diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
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+++ b/Makefile
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-	pandoc $< -f markdown -t html -s -o  $@ --lua-filter=doc/ttoolfilter.lua --metadata pagetitle="TTool help" --css $(TTOOL_RESOURCES)/help/help.css
+	pandoc $< -f markdown -t html -s -o  $@ --lua-filter=doc/ttoolfilter.lua --metadata pagetitle="TTool help" --css help.css
 # ======================================== 
 # ==========    DOCUMENTATION   ========== 
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/SysMLSec/fig/channelsecurityTab.png differ
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diff --git a/doc/SysMLSec/sysmlsec_documentation.tex b/doc/SysMLSec/sysmlsec_documentation.tex
index d96662dfe82351ed083818d30e1eb5b92af2f30a..4d8a2e5f5534b017b9dc1146ed7cf5b540ea0b05 100644
--- a/doc/SysMLSec/sysmlsec_documentation.tex
+++ b/doc/SysMLSec/sysmlsec_documentation.tex
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ Channels can be tagged with cryptographic configurations on the Security tab, wi
 \caption{Channel security options dialog window} \label{fig:channelsec}
@@ -380,6 +380,14 @@ When the option to add security operators is selected, there are multiple option
   In addition, for the operators being added, estimated times to perform encryption, decryption, calculate a MAC, etc, and the overhead, can be manually set in lieu of using the default options. 
+\caption{Functional View with authenticity check} \label{fig:fv1AuthCheck}
@@ -388,10 +396,11 @@ When the option to add security operators is selected, there are multiple option
 \caption{Functional view with automatically generated security operators to ensure weak authenticity} \label{fig:secfv1}
-  For example, using the insecure architecture and functional model from Figure \ref{fig:fv1} and \ref{fig:mapping1}, if the communication channel is marked that it should be authentic, and if we choose to ensure weak authenticity only, then the toolkit generates the functional model shown in Figure \ref{fig:secfv1}. The Message Authentication Code concatenated onto the message can only be calculated with the given key and message, and if T2 detects that they do not match, then it discards the message as it was not an authentic message sent by T1.
+  For example, using the insecure architecture and functional model with authenticity check from Figure \ref{fig:fv1AuthCheck} and \ref{fig:mapping1}, if the communication channel is marked that it should be authentic, and if we choose to ensure weak authenticity only, then the toolkit generates the functional model shown in Figure \ref{fig:secfv1}. The Message Authentication Code concatenated onto the message can only be calculated with the given key and message, and if T2 detects that they do not match, then it discards the message as it was not an authentic message sent by T1.
   If instead we chose to add weak and strong authenticity, then the tasks should exchange a nonce to avoid replay attacks, and the functional model in Figure \ref{fig:secfv2} is generated. 
@@ -416,7 +425,7 @@ For example, using the model in our example, chose to ensure confidentiality, an
 \caption{Functional Model with added Hardware Security Module Tasks} \label{fig:hsmfunc}
@@ -430,8 +439,8 @@ For example, using the model in our example, chose to ensure confidentiality, an
 \caption{Modified Activity Diagram of T1 and HSM} \label{fig:hsmt1act}
@@ -440,7 +449,7 @@ For example, using the model in our example, chose to ensure confidentiality, an
 \subsubsection{Mapping Keys}
-With multiple Cryptographic Configurations, it may become tedious to the map all of the keys to memory. Our toolkit therefore can find every Cryptographic Configuration used by a task, and then, depending on the type of the Cryptographic Configuration, map each applicable key to a memory that the task can securely access. For Cryptographic Configurations of type symmetric encryption or MAC, both the sending and receiving task will need to be able to access the key. For asymmetric encryption, however, all the sending tasks will need the public key while only the receiving task will need to access the private key. 
+With multiple Cryptographic Configurations, it may become tedious to map all of the keys to memory. Our toolkit therefore can find every Cryptographic Configuration used by a task, and then, depending on the type of the Cryptographic Configuration, map each applicable key to a memory that the task can securely access. For Cryptographic Configurations of type symmetric encryption or MAC, both the sending and receiving task will need to be able to access the key. For asymmetric encryption, however, all the sending tasks will need the public key while only the receiving task will need to access the private key. 
 At every security generation, keys are automatically generated and mapped securely. There is also the option to add keys alone after completing a design by hand.
diff --git a/doc/diplodocus_tutorial/Tutorial.tex b/doc/diplodocus_tutorial/Tutorial.tex
index d29fa49e2a5e2ed13e00f049c045b6f925229b82..82d1c6fde1cf7fe61432db456635a818fac029ed 100644
--- a/doc/diplodocus_tutorial/Tutorial.tex
+++ b/doc/diplodocus_tutorial/Tutorial.tex
@@ -3561,14 +3561,17 @@ message before encryption.
 Nonces can be concatenated to messages to ensure strong authenticity and prevent replay attacks. Nonces are first forged
 as a Cryptographic Configuration. To state that a message will use a nonce, in the Cryptographic Configuration window,
-select the nonce name. As shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:nonce}, Bob sends Alice his
-nonce, then Alice concatenates it to her message and encrypts the new message. Bob then decrypts the message and verifies it contains his sent nonce. (Note that
+select the nonce name. As shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:nonce}, Bob sends to Alice his
+nonce, then Alice concatenates it to her message and encrypts the new message. Bob then decrypts the message and verifies if it contains his sent nonce. (Note that
 we allow a nonce to be used for more than one message)
- 	\includegraphics[width=0.85\textwidth]{figures/securityStuff/nonceComp.pdf}
+ 	%\includegraphics[width=0.85\textwidth]{figures/securityStuff/nonceComp.pdf}
+ 	\includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth]{figures/securityStuff/alice_bob_nonce_ad_alice-svg.pdf}
+	\includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{figures/securityStuff/fv_alice_bob_nonce-svg.pdf}
+	\includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth]{figures/securityStuff/alice_bob_nonce_ad_bob-svg.pdf}
 	\caption{Message exchange with nonce}
diff --git a/doc/diplodocus_tutorial/figures/securityStuff/alice_bob_nonce_ad_alice.svg b/doc/diplodocus_tutorial/figures/securityStuff/alice_bob_nonce_ad_alice.svg
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+++ b/modeling/SysMLSec/AliceAndBobHW.xml
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@@ -665,12 +735,12 @@
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@@ -688,54 +758,54 @@
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@@ -822,104 +892,128 @@
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@@ -1466,12 +1626,12 @@
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@@ -1489,43 +1649,43 @@
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@@ -1536,34 +1696,34 @@
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@@ -1578,7 +1738,7 @@
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@@ -1731,7 +1891,7 @@
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@@ -1739,14 +1899,14 @@
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@@ -2268,12 +2498,12 @@
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@@ -2281,12 +2511,12 @@
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@@ -2294,12 +2524,12 @@
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@@ -2317,43 +2547,43 @@
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@@ -2364,34 +2594,34 @@
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@@ -2406,17 +2636,17 @@
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@@ -2487,7 +2717,7 @@
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@@ -2495,72 +2725,72 @@
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@@ -2574,12 +2804,12 @@
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@@ -2587,408 +2817,408 @@
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/modeling/SysMLSec/SysMLSecTutorial.xml b/modeling/SysMLSec/SysMLSecTutorial.xml
index 646cae2169cf6c263e5dfadb10e6b50af0b09b7e..51c21474a272d19ec6f26f08abd4898ce0735ae8 100644
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+++ b/modeling/SysMLSec/SysMLSecTutorial.xml
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@@ -192,13 +192,13 @@
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@@ -2306,9 +2306,9 @@
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@@ -2371,7 +2371,7 @@
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@@ -2380,263 +2380,15 @@
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-<Method value="Message sdecrypt(Message msg, Key k)" />
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-<Method value="get4(Message msg, Message msg1, Message msg2, Message msg3, Message msg4)" />
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-<Method value="Message cert(Key k, Message msg)" />
-<Method value="bool verifyCert(Message cert, Key k)" />
-<Method value="Key getpk(Message cert)" />
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-<Method value="Message sdecrypt(Message msg, Key k)" />
