diff --git a/src/main/java/cli/Interpreter.java b/src/main/java/cli/Interpreter.java
index ae29dea7ab7bae5bdd4da6de0bfa19bb0b456dba..15dfe228df20b0157ae30c0753158dbaa5279327 100644
--- a/src/main/java/cli/Interpreter.java
+++ b/src/main/java/cli/Interpreter.java
@@ -203,7 +203,10 @@ public class Interpreter implements Runnable, TerminalProviderInterface {
         if (line.startsWith("#")) {
         } else {
+            int lineContainComment = line.indexOf("#");
+            if (lineContainComment > 0) {
+                line = line.substring(0, lineContainComment);
+            }
             // Replace all double space by one unique space
diff --git a/src/main/java/cli/PatternHandling.java b/src/main/java/cli/PatternHandling.java
index e9b582645e64997ed0c2e47b69a6430ed2e4bb21..406fcd48e5c936fb5fe67469ef92c6aaf15a366f 100644
--- a/src/main/java/cli/PatternHandling.java
+++ b/src/main/java/cli/PatternHandling.java
@@ -391,16 +391,16 @@ public class PatternHandling extends Command {
                 + "-cpl \tget list of configured ports\n"
                 + "-tctl \tget list of tasks to be mapped \n"
                 + "-tcm TASK1 TASK2\tmap TASK1 in same CPU as TASK2\n"
-                + "-tcml\tmap get list of tasks that can be used to map in same CPU\n"
+                + "-tcml\t get list of tasks that can be used to map in same CPU\n"
                 + "-tcn TASK BUS\tmap TASK in new CPU linked to bus BUS\n"
                 + "-tcr TASK\tremove the mapping of TASK\n"
                 + "-tcl \tget list of mapped tasks\n"
-                + "-mctl \tmap get list of channels to be mapped\n"
+                + "-mctl \t get list of channels to be mapped\n"
                 + "-mcm TASK1.CHANNEL1 TASK2.CHANNEL2\tmap CHANNEL1 in same memory and buses as CHANNEL2\n"
-                + "-mcml\tmap get list of channels that can be used to map in same Memory\n"
+                + "-mcml \t get list of channels that can be used to map in same Memory\n"
                 + "-mcn TASK.CHANNEL BUS\tmap CHANNEL in new memory linked to bus BUS\n"
                 + "-mcr TASK.CHANNEL\tremove the mapping of CHANNEL\n"
-                + "-mcl \tmap get list of mapped channels\n"
+                + "-mcl \t get list of mapped channels\n"
                 + "-ua TASK ATTRIBUTE VALUE \tput the value VALUE of attribute ATTRIBUTE of the task TASK\n"
                 + "-m [PATH]\tmake the json configuration file of the pattern, you can optionally specify the path of this new file\n";
diff --git a/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/apply-tmr-in-modelWithOneSensor b/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/apply-tmr-in-modelWithOneSensor
index 0cb6a393e473d08fb2c2435d3db4529e29b58c69..1f6e8e57e852b14f6bf02108fc92940e860a6161 100644
--- a/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/apply-tmr-in-modelWithOneSensor
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/apply-tmr-in-modelWithOneSensor
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-pa dltmap ../src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/input/modelsToIntegrateTMR/modelWithOneSensor.tmap
-pa a -p resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/
-pa a -pc resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/modelWithOneSensor-config.json
-pa a -g resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/modelsAfterIntegratingTMR/ modelWithOneSensorIntegTMR
+pa dltmap ../src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/input/modelsToIntegrateTMR/modelWithOneSensor.tmap  # Path of the model in which we will integrate the pattern.
+pa a -p resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/  # Path of the pattern that we want to integrate.
+pa a -pc resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/modelWithOneSensor-config.json  # Path of the configuration json file.
+pa a -g resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/modelsAfterIntegratingTMR/ modelWithOneSensorIntegTMR  # Generate TMAP file of the model after intergrating the pattern. The generated file will be located in the given path and will have "modelWithOneSensorIntegTMR" as name.
diff --git a/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/apply-tmr-in-modelWithThreeSensors b/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/apply-tmr-in-modelWithThreeSensors
index 5af221b880609dd97adb2bf5a1728a0785ed4dc8..f35a8cea8359ce9df6cad855b112a3396e92292b 100644
--- a/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/apply-tmr-in-modelWithThreeSensors
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/apply-tmr-in-modelWithThreeSensors
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-pa dltmap ../src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/input/modelsToIntegrateTMR/modelWithThreeSensors.tmap
-pa a -p resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/
-pa a -pc resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/modelWithThreeSensors-config.json
-pa a -g resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/modelsAfterIntegratingTMR/ modelWithThreeSensorsIntegTMR
+pa dltmap ../src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/input/modelsToIntegrateTMR/modelWithThreeSensors.tmap  # Path of the model in which we will integrate the pattern.
