diff --git a/framework/DRAM/FIFO_proofs.v b/framework/DRAM/FIFO_proofs.v
index 4cfa6d5bedf3d00922a2cd9f69496456c6925165..58a7a73653fc545bb02fe5b0cf11df1af70cd9a9 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/FIFO_proofs.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/FIFO_proofs.v
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Set Printing Projections.
 From mathcomp Require Export fintype div.
 Require Import Program.
 From DRAM Require Export FIFO.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssrZ zify.
@@ -15,6 +16,10 @@ Section FIFOPROOFS.
   Existing Instance ARBITER_CFG.
   Existing Instance FIFO_implementation.
+	(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+  (* --------------------- USEFUL DEFINITIONS ------------------------- *)
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
   Definition FIFO_counter (AS : State_t) :=
     match AS with
@@ -58,6 +63,10 @@ Section FIFOPROOFS.
       | RUNNING _ _ r => Some r
+	(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+  (* --------------------- BASIC LEMMAS ------------------------------- *)
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
   Ltac isCommand :=
     unfold isPRE, isACT, isCAS, PRE_of_req, ACT_of_req, CAS_of_req, Kind_of_req; 
     match goal with
@@ -2473,6 +2482,50 @@ Section FIFOPROOFS.
           apply leq_subr. }
     exact Hreq_b.
+	Theorem Cmds_initial t b: 
+    b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isCAS b ->
+    exists a, (a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands)) && (isACT a) && (Same_Row a b) && (Before a b).
+  Proof.
+    intros Hb iCb.
+    apply FIFO_CAS_date in Hb as H. destruct H as [Hcb [Hrun_b Hreq_b]].
+      2: done.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate b.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hsb.
+      1: by simpl in Hrun_b.
+    rewrite -Hsb in Hreq_b. 
+    apply Request_ACT_bounded in Hreq_b.
+      2: by rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b.
+    rewrite /Slot_start Hsb in Hreq_b.
+    exists (ACT_of_req b.(Request) (b.(CDate) - c + Next_cycle OACT_date)).
+    rewrite /isACT //= eq_refl andbT /Before /After //= /Same_Row eq_refl //= andbT.
+    apply /andP; split.
+    2: {
+      rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hcb; rewrite Hcb FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
+      rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b.
+      rewrite -subnA.
+        3: {
+          apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b as H; rewrite Hsb /FIFO_counter Hcb FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS in H.
+          apply ltn_trans with (m := CAS_date) in H. exact H. done. }
+        2: rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add.
+      rewrite ltn_subrL.
+      apply FIFO_date_gt_0 in Hb; rewrite subn_gt0 Hb andbT -addn1 -[CAS_date.+1]addn1 leq_add2r.
+      rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date; apply nat_ltn_add; by rewrite lt0n T_RCD_pos.
+    }
+    apply FIFO_in_the_past with (t := b.(CDate)).
+      { by apply Cmd_in_trace. }
+    apply FIFO_in_the_past with (t := b.(CDate) - c + Next_cycle OACT_date).
+      { rewrite -subnA.
+          3: { rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b; apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b. 
+               rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb in Hrun_b; by rewrite leq_eqVlt Hrun_b orbT. }
+          2: { rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hcb; rewrite Hcb; 
+               rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS; 
+               rewrite /CAS_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add. }
+          apply leq_subr. }
+    exact Hreq_b.
+  Qed.
   (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
   (* --------------------- INSTANCES ---------------------------------- *)
@@ -2518,7 +2571,7 @@ Section FIFOPROOFS.
   (* nat -> Trace *)
-  Definition FIFO_arbitrate t :=
+  Program Definition FIFO_arbitrate t :=
     (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) 
     (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Time)
@@ -2535,12 +2588,17 @@ Section FIFOPROOFS.
     (Cmds_T_WtoR_DBG_ok t)
     (Cmds_T_CCD_SBG_ok t)
     (Cmds_T_CCD_DBG_ok t)
+		_
+		_
     (Cmds_T_FAW_ok t)
     (Cmds_T_RRD_SBG_ok t)
     (Cmds_T_RRD_DBG_ok t)
     (Cmds_ACT_ok t)
-    (Cmds_row_ok t).
+    (Cmds_row_ok t)
+		(Cmds_initial t)
+		_.
