diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Core/Arbiter.v b/framework/DRAM/Core/Arbiter.v
index 8c56d19e52cc94fdf4c8d2d8fc4e14f32f1259d3..035e18b9521e1e01b0653cfd281f19c63555c934 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Core/Arbiter.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Core/Arbiter.v
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ Section Arbiter.
        the completion date of reqb *)
     -> exists txa txb, (CAS_of_req reqa txa \in (Arbitrate txa).(Commands)) 
     && (CAS_of_req reqb txb \in (Arbitrate txb).(Commands)) && (txa < txb)
+	}.
-Class W_SequentialConsistent_Arbiter {AF : Arrival_function_t} {AR : Arbiter_t} := mkWSeqARbiter {  
+	Class W_SequentialConsistent_Arbiter {AF : Arrival_function_t} {AR : Arbiter_t} := mkWSeqARbiter {  
     R2_relaxed : forall ta reqa tb reqb, 
     reqa \in (Arrival_at ta) -> (* reqa arrives at ta *) 
     reqb \in (Arrival_at tb) -> (* reqb arrives at tb *)
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Class W_SequentialConsistent_Arbiter {AF : Arrival_function_t} {AR : Arbiter_t}
     exists txa txb, 
     (CAS_of_req reqa txa \in (Arbitrate txa).(Commands)) && 
     (CAS_of_req reqb txb \in (Arbitrate txb).(Commands)) && (txa < txb)
+	}.
   Definition Default_arrival_at Input t :=
     [seq x <- Input | x.(Date) == t].
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Core/BankMachine.v b/framework/DRAM/Core/BankMachine.v
index ad3e5e4f6cb3a6cca541c795c5108ea671bb1c6a..fda1b460df0f304cc65ad5ccec29adb85e485f8a 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Core/BankMachine.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Core/BankMachine.v
@@ -182,6 +182,8 @@ Section BankMachine.
 		) true (proj1_sig SS.(Banks)).
 	(* check if all banks are OK to be pre-charged *)
+	(* If alreadu IDLE ok ? *)
+	(* Some logic to not allow commands to be issued if PREA or REF are due -> already there ! *)
 	Definition checkPREA SS :=
 		@fold_right bool BankState_t 
 		(fun bs r => if r then 
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Core/ImplementationInterface.v b/framework/DRAM/Core/ImplementationInterface.v
index 595b4ef69a57f5666fa9ab3ea012bfdb941f6a86..a4f52b759b0d5e772433772f5b958c093cddadad 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Core/ImplementationInterface.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Core/ImplementationInterface.v
@@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ Section ImplementationInterface.
     Arbiter_Commands        : Commands_t;
     Arbiter_Time            : nat;
     Implementation_State    : State_t;
 	(* Computes the t_th state *)
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Core/InterfaceSubLayer.v b/framework/DRAM/Core/InterfaceSubLayer.v
index 491fc3e62b65e256a58e1e3467ab234f12739bc2..2c8dd8f8218fee8e0e514737394d1c7ef13b3682 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Core/InterfaceSubLayer.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Core/InterfaceSubLayer.v
@@ -55,8 +55,14 @@ Section InterfaceSubLayer.
 		(* Schedule_In : forall m SYS_ST SCH_ST, m <> [] -> Schedule m SYS_ST SCH_ST \in m; *)
 		InitSchState  : SchState_t;
-		UpdatSchState : Command_kind_t -> ReqCmdMap_t -> SystemState_t -> SchState_t -> SchState_t;
+		(* UpdateSchState : forall reqmap SS SCH_ST,
+			let sch_cmd := Schedule reqmap SS SCH_ST in SchState_t; *)
+		UpdateSchState : ReqCmdMap_t -> SystemState_t -> SchState_t -> SchState_t;
+	Check UpdateSchState.
 	Context {SCH : Scheduler_t}.
@@ -135,7 +141,7 @@ Section InterfaceSubLayer.
 			match SS' with
 			| None => (None,NOP)
 			| Some SS'valid => 
-				let new_SchState := UpdatSchState sch_cmd cmdmap'' SS SchS in
+				let new_SchState := UpdateSchState cmdmap'' SS SchS in
 				let new_ImplSubLayerState := mkImplSubLayerState SS'valid updated_map new_SchState in
 				(Some new_ImplSubLayerState, sch_cmd)
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL.v
index 4347d7d91a07cad0a3ce66a482f678a2c7a93882..a99fe46397a212c96e5ad36a9a10abe5caae35d8 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL.v
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Section FIFOimpSL.
 		| None => NOP
-	Definition UpdatSchState (cmd : Command_kind_t) (cmd_map : ReqCmdMap_t) (SS : SystemState_t) 
+	Definition UpdatSchState (cmd_map : ReqCmdMap_t) (SS : SystemState_t) 
 		(FIFO_st : FIFO_internal_state) : FIFO_internal_state := tt.
 	#[global] Program Instance FIFO : Scheduler_t := 
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/RRimpSL/RRimpSL.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/RRimpSL/RRimpSL.v
index ad5933061792a42f237fce8f24b04cc6fe130182..aba9629a2433a079ae8f66fc6bd12f60e18769d6 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/RRimpSL/RRimpSL.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/RRimpSL/RRimpSL.v
@@ -64,15 +64,16 @@ Section RRimpSL.
 	(* Can't update when the CAS is seen on the structure, but rather issued to the device *)
 	(* Maybe look at counters to detect a CWR or RD ?! *)
 	(* Give up slot if no pending request *)
-	Definition UpdatSchState cmd cmd_map (SS 	: SystemState_t) (slot : Slot_t) : Slot_t :=
+	Definition UpdatSchState cmd_map (SS 	: SystemState_t) (slot : Slot_t) : Slot_t :=
+		let sch_cmd := RR_schedule cmd_map SS slot in 
 		let cond1 := (* no commands belonging to the current slot owner *)
-			((find (fun cmd =>
-			match cmd with
+			((find (fun sch_cmd =>
+			match sch_cmd with
 			| CRD r | CRDA r | CWR r | CWRA r | ACT r | PRE r => r.(Requestor) == slot
 			| _ => false
 			end) cmd_map) == seq.size cmd_map) in
 		let cond2 := (* scheduled command is a CAS *)
-			(match cmd with
+			(match sch_cmd with
 			| CRD _ | CRDA _ | CWR _ | CWRA _ => true
 			| _ => false
 			end) in
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL.v
index a0d9bd07526d312125203d1641ac309439e7f2dc..057edb298e31a3acff959eb6d2ec8bf2267ae50e 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL.v
@@ -14,7 +14,23 @@ Section TDMimpSL.
 		SN_gt_1 : SN > 1;
 		SL : nat; 
-		SL_pos 	: SL > 0
+		SL_pos 	: SL > 0;
+		(* Necessary for TDM guarantees *)
+		(* -------------- Intra bank constraints ---------------- *)
+		(* SL is big enough to accomodate a PRE-ACT-CAS sequence *)
+		SL_enough : T_RP + T_RCD + 1 <= SL;
+		SL_WR_to_RD : T_WL + T_BURST + T_WTR_l <= SL;
+		SL_RD_to_WR : T_RTW <= SL;
+		SL_CAS_to_CAS : T_CCD_l <= SL;
+		SL_ACT_to_ACT_SB : T_RRD_l <= SL;
+		(* ------------- Inter-bank constraints ------------------ *)
+		SL_ACT_to_PRE : T_RAS - 1 <= SL;
+		SL_ACT_to_ACT_DB : T_RC - T_RP - 1 <= SL;
+		SL_RD_to_PRE : T_RTP - 1 <= SL;
+		SL_WR_to_PRE : T_WL + T_BURST + T_WR - 1 <= SL;
 	Context {TDM_CFG : TDM_configuration}.
@@ -46,10 +62,9 @@ Section TDMimpSL.
 		(SS 		: SystemState_t)
 		(TDM_st : TDM_internal_state) : Command_kind_t :=
 		let slot := fst TDM_st in
-		let cmd := seq.ohead (filter_cmd slot map) in
-		match cmd with
-		| Some cmd => cmd
-		| None => NOP
+		match seq.ohead (filter_cmd slot map)  with
+			| Some cmd => cmd
+			| None => NOP
 	Lemma SN_pos : SN > 0.
@@ -74,8 +89,9 @@ Section TDMimpSL.
 				fun (P : nexts = true) => Ordinal (P : nexts)
 				else fun _ => OZSlot) Logic.eq_refl.
-	Definition UpdatSchState (cmd : Command_kind_t) (cmd_map : ReqCmdMap_t) (SS 	: SystemState_t) 
+	Definition UpdatSchState (cmd_map : ReqCmdMap_t) (SS 	: SystemState_t) 
 		(TDM_st : TDM_internal_state) : TDM_internal_state :=
+		let cmd := TDM_schedule cmd_map SS TDM_st in
 		let '(s,c) := TDM_st in
 		((Next_slot s c),(Next_cycle c)).
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL_proofs.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL_proofs.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7374eec7b5c6deb24f520686f453a269a07a5d13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL_proofs.v
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+Set Printing Projections.
+From Hammer Require Import Hammer.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect eqtype ssrbool ssrnat fintype div ssrZ zify tuple.
+From Coq Require Import Program List. 
+From DRAM Require Import TDMimpSL.
+Set Hammer ReconstrLimit 15.
+Section TDMimpSL_proofs.
+	Context {SYS_CFG : System_configuration}.
+	(* Defined in InterfaceSubLayer *)
+	Existing Instance ARBITER_CFG.
+	Existing Instance ImplementationSubLayer.
+	(* Defined in TDMimpSL *)
+	Existing Instance REQUESTOR_CFG.
+	Existing Instance SCH_ST.
+	Context {SCH_OPT : SchedulingOptions_t}.
+	Context {TDM_CFG : TDM_configuration}.
+	Context {AF : Arrival_function_t}.
+	Notation "# t" := (Default_arbitrate t) (at level 0).
+	Fixpoint request_list (cmds : seq.seq Command_kind_t) :=
+		match cmds with
+		| [::] => [::]
+		| hd :: tl =>
+			match hd with
+			| CRD r | CRDA r | CWR r | CWRA r | ACT r | PRE r => r :: request_list tl
+			| _ => request_list tl
+			end
+		end.
+	(* Returns the list of pending requests *)
+	Definition TDM_pending t : seq.seq Request_t :=
+		request_list 
+		(match # (t).(Implementation_State) with
+		| Some st => st.(CMap)
+		| None => [::]
+		end).
+	Definition get_req_from_cmdkind (cmd : Command_kind_t) :=
+		match cmd with
+			| CRD r | CRDA r | CWR r | CWRA r | ACT r | PRE r => Some r
+			| _ => None
+		end.
+	(* ------------------------------ PROOFS -------------------------------------- *)
+	Lemma request_list_rcons r x a :
+		r \in request_list x -> r \in request_list (x ++ [:: a]).
+	Proof.
+		induction x; simpl; intro H; [ discriminate H | ];
+		destruct a0; try by apply IHx in H.
+		all: 
+			rewrite in_cons in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H];
+			try (by subst r; rewrite in_cons eq_refl orTb).
+		all: 
+			apply IHx in H as IH; clear IHx;
+			by rewrite in_cons IH orbT.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma request_list_id a i : request_list [:: cmdGEN a i] = [:: a].
+	Proof.
+		simpl; unfold cmdGEN; destruct SCH_OPT.(pP);
+		[ unfold cmdGEN_opage | unfold cmdGEN_cpage ];
+		set nth_bk := nth _ _ _;
+		destruct nth_bk; try reflexivity; [ destruct (_ == r) | ]; try reflexivity;
+		destruct a.(Kind); reflexivity.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma request_in_queue : forall r l tl I,
+		r \in l -> r \in request_list (map_arriving_req_to_cmd l tl I).
+	Proof.
+		intros r l tl i H.
+		induction l; [ discriminate H | ].
+		rewrite in_cons in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H].
+		{ subst r; clear IHl; simpl.
+			set ll := map_arriving_req_to_cmd _ _ _.
+			induction ll;
+			[ by rewrite app_nil_l request_list_id mem_seq1 eq_refl | ].
+			simpl; destruct a0; try (by rewrite in_cons IHll orbT);
+			assumption.
+		}
+		apply IHl in H as IH; clear IHl. 
+		simpl. set ll := map_arriving_req_to_cmd _ _ _; fold ll in IH.
+		by apply request_list_rcons.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma request_in_queue_rem r ra l cmd :
+		get_req_from_cmdkind cmd == Some ra ->
+		r <> ra -> r \in request_list l -> r \in request_list (rem cmd l).
+	Proof.
+		intros Hreq Hdiff H.
+		induction l; simpl in *; [ discriminate H | ].
+		unfold get_req_from_cmdkind in Hreq.
+		destruct a, cmd; simpl; try discriminate Hreq.
+		all: rewrite inj_eq in Hreq; [ | exact ssrfun.Some_inj ]; move: Hreq => /eqP Hreq; subst.
+		all: try (apply IHl in H; clear IHl); try (by rewrite H).
+		all: rewrite in_cons in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H ]; try subst; 
+			try (by rewrite in_cons eq_refl orTb).
+		all: try (rewrite in_cons; apply IHl in H; clear IHl; by rewrite H orbT).
+		all: destruct (_ == _) eqn:Heq; simpl;
+			try (move: Heq => /eqP Heq; injection Heq as Hbug; rewrite Hbug in Hdiff; done);
+			try (by rewrite in_cons eq_refl orTb);
+			try assumption;
+			rewrite in_cons; apply IHl in H; by rewrite H orbT.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma request_in_queue_rem_ r ra l :
+		r <> ra -> r \in request_list l -> r \in request_list (rem (CRD ra) l).
+	Proof.
+		intros Hdiff H.
+		induction l; simpl in *; [ discriminate H | ].
+		destruct a; simpl.
+		{ rewrite in_cons in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H]; [ subst r | ].
+			{ destruct (_ == _) eqn:Heq;
+				[ move: Heq => /eqP Heq; injection Heq as Hbug; rewrite Hbug in Hdiff; done | ].
+				simpl; by rewrite in_cons eq_refl orTb.
+			}
+			apply IHl in H as IH; clear IHl;
+			destruct (_ == _) eqn:Heq; [ assumption | ].
+			simpl; by rewrite in_cons IH orbT.
+		}
+		all: 
+			try (rewrite in_cons in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H]); 
+			try subst r;
+			try rewrite in_cons; try (by rewrite eq_refl orTb); apply IHl in H as IH; clear IHl;
+			rewrite IH; try rewrite orbT; done.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma arriving_request_is_not_scheduled ra ta i : 
+		let SS := i.(SystemState) in
+		let R := Arrival_at ta in 
+		let sch_cmd := Schedule 
+			(replace_nonrdy_cmds
+			(IssueREF (map_arriving_req_to_cmd R (map_running_req_to_cmd i.(CMap) SS) SS) SS) SS) SS i.(SchState) in 
+		ra \in R -> get_req_from_cmdkind sch_cmd <> Some ra.
+	Proof.
+		cbv zeta; intros Hin; unfold get_req_from_cmdkind.
+	Admitted.
+	(* It either goes into the queue OR 
+		 starts being processed immediatly  *)
+	(* Opt 1 : Change the algorithm such that arriving requests cannot 
+		start being processed immediatly ? *)
+	Lemma Pending_on_arrival ta ra:
+    ra \in Arrival_at ta -> ra \in (TDM_pending ta).
+  Proof.
+		intros H; unfold TDM_pending. 
+		destruct ta; simpl; [ by apply request_in_queue | ].
+		unfold Next_SL_state.
+		destruct # (ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:HS.
+		2: { simpl. admit. (* Invalid state ... *) }
+		set SS' := SystemUpdate _ _; destruct SS' eqn:HS'; simpl.
+		2: { simpl. admit. (* Invalid state ... *) }
+		set sch_cmd := TDM_schedule _ _ _; destruct sch_cmd eqn:Hcmd; simpl.
+		5-9:
+			unfold IssueREF; destruct SCH_OPT.(pP);
+			destruct (_ == _); simpl; [ | destruct (_ == _) | | ]; by apply request_in_queue.
+		all:
+			apply request_in_queue_rem with (r := ra) (ra := r); 
+			[ by unfold get_req_from_cmdkind; rewrite eq_refl | admit | ].
+		all:
+			unfold IssueREF; destruct SCH_OPT.(pP);
+			destruct (_ == _); simpl; [ | destruct (_ == _) | | ]; by apply request_in_queue.
+	Admitted.
+End TDMimpSL_proofs.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL_sim.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL_sim.v
index dbc0ebb8efa161b0f348fc98f2367c30b0d9bcce..ef6b31edd26faf8e8edc37c358b9dfdbdfc2335a 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL_sim.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL_sim.v
@@ -6,9 +6,14 @@ From DRAM Require Import TDMimpSL.
 Section TDMimpSL_sim.
-	 Program Instance SYS_CFG : System_configuration := {
+	(* Try to reproduce the TDM example from Farouk's paper ? *)
+	(* Any advantages to start at 0 ? Yes, the proof of advancement, but quite hard ... *)
+	(* Try to do some progress with the advancement proof *)
+	(* 
+	Program Instance SYS_CFG : System_configuration := {
-		BANKS := 2;
+		BANKS := 3;
 		T_BURST := 2;
 		T_WL    := 2;
 		T_RRD_s := 1;
@@ -22,11 +27,68 @@ Section TDMimpSL_sim.
 		T_WR  := 1;
 		T_RTW := 10;
 		T_WTR_s := 1;
-		T_WTR_l := 10;
+		T_WTR_l := 2;
 		T_CCD_s := 1;
 		T_CCD_l := 12;
 		T_REFI := 100;
 		T_RFC := 6
+	}. 
+	*)
+	Program Instance SYS_CFG : System_configuration :=
+	{
+		BANKS := 16;
+		(* [Figure 105] always the same *)
+		T_BURST := 4; (* INTRA/INTER *)
+		(* [Figure 105] 1tCK write preamble mode, AL = 0
+			-- independent of BC4 or BL8 
+			-- depends on write preamble mode (1tCK or 2tCK)
+			-- depends on AL (what is AL ?) *)
+		T_WL    := 9;
+		(* ACT to ACT, same and different bank groups, exclusevely inter-bank
+			-- depends on page size, which depends on device density (total size) and configuration
+			see (https://www.micron.com/-/media/client/global/documents/products/data-sheet/dram/ddr4/16gb_ddr4_sdram.pdf)
+		*)
+		T_RRD_s := 4; (* [Page 189] Max (4nCK, 5 ns) -> 4nCK = 1/800MHz * 4 = 5ns -> max is 5 -> 4 cycles at 800MHz*)
+		T_RRD_l := 5; (* [Page 189] Max (4nCK, 6 ns) -> 4nCK = 1/800MHz * 4 = 5ns -> max is 6 -> 4.8 ~ 5 cyles at 800MHz *)
+		(* Intra/inter-bank: Four ACT delay window *)
+		T_FAW := 20; (* [Page 189] 25ns *)
+		(* ACT to ACT, intra bank *) 
+		T_RC  := 38; (* [Page 163] 47.5 ns *)
+		(* PRE to ACT, intra bank *)
+		T_RP  := 10; (* [Page 163] 12.5 ns *)
+		(* ACT to CAS, intra bank *)
+		T_RCD := 10; (* [Page 163] 12.5 ns *)
+		(* ACT to PRE, intra bank *)
+		T_RAS := 28; (* [Page 163] 35.0 ns *)
+		(* RD to PRE, intra bank *)
+		T_RTP := 6; (* [Page 189] Max (4nCK, 7.5ns) -> 4nCK = 1/800MHz * 4 = 5ns -> max is 7 -> 5.6 ~ 6 cycles at 800MHz *)
+		(* Write recovery time: R data to PRE *)
+		T_WR  := 12; (* [Page 189] 15 ns *)
+		(* Read to write, inter and intra bank *)
+		T_RTW := 8; (* [Page 94] T_RTW = RL + BL/2 - WL + 2tCK = 11 + 8/2 - 9 + 2 = 8 *)
+		(* End of write operation to read *)
+		T_WTR_s := 2; (* [Page 189] Max (2nCK,2.5ns) -> 2nCK = 1/800MHz * 2 = 2.5ns -> max is 2.5ns -> 2 cycles at 800MHz *)
+		T_WTR_l := 6; (* [Page 189] Nax (4nCK,7.5ns) -> 4nCK = 5ns -> max is 7.5ns -> 6 cycles at 800MHz *)
+		T_CCD_s := 4;
+		T_CCD_l := 5;
+		T_REFI := 2000; (* 6240 [Page 36] Refresh average time*)
+		T_RFC := 280; (* 280 [Page 36] *)
 	(* The one defined in TDMimpSL *)
@@ -44,15 +106,57 @@ Section TDMimpSL_sim.
 	Instance SCH_OPT : SchedulingOptions_t := mkSCH_OPT opage.
 	(* There has to be at least two requestors *)
-	Program Instance TDM_CFG : TDM_configuration := mkTDMCFG 2 _ 15 _.
+	Program Instance TDM_CFG : TDM_configuration := mkTDMCFG 
+		3 (* SN *)
+		 _(* SN_gt 1*) 
+		27 (* SL *)
+		_ (* SL_pos *)
+		_ _ _ _ _ _
+		_ _ _.
+	Program Definition A0 := mkReq 
+		(Ordinal (_ : 0 < SN)) (* Requestor *) 
+		4 (* Date *) 
+		RD (* Kind *) 
+		(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 50).
+	Program Definition B0 := mkReq 
+		(Ordinal (_ : 1 < SN)) (* Requestor *) 
+		50 (* Date *) 
+		WR (* Kind *) 
+		(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 1) 10).
-	Program Definition Req1 := mkReq (Ordinal (_ : 0 < SN)) 1 RD 
+	Program Definition C0 := mkReq 
+		(Ordinal (_ : 2 < SN)) (* Requestor *) 
+		85 (* Date *) 
+		RD (* Kind *) 
+		(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 2) 20).
+	Program Definition B1 := mkReq 
+		(Ordinal (_ : 1 < SN)) (* Requestor *) 
+		145 (* Date *) 
+		RD (* Kind *) 
+		(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 1) 10).
+	Program Definition C1 := mkReq 
+		(Ordinal (_ : 2 < SN)) (* Requestor *) 
+		180 (* Date *) 
+		WR (* Kind *) 
+		(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 2) 30).
+	Program Definition A1 := mkReq 
+		(Ordinal (_ : 0 < SN)) (* Requestor *) 
+		190 (* Date *) 
+		RD (* Kind *) 
 		(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 5).
-	Program Definition Req2 := mkReq (Ordinal (_ : 1 < SN)) 1 RD 
-		(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 1) 10).
+	Program Definition B2 := mkReq 
+		(Ordinal (_ : 1 < SN)) (* Requestor *) 
+		220 (* Date *) 
+		WR (* Kind *) 
+		(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 1) 15).
-	Definition Input := [:: Req1;Req2].
+	Definition Input := [:: A0;B0;C0;B1;C1;A1;B2].
 	Program Instance AF : Arrival_function_t := Default_arrival_function_t Input.
@@ -61,7 +165,9 @@ Section TDMimpSL_sim.
 	(* But it will keep waiting forever if the slot owner has no CAS *)
 	Instance TDM_arbiter : TestArbiter_t := mkTestArbiter AF TDM_arbitrate.
-	Definition inst := 30.
+	Definition inst := 300.
+	Eval vm_compute in (Default_arbitrate inst).(Arbiter_Commands).
 	(* At 9 see the CRD from Req1 -> Change slot owner to 1 *)
 	(* At 11 see the CRD from Req2 -> Change slot owner to 0 *)
@@ -69,18 +175,16 @@ Section TDMimpSL_sim.
 	(*             A (C)|    A (C)|  |  C                     *)
 	(* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  | 9 10 11 |12| 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20*)
 	(* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  | 1  1  1 | 0|  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0*)
-	Eval vm_compute in 
+	(* Eval vm_compute in
 		map (fun '(a,b) => (nat_of_ord a, nat_of_ord b)) 
 		(map (fun x => (match (Default_arbitrate x).(Implementation_State) with
 		| Some st => (fst st.(SchState),snd st.(SchState))
 		| None => (Ordinal (_ : 0 < SN),Ordinal (_ : 0 < SL))
-		end)) (seq.iota 1 30)).
-	(* Still have a problem : Why ACT is only issued at cycle 7 ?! *)
-	Eval vm_compute in (Default_arbitrate inst).(Arbiter_Commands).
+		end)) (seq.iota 1 30)). *)
 	Eval vm_compute in
-		proj1_sig (match (Default_arbitrate inst).(Implementation_State) with
+		proj1_sig (match (Default_arbitrate 189).(Implementation_State) with
 		| Some st => st.(SystemState).(Banks)
 		| None => (exist _ (repeat InitBank BANKS) (repeat_size InitBank BANKS))
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/FIFO/FIFO_proofs.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/FIFO/FIFO_proofs.v
index 6b97ee80a7bd55887836493ece84a1732d18f05b..d65b901bd8cfb7050f07ca8ed6d10857a129e22b 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/FIFO/FIFO_proofs.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/FIFO/FIFO_proofs.v
@@ -1179,6 +1179,7 @@ Section Proofs.
     && isACT a && Same_Row a b && After a c && Before a b.
     intros Hb Hc iCb iPc SB cBb.
     apply FIFO_CAS_date in Hb as H; [ | done ]. 
 		destruct H as [Hcb [Hrun_b Hreq_b]].
@@ -2198,15 +2199,15 @@ Section Proofs.
     (Cmds_T_WtoR_DBG_ok t)
     (Cmds_T_CCD_SBG_ok t)
     (Cmds_T_CCD_DBG_ok t)
-		_
-		_
+		_ (* REFRESH *)
+		_ (* REFRESH *)
     (Cmds_T_FAW_ok t)
     (Cmds_T_RRD_SBG_ok t)
     (Cmds_T_RRD_DBG_ok t)
     (Cmds_ACT_ok t)
     (Cmds_row_ok t)
 		(Cmds_initial t)
-		_.
+		_. (* REFRESH *)
 	Admit Obligations.
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/TDM/TDM_proofs.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/TDM/TDM_proofs.v
index 8b8fa9ee0493133ee6da73bf28c864557002a3fd..8f19dbe32808212b973e66270b06d67b05d147d2 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/TDM/TDM_proofs.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/TDM/TDM_proofs.v
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
 Set Printing Projections.
 From mathcomp Require Export fintype div ssrZ zify.
-Require Import Program.
-From DRAM Require Export TDM.
+From Coq Require Import Program.
+From DRAM Require Export Util TDM.
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
   (** UTILITY PROOFS *******************************************************************************)
   Lemma ACT_neq_ZCycle:
     (OACT_date == OZCycle) = false.
@@ -149,8 +149,7 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
     cmd.(CDate) <= t.
     intros H.
-    induction t.
-    { by simpl in H. }
+    induction t; [ by simpl in H | ].
     simpl in H; rewrite /Next_state in H.
     destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, (c == OACT_date) eqn:Hact, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hcas,
       (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hlast; try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl in H.
@@ -161,16 +160,14 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
   Lemma Date_gt_counter t:
     TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) <= t.
-    induction t.
-      { by simpl. }
-      { simpl; rewrite /Next_state;
-        destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, 
-          (c == OACT_date) eqn:Hact, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hend; try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl.
-        all: rewrite /TDM_counter in IHt.
-        all: try (rewrite /Next_cycle; set (Hc := c.+1 < SL); dependent destruction Hc).
-        all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e.
-        all: done.
-      }
+    induction t; [ by simpl | ].
+    simpl; rewrite /Next_state;
+		destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, 
+			(c == OACT_date) eqn:Hact, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hend; try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl.
+		all: rewrite /TDM_counter in IHt.
+		all: try (rewrite /Next_cycle; set (Hc := c.+1 < SL); dependent destruction Hc).
+		all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e.
+		all: done.
   Lemma TDM_next_cycle_modulo (c : Counter_t) t:
@@ -192,11 +189,8 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
         rewrite -add1n -modnDmr -x add1n prednK.
           2: exact SL_pos.
         by rewrite modnn.
-      - apply nat_ltlt_empty in Hc.
-        - by contradict Hc.
-        - exact SL_pos.
-        - exact x.
-  Qed.
+      - lia. 
+	Qed.
   Lemma Time_counter_modulo t:
     (t %% SL) = TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State).
@@ -267,14 +261,10 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
               2-3: exact SL_pos.
             move : HcE => /eqP HcE.
             by rewrite <- HcE, modnn, eq_refl.
-          - apply nat_ltlt_empty in Hc.
-            - by contradict Hc.
-            - exact SL_pos.
-            - exact HcL.
-        - apply nat_ltlt_empty in Hs.
-          - by contradict Hs.
-          - exact SN_pos.
-          - exact Hlt.
+          - apply nat_ltlt_empty in Hc;
+            [ by contradict Hc | exact SL_pos | exact HcL].
+        - apply nat_ltlt_empty in Hs;
+          [ by contradict Hs | exact SN_pos | exact Hlt].
