diff --git a/framework/DDR4/Arbiter.v b/framework/DDR4/Arbiter.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 0babd47e92bd60a36f250d413c7ebd885da68a8a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/framework/DDR4/Arbiter.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
-Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
-Set Printing Projections.
-From sdram Require Export Trace.
-Section Arbiter.
-  Context {REQESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration}.
-  Context {ARBITER_CFG  : Arbiter_configuration}.
-  Context {BANK_CFG     : Bank_configuration}.
-  Class Arrival_function_t := mkArrivalFunction
-  {
-    Arrival_at : nat -> Requests_t;
-    Arrival_date : forall ta x,
-            (x \in (Arrival_at ta)) -> x.(Date) == ta;
-    Arrival_uniq : forall t, 
-            uniq (Arrival_at t);
-  }.
-  Record Arbiter_state_t := mkArbiterState
-  {
-    Arbiter_Commands : Commands_t;
-    Arbiter_Time     : nat;
-    (* This is implementation specific *)
-    Implementation_State    : State_t;
-    (* Commented for now because can't solve the proof obligation with Default_arbitrate writen the way it is *)
-    (* Arbiter_Commands_date :
-      forall c, 
-        c \in Arbiter_Commands -> c.(CDate) <= Arbiter_Time *)
-  }.
-  Class Implementation_t := mkImplementation
-  {
-    Init : Requests_t -> State_t;
-    Next : Requests_t -> State_t -> State_t * (Command_kind_t * Request_t);
-  }.
-  Class Arbiter_t {AF : Arrival_function_t} := mkArbiter
-  {
-    Arbitrate  : nat -> Trace_t;
-    (* All requests must handled *)
-    Requests_handled : 
-      forall ta req, req \in (Arrival_at ta) -> 
-                    exists tc, (CAS_of_req req tc) \in ((Arbitrate tc).(Commands));
-    (* Time has to match *)
-    Time_match : 
-      forall t, (Arbitrate t).(Time) == t
-  }.
-  Definition Default_arrival_at Input t :=
-    [seq x <- Input | x.(Date) == t].
-  Program Instance Default_arrival_function_t (R : Requests_t) `{uniq R} : Arrival_function_t :=
-    mkArrivalFunction (Default_arrival_at R) _ _.
-  Next Obligation.
-    induction R.
-    - contradict H. simpl. by rewrite in_nil.
-    - simpl in H.
-      rewrite cons_uniq in uniq0. move : uniq0 => /andP [_ Hu].
-      destruct (a.(Date) == ta) eqn:Hd.
-      - rewrite in_cons in H.
-        move : H => /orP [/eqP H | H].
-        - by subst.
-        - by apply IHR in Hu.
-      - by apply IHR in Hu.
-  Qed.
-  Next Obligation.
-    unfold Default_arrival_at.
-    by rewrite filter_uniq.
-  Qed.
-  Program Fixpoint Default_arbitrate {AF : Arrival_function_t} {IM : Implementation_t} t {struct t}: Arbiter_state_t :=
-    let R := Arrival_at t in 
-    match t with
-      | 0     => mkArbiterState [::] t (Init R)
-      | S(t') => let old_state := Default_arbitrate t' in
-                 let (new_state,acmd) := Next R old_state.(Implementation_State) in
-                 let (ckind, creq) := acmd in
-                 let new_cmd := mkCmd t ckind creq in
-                 let cmd_list := (new_cmd :: old_state.(Arbiter_Commands)) in
-                 mkArbiterState cmd_list t new_state
-    end.
-  Lemma Default_arbitrate_time_match {AF: Arrival_function_t} {IM : Implementation_t} t:
-    (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Time) == t.
-  Proof.
-    induction t.
-      { done. }
-      simpl; destruct (Next (Arrival_at t.+1) (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State)); simpl.
-      destruct p.
-      simpl; apply /eqP; reflexivity.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Default_arbitrate_time {AF: Arrival_function_t} {IM : Implementation_t} t:
-    (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Time) = t.
-  Proof.
-    apply /eqP. apply Default_arbitrate_time_match.
-  Qed.
-End Arbiter.  
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DDR4/Bank.v b/framework/DDR4/Bank.v
deleted file mode 100644
index e9b52b7f68b551a04b4c861bf8ded6277975eebb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/framework/DDR4/Bank.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
-Set Printing Projections.
-From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool seq eqtype.
-(* Require Export System. *)
-From DDR4 Require Export System.
-(* From DDR3 Require Export System. *)
-Section Banks.  
-  Definition Row_t := nat.
-  Context {SYS_CFG : System_configuration}.
-  Definition Bank_t := 
-    { a : nat | a < BANKS }.
-  Program Definition Nat_to_bank a : Bank_t := 
-    match a < BANKS with
-    | true  => (exist _ a _)
-    | false => (exist _ (BANKS - 1) _)
-    end.
-  Next Obligation.
-    rewrite subn1 ltn_predL lt0n. 
-    by specialize BANKS_pos.
-  Qed.
-  Definition Bank_to_nat (a : Bank_t) : nat :=
-    proj1_sig a.
-  Definition Banks_t := seq Bank_t.
-  Definition All_banks : Banks_t := 
-    map Nat_to_bank (iota 0 BANKS).
-End Banks.
diff --git a/framework/DDR4/Commands.v b/framework/DDR4/Commands.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a0d4ef2e7d6fbff70dec873ad46c7fefd8314f5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/framework/DDR4/Commands.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
-Set Printing Projections.
-From sdram Require Export Requests.
-Section Commands.
-  Context {REQESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration}.
-  Context {BANK_CFG     : Bank_configuration}.
-  Inductive Command_kind_t : Set :=
-    ACT  |
-    PRE  |
-    PREA |
-    CRD  |
-    CWR  |
-    REF  |
-    NOP.
-  Local Definition Command_kind_eqdef (a b : Command_kind_t) :=
-    match a, b with
-      | ACT, ACT
-      | PRE, PRE 
-      | PREA, PREA
-      | CRD, CRD
-      | CWR, CWR
-      | REF, REF
-      | NOP, NOP => true
-      | _, _     => false
-    end.
-  Lemma Command_kind_eqn : Equality.axiom Command_kind_eqdef.
-  Proof.
-    unfold Equality.axiom. intros.
-    destruct (Command_kind_eqdef x y) eqn:H; unfold Command_kind_eqdef in *.
-      apply ReflectT. destruct x, y; inversion H; auto.
-      apply ReflectF; destruct x, y; inversion H; unfold not; intros; inversion H0.
-  Qed.
-  Canonical Command_kind_eqMixin := EqMixin Command_kind_eqn.
-  Canonical Command_kind_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType Command_kind_t Command_kind_eqMixin.
-  Record Command_t := mkCmd
-  {
-    CDate    : nat;
-    CKind    : Command_kind_t;
-    Request  : Request_t
-  }.
-  Record Arbiter_command_t := mkArbiterCmd
-  {
-    Arbiter_CKind   : Command_kind_t;
-    Arbiter_Request : Request_t
-  }.
-  Local Definition Command_eqdef (a b : Command_t) :=
-    (a.(CDate) == b.(CDate)) &&
-    (a.(Request) == b.(Request)) &&
-    (a.(CKind) == b.(CKind)).
-  Lemma Command_eqn : Equality.axiom Command_eqdef.
-  Proof.
-    unfold Equality.axiom. intros. destruct Command_eqdef eqn:H; unfold Command_eqdef in *.
-    {
-      apply ReflectT.
-      move: H => /andP [/andP [/eqP CD /eqP R /eqP C]].
-      destruct x,y. simpl in *. subst. auto.
-    }
-    apply ReflectF. unfold not in *. intro BUG.
-    apply negbT in H; rewrite negb_and in H.
-    destruct x, y.
-      rewrite negb_and in H.
-      move: H => /orP [H | /eqP CK].
-      move: H => /orP [H | /eqP R].
-      move: H => /eqP CD.
-      by apply CD; inversion BUG.
-      by apply R; inversion BUG.
-      by apply CK; inversion BUG.
-  Qed.
-  Canonical Command_eqMixin := EqMixin Command_eqn.
-  Canonical Command_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType Command_t Command_eqMixin.
-  Definition Command_lt a b :=
-    a.(CDate) > b.(CDate).
-  Definition Kind_of_req req :=
-    match req.(Kind) with
-      | RD => CRD
-      | WR => CWR
-    end.
-  Definition isACT (cmd : Command_t) :=
-    cmd.(CKind) == ACT.
-  Definition isPRE (cmd : Command_t) :=
-    cmd.(CKind) == PRE.
-  Definition isPRE_or_PREA (cmd : Command_t):= 
-    match cmd.(CKind) with
-      | PRE => true
-      | PREA => true
-      | _ => false
-    end.
-  Definition isNOP cmd := 
-    cmd.(CKind) == NOP.
-  Definition isPREA (cmd : Command_t) := 
-    cmd.(CKind) == PREA.
-  Definition isCRD (cmd : Command_t) :=
-    (cmd.(CKind) == CRD).
-  Definition isCWR (cmd : Command_t) :=
-    (cmd.(CKind) == CWR).
-  Definition isCAS (cmd : Command_t) :=
-    (cmd.(CKind) == CRD) || (cmd.(CKind) == CWR).
-  Definition isREF (cmd : Command_t) := 
-    (cmd.(CKind) == REF).
-  Definition PRE_of_req req t :=
-    mkCmd t PRE req.
-  Definition ACT_of_req req t :=
-    mkCmd t ACT req.
-  Definition CAS_of_req req t :=
-    mkCmd t (Kind_of_req req) req.
-  Definition issueREF req t := 
-    mkCmd t REF req.
-  Definition Commands_t := seq Command_t.
-End Commands.
diff --git a/framework/DDR4/ExtractionFIFO.v b/framework/DDR4/ExtractionFIFO.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e03ace9a41022dc012879e06ccb0a6e337e28dd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/framework/DDR4/ExtractionFIFO.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
-From sdram Require Export FIFO.
-From Coq Require Extraction.
-Require Import Arith.
-Require Import ExtrHaskellNatNum.
-Extraction Language Haskell.
-Extract Inductive nat => "Prelude.Int" [ "0" "Prelude.succ" ]
-  "(\fO fS n -> if n Prelude.== 0 then fO () else fS (n Prelude.- 1))".
-Cd "haskell_gencode_fifo".
-Separate Extraction FIFO.
-Cd "..".
diff --git a/framework/DDR4/ExtractionTDM.v b/framework/DDR4/ExtractionTDM.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 307da70bcc0fba1767ccfb0d954cc2ea1964bf49..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/framework/DDR4/ExtractionTDM.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
-From sdram Require Export TDM.
-From Coq Require Extraction.
-Require Import Arith.
-Require Import ExtrHaskellNatNum.
-Extraction Language Haskell.
-Extract Inductive nat => "Prelude.Int" [ "0" "Prelude.succ" ]
-  "(\fO fS n -> if n Prelude.== 0 then fO () else fS (n Prelude.- 1))".
-Cd "haskell_gencode_tdm".
-Separate Extraction TDM.
-Cd "..".
diff --git a/framework/DDR4/FIFO.v b/framework/DDR4/FIFO.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 7da65ecb34f94bea9fa8b591585f82b0ac33d1bb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/framework/DDR4/FIFO.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2374 +0,0 @@
-Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
-Set Printing Projections.
-From sdram Require Export Arbiter Requests.
-From mathcomp Require Export fintype div.
-Require Import Program.
-Section FIFO.
-  Context {BANK_CFG : Bank_configuration}.
-  Instance REQESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration := 
-  {
-    Requestor_t := unit_eqType
-  }.
-  Local Definition ACT_date := T_RP.-1.
-  Local Definition CAS_date := ACT_date + T_RCD.
-  Class FIFO_configuration :=
-  {
-    WAIT : nat;
-    T_RP_GT_ONE : 1 < T_RP;
-    T_RCD_GT_ONE : 1 < T_RCD;
-    T_RTP_GT_ONE : 1 < T_RTP;
-    WAIT_gt_one : 0 < WAIT.-1;
-    WAIT_pos : 0 < WAIT;
-    WAIT_ACT : ACT_date < WAIT;
-    WAIT_CAS : CAS_date < WAIT;
-    WAIT_END : CAS_date + T_RTP < WAIT;
-  }.
-  Context {FIFO_CFG : FIFO_configuration}.
-  Context {AF : Arrival_function_t}.
-  Definition Counter_t := ordinal WAIT.
-  Variant FIFO_state_t :=
-    | IDLE    : Counter_t -> Requests_t -> FIFO_state_t
-    | RUNNING : Counter_t -> Requests_t -> Request_t -> FIFO_state_t.
-  Global Instance ARBITER_CFG : Arbiter_configuration :=
-  {
-    State_t := FIFO_state_t;
-  }.
-  Local Definition OCycle0 := Ordinal WAIT_pos.
-  Local Definition OACT_date := Ordinal WAIT_ACT.
-  Local Definition OCAS_date := Ordinal WAIT_CAS.
-  (* Increment counter for cycle ofset (with wrap-arround). *)
-  Definition Next_cycle (c : Counter_t) :=
-    let nextc := c.+1 < WAIT in
-      (if nextc as X return (nextc = X -> Counter_t) then 
-        fun (P : nextc = true) => Ordinal (P : nextc)
-       else
-        fun _ => OCycle0) Logic.eq_refl.
-  Set Printing Coercions.
-  Local Definition Enqueue (R P : Requests_t) :=
-    P ++ R.
-  Local Definition Dequeue r (P : Requests_t) :=
-    rem r P.
-  Local Definition Init_state R :=
-    IDLE OCycle0 (Enqueue R [::]).
-  Local Definition nullreq := 
-    mkReq tt 0 RD 0 (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
-  Local Definition Next_state R (AS : FIFO_state_t) : (FIFO_state_t * (Command_kind_t * Request_t)) :=
-    match AS return FIFO_state_t * (Command_kind_t * Request_t) with
-      | IDLE c P =>
-        let c' := Next_cycle c in
-        let P' := Enqueue R P in
-        match P with
-          | [::]    => (IDLE c' P', (NOP,nullreq))
-          | r :: PP => (RUNNING OCycle0 (Enqueue R (Dequeue r P)) r, (PRE,r))
-        end
-      | RUNNING c P r =>
-        let P' := Enqueue R P in
-        let c' := Next_cycle c in
-        if nat_of_ord c == OACT_date then (RUNNING c' P' r, (ACT,r))
-        else if nat_of_ord c == OCAS_date then (RUNNING c' P' r, ((Kind_of_req r), r))
-        else if nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1 then
-          match P with
-            | [::] => (IDLE OCycle0 P', (NOP, nullreq))
-            | r :: PP => (RUNNING OCycle0 (Enqueue R (Dequeue r P)) r, (PRE,r))
-          end
-        else (RUNNING c' P' r, (NOP,nullreq))
-    end.
-  Global Instance FIFO_arbiter_trace : Implementation_t := 
-    mkImplementation Init_state Next_state.
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* --------------------- UTILITIES----------------------------------- *)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  Definition FIFO_counter (AS : State_t) :=
-    match AS with
-      | IDLE c _       => nat_of_ord c 
-      | RUNNING c _ _  => nat_of_ord c
-    end.
-  Definition isRUNNING (AS : State_t) :=
-    match AS with
-      | IDLE _ __ => false
-      | RUNNING _ _ _ => true
-    end.
-  Definition isIDLE (AS : State_t) :=
-    match AS with
-      | IDLE _ __ => true
-      | RUNNING _ _ _ => false
-    end.
-  Definition Requestor_slot_start ta :=
-    match (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) with
-      | IDLE c R => ta
-      | RUNNING c R r => ta + (WAIT.-1 - c)
-    end.
-  Definition FIFO_pending (AS : State_t) :=
-    match AS with
-        | IDLE _ P      => P
-        | RUNNING _ P _  => P
-    end.
-  Definition FIFO_request (AS : State_t ) : option Request_t := 
-    match AS with
-      | IDLE _ _ => None
-      | RUNNING _ _ r => Some r
-    end.
-  Ltac isCommand :=
-    unfold isPRE, isACT, isCAS, PRE_of_req, ACT_of_req, CAS_of_req, Kind_of_req; 
-    match goal with
-      | |- context G [?r.(Kind)] => destruct (r.(Kind)); discriminate
-      | |- (_) => discriminate
-    end.
-  Ltac in_cons_cmd Hi Hp IHt :=
-    rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi];
-    ( (apply IHt in Hi; (exact Hp || exact Hi)) || (contradict Hp; by rewrite Hi) ).
-  Lemma isIDLE_notRunning ta:
-    isIDLE (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) -> isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) == false.
-  Proof.
-    intros.
-    rewrite /isRUNNING; rewrite /isIDLE in H; simpl in H.
-    by destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma isIDLE_fromstate ta c0 r:
-    (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) = IDLE c0 r  ->
-    isIDLE (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /isIDLE.
-    intros H; by rewrite H.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma isRUNNING_fromstate ta c0 r r0:
-    (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) = RUNNING c0 r r0 ->
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /isRUNNING; intros H; by rewrite H.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_wait_neq_act :
-    (WAIT.-1 == OACT_date) = false.
-  Proof.
-    apply /negbTE; rewrite neq_ltn.
-    apply /orP; right.
-    rewrite ltn_predRL.
-    apply ltn_trans with (n := OCAS_date).
-      2: exact WAIT_CAS.
-    unfold OCAS_date, OACT_date; simpl; unfold CAS_date.
-    rewrite -ltn_subLR.
-      2: auto.
-    rewrite subSnn.
-    exact T_RCD_GT_ONE.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_wait_neq_cas :
-    (WAIT.-1 == OCAS_date) = false.
-  Proof.
-    apply /negbTE; rewrite neq_ltn.
-    apply /orP; right.
-    rewrite ltn_predRL.
-    apply ltn_trans with (n := CAS_date + T_RTP).
-      2: exact WAIT_END.
-    rewrite -ltn_subLR.
-      2: auto.
-    rewrite subSnn.
-    exact T_RTP_GT_ONE.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_counter_lt_WAIT t: 
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) < WAIT.
-  Proof.
-    set (c := FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State)).
-    unfold FIFO_counter in c.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:HS.
-      all: subst c; (done || by destruct c0).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_WAIT_GT_ACTp1 :
-    ACT_date.+1 < WAIT.
-  Proof.
-    apply ltn_trans with (n := CAS_date).
-      2: exact WAIT_CAS.
-    unfold CAS_date, ACT_date.
-    rewrite prednK.
-      2: specialize T_RP_GT_ONE as H; apply ltn_trans with (n := 1); done || exact H.
-    rewrite addnC -nat_add_pred addnC nat_add_pred.
-    apply nat_ltn_add.
-    rewrite ltn_predRL; exact T_RCD_GT_ONE.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_WAIT_GT_CASp1 :
-    CAS_date.+1 < WAIT.
-  Proof.
-    apply ltn_trans with (n := CAS_date + T_RTP).
-      2: exact WAIT_END.
-    rewrite -ltn_predRL nat_add_pred nat_ltn_add; done || (rewrite ltn_predRL; exact T_RTP_GT_ONE).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS:
-    nat_of_ord (Next_cycle OACT_date) = ACT_date.+1.
-  Proof.
-    unfold Next_cycle.
-    set (Hc := OACT_date.+1 < WAIT).
-    dependent destruction Hc.
-      all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e.
-      1: done.
-      contradict x.
-      apply Bool.not_false_iff_true.
-      unfold OACT_date; simpl.
-      apply FIFO_WAIT_GT_ACTp1.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS:
-    nat_of_ord (Next_cycle OCAS_date) = CAS_date.+1.
-  Proof.
-    unfold Next_cycle.
-    set (Hc := OCAS_date.+1 < WAIT).
-    dependent destruction Hc.
-      all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e.
-      1: done.
-      contradict x.
-      apply Bool.not_false_iff_true.
-      unfold OCAS_date; simpl.
-      apply FIFO_WAIT_GT_CASp1.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma CAS_neq_ACT:
-    (CAS_date == ACT_date) = false.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date.
-    rewrite -{2}[T_RP.-1]addn0 eqn_add2l.
-    rewrite eqn0Ngt. apply Bool.negb_false_iff. 
-    specialize T_RCD_pos as H. rewrite -lt0n in H. 
-    by rewrite H.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_date_gt_0 cmd t:
-    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> cmd.(CDate) > 0.
-  Proof.
-    induction t.
-      { simpl; intros H; inversion H. }
-      simpl.
-      unfold Next_state.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:HS, r eqn:HR; simpl.
-        all: try (intros H; rewrite in_cons in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H]).
-        all: try (by rewrite H).
-        all: try (by apply IHt in H).
-        all: try (destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait); simpl.
-        all: try (intros H; rewrite in_cons in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H]).
-        all: try (by rewrite H).
-        all: try (by apply IHt in H).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_in_the_past t t' a:
-    t <= t' ->
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t').(Arbiter_Commands).
-  Proof.
-    intros. rewrite leq_eqVlt in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H]. { by rewrite -H. }
-    induction t'.
-      { inversion H. }
-      rewrite leq_eqVlt in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H].
-        { apply eq_add_S in H.
-          simpl; rewrite /Next_state //=.
-          destruct (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State), r eqn:HP; simpl.
-          all: try (rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right; subst t; exact H0).
-          all: try (destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date), (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date), (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1); simpl).
-          all: try (rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right; subst t; exact H0).
-        }
-        apply ltnSE in H; apply IHt' in H; simpl; rewrite /Next_state //=.
-        destruct (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State), r; simpl.
-        all: try (rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right; exact H).
-        all: try (destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date), (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date), (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1); simpl).
-        all: try (rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right; exact H).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma nat_of_counter_eq (ca cb : Counter_t) :
-    (nat_of_ord ca == nat_of_ord cb) = (ca == cb).
-  Proof.
-    apply inj_eq.
-    exact (ord_inj (n := WAIT)).
-  Qed.
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* --------------------- PROOFS ABOUT THE COUNTER ------------------- *)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  Lemma FIFO_l_inc_counter (t : nat) (c : Counter_t):
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) -> c < WAIT.-1 ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = c ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t.+1).(Implementation_State) = c.+1.
-  Proof.
-    intros Hrun H Hc; simpl. 
-    unfold FIFO_counter, Next_state.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (r) eqn:HP; simpl.
-      all: try (by discriminate Hrun).
-      all: try (destruct c0; simpl in *; destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl).
-      all: try (unfold Next_cycle; simpl; set (HH := m.+1 < WAIT); dependent destruction HH).
-      all: try (apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e).
-      all: try (apply eq_S; exact Hc).
-      all: try (rewrite Hc in x; move: x => /negbT x; contradict x; apply /negP /negPn; rewrite -ltn_predRL; exact H).
-      all: try (move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; rewrite Hwait in Hc; rewrite -Hc in H; contradict H; by rewrite ltnn).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_l_inc_run (c : Counter_t) t:
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) -> FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = c ->
-    c < WAIT.-1 -> isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t.+1).(Implementation_State).
-  Proof.
-    intros Hrun Hc Hw.
-    apply FIFO_l_inc_counter with (t := t) (c := c) in Hrun as Hc'.
-      all: try done.
-    simpl; unfold Next_state, isRUNNING.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (r) eqn:HP; simpl.
-      all: try (by discriminate Hrun).
-      all: destruct (nat_of_ord c0 == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c0 == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c0 == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl.
-      all: try done.
-      all: try (unfold FIFO_counter in Hc; rewrite Hc in Hwait; move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; rewrite Hwait in Hw; by rewrite ltnn in Hw).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_l_add_counter (c : Counter_t) d t:
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) -> (c + d) < WAIT ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = c ->
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate (t + d)).(Implementation_State) /\  
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate (t + d)).(Implementation_State) = c + d.
-  Proof.
-    intros Hrun Hbound Hc.
-    induction d.
-      { by rewrite !addn0. }
-      move: Hbound; rewrite !addnS; intros Hbound. 
-      apply ltn_trans with (m := c+d) in Hbound as IH.
-        2: apply ltnSn.
-      apply IHd in IH as H; destruct H as [Hrun' Hcd].
-      split.
-        { apply FIFO_l_inc_run with (t := t + d) (c := Ordinal IH) in Hrun' as HH.
-            3: rewrite - ltn_predRL in Hbound; simpl; exact Hbound.
-            2: simpl; exact Hcd.
-            1: exact HH.
-        }
-        apply FIFO_l_inc_counter with (t := t + d) (c := Ordinal IH) in Hrun' as HH.
-          3: simpl; exact Hcd.
-          2: simpl; rewrite - ltn_predRL in Hbound; simpl; exact Hbound.
-          1: simpl in HH; simpl. exact HH.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_l_counter_bound t:
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) -> FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) <= WAIT.-1.
-  Proof.
-    induction t.
-      { simpl; unfold isRUNNING, Init_state; by simpl. }
-      simpl; unfold FIFO_counter, isRUNNING, Next_state.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (r) eqn:HP; simpl.
-        all: try (by intros).
-        all: try (destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact,
-                          (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas,
-                          (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl; intros).
-        all: try done.
-        all: try (unfold Next_cycle; set (Hc := c.+1 < WAIT); dependent destruction Hc).
-        all: try (apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e).
-        all: try (apply leq0n).
-        all: try (by rewrite -ltn_predRL in x).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_l_counter_border t :
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = WAIT.-1 -> 
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t.+1).(Implementation_State) = 0.
-  Proof.
-    intros Hco; simpl.
-    unfold Next_state.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (r) eqn:HP; simpl.
-      all: try done.
-      all: destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas,
-                    (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl; intros.
-      all: try done.
-      all: unfold Next_cycle; set (HH := c.+1 < WAIT).
-      all: dependent destruction HH.
-      all: try (apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e).
-      all: try done.
-      all: try (move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; rewrite Hwait prednK in x; (exact WAIT_pos || by rewrite ltnn in x)).
-      all: try (unfold FIFO_counter in Hco; move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; contradict Hwait; exact Hco).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_l_counter_border_run t :
-    FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) != [::] ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = WAIT.-1 -> 
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t.+1).(Implementation_State) = 0 /\ isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t.+1).(Implementation_State).
-  Proof.
-    intros HP Hc; simpl.
-    rewrite /Next_state //=.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; simpl.
-    { destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl.
-        2: done.
-      by rewrite /FIFO_pending in HP.
-    }
-    { destruct c; simpl. destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait, r eqn:HPP; simpl in *.
-      all: try done.
-      all: unfold Next_cycle; simpl; set (H := m.+1 < WAIT); dependent destruction H.
-      all: try (apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e).
-      all: try done.
-      all: rewrite Hc prednK in x.
-      all: try exact WAIT_pos.
-      all: by rewrite ltnn in x.
-    }
-  Qed.
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* --------------------- PROOFS ------------------------------------- *)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  Lemma FIFO_PRE_date t cmd:
-    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isPRE cmd ->
-    (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) = OCycle0) /\ 
-    (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State)).
-  Proof.
-    induction t.
-      { done. }
-      intros Hi Hp; simpl in *.
-      rewrite /Next_state //= in Hi.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, r eqn:HP; simpl in Hi.
-        all: try (rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi]).
-        all: try (apply IHt in Hi; (exact Hp || exact Hi)).
-        all: try (contradict Hp; by rewrite Hi).
-        all: try (rewrite Hi //= /Next_state //= Hs //=).
-        all: destruct c; simpl in Hi.
-        all: destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl in Hi.
-        all: try (rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi]).
-        all: try (apply IHt in Hi; (exact Hp || exact Hi)).
-        all: try (contradict Hp; by rewrite Hi).
-        all: try (rewrite Hi /isPRE /Kind_of_req //= in Hp; contradict Hp; by case (r0.(Kind))).
-        rewrite Hi //= /Next_state //= Hs //= Hact Hcas Hwait //=.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_ACT_date t cmd:
-    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isACT cmd ->
-    (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State)) = Next_cycle OACT_date /\ 
-    (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State)) /\
-    (FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == Some cmd.(Request)).
-  Proof.
-    induction t.
-      { done. }
-      intros Hi Hp; simpl in *.
-      unfold Next_state in *.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; simpl in Hi.
-      { destruct r; simpl in Hi.
-        { rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi].
-          { contradict Hp; by rewrite Hi. }
-          { apply IHt in Hi; (exact Hp || exact Hi). }}
-        { rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi].
-          { contradict Hp; by rewrite Hi. }
-          { apply IHt in Hi; (exact Hp || exact Hi). }}}
-      { destruct c; simpl in *; destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl in Hi.
-        7: destruct r eqn:HPP.
-        all: try (rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi]).
-        all: try (apply IHt in Hi; (exact Hp || exact Hi)).
-        all: try (rewrite Hi /isPRE /Kind_of_req //= in Hp; contradict Hp; by case (r0.(Kind))).
-        all: rewrite Hi //= Hs //= Hact //=;  move: Hact => /eqP Hact; unfold Next_cycle; simpl; by rewrite Hact eq_refl.
-      }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_CAS_date t cmd:
-    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isCAS cmd ->
-    (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State)) = Next_cycle OCAS_date /\ 
-    (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State)).
-  Proof.
-    induction t.
-      { done. }
-      intros Hi Hp; simpl in *.
-      unfold Next_state in *.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (r) eqn:HP; simpl in Hi.
-        all: try (rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi]).
-        all: try (contradict Hp; by rewrite Hi).
-        all: try (apply IHt in Hi; (exact Hp || exact Hi)).
-        all: try (destruct c; simpl in *; destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl in Hi).
-        all: try (rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi]).
-        all: try (apply IHt in Hi; (exact Hp || exact Hi)).
-        all: try (contradict Hp; by rewrite Hi).
-        all: try (rewrite Hi; simpl; rewrite Hs; simpl; rewrite Hact Hcas; simpl; move: Hcas => /eqP Hcas; unfold Next_cycle; simpl; by rewrite Hcas).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_l_helper_2 t t' d:
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) -> 
-    t < t' -> FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State) ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) + d < WAIT ->
-    t + d < t'.
-  Proof.
-    intros Hrun Hlt Hc Hd.
-    induction d.
-      { by rewrite addn0. }
-      rewrite addnS in Hd.
-      apply ltn_trans with (m := FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State)) in Hd as HH.
-        2: rewrite -addnS; apply nat_ltnn_add; auto.
-      apply ltn_trans with (m := FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) + d) in Hd as IH.
-        2: apply ltnSn.
-      apply IHd in IH as H.
-      rewrite addnS ltn_neqAle H andbT.
-      destruct (_ == t') eqn:He.
-        { contradict Hc.
-          move: He => /eqP He. rewrite - He.
-          rewrite - addnS.
-          apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := Ordinal HH) (d := d.+1) in Hrun as [_ HHH].
-            3: done.
-            2: rewrite addnS; exact Hd.
-          simpl in HHH; rewrite HHH; apply /eqP; rewrite neq_ltn; apply /orP; left.
