diff --git a/framework/DDR3/Arbiter.v b/framework/DDR3/Arbiter.v
index 73b027862811d3d18f279f634da70c1c69b59b18..e67251213091108fec8ccddee89dfee6e5b38184 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/Arbiter.v
+++ b/framework/DDR3/Arbiter.v
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
 Set Printing Projections.
 From DDR3 Require Export Trace.
 Section Arbiter.
   Context {REQESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration}.
-  Context {ARBITER_CFG  : Arbiter_configuration}.
   Context {SYS_CFG      : System_configuration}.
   Class Arrival_function_t := mkArrivalFunction
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Section Arbiter.
     Arrival_uniq : forall t, 
             uniq (Arrival_at t);
 	(* This is a type-class *)
   Class Arbiter_t {AF : Arrival_function_t} := mkArbiter
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/Bank.v b/framework/DDR3/Bank.v
index b9132ad6eafd3b3256b59c096e04fd4ec04aa429..2d869eea442146c20f641d8cd0b661ff04f95ea0 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/Bank.v
+++ b/framework/DDR3/Bank.v
@@ -1,17 +1,30 @@
 Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
 Set Printing Projections.
 From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool seq eqtype.
-(* Require Export System. *)
 From DDR3 Require Export System.
-(* From DDR3 Require Export System. *)
 Section Banks.  
+  Context {SYS_CFG : System_configuration}.
+  Definition Bankgroup_t := { bg : nat | bg < BANKGROUPS }.
+  Program Definition Nat_to_bankgroup a : Bankgroup_t := 
+    match a < BANKGROUPS with
+      | true => (exist _ a _) (* blank here is the proof that a satisfies P a *)
+      | false => (exist _ (BANKGROUPS - 1) _)
+    end.
+  Next Obligation.
+    rewrite subn1 ltn_predL lt0n. 
+    by specialize BANKGROUPS_pos.
+  Qed. 
+  Definition Bankgroup_to_nat (a : Bankgroup_t) : nat :=
+    proj1_sig a.
   Definition Row_t := nat.
-  Context {SYS_CFG : System_configuration}.
-  Definition Bank_t := 
-    { a : nat | a < BANKS }.
+  Definition Bank_t := { a : nat | a < BANKS }.
   Program Definition Nat_to_bank a : Bank_t := 
     match a < BANKS with
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/FIFO.v b/framework/DDR3/FIFO.v
index 70a0e56c309fd9d27ffd5feeb06d2007264fcaf2..aac58469c3a0423355dde510cfdf346389919474 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/FIFO.v
+++ b/framework/DDR3/FIFO.v
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ Section FIFO.
   Context {SYS_CFG : System_configuration}.
+	#[local] Axiom DDR3: BANKGROUPS = 1.
   Instance REQESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration := 
     Requestor_t := unit_eqType
@@ -37,12 +39,12 @@ Section FIFO.
     WAIT_END_READ   : CAS_date + T_RTP < WAIT;
     RC_WAIT         : T_RC  < WAIT;
-    CCD_WAIT        : T_CCD < WAIT;
-    RRD_WAIT        : T_RRD < WAIT;
+    CCD_WAIT        : T_CCD_l < WAIT;
+    RRD_WAIT        : T_RRD_l < WAIT;
     RTW_WAIT        : T_RTW < WAIT;
     RAS_WAIT        : T_RP + T_RAS < WAIT;
     WTP_WAIT        : T_WR + T_WL + T_BURST < WAIT;
-    WTR_WAIT        : T_WTR + T_WL + T_BURST < WAIT;
+    WTR_WAIT        : T_WTR_l + T_WL + T_BURST < WAIT;
     FAW_WAIT        : T_FAW < WAIT + WAIT + WAIT;
@@ -84,7 +86,7 @@ Section FIFO.
     IDLE OCycle0 (Enqueue R [::]).
   Definition nullreq := 
-    mkReq tt 0 RD (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+    mkReq tt 0 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
   Definition Next_state R (AS : FIFO_state_t) : (FIFO_state_t * (Command_kind_t * Request_t)) :=
     match AS return FIFO_state_t * (Command_kind_t * Request_t) with
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/FIFO_proofs.v b/framework/DDR3/FIFO_proofs.v
index d9e09674aeacc58ffb11e9dbc728e4c53a89000b..c006fb2cc4a71d3e54061319e4dd16d8598eab1c 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/FIFO_proofs.v
+++ b/framework/DDR3/FIFO_proofs.v
@@ -13,13 +13,9 @@ Section FIFOPROOFS.