   Lemma Time_slot_modulo t:
@@ -334,18 +324,17 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
     cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isPRE cmd ->
       cmd.(CDate) %% SL == Next_cycle OZCycle.
-    induction t.
-    - done.
-    - intros Hi Hp.
-      simpl in *. unfold Next_state in *.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, (c == OACT_date), (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle); 
-        try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl in Hi.
-      all: try (rewrite in_cons in Hi; move : Hi => /orP [/eqP He | Hi]; subst). 
-      all: try by apply IHt in Hi.            (* if no new command generated *)
-      all: try by (contradict Hp; isCommand). (* if a command other than a PRE is generated *)
-      (* a PRE command is generated *)
-      all: simpl; rewrite Time_counter_modulo //= /Next_state Hs HP Hz /TDM_counter //=.
-      all: move : Hz => /eqP Hz; by subst. 
+    induction t; [ done | ].
+    intros Hi Hp.
+		simpl in *. unfold Next_state in *.
+		destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, (c == OACT_date), (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle); 
+			try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl in Hi.
+		all: try (rewrite in_cons in Hi; move : Hi => /orP [/eqP He | Hi]; subst). 
+		all: try by apply IHt in Hi.            (* if no new command generated *)
+		all: try by (contradict Hp; isCommand). (* if a command other than a PRE is generated *)
+		(* a PRE command is generated *)
+		all: simpl; rewrite Time_counter_modulo //= /Next_state Hs HP Hz /TDM_counter //=.
+		all: move : Hz => /eqP Hz; by subst. 
   Lemma ACT_modulo_date t cmd:
@@ -353,7 +342,7 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
       cmd.(CDate) %% SL == Next_cycle OACT_date.
     induction t.
-    - done.
+		- done.
     - intros Hi Hp.
       simpl in *. unfold Next_state in *.
       destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date) eqn:Ha, (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle); 
@@ -497,11 +486,10 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
   Theorem Cmds_T_RCD_ok t a b:
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    ACT_to_CAS a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+    isACT a -> isCAS b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
     Apart_at_least a b T_RCD.
-    intros Ha Hb AtC SB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
-    move : AtC => /andP [Aa Cb].
+    intros Ha Hb Aa Cb SB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
     apply ACT_modulo_date in Ha as Ha'.
       2: exact Aa. clear Aa.
     apply CAS_modulo_date in Hb as Hb'.
@@ -560,11 +548,10 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
   Lemma Cmds_T_RP_ok t a b:
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    PRE_to_ACT a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+    isPRE a -> isACT b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
     Apart_at_least a b T_RP.
-    intros Ha Hb pTa SB aBb.
-    rewrite /PRE_to_ACT in pTa; move: pTa => /andP [iPa iAb].
+    intros Ha Hb iPa iAb SB aBb.
     apply PRE_modulo_date in Ha as Ha'.
       2: exact iPa. clear iPa.
     apply ACT_modulo_date in Hb as Hb'.
@@ -592,11 +579,10 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
   Theorem Cmds_T_RC_ok t a b: 
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    ACT_to_ACT a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+    isACT a -> isACT b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
     Apart_at_least a b T_RC.
-    intros Ha Hb AtA _ aBb.
-    move : AtA => /andP [Aa Ab].
+    intros Ha Hb Aa Ab _ aBb.
     apply ACT_modulo_date in Ha. 
       2: exact Aa. clear Aa.
     apply ACT_modulo_date in Hb. 
@@ -614,11 +600,10 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
   Theorem Cmds_T_RAS_ok t a b:
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    ACT_to_PRE a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+    isACT a -> isPRE b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
     Apart_at_least a b T_RAS.
-  intros Ha Hb Hty SB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
-    rewrite /ACT_to_PRE in Hty; move : Hty => /andP [iAa iPb].
+  	intros Ha Hb iAa iPb SB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
     apply ACT_modulo_date in Ha. 
       2: exact iAa. clear iAa.
     apply PRE_modulo_date in Hb. 
@@ -677,8 +662,7 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
         specialize leq_add2r with (m := tb) (n := ta) (p := 0) as HH.
         by rewrite -HH addn0 -leq_subLR H.
-    rewrite -mulnA leq_pmull.
-      all: done.
+    rewrite -mulnA leq_pmull; done.
   Lemma TDM_counter_last t:
@@ -713,8 +697,7 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
       all: rewrite /Next_slot; destruct (c0.+1 < SL) eqn:Hbug.
       all: try (apply IHd in Hlt' as IH; by rewrite /TDM_slot in IH).
       all: rewrite /TDM_counter in Hc'; move: Hc' => /eqP Hc'; rewrite Hc' in Hbug.
-      all: rewrite addnS in Hlt; rewrite Hlt in Hbug.
-      all: done.
+      all: rewrite addnS in Hlt; rewrite Hlt in Hbug; done.
   Lemma TDM_counter_same ta tb:
@@ -753,8 +736,7 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
     TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (tb + d)).(Implementation_State) ==
     TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State).
-    intros Hc Hs d; induction d.
-      1: by rewrite !addn0.
+    intros Hc Hs d; induction d; [ by rewrite !addn0 | ].
     apply TDM_counter_same with (d := d) in Hc as Hc'.
     rewrite !addnS; simpl; rewrite /Next_state.
     destruct (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) eqn:HSa,
@@ -777,14 +759,13 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
   Theorem Cmds_T_RTP_ok (t : nat) a b:
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    CRD_to_PRE a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b T_RTP.
+    isCRD a -> isPRE b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b T_RTP.
-    intros Ha_in Hb_in Htype sB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
-    rewrite /CRD_to_PRE in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iCa iPb].
+    intros Ha_in Hb_in iCa iPb sB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
     apply CAS_modulo_date in Ha_in as Ha.
-      2: by unfold isCRD in iCa; unfold isCAS; rewrite iCa orTb. clear iCa.
+      2: by unfold isCRD in iCa; unfold isCAS,isCRD,isCWR; rewrite iCa orTb; clear iCa.
     apply PRE_modulo_date in Hb_in as Hb.
-      2: exact iPb. clear iPb.
+      2: exact iPb; clear iPb.
     rewrite !Time_counter_modulo in Hb,Ha.
     apply TDM.Private_Mapping in sB.
@@ -854,15 +835,14 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
   Theorem Cmds_T_WTP_ok t a b:
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    CWR_to_PRE a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+    isCWR a -> isPRE b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
     Apart_at_least a b (T_WR + T_WL + T_BURST).
-    intros Ha_in Hb_in Htype sB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
-    rewrite /CRD_to_PRE in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iCa iPb].
+    intros Ha_in Hb_in iCa iPb sB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
     apply CAS_modulo_date in Ha_in as Ha.
-      2: by unfold isCWR in iCa; unfold isCAS; rewrite iCa orbT. clear iCa.
+      2: by unfold isCWR in iCa; unfold isCAS,isCWR,isCRD; rewrite iCa orbT; clear iCa.
     apply PRE_modulo_date in Hb_in as Hb.
-      2: exact iPb. clear iPb.
+      2: exact iPb; clear iPb.
     rewrite !Time_counter_modulo in Hb,Ha.
     apply TDM.Private_Mapping in sB.
@@ -933,70 +913,75 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
   Theorem Cmds_T_RtoW_ok t a b:
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
     b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    CRD_to_CWR a b -> Before a b ->
+    isCRD a -> isCWR b -> Before a b ->
     Apart_at_least a b T_RTW.
-    intros Ha Hb Htype aBb; unfold Apart_at_least.
-    rewrite /CWR_to_PRE in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iCRa iCWb].
+    intros Ha Hb iCRa iCWb aBb; unfold Apart_at_least.
     apply CAS_modulo_date in Ha. 
-      2: by unfold isCRD in iCRa; unfold isCAS; rewrite iCRa orTb. clear iCRa.
+      2: by unfold isCRD in iCRa; unfold isCAS, isCRD, isCWR; rewrite iCRa orTb. clear iCRa.
     apply CAS_modulo_date in Hb. 
-      2: by unfold isCWR in iCWb; unfold isCAS; rewrite iCWb orbT. clear iCWb.
+      2: by unfold isCWR in iCWb; unfold isCAS, isCRD, isCWR; rewrite iCWb orbT. clear iCWb.
     rewrite !Time_counter_modulo in Hb,Ha.
     move: Hb => /eqP Hb; rewrite -Hb in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha; apply Logic.eq_sym in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha.
     apply Modulo_time_distance in Ha.
       2: by unfold Before in aBb.
-    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + SL).
-      2: exact Ha.
+    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + SL); [ | assumption ].
     by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt T_RTW_SL orbT.
   Theorem Cmds_T_WtoR_SBG_ok t a b:
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
     b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    CWR_to_CRD a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    isCWR a -> isCRD b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
     Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR_l + T_WL + T_BURST).
-    intros Ha Hb Htype aBb sBG; unfold Apart_at_least.
-    rewrite /CWR_to_PRE in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iA iB].
+    intros Ha Hb iA iB aBb sBG; unfold Apart_at_least.
     apply CAS_modulo_date in Ha. 
-      2: by unfold isCWR in iA; unfold isCAS; rewrite iA orbT. clear iA.
+      2: by unfold isCWR in iA; unfold isCAS,isCRD,isCWR; rewrite iA orbT; clear iA.
     apply CAS_modulo_date in Hb. 
-      2: by unfold isCRD in iB; unfold isCAS; rewrite iB orTb. clear iB.
+      2: by unfold isCRD in iB; unfold isCAS,isCRD,isCWR; rewrite iB orTb; clear iB.
     rewrite !Time_counter_modulo in Hb,Ha.
     move: Hb => /eqP Hb; rewrite -Hb in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha; apply Logic.eq_sym in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha.
     apply Modulo_time_distance in Ha.
       2: by unfold Before in aBb.
-    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + SL).
-      2: exact Ha.
+    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + SL); [ | assumption ].
     by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt WTR_SL orbT.
-  Theorem Cmds_T_WtoR_DBG_ok t: 
-    BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall (a b : Command_t),
+  Theorem Cmds_T_WtoR_DBG_ok t a b:
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
     b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    CWR_to_CRD a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    isCWR a -> isCRD b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
     Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR_s + T_WL + T_BURST).
-    intros H. specialize TDM.DDR3 as Hbug. by rewrite Hbug in H.
-  Qed.
+		intros Ha Hb iA iB aBb sBG; unfold Apart_at_least.
+		apply CAS_modulo_date in Ha. 
+			2: by unfold isCWR in iA; unfold isCAS,isCRD,isCWR; rewrite iA orbT; clear iA.
+		apply CAS_modulo_date in Hb. 
+			2: by unfold isCRD in iB; unfold isCAS,isCRD,isCWR; rewrite iB orTb; clear iB.
+		rewrite !Time_counter_modulo in Hb,Ha.
+		move: Hb => /eqP Hb; rewrite -Hb in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha; apply Logic.eq_sym in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha.
+		apply Modulo_time_distance in Ha.
+			2: by unfold Before in aBb.
+		apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + SL); [ | assumption ].
+		specialize T_WTR_bgs; specialize WTR_SL; lia.
+	Qed.
   Theorem Cmds_T_CCD_SBG_ok t a b:
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
     b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    CRD_to_CRD a b \/ CWR_to_CWR a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    (isCRD a /\ isCRD b) \/ (isCWR a /\ isCWR b) -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
     Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_l.
     intros Ha Hb Htype aBb sBG; unfold Apart_at_least.
     destruct Htype as [Htype | Htype].
-      2: unfold CWR_to_CWR in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iWa iWb].
-      1: unfold CRD_to_CRD in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iRa iRb].
+			2: destruct Htype as [iWa iWb].
+      1: destruct Htype as [iRa iRb].
       all: apply CAS_modulo_date in Ha,Hb.
-      2: by unfold isCAS; unfold isCRD in iRb; rewrite iRb orTb.
-      2: by unfold isCAS; unfold isCRD in iRa; rewrite iRa orTb.
-      3: by unfold isCAS; unfold isCWR in iWb; rewrite iWb orbT.
-      3: by unfold isCAS; unfold isCWR in iWa; rewrite iWa orbT.
+      2: by unfold isCAS,isCWR,isCRD; unfold isCRD in iRb; rewrite iRb orTb.
+      2: by unfold isCAS,isCWR,isCRD; unfold isCRD in iRa; rewrite iRa orTb.
+      3: by unfold isCAS,isCWR,isCRD; unfold isCWR in iWb; rewrite iWb orbT.
+      3: by unfold isCAS,isCWR,isCRD; unfold isCWR in iWa; rewrite iWa orbT.
       all: rewrite !Time_counter_modulo in Hb,Ha.
       all: move: Hb => /eqP Hb; rewrite -Hb in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha; apply Logic.eq_sym in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha.
       all: apply Modulo_time_distance in Ha.
@@ -1006,15 +991,29 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
       all: by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt T_CCD_SL orbT.
-  Theorem Cmds_T_CCD_DBG_ok t: 
-    BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall a b,
+  Theorem Cmds_T_CCD_DBG_ok t a b :
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
     b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    CRD_to_CRD a b \/ CWR_to_CWR a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    (isCRD a /\ isCRD b) \/ (isCWR a /\ isCWR b) -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
     Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_s.
-    intros H. specialize TDM.DDR3 as Hbug. by rewrite Hbug in H.
-  Qed.
+		intros Ha Hb Htype aBb sBG; unfold Apart_at_least.
+		destruct Htype as [Htype | Htype].
+			2: destruct Htype as [iWa iWb].
+			1: destruct Htype as [iRa iRb].
+			all: apply CAS_modulo_date in Ha,Hb.
+			2: by unfold isCAS,isCWR,isCRD; unfold isCRD in iRb; rewrite iRb orTb.
+			2: by unfold isCAS,isCWR,isCRD; unfold isCRD in iRa; rewrite iRa orTb.
+			3: by unfold isCAS,isCWR,isCRD; unfold isCWR in iWb; rewrite iWb orbT.
+			3: by unfold isCAS,isCWR,isCRD; unfold isCWR in iWa; rewrite iWa orbT.
+			all: rewrite !Time_counter_modulo in Hb,Ha.
+			all: move: Hb => /eqP Hb; rewrite -Hb in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha; apply Logic.eq_sym in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha.
+			all: apply Modulo_time_distance in Ha.
+			all: try done.
+			all: apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + SL).
+			all: try exact Ha.
+			all: specialize T_CCD_bgs; specialize T_CCD_SL; lia.
+	Qed.
   Lemma Cmds_T_FAW_ok t a b c d:
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
@@ -1065,11 +1064,10 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
   Theorem Cmds_T_RRD_SBG_ok t a b: 
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    ACT_to_ACT a b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    isACT a -> isACT b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
     Apart_at_least a b T_RRD_l.
-    intros Ha Hb AtA _ aBb sBG.
-    move : AtA => /andP [Aa Ab].
+    intros Ha Hb Aa Ab _ aBb sBG.
     apply ACT_modulo_date in Ha. 
       2: exact Aa. clear Aa.
     apply ACT_modulo_date in Hb. 
@@ -1085,19 +1083,31 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
       by rewrite leq_eqVlt T_RRD_SL orbT.
-  Theorem Cmds_T_RRD_DBG_ok t: BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall a b,
+  Theorem Cmds_T_RRD_DBG_ok t a b:
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    ACT_to_ACT a b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    isACT a -> isACT b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
     Apart_at_least a b T_RRD_s.
-    intros H. specialize TDM.DDR3 as Hbug. by rewrite Hbug in H.
-  Qed.
+		intros Ha Hb Aa Ab _ aBb sBG.
+		apply ACT_modulo_date in Ha. 
+			2: exact Aa. clear Aa.
+		apply ACT_modulo_date in Hb. 
+			2: exact Ab. clear Ab.
+		move : Ha => /eqP Ha.
+		rewrite <- Ha, !Time_counter_modulo, nat_of_counter_eq in Hb. clear Ha.
+		apply Modulo_time_distance in Hb as H. 
+			2: by unfold Before. clear Hb aBb.
+		unfold Apart_at_least.
+		apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + SL).
+			2: exact H.
+			rewrite leq_add2l.
+		specialize T_RRD_SL; specialize T_RRD_bgs; lia.
+	Qed.
   (** REQUEST HANDLING PROOFS **********************************************************************)
-  (* The time instant when the counter was last zero, i.e., the last slot started.*)
   Definition Last_slot_start ta := 
     ta - TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State).
@@ -1111,8 +1121,7 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
   (* The time instant when the counter will become zero next, i.e., the next slot to start.*)
-  Definition Next_slot_start ta := 
-    (Last_slot_start ta) + SL.
+  Definition Next_slot_start ta := (Last_slot_start ta) + SL.
   Lemma Next_Slot_start_aligned ta :
       ((TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (Next_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)) == OZCycle).
@@ -1150,19 +1159,19 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
       by rewrite leq_addr.
-  Lemma Pending_on_arrival ta ra:
-    ra \in Arrival_at ta 
-    -> ra \in (TDM_pending ((Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State))).
-  Proof.
-    intros HA.
-    destruct ta.
-    - by rewrite /TDM_pending.
-    - rewrite /TDM_pending //= /Next_state.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) as [s c P | s c P rb] eqn:HSS,
-          (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, (c == OACT_date) eqn:Ha, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hc, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hl;
-          try (destruct (Pending_of s P) as [ | rb] eqn:HPP); simpl in *.
-      all: by rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HA orbT.
-  Qed.
+	Lemma Pending_on_arrival ta ra:
+		ra \in Arrival_at ta 
+		-> ra \in (TDM_pending ((Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State))).
+	Proof.
+		intros HA.
+		destruct ta.
+		- by rewrite /TDM_pending.
+		- rewrite /TDM_pending //= /Next_state.
+			destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) as [s c P | s c P rb] eqn:HSS,
+					(c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, (c == OACT_date) eqn:Ha, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hc, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hl;
+					try (destruct (Pending_of s P) as [ | rb] eqn:HPP); simpl in *;
+			by rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HA orbT.
+	Qed.
   Definition Requestor_slot_start ta (s : Slot_t) :=
     let aligned_ta := Closest_slot_start ta in 
@@ -1173,9 +1182,8 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
   Lemma Requestor_slot_start_aligned ta s:
     (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta s)).(Implementation_State)) == OZCycle.
-    rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq -Time_counter_modulo -(modn_small (m := OZCycle) (d := SL)).
-      2: trivial.
-    rewrite /Requestor_slot_start.
+    rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq -Time_counter_modulo -(modn_small (m := OZCycle) (d := SL)); [ | done ].
+		rewrite /Requestor_slot_start.
     destruct (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (Closest_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) <= s); 
       rewrite addnC modnMDl (modn_small (m := OZCycle) (d := SL));
         (trivial || by rewrite Time_counter_modulo nat_of_counter_eq Closest_slot_start_aligned).
@@ -1696,7 +1704,7 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
         all: try by rewrite HC' HR andbT.
         all: move : Hl => /eqP Hl; subst.
-        all: contradict Hd; by rewrite /OLastCycle //= ltnn.
+        all: contradict Hd; by rewrite /OLastCycle //= ltnn.Request_slot_start_aligned
   Lemma Request_processing_starts ta ra:
@@ -1863,6 +1871,8 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
     exact H.
+	(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
   Lemma TDM_inc_counter t:
     TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) < SL.-1 ->
     nat_of_ord (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t.+1).(Implementation_State)) =
@@ -2024,43 +2034,45 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
   Lemma TDM_ACT_date cmd t:
     cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isACT cmd ->
     TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == Next_cycle OACT_date /\
-    TDM_request (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == Some cmd.(Request).
-  Proof.
-    induction t.
-      { done. }
-      intros Hi Hp; simpl in *.
-      unfold Next_state in *.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; simpl in Hi.
-      { destruct (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz; try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl in *. 
-        all: rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP H | H]; try by rewrite H in Hp.
-        all: apply IHt in H; try (exact Hp || exact H). }
-      { destruct (c == OACT_date) eqn:Hact, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hend; simpl in *.
-        all: rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP H | H]; try by rewrite H in Hp.
-        all: try (rewrite H //= /TDM_counter !Hs //= Hact //=; move: Hact => /eqP Hact; by rewrite Hact).
-        all: try apply IHt in H; try exact Hp; try exact H.
-        all: rewrite H /isACT /Kind_of_req //= in Hp; contradict Hp; by case r0.(Kind). }
+    TDM_request (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == get_req cmd.
+  Proof.
+    induction t; [ done | ].
+		intros Hi Hp; simpl in *.
+		unfold Next_state in *.
+		destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; simpl in Hi.
+		{ destruct (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz; try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl in *. 
+			all: rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP H | H]; try by rewrite H in Hp.
+			all: apply IHt in H; try (exact Hp || exact H). }
+		{ destruct (c == OACT_date) eqn:Hact, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hend; simpl in *.
+			all: rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP H | H]; try by rewrite H in Hp.
+			all: try (rewrite H //= /TDM_counter !Hs //= Hact //=; move: Hact => /eqP Hact; by rewrite Hact).
+			all: try apply IHt in H; try exact Hp; try exact H.
+			all: rewrite H /isACT /Kind_of_req //= in Hp; contradict Hp; by case r0.(Kind). }
   Lemma TDM_CAS_date cmd t:
     cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isCAS cmd ->
     TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == Next_cycle OCAS_date /\
-    TDM_request (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == Some cmd.(Request).
-  Proof.
-    induction t.
-      { done. }
-      intros Hi Hp; simpl in *.
-      unfold Next_state in *.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; simpl in Hi.
-      { destruct (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz; try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl in *. 
-        all: rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP H | H]; try by rewrite H in Hp.
-        all: apply IHt in H; try (exact Hp || exact H). }
-      { destruct (c == OACT_date) eqn:Hact, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hend; simpl in *.
-        all: rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP H | H]; try by rewrite H in Hp.
-        (* all: try (rewrite H //= /TDM_counter !Hs //= Hact //=; move: Hact => /eqP Hact; by rewrite Hact). *)
-        all: try apply IHt in H; try exact Hp; try exact H.
-        all: rewrite H //= Hs //= Hact Hcas //=.
-        all: move: Hcas => /eqP Hcas; by rewrite Hcas !eq_refl. }
-  Qed.
+		(isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State)) /\
+    TDM_request (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == get_req cmd.
+  Proof.
+    induction t; [ done | ].
+		intros Hi Hp; simpl in *.
+		unfold Next_state in *.
+		destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; simpl in Hi.
+		{ destruct (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz; try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl in *. 
+			all: rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP H | H]; try by rewrite H in Hp.
+			all: apply IHt in H; try (exact Hp || exact H). }
+		{ destruct (c == OACT_date) eqn:Hact, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hend; simpl in *.
+			all: rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP H | H]; try by rewrite H in Hp.
+			(* all: try (rewrite H //= /TDM_counter !Hs //= Hact //=; move: Hact => /eqP Hact; by rewrite Hact). *)
+			all: try apply IHt in H; try exact Hp; try exact H.
+			all: 
+				rewrite H //= Hs //= Hact Hcas //=;
+				move: Hcas => /eqP Hcas; rewrite Hcas !eq_refl /get_req /Kind_of_req //=; split; [trivial | ];
+				destruct r0.(Kind); by rewrite eq_refl.
+		}
+	Qed.
   Lemma TDM_SL_gt_nc_act_p1 :
     Next_cycle OACT_date +1 < SL.
@@ -2079,24 +2091,25 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
     intros Ha Hb iA iAb SB aBb.
     (* info about b's counter *)
-    apply ACT_modulo_date in Hb as Hb'. rewrite Time_counter_modulo in Hb'.
-      2: done.
+    apply ACT_modulo_date in Hb as Hb'; [ | done]. 
+		rewrite Time_counter_modulo in Hb'.
     (* other info *)
-    apply TDM_ACT_date in Hb as H. destruct H as [Hc_b Hreq_b].
-      2: exact iAb.
+    apply TDM_ACT_date in Hb as H; [ | assumption ]. destruct H as [Hc_b Hreq_b].
     apply TDM_add_counter with (d := 1) in Hc_b as Hc_b'.
       2: exact TDM_SL_gt_nc_act_p1.
     rewrite !addn1 in Hc_b'; move: Hc_b' => /eqP Hc_b'.
+		unfold get_req in Hreq_b; destruct b.(CKind) eqn:H_kind;
+		try (by unfold isACT in iAb; rewrite H_kind in iAb).
     (* get the PRE *)
     apply Request_PRE_bounded in Hreq_b.
     move: Hc_b => /eqP Hc_b. rewrite /Last_slot_start Hc_b in Hreq_b.
-    exists (PRE_of_req b.(Request) (b.(CDate) - Next_cycle OACT_date).+1).
-    rewrite /Same_Bank in SB; move: SB => /eqP SB.
-    rewrite /isPRE /Same_Bank //= eq_refl andbT SB eq_refl andbT andbT /Before /After //=.
-    clear SB.
+    exists (PRE_of_req r (b.(CDate) - Next_cycle OACT_date).+1).
+    rewrite /Same_Bank in SB; move: SB => /eqP SB; rewrite /Same_Bank SB.
+		rewrite /isPRE /PRE_of_req //= andbT /get_bank H_kind //= eq_refl !andbT /Before /After.
     (* solve Before  c b*)
     apply /andP; split.
     2: {
@@ -2104,9 +2117,9 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
         2: specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as HH; rewrite Hc_b in HH; exact HH.
       rewrite ltn_subLR.
         2: specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate).+1) as HH; rewrite Hc_b' in HH; by rewrite leq_eqVlt HH orbT.
-      rewrite -ltn_predRL addnC nat_add_pred; apply nat_ltn_add.
-      by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS -pred_Sn /ACT_date.
-    }
+			assert (Next_cycle OACT_date > 1); [ | lia ].
+			rewrite TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS /ACT_date; lia.
+		}
     (* solve ~~ Before_at a c, i.e., After c a *)
     apply /andP; split; clear Hb'.
@@ -2220,6 +2233,19 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
     exact Hreq_b.
+	Lemma Request_exists b c0 r r0 s0 :
+		isCAS b ->
+		(Default_arbitrate b.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) = RUNNING s0 c0 r r0 ->
+		TDM_request (Default_arbitrate b.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == get_req b ->
+		TDM_request (Default_arbitrate b.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == Some r0.
+	Proof.
+		intros iCb H Hreq_b.
+		unfold get_req, TDM_request in *; rewrite H in Hreq_b.
+		destruct b.(CKind) eqn:Hkind;
+		try (by unfold isCAS,isCRD,isCWR in iCb; rewrite Hkind in iCb);
+		by rewrite H eq_refl.
+	Qed.
   Theorem Cmds_row_ok t b c: 
     b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> c \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
     isCAS b -> isPRE c -> Same_Bank b c -> Before c b -> 
@@ -2228,24 +2254,42 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
     intros Hb Hc iCb iPc SB cBb.
-    apply TDM_CAS_date in Hb as H. destruct H as [Hc_b Hreq_b].
-      2: exact iCb.
+    apply TDM_CAS_date in Hb as H; [ | assumption]. 
+		destruct H as [Hc_b [Hrun_b Hreq_b]].
-    apply Request_ACT_bounded in Hreq_b.
-    move: Hc_b => /eqP Hc_b; rewrite /Last_slot_start Hc_b in Hreq_b.
+		destruct (Default_arbitrate b.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hsb; [ done | ].
-    rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS subnSK in Hreq_b.
-      2: specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as HH; by rewrite Hc_b TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS in HH.
+		apply Request_exists in Hsb as H; try assumption; [ | by rewrite <- Hsb in Hreq_b].
+    apply Request_ACT_bounded in H.
+		rewrite /TDM_counter in Hc_b; move: Hc_b => /eqP Hc_b; cbv zeta in H.
+		rewrite /Last_slot_start Hsb /TDM_counter Hc_b in H.
-    exists (ACT_of_req b.(Request) (b.(CDate) - CAS_date + ACT_date)).
-    rewrite /Same_Bank in SB; move: SB => /eqP SB.
-    rewrite /isACT //= eq_refl andbT /Before /After //= /Same_Row eq_refl //= andbT.
+    rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS subnSK in H.
+      2:
+				specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as HH;
+				by rewrite Hsb /TDM_counter Hc_b TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS in HH.
-    apply /andP; split.
-    2: {
+    exists (ACT_of_req r0 (b.(CDate) - CAS_date + ACT_date)).
+		rewrite /Same_Bank in SB; move: SB => /eqP SB;
+		rewrite /isACT //= andbT /Before /After //= /Same_Row /get_row //=.
+    apply /andP; split; [ apply /andP; split; [ apply /andP; split | ] | ].
+		2: {
+			unfold TDM_request, get_req in *.
+			destruct b.(CKind) eqn:Hkind;
+			try (by unfold isCAS,isCRD,isCWR in iCb; rewrite Hkind in iCb);
+			rewrite inj_eq in Hreq_b; try rewrite inj_eq; try (exact ssrfun.Some_inj);
+			move: Hreq_b => /eqP Hreq_b; subst r0; by rewrite eq_refl.
+		} 
+		3: {
       rewrite -subnA.
