(){ + return (getAllTTY()).size(); + } + + public int getNbRAM(){ + return (getAllRAM()).size(); + } + + public int getNbBus(){ + return (getAllBus()).size(); + } + + public int getNbVgmn(){ + return (getAllVgmn()).size(); + } + + public int getNbCrossbar(){ + return (getAllCrossbar()).size(); + } + + public int getNbCoproMWMR(){ + return (getAllCoproMWMR()).size(); + } + + // for construction of the central interconnect + public int getNb_init(){ + return nb_init ; + } + + public int getNb_target(){ + return nb_target; + } + + // etc ..... + +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toFile/AvatarToFile.class b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toFile/AvatarToFile.class new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1527e120ce0eb7d7f5cebcbfd023c662ea62ef6c Binary files /dev/null and b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toFile/AvatarToFile.class differ diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toFile/AvatarToFile.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toFile/AvatarToFile.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..32330a4895b6a2d264f7c5b8f9d787130d3812d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toFile/AvatarToFile.java @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +/* author: v1.0 Julien HENON 2015 */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib.toFile; + +import ui.*; +import ui.avatardd.*; +import ui.avatarbd.*; +import java.util.*; +import java.io.*; +import java.io.Writer; +import java.io.PrintWriter; +import avatartranslator.*; + +public class AvatarToFile{ + + final String path = "/users/enseig/genius/TURTLE/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toFile"; + LinkedList componentList; + AvatarSpecification avp; + PrintWriter writerDeploy; + PrintWriter writerMapping; + PrintWriter writerAvatarSpec; + + public AvatarToFile(LinkedList _componentList, AvatarSpecification _avp){ + componentList = _componentList ; + avp = _avp; + //file = new File("file-deployment-Panel.txt"); + } + + public void extracParamToFile(){ + try{ + writerDeploy = new PrintWriter("file-deployment-Panel"); + }catch(IOException e){ + System.err.println("error opening file"); + } + try{ + writerMapping = new PrintWriter("file-mapping-deployment-Panel"); + }catch(IOException e){ + System.err.println("error opening file"); + } + try{ + writerAvatarSpec = new PrintWriter("file-AvatarSpec"); + }catch(IOException e){ + System.err.println("error opening file"); + } + + + + try{ + TGComponent dp = null; + + ListIterator iterator = componentList.listIterator(); + while(iterator.hasNext()) { + dp = (TGComponent)iterator.next(); + if (dp instanceof ADDCPUNode){ + writerDeploy.println(((ADDCPUNode)dp).getName() ); + writerDeploy.println(((ADDCPUNode)dp).getAttributesToFile() ); + Vector tasks = ((ADDCPUNode)dp).getArtifactList(); + for (int i = 0 ; i < tasks.size() ; i ++){ + ADDBlockArtifact task = (ADDBlockArtifact)tasks.get(i); + writerMapping.println(task.getTaskName() + " " + ((ADDCPUNode)dp).getNodeName()); + } + + }else if(dp instanceof ADDTTYNode){ + writerDeploy.println(((ADDTTYNode)dp).getName() ); + writerDeploy.println(((ADDTTYNode)dp).getAttributesToFile() ); + }else if(dp instanceof ADDBridgeNode){ + writerDeploy.println(((ADDBridgeNode)dp).getName() ); + writerDeploy.println(((ADDBridgeNode)dp).getAttributesToFile() ); + }else if(dp instanceof ADDBusNode){ + writerDeploy.println(((ADDBusNode)dp).getName() ); + writerDeploy.println(((ADDBusNode)dp).getAttributesToFile() ); + } else if(dp instanceof ADDVgmnNode){ + writerDeploy.println(((ADDVgmnNode)dp).getName() ); + writerDeploy.println(((ADDVgmnNode)dp).getAttributesToFile() ); + } else if(dp instanceof ADDCrossbarNode){ + writerDeploy.println(((ADDCrossbarNode)dp).getName() ); + writerDeploy.println(((ADDCrossbarNode)dp).getAttributesToFile() ); + }else if(dp instanceof ADDDMANode){ + writerDeploy.println(((ADDDMANode)dp).getName() ); + writerDeploy.println(((ADDDMANode)dp).getAttributesToFile() ); + }else if(dp instanceof ADDICUNode){ + writerDeploy.println(((ADDICUNode)dp).getName() ); + writerDeploy.println(((ADDICUNode)dp).getAttributesToFile() ); + }else if(dp instanceof ADDTimerNode){ + writerDeploy.println(((ADDTimerNode)dp).getName() ); + writerDeploy.println(((ADDTimerNode)dp).getAttributesToFile() ); + }else if(dp instanceof ADDCoproMWMRNode){ + writerDeploy.println(((ADDCoproMWMRNode)dp).getName() ); + writerDeploy.println(((ADDCoproMWMRNode)dp).getAttributesToFile() ); + }else if(dp instanceof ADDMemoryNode){ + writerDeploy.println(((ADDMemoryNode)dp).getName() ); + writerDeploy.println(((ADDMemoryNode)dp).getAttributesToFile() ); + if (dp instanceof ADDRAMNode){ + Vector channels = (( ADDRAMNode)dp).getArtifactList(); + for(int i=0 ; i < channels.size() ; i++ ) { + ADDChannelArtifact c = (ADDChannelArtifact)channels.get(i); + writerMapping.println(c.getChannelName() + " " + ((ADDRAMNode)dp).getNodeName()); + } + } + }else if(dp instanceof ADDArtifact){ + writerDeploy.println(((ADDArtifact)dp).getName() ); + writerDeploy.println(((ADDArtifact)dp).getAttributesToFile() ); + } + } + writerAvatarSpec.println(avp.toString()); + }catch(Exception e){ + System.err.println("Extrac error"); + } + System.err.println("Extrac done !"); + writerDeploy.close(); + writerMapping.close(); + writerAvatarSpec.close(); + + } +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toSoclib/MainFileSoclib.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toSoclib/MainFileSoclib.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2d07738953305f6fb6772b1168a39f7a6a7a5528 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toSoclib/MainFileSoclib.java @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +/* authors: v1.0 Raja GATGOUT 2014 + v2.0 Daniela GENIUS, Julien HENON 2015 */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib.toSoclib; + +import java.awt.*; +import java.util.*; + +import myutil.*; +import avatartranslator.*; + +public class MainFileSoclib { + + private final static String H_DEF = "#ifndef MAIN_H\n#define MAIN_H\n"; + private final static String H_END_DEF = "#endif\n"; + + private final static String INCLUDE_HEADER = "#include <stdio.h>\n#include <pthread.h>\n#include <unistd.h>\n#include <stdlib.h>\n"; + private final static String LOCAL_INCLUDE_HEADER = "#include \"request.h\"\n#include \"myerrors.h\"\n#include \"message.h\"\n#include \"syncchannel.h\"\n#include \"asyncchannel.h\"\n#include \"mytimelib.h\"\n#include \"request_manager.h\"\n#include \"defs.h\"\n#include \"debug.h\"\n#include \"random.h\"\n#include \"tracemanager.h\" \n#include \"mwmr.h\" \n "; + + private final static String MAIN_DEC = "int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {\n"; + + private final static String CR = "\n"; + private final static String CR2 = "\n\n"; + + private String name; + private String hCode; + private String beforeMainCode; + private String mainCode; + private String def_nbprog = ""; + + public MainFileSoclib(String _name) { + name = _name; + hCode = ""; + mainCode = ""; + beforeMainCode = ""; + def_nbprog += "#define NB_PROC "+ TasksAndMainGenerator.avddspec.getNbCPU() + CR+ + "#define WIDTH 4" +CR+ + "#define DEPTH 16"+CR2; + } + + public String getName() { + return name; + } + + public void appendToHCode(String _code) { + hCode += _code; + } + + public void appendToBeforeMainCode(String _code) { + beforeMainCode += _code; + } + + public void appendToMainCode(String _code) { + mainCode += _code; + } + + public String getHeaderCode() { + return H_DEF + hCode + H_END_DEF; + } + + public String getMainCode() { + String s = INCLUDE_HEADER + "\n" + LOCAL_INCLUDE_HEADER + + CR + CR + def_nbprog ; + s += beforeMainCode + CR; + s += MAIN_DEC + CR; + s += CR + mainCode + CR + "}" + CR; + return s; + } +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toSoclib/TaskFileSoclib.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toSoclib/TaskFileSoclib.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b1737c156d6473c286789b8e0444a9bd1645c97c --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toSoclib/TaskFileSoclib.java @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +/**Copyright or (C) or Copr. GET / ENST, Telecom-Paris, Ludovic Apvrille + * + * ludovic.apvrille AT enst.fr + * + * This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the + * edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to + * allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram, + * and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces + * obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP + * from INRIA Rhone-Alpes. + * + * This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and + * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, + * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL + * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL + * "http://www.cecill.info". + * + * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, + * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only + * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the + * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited + * liability. + * + * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated + * with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the + * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, + * that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also + * therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced + * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore + * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their + * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or + * data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the + * same conditions as regards security. + * + * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had + * knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. + * + * /** + * Class AVATAR2CSOCLIB + * Creation: 01/07/2014 + * @version 1.0 01/07/2014 + * @author Ludovic APVRILLE, Raja GATGOUT + * @see + */ + + +package ddtranslatorSoclib.toSoclib; + +public class TaskFileSoclib { + +//deleted pthread.h +//added mwmr.h + + private final static String INCLUDE_HEADER = "#include <stdio.h>\n#include <unistd.h>\n#include <stdlib.h>\n"; + private final static String LOCAL_INCLUDE_HEADER = "#include \"request.h\"\n#include \"syncchannel.h\"\n#include \"request_manager.h\"\n#include \"debug.h\"\n#include \"defs.h\"\n#include \"mytimelib.h\"\n#include \"random.h\"\n#include \"tracemanager.h\"\n#include \"main.h\"\n#include \"mwmr.h\"\n "; + + private final static String CR = "\n"; + + private String name; + private int cpuId = 0; + + private String headerCode; + private String mainCode; + + + public TaskFileSoclib(String _name , int cpuid) { + name = _name; + headerCode = ""; + mainCode = ""; + cpuId = cpuid; + } + + public String getName() { + return name; + } + + public int getCPUId(){ + return cpuId; + } + + public String getFullHeaderCode() { + String s = "#ifndef " + name + "_H\n#define " + name + "_H\n"; + s += INCLUDE_HEADER + CR + LOCAL_INCLUDE_HEADER + CR + CR; + s += headerCode; + s += "#endif\n"; + return s; + } + + public String getMainCode() { + return "#include \"" + name + ".h\"" + CR + CR + mainCode; + } + + public void addToHeaderCode(String _code) { + headerCode += _code; + } + + public void addToMainCode(String _code) { + mainCode += _code; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toSoclib/TasksAndMainGenerator.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toSoclib/TasksAndMainGenerator.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..56bd6e291eb62b7c00140a2a8e2f3e86bc279348 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toSoclib/TasksAndMainGenerator.java @@ -0,0 +1,1179 @@ +/**Copyright or (C) or Copr. GET / ENST, Telecom-Paris, Ludovic Apvrille + * + * ludovic.apvrille AT enst.fr + * + * This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the + * edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to + * allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram, + * and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces + * obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP + * from INRIA Rhone-Alpes. + * + * This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and + * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, + * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL + * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL + * "http://www.cecill.info". + * + * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, + * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only + * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the + * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited + * liability. + * + * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated + * with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the + * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, + * that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also + * therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced + * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore + * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their + * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or + * data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the + * same conditions as regards security. + * + * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had + * knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. + * + * /** + * Class AVATAR2CSOCLIB + * Creation: 01/07/2014 + * @version 1.0 01/07/2014 + * @version 2.0 07/07/2015 + * @author Ludovic APVRILLE, Raja GATGOUT, Julien HENON, Daniela GENIUS + * @see + */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib.toSoclib; + +import java.awt.*; +import java.util.*; + +import java.io.*; + +import myutil.*; +import avatartranslator.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.*; + +public class TasksAndMainGenerator { + + private final static int USEC = 0; + private final static int MSEC = 1; + private final static int SEC = 2; + + + private final static String UNUSED_ATTR = "__attribute__((unused))"; + private final static String GENERATED_PATH = "generated_src_soclib" + File.separator; + private final static String UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN"; + private final static String CR = "\n"; + private final static String CR2 = "\n\n"; + + public static AvatarSpecification avspec; + public static AvatarddSpecification avddspec; + private Vector warnings; + + private MainFileSoclib mainFile; + private Vector<TaskFileSoclib> taskFiles; + private String makefile_src; + private String makefile_SocLib; + + private int timeUnit; + private boolean debug; + private boolean tracing; + private boolean includeUserCode = true; + + int channel_counter=0; + + public TasksAndMainGenerator(AvatarddSpecification _avddspec,AvatarSpecification _avspec) { + avspec = _avspec; + avddspec = _avddspec; + taskFiles = new Vector<TaskFileSoclib>(); + } + + public void setTimeUnit(int _timeUnit) { + timeUnit = _timeUnit; + } + + public void includeUserCode(boolean _inc) { + includeUserCode = _inc; + } + + public static String getGeneratedPath() { + return GENERATED_PATH; + } + + public void saveInFiles(String path) throws FileException { + + System.err.println("ok"); + TraceManager.addDev("Generating files"); + + if (mainFile != null) { + TraceManager.addDev("Generating main files in " + path + mainFile.getName() + ".h"); + FileUtils.saveFile(path + GENERATED_PATH + mainFile.getName() + ".h", Conversion.indentString(mainFile.getHeaderCode(), 2)); + FileUtils.saveFile(path + GENERATED_PATH + mainFile.getName() + ".c", Conversion.indentString(mainFile.getMainCode(), 2)); + } + + for(TaskFileSoclib taskFile: taskFiles) { + FileUtils.saveFile(path + GENERATED_PATH + taskFile.getName() + ".h", Conversion.indentString(taskFile.getFullHeaderCode/*Soclib*/(), 2)); + FileUtils.saveFile(path + GENERATED_PATH + taskFile.getName() + ".c", Conversion.indentString(taskFile.getMainCode(), 2)); + } + + // Standard Makefile + makeMakefileSrc(GENERATED_PATH); + FileUtils.saveFile(path + "Makefile.src", makefile_src); + + // Makefile for SocLib + makeMakefileSocLib(); + FileUtils.saveFile(path + "Makefile.soclib", makefile_SocLib); + } + + public Vector getWarnings() { + return warnings; + } + + public void generateSoclib(boolean _debug, boolean _tracing) { + debug = _debug; + tracing = _tracing; + + mainFile = new MainFileSoclib("main"); + + avspec.removeCompositeStates(); + avspec.removeTimers(); + + if (avspec.hasApplicationCode() && includeUserCode) { + //mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("/* User code */\n"); + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode(avspec.getApplicationCode()); + //mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("\n/* End of User code */\n\n"); + } + + makeTasks(); + + makeMainHeader(); + + makeMainMutex(); + + makeSynchronousChannels(); + + makeAsynchronousChannels(); + + makeThreadsInMain(debug); + } + + public void makeMainMutex() { + // Create a main mutex + //mainFile.appendToHCode("/* Main mutex */" + CR); + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("/* Main mutex */" + CR); + + mainFile.appendToHCode("extern pthread_mutex_t __mainMutex;" + CR + CR); + // mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("pthread_mutex_t __mainMutex;" + CR + CR); + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("pthread_barrier_t barrier ;" + CR ); + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("pthread_attr_t *attr_t;" + CR ); + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("pthread_mutex_t __mainMutex;" + CR2 ); + + //the address of mwmr segments is currently hard coded for powerPC; will be changed later + + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("#define MWMRADDR 0x20200000" + CR ); + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("#define LOCKSADDR 0x30200000" + CR ); + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("#define base(arg) arg" + CR2 ); + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("typedef struct mwmr_s mwmr_t;" + CR2); + + mainFile.appendToMainCode("void *ptr;" + CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("pthread_barrier_init(&barrier,NULL, NB_PROC);" +CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("pthread_attr_t *attr_t = malloc(sizeof(pthread_attr_t));" +CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("pthread_attr_init(attr_t);" + CR ); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("pthread_mutex_init(&__mainMutex, NULL);" +CR2); + } + + public void makeSynchronousChannels() { + int i=0; + // Create a synchronous channel per relation/signal + mainFile.appendToHCode("/* Synchronous channels */" + CR); + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("/* Synchronous channels */" + CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("/* Synchronous channels */" + CR); + for(AvatarRelation ar: avspec.getRelations()) { + if (!ar.isAsynchronous()) { + for(i=0; i<ar.nbOfSignals(); i++) { + mainFile.appendToHCode("extern syncchannel __" + getChannelName(ar, i) + ";" + CR); + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("syncchannel __" + getChannelName(ar, i) + ";" + CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("__" + getChannelName(ar, i) + ".inname =\"" + ar.getInSignal(i).getName() + "\";" + CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("__" + getChannelName(ar, i) + ".outname =\"" + ar.getOutSignal(i).getName() + "\";" + CR); + + if (ar.isBroadcast()) { + mainFile.appendToMainCode("setBroadcast(&__" + getChannelName(ar, i) + ", true);" + CR); + } + } + } + } + channel_counter = i; + //mainFile.appendToHCode("pthread_mutex_t mainMutex;" + CR); + } + + public void makeAsynchronousChannels() { + if (avspec.ASynchronousExist()){ + // Create a synchronous channel per relation/signal + mainFile.appendToHCode("/* Asynchronous channels */" + CR); + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("/* Asynchronous channels */" + CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("/* Asynchronous channels */" + CR); + + for(AvatarRelation ar: avspec.getRelations()) { + if (ar.isAsynchronous()) { + for(int i=0; i<ar.nbOfSignals() ; i++) { + mainFile.appendToHCode("extern asyncchannel __" + getChannelName(ar, i) + ";" + CR); + + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("asyncchannel __" + getChannelName(ar, i) + ";" + CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("__" + getChannelName(ar, i) + ".inname =\"" + ar.getInSignal(i).getName() + "\";" + CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("__" + getChannelName(ar, i) + ".outname =\"" + ar.getOutSignal(i).getName() + "\";" + CR); + if (ar.isBlocking()) { + mainFile.appendToMainCode("__" + getChannelName(ar, i) + ".isBlocking = 1;" + CR); + } else { + mainFile.appendToMainCode("__" + getChannelName(ar, i) + ".isBlocking = 0;" + CR); + } + mainFile.appendToMainCode("__" + getChannelName(ar, i) + ".maxNbOfMessages = " + ar.getSizeOfFIFO() + ";" + CR); + + mainFile.appendToMainCode("__" + getChannelName(ar, i) + ".mwmr_fifo = &" + getChannelName(ar, i) + ";" + CR);//DG 07.12 + + + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("uint32_t *const "+ getChannelName(ar, i)+"_lock= LOCKSADDR+0x"+(i*20) +";" + CR); + //DG parameter <depth> should ultimately be generated; width is fixed as long as data is not explicitly modeled + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("struct mwmr_status_s "+ getChannelName(ar, i) +"_status = MWMR_STATUS_INITIALIZER(1, 1);" + CR); + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("uint8_t "+getChannelName(ar, i) +"_data[32*2];" + CR); + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("struct mwmr_s "+getChannelName(ar, i) + "= MWMR_INITIALIZER(1, 1, "+getChannelName(ar, i)+"_data,&"+getChannelName(ar, i)+"_status,\""+getChannelName(ar, i)+"\","+getChannelName(ar, i)+"_lock);" + CR2); + } + } + } + } + //mainFile.appendToHCode("pthread_mutex_t mainMutex;" + CR); + } + + + public int FindCPUidFromTask(AvatarBlock block){ + LinkedList<AvatarTask> tasks = avddspec.getAllMappedTask(); + for (AvatarTask task : tasks){ + if (task.getTaskName().equals(block.getName())){ + return task.getCPUNo(); + } + } + return 0; + } + + public void makeTasks() { + for(AvatarBlock block: avspec.getListOfBlocks()) { + makeTask(block,FindCPUidFromTask(block)); + } + } + + public void makeTask(AvatarBlock block , int cpuId) { + TaskFileSoclib taskFile = new TaskFileSoclib(block.getName(),cpuId); + + //taskFile.addToHeaderCode("#include \"main.h\"" + CR); + //taskFile.addToMainCode("#include \"" + block.getName() + ".h\""); + + if (includeUserCode) { + String tmp = block.getGlobalCode(); + if (tmp != null) { + taskFile.addToMainCode(CR + "// Header code defined in the model" + CR + tmp + CR + "// End of header code defined in the model" + CR + CR); + } + } + defineAllSignal(block,taskFile); + + defineAllStates(block, taskFile); + + defineAllMethods(block, taskFile); + + makeMainFunction(block, taskFile); + + taskFiles.add(taskFile); + } + + // --------------------------------------------------------- + + public void defineAllStates(AvatarBlock _block, TaskFileSoclib _taskFile) { + int id = 1; + + _taskFile.addToMainCode("#define STATE__START__STATE 0" + CR); + + for (AvatarStateMachineElement asme: _block.getStateMachine().getListOfElements()) { + if (asme instanceof AvatarState) { + _taskFile.addToMainCode("#define STATE__" + asme.getName() + " " + id + CR); + id ++; + } + } + _taskFile.addToMainCode("#define STATE__STOP__STATE " + id + CR); + _taskFile.addToMainCode(CR); + } + + public void defineAllSignal(AvatarBlock _block, TaskFileSoclib _taskFile) { + + for (AvatarSignal as: _block.getSignals()) { + //DG 22.09. avoid name clashes cf "open" as a signal name + _taskFile.addToMainCode( "static uint32_t _" + as.getName() + ";" + CR); + } + _taskFile.addToMainCode(CR); + } + + public void defineAllMethods(AvatarBlock _block, TaskFileSoclib _taskFile) { + Vector<String> allNames = new Vector<String>(); + for (AvatarMethod am: _block.getMethods()) { + makeMethod(_block, am, allNames, _taskFile); + } + + // Make method of father + makeFatherMethod(_block, _block, allNames, _taskFile); + } + + private void makeFatherMethod(AvatarBlock _originBlock, AvatarBlock _currentBlock, Vector<String> _allNames, TaskFileSoclib _taskFile) { + if (_currentBlock.getFather() == null) { + return; + } + + for (AvatarMethod am: _currentBlock.getFather().getMethods()) { + makeMethod(_originBlock, am, _allNames, _taskFile); + } + + makeFatherMethod(_originBlock, _currentBlock.getFather(), _allNames, _taskFile); + } + + private void makeMethod(AvatarBlock _block, AvatarMethod _am, Vector<String> _allNames, TaskFileSoclib _taskFile) { + String ret = ""; + LinkedList<AvatarAttribute> list; + LinkedList<AvatarAttribute> listA; + + String nameMethod = _block.getName() + "__" +_am.getName(); + + for(String s: _allNames) { + if (s.compareTo(nameMethod) == 0) { + return; + } + } + + list = _am.getListOfReturnAttributes(); + if (list.size() == 0) { + ret += "void"; + } else { + ret += getCTypeOf(list.get(0)); + } + + ret += " " + nameMethod + "("; + list = _am.getListOfAttributes(); + int cpt = 0; + for(AvatarAttribute aa: list) { + if (cpt != 0) { + ret += ", "; + } + ret += getCTypeOf(aa) + " " + aa.getName(); + cpt ++; + } + + ret += ") {" + CR; + + if (tracing) { + String tr = ""; + cpt = 0; + if (list.size() > 0) { + ret += "char my__attr[CHAR_ALLOC_SIZE];" + CR; + ret += "sprintf(my__attr, \""; + for(AvatarAttribute aa: list) { + if (cpt != 0) { + tr += ","; + ret += ","; + } + tr += aa.getName(); + ret += "%d"; + cpt ++; + } + ret += "\"," + tr + ");" + CR; + ret += traceFunctionCall(_block.getName(), _am.getName(), "my__attr"); + } else { + ret += traceFunctionCall(_block.getName(), _am.getName(), null); + } + } + + if (debug) { + ret += "debugMsg(\"-> ....