   Existing Instance REQESTOR_CFG.
   Context {AF : Arrival_function_t}.
-  (* Internal state representation *)
   Existing Instance ARBITER_CFG.
-  (* Type Implementation_t *)
   Existing Instance FIFO_implementation.
-  (* It looks like this converts State_t to FIFO_state_t automatically, when FIFO is declared as a module *)
   Definition FIFO_counter (AS : State_t) :=
     match AS with
       | IDLE c _       => nat_of_ord c 
@@ -986,13 +982,13 @@ Section FIFOPROOFS.
     by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt RTW_WAIT orbT.
-  Theorem Cmds_T_WtoR_ok t a b:
+  Theorem Cmds_T_WtoR_SBG_ok t a b:
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
     b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    CWR_to_CRD a b -> Before a b ->
-    Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR + T_WL + T_BURST).
+    CWR_to_CRD a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR_l + T_WL + T_BURST).
-    intros Ha Hb Htype aBb.
+    intros Ha Hb Htype aBb sBG.
     rewrite /CWR_to_PRE in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iCWa iCRb].
     apply FIFO_CAS_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
     apply FIFO_CAS_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]].
@@ -1006,13 +1002,23 @@ Section FIFOPROOFS.
     by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt WTR_WAIT orbT. 
-  Theorem Cmds_T_CCD_ok t a b:
+	Theorem Cmds_T_WtoR_DBG_ok t: 
+		BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall (a b : Command_t),
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
+    b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    CWR_to_CRD a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR_s + T_WL + T_BURST).
+  Proof.
+		intros H. specialize FIFO.DDR3 as Hbug. by rewrite Hbug in H.
+	Qed.
+  Theorem Cmds_T_CCD_SBG_ok t a b:
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
     b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    CRD_to_CRD a b \/ CWR_to_CWR a b -> Before a b ->
-    Apart_at_least a b T_CCD.
+    CRD_to_CRD a b \/ CWR_to_CWR a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_l.
-    intros Ha Hb Htype aBb; unfold Apart_at_least.
+    intros Ha Hb Htype aBb sBG; unfold Apart_at_least.
     destruct Htype as [Htype | Htype].
       2: unfold CWR_to_CWR in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iWa iWb].
       1: unfold CRD_to_CRD in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iRa iRb].
@@ -1029,7 +1035,17 @@ Section FIFOPROOFS.
       all: by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt CCD_WAIT orbT.   
-  Lemma Cmds_T_FAW_ok t a b c d:
+	Theorem Cmds_T_CCD_DBG_ok t: 
+		BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall a b,
+		a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
+		b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+		CRD_to_CRD a b \/ CWR_to_CWR a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+		Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_s.
+	Proof.
+		intros H. specialize FIFO.DDR3 as Hbug. by rewrite Hbug in H.
+	Qed.
+  Theorem Cmds_T_FAW_ok t a b c d:
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
     c \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> d \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
     isACT a -> isACT b -> isACT c -> isACT d -> Diff_Bank [::a;b;c;d] ->
@@ -1067,12 +1083,12 @@ Section FIFOPROOFS.
     by rewrite -addnA -addnA leq_add2l addnA leq_eqVlt FAW_WAIT orbT.
-  Lemma Cmds_T_RRD_ok t a b: 
+  Theorem Cmds_T_RRD_SBG_ok t a b: 
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    ACT_to_ACT a b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> 
-    Apart_at_least a b T_RRD.
+    ACT_to_ACT a b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_RRD_l.
-    intros Ha Hb AtA nSb aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
+    intros Ha Hb AtA nSb aBb sBG; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
     move : AtA => /andP [Aa Ab].
     apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
       2: exact Aa; clear Aa.
@@ -1086,6 +1102,15 @@ Section FIFOPROOFS.
     by rewrite leq_eqVlt RRD_WAIT orbT.
+	Theorem Cmds_T_RRD_DBG_ok t: BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall a b,
+    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    ACT_to_ACT a b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_RRD_s.
+  Proof.
+		intros H. specialize FIFO.DDR3 as Hbug. by rewrite Hbug in H.
+	Qed.
   (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
   (* -------------------- REQUEST PROOFS ------------------------------ *)
   (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
@@ -2235,7 +2260,7 @@ Section FIFOPROOFS.