-        3: { 
-          specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as H. 
+        3: { clear H. 
+          specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as H.
+					rewrite Hsb //= in H. 
           rewrite Hc_b TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS in H.
           by rewrite leq_eqVlt H orbT. }
         2: by rewrite /CAS_date leq_addr. 
@@ -2254,7 +2298,6 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
       by apply nat_ltn_add.
-    apply /andP; split.
     2: {
       apply PRE_modulo_date in Hc as Hc_c. rewrite Time_counter_modulo in Hc_c.
         2: exact iPc.
@@ -2265,6 +2308,10 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
       move: Hc_b => /eqP Hc_b; rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS in Hc_b.
       move: Hc_b => /eqP Hc_b; rewrite -Hc_b in Hc_c'.
       move: Hc_c' => /eqP Hc_c'; apply Logic.eq_sym in Hc_c'; move: Hc_c' => /eqP Hc_c'.
+			assert (H0: TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate b.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) = c0);
+			[ rewrite Hsb //= | rewrite <- H0 in Hc_c' ].
       apply Modulo_time_distance_or in Hc_c'; destruct Hc_c' as [Hc_c' | [Hc_c' | Hc_c']].
         3: {
           rewrite Hc_c' -subnA.
@@ -2290,7 +2337,11 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
           apply nat_ltn_add.
           by rewrite addn_gt0 SL_pos orTb. }
         { rewrite -subnA.
-            3: by specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as H; rewrite Hc_b in H; rewrite leq_eqVlt H orbT.
+            3: {	
+							clear H; specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as H.
+							rewrite Hsb //= in H. 
+							by rewrite Hc_b in H; rewrite leq_eqVlt H orbT.
+						}
             2: by rewrite /CAS_date leq_addr.
           rewrite ltn_subRL addnC.
           apply ltn_trans with (m := c.(CDate) + (CAS_date - ACT_date)) in Hc_c'. 
@@ -2308,12 +2359,14 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
       { rewrite -subnA.
           3: {
             move: Hc_b => /eqP Hc_b; rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS in Hc_b; move: Hc_b => /eqP Hc_b.
-            by specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as H; rewrite Hc_b in H; rewrite leq_eqVlt H orbT.
+            clear H; specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as H;
+						rewrite Hsb //= in H;
+						rewrite Hc_b in H; by rewrite leq_eqVlt H orbT.
           2: by rewrite /CAS_date leq_addr.
         by rewrite leq_subr.
-    exact Hreq_b.
+		exact H.
   Lemma Default_arbitrate_notin_cmd t (c : Command_t):
@@ -2329,22 +2382,14 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
   Lemma Default_arbitrate_cmds_uniq t:
     uniq ((Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands)).
-    induction t; simpl.
-    { done. }
+    induction t; simpl; [ done | ].
     rewrite /Next_state //=.
-     destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date),
-      (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle); try destruct (Pending_of _ _); simpl.
-    all: rewrite IHt andbT.
-    all: assert (t < t.+1) as H0; try trivial.
-    all: try (specialize Default_arbitrate_notin_cmd with (c := mkCmd t.+1 NOP nullreq) (t := t) as H; simpl in H;
-              apply H in H0; by rewrite H0).
-    all: try (specialize Default_arbitrate_notin_cmd with (c := mkCmd t.+1 PRE r0) (t := t) as H; simpl in H;
-              apply H in H0; by rewrite H0).
-    all: try (specialize Default_arbitrate_notin_cmd with (c := mkCmd t.+1 ACT r0) (t := t) as H; simpl in H;
-              apply H in H0; by rewrite H0).
-    all: try (specialize Default_arbitrate_notin_cmd with (c := mkCmd t.+1 (Kind_of_req r0) r0) (t := t) as H; simpl in H;
-              apply H in H0; by rewrite H0).
-  Qed.
+		destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date),
+      (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle); try destruct (Pending_of _ _); simpl;
+    rewrite IHt andbT;
+		assert (t < t.+1) as H0; try trivial;
+		apply Default_arbitrate_notin_cmd; simpl; lia.
+	Qed.
   Lemma Default_arbitrate_cmds_date t cmd:
     cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
@@ -2371,12 +2416,18 @@ Section TDMPROOFS.
     (Cmds_T_WtoR_DBG_ok t)
     (Cmds_T_CCD_SBG_ok t)
     (Cmds_T_CCD_DBG_ok t)
+		_ (* REF *)
+		_ (* REF *)
     (Cmds_T_FAW_ok t)
     (Cmds_T_RRD_SBG_ok t)
     (Cmds_T_RRD_DBG_ok t)
     (Cmds_ACT_ok t)
-    (Cmds_row_ok t).
+    (Cmds_row_ok t)
+		_ (* Initial *)
+		_ (* REF *).
+	Admit Obligations.
   Global Instance TDM_arbiter : Arbiter_t :=
     mkArbiter AF TDM_arbitrate Requests_handled Default_arbitrate_time_match.
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/DynTDM/TDMds.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/DynTDM/TDMds.v
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/DynTDM/TDMds.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/DynTDM/TDMds.v
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similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/DynTDM/TDMes.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/DynTDM/TDMes.v
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/DynTDM/TDMesREF.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/DynTDM/TDMesREF.v
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/DynTDM/TDMesREF.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/DynTDM/TDMesREF.v
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similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/DynTDM/TDMesREFpg.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/DynTDM/TDMesREFpg.v
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/FIFOImp2/FIFOImp2.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/FIFOImp2/FIFOImp2.v
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/FIFOImp2/FIFOImp2.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/FIFOImp2/FIFOImp2.v
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/FIFOImp2/FIFOImp2Properties.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/FIFOImp2/FIFOImp2Properties.v
similarity index 100%
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similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/FIFOImp2/FIFOImp2Test.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/FIFOImp2/FIFOImp2Test.v
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/TDMREF/TDMREF.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/TDMREF/TDMREF.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe6858da531c35a01601d215ce7eee723e72d5eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/TDMREF/TDMREF.v
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
+Set Printing Projections.
+From DRAM Require Export ImplementationInterface.
+From mathcomp Require Export fintype div ssrZ zify.
+From Coq Require Import Program.
+Section TDMREF.
+  Context {SYS_CFG : System_configuration}.
+  (* Implementing everything with just one counter *)
+	(* Definition REF_cycle		:= T_REFI. *)
+	Definition REF_start_date := T_REFI.
+	Definition PREA_date  := T_REFI - T_RP.
+	Definition REF_date 	:= T_RP.
+	Definition PRE_date  	:= REF_date + T_RFC.
+	Definition ACT_date		:= PRE_date + T_RP.
+	Definition CAS_date		:= ACT_date + T_RCD.
+	(* Definition ENDREF_date 	:= REF_date + T_RFC. *)
+	(* Need an axiom saying that:
+		 T_RP + T_RFC > T_RTP 
+		 T_RP + T_RFC > T_WL + T_BURST + T_WR 
+		 Then, in this case, I won't need an hypothesis of disjoint banks *)
+  Class TDMREF_configuration :=
+  {
+		SN : nat;
+    SN_one  : 1 < SN;
+		SL : nat;
+    SL_pos  : 0 < SL;
+		(* There has to be enough time to complete a full PRE - ACT - CAS sequence, plus one extra 
+				IDLE cycle  *)
+    SL_CASS : CAS_date.+1 < SL;
+		(* SL has to be large enough to acomodate bus changing directions *)
+		SL_BUS_WR_TO_RD		: T_WTR_l + T_WL + T_BURST < SL;
+		(* Other axioms about SL *)
+		T_RTP_SN_SL : T_RTP < SN * SL - CAS_date;
+    T_WTP_SN_SL : (T_WR + T_WL + T_BURST) < SN * SL - CAS_date;
+    T_RAS_SL	: T_RP.+1 + T_RAS < SL;
+    T_RC_SL 	: T_RC < SL;
+    T_RRD_SL  : T_RRD_l < SL;
+    T_CCD_SL	: T_CCD_l < SL;
+    T_FAW_3SL : T_FAW < SL + SL + SL;
+		(* Axiom A1: SL needs to be a divider of T_REFI *)
+		SL_REF_aligned : T_REFI %% SL == 0;
+		(* No need for disjoint banks if this is satisfied -- initial REF delay is big enough
+			to acomodate the write recovery time. This should always be the case, since T_RFC is big enough  *)
+		SL_REF_cycle	: (T_RP + T_RFC).+1 > (T_WL + T_BURST + T_WR);
+  }.
+	Context {TDMREF_CFG : TDMREF_configuration}.
+	(* -------------------- Additional Lemmas about SN ------------------------ *)
+	Lemma SN_pos : SN > 0.
+		specialize SN_one; lia.
+	Qed.
+	(* --------------------- Additional Lemmas about PREA_date ---------------- *)
+	(* Lemma PREA_date_GT_REF_date : REF_date < PREA_date.
+		specialize PREA_date_GT_ENDREF_date; unfold ENDREF_date; lia.
+	Qed. *)
+	Lemma REF_start_date_pos : 0 < REF_start_date.
+		unfold REF_start_date; specialize T_REFI_GT_T_RP; lia.
+	Qed.
+	(* ---------------------- Additional Lemmas about SL ---------------------- *)
+	Lemma SL_PRE : PRE_date < SL.
+		specialize SL_CASS; unfold PRE_date, CAS_date, ACT_date, PRE_date, REF_date; lia.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma SL_REF : REF_date < SL.
+		unfold REF_date; specialize T_RAS_SL; lia.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma SL_ACT : ACT_date < SL.
+		specialize SL_CASS; unfold CAS_date, ACT_date; lia.
+	Qed.
+  Lemma Last_cycle: SL.-1 < SL.
+    rewrite ltn_predL; apply SL_pos.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma SL_CAS: CAS_date < SL.
+    specialize SL_CASS as H; lia.
+	Qed.
+  Lemma SL_one: 1 < SL.
+		specialize SL_CASS; lia.
+	Qed.
+  Lemma SL_ACTS: ACT_date.+1 < SL.
+    specialize SL_CASS; unfold CAS_date, ACT_date; lia.
+	Qed.
+	(* ------------------------ Additional Lemmas about ACT_date & CAS_date ---- *)
+  Lemma ACT_pos: 0 < ACT_date.
+		unfold ACT_date; specialize T_RP_pos; lia.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma CAS_pos: 0 < CAS_date.
+		unfold CAS_date; specialize T_RCD_pos; lia.
+	Qed.
+	(* ------------------------ Controller implementation ---------------------- *)
+	(* Normal counter *)
+	Definition Counter_t := ordinal SL.
+  Definition OZCycle   := Ordinal SL_pos.
+	Definition OREF_date := Ordinal SL_REF.
+	Definition OPRE_date := Ordinal SL_PRE.
+  Definition OACT_date := Ordinal SL_ACT.
+  Definition OCAS_date := Ordinal SL_CAS.
+  Definition OLastCycle := Ordinal Last_cycle.
+	Definition Next_cycle (c : Counter_t) :=
+		let nextc := c.+1 < SL in
+			(if nextc as X return (nextc = X -> Counter_t) then 
+				fun (P : nextc = true) => Ordinal (P : nextc)
+				else
+				fun _ => OZCycle) Logic.eq_refl.
+	(* Slot counter *)
+  Definition Slot_t := ordinal_eqType SN.
+	Definition OZSlot := Ordinal SN_pos.
+	Definition Next_slot (s : Slot_t) (c : Counter_t) : Slot_t :=
+		if (c.+1 < SL) then s
+		else
+			let nexts := s.+1 < SN in
+				(if nexts as X return (nexts = X -> Slot_t) then 
+					fun (P : nexts = true) => Ordinal (P : nexts)
+					else
+					fun _ => OZSlot) Logic.eq_refl.
+	(* Refresh counter *)
+	Definition Counter_ref_t := ordinal REF_start_date.
+	Lemma REF_start_date_GT_PREA_date : PREA_date < REF_start_date.
+		unfold PREA_date, REF_start_date; specialize T_RP_pos; specialize T_REFI_pos; lia.
+	Qed.
+	Definition OPREA_date := Ordinal REF_start_date_GT_PREA_date.
+	Definition OCycle0REF := Ordinal T_REFI_pos.
+	Definition Next_cycle_ref (c : Counter_ref_t) : Counter_ref_t := 
+		let nextcref := c.+1 < REF_start_date in
+			(if nextcref as X return (nextcref = X -> Counter_ref_t) then
+				(fun (P : nextcref = true) => Ordinal (P : nextcref))
+			else (fun _ => OCycle0REF)) Logic.eq_refl.
+  Instance REQUESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration := 
+	{
+    Requestor_t := Slot_t
+  }.
+  Context {AF : Arrival_function_t}.
+  Inductive TDM_state_t :=
+    | IDLE    : Slot_t -> Counter_t -> Counter_ref_t -> Requests_t -> TDM_state_t 
+    | RUNNING : Slot_t -> Counter_t -> Counter_ref_t -> Requests_t -> Request_t -> TDM_state_t
+		| REFRESH : Slot_t -> Counter_t -> Counter_ref_t -> Requests_t -> Request_t -> TDM_state_t.
+  Global Instance ARBITER_CFG : Arbiter_configuration :=
+  {
+    State_t := TDM_state_t;
+  }.
+  Definition Enqueue (R P : Requests_t) := P ++ R.
+  Definition Dequeue r (P : Requests_t) := rem r P.
+  (* The set of pending requests of a slot *)
+  Definition Pending_of s (P : Requests_t) := [seq r <- P | r.(Requestor) == s].
+	(* Definition OREF_TRP := Ordinal T_REFI_GT_T_RP. *)
+	(* Start the refresh counter at T_RP, so that the first refresh you happen at
+		(T_REFI - T_RP) + T_RP cycles *)
+  Definition Init_state R := IDLE OZSlot OZCycle OPREA_date (Enqueue R [::]).
+  Definition nullreq := 
+    mkReq OZSlot 0 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+  (* The next-state function of the arbiter *)
+  Definition Next_state R (AS : TDM_state_t) : (TDM_state_t * (Command_kind_t * Request_t)) :=
+    match AS return (TDM_state_t * (Command_kind_t * Request_t)) with
+      | IDLE s c cref P =>
+        let P' := Enqueue R P in
+        let s' := Next_slot s c in
+        let c' := Next_cycle c in
+				let cref' := Next_cycle_ref cref in
+        if (c == OZCycle) then (
+					(* Only need to test for refresh date here, since it can only happen here -- alignment *)
+					(* Will start with a REFRESH cycle *)
+					if (cref == OPREA_date) then (
+						match Pending_of s P with
+						| [::] => (REFRESH s' c' cref' P' nullreq, (PREA,nullreq))
+						| r :: _ => (REFRESH s' c' cref' P' r, (PREA,nullreq))
+						end
+					)
+					else (
+						match Pending_of s P with
+						| [::] => (IDLE s' c' cref' P', (NOP,nullreq))
+						| r :: _ => (RUNNING s' c' cref' (Enqueue R (Dequeue r P)) r, (NOP,r))
+						end 
+					)
+				) else (IDLE s' c' cref' P', (NOP, nullreq))
+			| RUNNING s c cref P r =>
+				let P' := Enqueue R P in
+				let s' := Next_slot s c in
+				let c' := Next_cycle c in
+				let cref' := Next_cycle_ref cref in
+				if (c == OPRE_date) then (RUNNING s' c' cref' P' r, (PRE,r))
+				else if (c == OACT_date) then (RUNNING s' c' cref' P' r, (ACT, r))
+        else if (c == OCAS_date) then (RUNNING s' c' cref' P' r, (Kind_of_req r, r))
+        else if (c == OLastCycle) then (IDLE s' c' cref' P', (NOP, nullreq))
+        else (RUNNING s' c' cref' P' r, (NOP, nullreq))
+			| REFRESH s c cref P r =>
+				let P' := Enqueue R P in
+				let s' := Next_slot s c in
+				let c' := Next_cycle c in
+				let cref' := Next_cycle_ref cref in
+				(* Could use cref as well to issue *)
+				if (c == OREF_date) then (REFRESH s' c' cref' P' r, (REF,nullreq))
+				(* No scheduling decisions while REFRESHING *)
+				else if (c == OPRE_date) then 
+					(if (r == nullreq) then (IDLE s' c' cref' P', (NOP,nullreq)) else (RUNNING s' c' cref' P' r, (PRE,r))) 
+				else (REFRESH s' c' cref' P' r, (NOP,nullreq))
+		end.
+  Global Instance TDMREF_implementation : Implementation_t := 
+    mkImplementation Init_state Next_state.
+	Program Definition TDMREF_arbitrate t :=
+		mkTrace 
+		(Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands)
+		(Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Time)
+		_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
+	Admit Obligations.
+	Program Instance TDMREF_arbiter : Arbiter_t :=
+		mkArbiter AF TDMREF_arbitrate _ _.
+	Admit Obligations.
+Section TDMREF_sim.
+	(* DDR4-1600J *)
+	(* Density : 8Gb *)
+	(* Page Size : 1K (1G8 adressing) *)
+	(* 1tCK write preamble mode *)
+	(* 1tCK read preamble mode *)
+	(* AL = 0 *)
+	(* 1X Refresh mode *)
+	Program Instance SYS_CFG : System_configuration :=
+	{
+		BANKS := 16;
+		(* [Figure 105] always the same *)
+		T_BURST := 4; (* INTRA/INTER *)
+		(* [Figure 105] 1tCK write preamble mode, AL = 0
+			-- independent of BC4 or BL8 
+			-- depends on write preamble mode (1tCK or 2tCK)
+			-- depends on AL (what is AL ?) *)
+		T_WL    := 9;
+		(* ACT to ACT, same and different bank groups, exclusevely inter-bank
+			-- depends on page size, which depends on device density (total size) and configuration
+			see (https://www.micron.com/-/media/client/global/documents/products/data-sheet/dram/ddr4/16gb_ddr4_sdram.pdf)
+		*)
+		T_RRD_s := 4; (* [Page 189] Max (4nCK, 5 ns) -> 4nCK = 1/800MHz * 4 = 5ns -> max is 5 -> 4 cycles at 800MHz*)
+		T_RRD_l := 5; (* [Page 189] Max (4nCK, 6 ns) -> 4nCK = 1/800MHz * 4 = 5ns -> max is 6 -> 4.8 ~ 5 cyles at 800MHz *)
+		(* Intra/inter-bank: Four ACT delay window *)
+		T_FAW := 20; (* [Page 189] 25ns *)
+		(* ACT to ACT, intra bank *) 
+		T_RC  := 38; (* [Page 163] 47.5 ns *)
+		(* PRE to ACT, intra bank *)
+		T_RP  := 10; (* [Page 163] 12.5 ns *)
+		(* ACT to CAS, intra bank *)
+		T_RCD := 10; (* [Page 163] 12.5 ns *)
+		(* ACT to PRE, intra bank *)
+		T_RAS := 28; (* [Page 163] 35.0 ns *)
+		(* RD to PRE, intra bank *)
+		T_RTP := 6; (* [Page 189] Max (4nCK, 7.5ns) -> 4nCK = 1/800MHz * 4 = 5ns -> max is 7 -> 5.6 ~ 6 cycles at 800MHz *)
+		(* Write recovery time: R data to PRE *)
+		T_WR  := 12; (* [Page 189] 15 ns *)
+		(* Read to write, inter and intra bank *)
+		T_RTW := 8; (* [Page 94] T_RTW = RL + BL/2 - WL + 2tCK = 11 + 8/2 - 9 + 2 = 8 *)
+		(* End of write operation to read *)
+		T_WTR_s := 2; (* [Page 189] Max (2nCK,2.5ns) -> 2nCK = 1/800MHz * 2 = 2.5ns -> max is 2.5ns -> 2 cycles at 800MHz *)
+		T_WTR_l := 6; (* [Page 189] Nax (4nCK,7.5ns) -> 4nCK = 5ns -> max is 7.5ns -> 6 cycles at 800MHz *)
+		T_CCD_s := 4;
+		T_CCD_l := 5;
+		T_REFI := 100; (* 6240 [Page 36] Refresh average time*)
+		T_RFC := 15; (* 280 [Page 36] *)
+	}.
+	Program Instance TDMREF_CFG : TDMREF_configuration :=
+	{
+		SN := 2;
+		SL := 50
+	}.
+	Existing Instance REQUESTOR_CFG.
+	Existing Instance TDMREF_implementation.
+	Existing Instance TDMREF_arbiter.
+	Axiom SN1 : 1 < SN.
+	Definition Slot1 := Ordinal SN1.
+	Program Definition ReqA0 := mkReq 
+		OZSlot 10 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 5.
+	Program Definition ReqB0 := mkReq (* 3 instead of 14 *)
+		Slot1 20 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 10.
+	Definition test_req_seq := [:: ReqA0;ReqB0].
+	Program Instance AF : Arrival_function_t := Default_arrival_function_t test_req_seq.
+	(* Compute (Default_arbitrate 100).(Implementation_State). *)
+	Compute (Arbitrate 150).(Commands).
+	(* Next: introduce the concepts of page open / closed *)
+	(* Do proofs about TDMes ? *)
+End TDMes_sim.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/TDMREF/TDMesREF.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/TDMREF/TDMesREF.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eecae58708c85f8b828df8035705480fd1071235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/TDMREF/TDMesREF.v
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
+Set Printing Projections.
+From DRAM Require Export ImplementationInterface.
+From mathcomp Require Import fintype div ssrZ zify.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect seq.
+From Coq Require Import Program FMapList OrderedTypeEx.
+(* FMapList.Make expects an instance of the OrderedType module, which we define as Nat_as_OT *)
+Module Import NatMap := FMapList.Make(Nat_as_OT).
+Section TDMesREF.
+  Context {SYS_CFG : System_configuration}.
+	Definition REF_start_date := T_REFI.
+	Definition PREA_date  := T_REFI - T_RP.
+	Definition REF_date 	:= T_RP.
+	Definition PRE_date  	:= REF_date + T_RFC.
+	Definition ACT_date		:= PRE_date + T_RP.
+	Definition CAS_date		:= ACT_date + T_RCD.
+  Class TDMesREF_configuration :=
+  {
+		SN : nat;
+    SN_one  : 1 < SN;
+		SL : nat;
+    SL_pos  : 0 < SL;
+		(* There has to be enough time to complete a full PRE - ACT - CAS sequence *)
+    SL_CASS : CAS_date.+1 < SL;
+		(* SL has to be large enough to acomodate bus changing directions *)
+		SL_BUS_WR_TO_RD		: T_WTR_l + T_WL + T_BURST < SL;
+		(* Other axioms about SL *)
+		T_RTP_SN_SL : T_RTP < SN * SL - CAS_date;
+    T_WTP_SN_SL : (T_WR + T_WL + T_BURST) < SN * SL - CAS_date;
+    T_RAS_SL	: T_RP.+1 + T_RAS < SL;
+    T_RC_SL 	: T_RC < SL;
+    T_RRD_SL  : T_RRD_l < SL;
+    T_CCD_SL	: T_CCD_l < SL;
+    T_FAW_3SL : T_FAW < SL + SL + SL;
+		T_RCD_SL	: T_RCD < SL;
+		(* Axiom A1: SL needs to be a divider of T_REFI *)
+		SL_REF_aligned : T_REFI %% SL == 0;
+		(* No need for disjoint banks if this is satisfied -- initial REF delay is big enough
+			to acomodate the write recovery time. This should always be the case, since T_RFC is big enough  *)
+		SL_REF_cycle	: (T_RP + T_RFC).+1 > (T_WL + T_BURST + T_WR);
+  }.
+  Context {TDMesREF_CFG : TDMesREF_configuration}.
+	(* -------------------- Additional Lemmas about SN ------------------------ *)
+	Lemma SN_pos : SN > 0.
+		specialize SN_one; lia.
+	Qed.
+	(* --------------------- Additional Lemmas about PREA_date ---------------- *)
+	(* Lemma PREA_date_GT_REF_date : REF_date < PREA_date.
+		specialize PREA_date_GT_ENDREF_date; unfold ENDREF_date; lia.
+	Qed. *)
+	Lemma REF_start_date_pos : 0 < REF_start_date.
+		unfold REF_start_date; specialize T_REFI_GT_T_RP; lia.
+	Qed.
+	(* ---------------------- Additional Lemmas about SL ---------------------- *)
+	Lemma SL_PRE : PRE_date < SL.
+		specialize SL_CASS; unfold PRE_date, CAS_date, ACT_date, PRE_date, REF_date; lia.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma SL_REF : REF_date < SL.
+		unfold REF_date; specialize T_RAS_SL; lia.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma SL_ACT : ACT_date < SL.
+		specialize SL_CASS; unfold CAS_date, ACT_date; lia.
+	Qed.
+  Lemma Last_cycle: SL.-1 < SL.
+    rewrite ltn_predL; apply SL_pos.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma SL_CAS: CAS_date < SL.
+    specialize SL_CASS as H; lia.
+	Qed.
+  Lemma SL_one: 1 < SL.
+		specialize SL_CASS; lia.
+	Qed.
+  Lemma SL_ACTS: ACT_date.+1 < SL.
+    specialize SL_CASS; unfold CAS_date, ACT_date; lia.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma CAS_ACT_SL : CAS_date - ACT_date < SL.
+		unfold CAS_date; specialize T_RCD_SL; lia.
+	Qed.
+	(* ------------------------ Additional Lemmas about ACT_date & CAS_date ---- *)
+  Lemma ACT_pos: 0 < ACT_date.
+		unfold ACT_date; specialize T_RP_pos; lia.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma CAS_pos: 0 < CAS_date.
+		unfold CAS_date; specialize T_RCD_pos; lia.
+	Qed.
+	(* ------------------------ Requestor  ------------------------------------- *)
+	Record Requestor_t_def := mkRequestorSlack 
+	{
+		nb : nat; 		(* the id of the requestor : no longer bounded by slot number *)
+		crit : bool; 	(* criticality *)
+		(* critical requests are bounded by the number of slots *)
+		crit_req : crit == true <-> nb < SN;
+	}.
+	Definition Same_Requestor (a b : Requestor_t_def) :=
+		a.(nb) == b.(nb).
+	Definition Requestor_t_def_eqdef (a b : Requestor_t_def) :=
+		(a.(nb) == b.(nb)) && (a.(crit) == b.(crit)).
+	Lemma Requestor_t_def_eqn : Equality.axiom Requestor_t_def_eqdef.
+	Admitted.
+	Canonical Requestor_t_def_eqMixin := EqMixin Requestor_t_def_eqn.
+	Canonical Requestor_t_def_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType Requestor_t_def Requestor_t_def_eqMixin.
+	Instance REQUESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration := {
+    Requestor_t := Requestor_t_def_eqType
+  }.
+	Context {AF : Arrival_function_t}.
+	(* ------------------------ Counter Types  -------------------------------- *)
+	Definition Counter_t := ordinal SL.
+  Definition OZCycle   := Ordinal SL_pos.
+	Definition OSlot1		 := Ordinal SL_one.
+	Definition OREF_date := Ordinal SL_REF.
+	Definition OPRE_date := Ordinal SL_PRE.
+  Definition OACT_date := Ordinal SL_ACT.
+  Definition OCAS_date := Ordinal SL_CAS.
+  Definition OLastCycle := Ordinal Last_cycle.
+	Definition Next_cycle (c : Counter_t) :=
+		let nextc := c.+1 < SL in
+			(if nextc as X return (nextc = X -> Counter_t) then 
+				fun (P : nextc = true) => Ordinal (P : nextc)
+				else
+				fun _ => OZCycle) Logic.eq_refl.
+	(* Slot counter *)
+  Definition Slot_t := ordinal_eqType SN.
+	Definition OZSlot := Ordinal SN_pos.
+	Definition Next_slot (s : Slot_t) (c : Counter_t) : Slot_t :=
+		if (c.+1 < SL) then s
+		else
+			let nexts := s.+1 < SN in
+				(if nexts as X return (nexts = X -> Slot_t) then 
+					fun (P : nexts = true) => Ordinal (P : nexts)
+					else
+					fun _ => OZSlot) Logic.eq_refl.
+	(* Refresh counter *)
+	Definition Counter_ref_t := ordinal REF_start_date.
+	Lemma REF_start_date_GT_PREA_date : PREA_date < REF_start_date.
+		unfold PREA_date, REF_start_date; specialize T_RP_pos; specialize T_REFI_pos; lia.
+	Qed.
+	Definition OPREA_date := Ordinal REF_start_date_GT_PREA_date.
+	Definition OCycle0REF := Ordinal T_REFI_pos.
+	Definition Next_cycle_ref (c : Counter_ref_t) : Counter_ref_t := 
+		let nextcref := c.+1 < REF_start_date in
+			(if nextcref as X return (nextcref = X -> Counter_ref_t) then
+				(fun (P : nextcref = true) => Ordinal (P : nextcref))
+			else (fun _ => OCycle0REF)) Logic.eq_refl.
+	Definition Slack_t := NatMap.t nat.
+	Definition empty_nat_map := NatMap.empty nat.