() Executing method " + _am.getName() + "\");" + CR; + + list = _am.getListOfAttributes(); + cpt = 0; + for(AvatarAttribute aa: list) { + ret += "debugInt(\"Attribute " + aa.getName() + " = \"," + aa.getName() + ");" + CR; + } + } + + listA = list; + list = _am.getListOfReturnAttributes(); + if (list.size() != 0) { + // Returns the first attribute. If not possible, return 0; + // Implementation is provided by the user? + // In that case, no need to generate the code! + if (_am.isImplementationProvided()) { + ret += "return _userImplemented_" + nameMethod + "("; + cpt = 0; + for(AvatarAttribute aaa: listA) { + if (cpt != 0) { + ret += ", "; + } + ret += aaa.getName(); + cpt ++; + } + ret+= ");" + CR; + + } else { + + if (listA.size() >0) { + ret += "return " + listA.get(0).getName() + ";" + CR; + } else { + ret += "return 0;" + CR; + } + } + } else { + if (_am.isImplementationProvided()) { + ret += "_userImplemented_" + nameMethod + "("; + cpt = 0; + for(AvatarAttribute aaa: listA) { + if (cpt != 0) { + ret += ", "; + } + ret += aaa.getName(); + cpt ++; + } + ret+= ");" + CR; + + } + } + ret += "}" + CR + CR; + _taskFile.addToMainCode(ret + CR); + + } + + public void makeMainHeader() { + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode(CR); + for(TaskFileSoclib taskFile: taskFiles) { + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode("#include \"" + taskFile.getName() + ".h\"" + CR); + } + mainFile.appendToBeforeMainCode(CR); + } + + + private String makeChannelAction(AvatarBlock _block,AvatarStateMachineElement asme) { + + String ret2 = ""; + int i; + + if (asme instanceof AvatarActionOnSignal) { + AvatarActionOnSignal aaos = (AvatarActionOnSignal)asme; + + AvatarSignal as = aaos.getSignal(); + + AvatarRelation ar = avspec.getAvatarRelationWithSignal(as); + //DG + if(ar.isAsynchronous()){ + ret2+= CR + "struct mwmr_s *" + getChannelName(ar, as); + } + } + + + return ret2; + } + + + public static String[] enleveDoublons(String[] table) { + + String[] copy = new String[table.length]; + System.arraycopy(table, 0, copy, 0, table.length); + table = copy; + for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) { + for (int j = i + 1; j < table.length; j++) { + //Si table[j] n'est jamais null, simplifier la ligne suivante + if (table[j] != null && table[j].equals(table[i])) { + table[j] = table[table.length - 1]; + table[table.length - 1] = null; + String[] newTable = new String[table.length - 1]; + System.arraycopy(table, 0, newTable, 0, table.length - 1); + table = newTable; + j--; + } + } + } + return table; + } + +/************************************************************************ + public int AccountAllSignal(AvatarBlock _block) { + int cpt=0; + for (AvatarSignal as: _block.getSignals()) { + cpt ++; } + return cpt; + + } + ************************************************************************/ + + public String makeCanalDec(AvatarBlock _block) { + AvatarStateMachine asm = _block.getStateMachine(); + String ret=""; + int m=0; + int i =0; + //int cpt = AccountAllSignal (_block); + String []canal= new String[100]; + //String []canalNonDouble= new String[100]; + + String block_Name = _block.getName() ; + + for(AvatarStateMachineElement asme: asm.getListOfElements()) { + + canal[i]= makeChannelAction(_block, asme); //"[" + i + "];"; + i ++; + } + + + String [] canalNonDouble= enleveDoublons(canal); + + //************************************************************************RG + + for(int k = 0; k<canalNonDouble.length ; k++) { + + if ((canalNonDouble[k] != null) && (canalNonDouble[k] !="")){ + String vari = "= channels_" + block_Name + "[" + m + "];"; + ret += (canalNonDouble[k] + vari); + m++;} + } + + return ret; + } + //************************************************************************RG + + public void makeMainFunction(AvatarBlock _block, TaskFileSoclib _taskFile) { + int i; + String s; + AvatarStateMachine asm = _block.getStateMachine(); + //DG 21.09. if block contains no asynchronous channels + // temporarily desactivated + //if(_block.getSignals().isEmpty()){ + // s = "void *mainFunc__" + _block.getName() + "(void *arg)"; + //} + //else{ + s = "void *mainFunc__" + _block.getName() + "(struct mwmr_s *channels_"+ _block.getName() +"[])"; + // } + + String sh = "extern " + s + ";" + CR; + s+= "{" + CR; + + s+= makeCanalDec( _block) + CR; + s += makeAttributesDeclaration(_block, _taskFile); + + s+= CR + "int __currentState = STATE__START__STATE;" + CR; + + int nbOfMaxParams = _block.getMaxNbOfParams(); + //DG retabli + for(i=0; i<_block.getMaxNbOfMultipleBranches(); i++) { + s+= UNUSED_ATTR + " request __req" + i + ";" + CR; + s+= UNUSED_ATTR + "int *__params" + i + "[" + nbOfMaxParams + "];" + CR; + } + s+= UNUSED_ATTR + "setOfRequests __list;" + CR; + + s+= UNUSED_ATTR + "pthread_cond_t __myCond;" + CR; + s+= UNUSED_ATTR + "request *__returnRequest;" + CR; + + //s+= CR + "char * __myname = (char *)arg;" + CR; + s+= CR + "char * __myname = \"" + _block.getName() + "\";"+ CR;//DG 7.7. + + // s+= CR + "char * __myname;"+ CR; + + + s+= CR + "pthread_cond_init(&__myCond, NULL);" + CR; + + s+= CR + "fillListOfRequests(&__list, __myname, &__myCond, &__mainMutex);" + CR; + + s+= "//printf(\"my name = %s\\n\", __myname);" + CR; + + + + s+= CR + "/* Main loop on states */" + CR; + s+= "while(__currentState != STATE__STOP__STATE) {" + CR; + + s += "switch(__currentState) {" + CR; + + s += "case STATE__START__STATE: " + CR; + s += traceStateEntering("__myname", "__StartState"); + s += makeBehaviourFromElement(_block, asm.getStartState(), true); + s += "break;" + CR + CR; + + String tmp; + // Making other states + + + for(AvatarStateMachineElement asme: asm.getListOfElements()) { + if (asme instanceof AvatarState) { + s += "case STATE__" + asme.getName() + ": " + CR; + //s += traceStateEntering("__myname", asme.getName()); + + if (includeUserCode) { + tmp = ((AvatarState)asme).getEntryCode(); + if (tmp != null) { + if (tmp.trim().length() > 0) { + s += "/* Entry code */\n" + tmp + "\n/* End of entry code */\n\n"; + } + } + } + + s += makeBehaviourFromElement(_block, asme, true); + s += "break;" + CR + CR; + } + } + + s += "}" + CR; + + s += "}" + CR; + + s+= "//printf(\"Exiting = %s\\n\", __myname);" + CR; + s+= "return NULL;" + CR; + s += "}" + CR; + _taskFile.addToMainCode(s + CR); + _taskFile.addToHeaderCode(sh + CR); + } + + public String makeBehaviourFromElement(AvatarBlock _block, AvatarStateMachineElement _asme, boolean firstCall) { + AvatarStateMachineElement asme0; + + + if (_asme == null) { + return ""; + } + + String ret = ""; + int i; + + if (_asme instanceof AvatarStartState) { + return makeBehaviourFromElement(_block, _asme.getNext(0), false); + } + + if (_asme instanceof AvatarTransition) { + AvatarTransition at = (AvatarTransition)_asme; + + if (at.isGuarded()) { + String g = modifyGuard(at.getGuard().toString()); + ret += "if (!" + g + ") {" + CR; + if (debug) { + ret += "debug2Msg(__myname, \"Guard failed: " + g + "\");" + CR; + } + ret += "__currentState = STATE__STOP__STATE;" + CR; + ret += "break;" + CR; + ret += "}" + CR; + } + + if (at.hasDelay()) { + ret+= "waitFor(" + reworkDelay(at.getMinDelay()) + ", " + reworkDelay(at.getMaxDelay()) + ");" + CR; + } + + String act; + ret += makeActionsOfTransaction(_block, at); + /*for(i=0; i<at.getNbOfAction(); i++) { + // Must know whether this is an action or a method call + act = at.getAction(i); + if (at.isAMethodCall(act)) { + ret += modifyMethodName(_block, act) + ";" + CR; + } else { + ret += act + ";" + CR; + } + }*/ + + + return ret + makeBehaviourFromElement(_block, _asme.getNext(0), false); + } + + if (_asme instanceof AvatarState) { + //DG 05.10. + //ret += "printf(\"###Soclib cycle count %d \\n\",cpu_cycle_count());"+CR; + if (!firstCall) { + if (debug) { + ret += "debug2Msg(__myname, \"-> (=====) Entering state + " + _asme.getName() + "\");" + CR; + } + return ret + "__currentState = STATE__" + _asme.getName() + ";" + CR; + } else { + if (_asme.nbOfNexts() == 0) { + return ret + "__currentState = STATE__STOP__STATE;" + CR; + } + + if (_asme.nbOfNexts() == 1) { + return ret + makeBehaviourFromElement(_block, _asme.getNext(0), false); + } + + // Complex case of states -> several nexts + // Put in list all + + + // 1) Only immediatly executable transitions + for(i=0; i<_asme.nbOfNexts(); i++) { + if (_asme.getNext(i) instanceof AvatarTransition) { + AvatarTransition at = (AvatarTransition)(_asme.getNext(i)); + + if (at.hasActions()) { + ret += makeImmediateAction(at, i); + } else { + if (at.getNext(0) instanceof AvatarActionOnSignal) { + + ret += makeSignalAction(at, i); + } else { + // nothing special to do : immediate choice + ret += makeImmediateAction(at, i); + } + } + } + } + + // Make all requests + // Test if at least one request in the list! + ret += "if (nbOfRequests(&__list) == 0) {" + CR; + ret += "debug2Msg(__myname, \"No possible request\");" + CR; + ret += "__currentState = STATE__STOP__STATE;" + CR; + ret += "break;" + CR; + ret += "}" + CR; + + ret += "__returnRequest = executeListOfRequests(&__list);" + CR; + ret += "clearListOfRequests(&__list);" + CR ; + ret += traceRequest(); + + // Resulting requests + for(i=0; i<_asme.nbOfNexts(); i++) { + if (i != 0) { + ret += "else "; + } + AvatarTransition at = (AvatarTransition)(_asme.getNext(i)); + if (at.hasActions()) { + ret += " if (__returnRequest == &__req" + i + ") {" + CR; + ret += makeActionsOfTransaction(_block, at); + /*for(int j=0; j<at.getNbOfAction(); j++) { + if (at.isAMethodCall(at.getAction(j))) { + ret += modifyMethodName(_block, at.getAction(j)) + ";" + CR; + } else { + ret += at.getAction(j) + ";" + CR; + + } + + }*/ + ret += makeBehaviourFromElement(_block, at.getNext(0), false) + CR + "}"; + } else { + if (at.getNext(0) instanceof AvatarActionOnSignal) { + ret += " if (__returnRequest == &__req" + i + ") {" + CR + makeBehaviourFromElement(_block, at.getNext(0).getNext(0), false) + CR + "}"; + } else { + // nothing special to do : immediate choice + ret += " if (__returnRequest == &__req" + i + ") {" + CR + makeBehaviourFromElement(_block, at.getNext(0), false) + CR + "}"; + } + } + ret += CR; + + } + return ret; + } + } + + if (_asme instanceof AvatarStopState) { + return ret + "__currentState = STATE__STOP__STATE;" + CR; + } + + if (_asme instanceof AvatarRandom) { + AvatarRandom ar = (AvatarRandom)_asme; + ret += ar.getVariable() + " = computeRandom(" + ar.getMinValue() + ", " + ar.getMaxValue() + ");" + CR; + return ret + makeBehaviourFromElement(_block, _asme.getNext(0), false); + } + + if (_asme instanceof AvatarActionOnSignal) { + AvatarActionOnSignal aaos = (AvatarActionOnSignal)_asme; + ret += makeSignalAction(aaos, 0, false, "", ""); + AvatarSignal as = aaos.getSignal(); + AvatarRelation ar = avspec.getAvatarRelationWithSignal(as); + ret += executeOneRequest("__req0"); + ret += traceRequest(); + } + + // Default + return ret + makeBehaviourFromElement(_block, _asme.getNext(0), false); + } + + private String makeSignalAction(AvatarTransition _at, int _index) { + String ret = ""; + AvatarActionOnSignal aaos; + + if (!(_at.getNext(0) instanceof AvatarActionOnSignal)) { + return ""; + } + + aaos = (AvatarActionOnSignal)(_at.getNext(0)); + + if (_at.isGuarded()) { + String g = modifyGuard(_at.getGuard().toString()); + ret += "if (" + g + ") {" + CR; + } + + if (_at.hasDelay()) { + ret += makeSignalAction(aaos, _index, true, _at.getMinDelay(), _at.getMaxDelay()); + } else { + ret += makeSignalAction(aaos, _index, false, "", ""); + } + ret += "addRequestToList(&__list, &__req" + _index + ");" + CR; + + if (_at.isGuarded()) { + ret += "}" + CR; + } + + return ret; + } + + private String makeSignalAction(AvatarActionOnSignal _aaos, int _index, boolean hasDelay, String minDelay, String maxDelay) { + String ret = ""; + int i; + + AvatarSignal as = _aaos.getSignal(); + AvatarRelation ar = avspec.getAvatarRelationWithSignal(as); + + String delay; + + if (hasDelay) { + delay = "1, " + reworkDelay(minDelay) + ", " + reworkDelay(maxDelay); + } else { + delay = "0, 0, 0"; + } + + if (ar != null) { + + + // Sending + if (_aaos.isSending()) { + // Putting params + for(i=0; i<_aaos.getNbOfValues() ;i++) { + ret += "__params" + _index + "[" + i + "] = &" + _aaos.getValue(i) + ";" + CR; + } + if (ar.isAsynchronous()) { + //DG 3.12. inserted debug messages + ret += "debug2Msg(__myname, \"-> (=====)before MakeNewRequest\");" + CR; + ret+="debugInt(\"channel address\", &__req"+_index+");" + CR; + ret += "makeNewRequest(&__req" + _index + ", " + _aaos.getID() + ", SEND_ASYNC_REQUEST, " + delay + ", " + _aaos.getNbOfValues() + ", __params" + _index + ");" + CR; + ret += "debug2Msg(__myname, \"-> (=====)after MakeNewRequest\");" + CR; + ret += "__req" + _index + ".asyncChannel = &__" + getChannelName(ar, as) + ";" + CR; + } else { + if (ar.isBroadcast()) { + ret += "makeNewRequest(&__req" + _index + ", " + _aaos.getID()+ ", SEND_BROADCAST_REQUEST, " + delay + ", " + _aaos.getNbOfValues() + ", __params" + _index + ");" + CR; + ret += "__req" + _index + ".syncChannel = &__" + getChannelName(ar, as) + ";" + CR; + + } else { + ret += "makeNewRequest(&__req" + _index + ", " + _aaos.getID()+ ", SEND_SYNC_REQUEST, " + delay + ", " + _aaos.getNbOfValues() + ", __params" + _index + ");" + CR; + ret += "__req" + _index + ".syncChannel = &__" + getChannelName(ar, as) + ";" + CR; + + } + } + // Receiving + } + else { + for(i=0; i<_aaos.getNbOfValues() ;i++) { + ret += "__params" + _index + "[" + i + "] = &" + _aaos.getValue(i) + ";" + CR; + } + if (ar.isAsynchronous()) { + //ret += "debug2Msg(__myname, \"-> (=====)before MakeNewRequest\");" + CR; +//ret+="debugInt(\"channel address\", &__req"+_index+");" + CR; + ret += "makeNewRequest(&__req" + _index + ", " + _aaos.getID() + ", RECEIVE_ASYNC_REQUEST, " + delay + ", " + _aaos.getNbOfValues() + ", __params" + _index + ");" + CR; + ret += "__req" + _index + ".asyncChannel = &__" + getChannelName(ar, as) + ";" + CR; + } else { + if (ar.isBroadcast()) { + ret += "makeNewRequest(&__req" + _index + ", " + _aaos.getID() + ", RECEIVE_BROADCAST_REQUEST, " + delay + ", " + _aaos.getNbOfValues() + ", __params" + _index + ");" + CR; + ret += "__req" + _index + ".syncChannel = &__" + getChannelName(ar, as) + ";" + CR; + } else { + ret += "makeNewRequest(&__req" + _index + ", " + _aaos.getID() + ", RECEIVE_SYNC_REQUEST, " + delay + ", " + _aaos.getNbOfValues() + ", __params" + _index + ");" + CR; + ret += "__req" + _index + ".syncChannel = &__" + getChannelName(ar, as) + ";" + CR; + } + } + } + } + + return ret; + } + + + private String makeImmediateAction(AvatarTransition _at, int _index) { + String ret = ""; + if (_at.isGuarded()) { + String g = modifyGuard(_at.getGuard().toString()); + ret += "if (" + g + ") {" + CR; + } + + if (_at.hasDelay()) { // if (( remainingTime>0 )) + ret += "makeNewRequest(&__req" + _index + ", " + _at.getID() + ", IMMEDIATE, 1, " + reworkDelay(_at.getMinDelay()) + ", " + reworkDelay(_at.getMaxDelay()) + ", 0, __params" + _index + ");" + CR; + } else { + ret += "makeNewRequest(&__req" + _index + ", " + _at.getID() + ", IMMEDIATE, 0, 0, 0, 0, __params" + _index + ");" + CR; + } + ret += "addRequestToList(&__list, &__req" + _index + ");" + CR; + if (_at.isGuarded()) { + ret += "}" + CR; + } + + return ret; + + } + + private String executeOneRequest(String var) { + String ret = "debug2Msg(__myname, \"-> (=====)before executeOneRequest\");" + CR; + ret += "__returnRequest = executeOneRequest(&__list, &" + var + ");" + CR; + ret += "debug2Msg(__myname, \"-> (=====)after executeOneRequest\");" + CR; + ret += "clearListOfRequests(&__list);" + CR; + return ret; + } + + + public String makeAttributesDeclaration(AvatarBlock _block, TaskFileSoclib _taskFile) { + String ret = ""; + for(AvatarAttribute aa: _block.getAttributes()) { + ret += getCTypeOf(aa) + " " + aa.getName() + " = " + aa.getInitialValue() + ";" + CR; + } + return ret; + } + + public void makeThreadsInMain(boolean _debug) { + mainFile.appendToMainCode(CR + "/* Threads of tasks */" + CR); + for(TaskFileSoclib taskFile: taskFiles) { + mainFile.appendToMainCode("pthread_t thread__" + taskFile.getName() + ";" + CR); + } + + makeArgumentsInMain(_debug); + if (_debug) { + mainFile.appendToMainCode("/* Activating debug messages */" + CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("activeDebug();" + CR); + } + + mainFile.appendToMainCode("/* Activating randomness */" + CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("initRandom();" + CR); + + mainFile.appendToMainCode("/* Initializing the main mutex */" + CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("if (pthread_mutex_init(&__mainMutex, NULL) < 0) { exit(-1);}" + CR + CR); + + if (avspec.hasApplicationCode()) { + mainFile.appendToMainCode("/* User initialization */" + CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("__user_init();" + CR); + } + + mainFile.appendToMainCode(CR + CR + mainDebugMsg("Starting tasks")); + + /* one relation specified in the AVATAR block diagram can contain + several signals which translate into several soclib channels + for all channels they are transmitted in one array*/ + + for(TaskFileSoclib taskFile: taskFiles) { + + int cptchannels_array = 0; + String channelString= ""; + int j=0; + for(AvatarRelation ar: avspec.getRelations()) { + int i; + //unless there are channels associated, do nothing and pass NULL pointer in pthread_create + //DG 21.09. MWMRchannels only for asynchronous channels + if(ar.nbOfSignals()!=0){ + for(i=0; i<ar.nbOfSignals() ; i++) { + //if((ar.block1.getName()==taskFile.getName())||(ar.block2.getName()==taskFile.getName())){ + //DG 21.09. des que la relation contient un signal, elle est synchrone + if(((ar.block1.getName()==taskFile.getName())||(ar.block2.getName()==taskFile.getName()))&&(ar.isAsynchronous())){ //DG 13.10. enleve + channelString+="channels_array_"+ taskFile.getName() +"["+j+"]=&"+getChannelName(ar, i)+";" + CR;//DG 06.12. added & before channel Name fixed bug + cptchannels_array ++; + j++; + } + } +} + } + //skip this line if there are no channels associated + + if(!(cptchannels_array==0)){ + mainFile.appendToMainCode("struct mwmr_s *channels_array_"+ taskFile.getName() +"["+cptchannels_array+"];"+CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode(channelString+CR); + } + + else{ + mainFile.appendToMainCode("struct mwmr_s *channels_array_"+ taskFile.getName()+";"+CR); + } + + mainFile.appendToMainCode("ptr =malloc(sizeof(pthread_t));" + CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("thread__"+taskFile.getName() + "= (pthread_t)ptr;" + CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("attr_t = malloc(sizeof(pthread_attr_t));" + CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("attr_t->cpucount = "+ taskFile.getCPUId() +"; " +CR); + + mainFile.appendToMainCode(CR + CR + mainDebugMsg("Starting tasks")); + //if(cptchannels_array==0){ + // mainFile.appendToMainCode("pthread_create(&thread__" +taskFile.getName()+", NULL, mainFunc__" + taskFile.getName()+", NULL);" + CR2); + // }else{ + mainFile.appendToMainCode("pthread_create(&thread__" +taskFile.getName()+", NULL, mainFunc__" + taskFile.getName() +", (void *)channels_array_"+taskFile.getName()+");" + CR2); + //} + } + + mainFile.appendToMainCode(CR + CR + mainDebugMsg("Joining tasks")); + for(TaskFileSoclib taskFile: taskFiles) { + mainFile.appendToMainCode("pthread_join(thread__" + taskFile.getName() + ", NULL);" + CR); + } + + mainFile.appendToMainCode(CR + CR + mainDebugMsg("Application terminated")); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("return 0;" + CR); + } + + public void makeArgumentsInMain(boolean _debug) { + mainFile.appendToMainCode("/* Activating tracing */" + CR); + + if (tracing) { + mainFile.appendToMainCode("if (argc>1){" + CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("activeTracingInFile(argv[1]);" + CR + "} else {" + CR); + mainFile.appendToMainCode("activeTracingInConsole();" + CR + "}" + CR); + } + } + + public void makeMakefileSrc(String _path) { + makefile_src = "SRCS = "; + makefile_src += _path + "main.c "; + for(TaskFileSoclib taskFile: taskFiles) { + makefile_src += _path + taskFile.getName() + ".c "; + } + } + + public void makeMakefileSocLib() { + makefile_SocLib = "objs = "; + makefile_SocLib += "main.o "; + for(TaskFileSoclib taskFile: taskFiles) { + makefile_SocLib += taskFile.getName() + ".o "; + } + } + + public String getCTypeOf(AvatarAttribute _aa) { + String ret = "int"; + if (_aa.getType() == AvatarType.BOOLEAN) { + ret = "bool"; + } + return ret; + } + + public String getChannelName(AvatarRelation _ar, int _index) { + return _ar.block1.getName() + "_" + _ar.getSignal1(_index).getName() + "__" + _ar.block2.getName() + "_" + _ar.getSignal2(_index).getName(); + } + + public String getSigName(AvatarRelation _ar, int _index) { + return _ar.getSignal2(_index).getName(); + } + + public String getChannelName(AvatarRelation _ar, AvatarSignal _as) { + int index = _ar.getIndexOfSignal(_as); + return getChannelName(_ar, index); + } + + public String getSigName(AvatarRelation _ar, AvatarSignal _as) { + int index = _ar.getIndexOfSignal(_as); + return getSigName(_ar, index); + } + + public String modifyGuard(String _g) { + String g = Conversion.replaceAllString(_g, "[", "(").trim(); + g = Conversion.replaceAllString(g, "]", ")").trim(); + g = Conversion.replaceOp(g, "and", "&&"); + g = Conversion.replaceOp(g, "or", "||"); + g = Conversion.replaceOp(g, "not", "!"); + return g; + } + + public String reworkDelay(String _delay) { + + switch(timeUnit) { + case USEC: + return _delay; + case MSEC: + return "(" + _delay + ")*1000"; + case SEC: + return "(" + _delay + ")*1000000"; + } + + return _delay; + } + + private String modifyMethodName(AvatarBlock _ab, String _call) { + int index; + String ret0 = ""; + + index = _call.indexOf("="); + + if (index > -1) { + ret0 = _call.substring(0, index+1); + _call = _call.substring(index+2, _call.length()); + } + + return ret0 + _ab.getName() + "__" + _call.trim(); + } + + private String traceRequest() { + if (!tracing) { + return ""; + } + return "traceRequest(__myname, __returnRequest);" + CR; + } + + private String traceVariableModification(String blockName, String varName, String type) { + if (!tracing) { + return ""; + } + + return "traceVariableModification(\"" + blockName + "\", \"" + varName + "\", " + varName + "," + type + ");" + CR; + } + + private String traceFunctionCall(String blockName, String functionName, String params) { + if (!tracing) { + return ""; + } + + if (params == null) { + params = "\"-\""; + } + return "traceFunctionCall(\"" + blockName + "\", \"" + functionName + "\", " + params + ");" + CR; + } + + private String traceStateEntering(String name, String stateName) { + if (!tracing) { + return ""; + } + return "traceStateEntering(" + name + ", \"" + stateName + "\");" + CR; + } + + private String mainDebugMsg(String s) { + if (!debug) { + return ""; + } + return "debugMsg(\"" + s + "\");" + CR; + } + + private String taskDebugMsg(String s) { + if (!debug) { + return ""; + } + + return "debug2Msg(__myname, \"" + s + "\");" + CR; + } + + public String makeActionsOfTransaction(AvatarBlock _block, AvatarTransition _at) { + String ret = ""; + String act; + String var; + String type; + for(int i=0; i<_at.getNbOfAction(); i++) { + // Must know whether this is an action or a method call + AvatarAction actObj = _at.getAction(i); + act = actObj.getName(); + if (actObj.isAMethodCall()) { + ret += modifyMethodName(_block, act) + ";" + CR; + } else { + ret += act + ";" + CR; + AvatarAttribute aa; + aa = (AvatarAttribute) ((AvatarActionAssignment) actObj).getLeftHand(); + var = aa.getName (); + if (aa != null) { + if (aa.isInt()) { + type = "0"; + } else { + type = "1"; + } + //ret += "sprintf(__value, \"%d\", " + var + ");" + CR; + ret += traceVariableModification(_block.getName(), var, type); + } + + } + } + + return ret; + } + +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Code.