   Theorem Cmds_ACT_ok t a b: 
     a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
     isACT a \/ isCAS a -> isACT b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-    exists c, (c \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands)) && isPRE c && Same_Bank b c && Same_Bank a c && ~~ Before_at c a && Before c b.
+    exists c, (c \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands)) && isPRE c && Same_Bank b c && Same_Bank a c && After c a && Before c b.
     intros Ha Hb iA iAb SB aBb.
     apply FIFO_ACT_date in Hb as H. destruct H as [Hcb [Hrun_b Hreq_b]].
@@ -2248,7 +2273,7 @@ Section FIFOPROOFS.
     rewrite /Slot_start Hsb in Hreq_b.
     exists (PRE_of_req b.(Request) (b.(CDate) - c)).
     rewrite /Same_Bank in SB; move: SB => /eqP SB.
-    rewrite /isPRE /Same_Bank //= eq_refl andbT SB eq_refl andbT andbT /Before /Before_at //= -ltnNge.
+    rewrite /isPRE /Same_Bank //= eq_refl andbT SB eq_refl andbT andbT /Before /After //=.
     (* Solving Before c b*)
     apply /andP; split.
@@ -2353,14 +2378,13 @@ Section FIFOPROOFS.
     apply FIFO_in_the_past with (t := b.(CDate) - c).
       { by apply leq_subr. }
     exact Hreq_b.
   Theorem Cmds_row_ok t b c: 
     b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> c \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
     isCAS b -> isPRE c -> Same_Bank b c -> Before c b -> 
     exists a, (a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands))
-    && isACT a && Same_Bank a b && ~~ Before_at a c && Before a b.
+    && isACT a && Same_Row a b && After a c && Before a b.
     intros Hb Hc iCb iPc SB cBb.
     apply FIFO_CAS_date in Hb as H. destruct H as [Hcb [Hrun_b Hreq_b]].
@@ -2372,7 +2396,7 @@ Section FIFOPROOFS.
     rewrite /Slot_start Hsb in Hreq_b.
     exists (ACT_of_req b.(Request) (b.(CDate) - c0 + Next_cycle OACT_date)).
     rewrite /Same_Bank in SB; move: SB => /eqP SB.
-    rewrite /isACT /Same_Bank //= eq_refl andbT SB eq_refl andbT /Before /Before_at //= -ltnNge.
+		rewrite /isACT //= eq_refl andbT /Before /After //= /Same_Row eq_refl //= andbT.
     apply /andP; split.
     2: {
@@ -2494,8 +2518,6 @@ Section FIFOPROOFS.
     rewrite Default_arbitrate_time; apply Cmd_in_trace.
-  Obligation Tactic := simpl.
 	(* nat -> Trace *)
   Definition FIFO_arbitrate t :=
@@ -2510,10 +2532,13 @@ Section FIFOPROOFS.
     (Cmds_T_RTP_ok t)
     (Cmds_T_WTP_ok t)
     (Cmds_T_RtoW_ok t)
-    (Cmds_T_WtoR_ok t)
-    (Cmds_T_CCD_ok t)
+    (Cmds_T_WtoR_SBG_ok t)
+		(Cmds_T_WtoR_DBG_ok t)
+    (Cmds_T_CCD_SBG_ok t)
+		(Cmds_T_CCD_DBG_ok t)
     (Cmds_T_FAW_ok t)
-    (Cmds_T_RRD_ok t)
+    (Cmds_T_RRD_SBG_ok t)
+		(Cmds_T_RRD_DBG_ok t)
     (Cmds_ACT_ok t)
     (Cmds_row_ok t).
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/FIFO_sim.v b/framework/DDR3/FIFO_sim.v
index 6371ab3ea3cfd93cd2ef515210da07b4932c2b02..231a991e95e1b8b7a4911a50cbb49efa69590d79 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/FIFO_sim.v
+++ b/framework/DDR3/FIFO_sim.v
@@ -9,12 +9,15 @@ Section FIFOsim.
   Program Instance SYS_CFG : System_configuration :=
     BANKS := 1;
     T_BURST := 1;
     T_WL    := 1;
-    T_RRD := 3;
+    T_RRD_s := 1;
+		T_RRD_l := 3;
     T_FAW := 20;
     T_RC  := 3;
@@ -25,8 +28,10 @@ Section FIFOsim.
