From bba70ef51498f00b4a63e42f69bd0f4b81431f9e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: niusiyuan <>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2019 10:55:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] task name ok

 simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/FPGA.cpp   | 67 ++++++++-----------
 simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/FPGA.h     | 18 +++--
 .../src_simulator/arch/SchedulableDevice.cpp  |  1 -
 3 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)

diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/FPGA.cpp b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/FPGA.cpp
index 0f32a57c9a..31dc768e30 100644
--- a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/FPGA.cpp
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/FPGA.cpp
@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ FPGA::FPGA(    ID iID,
-					      ,_transNumber(0)
+					      ,_taskNumber(0)
+					      ,_currTaskNumber(0)
@@ -471,8 +472,21 @@ void FPGA::showPieChart(std::ofstream& myfile) const{
   myfile << SCHED_HTML_JS_DIV_ID << _ID << "_" << _htmlCurrTask->toShortString() << SCHED_HTML_JS_DIV_END << "<br>";
-void FPGA::schedule2HTML(std::ofstream& myfile) const {    
+std::string FPGA::determineHTMLCellClass(unsigned int &nextColor ) {
+	std::map<TMLTask*, std::string>::const_iterator it = taskCellClasses.find( _htmlCurrTask );
+	if ( it == taskCellClasses.end() ) {
+		unsigned int aColor = nextColor % NB_HTML_COLORS;
+		std::ostringstream cellClass;
+		cellClass << "t" << aColor;
+		taskCellClasses[  _htmlCurrTask ] = cellClass.str();
+		nextColor++;
+	}
+	return taskCellClasses[  _htmlCurrTask ];
+void FPGA::schedule2HTML(std::ofstream& myfile)  {    
   if(_startFlagHTML == true){
     myfile << "<h2><span>Scheduling for device: "<< _name << "</span></h2>" << std::endl;
@@ -483,14 +497,13 @@ void FPGA::schedule2HTML(std::ofstream& myfile) const {
    else {
     myfile << "<table>" << std::endl << "<tr>";
-    std::map<TMLTask*, std::string> taskCellClasses;
-    unsigned int nextCellClassIndex = 0;
     TMLTime aCurrTime = 0;
     for( TransactionList::const_iterator i = _transactList.begin(); i != _transactList.end(); ++i ) {
       std::cout <<  (*i)-> getCommand()->getTask()->toString() <<std::endl;
       std::cout<< _htmlCurrTask->toString()<<std::endl;
       if( (*i)-> getCommand()->getTask() == _htmlCurrTask ){
+	_currTaskNumber++;
 	TMLTransaction* aCurrTrans = *i;
 	unsigned int aBlanks = aCurrTrans->getStartTime() - aCurrTime;
@@ -505,7 +518,7 @@ void FPGA::schedule2HTML(std::ofstream& myfile) const {
 	// Issue #4
 	TMLTask* task = aCurrTrans->getCommand()->getTask();
 	std::cout<<"what is this task?"<<task->toString()<<std::endl;
-	const std::string cellClass = determineHTMLCellClass( taskCellClasses, task, nextCellClassIndex );
+	const std::string cellClass = determineHTMLCellClass(  nextCellClassIndex );
 	writeHTMLColumn( myfile, aLength, cellClass, aCurrTrans->toShortString() );
@@ -529,45 +542,19 @@ void FPGA::schedule2HTML(std::ofstream& myfile) const {
       //myfile << "<td colspan=\"5\" class=\"sc\">" << aLength << "</td>";
-    myfile << "</tr>" << std::endl << "</table>" << std::endl << "<table>" << std::endl << "<tr>";
-    for( std::map<TMLTask*, std::string>::iterator taskColIt = taskCellClasses.begin(); taskColIt != taskCellClasses.end(); ++taskColIt ) {
-      TMLTask* task = (*taskColIt).first;
-      // Unset the default td max-width of 5px. For some reason setting the max-with on a specific t style does not work
-      myfile << "<td class=\"" << taskCellClasses[ task ] << "\"></td><td style=\"max-width: unset;\">" << task->toString() << "</td><td class=\"space\"></td>";
-    }
-    myfile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
-    bool aMoreComments = true, aInit = true;
-    Comment* aComment;
-    while ( aMoreComments ) {
-      aMoreComments = false;
-      myfile << "<tr>";
+    myfile << "</tr>" << std::endl << "</table>" << std::endl;