-          by rewrite addnS ltnS leq_addr.
-        }
-        trivial.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_l_helper_4 ta tb cb:
-    ta < tb ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) = 0 ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) = cb ->
-    cb > 0 ->
-    ta.+1 < tb.
-  Proof.
-    intros Hlt Hca Hcb Hcb_pos.
-    rewrite ltn_neqAle Hlt andbT.
-    destruct (_ == tb) eqn:He.
-      2: done.
-    move: He => /eqP He.
-    rewrite -He in Hcb.
-    rewrite Hcb in Hca.
-    contradict Hca.
-    apply /eqP.
-    rewrite neq_ltn; apply /orP; right; exact Hcb_pos.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_l_helper_3 ta tb d (cb : Counter_t) :
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) = 0 ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) = cb -> 
-    d < cb -> ta < tb -> ta + d < tb.
-  Proof.
-    intros Hrun_a Hca Hcb Hd Hlt.
-    induction d.
-      { by rewrite addn0. }
-      apply ltn_trans with (m:= d) in Hd as Hd'.
-        2: apply ltnSn.
-      apply IHd in Hd' as H.
-      rewrite addnS ltn_neqAle H andbT.
-      destruct ( _ == tb) eqn:He.
-        2: done.
-        move: He => /eqP He.
-      apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (d := d.+1) (c := Ordinal WAIT_pos) in Hrun_a as HH.
-        3: { simpl; exact Hca. }
-        2: { simpl; rewrite add0n. apply ltn_trans with (n := cb); (exact Hd || by destruct cb). }
-      destruct HH as [Hrun_adp1 Hc_adp1]; simpl in Hc_adp1.
-      rewrite -He in Hcb.
-      rewrite add0n addnS in Hc_adp1.
-      rewrite Hc_adp1 in Hcb.
-      contradict Hcb; apply /eqP.
-      rewrite neq_ltn; apply /orP; left; exact Hd.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_IDLE_to_running ta tb (d : Counter_t):
-    isIDLE (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) 
-    -> isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State)
-    -> ta < tb
-    -> FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) = 0
-    -> ((ta + d < tb) && (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) == false))  
-    \/ (exists r, (ta + r <= tb) && (r <= d) && (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate (ta + r)).(Implementation_State)) 
-    && (FIFO_counter ((Default_arbitrate (ta + r)).(Implementation_State)) == 0)).
-  Proof.
-    intros Hidle_a Hrun_b Hlt Hc.
-    destruct d as [d Hd].
-    induction d.
-      { apply isIDLE_notRunning in Hidle_a; left; simpl; by rewrite addn0 Hlt andTb Hidle_a. }
-      apply ltn_trans with (m := d) in Hd as Hd'.
-        2: apply ltnSn.
-      specialize IHd with (Hd := Hd') as [IH | IH]; simpl in IH.
-        { (* we're still idle after D cycles, next cycle could be IDLE, RUNNING or REFRESH *)
-          move : IH => /andP [IH Hrun_a'].
-          rewrite leq_eqVlt in IH; move : IH => /orP [/eqP IH | IH].
-            { (* tb is the cycle after *)
-              right. simpl. subst tb. exists (d.+1).
-              rewrite ltnSn andbT addnS Hrun_b andbT leqnn andTb /FIFO_counter.
-              rewrite /isRUNNING //= /Next_state in Hrun_b Hrun_a' *.
-              destruct ((Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State)) eqn:HS, (r) eqn:HP; simpl.
-              all: done.
-            }
-            { (* now tb is in the future *)
-              simpl; rewrite /isIDLE in Hrun_a'.
-              destruct ((Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State)) eqn:HS; simpl.
-                { (* from IDLE to REFRESH 1 *)
-                  rewrite addnS IH andTb //= /Next_state HS.
-                  destruct r; simpl.
-                    { by left. }
-                    right; exists (d.+1); apply ltnW in IH.
-                    rewrite addnS IH andTb ltnSn andTb.
-                    by rewrite /isRUNNING /FIFO_counter //= HS.
-                }
-                by contradict Hrun_a'.
-            }
-        }
-        right. destruct IH as [r H]; move : H => /andP [/andP [/andP [Hlt' Hrd ]  Hrun_a'] Hc'].
-        exists (r); simpl.
-        rewrite Hlt' andTb; apply /andP; split.
-          { apply /andP. split.
-              { apply leq_trans with (n := d); (exact Hrd || apply ltnW, ltnSn). }
-              exact Hrun_a'.
-          }
-          exact Hc'.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_running_at_zero_lt_at_c t t' d:
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) -> 
-    t < t' -> FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = 0 ->
-    d < FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State) ->
-    t + d < t'.
-  Proof.
-  intros Hrun  Hlt HcZ Hd.
-  induction d.
-  - by rewrite addn0.
-  - apply ltn_trans with (m := d) in Hd as IH.
-      2: apply ltnSn.
-    apply IHd in IH; clear IHd.
-    rewrite addnS ltn_neqAle IH andbT.
-    specialize (FIFO_counter_lt_WAIT t') as HW.
-    destruct ((t + d).+1 == t') eqn:H.
-    - apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := d.+1) in Hrun as [_ HcD].
-        3: exact HcZ.
-        2: rewrite add0n; apply ltn_trans with (n := FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State)); exact Hd || exact HW.
-      move : H => /eqP H; subst.
-      contradict Hd.
-      by rewrite -addnS HcD add0n ltnn.
-    - trivial.
-  Qed.
-  Ltac leqWAIT Hc Hrun :=
-    rewrite Hc subnKC;
-    ((apply FIFO_l_counter_bound in Hrun; by rewrite Hc in Hrun) ||
-     (rewrite - ltnS prednK; (apply ltnSn || exact WAIT_pos))).
-  Lemma FIFO_l_eq_bound ta tb (c : Counter_t) :
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) -> 
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) -> 
-    ta < tb ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) = c -> 
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) = c ->
-    ta + WAIT <= tb.
-  Proof.
-    intros Hrun_a Hrun_b Hlt Hc_a Hc_b.
-    apply FIFO_l_helper_2 with (t' := tb) (d := WAIT.-1 - c) in Hrun_a as Hlt'.
-      4: leqWAIT Hc_a Hrun_a.
-      3: by rewrite Hc_a Hc_b.
-      2: exact Hlt.
-    apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := c) (d := WAIT.-1 - c) in Hrun_a as H.
-    destruct H as [Hrun_a' Hc_a'].
-      3: done.
-      2: rewrite - {1} Hc_a; leqWAIT Hc_a Hrun_a.
-    assert (c + (WAIT.-1 - c) = WAIT.-1). { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. destruct c. simpl. by apply nat_ltn_leq_pred. } 
-    rewrite H in Hc_a'; clear H.
-    apply FIFO_l_counter_border in Hc_a' as Hc_a''.
-    destruct (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) == 0) eqn:HcZ.
-      { move : HcZ => /eqP HcZ.
-        rewrite HcZ in Hc_b; rewrite -Hc_b subn0 -addnS prednK in Hlt'; exact WAIT_pos || exact Hlt'.
-      }
-      move : HcZ => /negbT HcZ; rewrite -lt0n in HcZ.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate (ta + (WAIT.-1 - c)).+1).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-        { (* IDLE branch *)
-          assert (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate (ta + (WAIT.-1 - c)).+1).(Implementation_State) = 0) as Haux.
-            { rewrite /FIFO_counter Hs. by rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hc_a''. }
-          clear Hc_a''; rename Haux into Hc_a''; apply isIDLE_fromstate in Hs as Hrun_a''.
-          rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hlt'; move : Hlt' => /orP [/eqP Hlt' | Hlt'].
-          { subst tb.
-            rewrite Hc_b in Hc_a''.
-            rewrite Hc_a'' subn0 -addnS prednK.
-              2: exact WAIT_pos.
-            apply leqnn.
-          }
-          apply FIFO_IDLE_to_running with (tb := tb) (d := c) in Hrun_a'' as [Hlt'' | Hlt''].
-            5: exact Hc_a''.
-            4: exact Hlt'.
-            3: exact Hrun_b.
-            { (* Stays IDLE until the counter equals c again *)
-              move : Hlt'' => /andP [Hlt'' _].
-              rewrite  -[(ta + _).+1]addnS -subSn in Hlt''.
-                2: rewrite -ltnS prednK; ( by destruct c) || exact WAIT_pos.
-              rewrite prednK in Hlt''.
-                2: exact WAIT_pos.
-              rewrite addnBA in Hlt''.
-                2: apply ltnW; by destruct c.
-              rewrite subnK in Hlt''.
-                2: apply nat_leq_addl; apply ltnW; by destruct c.
-              by apply ltnW.
-            }
-            move : Hlt'' => [r1 /andP [/andP [/andP [Hlt'' Hr ] Hrun_a'''] /eqP Hc_a''']].
-            rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hlt''; move : Hlt'' => /orP [/eqP Hlt'' | Hlt''].
-              { subst tb.
-                rewrite Hc_b in Hc_a'''.
-                rewrite Hc_a''' subn0 -addnS prednK.
-                  2: exact WAIT_pos.
-                apply leq_addr.
-              }
-              apply FIFO_running_at_zero_lt_at_c with (t' := tb) (d := (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State)).-1) in Hrun_a''' as Hlt'''.
-                4: rewrite ltn_predL; exact HcZ.
-                3: exact Hc_a'''.
-                2: exact Hlt''.
-              rewrite Hc_b in Hlt'''.
-              rewrite  -[(ta + _).+1]addnS -subSn in Hlt'''.
-                2: rewrite -ltnS prednK; (by destruct c) || exact WAIT_pos.
-              rewrite prednK in Hlt'''.
-                2: exact WAIT_pos.
-              rewrite -subn1 addnBA in Hlt'''.
-                2: rewrite -Hc_b; exact HcZ.
-              rewrite subn1 addnBA in Hlt'''.
-                2: apply ltnW; by destruct c.
-              rewrite prednK in Hlt'''.
-                2: apply ltn_addl; by rewrite -Hc_b.
-              rewrite addnBAC in Hlt'''.
-                2: apply nat_leq_addl; apply ltnW; (by destruct c) || exact WAIT_pos.
-              rewrite subnK in Hlt'''.
-                2: apply nat_leq_addr, nat_leq_addl; apply ltnW; (by destruct c) || exact WAIT_pos.
-              apply leq_trans with (m := ta + WAIT ) in Hlt'''.
-                2: by apply nat_leq_addr.
-              exact Hlt'''.
-        }
-        { (* RUNNING branch *)
-          assert (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate (ta + (WAIT.-1 - c)).+1).(Implementation_State) = 0) as Haux.
-            { rewrite /FIFO_counter Hs. by rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hc_a''. }
-          clear Hc_a''; rename Haux into Hc_a''.
-          apply isRUNNING_fromstate in Hs as Hrun_a''.
-          apply FIFO_l_helper_4 with (cb := c) in Hlt' as Hlt''.
-            4: by rewrite -Hc_b.
-            3: exact Hc_b.
-            2: exact Hc_a''.
-          apply FIFO_l_helper_3 with (tb := tb) (d := c.-1) (cb := c) in Hrun_a'' as Hlt'''.
-            5: exact Hlt''.
-            4: by rewrite ltn_predL -Hc_b.
-            3: exact Hc_b.
-            2: exact Hc_a''.
-          rewrite -addnS prednK in Hlt'''.
-            2: by rewrite -Hc_b.
-          rewrite -addnS -subSS prednK in Hlt'''.
-            2: exact WAIT_pos.
-          rewrite subnS prednK in Hlt'''.
-            2: rewrite subn_gt0; by destruct c.
-          rewrite -addnA subnK in Hlt'''.
-            2: { destruct c; simpl; rewrite leq_eqVlt; apply /orP; by right. }
-          exact Hlt'''.
-      }
-  Qed.
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* --------------------- TIMING PROOFS ------------------------------ *)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  Lemma Cmds_T_RCD_ok t a b:
-    a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-    ACT_to_CAS a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-    Apart_at_least a b T_RCD.
-  Lemma Cmds_T_RRD_ok t a b: 
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    ACT_to_ACT a b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> 
-    Apart_at_least a b T_RRD.
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb AtA nSb aBb.
-    move : AtA => /andP [Aa Ab].
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
-      2: exact Aa; clear Aa.
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]].
-      2: exact Ab; clear Ab.
-    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hrun_a as Hlt.
-      5: exact Hc_b.
-      4: exact Hc_a.
-      3: exact aBb.
-      2: exact Hrun_b.
-    unfold Apart_at_least.
-    apply leq_trans with (n := (a.(CDate) + WAIT)).
-      2: exact Hlt.
-    rewrite leq_add2l.
-    by rewrite leq_eqVlt RRD_WAIT orbT.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Cmds_T_FAW_ok t a b c d:
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
-    c \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> d \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    isACT a -> isACT b -> isACT c -> isACT d -> Diff_Bank [::a;b;c;d] ->
-    Before a b -> Before b c -> Before c d ->
-    Apart_at_least a d T_FAW.
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb Hc Hd iAa iAb iAc iAd dB aBb bBc cBd.
-    apply FIFO_date_gt_0 in Ha as Ha_pos.
-    apply FIFO_date_gt_0 in Hb as Hb_pos.
-    apply FIFO_date_gt_0 in Hc as Hc_pos.
-    apply FIFO_date_gt_0 in Hd as Hd_pos.
-    unfold Apart_at_least.
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]]. 
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Hc as [Hc_c [Hrun_c _]].
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Hd as [Hc_d [Hrun_d _]].
-    all: try done.
-    clear iAa iAb iAc iAd.
-    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hrun_a as Hlt_ab.
-      all: try done.
-    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := b.(CDate)) (tb := c.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hrun_b as Hlt_bc.
-      all: try done.
-    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := c.(CDate)) (tb := d.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hrun_c as Hlt_cd.
-      all: try done.
-    apply leq_trans with (p := c.(CDate) - WAIT) in Hlt_ab as Hlt_ac.
-      2: rewrite leq_psubRL; (rewrite -addnC; exact Hlt_bc) || exact Hb_pos.
-    rewrite leq_psubRL addnC in Hlt_ac.
-      2: rewrite addn_gt0; apply /orP; left; exact WAIT_pos.
-    apply leq_trans with (p := d.(CDate) - WAIT) in Hlt_ac as Hlt_ad.
-      2: rewrite leq_psubRL; (by rewrite -addnC) || exact Hc_pos.
-    rewrite leq_psubRL addnC in Hlt_ad.
-      2: rewrite addn_gt0; apply /orP; left; exact WAIT_pos.
-    apply leq_trans with (n := (a.(CDate) + WAIT + WAIT + WAIT)).
-      2: exact Hlt_ad.
-    by rewrite -addnA -addnA leq_add2l addnA leq_eqVlt FAW_WAIT orbT.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Cmds_T_RP_ok t a b:
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    PRE_to_ACT a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-    Apart_at_least a b T_RP.
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb pTa sB aBb.
-    rewrite /PRE_to_ACT in pTa; move: pTa => /andP [iPa iAb].
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]].
-      2: exact iAb.
-    apply FIFO_PRE_date in Ha as [Hc_a Hrun_a].
-      2: exact iPa.
-    unfold Apart_at_least.
-    apply FIFO_running_at_zero_lt_at_c with (t':= b.(CDate)) (d := ACT_date) in Hc_a as H.
-      4: rewrite Hc_b; by rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
-      3: by unfold Before in aBb.
-      2: exact Hrun_a.
-    unfold ACT_date in H.
-    rewrite -addnS prednK in H.
-      2: specialize T_RP_GT_ONE as H; apply ltn_trans with (n := 1); done || exact H.
-    exact H.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Cmds_T_RTP_ok t a b:
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    CRD_to_PRE a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b T_RTP.
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb Htype sB aBb.
-    rewrite /CRD_to_PRE in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iCa iPb].
-    apply FIFO_CAS_date in Ha as [Hc_a Hrun_a].
-      2: unfold isCAS; unfold isCRD in iCa; apply /orP; left; exact iCa.
-    apply FIFO_PRE_date in Hb as [Hc_b Hrun_b]. 
-      2: exact iPb.
-    unfold Apart_at_least.
-    apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := CAS_date.+1) in Hrun_b as [Hrun_b' Hc_b'].
-      3: exact Hc_b.
-      2: simpl; rewrite add0n; exact FIFO_WAIT_GT_CASp1.
-    rewrite -{2}FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS in Hc_b'; simpl in Hc_b'; rewrite add0n in Hc_b'.
-    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate) + CAS_date.+1) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hrun_a as H.
-      5: exact Hc_b'.
-      4: exact Hc_a.
-      3: unfold Before in aBb; apply ltn_trans with (p := b.(CDate) + CAS_date.+1) in aBb; exact aBb || (by rewrite nat_ltn_add).
-      2: exact Hrun_b'.
-    rewrite [b.(CDate) + _]addnC -leq_subLR in H.
-    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + WAIT - CAS_date.+1).
-      2: exact H.
-    rewrite -addnBA.
-      2: exact WAIT_CAS.
-    rewrite leq_add2l leq_subRL.
-      2: exact WAIT_CAS.
-    rewrite addnC addnS addnC.
-    exact WAIT_END.
-  Qed.
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* -------------------- REQUEST PROOFS ------------------------------ *)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  Lemma Pending_on_arrival ta ra:
-    ra \in Arrival_at ta 
-    -> ra \in (FIFO_pending ((Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State))).
-  Proof.
-    intros HA.
-    destruct ta.
-    { by rewrite /FIFO_pending //= /Enqueue mem_cat HA orTb. }
-    { rewrite /FIFO_pending //= /Next_state.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) as [c P | c P rb] eqn:HSS; simpl.
-      { destruct P eqn:HP. 
-        { simpl. exact HA. }
-        { simpl. assert (r == r). apply /eqP. reflexivity. by rewrite H /Enqueue mem_cat HA orbT. }
-      }
-      { destruct c; simpl.
-        destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl.
-        all: try by rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HA orbT.
-        destruct P eqn:HP; simpl.
-        { exact HA. }
-        { by rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HA orbT. }
-      }
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Pending_requestor ta ra:
-    ra \in FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)
-    -> isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)
-    -> FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) != WAIT.-1
-    -> ra \in FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State).
-  Proof.
-    intros HP Hrun HCS.
-    simpl; unfold Next_state, FIFO_pending, isRUNNING in *.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State); simpl.
-    { discriminate Hrun. }
-    { destruct c; simpl. destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait, r eqn:HPP; simpl.
-      all: try discriminate HP.
-      all: try by rewrite /Enqueue -cat_cons mem_cat HP orTb.
-      move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; simpl in HCS.
-      contradict Hwait. apply /eqP. exact HCS.
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Running_on_next_cycle ra ta:
-    ra \in (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) ->
-    isIDLE (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) ->
-    (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State)) && (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == OCycle0).
-  Proof.
-    intros HP Hidle.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-      2: discriminate Hidle.
-    clear Hidle.
-    rewrite /FIFO_pending in HP.
-    simpl. rewrite /Next_state Hs.
-    destruct r eqn:HP'.
-    { discriminate HP. }
-    simpl. done.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_index_decrements_within_period_idle ta ra:
-  let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
-    (ra \in (FIFO_pending S))
-    -> isIDLE (S)
-    -> (0 < index ra (FIFO_pending S))
-    -> forall tb, ta < tb
-      -> tb <= ta + WAIT
-      -> let S' := (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) in
-        (ra \in (FIFO_pending S')) && ((index ra (FIFO_pending S)) == (index ra (FIFO_pending S')).+1).
-  Proof.
-    intros S HP Hidle HI.
-    unfold S in *; clear S.
-    destruct ((Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) eqn:HSS; simpl.
-      2: discriminate Hidle.
-    induction tb; intros HL HU.
-    { contradict HL. by rewrite ltn0. }
-    { rewrite leq_eqVlt in HL; move: HL => /orP [HL | HL].
-      { clear IHtb.
-        rewrite eqSS in HL; move: HL => /eqP HL; subst.
-        simpl; unfold FIFO_counter, FIFO_pending, Next_state in *.
-        rewrite HSS.
-        destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl.
-        { discriminate HP. }
-        { assert (r0 == r0) as H'. apply /eqP. reflexivity. rewrite H'. clear H'.
-          simpl in HI. destruct (r0 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-          { discriminate HI. }
-          rewrite in_cons in HP. move: HP => /orP [/eqP HP | HP].
-          { contradict Heq. rewrite HP. apply /eqP. by rewrite eq_refl. }
-          { rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HP orTb index_cat HP. apply /eqP. reflexivity. }
-        }
-      }
-      rewrite ltnS in HL.
-      apply ltnW in HU as HU'.
-      apply IHtb in HL as IH. clear IHtb.
-        2: exact HU'.
-      move: IH => /andP [HP' /eqP IH'].
-      rewrite -HSS in HP. apply Running_on_next_cycle in HP as HC. move: HC => /andP [Hrun /eqP Hc].
-        2: by rewrite HSS.
-      apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := tb - (ta.+1)) in Hrun as Haux. destruct Haux as [Hrun_a' Hca'].
-        3: exact Hc.
-        2: { 
-          rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n ltn_subLR. 
-            2: exact HL.
-          apply ltn_trans with (n := ta + WAIT).
-            exact HU.
-            rewrite ltn_add2r. done.
-        }
-      assert (ta.+1 + (tb - ta.+1) = tb).
-        { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. exact HL. }
-      rewrite H in Hrun_a', Hca'. clear H.
-      rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n in Hca'.
-      apply Pending_requestor with (ra := ra) in Hrun_a' as Hpen.
-        3: {
-          rewrite Hca' neq_ltn. apply /orP. left.
-          rewrite ltn_subLR.
-            2: exact HL.
-          rewrite addnC -subn1 addnBAC.
-            2: exact WAIT_pos.
-          rewrite subn1 nat_add_pred. rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.pred_succ addnC. exact HU.
-        }
-        2: exact HP'.
-      rewrite Hpen andTb. rewrite IH'. clear HP HI Hpen. rename Hrun_a' into Hrun_b. rename Hca' into Hcb.
-      rewrite eqSS.
-      simpl. unfold FIFO_pending, Next_state.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) eqn:HS.
-      { discriminate Hrun_b. }
-      { destruct c0; simpl.
-        destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl.
-        all: try by rewrite /Enqueue index_cat HP'.
-        simpl in Hrun_b, Hcb, IH',HP', HS. 
-        assert (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) = WAIT.-1) as Heq.
-          { rewrite HS //=; move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; exact Hwait. }
-        apply FIFO_l_counter_border_run in Heq as [Hcb' Hrun_b'].
-          2: rewrite HS //=; by apply Queue_non_empty in HP'.
-        apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (tb := tb.+1) (c := OCycle0) in Hrun as Hbug.
-          5,4: rewrite /OCycle0 //=.
-          3: by rewrite -[ta.+1]addn1 -[tb.+1]addn1 ltn_add2r.
-          2: exact Hrun_b'.
-        contradict Hbug.
-        apply /negP; rewrite leqNgt; apply /negPn.
-        rewrite [ta.+1 + _]addnC -[ta.+1]addn1 addnA -[tb.+1]addn1.
-        rewrite addnCAC [tb +1 ]addnC -addnA ltn_add2l. 
-        exact HU.
-      }
-  }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_index_decrements_within_period ta ra:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
-      (ra \in (FIFO_pending S))
-      -> (FIFO_counter S) == WAIT.-1 
-      -> (0 < index ra (FIFO_pending S))
-      -> forall tb, ta < tb 
-        -> tb <= ta + WAIT
-        -> let S' := (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) in
-          (ra \in (FIFO_pending S')) && ((index ra (FIFO_pending S)) == (index ra (FIFO_pending S')).+1).
-  Proof.
-    intros S HP HC HI.
-    unfold S in *; clear S.
-    induction tb; intros HL HU.
-    { contradict HL. by rewrite ltn0. }
-    { rewrite leq_eqVlt in HL; move: HL => /orP [HL | HL].
-      { clear IHtb. 
-        rewrite eqSS in HL; move: HL => /eqP HL; subst.
-        simpl; unfold FIFO_counter, FIFO_pending, Next_state in *.
-        destruct (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) as [c P | c P rb] eqn:HSS; move: HC => /eqP HC; subst.
-        { destruct P eqn:HPP; simpl. (* IDLE state *)
-          { discriminate HP. }
-          { assert (r == r) as H'. apply /eqP. reflexivity. rewrite H'. clear H'.
-            simpl in HI. destruct (r == ra) eqn:He.
-            { discriminate HI. }
-            { rewrite in_cons in HP. move: HP => /orP [/eqP HP | HP].
-              { contradict He. rewrite HP. apply /eqP. by rewrite eq_refl. }
-              { rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HP orTb index_cat HP.
-                apply /eqP. reflexivity.
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        { rewrite HC FIFO_wait_neq_act FIFO_wait_neq_cas.  (* RUNNING state *)
-          assert (WAIT.-1 == WAIT.-1 = true). { apply /eqP. reflexivity. }
-          rewrite H; clear H.
-          destruct P eqn:HPP; simpl.
-          { discriminate HP. }
-          { assert (r == r) as H'. apply /eqP. reflexivity. rewrite H'. clear H'.
-            simpl in HI. destruct (r == ra) eqn:He.
-            { discriminate HI. }
-            { rewrite in_cons in HP. move: HP => /orP [/eqP HP | HP].
-              { contradict He. rewrite HP. apply /eqP. by rewrite eq_refl. }
-              { rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HP orTb index_cat HP.
-                apply /eqP. reflexivity. 
-              }
-            }  
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      { rewrite ltnS in HL.
-        apply IHtb in HL as IH; clear IHtb.
-          2: by apply ltnW in HU.
-        move: IH => /andP [HP' /eqP HI']; rewrite HI'; move: HC => /eqP HC.
-        apply FIFO_l_counter_border_run in HC.
-          2: by apply Queue_non_empty in HP.
-        destruct HC as [Hca Hrun_a].
-        assert (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) = OCycle0).
-        { rewrite Hca /OCycle0 //=. }
-        apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := tb - (ta.+1)) in Hrun_a as Haux. destruct Haux as [Hrun_a' Hca'].
-          3: exact H.
-          2: { 
-            rewrite //= /OCycle0 add0n ltn_subLR.
-              2: exact HL.
-            apply ltn_trans with (n := ta + WAIT).
-              2: by rewrite ltn_add2r ltnSn.
-            exact HU.
-          }
-        assert (ta.+1 + (tb - ta.+1) = tb).
-        { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. exact HL. }
-        rewrite H0 in Hrun_a',Hca'.
-        rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n in Hca'.
-        apply Pending_requestor with (ra := ra) in Hrun_a' as Hpen.
-          3: {
-            rewrite Hca' neq_ltn. apply /orP. left.
-            rewrite ltn_subLR.
-              2: exact HL.
-            rewrite addnC -subn1 addnBAC.
-              2: exact WAIT_pos.
-            rewrite subn1 nat_add_pred. rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.pred_succ addnC. exact HU.
-          }
-          2: exact HP'.
-        rewrite Hpen andTb; clear H H0 HP HI Hpen. rename Hrun_a' into Hrun_b.
-        rewrite eqSS.
-        simpl. unfold FIFO_pending, Next_state.
-        destruct (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) as [c P | c P rb] eqn:HSS.
-        { discriminate Hrun_b. }
-        { destruct c; simpl.
-          destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl.
-          all: try by rewrite /Enqueue index_cat HP'.
-          simpl in Hrun_b, Hca', HI', HP', HSS.
-          assert (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) = WAIT.-1) as Heq.
-            { rewrite HSS //=; move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; exact Hwait. }
-          apply FIFO_l_counter_border_run in Heq as [Hcb Hrun_b'].
-            2: rewrite HSS //=; by apply Queue_non_empty in HP'.
-          apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (tb := tb.+1) (c := OCycle0) in Hrun_a as Hbug.
-            5: rewrite /OCycle0 //=.
-            4: rewrite /OCycle0 //=.
-            3: by rewrite -[ta.+1]addn1 -[tb.+1]addn1 ltn_add2r.
-            2: exact Hrun_b'.
-          contradict Hbug.
-          apply /negP; rewrite leqNgt; apply /negPn.
-          rewrite [ta.+1 + _]addnC -[ta.+1]addn1 addnA -[tb.+1]addn1.
-          rewrite addnCAC [tb +1 ]addnC -addnA ltn_add2l. 
-          exact HU.
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Still_pending_on_running_border ra ta:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
-    let S' := (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) in
-    ra \in (FIFO_pending S) ->
-    isRUNNING (S) ->
-    0 < index ra (FIFO_pending S) ->
-    FIFO_counter (S) == WAIT.-1 ->
-    (isRUNNING S') &&
-    (FIFO_counter S' == OCycle0) &&
-    (ra \in FIFO_pending S') &&
-    (index ra (FIFO_pending S) == (index ra (FIFO_pending S')).+1).
-  Proof.
-    intros S S' HP Hrun Hi_pos Hc.
-    unfold S,S' in *; clear S S'.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    { discriminate Hrun. }
-    { simpl. rewrite /Next_state Hs //=.
-      destruct c; simpl in *. 
-      destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait.
-      all: try done.
-      4: destruct r eqn:HPP.
-      all: simpl.
-      4: { discriminate HP. }
-      4: {
-        assert (r1 == r1). done. rewrite H.
-        destruct (r1 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-        { move: Heq => /eqP Heq. rewrite Heq //= in Hi_pos.
-          assert (ra == ra). done. by rewrite H0 in Hi_pos.
-        }
-        rewrite in_cons in HP. move: HP => /orP [/eqP Hbug | HP].
-        { rewrite Hbug in Heq. contradict Heq. apply Bool.not_false_iff_true. rewrite eq_refl. trivial. }
-        by rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HP orTb index_cat HP eq_refl.
-      }
-      all: try (move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; rewrite Hwait in Hact; specialize FIFO_wait_neq_act as H;
-      rewrite /OACT_date //= in H; by rewrite H in Hact).
-      move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; rewrite Hwait in Hcas; specialize FIFO_wait_neq_cas as H;
-      rewrite /OCAS_date //= in H; by rewrite H in Hcas.
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Still_pending_on_idle_border ra ta:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
-    let S' := (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) in
-    ra \in (FIFO_pending S) ->
-    isIDLE (S) ->
-    0 < index ra (FIFO_pending S) ->
-    (isRUNNING S') &&
-    (FIFO_counter S' == OCycle0) &&
-    (ra \in FIFO_pending S') &&
-    (index ra (FIFO_pending S) == (index ra (FIFO_pending S')).+1).
-  Proof.
-    intros S S' HP Hidle Hi.
-    unfold S,S' in *; clear S S'.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    2: discriminate Hidle.
-    clear Hidle; rewrite /FIFO_pending in HP, Hi.
-    simpl; rewrite /Next_state Hs.
-    destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl.
-    1: discriminate HP.