     T_WR  := 1;
     T_RTW := 10;
-    T_WTR := 10;
-    T_CCD := 12;
+		T_WTR_s := 1;
+    T_WTR_l := 10;
+		T_CCD_s := 1;
+    T_CCD_l := 12;
   Program Instance FIFO_CFG : FIFO_configuration :=
@@ -38,8 +43,8 @@ Section FIFOsim.
   Existing Instance FIFO_implementation.
   Existing Instance FIFO_arbiter.
-  Program Definition Req1 := mkReq tt 1 RD 0 1.
-  Program Definition Req2 := mkReq tt 2 RD 0 1.
+  Program Definition Req1 := mkReq tt 1 RD 0 0 1.
+  Program Definition Req2 := mkReq tt 2 RD 0 0 1.
   Definition Input : Requests_t := [:: Req2; Req1].
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/ImplementationInterface.v b/framework/DDR3/ImplementationInterface.v
index 4281193813b49b26f5f1d2c14522700c7edf2aac..7eb0389f19ceb7a9d880df0615301cfaf6c3d803 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/ImplementationInterface.v
+++ b/framework/DDR3/ImplementationInterface.v
@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ From DDR3 Require Export Arbiter.
 Section ImplementationInterface.
+	(* The arbiter state *)
+	Class Arbiter_configuration :=
+	{
+		State_t : Type;
+	}.
 	Context {REQESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration}.
 	Context {ARBITER_CFG  : Arbiter_configuration}.
 	Context {SYS_CFG      : System_configuration}.
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/Requests.v b/framework/DDR3/Requests.v
index 457de7d3888da49ab3a684d611bda76212901bc6..ce2b344c9ebeffb002400fbc3bf125299c53d672 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/Requests.v
+++ b/framework/DDR3/Requests.v
@@ -1,20 +1,19 @@
 Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
 Set Printing Projections.
 From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect eqtype.
-Set Printing Projections.
 From DDR3 Require Export Util System Requestor Bank.
 Section Requests.
   Context {REQESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration}.
-  Context {ARBITER_CFG  : Arbiter_configuration}.
+  (* Context {ARBITER_CFG  : Arbiter_configuration}. *)
   Context {SYS_CFG      : System_configuration}.
   Inductive Request_kind_t : Set :=
     RD |
-  Local Definition Request_kind_eqdef (a b : Request_kind_t) :=
+  #[local] Definition Request_kind_eqdef (a b : Request_kind_t) :=
     match a, b with
       | RD, RD
       | WR, WR => true
@@ -37,6 +36,7 @@ Section Requests.
     Requestor : Requestor_t;
     Date : nat;
     Kind : Request_kind_t;
+		Bankgroup : Bankgroup_t;
     Bank : Bank_t;
     Row  : Row_t
@@ -45,37 +45,43 @@ Section Requests.
     (a.(Requestor) == b.(Requestor)) &&
     (a.(Date) == b.(Date)) &&
     (a.(Kind) == b.(Kind)) &&
+		(a.(Bankgroup) == b.(Bankgroup)) &&
     (a.(Bank) == b.(Bank)) &&
     (a.(Row) == b.(Row)).
-  Lemma Request_eqn : Equality.axiom Request_eqdef.
-  Proof.
-    unfold Equality.axiom. intros. destruct Request_eqdef eqn:H.
-    {
-      apply ReflectT. unfold Request_eqdef in *.
-      move: H => /andP [/andP [/andP [ /andP [/eqP RQ /eqP Hdate /eqP Hkind /eqP B /eqP R]]]].
-      destruct x,y; simpl in *. by subst.
-    }
-    apply ReflectF. unfold Request_eqdef, not in *.
-    intro BUG.
-    apply negbT in H. rewrite negb_and in H.
-    destruct x, y.
-      move: H => /orP [H | /eqP Row].
-      rewrite negb_and in H.
-      move: H => /orP [H | /eqP Bank].
-      rewrite negb_and in H.
-      move: H => /orP [H | /eqP Kind].
-      rewrite negb_and in H.
-      move: H => /orP [/eqP Req | /eqP Date].
-      by apply Req; inversion BUG.
-      by apply Date; inversion BUG.
-      by apply Kind; inversion BUG.
-      by apply Bank; inversion BUG.
-      by apply Row; inversion BUG.
-  Qed.
+	Lemma Request_eqn : Equality.axiom Request_eqdef.
+	Proof.
+		unfold Equality.axiom. intros. destruct Request_eqdef eqn:H.