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Code.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1520b65e3d4f9067953e1b0328be36a6ec89ce32 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Code.java @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ + +/* authors: v1.0 Raja GATGOUT 2014 + v2.0 Daniela GENIUS, Julien HENON 2015 */ + + +package ddtranslatorSoclib.toTopCell; +import java.util.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.*; + +public class Code { + + static private String creation; + static private String creation2; + + private final static String CR = "\n"; + private final static String CR2 = "\n\n"; + + Code(){ + } + + public static String getCode(){ + + creation = CR + + "//**********************************************************************" + CR + + "// Processor entry and connection code" + CR + + "//**********************************************************************" + CR2 + + + "#define CPU_CONNECT(n) void (n)(CpuEntry *e, sc_core::sc_clock &clk, \\"+ CR + + "sc_core::sc_signal<bool> &rstn, caba::VciSignals<vci_param> &m)" + CR2 + + "#define INIT_TOOLS(n) void (n)(const common::Loader &ldr)" + CR2 + + "#define NEW_CPU(n) caba::BaseModule * (n)(CpuEntry *e)" + CR2 + + "struct CpuEntry { " + CR + + " caba::BaseModule *cpu; " + CR + + " common::Loader *text_ldr;" + CR + + " sc_core::sc_signal<bool> *irq_sig;" + CR + + " size_t irq_sig_count;" + CR + + " std::string type;" + CR + + " std::string name;" + CR + + " int id;" + CR + + " CPU_CONNECT(*connect);" + CR + + " INIT_TOOLS(*init_tools);" + CR + + " NEW_CPU(*new_cpu);" + CR + + "};" +CR2 + + " template <class Iss_>" +CR + + " CPU_CONNECT(cpu_connect){" + CR + + " typedef ISS_NEST(Iss_) Iss;" +CR + + " caba::VciXcacheWrapper<vci_param, Iss> *cpu = static_cast<caba::VciXcacheWrapper<vci_param, Iss> *>(e->cpu);" + CR + + " cpu->p_clk(clk);" + CR + + " cpu->p_resetn(rstn);" + CR + + " e->irq_sig_count = Iss::n_irq; " + CR + + " e->irq_sig = new sc_core::sc_signal<bool>[Iss::n_irq];" + CR + + + " for ( size_t irq = 0; irq < (size_t)Iss::n_irq; ++irq )" + CR + + " cpu->p_irq[irq](e->irq_sig[irq]); " + CR + + " cpu->p_vci(m);" +CR + + " }" + CR2 + + + "template <class Iss>" + CR + + "INIT_TOOLS(initialize_tools){" + CR + + "Iss::setBoostrapCpuId(0);" + CR + + "/* Only processor 0 starts execution on reset */" + CR + + "#if defined(CONFIG_GDB_SERVER)" + CR + + "ISS_NEST(Iss)::set_loader(ldr);" + CR + + "#endif" + CR + + "#if defined(CONFIG_SOCLIB_MEMCHECK)" +CR + + " common::IssMemchecker<Iss>::init(maptab, ldr, \"vci_multi_tty,vci_xicu,vci_block_device,vci_fd_acccess,vci_ethernet,vci_fdt_rom,vci_rttimer\");" + CR + + "#endif" + CR + + "}" +CR2 ; + + // currently, all caches must have the same parameters : take one + AvatarCPU cpu = TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllCPU().getFirst(); + + /* System.out.println("*ICACHEWAYS taken into account*"+cpu.getICacheWays()); + System.out.println("*ICACHESETS taken into account*"+cpu.getICacheSets()); + System.out.println("*ICACHEWORDS taken into account*"+cpu.getICacheWords()); + System.out.println("*DCACHEWAYS taken into account*"+cpu.getDCacheWays()); + System.out.println("*DCACHESETS taken into account*"+cpu.getDCacheSets()); + System.out.println("*DCACHEWORDS taken into account*"+cpu.getDCacheWords());*/ + + creation=creation +"template <class Iss>" + CR + + "NEW_CPU(new_cpu){" + CR + + "return new caba::VciXcacheWrapper<vci_param, ISS_NEST(Iss)>(e->name.c_str(), e->id, maptab, IntTab(e->id),"+ + cpu.getICacheWays()+","+cpu.getICacheSets()+","+cpu.getICacheWords()+","+cpu.getDCacheWays()+","+cpu.getDCacheSets()+","+cpu.getDCacheWords()+")"+";"+ + CR + "}" + CR2; + + creation = creation + + "/***************************************************************************"+ CR + + "--------------------Processor creation code-------------------------" + CR+ + "***************************************************************************/" +CR2 + + + "template <class Iss> " + CR + + " CpuEntry * newCpuEntry_(CpuEntry *e){" + CR + + " e->new_cpu = new_cpu<Iss>;" +CR + + " e->connect = cpu_connect<Iss>;" + CR + + " e->init_tools = initialize_tools<Iss>;" + CR + + " return e;" + CR + + "}" + CR2 + + + " struct CpuEntry * newCpuEntry(const std::string &type, int id, common::Loader *ldr) {" +CR + + " CpuEntry *e = new CpuEntry;" + CR + + " std::ostringstream o;" + CR + + " o << type << \"_\" << id; " + CR2 + + " e->cpu = 0;" + CR + + " e->text_ldr = ldr;" + CR + + " e->type = type;" +CR + + " e->name = o.str();" + CR + + " e->id = id; " + CR2 + + " switch (type[0]) {" + CR + + " case 'm':" + CR + + " if (type == \"mips32el\")" + CR + + " return newCpuEntry_<common::Mips32ElIss>(e);" + CR + + " else if (type == \"mips32eb\")" + CR + + " return newCpuEntry_<common::Mips32EbIss>(e);" + CR2 + + " case 'a':" + CR + + " if (type == \"arm\")" + CR + + " return newCpuEntry_<common::ArmIss>(e);" + CR + + " case 'n':" + CR + + " if (type == \"nios2\")" + CR + + " return newCpuEntry_<common::Nios2fIss>(e);" + CR2 + + " case \'p\':" + CR + + " if (type == \"ppc\")return newCpuEntry_<common::Ppc405Iss>(e);" + CR2+ + " case 's':" + CR + + " if (type == \"sparc\")" + CR + + " return newCpuEntry_<common::Sparcv8Iss<8> >(e);" + CR + + " else if (type == \"sparc_2wins\")" + CR + + " return newCpuEntry_<common::Sparcv8Iss<2> >(e);" + CR2 + + " case 'l':" + CR + + " if (type == \"lm32\")" + CR + + " return newCpuEntry_<common::LM32Iss<true> >(e);" + CR + + " } " +CR2 + + " throw std::runtime_error(type + \": wrong processor type\"); " +CR + + "}" +CR2 + + "//**********************************************************************" + CR + + "// Args parsing and netlist" + CR2 + + "//**********************************************************************" + CR2 + + "int _main(int argc, char **argv)" + CR + "{" + CR2 + + " // Avoid repeating these everywhere" + CR + + " std::vector<CpuEntry*> cpus;" + CR + + " common::Loader data_ldr;" + CR + + " data_ldr.memory_default(0x5a);" + CR; + return creation; + } +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Declaration.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Declaration.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fb5200dc4ecdc0e5b0f00e24919095e573d2c0af --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Declaration.java @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ + +/* authors: v1.0 Raja GATGOUT 2014 + v2.0 Daniela GENIUS, Julien HENON 2015 */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib.toTopCell; +import java.util.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.*; + +public class Declaration { + + private static String CR = "\n"; + private static String CR2 = "\n\n"; + + public static String getDeclarations() { + + String declaration = "//----------------------------Instantiation-------------------------------" + CR2; + + // the following are present in every platform and their adresses fixed once and for all + declaration += CR + + "caba::VciHeterogeneousRom<vci_param> vcihetrom(\"vcihetrom\", IntTab(0), maptab);" + CR; + + declaration += "caba::VciRam<vci_param> vcirom(\"vcirom\", IntTab(1), maptab, data_ldr);" + CR; + + declaration += " caba::VciSimhelper<vci_param> vcisimhelper (\"vcisimhelper\", IntTab(3), maptab);" + CR; + //current hypothesis max. 1 (multi-) timer + declaration = declaration + "caba::VciXicu<vci_param> vcixicu(\"vci_xicu\", maptab, IntTab(4), 1, xicu_n_irq, cpus.size(), cpus.size());" + CR; + + declaration = declaration + "caba::VciRtTimer<vci_param> vcirttimer (\"vcirttimer\", IntTab(5), maptab, 1, true);" + CR2; + + declaration += "caba::VciFdtRom<vci_param> vcifdtrom(\"vci_fdt_rom\", IntTab(6), maptab);" + CR; + + declaration += "caba::VciLocks<vci_param> vci_locks(\"vci_locks\", IntTab("+(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()+3)+"), maptab);" + CR;//DG 04.12. + declaration += "caba::VciRam<vci_param>mwmr_ram(\"mwmr_ram\",IntTab("+(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()+3)+"),maptab);" + CR2; + declaration += "caba::VciRam<vci_param>mwmrd_ram(\"mwmrd_ram\", IntTab("+(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()+4)+"),maptab);" + CR2; + // There can be an arbitrary number of RAMS (at least one, RAM0 is distinguished) and TTY + + for (AvatarTTY tty : TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllTTY()){ + declaration += "caba::VciMultiTty<vci_param> " + tty.getTTYName()+ "(\"" + tty.getTTYName()+ "\", IntTab(" + tty.getNo_target()+ "), maptab, \"vci_multi_tty"+"\", NULL);";} + + for (AvatarRAM ram : TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllRAM()) + declaration += "soclib::caba::VciRam<vci_param>" + ram.getMemoryName()+ "(\"" + ram.getMemoryName()+ "\"" + ", IntTab(" + + ram.getNo_target() + "), maptab);" + CR2; + + declaration += "caba::VciFdAccess<vci_param> vcifd(\"vcifd\", maptab, IntTab(cpus.size()+1), IntTab("+(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target())+"));" + CR; + declaration += "caba::VciEthernet<vci_param> vcieth(\"vcieth\", maptab, IntTab(cpus.size()+2), IntTab("+(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()+1)+"), \"soclib0\");" + CR; + declaration += "caba::VciBlockDevice<vci_param> vcibd(\"vcibd\", maptab, IntTab(cpus.size()), IntTab("+(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()+2)+"),\"block0.iso\", 2048);" + CR; + + for (AvatarBus bus : TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllBus()) { + System.out.println("initiators: "+TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_init()); + System.out.println("targets: "+TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()); + + declaration += "soclib::caba::VciVgsb<vci_param> vgsb(\"" + bus.getBusName() + "\"" + " , maptab, cpus.size()+3," + (TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()+6)+ + ");" + CR2; + + //if BUS was not last in input file, update here + bus.setNbOfAttachedInitiators(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_init()); + bus.setnbOfAttachedTargets(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()); + } + + for (AvatarVgmn vgmn : TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllVgmn()) { + System.out.println("initiators: "+TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_init()); + System.out.println("targets: "+TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()); + + declaration += "soclib::caba::VciVgmn<vci_param> vgmn(\"" + vgmn.getVgmnName() + "\"" + " , maptab, cpus.size()+3," + (TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()+6)+ + "," + vgmn.getMinLatency() + "," + vgmn.getFifoDepth() + ");" + CR2; + + // if VGMN was not last in input file, update here + vgmn.setNbOfAttachedInitiators(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_init()); + vgmn.setnbOfAttachedTargets(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()+4);//DG 04.12. two additionnal targets for channel mapping + } + + int cluster_index; + int cluster_address; + for (AvatarCrossbar crossbar : TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllCrossbar()) { + System.out.println("initiators: "+TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_init()); + System.out.println("targets: "+TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()); + cluster_index=crossbar.getClusterIndex(); + cluster_address=crossbar.getClusterAddress();//Adress doit etre calculee a terme + declaration += "soclib::caba::VciLocalCrossbar<vci_param> crossbar(\"" + crossbar.getCrossbarName() + "\"" + " , maptab, cluster_index, cluster_address, cpus.size()+3," + (TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()+3)+ + ");" + CR2; + + //if CROSSBAR was not last in input file, update here + crossbar.setNbOfAttachedInitiators(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_init()); + crossbar.setnbOfAttachedTargets(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()); + } + return declaration; + } +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Deployinfo.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Deployinfo.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..97110678f731b8268b0f344fe884b7b75dfe2cd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Deployinfo.java @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +/* This class generates the deployment info for the ldscript*/ + + +/* authors: v1.0 Raja Daniela GENIUS 2015 */ + +/* It requires information about the mapping of channels on memory banks*/ +/* channels and RAM segments are numbered canonically for generation, theit names are thus NOT those in the Deployment Diagram; this is done to simplify generation, as the name also appears in the main.c of the application and is generated canonically there, too (example "section_channel0") */ + +/* here is an example : +#define CHANNEL_0_NAME channel0 +#define CHANNEL_1_NAME channel1 + +#define DEPLOY_RAM_0_NAME channel_ram0 +#define DEPLOY_RAM_0_ADDR 0x6f000000 +#define DEPLOY_RAM_0_SIZE 0x01000000 + +#define DEPLOY_RAM_1_NAME channel_ram1 +#define DEPLOY_RAM_1_ADDR 0x5f000000 +#define DEPLOY_RAM_1_SIZE 0x01000000 + +#define MAP_A\ + .channel0 : { \ + __channel_0_start = ABSOLUTE(.);\ + *(section_channel0)\ + } > DEPLOY_RAM_0_NAME\ + .channel1 : { \ + __channel_1_start = ABSOLUTE(.);\ + *(section_channel1) \ + } > DEPLOY_RAM_1_NAME + */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib.toTopCell; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.*; +import java.util.*; + +public class Deployinfo { + + private final static String CR = "\n"; + private final static String CR2 = "\n\n"; + + /* for the moment, this is specific to PowerPC */ + + public static String getDeployInfo() { + int i=0; + int calculated_addr = 2130706432;// 0x7f000000 currently fixed + + //address is fixed for the moment but can be given in the DDiagram or calculated + String deployinfo = CR; + + /* special case: there is only one memory bank and/or at least one CHANNEL channel is mapped to it */ + + for (AvatarRAM ram : TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllRAM()) { + String string_adress_start = Integer.toHexString(calculated_addr); + + if((ram.getNo_ram()==0)&&(!(ram.getChannels().isEmpty()))){ + + //deployinfo = "#define DEPLOY_RAM" + i + "_NAME mem_ram"+ CR; + + } + else{ + deployinfo += "#define DEPLOY_RAM" + i + "_NAME channel_ram" + ram.getNo_ram() + CR; + //} + deployinfo = deployinfo + "#define DEPLOY_RAM" + i + "_ADDR 0x" + string_adress_start + CR; // attention this must be hexadecimal + int size = ram.getDataSize(); + String string_size = Integer.toHexString(size); + deployinfo = deployinfo + "#define DEPLOY_RAM" + i + "_SIZE 0x"+ string_size + CR; // attention this must be hexadecimal + //calculated_addr=calculated_addr-16777216; // attention this must be hexadecimal + calculated_addr=calculated_addr-33554432; + i++; + } + } + return deployinfo; + } + + public static String getDeployInfoMap() { + int i=0; + String deployinfo_map = CR; + + deployinfo_map += "#define MAP_A\\" + CR; + for (AvatarRAM ram : TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllRAM()) { + if (!(ram.getChannels().isEmpty())){ + //deployinfo_map = deployinfo_map +".channel"+i+" : { \\" + CR; + for (AvatarChannel channel : ram.getChannels()) { + deployinfo_map = deployinfo_map +"\n .channel"+i+" : { \\" + CR; + deployinfo_map = deployinfo_map + "*(section_channel"+i+ ")\\"+ CR; + i++; + deployinfo_map=deployinfo_map+ "} > mwmrd_ram\\"+ CR;//DG 07.12. + /* if (ram.getNo_ram()==0){ + deployinfo_map=deployinfo_map+ "} > mem_ram\\"+ CR; + } + else{ + deployinfo_map=deployinfo_map+ "} > channel_ram"+ ram.getNo_ram()+ "\\" +CR; + }DG 07.12.*/ + } + } + } + return deployinfo_map; + } + + +public static String getProcInfo() { + int i=0; + + String procinfo = "SOCLIB_CPU_COUNT = "; + + for (AvatarCPU cpu : TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllCPU()) { + i++; + } + + procinfo += i + CR; + return procinfo; + } + + +public static String getNbProc() { + int i=0; + + String nbproc = "CONFIG_CPU_MAXCOUNT "; + + for (AvatarCPU cpu : TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllCPU()) { + i++; + } + + nbproc += i + CR; + return nbproc; + } +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Header.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Header.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7750f86cc5585c0e911cbb775b21056896ade2fb --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Header.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +/* this class produces the lines containing essentially the initial #includes; we include all potential components event if they are not used in the deployment diagram*/ + +/* authors: v1.0 Raja GATGOUT 2014 + v2.0 Daniela GENIUS, Julien HENON 2015 */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib.toTopCell; +import java.util.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.*; + +public class Header { + + static private String header; + + private final static String CR = "\n"; + private final static String CR2 = "\n\n"; + + Header(){ + } + public static String getHeader() { + + header = "//-------------------------------Header------------------------------------" + CR2 + + " #include <iostream>" + CR + "#include <cstdlib>" + CR + "#include <stdexcept>" + CR2 + + "#define CONFIG_GDB_SERVER" + CR + "#define CONFIG_SOCLIB_MEMCHECK" + CR2; + + header = header + "#include \"iss_memchecker.h\"" + CR + +"#include \"gdbserver.h\""+ CR2 + +"#include \"ppc405.h\"" + CR + +"#include \"niosII.h\"" + CR + +"#include \"mips32.h\"" + CR + +"#include \"arm.h\"" + CR + +"#include \"sparcv8.h\"" + CR + +"#include \"lm32.h\"" + CR2 + + "#include \"mapping_table.h\"" + CR + + "#include \"vci_fdt_rom.h\"" + CR + "#include \"vci_xcache_wrapper.h\"" + CR + + "#include \"vci_ram.h\"" + CR + "#include \"vci_heterogeneous_rom.h\"" + CR + + "#include \"vci_multi_tty.h\"" + CR + "#include \"vci_locks.h\"" + CR + "#include \"vci_xicu.h\"" + + CR + "#include \"vci_vgmn.h\""+ CR + "#include \"vci_vgsb.h\"" + CR + "#include \"vci_block_device.h\"" + CR + + "#include \"vci_simhelper.h\"" + CR + "#include \"vci_fd_access.h\"" + CR ++ "#include \"vci_ethernet.h\"" + CR + + "#include \"vci_rttimer.h\"" + CR2; + + header = header + "using namespace soclib;" + CR + "using common::IntTab;" + CR + "using common::Segment;"; + header = header + CR2 + "static common::MappingTable maptab(32, IntTab(8), IntTab(8), 0xfff00000);"; + return header; + } +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Loader.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Loader.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..861141595e69cbcf8bf8d90831e5e1276018980e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Loader.java @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ + +/* authors: v1.0 Daniela GENIUS, Julien HENON 2015 */ + + +package ddtranslatorSoclib.toTopCell; +import java.util.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.*; + +public class Loader { + + static private String loader; + private final static String NAME_CLK = "signal_clk"; + + private final static String CR = "\n"; + private final static String CR2 = "\n\n"; + + public Loader(){ + } + + public static String getLoader() { + + loader = CR2 + "//-------------------------Call Loader---------------------------------" + CR2 ; + loader = loader + "std::cerr << \"caba-vgmn-mutekh_kernel_tutorial SoCLib simulator for MutekH\" << std::endl;" + + CR2 ; + + loader = loader + "if ( (argc < 2) || ((argc % 2) == 0) ) {" + CR ; + + loader = loader + "exit(0); }" + CR ; + + loader = loader + " argc--;" + CR ; + loader = loader + " argv++;" + CR2 ; + loader = loader + "bool heterogeneous = (argc > 2);" + CR2 ; + + loader = loader + " for (int i = 0; i < (argc - 1); i += 2){" + CR ; + loader = loader + " char *cpu_p = argv[i];" + CR ; + loader = loader + " const char *kernel_p = argv[i+1];" + CR ; + loader = loader + " const char *arch_str = strsep(&cpu_p, \":\");" + CR ; + loader = loader + " int count = cpu_p ? atoi(cpu_p) : 1;" + CR ; + + loader = loader + " common::Loader *text_ldr; " + CR ; + + loader = loader + " if (heterogeneous) {" + CR ; + loader = loader + " text_ldr = new common::Loader(std::string(kernel_p) + \";.text\");" + CR ; + loader = loader + " text_ldr->memory_default(0x5a);;" + CR ; + loader = loader + " data_ldr.load_file(std::string(kernel_p) + \";.rodata;.boot;.excep\");" + CR ; + loader = loader + " if (i == 0)" + CR ; + loader = loader + " data_ldr.load_file(std::string(kernel_p) + \";.data;"; + // We generated so far until arriving at first channel segment, if any + //current hypothesis : one segment per channel + int j=0; + for (AvatarChannel channel : TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllMappedChannels()) { + loader = loader + ".channel" + j + ";"; + j++; + } + // We resume the generation of the fixed code + loader = loader + ".cpudata;.contextdata\");" + CR ; + loader = loader + " } else {" + CR ; + loader = loader + " text_ldr = new common::Loader(std::string(kernel_p));" + CR ; + loader = loader + " text_ldr->memory_default(0x5a);" + CR ; + loader = loader + " data_ldr.load_file(std::string(kernel_p));" + CR ; + loader = loader + " }" + CR2 ; + + loader = loader + " common::Loader tools_ldr(kernel_p);" + CR ; + loader = loader + " tools_ldr.memory_default(0x5a);" + CR2 ; + + loader = loader + " for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {" + CR ; + loader = loader + " int id = cpus.size();" + CR ; + loader = loader + " std::cerr << \"***\" << cpus.size() << std::endl;" + CR ; + + loader = loader + " CpuEntry *e = newCpuEntry(arch_str, id, text_ldr);" + CR ; + + loader = loader + " if (j == 0)" + CR ; + loader = loader + " e->init_tools(tools_ldr);" + CR ; + + loader = loader + " e->cpu = e->new_cpu(e);" + CR ; + loader = loader + " cpus.push_back(e);" + CR ; + loader = loader + " }" + CR ; + loader = loader + " }" + CR2 ; + int nb_tty =1; //DG currently only one (multi) tty + loader = loader + " const size_t xicu_n_irq = "+(1+nb_tty+3)+";" + CR2 ; + return loader; + } + + String getNAME_CLK(){ + return NAME_CLK; + } +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/MappingTable.