-    { assert (r0 == r0). done.
-      rewrite H. 
-      destruct (r0 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-      { move: Heq => /eqP Heq. by rewrite Heq //= eq_refl in Hi. }
-      rewrite in_cons in HP; move: HP => /orP [Hbug | HP].
-      { by rewrite eq_sym Heq in Hbug. }
-      by rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HP orTb andTb index_cat HP eq_refl.
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Still_pending_during_window ra ta (c : Counter_t):
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
-    ra \in (FIFO_pending S) -> 
-    isRUNNING (S) ->
-    FIFO_counter (S) == c ->
-    forall d, c + d < WAIT -> let S' := (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) in
-    (ra \in (FIFO_pending S')) && 
-    (index ra (FIFO_pending S) == index ra (FIFO_pending S')).
-  Proof.
-    intros S HP Hrun Hc d Hlt; simpl.
-    unfold S in *; clear S.
-    induction d.
-    { rewrite addn0 HP andTb. apply /eqP. reflexivity. }
-    { apply ltn_trans with (m := c + d) in Hlt as Hlt'.
-        2: rewrite addnS; done.
-      apply IHd in Hlt' as IH. clear IHd.
-      move: IH => /andP [HP' Hi].
-      apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := c) (d := d) in Hrun as H. destruct H as [Hrun' Hc'].
-        3: by apply /eqP.
-        2: exact Hlt'.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-      { discriminate Hrun'. }
-      { clear Hrun'.
-        rewrite addnS; simpl; rewrite /Next_state Hs //=.
-        rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hc'.
-        destruct c0; simpl in *.
-        destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl.
-        all: try (rewrite addnS -Hc' in Hlt; move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; rewrite Hwait prednK in Hlt; (by rewrite ltnn in Hlt || exact WAIT_pos)).
-        all: rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HP' orTb //=.
-        all: move: Hi => /eqP Hi; by rewrite Hi index_cat HP'.
-      }
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_index_decrements_over_period ta ra:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) in
-    ra \in (FIFO_pending S) ->
-    forall i, let S' := (Default_arbitrate ((Requestor_slot_start ta) + i * WAIT)).(Implementation_State) in
-    i > 0 -> i <= (index ra (FIFO_pending S)) ->
-    (ra \in (FIFO_pending S')) && ((index ra (FIFO_pending S)) == (index ra (FIFO_pending S')) + i).
-  Proof.
-    intros S HP i S' Hi_pos HU.
-    unfold S,S' in *; clear S S'.
-    induction i.
-    { discriminate Hi_pos. }
-    { rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hi_pos. move: Hi_pos => /orP [/eqP Heq | Hi_pos].
-      { clear IHi.
-        rewrite -Heq mul1n.
-        rewrite -[i.+1]add1n addnC -{1}[1]add0n in Heq. move: Heq => /eqP Heq. rewrite eqn_add2r in Heq. move: Heq => /eqP Heq.
-        destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-        { unfold Requestor_slot_start in *. rewrite Hs in HP, HU. (* IDLE leg *)
-          rewrite Hs.
-          rewrite -Heq in HU.
-          apply Still_pending_on_idle_border in HP as H. move: H => /andP [ /andP [ /andP [Hrun Hc] HP' ] Hi].
-            3: exact HU.
-            2: by rewrite Hs.
-          apply Still_pending_during_window with (c := OCycle0) (d := WAIT.-1) in HP' as H. move: H => /andP [HP'' Hi'].
-            4: rewrite ltn_predL; exact WAIT_pos.
-            3: exact Hc.
-            2: exact Hrun.
-          assert (ta.+1 + WAIT.-1 = ta + WAIT).
-            { by rewrite -nat_add_pred addnC addnS -pred_Sn addnC. }
-          rewrite H in HP'' Hi'. clear H.
-          rewrite HP'' andTb.
-          move: Hi => /eqP Hi. rewrite Hi.
-          move: Hi' => /eqP Hi'. rewrite Hi'.
-          rewrite addn1 eqSS. apply /eqP. reflexivity.
-        }
-        { unfold Requestor_slot_start in *. rewrite Hs. rewrite Hs in HP,HU.
-          assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) as Hrun.
-            { by rewrite Hs. }
-          apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c:= c) (d := (WAIT.-1 - c)) in Hrun as Hc.
-            3: by rewrite /FIFO_counter Hs.
-            2: { rewrite subnKC.
-              2: destruct c; simpl; clear Hs HP HU; by apply nat_ltn_leq_pred in i0.
-              1: rewrite ltn_predL. exact WAIT_pos.
-            }
-          destruct Hc as [Hrun' Hc].
-          rewrite subnKC in Hc.
-            2: destruct c; simpl; clear Hs HP HU Hrun Hrun'; by apply nat_ltn_leq_pred in i0.
-          apply Still_pending_on_running_border in HP as H. move: H => /andP [ /andP [ /andP [Hrun'' Hc'] HP'] Hi].
-            4: by rewrite Hc.
-            3: by rewrite -Heq in HU.
-            2: exact Hrun'.
-          apply Still_pending_during_window with (c := OCycle0) (d := WAIT.-1) in HP' as H. move: H => /andP [HP'' Hi'].
-            4: rewrite ltn_predL; exact WAIT_pos.
-            3: exact Hc'.
-            2: exact Hrun''.
-          assert ((ta + (WAIT.-1 -c)).+1 + WAIT.-1 = ta + (WAIT.-1 - c) + WAIT) as H.
-            { rewrite -addnS -addn1 addnA -addnA [1 + WAIT.-1]addnC addn1 prednK. reflexivity. exact WAIT_pos. }
-          rewrite H in HP'',Hi'.
-          rewrite HP'' andTb. 
-          move: Hi => /eqP Hi. rewrite Hi.
-          move: Hi' => /eqP Hi'. rewrite Hi'.
-          rewrite addn1 eqSS. apply /eqP. reflexivity.
-        }
-      }
-      { rewrite -[i.+1]addn1 -{1}[1]add0n  ltn_add2r in Hi_pos.
-        apply ltnW in HU as HU'.
-        apply IHi in Hi_pos as IH. clear IHi. move: IH => /andP [HP' /eqP Hi].
-          2: exact HU'.
-        destruct (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta + i * WAIT)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-        { assert (isIDLE(Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta + i * WAIT)).(Implementation_State)) as Hidle.
-          { by rewrite Hs. } 
-          apply Request_index_decrements_within_period_idle with (ra := ra) (tb := Requestor_slot_start ta + i.+1 * WAIT) in Hidle.
-            5: by rewrite mulSn -addnA leq_add2l addnC leqnn.
-            4: rewrite mulSn ltn_add2l addnC; apply nat_ltnn_add; exact WAIT_pos.
-            3: { rewrite -Hs in Hi. rewrite Hi in HU. rewrite addnC in HU. by apply nat_ltn_add_rev in HU. }
-            2: { by rewrite -Hs in HP'. }
-          move: Hidle => /andP [HP'' Hi'].
-          rewrite HP'' andTb.
-          rewrite -Hs in Hi. rewrite Hi. move: Hi' => /eqP Hi'. 
-          rewrite Hi' -addn1 -addnA [1 + i]addnC addn1.
-          apply /eqP. reflexivity.
-        }
-        { rewrite -Hs in HP'. 
-          assert (c + (WAIT.-1 -c ) = WAIT.-1) as Hcounter.
-            { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. destruct c. simpl in *. clear Hs. by apply nat_ltn_leq_pred in i0. }
-          assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta + i * WAIT)).(Implementation_State)) as Hrun.
-            { by rewrite Hs. }
-          apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := c) (d := (WAIT.-1 -c)) in Hrun as Hc. destruct Hc as [Hrun' Hc]. 
-            3: by rewrite Hs.
-            2: { rewrite Hcounter ltn_predL. exact WAIT_pos. }
-          apply Still_pending_during_window with (c := c) (d := (WAIT.-1 -c)) in HP' as H. move: H => /andP [HP'' Hi'].
-            4: { rewrite Hcounter ltn_predL. exact WAIT_pos. }
-            3: by rewrite Hs.
-            2: by rewrite Hs.
-          apply Still_pending_on_running_border in HP'' as H.
-            4: { rewrite Hcounter in Hc. apply /eqP. exact Hc. }
-            3: { move: Hi' => /eqP Hi'. rewrite -Hi'. rewrite -Hs in Hi. rewrite Hi in HU. rewrite addnC in HU. by apply nat_ltn_add_rev in HU. }
-            2: exact Hrun'.
-          move: H => /andP [/andP [/andP [Hrun'' Hc'] HP'''] Hi''].
-          apply Still_pending_during_window with (c := OCycle0) (d := c) in HP''' as H.
-            4: by destruct c.
-            3: exact Hc'.
-            2: exact Hrun''.
-          move: H => /andP [HP'''' Hi'''].
-          rewrite mulSn -![WAIT + i * WAIT]addnC addnA.
-          assert ((Requestor_slot_start ta + i * WAIT + (WAIT.-1 - c)).+1 + c = Requestor_slot_start ta + i * WAIT + WAIT).
-            { rewrite -addnS -addnA.
-              apply /eqP.
-              rewrite eqn_add2l -subSn.
-                2: { destruct c; simpl in *. clear Hs. by apply nat_ltn_leq_pred in i0. }
-              rewrite prednK.
-                2: exact WAIT_pos.
-              rewrite subnK.
-                2: { destruct c; simpl in *. clear Hs. by apply ltnW in i0. }
-              apply /eqP. reflexivity.
-            }
-          rewrite H in HP''''; rewrite HP'''' andTb.
-          rewrite H in Hi'''. move: Hi''' => /eqP Hi'''. rewrite -Hi'''.
-          rewrite -Hs in Hi. rewrite Hi. 
-          move: Hi' => /eqP Hi'. rewrite Hi'.
-          move: Hi'' => /eqP Hi''. rewrite Hi''.
-          rewrite -addn1 -addnA [1 + i]addnC addn1; apply /eqP; reflexivity.
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_index_zero ta ra:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) in
-    let i := (index ra (FIFO_pending S)) in
-      ra \in (FIFO_pending S) 
-      -> let S' := (Default_arbitrate ((Requestor_slot_start ta) + i * WAIT)).(Implementation_State) in
-        (ra \in (FIFO_pending S')) && ((index ra (FIFO_pending S')) == 0).
-  Proof.
-    intros S i HP; simpl.
-    unfold S in *. simpl in *. clear S.
-    destruct i eqn:Hi.
-    { rewrite mul0n addn0 HP andTb.
-      fold i. apply /eqP. exact Hi.
-    }
-    { apply Request_index_decrements_over_period with (i := i) in HP.
-        3: { subst i. by rewrite leqnn. }
-        2: { by rewrite Hi. }
-      rewrite -Hi.
-      move: HP => /andP [HP' Hindex].
-      subst i.
-      rewrite -{1}[index ra (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State))]add0n eqn_add2r eq_sym in Hindex.
-      by rewrite HP' Hindex.
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Pending_requestor_slot_start ta ra:
-    ra \in (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) ->
-    forall tb, ta <= tb -> tb <= (Requestor_slot_start ta) ->
-    ra \in (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State)).
-  Proof.
-    intros HP.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    { intros tb HL HU. (* IDLE *)
-      rewrite /Requestor_slot_start Hs in HU.
-      assert (ta == tb) as Heq.
-      { rewrite leq_eqVlt in HL. move: HL => /orP [HL | HL].
-        { exact HL. }
-        { contradict HU. apply /negP. by rewrite -ltnNge HL. }
-      }
-      move: Heq => /eqP Heq; subst.
-      unfold FIFO_pending in *. rewrite Hs. exact HP.
-    }
-    { intros tb HL HU. (* RUNNING*) 
-      rewrite /Requestor_slot_start Hs in HU.
-      assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) as Hrun_a. { by rewrite Hs. }
-      assert (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) = c) as Hca. { by rewrite Hs. }
-      induction tb.
-      { rewrite leq_eqVlt in HL. move: HL => /orP [/eqP HL | HL].
-          { rewrite HL in Hrun_a. by simpl in Hrun_a. }
-          inversion HL.
-      }
-      rewrite leq_eqVlt in HL. move: HL => /orP [/eqP HL | HL].
-      { rewrite -HL. rewrite -Hs in HP. exact HP. }
-      rewrite ltnS in HL. apply ltnW in HU as HH.
-      apply IHtb in HL as IH. clear IHtb.
-        2: exact HH.
-      apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := c) (d := (tb - ta)) in Hrun_a as H'. destruct H' as [Hrun_b Hcb].
-        3: exact Hca.
-        2: { 
-          rewrite -ltn_subLR in HU.
-            2: exact HL.
-          rewrite ltn_subRL in HU. apply ltn_trans with (n := WAIT.-1). exact HU. rewrite ltn_predL WAIT_pos. done. 
-        }
-      assert (ta + (tb - ta) = tb). { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. exact HL. }
-      rewrite H in Hrun_b Hcb. clear H.
-      apply Pending_requestor in IH.
-        3: {
-          rewrite Hcb neq_ltn. apply /orP. left.
-          rewrite -ltn_subLR in HU.
-            2: exact HL.
-          rewrite ltn_subRL in HU. exact HU.
-        }
-        2: exact Hrun_b.
-      exact IH.
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_processing_starts ta ra:
-    ra \in (Arrival_at ta)
-    -> let t := (Requestor_slot_start ta) in
-       let i := index ra (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)) * WAIT in
-       let S := (Default_arbitrate (t + i)).(Implementation_State) in
-        (ra \in FIFO_pending S) && (index ra (FIFO_pending S) == 0).
-  Proof.
-    intros HP.
-    apply Pending_on_arrival in HP.
-    apply Pending_requestor_slot_start with (tb := (Requestor_slot_start ta)) in HP.
-      3: apply leqnn.
-      2: {
-        destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hsa.
-        all: rewrite /Requestor_slot_start Hsa.
-        2: by rewrite leq_addr.
-        1: by rewrite leqnn.
-      }
-    apply Request_index_zero in HP; simpl in HP.
-    exact HP.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Running_at_slot_start ta:
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) == WAIT.-1.
-  Proof.
-    intros H.
-    unfold Requestor_slot_start in *.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    { rewrite Hs in H. discriminate H. }
-    { assert (c + (WAIT.-1 - c) = WAIT.-1).
-        { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. destruct c. simpl in *. clear Hs. by apply nat_ltn_leq_pred in i. }
-      assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) as Hrun.
-        { by rewrite Hs. }
-      apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := c) (d := (WAIT.-1 -c)) in Hrun as [_ Hc].
-        3: by rewrite Hs.
-        2: { rewrite H0. rewrite ltn_predL. exact WAIT_pos. }
-      rewrite H0 in Hc.
-      apply /eqP; rewrite Hc. reflexivity.
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Counter_reaches ra ta:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) in
-    ra \in FIFO_pending (S) ->
-    forall i, i > 0 -> i <= index ra (FIFO_pending S) ->
-    let S' := (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta + i * WAIT)).(Implementation_State) in
-    (isRUNNING S') &&
-    (FIFO_counter (S') == WAIT.-1).
-  Proof.
-    intros S HP i Hi_pos Hi.
-    set (S' := (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta + i * WAIT)).(Implementation_State)); simpl.
-    unfold S,S' in *; clear S S'.
-    induction i.
-    { discriminate Hi_pos. }
-    { rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hi_pos; move: Hi_pos => /orP [/eqP Hz | Hi_pos].
-      { clear IHi. 
-        move:Hz => /eqP Hz; rewrite -addn1 -[i.+1]addn1 eqn_add2r in Hz; move:Hz => /eqP Hz.
-        rewrite -Hz mul1n.
-        destruct (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-        { rewrite -Hs in HP. 
-          apply Still_pending_on_idle_border in HP as H. move: H => /andP [/andP [/andP [Hrun HC] HP'] HI].
-            3: by rewrite -Hz -Hs in Hi.
-            2: by rewrite Hs.
-          apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := WAIT.-1) in Hrun as H. destruct H as [Hrun' HC'].
-            3: { apply /eqP. exact HC. }
-            2: { rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n ltn_predL. exact WAIT_pos. }
-          assert ((Requestor_slot_start ta).+1 + WAIT.-1 = (Requestor_slot_start ta) + WAIT).
-            { rewrite -addn1 -addnA [1 + WAIT.-1]addnC. rewrite addn1 prednK. reflexivity. exact WAIT_pos. }
-          rewrite H in HC',Hrun'.
-          rewrite /OCycle0 add0n in HC'.
-          by rewrite HC' Hrun' eq_refl.
-        }
-        { rewrite -Hs in HP.
-          assert (c + (WAIT.-1 -c) = WAIT.-1) as Hcounter.
-            { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. destruct c; simpl in *. clear Hs. by apply nat_ltn_leq_pred in i0. }
-          assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)) as Hrun.
-            { by rewrite Hs. }
-          apply Running_at_slot_start in Hrun as Hc.
-          apply Still_pending_on_running_border in HP as H.
-            4: exact Hc.
-            3: by rewrite -Hz -Hs in Hi.
-            2: exact Hrun.
-          move: H => /andP [/andP [/andP [Hrun' Hc']HP']HI'].
-          apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := WAIT.-1) in Hrun' as [Hrun'' Hc''].
-            3: by apply /eqP.
-            2: rewrite /OCycle0 add0n ltn_predL; exact WAIT_pos.
-          assert ((Requestor_slot_start ta).+1 + WAIT.-1 = Requestor_slot_start ta + WAIT).
-            { apply /eqP. 
-              rewrite -addn1 -addnA eqn_add2l addnC addn1 prednK; (by rewrite eq_refl || exact WAIT_pos).
-            }
-          rewrite H in Hrun'', Hc''.
-          rewrite /OCycle0 add0n in Hc''.
-          by rewrite Hrun'' Hc'' eq_refl.
-        }
-      }
-      { rename Hi into HU. rewrite -[i.+1]addn1 -{1}[1]add0n  ltn_add2r in Hi_pos.
-        apply ltnW in HU as HU'.
-        apply IHi in Hi_pos as IH. clear IHi. move: IH => /andP [Hrun /eqP Hc].
-          2: exact HU'.
-        apply Request_index_decrements_over_period with (i := i) in HP.
-          3: exact HU'.
-          2: exact Hi_pos.
-        move: HP => /andP [HP' Hi].
-        apply Still_pending_on_running_border in HP' as H.
-          4: by apply /eqP.
-          3: { move: Hi => /eqP Hi. rewrite Hi addnC in HU. by apply nat_ltn_add_rev in HU. }
-          2: exact Hrun.
-        move: H => /andP [/andP [/andP [Hrun' Hc']HP'']Hi'].
-        apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := WAIT.-1) in Hrun' as [Hrun'' Hc''].
-          3: by apply /eqP.
-          2: rewrite /OCycle0 add0n; rewrite ltn_predL; exact WAIT_pos.
-        rewrite mulSn. rewrite [WAIT + i * WAIT]addnC addnA.
-        rewrite -addn1 -addnA [1 + WAIT.-1]addnC addn1 prednK in Hrun'', Hc''.
-          2: exact WAIT_pos.
-        rewrite Hrun''.
-        rewrite /OCycle0 add0n in Hc''.
-        by rewrite Hc'' eq_refl.
-      }
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_starts_running ra ta:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
-    isRUNNING (S) ->
-    FIFO_counter (S) == WAIT.-1 ->
-    ra \in FIFO_pending (S) ->
-    index ra (FIFO_pending S) = 0 ->
-    (FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == Some ra) &&
-    (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == OCycle0) &&
-    (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State)).
-  Proof.
-    intros S Hrun Hc HP Hi.
-    unfold S in *; clear S.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    1: discriminate Hrun.
-    simpl; rewrite /Next_state Hs.
-    destruct (nat_of_ord c == OACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl.
-    all: rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hc.
-    all: try by rewrite Hc in Hwait.
-    4: destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl.
-    4: { discriminate HP. }
-    4: {
-      destruct (r1 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-      { move: Heq => /eqP Heq. by rewrite Heq eq_refl. }
-      { simpl in Hi. rewrite Heq in Hi. discriminate Hi. }
-    }
-    1,2: move: Hc => /eqP Hc; rewrite Hc in Hact; by rewrite FIFO_wait_neq_act in Hact.
-    move: Hc => /eqP Hc; rewrite Hc in Hcas; by rewrite FIFO_wait_neq_cas in Hcas.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_starts_idle ra ta:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
-    isIDLE (S) ->
-    ra \in FIFO_pending (S) ->
-    index ra (FIFO_pending S) = 0 ->
-    (FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == Some ra) &&
-    (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == OCycle0) &&
-    (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State)).
-  Proof.
-    intros S Hidle HP Hi.
-    unfold S in *; clear S.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    2: discriminate Hidle.
-    simpl; rewrite /Next_state Hs.
-    destruct r eqn:HPP.
-    { discriminate HP. }
-    simpl; rewrite eq_refl !andbT.
-    rewrite /FIFO_pending in Hi.
-    destruct (r0 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-    { move: Heq => /eqP Heq. by rewrite Heq. }
-    simpl in Hi. rewrite Heq in Hi. discriminate Hi.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_starts_idle_ ra ta:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
-    isIDLE (S) ->
-    ra \in FIFO_pending (S) ->
-    index ra (FIFO_pending S) = 0 ->
-    (FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == Some ra) &&
-    (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == OCycle0) &&
-    (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State)) &&
-    (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == Enqueue (Arrival_at ta.+1) (Dequeue ra (FIFO_pending S))).
-  Proof.
-    intros S Hidle HP Hi.
-    unfold S in *; clear S.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    2: discriminate Hidle.
-    simpl; rewrite /Next_state Hs.
-    destruct r eqn:HPP.
-    { discriminate HP. }
-    simpl; rewrite !eq_refl !andbT.
-    rewrite /FIFO_pending in Hi.
-    destruct (r0 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-    { move: Heq => /eqP Heq. rewrite Heq; by rewrite !eq_refl. }
-    simpl in Hi. rewrite Heq in Hi. discriminate Hi.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_running_in_slot ra ta d:
-    FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) == Some ra ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) == OCycle0 ->
-    d < WAIT ->
-    (FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) == Some ra).
-  Proof.
-    intros Hreq Hc Hd.
-    induction d.
-    { by rewrite addn0 Hreq. }
-    apply ltn_trans with (m := d) in Hd as Hd'.
-      2: done.
-    apply IHd in Hd' as IH. clear IHd.
-    assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) as Hrun.
-    { destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State).
-      { rewrite /FIFO_request in Hreq. discriminate Hreq. }
-      { done. }
-    }
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    { rewrite /FIFO_request in IH. discriminate IH. }
-    { apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := d) in Hrun as H. destruct H as [Hrun' Hc'].
-        3: apply /eqP; exact Hc.
-        2: rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n.
-      rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n in Hc'.
-      rewrite addnS; simpl; rewrite /Next_state Hs //=.
-      destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl.
-      all: try by rewrite /FIFO_request in IH.
-      destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl.
-      all: rewrite Hs /FIFO_counter in Hc'; move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; rewrite Hc' in Hwait; rewrite Hwait prednK in Hd.
-      all: try exact WAIT_pos.
-      all: try by rewrite ltnn in Hd.
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_processing ta ra d:
-    ra \in (Arrival_at ta)
-    -> let t := Requestor_slot_start ta in
-       let i := index ra (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State)) * WAIT in
-       d < WAIT ->
-       let S' := (Default_arbitrate ((t + i).+1 + d)).(Implementation_State) in 
-       (FIFO_counter (S') == d) && (FIFO_request (S') == Some ra).
-  Proof.
-    intros HA t i Hd.
-    apply Pending_on_arrival in HA as HP.
-    apply Pending_requestor_slot_start with (tb := Requestor_slot_start ta) in HP as HP'.
-      3: by rewrite leqnn.
-      2: { rewrite /Requestor_slot_start. destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs. 
-        by rewrite leqnn.
-        by rewrite leq_addr.
-      }
-    destruct (index ra (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State))) eqn:Hz.
-      { subst i. 
-        rewrite mul0n addn0; subst t.
-        unfold Requestor_slot_start in *.
-        destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-        { rewrite -Hs in HP. apply Request_starts_idle in HP as H. move: H => /andP [/andP [Hreq Hc] Hrun].
-            3: exact Hz.
-            2: by rewrite Hs.
-          apply Request_running_in_slot with (d := d) in Hreq as Hreq'.
-            3: exact Hd.
-            2: exact Hc.
-          rewrite Hreq' andbT.
-          apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c:=OCycle0) (d:=d) in Hrun. destruct Hrun as [_ H].
-            3: by apply /eqP.
-            2: rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n.
-          rewrite /OCycle0 add0n in H; by apply /eqP.
-        }
-        { assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) as Hrun.
-            { by rewrite Hs. }
-          assert (c + (WAIT.-1 - c ) = WAIT.-1).
-            { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. destruct c; simpl in *. clear Hs. by apply nat_ltn_leq_pred in i. } 
-          apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := c) (d := (WAIT.-1 -c)) in Hrun as H'. destruct H' as [Hrun' Hc'].
-            3: by rewrite Hs.
-            2: rewrite H ltn_predL; exact WAIT_pos.
-          rewrite H in Hc'.
-          apply Request_starts_running with (ra := ra) in Hrun' as H'. move: H' => /andP [/andP [Hreq Hc''] Hrun''].
-            4: exact Hz.
-            3: exact HP'.
-            2: by rewrite Hc' eq_refl.
-          apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d:= d) in Hrun'' as H'. destruct H' as [Hrun''' Hc'''].
-            3: by apply /eqP.
-            2: by rewrite /OCycle0 add0n.
-          apply Request_running_in_slot with (d := d) in Hreq.
-            3: exact Hd.
-            2: exact Hc''.
-          rewrite Hreq andbT.
-          rewrite /OCycle0 add0n in Hc'''; by rewrite Hc''' eq_refl.
-        }
-      }
-    apply Counter_reaches with (i := index ra (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State))) in HP'.
-      3: by subst t.
-      2: by rewrite Hz.
-    move: HP' => /andP [Hrun HC].
-    apply Request_processing_starts in HA as H. move: H => /andP [HP' Hiz].
-    fold t in Hrun,HC; rewrite Hz in Hrun,HC.
-    fold i in Hrun,HC; fold t in HP',Hiz.
-    rewrite Hz in HP',Hiz; fold i in HP',Hiz.
-    apply Request_starts_running with (ra := ra) in HC as H. move: H => /andP [/andP [Hreq HC'] H].
-      4: by apply /eqP.  
-      3: exact HP'.
-      2: exact Hrun.
-    apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := d) in H. destruct H as [Hrun' HC''].
-      3: by apply /eqP.
-      2: rewrite /OCycle0 add0n; exact Hd.
-    rewrite /OCycle0 add0n in HC''.
-    apply Request_running_in_slot with (d := d) in Hreq as H.
-      3: exact Hd.
-      2: exact HC'.
-    set S' := (Default_arbitrate ((t + i).+1 + d)).(Implementation_State); simpl.
-    by fold S' in HC'',H; rewrite H; rewrite HC'' eq_refl.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_CAS ta ra: 
-    ra \in (Arrival_at ta) 
-    -> let tc := (Requestor_slot_start ta + (index ra (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)) * WAIT) + CAS_date).+1 in
-       (CAS_of_req ra tc.+1) \in (Default_arbitrate tc.+1).(Arbiter_Commands).
-  Proof.
-    intros HA.
-    apply Request_processing with (d := CAS_date) in HA as H.
-      2: exact WAIT_CAS.
-    move: H => /andP [HC HR]; clear HA.
-    rewrite addSn in HC, HR; set (tc := _ + CAS_date); fold tc in HC, HR.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate tc.+1).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; simpl.
-    { by rewrite /FIFO_request in HR. } 
-    simpl in Hs; rewrite Hs.
-    rewrite /Next_state.
-    rewrite /FIFO_counter in HC.
-    assert ((nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) = false) as Hact.
-    { move: HC => /eqP HC. by rewrite HC CAS_neq_ACT. }
-    rewrite //= Hact HC //= /CAS_of_req in_cons; apply /orP; left.
-    rewrite /FIFO_request inj_eq in HR. move: HR => /eqP HR.
-      2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.
-    by rewrite HR.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Counter_at_running_slot_start ta c:
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) == c ->
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) ->
-    c == WAIT.-1.
-  Proof.
-    intros Hc Hrun.
-    unfold Requestor_slot_start in *.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    { by rewrite Hs in Hrun. }
-    { clear Hrun.
-      assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) as H.
-      { by rewrite Hs. }
-      assert (c0 + (WAIT.-1 - c0) = WAIT.-1).
-      { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. destruct c0; simpl in *; clear Hs; by apply nat_ltn_leq_pred in i. }
-      apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := c0) (d := (WAIT.-1 - c0)) in H as [Hrun Hc'].
-        3: by rewrite Hs.
-        2: rewrite H0; rewrite ltn_predL; exact WAIT_pos.
-      rewrite H0 in Hc'; by rewrite Hc' eq_sym in Hc.
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_PRE ta ra: 
-    ra \in (Arrival_at ta)
-    -> let i := index ra (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)) * WAIT in 
-       let tc := ((Requestor_slot_start ta) + i).+1 in
-        (PRE_of_req ra tc) \in (Default_arbitrate tc).(Arbiter_Commands).
-  Proof.
-    intros HA.
-    apply Request_processing_starts in HA as HP; move: HP => /andP [HP HI].
-    set i := index _ _; fold i in HP,HI.
-    set t := Requestor_slot_start ta + i * WAIT; fold t in HP,HI.
-    destruct i eqn:Hz. (* Case i = 0 *)
-    { rewrite mul0n //= addn0; subst t.
-      rewrite mul0n addn0 in HP,HI.
-      rewrite /Next_state.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-      { rewrite /FIFO_pending in HP,HI.
-        destruct r eqn:HPP.
-        { discriminate HP. }
-        { destruct (ra == r0) eqn:Heq. 
-          { simpl; move: Heq => /eqP Heq; rewrite /PRE_of_req in_cons Heq; apply /orP; left; by rewrite eq_refl. }
-          { rewrite eq_sym in Heq; by rewrite //= Heq in HI. }}}
-      { rewrite /FIFO_pending in HP,HI.
-        assert (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) == c).
-        { by rewrite Hs. }
-        apply Counter_at_running_slot_start in H.
-        2: by rewrite Hs.
-        move: H => /eqP H; rewrite H FIFO_wait_neq_act FIFO_wait_neq_cas eq_refl.
-        destruct r eqn:HPP.
-        { discriminate HP. }
-        { destruct (r1 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-          { simpl; move: Heq => /eqP Heq; rewrite /PRE_of_req in_cons Heq; apply /orP; left; by rewrite eq_refl. }
-          { by rewrite //= Heq in HI. }}}}
-    apply Pending_on_arrival in HA as H.