+	(* ------------------------ State -------------------------------------- *)
+  Inductive TDM_state_t :=
+    | IDLE    : Slot_t -> Slack_t -> Counter_t -> Counter_ref_t -> 
+			Requests_t -> TDM_state_t 
+    | RUNNING : Slot_t -> Slack_t -> Counter_t -> Counter_ref_t -> 
+			Counter_t -> Requests_t -> Request_t-> TDM_state_t
+		| REFRESH : Slot_t -> Slack_t -> Counter_t -> Counter_ref_t ->
+			Requests_t -> Request_t -> TDM_state_t.
+  Global Instance ARBITER_CFG : Arbiter_configuration := {
+    State_t := TDM_state_t;
+  }.
+  (* ------------------------ Arbitration functions ----------------------- *)
+	Definition p_transform (x cs : nat) : nat :=
+		match (cs > 0) as X with
+		| true => if (x < cs) then (cs - 1) - x else (SN - 1 + cs) - x
+		| _ => (SN - 1) - x
+		end. 
+	Definition egt (cs a b : nat) :=
+		gtn (p_transform a cs) (p_transform b cs).
+	Definition lp (cs : Slot_t) := if (nat_of_ord cs == 0) then (SN.-1) else cs.-1. 
+	Definition dist (max a b : nat) : nat :=
+		if (b < a) then (a - b) else (if (b == a) then 0 else (max - (b - a))). 
+	(* This function iterates over a list of request to choose the next one to be serviced *)
+	Program Definition edf_slack_crit (cs : Slot_t) (smap : Slack_t) := foldr (fun r_it r_saved => 
+		let cs_nat				:= nat_of_ord cs in
+		let r_it_crit 		:= r_it.(Requestor).(crit) in
+		let r_it_id  			:= r_it.(Requestor).(nb) in
+		let r_saved_crit 	:= r_saved.(Requestor).(crit) in 
+		let r_saved_id		:= r_saved.(Requestor).(nb) in
+		(* If request is non-critical *)
+		if ~~ (r_it_crit) then 
+			(* safe to choose the non-critical request when the saved 
+			request is not the upcoming one, which has the most priority *)
+			(if (r_saved_id != cs_nat) then r_it else r_saved)
+		else (
+				 (* choose the request if: 
+				 	  a) r_it[i] > r_saved[i] , i.e., r_it has more priority than r_saved
+						b) r_it[i] is the due for the upcoming slot (most priority), this condition
+								is useful to overwrite previously selected non-critical requests
+						c) overwrite the default request, which has special date 0 *)
+				 let cond 	:= (egt cs_nat r_it_id r_saved_id) || (r_it_id == cs_nat) || (r_saved.(Date) == 0) in
+				 let slack 	:= find r_it.(Requestor).(nb) smap in
+				 match slack with
+					| None => (* if there is no slack, then only consider cond *)
+						if cond then r_it else r_saved
+					| Some sl => (* if there is enough slack, then don't choose that request *)
+						let t := (r_it.(Date) %% (SL * SN)) in
+						if (sl > t) then r_saved else
+						(* if there is enough slack, then the
+						associated request is not priority, don't update variables *)
+						(if cond then r_it else r_saved)
+					end
+		)) (mkReq (mkRequestorSlack (lp cs) true _) 0 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0).
+	Next Obligation.
+		split; [ intros H; clear H | trivial ]; unfold lp.
+		destruct (nat_of_ord cs == 0); [ rewrite ltn_predL; exact SN_pos | ].
+		destruct cs; simpl; lia.
+	Qed.
+	Check edf_slack_crit.
+	Definition early_start cs cnt cref smap req :=
+		let ncs := nat_of_ord (Next_slot cs OLastCycle) in
+		(* if a refresh is scheduled, then early start is not allowed *)
+		if (OPREA_date - cref < SL) then false else (
+		if (ncs == req.(Requestor).(nb)) then true
+		else (let slack := find ncs smap in
+			match slack with
+			| None => false
+			| Some sl => SL.-1 - cnt < sl (* if next slot owner has enough slack, it is safe to early start *)
+			end
+		)).
+	Definition Enqueue (R P : Requests_t) := P ++ R.
+	Definition Dequeue r (P : Requests_t) := rem r P.
+	Program Definition nullreq := mkReq
+		(mkRequestorSlack 0 true _) 0 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Next Obligation.
+		split; [ intros _; exact SN_pos | trivial].
+	Qed.
+	Program Definition Next_state (R : Requests_t) (AS : TDM_state_t) 
+		: (TDM_state_t * (Command_kind_t * Request_t)) :=
+    match AS return (TDM_state_t * (Command_kind_t * Request_t)) with
+      | IDLE s slmap c cref P =>
+				let P' := Enqueue R P in
+        let s' := Next_slot s c in
+        let c' := Next_cycle c in
+				let cref' := Next_cycle_ref cref in
+				if (c == OZCycle) then (
+					(* can only happen at OZCycle, because refresh cycles are aligned with slots *)
+					if (cref == OPREA_date) then (
+						match P with
+						| [::] => 
+							(REFRESH s' slmap c' cref' P' nullreq, (PREA,nullreq))
+						| _ => let req := edf_slack_crit s slmap P in
+							(REFRESH s' slmap c' cref' P' req, (PREA,nullreq))
+						end
+					) else (
+						match P withL
+						| [::] => (IDLE s' slmap c' cref' P',(NOP,nullreq))
+						| _ => let req := edf_slack_crit s slmap P in
+							(* both counters will be equal in this case -> no offset *)
+							(RUNNING s' slmap c' cref' OZCycle (Enqueue R (Dequeue req P)) req, (NOP,req))
+						end
+					)
+				) else ( (* early start *)
+					(* if arbitrating in the middle of slot, then priority rules chance, hence
+								 the different argument sent to the scheduling function *)
+					let req := edf_slack_crit (Next_slot s OLastCycle) slmap P in
+					if (early_start s c cref slmap req) then
+					(* if early start will happen, then the counter offset should be the counter value *)
+					(RUNNING s' slmap c' cref' c  (Enqueue R (Dequeue req P)) req, (NOP,req))
+					else (IDLE s' slmap c' cref' P', (NOP,nullreq))
+				)
+			| RUNNING s slmap c cref cnt_offset P r =>
+				let P' := Enqueue R P in
+				let s' := Next_slot s c in
+				let c' := Next_cycle c in
+				let cref' := Next_cycle_ref cref in
+				let pre_cond := Ordinal (@ltn_pmod (cnt_offset + PRE_date) SL SL_pos) in
+				let act_cond := Ordinal (@ltn_pmod (cnt_offset + ACT_date) SL SL_pos) in
+				let cas_cond := Ordinal (@ltn_pmod (cnt_offset + CAS_date) SL SL_pos) in
+				let end_cond := Ordinal (@ltn_pmod (cnt_offset + SL.-1) SL SL_pos) in
+				(* let cnt_cmd := nat_of_ord c + nat_of_ord cnt_offset in *)
+				if (c == pre_cond) then (RUNNING s' slmap c' cref' cnt_offset P' r, (PRE,r))
+				else if (c == act_cond) then (RUNNING s' slmap c' cref' cnt_offset P' r, (ACT, r))
+				else if (c == cas_cond) then (RUNNING s' slmap c' cref' cnt_offset P' r, (Kind_of_req r, r))
+				else if (c == end_cond) then ( (* calculate new slack *)
+					let req_id := r.(Requestor).(nb) in
+					let slack' := if r.(Requestor).(crit) then
+					(SL.-1 - c) + ((dist SN (nat_of_ord s) req_id) * SL) else 0 in
+					let slmap' := NatMap.add req_id slack' slmap in
+					(IDLE s' slmap' c' cref' P', (NOP, nullreq))
+				) else (RUNNING s' slmap c' cref' cnt_offset P' r, (NOP, nullreq))
+			| REFRESH s slmap c cref P r =>
+				let P' := Enqueue R P in
+				let s' := Next_slot s c in
+				let c' := Next_cycle c in
+				let cref' := Next_cycle_ref cref in
+				if (c == OREF_date) then (REFRESH s' slmap c' cref' P' r, (REF,nullreq))
+				else if (c == OPRE_date) then (
+					if (r == nullreq) then (IDLE s' slmap c' cref' P', (NOP,nullreq)) 
+					(* IN this case the two running counters will be equal *)
+					else (RUNNING s' slmap c' cref' c' P' r, (PRE,r)) 
+				) else (REFRESH s' slmap c' cref' P' r, (NOP,nullreq))
+		end.
+	Definition Init_state R :=
+    IDLE OZSlot empty_nat_map OZCycle OPREA_date (Enqueue R [::]).
+  Instance TDMesREF_implementation : Implementation_t := 
+    mkImplementation Init_state Next_state.
+	(* Start proving *)
+	Program Definition TDMesREF_arbitrate t :=
+		mkTrace 
+		(Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands)
+		(Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Time)
+		_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
+	Admit Obligations.
+	Program Instance TDMesREF_arbiter : Arbiter_t :=
+		mkArbiter AF TDMesREF_arbitrate _ _.
+	Admit Obligations.
+End TDMesREF.
+Section TDMesREF_sim.
+	Program Instance SYS_CFG : System_configuration :=
+	{
+		BANKS := 8;
+		T_BURST := 1;
+		T_WL    := 1;
+		T_RRD_s := 1;
+		T_RRD_l := 2;
+		T_FAW := 20;
+		T_RC  := 3;
+		T_RP  := 2;
+		T_RCD := 2;
+		T_RAS := 1;
+		T_RTP := 1;
+		T_WR  := 1;
+		T_RTW := 1;
+		T_WTR_s := 1;
+		T_WTR_l := 2;
+		T_CCD_s := 1;
+		T_CCD_l := 2;
+		T_REFI := 48;
+		T_RFC := 4;
+	}.
+	Program Instance TDMdsREF_CFG : TDMesREF_configuration :=
+	{
+		SN := 3;
+		SL := 12;
+	}.
+	Existing Instance REQUESTOR_CFG.
+	Existing Instance TDMesREF_implementation.
+	Existing Instance TDMesREF_arbiter.
+	Hint Extern 1 => split; [intro H; lia | trivial] : core.
+	Program Definition ReqA0 := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 0 true _) 6 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 5.
+	Program Definition ReqB0 := mkReq (* 3 instead of 14 *)
+		(mkRequestorSlack 1 true _) 15 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 10.
+	Program Definition ReqC0 := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 2 true _) 39 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Program Definition ReqB1 := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 1 true _) 28 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Program Definition ReqA1 := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 0 true _) 40 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Program Definition ReqC1 := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 2 true _) 40 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Program Definition ReqB2  := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 1 true _) 44 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Program Definition ReqA2  := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 0 true _) 62 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Definition test_req_seq := [:: ReqA0;ReqB0;ReqC0].
+	Program Instance AF : Arrival_function_t := Default_arrival_function_t test_req_seq.
+	(* Compute (Default_arbitrate 36).(Implementation_State). *)
+	Compute seq.map (fun cmd => (cmd.(CKind),cmd.(CDate),cmd.(Request).(Requestor).(nb))) (Arbitrate 64).(Commands).
+	(* Next: introduce the concepts of page open / closed *)
+	(* Do proofs about TDMes ? *)
+End TDMesREF_sim.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/TDMREF/TDMesREF_proofs.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/TDMREF/TDMesREF_proofs.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7f2ed2a3b0080981f6874b755c1e0516d72a975d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/old_imps/TDMREF/TDMesREF_proofs.v
@@ -0,0 +1,2873 @@
+Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
+Set Printing Projections.
+From mathcomp Require Export fintype div.
+From Coq Require Import Program Psatz Lia ZArith Zify.
+(* Require Import Psatz Lia. *)
+From DRAM Require Export TDMesREF.
+(* From Hammer Require Import Tactics. *)
+Section TDMesREF_proofs.
+  Context {SYS_CFG  : System_configuration}.
+  Context {TDMesREF_CFG : TDMesREF_configuration}.
+  Existing Instance REQUESTOR_CFG.
+  Context {AF : Arrival_function_t}.
+  Existing Instance ARBITER_CFG.
+  Existing Instance TDMesREF_implementation.
+	Notation "# t" := (Default_arbitrate t) (at level 0).
+	Definition TDM_counter (AS : TDM_state_t) :=
+		match AS with
+		| IDLE _ _ c _ _ => c
+		| RUNNING _ _ c _ _ _ _ => c
+		| REFRESH _ _ c _ _ _ => c
+		end.
+	Ltac destruct_state t :=
+			let x := fresh "Hs" in destruct # (t).(Implementation_State) eqn:x;
+			repeat lazymatch goal with
+			| |- context [?c == OZCycle] => 
+				let x := fresh "Hc0" in destruct (c == OZCycle) eqn:x
+			| |- context [?c == OPREA_date] => 
+				let x := fresh "Hprea" in destruct (c == OPREA_date) eqn:x
+			| |- context [match ?r with | [::] => _ | _ => _ end] => 
+				let x := fresh "Hr" in destruct r eqn:x
+			| |- context [early_start _ _ _ _] =>
+				let x := fresh "Hes" in destruct (early_start _ _ _ _) eqn:x
+			| |- context [?c == Ordinal (n:=SL) (m :=(?c1 + PRE_date) %% SL) _] =>
+				let x := fresh "Hpre" in destruct (c == Ordinal (n:=SL) (m :=(c1 + PRE_date) %% SL) _) eqn:x
+			| |- context [?c == Ordinal (n:=SL) (m :=(?c1 + ACT_date) %% SL) _] =>
+				let x := fresh "Hact" in destruct (c == Ordinal (n:=SL) (m :=(c1 + ACT_date) %% SL) _) eqn:x
+			| |- context [?c == Ordinal (n:=SL) (m :=(?c1 + CAS_date) %% SL) _] =>
+				let x := fresh "Hcas" in destruct (c == Ordinal (n:=SL) (m :=(c1 + CAS_date) %% SL) _) eqn:x
+			| |- context [?c == Ordinal (n:=SL) (m :=(?c1 + SL.-1) %% SL) _] =>
+				let x := fresh "end" in destruct (c == Ordinal (n:=SL) (m :=(c1 + SL.-1) %% SL) _) eqn:x
+			|	|- context [?c == OPRE_date] =>
+				let x := fresh "Hpre_ref" in destruct (c == OPRE_date) eqn:x
+			| |- context [?c == OREF_date] =>
+				let x := fresh "Href" in destruct (c == OREF_date) eqn:x
+			| |- context [?r == nullreq] =>
+				let x := fresh "Href_r" in destruct (r == nullreq) eqn:x
+			end; simpl.
+	(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* ------------- Arithmetic Lemmas -------------------------------------- *)
+	(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	Lemma add_sub a b c : a = b + c -> c = a - b.
+	Proof. by move=> ->; rewrite addnC -subnBA // subnn subn0. Qed.
+	Lemma dvdS_modnS d m: 
+		d > 0 -> (d %| m.+1) -> (m %% d).+1 = d.
+	Proof.
+		move => lt0d /dvdnP [k] mlk.
+		move/eqP: (divn_eq m d).
+		set m' := m %/ d; set m'' := m %% d.
+		rewrite -eqSS -addnS mlk => /eqP /add_sub.
+		rewrite -mulnBl => m''l.
+		move: (ltn_pmod m lt0d).
+		rewrite {}m''l -{2}(mul1n d) leq_mul2r eqn0Ngt lt0d //= leq_eqVlt => /orP [/eqP -> | ];
+			first by rewrite mul1n.
+		(* rewrite /add_sub. *)
+		by rewrite ltnS leqn0 subn_eq0 leqNgt ltn_divLR // mlk leqnn.
+	Qed.
+	(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* ------------- Auxiliary Lemmas / Basic Statements -------------------- *)
+	(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	Lemma NextCycle_inj c c0 :
+		c = c0 -> Next_cycle c = Next_cycle c0.
+	Proof.
+		intros H; rewrite H; reflexivity.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma NextCycle_inj_nat c c0 :
+		nat_of_ord c = nat_of_ord c0 -> 
+		nat_of_ord (Next_cycle c) = nat_of_ord (Next_cycle c0).
+	Proof.
+		intros H; 
+		unfold Next_cycle at 1; set (Hc := c.+1 < SL);
+		dependent destruction Hc;
+		apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro;
+		unfold Next_cycle; set (Hc := c0.+1 < SL);
+		dependent destruction Hc;
+		apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; lia.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma nat_of_counter_eq (ca cb : Counter_t) :
+    (nat_of_ord ca == nat_of_ord cb) = (ca == cb).
+  Proof.
+    apply inj_eq; exact (ord_inj (n := SL)).
+  Qed.
+	(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* ------------- Counter proofs ----------------------------------------- *)
+	(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	Lemma TDM_next_cycle_modulo (c : Counter_t) t:
+		(t %% SL) = c -> (t.+1 %% SL) = (Next_cycle c).
+	Proof.
+		intros; unfold Next_cycle. 
+		destruct c as [c Hc]; simpl in *.
+		set (nc := c.+1 < SL); dependent destruction nc;
+		apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro;
+		[ apply modn_small in x; by rewrite -x -(addn1 c) -H  modnDml addn1 | ].
+		rewrite -ltn_predRL in x; move : x => /ltP /ltP x.
+		rewrite -leqNgt leq_eqVlt in x; move : x => /orP [/eqP x | x].
+		{ rewrite -H in x.
+			rewrite -add1n -modnDmr -x add1n prednK; [ by rewrite modnn | exact SL_pos]. }
+		{ apply nat_ltlt_empty in Hc; [ done | exact SL_pos | exact x]. }
+	Qed.
+	Lemma Time_counter_modulo t:
+		(t %% SL) = TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State).
+	Proof.
+		induction t; simpl.
+		{ specialize SL_pos as H; apply lt0n_neq0 in H;
+			move : H => /eqP H; by rewrite mod0n. }
+		{ unfold Next_state, TDM_counter in *; simpl in *;
+			destruct_state t; by apply TDM_next_cycle_modulo in IHt. }
+	Qed.
+	Lemma ACT_modulo_date t cmd:
+    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isACT cmd ->
+			(exists d, d < SL /\ 
+			cmd.(CDate) %% SL == Next_cycle (Ordinal (@ltn_pmod (d + ACT_date) SL SL_pos))).
+	Proof.
+		induction t; [ done | ].
+		simpl; unfold Next_state.
+		destruct_state t; rewrite in_cons; intros H iACT;
+		move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H];
+		try rewrite H /isACT //= in iACT;
+		try apply IHt in H; try exact iACT; try exact H.
+		2: unfold Kind_of_req in iACT; destruct (r0.(Kind)); done. 
+		exists c1; split; [ destruct c1; done | ].
+		rewrite H //= Time_counter_modulo //= /Next_state Hs Hpre Hact /TDM_counter //=.
+		clear iACT H Hs IHt Hpre c0 r r0 s s0.
+		move: Hact => /eqP Hact; by rewrite Hact.
+	Qed.
+	(* finish this one, should be like the one above *)
+	Lemma CAS_modulo_date t cmd:
+    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isCAS cmd ->
+			(exists d, d < SL /\ 
+			cmd.(CDate) %% SL == Next_cycle (Ordinal (@ltn_pmod (d + CAS_date) SL SL_pos))).
+	Admitted.
+	(*
+	Lemma TDMes_inc_counter t x :
+		let c := Ordinal (@ltn_pmod x SL SL_pos) in
+		TDM_counter (# t).(Implementation_State) = c ->
+		let c' := Ordinal (@ltn_pmod x.+1 SL SL_pos) in
+		TDM_counter (# (t.+1)).(Implementation_State) = c'.
+	Admitted.
+	Lemma TDMes_add_counter t x d:
+		let c := Ordinal (@ltn_pmod x SL SL_pos) in
+		TDM_counter (# t).(Implementation_State) = c ->
+		let c' := Ordinal (@ltn_pmod (x + d) SL SL_pos) in
+		TDM_counter (# (t + d)).(Implementation_State) = c'.
+	Proof.
+		cbv zeta; intros H; induction d; [ rewrite !addn0; exact H | ];
+		rewrite addnS; simpl; unfold Next_state; destruct_state (t + d);
+		rewrite -Hs in IHd.
+		{ specialize (TDMes_inc_counter (t + d) (x + d)) as Hinc; cbv zeta in Hinc;
+			apply Hinc in IHd; clear Hinc; 
+			rewrite /TDM_counter //= /Next_state Hs Hc0 Hprea //= in IHd.
+			(* hard because of proofs ... do the same but with the nat version *)
+			admit.
+		}
+	Admitted.
+	Lemma TDMes_inc_counter_nat t x :
+		let c := Ordinal (@ltn_pmod x SL SL_pos) in
+		nat_of_ord (TDM_counter (# t).(Implementation_State)) = nat_of_ord c ->
+		let c' := Ordinal (@ltn_pmod x.+1 SL SL_pos) in
+		nat_of_ord (TDM_counter (# (t.+1)).(Implementation_State)) = nat_of_ord c'.
+	Admitted.
+	Lemma TDMes_add_counter_nat t x d:
+		let c := Ordinal (@ltn_pmod x SL SL_pos) in
+		nat_of_ord (TDM_counter (# t).(Implementation_State)) = nat_of_ord c ->
+		let c' := Ordinal (@ltn_pmod (x + d) SL SL_pos) in
+		nat_of_ord (TDM_counter (# (t + d)).(Implementation_State)) = nat_of_ord c'.
+	Proof.
+		cbv zeta; induction d; [ rewrite !addn0; done | ];
+		move: IHd; rewrite addnS; simpl;
+		unfold Next_state; destruct_state (t + d); intros IHd H;
+		apply IHd in H; clear IHd;
+		specialize (TDMes_inc_counter_nat (t + d) (x + d)) as Hinc; cbv zeta in Hinc;
+		rewrite Hs //= in Hinc; apply Hinc in H; clear Hinc;
+		rewrite /TDM_counter /Next_state Hs in H;
+		try rewrite Hc0 in H; try rewrite Hprea in H; 
+		try rewrite Hes in H; try rewrite Hpre in H;
+		try rewrite Hact in H; try rewrite Hcas in H;
+		try rewrite Hcas end0 in H; try rewrite end0 in H;
+		try rewrite Href in H; try rewrite Hpre_ref in H;
+		try rewrite Href_r in H; try rewrite -addnS //= in H;
+		rewrite -addnS //= in H.
+	Qed.
+	*)
+	Lemma TDMes_inc_counter_nat_NC t x :
+		let c := Next_cycle (Ordinal (@ltn_pmod x SL SL_pos)) in
+		nat_of_ord (TDM_counter (# t).(Implementation_State)) = nat_of_ord c ->
+		let c' := Next_cycle (Ordinal (@ltn_pmod x.+1 SL SL_pos)) in
+		nat_of_ord (TDM_counter (# (t.+1)).(Implementation_State)) = nat_of_ord c'.
+	Proof.
+		cbv zeta; simpl; unfold Next_state; destruct_state t; intros H;
+		apply NextCycle_inj_nat; rewrite H; clear H;
+		simpl; unfold Next_cycle; simpl; set (Hc := (x %% SL).+1 < SL);
+		dependent destruction Hc;
+		apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro;
+		try (
+				specialize (modnS x0 SL) as HmodnS;
+				destruct (SL %| x0.+1) eqn:HH; [ by rewrite HmodnS | ];
+				rewrite -HmodnS in x; clear HmodnS e;
+				contradict x; apply Bool.not_false_iff_true;
+				apply (ltn_pmod); exact SL_pos ).
+		all: 
+			specialize (modnS x0 SL) as HmodnS;
+			destruct (SL %| x0.+1) eqn:HH; [ | rewrite -HmodnS; reflexivity];
+			apply dvdS_modnS in HH; [ | exact SL_pos ];
+			rewrite HH ltnn in x; done.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma TDMes_add_counter_nat_NC t x d:
+		let c := Ordinal (@ltn_pmod x SL SL_pos) in
+		nat_of_ord (TDM_counter (# t).(Implementation_State)) = nat_of_ord (Next_cycle c) ->
+		let c' := Ordinal (@ltn_pmod (x + d) SL SL_pos) in
+		nat_of_ord (TDM_counter (# (t + d)).(Implementation_State)) = nat_of_ord (Next_cycle c').
+	Proof.
+		cbv zeta; induction d; [ rewrite !addn0; done | ];
+		move: IHd; rewrite addnS; simpl;
+		specialize (TDMes_inc_counter_nat_NC (t + d) (x + d)); cbv zeta;
+		simpl; unfold Next_state; destruct_state (t + d); intros;
+		apply IHd in H0; clear IHd;
+		apply H in H0; clear H; 
+		rewrite addnS; done.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma Modulo_time_distance t t':
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) == TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State) 
+    -> t' < t -> t' + SL <= t.
+  Proof.
+    intros Hc Ht.
+    rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq in Hc.
+    rewrite <- 2 Time_counter_modulo in Hc. rewrite eqn_mod_dvd in Hc.
+    - move : Hc => /dvdnP Hc. destruct Hc.
+      rewrite <- leq_subRL, H.
+      - apply leq_pmull. rewrite <- subn_gt0, H, muln_gt0 in Ht. by move : Ht => /andP [He _].
+    all: by apply ltnW.
+  Qed.
+	Lemma Modulo_time_distance_or t t':
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) == TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State) 
+    -> t' + SL <= t \/ t + SL <= t' \/ t = t'.
+  Proof.
+    intros H; destruct (t' < t) eqn:Hlt.
+    { apply Modulo_time_distance in H; [ by left | exact Hlt]. }
+    rewrite ltnNge in Hlt; apply negbFE in Hlt.
+    rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hlt; move: Hlt => /orP [/eqP Heq | Hlt]; [ right; by right | ].
+    move: H => /eqP H; apply Logic.eq_sym in H; move: H => /eqP H.
+    apply Modulo_time_distance in H; [ right; by left | exact Hlt ].
+  Qed.
+	Lemma TDM_date_gt_0 cmd t:
+    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> cmd.(CDate) > 0.
+  Proof.
+    induction t; [ done | ].
+    simpl; unfold Next_state; destruct_state t.
+    all: intros H; try (rewrite in_cons in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H]).
+    all: (by rewrite H || by apply IHt in H).
+  Qed.
+	(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+	(* Trying to get my proof to go ------------------------------------------- *)
+	Definition Early_start_trigger t : bool :=
+		match (# t).(Implementation_State) with
+		| IDLE s slmap c cref P => (c != OZCycle) && 
+			let req := edf_slack_crit (Next_slot s slmap P in
+			(early_start s c cref slmap req)
+		| _ => false
+		end.
+	Definition Normal_start_trigger t :=
+		match (# t).(Implementation_State) with
+		| IDLE s slmap c cref P => (c == OZCycle) && (cref != OPREA_date) && (P != [::])
+		| _ => false
+		end.
+	Definition Start_trigger t := Early_start_trigger t || Normal_start_trigger t.
+	(* This one could be maybe proved by induction on t' *)
+	Lemma No_starts_for_a_while_aux t:
+		(Start_trigger t) -> forall t', t < t' -> t' < t + SL ->
+		~~ (Start_trigger t').
+	Proof.
+		intros Hstart t' Hlb Hub; unfold Start_trigger, Early_start_trigger, Normal_start_trigger in *;
+		induction t'; [ done | ].
+		destruct (# t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs_t; try done.
+		rename s into s_t, s0 into slack_t, c into cnt_t, c0 into cref_t, r into r_t.
+		destruct (cnt_t != OZCycle) eqn:Hc0. 
+		{ (* first consider an early start trigger at t *)
+			assert ((cnt_t == OZCycle) = false) as Hc0_; [ lia | ]; rewrite Hc0_ in Hstart.
+			cbn in Hstart; rewrite Bool.orb_false_r in Hstart.
+			simpl; unfold Next_state.
+			destruct (# t').(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs_t';
+			rename s into s_t', s0 into slack_t', c into cnt_t', c0 into cref_t', r into r_t'.
+			rewrite ltnS leq_eqVlt in Hlb; move: Hlb => /orP [/eqP Heq |Hlt].
+			{ clear IHt'; subst t'.
+				rewrite Hs_t' in Hs_t; 
+				injection Hs_t as Hinj; subst r_t' s_t' slack_t' cnt_t' cref_t'.
+				rewrite Hc0_. Hstart.
+			}
+			} 
+			destruct_state t'.
+			rewrite andb_false_r.
+		2: { }
+		destruct_state t.
+		simpl; unfold Next_state; destruc
+		 destruct Hlt as [Hlt_ Hlt].
+	Admitted.
+	(* if t and t' are the time instants where to requests starts being processed, they have to be separated by
+	   at least SL *)
+	Lemma No_starts_for_a_while t t' :
+		t != t' -> (Start_trigger t) -> (Start_trigger t') -> t + SL <= t' \/ t' <= t - SL.
+	Proof.
+		intros Hdiff Hs Hs';
+		rewrite neq_ltn in Hdiff; move: Hdiff => /orP [Hlt | Hlt]; [ left | right].
+		{ 
+			(* specialize (No_starts_for_a_while_aux t Hs t') as H. *)
+			unfold Start_trigger, Early_start_trigger, Normal_start_trigger in Hs. 