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/MappingTable.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b66bef653aa67e4ba27096b5cad55083c4d59166 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/MappingTable.java @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +/* this class produces the lines pertaining to the segment table. Except the segments containing CHANNEL channels and those corresponding to targets in shared memory, they need not be sepcified by the user of the deployment diagram */ + + +/* authors: v1.0 Raja GATGOUT 2014 + v2.0 Daniela GENIUS, Julien HENON 2015 */ + + +package ddtranslatorSoclib.toTopCell; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.*; +import java.util.*; + + +public class MappingTable { + + private final static String CR = "\n"; + private final static String CR2 = "\n\n"; + private static String mapping; + + public static String getMappingTable() { + + /* depending on the cpu type, the addresses of some segments (reset etc.) differ */ + + mapping = CR2 + "//-----------------------mapping table------------------------" + CR2; + mapping = mapping + "// ppc segments" + CR2; + + mapping = mapping + "maptab.add(Segment(\"resetppc\", 0xffffff80, 0x0080, IntTab(1), true));" + CR; + mapping = mapping + "maptab.add(Segment(\"resetnios\", 0x00802000, 0x1000, IntTab(1), true));" + CR; + mapping = mapping + "maptab.add(Segment(\"resetzero\", 0x00000000, 0x1000, IntTab(1), true));" + CR; + mapping = mapping + "maptab.add(Segment(\"resetmips\", 0xbfc00000, 0x1000, IntTab(1), true));" + CR; + + /*there are seven targets which are fixed; target 3 to 6 are transparent and do not appear in the TTool deployment diagram: + + Targets on RAM0 : + the text segment (target 0) + the reset segment (target 1) + the data segment (target 2) + + Other targets : + the simhelper segment (target 3) + the icu segment (target 4) + the timer segment (target 5) + the fdt segment (target 6) + + additional RAM segments (target 6+i) + tty segments (target 6+i+j) + fd access segment (target 6+i+j+1) + ethernet segment (target 6+i+j+2) + block device segment (target 6+i+j+3) + */ + + mapping += CR2 + "// RAM segments" + CR2; + mapping += "maptab.add(Segment(\"text\", 0x60000000, 0x00100000, IntTab(0), true));" + CR; + mapping += "maptab.add(Segment(\"rodata\", 0x80000000, 0x01000000, IntTab(1), true));" + CR; + mapping += "maptab.add(Segment(\"data\", 0x7f000000, 0x01000000, IntTab(2), false)); " + CR2; + + mapping = mapping + "maptab.add(Segment(\"simhelper\", 0xd3200000, 0x00000100, IntTab(3), false));" + CR; + mapping = mapping + " maptab.add(Segment(\"vci_xicu\", 0xd2200000, 0x00001000, IntTab(4), false));" + CR; + mapping = mapping + "maptab.add(Segment(\"vci_rttimer\", 0xd6000000, 0x00000100, IntTab(5), false));" + CR2; + mapping = mapping + "maptab.add(Segment(\"vci_fdt_rom\", 0xe0000000, 0x00001000, IntTab(6), false));" + CR2; + + /* here we have a loop over the CHANNEL segments specified in the deployment diagram and we calculate their addresses in a loop; more intelligent algorithms will be proposed later */ + + int j=0; int k=0; int l=0; + for (AvatarRAM ram : TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllRAM()) { + if(ram.getNo_ram() ==0){ + ram.setNo_target(2); + } + else{ + ram.setNo_target(7+j); + mapping += "maptab.add(Segment(\"channel" + j + "\", 0x" + (6 - j) + "f000000, 0x01000000, IntTab("+ram.getNo_target()+"), false));" + CR; + j++; + } + } + + for (AvatarTTY tty : TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllTTY()) { + /* we calculate the target number of one or several (multi-) ttys which come after the j rams and the 7 compulsory targets */ + tty.setNo_target(7+j+k); + k++; + /* we use a simple formula for calculating the TTY address in case of multiple (multi-) ttys */ + mapping += "maptab.add(Segment(\"vci_multi_tty\" , 0xd"+tty.getNo_tty()+"200000, 0x00000010, IntTab(" +tty.getNo_target() +"), false));" + CR; + j++; + l=tty.getNo_target(); + } + mapping = mapping + "maptab.add(Segment(\"vci_fd_access\", 0xd4200000, 0x00000100, IntTab("+(l+1)+"), false));" + CR; + mapping = mapping + "maptab.add(Segment(\"vci_ethernet\", 0xd5000000, 0x00000020, IntTab("+(l+2)+"), false));" + CR; + mapping = mapping + "maptab.add(Segment(\"vci_block_device\", 0xd1200000, 0x00000020, IntTab("+(l+3)+"), false));" + CR2; + mapping = mapping + "maptab.add(Segment(\"vci_locks\", 0x30200000, 0x00000100, IntTab("+(l+4)+"), false));" + CR2;//DG 4.12. +mapping = mapping + "maptab.add(Segment(\"mwmr_ram\", 0xA0200000, 0x00001000, IntTab("+(l+5)+"), false));" + CR2;//DG 4.12. +mapping = mapping + "maptab.add(Segment(\"mwmrd_ram\", 0x20200000, 0x00003000, IntTab("+(l+6)+"), false));" + CR2;//DG 4.12. + return mapping; + } + +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/NetList.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/NetList.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..82f7f9618366472ebc3ba6c85d991a649133b909 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/NetList.java @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +/* authors: v1.0 Raja GATGOUT 2014 + v2.0 Daniela GENIUS, Julien HENON 2015 */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib.toTopCell; +import java.util.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.*; + +public class NetList { + public static final String NAME_CLK = "signal_clk"; + public static final String CR = "\n"; + public static final String CR2 = "\n\n"; + private static final String NAME_RST = "signal_resetn"; + + public static String getNetlist(String icn) { + + String netlist; + + netlist = CR2 + "//------------------------------Netlist---------------------------------" + CR2; + + netlist = netlist + "// icu" + CR2; + + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.add_property(\"interrupt-parent\", vcifdtrom.get_device_phandle(\"vci_xicu\"));" + CR2; + + netlist = netlist + " vcixicu.p_clk(signal_clk);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcixicu.p_resetn(signal_resetn);" + CR2; + netlist = netlist + " vcixicu.p_vci(signal_vci_xicu);" + CR2; + + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.begin_device_node(\"vci_rttimer\", \"soclib:vci_rttimer\");" + CR; + + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.add_property(\"interrupts\", 4);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.add_property(\"frequency\", 1000000);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.end_node();" + CR2; + + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.begin_device_node(\"vci_xicu\", \"soclib:vci_xicu\");" + CR2; + netlist = netlist + " int irq_map[cpus.size() * 3];" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " for ( size_t i = 0; i < cpus.size(); ++i )" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " {" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " irq_map[i*3 + 0] = i;" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " irq_map[i*3 + 1] = vcifdtrom.get_cpu_phandle(i);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " irq_map[i*3 + 2] = 0;" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " }" + CR2; + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.add_property(\"interrupt-map\", irq_map, cpus.size() * 3);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.add_property(\"frequency\", 1000000);" + CR2; + + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.add_property(\"param-int-pti-count\", 1);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.add_property(\"param-int-hwi-count\", xicu_n_irq);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.add_property(\"param-int-wti-count\", cpus.size());" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.add_property(\"param-int-irq-count\", cpus.size());" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.end_node();" + CR2; + + netlist = netlist + " for ( size_t i = 0; i < xicu_n_irq; ++i )" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcixicu.p_hwi[i](signal_xicu_irq[i]);" + CR2; + + + netlist = netlist + "///////////////// cpus" + CR2; + + netlist = netlist + "vcifdtrom.begin_cpus();" + CR2; + netlist = netlist + "for ( size_t i = 0; i < cpus.size(); ++i ){" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " // configure het_rom" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcihetrom.add_srcid(*cpus[i]->text_ldr, IntTab(i));" + CR; + + netlist = netlist + " // add cpu node to device tree" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.begin_cpu_node(std::string(\"cpu:\") + cpus[i]->type, i);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.add_property(\"freq\", 1000000);" + CR; + + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.end_node();" + CR2; + + netlist = netlist + "// connect cpu" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " cpus[i]->connect(cpus[i], signal_clk, signal_resetn, signal_vci_m[i]);" + CR; if(icn=="vgmn") + { + netlist = netlist + "vgmn.p_to_initiator[i](signal_vci_m[i]);" + CR;} + else{ + netlist = netlist + "vgsb.p_to_initiator[i](signal_vci_m[i]);" + CR;} + + netlist = netlist + "vcixicu.p_irq[i](cpus[i]->irq_sig[0]);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " }" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.end_node();" + CR2; + + netlist = netlist + " vcihetrom.p_clk(signal_clk);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.p_clk(signal_clk);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcirom.p_clk(signal_clk);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcisimhelper.p_clk(signal_clk);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcirttimer.p_clk(signal_clk);" + CR; + + netlist = netlist + " vcihetrom.p_resetn(signal_resetn);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.p_resetn(signal_resetn);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcirom.p_resetn(signal_resetn);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcisimhelper.p_resetn(signal_resetn);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcirttimer.p_resetn(signal_resetn);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcihetrom.p_vci(signal_vci_vcihetrom);" + CR; + + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.p_vci(signal_vci_vcifdtrom);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcirom.p_vci(signal_vci_vcirom);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcisimhelper.p_vci(signal_vci_vcisimhelper);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcirttimer.p_vci(signal_vci_vcirttimer);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcirttimer.p_irq[0](signal_xicu_irq[4]);" + CR2; + if(icn=="vgmn"){ + netlist = netlist + " vgmn.p_clk(signal_clk);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vgmn.p_resetn(signal_resetn);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vgmn.p_to_target[0](signal_vci_vcihetrom);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vgmn.p_to_target[1](signal_vci_vcirom);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vgmn.p_to_target[3](signal_vci_vcisimhelper);" + CR2; + netlist = netlist + " vgmn.p_to_target[4](signal_vci_xicu);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vgmn.p_to_target[5](signal_vci_vcirttimer);" + CR2; + netlist = netlist + " vgmn.p_to_target[6](signal_vci_vcifdtrom);" + CR2; + netlist = netlist + " vgmn.p_to_initiator[cpus.size()](signal_vci_bdi);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vgmn.p_to_initiator[cpus.size()+1](signal_vci_vcifdaccessi);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vgmn.p_to_initiator[cpus.size()+2](signal_vci_etherneti);" + CR2; + + } + else{ + netlist = netlist + " vgsb.p_clk(signal_clk);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vgsb.p_resetn(signal_resetn);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vgsb.p_to_target[0](signal_vci_vcihetrom);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vgsb.p_to_target[1](signal_vci_vcirom);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vgsb.p_to_target[3](signal_vci_vcisimhelper);" + CR2; + netlist = netlist + " vgsb.p_to_target[4](signal_vci_xicu);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vgsb.p_to_target[5](signal_vci_vcirttimer);" + CR2; + netlist = netlist + " vgsb.p_to_target[6](signal_vci_vcifdtrom);" + CR2; + netlist = netlist + " vgsb.p_to_initiator[cpus.size()](signal_vci_bdi);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vgsb.p_to_initiator[cpus.size()+1](signal_vci_vcifdaccessi);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vgsb.p_to_initiator[cpus.size()+2](signal_vci_etherneti);" + CR2; + } + // There are several targets and we have to generate their numbers + netlist = netlist + "// RAM netlist" + CR2; + for (AvatarRAM ram : TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllRAM()) { + netlist = netlist + ram.getMemoryName()+".p_clk(" + NAME_CLK + ");" + CR; + netlist = netlist + ram.getMemoryName()+".p_resetn(" + NAME_RST + ");" + CR; + netlist = netlist + ram.getMemoryName()+".p_vci(signal_vci_vciram"+ram.getNo_ram()+");" + CR2; + + if(icn=="vgmn"){ + netlist = netlist + "vgmn.p_to_target["+ram.getNo_target()+"](signal_vci_vciram"+ram.getNo_ram()+");" + CR2; + } + else{ + netlist = netlist + "vgsb.p_to_target["+ram.getNo_target()+"](signal_vci_vciram"+ram.getNo_ram()+");" + CR2; + } + } + + + netlist = netlist + "vci_locks.p_clk(" + NAME_CLK + ");" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vci_locks.p_resetn(" + NAME_RST + ");" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vci_locks.p_vci(signal_vci_vcilocks);" + CR2; + //MWMR RAM + netlist = netlist +"mwmr_ram.p_clk(" + NAME_CLK + ");" + CR; + netlist = netlist +"mwmr_ram.p_resetn(" + NAME_RST + ");" + CR; + netlist = netlist +"mwmr_ram.p_vci(signal_vci_mwmr_ram);" + CR2; + netlist = netlist + "vgsb.p_to_target["+(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()+4)+"](signal_vci_mwmr_ram);" + CR2; + //MWMRd RAM + netlist = netlist +"mwmrd_ram.p_clk(" + NAME_CLK + ");" + CR; + netlist = netlist +"mwmrd_ram.p_resetn(" + NAME_RST + ");" + CR; + netlist = netlist +"mwmrd_ram.p_vci(signal_vci_mwmrd_ram);" + CR2; + netlist = netlist + "vgsb.p_to_target["+(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()+5)+"](signal_vci_mwmrd_ram);" + CR2; + + + + + for (AvatarTTY tty : TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllTTY()){ + + /* we can have several TTYs and each is associated to the fdtrom, for the moment limit to one (multi-) TTY */ + if(icn=="vgmn"){ + netlist = netlist + "vgmn.p_to_target["+(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target())+"](signal_vci_vcifdaccesst);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vgmn.p_to_target["+(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()+1)+"](signal_vci_ethernett);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vgmn.p_to_target["+(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()+2)+"](signal_vci_bdt);" + CR; + }else{ + netlist = netlist + "vgsb.p_to_target["+(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target())+"](signal_vci_vcifdaccesst);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vgsb.p_to_target["+(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()+1)+"](signal_vci_ethernett);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vgsb.p_to_target["+(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()+2)+"](signal_vci_bdt);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vgsb.p_to_target["+(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNb_target()+3)+"](signal_vci_vcilocks);" + CR; + } + netlist = netlist + "vcifdtrom.begin_device_node(\"vci_multi_tty\",\"soclib:vci_multi_tty\");" + CR2; + + netlist = netlist + "vcifdtrom.add_property(\"interrupts\", 0);" + CR2; + netlist = netlist + "vcifdtrom.end_node();;" + CR2; + + + netlist = netlist + "// TTY netlist" + CR2; + netlist = netlist + tty.getTTYName()+".p_clk(signal_clk);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + tty.getTTYName()+".p_resetn(signal_resetn);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + tty.getTTYName()+".p_vci(signal_vci_tty"+tty.getNo_tty()+");" + CR2; + if(icn=="vgmn"){ + netlist = netlist + "vgmn.p_to_target["+tty.getNo_target()+"](signal_vci_tty"+tty.getNo_tty()+");" + CR2; + }else{ + netlist = netlist + "vgsb.p_to_target["+tty.getNo_target()+"](signal_vci_tty"+tty.getNo_tty()+");" + CR2; + } + netlist = netlist + tty.getTTYName()+".p_irq[0](signal_xicu_irq[0]);" + CR2; + } + netlist = netlist + "{" + CR2; + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.begin_node(\"aliases\");" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.add_property(\"timer\", vcifdtrom.get_device_name(\"vci_rttimer\") + \"[0]\");" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.add_property(\"console\", vcifdtrom.get_device_name(\"vci_multi_tty\") + \"[0]\");" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " vcifdtrom.end_node();" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "}" + CR2; + +//////////////// ethernet + + netlist = netlist + "vcieth.p_clk(signal_clk);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcieth.p_resetn(signal_resetn);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcieth.p_irq(signal_xicu_irq[3]);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcieth.p_vci_target(signal_vci_ethernett);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcieth.p_vci_initiator(signal_vci_etherneti);" + CR; + + netlist = netlist + "vcifdtrom.begin_device_node(\"vci_ethernet\", \"soclib:vci_ethernet\");" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcifdtrom.add_property(\"interrupts\", 3);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcifdtrom.end_node();" + CR; + +//////////////// block device + + netlist = netlist + "vcibd.p_clk(signal_clk);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcibd.p_resetn(signal_resetn);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcibd.p_irq(signal_xicu_irq[1]);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcibd.p_vci_target(signal_vci_bdt);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcibd.p_vci_initiator(signal_vci_bdi);" + CR; + + netlist = netlist + "vcifdtrom.begin_device_node(\"vci_block_device\", \"soclib:vci_block_device\");" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcifdtrom.add_property(\"interrupts\", 1);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcifdtrom.end_node();" + CR; + + //////////////// fd access + netlist = netlist + "vcihetrom.add_srcid(*cpus[0]->text_ldr, IntTab(cpus.size()+1));" + CR; /* allows dma read in rodata */ + + netlist = netlist + "vcifd.p_clk(signal_clk);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcifd.p_resetn(signal_resetn);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcifd.p_irq(signal_xicu_irq[2]);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcifd.p_vci_target(signal_vci_vcifdaccesst);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcifd.p_vci_initiator(signal_vci_vcifdaccessi);" + CR; + + netlist = netlist + "vcifdtrom.begin_device_node(\"vci_fd_access\", \"soclib:vci_fd_access\");" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcifdtrom.add_property(\"interrupts\", 2);" + CR; + netlist = netlist + "vcifdtrom.end_node();" + CR2; + + netlist = netlist + " sc_core::sc_start(sc_core::sc_time(0, sc_core::SC_NS));" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " signal_resetn = false;" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " sc_core::sc_start(sc_core::sc_time(1, sc_core::SC_NS));" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " signal_resetn = true;" + CR; + netlist = netlist + " sc_core::sc_start();" + CR; + netlist = netlist + CR + " return EXIT_SUCCESS;"+ CR; + netlist = netlist +"}" + CR; + return netlist; + } +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Signal.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Signal.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..79501e7a3a39cf8184200dfe23f1801a9583d130 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Signal.java @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +/* This class generates the lines of the topcell where the signals are declared*/ + +/* authors: v1.0 Raja GATGOUT 2014 + v2.0 Daniela GENIUS, Julien HENON 2015 */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib.toTopCell; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.*; +import java.util.*; + +public class Signal { + + private final static String CR = "\n"; + private final static String CR2 = "\n\n"; + private final static String NAME_CLK = "signal_clk"; + private static final String NAME_RST = "signal_resetn"; + + public static String getSignal() { + + String signal = CR2 + "//-------------------------------signaux------------------------------------" + CR2; + + signal = signal + "caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_m[cpus.size() + 1];"+ CR; + signal = signal + "caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_xicu(\"signal_vci_xicu\");"+ CR; + + signal = signal + "caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_vcifdtrom(\"signal_vci_vcifdtrom\");"+ CR; + signal = signal +" caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_vcihetrom(\"signal_vci_vcihetrom\");"+ CR; + signal = signal +" caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_vcirom(\"signal_vci_vcirom\");"+ CR; + signal = signal +" caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_vcisimhelper(\"signal_vci_vcisimhelper\");"+ CR; + signal = signal +"caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_vcirttimer(\"signal_vci_vcirttimer\");"+ CR; +signal = signal +"caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_vcilocks(\"signal_vci_vcilocks\");"+ CR; +signal = signal +"caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_mwmr_ram(\"signal_vci_mwmr_ram\");"+ CR; +signal = signal +"caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_mwmrd_ram(\"signal_vci_mwmrd_ram\");"+ CR; + signal = signal +"caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_vcifdaccessi;"+ CR; + signal = signal +"caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_vcifdaccesst;"+ CR; + signal = signal +"caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_bdi;"+ CR; + signal = signal +"caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_bdt;"+ CR; + signal = signal +"caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_etherneti;"+ CR; + signal = signal +"caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_ethernett;"+ CR; + signal = signal +""+ CR; + signal = signal + "sc_clock signal_clk(\"signal_clk\");" + CR; + signal = signal + "sc_signal<bool> signal_resetn(\"" + NAME_RST + "\");" + CR2; + + for (AvatarRAM ram : TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllRAM()) + signal = signal + "soclib::caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_vciram" + ram.getNo_ram() + + "(\"signal_vci_vciram" + ram.getNo_ram() + "\");" + CR2; + for (AvatarTTY tty : TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getAllTTY()) + signal = signal + "soclib::caba::VciSignals<vci_param> signal_vci_tty"+tty.getNo_tty()+"(\"signal_vci_tty"+tty.getNo_tty()+"\");" + CR2; + + signal = signal + " sc_core::sc_signal<bool> signal_xicu_irq[xicu_n_irq];" + CR2; + System.out.print("number of processors : " + TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNbCPU()+"\n"); + return signal; + } +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Simulation.