-    apply Pending_requestor_slot_start with (tb := Requestor_slot_start ta) in H.
-      3: by rewrite leqnn.
-      2: { rewrite /Requestor_slot_start; destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State). 
-        by rewrite leqnn. by rewrite leq_addr. }
-    apply Counter_reaches with (i := i) in H. move: H => /andP [Hrun HC]; fold t in Hrun,HC.
-      3: subst i; by rewrite leqnn.
-      2: by rewrite Hz.
-    simpl; fold t; rewrite /Next_state.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    { destruct r eqn:HPP.
-      { simpl in HP; discriminate HP. }
-      { destruct (r0 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-        { by simpl; move: Heq => /eqP Heq; rewrite in_cons /PRE_of_req //= Heq eq_refl orTb. }
-        { by rewrite /FIFO_pending //= Heq in HI. }
-      }}
-    { unfold FIFO_pending in HP,HI. subst t; rewrite -Hz in Hs; rewrite Hs /FIFO_counter in HC; move: HC => /eqP HC.
-      rewrite HC FIFO_wait_neq_act FIFO_wait_neq_cas eq_refl.
-      destruct r eqn:HPP.
-      { discriminate HP. }
-      { destruct (r1 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-        { simpl; move: Heq => /eqP Heq; by rewrite in_cons /PRE_of_req //= Heq eq_refl orTb. }
-        { by rewrite /FIFO_pending //= Heq in HI. }
-      }
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Theorem Requests_handled ta ra:
-    ra \in (Arrival_at ta) 
-    -> exists tc, (CAS_of_req ra tc) \in ((Default_arbitrate tc).(Arbiter_Commands)).
-  Proof.
-    intros HA.
-    apply Request_CAS in HA as H.
-    set tc := _.+1 in H.
-    exists (tc.+1).
-    exact H.
-  Qed.
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* -------------------- PROTOCOL PROOFS ----------------------------- *)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  Lemma Command_from_request_matches cmd t c reqlist r0:
-    ~ isNOP cmd -> cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) = RUNNING c reqlist r0 ->
-    cmd.(Request) = r0.
-  Proof.
-    intros nop H Hrun.
-    induction t.
-    { simpl in H; discriminate H. }
-    { simpl in H; rewrite /Next_state in H.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-      { destruct r eqn:Hp; simpl in H.
-        { rewrite in_cons in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H].
-          { rewrite H //= /Next_state Hs //= in Hrun. }
-          { by apply IHt in H. }}
-        { rewrite in_cons in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H].
-          { rewrite H //= /Next_state Hs //= eq_refl in Hrun.
-            injection Hrun as _ _ Hreq; rewrite H //=.
-          }
-          { by apply IHt in H. }}}
-      { simpl in H.
-        destruct (nat_of_ord c0 == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c0 == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c0 == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl in H.
-        7: { 
-          destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl in H.
-          { rewrite in_cons in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H].
-            { rewrite H //= /Next_state Hs //= Hact Hcas Hwait //= in Hrun. }
-            { by apply IHt in H. }}
-          { rewrite in_cons in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H].
-            { rewrite H //= /Next_state Hs //= Hact Hcas Hwait //= eq_refl in Hrun.
-              injection Hrun as _ _ Hreq; rewrite H //=. }
-            { by apply IHt in H. }}
-        }
-        all: rewrite in_cons in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H]. 
-        all: try by apply IHt in H.
-        all: try (rewrite H //= /Next_state Hs //= Hact //= in Hrun; injection Hrun as _ _ Hreq; rewrite H //=).
-        all: try (rewrite H //= /Next_state Hs //= Hact Hcas //= in Hrun; injection Hrun as _ _ Hreq; rewrite H //=).
-        rewrite H /isNOP //= in nop.
-      }
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Pending_arrived t:
-    forall r, r \in FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) ->
-    exists t', r \in Arrival_at t'.
-  Proof.
-    intros r HP.
-    induction t.
-    { simpl in HP. exists (0). exact HP. }
-    { simpl in HP; rewrite /Next_state in HP.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-      { destruct r0 eqn:HPP; simpl in HP.
-        { exists(t.+1); exact HP. }
-        { rewrite eq_refl /Enqueue mem_cat in HP; move: HP => /orP [HP | HP].
-          simpl in IHt; rewrite in_cons HP orbT in IHt. by apply IHt.
-          exists(t.+1); exact HP.
-        }}
-      { simpl in HP.
-        destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl in HP.
-        all: try (rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat in HP; move: HP => /orP [HP | HP]).
-        all: try (simpl in IHt; by apply IHt in HP as IH).
-        all: try (exists(t.+1); exact HP).
-        destruct (r0) eqn:HPP; simpl in HP.
-        2: { 
-          rewrite eq_refl /Enqueue mem_cat in HP; move: HP => /orP [HP | HP].
-          simpl in IHt; rewrite in_cons HP orbT in IHt. by apply IHt.
-          exists(t.+1); exact HP.   
-        }
-        exists(t.+1); exact HP.
-      }
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Was_in_pending_queue t ra:
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) ->
-    FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) == Some ra ->
-    exists t', ra \in FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State).
-  Proof.
-    intros Hrun Hreq.
-    induction t.
-    { by simpl in Hrun. }
-    { simpl in Hrun,Hreq; rewrite /Next_state in Hrun Hreq. 
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-      { destruct r eqn:HP; simpl in Hrun, Hreq.
-        { done. }
-        { rewrite inj_eq in Hreq. move: Hreq => /eqP Hreq.
-            2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj. 
-          exists (t); rewrite Hs -Hreq /FIFO_pending; by apply mem_head. }}
-      { simpl in Hrun,Hreq.
-        destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl in Hrun,Hreq.
-        7: { 
-          destruct r eqn:Hp; simpl in Hrun,Hreq.
-            1: done.
-          rewrite inj_eq in Hreq. move: Hreq => /eqP Hreq.
-            2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.
-          exists (t); rewrite Hs -Hreq /FIFO_pending; by apply mem_head.
-        }
-        all: simpl in IHt; by apply IHt. 
-      }
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Running_arrived t ra:
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) ->
-    (FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State)) == Some ra ->
-    exists t', ra \in (Arrival_at t').
-  Proof.
-    intros Hrun Hreq.
-    apply Was_in_pending_queue with (ra := ra) in Hrun as [ta HP].
-      2: done.
-    by apply Pending_arrived in HP as H.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Cmd_in_trace cmd t:
-    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    cmd.(CDate) <= t.
-  Admitted.
-  Lemma l0 t1 t2:
-    (Default_arbitrate t1).(Implementation_State) = 
-    (Default_arbitrate t2).(Implementation_State) ->
-    t1 = t2.
-  Admitted.
-  (* got to have some lemma that states *)
-  Lemma laux t r P :
-    FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = Some r ->
-    FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = P ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = OCycle0 ->
-    FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t.-1).(Implementation_State) = r :: P.
-  Admitted.
-  Lemma l1 t' P ra ta :
-    let t := Requestor_slot_start ta in
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) in
-    let i := index ra (FIFO_pending S) in
-    let tc := t + i * WAIT in
-    ra \in Arrival_at ta ->
-    FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate tc).(Implementation_State) = ra :: P ->
-    FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State) = Some ra ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State) = OCycle0 ->
-    FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State) = Enqueue (Arrival_at tc.+1) P.
-  Proof.
-    intros t S i tc HA Hp_tc HR_t' HC_t'.
-    apply Request_processing_starts in HA; move: HA => /andP [HP_tc HI_tc]; fold t S i tc in HP_tc,HI_tc.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate tc).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    { rewrite -Hs in HI_tc,Hp_tc,HP_tc.
-      apply Request_starts_idle_ in HP_tc as H.
-        3: by apply /eqP.
-        2: by rewrite Hs. 
-      move: H => /andP [/andP [/andP [HR_tcp1 HC_tcp1]Hrun_tcp1]HP_tcp1].
-      simpl in *; unfold Next_state in *; rewrite Hs in HP_tcp1,Hrun_tcp1,HC_tcp1,HR_tcp1; simpl in *.
-      destruct r eqn:HPP.
-        { done. }
-      simpl in *.
-      rewrite Hs /FIFO_pending in Hp_tc.
-      rewrite eq_refl in HP_tcp1.
-      admit.
-    }
-  Admitted.
-  Lemma l2_idle t ra P:
-    FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = ra :: P ->
-    isIDLE (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) ->
-    FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t.+1).(Implementation_State) = Enqueue (Arrival_at t.+1) P.
-  Proof.
-    intros HP Hidle; simpl; rewrite /Next_state.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-      2: by discriminate Hidle. 
-    destruct r eqn:HPP.
-      1: by rewrite /FIFO_pending in HP.
-    rewrite //= eq_refl.
-    assert (index ra (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State)) = 0).
-      { rewrite -Hs in HP. rewrite HP //= eq_refl. reflexivity. }
-    destruct (r0 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-      { move: HP => /eqP HP. 
-        rewrite /FIFO_pending eqseq_cons Heq in HP; move: HP => /andP [_ /eqP HP].
-        by rewrite HP. }
-      { by rewrite Hs /FIFO_pending //= Heq in H. }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma l2_running t ra P:
-    FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = ra :: P ->
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = WAIT.-1 ->
-    FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t.+1).(Implementation_State) = Enqueue (Arrival_at t.+1) P.
-  Admitted.
-  (* FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State) = P -> *)
-  Lemma l3 ra ta t':
-    let t  := Requestor_slot_start ta in
-    let S  := (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) in
-    let i  := index ra (FIFO_pending S) in
-    let tc := t + i * WAIT in 
-    ra \in Arrival_at ta ->
-    FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State) = Some ra ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State) = OCycle0 ->
-    tc.+1 = t'.
-  Proof.
-    intros t S i tc HA Hreq' Hc'.
-    apply Request_processing_starts in HA as H; move: H => /andP [HP HI]; fold t S i tc in HP,HI.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate tc).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    { destruct r eqn:HPP.
-      { simpl in HP; discriminate HP. }
-      { rewrite /FIFO_pending in HP,HI.
-        apply l1 with (P := r1) (ta := ta) in Hreq' as HP'. fold t S i tc in HP'.
-          4: exact Hc'.
-          3: { 
-            fold t S i tc; rewrite Hs /FIFO_pending.
-            destruct (r0 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-            { move: Heq => /eqP Heq; by rewrite Heq. }
-            { simpl in HI; by rewrite Heq in HI. }
-          }
-          2: exact HA.
-        assert (isIDLE (Default_arbitrate tc).(Implementation_State)) as Hidle.
-          { by rewrite Hs. }
-        apply Request_starts_idle with (ra := ra) in Hidle as HH.
-          3,2: (rewrite Hs /FIFO_pending; (done || by apply /eqP)).
-        move: HH => /andP [/andP [Hreq Hc] Hrun].
-        apply l2_idle with (ra := ra) (P := r1) in Hidle.
-          2: { 
-            fold t S i tc; rewrite Hs /FIFO_pending.
-            destruct (r0 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-            { move: Heq => /eqP Heq; by rewrite Heq. }
-            { simpl in HI; by rewrite Heq in HI. }
-          }
-        assert ((Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State) = (Default_arbitrate (tc.+1)).(Implementation_State)).
-          { destruct (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State).
-              { by rewrite /FIFO_request in Hreq'. }
-            move: Hreq' => /eqP Hreq'. rewrite /FIFO_request inj_eq in Hreq'. move: Hreq' => /eqP Hreq'. rewrite Hreq'.
-              2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.
-            move: Hc' => /eqP Hc'. rewrite /FIFO_counter nat_of_counter_eq in Hc'. move: Hc' => /eqP Hc'. rewrite Hc'.
-            rewrite /FIFO_pending in HP'. rewrite HP'.
-            destruct (Default_arbitrate tc.+1).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hss.
-              { discriminate Hrun. }
-            rewrite /FIFO_request inj_eq in Hreq. move: Hreq => /eqP Hreq. rewrite Hreq.
-              2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.
-            rewrite /FIFO_counter nat_of_counter_eq in Hc. move: Hc => /eqP Hc. rewrite Hc.
-            rewrite /FIFO_pending in Hidle. rewrite Hidle.
-            reflexivity.
-          }
-        apply l0 in H. by rewrite H. }}
-    { admit. }
-  Admitted.
-  Lemma Requests_starts_before_zero t' ta cmd:
-    let t  := Requestor_slot_start ta in
-    let S  := (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) in
-    let i  := index cmd.(Request) (FIFO_pending S) in
-    let tc := (t + i * WAIT) in 
-    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t').(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == Some cmd.(Request) ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == OCycle0 ->
-    cmd.(Request) \in Arrival_at ta ->
-    tc.+1 = cmd.(CDate).
-  Proof.
-    intros t S i tc Hin Hreq Hc HA.
-    apply Request_PRE in HA as H.
-    rewrite /PRE_of_req in H; fold t S i tc in H.
-    apply l3 with (t' := cmd.(CDate)) in HA as HH.
-      3,2: by apply /eqP.
-    by fold t S i tc in HH.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Requests_starts_before t' ta cmd c:
-    let t  := Requestor_slot_start ta in
-    let S  := (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) in
-    let i  := index cmd.(Request) (FIFO_pending S) in
-    let tc := t + i * WAIT in 
-    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t').(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == Some cmd.(Request) ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == c ->
-    cmd.(Request) \in Arrival_at ta ->
-    tc.+1 + c = cmd.(CDate).
-  Proof.
-    intros t S i tc Hin Hreq Hc HA.
-    apply Request_PRE in HA as H; fold t S i tc in H.
-    (* got to have an alternate version of l3 that works with a counter value *)
-  Admitted.
-  Lemma Cmds_ACT_ok a b t: 
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    isACT a \/ isCAS a -> isACT b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-    exists c, (c \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands)) && isPRE c && Same_Bank b c && Same_Bank a c && ~~ Before_at c a && Before c b.
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb iA iAb SB aBb.
-    destruct iA as [iAa | iCa].
-    { apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as H. destruct H as [Hca [Hrun_a Hreq_a]].
-      apply FIFO_ACT_date in Hb as H. destruct H as [Hcb [Hrun_b Hreq_b]].
-        all: try done.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate b.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hsb.
-        1: by simpl in Hrun_b.
-      rewrite -Hsb in Hreq_b. apply Running_arrived in Hreq_b as HH. destruct HH as [ta H].
-        2: by rewrite Hsb.
-      apply Request_PRE in H as Hpre. 
-      set i := index b.(Request) (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)); fold i in Hpre.
-      set tc :=  (Requestor_slot_start ta + i * WAIT).+1; fold tc in Hpre.
-      exists (mkCmd tc PRE b.(Request)).
-      rewrite /Same_Bank in SB; move: SB => /eqP SB.
-      rewrite /isPRE /Same_Bank //= eq_refl andbT SB eq_refl andbT andbT /Before /Before_at //= -ltnNge.
-      (* apply Request_ACT in H as Hact. *)
-      (* apply Requests_starts_before_zero with (ta := ta) in Hb. *)
-      apply Requests_starts_before with (ta := ta) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hb as Hlt.
-        4: exact H.
-        3: rewrite -Hsb in Hcb; by rewrite Hcb.
-        2: exact Hreq_b.
-      fold i tc in Hlt.
-      rewrite {2 3}Hlt. 
-      apply /andP; split.
-        2: { 
-          rewrite ltn_subrL; apply FIFO_date_gt_0 in Hb. 
-          rewrite Hb FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS /ACT_date prednK. 
-          rewrite andbT. 
-          all: by rewrite lt0n T_RP_pos.
-        }
-      apply /andP; split.
-        2: {
-          apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hrun_b.
-            all: try (done || by rewrite -Hsb in Hcb).
-          rewrite ltn_subRL addnC.
-          rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hrun_b; move: Hrun_b => /orP [/eqP Hrun_b | Hrun_b].
-          { by rewrite -Hrun_b ltn_add2l FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS FIFO_WAIT_GT_ACTp1. }
-          { apply ltn_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + WAIT). 
-              2: exact Hrun_b.
-            by rewrite ltn_add2l FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS FIFO_WAIT_GT_ACTp1.
-          }
-        }
-      apply FIFO_in_the_past with (t := b.(CDate)).
-        { by apply Cmd_in_trace in Hb. }
-      apply FIFO_in_the_past with (t := tc).
-        { by rewrite Hlt leq_subr. }
-      by rewrite /PRE_of_req in Hpre; fold tc in Hpre. 
-    }
-  Admitted.
-  Lemma FIFO_idle_to_running t c r:
-    (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = IDLE c r ->
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t.+1).(Implementation_State) ->
-    r != [::].
-  Proof.
-    intros.
-    simpl in H0; rewrite /Next_state //= H in H0.
-    destruct r eqn:HP; simpl.
-      2: done.
-    discriminate H0.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_running_before t c d:
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = c ->
-    c >= d -> isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate (t - d)).(Implementation_State).
-  Proof.
-    intros.
-    induction d.
-  Admitted.
-  Lemma FIFO_issues_pre a t:
-    let pre := mkCmd (a.(CDate) - T_RP) PRE a.(Request) in 
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isACT a ->
-    pre \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands).
-  Proof.
-    intros pre Ha iAa.
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as H'. destruct H' as [Hc_a Hrun_a].
-      2: exact iAa.
-    apply FIFO_in_the_past with (t := (a.(CDate) - T_RP).-1.+1).
-      1: admit.
-    simpl; rewrite /Next_state //=.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate (a.(CDate) - T_RP).-1).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; simpl.
-      { destruct r eqn:HP; simpl.
-          { apply FIFO_running_before with (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) (d := T_RP) in Hrun_a as Hrun_a'.
-              3: { rewrite /Next_cycle /OACT_date //= FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS /ACT_date prednK.
-                by rewrite leqnn.
-                rewrite lt0n; exact T_RP_pos.
-              }
-              2: exact Hc_a.
-            apply FIFO_idle_to_running in Hs.
-              2: admit.
-            discriminate Hs.
-          }
-        rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; left; subst pre; rewrite prednK.
-          2: admit.
-        admit. (* should be trivial *)
-      }
-      destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl.
-      (* if I'm running at the next cycle (need run_before) with counter equal to 0, then the counter here should be WAIT .-1 *)
-      7: destruct r.
-      all: simpl.
-      7: { (* there should be a request in the queue, contradict that *) admit. }
-  Admitted.
-  Lemma Cmds_ACT_ok a b t:
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    isACT a \/ isCAS a -> isACT b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-    exists c, (c \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) /\ isPRE c /\ Same_Bank a c /\ Before c b /\ ~ Before_at c a).
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb iA iB SB aBb.
-    destruct iA as [iAa | iCa].
-      { apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as H'. destruct H' as [Hc_a Hrun_a].
-          2: exact iAa.
-        assert (Next_cycle OACT_date + (WAIT.-1 - ACT_date.+1) = WAIT.-1).
-          { rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS subnKC. 2: admit. 1: done. }
-        apply FIFO_l_add_counter with (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) (d := WAIT.-1 - ACT_date.+1) in Hrun_a as [Hrun_a' Hc_a'].
-          3: exact Hc_a.
-          2: by rewrite H ltn_predL WAIT_pos.
-        rewrite H in Hc_a'.
-        apply FIFO_l_counter_border in Hc_a' as Hc_a''.
-          2: exact Hrun_a'.
-        destruct (Default_arbitrate (a.(CDate) + (WAIT.-1 - ACT_date.+1)).+1).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-          { admit. }
-          { }
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* --------------------- REQUEST PROOFS ----------------------------- *)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  Obligation Tactic := simpl.
-  Program Definition FIFO_arbitrate t :=
-    mkTrace (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Time)
-    (Default_arbitrate_cmds_uniq t) (Default_arbitrate_cmds_date t)
-    (Cmds_T_RRD_ok t) (Cmds_T_FAW_ok t) _ (Cmds_T_RP_ok t) _ _ (Cmds_T_RTP_ok t) _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
-  Admit Obligations.
-  Global Program Instance FIFO_arbiter : Arbiter_t :=
-    mkArbiter AF FIFO_arbitrate _ _.
-  Admit Obligations.
-End FIFO.
-Section Test.
-  Program Instance BANK_CFG : Bank_configuration :=
-  {
-    BANKS := 1;
-    T_BURST := 1;
-    T_WL    := 1;
-    T_RRD := 3;
-    T_FAW := 20;
-    T_RC  := 3;
-    T_RP  := 4;
-    T_RCD := 2;
-    T_RAS := 4;
-    T_RTP := 4;
-    T_WR  := 1;
-    T_RTW := 10;
-    T_WTR := 10;
-    T_CCD := 12;
-  }.
-  Program Instance FIFO_CFG : FIFO_configuration :=
-  {
-    WAIT := 10
-  }.
-  Instance REQESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration := 
-  {
-    Requestor_t := unit_eqType
-  }.
-  Program Definition Req1 := mkReq tt 1 RD 0 1 0.
-  Program Definition Req2 := mkReq tt 2 RD 0 1 0.
-  Definition Input : Requests_t := [:: Req2; Req1].
-  Program Instance AF : Arrival_function_t := Default_arrival_function_t Input.
-End Test.
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deleted file mode 100644
index f983405cc3f799b65678025290c9e7977bbc101d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/framework/DDR4/Requestor.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect eqtype.
-Class Requestor_configuration :=
-  Requestor_t : eqType;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DDR4/Requests.v b/framework/DDR4/Requests.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aec13d7d1ecd94aee0b66a6155005865a50e0f0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/framework/DDR4/Requests.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
-Set Printing Projections.
-From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect eqtype.
-Set Printing Projections.
-From DDR4 Require Export Util System Requestor Bank.
-Section Requests.
-  Context {REQESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration}.
-  Context {ARBITER_CFG  : Arbiter_configuration}.
-  Context {SYS_CFG      : System_configuration}.
-  Inductive Request_kind_t : Set :=
-    RD |
-    WR.
-  Local Definition Request_kind_eqdef (a b : Request_kind_t) :=
-    match a, b with
-      | RD, RD
-      | WR, WR => true
-      | _, _   => false
-    end.
-  Lemma Request_kind_eqn : Equality.axiom Request_kind_eqdef.
-  Proof.
-    unfold Equality.axiom. intros.
-    destruct (Request_kind_eqdef x y) eqn:H; unfold Request_kind_eqdef in *.
-    - apply ReflectT. destruct x, y; inversion H; auto.
-    - apply ReflectF; destruct x, y; inversion H; unfold not; intros; inversion H0.
-  Qed.
-  Canonical Request_kind_eqMixin := EqMixin Request_kind_eqn.
-  Canonical Request_kind_eqType:= Eval hnf in EqType Request_kind_t Request_kind_eqMixin.
-  Record Request_t := mkReq
-  {
-    Requestor : Requestor_t;
-    Date : nat;
-    Kind : Request_kind_t;
-    Bankgroup : Bankgroup_t;
-    Bank : Bank_t;
-    Row  : Row_t
-  }.
-  Local Definition Request_eqdef (a b : Request_t) :=
-    (a.(Requestor) == b.(Requestor)) &&
-    (a.(Date) == b.(Date)) &&
-    (a.(Kind) == b.(Kind)) &&
-    (a.(Bankgroup) == b.(Bankgroup)) &&
-    (a.(Bank) == b.(Bank)) &&
-    (a.(Row) == b.(Row)).
-  Lemma Request_eqn : Equality.axiom Request_eqdef.
-  Proof.
-    unfold Equality.axiom. intros. destruct Request_eqdef eqn:H.
-    {
-      apply ReflectT. unfold Request_eqdef in *.
-      move: H => /andP [/andP [/andP [/andP [ /andP [/eqP RQ /eqP Hdate /eqP Hkind /eqP Bg /eqP B /eqP R]]]]].
-      destruct x,y; simpl in *. by subst.
-    }
-    apply ReflectF. unfold Request_eqdef, not in *.
-    intro BUG.
-    apply negbT in H. rewrite negb_and in H.
-    destruct x, y.
-      move: H => /orP [H | /eqP Row].
-      rewrite negb_and in H.
-      move: H => /orP [H | /eqP Bank].
-      rewrite negb_and in H.
-      move: H => /orP [H | /eqP Bg].
-      rewrite negb_and in H.
-      move: H => /orP [H | /eqP Kind].
-      rewrite negb_and in H.
-      move: H => /orP [/eqP Req | /eqP Date].
-      by apply Req; inversion BUG.
-      by apply Date; inversion BUG.
-      by apply Kind; inversion BUG.
-      by apply Bg; inversion BUG.
-      by apply Bank; inversion BUG.
-      by apply Row; inversion BUG.
-  Qed.
-  Canonical Request_eqMixin := EqMixin Request_eqn.
-  Canonical Request_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType Request_t Request_eqMixin.
-  Definition Requests_t := seq Request_t.
-End Requests.
diff --git a/framework/DDR4/System.v b/framework/DDR4/System.v
deleted file mode 100644
index c60be2461d46e624e1d381d9db94d6c4a4c369bb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/framework/DDR4/System.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
-Set Printing Projections.
-From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool seq eqtype.
-Section System.
-(* The arbiter state *)
-Class Arbiter_configuration :=
-  State_t : Type;
-(* The system *)
-Class System_configuration :=
-  BANKS      : nat;
-  T_BURST : nat;   (* delay of a burst transfer RD/WR *)
-  T_WL    : nat;   (* delay between a WR and its bus transfer *)
-  T_RRD  : nat;    (* ACT to ACT delay inter-bank *)
-  T_FAW  : nat;    (* Four ACT window inter-bank *)
-  T_RC   : nat;    (* ACT to ACT delay intra-bank *)
-  T_RP   : nat;    (* PRE to ACT delay intra-bank *)
-  T_RCD  : nat;    (* ACT to CAS delay intra-bank *)
-  T_RAS  : nat;    (* ACT to PRE delay intra-bank *)
-  T_RTP  : nat;    (* RD to PRE delay intra-bank *)
-  T_WR   : nat;    (* WR end to PRE delay intra-bank *)
-  T_RTW  : nat;    (* RD to WR delay intra- + inter-bank *)
-  T_WTR  : nat;    (* WR to RD delay intra- + inter-bank *)
-  T_CCD  : nat;    (* RD/WR to RD/WR delay intra- + inter-bank *)
-  (* POs *)
-  BANKS_pos      : BANKS != 0;
-  T_RRD_pos  : T_RRD != 0;
-  T_FAW_pos  : T_FAW != 0;
-  T_RC_pos   : T_RC != 0;
-  T_RP_pos   : T_RP != 0;
-  T_RCD_pos  : T_RCD != 0;
-  T_RAS_pos  : T_RAS != 0;
-  T_RTP_pos  : T_RTP != 0;
-  T_WR_pos   : T_WR != 0;
-  T_RTW_pos  : T_RTW != 0;
-  T_WTR_pos  : T_WTR != 0;
-  T_CCD_pos  : T_CCD != 0
-End System.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DDR4/TDM.v b/framework/DDR4/TDM.v
deleted file mode 100644
index cfb3036cd3694e6281985e7315eb75e79ffd3df6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/framework/DDR4/TDM.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1510 +0,0 @@
-Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
-Set Printing Projections.
-From sdram Require Export Arbiter Requests.
-From mathcomp Require Export fintype div.
-Require Import Program.
-(* Require Import Coq.Logic.Classical_Pred_Type. *)
-Section TDM.
-  Context {BANK_CFG : Bank_configuration}.
-  Local Definition ACT_date := T_RP.+1.
-  Local Definition CAS_date := ACT_date + T_RCD.+1.
-  Class TDM_configuration :=
-  {
-    SL : nat;
-    SN : nat;
-    SN_pos  : 0 < SN;
-    SN_one  : 1 < SN;
-    SL_pos  : 0 < SL;
-    SL_ACT  : ACT_date < SL;
-    SL_CASS : CAS_date.+1 < SL;
-    T_RRD_SL  : T_RRD < SL;
-    T_FAW_3SL : T_FAW < SL + SL + SL
-  }.
-  Context {TDM_CFG : TDM_configuration}.
-  Lemma Last_cycle:
-    SL.-1 < SL.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite ltn_predL. apply SL_pos.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma SL_CAS: 
-    CAS_date < SL.
-  Proof.
-    specialize SL_CASS as H.
-    apply ltn_trans with (m := CAS_date) in H.
-    - exact H.
-    - apply ltnSn.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma SL_one:
-    1 < SL.
-  Proof.
-    specialize SL_CAS as H.
-    unfold CAS_date, ACT_date in H.
-    apply ltn_trans with (m := 1) in H.
-    - exact H. clear H.
-    - rewrite ltn_addr.
-      - trivial.
-      - rewrite ltnS.
-        specialize T_RP_pos as H.
-        by rewrite <- lt0n in H.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma CAS_pos:
-    0 < CAS_date.
-  Proof.
-    unfold CAS_date, ACT_date.
-    rewrite addn_gt0. apply /orP. left.
-    apply ltn0Sn.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma SL_ACTS:
-    ACT_date.+1 < SL.
-  Proof.
-    specialize SL_CAS as H.
-    unfold CAS_date, ACT_date in *.
-    apply ltn_trans with (m := T_RP.+2) in H.
-    - exact H.
-    - rewrite <- (addn1 T_RP.+1), ltn_add2l, ltnS, lt0n.
-      exact T_RCD_pos.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma ACT_pos:
-    0 < ACT_date.
-  Proof.
-    by rewrite /ACT_date -[T_RP.+1]addn1 addn_gt0 ltn0Sn orbT.
-  Qed.
-  Local Definition OZCycle   := Ordinal SL_pos.
-  Local Definition OACT_date := Ordinal SL_ACT.
-  Local Definition OCAS_date := Ordinal SL_CAS.
-  Local Definition OLastCycle := Ordinal Last_cycle.
-  Local Definition OZSlot := Ordinal SN_pos.
-  Definition Slot_t := 
-     ordinal_eqType SN.
-  Instance REQESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration := 
-  {
-    Requestor_t := Slot_t
-  }.
-  Context {AF : Arrival_function_t}.
-  Definition Counter_t := ordinal SL.
-  (* Track whether a request is processed (RUNNING) or not (IDLE), the owner of 
-     the current slot, the cycle offset within the slot, as well as the set of 
-     pending  requests. *)
-  Variant TDM_state_t :=
-    | IDLE    : Slot_t -> Counter_t -> Requests_t -> TDM_state_t 
-    | RUNNING : Slot_t -> Counter_t -> Requests_t -> Request_t-> TDM_state_t.
-  Local Definition TDM_state_eqdef (a b : TDM_state_t) :=
-    match a, b with
-      | IDLE sa ca Pa,       IDLE sb cb Pb       => (sa == sb) && (ca == cb) && (Pa == Pb)
-      | RUNNING sa ca Pa ra, IDLE sb cb Pb       => false
-      | IDLE sa ca Pa,       RUNNING sb cb Pb rb => false
-      | RUNNING sa ca Pa ra, RUNNING sb cb Pb rb => (sa == sb) && (ca == cb) && (Pa == Pb) && (ra == rb)
-    end.