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-<Method value="Message concat4(Message msg1, Message msg2, Message msg3, Message msg4)" />
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-<Method value="get4(Message msg, Message msg1, Message msg2, Message msg3, Message msg4)" />
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@@ -2646,8 +2398,8 @@
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@@ -2665,9 +2417,9 @@
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@@ -2675,22 +2427,22 @@
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@@ -2698,93 +2450,93 @@
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@@ -2792,61 +2544,61 @@
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@@ -2871,61 +2623,61 @@
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@@ -2955,42 +2707,42 @@
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@@ -3004,28 +2756,28 @@
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@@ -3036,31 +2788,32 @@
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-<TGConnectingPoint num="36" id="1763" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="1764" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="1765" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="1766" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="40" id="1767" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="41" id="1768" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="42" id="1769" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="43" id="1770" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="44" id="1771" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="45" id="1772" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="46" id="1773" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="47" id="1774" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="48" id="1775" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="49" id="1776" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="50" id="1777" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="51" id="1778" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="52" id="1779" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="53" id="1780" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="54" id="1781" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="55" id="1782" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="56" id="1783" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="57" id="1784" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="58" id="1785" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="59" id="1786" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="60" id="1787" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="61" id="1788" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="62" id="1789" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="63" id="1790" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="64" id="1791" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="65" id="1792" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="66" id="1793" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="67" id="1794" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="68" id="1795" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="69" id="1796" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="70" id="1797" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="71" id="1798" />
-<COMPONENT type="5100" id="1801" index="8" uid="542f6f80-1cb0-4084-a232-40e30f3cf9b7" >
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-<sizeparam width="15" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" />
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-<COMPONENT type="5100" id="1803" index="0" uid="4c3c8484-535c-4b95-aaa2-26f03b5f0371" >
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+<new d="false" />
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+<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="1696" />
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+<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="1698" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="1699" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="1700" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="1701" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="1702" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="1703" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="1704" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="10" id="1705" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="11" id="1706" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="12" id="1707" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="13" id="1708" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="14" id="1709" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="15" id="1710" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="16" id="1711" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="17" id="1712" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="18" id="1713" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="19" id="1714" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="20" id="1715" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="21" id="1716" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="1717" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="1718" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="24" id="1719" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="25" id="1720" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="26" id="1721" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="27" id="1722" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="28" id="1723" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="29" id="1724" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="30" id="1725" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="31" id="1726" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="32" id="1727" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="33" id="1728" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="34" id="1729" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="35" id="1730" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="36" id="1731" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="1732" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="1733" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="1734" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="40" id="1735" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="41" id="1736" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="42" id="1737" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="43" id="1738" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="44" id="1739" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="45" id="1740" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="46" id="1741" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="47" id="1742" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="48" id="1743" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="49" id="1744" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="50" id="1745" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="51" id="1746" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="52" id="1747" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="53" id="1748" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="54" id="1749" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="55" id="1750" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="56" id="1751" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="57" id="1752" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="58" id="1753" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="59" id="1754" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="60" id="1755" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="61" id="1756" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="62" id="1757" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="63" id="1758" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="64" id="1759" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="65" id="1760" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="66" id="1761" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="67" id="1762" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="68" id="1763" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="69" id="1764" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="70" id="1765" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="71" id="1766" />
+<COMPONENT type="5106" id="1840" index="9" uid="8f8dc2f5-b479-4d41-ae02-0324cb91d22e" >
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+<enabled value="true" />
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-<infoparam name="start state" value="null" />
-<new d="false" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="1802" />
-<AVATARStateMachineDiagramPanel name="Block" minX="10" maxX="2500" minY="10" maxY="1500" zoom="1.0" >
-<COMPONENT type="5100" id="1805" index="0" uid="cc504eef-3b15-49c9-86ea-d4ecd41e8022" >
+<infoparam name="state" value="makingMessage" />