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Simulation.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..81bd8ab74c15bf52854f572acd7a478b53900211 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/Simulation.java @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +/* authors: v1.0 Raja GATGOUT 2014 + v2.0 Daniela GENIUS, Julien HENON 2015 */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib.toTopCell; +import java.util.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.*; + +public class Simulation { + + private static String simulation; + + private final static String CR = "\n"; + private final static String CR2 = "\n\n"; + + public Simulation(){ + } + + public static String getSimulation(){ + simulation = CR2+ CR2+ + "/***************************************************************************" + CR + + "----------------------------simulation-------------------------" + CR + + "***************************************************************************/"+CR2 ; + simulation =simulation+"int sc_main (int argc, char *argv[])" + CR + "{" + CR; + simulation = simulation +" try {" + CR +" return _main(argc, argv);" + CR + " }" + CR2; + simulation =simulation +" catch (std::exception &e) {" + CR + " std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;" + CR + " throw;"+ CR+" }"; + simulation =simulation+" catch (...) {" + CR; + simulation =simulation+"std::cout << \"Unknown exception occured\" << std::endl;" + CR; + simulation =simulation+"throw;" + CR; + simulation =simulation+"}" + CR; + simulation = simulation+ CR +" return 1;"+ CR + "}" ; + return simulation; + } +} diff --git a/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/TopCellGenerator.java b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/TopCellGenerator.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..982e0800959dffc3413c5fbbccbd82b1e6178764 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ddtranslatorSoclib/toTopCell/TopCellGenerator.java @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +/* Generator of the top cell for simulation with SoCLib virtual component + library */ + +/* authors: v1.0 Raja GATGOUT 2014 + v2.0 Daniela GENIUS, Julien HENON 2015 */ + +package ddtranslatorSoclib.toTopCell; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.*; +import java.io.*; +import java.io.Writer.*; +import java.util.*; + +import java.util.List; + +public class TopCellGenerator +{ + private static final String MAPPING_TXT = "mapping.txt"; //$NON-NLS-1$ + //--------------- accessing Avatardd ----------------- + public static AvatarddSpecification avatardd; + // --------------------------------------------------- + + public String VCIparameters; + public String config; + public String mainFile; + public String src; + public String top; + public String deployinfo; + public String deployinfo_map; + public String procinfo; + public String nbproc; + public final String DOTH = ".h"; + public final String DOTCPP = ".cpp"; + public final String SYSTEM_INCLUDE = "#include \"systemc.h\""; + public final String CR = "\n"; + public final String CR2 = "\n\n"; + public final String SCCR = ";\n"; + public final String EFCR = "}\n"; + public final String EFCR2 = "}\n\n"; + public final String EF = "}"; + public final String COTE = ""; + public final String NAME_RST = "signal_resetn"; + public final String TYPEDEF = "typedef"; + + private final static String GENERATED_PATH = "generated_topcell" + File.separator; + + public TopCellGenerator(AvatarddSpecification dd){ + avatardd = dd; + } + + public String generateTopCell() { + String icn; + /* first test validity of the hardware platform*/ + if(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNbCPU()==0){ + System.out.println("***Warning: require at least one CPU***"); + } + if(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNbRAM()==0){ + System.out.println("***Warning: require at least one RAM***"); + } + if(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNbTTY()==0){ + System.out.println("***Warning: require at least one TTY***"); + } + /* if there is one VGMN, this is the central interconnect */ + if(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNbVgmn()>1){ + System.out.println("***Warning: No more than one central VGMN***"); + } + if(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNbVgmn()==1){ + System.out.println("***VGMN based***"); + icn="vgmn"; + } + else{ + System.out.println("***VGSB based ***"); + icn="vgsb"; + } + /* More complicate dto detect : central crossbar or local crossbars : ToDo */ + if(TopCellGenerator.avatardd.getNbCrossbar()>0){ + System.out.println("***Possible Clustered Interconnect***"); + } + makeVCIparameters(); + makeConfig(); + String top = Header.getHeader() + + VCIparameters + + config + + Code.getCode() + + MappingTable.getMappingTable() + + Loader.getLoader() + + Declaration.getDeclarations() + + Signal.getSignal() + + NetList.getNetlist(icn) + + Simulation.getSimulation(); + return (top); + } + + public List<String> readInMapping() { + List<String> mappingLines = new ArrayList<String>(); + try { + BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(MAPPING_TXT)); + String line = null; + while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { + System.out.println(" Line read : " + line); + mappingLines.add(line);// read one line of the file; + } + in.close(); + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + } + + return mappingLines; + } + + public void saveFile(String path) { + + try { + System.err.println(path + GENERATED_PATH + "top.cc"); + FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(path + GENERATED_PATH + "/top.cc"); + top = generateTopCell(); + fw.write(top); + fw.close(); + } catch (IOException ex) { + } + saveFileDeploy(path); + saveFileProcinfo(path); + } + + public void saveFileDeploy(String path) { + + try { + System.err.println(path + GENERATED_PATH + "deployinfo.h"); + FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(path + GENERATED_PATH + "/deployinfo.h"); + deployinfo = Deployinfo.getDeployInfo(); + fw.write(deployinfo); + fw.close(); + + System.err.println(path + GENERATED_PATH + "deployinfo_map.h"); + FileWriter fw_map = new FileWriter(path + GENERATED_PATH + "/deployinfo_map.h"); + deployinfo_map = Deployinfo.getDeployInfoMap(); + fw_map.write(deployinfo_map); + fw_map.close(); + + } catch (IOException ex) { + } + } + + public void saveFileProcinfo(String path) { + + try { + System.err.println(path + GENERATED_PATH + "procinfo.mk"); + FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(path + GENERATED_PATH + "/procinfo.mk"); + procinfo = Deployinfo.getProcInfo(); + fw.write(procinfo); + fw.close(); + } catch (IOException ex) { + } + } + + public void saveFileNBproc(String path) { + + try { + System.err.println(path + GENERATED_PATH + "nbproc"); + FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(path + GENERATED_PATH + "/nbproc"); + nbproc = Deployinfo.getNbProc(); + fw.write(nbproc); + fw.close(); + } catch (IOException ex) { + } + } + + public void makeVCIparameters() { + VCIparameters = CR2 + "typedef caba::VciParams<4,9,32,1,1,1,8,1,1,1> vci_param;"; + VCIparameters = VCIparameters + "// Define our VCI parameters" + CR2 + "struct CpuEntry;" + CR2; + } + + public void makeConfig() { + config = CR2 + "#if defined(CONFIG_GDB_SERVER)" + CR; + config = config + "# if defined(CONFIG_SOCLIB_MEMCHECK)" + CR; + config = config + "# warning Using GDB and memchecker" + CR; + config = config + "# define ISS_NEST(T) common::GdbServer<common::IssMemchecker<T> >" + CR; + config = config + "# else" + CR; + config = config + "# warning Using GDB" + CR; + config = config + "# define ISS_NEST(T) common::GdbServer<T>" + CR; + config = config + "# endif" + CR; + config = config + "#elif defined(CONFIG_SOCLIB_MEMCHECK)" + CR; + config = config + "# warning Using Memchecker" + CR; + config = config + "# define ISS_NEST(T) common::GdbServer<common::IssMemchecker<T> " + CR; + config = config + "#else" + CR; + config = config + "# warning Using raw processor" + CR; + config = config + "# define ISS_NEST(T) T" + CR; + config = config + "#endif" + CR; + } +} diff --git a/src/ui/ADDPanel.java b/src/ui/ADDPanel.java index 1af34a60c9c999ac60e5efd0b4d083aba839b944..bbd2ce24f4540c3fa1d46f93a432370126990a8e 100755 --- a/src/ui/ADDPanel.java +++ b/src/ui/ADDPanel.java @@ -94,9 +94,7 @@ public class ADDPanel extends TURTLEPanel { toolBarPanel.add(jsp, BorderLayout.CENTER); tabbedPane.addTab("Avatar Deployment Diagram", IconManager.imgic60, toolBarPanel, "Opens Avatar deployment diagram"); tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(0); - - mgui.changeMade(tmladd, TDiagramPanel.NEW_COMPONENT); - + return true; } @@ -118,4 +116,4 @@ public class ADDPanel extends TURTLEPanel { }*/ } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/src/ui/DeploymentPanel.java b/src/ui/DeploymentPanel.java index 340cc314e8227b7d6bb0681bce6eb5368b5a9170..71998c44abd1e11c9f40898b705a9ad925a917e0 100755 --- a/src/ui/DeploymentPanel.java +++ b/src/ui/DeploymentPanel.java @@ -108,4 +108,4 @@ public class DeploymentPanel extends TURTLEPanel { public String toString() { return "TURTLE Deployment: " + mgui.getTitleAt(this); } -} \ No newline at end of file +} diff --git a/src/ui/MainGUI.java b/src/ui/MainGUI.java index 42ca5cd40b9019c27bb2cf98b76b56cd9f10efb7..98731d8a8eb9b7777ab4cf2485fe884e775dae2c 100755 --- a/src/ui/MainGUI.java +++ b/src/ui/MainGUI.java @@ -41,12 +41,16 @@ * Creation: 15/12/2003 * Version: 1.1 21/12/2003 * Version: 1.2 29/09/2004 + * 26/11/2015 D. Genius added DDD * @author Ludovic APVRILLE * @see */ package ui; - +import ddtranslatorSoclib.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.toSoclib.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.toTopCell.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.*; import java.io.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; @@ -99,6 +103,12 @@ import ui.avatardd.*; import proverifspec.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.toFile.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.toSoclib.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.toTopCell.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.*; +import avatartranslator.*; + public class MainGUI implements ActionListener, WindowListener, KeyListener, PeriodicBehavior { public static boolean systemcOn; @@ -3952,6 +3962,20 @@ public class MainGUI implements ActionListener, WindowListener, KeyListener, Pe dtree.toBeUpdated(); } +// julien -------------------------------------------------------------- + + + public void avatarddExecutableCodeGeneration(){ + TraceManager.addDev("Avatar code generation"); + JDialogAvatarddExecutableCodeGeneration jgen = new JDialogAvatarddExecutableCodeGeneration(frame, this, "Executable Code generation", ConfigurationTTool.AVATARExecutableCodeHost,"" , ConfigurationTTool.AVATARExecutableCodeDirectory,"",""); + jgen.setSize(500, 450); + GraphicLib.centerOnParent(jgen); + jgen.setVisible(true); + dtree.toBeUpdated(); + } + + // --------------------------------------------------------------------- + public void generateUPPAAL() { generateUPPAAL(true); } @@ -7149,6 +7173,97 @@ public class MainGUI implements ActionListener, WindowListener, KeyListener, Pe return null; } } + //---------------------------------- DDD ------------------------------------ + // return current deployment panel + + public ADDDiagramPanel getDeploymentPanel() { + ADDDiagramPanel deploymentDiagram = null ; //(ADDDiagramPanel)activetdp; + TURTLEPanel tp = getCurrentTURTLEPanel(); + Vector<TDiagramPanel> ps = tp.panels; + for(TDiagramPanel panel : ps ){ + if (panel instanceof ADDDiagramPanel){ + deploymentDiagram = (ADDDiagramPanel)panel; + } + } + if(deploymentDiagram == null) + System.err.println("No ADDDiagramPanel found : MainGUI.getDeploymentPanel()"); + return deploymentDiagram; + } + + + public ADDDiagramPanel getFirstAvatarDeploymentPanelFound(){ + ADDDiagramPanel adp = null; + for(int i =0 ; i<tabs.size();i++) + if(tabs.get(i) instanceof ADDPanel){ + adp = ((ADDPanel)tabs.get(i)).tmladd; + } + if (adp == null) + System.err.println("No AvatarDeployment Panel Found : MainGUI.getFirstAvatarDeploymentPanelFound()"); + return adp; + } + + + // find the first Design Panel in MainGUI.tabs + + public AvatarDesignPanel getFirstAvatarDesignPanelFound(){ + AvatarDesignPanel adp = null; + for(int i =0 ; i<tabs.size();i++) + if(tabs.get(i) instanceof AvatarDesignPanel){ + adp = (AvatarDesignPanel)tabs.get(i); + } + if (adp == null) + System.err.println("No AvatarDesign Panel Found : MainGUI.getFirstAvatarDesignPanel()"); + return adp; + } + + + public void extracDeploymentDiagramToFile(){ + + ADDDiagramPanel deploymentDiagramPanel = getDeploymentPanel(); + AvatarDesignPanel designDiagramPanel = getFirstAvatarDesignPanelFound(); + + AvatarDeploymentPanelTranslator avdeploymenttranslator = new AvatarDeploymentPanelTranslator(deploymentDiagramPanel); + AvatarddSpecification avddspec = avdeploymenttranslator.getAvatarddSpecification(); + + + AvatarDesignPanelTranslator avdesigntranslator = new AvatarDesignPanelTranslator( designDiagramPanel); + LinkedList<AvatarBDBlock> adp = designDiagramPanel.getAvatarBDPanel().getFullBlockList(); + Vector blocks = new Vector(adp); + AvatarSpecification avaspec = avdesigntranslator.generateAvatarSpecification(blocks); + + //DG + //LinkedList<AvatarComponent> components = AvatarddSpecification.getComponents(); + //AvatarToFile tofile; + //tofile = new AvatarToFile(components,avaspec); + //tofile.extracParamToFile(); + } + public void avatarToSoclib(){ + + ADDDiagramPanel deploymentDiagramPanel = getDeploymentPanel(); + AvatarDesignPanel designDiagramPanel = getFirstAvatarDesignPanelFound(); + + AvatarDeploymentPanelTranslator avdeploymenttranslator = new AvatarDeploymentPanelTranslator(deploymentDiagramPanel); + AvatarddSpecification avddspec = avdeploymenttranslator.getAvatarddSpecification(); + + + AvatarDesignPanelTranslator avdesigntranslator = new AvatarDesignPanelTranslator( designDiagramPanel); + LinkedList<AvatarBDBlock> adp = designDiagramPanel.getAvatarBDPanel().getFullBlockList(); + Vector blocks = new Vector(adp); + AvatarSpecification avaspec = avdesigntranslator.generateAvatarSpecification(blocks); + + // Generator for block tasks and application main file + + TasksAndMainGenerator gene = new TasksAndMainGenerator(avddspec,avaspec); + gene.generateSoclib(false,false); + try{ + System.err.println("ok"); + gene.saveInFiles(gene.getGeneratedPath()); + }catch(FileException e){ + System.err.println("FileException : MainGUI.avatarToSoclib()"); + } + + } + //--------------------end DDD------------------------------------------------ public boolean selectMainTab(String id) { TURTLEPanel tp; @@ -7997,13 +8112,26 @@ public class MainGUI implements ActionListener, WindowListener, KeyListener, Pe // Avatar DD } else if (command.equals(actions[TGUIAction.ADD_EDIT].getActionCommand())) { actionOnButton(TGComponentManager.EDIT, -1); + + // julien -------------------------------------------------------------- + } else if (command.equals(actions[TGUIAction.DEPLOY_AVATAR_DIAGRAM].getActionCommand())){ + avatarddExecutableCodeGeneration(); + } else if (command.equals(actions[TGUIAction.EXTRAC_DEPLOY_PARAM_TO_FILE].getActionCommand())){ + extracDeploymentDiagramToFile(); + // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- + + } else if (command.equals(actions[TGUIAction.ADD_LINK].getActionCommand())) { actionOnButton(TGComponentManager.CONNECTOR, TGComponentManager.ADD_CONNECTOR); } else if (command.equals(actions[TGUIAction.ADD_CPUNODE].getActionCommand())) { actionOnButton(TGComponentManager.COMPONENT, TGComponentManager.ADD_CPUNODE); } else if (command.equals(actions[TGUIAction.ADD_BUSNODE].getActionCommand())) { actionOnButton(TGComponentManager.COMPONENT, TGComponentManager.ADD_BUSNODE); - } else if (command.equals(actions[TGUIAction.ADD_BRIDGENODE].getActionCommand())) { + } +else if (command.equals(actions[TGUIAction.ADD_VGMNNODE].getActionCommand())) { + actionOnButton(TGComponentManager.COMPONENT, TGComponentManager.ADD_VGMNNODE); + } +else if (command.equals(actions[TGUIAction.ADD_BRIDGENODE].getActionCommand())) { actionOnButton(TGComponentManager.COMPONENT, TGComponentManager.ADD_BRIDGENODE); } else if (command.equals(actions[TGUIAction.ADD_TTYNODE].getActionCommand())) { actionOnButton(TGComponentManager.COMPONENT, TGComponentManager.ADD_TTYNODE); diff --git a/src/ui/TGComponentManager.java b/src/ui/TGComponentManager.java index aaac60ecda30403d02f52eeefb55096595549b6b..9c222ff4bcc8ce6ef34146d82695305217e09ef1 100755 --- a/src/ui/TGComponentManager.java +++ b/src/ui/TGComponentManager.java @@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ public class TGComponentManager { public static final int APD_COMPOSITION_CONNECTOR = 5313; // Avatar Deployment Diagrams at 5350 - public static final int ADD_CONNECTOR = 5350; + /* public static final int ADD_CONNECTOR = 5350; public static final int ADD_CPUNODE = 5351; public static final int ADD_ARTIFACT = 5352; public static final int ADD_BUSNODE = 5353; @@ -405,7 +405,24 @@ public class TGComponentManager { public static final int ADD_ICUNODE = 5359; public static final int ADD_COPROMWMRNODE = 5360; public static final int ADD_TIMERNODE = 5361; - public static final int ADD_CHANNELARTIFACT = 5362; + public static final int ADD_CHANNELARTIFACT = 5362;*/ + +// Avatar Deployment Diagrams at 5350 + public static final int ADD_CONNECTOR = 5350; + public static final int ADD_CPUNODE = 5351; + public static final int ADD_ARTIFACT = 5352; + public static final int ADD_BUSNODE = 5363; + public static final int ADD_TTYNODE = 5354; + public static final int ADD_RAMNODE = 5355; + public static final int ADD_ROMNODE = 5356; + public static final int ADD_BRIDGENODE = 5357; + public static final int ADD_DMANODE = 5358; + public static final int ADD_ICUNODE = 5359; + public static final int ADD_COPROMWMRNODE = 5360; + public static final int ADD_TIMERNODE = 5361; + public static final int ADD_CHANNELARTIFACT = 5362; + public static final int ADD_VGMNNODE = 5353; + public static final int ADD_CROSSBARNODE = 5364; // AVATAR CD -> starts at 5400 public static final int ACD_BLOCK = 5400; @@ -595,6 +612,12 @@ public class TGComponentManager { case ADD_BUSNODE: tgc = new ADDBusNode(x, y, tdp.getMinX(), tdp.getMaxX(), tdp.getMinY(), tdp.getMaxY(), false, null, tdp); break; + case ADD_VGMNNODE: + tgc = new ADDBusNode(x, y, tdp.getMinX(), tdp.getMaxX(), tdp.getMinY(), tdp.getMaxY(), false, null, tdp); + break; + case ADD_CROSSBARNODE: + tgc = new ADDBusNode(x, y, tdp.getMinX(), tdp.getMaxX(), tdp.getMinY(), tdp.getMaxY(), false, null, tdp); + break; case ADD_TTYNODE: tgc = new ADDTTYNode(x, y, tdp.getMinX(), tdp.getMaxX(), tdp.getMinY(), tdp.getMaxY(), false, null, tdp); break; diff --git a/src/ui/TGUIAction.java b/src/ui/TGUIAction.java index 3c1a0fc896ba5ff13e5729ac049c813bb350485e..670a1803f69645848e1025dd9159c4a308ed945e 100755 --- a/src/ui/TGUIAction.java +++ b/src/ui/TGUIAction.java @@ -50,10 +50,10 @@ import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; - import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.EventListenerList; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.toFile.