+		}
+	Admitted.
+	(* only important to say that a start condition has been triggered, not necessarily the one related to the command *)
+	(* not sure I can prove this though ... *)
+	Lemma Request_from_CAS a t :
+		a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isCAS a -> 
+		exists t', t' = a.(CDate) - CAS_date /\ (Start_trigger t').
+	Admitted.
+	(* Have to generalize this to any two equal types of commands *)
+	Lemma CAS_separation a b t:
+		a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isCAS a ->
+		b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isCAS b ->
+		Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b SL.
+	Admitted.
+	(* --------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	Definition TDM_offset t : option Counter_t :=
+		match (# t).(Implementation_State) with
+		| IDLE _ _ _ _ _ => None
+		| RUNNING _ _ _ _ a_ofs _ _ => Some a_ofs
+		| REFRESH _ _ _ _ _ _ => None
+		end.
+	Definition Aligned ta tb := 
+		match (TDM_offset ta),(TDM_offset tb) with
+		| Some a, Some b => (a == b)
+		| _,_ => true
+		end. 
+	Definition diff (a b : option Counter_t) : nat :=
+		match a,b with
+		| Some a', Some b' => 
+			let an := nat_of_ord a' in
+			let bn := nat_of_ord b' in
+			if (an > bn) then (an - bn) else (bn - an)
+		| _,_ => 0
+		end.
+	Lemma CAS_after_ACT a t :
+		a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isACT a ->
+		exists b, b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) 
+		/\ isCAS b 
+		/\ b.(CDate) = a.(CDate) + T_RCD.
+	Admitted.
+	Lemma CMD_separation ta tb :
+		let a_ofs := TDM_offset ta in
+		let b_ofs := TDM_offset tb in
+		TDM_counter (# ta).(Implementation_State) == Next_cycle (Ordinal (@ltn_pmod (a_ofs + x) SL SL_pos)) ->
+		TDM_counter (# tb).(Implementation_State) == Next_cycle (Ordinal (@ltn_pmod (b_ofs + x) SL SL_pos)) ->
+		ta + 
+	(* This is incorrect, need to go from commands rather than equal counters ... *)
+	Lemma Counter_Alignment ta tb:
+		let ca := TDM_counter (# ta).(Implementation_State) in
+		let cb := TDM_counter (# tb).(Implementation_State) in
+		let a_ofs := TDM_offset ta in
+		let b_ofs := TDM_offset tb in
+		ca == cb -> ~~ Aligned ta tb ->
+		(ta + SL + (diff a_ofs b_ofs) <= tb) \/ (tb + SL + (diff a_ofs b_ofs) <= ta).
+	Proof.
+		unfold Aligned, TDM_offset, TDM_counter;
+		destruct_state ta; destruct_state tb; try done; intros Hceq Halign.
+		rename s into s_a, s0 into sl_a, c into cnt_a, c0 into cref_a, 
+			c1 into ofs_a, r into P_a, r0 into r_a;
+		rename s1 into s_b, s2 into sl_b, c2 into cnt_b, c3 into cref_b, 
+			c4 into ofs_b, r1 into P_b, r2 into r_b.
+		destruct (ta < tb) eqn:Hdate.
+		{ left.
+			destruct (ofs_b < ofs_a) eqn:Hltn.
+	Admitted.
+	(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* ------------Proofs about Timing Constraints -------------------------- *)
+	(* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	Theorem Cmds_T_RCD_ok t a b:
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    ACT_to_CAS a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_RCD.
+  Proof.
+		intros Ha Hb AtC SB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least;
+		unfold ACT_to_CAS in AtC; move: AtC => /andP [Aa Cb].
+		apply ACT_modulo_date in Ha as Haux; [ | exact Aa ];
+			destruct Haux as [a_offset [a_offset_ub Ha']];
+		apply CAS_modulo_date in Hb as Haux; [ | exact Cb ];
+			destruct Haux as [b_offset [b_offset_ub Hb']].
+		apply CAS_after_ACT in Ha as Haux; [ | exact Aa];
+			destruct Haux as [cas [Hcas [iC cdate]]].
+		rewrite Time_counter_modulo in Ha'; move: Ha'; set (ca := Next_cycle _); intros Ha';
+		rewrite Time_counter_modulo in Hb'; move: Hb'; set (cb := Next_cycle _); intros Hb'.
+		destruct (a_offset == b_offset) eqn:Hof.
+		{ (* equal offset *)
+			move: Hof => /eqP Hof; subst a_offset; clear a_offset_ub;
+			set (d := CAS_date - ACT_date); unfold ca in Ha'; move: Ha' => /eqP Ha'.
+			(* move the (a) counter *)
+			apply TDMes_add_counter_nat_NC with (d := d) in Ha'; unfold d in Ha'.
+			assert (ACT_date <= CAS_date) as Hact_cas; [ unfold CAS_date; lia | ];
+			apply subnKC in Hact_cas; unfold cb in Hb'; rewrite -Hact_cas addnA in Hb'.
+			(* counters are finally equal *)
+			rewrite -Ha' in Hb'.
+			apply Modulo_time_distance_or in Hb'; destruct Hb' as [H0 | [H1 | H2]].
+			{ (* the correct case *)
+				assert ((CAS_date - ACT_date) + SL > T_RCD); [ unfold CAS_date; lia | lia ]. }
+			{ (* incorrect case *)
+				contradict aBb; unfold Before; apply /negP; rewrite -leqNgt.
+				rewrite addnC in H1; rewrite -leq_psubRL in H1; [ | by apply TDM_date_gt_0 in Hb ].
+				apply leq_trans with (p := a.(CDate)) in H1; [ exact H1 | ].
+				rewrite -subnBA; [ | by rewrite leq_eqVlt CAS_ACT_SL orbT ].
+				by apply leq_subr. }
+			{ (* incorrect case *)
+				rewrite H2 leq_add2l; unfold CAS_date; lia. }}
+		{ (* different offsets *)
+			move: Hof => /eqP Hof; assert (a_offset != b_offset); [ lia | ]; clear Hof; rename H into Hof.
+			move: Hof; rewrite neq_ltn => /orP [Hof | Hof].
+			{ (* a_offset < b_offset *)
+				set (d := CAS_date - ACT_date); unfold ca in Ha'; move: Ha' => /eqP Ha'.
+			(* move the (a) counter *)
+				apply TDMes_add_counter_nat_NC with (d := d) in Ha'; unfold d in Ha'.
+				apply TDMes_add_counter_nat_NC with (d := b_offset - a_offset) in Ha'.
+				assert ((a_offset + ACT_date + (CAS_date - ACT_date) + (b_offset - a_offset)) = b_offset + CAS_date).
+				{ assert (ACT_date <= CAS_date) as Hact_cas; [ unfold CAS_date; lia | ].
+					apply subnKC in Hact_cas; rewrite -{2}Hact_cas.
+					assert (a_offset <= b_offset) as H_aof_bof; [ lia | ].
+					apply subnKC in H_aof_bof; rewrite -{2}H_aof_bof. lia.
+				} 
+				rewrite H in Ha'; clear H; unfold cb in Hb'.
+				rewrite -Ha' in Hb'.
+				(* apply Modulo_time_distance in Hb'. *)
+				(* move: Hb' => /eqP Hb'; apply Logic.eq_sym in Hb'; move: Hb' => /eqP Hb'. *)
+				apply Modulo_time_distance_or in Hb'; destruct Hb' as [H0 | [H1 | H2]].
+				(* apply Modulo_time_distance in Hb'. destruct Hb' as [H0 | [H1 | H2]]. *)
+				{ have: (CAS_date - ACT_date) + (b_offset - a_offset) + SL > T_RCD;
+					[ unfold CAS_date; lia | ]; lia. }
+				{ contradict aBb; unfold Before; apply /negP; rewrite -leqNgt.
+					rewrite addnC in H1; rewrite -leq_psubRL in H1; [ | by apply TDM_date_gt_0 in Hb ].
+					apply leq_trans with (p := a.(CDate)) in H1; [ exact H1 | ].
+					admit. }
+				{ rewrite H2 -addnA leq_add2l; unfold CAS_date; lia. }}
+			{ (* a_offset > b_offset *)
+			}
+		}
+  (*************************************************************************************************)
+  (** UTILITY PROOFS *******************************************************************************)
+  (*************************************************************************************************)
+  Lemma ACT_neq_ZCycle:
+    (OACT_date == OZCycle) = false.
+  Proof.
+    unfold OACT_date, OZCycle, ACT_date.
+    rewrite eqE. simpl.
+    apply /negP /negP. rewrite <- addn1, addn_eq0, negb_and.
+    apply /orP. by right.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma ACT_neq_CAS:
+    (OACT_date == OCAS_date) = false.
+  Proof.
+    unfold OACT_date, OCAS_date.
+    rewrite eqE //= -[ACT_date]addn0 /CAS_date.
+    apply /negbTE.
+    rewrite eqn_add2l -addn1 eq_sym addn_eq0 negb_and.
+    apply /orP. by right.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma TDM_nextcycle_ozcycle : nat_of_ord (Next_cycle OZCycle) = 1.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /OZCycle /Next_cycle //=; set (Hc := 1 < SL); dependent destruction Hc.
+    all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e.
+    2: by rewrite SL_one in x.
+    1: reflexivity.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Next_ZCycle_neq_ZCycle:
+    Next_cycle OZCycle == OZCycle = false.
+  Proof.
+    unfold OZCycle, Next_cycle, nat_of_ord.
+    set (X := 1 < SL).
+    dependent destruction X;
+      apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; intro; simpl.
+    - by rewrite eqE. 
+    - contradict x. rewrite SL_one. discriminate.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Next_ACT_neq_ZCycle:
+    Next_cycle OACT_date == OZCycle = false.
+  Proof.
+    unfold OZCycle, OACT_date, Next_cycle, nat_of_ord.
+    set (X := ACT_date.+1 < SL).
+    dependent destruction X;
+      apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; intro; simpl.
+    - by rewrite eqE. 
+    - contradict x. rewrite SL_ACTS. discriminate.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Next_CAS_neq_ZCycle:
+    Next_cycle OCAS_date == OZCycle = false.
+  Proof.
+    unfold OZCycle, OCAS_date, Next_cycle, nat_of_ord.
+    set (X := CAS_date.+1 < SL).
+    dependent destruction X;
+      apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; intro; simpl.
+    - by rewrite eqE. 
+    - contradict x. rewrite SL_CASS. discriminate.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Next_cycle_inc (c : Counter_t):
+    c < SL.-1 
+    -> nat_of_ord (Next_cycle c) == c.+1.
+  Proof.
+    intros H.
+    rewrite /Next_cycle //=.
+    set x := c.+1 < SL.
+    dependent destruction x;
+      apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; intro; simpl.
+    - trivial.
+    - contradict x; rewrite ltn_predRL in H; by rewrite H.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma nat_of_counter_eq (ca cb : Counter_t) :
+    (nat_of_ord ca == nat_of_ord cb) = (ca == cb).
+  Proof.
+    apply inj_eq.
+    exact (ord_inj (n := SL)).
+  Qed.
+  Lemma nat_of_ACT c :
+    nat_of_ord c == ACT_date -> c == OACT_date.
+  Proof.
+    intros H.
+    move : H => /eqP H.
+    by rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq H.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma nat_of_CAS c :
+    nat_of_ord c == CAS_date -> c == OCAS_date.
+  Proof.
+    intros H.
+    move : H => /eqP H.
+    by rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq H.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma nat_of_slot_eq (sa sb : Slot_t) :
+    (nat_of_ord sa == nat_of_ord sb) = (sa == sb).
+  Proof.
+    apply inj_eq.
+    exact (ord_inj (n := SN)).
+  Qed.
+  Lemma TDM_in_the_past t t' a:
+    t <= t' ->
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t').(Arbiter_Commands).
+  Proof.
+    intros. rewrite leq_eqVlt in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H]. { by rewrite -H. }
+    induction t'.
+      { inversion H. }
+      rewrite leq_eqVlt in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H].
+      { apply eq_add_S in H.
+        simpl; rewrite /Next_state //=.
+        destruct (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State), (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date), (c == OCAS_date),
+          (c == OLastCycle); try destruct (Pending_of _ _); simpl.
+        all: try (rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right; subst t; exact H0). }
+      { apply ltnSE in H; apply IHt' in H; simpl; rewrite /Next_state //=.
+        simpl; rewrite /Next_state //=;
+        destruct (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State), (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date), (c == OCAS_date),
+          (c == OLastCycle); try destruct (Pending_of _ _); simpl.
+        all: try (rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right; exact H). }
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Cmd_in_trace cmd t:
+    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    cmd.(CDate) <= t.
+  Proof.
+    intros H.
+    induction t.
+    { by simpl in H. }
+    simpl in H; rewrite /Next_state in H.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, (c == OACT_date) eqn:Hact, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hcas,
+      (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hlast; try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl in H.
+    all: try (rewrite in_cons in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H]); try (subst cmd; by simpl).
+    all: try (apply IHt in H; by apply ltnW).
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Date_gt_counter t:
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) <= t.
+  Proof.
+    induction t.
+      { by simpl. }
+      { simpl; rewrite /Next_state;
+        destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, 
+          (c == OACT_date) eqn:Hact, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hend; try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl.
+        all: rewrite /TDM_counter in IHt.
+        all: try (rewrite /Next_cycle; set (Hc := c.+1 < SL); dependent destruction Hc).
+        all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e.
+        all: done.
+      }
+  Qed.
+  Lemma TDM_next_cycle_modulo (c : Counter_t) t:
+    (t %% SL) = c -> (t.+1 %% SL) = (Next_cycle c).
+  Proof.
+    intros.
+    unfold Next_cycle. 
+    destruct c as [c Hc]. simpl in *.
+    set (nc := c.+1 < SL).
+    dependent destruction nc;
+     apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro.
+    - apply modn_small in x.    
+      by rewrite -x -(addn1 c) -H  modnDml addn1.
+    - rewrite -ltn_predRL in x.
+      move : x => /ltP /ltP x.
+      rewrite -leqNgt leq_eqVlt in x.
+      move : x => /orP [/eqP x | x].
+      - rewrite -H in x.
+        rewrite -add1n -modnDmr -x add1n prednK.
+          2: exact SL_pos.
+        by rewrite modnn.
+      - apply nat_ltlt_empty in Hc.
+        - by contradict Hc.
+        - exact SL_pos.
+        - exact x.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Time_counter_modulo t:
+    (t %% SL) = TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State).
+  Proof.
+    induction t.
+    - specialize SL_pos as H. apply lt0n_neq0 in H.
+      move : H => /eqP H.
+      by rewrite mod0n.
+    - simpl in *. unfold Next_state, TDM_counter in *. simpl in *.
+      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State), (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date), (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle); 
+        try destruct (Pending_of _ _); simpl.
+      all: by apply TDM_next_cycle_modulo in IHt.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Exists_time_multiple t:
+    (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State)) == OZCycle
+    -> exists d, t = d * SL.
+  Proof.
+    intros Hc.
+    apply /dvdnP.
+    rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq -Time_counter_modulo /OZCycle //= in Hc.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma TDM_next_slot_modulo (s : Slot_t) t:
+    ((t %/ SL) %% SN) = s -> ((t.+1 %/ SL) %% SN) = (Next_slot s (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State))).
+  Proof.
+    intros.
+    unfold Next_slot.
+    destruct s as [s Hs].
+    specialize (Time_counter_modulo t) as Hm.
+    destruct (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State)) as [c Hc]; simpl in *.
+    destruct (c.+1 < SL) eqn:HcS; simpl.
+    - rewrite <- (addn0 (t %/ SL)) in H.
+      rewrite <- addn1, divnD, (divn_small (m := 1)), (modn_small (m := 1)), addn0, addn1, Hm, <- H.
+        4: exact SL_pos.
+        2-3: exact SL_one.
+      rewrite ltnNge in HcS. move : HcS => /negPf HcS. 
+      apply /eqP.
+      by rewrite eqn_modDl HcS eq_refl.
+    - set (ns := s.+1 < SN).
+      dependent destruction ns; 
+        apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; intro; simpl.
+      - apply modn_small in x.
+        rewrite <- addn1, divnD, (divn_small (m := 1)), (modn_small (m := 1)), addn0, addn1, Hm, <- x, <- H.
+          4: exact SL_pos.
+          2-3: exact SL_one.
+        rewrite ltnNge in HcS. move : HcS => /negPn HcS. 
+        apply /eqP.
+        by rewrite <- (addn1 (_ %% SN)), modnDml, eqn_modDl, HcS. 
+      - rewrite <- ltn_predRL in x.
+        move : x => /ltP /ltP x.
+        rewrite <- leqNgt, leq_eqVlt in x.
+        move : x => /orP [He | Hlt].
+        - rewrite <- H, <- (modn_small (m := SN.-1) (d := SN)) in He.
+          rewrite <- (eqn_modDr 1), !addn1, prednK, modnn in He.
+            3: rewrite ltn_predL. 
+            2-3: exact SN_pos.
+          move : He => /eqP He. rewrite He.
+          apply /eqP.
+          rewrite divnS. unfold dvdn.
+            2: exact SL_pos. 
+          rewrite <- ltn_predRL in HcS.
+          move : HcS => /ltP /ltP HcS.
+          rewrite <- leqNgt, leq_eqVlt in HcS.
+          move : HcS => /orP [HcE | HcL].
+          - rewrite <- Hm, <- (modn_small (m := SL.-1) (d := SL)), <- (eqn_modDr 1), !addn1, prednK in HcE.
+              3: rewrite ltn_predL. 
+              2-3: exact SL_pos.
+            move : HcE => /eqP HcE.
+            by rewrite <- HcE, modnn, eq_refl.
+          - apply nat_ltlt_empty in Hc.
+            - by contradict Hc.
+            - exact SL_pos.
+            - exact HcL.
+        - apply nat_ltlt_empty in Hs.
+          - by contradict Hs.
+          - exact SN_pos.
+          - exact Hlt.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Time_slot_modulo t:
+    ((t %/ SL) %% SN) = TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State).
+  Proof.
+    induction t.
+    - specialize SN_pos as H. apply lt0n_neq0 in H.
+      move : H => /eqP H.
+      by rewrite div0n mod0n.
+    - apply TDM_next_slot_modulo in IHt.
+      simpl in *. unfold Next_state, TDM_slot, TDM_counter in *. simpl in *.
+      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State), (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date), (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle); 
+        try destruct (Pending_of _ _); simpl.
+      all: exact IHt.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Modulo_time_distance t t':
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) == TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State) 
+    -> t' < t
+    -> t' + SL <= t.
+  Proof.
+    intros Hc Ht.
+    rewrite <- nat_of_counter_eq in Hc.
+    rewrite <- 2 Time_counter_modulo in Hc. rewrite eqn_mod_dvd in Hc.
+    - move : Hc => /dvdnP Hc. destruct Hc.
+      rewrite <- leq_subRL, H.
+      - apply leq_pmull. rewrite <- subn_gt0, H, muln_gt0 in Ht. by move : Ht => /andP [He _].
+    all: by apply ltnW.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Modulo_time_distance_or t t':
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) == TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State) 
+    -> t' + SL <= t \/ t + SL <= t' \/ t = t'.
+  Proof.
+    intros H.
+    destruct (t' < t) eqn:Hlt.
+    { apply Modulo_time_distance in H.
+        2: exact Hlt.
+      by left. }
+    rewrite ltnNge in Hlt; apply negbFE in Hlt.
+    rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hlt; move: Hlt => /orP [/eqP Heq | Hlt].
+      { right; by right. }
+    move: H => /eqP H; apply Logic.eq_sym in H; move: H => /eqP H.
+    apply Modulo_time_distance in H.
+      2: exact Hlt.
+    right; by left.
+  Qed.
+  Ltac isCommand :=
+    unfold isPRE, isACT, isCAS, PRE_of_req, ACT_of_req, CAS_of_req, Kind_of_req; 
+    match goal with
+      | |- context G [?r.(Kind)] => destruct (r.(Kind)); discriminate
+      | |- (_) => discriminate
+    end.
+  Lemma PRE_modulo_date t cmd:
+    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isPRE cmd ->
+      cmd.(CDate) %% SL == Next_cycle OZCycle.
+  Proof.
+    induction t.
+    - done.
+    - intros Hi Hp.
+      simpl in *. unfold Next_state in *.
+      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, (c == OACT_date), (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle); 
+        try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl in Hi.
+      all: try (rewrite in_cons in Hi; move : Hi => /orP [/eqP He | Hi]; subst). 
+      all: try by apply IHt in Hi.            (* if no new command generated *)
+      all: try by (contradict Hp; isCommand). (* if a command other than a PRE is generated *)
+      (* a PRE command is generated *)
+      all: simpl; rewrite Time_counter_modulo //= /Next_state Hs HP Hz /TDM_counter //=.
+      all: move : Hz => /eqP Hz; by subst. 
+  Qed.
+  Lemma ACT_modulo_date t cmd:
+    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isACT cmd ->
+      cmd.(CDate) %% SL == Next_cycle OACT_date.
+  Proof.
+    induction t.
+    - done.
+    - intros Hi Hp.
+      simpl in *. unfold Next_state in *.
+      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date) eqn:Ha, (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle); 
+        try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl in Hi.
+      all: try (rewrite in_cons in Hi; move : Hi => /orP [/eqP He | Hi]; subst). 
+      all: try by apply IHt in Hi.            (* if no new command generated *)
+      all: try by (contradict Hp; isCommand). (* if a command other than an ACT is generated *)
+      (* an ACT command is generated *)
+      all: simpl; rewrite Time_counter_modulo //= /Next_state Hs Ha /TDM_counter //=.
+      all: move : Ha => /eqP Ha; by subst.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma CAS_modulo_date t cmd:
+    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isCAS cmd ->
+      cmd.(CDate) %% SL == Next_cycle OCAS_date.
+  Proof.
+    induction t.
+    - done.
+    - intros Hi Hp.
+      simpl in *. unfold Next_state in *.
+      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date) eqn:Ha, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hc, (c == OLastCycle); 
+        try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl in Hi.
+      all: try (rewrite in_cons in Hi; move : Hi => /orP [/eqP He | Hi]; subst). 
+      all: try by apply IHt in Hi.            (* if no new command generated *)
+      all: try by (contradict Hp; isCommand). (* if a command other than a CAS is generated *)
+      (* a CAS command is generated *)
+      all: simpl; rewrite Time_counter_modulo //= /Next_state Hs Ha Hc /TDM_counter //=.
+      all: move : Hc => /eqP Hc; by subst.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma TDM_add_counter (c : Counter_t) t:
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) == c ->
+    forall (d : nat), c + d < SL ->
+    nat_of_ord (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (t + d)).(Implementation_State)) == c + d.
+  Proof.
+    intros Hc d Hbound.
+    induction d.
+      1: rewrite !addn0; by rewrite nat_of_counter_eq.
+      rewrite addnS in Hbound.
+      apply ltn_trans with (m := c+d) in Hbound as H.
+        2: done.
+      apply IHd in H as IH; clear IHd.
+      rewrite -Time_counter_modulo.
+      set (HH := Ordinal H : Counter_t); simpl in HH.
+      assert (c + d.+1 = Next_cycle HH).
+        { unfold Next_cycle. set (H0 := HH.+1 < SL).
+          dependent destruction H0.
+          all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e.
+          1: by rewrite addnS.
+          contradict x; unfold HH; simpl; apply Bool.not_false_iff_true; by rewrite Hbound. 
+        }
+      specialize TDM_next_cycle_modulo with (c := HH) (t := (t + d)) as H1.
+      rewrite H0; rewrite addnS; apply /eqP; apply H1.
+      by rewrite Time_counter_modulo; unfold HH; simpl; apply /eqP.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS:
+    nat_of_ord (Next_cycle OACT_date) = ACT_date.+1.
+  Proof.
+    unfold Next_cycle.
+    set (Hc := OACT_date.+1 < SL).
+    dependent destruction Hc.
+      all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e.
+      1: done.
+      contradict x.
+      apply Bool.not_false_iff_true.
+      unfold OACT_date; simpl.
+      apply SL_ACTS.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS:
+    nat_of_ord (Next_cycle OCAS_date) = CAS_date.+1.
+  Proof.
+    unfold Next_cycle.
+    set (Hc := OCAS_date.+1 < SL).
+    dependent destruction Hc.
+      all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e.
+      1: done.
+      contradict x.
+      apply Bool.not_false_iff_true.
+      unfold OCAS_date; simpl.
+      apply SL_CASS.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma TDM_date_gt_0 cmd t:
+    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> cmd.(CDate) > 0.
+  Proof.
+    induction t.
+      { simpl; intros H; inversion H. }
+      simpl; unfold Next_state.
+      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date) eqn:Ha, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hc, (c == OLastCycle); 
+        try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP.
+      all: intros H; try (rewrite in_cons in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H]).
+      all: (by rewrite H || by apply IHt in H).
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Next_cycke_OZ_pl_ACT :
+    Next_cycle OZCycle + OACT_date = Next_cycle OACT_date.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
+    unfold Next_cycle; set (Hc := OZCycle.+1 < SL); dependent destruction Hc.
+    all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e.
+    2: { contradict x; apply Bool.not_false_iff_true; unfold OZCycle; simpl.
+      by rewrite SL_one. }
+    rewrite addnC addn1; reflexivity.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Next_cycke_OZ_pl_CAS :
+    Next_cycle OZCycle + OCAS_date = Next_cycle OCAS_date.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS.
+    unfold Next_cycle; set (Hc := OZCycle.+1 < SL); dependent destruction Hc.
+    all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e.
+    2: { contradict x; apply Bool.not_false_iff_true; unfold OZCycle; simpl.
+      by rewrite SL_one. }
+    rewrite addnC addn1; reflexivity.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Next_cycle_OZ_pl_ACT_lt_SL :
+    Next_cycle OZCycle + OACT_date < SL.
+  Proof.
+    unfold Next_cycle; set (Hc := OZCycle.+1 < SL); dependent destruction Hc. 
+    all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e.
+    2: rewrite add0n; exact SL_ACT.
+    rewrite addnC addn1; exact SL_ACTS.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Next_cycle_OZ_pl_CAS_lt_SL :
+    Next_cycle OZCycle + OCAS_date < SL.
+  Proof.
+    unfold Next_cycle; set (Hc := OZCycle.+1 < SL); dependent destruction Hc. 
+    all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e.
+    2: rewrite add0n; exact SL_CAS.
+    rewrite addnC addn1; exact SL_CASS.
+  Qed.
+  (*************************************************************************************************)
+  (** COMMAND TIMING PROOFS ************************************************************************)
+  (*************************************************************************************************)
+  Theorem Cmds_T_RCD_ok t a b:
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    ACT_to_CAS a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_RCD.
+  Proof.
+    intros Ha Hb AtC SB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
+    move : AtC => /andP [Aa Cb].
+    apply ACT_modulo_date in Ha as Ha'.
+      2: exact Aa. clear Aa.
+    apply CAS_modulo_date in Hb as Hb'.
+      2: exact Cb. clear Cb.
+    rewrite !Time_counter_modulo in Ha',Hb'.
+    set (d := Next_cycle OCAS_date - Next_cycle OACT_date).
+    assert (Next_cycle OACT_date + d = Next_cycle OCAS_date) as H.
+      { unfold d; rewrite subnKC. reflexivity.
+        rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS /CAS_date.
+        rewrite -addnS; apply nat_ltn_add; done. }
+    apply TDM_add_counter with (d := d) in Ha'. move: Ha' => /eqP Ha'.
+      2: { unfold d; rewrite subnKC.
+        1: by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS SL_CASS.
+        rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS /CAS_date.
+        rewrite -addnS; apply nat_ltn_add; done. }
+    rewrite H in Ha'. rewrite -Ha' in Hb'.
+    apply Modulo_time_distance_or in Hb' as HH. destruct HH as [H0 | [H1 | H2]].
+    { apply leq_trans with (m := a.(CDate) + T_RCD) in H0. exact H0.
+      rewrite -addnA leq_add2l.
+      assert (T_RCD <= SL).
+        { specialize SL_CASS as HH; unfold CAS_date in HH. 
+          rewrite addnS -addn2 in HH.
+          apply leq_trans with (n := (ACT_date + T_RCD).+1 + 2).
+            2: exact HH.
+          rewrite addn2 -addn3 addnACl. apply leq_addr. 
+        }
+      apply nat_leq_addl; done. }
+    { rewrite /Before in aBb; contradict aBb.
+      apply /negP; rewrite -leqNgt.
+      rewrite addnC in H1. rewrite -leq_psubRL in H1.
+        2: by apply TDM_date_gt_0 in Hb.
+      apply leq_trans with (p := a.(CDate)) in H1.
+        exact H1.
+      rewrite -subnBA.
+        2: { unfold d. rewrite TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS.
+          apply leq_trans with (n := CAS_date.+1).
+            1: apply leq_subr.
+          apply ltn_trans with (n := CAS_date.+1).
+            1: apply leqnn.