+		{
+			apply ReflectT. unfold Request_eqdef in *.
+			move: H => /andP [/andP [/andP [/andP [ /andP [/eqP RQ /eqP Hdate /eqP Hkind /eqP Bg /eqP B /eqP R]]]]].
+			destruct x,y; simpl in *. by subst.
+		}
+		apply ReflectF. unfold Request_eqdef, not in *.
+		intro BUG.
+		apply negbT in H. rewrite negb_and in H.
+		destruct x, y.
+			move: H => /orP [H | /eqP Row].
+			rewrite negb_and in H.
+			move: H => /orP [H | /eqP Bank].
+			rewrite negb_and in H.
+			move: H => /orP [H | /eqP Bg].
+			rewrite negb_and in H.
+			move: H => /orP [H | /eqP Kind].
+			rewrite negb_and in H.
+			move: H => /orP [/eqP Req | /eqP Date].
+			by apply Req; inversion BUG.
+			by apply Date; inversion BUG.
+			by apply Kind; inversion BUG.
+			by apply Bg; inversion BUG.
+			by apply Bank; inversion BUG.
+			by apply Row; inversion BUG.
+	Qed.
   Canonical Request_eqMixin := EqMixin Request_eqn.
   Canonical Request_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType Request_t Request_eqMixin.
   Definition Requests_t := seq Request_t.
 End Requests.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/System.v b/framework/DDR3/System.v
index 4baa92d1c25f1db19838b91d112acfcf8e1b2057..fec7f72f21d86f52a4ab0305822c5c03165d3773 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/System.v
+++ b/framework/DDR3/System.v
@@ -4,50 +4,46 @@ From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool seq eqtype.
 Section System.
-(* The arbiter state *)
-Class Arbiter_configuration :=
-  State_t : Type;
-(* The system *)
 Class System_configuration :=
+  BANKGROUPS : nat;
   BANKS      : nat;
   T_BURST : nat;   (* delay of a burst transfer RD/WR *)
   T_WL    : nat;   (* delay between a WR and its bus transfer *)
-  T_RRD  : nat;    (* ACT to ACT delay inter-bank *)
+  T_RRD_s : nat;   (* ACT to ACT delay inter-bank : different bank groups *)
+  T_RRD_l : nat; 	 (* ACT to ACT delay inter-bank : same bank groups*)
   T_FAW  : nat;    (* Four ACT window inter-bank *)
   T_RC   : nat;    (* ACT to ACT delay intra-bank *)
   T_RP   : nat;    (* PRE to ACT delay intra-bank *)
   T_RCD  : nat;    (* ACT to CAS delay intra-bank *)
   T_RAS  : nat;    (* ACT to PRE delay intra-bank *)
   T_RTP  : nat;    (* RD to PRE delay intra-bank *)
   T_WR   : nat;    (* WR end to PRE delay intra-bank *)
   T_RTW  : nat;    (* RD to WR delay intra- + inter-bank *)
-  T_WTR  : nat;    (* WR to RD delay intra- + inter-bank *)
-  T_CCD  : nat;    (* RD/WR to RD/WR delay intra- + inter-bank *)
+  T_WTR_s : nat;	 (* WR to RD delay intra- + inter-bank : different bank groups *)
+  T_WTR_l : nat;	 (* WR to RD delay intra- + inter-bank : same bank groups *)
+  T_CCD_s : nat;	 (* RD/WR to RD/WR delay intra- + inter-bank : different bank groups *)
+  T_CCD_l : nat;	 (* RD/WR to RD/WR delay intra- + inter-bank : same bank groups *)
   (* POs *)
   BANKS_pos      : BANKS != 0;
-  T_RRD_pos  : T_RRD != 0;
+  T_RRD_s_pos  : T_RRD_s != 0;
+  T_RRD_l_pos  : T_RRD_l != 0;
   T_FAW_pos  : T_FAW != 0;
   T_RC_pos   : T_RC != 0;
   T_RP_pos   : T_RP != 0;
   T_RCD_pos  : T_RCD != 0;
   T_RAS_pos  : T_RAS != 0;
   T_RTP_pos  : T_RTP != 0;
   T_WR_pos   : T_WR != 0;
   T_RTW_pos  : T_RTW != 0;
-  T_WTR_pos  : T_WTR != 0;
-  T_CCD_pos  : T_CCD != 0
+  T_WTR_s_pos : T_WTR_s != 0;
+  T_WTR_l_pos : T_WTR_l != 0;
+  T_CCD_s_pos  : T_CCD_s != 0;
+  T_CCD_l_pos  : T_CCD_l != 0
-End System.