*; public class TGUIAction extends AbstractAction { // Actions @@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ public class TGUIAction extends AbstractAction { public static final int ADD_EDIT = 398; public static final int ADD_LINK = 399; public static final int ADD_CPUNODE = 400; - public static final int ADD_BUSNODE = 401; + public static final int ADD_BUSNODE = 420; public static final int ADD_BLOCKARTIFACT = 402; public static final int ADD_TTYNODE = 403; public static final int ADD_RAMNODE = 404; @@ -382,7 +382,15 @@ public class TGUIAction extends AbstractAction { public static final int ADD_COPROMWMRNODE = 409; public static final int ADD_TIMERNODE = 410; public static final int ADD_CHANNELARTIFACT = 411; + public static final int ADD_VGMNNODE = 401; + public static final int ADD_CROSSBARNODE = 421; + // julien ------------------------------------------------------------- + + public static final int DEPLOY_AVATAR_DIAGRAM = 418; + public static final int EXTRAC_DEPLOY_PARAM_TO_FILE = 419; + // -------------------------------------------------------------------- + // AVATAR Parametric Diagrams @@ -770,8 +778,16 @@ public class TGUIAction extends AbstractAction { actions[ADD_LINK] = new TAction("add-add-link", "Add a link", IconManager.imgic202, IconManager.imgic202, "Link", "Add a link between two nodes of the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0); actions[ADD_CPUNODE] = new TAction("add-add-cpunode", "Add a CPU", IconManager.imgic1100, IconManager.imgic1100, "CPU", "Add a cpu node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0); actions[ADD_BUSNODE] = new TAction("add-add-busnode", "Add a Bus", IconManager.imgic1102, IconManager.imgic1102, "Bus", "Add a bus node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0); +actions[ADD_VGMNNODE] = new TAction("add-add-vgmnnode", "Add a VGMN", IconManager.imgic1102, IconManager.imgic1102, "VGMN", "Add a VGMN node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0); + actions[ADD_CROSSBARNODE] = new TAction("add-add-crossbarnode", "Add a CROSSBAR", IconManager.imgic1102, IconManager.imgic1102, "Crossbar", "Add a Crossbar node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0); actions[ADD_TTYNODE] = new TAction("add-add-tty", "Add a TTY node", IconManager.imgic1108, IconManager.imgic1108, "TTY", "Add a tty node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0); actions[ADD_BLOCKARTIFACT] = new TAction("add-add-blockartifact", "Map an AVATAR block", IconManager.imgic702, IconManager.imgic702, "Map an AVATAR block", "Map an AVATAR block onto a node in the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0); + // julien ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + actions[DEPLOY_AVATAR_DIAGRAM] = new TAction("DEPLOY", "DEPLOY",IconManager.imgic94, IconManager.imgic94, "Generate DEPLOY Soclib", "DEPLOY diagram without check syntax", 0); + + actions[EXTRAC_DEPLOY_PARAM_TO_FILE] = new TAction("FILE", "FILE",IconManager.imgic340,IconManager.imgic340, "Extrac attributes to File", "Extrac attributes to specified File", 0); + // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + actions[ADD_CHANNELARTIFACT] = new TAction("add-add-channelartifact", "Map an AVATAR Channel", IconManager.imgic702, IconManager.imgic702, "Map an AVATAR channel", "Map an AVATAR channel onto a memory in the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0); actions[ADD_BRIDGENODE] = new TAction("add-add-bridgenode", "Add a Bridge", IconManager.imgic1104, IconManager.imgic1104, "Bridge node", "Add a bridge node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0); actions[ADD_RAMNODE] = new TAction("add-add-ramnode", "Add a RAM", IconManager.imgic1108, IconManager.imgic1108, "RAM", "Add a hardware accelerator node to the currently opened AVATAR deployment diagram", 0); diff --git a/src/ui/avatardd/ADDArtifact.java b/src/ui/avatardd/ADDArtifact.java index 6b75d5e29f80f4b6a44865df70f834212e7b1da8..dec5a7c1d0098dffca5c14ade437039f7988ea3f 100755 --- a/src/ui/avatardd/ADDArtifact.java +++ b/src/ui/avatardd/ADDArtifact.java @@ -1,48 +1,48 @@ /**Copyright or (C) or Copr. GET / ENST, Telecom-Paris, Ludovic Apvrille - ludovic.apvrille AT enst.fr - - This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the - edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to - allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram, - and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces - obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP - from INRIA Rhone-Alpes. - - This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and - abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, - modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL - license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL - "http://www.cecill.info". - - As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, - modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only - with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the - economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited - liability. - - In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated - with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the - software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, - that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also - therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced - professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore - encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their - requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or - data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the - same conditions as regards security. - - The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had - knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. - - /** - * Class ADDArtifact - * Artifact of an avatar deployment diagram - * Creation: 30/06/2014 - * @version 1.0 30/06/2014 - * @author Ludovic APVRILLE - * @see - */ +ludovic.apvrille AT enst.fr + +This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the +edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to +allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram, +and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces +obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP +from INRIA Rhone-Alpes. + +This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and +abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, +modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL +license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL +"http://www.cecill.info". + +As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, +modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only +with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the +economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited +liability. + +In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated +with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the +software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, +that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also +therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced +professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore +encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their +requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or +data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the +same conditions as regards security. + +The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had +knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. + +/** + * Class ADDArtifact + * Artifact of an avatar deployment diagram + * Creation: 30/06/2014 + * @version 1.0 30/06/2014 + * @author Ludovic APVRILLE + * @see + */ package ui.avatardd; @@ -65,47 +65,47 @@ public class ADDArtifact extends TGCWithoutInternalComponent implements Swallowe protected int fileX = 20; protected int fileY = 25; protected int cran = 5; - + protected String oldValue = ""; protected String referenceTaskName = "referenceToBlock"; - protected String taskName = "name"; - + protected String taskName = "name"; + public ADDArtifact(int _x, int _y, int _minX, int _maxX, int _minY, int _maxY, boolean _pos, TGComponent _father, TDiagramPanel _tdp) { super(_x, _y, _minX, _maxX, _minY, _maxY, _pos, _father, _tdp); - + width = 75; height = 40; minWidth = 75; - + nbConnectingPoint = 0; addTGConnectingPointsComment(); - + moveable = true; editable = true; removable = true; - + value = "TMLDesign::task"; taskName = "name"; - referenceTaskName = "TMLTask"; - + referenceTaskName = "TMLTask"; + makeFullValue(); - + myImageIcon = IconManager.imgic702; } - - + + public void internalDrawing(Graphics g) { - + if (oldValue.compareTo(value) != 0) { setValue(value, g); } - + g.drawRect(x, y, width, height); - Color c = g.getColor(); - g.setColor(ColorManager.CPU_BOX_2); - g.fillRect(x+1, y+1, width-1, height-1); + Color c = g.getColor(); + g.setColor(ColorManager.CPU_BOX_2); + g.fillRect(x+1, y+1, width-1, height-1); g.setColor(c); - + //g.drawRoundRect(x, y, width, height, arc, arc); g.drawLine(x+width-space-fileX, y + space, x+width-space-fileX, y+space+fileY); g.drawLine(x+width-space-fileX, y + space, x+width-space-cran, y+space); @@ -114,26 +114,26 @@ public class ADDArtifact extends TGCWithoutInternalComponent implements Swallowe g.drawLine(x+width-space, y+space+fileY, x+width-space-fileX, y+space+fileY); g.drawLine(x+width-space-cran, y+space, x+width-space-cran, y+space+cran); g.drawLine(x+width-space-cran, y+space+cran, x + width-space, y+space+cran); - - g.drawImage(IconManager.img9, x+width-space-fileX + 3, y + space + 7, null); - + + g.drawImage(IconManager.img9, x+width-space-fileX + 3, y + space + 7, null); + g.drawString(value, x + textX , y + textY); - + } - + public void setValue(String val, Graphics g) { oldValue = value; int w = g.getFontMetrics().stringWidth(value); - int w1 = Math.max(minWidth, w + 2 * textX + fileX + space); - + int w1 = Math.max(minWidth, w + 2 * textX + fileX + space); + //System.out.println("width=" + width + " w1=" + w1 + " w2=" + w2 + " value=" + value); - if (w1 != width) { + if (w1 != width) { width = w1; resizeWithFather(); } //System.out.println("width=" + width + " w1=" + w1 + " value=" + value); } - + public void resizeWithFather() { if ((father != null) && ((father instanceof ADDCPUNode))) { //System.out.println("cdRect comp"); @@ -142,72 +142,72 @@ public class ADDArtifact extends TGCWithoutInternalComponent implements Swallowe setMoveCd(x, y); } } - - - public boolean editOndoubleClick(JFrame frame) { - String tmp; - boolean error = false; - - /*JDialogTMLTaskArtifact dialog = new JDialogTMLTaskArtifact(frame, "Setting artifact attributes", this); - dialog.setSize(400, 350); - GraphicLib.centerOnParent(dialog); - dialog.show(); // blocked until dialog has been closed - - if (!dialog.isRegularClose()) { - return false; - } - - if (dialog.getReferenceTaskName() == null) { - return false; - } - - if (dialog.getReferenceTaskName().length() != 0) { - tmp = dialog.getReferenceTaskName(); - referenceTaskName = tmp; - - - } - - if (dialog.getTaskName().length() != 0) { - tmp = dialog.getTaskName(); - - if (!TAttribute.isAValidId(tmp, false, false)) { - error = true; - } else { - taskName = tmp; - } - } - - priority = dialog.getPriority(); - - if (error) { - JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, - "Name is non-valid", - "Error", - JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); - } - - makeFullValue();*/ - - return !error; - + + + public boolean editOndoubleClick(JFrame frame) { + String tmp; + boolean error = false; + + /*JDialogTMLTaskArtifact dialog = new JDialogTMLTaskArtifact(frame, "Setting artifact attributes", this); + dialog.setSize(400, 350); + GraphicLib.centerOnParent(dialog); + dialog.show(); // blocked until dialog has been closed + + if (!dialog.isRegularClose()) { + return false; + } + + if (dialog.getReferenceTaskName() == null) { + return false; + } + + if (dialog.getReferenceTaskName().length() != 0) { + tmp = dialog.getReferenceTaskName(); + referenceTaskName = tmp; + + + } + + if (dialog.getTaskName().length() != 0) { + tmp = dialog.getTaskName(); + + if (!TAttribute.isAValidId(tmp, false, false)) { + error = true; + } else { + taskName = tmp; + } + } + + priority = dialog.getPriority(); + + if (error) { + JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, + "Name is non-valid", + "Error", + JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); + } + + makeFullValue();*/ + + return !error; + } - + private void makeFullValue() { value = referenceTaskName + "::" + taskName; } - + public TGComponent isOnMe(int _x, int _y) { if (GraphicLib.isInRectangle(_x, _y, x, y, width, height)) { return this; } return null; } - + public int getType() { return TGComponentManager.ADD_ARTIFACT; } - + protected String translateExtraParam() { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("<extraparam>\n"); sb.append("<info value=\"" + value + "\" taskName=\"" + taskName + "\" referenceTaskName=\""); @@ -216,18 +216,18 @@ public class ADDArtifact extends TGCWithoutInternalComponent implements Swallowe sb.append("</extraparam>\n"); return new String(sb); } - + public void loadExtraParam(NodeList nl, int decX, int decY, int decId) throws MalformedModelingException{ //System.out.println("*** load extra synchro ***"); try { - + NodeList nli; Node n1, n2; Element elt; int t1id; String svalue = null, sname = null, sreferenceTask = null; - String prio; - + String prio; + for(int i=0; i<nl.getLength(); i++) { n1 = nl.item(i); //System.out.println(n1); @@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ public class ADDArtifact extends TGCWithoutInternalComponent implements Swallowe } if (svalue != null) { value = svalue; - } + } if (sname != null){ taskName = sname; } @@ -256,30 +256,38 @@ public class ADDArtifact extends TGCWithoutInternalComponent implements Swallowe } } } - + } catch (Exception e) { throw new MalformedModelingException(); } makeFullValue(); } - - - public String getReferenceTaskName() { + + public DesignPanel getDesignPanel() { + return tdp.getGUI().getDesignPanel(value); + } + + public String getReferenceTaskName() { return referenceTaskName; } - - public void setReferenceTaskName(String _referenceTaskName) { + + public void setReferenceTaskName(String _referenceTaskName) { referenceTaskName = _referenceTaskName; - makeFullValue(); + makeFullValue(); } - + public String getTaskName() { return taskName; } - - public String getAttributes() { - return ""; - } - - + + public String getAttributes() { + return ""; + } + public String getAttributesToFile() { + return ""; + } + + + + } diff --git a/src/ui/avatardd/ADDBlockArtifact.java b/src/ui/avatardd/ADDBlockArtifact.java index 25e49ebaa94b69d3b1b1ef33e1575d924ddd71f9..29c31514090f589f0a30b86f82d43e496095667d 100755 --- a/src/ui/avatardd/ADDBlockArtifact.java +++ b/src/ui/avatardd/ADDBlockArtifact.java @@ -281,7 +281,4 @@ public class ADDBlockArtifact extends TGCWithoutInternalComponent implements Swa return taskName; } - - - } diff --git a/src/ui/avatardd/ADDBusNode.java b/src/ui/avatardd/ADDBusNode.java index 8b564a0e2b58e11dde7c5b52d29318a0c170d663..f3be66e55f184a542603cc078215265ab6616ea9 100755 --- a/src/ui/avatardd/ADDBusNode.java +++ b/src/ui/avatardd/ADDBusNode.java @@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ public class ADDBusNode extends ADDCommunicationNode implements WithAttributes { private String stereotype = "VGMN"; private int index = 0; - private int nbAttachedInitiat = 0; - private int nbAttachedTarget = 0; + private int nbOfAttachedInitiators = 0; + private int nbOfAttachedTargets = 0; private int fifoDepth = 0; private int minLatency = 0; @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public class ADDBusNode extends ADDCommunicationNode implements WithAttributes { removable = true; userResizable = true; - name = tdp.findNodeName("Vgmn"); + name = tdp.findNodeName("Bus"); value = "name"; myImageIcon = IconManager.imgic700; @@ -220,34 +220,34 @@ public class ADDBusNode extends ADDCommunicationNode implements WithAttributes { } } - if (dialog.getNbAttachedInitiat().length() != 0) { + if (dialog.getNbOfAttachedInitiators().length() != 0) { try { - tmp = nbAttachedInitiat; - nbAttachedInitiat = Integer.decode(dialog.getNbAttachedInitiat()).intValue(); - if (nbAttachedInitiat < 0) { - nbAttachedInitiat = tmp; + tmp = nbOfAttachedInitiators; + nbOfAttachedInitiators = Integer.decode(dialog.getNbOfAttachedInitiators()).intValue(); + if (nbOfAttachedInitiators < 0) { + nbOfAttachedInitiators = tmp; error = true; - errors += "nbAttachedInitiat "; + errors += "nbOfAttachedInitiators "; } } catch (Exception e) { error = true; - errors += "nbAttachedInitiat "; + errors += "nbOfAttachedInitiators "; } } - if (dialog.getNbAttachedTarget().length() != 0) { + if (dialog.getNbOfAttachedTargets().length() != 0) { try { - tmp = nbAttachedTarget; - nbAttachedTarget = Integer.decode(dialog.getNbAttachedTarget()).intValue(); - if (nbAttachedTarget < 0) { - nbAttachedTarget = tmp; + tmp = nbOfAttachedTargets; + nbOfAttachedTargets = Integer.decode(dialog.getNbOfAttachedTargets()).intValue(); + if (nbOfAttachedTargets < 0) { + nbOfAttachedTargets = tmp; error = true; - errors += "nbAttachedTarget "; + errors += "nbOfAttachedTargets "; } } catch (Exception e) { error = true; - errors += "nbAttachedTarget "; + errors += "nbOfAttachedTargets "; } } @@ -303,8 +303,8 @@ public class ADDBusNode extends ADDCommunicationNode implements WithAttributes { sb.append("<info stereotype=\"" + stereotype + "\" nodeName=\"" + name); sb.append("\" />\n"); sb.append("<attributes index=\"" + index + "\" "); - sb.append(" nbAttachedInitiat=\"" + nbAttachedInitiat + "\" "); - sb.append(" nbAttachedTarget=\"" + nbAttachedTarget + "\" "); + sb.append(" nbOfAttachedInitiators=\"" + nbOfAttachedInitiators + "\" "); + sb.append(" nbOfAttachedTargets=\"" + nbOfAttachedTargets + "\" "); sb.append(" minLatency=\"" + minLatency + "\" "); sb.append(" fifoDepth=\"" + fifoDepth + "\" "); sb.append("/>\n"); @@ -345,8 +345,8 @@ public class ADDBusNode extends ADDCommunicationNode implements WithAttributes { if (elt.getTagName().equals("attributes")) { index = Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("index")).intValue(); - nbAttachedInitiat =Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("nbAttachedInitiat")).intValue(); - nbAttachedTarget = Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("nbAttachedTarget")).intValue(); + nbOfAttachedInitiators =Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("nbOfAttachedInitiators")).intValue(); + nbOfAttachedTargets = Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("nbOfAttachedTargets")).intValue(); minLatency = Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("minLatency")).intValue(); fifoDepth = Integer.decode(elt.getAttribute("fifoDepth")).intValue(); @@ -367,18 +367,31 @@ public class ADDBusNode extends ADDCommunicationNode implements WithAttributes { public String getAttributes() { String attr = ""; attr += "index = " + index + "\n"; - attr += "nbAttachedInitiat = " + nbAttachedInitiat + "\n"; - attr += "nbAttachedTarget = " + nbAttachedTarget + "\n"; + attr += "nbOfAttachedInitiators = " + nbOfAttachedInitiators + "\n"; + attr += "nbOfAttachedTargets = " + nbOfAttachedTargets + "\n"; attr += "minLatency = " + minLatency + "\n"; attr += "fifoDepth = " + fifoDepth + "\n"; return attr; } + + public String getAttributesToFile() { + String attr = ""; + attr += index + "\n"; + attr += nbOfAttachedInitiators + "\n"; + attr += nbOfAttachedTargets + "\n"; + attr += minLatency + "\n"; + attr += fifoDepth + "\n"; + return attr; + } - public int getIndex() { return index;} - public int getNbAttachedInitiat() { return nbAttachedInitiat;} - public int getNbAttachedTarget() { return nbAttachedTarget;} + public int getIndex() { return index;} + public int getNbOfAttachedInitiators() { return nbOfAttachedInitiators;} + public int getNbOfAttachedTargets() { return nbOfAttachedTargets;} public int getFifoDepth() { return fifoDepth;} public int getMinLatency() { return minLatency;} + public String toString(){ + return "Bus"; + } } diff --git a/src/ui/avatardd/ADDDiagramToolBar.java b/src/ui/avatardd/ADDDiagramToolBar.java index feebc50c5347710926d788eae639b3f2724abbbc..2c0199f248238ec456a09b8bd33653630e99decb 100755 --- a/src/ui/avatardd/ADDDiagramToolBar.java +++ b/src/ui/avatardd/ADDDiagramToolBar.java @@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. * @version 1.0 30/06/2014 * @author Ludovic APVRILLE * @see ADDDiagramPanel + * @version 2.0 08/07/2015 + * @author Ludovic APVRILLE (update by Julien HENON, Daniela GENIUS) */ package ui.avatardd; @@ -68,6 +70,8 @@ public class ADDDiagramToolBar extends TToolBar { mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_CPUNODE].setEnabled(b); mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_BUSNODE].setEnabled(b); mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_BRIDGENODE].setEnabled(b); + mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_VGMNNODE].setEnabled(b); + mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_CROSSBARNODE].setEnabled(b); mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_BLOCKARTIFACT].setEnabled(b); mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_CHANNELARTIFACT].setEnabled(b); mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_TTYNODE].setEnabled(b); @@ -81,8 +85,16 @@ public class ADDDiagramToolBar extends TToolBar { mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ACT_SHOW_ZOOM].setEnabled(false); - /*mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ACT_MODEL_CHECKING].setEnabled(b); - mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ACT_ONECLICK_LOTOS_RG].setEnabled(b); + // julien ------------------------------------------------- + + mgui.actions[TGUIAction.DEPLOY_AVATAR_DIAGRAM].setEnabled(b); + mgui.actions[TGUIAction.EXTRAC_DEPLOY_PARAM_TO_FILE].setEnabled(b); + + + // -------------------------------------------------------- + + /*mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ACT_MODEL_CHECKING].setEnabled(b); + mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ACT_ONECLICK_LOTOS_RG].setEnabled(b); mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ACT_SIMU_SYSTEMC].setEnabled(b);*/ mgui.updateZoomInfo(); @@ -133,13 +145,17 @@ public class ADDDiagramToolBar extends TToolBar { button = this.add(mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_TTYNODE]); button.addMouseListener(mgui.mouseHandler); - this.addSeparator(); - - button = this.add(mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_BUSNODE]); + this.addSeparator(); + + button = this.add(mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_BUSNODE]); + button.addMouseListener(mgui.mouseHandler); + button = this.add(mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_BRIDGENODE]); + button.addMouseListener(mgui.mouseHandler); + button = this.add(mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_VGMNNODE]); button.addMouseListener(mgui.mouseHandler); - button = this.add(mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_BRIDGENODE]); + button = this.add(mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_CROSSBARNODE]); button.addMouseListener(mgui.mouseHandler); - button = this.add(mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_RAMNODE]); + button = this.add(mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_RAMNODE]); button.addMouseListener(mgui.mouseHandler); button = this.add(mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ADD_CHANNELARTIFACT]); button.addMouseListener(mgui.mouseHandler); @@ -148,12 +164,21 @@ public class ADDDiagramToolBar extends TToolBar { - this.addSeparator(); + this.addSeparator(); - button = this.add(mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ACT_TOGGLE_ATTR]); + button = this.add(mgui.actions[TGUIAction.ACT_TOGGLE_ATTR]); button.addMouseListener(mgui.mouseHandler); - - + + this.addSeparator(); + + button = this.add(mgui.actions[TGUIAction.EXTRAC_DEPLOY_PARAM_TO_FILE]); + button.addMouseListener(mgui.mouseHandler); + + button = this.add(mgui.actions[TGUIAction.DEPLOY_AVATAR_DIAGRAM]); + button.addMouseListener(mgui.mouseHandler); + + // ----------------------------------------------------- + } } // Class diff --git a/src/ui/window/JDialogADDBusNode.java b/src/ui/window/JDialogADDBusNode.java index a7959efd3a1768e5c9a6b339f938eb9d06d3f035..ff4f324d9ec749a42618c29056aa3140287d2070 100755 --- a/src/ui/window/JDialogADDBusNode.java +++ b/src/ui/window/JDialogADDBusNode.java @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ public class JDialogADDBusNode extends javax.swing.JDialog implements ActionList protected JTextField nodeName; // Panel2 - protected JTextField index, nbAttachedInitiat, nbAttachedTarget, fifoDepth, minLatency; + protected JTextField index, nbOfAttachedInitiators, nbOfAttachedTargets, fifoDepth, minLatency; // Main Panel @@ -139,14 +139,14 @@ public class JDialogADDBusNode extends javax.swing.JDialog implements ActionList c2.gridwidth = 1; panel2.add(new JLabel("Nb of attached initators:"), c2); c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row - nbAttachedInitiat = new JTextField(""+node.getNbAttachedInitiat(), 15); - panel2.add(nbAttachedInitiat, c2); + nbOfAttachedInitiators = new JTextField(""+node.getNbOfAttachedInitiators(), 15); + panel2.add(nbOfAttachedInitiators, c2); c2.gridwidth = 1; panel2.add(new JLabel("Nb of attached target:"), c2); c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row - nbAttachedTarget = new JTextField(""+node.getNbAttachedTarget(), 15); - panel2.add(nbAttachedTarget, c2); + nbOfAttachedTargets = new JTextField(""+node.getNbOfAttachedTargets(), 15); + panel2.add(nbOfAttachedTargets, c2); c2.gridwidth = 1; panel2.add(new JLabel("Fifo depth:"), c2); @@ -221,12 +221,12 @@ public class JDialogADDBusNode extends javax.swing.JDialog implements ActionList return index.getText(); } - public String getNbAttachedInitiat() { - return nbAttachedInitiat.getText(); + public String getNbOfAttachedInitiators() { + return nbOfAttachedInitiators.getText(); } - public String getNbAttachedTarget(){ - return nbAttachedTarget.getText(); + public String getNbOfAttachedTargets(){ + return nbOfAttachedTargets.getText(); } public String getFifoDepth(){ diff --git a/src/ui/window/JDialogADDCrossbarNode.java b/src/ui/window/JDialogADDCrossbarNode.