+pa a -p resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/  # Path of the pattern that we want to integrate.
+pa a -pc resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/modelWithThreeSensors-config.json  # Path of the configuration json file.
+pa a -g resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/modelsAfterIntegratingTMR/ modelWithThreeSensorsIntegTMR  # Generate TMAP file of the model after intergrating the pattern. The generated file will be located in the given path and will have "modelWithThreeSensorsIntegTMR" as name.
diff --git a/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/configurate-tmr-for-modelWithOneSensor b/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/configurate-tmr-for-modelWithOneSensor
index 3f0a43c53589feb2918972880e2c76ca3707b439..4a8a7119462dead1d9177daf39989f4f0b97e25d 100644
--- a/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/configurate-tmr-for-modelWithOneSensor
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/configurate-tmr-for-modelWithOneSensor
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
-pa dltmap ../src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/input/modelsToIntegrateTMR/modelWithOneSensor.tmap
-pa sc -p resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/
-pa sc -sp
-pa sc -ct SensorClone Sensor
-pa sc -ct SensorClone2 Sensor
-pa sc -ctl
-pa sc -ctr SensorClone
-pa sc -ct SensorClone1 Sensor
-pa sc -plnc
-pa sc -pl InterpreterC.dataC
-pa sc -co InterpreterA.dataA Sensor.sensorData
-pa sc -co InterpreterB.dataB SensorClone1.sensorData 
-pa sc -co InterpreterC.dataC SensorClone2.sensorData
-pa sc -co Voter.resultData Receiver.sensorData
-pa sc -cor InterpreterA.dataA
-pa sc -co InterpreterA.dataA Sensor.sensorData
-pa sc -co Voter.moveto_FAIL_SAFE Receiver.sensorData NEW
-pa sc -col
-pa sc -cptl
-pa sc -cpd ALL
-pa sc -tctl
-pa sc -tcn SensorClone1 BusEnvironment
-pa sc -tcm SensorClone2 SensorClone1
-pa sc -tcn Voter MainBus
-pa sc -mcn SensorClone1.sensorData BusReceiver
-pa sc -mcm InterpreterA.resA SensorClone1.sensorData
-pa sc -mctl
-pa sc -ua Timer dataReceivingTimeout 1000
-pa sc -m resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/modelWithOneSensor-config.json
+pa dltmap ../src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/input/modelsToIntegrateTMR/modelWithOneSensor.tmap  # Path of the model in which we will integrate the pattern.
+pa sc -p resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/  # Path of the pattern that we want to integrate.
+pa sc -sp  # Get the name of the selected pattern.
+pa sc -ct SensorClone Sensor  # Create a task clone named SensorClone from the task Sensor.
+pa sc -ct SensorClone2 Sensor  # Create a task clone named SensorClone2 from the task Sensor.
+pa sc -ctl  # Get list of cloned tasks.
+pa sc -ctr SensorClone  # Remove the cloned task SensorClone.
+pa sc -ct SensorClone1 Sensor  # Create a task clone named SensorClone1 from the task Sensor.
+pa sc -plnc  # Get the list of pattern's ports that should be connected.
+pa sc -pl InterpreterC.dataC  # Get the list of available ports in model that could be used to connect with InterpreterC.dataC.
+pa sc -co InterpreterA.dataA Sensor.sensorData  # Connect InterpreterA.dataA (pattern side) with Sensor.sensorData (model side).
+pa sc -co InterpreterB.dataB SensorClone1.sensorData  # Connect InterpreterB.dataB (pattern side) with SensorClone1.sensorData (model side).
+pa sc -co InterpreterC.dataC SensorClone2.sensorData  # Connect InterpreterC.dataC (pattern side) with SensorClone2.sensorData (model side).
+pa sc -co Voter.resultData Receiver.sensorData  # Connect Voter.resultData (pattern side) with Receiver.sensorData (model side).
+pa sc -cor InterpreterA.dataA  # Remove the connection of InterpreterA.dataA.
+pa sc -co InterpreterA.dataA Sensor.sensorData  # Connect InterpreterA.dataA (pattern side) with Sensor.sensorData (model side).