+<new d="false" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="1768" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="1" id="1769" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="2" id="1770" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="3" id="1771" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="4" id="1772" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="5" id="1773" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="6" id="1774" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="7" id="1775" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="8" id="1776" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="9" id="1777" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="10" id="1778" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="11" id="1779" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="12" id="1780" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="13" id="1781" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="14" id="1782" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="15" id="1783" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="16" id="1784" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="17" id="1785" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="18" id="1786" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="19" id="1787" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="20" id="1788" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="21" id="1789" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="22" id="1790" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="23" id="1791" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="24" id="1792" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="25" id="1793" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="26" id="1794" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="27" id="1795" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="28" id="1796" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="29" id="1797" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="30" id="1798" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="31" id="1799" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="32" id="1800" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="33" id="1801" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="34" id="1802" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="35" id="1803" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="36" id="1804" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="37" id="1805" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="38" id="1806" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="39" id="1807" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="40" id="1808" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="41" id="1809" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="42" id="1810" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="43" id="1811" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="44" id="1812" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="45" id="1813" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="46" id="1814" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="47" id="1815" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="48" id="1816" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="49" id="1817" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="50" id="1818" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="51" id="1819" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="52" id="1820" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="53" id="1821" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="54" id="1822" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="55" id="1823" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="56" id="1824" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="57" id="1825" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="58" id="1826" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="59" id="1827" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="60" id="1828" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="61" id="1829" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="62" id="1830" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="63" id="1831" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="64" id="1832" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="65" id="1833" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="66" id="1834" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="67" id="1835" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="68" id="1836" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="69" id="1837" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="70" id="1838" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="71" id="1839" />
+<COMPONENT type="5100" id="1842" index="10" uid="713f519e-f87f-489a-834c-8ddc7359e97a" >
 <cdparam x="400" y="50" />
-<sizeparam width="15" height="15" minWidth="0" minHeight="0" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" />
+<sizeparam width="15" height="15" minWidth="1" minHeight="1" maxWidth="2000" maxHeight="2000" minDesiredWidth="0" minDesiredHeight="0" />
 <hidden value="false" />
 <cdrectangleparam minX="10" maxX="2500" minY="10" maxY="1500" />
 <infoparam name="start state" value="null" />
 <new d="false" />
-<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="1804" />
+<TGConnectingPoint num="0" id="1841" />
diff --git a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/ServerHelpData.h b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/ServerHelpData.h
index a3f5d5b37a11733252a3de17ea9ee9a1c5765387..96e2a8e070ab75b48f34d6a660aac9bf6eeaf53f 100644
--- a/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/ServerHelpData.h
+++ b/simulators/c++2/src_simulator/ServerHelpData.h
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
     ul.task-list{list-style: none;} \n\
     .display.math{display: block; text-align: center; margin: 0.5rem auto;} \n\
   </style> \n\
-  <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/Users/ludovicapvrille/TTool/src/main/resources/help/help.css\" /> \n\
+  <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"help.css\" /> \n\
   <!--[if lt IE 9]> \n\
     <script src=\"//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/html5shiv/3.7.3/html5shiv-printshiv.min.js\"></script> \n\
   <![endif]--> \n\
diff --git a/src/main/java/tmltranslator/TMLModeling.java b/src/main/java/tmltranslator/TMLModeling.java
index 4156c819c3c3a113c9edfc14bde80954f3863688..5f1ee08f75ff1b852e990c9eac1a5741954a1c86 100755
--- a/src/main/java/tmltranslator/TMLModeling.java
+++ b/src/main/java/tmltranslator/TMLModeling.java
@@ -823,14 +823,16 @@ public class TMLModeling<E> {
                     invalidate = true;
                 for (TMLPortWithSecurityInformation port : channel.ports) {
-                    if (port.getCheckConf() && !invalidate) {
-                        port.setConfStatus(r);
+                    if (port.getCheckConf()) {
-                        //Add Result Trace also
-                        ProVerifResultTrace trace = pvoa.getResults().get(pragma).getTrace();
-                        if (trace != null && port.isOrigin()) {
-                            port.setResultTrace(trace);
-                            port.setPragmaString(pragma.toString());
+                        if (!invalidate) {
+                            port.setConfStatus(r);
+                            //Add Result Trace also
+                            ProVerifResultTrace trace = pvoa.getResults().get(pragma).getTrace();
+                            if (trace != null && port.isOrigin()) {
+                                port.setResultTrace(trace);
+                                port.setPragmaString(pragma.toString());
+                            }
diff --git a/src/main/java/ui/tmlad/TMLADReadCAMS.java b/src/main/java/ui/tmlad/TMLADReadCAMS.java
index 74c16929a29c68354ab44c1d317ebb009b518a33..7beb88b006c3f3c4c53b5581271126bf48e0f604 100755
--- a/src/main/java/ui/tmlad/TMLADReadCAMS.java
+++ b/src/main/java/ui/tmlad/TMLADReadCAMS.java
@@ -323,13 +323,14 @@ public class TMLADReadCAMS extends TADComponentWithoutSubcomponents/* Issue #69
         tab2.values =  values;
         tab2.help = help;
+        tab2.helpButtom = new String[]{null, "cryptographicconfiguration.html", "cryptographicconfiguration.html"};
         List<TabInfo> tabs = new ArrayList<>();
         //JDialogTwoString jdts = new JDialogTwoString(frame, "Setting channel's properties", "Channel name", channelName, "Nb of samples", nbOfSamples);
-        JDialogMultiStringAndTabs jdmsat = new JDialogMultiStringAndTabs(frame, "Write in channel", tabs);
+        JDialogMultiStringAndTabs jdmsat = new JDialogMultiStringAndTabs(tdp.getMGUI(), frame, "Read from channel", tabs);
         //jdms.setSize(600, 300);
         GraphicLib.centerOnParent(jdmsat, 600, 300);
         jdmsat.setVisible(true); // blocked until dialog has been closed
diff --git a/src/main/java/ui/tmlad/TMLADReadChannel.java b/src/main/java/ui/tmlad/TMLADReadChannel.java
index f65648e776096e2f01bee635668e51a02c6d6acc..7ab0272a2ec2894d318f87fbfaede91817bd3e0b 100755
--- a/src/main/java/ui/tmlad/TMLADReadChannel.java
+++ b/src/main/java/ui/tmlad/TMLADReadChannel.java
@@ -334,13 +334,14 @@ public class TMLADReadChannel extends TADComponentWithoutSubcomponents/* Issue #
         tab2.values =  values;
         tab2.help = help;
+        tab2.helpButtom = new String[]{null, "cryptographicconfiguration.html", "cryptographicconfiguration.html"};
         List<TabInfo> tabs = new ArrayList<>();
         //JDialogTwoString jdts = new JDialogTwoString(frame, "Setting channel's properties", "Channel name", channelName, "Nb of samples", nbOfSamples);
-        JDialogMultiStringAndTabs jdmsat = new JDialogMultiStringAndTabs(frame, "Write in channel", tabs);
+        JDialogMultiStringAndTabs jdmsat = new JDialogMultiStringAndTabs(tdp.getMGUI(), frame, "Read from channel", tabs);
         //jdms.setSize(600, 300);
         GraphicLib.centerOnParent(jdmsat, 600, 300);