+          exact SL_CASS. }
+      apply leq_subr. }
+    { rewrite H2 leq_add2l.
+      unfold d; rewrite TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS /CAS_date.
+      rewrite subnS predn_sub -pred_Sn leq_subRL.
+        2: apply leq_addr.
+      by rewrite leq_add2l leqnSn. }
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Cmds_T_RP_ok t a b:
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    PRE_to_ACT a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_RP.
+  Proof.
+    intros Ha Hb pTa SB aBb.
+    rewrite /PRE_to_ACT in pTa; move: pTa => /andP [iPa iAb].
+    apply PRE_modulo_date in Ha as Ha'.
+      2: exact iPa. clear iPa.
+    apply ACT_modulo_date in Hb as Hb'.
+      2: exact iAb. clear iAb.
+    unfold Apart_at_least.
+    rewrite !Time_counter_modulo in Ha',Hb'.
+    apply TDM_add_counter with (d := OACT_date) in Ha' as H.
+      2: exact Next_cycle_OZ_pl_ACT_lt_SL.
+    specialize Next_cycke_OZ_pl_ACT as H0; rewrite H0 in H.
+    move: H => /eqP H; rewrite -H in Hb'; clear H0.
+    apply Modulo_time_distance_or in Hb'; destruct Hb' as [H0 | [H1 | H2]].
+    { apply leq_trans with (m := a.(CDate) + T_RP) in H0. exact H0.
+      rewrite -addnA leq_add2l; unfold OACT_date; simpl; unfold ACT_date.
+      rewrite -addn1 -addnA; apply leq_addr. }
+    { rewrite /Before in aBb; contradict aBb; apply /negP; rewrite -leqNgt.
+      rewrite addnC -leq_psubRL in H1.
+        2: by apply TDM_date_gt_0 in Hb.
+      apply leq_trans with (p := a.(CDate)) in H1.
+        1: exact H1.
+      rewrite -subnBA.
+        2: by rewrite leq_eqVlt /OACT_date //= SL_ACT orbT.
+      apply leq_subr. }
+    { by rewrite H2 leq_add2l /OACT_date //= /ACT_date. }
+  Qed.
+  Theorem Cmds_T_RC_ok t a b: 
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    ACT_to_ACT a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_RC.
+  Proof.
+    intros Ha Hb AtA _ aBb.
+    move : AtA => /andP [Aa Ab].
+    apply ACT_modulo_date in Ha. 
+      2: exact Aa. clear Aa.
+    apply ACT_modulo_date in Hb. 
+      2: exact Ab. clear Ab.
+    move : Ha => /eqP Ha.
+    rewrite <- Ha, !Time_counter_modulo, nat_of_counter_eq in Hb. clear Ha.
+    apply Modulo_time_distance in Hb as H. 
+      2: by unfold Before. clear Hb aBb.
+    unfold Apart_at_least.
+    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + SL).
+      2: exact H.
+      rewrite leq_add2l.
+      by rewrite leq_eqVlt T_RC_SL orbT.
+  Qed.
+  Theorem Cmds_T_RAS_ok t a b:
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    ACT_to_PRE a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_RAS.
+  Proof.
+  intros Ha Hb Hty SB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
+    rewrite /ACT_to_PRE in Hty; move : Hty => /andP [iAa iPb].
+    apply ACT_modulo_date in Ha. 
+      2: exact iAa. clear iAa.
+    apply PRE_modulo_date in Hb. 
+      2: exact iPb. clear iPb.
+    rewrite !Time_counter_modulo in Hb,Ha.
+    apply TDM_add_counter with (d := OACT_date) in Hb.
+      2: exact Next_cycle_OZ_pl_ACT_lt_SL.
+    specialize Next_cycke_OZ_pl_ACT as H0; rewrite H0 in Hb.
+    move: Hb => /eqP Hb; rewrite -Hb in Ha; 
+    move: Ha => /eqP Ha; apply Logic.eq_sym in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha. 
+    apply Modulo_time_distance in Ha.
+      2: { unfold Before in aBb; apply ltn_trans with (p := b.(CDate) + OACT_date) in aBb.
+        1: exact aBb.
+        apply nat_ltn_add; rewrite /OACT_date //=. }
+    rewrite [b.(CDate) + _]addnC -leq_subLR in Ha.
+    apply leq_trans with (m := a.(CDate) + T_RAS) in Ha.
+      1: exact Ha.
+    rewrite -addnBA.
+      2: by rewrite /OACT_date //= leq_eqVlt SL_ACT orbT.
+    rewrite leq_add2l leq_subRL.
+      2: by rewrite /OACT_date //= leq_eqVlt SL_ACT orbT.
+    by rewrite /OACT_date //= /ACT_date leq_eqVlt T_RAS_SL orbT.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Private_Bank_Separation_at_NZero (ta tb o : nat) :
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (ta + o)).(Implementation_State) == OZCycle ->
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (tb + o)).(Implementation_State) ==
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (ta + o)).(Implementation_State) ->
+    TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (tb + o)).(Implementation_State) ==
+    TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (ta + o)).(Implementation_State) ->
+    ta < tb -> ta + (SN * SL) <= tb.
+  Proof.
+    intros Hz Hc Hsl Hlt.
+    rewrite -!nat_of_slot_eq -!Time_slot_modulo eqn_mod_dvd in Hsl.
+      2: by apply leq_div2r; rewrite leq_add2r leq_eqVlt Hlt orbT.
+    move: Hsl => /dvdnP Hsl; destruct Hsl.
+    rewrite -divnBr in H.
+      2: {
+        apply Exists_time_multiple in Hz as H; destruct H as [d H].
+        rewrite H dvdn_mull. 
+          1: trivial.
+        by rewrite dvdnn.
+      }
+    move: H => /eqP H; rewrite -eqn_mul in H.
+      3: {
+        rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq -!Time_counter_modulo eqn_mod_dvd in Hc. exact Hc.
+        by rewrite leq_add2r leq_eqVlt Hlt orbT.
+      }
+      2: exact SL_pos.
+    rewrite subnDr in H; move: H => /eqP H; rewrite -leq_subRL.
+      2: by rewrite leq_eqVlt Hlt orbT.
+    rewrite H.
+    destruct x.
+      { rewrite !mul0n in H; contradict Hlt.
+        apply /negP; rewrite -leqNgt.
+        specialize leq_add2r with (m := tb) (n := ta) (p := 0) as HH.
+        by rewrite -HH addn0 -leq_subLR H.
+      }
+    rewrite -mulnA leq_pmull.
+      all: done.
+  Qed.	
+  Lemma TDM_counter_last t:
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) == OLastCycle ->
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t.+1).(Implementation_State) == OZCycle.
+  Proof.
+    simpl; rewrite /Next_state; intros.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date), 
+      (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle); try destruct (Pending_of _ _); simpl.
+      all: rewrite /TDM_counter in H.
+      all: move : H => /eqP H; rewrite H; unfold Next_cycle; set (Hc := OLastCycle.+1 < SL).
+      all: dependent destruction Hc.
+      all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; intro; simpl; try reflexivity.
+      all: unfold OLastCycle in x; simpl in x; rewrite prednK in x; try exact SL_pos.
+      all: by rewrite ltnn in x.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma TDM_slot_bound t s c:
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) == c ->
+    TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) == s ->
+    forall (d : nat), c + d < SL ->
+    TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (t + d)).(Implementation_State) == s.
+  Proof.
+    intros Hc Hs d Hlt; induction d.
+      { rewrite addn0; exact Hs. }
+      rewrite addnS; simpl; rewrite /Next_state.
+      apply TDM_add_counter with (d := d) in Hc as Hc'.
+        2: { apply ltn_trans with (m := c + d) in Hlt as Hlt'. exact Hlt'. by rewrite addnS. }
+      destruct (Default_arbitrate (t + d)).(Implementation_State), (c0 == OZCycle), (c0 == OACT_date),
+        (c0 == OCAS_date), (c0 == OLastCycle); try destruct (Pending_of _ _); simpl.
+      all: apply ltn_trans with (m := c + d) in Hlt as Hlt'; try by rewrite addnS.
+      all: rewrite /Next_slot; destruct (c0.+1 < SL) eqn:Hbug.
+      all: try (apply IHd in Hlt' as IH; by rewrite /TDM_slot in IH).
+      all: rewrite /TDM_counter in Hc'; move: Hc' => /eqP Hc'; rewrite Hc' in Hbug.
+      all: rewrite addnS in Hlt; rewrite Hlt in Hbug.
+      all: done.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma TDM_counter_same ta tb:
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) ==
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) ->
+    forall d,
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) ==
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (tb + d)).(Implementation_State).
+  Proof.
+    intros; induction d.
+      { by rewrite !addn0. }
+      rewrite !addnS; simpl; rewrite /Next_state.
+      destruct (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) eqn:HSa,
+        (Default_arbitrate (tb + d)).(Implementation_State) eqn:HSb.
+      all: rewrite /TDM_counter in IHd; move: IHd => /eqP IH.
+      { destruct (c == OZCycle),(c0 == OZCycle); try destruct (Pending_of _ _); simpl;
+          try destruct (Pending_of s0 r0); simpl.
+        all: rewrite IH; done. }
+      { destruct (c == OZCycle), (c0 == OACT_date),(c0 == OCAS_date), (c0 == OLastCycle);
+          try destruct (Pending_of _ _); simpl.
+        all: rewrite IH; done. }
+      { destruct (c == OACT_date), (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle), (c0 == OZCycle); 
+          try destruct (Pending_of _ _); simpl.
+        all: rewrite IH; done. }
+      { destruct (c == OACT_date), (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle),
+          (c0 == OACT_date),(c0 == OCAS_date), (c0 == OLastCycle); simpl.
+        all: rewrite IH; done. }
+  Qed.
+  Lemma TDM_slot_same ta tb:
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) ==
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) ->
+    TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) ==
+    TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) -> 
+    forall d,
+    TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (tb + d)).(Implementation_State) ==
+    TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State).
+  Proof.
+    intros Hc Hs d; induction d.
+      1: by rewrite !addn0.
+    apply TDM_counter_same with (d := d) in Hc as Hc'.
+    rewrite !addnS; simpl; rewrite /Next_state.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) eqn:HSa,
+      (Default_arbitrate (tb + d)).(Implementation_State) eqn:HSb.
+    all: rewrite /TDM_counter in Hc'; move: Hc' => /eqP Hc'.
+    all: rewrite /TDM_slot in IHd; move: IHd => /eqP IH.
+    { destruct (c == OZCycle),(c0 == OZCycle); try destruct (Pending_of _ _); simpl;
+        try destruct (Pending_of s r); simpl.
+      all: rewrite Hc' IH; done. }
+    { destruct (c == OZCycle), (c0 == OACT_date),(c0 == OCAS_date), (c0 == OLastCycle);
+        try destruct (Pending_of _ _); simpl.
+      all: rewrite Hc' IH; done. }
+    { destruct (c == OACT_date), (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle), (c0 == OZCycle); 
+        try destruct (Pending_of _ _); simpl.
+      all: rewrite Hc' IH; done. }
+    { destruct (c == OACT_date), (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle),
+        (c0 == OACT_date),(c0 == OCAS_date), (c0 == OLastCycle); simpl.
+      all: rewrite Hc' IH; done. }
+  Qed.
+  Theorem Cmds_T_RTP_ok (t : nat) a b:
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    CRD_to_PRE a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b T_RTP.
+  Proof.
+    intros Ha_in Hb_in Htype sB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
+    rewrite /CRD_to_PRE in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iCa iPb].
+    apply CAS_modulo_date in Ha_in as Ha.
+      2: by unfold isCRD in iCa; unfold isCAS; rewrite iCa orTb. clear iCa.
+    apply PRE_modulo_date in Hb_in as Hb.
+      2: exact iPb. clear iPb.
+    rewrite !Time_counter_modulo in Hb,Ha.
+    apply TDM.Private_Mapping in sB.
+    set (d := SL.-1 - Next_cycle OCAS_date).
+    set (q := (Next_cycle OCAS_date - Next_cycle OZCycle)).
+    set (s := TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate a.(CDate)).(Implementation_State)); fold s in sB.
+    (* (b) slot is still (s) at (b + q) *)
+    apply TDM_slot_bound with (s := s) (d := q) in Hb as Hsb.
+      3: {
+        unfold q. rewrite subnKC.
+          2: by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_ozcycle TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS.
+        by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS SL_CASS. 
+      }
+      2: by rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq sB.
+    (* (b) counter is (Next_cycle OCAS_date) at (b + q) *)
+    apply TDM_add_counter with (d := q) in Hb.
+      2: {
+        unfold q. rewrite subnKC.
+        by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS SL_CASS.
+        by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_ozcycle TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS.
+      }
+    rewrite {2}/q in Hb. rewrite subnKC in Hb.
+      2: by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_ozcycle TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS.
+    unfold s in Hsb.
+    apply TDM_slot_same with (d := d.+1) in Hsb as HSL.
+      2: { 
+        fold q in Hb; move: Hb => /eqP Hb; rewrite -Hb in Ha.
+        move: Ha => /eqP Ha; apply Logic.eq_sym in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha. exact Ha.
+      }
+    move: Ha => /eqP Ha; rewrite -Ha in Hb.
+    apply TDM_counter_same with (d := d.+1) in Hb as HCL.
+    apply Private_Bank_Separation_at_NZero in HCL.
+      4: { 
+        unfold Before in aBb; apply ltn_trans with (p := b.(CDate) + q) in aBb. exact aBb.
+        apply nat_ltnn_add; unfold q; rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS TDM_nextcycle_ozcycle.
+        by rewrite subn1 -pred_Sn CAS_pos. }
+      3: exact HSL.
+      2: {
+        move: Ha => /eqP Ha. apply TDM_add_counter with (d := d) in Ha as Ha'.
+          2: { 
+            unfold d. rewrite subnKC. by rewrite ltn_predL SL_pos. 
+            by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS ltn_predRL SL_CASS. 
+          }
+        rewrite {2}/d subnKC in Ha'.
+          2: by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS ltn_predRL SL_CASS.
+        apply TDM_counter_last in Ha'; by rewrite -addnS in Ha'.
+      }
+    assert (CAS_date <= SN * SL).
+    { specialize SN_one as H1; specialize SL_CAS as H2.
+       apply ltnW in H1,H2; apply leq_mul with (m1 := 1) (n1 := SN) in H2.
+       rewrite mul1n in H2; exact H2. exact SN_pos. 
+    }
+    unfold q in HCL; rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS TDM_nextcycle_ozcycle subn1 -pred_Sn in HCL.
+    rewrite [_ + CAS_date]addnC -leq_subLR in HCL.
+    apply leq_trans with (m := a.(CDate) + T_RTP) in HCL.
+      1: exact HCL.
+    rewrite -addnBA.
+      2: exact H.
+    by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt T_RTP_SN_SL orbT.
+  Qed.
+  Theorem Cmds_T_WTP_ok t a b:
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    CWR_to_PRE a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b (T_WR + T_WL + T_BURST).
+  Proof.
+    intros Ha_in Hb_in Htype sB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
+    rewrite /CRD_to_PRE in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iCa iPb].
+    apply CAS_modulo_date in Ha_in as Ha.
+      2: by unfold isCWR in iCa; unfold isCAS; rewrite iCa orbT. clear iCa.
+    apply PRE_modulo_date in Hb_in as Hb.
+      2: exact iPb. clear iPb.
+    rewrite !Time_counter_modulo in Hb,Ha.
+    apply TDM.Private_Mapping in sB.
+    set (d := SL.-1 - Next_cycle OCAS_date).
+    set (q := (Next_cycle OCAS_date - Next_cycle OZCycle)).
+    set (s := TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate a.(CDate)).(Implementation_State)); fold s in sB.
+    (* (b) slot is still (s) at (b + q) *)
+    apply TDM_slot_bound with (s := s) (d := q) in Hb as Hsb.
+      3: {
+        unfold q. rewrite subnKC.
+          2: by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_ozcycle TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS.
+        by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS SL_CASS. 
+      }
+      2: by rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq sB.
+    (* (b) counter is (Next_cycle OCAS_date) at (b + q) *)
+    apply TDM_add_counter with (d := q) in Hb.
+      2: {
+        unfold q. rewrite subnKC.
+        by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS SL_CASS.
+        by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_ozcycle TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS.
+      }
+    rewrite {2}/q in Hb. rewrite subnKC in Hb.
+      2: by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_ozcycle TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS.
+    unfold s in Hsb.
+    apply TDM_slot_same with (d := d.+1) in Hsb as HSL.
+      2: { 
+        fold q in Hb; move: Hb => /eqP Hb; rewrite -Hb in Ha.
+        move: Ha => /eqP Ha; apply Logic.eq_sym in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha. exact Ha.
+      }
+    move: Ha => /eqP Ha; rewrite -Ha in Hb.
+    apply TDM_counter_same with (d := d.+1) in Hb as HCL.
+    apply Private_Bank_Separation_at_NZero in HCL.
+      4: { 
+        unfold Before in aBb; apply ltn_trans with (p := b.(CDate) + q) in aBb. exact aBb.
+        apply nat_ltnn_add; unfold q; rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS TDM_nextcycle_ozcycle.
+        by rewrite subn1 -pred_Sn CAS_pos. }
+      3: exact HSL.
+      2: {
+        move: Ha => /eqP Ha. apply TDM_add_counter with (d := d) in Ha as Ha'.
+          2: { 
+            unfold d. rewrite subnKC. by rewrite ltn_predL SL_pos. 
+            by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS ltn_predRL SL_CASS. 
+          }
+        rewrite {2}/d subnKC in Ha'.
+          2: by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS ltn_predRL SL_CASS.
+        apply TDM_counter_last in Ha'; by rewrite -addnS in Ha'.
+      }
+    assert (CAS_date <= SN * SL).
+    { specialize SN_one as H1; specialize SL_CAS as H2.
+       apply ltnW in H1,H2; apply leq_mul with (m1 := 1) (n1 := SN) in H2.
+       rewrite mul1n in H2; exact H2. exact SN_pos. 
+    }
+    unfold q in HCL; rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS TDM_nextcycle_ozcycle subn1 -pred_Sn in HCL.
+    rewrite [_ + CAS_date]addnC -leq_subLR in HCL.
+    apply leq_trans with (m := a.(CDate) + (T_WR + T_WL + T_BURST)) in HCL.
+      1: exact HCL.
+    rewrite -addnBA.
+      2: exact H.
+    by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt T_WTP_SN_SL orbT.
+  Qed.
+  Theorem Cmds_T_RtoW_ok t a b:
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
+    b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    CRD_to_CWR a b -> Before a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_RTW.
+  Proof.
+    intros Ha Hb Htype aBb; unfold Apart_at_least.
+    rewrite /CWR_to_PRE in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iCRa iCWb].
+    apply CAS_modulo_date in Ha. 
+      2: by unfold isCRD in iCRa; unfold isCAS; rewrite iCRa orTb. clear iCRa.
+    apply CAS_modulo_date in Hb. 
+      2: by unfold isCWR in iCWb; unfold isCAS; rewrite iCWb orbT. clear iCWb.
+    rewrite !Time_counter_modulo in Hb,Ha.
+    move: Hb => /eqP Hb; rewrite -Hb in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha; apply Logic.eq_sym in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha.
+    apply Modulo_time_distance in Ha.
+      2: by unfold Before in aBb.
+    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + SL).
+      2: exact Ha.
+    by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt T_RTW_SL orbT.
+  Qed.
+  Theorem Cmds_T_WtoR_SBG_ok t a b:
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
+    b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    CWR_to_CRD a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR_l + T_WL + T_BURST).
+  Proof.
+    intros Ha Hb Htype aBb sBG; unfold Apart_at_least.
+    rewrite /CWR_to_PRE in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iA iB].
+    apply CAS_modulo_date in Ha. 
+      2: by unfold isCWR in iA; unfold isCAS; rewrite iA orbT. clear iA.
+    apply CAS_modulo_date in Hb. 
+      2: by unfold isCRD in iB; unfold isCAS; rewrite iB orTb. clear iB.
+    rewrite !Time_counter_modulo in Hb,Ha.
+    move: Hb => /eqP Hb; rewrite -Hb in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha; apply Logic.eq_sym in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha.
+    apply Modulo_time_distance in Ha.
+      2: by unfold Before in aBb.
+    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + SL).
+      2: exact Ha.
+    by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt WTR_SL orbT.
+  Qed.
+  Theorem Cmds_T_WtoR_DBG_ok t: 
+    BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall (a b : Command_t),
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
+    b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    CWR_to_CRD a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR_s + T_WL + T_BURST).
+  Proof.
+    intros H. specialize TDM.DDR3 as Hbug. by rewrite Hbug in H.
+  Qed.
+  Theorem Cmds_T_CCD_SBG_ok t a b:
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
+    b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    CRD_to_CRD a b \/ CWR_to_CWR a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_l.
+  Proof.
+    intros Ha Hb Htype aBb sBG; unfold Apart_at_least.
+    destruct Htype as [Htype | Htype].
+      2: unfold CWR_to_CWR in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iWa iWb].
+      1: unfold CRD_to_CRD in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iRa iRb].
+      all: apply CAS_modulo_date in Ha,Hb.
+      2: by unfold isCAS; unfold isCRD in iRb; rewrite iRb orTb.
+      2: by unfold isCAS; unfold isCRD in iRa; rewrite iRa orTb.
+      3: by unfold isCAS; unfold isCWR in iWb; rewrite iWb orbT.
+      3: by unfold isCAS; unfold isCWR in iWa; rewrite iWa orbT.
+      all: rewrite !Time_counter_modulo in Hb,Ha.
+      all: move: Hb => /eqP Hb; rewrite -Hb in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha; apply Logic.eq_sym in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha.
+      all: apply Modulo_time_distance in Ha.
+      all: try done.
+      all: apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + SL).
+      all: try exact Ha.
+      all: by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt T_CCD_SL orbT.
+  Qed.
+  Theorem Cmds_T_CCD_DBG_ok t: 
+    BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall a b,
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
+    b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    CRD_to_CRD a b \/ CWR_to_CWR a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_s.
+  Proof.
+    intros H. specialize TDM.DDR3 as Hbug. by rewrite Hbug in H.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Cmds_T_FAW_ok t a b c d:
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
+    c \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> d \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    isACT a -> isACT b -> isACT c -> isACT d -> Diff_Bank [::a;b;c;d] -> 
+    Before a b -> Before b c -> Before c d -> 
+    Apart_at_least a d T_FAW.
+  Proof.
+    intros Ha Hb Hc Hd Aa Ab Ac Ad _ aBb bBc cBd.
+    apply ACT_modulo_date in Ha.
+      2: exact Aa. clear Aa.
+    apply ACT_modulo_date in Hb. 
+      2: exact Ab. clear Ab.
+    apply ACT_modulo_date in Hc. 
+      2: exact Ac. clear Ac.
+    apply ACT_modulo_date in Hd. 
+      2: exact Ad. clear Ad.
+    move : Ha Hb Hc Hd => /eqP Ha /eqP Hb  /eqP Hc /eqP Hd.
+    rewrite <- Hc, !Time_counter_modulo in Hd.
+    rewrite <- Hb, !Time_counter_modulo in Hc.
+    rewrite <- Ha, !Time_counter_modulo in Hb. clear Ha.
+    move : Hb Hc Hd => /eqP Hb  /eqP Hc /eqP Hd.
+    rewrite nat_of_counter_eq in Hb.
+    rewrite nat_of_counter_eq in Hc.
+    rewrite nat_of_counter_eq in Hd.
+    apply Modulo_time_distance in Hb as aLb.
+      2: by unfold Before. clear Hb aBb.
+    apply Modulo_time_distance in Hc as bLc.
+      2: by unfold Before. clear Hc bBc.
+    apply Modulo_time_distance in Hd as cLd.
+      2: by unfold Before. clear Hd cBd.
+    rewrite <- (leq_add2r SL), addnCAC, addnC in aLb.
+    apply leq_trans with (p := c.(CDate)) in aLb.
+      2: exact bLc. clear bLc.
+    rewrite <- (leq_add2r SL), addnCAC, addnC in aLb.
+    apply leq_trans with (p := d.(CDate)) in aLb.
+      2: exact cLd. clear cLd.
+    unfold Apart_at_least.
+    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + (SL + SL + SL)).
+      by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt T_FAW_3SL orbT.
+      by rewrite addnACl.
+  Qed.
+  Theorem Cmds_T_RRD_SBG_ok t a b: 
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    ACT_to_ACT a b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_RRD_l.
+  Proof.
+    intros Ha Hb AtA _ aBb sBG.
+    move : AtA => /andP [Aa Ab].
+    apply ACT_modulo_date in Ha. 
+      2: exact Aa. clear Aa.
+    apply ACT_modulo_date in Hb. 
+      2: exact Ab. clear Ab.
+    move : Ha => /eqP Ha.
+    rewrite <- Ha, !Time_counter_modulo, nat_of_counter_eq in Hb. clear Ha.
+    apply Modulo_time_distance in Hb as H. 
+      2: by unfold Before. clear Hb aBb.
+    unfold Apart_at_least.
+    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + SL).
+      2: exact H.
+      rewrite leq_add2l.
+      by rewrite leq_eqVlt T_RRD_SL orbT.
+  Qed.
+  Theorem Cmds_T_RRD_DBG_ok t: BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall a b,
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    ACT_to_ACT a b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_RRD_s.
+  Proof.
+    intros H. specialize TDM.DDR3 as Hbug. by rewrite Hbug in H.
+  Qed.
+  (*************************************************************************************************)
+  (** REQUEST HANDLING PROOFS **********************************************************************)
+  (*************************************************************************************************)
+  (* The time instant when the counter was last zero, i.e., the last slot started.*)
+  Definition Last_slot_start ta := 
+    ta - TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State).
+  Lemma Last_Slot_start_aligned ta :
+      ((TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (Last_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)) == OZCycle).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /Last_slot_start -!nat_of_counter_eq  -!Time_counter_modulo //=.
+    rewrite -(mod0n SL) -(eqn_modDr (ta %% SL)) add0n subnK.
+      2: apply leq_mod.
+    by rewrite modn_mod eq_refl.
+  Qed.
+  (* The time instant when the counter will become zero next, i.e., the next slot to start.*)
+  Definition Next_slot_start ta := 
+    (Last_slot_start ta) + SL.
+  Lemma Next_Slot_start_aligned ta :
+      ((TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (Next_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)) == OZCycle).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /Next_slot_start /Last_slot_start -!nat_of_counter_eq  -!Time_counter_modulo //=.
+      rewrite -(mod0n SL) -(eqn_modDr (ta %% SL)) add0n addnACl [ta %% SL + _]addnC subnK.
+        2: apply leq_mod.
+      by rewrite modnDl modn_mod eq_refl.
+  Qed.
+  (* The closest time instant when the counter will become zero, i.e., now or the next slot start *)
+  Definition Closest_slot_start ta :=
+    if ((TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) == OZCycle) then ta
+    else (Next_slot_start ta).
+  Lemma Closest_slot_start_aligned ta :
+      ((TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (Closest_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)) == OZCycle).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /Closest_slot_start.
+    destruct (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) == OZCycle) eqn:Hz.
+    - move : Hz => /eqP Hz; by rewrite Hz eq_refl.
+    - apply Next_Slot_start_aligned.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Closest_slot_start_leq ta: 
+    ta <= Closest_slot_start ta.
+  Proof.
+    unfold Closest_slot_start.
+    destruct (_ == _).
+    - apply leqnn.
+    - unfold Next_slot_start, Last_slot_start.
+      rewrite -addnABC.
+        3: rewrite -Time_counter_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_pmod; exact SL_pos.
+        2: rewrite -Time_counter_modulo; apply leq_mod.
+      by rewrite leq_addr.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Pending_on_arrival ta ra:
+    ra \in Arrival_at ta 
+    -> ra \in (TDM_pending ((Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State))).
+  Proof.
+    intros HA.
+    destruct ta.
+    - by rewrite /TDM_pending.
+    - rewrite /TDM_pending //= /Next_state.
+      destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) as [s c P | s c P rb] eqn:HSS,
+          (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, (c == OACT_date) eqn:Ha, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hc, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hl;
+          try (destruct (Pending_of s P) as [ | rb] eqn:HPP); simpl in *.
+      all: by rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HA orbT.
+  Qed.
+  Definition Requestor_slot_start ta (s : Slot_t) :=
+    let aligned_ta := Closest_slot_start ta in 
+    let current_slot := TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate aligned_ta).(Implementation_State) in 
+      if current_slot <= s then aligned_ta + ((s - current_slot) * SL)
+      else aligned_ta + (((SN - current_slot) + s) * SL).
+  Lemma Requestor_slot_start_aligned ta s:
+    (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta s)).(Implementation_State)) == OZCycle.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq -Time_counter_modulo -(modn_small (m := OZCycle) (d := SL)).
+      2: trivial.
+    rewrite /Requestor_slot_start.
+    destruct (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (Closest_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) <= s); 
+      rewrite addnC modnMDl (modn_small (m := OZCycle) (d := SL));
+        (trivial || by rewrite Time_counter_modulo nat_of_counter_eq Closest_slot_start_aligned).