-  Lemma TDM_state_eqn : Equality.axiom TDM_state_eqdef.
-  Proof.
-    unfold Equality.axiom. intros. destruct TDM_state_eqdef eqn:H; unfold TDM_state_eqdef in *.
-    {
-      destruct x, y; apply ReflectT; 
-        try (contradict H; discriminate).
-      1: move: H => /andP [/andP [/eqP S /eqP C /eqP P]].
-      2: move: H => /andP [/andP [/andP [/eqP S /eqP C /eqP P /eqP R]]].
-      all: subst; reflexivity.
-    }
-    destruct x, y; apply negbT in H; apply ReflectF;
-      try discriminate.
-    all: unfold not; intro BUG.
-      1: rewrite 2! negb_and in H.
-      2: rewrite 3! negb_and in H.
-      2: move: H => /orP [H | /eqP R].
-    1,2: move: H => /orP [H | /eqP P].
-    1,3: move: H => /orP [/eqP S | /eqP C].
-      all: try (by apply S; inversion BUG).
-      all: try (by apply C; inversion BUG).
-      all: try (by apply P; inversion BUG).
-      all: try (by apply R; inversion BUG).
-  Qed.
-  Canonical TDM_state_eqMixin := EqMixin TDM_state_eqn.
-  Canonical TDM_state_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType TDM_state_t TDM_state_eqMixin.
-  Global Instance ARBITER_CFG : Arbiter_configuration :=
-  {
-    State_t := TDM_state_t;
-  }.
-  (*************************************************************************************************)
-  (** ARBITER IMPLEMENTATION ***********************************************************************)
-  (*************************************************************************************************)
-  (* Increment counter for cycle offset (with wrap-arround). *)
-  Definition Next_cycle (c : Counter_t) :=
-    let nextc := c.+1 < SL in
-      (if nextc as X return (nextc = X -> Counter_t) then 
-        fun (P : nextc = true) => Ordinal (P : nextc)
-       else
-        fun _ => OZCycle) Logic.eq_refl.
-  (* Increment the slot counter (with wrap-arround) *)
-  Local Definition Next_slot (s : Slot_t) (c : Counter_t) : Slot_t :=
-  if (c.+1 < SL) then
-    s
-  else
-    let nexts := s.+1 < SN in
-      (if nexts as X return (nexts = X -> Slot_t) then 
-        fun (P : nexts = true) => Ordinal (P : nexts)
-       else
-        fun _ => OZSlot) Logic.eq_refl.
-  (* Enqueue newly arriving requests in the pending queue. *)
-  Local Definition Enqueue (R P : Requests_t) :=
-    P ++ R.
-  (* Remove a request from the pending queue that is about to be processed. *)
-  Local Definition Dequeue r (P : Requests_t) :=
-    rem r P.
-  (* The set of pending requests of a slot *)
-  Local Definition Pending_of s (P : Requests_t) :=
-    [seq r <- P | r.(Requestor) == s].
-  Local Definition Init_state R :=
-    IDLE OZSlot OZCycle (Enqueue R [::]).
-  Local Hint Unfold PRE_of_req : core.
-  Local Hint Unfold ACT_of_req : core.
-  Local Hint Unfold CAS_of_req : core.
-  Axiom ACommand_t : Command_t.
-  Local Definition nullreq := 
-    mkReq OZSlot 0 RD 0 (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
-  (* The next-state function of the arbiter *)
-  Local Definition Next_state R (AS : TDM_state_t) : (TDM_state_t * (Command_kind_t * Request_t)) :=
-    match AS return (TDM_state_t * (Command_kind_t * Request_t)) with
-      | IDLE s c P => (* Currently no request is processed *)
-        let P' := Enqueue R P in (* enqueue newly arriving requests *)
-        let s' := Next_slot s c in (* advance slot counter (if needed) *)
-        let c' := Next_cycle c in (* advance slot counter (if needed) *)
-          if (c == OZCycle) then
-            match Pending_of s P with (* Check if a request is pending *)
-              | [::] => (* No? Continue with IDLE *)
-                (IDLE s' c' P', (NOP, nullreq))
-              | r::_ => (* Yes? Emit PRE, dequeue request, and continue with RUNNING *)
-                (RUNNING s' c' (Enqueue R (Dequeue r P)) r, (PRE,r))
-            end
-          else (IDLE s' c' P', (NOP, nullreq))
-      | RUNNING s c P r => (* Currently a request is processed *)
-        let P' := Enqueue R P in (* enqueue newly arriving requests *)
-        let s' := Next_slot s c in (* advance slot counter (if needed) *)
-        let c' := Next_cycle c in (* advance slot counter (if needed) *)
-          if c == OACT_date then (* need to emit the ACT command *)
-            (RUNNING s' c' P' r, (ACT, r))
-          else if c == OCAS_date then (* need to emit the CAS command *)
-            (RUNNING s' c' P' r, (Kind_of_req r, r))
-          else if c == OLastCycle then (* return to IDLE state *)
-            (IDLE s' c' P', (NOP, nullreq))
-          else 
-            (RUNNING s' c' P' r, (NOP, nullreq))
-    end.
-  (*************************************************************************************************)
-  (** UTILITY FUNCTIONS AND PROOFS *****************************************************************)
-  (*************************************************************************************************)
-  Definition TDM_counter (AS : State_t) :=
-    match AS with
-        | IDLE _ c _      => c 
-        | RUNNING _ c _ _ => c
-    end.
-  Definition TDM_pending (AS : State_t) :=
-    match AS with
-        | IDLE _ _ P      => P
-        | RUNNING _ _ P _ => P
-    end.
-  Definition TDM_request (AS : State_t) :=
-    match AS with
-        | IDLE _ _ _      => None
-        | RUNNING _ _ _ r => Some r
-    end.
-  Definition TDM_slot (AS : State_t) :=
-    match AS with
-        | IDLE s _ _      => s
-        | RUNNING s _ _ _ => s
-    end.
-  (* Instantiation of Arbiter_trace_t class *)
-  Local Instance TDM_arbiter_trace : Implementation_t := 
-    mkImplementation Init_state Next_state.
-  Lemma ACT_neq_ZCycle:
-    (OACT_date == OZCycle) = false.
-  Proof.
-    unfold OACT_date, OZCycle, ACT_date.
-    rewrite eqE. simpl.
-    apply /negP /negP. rewrite <- addn1, addn_eq0, negb_and.
-    apply /orP. by right.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma ACT_neq_CAS:
-    (OACT_date == OCAS_date) = false.
-  Proof.
-    unfold OACT_date, OCAS_date.
-    rewrite eqE //= -[ACT_date]addn0 /CAS_date.
-    apply /negbTE.
-    rewrite eqn_add2l -addn1 eq_sym addn_eq0 negb_and.
-    apply /orP. by right.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Next_ZCycle_neq_ZCycle:
-    Next_cycle OZCycle == OZCycle = false.
-  Proof.
-    unfold OZCycle, Next_cycle, nat_of_ord.
-    set (X := 1 < SL).
-    dependent destruction X;
-      apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; intro; simpl.
-    - by rewrite eqE. 
-    - contradict x. rewrite SL_one. discriminate.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Next_ACT_neq_ZCycle:
-    Next_cycle OACT_date == OZCycle = false.
-  Proof.
-    unfold OZCycle, OACT_date, Next_cycle, nat_of_ord.
-    set (X := ACT_date.+1 < SL).
-    dependent destruction X;
-      apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; intro; simpl.
-    - by rewrite eqE. 
-    - contradict x. rewrite SL_ACTS. discriminate.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Next_CAS_neq_ZCycle:
-    Next_cycle OCAS_date == OZCycle = false.
-  Proof.
-    unfold OZCycle, OCAS_date, Next_cycle, nat_of_ord.
-    set (X := CAS_date.+1 < SL).
-    dependent destruction X;
-      apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; intro; simpl.
-    - by rewrite eqE. 
-    - contradict x. rewrite SL_CASS. discriminate.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Next_cycle_inc (c : Counter_t):
-    c < SL.-1 
-    -> nat_of_ord (Next_cycle c) == c.+1.
-  Proof.
-    intros H.
-    rewrite /Next_cycle //=.
-    set x := c.+1 < SL.
-    dependent destruction x;
-      apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; intro; simpl.
-    - trivial.
-    - contradict x; rewrite ltn_predRL in H; by rewrite H.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma nat_of_counter_eq (ca cb : Counter_t) :
-    (nat_of_ord ca == nat_of_ord cb) = (ca == cb).
-  Proof.
-    apply inj_eq.
-    exact (ord_inj (n := SL)).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma nat_of_ACT c :
-    nat_of_ord c == ACT_date -> c == OACT_date.
-  Proof.
-    intros H.
-    move : H => /eqP H.
-    by rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq H.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma nat_of_CAS c :
-    nat_of_ord c == CAS_date -> c == OCAS_date.
-  Proof.
-    intros H.
-    move : H => /eqP H.
-    by rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq H.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma nat_of_slot_eq (sa sb : Slot_t) :
-    (nat_of_ord sa == nat_of_ord sb) = (sa == sb).
-  Proof.
-    apply inj_eq.
-    exact (ord_inj (n := SN)).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma TDM_next_cycle_modulo (c : Counter_t) t:
-    (t %% SL) = c -> (t.+1 %% SL) = (Next_cycle c).
-  Proof.
-    intros.
-    unfold Next_cycle. 
-    destruct c as [c Hc]. simpl in *.
-    set (nc := c.+1 < SL).
-    dependent destruction nc;
-     apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro.
-    - apply modn_small in x.    
-      by rewrite -x -(addn1 c) -H  modnDml addn1.
-    - rewrite -ltn_predRL in x.
-      move : x => /ltP /ltP x.
-      rewrite -leqNgt leq_eqVlt in x.
-      move : x => /orP [/eqP x | x].
-      - rewrite -H in x.
-        rewrite -add1n -modnDmr -x add1n prednK.
-          2: exact SL_pos.
-        by rewrite modnn.
-      - apply nat_ltlt_empty in Hc.
-        - by contradict Hc.
-        - exact SL_pos.
-        - exact x.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Time_counter_modulo t:
-    (t %% SL) = TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State).
-  Proof.
-    induction t.
-    - specialize SL_pos as H. apply lt0n_neq0 in H.
-      move : H => /eqP H.
-      by rewrite mod0n.
-    - simpl in *. unfold Next_state, TDM_counter in *. simpl in *.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State), (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date), (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle); 
-        try destruct (Pending_of _ _); simpl.
-      all: by apply TDM_next_cycle_modulo in IHt.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Exists_time_multiple t:
-    (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State)) == OZCycle
-    -> exists d, t = d * SL.
-  Proof.
-    intros Hc.
-    apply /dvdnP.
-    rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq -Time_counter_modulo /OZCycle //= in Hc. 
-  Qed.
-  Lemma TDM_next_slot_modulo (s : Slot_t) t:
-    ((t %/ SL) %% SN) = s -> ((t.+1 %/ SL) %% SN) = (Next_slot s (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State))).
-  Proof.
-    intros.
-    unfold Next_slot.
-    destruct s as [s Hs].
-    specialize (Time_counter_modulo t) as Hm.
-    destruct (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State)) as [c Hc]; simpl in *.
-    destruct (c.+1 < SL) eqn:HcS; simpl.
-    - rewrite <- (addn0 (t %/ SL)) in H.
-      rewrite <- addn1, divnD, (divn_small (m := 1)), (modn_small (m := 1)), addn0, addn1, Hm, <- H.
-        4: exact SL_pos.
-        2-3: exact SL_one.
-      rewrite ltnNge in HcS. move : HcS => /negPf HcS. 
-      apply /eqP.
-      by rewrite eqn_modDl HcS eq_refl.
-    - set (ns := s.+1 < SN).
-      dependent destruction ns; 
-        apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; intro; simpl.
-      - apply modn_small in x.
-        rewrite <- addn1, divnD, (divn_small (m := 1)), (modn_small (m := 1)), addn0, addn1, Hm, <- x, <- H.
-          4: exact SL_pos.
-          2-3: exact SL_one.
-        rewrite ltnNge in HcS. move : HcS => /negPn HcS. 
-        apply /eqP.
-        by rewrite <- (addn1 (_ %% SN)), modnDml, eqn_modDl, HcS. 
-      - rewrite <- ltn_predRL in x.
-        move : x => /ltP /ltP x.
-        rewrite <- leqNgt, leq_eqVlt in x.
-        move : x => /orP [He | Hlt].
-        - rewrite <- H, <- (modn_small (m := SN.-1) (d := SN)) in He.
-          rewrite <- (eqn_modDr 1), !addn1, prednK, modnn in He.
-            3: rewrite ltn_predL. 
-            2-3: exact SN_pos.
-          move : He => /eqP He. rewrite He.
-          apply /eqP.
-          rewrite divnS. unfold dvdn.
-            2: exact SL_pos. 
-          rewrite <- ltn_predRL in HcS.
-          move : HcS => /ltP /ltP HcS.
-          rewrite <- leqNgt, leq_eqVlt in HcS.
-          move : HcS => /orP [HcE | HcL].
-          - rewrite <- Hm, <- (modn_small (m := SL.-1) (d := SL)), <- (eqn_modDr 1), !addn1, prednK in HcE.
-              3: rewrite ltn_predL. 
-              2-3: exact SL_pos.
-            move : HcE => /eqP HcE.
-            by rewrite <- HcE, modnn, eq_refl.
-          - apply nat_ltlt_empty in Hc.
-            - by contradict Hc.
-            - exact SL_pos.
-            - exact HcL.
-        - apply nat_ltlt_empty in Hs.
-          - by contradict Hs.
-          - exact SN_pos.
-          - exact Hlt.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Time_slot_modulo t:
-    ((t %/ SL) %% SN) = TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State).
-  Proof.
-    induction t.
-    - specialize SN_pos as H. apply lt0n_neq0 in H.
-      move : H => /eqP H.
-      by rewrite div0n mod0n.
-    - apply TDM_next_slot_modulo in IHt.
-      simpl in *. unfold Next_state, TDM_slot, TDM_counter in *. simpl in *.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State), (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date), (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle); 
-        try destruct (Pending_of _ _); simpl.
-      all: exact IHt.
-  Qed.
-  (*************************************************************************************************)
-  (** COMMAND TIMING PROOFS ************************************************************************)
-  (*************************************************************************************************)
-  Lemma Modulo_time_distance t t':
-    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) == TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State) 
-    -> t' < t
-    -> t' + SL <= t.
-  Proof.
-    intros Hc Ht.
-    rewrite <- nat_of_counter_eq in Hc.
-    rewrite <- 2 Time_counter_modulo in Hc. rewrite eqn_mod_dvd in Hc.
-    - move : Hc => /dvdnP Hc. destruct Hc.
-      rewrite <- leq_subRL, H.
-      - apply leq_pmull. rewrite <- subn_gt0, H, muln_gt0 in Ht. by move : Ht => /andP [He _].
-    all: by apply ltnW.
-  Qed.
-  Ltac isCommand :=
-    unfold isPRE, isACT, isCAS, PRE_of_req, ACT_of_req, CAS_of_req, Kind_of_req; 
-    match goal with
-      | |- context G [?r.(Kind)] => destruct (r.(Kind)); discriminate
-      | |- (_) => discriminate
-    end.
-  Lemma PRE_modulo_date t cmd:
-    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isPRE cmd ->
-      cmd.(CDate) %% SL == Next_cycle OZCycle.
-  Proof.
-    induction t.
-    - done.
-    - intros Hi Hp.
-      simpl in *. unfold Next_state in *.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, (c == OACT_date), (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle); 
-        try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl in Hi.
-      all: try (rewrite in_cons in Hi; move : Hi => /orP [/eqP He | Hi]; subst). 
-      all: try by apply IHt in Hi.            (* if no new command generated *)
-      all: try by (contradict Hp; isCommand). (* if a command other than a PRE is generated *)
-      (* a PRE command is generated *)
-      all: simpl; rewrite Time_counter_modulo //= /Next_state Hs HP Hz /TDM_counter //=.
-      all: move : Hz => /eqP Hz; by subst. 
-  Qed.
-  Lemma ACT_modulo_date t cmd:
-    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isACT cmd ->
-      cmd.(CDate) %% SL == Next_cycle OACT_date.
-  Proof.
-    induction t.
-    - done.
-    - intros Hi Hp.
-      simpl in *. unfold Next_state in *.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date) eqn:Ha, (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle); 
-        try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl in Hi.
-      all: try (rewrite in_cons in Hi; move : Hi => /orP [/eqP He | Hi]; subst). 
-      all: try by apply IHt in Hi.            (* if no new command generated *)
-      all: try by (contradict Hp; isCommand). (* if a command other than an ACT is generated *)
-      (* an ACT command is generated *)
-      all: simpl; rewrite Time_counter_modulo //= /Next_state Hs Ha /TDM_counter //=.
-      all: move : Ha => /eqP Ha; by subst.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma CAS_modulo_date t cmd:
-    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isCAS cmd ->
-      cmd.(CDate) %% SL == Next_cycle OCAS_date.
-  Proof.
-    induction t.
-    - done.
-    - intros Hi Hp.
-      simpl in *. unfold Next_state in *.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date) eqn:Ha, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hc, (c == OLastCycle); 
-        try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl in Hi.
-      all: try (rewrite in_cons in Hi; move : Hi => /orP [/eqP He | Hi]; subst). 
-      all: try by apply IHt in Hi.            (* if no new command generated *)
-      all: try by (contradict Hp; isCommand). (* if a command other than a CAS is generated *)
-      (* a CAS command is generated *)
-      all: simpl; rewrite Time_counter_modulo //= /Next_state Hs Ha Hc /TDM_counter //=.
-      all: move : Hc => /eqP Hc; by subst.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Cmds_T_RRD_ok t a b: 
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-      ACT_to_ACT a b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> 
-      Apart_at_least a b T_RRD.
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb AtA _ aBb.
-    move : AtA => /andP [Aa Ab].
-    apply ACT_modulo_date in Ha. 
-      2: exact Aa. clear Aa.
-    apply ACT_modulo_date in Hb. 
-      2: exact Ab. clear Ab.
-    move : Ha => /eqP Ha.
-    rewrite <- Ha, !Time_counter_modulo, nat_of_counter_eq in Hb. clear Ha.
-    apply Modulo_time_distance in Hb as H. 
-      2: by unfold Before. clear Hb aBb.
-    unfold Apart_at_least.
-    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + SL).
-      2: exact H.
-      rewrite leq_add2l.
-      by rewrite leq_eqVlt T_RRD_SL orbT.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Cmds_T_FAW_ok t a b c d:
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
-    c \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> d \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    isACT a -> isACT b -> isACT c -> isACT d -> Diff_Bank [::a;b;c;d] -> 
-    Before a b -> Before b c -> Before c d -> 
-    Apart_at_least a d T_FAW.
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb Hc Hd Aa Ab Ac Ad _ aBb bBc cBd.
-    apply ACT_modulo_date in Ha.
-      2: exact Aa. clear Aa.
-    apply ACT_modulo_date in Hb. 
-      2: exact Ab. clear Ab.
-    apply ACT_modulo_date in Hc. 
-      2: exact Ac. clear Ac.
-    apply ACT_modulo_date in Hd. 
-      2: exact Ad. clear Ad.
-    move : Ha Hb Hc Hd => /eqP Ha /eqP Hb  /eqP Hc /eqP Hd.
-    rewrite <- Hc, !Time_counter_modulo in Hd.
-    rewrite <- Hb, !Time_counter_modulo in Hc.
-    rewrite <- Ha, !Time_counter_modulo in Hb. clear Ha.
-    move : Hb Hc Hd => /eqP Hb  /eqP Hc /eqP Hd.
-    rewrite nat_of_counter_eq in Hb.
-    rewrite nat_of_counter_eq in Hc.
-    rewrite nat_of_counter_eq in Hd.
-    apply Modulo_time_distance in Hb as aLb.
-      2: by unfold Before. clear Hb aBb.
-    apply Modulo_time_distance in Hc as bLc.
-      2: by unfold Before. clear Hc bBc.
-    apply Modulo_time_distance in Hd as cLd.
-      2: by unfold Before. clear Hd cBd.
-    rewrite <- (leq_add2r SL), addnCAC, addnC in aLb.
-    apply leq_trans with (p := c.(CDate)) in aLb.
-      2: exact bLc. clear bLc.
-    rewrite <- (leq_add2r SL), addnCAC, addnC in aLb.
-    apply leq_trans with (p := d.(CDate)) in aLb.
-      2: exact cLd. clear cLd.
-    unfold Apart_at_least.
-    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + (SL + SL + SL)).
-      by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt T_FAW_3SL orbT.
-      by rewrite addnACl.
-  Qed.
-  (*************************************************************************************************)
-  (** REQUEST HANDLING PROOFS **********************************************************************)
-  (*************************************************************************************************)
-  (* The time instant when the counter was last zero, i.e., the last slot started.*)
-  Definition Last_slot_start ta := 
-    ta - TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State).
-  Lemma Last_Slot_start_aligned ta :
-      ((TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (Last_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)) == OZCycle).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /Last_slot_start -!nat_of_counter_eq  -!Time_counter_modulo //=.
-    rewrite -(mod0n SL) -(eqn_modDr (ta %% SL)) add0n subnK.
-      2: apply leq_mod.
-    by rewrite modn_mod eq_refl.
-  Qed.
-  (* The time instant when the counter will become zero next, i.e., the next slot to start.*)
-  Definition Next_slot_start ta := 
-    (Last_slot_start ta) + SL.
-  Lemma Next_Slot_start_aligned ta :
-      ((TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (Next_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)) == OZCycle).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /Next_slot_start /Last_slot_start -!nat_of_counter_eq  -!Time_counter_modulo //=.
-      rewrite -(mod0n SL) -(eqn_modDr (ta %% SL)) add0n addnACl [ta %% SL + _]addnC subnK.
-        2: apply leq_mod.
-      by rewrite modnDl modn_mod eq_refl.
-  Qed.
-  (* The closest time instant when the counter will become zero, i.e., now or the next slot start *)
-  Definition Closest_slot_start ta :=
-    if ((TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) == OZCycle) then ta
-    else (Next_slot_start ta).
-  Lemma Closest_slot_start_aligned ta :
-      ((TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (Closest_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)) == OZCycle).
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /Closest_slot_start.
-    destruct (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) == OZCycle) eqn:Hz.
-    - move : Hz => /eqP Hz; by rewrite Hz eq_refl.
-    - apply Next_Slot_start_aligned.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Closest_slot_start_leq ta: 
-    ta <= Closest_slot_start ta.
-  Proof.
-    unfold Closest_slot_start.
-    destruct (_ == _).
-    - apply leqnn.
-    - unfold Next_slot_start, Last_slot_start.
-      rewrite -addnABC.
-        3: rewrite -Time_counter_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_pmod; exact SL_pos.
-        2: rewrite -Time_counter_modulo; apply leq_mod.
-      by rewrite leq_addr.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Pending_on_arrival ta ra:
-    ra \in Arrival_at ta 
-    -> ra \in (TDM_pending ((Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State))).
-  Proof.
-    intros HA.
-    destruct ta.
-    - by rewrite /TDM_pending.
-    - rewrite /TDM_pending //= /Next_state.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) as [s c P | s c P rb] eqn:HSS,
-          (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, (c == OACT_date) eqn:Ha, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hc, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hl;
-          try (destruct (Pending_of s P) as [ | rb] eqn:HPP); simpl in *.
-      all: by rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HA orbT.
-  Qed.
-  Definition Requestor_slot_start ta (s : Slot_t) :=
-    let aligned_ta := Closest_slot_start ta in 
-    let current_slot := TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate aligned_ta).(Implementation_State) in 
-      if current_slot <= s then aligned_ta + ((s - current_slot) * SL)
-      else aligned_ta + (((SN - current_slot) + s) * SL).
-  Lemma Requestor_slot_start_aligned ta s:
-    (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta s)).(Implementation_State)) == OZCycle.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq -Time_counter_modulo -(modn_small (m := OZCycle) (d := SL)).
-      2: trivial.
-    rewrite /Requestor_slot_start.
-    destruct (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (Closest_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) <= s); 
-      rewrite addnC modnMDl (modn_small (m := OZCycle) (d := SL));
-        (trivial || by rewrite Time_counter_modulo nat_of_counter_eq Closest_slot_start_aligned).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Slots_equals_last_slot ta:
-    (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) = 
-    (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (Last_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)).
-  Proof.
-    apply /eqP.
-    rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq -!Time_slot_modulo.
-    rewrite /Last_slot_start -Time_counter_modulo.
-    rewrite {2}(divn_eq ta SL) -addnBA. 
-      2: apply leqnn.
-    rewrite subnn addn0 mulnK.
-      2: exact SL_pos.
-    by rewrite eq_refl.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Requestor_slot_start_match ta s :
-    (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta s)).(Implementation_State)) == s.
-  Proof.
-    specialize (Requestor_slot_start_aligned ta s) as HC.
-    specialize (Closest_slot_start_aligned ta) as HC'.
-    rewrite -!nat_of_counter_eq -!Time_counter_modulo /OZCycle //= in HC HC'.
-    move : HC HC' => /dvdnP HC /dvdnP HC'; destruct HC as [x HC], HC' as [x' HC'].
-    unfold Requestor_slot_start.
-    destruct (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (Closest_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) <= s) eqn:HS;
-      rewrite -Time_slot_modulo HC' mulnK in HS; try exact SL_pos;
-      rewrite HC' -mulnDl  -nat_of_slot_eq -!Time_slot_modulo;
-      rewrite !mulnK; try exact SL_pos.
-    - rewrite nat_add_modn_sub.
-      - by rewrite eq_refl.
-      - exact SN_pos.
-      - destruct s as [s Hs]; exact Hs.
-      - exact HS.
-    - rewrite -{2}(modn_small (m := s) (d := SN)).
-        2: destruct s as [s Hs]; exact Hs.
-      rewrite -{2}(add0n s) -addnACl addnCAC eqn_modDr addnC nat_add_modd_sub.
-        2: exact SN_pos.
-      by rewrite mod0n.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Slots_in_period ta:
-    forall i,
-      (nat_of_ord (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (ta + (i*SL))).(Implementation_State)) = ((TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) + i) %% SN).
-  Proof.
-    specialize (Last_Slot_start_aligned ta) as HC.
-    rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq -Time_counter_modulo //= in HC.
-    move : HC => /dvdnP HC; destruct HC as [x HC].
-    rewrite Slots_equals_last_slot HC -Time_slot_modulo mulnK.
-      2: exact SL_pos.
-    rewrite /Last_slot_start -Time_counter_modulo in HC.
-    intros i.
-    apply /eqP.
-    rewrite modnDml.
-    rewrite Slots_equals_last_slot -Time_slot_modulo /Last_slot_start -Time_counter_modulo.
-    rewrite [ta + (i * SL)]addnC modnMDl -addnBA.
-      2: apply leq_mod.
-    rewrite HC -mulnDl mulnK.
-      2: exact SL_pos.
-    by rewrite addnC.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Requestor_slot_start_distance ta (s : Slot_t):
-    (Requestor_slot_start ta s) - ta < SN*SL.
-  Proof.
-    rewrite /Requestor_slot_start /Closest_slot_start /Next_slot_start /Last_slot_start.
-    destruct (_ <= s) eqn:Hs, (_ == OZCycle) eqn:Hc.
-    - rewrite ltn_subLR.
-        2: apply leq_addr.
-      rewrite ltn_add2l ltn_mul2r SL_pos andTb.
-      rewrite ltn_subLR.
-        2: exact Hs.
-      by apply ltn_addl.
-    - rewrite {1}addnBAC. 
-        2: by rewrite -Time_counter_modulo leq_mod.
-      rewrite -[ta + _ - _]addnBA.
-        2: rewrite -Time_counter_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_pmod, SL_pos.
-      rewrite ltn_subLR.
-        2: apply nat_leq_addr, nat_leq_addr, leqnn.
-      rewrite [ta + _]addnC addnACl ltn_add2l addnBA.
-        2: rewrite -Time_counter_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_pmod, SL_pos.
-      rewrite ltn_subLR.
-        2: apply nat_leq_addl; rewrite -Time_counter_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_pmod, SL_pos.
-      rewrite -mulSnr. 
-      apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := SN * SL).
-        2: move : Hc => /negbT Hc; rewrite -lt0n in Hc; rewrite addnC; by apply nat_ltnn_add.
-      rewrite leq_mul2r; apply /orP; right.
-      rewrite -subSn.
-        2: exact Hs.
-      rewrite leq_subLR.
-      by apply ltn_addl.
-    - rewrite ltn_subLR.
-        2:  apply nat_leq_addr, leqnn.
-      rewrite ltn_add2l ltn_mul2r SL_pos andTb.
-      rewrite addnBAC.
-        2: by apply ltnW.
-      rewrite ltn_subLR.
-        2: by apply nat_leq_addr, ltnW.
-      by rewrite addnC ltn_add2r ltnNge Hs.
-    - rewrite {1}addnBAC. 
-        2: by rewrite -Time_counter_modulo leq_mod.
-      rewrite -[ta + _ - _]addnBA.
-        2: rewrite -Time_counter_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_pmod, SL_pos.
-      rewrite ltn_subLR.
-        2: apply nat_leq_addr, nat_leq_addr, leqnn.
-      rewrite [ta + _]addnC addnACl ltn_add2l addnBA.
-        2: rewrite -Time_counter_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_pmod, SL_pos.
-      rewrite ltn_subLR.
-        2: apply nat_leq_addl; rewrite -Time_counter_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_pmod, SL_pos.
-      rewrite -mulSnr. 
-      apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := SN * SL).
-        2: move : Hc => /negbT Hc; rewrite -lt0n in Hc; rewrite addnC; by apply nat_ltnn_add.
-      rewrite leq_mul2r; apply /orP; right.
-      rewrite addnBAC.
-        2: rewrite -Time_slot_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_pmod, SN_pos.
-      rewrite ltn_subLR.
-        2: rewrite -Time_slot_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_addr, ltn_pmod, SN_pos.
-      by rewrite addnC ltn_add2r ltnNge Hs.
-  Qed.
-  (* TODO: merge No_requestor_periodX and No_requestor_periodY *)
-  Lemma No_requestor_periodY ta tb s:
-    ta < tb -> tb < (Requestor_slot_start ta s)
-      -> ((TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State)) != OZCycle) || ((TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State)) != s).
-  Proof.
-    intros HL HU.
-    apply /orP.
-    destruct (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) != OZCycle) eqn:HC.
-    - by left.
-    - right; move : HC => /negPn HC.
-      destruct tb.
-      - contradict HL; by rewrite ltn0.
-      - specialize (Requestor_slot_start_distance ta s) as HB.