+	Admit Obligations.
   Global Instance FIFO_arbiter : Arbiter_t :=
     mkArbiter AF FIFO_arbitrate Requests_handled Default_arbitrate_time_match.
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/System.v b/framework/DRAM/System.v
index fec7f72f21d86f52a4ab0305822c5c03165d3773..0f74c25af6783eec0261a14da252505a62314efe 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/System.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/System.v
@@ -26,6 +26,16 @@ Class System_configuration :=
   T_CCD_s : nat;	 (* RD/WR to RD/WR delay intra- + inter-bank : different bank groups *)
   T_CCD_l : nat;	 (* RD/WR to RD/WR delay intra- + inter-bank : same bank groups *)
+	(* Refresh related properties *)
+	(* Assuming 1X refresh mode *)
+	T_REFI 	: nat;	 
+	(* All banks must be pre-charged and idle for a minimum time tRP before the REF command can be applied *)
+	(* Address bits should be don't care during a refresh command *)
+	T_RFC 	: nat; (* Depends on memory density *)
+	(* Delay to be respected between REF and the next valid command  (except DES) *)
+	(* Maximum 8/16/32 REF can be postponed -> 1X/2X/4X refresh mode *)
   (* POs *)
   BANKS_pos      : BANKS != 0;
@@ -43,7 +53,12 @@ Class System_configuration :=
   T_WTR_s_pos : T_WTR_s != 0;
   T_WTR_l_pos : T_WTR_l != 0;
   T_CCD_s_pos  : T_CCD_s != 0;
-  T_CCD_l_pos  : T_CCD_l != 0
+  T_CCD_l_pos  : T_CCD_l != 0;
+	T_RFC_pos			: T_RFC > 0;
+  T_RRD_bgs : T_RRD_s < T_RRD_l;
+  T_WTR_bgs : T_WTR_s < T_WTR_l;
+  T_CCD_bgs : T_CCD_s < T_CCD_l;
 End System. 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/TDMds.v b/framework/DRAM/TDMds.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..64914f43e0b20f5803432d60b7f6bd554e23de82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/DRAM/TDMds.v
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
+Set Printing Projections.
+From DRAM Require Export ImplementationInterface.
+From mathcomp Require Import fintype div ssrZ zify.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect seq.
+From Coq Require Import Program FMapList OrderedTypeEx.
+(* FMapList.Make expects an instance of the OrderedType module, which we define as Nat_as_OT *)
+Module Import NatMap := FMapList.Make(Nat_as_OT).
+Section TDMds.
+  Context {SYS_CFG : System_configuration}.
+  #[local] Axiom DDR3: BANKGROUPS = 1.
+  Definition ACT_date := T_RP.+1.
+  Definition CAS_date := ACT_date + T_RCD.+1.
+  Class TDMds_configuration :=
+  {
+    SL : nat; (* still exists *)
+    SN : nat; (* number of critical tasks / TDM slots *)
+    SN_one  : 1 < SN;
+    SL_pos  : 0 < SL;
+		SL_ACT  : ACT_date < SL;
+    SL_CASS  : CAS_date.+1 < SL;
+  }.
+  Context {TDMds_CFG : TDMds_configuration}.
+	Lemma SN_pos : 0 < SN.
+		specialize SN_one; lia. 
+	Qed.
+	Lemma SL_CAS: CAS_date < SL.
+    specialize SL_CASS as H; lia.
+  Qed.
+	Lemma Last_cycle: SL.-1 < SL.
+		specialize SL_pos; lia.
+  Qed.
+	(* Have to introduce the concept of criticality as well *)
+	Record Requestor_t_def := mkRequestorSlack 
+	{
+		nb : nat; 		(* the id of the requestor : no longer bounded by slot number *)
+		crit : bool; 	(* criticality *)
+		(* critical requests are bounded by the number of slots *)
+		crit_req : crit == true -> nb < SN;
+	}.
+	Definition Same_Requestor (a b : Requestor_t_def) :=
+		a.(nb) == b.(nb).
+	Definition Requestor_t_def_eqdef (a b : Requestor_t_def) :=
+		(a.(nb) == b.(nb)) && (a.(crit) == b.(crit)).
+	Lemma Requestor_t_def_eqn : Equality.axiom Requestor_t_def_eqdef.