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5b3d276afaecb5dbe0bcb063ead0a39dea40f4e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ui/window/JDialogADDCrossbarNode.java @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ +/**Copyright or (C) or Copr. GET / ENST, Telecom-Paris, Ludovic Apvrille + * + * ludovic.apvrille AT enst.fr + * + * This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the + * edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to + * allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram, + * and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces + * obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP + * from INRIA Rhone-Alpes. + * + * This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and + * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, + * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL + * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL + * "http://www.cecill.info". + * + * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, + * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only + * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the + * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited + * liability. + * + * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated + * with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the + * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, + * that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also + * therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced + * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore + * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their + * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or + * data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the + * same conditions as regards security. + * + * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had + * knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. + * + * /** + * Class JDialogADDVgmnNode + * Dialog for managing attributes of CROSSBAR nodes + * Creation: 02/07/2014 + * @version 1.0 02/07/2014 + * @author Ludovic APVRILLE + * @see + */ + +package ui.window; + +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import javax.swing.*; +//import javax.swing.event.*; +//import java.util.*; + +import ui.*; + +import ui.avatardd.*; + + +public class JDialogADDCrossbarNode extends javax.swing.JDialog implements ActionListener { + + private boolean regularClose; + + private JPanel panel2; + private Frame frame; + private ADDCrossbarNode node; + + + // Panel1 + protected JTextField nodeName; + + // Panel2 + protected JTextField index, nbOfAttachedInitiators, nbOfAttachedTargets, cluster_index, cluster_address; + + + // Main Panel + private JButton closeButton; + private JButton cancelButton; + + /** Creates new form */ + public JDialogADDCrossbarNode(Frame _frame, String _title, ADDCrossbarNode _node) { + super(_frame, _title, true); + frame = _frame; + node = _node; + + initComponents(); + myInitComponents(); + pack(); + } + + private void myInitComponents() { + } + + private void initComponents() { + Container c = getContentPane(); + GridBagLayout gridbag0 = new GridBagLayout(); + GridBagLayout gridbag1 = new GridBagLayout(); + GridBagLayout gridbag2 = new GridBagLayout(); + GridBagConstraints c0 = new GridBagConstraints(); + GridBagConstraints c1 = new GridBagConstraints(); + GridBagConstraints c2 = new GridBagConstraints(); + + setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 14)); + c.setLayout(gridbag0); + + setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); + + + panel2 = new JPanel(); + panel2.setLayout(gridbag2); + panel2.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.TitledBorder("CROSSBAR attributes")); + panel2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 200)); + + c1.gridwidth = 1; + c1.gridheight = 1; + c1.weighty = 1.0; + c1.weightx = 1.0; + c1.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; + panel2.add(new JLabel("Crossbar name:"), c2); + c1.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + nodeName = new JTextField(node.getNodeName(), 30); + nodeName.setEditable(true); + nodeName.setFont(new Font("times", Font.PLAIN, 12)); + panel2.add(nodeName, c1); + + c2.gridwidth = 1; + c2.gridheight = 1; + c2.weighty = 1.0; + c2.weightx = 1.0; + c2.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; + + + c2.gridwidth = 1; + panel2.add(new JLabel("Index:"), c2); + c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + index = new JTextField(""+node.getIndex(), 15); + panel2.add(index, c2); + + /* This is generated automatically by the DD analyzer */ + /*c2.gridwidth = 1; + panel2.add(new JLabel("Nb of attached initators:"), c2); + c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + nbAttachedInitiat = new JTextField(""+node.getNbAttachedInitiat(), 15); + panel2.add(nbAttachedInitiat, c2);*/ + + /* c2.gridwidth = 1; + panel2.add(new JLabel("Nb of attached target:"), c2); + c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + nbAttachedTarget = new JTextField(""+node.getNbAttachedTarget(), 15); + panel2.add(nbAttachedTarget, c2);*/ + + c2.gridwidth = 1; + panel2.add(new JLabel("Cluster index:"), c2); + c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + cluster_index = new JTextField(""+node.getClusterIndex(), 15); + panel2.add(cluster_index, c2); + + c2.gridwidth = 1; + panel2.add(new JLabel("Cluster address:"), c2); + c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + cluster_address = new JTextField(""+node.getClusterAddress(), 15); + panel2.add(cluster_address, c2); + + + + // main panel; + c0.gridheight = 10; + c0.weighty = 1.0; + c0.weightx = 1.0; + c0.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + c.add(panel2, c0); + + c0.gridwidth = 1; + c0.gridheight = 1; + c0.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; + closeButton = new JButton("Save and Close", IconManager.imgic25); + //closeButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 50)); + closeButton.addActionListener(this); + c.add(closeButton, c0); + c0.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel", IconManager.imgic27); + cancelButton.addActionListener(this); + c.add(cancelButton, c0); + } + + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { + /* if (evt.getSource() == typeBox) { + boolean b = ((Boolean)(initValues.elementAt(typeBox.getSelectedIndex()))).booleanValue(); + initialValue.setEnabled(b); + return; + }*/ + + + String command = evt.getActionCommand(); + + // Compare the action command to the known actions. + if (command.equals("Save and Close")) { + closeDialog(); + } else if (command.equals("Cancel")) { + cancelDialog(); + } + } + + public void closeDialog() { + regularClose = true; + dispose(); + } + + public void cancelDialog() { + dispose(); + } + + public boolean isRegularClose() { + return regularClose; + } + + public String getNodeName() { + return nodeName.getText(); + } + + public String getIndex() { + return index.getText(); + } + + public String getNbOfAttachedInitiators() { + return nbOfAttachedInitiators.getText(); + } + + public String getNbOfAttachedTargets(){ + return nbOfAttachedTargets.getText(); + } + + public String getClusterIndex(){ + return cluster_index.getText(); + } + + public String getClusterAddress(){ + return cluster_address.getText(); + } + + +} diff --git a/src/ui/window/JDialogADDVgmnNode.java b/src/ui/window/JDialogADDVgmnNode.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f176e646f417c00f778dc43cd8e89fb2f05cde1 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ui/window/JDialogADDVgmnNode.java @@ -0,0 +1,242 @@ +/**Copyright or (C) or Copr. GET / ENST, Telecom-Paris, Ludovic Apvrille + * + * ludovic.apvrille AT enst.fr + * + * This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the + * edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to + * allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram, + * and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces + * obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP + * from INRIA Rhone-Alpes. + * + * This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and + * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, + * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL + * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL + * "http://www.cecill.info". + * + * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, + * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only + * with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the + * economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited + * liability. + * + * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated + * with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the + * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, + * that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also + * therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced + * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore + * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their + * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or + * data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the + * same conditions as regards security. + * + * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had + * knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. + * + * /** + * Class JDialogADDVgmnNode + * Dialog for managing attributes of VGMN nodes + * Creation: 02/07/2014 + * @version 1.0 02/07/2014 + * @author Ludovic APVRILLE + * @see + */ + +package ui.window; + +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import javax.swing.*; +//import javax.swing.event.*; +//import java.util.*; + +import ui.*; + +import ui.avatardd.*; + + +public class JDialogADDVgmnNode extends javax.swing.JDialog implements ActionListener { + + private boolean regularClose; + + private JPanel panel2; + private Frame frame; + private ADDVgmnNode node; + + + // Panel1 + protected JTextField nodeName; + + // Panel2 + protected JTextField index, nbOfAttachedInitiators, nbOfAttachedTargets, fifoDepth, minLatency; + + + // Main Panel + private JButton closeButton; + private JButton cancelButton; + + /** Creates new form */ + public JDialogADDVgmnNode(Frame _frame, String _title, ADDVgmnNode _node) { + super(_frame, _title, true); + frame = _frame; + node = _node; + + initComponents(); + myInitComponents(); + pack(); + } + + private void myInitComponents() { + } + + private void initComponents() { + Container c = getContentPane(); + GridBagLayout gridbag0 = new GridBagLayout(); + GridBagLayout gridbag1 = new GridBagLayout(); + GridBagLayout gridbag2 = new GridBagLayout(); + GridBagConstraints c0 = new GridBagConstraints(); + GridBagConstraints c1 = new GridBagConstraints(); + GridBagConstraints c2 = new GridBagConstraints(); + + setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 14)); + c.setLayout(gridbag0); + + setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); + + + panel2 = new JPanel(); + panel2.setLayout(gridbag2); + panel2.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.TitledBorder("VGMN attributes")); + panel2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 200)); + + c1.gridwidth = 1; + c1.gridheight = 1; + c1.weighty = 1.0; + c1.weightx = 1.0; + c1.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; + panel2.add(new JLabel("Vgmn name:"), c2); + c1.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + nodeName = new JTextField(node.getNodeName(), 30); + nodeName.setEditable(true); + nodeName.setFont(new Font("times", Font.PLAIN, 12)); + panel2.add(nodeName, c1); + + c2.gridwidth = 1; + c2.gridheight = 1; + c2.weighty = 1.0; + c2.weightx = 1.0; + c2.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; + + + c2.gridwidth = 1; + panel2.add(new JLabel("Index:"), c2); + c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + index = new JTextField(""+node.getIndex(), 15); + panel2.add(index, c2); + + /* This is generated automatically by the DD analyzer */ + /*c2.gridwidth = 1; + panel2.add(new JLabel("Nb of attached initators:"), c2); + c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + nbAttachedInitiat = new JTextField(""+node.getNbAttachedInitiat(), 15); + panel2.add(nbAttachedInitiat, c2);*/ + + /* c2.gridwidth = 1; + panel2.add(new JLabel("Nb of attached target:"), c2); + c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + nbAttachedTarget = new JTextField(""+node.getNbAttachedTarget(), 15); + panel2.add(nbAttachedTarget, c2);*/ + + c2.gridwidth = 1; + panel2.add(new JLabel("Fifo depth:"), c2); + c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + fifoDepth = new JTextField(""+node.getFifoDepth(), 15); + panel2.add(fifoDepth, c2); + + c2.gridwidth = 1; + panel2.add(new JLabel("Min latency:"), c2); + c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + minLatency = new JTextField(""+node.getMinLatency(), 15); + panel2.add(minLatency, c2); + + + + // main panel; + c0.gridheight = 10; + c0.weighty = 1.0; + c0.weightx = 1.0; + c0.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + c.add(panel2, c0); + + c0.gridwidth = 1; + c0.gridheight = 1; + c0.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; + closeButton = new JButton("Save and Close", IconManager.imgic25); + //closeButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 50)); + closeButton.addActionListener(this); + c.add(closeButton, c0); + c0.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel", IconManager.imgic27); + cancelButton.addActionListener(this); + c.add(cancelButton, c0); + } + + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { + /* if (evt.getSource() == typeBox) { + boolean b = ((Boolean)(initValues.elementAt(typeBox.getSelectedIndex()))).booleanValue(); + initialValue.setEnabled(b); + return; + }*/ + + + String command = evt.getActionCommand(); + + // Compare the action command to the known actions. + if (command.equals("Save and Close")) { + closeDialog(); + } else if (command.equals("Cancel")) { + cancelDialog(); + } + } + + public void closeDialog() { + regularClose = true; + dispose(); + } + + public void cancelDialog() { + dispose(); + } + + public boolean isRegularClose() { + return regularClose; + } + + public String getNodeName() { + return nodeName.getText(); + } + + public String getIndex() { + return index.getText(); + } + + public String getNbOfAttachedInitiators() { + return nbOfAttachedInitiators.getText(); + } + + public String getNbOfAttachedTargets(){ + return nbOfAttachedTargets.getText(); + } + + public String getFifoDepth(){ + return fifoDepth.getText(); + } + + public String getMinLatency(){ + return minLatency.getText(); + } + + +} diff --git a/src/ui/window/JDialogAvatarExecutableCodeGeneration.java b/src/ui/window/JDialogAvatarExecutableCodeGeneration.java index c87a16e9f2af988c4492da0676862ee6713f67d4..34f3ba96c657290a954dabcdfbfcceb41dbb3808 100644 --- a/src/ui/window/JDialogAvatarExecutableCodeGeneration.java +++ b/src/ui/window/JDialogAvatarExecutableCodeGeneration.java @@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ * Dialog for managing the generation and compilation of AVATAR executable code * Creation: 29/03/2011 * @version 1.1 29/03/2011 - * @author Ludovic APVRILLE, Daniela GENIUS + * @author Ludovic APVRILLE + * @author (added deployment diagrams) Julien Henon, Daniela GENIUS * @see */ @@ -62,7 +63,9 @@ import avatartranslator.toexecutable.*; import launcher.*; import ui.interactivesimulation.*; - +import ddtranslatorSoclib.toSoclib.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.*; +import ui.avatardd.*; public class JDialogAvatarExecutableCodeGeneration extends javax.swing.JFrame implements ActionListener, Runnable, MasterProcessInterface { @@ -610,6 +613,7 @@ public class JDialogAvatarExecutableCodeGeneration extends javax.swing.JFrame im try { jta.append("Saving code in files\n"); pathCode = code1.getText(); + //gene.avatartocposix.saveInFiles(pathCode);//DG 27.11. avatartocposix.saveInFiles(pathCode); //tml2systc.saveFile(pathCode, "appmodel"); jta.append("Code saved\n"); @@ -698,15 +702,18 @@ public class JDialogAvatarExecutableCodeGeneration extends javax.swing.JFrame im jta.append("Generating executable code (SOCLIB version)\n"); if (removeCFiles.isSelected()) { - jta.append("Removing all .h files in " + code1.getText() + AVATAR2SOCLIB.getGeneratedPath() + "\n"); - list = FileUtils.deleteFiles(code1.getText() + AVATAR2SOCLIB.getGeneratedPath(), ".h"); + + jta.append("Removing all .h files\n"); + //list = FileUtils.deleteFiles(code1.getText() + AVATAR2SOCLIB.getGeneratedPath(), ".h"); + list = FileUtils.deleteFiles(code1.getText() + TasksAndMainGenerator.getGeneratedPath(), ".h"); if (list.length() == 0) { jta.append("No files were deleted\n"); } else { jta.append("Files deleted:\n" + list + "\n"); } jta.append("Removing all .c files\n"); - list = FileUtils.deleteFiles(code1.getText() + AVATAR2SOCLIB.getGeneratedPath(), ".c"); +list = FileUtils.deleteFiles(code1.getText() + TasksAndMainGenerator.getGeneratedPath(), ".c"); + //list = FileUtils.deleteFiles(code1.getText() + AVATAR2SOCLIB.getGeneratedPath(), ".c"); if (list.length() == 0) { jta.append("No files were deleted\n"); } else { @@ -734,17 +741,30 @@ public class JDialogAvatarExecutableCodeGeneration extends javax.swing.JFrame im if (avspec == null) { jta.append("Error: No AVATAR specification\n"); } else { - AVATAR2SOCLIB avatartocposix = new AVATAR2SOCLIB(avspec); + /* AVATAR2SOCLIB avatartocposix = new AVATAR2SOCLIB(avspec); avatartocposix.includeUserCode(putUserCode.isSelected()); avatartocposix.setTimeUnit(selectedUnit); - avatartocposix.generateCPOSIX(debugmode.isSelected(), tracemode.isSelected()); + avatartocposix.generateCPOSIX(debugmode.isSelected(), tracemode.isSelected());*/ + // julien ----------------------------------------- + ADDDiagramPanel deploymentDiagramPanel = mgui.getFirstAvatarDeploymentPanelFound(); + AvatarDeploymentPanelTranslator avdeploymenttranslator = new AvatarDeploymentPanelTranslator(deploymentDiagramPanel); + AvatarddSpecification avddspec = avdeploymenttranslator.getAvatarddSpecification(); + + TasksAndMainGenerator gene = new TasksAndMainGenerator(avddspec,avspec); + gene.includeUserCode(putUserCode.isSelected()); + gene.setTimeUnit(selectedUnit); + gene.generateSoclib(debugmode.isSelected(), tracemode.isSelected()); + + // ----------end addition julien ---------------------------------------- + testGo(); jta.append("Generation of C-SOCLIB executable code: done\n"); //t2j.printJavaClasses(); try { jta.append("Saving code in files\n"); pathCode = code1.getText(); - avatartocposix.saveInFiles(pathCode); + gene.saveInFiles(pathCode);//DG 27.11. +//avatartocposix.saveInFiles(pathCode); //tml2systc.saveFile(pathCode, "appmodel"); jta.append("Code saved\n"); } catch (Exception e) { diff --git a/src/ui/window/JDialogAvatarddExecutableCodeGeneration.java b/src/ui/window/JDialogAvatarddExecutableCodeGeneration.java new file mode 100755 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..011750e76725dfa013d49bd64254555ef4c3d41d --- /dev/null +++ b/src/ui/window/JDialogAvatarddExecutableCodeGeneration.java @@ -0,0 +1,471 @@ +package ui.window; + +import java.awt.*; +import java.awt.event.*; +import javax.swing.*; +import javax.swing.event.*; +import java.io.*; +import java.util.*; + +import myutil.*; +import ui.*; + + +import avatartranslator.*; +import avatartranslator.toexecutable.*; +import launcher.*; + +import ui.interactivesimulation.*; + +import ddtranslatorSoclib.toSoclib.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.toTopCell.*; +import ddtranslatorSoclib.*; +import ui.avatardd.*; +import ui.avatarbd.*; + +// ----------------------------------------------------- + + +public class JDialogAvatarddExecutableCodeGeneration extends javax.swing.JFrame implements ActionListener, Runnable, MasterProcessInterface { + + private static String[] unitTab = {"usec", "msec", "sec"}; + + protected Frame f; + protected MainGUI mgui; + + private String textSysC1 = "Base directory of code generation code Soclib :"; + private String textSysC2 = "Compile executable code in"; + private String textSysC10 = "Base directory of code generation code TopCell"; + private String textSysC3 = "Base directory of code generation code TopCell :"; + private String textSysC4 = "Run code:"; + private String textSysC5 = "Run code and trace events (if enabled at code generation):"; + private String textSysC6 = "Run code in soclib / mutekh:"; + private String textSysC8 = "Show trace from file:"; + private String textSysC9 = "Show trace from soclib file:"; + + private static String unitCycle = "1"; + + //modif DG + private static String[] codes = {"AVATAR TOPCELL", "AVATAR TOPCELL, TASKS AND MAIN"}; + private static int selectedItem = 0; + private static int selectedRun = 1; + private static int selectedCompile = 0; + private static int selectedViewTrace = 0; + private static boolean static_putUserCode = true; + + protected static String pathCode; + protected static String pathCompiler; + protected static String pathExecute; + protected static String pathExecuteWithTracing; + protected static String pathCompileSoclib; + protected static String pathExecuteSoclib; + protected static String pathSoclibTraceFile; + protected static String pathCodeTopCell; + protected static String pathCodeSocLib; + + protected static boolean optimizeModeSelected = true; + + protected final static int NOT_STARTED = 1; + protected final static int STARTED = 2; + protected final static int STOPPED = 3; + + private static + + int mode; + + //components + protected JTextArea jta; + protected JButton start; + protected JButton stop; + protected JButton close; + + protected JRadioButton exe, exeint, exetrace, exesoclib, compile, compilesoclib, viewtrace, viewtracesoclib; + protected ButtonGroup compilegroup, exegroup, viewgroup; + protected JLabel gen; + protected JTextField code1, code2, compiler1, compiler2, exe1, exe2, exe3, exe4, exe2int, simulationTraceFile, simulationsoclibTraceFile; + protected JTabbedPane jp1; + protected JScrollPane jsp; + + protected JComboBox versionCodeGenerator, units; + protected JButton showSimulationTrace; + + private static int selectedUnit = 2; + private static boolean removeCFilesValue = true; + private static boolean removeXFilesValue = true; + private static boolean removeCCFilesValue = true; + private static boolean debugValue = false; + private static boolean tracingValue = true; + private static boolean optimizeValue = true; + + private Thread t; + private boolean go = false; + private boolean hasError = false; + protected boolean startProcess = false; + + + private String hostExecute; + + private RshClient rshc; + + + /** Creates new form */ + public JDialogAvatarddExecutableCodeGeneration(Frame _f, MainGUI _mgui, String title, String _hostExecute, String _pathCodeSocLib , String _pathCodeTopCell, String _pathCompilerSoclib, String _pathSoclibTraceFile) { + super(title); + + f = _f; + mgui = _mgui; + + if (pathCodeSocLib == null) { + pathCodeSocLib = _pathCodeSocLib; + } + + if (pathSoclibTraceFile == null){ + pathSoclibTraceFile = _pathSoclibTraceFile; + } + + if (pathCodeTopCell == null){ + pathCodeTopCell = _pathCodeTopCell; + } + + hostExecute = _hostExecute; + + + initComponents(); + myInitComponents(); + pack(); + + //getGlassPane().addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() {}); + getGlassPane().setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); + } + + protected void myInitComponents() { + mode = NOT_STARTED; + setButtons(); + } + + protected void initComponents() { + + Container c = getContentPane(); + setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 14)); + c.