-        specialize (Requestor_slot_start_aligned ta s) as HUC.
-        specialize (Requestor_slot_start_match ta s) as HUS.
-        apply Exists_time_multiple in HUC; destruct HUC as [u HUC].
-        rewrite HUC in HU HB.
-        rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq -Time_slot_modulo HUC mulnK in HUS.
-          2: exact SL_pos.
-        move : HUS => /eqP HUS.
-        apply ltn_trans with (m := u * SL - tb.+1) in HB .
-          2: apply ltn_sub2l; exact HL ||
-              (apply ltn_trans with (n := tb.+1); exact HL || exact HU).
-        apply Exists_time_multiple in HC as Htb; destruct Htb as [b Htb].
-        rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq -Time_slot_modulo.
-        rewrite !Htb in HB HU *.
-        rewrite -HUS mulnK.
-          2: exact SL_pos.
-        rewrite ltn_subLR in HB.
-          2: apply ltnW; exact HU.
-        rewrite -mulnDl in HB.
-        rewrite !ltn_mul2r in HB, HU; move : HB HU => /andP [_ HB] /andP [_ HU].
-        rewrite  eq_sym eqn_mod_dvd.
-          2: apply ltnW; exact HU.
-        rewrite /dvdn modn_small.
-          2: rewrite -ltn_subLR in HB; exact HB ||  apply ltnW; exact HU.
-        by rewrite -lt0n subn_gt0.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma No_requestor_periodX a s:
-    TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (a * SL)).(Implementation_State) == s
-    -> forall tb, a * SL < tb -> tb < a * SL + SN * SL
-    -> (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) != OZCycle) || (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) != s). 
-  Proof.
-    intros HS tb HL HU.
-    apply /orP.
-    destruct (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) != OZCycle) eqn:HC.
-    - by left.
-    - right; move : HC => /negPn HC.
-      destruct tb.
-      - contradict HL; by rewrite ltn0.
-      - rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq -Time_slot_modulo mulnK in HS.
-          2: exact SL_pos.
-        move : HS => /eqP HS.
-        apply Exists_time_multiple in HC as Htb; destruct Htb as [b Htb].
-        rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq -Time_slot_modulo.
-        rewrite !Htb in HL HU *.
-        rewrite -HS mulnK.
-          2: exact SL_pos.
-        rewrite -mulnDl in HU.
-        rewrite !ltn_mul2r in HU, HL; move : HL HU => /andP [_ HL] /andP [_ HU].
-        rewrite -ltn_subLR in HU.
-          2: apply ltnW; exact HL.
-        rewrite  eqn_mod_dvd.
-          2: apply ltnW; exact HL.
-        rewrite /dvdn modn_small.
-          2: exact HU.
-        by rewrite -lt0n subn_gt0.
-  Qed.    
-  Lemma Request_slot_start_aligned ta s i:
-    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta s + (i*SN*SL))).(Implementation_State) == OZCycle.
-  Proof.
-    specialize (Requestor_slot_start_aligned ta s) as H.
-    rewrite -!nat_of_counter_eq -!Time_counter_modulo in H *. 
-    rewrite addnC modnMDl.
-    exact H.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_slot_start_match ta s i:
-    (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate ((Requestor_slot_start ta s) + (i*SN*SL))).(Implementation_State)) == s.
-  Proof.
-    specialize (Requestor_slot_start_match ta s) as HS.
-    rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq in HS; move : HS => /eqP HS.
-    specialize (Slots_in_period (Requestor_slot_start ta s) (i * SN)) as HS'.
-    rewrite HS [s + _]addnC modnMDl in HS'.
-    by rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq HS' modn_small.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Requestor_slot_start_leq ta ra: 
-    ta <= Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor).
-  Proof.
-    unfold Requestor_slot_start.
-    destruct (_ <= ra.(Requestor)).
-    all: apply leq_trans with (n := Closest_slot_start ta) ; apply leq_addr || apply Closest_slot_start_leq.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Pending_requestor ta ra: 
-    is_true (ra \in TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) 
-    -> ((TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) != OZCycle) || (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) != ra.(Requestor)))
-    -> is_true (ra \in TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State)).
-  Proof.
-    intros HP HCS.
-    move : HCS => /orP [HC | HS].
-    all: unfold TDM_counter, TDM_pending, TDM_slot in *.
-    all: simpl; unfold Next_state.
-    all: destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) as [s' c P | s' c P rb] eqn:HSS,
-          (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, (c == OACT_date) eqn:Ha, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hc, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hl;
-          try (destruct (Pending_of s' P) as [ | rb] eqn:HPP); simpl in *.
-    all: try by contradict HC.
-    (* cases within a slot *)
-    all: try (by rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HP).
-    all: apply seq_filter_eq_cons_p in HPP; move : HPP => /eqP HPP; subst.
-    all: rewrite /Enqueue /Dequeue mem_cat seq_rem_id.
-    all: try trivial.
-    all: try (rewrite mem_cat; apply /orP; by left).
-    all: move : HS => /negPf HS; rewrite eq_sym in HS.
-    all: by rewrite eqE //= /Requests.Request_eqdef HS !andFb.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Requestor_slot_start_lt ta s:
-    (ta < Requestor_slot_start ta s) -> ((TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) != OZCycle) || ((TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) != s).
-  Proof.
-    intros H.
-    rewrite /Requestor_slot_start /Closest_slot_start /Next_slot_start /Last_slot_start in H.
-    destruct (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) == OZCycle) eqn:Hc, (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) == s) eqn:HS,
-             (_ <= s) eqn:Hs; trivial; move : HS => /eqP HS.
-    - contradict H; subst; by rewrite subnn mul0n addn0 ltnn.
-    - contradict Hs; subst; by rewrite leqnn.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Pending_requestor_slot_start ta ra:
-    ra \in (TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State))
-    -> forall tb, ta <= tb -> tb <= (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))
-      -> ra \in (TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State)).
-  Proof.
-    intros HP.
-    destruct (ta == (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))) eqn:Ht.
-    - intros tb HL HU.
-      move : Ht => /eqP Ht; rewrite Ht in HL HP.
-      rewrite leq_eqVlt in HU; rewrite leq_eqVlt in HL.
-      move : HL HU => /orP [/eqP HL | HL] /orP [/eqP HU | HU]; subst.
-      - exact HP.
-      - contradict HU; by rewrite ltnn.
-      - contradict HL; by rewrite ltnn.
-      - contradict HL; apply /negP; rewrite -leqNgt; apply ltnW, HU.
-    - move : Ht => /negbT Ht. rewrite neq_ltn in Ht; move : Ht => /orP [Ht | Ht].
-        2: specialize (Requestor_slot_start_leq ta ra) as H;
-            contradict H; apply /negP; by rewrite leqNgt Ht.
-      induction tb; intros HL HU.
-      - rewrite leqn0 in HL; move : HL => /eqP HL; subst; exact HP.
-      - rewrite leq_eqVlt in HL; move : HL => /orP [/eqP HL | HL].
-        - subst; exact HP.
-        - rewrite ltnS in HL.
-          apply IHtb in HL as IH; clear IHtb.
-            2: by apply ltnW in HU.
-          rewrite leq_eqVlt in HL; move : HL => /orP [/eqP HL | HL].
-          - subst; apply Requestor_slot_start_lt in Ht; by apply Pending_requestor.
-          - apply No_requestor_periodY with (s := ra.(Requestor)) in HL as HCS.
-              2: exact HU.
-            by apply Pending_requestor.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Not_Running_ZCycle t P s r:
-    (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) <> RUNNING s OZCycle P r.
-  Proof.
-    induction t.
-    - discriminate.
-    - apply /eqP.
-      simpl. unfold Next_state.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State), (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, (c == OACT_date) eqn:Ha, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hc, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hl;
-        try destruct (Pending_of _ _).
-      all: try (exact isT); simpl.
-      all: move : Hz Ha Hc => /eqP Hz /eqP Ha /eqP Hc; subst.
-      all: rewrite eqE !negb_and; simpl.
-      all: apply /orP; left.
-      all: apply /orP; left.
-      all: apply /orP; right.
-      all: try (by rewrite Next_ZCycle_neq_ZCycle).
-      all: try (by rewrite Next_ACT_neq_ZCycle).
-      all: try (by rewrite Next_CAS_neq_ZCycle).
-      clear Hz Ha Hc.
-      move : Hl => /negbT Hl.
-      unfold Next_cycle.
-      set (X := c.+1 < SL).
-      dependent destruction X;
-      apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; intro; simpl.
-      - exact isT.
-      - contradict x.
-        destruct c as [c H]; 
-        rewrite ltn_neqAle //=.
-        apply Bool.not_false_iff_true. apply /andP. split.
-        - rewrite <- nat_of_counter_eq, <- eqSS in Hl. simpl in Hl. rewrite prednK in Hl. 
-          - exact Hl.
-          - exact SL_pos.
-        - exact H.
-  Qed.        
-  Lemma Request_index_decrements_within_period ta ra:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
-      (ra \in (TDM_pending S))
-      -> (TDM_counter S) == OZCycle 
-      -> (TDM_slot S) == ra.(Requestor)
-      -> (0 < index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S)))
-      -> forall tb, ta < tb 
-        -> tb <= ta + SN * SL
-        -> let S' := (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) in
-           (ra \in (TDM_pending S')) && ((index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S))) == (index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S'))).+1).
-  Proof.
-    intros S HP HC HS HI.
-    unfold S in *; clear S.
-    induction tb; intros HL HU.
-    - contradict HL.
-      by rewrite ltn0.
-    - rewrite leq_eqVlt in HL; move : HL => /orP [HL | HL].
-      - clear IHtb.
-        rewrite eqSS in HL; move : HL => /eqP HL; subst.
-        simpl; unfold TDM_counter, TDM_pending, TDM_slot, Next_state in *.
-        destruct (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) as [s' c P | s' c P rb] eqn:HSS;
-          move : HC HS => /eqP HC /eqP HS; subst.
-        - rewrite eq_refl.
-          apply seq_in_filer_in with (p := fun r => r.(Requestor) == ra.(Requestor)) in HP as HF.
-              2: trivial.
-          destruct (Pending_of _ P) as [ | rb] eqn:HPP; simpl; unfold Pending_of in HPP; rewrite HPP in HF.
-          - contradict HF; by rewrite in_nil.
-          - simpl in HI.
-            destruct (rb == ra) eqn:He.
-            - contradict HI; by rewrite ltnn.
-            - rewrite in_cons in HF; move : HF => /orP [/eqP HF | HF].
-              - contradict He; by rewrite HF eq_refl.
-              - rewrite /Enqueue /Dequeue /Pending_of filter_cat seq_filter_rem HPP //= eq_refl index_cat HF.
-                rewrite mem_cat seq_rem_id. 
-                  3: apply /negPf; by rewrite eq_sym.
-                  2: exact HP.
-                by rewrite orTb eq_refl.
-        - contradict HSS; by apply Not_Running_ZCycle.
-    - rewrite ltnS in HL.
-      apply IHtb in HL as IH; clear IHtb.
-        2: by apply ltnW in HU.
-      move : IH => /andP [HP' /eqP HI'].
-      rewrite HI'.
-      apply Exists_time_multiple in HC. destruct HC as [a HC]. subst.
-      apply No_requestor_periodX with (tb := tb) in HS.
-        3: exact HU.
-        2: exact HL.
-      apply Pending_requestor in HP' as HP''.
-        2: exact HS.
-      rewrite HP'' andTb.
-      clear HL HU HI HP HI' HP''.
-      simpl in *; unfold TDM_counter, TDM_pending, TDM_slot, Next_state in *.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) as [s' c P | s' c P rb] eqn:HSS,
-        (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date), (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle);
-        try (destruct (Pending_of s' P) as [ | rb] eqn:HPP); simpl in *.
-      all: apply seq_in_filer_in with (p := fun r => r.(Requestor) == ra.(Requestor)) in HP' as HF; trivial.
-      all: try (by rewrite /Pending_of /Enqueue filter_cat index_cat HF eq_refl).
-      all: rewrite /Pending_of in HPP;
-           rewrite /Pending_of /Enqueue /Dequeue filter_cat seq_filter_rem_id;
-             (by rewrite index_cat HF eq_refl) || 
-             (apply seq_filter_eq_cons_p in HPP; move : HPP => /eqP HPP; rewrite -HPP in HS; by apply /negbTE).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_index_decrements_over_periods ta ra:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))).(Implementation_State) in
-      ra \in (TDM_pending S) 
-      -> forall i, let S' := (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + i * SN * SL)).(Implementation_State) in
-        i <= (index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S)))
-        -> (ra \in (TDM_pending S')) && ((index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S))) == (index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S'))) + i).
-  Proof.
-    intros S HP.
-    induction i; intros S' Hi;
-      unfold S, S' in *; clear S S'.
-    - by rewrite /Pending_of !mul0n !addn0 eq_refl HP.
-    - apply ltnW in Hi as IH.
-      apply IHi in IH; clear IHi; move : IH => /andP [HP' /eqP IH'].
-      apply Request_index_decrements_within_period with (tb := (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + i.+1 * SN * SL)) in HP'.
-      - move : HP' => /andP [HP'' /eqP IH''].
-        by rewrite HP'' IH' IH'' addnS addSn eq_refl.
-      - rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq -Time_counter_modulo addnC modnMDl Time_counter_modulo.
-        apply Requestor_slot_start_aligned.
-      - rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq -Time_slot_modulo divnDMl.
-          2: exact SL_pos.
-        rewrite addnC modnMDl Time_slot_modulo.
-        apply Requestor_slot_start_match.
-      - rewrite IH' -{1}[i]add0n ltn_add2r in Hi; exact Hi.
-      - by rewrite ltn_add2l !ltn_mul2r SL_pos SN_pos !andTb ltnSn.
-      - rewrite addnCAC [i*_]mulnC -[_ * i * _]mulnAC -mulnS addnC leq_add2r.
-        by rewrite [_ * i.+1]mulnAC [_ * i.+1]mulnC leqnn.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_index_zero ta ra:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))).(Implementation_State) in
-    let i := (index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S))) in
-      ra \in (TDM_pending S) 
-      -> let S' := (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + i * SN * SL)).(Implementation_State) in
-         (ra \in (TDM_pending S')) && ((index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S'))) == 0).
-  Proof.
-    intros S i HP; simpl.
-    apply Request_index_decrements_over_periods with (i := i) in HP.
-      2: unfold i, S; by rewrite leqnn.
-    move : HP => /andP [HP HI].
-    rewrite HP andTb.
-    by rewrite -[index _ _]add0n eqn_add2r eq_sym in HI.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_starts ta ra:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
-    (TDM_counter S) == OZCycle
-    -> (TDM_slot S) == ra.(Requestor)
-    -> (ra \in (TDM_pending S))
-    -> index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S)) == 0
-    -> let S' := (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) in
-      ((TDM_counter S') == Next_cycle OZCycle) && ((TDM_request S') == Some ra).
-  Proof.
-    intros S HC HS HP Hi; unfold S in *; clear S.
-    unfold TDM_counter, TDM_pending, TDM_request, TDM_slot in *.
-    simpl; unfold Next_state.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) as [s' c P | s' c P rb] eqn:HSS;
-      move : HC HS => /eqP HC /eqP HS; subst; simpl in *.
-    - destruct (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) P) as [ | rb] eqn:HPP; simpl.
-      - apply seq_in_filer_in with (p := fun r => r.(Requestor) == ra.(Requestor)) in HP as HF.
-          2: trivial.
-        contradict HF.
-        rewrite /Pending_of in HPP.
-        by rewrite HPP in_nil.
-      - simpl in Hi.
-        destruct (rb == ra) eqn:He.
-        - move : He => /eqP He; subst; by rewrite !eq_refl.
-        - contradict Hi.
-          apply /negPn.
-          rewrite lt0n_neq0.
-          - trivial.
-          - apply ltn0Sn.
-    - contradict HSS; apply Not_Running_ZCycle.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_running_in_slot ta ra:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
-    (TDM_request S) == Some ra
-    -> (TDM_counter S) == Next_cycle OZCycle
-    -> forall d, d < SL.-1
-      -> let S' := (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) in
-        (nat_of_ord (TDM_counter S') == d.+1) && ((TDM_request S') == Some ra).
-  Proof.
-    intros S HR HC.
-    unfold S in *; clear S; simpl.
-    induction d; intros Hd.
-    - rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq in HC; move : HC => /eqP HC.
-      rewrite addn0 HR HC /Next_cycle //=.
-      set x := 1 < SL.
-      dependent destruction x;
-        apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; intro; simpl.
-      - trivial.
-      - contradict x; by rewrite SL_one.
-    - apply ltn_trans with (m := d) in Hd as Hd'.
-        2: apply ltnSn.
-      apply IHd in Hd' as IH; clear Hd' IHd HC HR.
-      unfold TDM_counter, TDM_request in *.
-      move : IH => /andP [/eqP HC HR].
-      rewrite addnS //= /Next_state.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) as [s' c P | s' c P rb] eqn:HSS.
-      - by contradict HR.
-      - rewrite -HC. 
-        destruct (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, (c == OACT_date) eqn:Ha, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hc, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hl; simpl.
-        all: rewrite -HC in Hd; apply Next_cycle_inc in Hd as HC'.
-        all: try by rewrite HC' HR andbT.
-        all: move : Hl => /eqP Hl; subst.
-        all: contradict Hd; by rewrite /OLastCycle //= ltnn.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_processing_starts ta ra:
-    ra \in (Arrival_at ta)
-    -> let S := (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))).(Implementation_State))) * SN * SL)).(Implementation_State) in
-        (ra \in TDM_pending S) && (index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S)) == 0).
-  Proof.
-    intros HP.
-    (* An arriving request always becomes pending *)
-    apply Pending_on_arrival in HP.
-    (* Any pending request at least remains pending until its requestors slot is reached *)
-    apply Pending_requestor_slot_start with (tb := (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))) in HP.
-      3: apply leqnn.
-      2: apply Requestor_slot_start_leq.
-    (* Any pending request ultimately gets to the head of the pending queue (index zero) *)
-    apply Request_index_zero in HP; simpl in HP.
-    exact HP.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_processing ta ra d:
-    ra \in (Arrival_at ta)
-    -> d < SL.-1 
-    -> let i := index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))).(Implementation_State))) in 
-       let S' := (Default_arbitrate ((Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + i * SN * SL).+1 + d)).(Implementation_State) in
-        (nat_of_ord (TDM_counter S') == d.+1) && ((TDM_request S') == Some ra).
-  Proof.
-    intros HA Hd.
-    (* Any request eventually gets to the head of the pending queue *)
-    apply Request_processing_starts in HA as HP; move : HP => /andP [HP HI].
-    (* fold complex terms *)
-    set i := index _ _ in HP.
-    set t := Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + _ in HP.
-    specialize (Request_slot_start_aligned ta ra.(Requestor) i) as HC.
-    specialize (Request_slot_start_match ta ra.(Requestor) i) as HS.
-    (* Any request at the head of the pending queue eventually starts to be processed *)
-    apply Request_starts with (ra := ra) in HC as HR.
-      4: unfold i; exact HI.
-      3: exact HP.
-      2: exact HS.
-    move : HR => /andP [HC' HR'].
-    (* Any request is processed until the CAS date is reached *)
-    apply Request_running_in_slot with (d := d) in HR' as HR''.
-      3: exact Hd.
-      2: exact HC'.
-    exact HR''.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_PRE ta ra: 
-    ra \in (Arrival_at ta)
-    -> let i := index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))).(Implementation_State))) * SN * SL in 
-       let tc := ((Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor)) + i).+1 in
-        (PRE_of_req ra tc) \in (Default_arbitrate tc).(Arbiter_Commands).
-  Proof.
-    intros HA.
-    (* Any request eventually gets to the head of the pending queue *)
-    apply Request_processing_starts in HA as HP; move : HP => /andP [HP HI].
-    (* fold complex terms *)
-    set i := index _ _ in HP.
-    set t := Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + _ in HP.
-    specialize (Request_slot_start_aligned ta ra.(Requestor) i) as HC.
-    specialize (Request_slot_start_match ta ra.(Requestor) i) as HS.
-    simpl; fold t in HC, HS; fold i t.
-    rewrite /TDM_counter /TDM_slot /TDM_pending /Next_state in HC HS HP HI *.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) as [s' c P | s' c P rb] eqn:HSS;
-      move : HC HS => /eqP HC /eqP HS; subst; simpl in *.
-    - destruct (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) P) as [ | rb] eqn:HPP; simpl.
-      - apply seq_in_filer_in with (p := fun r => r.(Requestor) == ra.(Requestor)) in HP as HF.
-          2: trivial.
-        contradict HF.
-        rewrite /Pending_of in HPP.
-        by rewrite HPP in_nil.
-      - rewrite in_cons.
-        simpl in HI.
-        destruct (rb == ra) eqn:He.
-        - move : He => /eqP He; subst; by rewrite !eq_refl.
-        - contradict HI.
-          apply /negPn.
-          rewrite lt0n_neq0.
-          - trivial.
-          - apply ltn0Sn.
-    - contradict HSS; apply Not_Running_ZCycle.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_ACT ta ra: 
-    ra \in (Arrival_at ta) 
-    -> let i:= index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))).(Implementation_State))) * SN * SL in
-       let tc := (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + i + ACT_date).+1 in
-       (ACT_of_req ra tc) \in (Default_arbitrate tc).(Arbiter_Commands).
-  Proof.
-    intros HA.
-    (* Any request is processed until the ACT date is reached *)
-    apply Request_processing with (d := ACT_date.-1) in HA as HR.
-      2: rewrite ltn_predRL prednK; exact SL_ACT || exact ACT_pos.
-    move : HR => /andP [HC HR].
-    clear HA.
-    (* fold +1/-1s  *)
-    rewrite addSn -addnS in HC HR.
-    rewrite prednK in HC HR.
-      2: exact ACT_pos.
-    (* get the actual command *)
-    simpl; set tc := _ + ACT_date.
-    rewrite //= /Next_state /TDM_counter /TDM_request in HC HR *.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate tc).(Implementation_State) as [s' c P | s' c P rb] eqn:HSS;
-      apply nat_of_ACT in HC; move : HC => /eqP HC; subst.
-    - by contradict HR.
-    - rewrite eq_refl //=.
-      rewrite inj_eq in HR; exact ssrfun.Some_inj || move : HR => /eqP HR; subst.
-      rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; by left.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_CAS ta ra: 
-    ra \in (Arrival_at ta) 
-    -> let tc := (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))).(Implementation_State))) * SN * SL + CAS_date).+1 in
-       (CAS_of_req ra tc) \in (Default_arbitrate tc).(Arbiter_Commands).
-  Proof.
-    intros HA.
-    (* Any request is processed until the CAS date is reached *)
-    apply Request_processing with (d := CAS_date.-1) in HA as HR.
-      2: rewrite ltn_predRL prednK; exact SL_CAS || exact CAS_pos.
-    move : HR => /andP [HC HR].
-    clear HA.
-    (* fold +1/-1s  *)
-    rewrite addSn -addnS in HC HR.
-    rewrite prednK in HC HR.
-      2: exact CAS_pos.
-    (* get the actual command *)
-    simpl; set tc := _ + CAS_date.
-    rewrite //= /Next_state /TDM_counter /TDM_request in HC HR *.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate tc).(Implementation_State) as [s' c P | s' c P rb] eqn:HSS;
-      apply nat_of_CAS in HC; move : HC => /eqP HC; subst.
-    - by contradict HR.
-    - rewrite eq_sym ACT_neq_CAS eq_refl //=.
-      rewrite inj_eq in HR; exact ssrfun.Some_inj || move : HR => /eqP HR; subst.
-      rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; by left.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Requests_handled ta ra:
-    ra \in (Arrival_at ta) 
-    -> exists tc, (CAS_of_req ra tc) \in ((Default_arbitrate tc).(Arbiter_Commands)).
-  Proof.
-    intros HA.
-    (* get the CAS command *)
-    apply Request_CAS in HA as H.
-    (* finish the proof *)
-    set tc := _.+1 in H.
-    exists (tc).
-    exact H.
-  Qed.
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* --------------------- UNUSED LEMMAS ------------------------------ *)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* TODO: remove *)
-  Lemma TDM_PRE_distance t cmda cmdb:
-    cmda.(CDate) < cmdb.(CDate) -> isPRE cmda -> isPRE cmdb 
-    -> cmda \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) 
-    -> cmdb \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) 
-    -> cmda.(CDate) + SL <= cmdb.(CDate).
-  Proof.
-    intros Hd Ha Hb Ia Ib.
-    apply PRE_modulo_date in Ia as Hma.
-      2: exact Ha.
-    apply PRE_modulo_date in Ib as Hmb. move : Hmb => /eqP Hmb.
-      2: exact Hb.
-    rewrite <- Hmb, !Time_counter_modulo, eq_sym, nat_of_counter_eq in Hma.
-    by apply Modulo_time_distance in Hma.
-  Qed.
-    (* TODO: remove *)
-  Lemma TDM_ACT_distance t cmda cmdb:
-    cmda.(CDate) < cmdb.(CDate) -> isACT cmda -> isACT cmdb ->
-      cmda \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-      cmdb \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) 
-      -> cmda.(CDate) + SL <= cmdb.(CDate).
-  Proof.
-    intros Hd Ha Hb Ia Ib.
-    apply ACT_modulo_date in Ia as Hma.
-      2: exact Ha.
-    apply ACT_modulo_date in Ib as Hmb. move : Hmb => /eqP Hmb.
-      2: exact Hb.
-    rewrite <- Hmb, !Time_counter_modulo, eq_sym, nat_of_counter_eq in Hma.
-    by apply Modulo_time_distance in Hma.
-  Qed.
-  (* TODO: remove *)
-  Lemma TDM_CAS_distance t cmda cmdb:
-    cmda.(CDate) < cmdb.(CDate) -> isCAS cmda -> isCAS cmdb ->
-      cmda \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-      cmdb \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) 
-      -> cmda.(CDate) + SL <= cmdb.(CDate).
-  Proof.
-    intros Hd Ha Hb Ia Ib.
-    apply CAS_modulo_date in Ia as Hma.
-      2: exact Ha.
-    apply CAS_modulo_date in Ib as Hmb. move : Hmb => /eqP Hmb.
-      2: exact Hb.
-    rewrite <- Hmb, !Time_counter_modulo, eq_sym, nat_of_counter_eq in Hma.
-    by apply Modulo_time_distance in Hma.
-  Qed.
-  (* TODO: remove *)
-  Obligation Tactic := simpl.
-  (* Define the arbitration function which creates the actual trace -- used to instantiate the arbiter *)
-  Program Definition TDM_arbitrate t :=
-    mkTrace 
-      (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) 
-      (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Time) 
-      _ _ (* uniqueness and time *)
-      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
-      (Cmds_T_FAW_ok t) 
-      (Cmds_T_RRD_ok t)
-      _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (* DDR4 proofs *)
-      _ _.
-  Admit Obligations.
-  (* Instantiate the TDM arbiter *)
-  Global Instance TDM_arbiter : Arbiter_t :=
-    mkArbiter AF TDM_arbitrate Requests_handled Default_arbitrate_time_match.
-End TDM.
-Section Test.
-  Program Instance BANK_CFG : Bank_configuration :=
-  {
-    BANKS := 2;
-    T_BURST := 1;
-    T_WL    := 1;
-    T_RRD := 3;
-    T_FAW := 20;
-    T_RC  := 3;
-    T_RP  := 7;
-    T_RCD := 2;
-    T_RAS := 4;
-    T_RTP := 2;
-    T_WR  := 1;
-    T_RTW := 10;
-    T_WTR := 10;
-    T_CCD := 12;
-    T_WTR_s := 10;
-    T_WTR_l := 10;
-    T_CCD_s := 10;
-    T_CCD_l := 10;
-    T_RRD_s := 10;
-    T_RRD_l := 10;
-  }.
-  Program Instance TDM_CFG : TDM_configuration :=
-  {
-    SL := 100;
-    SN := 3
-  }.
-  Existing Instance REQESTOR_CFG.
-  Program Definition Req1 := mkReq (Ordinal (_ : 0 < SN)) 0 RD 0 0 0.
-  Program Definition Req2 := mkReq (Ordinal (_ : 1 < SN)) 4 WR 0 1 0.
-  Definition Input := [:: Req2; Req1].
-  Program Instance AF : Arrival_function_t := 
-    Default_arrival_function_t Input.
-  (* Compute Arbitrate 300. *)
-End Test.
diff --git a/framework/DDR4/Trace.v b/framework/DDR4/Trace.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 07d1bb9a00149bd72bae1d753d7443c6905483a0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/framework/DDR4/Trace.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
-Set Printing Projections.
-From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool seq eqtype.
-From sdram Require Export Commands Bank.
-Section Trace.
-  Context {REQESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration}.
-  Context {BANK_CFG     : Bank_configuration}.
-  Definition Same_Row (a b : Command_t) :=
-    a.(Request).(Row) == b.(Request).(Row).
-  Definition Same_Bank (a b : Command_t) :=
-    a.(Request).(Bank) == b.(Request).(Bank).
-  Definition Same_Bankgroup (a b : Command_t) := 
-    a.(Request).(Bankgroup) == b.(Request).(Bankgroup).
-  Fixpoint Diff_Bank_ a (S : seq Command_t) :=
-    match S with
-      | [::]  => true
-      | b::S' => (a != b) && (Diff_Bank_ a S')
-    end.
-  Fixpoint Diff_Bank (S : seq Command_t) :=
-    match S with
-      | [::]  => true
-      | a::S' => Diff_Bank_ a S' && Diff_Bank S'
-    end.
-  Definition ACT_to_ACT (a b : Command_t) :=
-    isACT a && isACT b.
-  Definition ACT_to_CAS (a b : Command_t) :=
-    isACT a && isCAS b.
-  Definition ACT_to_PRE (a b : Command_t) :=
-    isACT a && isPRE b.
-  Definition CRD_to_CRD (a b : Command_t) :=
-    isCRD a && isCRD b.
-  Definition CRD_to_CWR (a b : Command_t) :=
-    isCRD a && isCWR b.
-  Definition CRD_to_PRE (a b : Command_t) :=
-    isCRD a && isPRE b.
-  Definition CWR_to_CRD (a b : Command_t) :=
-    isCWR a && isCRD b.
-  Definition CWR_to_CWR (a b : Command_t) :=
-    isCWR a && isCWR b.
-  Definition CWR_to_PRE (a b : Command_t) :=
-    isCWR a && isPRE b.
-  Definition PRE_to_ACT (a b : Command_t) :=
-    isPRE a && isACT b.
-  Definition PRE_to_PRE (a b : Command_t) :=
-    isPRE a && isPRE b.
-  Definition isACT_or_PRE cmd :=
-    (isACT cmd || isPRE cmd).
-  Definition Before (a b : Command_t) :=
-    a.(CDate) < b.(CDate).