+pa sc -co Voter.moveto_FAIL_SAFE Receiver.sensorData NEW  # Connect Voter.moveto_FAIL_SAFE (pattern side) with a New port.
+pa sc -col  # get the list of connections already made.
+pa sc -cptl  # get list of ports to be configured.
+pa sc -cpd ALL  # Choose to remove all the ports as decision.
+pa sc -tctl  # Get list of tasks to be mapped. 
+pa sc -tcn SensorClone1 BusEnvironment  # Map task SensorClone1 in a new CPU that will be linked to the bus BusEnvironment.
+pa sc -tcm SensorClone2 SensorClone1  # Map task SensorClone2 in the same CPU as SensorClone1.
+pa sc -tcn Voter MainBus  # Map task Voter in a new CPU that will be linked to the bus MainBus.
+pa sc -mcn SensorClone1.sensorData BusReceiver  # Map channel SensorClone1.sensorData in a new Memory that will be linked to the bus BusReceiver.
+pa sc -mcm InterpreterA.resA SensorClone1.sensorData  # Map channel InterpreterA.resA in the same Memory as SensorClone1.sensorData.
+pa sc -mctl  # Get list of channels to be mapped.
+pa sc -ua Timer dataReceivingTimeout 1000  # Change the value of the attribut dataReceivingTimeout to 1000.
+pa sc -m resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/modelWithOneSensor-config.json  # Create the configuration json file by giving a name and a path for this json file.
diff --git a/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/configurate-tmr-for-modelWithThreeSensors b/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/configurate-tmr-for-modelWithThreeSensors
index dec9cdaa649379bd400d177816113939f24ee78e..525b45a04ae63b7d06bc4fc3fc9fb45b850a50b1 100644
--- a/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/configurate-tmr-for-modelWithThreeSensors
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/configurate-tmr-for-modelWithThreeSensors
@@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
-pa dltmap ../src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/input/modelsToIntegrateTMR/modelWithThreeSensors.tmap
-pa sc -p resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/
-pa sc -sp
-pa sc -ctl
-pa sc -plnc
-pa sc -pl InterpreterC.dataC
-pa sc -co InterpreterA.dataA Sensor1.sensorData1
-pa sc -co InterpreterB.dataB Sensor2.sensorData2
-pa sc -co InterpreterC.dataC Sensor3.sensorData3
-pa sc -co Voter.resultData Receiver.sensorData1
-pa sc -co Voter.moveto_FAIL_SAFE Receiver.sensorData1 NEW
-pa sc -cpd ALL
-pa sc -tcn InterpreterB MainBus
-pa sc -tcm InterpreterA InterpreterB
-pa sc -ua Timer dataReceivingTimeout 500
-pa sc -m resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/modelWithThreeSensors-config.json
+pa dltmap ../src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/input/modelsToIntegrateTMR/modelWithThreeSensors.tmap  # Path of the model in which we will integrate the pattern.
+pa sc -p resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/  # Path of the pattern that we want to integrate.
+pa sc -sp  # Get the name of the selected pattern.
+pa sc -plnc  # Get the list of pattern's ports that should be connected.
+pa sc -pl InterpreterC.dataC  # Get the list of available ports in model that could be used to connect with InterpreterC.dataC.
+pa sc -co InterpreterA.dataA Sensor1.sensorData1  # Connect InterpreterA.dataA (pattern side) with Sensor1.sensorData1 (model side).
+pa sc -co InterpreterB.dataB Sensor2.sensorData2  # Connect InterpreterB.dataB (pattern side) with Sensor2.sensorData2 (model side).
+pa sc -co InterpreterC.dataC Sensor3.sensorData3  # Connect InterpreterC.dataC (pattern side) with Sensor3.sensorData3 (model side).
+pa sc -co Voter.resultData Receiver.sensorData1  # Connect Voter.resultData (pattern side) with Sensor.sensorData (model side).
+pa sc -co Voter.moveto_FAIL_SAFE Receiver.sensorData1 NEW  # Connect Voter.moveto_FAIL_SAFE (pattern side) with a New port.
+pa sc -cpd ALL  # Choose to remove all the ports as decision.
+pa sc -tcn InterpreterB MainBus  # Map task InterpreterB in a new CPU that will be linked to the bus MainBus.
+pa sc -tcm InterpreterA InterpreterB  # Map task InterpreterA in the same CPU as InterpreterB.
+pa sc -ua Timer dataReceivingTimeout 500  # Change the value of the attribut dataReceivingTimeout to 500.