+	Admitted.
+	Canonical Requestor_t_def_eqMixin := EqMixin Requestor_t_def_eqn.
+	Canonical Requestor_t_def_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType Requestor_t_def Requestor_t_def_eqMixin.
+	Instance REQUESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration := 
+	{
+    Requestor_t := Requestor_t_def_eqType
+  }.
+	Context {AF : Arrival_function_t}.
+	Definition Slot_t := ordinal_eqType SN.
+  Definition Counter_t := ordinal SL.
+	(* Weak maps : maps with no ordering on the key type nor the data type, WSfun and WS *)
+	(* Sfun and S: the key type is ordered *)
+	Check NatMap.t.
+	(* Slack is an ordered map from nat (requestor id) to nat (slack amount) *)
+	Definition Slack_t := NatMap.t nat.
+  (* Track whether a request is processed (RUNNING) or not (IDLE), the owner of 
+     the current slot, the cycle offset within the slot, as well as the set of 
+     pending  requests. *)
+  Inductive TDM_state_t :=
+    | IDLE    : Slot_t -> Slack_t -> Counter_t -> Requests_t -> TDM_state_t 
+    | RUNNING : Slot_t -> Slack_t -> Counter_t -> Requests_t -> Request_t-> TDM_state_t.
+  Global Instance ARBITER_CFG : Arbiter_configuration :=
+  {
+    State_t := TDM_state_t;
+  }.
+	Definition OZCycle   	:= Ordinal SL_pos.
+	Definition OACT_date 	:= Ordinal SL_ACT.
+	Definition OCAS_date 	:= Ordinal SL_CAS.
+	Definition OLastCycle := Ordinal Last_cycle.
+	Definition OZSlot 		:= Ordinal SN_pos.
+  (*************************************************************************************************)
+  (** ARBITER IMPLEMENTATION ***********************************************************************)
+  (*************************************************************************************************)
+	Definition p_transform (x cs : nat) : nat :=
+		match (cs > 0) as X return nat with
+		| true => if (x < cs) then (cs - 1) - x else (SN - 1 + cs) - x
+		| _ => (SN - 1) - x
+		end. 
+	Definition egt (cs a b : nat) :=
+		gtn (p_transform a cs) (p_transform b cs).
+	Definition lp (cs : Slot_t) := if (nat_of_ord cs == 0) then (SN.-1) else cs.-1. 
+	Definition dist (max a b : nat) : nat :=
+		if (b < a) then (a - b) else (if (b == a) then 0 else (max - (b - a))). 
+	(* Definition elt (cs a b : nat) : bool :=
+		if (a == cs) then true
+		else if (b == cs) then false
+		else if (((a > cs) && (b < cs)) || (a < cs) && (b > cs)) then (ltn a b) else ~~ (ltn a b).
+	Definition elt_ (cs a b : nat) : bool :=
+		if (b == cs) then true
+		else if (a == cs) then false
+		else if (((a > cs) && (b < cs)) || (a < cs) && (b > cs)) then (ltn a b) else ~~ (ltn a b).
+	Definition less_priority cs := (cs + (SN - 1)) %% SN. *)
+	(* Increment counter for cycle offset (with wrap-arround). *)
+	Definition Next_cycle (c : Counter_t) :=
+		let nextc := c.+1 < SL in
+			(if nextc as X return (nextc = X -> Counter_t) then 
+				fun (P : nextc = true) => Ordinal (P : nextc)
+				else
+				fun _ => OZCycle) Logic.eq_refl.
+		(* Increment the slot counter (with wrap-arround) *)
+	Definition Next_slot (s : Slot_t) (c : Counter_t) : Slot_t :=
+		if (c.+1 < SL) then s
+		else
+			let nexts := s.+1 < SN in
+				(if nexts as X return (nexts = X -> Slot_t) then 
+					fun (P : nexts = true) => Ordinal (P : nexts)
+				 else
+					fun _ => OZSlot) Logic.eq_refl.
+	Definition Enqueue (R P : Requests_t) := P ++ R.
+	Definition Dequeue r (P : Requests_t) := rem r P.
+	Program Definition nullreq := mkReq
+		(mkRequestorSlack 0 true _) 0 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Next Obligation.