-  Definition Before_at (a b : Command_t) :=
-    a.(CDate) <= b.(CDate).
-  Definition Apart (a b : Command_t) t :=
-    a.(CDate) + t < b.(CDate).
-  Definition Apart_at_least (a b : Command_t) t :=
-    a.(CDate) + t <= b.(CDate).
-  Definition Between (l : Commands_t) (a b : Command_t) : Commands_t :=
-    [seq cmds <- l | (cmds.(CDate) > a.(CDate)) && (cmds.(CDate) < b.(CDate))].
-  Definition isPREtoBank cmd bank := 
-    match cmd.(CKind) with
-      | PREA => true
-      | PRE => cmd.(Request).(Bank) == bank
-      | _ => false
-    end.   
-  Record Trace_t := mkTrace
-  {
-    Commands : Commands_t;
-    Time     : nat;
-    (* All commands must be uniq *)
-    Cmds_uniq    : uniq Commands;
-    (* All commands have to occur before the current time instant *)
-    Cmds_time_ok : forall cmd, cmd \in Commands -> cmd.(CDate) <= Time;
-    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-    (* -------------------Timing constraints ----------------------------------- *)
-    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-    (* Ensure that the time between an ACT and a CAS commands respects T_RCD *)
-    Cmds_T_RCD_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                     ACT_to_CAS a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-                     Apart_at_least a b T_RCD;
-    (* Ensure that the time between a PRE and an ACT commands respects T_RP *)
-    Cmds_T_RP_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                    PRE_to_ACT a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-                    Apart_at_least a b T_RP;
-    (* Ensure that the time between two ACT commands respects T_RC *)
-    Cmds_T_RC_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                    ACT_to_ACT a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-                    Apart_at_least a b T_RC;
-    (* Maximum interval between ACT and PRE is T_RAS *)          
-    Cmds_T_RAS_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                      isACT a -> isPRE b \/ isPREA b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-                      Apart_at_least a b T_RAS;
-    (* RL *)
-    (* WL *)
-    (* Ensure that the time between a CRD and a PRE commands respects T_RTP *)
-    Cmds_T_RTP_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                     CRD_to_PRE a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-                     Apart_at_least a b T_RTP;
-    (* Ensure that the time between a CWR and a PRE commands respects T_WR + T_WL + T_BURST *)
-    Cmds_T_WTP_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                     CWR_to_PRE a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-                     Apart_at_least a b (T_WR + T_WL + T_BURST);
-    (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-    (* Where is the RTW value this is a sum of different values *)
-    Cmds_T_RtoW_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                     CRD_to_CWR a b -> Before a b ->
-                     Apart_at_least a b T_RTW;
-    (* Ensure that the time between a CWR and a CRD commands respects T_WTR + T_WL + T_BURST *)
-    Cmds_T_WtoR_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                     CWR_to_CRD a b -> Before a b ->
-                     Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR + T_WL + T_BURST);
-        (* Ensure that the time between a CAS and a CAS commands respects T_CCD *)
-    Cmds_T_CCD_RD_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                        CRD_to_CRD a b -> Before a b ->
-                        Apart_at_least a b T_CCD;
-    Cmds_T_CCD_WR_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                        CWR_to_CWR a b -> Before a b ->
-                        Apart_at_least a b T_CCD;
-    (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-    (* Ensure that the time between four ACT commands respects T_FAW *)
-    Cmds_T_FAW_ok : forall a b c d,
-                     a \in Commands -> b \in Commands -> c \in Commands -> d \in Commands ->
-                     isACT a -> isACT b -> isACT c -> isACT d -> Diff_Bank [::a;b;c;d] ->
-                     Before a b -> Before b c -> Before c d ->
-                     Apart_at_least a d T_FAW;
-    (* Ensure that the time between two ACT commands respects T_RRD *)
-    Cmds_T_RRD_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                     ACT_to_ACT a b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-                     Apart_at_least a b T_RRD;
-    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-    (* ------------------- REFRESH specifics ------------------------------------ *)
-    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-    (*
-    Cmds_T_RFC_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                    isREF a -> Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b T_RFC;
-    Cmds_T_REFI_ok: forall a, a \in Commands -> isREF a -> exists (b : Command_t),
-                    (b \in Commands /\ Before a b /\ isREF b /\ b.(CDate) <= a.(CDate) + 9 * T_REFI);
-    *)
-    (* Write POs limiting pull ins & postponing *)
-    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-    (* ------------------- DDR4 specifics -------------------------------------- *)
-    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-    (* If the device is DDR3, then these constraints are the same as the ones defined above
-        since all requests target the same bank-group and the constraints only admit one value *)
-    Cmds_T_WtoR_DBG_ok :  forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                              CWR_to_CRD a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b -> Before a b -> 
-                              Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR_s + T_WL + T_BURST);
-    Cmds_T_WtoR_SBG_ok :   forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                              CWR_to_CRD a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b -> Before a b -> 
-                              Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR_l + T_WL + T_BURST);
-    Cmds_T_CCD_RD_short_ok :forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                              CRD_to_CRD a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b -> Before a b -> 
-                              Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_s;
-    Cmds_T_CCD_WR_short_ok :forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                              CWR_to_CWR a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b -> Before a b -> 
-                              Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_s;
-    Cmds_T_CCD_RD_long_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                              ACT_to_ACT a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b -> Before a b -> 
-                              Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_l;
-    Cmds_T_CCD_WR_long_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                              ACT_to_ACT a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b -> Before a b -> 
-                              Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_l;
-    Cmds_T_RRD_short_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                              CWR_to_CRD a b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b -> Before a b -> 
-                              Apart_at_least a b T_RRD_s;
-    Cmds_T_RRD_long_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                            CWR_to_CRD a b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b -> Before a b -> 
-                            Apart_at_least a b T_RRD_l;
-    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-    (* ------------------------Correctness of the command protocol ------------- *)
-    (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-    Cmds_ACT_ok: forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                 isACT a \/ isCAS a -> isACT b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-                 exists c, (c \in Commands /\ isPRE c /\ Same_Bank a c /\ Before c b /\ ~ Before_at c a);
-    (* All banks are precharged before a refresh *)
-    (* Cmds_REF_ok : forall (banks : Bank_t) ref, ref \in Commands -> isREF ref ->
-                  exists pre, (forall act, act \in Commands -> isACT act -> (Before act pre \/ Before ref act)) /\
-                  pre \in Commands /\ (isPREtoBank pre banks) /\ Apart_at_least pre ref T_RP; *)
-    (* Every CAS command is preceded by a matching ACT without another ACT or PRE in between *)
-    Cmds_row_ok : forall b c, b \in Commands -> c \in Commands -> isCAS b -> isACT_or_PRE c -> 
-                  Same_Bank b c -> Before c b -> 
-                  exists a, a \in Commands /\ isACT a /\ Same_Bank a b /\ Same_Row a b /\ Before a b /\ Before_at c a 
-  }.
-End Trace.
diff --git a/framework/DDR4/Util.v b/framework/DDR4/Util.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b4088d4adea47a2e70d6fbb29d04871fa6188fa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/framework/DDR4/Util.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
-Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
-Set Printing Projections.
-From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool seq eqtype div.
-Lemma nat_ltn_leq_pred m n :
-  (m < n) -> (m <= n.-1).
-Lemma nat_add_pred m n :
-  (m + n).-1 = m + n.-1.
-Lemma nat_ltn_add_rev m p:
-  m < m + p -> p > 0.
-  intros.
-  induction p.
-  { by rewrite addn0 ltnn in H. }
-  { rewrite addnS leq_eqVlt in H.
-    move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H].
-    { move: H => /eqP H. rewrite eqSS in H.
-      rewrite -{1}[m]add0n addnC eqn_add2l in H.
-      move: H => /eqP H.
-      by rewrite -H.
-    }
-    rewrite -[m.+1]addn1 -[(m + p).+1]addn1 ltn_add2r in H.
-    apply IHp in H.
-    apply ltn_trans with (n := p).
-    exact H.
-    done.
-  }
-Lemma Queue_non_empty [T : eqType] (ra : T) (s : seq T):
-  ra \in s -> s != [::].
-  intros H.
-  induction s.
-  { discriminate H. }
-  auto.
-Lemma nat_ltn_add n m:
-  m > 0 -> n < n + m.
-  intros.
-  induction n.
-    { by rewrite add0n. }
-    rewrite -addnC !addnS.
-    rewrite -[(m + n).+1]addn1 -[n.+1]addn1.
-    rewrite ltn_add2r.
-    by rewrite addnC.
-Lemma nat_add_ltn m n p:
-  m > 0 -> m + n < p -> n < p.
-  intros.
-  induction n.
-    { rewrite addn0 in H0; apply ltn_trans with (m := 0) in H0; (exact H0 || exact H). }
-    apply ltn_trans with (m := n.+1) in H0.
-      2: { 
-        rewrite addnC.
-        apply nat_ltn_add.
-        exact H.
-      }
-    exact H0.
-Lemma nat_leq_addl m n p:
-  m <= n -> m <= p + n.
-  intros H.
-  induction p.
-  - by rewrite add0n.
-  - rewrite addSn.
-    apply ltnW.
-    by rewrite ltnS.
-Lemma nat_leq_addr m n p:
-  m <= n -> m <= n + p.
-  intros H.
-  induction p.
-  - by rewrite addn0.
-  - rewrite addnS.
-    apply ltnW.
-    by rewrite ltnS.
-Lemma nat_add_modn_sub n d s:
-  0 < d -> s < d -> n %% d <= s -> (n + (s - n %% d)) %% d = s.
-  intros Hd Hs Hl.
-  apply /eqP.
-  rewrite -{2}(modn_small (m := s) (d := d)).
-    2: exact Hs.
-  rewrite addnBCA.
-    3: exact Hl.
-    2: apply leq_mod.
-  rewrite -{2}(addn0 s) eqn_modDl -(eqn_modDr (n %% d)) subnK.
-    2: apply leq_mod.
-  rewrite add0n modn_mod eq_refl. exact isT.
-Lemma nat_add_modd_sub n d:
-  0 < d -> (n + (d - n %% d)) %% d = 0.
-  intros H.
-  apply /eqP.
-  rewrite -(mod0n d) addnBCA.
-    3: apply ltnW; rewrite ltn_mod; exact H.
-    2: apply leq_mod.
-  rewrite modnDl -(eqn_modDr (n %% d)) subnK.
-    2: apply leq_mod.
-  rewrite add0n modn_mod eq_refl. exact isT.
-Lemma nat_add_modd_sub_div n d:
-  0 < d -> (n + (d - n %% d)) %/ d = (n %/ d).+1.
-  intros H.
-  apply /eqP.
-  rewrite eq_sym eqn_div.
-    3: rewrite /dvdn nat_add_modd_sub;
-        (exact H || rewrite eq_refl; exact isT).
-    2: exact H.
-  rewrite addnBA.
-    2: apply ltnW; rewrite ltn_mod; exact H.
-  rewrite -(eqn_add2l (n %% d)) addnBCA.
-    3: apply leq_trans with (n := n);
-        (rewrite leq_mod || rewrite leq_addr); exact isT.
-    2: rewrite leqnn; exact isT.
-rewrite subnn addn0 mulSn -addnACl -divn_eq eq_refl. exact isT.
-Lemma nat_add_gt_1 m n:
-  m > 0 -> n > 0 -> 1 < m + n.
-  intros Hm Hn.
-  induction (m).
-    { discriminate Hm. }
-    induction (n).
-      { discriminate Hn. }
-      rewrite addnS addnC addnS -ltn_predRL.
-      by simpl.
-Lemma nat_ltlt_empty m n:
-  0 < m -> m.-1 < n -> n < m -> false.
-  intros Hz Ha Hb.
-  contradict Hb.
-  apply /negP. 
-  rewrite <- leqNgt.
-  by rewrite <- (prednK (n := m)).
-Lemma nat_eq_ltS m n :
-  m = n -> m < n.+1.
-  intros.
-  induction n.
-    { by rewrite H. }
-    rewrite H; simpl. rewrite <- ltn_predRL; by simpl.
-Lemma nat_maxn_add m n x: ((maxn m n) + x) = (maxn (m + x) (n + x)).
-  unfold maxn.
-  destruct (m < n) eqn:Hlt, (m + x < n + x) eqn:Hltp; auto;
-  contradict Hltp; by rewrite ltn_add2r Hlt.
-Lemma nat_ltnn_add n: forall x, 0 < x -> is_true (n < n + x).
-  intros.
-  induction n. 
-    - apply /ltP. apply PeanoNat.Nat.lt_lt_add_l. by apply /ltP.
-    - auto.
-Lemma nat_add_lt_add m1 m2 n1 n2: is_true ((m1 < m2) && (n1 < n2)) -> is_true (m1 + n1 < m2 + n2).
-  intros.
-  rewrite <- addn1. rewrite addnACl addnC.
-  apply leq_add.
-  - rewrite addnC addn1. by move : H => /andP /proj1 H. 
-  - apply ltnW. by move : H => /andP /proj2 H. 
-Lemma nat_ltmaxn_l_add a b: forall x, 0 < x -> is_true (a < (maxn a b) + x).
-  intros.
-  unfold maxn.
-  destruct (a < b) eqn:Hlt.
-    - by apply /ltn_addr.
-    - by move : H => /nat_ltnn_add H.
-Lemma nat_lt_ltmaxn_add a b c x: 0 < x -> is_true (maxn a b + x < c) -> is_true (a < c).
-  unfold maxn.
-  intros Hz H.
-  destruct (a < b) eqn:Hlt.
-    - apply (ltn_addr x) in Hlt.
-      by apply (ltn_trans (m := a) (n := b+x)) in H.
-    - move : Hz => /(nat_ltnn_add a x) Hz.
-      by apply (ltn_trans (m := a) (n := a+x)) in H.
-Lemma nat_lt_add_lemaxn_add n m o: forall x, (n < m + x) -> is_true (n < (maxn m o) + x).
-  intros.
-  unfold maxn.
-  destruct (m < o) eqn:Hlt. 
-  - rewrite <- (ltn_add2r x m o) in Hlt.
-    by apply ltn_trans with (n := m + x) (m := n) (p := o + x) in Hlt.
-  - done.
-Lemma nat_le_lemaxn n m o: (n <= m) -> (n <= (maxn m o)).
-  intros.
-  unfold maxn.
-  destruct (m < o) eqn:Hlt. 
-  - move : H  => /leP /(PeanoNat.Nat.le_trans n m o) H.
-    by move : Hlt  => /ltP /PeanoNat.Nat.lt_le_incl /H /leP.
-  - auto.
-Lemma nat_le_add_lemaxn_add n m o: forall x, (n <= m + x) -> is_true (n <= (maxn m o) + x).
-  intros.
-  unfold maxn.
-  destruct (m < o) eqn:Hlt. 
-  - rewrite <- (ltn_add2r x m o) in Hlt.
-    apply ltnW in Hlt.
-    by apply leq_trans with (n := m + x) (m := n) (p := o + x) in Hlt.
-  - auto.
-Lemma nat_le_lemaxn_add n m o: forall x, (n <= m) -> (n <= (maxn m o) + x).
-  intros.
-  apply nat_le_lemaxn with (o := o) in H.
-  apply leq_trans with (p := (maxn m o) + x) in H.
-  - auto.
-  - apply leq_addr.
-Lemma seq_rem_id {T : eqType} (x y : T) S:
-  x \in S -> x != y
-  -> x \in rem y S.
-  induction S; intros Hi He.
-  - contradict Hi; by rewrite in_nil.
-  - rewrite in_cons in Hi; move : Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi].
-    - subst.
-      move : He => /negPf He.
-      by rewrite //= He in_cons eq_refl.
-    - rewrite //=.
-      destruct (a == y).
-      - exact Hi.
-      - apply IHS in Hi as IH.
-        - by rewrite in_cons IH orbT.
-        - exact He.
-Lemma seq_eq_cons_in {T : eqType} (x :T) S S':
-  S = x::S' -> x \in S.
-  intros He.
-  rewrite He.
-  by rewrite in_cons eq_refl orTb.
-Lemma seq_in_filer_in {T : eqType} (x : T) S p:
-  is_true (p x) -> x \in S -> x \in (filter p S).
-  intros Hp Hi.
-  by rewrite mem_filter Hp Hi.
-Lemma seq_filter_eq_cons_p {T : eqType} (x :T) S S' p:
-  filter p S = x::S' -> p x.
-  induction S; intros Hf.
-  - contradict Hf; discriminate.
-  - destruct (a == x) eqn:He, (p a) eqn:Hp'.
-    - move : He => /eqP He; by subst.
-    - rewrite //= Hp' in Hf; apply IHS in Hf.
-      contradict Hf.
-      move : He => /eqP He; subst; by rewrite Hp'.
-    - rewrite //= Hp' in Hf.
-      move : Hf => /eqP Hf; rewrite eqseq_cons in Hf; move : Hf => /andP [He' _].
-      contradict He'; by rewrite He.
-    - rewrite //= Hp' in Hf; apply IHS in Hf; exact Hf.
-Lemma seq_filter_rem_id {T : eqType} (x : T) S p :
-  p x = false -> filter p (rem x S) = filter p S.
-  induction S; intros Hp.
-  - done.
-  - simpl.
-    destruct (a == x) eqn:He, (p a) eqn:Hp'.
-    - contradict Hp'; move : He => /eqP He; subst; by rewrite Hp.
-    - move : He => /eqP He; subst; reflexivity.
-    all: by rewrite //= Hp' IHS.
-Lemma seq_filter_rem {T : eqType} (x : T) S p:
-  filter p (rem x S) = rem x (filter p S).
-  induction S.
-  - simpl. reflexivity.
-  - simpl.
-    destruct (a == x) eqn:He, (p a) eqn:Hp.
-    - rewrite //= He. reflexivity.
-    - rewrite -IHS seq_filter_rem_id //=; move : He => /eqP He; subst; exact Hp.
-    - rewrite //= He Hp IHS. reflexivity.
-    - rewrite //= Hp IHS. reflexivity.
-Lemma seq_index_zero_head {T : eqType} (x : T) S:
-  x \in S -> index x S == 0 -> exists S', S = x :: S'.
-  intros Hi HI.
-  induction S.
-  - contradict Hi. rewrite in_nil. exact notF.
-  - rewrite in_cons in Hi. move : Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi]; exists S.
-    - subst. reflexivity.
-    - simpl in Hi.
-      destruct (a == x) eqn:He.
-      - move : He => /eqP He. subst. reflexivity.
-      - contradict HI.
-        simpl. rewrite He eqE. exact notF.
-Lemma eq_seq_consr {T : eqType} (s : seq T):
-  forall x, (s != x::s).
-  induction s; intros.
-  - done.
-  - rewrite eqseq_cons.
-    specialize IHs with (x := a).
-    move : IHs => /negbTE IHs.
-    by rewrite IHs Bool.andb_false_r.
-Definition seq_sorted_pred T := T -> T -> bool.
-Local Fixpoint seq_sorted_rec {T : Type} (P : seq_sorted_pred T) x s :=
-  match s with
-    | [::]   => true
-    | x'::s' => if (P x x') then seq_sorted_rec P x' s'
-                else false
-  end.
-Definition seq_sorted {T : Type} (P : seq_sorted_pred T) s :=
-  match s with
-    | [::]   => true
-    | x'::s' => seq_sorted_rec P x' s'
-  end.
-Lemma seq_sorted_tail {T : eqType} (P : seq_sorted_pred T) s x: 
-  (seq_sorted P (x::s)) -> (seq_sorted P s).
-  intros Hs. simpl in Hs.
-  induction s.
-  - done.
-  - simpl in *.
-    destruct (P x a).
-    - done.
-    - by contradict Hs.
-Lemma seq_sorted_cons {T : eqType} (P : seq_sorted_pred T) s x: 
-  (seq_sorted P s) -> (forall y, y \in s -> P x y) -> (seq_sorted P (x::s)).
-  induction s; intros Hs Hip.
-  - done.
-  - specialize Hip with (y :=  a).
-    rewrite in_cons eq_refl orTb in Hip.
-    by rewrite /= Hip //=.
-Lemma all_filter [T : eqType] a (p : pred T) S: 
-  all a S -> all a [seq x <- S | p x]. 
-  intros.
-  induction S.
-    auto.
-    simpl in *.
-    destruct (p a0).
-      simpl. apply /andP.
-      split. 
-        move : H => /andP /proj1 H. auto.
-        move : H => /andP /proj2 H. apply IHS in H. auto.
-      move : H => /andP /proj2 H. apply IHS in H. auto.
-(* TODO replace by generic definition *)
-(* Definition pred2_t (T : eqType) := T -> T -> bool.
-Definition all_pred2 [T : eqType] (p : pred2_t T) S x :=
-  all (p x) S.
-Lemma all_pred2_filter [T : eqType] (p2 : pred2_t T) (p : pred T) S (x : T): 
-  all_pred2 p2 S x -> all_pred2 p2 [seq y <- S | p y] x.
-  unfold pred2_t.
-  intros.
-  by apply all_filter.
-Fixpoint all_pred2_recursive [T : eqType] (p2 : pred2_t T) S :=
-  match S with
-    | [::]  => true
-    | x::S' => all_pred2 p2 S' x && 
-               all_pred2_recursive p2 S'
-  end.
-Lemma all_pred2_recursive_filter [T : eqType] (p2 : pred2_t T) (p : pred T) S: 
-  all_pred2_recursive p2 S -> all_pred2_recursive p2 [seq x <- S | p x].
-  induction S; intros; auto.
-    simpl in *. move : H => /andP H.
-     destruct (p a); simpl.
-      apply /andP. split.
-        apply proj1 in H. by apply all_filter.
-        apply proj2 in H. by apply IHS in H.
-      apply proj2 in H. by apply IHS in H.
-Qed. *)
-(* Lemma filter_forall_pred [T : eqType] S (p : pred T): forall z , z \in [seq y <- S | p y ] -> p z.
-  intros.
-  rewrite (mem_filter p z S) in H. by move : H => /andP /proj1.
- *)
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--Q . DDR4
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-##         #   The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team       ##
-##  v      #         Copyright INRIA, CNRS and contributors             ##
-## <O___,, # (see version control and CREDITS file for authors & dates) ##
-##   \VV/  ###############################################################
-##    //   #    This file is distributed under the terms of the         ##
-##         #     GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1          ##
-##         #     (see LICENSE file for the text of the license)         ##
-## GNUMakefile for Coq 8.13.2
-# For debugging purposes (must stay here, don't move below)
-# To implement recursion we save the name of the main Makefile
-SELF := $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
-PARENT := $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))
-# This file is generated by coq_makefile and contains many variable
-# definitions, like the list of .v files or the path to Coq
-include makefile.conf
-# Put in place old names
-VFILES            := $(COQMF_VFILES)
-MLFILES           := $(COQMF_MLFILES)
-COQLIBS           := $(COQMF_COQLIBS)
-LOCAL             := $(COQMF_LOCAL)
-COQLIB            := $(COQMF_COQLIB)
-DOCDIR            := $(COQMF_DOCDIR)
-makefile.conf: _CoqProject
-	coq_makefile -f _CoqProject -o makefile
-# This file can be created by the user to hook into double colon rules or
-# add any other Makefile code he may need
--include makefile.local
-# Parameters ##################################################################
-# Parameters are make variable assignments.
-# They can be passed to (each call to) make on the command line.
-# They can also be put in makefile.local once and for all.
-# For retro-compatibility reasons they can be put in the _CoqProject, but this
-# practice is discouraged since _CoqProject better not contain make specific
-# code (be nice to user interfaces).
-# Print shell commands (set to non empty)
-# Time the Coq process (set to non empty), and how (see default value)
-# Use command time on linux, gtime on Mac OS
-TIMEFMT?="$@ (real: %e, user: %U, sys: %S, mem: %M ko)"
-ifneq (,$(TIMED))
-ifeq (0,$(shell command time -f "" true >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; echo $$?))
-STDTIME?=command time -f $(TIMEFMT)
-ifeq (0,$(shell gtime -f "" true >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; echo $$?))
-STDTIME?=gtime -f $(TIMEFMT)
-STDTIME?=command time
-STDTIME?=command time -f $(TIMEFMT)
-ifneq (,$(COQBIN))
-# add an ending /
-# Coq binaries
-COQC     ?= "$(COQBIN)coqc"
-COQTOP   ?= "$(COQBIN)coqtop"
-COQCHK   ?= "$(COQBIN)coqchk"
-COQDEP   ?= "$(COQBIN)coqdep"
-COQDOC   ?= "$(COQBIN)coqdoc"
-COQPP    ?= "$(COQBIN)coqpp"
-COQMKFILE ?= "$(COQBIN)coq_makefile"
-OCAMLLIBDEP ?= "$(COQBIN)ocamllibdep"
-# Timing scripts
-COQMAKE_ONE_TIME_FILE ?= "$(COQLIB)/tools/make-one-time-file.py"
-COQMAKE_BOTH_TIME_FILES ?= "$(COQLIB)/tools/make-both-time-files.py"
-COQMAKE_BOTH_SINGLE_TIMING_FILES ?= "$(COQLIB)/tools/make-both-single-timing-files.py"
-# FIXME this should be generated by Coq (modules already linked by Coq)
-# OCaml binaries
-CAMLC       ?= "$(OCAMLFIND)" ocamlc   -c
-CAMLOPTC    ?= "$(OCAMLFIND)" opt      -c
-CAMLLINK    ?= "$(OCAMLFIND)" ocamlc   -linkpkg -dontlink $(CAMLDONTLINK)
-CAMLOPTLINK ?= "$(OCAMLFIND)" opt      -linkpkg -dontlink $(CAMLDONTLINK)
-CAMLDOC     ?= "$(OCAMLFIND)" ocamldoc
-CAMLDEP     ?= "$(OCAMLFIND)" ocamldep -slash -ml-synonym .mlpack
-# DESTDIR is prepended to all installation paths
-# Debug builds, typically -g to OCaml, -debug to Coq.
-# Extra packages to be linked in (as in findlib -package)
-# Option for making timing files
-# Option for changing sorting of timing output file
-# Option for changing the fuzz parameter on the output file
-# Option for changing whether to use real or user time for timing tables
-# Option for including the memory column(s)
-# Option for sorting by the memory column
-# Output file names for timed builds
-TIME_OF_BUILD_FILE               ?= time-of-build.log
-TIME_OF_BUILD_BEFORE_FILE        ?= time-of-build-before.log
-TIME_OF_BUILD_AFTER_FILE         ?= time-of-build-after.log
-TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_FILE        ?= time-of-build-pretty.log
-TIME_OF_PRETTY_BOTH_BUILD_FILE   ?= time-of-build-both.log
-TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_EXTRA_FILES ?= - # also output to the command line
-TGTS ?=
-# Retro compatibility (DESTDIR is standard on Unix, DSTROOT is not)
-ifdef DSTROOT
-# Substitution of the path by appending $(DESTDIR) if needed.
-# The variable $(COQMF_WINDRIVE) can be needed for Cygwin environments.
-windrive_path = $(if $(COQMF_WINDRIVE),$(subst $(COQMF_WINDRIVE),/,$(1)),$(1))
-destination_path = $(if $(DESTDIR),$(DESTDIR)/$(call windrive_path,$(1)),$(1))
-# Installation paths of libraries and documentation.
-COQLIBINSTALL ?= $(call destination_path,$(COQLIB)/user-contrib)
-COQDOCINSTALL ?= $(call destination_path,$(DOCDIR)/user-contrib)
-COQTOPINSTALL ?= $(call destination_path,$(COQLIB)/toploop) # FIXME: Unused variable?
-########## End of parameters ##################################################
-# What follows may be relevant to you only if you need to
-# extend this Makefile.  If so, look for 'Extension point' here and
-# put in makefile.local double colon rules accordingly.
-# E.g. to perform some work after the all target completes you can write
-# post-all::
-# 	echo "All done!"
-# in makefile.local
-# Flags #######################################################################
-# We define a bunch of variables combining the parameters.
-# To add additional flags to coq, coqchk or coqdoc, set the
-# {COQ,COQCHK,COQDOC}EXTRAFLAGS variable to whatever you want to add.
-# To overwrite the default choice and set your own flags entirely, set the
-SHOW := $(if $(VERBOSE),@true "",@echo "")
-HIDE := $(if $(VERBOSE),,@)
-# The DYNOBJ and DYNLIB variables are used by "coqdep -dyndep var" in .v.d
-ifeq '$(OPT)' '-byte'
-# these variables are meant to be overridden if you want to add *extra* flags
-# these flags do NOT contain the libraries, to make them easier to overwrite
-# The version of Coq being run and the version of coq_makefile that
-# generated this makefile
-COQ_VERSION:=$(shell $(COQC) --print-version | cut -d " " -f 1)
-COQSRCLIBS?= $(foreach d,$(COQ_SRC_SUBDIRS), -I "$(COQLIB)/$(d)")
-# ocamldoc fails with unknown argument otherwise
-CAMLDOCFLAGS:=$(filter-out -annot, $(filter-out -bin-annot, $(CAMLFLAGS)))
-ifneq (,$(TIMING))
-ifeq (after,$(TIMING))
-ifeq (before,$(TIMING))
-# Files #######################################################################
-# We here define a bunch of variables about the files being part of the
-# Coq project in order to ease the writing of build target and build rules
-VDFILE := .makefile.d
-	$(MLFILES) \
-# helpers
-vo_to_obj = $(addsuffix .o,\
-  $(filter-out Warning: Error:,\
-  $(shell $(COQTOP) -q -noinit -batch -quiet -print-mod-uid $(1))))
-strip_dotslash = $(patsubst ./%,%,$(1))
-# without this we get undefined variables in the expansion for the
-# targets of the [deprecated,use-mllib-or-mlpack] rule
-with_undef = $(if $(filter-out undefined, $(origin $(1))),$($(1)))
-VO = vo
-VOS = vos
-VOFILES = $(VFILES:.v=.$(VO))
-GLOBFILES = $(VFILES:.v=.glob)
-HTMLFILES = $(VFILES:.v=.html)
-GHTMLFILES = $(VFILES:.v=.g.html)
-BEAUTYFILES = $(addsuffix .beautified,$(VFILES))
-TEXFILES = $(VFILES:.v=.tex)
-GTEXFILES = $(VFILES:.v=.g.tex)
-	$(MLGFILES:.mlg=.cmo) \
-	$(MLFILES:.ml=.cmo) \
-	$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmo)
-CMXFILES = $(CMOFILES:.cmo=.cmx)
-OFILES = $(CMXFILES:.cmx=.o)
-CMAFILES = $(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=.cma) $(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cma)
-CMXAFILES = $(CMAFILES:.cma=.cmxa)
-	$(CMOFILES:.cmo=.cmi) \
-	$(MLIFILES:.mli=.cmi)
-# the /if/ is because old _CoqProject did not list a .ml(pack|lib) but just
-# a .mlg file
-	$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmxs) \
-	$(CMXAFILES:.cmxa=.cmxs) \
-		$(MLGFILES:.mlg=.cmxs) $(MLFILES:.ml=.cmxs))
-# files that are packed into a plugin (no extension)
-	$(call strip_dotslash, \
-	  $(foreach lib, \
-	    $(call strip_dotslash, \
-	       $(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=_MLPACK_DEPENDENCIES)),$(call with_undef,$(lib))))
-# files that are archived into a .cma (mllib)
-	$(call strip_dotslash, \
-	  $(foreach lib, \
-	    $(call strip_dotslash, \
-	       $(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=_MLLIB_DEPENDENCIES)),$(call with_undef,$(lib))))
-CMIFILESTOINSTALL = $(filter-out $(addsuffix .cmi,$(PACKEDFILES)),$(CMIFILES))
-CMOFILESTOINSTALL = $(filter-out $(addsuffix .cmo,$(PACKEDFILES)),$(CMOFILES))
-OBJFILES = $(call vo_to_obj,$(VOFILES))
-	$(OBJFILES:.o=.cmi) \
-	$(OBJFILES:.o=.cmx) \
-	$(OBJFILES:.o=.cmxs)
-# trick: wildcard filters out non-existing files, so that `install` doesn't show
-# warnings and `clean` doesn't pass to rm a list of files that is too long for
-# the shell.