         jdmsat.setVisible(true); // blocked until dialog has been closed
diff --git a/src/main/java/ui/tmlad/TMLADWriteCAMS.java b/src/main/java/ui/tmlad/TMLADWriteCAMS.java
index 4d6201e321e891d7eadad6d620b6938839b3b220..7cbec8ee5121fbd93dc6a2a264193ab14f1077d3 100755
--- a/src/main/java/ui/tmlad/TMLADWriteCAMS.java
+++ b/src/main/java/ui/tmlad/TMLADWriteCAMS.java
@@ -344,6 +344,7 @@ public class TMLADWriteCAMS extends TADComponentWithoutSubcomponents/* Issue #69
         tab2.values =  values;
         tab2.help = help;
+        tab2.helpButtom = new String[]{null, "cryptographicconfiguration.html", "cryptographicconfiguration.html"};
         List<TabInfo> tabs = new ArrayList<>();
@@ -351,7 +352,7 @@ public class TMLADWriteCAMS extends TADComponentWithoutSubcomponents/* Issue #69
         //JDialogTwoString jdts = new JDialogTwoString(frame, "Setting channel's properties", "Channel name", channelName, "Nb of samples", nbOfSamples);
-        JDialogMultiStringAndTabs jdmsat = new JDialogMultiStringAndTabs(frame, "Write in channel", tabs);
+        JDialogMultiStringAndTabs jdmsat = new JDialogMultiStringAndTabs(tdp.getMGUI(), frame, "Write in channel", tabs);
         //jdms.setSize(600, 300);
         GraphicLib.centerOnParent(jdmsat, 600, 300);
         jdmsat.setVisible(true); // blocked until dialog has been closed
diff --git a/src/main/java/ui/tmlad/TMLADWriteChannel.java b/src/main/java/ui/tmlad/TMLADWriteChannel.java
index 2d54ac6e470ffd27678e29d04ee90388fe5f3c53..189e313322602ad2a0634a59b4107a57ab4da782 100755
--- a/src/main/java/ui/tmlad/TMLADWriteChannel.java
+++ b/src/main/java/ui/tmlad/TMLADWriteChannel.java
@@ -347,6 +347,7 @@ public class TMLADWriteChannel extends TADComponentWithoutSubcomponents/* Issue
         tab2.values =  values;
         tab2.help = help;
+        tab2.helpButtom = new String[]{null, "cryptographicconfiguration.html", "cryptographicconfiguration.html"};
         List<TabInfo> tabs = new ArrayList<>();
@@ -354,7 +355,7 @@ public class TMLADWriteChannel extends TADComponentWithoutSubcomponents/* Issue
         //JDialogTwoString jdts = new JDialogTwoString(frame, "Setting channel's properties", "Channel name", channelName, "Nb of samples", nbOfSamples);
-        JDialogMultiStringAndTabs jdmsat = new JDialogMultiStringAndTabs(frame, "Write in channel", tabs);
+        JDialogMultiStringAndTabs jdmsat = new JDialogMultiStringAndTabs(tdp.getMGUI(), frame, "Write in channel", tabs);
         //jdms.setSize(600, 300);
         GraphicLib.centerOnParent(jdmsat, 600, 300);
         jdmsat.setVisible(true); // blocked until dialog has been closed
diff --git a/src/main/java/ui/window/JDialogMultiStringAndTabs.java b/src/main/java/ui/window/JDialogMultiStringAndTabs.java
index 4dbe671f1c2c7ed0b28e5afbb3eb6bf1873ffd9e..fccb43545f462d2531da7dcfef2e93ceb9a6e7b9 100644
--- a/src/main/java/ui/window/JDialogMultiStringAndTabs.java
+++ b/src/main/java/ui/window/JDialogMultiStringAndTabs.java
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Map;
+import ui.util.IconManager;
 import javax.swing.JButton;
 import javax.swing.JComboBox;
@@ -56,6 +57,10 @@ import javax.swing.JLabel;
 import javax.swing.JPanel;
 import javax.swing.JTabbedPane;
 import javax.swing.JTextField;
+import javax.swing.Icon;
+import ui.MainGUI;
+import ui.TGHelpButton;
+import help.HelpManager;
  * Class JDialogMultiStringAndTabs
@@ -76,6 +81,8 @@ public class JDialogMultiStringAndTabs extends JDialogBase implements ActionList
     private JTextField[] texts;
     private JButton inserts[];
     private Map<Integer, JComboBox<String>> helps;
+    private MainGUI mgui;
+    public TGHelpButton myButton;
    // private List<String[]> possibleValues = null;
@@ -102,6 +109,25 @@ public class JDialogMultiStringAndTabs extends JDialogBase implements ActionList
+    public JDialogMultiStringAndTabs(MainGUI _mgui, Frame f, String title, List<TabInfo> _tabs) {
+        super(f, title, true);
+        tabs = _tabs;
+        mgui =_mgui;
+        totalNbOfStrings = 0;
+        for(TabInfo tab: tabs) {
+            totalNbOfStrings += tab.labels.length;
+        }
+        texts = new JTextField[totalNbOfStrings];
+        initComponents();
+        //myInitComponents();
+        pack();
+    }
 //    private void myInitComponents() {
 //    }
@@ -155,13 +181,19 @@ public class JDialogMultiStringAndTabs extends JDialogBase implements ActionList
                         if (tmp != null) {
                             helps.put(totalIndex, new JComboBox<>(tmp));
                             panel1.add(helps.get(totalIndex), c1);
-                            c1.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+                            if (tab.helpButtom == null || mgui == null || tab.helpButtom[i] == null) {
+                                c1.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+                            }
                             inserts[totalIndex] = new JButton("Use");
                             panel1.add(inserts[totalIndex], c1);
+                if (tab.helpButtom != null && mgui != null && tab.helpButtom[i] != null) {
+                    c1.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
+                    makeEndHelpButton(tab.helpButtom[i], mgui, mgui.getHelpManager(), panel1, c1);
+                }
                 c1.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; //end row
                 texts[totalIndex] = new JTextField(tab.values[i], 15);
                 panel1.add(texts[totalIndex], c1);
@@ -245,4 +277,10 @@ public class JDialogMultiStringAndTabs extends JDialogBase implements ActionList
     public void cancelDialog() {
+    private void makeEndHelpButton(String helpWord, MainGUI mgui, HelpManager hm, JPanel panel, GridBagConstraints c) {
+        Icon myIcon = IconManager.imgic32;
+        myButton = new TGHelpButton(myIcon, helpWord, mgui, hm);
+        myButton.addToPanel(panel, c);
+    }
diff --git a/src/main/java/ui/window/TabInfo.java b/src/main/java/ui/window/TabInfo.java
index c2f65e93c7425a0e8661ec01527c2ff89b97d030..b2131ca913643eb8192f0f7407018fd644aaa680 100644
--- a/src/main/java/ui/window/TabInfo.java
+++ b/src/main/java/ui/window/TabInfo.java
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ public class TabInfo  {
     public String[] labels;
     public String[] values;
     public List<String[]> help;
+    public String[] helpButtom;
     public TabInfo(String _identifier) {
         identifier = _identifier;
diff --git a/src/main/resources/help/avatarsafetypragmas.html b/src/main/resources/help/avatarsafetypragmas.html
index 55ac4e027359df3b28a77af59bbce41853f2417f..8634e875bf706e36ed5ce8df887155ea38d843ad 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/help/avatarsafetypragmas.html
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 <h1 id="avatar-safety-pragmas">AVATAR Safety pragmas</h1>
-<p>A safety pragma expresses a property that is expected to be verified
-by the internal model checker or by UPPAAL.</p>
+<p>A safety pragma expresses a property that is expected to be verified by the internal model checker or by UPPAAL.</p>
 <p>A safety pragma is as follows, with p and q being properties:</p>
 <li>[T/F] A/E []/&lt;&gt; p</li>
 <li>[T/F] p –&gt; q</li>
-<p>Example: T A&lt;&gt; Block1.x &gt; 0 means that the attribute “x” of
-block “Block1” is always strictly positive.</p>
+<p>Example: T A&lt;&gt; Block1.x &gt; 0 means that the attribute “x” of block “Block1” is always strictly positive.</p>
 <h2 id="a-p">A[] p</h2>
-<p>“A” means <em>on All paths</em> and “[]” means in <em>all
-states</em>. “A[] p” therefore means that “p” is expected to be
-satisfied in all states of all paths.</p>
+<p>“A” means <em>on All paths</em> and “[]” means in <em>all states</em>. “A[] p” therefore means that “p” is expected to be satisfied in all states of all paths.</p>
 <img src="file:../help/ctlaall_small.png" />
 <h2 id="ap">A&lt;&gt;p</h2>
-<p>“A” means <em>on All paths</em> and “&lt;&gt;” means in <em>at least
-one state</em>. “A&lt;&gt; p” therefore means that “p” is expected to be
-satisfied in at least one state of all paths.</p>
+<p>“A” means <em>on All paths</em> and “&lt;&gt;” means in <em>at least one state</em>. “A&lt;&gt; p” therefore means that “p” is expected to be satisfied in at least one state of all paths.</p>
 <img src="file:../help/ctlaone_small.png" />
 <h2 id="e-properties">E[] properties</h2>
-<p>“E” means <em>on one paths</em> and “[]” means in <em>all
-states</em>. “E[] p” therefore means that “p” is expected to be
-satisfied in all states of at least one path.</p>
+<p>“E” means <em>on one paths</em> and “[]” means in <em>all states</em>. “E[] p” therefore means that “p” is expected to be satisfied in all states of at least one path.</p>
 <img src="file:../help/ctleall_small.png" />
@@ -61,35 +44,18 @@ satisfied in all states of at least one path.</p>
 <img src="file:../help/ctleone_small.png" />
 <h2 id="leads-to-properties">“Leads to” properties</h2>
-<p>“p –&gt; q” means that whenever p is encoutred in a state s, all
-paths starting from state s must have a state in which q is
+<p>“p –&gt; q” means that whenever p is encoutred in a state s, all paths starting from state s must have a state in which q is satisfied.</p>
 <img src="file:../help/ctlleadsto_small.png" />
 <h2 id="true-false">True / False</h2>
-<p>A pragma may start with “T” or “F”. “T” stands for True and “F” for
-False. T or F precise if the pragma is expected to be true or false
-during verification. - If a pragma starts with a “T” and is satisfied,
-then a green check is added on its left side. - if a pragma starts with
-a “T” and is not satisfied, then a red cross is added on its left side.