\ No newline at end of file
+End System. 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DDR3/Trace.v b/framework/DDR3/Trace.v
index 7b39f08ad1a638e2e50c6ffb68cdd0f1130b931a..6253615dc6f0f3ebc591cedb690ee8be479de44b 100644
--- a/framework/DDR3/Trace.v
+++ b/framework/DDR3/Trace.v
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool seq eqtype.
 From DDR3 Require Export Commands.
 Section Trace.
   Context {REQESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration}.
   Context {SYS_CFG      : System_configuration}.
@@ -13,6 +14,11 @@ Section Trace.
   Definition Same_Bank (a b : Command_t) :=
     a.(Request).(Bank) == b.(Request).(Bank).
+	Hypothesis Same_Row_and_Bank : forall (a b : Command_t), Same_Row a b -> Same_Bank a b.
+	Definition Same_Bankgroup (a b : Command_t) := 
+		a.(Request).(Bankgroup) == b.(Request).(Bankgroup).
   Fixpoint Diff_Bank_ a (S : seq Command_t) :=
     match S with
       | [::]  => true
@@ -66,7 +72,10 @@ Section Trace.
   Definition Before_at (a b : Command_t) :=
     a.(CDate) <= b.(CDate).
+	Definition After (a b : Command_t) := 
+		a.(CDate) > b.(CDate).
   Definition Apart (a b : Command_t) t :=
     a.(CDate) + t < b.(CDate).
@@ -140,14 +149,22 @@ Section Trace.
                      Apart_at_least a b T_RTW;
     (* Ensure that the time between a CWR and a CRD commands respects T_WTR + T_WL + T_BURST *)
-    Cmds_T_WtoR_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                     CWR_to_CRD a b -> Before a b ->
-                     Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR + T_WL + T_BURST);
+    Cmds_T_WtoR_SBG_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
+                     CWR_to_CRD a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+                     Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR_l + T_WL + T_BURST);
+		Cmds_T_WtoR_DBG_ok : BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
+										 CWR_to_CRD a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+										 Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR_s + T_WL + T_BURST);
     (* Ensure that the time between a CAS and a CAS commands respects T_CCD *)
-    Cmds_T_CCD_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                        CRD_to_CRD a b \/ CWR_to_CWR a b -> Before a b ->
-                        Apart_at_least a b T_CCD;
+    Cmds_T_CCD_SBG_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
+                        CRD_to_CRD a b \/ CWR_to_CWR a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+                        Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_l;
+		Cmds_T_CCD_DBG_ok : BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
+												CRD_to_CRD a b \/ CWR_to_CWR a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+												Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_s;
     (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -159,9 +176,13 @@ Section Trace.
                      Apart_at_least a d T_FAW;
     (* Ensure that the time between two ACT commands respects T_RRD *)
-    Cmds_T_RRD_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                     ACT_to_ACT a b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-                     Apart_at_least a b T_RRD;
+    Cmds_T_RRD_SBG_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
+                     ACT_to_ACT a b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+                     Apart_at_least a b T_RRD_l;
+		Cmds_T_RRD_DBG_ok : BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
+                     ACT_to_ACT a b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+                     Apart_at_least a b T_RRD_s;
     (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
     (* ------------------------Correctness of the command protocol ------------- *)
@@ -169,11 +190,11 @@ Section Trace.
     Cmds_ACT_ok: forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
                  isACT a \/ isCAS a -> isACT b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-                 exists c, ((c \in Commands) && (isPRE c) && (Same_Bank b c) && (Same_Bank a c) && (~~ Before_at c a) && (Before c b));
+                 exists c, (c \in Commands) && (isPRE c) && (Same_Bank b c) && (Same_Bank a c) && (After c a) && (Before c b);
     (* Every CAS command is preceded by a matching ACT without another ACT or PRE in between *)
     Cmds_row_ok : forall b c, b \in Commands -> c \in Commands ->
                   isCAS b -> isPRE c -> Same_Bank b c -> Before c b -> 
-                  exists a, (a \in Commands) && isACT a && Same_Bank a b && ~~ Before_at a c && Before a b
+                  exists a, (a \in Commands) && (isACT a) && (Same_Row a b) && (After a c) && (Before a b)
 End Trace.
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