-	$(VOFILES) \
-	$(VFILES) \
-ifeq '$(HASNATDYNLINK)' 'true'
-ALLDFILES = $(addsuffix .d,$(ALLSRCFILES)) $(VDFILE)
-# Compilation targets #########################################################
-	$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" pre-all
-	$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" real-all
-	$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" post-all
-.PHONY: all
-	$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" pre-all
-	$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" real-all.timing.diff TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_EXTRA_FILES=""
-	$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" post-all
-.PHONY: all.timing.diff
-ifeq (0,$(TIMING_REAL))
-TIMING_USER_ARG := --user
-ifeq (1,$(TIMING_REAL))
-TIMING_REAL_ARG := --real
-TIMING_INCLUDE_MEM_ARG := --no-include-mem
-ifeq (1,$(TIMING_SORT_BY_MEM))
-TIMING_SORT_BY_MEM_ARG := --sort-by-mem
-make-pretty-timed-before:: TIME_OF_BUILD_FILE=$(TIME_OF_BUILD_BEFORE_FILE)
-make-pretty-timed-after:: TIME_OF_BUILD_FILE=$(TIME_OF_BUILD_AFTER_FILE)
-make-pretty-timed make-pretty-timed-before make-pretty-timed-after::
-	$(HIDE)rm -f pretty-timed-success.ok
-	$(HIDE)($(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(PARENT)" $(TGTS) TIMED=1 2>&1 && touch pretty-timed-success.ok) | tee -a $(TIME_OF_BUILD_FILE)
-	$(HIDE)rm pretty-timed-success.ok # must not be -f; must fail if the touch failed
-ifeq (,$(BEFORE))
-	@echo 'Error: Usage: $(MAKE) print-pretty-single-time-diff AFTER=path/to/file.v.after-timing BEFORE=path/to/file.v.before-timing'
-	$(HIDE)false
-ifeq (,$(AFTER))
-	@echo 'Error: Usage: $(MAKE) print-pretty-single-time-diff AFTER=path/to/file.v.after-timing BEFORE=path/to/file.v.before-timing'
-	$(HIDE)false
-	$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(PARENT)" make-pretty-timed
-	$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" print-pretty-timed
-.PHONY: pretty-timed make-pretty-timed make-pretty-timed-before make-pretty-timed-after print-pretty-timed print-pretty-timed-diff print-pretty-single-time-diff
-# Extension points for actions to be performed before/after the all target
-	@# Extension point
-	$(HIDE)if [ "$(COQMAKEFILE_VERSION)" != "$(COQ_VERSION)" ]; then\
-	  echo "W: This Makefile was generated by Coq $(COQMAKEFILE_VERSION)";\
-	  echo "W: while the current Coq version is $(COQ_VERSION)";\
-	fi
-.PHONY: pre-all
-	@# Extension point
-.PHONY: post-all
-real-all: $(VOFILES) $(if $(USEBYTE),bytefiles,optfiles)
-.PHONY: real-all
-real-all.timing.diff: $(VOFILES:.vo=.v.timing.diff)
-.PHONY: real-all.timing.diff
-bytefiles: $(CMOFILES) $(CMAFILES)
-.PHONY: bytefiles
-optfiles: $(if $(DO_NATDYNLINK),$(CMXSFILES))
-.PHONY: optfiles
-# FIXME, see Ralf's bugreport
-# quick is deprecated, now renamed vio
-vio: $(VOFILES:.vo=.vio)
-.PHONY: vio
-quick: vio
-	$(warning "'make quick' is deprecated, use 'make vio' or consider using 'vos' files")
-.PHONY: quick
-		-schedule-vio2vo $(J) $(VOFILES:%.vo=%.vio)
-.PHONY: vio2vo
-# quick2vo is undocumented
-	$(HIDE)make -j $(J) vio
-	$(HIDE)VIOFILES=$$(for vofile in $(VOFILES); do \
-	  viofile="$$(echo "$$vofile" | sed "s/\.vo$$/.vio/")"; \
-	  if [ "$$vofile" -ot "$$viofile" -o ! -e "$$vofile" ]; then printf "$$viofile "; fi; \
-	done); \
-	echo "VIO2VO: $$VIOFILES"; \
-	if [ -n "$$VIOFILES" ]; then \
-	  $(TIMER) $(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) -schedule-vio2vo $(J) $$VIOFILES; \
-	fi
-.PHONY: quick2vo
-		-schedule-vio-checking $(J) $(VOFILES:%.vo=%.vio)
-.PHONY: checkproofs
-vos: $(VOFILES:%.vo=%.vos)
-.PHONY: vos
-vok: $(VOFILES:%.vo=%.vok)
-.PHONY: vok
-validate: $(VOFILES)
-.PHONY: validate
-only: $(TGTS)
-.PHONY: only
-# Documentation targets #######################################################
-	$(SHOW)'COQDOC -d html $(GAL)'
-	$(HIDE)mkdir -p html
-	$(HIDE)$(COQDOC) \
-		-toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -html $(GAL) $(COQDOCLIBS) -d html $(VFILES)
-mlihtml: $(MLIFILES:.mli=.cmi)
-	$(SHOW)'CAMLDOC -d $@'
-	$(HIDE)mkdir $@ || rm -rf $@/*
-	$(HIDE)$(CAMLDOC) -html \
-all-mli.tex: $(MLIFILES:.mli=.cmi)
-	$(SHOW)'CAMLDOC -latex $@'
-	$(HIDE)$(CAMLDOC) -latex \
-all.ps: $(VFILES)
-	$(SHOW)'COQDOC -ps $(GAL)'
-	$(HIDE)$(COQDOC) \
-		-toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -ps $(GAL) $(COQDOCLIBS) \
-		-o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort $(VFILES)`
-all.pdf: $(VFILES)
-	$(SHOW)'COQDOC -pdf $(GAL)'
-	$(HIDE)$(COQDOC) \
-		-toc $(COQDOCFLAGS) -pdf $(GAL) $(COQDOCLIBS) \
-		-o $@ `$(COQDEP) -sort $(VFILES)`
-# FIXME: not quite right, since the output name is different
-gallinahtml: GAL=-g
-gallinahtml: html
-all-gal.ps: GAL=-g
-all-gal.ps: all.ps
-all-gal.pdf: GAL=-g
-all-gal.pdf: all.pdf
-# ?
-beautify: $(BEAUTYFILES)
-	for file in $^; do mv $${file%.beautified} $${file%beautified}old && mv $${file} $${file%.beautified}; done
-	@echo 'Do not do "make clean" until you are sure that everything went well!'
-	@echo 'If there were a problem, execute "for file in $$(find . -name \*.v.old -print); do mv $${file} $${file%.old}; done" in your shell/'
-.PHONY: beautify
-# Installation targets ########################################################
-# There rules can be extended in makefile.local
-# Extensions can't assume when they run.
-	$(HIDE)code=0; for f in $(FILESTOINSTALL); do\
-	 if ! [ -f "$$f" ]; then >&2 echo $$f does not exist; code=1; fi \
-	done; exit $$code
-	$(HIDE)for f in $(FILESTOINSTALL); do\
-	 df="`$(COQMKFILE) -destination-of "$$f" $(COQLIBS)`";\
-	 if [ "$$?" != "0" -o -z "$$df" ]; then\
-	   echo SKIP "$$f" since it has no logical path;\
-	 else\
-	   install -d "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df" &&\
-	   install -m 0644 "$$f" "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df" &&\
-	   echo INSTALL "$$f" "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df";\
-	 fi;\
-	done
-	$(HIDE)$(MAKE) install-extra -f "$(SELF)"
-	@# Extension point
-.PHONY: install install-extra
-	$(HIDE)for f in $(BYTEFILESTOINSTALL); do\
-	 df="`$(COQMKFILE) -destination-of "$$f" $(COQLIBS)`";\
-	 if [ "$$?" != "0" -o -z "$$df" ]; then\
-	   echo SKIP "$$f" since it has no logical path;\
-	 else\
-	   install -d "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df" &&\
-	   install -m 0644 "$$f" "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df" &&\
-	   echo INSTALL "$$f" "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df";\
-	 fi;\
-	done
-install-doc:: html mlihtml
-	@# Extension point
-	$(HIDE)for i in html/*; do \
-	 install -m 0644 "$$i" "$$dest";\
-	 echo INSTALL "$$i" "$$dest";\
-	done
-	$(HIDE)install -d \
-	$(HIDE)for i in mlihtml/*; do \
-	 install -m 0644 "$$i" "$$dest";\
-	 echo INSTALL "$$i" "$$dest";\
-	done
-.PHONY: install-doc
-	@# Extension point
-	$(HIDE)for f in $(FILESTOINSTALL); do \
-	 df="`$(COQMKFILE) -destination-of "$$f" $(COQLIBS)`" &&\
-	 instf="$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df/`basename $$f`" &&\
-	 rm -f "$$instf" &&\
-	 echo RM "$$instf" &&\
-	 (rmdir "$(COQLIBINSTALL)/$$df/" 2>/dev/null || true); \
-	done
-.PHONY: uninstall
-	@# Extension point
-.PHONY: uninstall-doc
-# Cleaning ####################################################################
-# There rules can be extended in makefile.local
-# Extensions can't assume when they run.
-	@# Extension point
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(CMOFILES)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(CMIFILES)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(CMAFILES)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(CMOFILES:.cmo=.cmx)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(CMXAFILES)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(CMXSFILES)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(CMOFILES:.cmo=.o)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(CMXAFILES:.cmxa=.a)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(MLGFILES:.mlg=.ml)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(ALLDFILES)
-	$(HIDE)find . -name .coq-native -type d -empty -delete
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.vio)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.vos)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.vok)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(BEAUTYFILES) $(VFILES:=.old)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f all.ps all-gal.ps all.pdf all-gal.pdf all.glob all-mli.tex
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(VFILES:.v=.glob)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(VFILES:.v=.tex)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(VFILES:.v=.g.tex)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f pretty-timed-success.ok
-	$(HIDE)rm -rf html mlihtml
-.PHONY: clean
-cleanall:: clean
-	@# Extension point
-	$(SHOW)'CLEAN *.aux *.timing'
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(foreach f,$(VFILES:.v=),$(dir $(f)).$(notdir $(f)).aux)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.v.timing)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.v.before-timing)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.v.after-timing)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(VOFILES:.vo=.v.timing.diff)
-	$(HIDE)rm -f .lia.cache .nia.cache
-.PHONY: cleanall
-	@# Extension point
-	$(SHOW)'CLEAN *.cmx *.o'
-	$(HIDE)rm -f $(CMOFILES:%.cmo=%.cmx)
-.PHONY: archclean
-# Compilation rules ###########################################################
-$(MLIFILES:.mli=.cmi): %.cmi: %.mli
-	$(SHOW)'CAMLC -c $<'
-$(MLGFILES:.mlg=.ml): %.ml: %.mlg
-	$(SHOW)'COQPP $<'
-	$(HIDE)$(COQPP) $<
-# Stupid hack around a deficient syntax: we cannot concatenate two expansions
-$(filter %.cmo, $(MLFILES:.ml=.cmo) $(MLGFILES:.mlg=.cmo)): %.cmo: %.ml
-	$(SHOW)'CAMLC -c $<'
-# Same hack
-$(filter %.cmx, $(MLFILES:.ml=.cmx) $(MLGFILES:.mlg=.cmx)): %.cmx: %.ml
-	$(SHOW)'CAMLOPT -c $(FOR_PACK) $<'
-$(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=.cmxs): %.cmxs: %.cmxa
-	$(SHOW)'CAMLOPT -shared -o $@'
-		-linkall -shared -o $@ $<
-$(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=.cma): %.cma: | %.mllib
-	$(SHOW)'CAMLC -a -o $@'
-$(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=.cmxa): %.cmxa: | %.mllib
-	$(SHOW)'CAMLOPT -a -o $@'
-$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmxs): %.cmxs: %.cmxa
-	$(SHOW)'CAMLOPT -shared -o $@'
-		-shared -linkall -o $@ $<
-$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmxa): %.cmxa: %.cmx
-	$(SHOW)'CAMLOPT -a -o $@'
-$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cma): %.cma: %.cmo | %.mlpack
-	$(SHOW)'CAMLC -a -o $@'
-$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmo): %.cmo: | %.mlpack
-	$(SHOW)'CAMLC -pack -o $@'
-	$(HIDE)$(TIMER) $(CAMLLINK) $(CAMLDEBUG) $(CAMLFLAGS) -pack -o $@ $^
-$(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmx): %.cmx: | %.mlpack
-	$(SHOW)'CAMLOPT -pack -o $@'
-# This rule is for _CoqProject with no .mllib nor .mlpack
-$(filter-out $(MLLIBFILES:.mllib=.cmxs) $(MLPACKFILES:.mlpack=.cmxs) $(addsuffix .cmxs,$(PACKEDFILES)) $(addsuffix .cmxs,$(LIBEDFILES)),$(MLFILES:.ml=.cmxs) $(MLGFILES:.mlg=.cmxs)): %.cmxs: %.cmx
-	$(SHOW)'[deprecated,use-mllib-or-mlpack] CAMLOPT -shared -o $@'
-		-shared -o $@ $<
-ifneq (,$(TIMING))
-$(VOFILES): %.vo: %.v
-	$(SHOW)COQC $<
-# FIXME ?merge with .vo / .vio ?
-$(GLOBFILES): %.glob: %.v
-$(VFILES:.v=.vio): %.vio: %.v
-	$(SHOW)COQC -vio $<
-$(VFILES:.v=.vos): %.vos: %.v
-	$(SHOW)COQC -vos $<
-$(VFILES:.v=.vok): %.vok: %.v
-	$(SHOW)COQC -vok $<
-$(addsuffix .timing.diff,$(VFILES)): %.timing.diff : %.before-timing %.after-timing
-	$(SHOW)PYTHON TIMING-DIFF $*.{before,after}-timing
-	$(HIDE)$(MAKE) --no-print-directory -f "$(SELF)" print-pretty-single-time-diff BEFORE=$*.before-timing AFTER=$*.after-timing TIME_OF_PRETTY_BUILD_FILE="$@"
-$(BEAUTYFILES): %.v.beautified: %.v
-	$(HIDE)$(TIMER) $(COQC) $(COQDEBUG) $(COQFLAGS) $(COQLIBS) -beautify $<
-$(TEXFILES): %.tex: %.v
-	$(SHOW)'COQDOC -latex $<'
-	$(HIDE)$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -latex $< -o $@
-$(GTEXFILES): %.g.tex: %.v
-	$(SHOW)'COQDOC -latex -g $<'
-	$(HIDE)$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -latex -g $< -o $@
-$(HTMLFILES): %.html: %.v %.glob
-	$(SHOW)'COQDOC -html $<'
-	$(HIDE)$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS) -html $< -o $@
-$(GHTMLFILES): %.g.html: %.v %.glob
-	$(SHOW)'COQDOC -html -g $<'
-	$(HIDE)$(COQDOC) $(COQDOCFLAGS)  -html -g $< -o $@
-# Dependency files ############################################################
-  -include $(ALLDFILES)
-  ifneq ($(filter-out archclean clean cleanall printenv make-pretty-timed make-pretty-timed-before make-pretty-timed-after print-pretty-timed print-pretty-timed-diff print-pretty-single-time-diff,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
-   -include $(ALLDFILES)
- endif
-redir_if_ok = > "$@" || ( RV=$$?; rm -f "$@"; exit $$RV )
-$(addsuffix .d,$(ALLSRCFILES)): $(GENMLFILES)
-$(addsuffix .d,$(MLIFILES)): %.mli.d: %.mli
-	$(HIDE)$(CAMLDEP) $(OCAMLLIBS) "$<" $(redir_if_ok)
-$(addsuffix .d,$(MLGFILES)): %.mlg.d: %.ml
-	$(HIDE)$(CAMLDEP) $(OCAMLLIBS) "$<" $(redir_if_ok)
-$(addsuffix .d,$(MLFILES)): %.ml.d: %.ml
-	$(HIDE)$(CAMLDEP) $(OCAMLLIBS) "$<" $(redir_if_ok)
-$(addsuffix .d,$(MLLIBFILES)): %.mllib.d: %.mllib
-	$(HIDE)$(OCAMLLIBDEP) -c $(OCAMLLIBS) "$<" $(redir_if_ok)
-$(addsuffix .d,$(MLPACKFILES)): %.mlpack.d: %.mlpack
-	$(HIDE)$(OCAMLLIBDEP) -c $(OCAMLLIBS) "$<" $(redir_if_ok)
-# If this makefile is created using a _CoqProject we have coqdep get
-# options from it. This avoids argument length limits for pathological
-# projects. Note that extra options might be on the command line.
-VDFILE_FLAGS:=$(if _CoqProject,-f _CoqProject,) $(CMDLINE_COQLIBS) $(CMDLINE_VFILES)
-$(VDFILE): _CoqProject $(VFILES)
-	$(HIDE)$(COQDEP) -vos -dyndep var $(VDFILE_FLAGS) $(redir_if_ok)
-# Misc ########################################################################
-	$(HIDE)$(MAKE) all "OPT:=-byte" -f "$(SELF)"
-.PHONY: byte
-	$(HIDE)$(MAKE) all "OPT:=-opt" -f "$(SELF)"
-.PHONY:	opt
-# This is deprecated.  To extend this makefile use
-# extension points and makefile.local
-	$(warning printenv is deprecated)
-	$(warning write extensions in makefile.local or include makefile.conf)
-	@echo 'LOCAL = $(LOCAL)'
-	@echo 'COQLIB = $(COQLIB)'
-	@echo 'DOCDIR = $(DOCDIR)'
-	@echo 'PP = $(PP)'
-	@echo 'COQFLAGS = $(COQFLAGS)'
-	@echo 'COQLIB = $(COQLIBS)'
-.PHONY:	printenv
-# Generate a .merlin file.  If you need to append directives to this
-# file you can extend the merlin-hook target in makefile.local
-	$(SHOW)'FILL .merlin'
-	$(HIDE)echo 'FLG $(COQMF_CAMLFLAGS)' > .merlin
-	$(HIDE)echo 'B $(COQLIB)' >> .merlin
-	$(HIDE)echo 'S $(COQLIB)' >> .merlin
-	$(HIDE)$(foreach d,$(COQ_SRC_SUBDIRS), \
-		echo 'B $(COQLIB)$(d)' >> .merlin;)
-	$(HIDE)$(foreach d,$(COQ_SRC_SUBDIRS), \
-		echo 'S $(COQLIB)$(d)' >> .merlin;)
-	$(HIDE)$(foreach d,$(SRC_SUBDIRS), echo 'B $(d)' >> .merlin;)
-	$(HIDE)$(foreach d,$(SRC_SUBDIRS), echo 'S $(d)' >> .merlin;)
-	$(HIDE)$(MAKE) merlin-hook -f "$(SELF)"
-.PHONY: merlin
-	@# Extension point
-.PHONY: merlin-hook
-# prints all variables
-	$(foreach v,\
-		$(sort $(filter-out $(INITIAL_VARS) INITIAL_VARS,\
-	       		$(.VARIABLES))),\
-	       	$(info $(v) = $($(v))))
-.PHONY: debug
-# Local Variables:
-# mode: makefile-gmake
-# End:
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/Arbiter.v b/framework/DRAM/Arbiter.v
similarity index 97%
rename from framework/DDR3/Arbiter.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Arbiter.v
index e67251213091108fec8ccddee89dfee6e5b38184..b27d6b86cb120723881e3ffc24a2ef33031a9185 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/Arbiter.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Arbiter.v
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
 Set Printing Projections.
-From DDR3 Require Export Trace.
+From DRAM Require Export Trace.
 Section Arbiter.
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/Bank.v b/framework/DRAM/Bank.v
similarity index 97%
rename from framework/DDR3/Bank.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Bank.v
index 2d869eea442146c20f641d8cd0b661ff04f95ea0..d5fed31c19ffe528b7163d8519c575cd0ba5e579 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/Bank.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Bank.v
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
 Set Printing Projections.
 From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool seq eqtype.
-From DDR3 Require Export System.
+From DRAM Require Export System.
 Section Banks.  
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/Commands.v b/framework/DRAM/Commands.v
similarity index 98%
rename from framework/DDR3/Commands.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Commands.v
index f6d001f3d1b34962c13dbebffc916a1ee053bf8f..6ad725801b71943260a9b7521183bdd582d0b8ae 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/Commands.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Commands.v
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
 Set Printing Projections.
-From DDR3 Require Export Requests.
+From DRAM Require Export Requests.
 Section Commands.
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/FIFO.v b/framework/DRAM/FIFO.v
similarity index 98%
rename from framework/DDR3/FIFO.v
rename to framework/DRAM/FIFO.v
index aac58469c3a0423355dde510cfdf346389919474..03fa9e4b6327eca424d6fc2a5ec708215061ac1f 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/FIFO.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/FIFO.v
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Set Printing Projections.
 From mathcomp Require Export fintype div.
 Require Import Program.
-From DDR3 Require Export ImplementationInterface.
+From DRAM Require Export ImplementationInterface.
 Section FIFO.
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/FIFO_extraction.v b/framework/DRAM/FIFO_extraction.v
similarity index 93%
rename from framework/DDR3/FIFO_extraction.v
rename to framework/DRAM/FIFO_extraction.v
index 4ee4a45ecb3f17279d918a4cad31a2227e888909..0327eccf0d5ebe7e4b46dd2c39c27ad464c7829e 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/FIFO_extraction.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/FIFO_extraction.v
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
 Unset Extraction Optimize.
-From DDR3 Require Export FIFO.
+From DRAM Require Export FIFO.
 From Coq Require Extraction.
 From Coq Require Import Arith.
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/FIFO_proofs.v b/framework/DRAM/FIFO_proofs.v
similarity index 99%
rename from framework/DDR3/FIFO_proofs.v
rename to framework/DRAM/FIFO_proofs.v
index 8d8a9b8dd0a41555d909f52daba5d13885b2ccb5..075fa262cf9a1a905318f3ae5adb2f45d0197264 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/FIFO_proofs.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/FIFO_proofs.v
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Set Printing Projections.
 From mathcomp Require Export fintype div.
 Require Import Program.
-From DDR3 Require Export FIFO.
+From DRAM Require Export FIFO.
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/FIFO_sim.v b/framework/DRAM/FIFO_sim.v
similarity index 96%
rename from framework/DDR3/FIFO_sim.v
rename to framework/DRAM/FIFO_sim.v
index 203e9d9cbfba5ea3350844b59fea0e0018c8ac46..46c9789cfbccc90fde7a0cda31caaa2f56a2960f 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/FIFO_sim.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/FIFO_sim.v
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Set Printing Projections.
 From mathcomp Require Export fintype div.
 Require Import Program.
-From DDR3 Require Export FIFO_proofs.
+From DRAM Require Export FIFO_proofs.
 Section FIFOsim.
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/ImplementationInterface.v b/framework/DRAM/ImplementationInterface.v
similarity index 98%
rename from framework/DDR3/ImplementationInterface.v
rename to framework/DRAM/ImplementationInterface.v
index 7eb0389f19ceb7a9d880df0615301cfaf6c3d803..0a0904f8f62374e285c5dc539b4962d4232818e1 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/ImplementationInterface.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/ImplementationInterface.v
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
 Set Printing Projections.
-From DDR3 Require Export Arbiter.
+From DRAM Require Export Arbiter.
 Section ImplementationInterface.
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Section ImplementationInterface.
 	Class Arbiter_configuration :=
 		State_t : Type;
-	}.
+	}.gi
 	Context {REQESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration}.
 	Context {ARBITER_CFG  : Arbiter_configuration}.
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/README.md b/framework/DRAM/README.md
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/README.md
rename to framework/DRAM/README.md
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/Requestor.v b/framework/DRAM/Requestor.v
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/Requestor.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Requestor.v
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/Requests.v b/framework/DRAM/Requests.v
similarity index 97%
rename from framework/DDR3/Requests.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Requests.v
index ce2b344c9ebeffb002400fbc3bf125299c53d672..f4e28e20ff2ef2d022d83f96a60df29807702704 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/Requests.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Requests.v
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
 Set Printing Projections.
 From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect eqtype.
-From DDR3 Require Export Util System Requestor Bank.
+From DRAM Require Export Util System Requestor Bank.
 Section Requests.
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/System.v b/framework/DRAM/System.v
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/System.v
rename to framework/DRAM/System.v
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/TDM.v b/framework/DRAM/TDM.v
similarity index 99%
rename from framework/DDR3/TDM.v
rename to framework/DRAM/TDM.v
index 6ddc974c805442c0fed4adb9fba6b3cc8de69038..e2413ea9236df75db7e1820c4d265ffb160e256a 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/TDM.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/TDM.v
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
 Set Printing Projections.
-From DDR3 Require Export ImplementationInterface.
+From DRAM Require Export ImplementationInterface.
 From mathcomp Require Export fintype div.
 Require Import Program.
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/TDM_extraction.v b/framework/DRAM/TDM_extraction.v
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/TDM_extraction.v
rename to framework/DRAM/TDM_extraction.v
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/TDM_proofs.v b/framework/DRAM/TDM_proofs.v
similarity index 99%
rename from framework/DDR3/TDM_proofs.v
rename to framework/DRAM/TDM_proofs.v
index 9874586d650482114a95e0424bd27b0220b9aa06..bd3d75d20e82e204722300ff605843b76694e981 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/TDM_proofs.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/TDM_proofs.v
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Set Printing Projections.
 From mathcomp Require Export fintype div.
 Require Import Program.
 Require Import Psatz Lia.
-From DDR3 Require Export TDM.
+From DRAM Require Export TDM.
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/TDM_sim.v b/framework/DRAM/TDM_sim.v
similarity index 96%
rename from framework/DDR3/TDM_sim.v
rename to framework/DRAM/TDM_sim.v
index 0fefeefbab335d974ac71b250c42c0ddce8c3941..c017d5f71b5e5e2216d1500672b7ab1352b87170 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/TDM_sim.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/TDM_sim.v
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Set Printing Projections.
 From mathcomp Require Export fintype div.
 Require Import Program.
-From DDR3 Require Export TDM_proofs.
+From DRAM Require Export TDM_proofs.
 Section Test.
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/Trace.v b/framework/DRAM/Trace.v
similarity index 99%
rename from framework/DDR3/Trace.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Trace.v
index 6253615dc6f0f3ebc591cedb690ee8be479de44b..6b249e526abdd3c80977491a46368882ea7f0010 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/Trace.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Trace.v
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
 Set Printing Projections.
 From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool seq eqtype.
-From DDR3 Require Export Commands.
+From DRAM Require Export Commands.
 Section Trace.
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/Util.v b/framework/DRAM/Util.v
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/Util.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Util.v
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/_CoqProject b/framework/DRAM/_CoqProject
similarity index 79%
rename from framework/DDR3/_CoqProject
rename to framework/DRAM/_CoqProject
index 39a16ce2bac6251eb0959905f981d51484c9403c..315c72c67f5b6d6042d6afa51bf7164998dd40e7 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/_CoqProject
+++ b/framework/DRAM/_CoqProject
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--Q . DDR3
+-Q . DRAM
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/App.hs b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/App.hs
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/App.hs
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/App.hs
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignCommand.hsc b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignCommand.hsc
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignCommand.hsc
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignCommand.hsc
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignCommand_t.h b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignCommand_t.h
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignCommand_t.h
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignCommand_t.h
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignRequest.hsc b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignRequest.hsc
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignRequest.hsc
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignRequest.hsc
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignRequest_t.h b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignRequest_t.h
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignRequest_t.h
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignRequest_t.h
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/MCsimRequest.h b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/MCsimRequest.h
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/MCsimRequest.h
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/MCsimRequest.h
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/README.md b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/README.md
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/README.md
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/README.md
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/main.cpp b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/main.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/main.cpp
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/main.cpp
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/makefile b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/makefile
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_fifo/makefile
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_fifo/makefile
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/App.hs b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/App.hs
similarity index 99%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/App.hs
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/App.hs
index 6f20afd1915b68263b14e87765f40feccfd97551..0c4776a690ce8ca0c31bc042528d4228fc3f5f27 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/App.hs
+++ b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/App.hs
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ tdm_init_state_genstate :: [ForeignRequest.ForeignRequest_t] -> IO (TDM.TDM_stat
 tdm_init_state_genstate reqlist = do
     coq_list <- convertReqList reqlist
     -- this should be arguments eventually
-    -- using values from DDR3 800E
+    -- using values From DRAM 800E
     let bkcfg = Bank.Build_Bank_configuration 2 4 5 4 20 21 6 6 15 4 6 7 4 4 10 10 10 10 10 10
     -- let reqcfg = (TDM.unsafeCoerce CInt)
     let tdmcfg = TDM.Build_TDM_configuration 24 2
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignCommand.hsc b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignCommand.hsc
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignCommand.hsc
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignCommand.hsc
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignCommand_t.h b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignCommand_t.h
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignCommand_t.h
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignCommand_t.h
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignRequest.hsc b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignRequest.hsc
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignRequest.hsc
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignRequest.hsc
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignRequest_t.h b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignRequest_t.h
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignRequest_t.h
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignRequest_t.h
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/MCsimRequest.h b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/MCsimRequest.h
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/MCsimRequest.h
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/MCsimRequest.h
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/README.md b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/README.md
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/README.md
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/README.md
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/main.cpp b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/main.cpp
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/main.cpp
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/main.cpp
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/makefile b/framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/makefile
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DDR3/haskell_gencode_tdm/makefile
rename to framework/DRAM/haskell_gencode_tdm/makefile