-- If a pragma starts with a “F” and is satisfied, then a red cross is
-added on its left side. - if a pragma starts with a “F” and is not
-satisfied, then a green check is added on its left side.</p>
-<p>Adding “T” or “F” before at the beginning of a pragma is
-<strong>optional</strong>. A pragma with no “T” or “F” is assumed to
-start with a “T”.</p>
+<p>A pragma may start with “T” or “F”. “T” stands for True and “F” for False. T or F precise if the pragma is expected to be true or false during verification. - If a pragma starts with a “T” and is satisfied, then a green check is added on its left side. - if a pragma starts with a “T” and is not satisfied, then a red cross is added on its left side. - If a pragma starts with a “F” and is satisfied, then a red cross is added on its left side. - if a pragma starts with a “F” and is not satisfied, then a green check is added on its left side.</p>
+<p>Adding “T” or “F” before at the beginning of a pragma is <strong>optional</strong>. A pragma with no “T” or “F” is assumed to start with a “T”.</p>
 <h2 id="p-properties">“p” properties</h2>
-<p>A pragma termines with a property. A property is a boolean
-expression. The following operators can be used between sub-boolean
-expressions: - “&amp;&amp;”, “||”</p>
-<p>A boolean expression can: - State that a given state s of a block b
-has been reached: b.s - Use boolean or integer attributes of blocks,
-comparing them with operators such as : “==”, “&lt;”, “&gt;”, “&gt;=”,
+<p>A pragma termines with a property. A property is a boolean expression. The following operators can be used between sub-boolean expressions: - “&amp;&amp;”, “||”</p>
+<p>A boolean expression can: - State that a given state s of a block b has been reached: b.s - Use boolean or integer attributes of blocks, comparing them with operators such as : “==”, “&lt;”, “&gt;”, “&gt;=”, “&lt;=”</p>
 <h2 id="examples">Examples</h2>
-<p>The following figures gives the pragmas that are given in the
-CoffeeMachine use case available on the model repository of TTool.</p>
+<p>The following figures gives the pragmas that are given in the CoffeeMachine use case available on the model repository of TTool.</p>
 <li><p>A[] CoffeeMachine.nbOfCoins&lt;=2</p></li>
 <li><p>T E&lt;&gt; CoffeeMachine.nbOfCoins&gt;0</p></li>
@@ -98,23 +64,15 @@ CoffeeMachine use case available on the model repository of TTool.</p>
 <li><p>A[] Wallet.nbOfCoins&lt;3</p></li>
 <li><p>A[] Wallet.nbOfCoins&gt;=0</p></li>
 <li><p>E[] Wallet.nbOfCoins&gt;=1</p></li>
-<li><p>F CoffeeMachine.Beverage –&gt;
-<li><p>CoffeeMachine.Beverage –&gt; CoffeeMachine.CoffeeDelivered
-&amp;&amp; CoffeeMachine.TeaDelivered</p></li>
-<li><p>CoffeeMachine.Beverage –&gt; CoffeeMachine.CoffeeDelivered ||
-<li><p>CoffeeMachine.Beverage –&gt;
-<li><p>F CoffeeMachine.WaitingForFirstCoin –&gt;
-<li><p>CoffeeMachine.WaitingForFirstCoin –&gt; CoffeeMachine.EjectState
-|| CoffeeMachine.WaitingForSecondCoin</p></li>
-<li><p>CoffeeMachine.CoffeeDelivered –&gt;
+<li><p>F CoffeeMachine.Beverage –&gt; CoffeeMachine.CoffeeDelivered</p></li>
+<li><p>CoffeeMachine.Beverage –&gt; CoffeeMachine.CoffeeDelivered &amp;&amp; CoffeeMachine.TeaDelivered</p></li>
+<li><p>CoffeeMachine.Beverage –&gt; CoffeeMachine.CoffeeDelivered || CoffeeMachine.TeaDelivered</p></li>
+<li><p>CoffeeMachine.Beverage –&gt; CoffeeMachine.WaitingForFirstCoin</p></li>
+<li><p>F CoffeeMachine.WaitingForFirstCoin –&gt; CoffeeMachine.EjectState</p></li>
+<li><p>CoffeeMachine.WaitingForFirstCoin –&gt; CoffeeMachine.EjectState || CoffeeMachine.WaitingForSecondCoin</p></li>
+<li><p>CoffeeMachine.CoffeeDelivered –&gt; CoffeeMachine.nbOfCoins&lt;2</p></li>
-<p>After verifying them with TTool’s internal model checker, we obtain
-the following:</p>
+<p>After verifying them with TTool’s internal model checker, we obtain the following:</p>
 <img src="file:../help/pragmas_cm.png" />
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 <h1 id="bus">Bus</h1>
@@ -29,7 +25,7 @@
 <li>An arbitration policy capturing how simultaneous trafsre request are handled</li>
 <li>A data size in byte.</li>
 <li>A pipeline size expressing the number of cycles spent by one transfer in this bus</li>
-<li>A slice time, i.e. the maximum number of cycles a transfer can use before being preempted./ not taken into account, so ponly for documentation. Rather use the ’burst size”</li>
+<li>A slice time, i.e. the maximum number of cycles a transfer can use before being preempted./ not taken into account, so ponly for documentation. Rather use the ’burst size"</li>
 <li>A burst size: this represents the maximum size of a transfer before it is preempted if another request is pending.</li>
 <li>A clock divider expresses the relation between the clock of the memory and the main clock of the architecture</li>
 <li>A bus privacy. A public bus can be spied at, while a private bus cannot. On a public bus, an attacker can reive messages and inject messages.</li>
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+<h1 id="cryptographic-configuration">Cryptographic configuration</h1>
+<p>A sending or receiving operator can specify a cryptographic configuration. If no cryptographic configuration is used, it means that data sent over the channel are unmodified. If a cryptographic configuration is used, then data sent over the channel are modified according to what is specified in the cryptographic configuration (e.g., data are encrypted, etc.). In case an HSM is used, then data can be sent to the HSM encrypted or unencrypted.</p>
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+# Cryptographic configuration
+A sending or receiving operator can specify a cryptographic configuration.
+If no cryptographic configuration is used, it means that data sent over the channel are unmodified.
+If a cryptographic configuration is used, then data sent over the channel are modified according to what is specified in the cryptographic configuration (e.g., data are encrypted, etc.).