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Slots_equals_last_slot ta:
+    (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) = 
+    (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (Last_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)).
+  Proof.
+    apply /eqP.
+    rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq -!Time_slot_modulo.
+    rewrite /Last_slot_start -Time_counter_modulo.
+    rewrite {2}(divn_eq ta SL).
+    rewrite -addnBA. 
+      2: apply leqnn.
+    rewrite subnn addn0 mulnK.
+      2: exact SL_pos.
+    by rewrite eq_refl.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Requestor_slot_start_match ta s :
+    (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta s)).(Implementation_State)) == s.
+  Proof.
+    specialize (Requestor_slot_start_aligned ta s) as HC.
+    specialize (Closest_slot_start_aligned ta) as HC'.
+    rewrite -!nat_of_counter_eq -!Time_counter_modulo /OZCycle //= in HC HC'.
+    move : HC HC' => /dvdnP HC /dvdnP HC'; destruct HC as [x HC], HC' as [x' HC'].
+    unfold Requestor_slot_start.
+    destruct (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (Closest_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) <= s) eqn:HS;
+      rewrite -Time_slot_modulo HC' mulnK in HS; try exact SL_pos;
+      rewrite HC' -mulnDl  -nat_of_slot_eq -!Time_slot_modulo;
+      rewrite !mulnK; try exact SL_pos.
+    - rewrite nat_add_modn_sub.
+      - by rewrite eq_refl.
+      - exact SN_pos.
+      - destruct s as [s Hs]; exact Hs.
+      - exact HS.
+    - rewrite -{2}(modn_small (m := s) (d := SN)).
+        2: destruct s as [s Hs]; exact Hs.
+      rewrite -{2}(add0n s) -addnACl addnCAC eqn_modDr addnC nat_add_modd_sub.
+        2: exact SN_pos.
+      by rewrite mod0n.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Slots_in_period ta:
+    forall i,
+      (nat_of_ord (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (ta + (i*SL))).(Implementation_State)) = ((TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) + i) %% SN).
+  Proof.
+    specialize (Last_Slot_start_aligned ta) as HC.
+    rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq -Time_counter_modulo //= in HC.
+    move : HC => /dvdnP HC; destruct HC as [x HC].
+    rewrite Slots_equals_last_slot HC -Time_slot_modulo mulnK.
+      2: exact SL_pos.
+    rewrite /Last_slot_start -Time_counter_modulo in HC.
+    intros i.
+    apply /eqP.
+    rewrite modnDml.
+    rewrite Slots_equals_last_slot -Time_slot_modulo /Last_slot_start -Time_counter_modulo.
+    rewrite [ta + (i * SL)]addnC modnMDl -addnBA.
+      2: apply leq_mod.
+    rewrite HC -mulnDl mulnK.
+      2: exact SL_pos.
+    by rewrite addnC.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Requestor_slot_start_distance ta (s : Slot_t):
+    (Requestor_slot_start ta s) - ta < SN*SL.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /Requestor_slot_start /Closest_slot_start /Next_slot_start /Last_slot_start.
+    destruct (_ <= s) eqn:Hs, (_ == OZCycle) eqn:Hc.
+    - rewrite ltn_subLR.
+        2: apply leq_addr.
+      rewrite ltn_add2l ltn_mul2r SL_pos andTb.
+      rewrite ltn_subLR.
+        2: exact Hs.
+      by apply ltn_addl.
+    - rewrite {1}addnBAC. 
+        2: by rewrite -Time_counter_modulo leq_mod.
+      rewrite -[ta + _ - _]addnBA.
+        2: rewrite -Time_counter_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_pmod, SL_pos.
+      rewrite ltn_subLR.
+        2: apply nat_leq_addr, nat_leq_addr, leqnn.
+      rewrite [ta + _]addnC addnACl ltn_add2l addnBA.
+        2: rewrite -Time_counter_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_pmod, SL_pos.
+      rewrite ltn_subLR.
+        2: apply nat_leq_addl; rewrite -Time_counter_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_pmod, SL_pos.
+      rewrite -mulSnr. 
+      apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := SN * SL).
+        2: move : Hc => /negbT Hc; rewrite -lt0n in Hc; rewrite addnC; by apply nat_ltnn_add.
+      rewrite leq_mul2r; apply /orP; right.
+      rewrite -subSn.
+        2: exact Hs.
+      rewrite leq_subLR.
+      by apply ltn_addl.
+    - rewrite ltn_subLR.
+        2:  apply nat_leq_addr, leqnn.
+      rewrite ltn_add2l ltn_mul2r SL_pos andTb.
+      rewrite addnBAC.
+        2: by apply ltnW.
+      rewrite ltn_subLR.
+        2: by apply nat_leq_addr, ltnW.
+      by rewrite addnC ltn_add2r ltnNge Hs.
+    - rewrite {1}addnBAC. 
+        2: by rewrite -Time_counter_modulo leq_mod.
+      rewrite -[ta + _ - _]addnBA.
+        2: rewrite -Time_counter_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_pmod, SL_pos.
+      rewrite ltn_subLR.
+        2: apply nat_leq_addr, nat_leq_addr, leqnn.
+      rewrite [ta + _]addnC addnACl ltn_add2l addnBA.
+        2: rewrite -Time_counter_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_pmod, SL_pos.
+      rewrite ltn_subLR.
+        2: apply nat_leq_addl; rewrite -Time_counter_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_pmod, SL_pos.
+      rewrite -mulSnr. 
+      apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := SN * SL).
+        2: move : Hc => /negbT Hc; rewrite -lt0n in Hc; rewrite addnC; by apply nat_ltnn_add.
+      rewrite leq_mul2r; apply /orP; right.
+      rewrite addnBAC.
+        2: rewrite -Time_slot_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_pmod, SN_pos.
+      rewrite ltn_subLR.
+        2: rewrite -Time_slot_modulo; apply ltnW, ltn_addr, ltn_pmod, SN_pos.
+      by rewrite addnC ltn_add2r ltnNge Hs.
+  Qed.
+  (* TODO: merge No_requestor_periodX and No_requestor_periodY *)
+  Lemma No_requestor_periodY ta tb s:
+    ta < tb -> tb < (Requestor_slot_start ta s)
+      -> ((TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State)) != OZCycle) || ((TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State)) != s).
+  Proof.
+    intros HL HU.
+    apply /orP.
+    destruct (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) != OZCycle) eqn:HC.
+    - by left.
+    - right; move : HC => /negPn HC.
+      destruct tb.
+      - contradict HL; by rewrite ltn0.
+      - specialize (Requestor_slot_start_distance ta s) as HB.
+        specialize (Requestor_slot_start_aligned ta s) as HUC.
+        specialize (Requestor_slot_start_match ta s) as HUS.
+        apply Exists_time_multiple in HUC; destruct HUC as [u HUC].
+        rewrite HUC in HU HB.
+        rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq -Time_slot_modulo HUC mulnK in HUS.
+          2: exact SL_pos.
+        move : HUS => /eqP HUS.
+        apply ltn_trans with (m := u * SL - tb.+1) in HB .
+          2: apply ltn_sub2l; exact HL ||
+              (apply ltn_trans with (n := tb.+1); exact HL || exact HU).
+        apply Exists_time_multiple in HC as Htb; destruct Htb as [b Htb].
+        rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq -Time_slot_modulo.
+        rewrite !Htb in HB HU *.
+        rewrite -HUS mulnK.
+          2: exact SL_pos.
+        rewrite ltn_subLR in HB.
+          2: apply ltnW; exact HU.
+        rewrite -mulnDl in HB.
+        rewrite !ltn_mul2r in HB, HU; move : HB HU => /andP [_ HB] /andP [_ HU].
+        rewrite  eq_sym eqn_mod_dvd.
+          2: apply ltnW; exact HU.
+        rewrite /dvdn modn_small.
+          2: rewrite -ltn_subLR in HB; exact HB ||  apply ltnW; exact HU.
+        by rewrite -lt0n subn_gt0.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma No_requestor_periodX a s:
+    TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate (a * SL)).(Implementation_State) == s
+    -> forall tb, a * SL < tb -> tb < a * SL + SN * SL
+    -> (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) != OZCycle) || (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) != s). 
+  Proof.
+    intros HS tb HL HU.
+    apply /orP.
+    destruct (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) != OZCycle) eqn:HC.
+    - by left.
+    - right; move : HC => /negPn HC.
+      destruct tb.
+      - contradict HL; by rewrite ltn0.
+      - rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq -Time_slot_modulo mulnK in HS.
+          2: exact SL_pos.
+        move : HS => /eqP HS.
+        apply Exists_time_multiple in HC as Htb; destruct Htb as [b Htb].
+        rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq -Time_slot_modulo.
+        rewrite !Htb in HL HU *.
+        rewrite -HS mulnK.
+          2: exact SL_pos.
+        rewrite -mulnDl in HU.
+        rewrite !ltn_mul2r in HU, HL; move : HL HU => /andP [_ HL] /andP [_ HU].
+        rewrite -ltn_subLR in HU.
+          2: apply ltnW; exact HL.
+        rewrite  eqn_mod_dvd.
+          2: apply ltnW; exact HL.
+        rewrite /dvdn modn_small.
+          2: exact HU.
+        by rewrite -lt0n subn_gt0.
+  Qed.    
+  Lemma Request_slot_start_aligned ta s i:
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta s + (i*SN*SL))).(Implementation_State) == OZCycle.
+  Proof.
+    specialize (Requestor_slot_start_aligned ta s) as H.
+    rewrite -!nat_of_counter_eq -!Time_counter_modulo in H *. 
+    rewrite addnC modnMDl.
+    exact H.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Request_slot_start_match ta s i:
+    (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate ((Requestor_slot_start ta s) + (i*SN*SL))).(Implementation_State)) == s.
+  Proof.
+    specialize (Requestor_slot_start_match ta s) as HS.
+    rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq in HS; move : HS => /eqP HS.
+    specialize (Slots_in_period (Requestor_slot_start ta s) (i * SN)) as HS'.
+    rewrite HS [s + _]addnC modnMDl in HS'.
+    by rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq HS' modn_small.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Requestor_slot_start_leq ta ra: 
+    ta <= Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor).
+  Proof.
+    unfold Requestor_slot_start.
+    destruct (_ <= ra.(Requestor)).
+    all: apply leq_trans with (n := Closest_slot_start ta) ; apply leq_addr || apply Closest_slot_start_leq.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Pending_requestor ta ra: 
+    is_true (ra \in TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) 
+    -> ((TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) != OZCycle) || (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) != ra.(Requestor)))
+    -> is_true (ra \in TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State)).
+  Proof.
+    intros HP HCS.
+    move : HCS => /orP [HC | HS].
+    all: unfold TDM_counter, TDM_pending, TDM_slot in *.
+    all: simpl; unfold Next_state.
+    all: destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) as [s' c P | s' c P rb] eqn:HSS,
+          (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, (c == OACT_date) eqn:Ha, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hc, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hl;
+          try (destruct (Pending_of s' P) as [ | rb] eqn:HPP); simpl in *.
+    all: try by contradict HC.
+    (* cases within a slot *)
+    all: try (by rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HP).
+    all: apply seq_filter_eq_cons_p in HPP; move : HPP => /eqP HPP; subst.
+    all: rewrite /Enqueue /Dequeue mem_cat seq_rem_id.
+    all: try trivial.
+    all: try (rewrite mem_cat; apply /orP; by left).
+    all: move : HS => /negPf HS; rewrite eq_sym in HS.
+    all: by rewrite eqE //= /Requests.Request_eqdef HS !andFb.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Requestor_slot_start_lt ta s:
+    (ta < Requestor_slot_start ta s) -> ((TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) != OZCycle) || ((TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) != s).
+  Proof.
+    intros H.
+    rewrite /Requestor_slot_start /Closest_slot_start /Next_slot_start /Last_slot_start in H.
+    destruct (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) == OZCycle) eqn:Hc, (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) == s) eqn:HS,
+             (_ <= s) eqn:Hs; trivial; move : HS => /eqP HS.
+    - contradict H; subst; by rewrite subnn mul0n addn0 ltnn.
+    - contradict Hs; subst; by rewrite leqnn.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Pending_requestor_slot_start ta ra:
+    ra \in (TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State))
+    -> forall tb, ta <= tb -> tb <= (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))
+      -> ra \in (TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State)).
+  Proof.
+    intros HP.
+    destruct (ta == (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))) eqn:Ht.
+    - intros tb HL HU.
+      move : Ht => /eqP Ht; rewrite Ht in HL HP.
+      rewrite leq_eqVlt in HU; rewrite leq_eqVlt in HL.
+      move : HL HU => /orP [/eqP HL | HL] /orP [/eqP HU | HU]; subst.
+      - exact HP.
+      - contradict HU; by rewrite ltnn.
+      - contradict HL; by rewrite ltnn.
+      - contradict HL; apply /negP; rewrite -leqNgt; apply ltnW, HU.
+    - move : Ht => /negbT Ht. rewrite neq_ltn in Ht; move : Ht => /orP [Ht | Ht].
+        2: specialize (Requestor_slot_start_leq ta ra) as H;
+            contradict H; apply /negP; by rewrite leqNgt Ht.
+      induction tb; intros HL HU.
+      - rewrite leqn0 in HL; move : HL => /eqP HL; subst; exact HP.
+      - rewrite leq_eqVlt in HL; move : HL => /orP [/eqP HL | HL].
+        - subst; exact HP.
+        - rewrite ltnS in HL.
+          apply IHtb in HL as IH; clear IHtb.
+            2: by apply ltnW in HU.
+          rewrite leq_eqVlt in HL; move : HL => /orP [/eqP HL | HL].
+          - subst; apply Requestor_slot_start_lt in Ht; by apply Pending_requestor.
+          - apply No_requestor_periodY with (s := ra.(Requestor)) in HL as HCS.
+              2: exact HU.
+            by apply Pending_requestor.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Not_Running_ZCycle t P s r:
+    (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) <> RUNNING s OZCycle P r.
+  Proof.
+    induction t.
+    - discriminate.
+    - apply /eqP.
+      simpl. unfold Next_state.
+      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State), (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, (c == OACT_date) eqn:Ha, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hc, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hl;
+        try destruct (Pending_of _ _).
+      all: try (exact isT); simpl.
+      all: move : Hz Ha Hc => /eqP Hz /eqP Ha /eqP Hc; subst.
+      all: rewrite eqE !negb_and; simpl.
+      all: apply /orP; left.
+      all: apply /orP; left.
+      all: apply /orP; right.
+      all: try (by rewrite Next_ZCycle_neq_ZCycle).
+      all: try (by rewrite Next_ACT_neq_ZCycle).
+      all: try (by rewrite Next_CAS_neq_ZCycle).
+      clear Hz Ha Hc.
+      move : Hl => /negbT Hl.
+      unfold Next_cycle.
+      set (X := c.+1 < SL).
+      dependent destruction X;
+      apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; intro; simpl.
+      - exact isT.
+      - contradict x.
+        destruct c as [c H]; 
+        rewrite ltn_neqAle //=.
+        apply Bool.not_false_iff_true. apply /andP. split.
+        - rewrite <- nat_of_counter_eq, <- eqSS in Hl. simpl in Hl. rewrite prednK in Hl. 
+          - exact Hl.
+          - exact SL_pos.
+        - exact H.
+  Qed.        
+  Lemma Request_index_decrements_within_period ta ra:
+    let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
+      (ra \in (TDM_pending S))
+      -> (TDM_counter S) == OZCycle 
+      -> (TDM_slot S) == ra.(Requestor)
+      -> (0 < index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S)))
+      -> forall tb, ta < tb 
+        -> tb <= ta + SN * SL
+        -> let S' := (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) in
+           (ra \in (TDM_pending S')) && ((index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S))) == (index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S'))).+1).
+  Proof.
+    intros S HP HC HS HI.
+    unfold S in *; clear S.
+    induction tb; intros HL HU.
+    - contradict HL.
+      by rewrite ltn0.
+    - rewrite leq_eqVlt in HL; move : HL => /orP [HL | HL].
+      - clear IHtb.
+        rewrite eqSS in HL; move : HL => /eqP HL; subst.
+        simpl; unfold TDM_counter, TDM_pending, TDM_slot, Next_state in *.
+        destruct (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) as [s' c P | s' c P rb] eqn:HSS;
+          move : HC HS => /eqP HC /eqP HS; subst.
+        - rewrite eq_refl.
+          apply seq_in_filer_in with (p := fun r => r.(Requestor) == ra.(Requestor)) in HP as HF.
+              2: trivial.
+          destruct (Pending_of _ P) as [ | rb] eqn:HPP; simpl; unfold Pending_of in HPP; rewrite HPP in HF.
+          - contradict HF; by rewrite in_nil.
+          - simpl in HI.
+            destruct (rb == ra) eqn:He.
+            - contradict HI; by rewrite ltnn.
+            - rewrite in_cons in HF; move : HF => /orP [/eqP HF | HF].
+              - contradict He; by rewrite HF eq_refl.
+              - rewrite /Enqueue /Dequeue /Pending_of filter_cat seq_filter_rem HPP //= eq_refl index_cat HF.
+                rewrite mem_cat seq_rem_id. 
+                  3: apply /negPf; by rewrite eq_sym.
+                  2: exact HP.
+                by rewrite orTb eq_refl.
+        - contradict HSS; by apply Not_Running_ZCycle.
+    - rewrite ltnS in HL.
+      apply IHtb in HL as IH; clear IHtb.
+        2: by apply ltnW in HU.
+      move : IH => /andP [HP' /eqP HI'].
+      rewrite HI'.
+      apply Exists_time_multiple in HC. destruct HC as [a HC]. subst.
+      apply No_requestor_periodX with (tb := tb) in HS.
+        3: exact HU.
+        2: exact HL.
+      apply Pending_requestor in HP' as HP''.
+        2: exact HS.
+      rewrite HP'' andTb.
+      clear HL HU HI HP HI' HP''.
+      simpl in *; unfold TDM_counter, TDM_pending, TDM_slot, Next_state in *.
+      destruct (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) as [s' c P | s' c P rb] eqn:HSS,
+        (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date), (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle);
+        try (destruct (Pending_of s' P) as [ | rb] eqn:HPP); simpl in *.
+      all: apply seq_in_filer_in with (p := fun r => r.(Requestor) == ra.(Requestor)) in HP' as HF; trivial.
+      all: try (by rewrite /Pending_of /Enqueue filter_cat index_cat HF eq_refl).
+      all: rewrite /Pending_of in HPP;
+           rewrite /Pending_of /Enqueue /Dequeue filter_cat seq_filter_rem_id;
+             (by rewrite index_cat HF eq_refl) || 
+             (apply seq_filter_eq_cons_p in HPP; move : HPP => /eqP HPP; rewrite -HPP in HS; by apply /negbTE).
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Request_index_decrements_over_periods ta ra:
+    let S := (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))).(Implementation_State) in
+      ra \in (TDM_pending S) 
+      -> forall i, let S' := (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + i * SN * SL)).(Implementation_State) in
+        i <= (index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S)))
+        -> (ra \in (TDM_pending S')) && ((index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S))) == (index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S'))) + i).
+  Proof.
+    intros S HP.
+    induction i; intros S' Hi;
+      unfold S, S' in *; clear S S'.
+    - by rewrite /Pending_of !mul0n !addn0 eq_refl HP.
+    - apply ltnW in Hi as IH.
+      apply IHi in IH; clear IHi; move : IH => /andP [HP' /eqP IH'].
+      apply Request_index_decrements_within_period with (tb := (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + i.+1 * SN * SL)) in HP'.
+      - move : HP' => /andP [HP'' /eqP IH''].
+        by rewrite HP'' IH' IH'' addnS addSn eq_refl.
+      - rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq -Time_counter_modulo addnC modnMDl Time_counter_modulo.
+        apply Requestor_slot_start_aligned.
+      - rewrite -nat_of_slot_eq -Time_slot_modulo divnDMl.
+          2: exact SL_pos.
+        rewrite addnC modnMDl Time_slot_modulo.
+        apply Requestor_slot_start_match.
+      - rewrite IH' -{1}[i]add0n ltn_add2r in Hi; exact Hi.
+      - by rewrite ltn_add2l !ltn_mul2r SL_pos SN_pos !andTb ltnSn.
+      - rewrite addnCAC [i*_]mulnC -[_ * i * _]mulnAC -mulnS addnC leq_add2r.
+        by rewrite [_ * i.+1]mulnAC [_ * i.+1]mulnC leqnn.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Request_index_zero ta ra:
+    let S := (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))).(Implementation_State) in
+    let i := (index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S))) in
+      ra \in (TDM_pending S) 
+      -> let S' := (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + i * SN * SL)).(Implementation_State) in
+         (ra \in (TDM_pending S')) && ((index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S'))) == 0).
+  Proof.
+    intros S i HP; simpl.
+    apply Request_index_decrements_over_periods with (i := i) in HP.
+      2: unfold i, S; by rewrite leqnn.
+    move : HP => /andP [HP HI].
+    rewrite HP andTb.
+    by rewrite -[index _ _]add0n eqn_add2r eq_sym in HI.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Request_starts ta ra:
+    let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
+    (TDM_counter S) == OZCycle
+    -> (TDM_slot S) == ra.(Requestor)
+    -> (ra \in (TDM_pending S))
+    -> index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S)) == 0
+    -> let S' := (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) in
+      ((TDM_counter S') == Next_cycle OZCycle) && ((TDM_request S') == Some ra).
+  Proof.
+    intros S HC HS HP Hi; unfold S in *; clear S.
+    unfold TDM_counter, TDM_pending, TDM_request, TDM_slot in *.
+    simpl; unfold Next_state.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) as [s' c P | s' c P rb] eqn:HSS;
+      move : HC HS => /eqP HC /eqP HS; subst; simpl in *.
+    - destruct (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) P) as [ | rb] eqn:HPP; simpl.
+      - apply seq_in_filer_in with (p := fun r => r.(Requestor) == ra.(Requestor)) in HP as HF.
+          2: trivial.
+        contradict HF.
+        rewrite /Pending_of in HPP.
+        by rewrite HPP in_nil.
+      - simpl in Hi.
+        destruct (rb == ra) eqn:He.
+        - move : He => /eqP He; subst; by rewrite !eq_refl.
+        - contradict Hi.
+          apply /negPn.
+          rewrite lt0n_neq0.
+          - trivial.
+          - apply ltn0Sn.
+    - contradict HSS; apply Not_Running_ZCycle.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Request_running_in_slot ta ra:
+    let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
+    (TDM_request S) == Some ra
+    -> (TDM_counter S) == Next_cycle OZCycle
+    -> forall d, d < SL.-1
+      -> let S' := (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) in
+        (nat_of_ord (TDM_counter S') == d.+1) && ((TDM_request S') == Some ra).
+  Proof.
+    intros S HR HC.
+    unfold S in *; clear S; simpl.
+    induction d; intros Hd.
+    - rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq in HC; move : HC => /eqP HC.
+      rewrite addn0 HR HC /Next_cycle //=.
+      set x := 1 < SL.
+      dependent destruction x;
+        apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; intro; simpl.
+      - trivial.
+      - contradict x; by rewrite SL_one.
+    - apply ltn_trans with (m := d) in Hd as Hd'.
+        2: apply ltnSn.
+      apply IHd in Hd' as IH; clear Hd' IHd HC HR.
+      unfold TDM_counter, TDM_request in *.
+      move : IH => /andP [/eqP HC HR].
+      rewrite addnS //= /Next_state.
+      destruct (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) as [s' c P | s' c P rb] eqn:HSS.
+      - by contradict HR.
+      - rewrite -HC. 
+        destruct (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, (c == OACT_date) eqn:Ha, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hc, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hl; simpl.
+        all: rewrite -HC in Hd; apply Next_cycle_inc in Hd as HC'.
+        all: try by rewrite HC' HR andbT.
+        all: move : Hl => /eqP Hl; subst.
+        all: contradict Hd; by rewrite /OLastCycle //= ltnn.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Request_processing_starts ta ra:
+    ra \in (Arrival_at ta)
+    -> let S := (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))).(Implementation_State))) * SN * SL)).(Implementation_State) in
+        (ra \in TDM_pending S) && (index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending S)) == 0).
+  Proof.
+    intros HP.
+    (* An arriving request always becomes pending *)
+    apply Pending_on_arrival in HP.
+    (* Any pending request at least remains pending until its requestors slot is reached *)
+    apply Pending_requestor_slot_start with (tb := (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))) in HP.
+      3: apply leqnn.
+      2: apply Requestor_slot_start_leq.
+    (* Any pending request ultimately gets to the head of the pending queue (index zero) *)
+    apply Request_index_zero in HP; simpl in HP.
+    exact HP.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Request_processing ta ra d:
+    ra \in (Arrival_at ta)
+    -> d < SL.-1 
+    -> let i := index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))).(Implementation_State))) in 
+       let S' := (Default_arbitrate ((Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + i * SN * SL).+1 + d)).(Implementation_State) in
+        (nat_of_ord (TDM_counter S') == d.+1) && ((TDM_request S') == Some ra).
+  Proof.
+    intros HA Hd.
+    (* Any request eventually gets to the head of the pending queue *)
+    apply Request_processing_starts in HA as HP; move : HP => /andP [HP HI].
+    (* fold complex terms *)
+    set i := index _ _ in HP.
+    set t := Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + _ in HP.
+    specialize (Request_slot_start_aligned ta ra.(Requestor) i) as HC.
+    specialize (Request_slot_start_match ta ra.(Requestor) i) as HS.
+    (* Any request at the head of the pending queue eventually starts to be processed *)
+    apply Request_starts with (ra := ra) in HC as HR.
+      4: unfold i; exact HI.
+      3: exact HP.
+      2: exact HS.
+    move : HR => /andP [HC' HR'].
+    (* Any request is processed until the CAS date is reached *)
+    apply Request_running_in_slot with (d := d) in HR' as HR''.
+      3: exact Hd.
+      2: exact HC'.
+    exact HR''.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Request_PRE ta ra: 
+    ra \in (Arrival_at ta)
+    -> let i := index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))).(Implementation_State))) * SN * SL in 
+       let tc := ((Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor)) + i).+1 in
+        (PRE_of_req ra tc) \in (Default_arbitrate tc).(Arbiter_Commands).
+  Proof.
+    intros HA.
+    (* Any request eventually gets to the head of the pending queue *)
+    apply Request_processing_starts in HA as HP; move : HP => /andP [HP HI].
+    (* fold complex terms *)
+    set i := index _ _ in HP.
+    set t := Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + _ in HP.
+    specialize (Request_slot_start_aligned ta ra.(Requestor) i) as HC.
+    specialize (Request_slot_start_match ta ra.(Requestor) i) as HS.
+    simpl; fold t in HC, HS; fold i t.
+    rewrite /TDM_counter /TDM_slot /TDM_pending /Next_state in HC HS HP HI *.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) as [s' c P | s' c P rb] eqn:HSS;
+      move : HC HS => /eqP HC /eqP HS; subst; simpl in *.
+    - destruct (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) P) as [ | rb] eqn:HPP; simpl.
+      - apply seq_in_filer_in with (p := fun r => r.(Requestor) == ra.(Requestor)) in HP as HF.
+          2: trivial.
+        contradict HF.
+        rewrite /Pending_of in HPP.
+        by rewrite HPP in_nil.
+      - rewrite in_cons.
+        simpl in HI.
+        destruct (rb == ra) eqn:He.
+        - move : He => /eqP He; subst; by rewrite !eq_refl.
+        - contradict HI.
+          apply /negPn.
+          rewrite lt0n_neq0.
+          - trivial.
+          - apply ltn0Sn.
+    - contradict HSS; apply Not_Running_ZCycle.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Request_ACT ta ra: 
+    ra \in (Arrival_at ta) 
+    -> let i:= index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))).(Implementation_State))) * SN * SL in
+       let tc := (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + i + ACT_date).+1 in
+       (ACT_of_req ra tc) \in (Default_arbitrate tc).(Arbiter_Commands).
+  Proof.
+    intros HA.
+    (* Any request is processed until the ACT date is reached *)
+    apply Request_processing with (d := ACT_date.-1) in HA as HR.
+      2: rewrite ltn_predRL prednK; exact SL_ACT || exact ACT_pos.
+    move : HR => /andP [HC HR].
+    clear HA.
+    (* fold +1/-1s  *)
+    rewrite addSn -addnS in HC HR.
+    rewrite prednK in HC HR.
+      2: exact ACT_pos.
+    (* get the actual command *)
+    simpl; set tc := _ + ACT_date.
+    rewrite //= /Next_state /TDM_counter /TDM_request in HC HR *.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate tc).(Implementation_State) as [s' c P | s' c P rb] eqn:HSS;
+      apply nat_of_ACT in HC; move : HC => /eqP HC; subst.
+    - by contradict HR.
+    - rewrite eq_refl //=.
+      rewrite inj_eq in HR; exact ssrfun.Some_inj || move : HR => /eqP HR; subst.