+		exact SN_pos.
+	Qed.
+	(* Returns a triple: the selected requestor's id, the current slot, and the request *)
+	Program Definition edf (cs : Slot_t) := foldr (fun r_it r_saved => 
+		let s := r_it.(Requestor).(nb) in
+		let min := r_saved.(Requestor).(nb) in
+		let cs_nat := nat_of_ord cs in
+		if egt cs_nat s min then r_it else r_saved) 
+		(mkReq (mkRequestorSlack (nat_of_ord cs) true _) 1 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0).
+	Program Definition edf_slack (cs : Slot_t) (smap : Slack_t) := foldr (fun req r_saved => 
+		let min							:= r_saved.(Requestor).(nb) in
+		let req_id 					:= req.(Requestor).(nb) in
+		let slack 					:= find req.(Requestor).(nb) smap in
+		let cs_nat 					:= nat_of_ord cs in
+		let cond						:= egt cs_nat req_id min in
+		(* Testing with SN = 4 and SL = 8 *)
+		match slack with
+		| None => if cond then req else r_saved
+		| Some sl => let t := ((cs_nat + 1) * 8) - (req.(Date) %% 32) in
+		 	if (sl > t) then r_saved
+			 	(* if there is enough slack, then the
+			  associated request is not priority, don't update variables *)
+			else if cond then req else r_saved
+		end) (mkReq (mkRequestorSlack (nat_of_ord cs) true _) 1 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0).
+	Program Definition edf_slack_crit (cs : Slot_t) (smap : Slack_t) := foldr (fun r_it r_saved => 
+		let cs_nat				:= nat_of_ord cs in
+		let r_it_crit 		:= r_it.(Requestor).(crit) in
+		let r_it_id  			:= r_it.(Requestor).(nb) in
+		let r_saved_crit 	:= r_saved.(Requestor).(crit) in 
+		let r_saved_id		:= r_saved.(Requestor).(nb) in
+		if ~~ (r_it_crit) then 
+			(* safe to choose the non-critical request when the saved 
+			request is not the upcoming one, which has the most priority *)
+			(if (r_saved_id != cs_nat) then r_it else r_saved)
+		else (
+				 (* choose the request if: 
+				 	  a) r_it[i] > r_saved[i] , i.e., r_it has more priority than r_saved
+						b) r_it[i] is the due for the upcoming slot (most priority), this condition
+								is useful to overwrite previously selected non-critical requests *)
+				 let cond 	:= (egt cs_nat r_it_id r_saved_id) || (r_it_id == cs_nat) || (r_saved.(Date) == 0) in
+				 let slack 	:= find r_it.(Requestor).(nb) smap in
+				 match slack with
+					| None => if cond then r_it else r_saved
+					| Some sl => 
+						let t := (r_it.(Date) %% (SL * SN)) in
+						if (sl > t) then r_saved else
+						(* if there is enough slack, then the
+						associated request is not priority, don't update variables *)
+						(if cond then r_it else r_saved)
+					end(* how to make sure that the initial request will never be picked ? *)
+		)) (mkReq (mkRequestorSlack (lp cs) true _) 0 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0).
+	Next Obligation.
+		unfold lp; clear H.
+		destruct (nat_of_ord cs == 0); [ rewrite ltn_predL; exact SN_pos | ].
+		destruct cs; simpl; lia.
+	Qed.
+	Definition empty_nat_map := NatMap.empty nat.
+	Definition Next_state (R : Requests_t) (AS : TDM_state_t) 
+		: (TDM_state_t * (Command_kind_t * Request_t)) :=
+    match AS return (TDM_state_t * (Command_kind_t * Request_t)) with
+      | IDLE s slmap c P => 
+        let P' := Enqueue R P in
+        let s' := Next_slot s c in
+        let c' := Next_cycle c in
+				if (c == OZCycle) then (
+					match P with
+					| [::] => (IDLE s' slmap c' P', (NOP,nullreq))
+					| _ => let req := edf_slack_crit s slmap P in
+						(RUNNING s' slmap c' (Enqueue R (Dequeue req P)) req, (PRE, req))
+					end)
+				else (IDLE s' slmap c' P', (NOP,nullreq))
+			| RUNNING s slmap c P r =>
+				let P' := Enqueue R P in
+				let s' := Next_slot s c in
+				let c' := Next_cycle c in
+				if c == OACT_date then
+					(RUNNING s' slmap c' P' r, (ACT, r))
+				else if c == OCAS_date then
+					(RUNNING s' slmap c' P' r, (Kind_of_req r, r))
+				else if c == OLastCycle then
+				  let req_id := r.(Requestor).(nb) in
+					let slack' := (dist SN (nat_of_ord s) req_id) * SL in
+					(* replaces existing slack -- won't accumulate *)
+					let slmap' := NatMap.add req_id slack' slmap in
+					(IDLE s' slmap' c' P', (NOP, nullreq))
+				else 
+					(RUNNING s' slmap c' P' r, (NOP, nullreq))
+		end.