+    if(_currTaskNumber == _taskNumber){
+      myfile  << "<table>" << std::endl << "<tr>" << std::endl;
       for( std::map<TMLTask*, std::string>::iterator taskColIt = taskCellClasses.begin(); taskColIt != taskCellClasses.end(); ++taskColIt ) {
-	//for(TaskList::const_iterator j=_taskList.begin(); j != _taskList.end(); ++j){
 	TMLTask* task = (*taskColIt).first;
-	std::string aCommentString = task->getNextComment( aInit, aComment );
-	if ( aComment == 0 ) {
-	  myfile << "<td></td><td></td><td class=\"space\"></td>";
-	}
-	else {
-	  replaceAll(aCommentString,"<","&lt;");
-	  replaceAll(aCommentString,">","&gt;");
-	  aMoreComments = true;
-	  myfile << "<td style=\"max-width: unset;\">" << aComment->_time << "</td><td><pre>" << aCommentString << "</pre></td><td class=\"space\"></td>";
-	}
+	// Unset the default td max-width of 5px. For some reason setting the max-with on a specific t style does not work
+	myfile << "<td class=\"" << taskCellClasses[ task ] << "\"></td><td style=\"max-width: unset;\">" << task->toString() << "</td><td class=\"space\"></td>";
-      aInit = false;
       myfile << "</tr>" << std::endl;
+      myfile << "</table>" << std::endl;
-    myfile << "</table>" << std::endl;
   std::cout<<"end in!!!"<<std::endl;
diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/FPGA.h b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/FPGA.h
index f8b226fb46..71cf7c29be 100644
--- a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/FPGA.h
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/FPGA.h
@@ -125,11 +125,13 @@ public:
 	virtual void registerTask(TMLTask* iTask){
+		_taskNumber++;
 		if (_scheduler!=0) _scheduler->addWorkloadSource(iTask);
-	inline void setTransNumber(unsigned int num) { _transNumber=num;}
-	inline unsigned int getTransNumber() { return _transNumber;}
-	void schedule2HTML(std::ofstream& myfile) const;
+	///inline void setTransNumber(unsigned int num) { _transNumber=num;}
+	///inline unsigned int getTransNumber() { return _transNumber;}
+	inline void setCurrTaskNumber(unsigned int num) { _currTaskNumber=num;}
+	void schedule2HTML(std::ofstream& myfile) ;
 	inline const TaskList& getTaskList() const{return _taskList;}
 	inline void setHtmlCurrTask(TMLTask *t) { _htmlCurrTask=t;}
 	inline void setStartFlagHTML(bool s) {_startFlagHTML=s;}
@@ -137,6 +139,7 @@ public:
 	double averageLoad (TMLTask* currTask) const;
 	void drawPieChart(std::ofstream& myfile) const;
 	void showPieChart(std::ofstream& myfile) const;
+	std::string determineHTMLCellClass(unsigned int &nextColor );
 	///List of all tasks running on the FPGA
 	TaskList _taskList;
@@ -182,11 +185,14 @@ protected:
 	TMLTime _timeBeforeIdle;
 	///Time needed to switch into idle mode
 	TMLTime _changeIdleModeTime;
-	unsigned int _transNumber;
 	bool _startFlagHTML;
 	bool _endFlagHTML;
+	//number of tasks executed on FPGA
+	unsigned int _taskNumber;
+	//current number of tasks executed on FPGA
+	unsigned int _currTaskNumber;
+	unsigned int nextCellClassIndex;
+ 	std::map<TMLTask*, std::string> taskCellClasses;	
 	///State variable for the VCD output
 	vcdFPGAVisState _vcdOutputState;
diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/SchedulableDevice.cpp b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/SchedulableDevice.cpp
index ff092d7af8..4168bdb1db 100644
--- a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/SchedulableDevice.cpp
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/arch/SchedulableDevice.cpp
@@ -309,7 +309,6 @@ void SchedulableDevice::schedule2HTML(std::ofstream& myfile) const {
 		myfile << "</tr>" << std::endl << "</table>" << std::endl << "<table>" << std::endl << "<tr>";
 		for( std::map<TMLTask*, std::string>::iterator taskColIt = taskCellClasses.begin(); taskColIt != taskCellClasses.end(); ++taskColIt ) {
 			TMLTask* task = (*taskColIt).first;
 			// Unset the default td max-width of 5px. For some reason setting the max-with on a specific t style does not work