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); + //setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); + + jp1 = new JTabbedPane(); + + JPanel jp01 = new JPanel(); + GridBagLayout gridbag01 = new GridBagLayout(); + GridBagConstraints c01 = new GridBagConstraints(); + jp01.setLayout(gridbag01); + jp01.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.TitledBorder("Code generation")); + + c01.gridheight = 1; + c01.weighty = 1.0; + c01.weightx = 1.0; + c01.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + c01.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; + c01.gridheight = 1; + + gen = new JLabel(textSysC1); + //genJava.addActionListener(this); + jp01.add(gen, c01); + + code1 = new JTextField(pathCodeSocLib, 100); + jp01.add(code1, c01); + + // ----------------------------------------------- + // path code for TopCell + + gen = new JLabel(textSysC10); + //genJava.addActionListener(this); + jp01.add(gen, c01); + + code2 = new JTextField(pathCodeTopCell, 100); + jp01.add(code2, c01); + + // --------------------------------------------- + + jp01.add(new JLabel(" "), c01); + c01.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row + + jp01.add(new JLabel("Code generator used:"), c01); + + versionCodeGenerator = new JComboBox(codes); + versionCodeGenerator.setSelectedIndex(selectedItem); + versionCodeGenerator.addActionListener(this); + jp01.add(versionCodeGenerator, c01); + + jp01.add(new JLabel(" "), c01); + jp1.add("Generate code and topcell", jp01); + + c.add(jp1, BorderLayout.NORTH); + + jta = new ScrolledJTextArea(); + jta.setEditable(false); + jta.setMargin(new Insets(10, 10, 10, 10)); + jta.setTabSize(3); + jta.append("Select options and then, click on 'start' to launch code generation\n"); + + Font f = new Font("Courrier", Font.BOLD, 12); + jta.setFont(f); + jsp = new JScrollPane(jta, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS); + + c.add(jsp, BorderLayout.CENTER); + + start = new JButton("Start", IconManager.imgic53); + stop = new JButton("Stop", IconManager.imgic55); + close = new JButton("Close", IconManager.imgic27); + + start.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 30)); + stop.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 30)); + close.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 30)); + + start.addActionListener(this); + stop.addActionListener(this); + close.addActionListener(this); + + JPanel jp2 = new JPanel(); + jp2.add(start); + jp2.add(stop); + jp2.add(close); + + c.add(jp2, BorderLayout.SOUTH); + + } + + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { + String command = evt.getActionCommand(); + + // Compare the action command to the known actions. + if (command.equals("Start")) { + startProcess(); + } else if (command.equals("Stop")) { + stopProcess(); + } else if (command.equals("Close")) { + closeDialog(); + } else if (evt.getSource() == versionCodeGenerator) { + selectedItem = versionCodeGenerator.getSelectedIndex(); + } else if (evt.getSource() == units) { + selectedUnit = units.getSelectedIndex(); + }else if ((evt.getSource() == exe) || (evt.getSource() == exetrace)|| (evt.getSource() == exesoclib)) { + makeSelectionExecute(); + } + } + + public void makeSelectionExecute() { + if (exe.isSelected()) { + selectedRun = 0; + } else { + if (exetrace.isSelected()) { + selectedRun = 1; + } /*else { + selectedRun = 2; + }*/ + } + + exe2.setEnabled(selectedRun == 0); + exe3.setEnabled(selectedRun == 1); + //exe4.setEnabled(selectedRun == 2); + + } + + public void closeDialog() { + if (mode == STARTED) { + stopProcess(); + } + dispose(); + } + + + public void stopProcess() { + System.err.println("stop process ! "); + try { + rshc.stopFillJTA(); + } catch (LauncherException le) { + } + rshc = null; + mode = STOPPED; + setButtons(); + go = false; + } + + public void startProcess() { + startProcess = false; + t = new Thread(this); + mode = STARTED; + setButtons(); + go = true; + t.start(); + } + + private void testGo() throws InterruptedException { + if (go == false) { + throw new InterruptedException("Stopped by user"); + } + } + + public void run() { + String cmd; + String list, data; + int cycle = 0; + + hasError = false; + + try { + selectedItem = versionCodeGenerator.getSelectedIndex(); + if (selectedItem == 0) { + System.err.println("AVATAR "); + // Code generation + if (jp1.getSelectedIndex() == 0) { + jta.append("Generating TopCell \n"); + + System.err.println("AVATAR TOPCELL"); + + testGo(); + selectedUnit = 1;//DG 29.10. + //selectedUnit = units.getSelectedIndex(); + + ADDDiagramPanel deploymentDiagramPanel = mgui.getFirstAvatarDeploymentPanelFound(); + AvatarDeploymentPanelTranslator avdeploymenttranslator = new AvatarDeploymentPanelTranslator(deploymentDiagramPanel); + AvatarddSpecification avddspec = avdeploymenttranslator.getAvatarddSpecification(); + + // Generating code + if ( avddspec == null) { + jta.append("Error: No AVATAR Deployemnt specification\n"); + } else { + System.err.println("AVATAR TOPCELL found"); + + TopCellGenerator topCellGenerator = new TopCellGenerator(avddspec); + testGo(); + jta.append("Generation of TopCell executable code: done\n"); + + try { + jta.append("Saving code in files\n"); + pathCode = code2.getText(); + topCellGenerator.saveFile(pathCode); + + jta.append("Code saved\n"); + } catch (Exception e) { + jta.append("Could not generate files\n"); + } + } + } + } + testGo(); + // generation code Soclib --------------------------------------- + + + // generation Soclib / TopCell + + if (selectedItem == 1) { + jta.append("Generating executable code (SOCLIB version)\n"); + + //testGo(); + selectedUnit = 1;//DG 29.10. + //selectedUnit = units.getSelectedIndex(); + //System.out.println("Selected item=" + selectedItem); + + // get Design Panel + AvatarDesignPanel designDiagramPanel = mgui.getFirstAvatarDesignPanelFound(); + AvatarDesignPanelTranslator avdesigntranslator = new AvatarDesignPanelTranslator( designDiagramPanel); + LinkedList<AvatarBDBlock> adp = designDiagramPanel.getAvatarBDPanel().getFullBlockList(); + Vector blocks = new Vector(adp); + AvatarSpecification avaspec = avdesigntranslator.generateAvatarSpecification(blocks); + + // get Deployment Panel + ADDDiagramPanel deploymentDiagramPanel = mgui.getFirstAvatarDeploymentPanelFound(); + AvatarDeploymentPanelTranslator avdeploymenttranslator = new AvatarDeploymentPanelTranslator(deploymentDiagramPanel); + AvatarddSpecification avddspec = avdeploymenttranslator.getAvatarddSpecification(); + + + // Generating code + if (avaspec == null) { + jta.append("Error: No AVATAR Design specification\n"); + }else if( avddspec == null){ + jta.append("Error: No AVATAR Deployment specification\n"); + } else { + + // julien ----------------------------------------- + + TopCellGenerator topCellGenerator = new TopCellGenerator(avddspec); + + TasksAndMainGenerator gene = new TasksAndMainGenerator(avddspec,avaspec); + // gene.includeUserCode(putUserCode.isSelected()); + // gene.setTimeUnit(selectedUnit); + // gene. generateSoclib(debugmode.isSelected(), tracemode.isSelected()); + // -------------------------------------------------- + //testGo(); + jta.append("Generation of Soclib executable code: done\n"); + + try { + jta.append("Saving code in files\n"); + pathCode = code2.getText(); + gene.saveInFiles(pathCode); + pathCode = code2.getText(); + topCellGenerator.saveFile(pathCode); + //tml2systc.saveFile(pathCode, "appmodel"); + jta.append("Code saved\n"); + } catch (Exception e) { + jta.append("Could not generate files\n"); + } + } + } + }catch (InterruptedException ie) { + jta.append("Interrupted\n"); + } + + jta.append("\n\nReady to process next command\n"); + checkMode(); + setButtons(); + } + + protected void processCmd(String cmd, JTextArea _jta) throws LauncherException { + rshc.setCmd(cmd); + rshc.sendProcessRequest(); + rshc.fillJTA(_jta); + return; + } + + + protected void checkMode() { + mode = NOT_STARTED; + } + + protected void setButtons() { + switch(mode) { + case NOT_STARTED: + start.setEnabled(true); + stop.setEnabled(false); + close.setEnabled(true); + //setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.DEFAULT_CURSOR)); + getGlassPane().setVisible(false); + break; + case STARTED: + start.setEnabled(false); + stop.setEnabled(true); + close.setEnabled(false); + getGlassPane().setVisible(true); + //setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR)); + break; + case STOPPED: + default: + start.setEnabled(false); + stop.setEnabled(false); + close.setEnabled(true); + getGlassPane().setVisible(false); + break; + } + } + + public boolean hasToContinue() { + return (go == true); + } + + public void appendOut(String s) { + jta.append(s); + } + + public void setError() { + hasError = true; + } + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/ui/window/JDialogSelectAvatarBlock.java b/src/ui/window/JDialogSelectAvatarBlock.java index f78377df404c6ab12570673291439d3a6d2188a6..01439e5fd34388e926a3002be03ff068a72d55d2 100755 --- a/src/ui/window/JDialogSelectAvatarBlock.java +++ b/src/ui/window/JDialogSelectAvatarBlock.java @@ -1,48 +1,48 @@ /**Copyright or (C) or Copr. GET / ENST, Telecom-Paris, Ludovic Apvrille - ludovic.apvrille AT enst.fr - - This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the - edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to - allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram, - and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces - obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP - from INRIA Rhone-Alpes. - - This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and - abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, - modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL - license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL - "http://www.cecill.info". - - As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, - modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only - with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the - economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited - liability. - - In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated - with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the - software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, - that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also - therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced - professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore - encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their - requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or - data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the - same conditions as regards security. - - The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had - knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. - - /** - * Class JDialogSelectAvatarBlock - * Dialog for managing blocks to be validated - * Creation: 18/05/2010 - * @version 1.0 18/05/2010 - * @author Ludovic APVRILLE - * @see - */ +ludovic.apvrille AT enst.fr + +This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the +edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to +allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram, +and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces +obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP +from INRIA Rhone-Alpes. + +This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and +abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, +modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL +license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL +"http://www.cecill.info". + +As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, +modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only +with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the +economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited +liability. + +In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated +with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the +software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, +that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also +therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced +professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore +encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their +requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or +data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the +same conditions as regards security. + +The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had +knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. + +/** + * Class JDialogSelectAvatarBlock + * Dialog for managing blocks to be validated + * Creation: 18/05/2010 + * @version 1.0 18/05/2010 + * @author Ludovic APVRILLE + * @see + */ package ui.window; @@ -58,10 +58,10 @@ import ui.avatarbd.*; public class JDialogSelectAvatarBlock extends javax.swing.JDialog implements ActionListener, ListSelectionListener { public Vector validated, ignored; - private boolean optimized = true; - + private boolean optimized = true; + private Vector val, ign, back; - + //subpanels private JPanel panel1, panel2, panel3, panel4, panel5, panel6; private JList listIgnored; @@ -70,23 +70,23 @@ public class JDialogSelectAvatarBlock extends javax.swing.JDialog implements Act private JButton addOneValidated; private JButton addOneIgnored; private JButton allIgnored; - protected JCheckBox optimize; - + protected JCheckBox optimize; + // Main Panel private JButton closeButton; private JButton cancelButton; - + private boolean hasBeenCancelled = false; - + /** Creates new form */ public JDialogSelectAvatarBlock(Frame f, Vector _back, LinkedList componentList, String title, Vector _validated, Vector _ignored, boolean _optimized) { super(f, title, true); - + back = _back; validated = _validated; ignored = _ignored; optimized = _optimized; - + if ((validated == null) || (ignored == null)) { val = makeNewVal(componentList); ign = new Vector(); @@ -97,16 +97,16 @@ public class JDialogSelectAvatarBlock extends javax.swing.JDialog implements Act checkTask(ign, componentList); addNewTask(val, componentList, ign); } - + initComponents(); myInitComponents(); pack(); } - + private Vector makeNewVal(LinkedList list) { Vector v = new Vector(); TGComponent tgc; - + for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++) { tgc = (TGComponent)(list.get(i)); //System.out.println(tgc); @@ -116,10 +116,10 @@ public class JDialogSelectAvatarBlock extends javax.swing.JDialog implements Act } return v; } - + private void checkTask(Vector tobeChecked, LinkedList source) { AvatarBDBlock t; - + for(int i=0; i<tobeChecked.size(); i++) { t = (AvatarBDBlock)(tobeChecked.elementAt(i)); if (!source.contains(t)) { @@ -128,10 +128,10 @@ public class JDialogSelectAvatarBlock extends javax.swing.JDialog implements Act } } } - + public void addNewTask(Vector added, LinkedList source, Vector notSource) { TGComponent tgc; - + for(int i=0; i<source.size(); i++) { tgc = (TGComponent)(source.get(i)); if ((tgc instanceof AvatarBDBlock) && (!added.contains(tgc)) && (!notSource.contains(tgc))){ @@ -140,28 +140,19 @@ public class JDialogSelectAvatarBlock extends javax.swing.JDialog implements Act } } } - + private void myInitComponents() { setButtons(); } - + private void initComponents() { Container c = getContentPane(); GridBagLayout gridbag1 = new GridBagLayout(); GridBagConstraints c1 = new GridBagConstraints(); - GridBagLayout gridbag2 = new GridBagLayout(); - GridBagConstraints c2 = new GridBagConstraints(); setFont(new Font("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 14)); - //c.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); - c.setLayout(gridbag2); + c.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE); - - c2.weighty = 1.0; - c2.weightx = 1.0; - c2.gridwidth = 1; - c2.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; - c2.gridheight = 1; - + // ignored list panel1 = new JPanel(); panel1.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); @@ -173,98 +164,94 @@ public class JDialogSelectAvatarBlock extends javax.swing.JDialog implements Act JScrollPane scrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(listIgnored); panel1.add(scrollPane1, BorderLayout.CENTER); panel1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 250)); - c.add(panel1, c2); - + c.add(panel1, BorderLayout.WEST); + + // validated list + panel2 = new JPanel(); + panel2.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); + panel2.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.TitledBorder("Blocks taken into account")); + listValidated = new JList(val); + //listValidated.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 250)); + listValidated.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION ); + listValidated.addListSelectionListener(this); + JScrollPane scrollPane2 = new JScrollPane(listValidated); + panel2.add(scrollPane2, BorderLayout.CENTER); + panel2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 250)); + c.add(panel2, BorderLayout.EAST); // central buttons panel3 = new JPanel(); panel3.setLayout(gridbag1); - + c1.weighty = 1.0; c1.weightx = 1.0; c1.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row c1.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; c1.gridheight = 1; - + allValidated = new JButton(IconManager.imgic50); allValidated.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(50, 25)); allValidated.addActionListener(this); allValidated.setActionCommand("allValidated"); panel3.add(allValidated, c1); - + addOneValidated = new JButton(IconManager.imgic48); addOneValidated.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(50, 25)); addOneValidated.addActionListener(this); addOneValidated.setActionCommand("addOneValidated"); panel3.add(addOneValidated, c1); - + panel3.add(new JLabel(" "), c1); - + addOneIgnored = new JButton(IconManager.imgic46); addOneIgnored.addActionListener(this); addOneIgnored.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(50, 25)); addOneIgnored.setActionCommand("addOneIgnored"); panel3.add(addOneIgnored, c1); - + allIgnored = new JButton(IconManager.imgic44); allIgnored.addActionListener(this); allIgnored.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(50, 25)); allIgnored.setActionCommand("allIgnored"); panel3.add(allIgnored, c1); - - c.add(panel3, c2); - - - // validated list - panel2 = new JPanel(); - panel2.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); - panel2.setBorder(new javax.swing.border.TitledBorder("Blocks taken into account")); - listValidated = new JList(val); - //listValidated.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 250)); - listValidated.setSelectionMode(ListSelectionModel.MULTIPLE_INTERVAL_SELECTION ); - listValidated.addListSelectionListener(this); - JScrollPane scrollPane2 = new JScrollPane(listValidated); - panel2.add(scrollPane2, BorderLayout.CENTER); - panel2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 250)); - c2.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row - c.add(panel2, c2); - - + + c.add(panel3, BorderLayout.CENTER); + // main panel; - panel6 = new JPanel(); + panel6 = new JPanel(); panel6.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); - - panel5 = new JPanel(); + + panel5 = new JPanel(); panel5.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); - - optimize = new JCheckBox("Optimize specification"); - optimize.setSelected(optimized); - panel5.add(optimize); - + + optimize = new JCheckBox("Optimize specification"); + optimize.setSelected(optimized); + panel5.add(optimize); + panel4 = new JPanel(); panel4.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); - + closeButton = new JButton("Start Syntax Analysis", IconManager.imgic37); //closeButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 50)); closeButton.addActionListener(this); closeButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 30)); - + cancelButton = new JButton("Cancel", IconManager.imgic27); cancelButton.addActionListener(this); cancelButton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(200, 30)); panel4.add(cancelButton); - panel4.add(closeButton); - - panel6.add(panel5, BorderLayout.NORTH); - panel6.add(panel4, BorderLayout.SOUTH); - - c.add(panel6, c2); - + panel4.add(closeButton); + + panel6.add(panel5, BorderLayout.NORTH); + panel6.add(panel4, BorderLayout.SOUTH); + + c.add(panel6, BorderLayout.SOUTH); + } - - public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { + + public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { String command = evt.getActionCommand(); - + // Compare the action command to the known actions. if (command.equals("Start Syntax Analysis")) { closeDialog(); @@ -280,8 +267,8 @@ public class JDialogSelectAvatarBlock extends javax.swing.JDialog implements Act allIgnored(); } } - - + + private void addOneIgnored() { int [] list = listValidated.getSelectedIndices(); Vector v = new Vector(); @@ -291,13 +278,13 @@ public class JDialogSelectAvatarBlock extends javax.swing.JDialog implements Act ign.addElement(o); v.addElement(o); } - + val.removeAll(v); listIgnored.setListData(ign); listValidated.setListData(val); setButtons(); } - + private void addOneValidated() { int [] list = listIgnored.getSelectedIndices(); Vector v = new Vector(); @@ -307,13 +294,13 @@ public class JDialogSelectAvatarBlock extends javax.swing.JDialog implements Act val.addElement(o); v.addElement(o); } - + ign.removeAll(v); listIgnored.setListData(ign); listValidated.setListData(val); setButtons(); } - + private void allValidated() { val.addAll(ign); ign.removeAllElements(); @@ -321,7 +308,7 @@ public class JDialogSelectAvatarBlock extends javax.swing.JDialog implements Act listValidated.setListData(val); setButtons(); } - + private void allIgnored() { ign.addAll(val); val.removeAllElements(); @@ -329,8 +316,8 @@ public class JDialogSelectAvatarBlock extends javax.swing.JDialog implements Act listValidated.setListData(val); setButtons(); } - - + + public void closeDialog() { back.removeAllElements(); for(int i=0; i<val.size(); i++) { @@ -338,39 +325,39 @@ public class JDialogSelectAvatarBlock extends javax.swing.JDialog implements Act } validated = val; ignored = ign; - optimized = optimize.isSelected(); + optimized = optimize.isSelected(); dispose(); } - + public void cancelDialog() { - hasBeenCancelled = true; + hasBeenCancelled = true; dispose(); } - + private void setButtons() { int i1 = listIgnored.getSelectedIndex(); int i2 = listValidated.getSelectedIndex(); - + if (i1 == -1) { addOneValidated.setEnabled(false); } else { addOneValidated.setEnabled(true); //listValidated.clearSelection(); } - + if (i2 == -1) { addOneIgnored.setEnabled(false); } else { addOneIgnored.setEnabled(true); //listIgnored.clearSelection(); } - + if (ign.size() ==0) { allValidated.setEnabled(false); } else { allValidated.setEnabled(true); } - + if (val.size() ==0) { allIgnored.setEnabled(false); closeButton.setEnabled(false); @@ -379,25 +366,25 @@ public class JDialogSelectAvatarBlock extends javax.swing.JDialog implements Act closeButton.setEnabled(true); } } - - + + public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { setButtons(); } - - public boolean getOptimized() { - return optimized; - } - - public boolean hasBeenCancelled() { - return hasBeenCancelled; + + public boolean getOptimized() { + return optimized; + } + + public boolean hasBeenCancelled() { + return hasBeenCancelled; + } + + public Vector getValidated() { + return validated; } - - public Vector getValidated() { - return validated; - } - + public Vector getIgnored() { - return ignored; + return ignored; } }