+	Definition Init_state R :=
+    IDLE OZSlot empty_nat_map OZCycle (Enqueue R [::]).
+  Instance TDMds_implementation : Implementation_t := 
+    mkImplementation Init_state Next_state.
+	Program Definition TDMds_arbitrate t :=
+		mkTrace 
+		(Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands)
+		(Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Time)
+		_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
+	Admit Obligations.
+	Program Instance TDMds_arbiter : Arbiter_t :=
+		mkArbiter AF TDMds_arbitrate _ _.
+	Admit Obligations.
+End TDMds.
+Section TDMds_sim.
+	Program Instance SYS_CFG : System_configuration :=
+	{
+		BANKS := 8;
+		T_BURST := 1;
+		T_WL    := 1;
+		T_RRD_s := 1;
+		T_RRD_l := 3;
+		T_FAW := 20;
+		T_RC  := 3;
+		T_RP  := 1;
+		T_RCD := 1;
+		T_RAS := 4;
+		T_RTP := 4;
+		T_WR  := 1;
+		T_RTW := 10;
+		T_WTR_s := 1;
+		T_WTR_l := 10;
+		T_CCD_s := 1;
+		T_CCD_l := 12;
+		T_REFI := 10;
+		T_RFC := 10;
+	}.
+	Program Instance TDMds_CFG : TDMds_configuration :=
+	{
+		SN := 2;
+		SL := 8;
+	}.
+	Existing Instance REQUESTOR_CFG.
+	Existing Instance TDMds_implementation.
+	Existing Instance TDMds_arbiter.
+	Program Definition ReqA0 := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 0 true _) 2 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 5.
+	Program Definition ReqB0 := mkReq (* 3 instead of 14 *)
+		(mkRequestorSlack 1 true _) 14 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 10.
+	Program Definition ReqC0 := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 2 false _) 26 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Program Definition ReqB1 := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 1 true _) 28 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Program Definition ReqA1 := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 0 true _) 40 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Program Definition ReqC1 := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 2 false _) 46 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Program Definition ReqB2  := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 1 true _) 50 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Program Definition ReqA2  := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 0 true _) 72 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Definition test_req_seq := [:: ReqA0;ReqB0;ReqC0;ReqB1;ReqA1;ReqC1;ReqB2;ReqA2].
+	Program Instance AF : Arrival_function_t := Default_arrival_function_t test_req_seq.
+	Compute (Arbitrate 80).(Commands).
+End TDMds_sim.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/TDMes.v b/framework/DRAM/TDMes.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f78c960da7a90f201d69b8344e350bffdf925de0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/DRAM/TDMes.v
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
+Set Printing Projections.
+From DRAM Require Export ImplementationInterface.
+From mathcomp Require Import fintype div ssrZ zify.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect seq.
+From Coq Require Import Program FMapList OrderedTypeEx.
+(* FMapList.Make expects an instance of the OrderedType module, which we define as Nat_as_OT *)
+Module Import NatMap := FMapList.Make(Nat_as_OT).
+Section TDMes.
+  Context {SYS_CFG : System_configuration}.
+  #[local] Axiom DDR3: BANKGROUPS = 1.
+  Definition ACT_date := T_RP.+1.
+  Definition CAS_date := ACT_date + T_RCD.+1.
+  Class TDMds_configuration :=
+  {
+    SL : nat; (* still exists *)
+    SN : nat; (* number of critical tasks / TDM slots *)
+    SN_one  : 1 < SN;
+    SL_pos  : 0 < SL;
+		SL_ACT  : ACT_date < SL;
+    SL_CASS  : CAS_date.+1 < SL;
+  }.