+In case an HSM is used, then data can be sent to the HSM encrypted or unencrypted.
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 <h1 id="diplodocus-simulator">Diplodocus Simulator</h1>
 <h2 id="objective">Objective</h2>
 <p>The simulator of DIPLODOCUS intends to simulate a DIPLODOCUS mapping, taking into account functional tasks, the system architectures (CPU, buses, etc.) and the allocations of tasks and their communucations to the system architecture</p>
 <h2 id="generating-simulation-code-and-commiling-it">Generating simulation code and commiling it?</h2>
-<p>The first step is to create a DIPLODOCUS mapping. Once the mapping model has been checked against syntax errors <img src="file:../ui/util/checkmodel.gif" alt="syntax checking icon" />, it is possible to generate a C++ code <img src="file:../ui/util/gensystc.gif" alt="simulation code generation icon" /> that represents the mapping model. If you are using a model in TTool, then the code is generated by default in TTool/simulators/c++2 for models. If your model has been made in a project, then the code is generated into the “c++_code” subdirectory of your project.</p>
+<p>The first step is to create a DIPLODOCUS mapping. Once the mapping model has been checked against syntax errors <img src="file:../ui/util/checkmodel.gif" alt="syntax checking icon" />, it is possible to generate a C++ code <img src="file:../ui/util/gensystc.gif" alt="simulation code generation icon" /> that represents the mapping model. If you are using a model in TTool, then the code is generated by default in TTool/simulators/c++2 for models. If your model has been made in a project, then the code is generated into the "c++_code" subdirectory of your project.</p>
 <p>The second step is to compile the code. You can directly do it from TTool with the code generation window, second tab. Another option is to open a terminal, and to enter the following command:</p>
 <pre><code>$ make</code></pre>
 <h2 id="using-the-simulator-from-ttool">Using the simulator from TTool</h2>
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 --- invariants invariant invariant petri net mutual exclusion safety verification
 --- avatarsimulation avatar_simulation interactive statistics
 ---- avatarstatistics avatar_statistics simulation avatar interactive statistics
+---- cryptographicconfiguration cryptographic cryptographic_configuration channel security
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 <h1 id="invariants">Invariants</h1>
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 <h1 id="plan---precise-latency-analysis">PLAN - Precise Latency ANalysis</h1>
 <h2 id="objective">Objective</h2>
 <p>The simulator of PLAN is to analyze transactions of a simulation trace obtained with the <a href="file://diplodocussimulator.html">DIPLODOCUS simulator</a>.</p>
 <h2 id="generating-a-simulation-trace">Generating a simulation trace</h2>
-<p>The first step is to create a DIPLODOCUS mapping. Once the mapping model has been checked against syntax errors <img src="file:../ui/util/checkmodel.gif" alt="syntax checking icon" />, it is possible to generate a C++ code <img src="file:../ui/util/gensystc.gif" alt="simulation code generation icon" /> that represents the mapping model. If you are using a model in TTool, then the code is generated by default in TTool/simulators/c++2 for models. If your model has been made in a project, then the code is generated into the “c++_code” subdirectory of your project.</p>
+<p>The first step is to create a DIPLODOCUS mapping. Once the mapping model has been checked against syntax errors <img src="file:../ui/util/checkmodel.gif" alt="syntax checking icon" />, it is possible to generate a C++ code <img src="file:../ui/util/gensystc.gif" alt="simulation code generation icon" /> that represents the mapping model. If you are using a model in TTool, then the code is generated by default in TTool/simulators/c++2 for models. If your model has been made in a project, then the code is generated into the "c++_code" subdirectory of your project.</p>
 <p>The second step is to compile the code. You can directly do it from TTool with the code generation window, second tab. Another option is to open a terminal, and to enter the following command:</p>
 <pre><code>$ make</code></pre>
 <h2 id="using-the-simulator-from-ttool">Using the simulator from TTool</h2>
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 <h1 id="reachability-graphs">Reachability graphs</h1>
 <h2 id="what-is-a-reachability-graph">What is a reachability graph?</h2>
-<p>A reachability graph (RG) represents all possible execution paths and
-states of a system. Here, a reachability graph is produced from an
-Avatar design. To be generated, the graph generator considers all
-possible transitions from states of states machine, independently from
-the probabilities attached to transitions between the states of state
-machines. Said differently, the graph generator considers all possible
-transitions between states of states machines. So, even transitions with
-low probability are in the RG.</p>
-<h2 id="how-to-generate-a-reachability-graph">How to generate a
-reachability graph?</h2>
-<p>Reachability Graphs can be created by using the internal
-model-checker of TTool. This video on formal verification details the
-steps to generate a RG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IYJ1UDUbvQ</p>
+<p>A reachability graph (RG) represents all possible execution paths and states of a system. Here, a reachability graph is produced from an Avatar design. To be generated, the graph generator considers all possible transitions from states of states machine, independently from the probabilities attached to transitions between the states of state machines. Said differently, the graph generator considers all possible transitions between states of states machines. So, even transitions with low probability are in the RG.</p>
+<h2 id="how-to-generate-a-reachability-graph">How to generate a reachability graph?</h2>
+<p>Reachability Graphs can be created by using the internal model-checker of TTool. This video on formal verification details the steps to generate a RG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IYJ1UDUbvQ</p>
 <h2 id="model-checking-dialog-window">Model-checking: dialog window</h2>
-<p>Once the dialog window for model-checking has been opened, the
-following options are available:</p>
+<p>Once the dialog window for model-checking has been opened, the following options are available:</p>
 <h3 id="general-options">General options</h3>
-<li><strong>Empty transitions</strong> can be ignored, i.e., there are
-not displayed in the R.G. as internal actions</li>
-<li>The <strong>search type</strong> can be selected between “BFS” and
-“DFS”. BFS means “Breadth-First Search”. It consists in exploring
-concurrent branches. In Depth-First search, each branch is first
-explored to the end and then concurrent branches are explored. Depending
-on the system, it can better to use BFS or DFS. It one technique takes
-for a given pragma, do try the other one.</li>
-<li>The <strong>word size</strong> states the length of an integer. this
-impacts the memory used to store the states of the R.G.</li>
-<li>The <strong>maximum number of threads</strong> makes it possible to
-limit the load on a machine making it more responsive during the
-generation of a R.G. By default, TTool uses the maximum number of
-concurrent threads allowed by your system architecture.</li>
-<li><strong>Ignore concurrency between internal actions</strong> refers
-to the fact that, when two actions a1 and a2 are possible between two
-blocks, the model-checker tries to execute a1 and then a2, but also a2
-then a1. In case this option is selected, only one out of the two
-possibilities is analyzed by the model-checker.</li>
-<li><strong>Limit number of states</strong> makes it possible to specify
-a number of states after which the R.G. generation stops. Beware, in
-that case, the graph could be incomplete.</li>
-<li><strong>Time constraint for RG generation</strong> puts a timeout on
-the graph generation after which the generation is stopped. Beware, in
-that case, the graph could be incomplete.</li>
+<li><strong>Empty transitions</strong> can be ignored, i.e., there are not displayed in the R.G. as internal actions</li>
+<li>The <strong>search type</strong> can be selected between “BFS” and “DFS”. BFS means “Breadth-First Search”. It consists in exploring concurrent branches. In Depth-First search, each branch is first explored to the end and then concurrent branches are explored. Depending on the system, it can better to use BFS or DFS. It one technique takes for a given pragma, do try the other one.</li>
+<li>The <strong>word size</strong> states the length of an integer. this impacts the memory used to store the states of the R.G.</li>
+<li>The <strong>maximum number of threads</strong> makes it possible to limit the load on a machine making it more responsive during the generation of a R.G. By default, TTool uses the maximum number of concurrent threads allowed by your system architecture.</li>
+<li><strong>Ignore concurrency between internal actions</strong> refers to the fact that, when two actions a1 and a2 are possible between two blocks, the model-checker tries to execute a1 and then a2, but also a2 then a1. In case this option is selected, only one out of the two possibilities is analyzed by the model-checker.</li>
+<li><strong>Limit number of states</strong> makes it possible to specify a number of states after which the R.G. generation stops. Beware, in that case, the graph could be incomplete.</li>
+<li><strong>Time constraint for RG generation</strong> puts a timeout on the graph generation after which the generation is stopped. Beware, in that case, the graph could be incomplete.</li>
 <h3 id="basic-properties">Basic properties</h3>
-<p>Basic properties refer to deadlocks, reinitialization, loops of
-internal actions, reachability of states in state machines, and liveness
-of states in state machines. - <strong>Deadlocks</strong> refers to the
-fact that from at least on state of the RG, there is no output
-transition to another state. - <strong>Reinitialization</strong> means
-that from any state of the RG, it is possible to go back to the initial
-state of the R. - <strong>Internal action loops</strong> means that
-there exists at least one loop in the graph with only internal actions.