+      rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; by left.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Request_CAS ta ra: 
+    ra \in (Arrival_at ta) 
+    -> let tc := (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor) + index ra (Pending_of ra.(Requestor) (TDM_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta ra.(Requestor))).(Implementation_State))) * SN * SL + CAS_date).+1 in
+       (CAS_of_req ra tc) \in (Default_arbitrate tc).(Arbiter_Commands).
+  Proof.
+    intros HA.
+    (* Any request is processed until the CAS date is reached *)
+    apply Request_processing with (d := CAS_date.-1) in HA as HR.
+      2: rewrite ltn_predRL prednK; exact SL_CAS || exact CAS_pos.
+    move : HR => /andP [HC HR].
+    clear HA.
+    (* fold +1/-1s  *)
+    rewrite addSn -addnS in HC HR.
+    rewrite prednK in HC HR.
+      2: exact CAS_pos.
+    (* get the actual command *)
+    simpl; set tc := _ + CAS_date.
+    rewrite //= /Next_state /TDM_counter /TDM_request in HC HR *.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate tc).(Implementation_State) as [s' c P | s' c P rb] eqn:HSS;
+      apply nat_of_CAS in HC; move : HC => /eqP HC; subst.
+    - by contradict HR.
+    - rewrite eq_sym ACT_neq_CAS eq_refl //=.
+      rewrite inj_eq in HR; exact ssrfun.Some_inj || move : HR => /eqP HR; subst.
+      rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; by left.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Requests_handled ta ra:
+    ra \in (Arrival_at ta) 
+    -> exists tc, (CAS_of_req ra tc) \in ((Default_arbitrate tc).(Arbiter_Commands)).
+  Proof.
+    intros HA.
+    (* get the CAS command *)
+    apply Request_CAS in HA as H.
+    (* finish the proof *)
+    set tc := _.+1 in H.
+    exists (tc).
+    exact H.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma TDM_inc_counter t:
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) < SL.-1 ->
+    nat_of_ord (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t.+1).(Implementation_State)) =
+    (nat_of_ord (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State))).+1.
+  Proof.
+    intros H; simpl; rewrite /Next_state.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz, (c == OACT_date), (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle); 
+        try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl.
+    all: try (rewrite /TDM_counter //= Hs //= Hz HP //= in H).
+    all: unfold Next_cycle; set (Hc := c.+1 < SL); dependent destruction Hc.
+    all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; intro; simpl; clear e; try reflexivity.
+    all: try (by move: Hz => /eqP Hz; rewrite Hz /OZCycle //= SL_one in x).
+    all: try (by rewrite /TDM_counter //= ltn_predRL in H; rewrite H in x).
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Counter_is_bounded (c: Counter_t) :
+    (c == OLastCycle) = false -> nat_of_ord c < SL.-1.
+  Proof.
+    intros H.
+    rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq in H.
+    destruct c; simpl in *.
+    rewrite leq_eqVlt in i; move: i => /orP [/eqP i | i].
+      2: by rewrite ltn_predRL.
+    by rewrite -i -pred_Sn eq_refl in H.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Request_PRE_bounded t ra:
+    TDM_request (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) == Some ra ->
+    (PRE_of_req ra ((Last_slot_start t).+1)) \in (Default_arbitrate ((Last_slot_start t).+1)).(Arbiter_Commands).
+  Proof.
+    intros Hreq.
+    induction t.
+      { by simpl in Hreq. }
+    rewrite /Last_slot_start; simpl in Hreq; unfold Next_state in Hreq.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
+    { destruct (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hc.
+      { destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:Hp; simpl in Hreq.
+          1: inversion Hreq.
+        simpl; rewrite Hs //= Hc Hp //=.
+        rewrite /Next_state.
+        move: Hc => /eqP Hc.
+        assert (nat_of_ord (Next_cycle c) = 1).
+          { unfold Next_cycle; set (HH := c.+1 < SL); dependent destruction HH.
+            all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; intro; simpl; clear e.
+            2: rewrite Hc /OZCycle //= in x; contradict x; by rewrite SL_one.
+            rewrite Hc /OZCycle //=. }
+        move: Hc => /eqP Hc.
+        rewrite H subn1 -pred_Sn Hs Hc Hp //=.
+        rewrite in_cons /PRE_of_req.
+        rewrite inj_eq in Hreq. move: Hreq => /eqP Hreq.
+          2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.
+        by rewrite Hreq eq_refl orTb. }
+      by simpl in Hreq. }
+    { destruct (c == OACT_date) eqn:Hact, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hlast; simpl in Hreq.
+      all: rewrite /TDM_request in IHt.
+      all: try done. (* Case where c == OLast_cycle, None == Some *)
+      all: apply IHt in Hreq as IH; clear IHt.
+      all: rewrite /Last_slot_start Hs /TDM_counter in IH.
+      7: {
+        apply Counter_is_bounded in Hlast. 
+        assert (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = c) as Hc; try by rewrite Hs.
+        rewrite -Hc in Hlast; apply TDM_inc_counter in Hlast.
+        rewrite Hlast /TDM_counter Hs subSS. exact IH.
+      }
+      all: assert (c < SL.-1).
+      all: try (move: Hact => /eqP Hact; by rewrite Hact /OACT_date //= ltn_predRL SL_ACTS).
+      all: try (move: Hcas => /eqP Hcas; by rewrite Hcas /OCAS_date //= ltn_predRL SL_CASS).
+      all: assert (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = c) as Hc; try by rewrite Hs.
+      all: try (rewrite -Hc in H; apply TDM_inc_counter in H).
+      all: try (rewrite H /TDM_counter Hs subSS; exact IH). 
+    }
+  Qed.
+  Definition req_pred (s : Slot_t): pred Request_t :=
+    fun '(x) => x.(Requestor) == s.
+  Lemma filter_in p s (r0 : Request_t) l:
+    filter p s = r0 :: l ->
+    r0 \in s.
+  Proof.
+    intros.
+    induction s.
+      { done. }
+    rewrite in_cons.
+    destruct (p a) eqn:Hp.
+      { (* use H *)
+        rewrite /filter Hp in H; move: H => /eqP H.
+        rewrite eqseq_cons in H; move: H => /andP [/eqP Heq H].
+        by rewrite Heq eq_refl orTb. }
+      { (* use IH*)
+        unfold filter in H; rewrite Hp in H.
+        apply IHs in H; by rewrite H orbT. }
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Request_ACT_bounded t ra:
+    TDM_request (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) == Some ra ->
+    let tact := (Last_slot_start t).+1 + ACT_date in
+    (ACT_of_req ra tact) \in (Default_arbitrate tact).(Arbiter_Commands).
+  Proof.
+    intros Hreq; simpl.
+    induction t.
+      { by simpl in Hreq. }
+    unfold Last_slot_start in *; simpl in *.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; simpl in *.
+    { destruct (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz; try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl in *.
+      all: try inversion Hreq; clear IHt.
+      move: Hz => /eqP Hz; rewrite Hz.
+      rewrite TDM_nextcycle_ozcycle subn1 -pred_Sn /ACT_of_req; clear H0.
+      assert (TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) == OZCycle) as Hcounter.
+        { by rewrite /TDM_counter Hs Hz. }
+      apply seq_filter_eq_cons_p in HP as HP'; move: HP' => /eqP HP'.
+      apply Request_starts with (ta := t) (ra := r0) in Hcounter.
+        4: by rewrite /TDM_pending Hs //= HP' HP index_head.
+        3: apply filter_in in HP; rewrite /TDM_pending Hs; exact HP.
+        2: by rewrite /TDM_slot Hs HP'.
+      move: Hcounter => /andP [Hc' Hreq'].
+      specialize Request_running_in_slot with (ta := t.+1) (ra := r0) as H.
+      apply H with (d := ACT_date.-1) in Hreq' as HH. clear H.
+        3: { rewrite -!subn1. apply ltn_sub2r. exact SL_one. exact SL_ACT. }
+        2: exact Hc'.
+      move: HH => /andP [Hc'' Hreq''].
+      assert (t.+1 + ACT_date.-1 = t + ACT_date) as Haux.
+        { rewrite -addn1 -addnA [1 + ACT_date.-1]addnC addn1 prednK. reflexivity. exact ACT_pos. }
+      rewrite Haux in Hc'', Hreq''; rewrite prednK in Hc''.
+        2: exact ACT_pos.
+      rewrite /Next_state.
+      destruct (Default_arbitrate (t + ACT_date)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hss.
+        1: discriminate Hreq''.
+      rewrite /TDM_counter in Hc''.
+      rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq /OACT_date //= Hc'' //=.
+      assert ((t + ACT_date)%Nrec.+1 = t.+1 + ACT_date).
+        { rewrite -[t.+1]addn1. rewrite -addnA [1 + ACT_date]addnC addnA addn1. reflexivity. }
+      rewrite H.
+      rewrite /TDM_request in Hreq''; move: Hreq'' => /eqP Hreq''; rewrite -Hreq'' inj_eq in Hreq.
+        2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.
+      move: Hreq => /eqP Hreq; 
+      by rewrite Hreq in_cons eq_refl orTb. }
+    { destruct (c == OACT_date) eqn:Hact, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hlast; simpl in *.
+      all: try inversion Hreq; clear H0.
+      all: apply IHt in Hreq as IH; clear IHt.
+      all: rewrite -{1}addn1 -addnA [1 + ACT_date]addnC addn1 addnS.
+      all: assert ((t.+1 - Next_cycle c + ACT_date)%Nrec = (t.+1 - Next_cycle c + ACT_date)) as H0; try reflexivity.
+      all: assert ((t.+1 - Next_cycle c + ACT_date) = (t - c + ACT_date)).
+      all: try(
+        unfold Next_cycle; set (Hc := c.+1 < SL); dependent destruction Hc;
+        apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e
+      ).
+      all: try by (rewrite subSS; reflexivity).
+      all: try by (move: Hact => /eqP Hact; rewrite Hact /OACT_date //= SL_ACTS in x).
+      all: try (by move: Hcas => /eqP Hcas; rewrite Hcas /OCAS_date //= SL_CASS in x).
+      all: try (by apply Counter_is_bounded in Hlast; rewrite ltn_predRL in Hlast; rewrite Hlast in x).
+      all: rewrite H0 H.
+      all: assert (((t - c).+1 + ACT_date) = (t - c + ACT_date).+1); try by rewrite -addn1 -addnA [1 + ACT_date]addnC addn1 addnS. 
+      all: rewrite H1 in IH.
+      all: exact IH.
+    }
+  Qed.
+  Lemma TDM_ACT_date cmd t:
+    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isACT cmd ->
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == Next_cycle OACT_date /\
+    TDM_request (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == Some cmd.(Request).
+  Proof.
+    induction t.
+      { done. }
+      intros Hi Hp; simpl in *.
+      unfold Next_state in *.
+      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; simpl in Hi.
+      { destruct (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz; try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl in *. 
+        all: rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP H | H]; try by rewrite H in Hp.
+        all: apply IHt in H; try (exact Hp || exact H). }
+      { destruct (c == OACT_date) eqn:Hact, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hend; simpl in *.
+        all: rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP H | H]; try by rewrite H in Hp.
+        all: try (rewrite H //= /TDM_counter !Hs //= Hact //=; move: Hact => /eqP Hact; by rewrite Hact).
+        all: try apply IHt in H; try exact Hp; try exact H.
+        all: rewrite H /isACT /Kind_of_req //= in Hp; contradict Hp; by case r0.(Kind). }
+  Qed.
+  Lemma TDM_CAS_date cmd t:
+    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isCAS cmd ->
+    TDM_counter (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == Next_cycle OCAS_date /\
+    TDM_request (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == Some cmd.(Request).
+  Proof.
+    induction t.
+      { done. }
+      intros Hi Hp; simpl in *.
+      unfold Next_state in *.
+      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; simpl in Hi.
+      { destruct (c == OZCycle) eqn:Hz; try destruct (Pending_of _ _) eqn:HP; simpl in *. 
+        all: rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP H | H]; try by rewrite H in Hp.
+        all: apply IHt in H; try (exact Hp || exact H). }
+      { destruct (c == OACT_date) eqn:Hact, (c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (c == OLastCycle) eqn:Hend; simpl in *.
+        all: rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP H | H]; try by rewrite H in Hp.
+        (* all: try (rewrite H //= /TDM_counter !Hs //= Hact //=; move: Hact => /eqP Hact; by rewrite Hact). *)
+        all: try apply IHt in H; try exact Hp; try exact H.
+        all: rewrite H //= Hs //= Hact Hcas //=.
+        all: move: Hcas => /eqP Hcas; by rewrite Hcas !eq_refl. }
+  Qed.
+  Lemma TDM_SL_gt_nc_act_p1 :
+    Next_cycle OACT_date +1 < SL.
+  Proof.
+    rewrite TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS. 
+    apply ltn_trans with (n := CAS_date.+1).
+      2: exact SL_CASS.
+    rewrite ltnS /CAS_date addn1 -[ACT_date.+1]addn1 addnC -ltn_subRL subn1 addnS-pred_Sn.
+    apply nat_ltn_add; by rewrite lt0n T_RCD_pos.
+  Qed.
+  Theorem Cmds_ACT_ok t a b: 
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    isACT a \/ isCAS a -> isACT b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+    exists c, (c \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands)) && isPRE c && Same_Bank b c && Same_Bank a c && After c a && Before c b.
+  Proof.
+    intros Ha Hb iA iAb SB aBb.
+    (* info about b's counter *)
+    apply ACT_modulo_date in Hb as Hb'. rewrite Time_counter_modulo in Hb'.
+      2: done.
+    (* other info *)
+    apply TDM_ACT_date in Hb as H. destruct H as [Hc_b Hreq_b].
+      2: exact iAb.
+    apply TDM_add_counter with (d := 1) in Hc_b as Hc_b'.
+      2: exact TDM_SL_gt_nc_act_p1.
+    rewrite !addn1 in Hc_b'; move: Hc_b' => /eqP Hc_b'.
+    (* get the PRE *)
+    apply Request_PRE_bounded in Hreq_b.
+    move: Hc_b => /eqP Hc_b. rewrite /Last_slot_start Hc_b in Hreq_b.
+    exists (PRE_of_req b.(Request) (b.(CDate) - Next_cycle OACT_date).+1).
+    rewrite /Same_Bank in SB; move: SB => /eqP SB.
+    rewrite /isPRE /Same_Bank //= eq_refl andbT SB eq_refl andbT andbT /Before /After //=.
+    clear SB.
+    (* solve Before  c b*)
+    apply /andP; split.
+    2: {
+      rewrite -subSn.
+        2: specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as HH; rewrite Hc_b in HH; exact HH.
+      rewrite ltn_subLR.
+        2: specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate).+1) as HH; rewrite Hc_b' in HH; by rewrite leq_eqVlt HH orbT.
+      rewrite -ltn_predRL addnC nat_add_pred; apply nat_ltn_add.
+      by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS -pred_Sn /ACT_date.
+    }
+    (* solve ~~ Before_at a c, i.e., After c a *)
+    apply /andP; split; clear Hb'.
+    2: {
+      destruct iA as [iAa | iCa].
+      { apply ACT_modulo_date in Ha as Hc_a. rewrite Time_counter_modulo in Hc_a.
+          2: exact iAa.
+        apply TDM_add_counter with (d := 1) in Hc_a as Hc_a'. rewrite !addn1 in Hc_a'.
+          2: exact TDM_SL_gt_nc_act_p1.		
+        specialize Modulo_time_distance with (t' := a.(CDate).+1) (t := b.(CDate).+1) as Heq.
+        rewrite -Hc_b' in Hc_a'. rewrite nat_of_counter_eq in Hc_a'.
+        move: Hc_a' => /eqP Hc_a'; apply Logic.eq_sym in Hc_a'; move: Hc_a' => /eqP Hc_a'. 
+        apply Heq in Hc_a'.
+          2: by unfold Before in aBb.
+        clear Heq; rename Hc_a' into Hlt.
+        rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hlt; move: Hlt => /orP [/eqP H0 | H1].
+          {	assert (b.(CDate) = a.(CDate) + SL).
+              { rewrite -addn1 addnACl addnC addn1 in H0; apply eq_add_S in H0; by rewrite -H0 addnC. }
+            clear H0; rename H into H0.
+            rewrite H0 TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS ltnS -addnBA.
+              2: exact SL_ACT.
+            by rewrite leq_addr. }
+          { apply ltn_trans with (n := b.(CDate) - SL);
+              assert (a.(CDate) + SL < b.(CDate)).
+                1,3: rewrite -[a.(CDate).+1]addn1 -[b.(CDate).+1]addn1 addnC in H1;
+                     rewrite addnA in H1; rewrite ltn_add2r addnC in H1; exact H1. 
+              all: clear H1. 
+              1 : rewrite ltn_subRL addnC; exact H.
+              rewrite TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS subnSK.
+                2: { 
+                  specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as H0; rewrite Hc_b in H0.
+                  rewrite TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS in H0. exact H0.
+                }
+              apply ltn_sub2l.
+                2: exact SL_ACT.
+                1: specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as H0; rewrite Hc_b in H0;
+                   rewrite TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS in H0; exact H0. }}
+      { apply CAS_modulo_date in Ha. rewrite Time_counter_modulo in Ha.
+          2: exact iCa.
+        set (d := Next_cycle OCAS_date - Next_cycle OACT_date); move: Hc_b => /eqP Hc_b.
+        apply TDM_add_counter with (d := d) in Hc_b as Hc_b''.
+          2: { 
+            unfold d; rewrite subnKC.
+            1: by rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS SL_CASS.
+            rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS /CAS_date.
+            rewrite -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add. 
+          }
+        assert (Next_cycle OACT_date + d = Next_cycle OCAS_date).
+          { unfold d; rewrite subnKC. reflexivity.
+            rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS.
+            by apply nat_ltn_add. 
+          }	
+        move: Hc_b'' => /eqP Hc_b''; rewrite H in Hc_b''; rewrite -Hc_b'' in Ha.
+        specialize Modulo_time_distance with (t' := a.(CDate)) (t := b.(CDate) + d) as HH.
+        move: Ha => /eqP Ha; apply Logic.eq_sym in Ha; move: Ha => /eqP Ha.
+        apply HH in Ha; clear HH.
+          2: { 
+            unfold Before in aBb. apply ltn_trans with (p := b.(CDate) + d) in aBb. exact aBb.
+            apply nat_ltn_add; unfold d; 
+            rewrite subn_gt0 TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS 
+              -[ACT_date.+1]addn1 -[CAS_date.+1]addn1 ltn_add2r /CAS_date.
+            by apply nat_ltn_add. 
+          }
+        rewrite TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS subnSK; move: Hc_b => /eqP Hc_b.
+          2: {
+            specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as H0; rewrite Hc_b in H0.
+            rewrite TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS in H0. exact H0.
+          }
+        assert ((a.(CDate) < b.(CDate) - ACT_date) == (a.(CDate) + SL < b.(CDate) - ACT_date + SL)) as H0.
+          { apply /eqP; by rewrite ltn_add2r. }
+        move: H0 => /eqP H0; rewrite H0; clear H0; rename Ha into Hlt.
+        rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hlt; move: Hlt => /orP [/eqP Hlt | Hlt].
+          { rewrite Hlt addnBAC.
+              2: { 
+                specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as HH;
+                rewrite Hc_b TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS in HH;
+                by rewrite leq_eqVlt HH orbT.
+              }
+            rewrite -addnBA.
+              2: by rewrite leq_eqVlt SL_ACT orbT.
+            rewrite ltn_add2l /d TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS ltn_subRL subSS subnKC.
+              2: by rewrite /CAS_date ltn_addr.	
+            exact SL_CAS. }
+          { apply ltn_trans with (n := b.(CDate) + d). exact Hlt.
+            rewrite addnBAC.
+              2: { 
+                specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as HH;
+                rewrite Hc_b TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS in HH;
+                by rewrite leq_eqVlt HH orbT.
+              }
+            rewrite -addnBA.
+              2: by rewrite leq_eqVlt SL_ACT orbT.
+            rewrite ltn_add2l /d TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS ltn_subRL subSS subnKC.
+              2: by rewrite /CAS_date ltn_addr.
+            exact SL_CAS. }
+      }
+    }
+    apply TDM_in_the_past with (t := b.(CDate)).
+      { by apply Cmd_in_trace. }
+    apply TDM_in_the_past with (t := (b.(CDate) - Next_cycle OACT_date).+1).
+      { rewrite TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS -addn1 -subnA. by rewrite leq_subr.
+        1: done.
+        specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as HH; rewrite Hc_b TDM_nextcycle_act_eq_actS in HH; exact HH.
+      }
+    exact Hreq_b.
+  Qed.
+  Theorem Cmds_row_ok t b c: 
+    b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> c \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    isCAS b -> isPRE c -> Same_Bank b c -> Before c b -> 
+    exists a, (a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands))
+    && isACT a && Same_Row a b && After a c && Before a b.
+  Proof.
+    intros Hb Hc iCb iPc SB cBb.
+    apply TDM_CAS_date in Hb as H. destruct H as [Hc_b Hreq_b].
+      2: exact iCb.
+    apply Request_ACT_bounded in Hreq_b.
+    move: Hc_b => /eqP Hc_b; rewrite /Last_slot_start Hc_b in Hreq_b.
+    rewrite TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS subnSK in Hreq_b.
+      2: specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as HH; by rewrite Hc_b TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS in HH.
+    exists (ACT_of_req b.(Request) (b.(CDate) - CAS_date + ACT_date)).
+    rewrite /Same_Bank in SB; move: SB => /eqP SB.
+    rewrite /isACT //= eq_refl andbT /Before /After //= /Same_Row eq_refl //= andbT.
+    apply /andP; split.
+    2: {
+      rewrite -subnA.
+        3: { 
+          specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as H. 
+          rewrite Hc_b TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS in H.
+          by rewrite leq_eqVlt H orbT. }
+        2: by rewrite /CAS_date leq_addr. 
+      rewrite ltn_subrL subn_gt0 /CAS_date.
+      apply TDM_date_gt_0 in Hb; rewrite Hb andbT.
+      by apply nat_ltn_add.
+    }
+    apply /andP; split.
+    2: {
+      apply PRE_modulo_date in Hc as Hc_c. rewrite Time_counter_modulo in Hc_c.
+        2: exact iPc.
+      apply TDM_add_counter with (d := CAS_date) in Hc_c as Hc_c'.
+        2: by rewrite addnC TDM_nextcycle_ozcycle addn1 SL_CASS.
+      rewrite TDM_nextcycle_ozcycle [1 + _]addnC addn1 in Hc_c'.
+      (* this should be optimzed *)
+      move: Hc_b => /eqP Hc_b; rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS in Hc_b.
+      move: Hc_b => /eqP Hc_b; rewrite -Hc_b in Hc_c'.
+      move: Hc_c' => /eqP Hc_c'; apply Logic.eq_sym in Hc_c'; move: Hc_c' => /eqP Hc_c'.
+      apply Modulo_time_distance_or in Hc_c'; destruct Hc_c' as [Hc_c' | [Hc_c' | Hc_c']].
+        3: {
+          rewrite Hc_c' -subnA.
+            3: by rewrite addnC leq_addr.
+            2: by rewrite /CAS_date leq_addr.
+          by rewrite ltn_subRL addnC ltn_add2l ltn_subrL ACT_pos CAS_pos. 
+        }
+        2: {
+          contradict Hc_c'; apply /negP; rewrite -ltnNge; unfold Before in cBb.
+          rewrite addnC -ltn_subRL.
+          apply ltn_trans with (n := b.(CDate)). exact cBb.
+          by rewrite ltn_subRL addnC ltn_add2l SL_CAS.
+        }
+      rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hc_c'; move: Hc_c' => /orP [/eqP Hc_c' | Hc_c'].
+        {	rewrite -Hc_c' -addnA -subnA.
+            3: by rewrite addnC -addnA leq_addr.
+            2: by rewrite /CAS_date leq_addr.
+          rewrite leq_subRL.
+            2: by rewrite leq_subLR addnA addnC -addnA leq_addr.
+          rewrite addnC -addn1 -addnA leq_add2l addnC addn1 ltn_subLR.
+            2: by rewrite /CAS_date leq_addr.
+          rewrite addnC -addnA.
+          apply nat_ltn_add.
+          by rewrite addn_gt0 SL_pos orTb. }
+        { rewrite -subnA.
+            3: by specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as H; rewrite Hc_b in H; rewrite leq_eqVlt H orbT.
+            2: by rewrite /CAS_date leq_addr.
+          rewrite ltn_subRL addnC.
+          apply ltn_trans with (m := c.(CDate) + (CAS_date - ACT_date)) in Hc_c'. 
+          exact Hc_c'.
+          rewrite -addnA ltn_add2l ltn_subLR.
+            2: by rewrite /CAS_date leq_addr.
+          rewrite addnA addnC [ACT_date + _]addnC [SL + _]addnC -addnA.
+          apply nat_ltn_add; by rewrite addn_gt0 SL_pos orbT.
+        }
+    }
+    apply TDM_in_the_past with (t := b.(CDate)).
+      { by apply Cmd_in_trace. }
+    apply TDM_in_the_past with (t := (b.(CDate) - CAS_date + ACT_date)).
+      { rewrite -subnA.
+          3: {
+            move: Hc_b => /eqP Hc_b; rewrite -nat_of_counter_eq TDM_nextcycle_cas_eq_casS in Hc_b; move: Hc_b => /eqP Hc_b.
+            by specialize Date_gt_counter with (t := b.(CDate)) as H; rewrite Hc_b in H; rewrite leq_eqVlt H orbT.
+          }
+          2: by rewrite /CAS_date leq_addr.
+        by rewrite leq_subr.
+      }
+    exact Hreq_b.
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Default_arbitrate_notin_cmd t (c : Command_t):
+    c.(CDate) > t -> c \notin (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands).
+  Proof.
+    intros.
+    destruct (c \notin (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands)) eqn:Hni.
+    { done. }
+    { move : Hni => /negPn Hni. apply Cmd_in_trace in Hni.
+      contradict Hni; apply /negP; by rewrite -ltnNge. }
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Default_arbitrate_cmds_uniq t:
+    uniq ((Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands)).
+  Proof.
+    induction t; simpl.
+    { done. }
+    rewrite /Next_state //=.
+     destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (c == OZCycle), (c == OACT_date),
+      (c == OCAS_date), (c == OLastCycle); try destruct (Pending_of _ _); simpl.
+    all: rewrite IHt andbT.
+    all: assert (t < t.+1) as H0; try trivial.
+    all: try (specialize Default_arbitrate_notin_cmd with (c := mkCmd t.+1 NOP nullreq) (t := t) as H; simpl in H;
+              apply H in H0; by rewrite H0).
+    all: try (specialize Default_arbitrate_notin_cmd with (c := mkCmd t.+1 PRE r0) (t := t) as H; simpl in H;
+              apply H in H0; by rewrite H0).
+    all: try (specialize Default_arbitrate_notin_cmd with (c := mkCmd t.+1 ACT r0) (t := t) as H; simpl in H;
+              apply H in H0; by rewrite H0).
+    all: try (specialize Default_arbitrate_notin_cmd with (c := mkCmd t.+1 (Kind_of_req r0) r0) (t := t) as H; simpl in H;
+              apply H in H0; by rewrite H0).
+  Qed.
+  Lemma Default_arbitrate_cmds_date t cmd:
+    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
+    cmd.(CDate) <= (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Time).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite Default_arbitrate_time; apply Cmd_in_trace.
+  Qed.
+  (* Define the arbitration function which creates the actual trace -- used to instantiate the arbiter *)
+  Program Definition TDM_arbitrate (t : nat) :=
+    mkTrace 
+    (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) 
+    (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Time) 
+    (Default_arbitrate_cmds_uniq t)
+    (Default_arbitrate_cmds_date t)
+    (Cmds_T_RCD_ok t)
+    (Cmds_T_RP_ok t)
+    (Cmds_T_RC_ok t)
+    (Cmds_T_RAS_ok t)
+    (Cmds_T_RTP_ok t)
+    (Cmds_T_WTP_ok t)
+    (Cmds_T_RtoW_ok t)
+    (Cmds_T_WtoR_SBG_ok t)
+    (Cmds_T_WtoR_DBG_ok t)
+    (Cmds_T_CCD_SBG_ok t)
+    (Cmds_T_CCD_DBG_ok t)
+    (Cmds_T_FAW_ok t)
+    (Cmds_T_RRD_SBG_ok t)
+    (Cmds_T_RRD_DBG_ok t)
+    (Cmds_ACT_ok t)
+    (Cmds_row_ok t).
+  Global Instance TDM_arbiter : Arbiter_t :=
+    mkArbiter AF TDM_arbitrate Requests_handled Default_arbitrate_time_match.
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/_CoqProject b/framework/DRAM/_CoqProject
index 77ada9de5ff680d8a7265665d7939cec5916ddd7..30445672a4b92c0e65d4e63324c2eb830164b6dd 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/_CoqProject
+++ b/framework/DRAM/_CoqProject
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Core/BankMachine.v