+pa sc -m resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/modelWithThreeSensors-config.json  # Create the configuration json file by giving a name and a path for this json file.
diff --git a/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/create-tmr b/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/create-tmr
index 2e16045700f0046a4f188984ee51df856d99cad3..6d4519b91bd04d66e784e1bacb178847b571d0f6 100644
--- a/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/create-tmr
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/create-tmr
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-pa dltmap ../src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/input/tmrPattern.tmap
-pa c -n tmr
-pa c -p resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/
-pa c -t
-pa c -a Voter Timer InterpreterA InterpreterB
-pa c -r Timer
-pa c -a InterpreterC Timer
-pa c -l
-pa c -m
\ No newline at end of file
+pa dltmap ../src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/input/tmrPattern.tmap  # Path of the model from which we will create a pattern.
+pa c -n tmr  # Give a name to the pattern to create.
+pa c -p resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/  # Path where patthern files will be created.
+pa c -t  # Show the tasks names of the model "tmrPattern".
+pa c -a Voter Timer InterpreterA InterpreterB  # Select the tasks that will make up the pattern.
+pa c -r Timer  # Remove the task Timer from the list of tasks that will make up the pattern.
+pa c -a InterpreterC Timer  # Add new elements in the previous list of tasks.
+pa c -l  # Get the current tasks that will constitue the pattern.
+pa c -m  # Make the pattern.
diff --git a/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/incomplete-configuration-tmr-for-modelWithOneSensor b/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/incomplete-configuration-tmr-for-modelWithOneSensor
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ca4792847bc010136dfa818c454dc70fdba408e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ttool/src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/cli/incomplete-configuration-tmr-for-modelWithOneSensor
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+pa dltmap ../src/test/resources/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/input/modelsToIntegrateTMR/modelWithOneSensor.tmap  # Path of the model in which we will integrate the pattern.
+pa sc -p resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/  # Path of the pattern that we want to integrate.
+pa sc -sp  # Get the name of the selected pattern.
+pa sc -ct SensorClone Sensor  # Create a task clone named SensorClone from the task Sensor.
+pa sc -ct SensorClone2 Sensor  # Create a task clone named SensorClone2 from the task Sensor.
+pa sc -ctl  # Get list of cloned tasks.
+pa sc -ctr SensorClone  # Remove the cloned task SensorClone.
+pa sc -ct SensorClone1 Sensor  # Create a task clone named SensorClone1 from the task Sensor.
+pa sc -plnc  # Get the list of pattern's ports that should be connected.
+pa sc -pl InterpreterC.dataC  # Get the list of available ports in model that could be used to connect with InterpreterC.dataC.
+pa sc -co InterpreterA.dataA Sensor.sensorData  # Connect InterpreterA.dataA (pattern side) with Sensor.sensorData (model side).
+pa sc -co InterpreterB.dataB SensorClone1.sensorData  # Connect InterpreterB.dataB (pattern side) with SensorClone1.sensorData (model side).
+pa sc -co InterpreterC.dataC SensorClone2.sensorData  # Connect InterpreterC.dataC (pattern side) with SensorClone2.sensorData (model side).
+pa sc -co Voter.resultData Receiver.sensorData  # Connect Voter.resultData (pattern side) with Receiver.sensorData (model side).
+pa sc -col  # get the list of connections already made.
+pa sc -cptl  # get list of ports to be configured.
+pa sc -cpd ALL  # Choose to remove all the ports as decision.
+pa sc -tctl  # Get list of tasks to be mapped. 
+pa sc -tcn SensorClone1 BusEnvironment  # Map task SensorClone1 in a new CPU that will be linked to the bus BusEnvironment.
+pa sc -tcm SensorClone2 SensorClone1  # Map task SensorClone2 in the same CPU as SensorClone1.
+pa sc -tcn Voter MainBus  # Map task Voter in a new CPU that will be linked to the bus MainBus.
+pa sc -mcn SensorClone1.sensorData BusReceiver  # Map channel SensorClone1.sensorData in a new Memory that will be linked to the bus BusReceiver.
+pa sc -mcm InterpreterA.resA SensorClone1.sensorData  # Map channel InterpreterA.resA in the same Memory as SensorClone1.sensorData.
+pa sc -mctl  # Get list of channels to be mapped.
+pa sc -ua Timer dataReceivingTimeout 1000  # Change the value of the attribut dataReceivingTimeout to 1000.
+pa sc -m resources/test/cli/testPatternHandling/tmr/modelWithOneSensor-incomplete-config.json  # Create the configuration json file by giving a name and a path for this json file.