-- <strong>Reachability</strong> studies, if selected, either for
-selected states of states machines or for all states of states machines,
-whether there exists at least one path for each of these states from the
-initial state of the RG. - <strong>Liveness</strong> means that, for
-each considered states of state machines, all paths from the initial
-state must reach each of them.</p>
+<p>Basic properties refer to deadlocks, reinitialization, loops of internal actions, reachability of states in state machines, and liveness of states in state machines. - <strong>Deadlocks</strong> refers to the fact that from at least on state of the RG, there is no output transition to another state. - <strong>Reinitialization</strong> means that from any state of the RG, it is possible to go back to the initial state of the R. - <strong>Internal action loops</strong> means that there exists at least one loop in the graph with only internal actions. - <strong>Reachability</strong> studies, if selected, either for selected states of states machines or for all states of states machines, whether there exists at least one path for each of these states from the initial state of the RG. - <strong>Liveness</strong> means that, for each considered states of state machines, all paths from the initial state must reach each of them.</p>
 <h3 id="advanced-properties">Advanced properties</h3>
-<p>Advanced properties refer to <a
-href="file://avatarsafetypragmas.html">Safety pragmas</a>. Safety
-pragmas can be selected for being verified individually.</p>
-<p>It is also possible to generate traces proving either that there are
-satisfied or non satisfied. These traces can be obtained as a graph
-(“Generate trace (graph format)”) or as a text file (“Generate trace
-(TXT format)”) which contains more information than the graph. Traces
-are generated in the default directory, and the text area at the bottom
-of the dialog window informs users about which trace files have been
-<p>Traces are generated in the following cases, independently from T/F
-being at the top of the pragma: - A[]: if the property is not satisfied
-- A&lt;&gt;: if the property is not satisfied - E[]: if the property is
-satisfied - E&lt;&gt;: if the property is satisfied - “–&gt;”: if the
-property is not satisfied</p>
-<p>Once generated, traces in graph format are listed in the left tree,
-“R. graphs” section.</p>
+<p>Advanced properties refer to <a href="file://avatarsafetypragmas.html">Safety pragmas</a>. Safety pragmas can be selected for being verified individually.</p>
+<p>It is also possible to generate traces proving either that there are satisfied or non satisfied. These traces can be obtained as a graph (“Generate trace (graph format)”) or as a text file (“Generate trace (TXT format)”) which contains more information than the graph. Traces are generated in the default directory, and the text area at the bottom of the dialog window informs users about which trace files have been generated.</p>
+<p>Traces are generated in the following cases, independently from T/F being at the top of the pragma: - A[]: if the property is not satisfied - A&lt;&gt;: if the property is not satisfied - E[]: if the property is satisfied - E&lt;&gt;: if the property is satisfied - “–&gt;”: if the property is not satisfied</p>
+<p>Once generated, traces in graph format are listed in the left tree, “R. graphs” section.</p>
 <h3 id="generating-the-rg">Generating the RG</h3>
-<p>It is possible to select if the RG is generated, or not, where it is
-generated, and if it is also saved in dotty format. Once generated, RG
-are available in the left tree, “R. graphs” section.</p>
+<p>It is possible to select if the RG is generated, or not, where it is generated, and if it is also saved in dotty format. Once generated, RG are available in the left tree, “R. graphs” section.</p>
 <h3 id="starting-the-model-checker">Starting the model-checker</h3>
-<p>Just click on the “start” button. This button is activated only if at
-least one basic property as been selected, or one pragma has been
-selected, or the RG generation has been selected.</p>
+<p>Just click on the “start” button. This button is activated only if at least one basic property as been selected, or one pragma has been selected, or the RG generation has been selected.</p>
 <h2 id="working-with-rgs">Working with RGs</h2>
-<p>Once an RG has been generated, it is listed in the left tree, section
-“R. graphs”. A right click on a RG (or on a trace) offers several
-options: - Getting statistics on the graph - Displaying the graph -
-Minimizing the graph</p>
+<p>Once an RG has been generated, it is listed in the left tree, section “R. graphs”. A right click on a RG (or on a trace) offers several options: - Getting statistics on the graph - Displaying the graph - Minimizing the graph</p>
 <h2 id="displaying-the-graph">Displaying the graph</h2>
-<p>An RG is displayed with an external library called “GraphStream”
-provided with TTool. A RG can displayed only if its number of states and
-transitions is of reasonable size. Usually, more than 500 states or
-transitions will make the displaying slow and useless.</p>
-<p>The displaying of graphs can be customized using a CSS specification
-added to the configuration file of TTool. Below is provided an example
-of such a specification. All the CSS directives given in
-can be used in this definition.</p>
+<p>An RG is displayed with an external library called “GraphStream” provided with TTool. A RG can displayed only if its number of states and transitions is of reasonable size. Usually, more than 500 states or transitions will make the displaying slow and useless.</p>
+<p>The displaying of graphs can be customized using a CSS specification added to the configuration file of TTool. Below is provided an example of such a specification. All the CSS directives given in https://graphstream-project.org/doc/Advanced-Concepts/GraphStream-CSS-Reference/ can be used in this definition.</p>
 <pre><code>&lt;RGStyleSheet data=&quot;
 node {fill-color: #B1CAF1; text-color: black; size: 20px, 20px; text-size:14;}     
 node.deadlock {fill-color: red; text-color: white; size: 20px, 20px; text-size:16;}    
@@ -135,17 +57,12 @@ edge {text-color: black; shape: cubic-curve; text-size:10;}
 edge.defaultedge {text-size:10; text-color:black;}  
 edge.external {text-color:blue; text-size:14; text-offset: -20, -20; text-alignment: along;}&quot; /&gt;</code></pre>
-<li><em>node.init</em> corresponds to the first node of the graph. Here,
-it is colored in green</li>
-<li><em>node.deadlock</em> corresponds to nodes with no output
-transitions. They are colored in red.</li>
-<li><em>node</em> corresponds to other nodes. They are colors with RGB
-color “B1CAF1”</li>
+<li><em>node.init</em> corresponds to the first node of the graph. Here, it is colored in green</li>
+<li><em>node.deadlock</em> corresponds to nodes with no output transitions. They are colored in red.</li>
+<li><em>node</em> corresponds to other nodes. They are colors with RGB color “B1CAF1”</li>
 <li><em>edge</em> defines the characteristics of the normal edges.</li>
-<li>*edge.defaultedge defines the specification of edges with internal
-actions, i.e. with no communication action</li>
-<li><em>edge.external</em> refers to edges used for communications
-between blocks.</li>
+<li>*edge.defaultedge defines the specification of edges with internal actions, i.e. with no communication action</li>
+<li><em>edge.external</em> refers to edges used for communications between blocks.</li>
diff --git a/src/main/resources/help/requirements.html b/src/main/resources/help/requirements.html
index 2858487857621b278cf252cb1b13cb80f7f7247c..54e2b03c6a0495b6c5f4e0cb238ce154b2b686cf 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/help/requirements.html
+++ b/src/main/resources/help/requirements.html
@@ -12,12 +12,8 @@
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-    .display.math{display: block; text-align: center; margin: 0.5rem auto;}
-  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/Users/ludovicapvrille/TTool/src/main/resources/help/help.css" />
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-  <![endif]-->
+  <link rel="stylesheet" href="help.css" />
 <h1 id="requirements">Requirements</h1>
diff --git a/src/main/resources/help/securityverification.html b/src/main/resources/help/securityverification.html
index c58a9a7b51f812b3792e2a689783ce5c19e31ae9..89c389591bdceadff61193c89a5ef0fe4c5d7f22 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/help/securityverification.html
+++ b/src/main/resources/help/securityverification.html
@@ -8,65 +8,32 @@
     code{white-space: pre-wrap;}
     span.smallcaps{font-variant: small-caps;}
-    div.columns{display: flex; gap: min(4vw, 1.5em);}
-    div.column{flex: auto; overflow-x: auto;}
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+    div.column{display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; width: 50%;}
     div.hanging-indent{margin-left: 1.5em; text-indent: -1.5em;}
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-      width: 0.8em;
-      margin: 0 0.8em 0.2em -1.6em;
-      vertical-align: middle;
-    }
-    .display.math{display: block; text-align: center; margin: 0.5rem auto;}
-  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/Users/ludovicapvrille/TTool/src/main/resources/help/help.css" />
-  <!--[if lt IE 9]>
-    <script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/html5shiv/3.7.3/html5shiv-printshiv.min.js"></script>
-  <![endif]-->
+  <link rel="stylesheet" href="help.css" />
 <h1 id="security-verification">Security verification</h1>
 <h2 id="main-principle">Main principle</h2>
-<p>Security verification can be performed either from <a
-href="file://mapping.html">DIPLODOCUS mapping diagrams</a> or from <a
-href="file://avatarsoftwaredesign.html">AVATAR design diagrams</a>.</p>
-<p>The security verification consists in transforming a diagram and its
-security properties into a ProVerif specification, and then colling
-ProVerif to check for the satisfaction of security properties. while
-ProVerif runs, TTool indicates which properties could be proved and
-backtraces the results to diagrams, using locks next to perperties or
-elements involved in these properties. A green lock indicates a
-satisfied property, a greay lock indicates that the property could not
-be proved, and a red lock indicates that the property could be proved as
+<p>Security verification can be performed either from <a href="file://mapping.html">DIPLODOCUS mapping diagrams</a> or from <a href="file://avatarsoftwaredesign.html">AVATAR design diagrams</a>.</p>
+<p>The security verification consists in transforming a diagram and its security properties into a ProVerif specification, and then colling ProVerif to check for the satisfaction of security properties. while ProVerif runs, TTool indicates which properties could be proved and backtraces the results to diagrams, using locks next to perperties or elements involved in these properties. A green lock indicates a satisfied property, a greay lock indicates that the property could not be proved, and a red lock indicates that the property could be proved as violated.</p>
 <h2 id="attacker-model">Attacker model</h2>
-<p>An important point to note: the assumed attacker model is Dolev-Yao,
-that is a, attacker can retreive messages from public channel, rework
-messages according to his/her knowledge and inject messages. We also
-assume that the attack knows about all cryptographic primitives
-available in TTool. Thus, an attacker can use symetric cryptography,
-asymetric cryptography, MAC, hash, etc.</p>
-<p><strong>Private channels</strong> cypher data with symetric
-encryption, i.e., they ensure condifentiality and integrity (also known
-as weak authenticity), but not (strong) authenticity.</p>
-<h2 id="proverif-installation-and-configuration">ProVerif installation
-and configuration</h2>
-<p>We advice to install the latest version of ProVerif on your computer.
-We usually install ProVerif using <em>opam</em>:</p>
+<p>An important point to note: the assumed attacker model is Dolev-Yao, that is a, attacker can retreive messages from public channel, rework messages according to his/her knowledge and inject messages. We also assume that the attack knows about all cryptographic primitives available in TTool. Thus, an attacker can use symetric cryptography, asymetric cryptography, MAC, hash, etc.</p>
+<p><strong>Private channels</strong> cypher data with symetric encryption, i.e., they ensure condifentiality and integrity (also known as weak authenticity), but not (strong) authenticity.</p>
+<h2 id="proverif-installation-and-configuration">ProVerif installation and configuration</h2>
+<p>We advice to install the latest version of ProVerif on your computer. We usually install ProVerif using <em>opam</em>:</p>
 <pre><code>$ opam install proverif</code></pre>
-<p>Once proverif has been installed, TTool must be configured. TTool
-relies on a .xml configuration file (by default: config.xml). Open this
-configuration file and configure:</p>
-<p>The directory in which TTool generated ProVerif specifications. For
+<p>Once proverif has been installed, TTool must be configured. TTool relies on a .xml configuration file (by default: config.xml). Open this configuration file and configure:</p>
+<p>The directory in which TTool generated ProVerif specifications. For instance:</p>
 <pre><code>&lt;ProVerifCodeDirectory data=&quot;/home/foo/TTool/proverif/&quot; /&gt;</code></pre>
 <p>The path to the ProVerif executable. For instance:</p>
 <pre><code>&lt;ProVerifVerifierPath data=&quot;/home/foo/bin/proverif&quot; /&gt;</code></pre>
 <h2 id="security-properties">Security properties</h2>
-<p>Three security properties can be investigated: - Confidentiality -
-Integrity (or weak authenticity) - (Strong) authenticity</p>
-<h2 id="investigating-verification-results">Investigating verification
+<p>Three security properties can be investigated: - Confidentiality - Integrity (or weak authenticity) - (Strong) authenticity</p>
+<h2 id="investigating-verification-results">Investigating verification results</h2>
 <h2 id="advanced-concepts">Advanced concepts</h2>