+  Context {TDMds_CFG : TDMds_configuration}.
+	Lemma SN_pos : 0 < SN.
+		specialize SN_one; lia. 
+	Qed.
+	Lemma SL_CAS: CAS_date < SL.
+    specialize SL_CASS as H; lia.
+  Qed.
+	Lemma Last_cycle: SL.-1 < SL.
+		specialize SL_pos; lia.
+  Qed.
+	(* Have to introduce the concept of criticality as well *)
+	Record Requestor_t_def := mkRequestorSlack 
+	{
+		nb : nat; 		(* the id of the requestor : no longer bounded by slot number *)
+		crit : bool; 	(* criticality *)
+		(* critical requests are bounded by the number of slots *)
+		crit_req : crit == true -> nb < SN;
+	}.
+	Definition Same_Requestor (a b : Requestor_t_def) :=
+		a.(nb) == b.(nb).
+	Definition Requestor_t_def_eqdef (a b : Requestor_t_def) :=
+		(a.(nb) == b.(nb)) && (a.(crit) == b.(crit)).
+	Lemma Requestor_t_def_eqn : Equality.axiom Requestor_t_def_eqdef.
+	Admitted.
+	Canonical Requestor_t_def_eqMixin := EqMixin Requestor_t_def_eqn.
+	Canonical Requestor_t_def_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType Requestor_t_def Requestor_t_def_eqMixin.
+	Instance REQUESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration := 
+	{
+    Requestor_t := Requestor_t_def_eqType
+  }.
+	Context {AF : Arrival_function_t}.
+	Definition Slot_t := ordinal_eqType SN.
+  Definition Counter_t := ordinal SL.
+	(* Weak maps : maps with no ordering on the key type nor the data type, WSfun and WS *)
+	(* Sfun and S: the key type is ordered *)
+	(* Check NatMap.t. *)
+	(* Slack is an ordered map from nat (requestor id) to nat (slack amount) *)
+	Definition Slack_t := NatMap.t nat.
+  (* Track whether a request is processed (RUNNING) or not (IDLE), the owner of 
+     the current slot, the cycle offset within the slot, as well as the set of 
+     pending  requests. *)
+  Inductive TDM_state_t :=
+    | IDLE    : Slot_t -> Slack_t -> Counter_t -> Requests_t -> TDM_state_t 
+    | RUNNING : Slot_t -> Slack_t -> Counter_t -> Counter_t -> Requests_t -> Request_t-> TDM_state_t.
+  Global Instance ARBITER_CFG : Arbiter_configuration :=
+  {
+    State_t := TDM_state_t;
+  }.
+	Definition OZCycle   	:= Ordinal SL_pos.
+	Lemma SL_one : 1 < SL.
+		specialize SL_ACT; specialize T_RP_pos; unfold ACT_date; lia.
+	Qed.
+	Definition OSlot1 		:= Ordinal SL_one.
+	Definition OACT_date 	:= Ordinal SL_ACT.
+	Definition OCAS_date 	:= Ordinal SL_CAS.
+	Definition OLastCycle := Ordinal Last_cycle.
+	Definition OZSlot 		:= Ordinal SN_pos.
+  (*************************************************************************************************)
+  (** ARBITER IMPLEMENTATION ***********************************************************************)
+  (*************************************************************************************************)
+	Definition p_transform (x cs : nat) : nat :=
+		match (cs > 0) as X with
+		| true => if (x < cs) then (cs - 1) - x else (SN - 1 + cs) - x
+		| _ => (SN - 1) - x
+		end. 
+	Definition egt (cs a b : nat) :=
+		gtn (p_transform a cs) (p_transform b cs).
+	Definition lp (cs : Slot_t) := if (nat_of_ord cs == 0) then (SN.-1) else cs.-1. 
+	Definition dist (max a b : nat) : nat :=
+		if (b < a) then (a - b) else (if (b == a) then 0 else (max - (b - a))). 
+	(* Increment counter for cycle offset (with wrap-arround). *)
+	Definition Next_cycle (c : Counter_t) :=
+		let nextc := c.+1 < SL in
+			(if nextc as X return (nextc = X -> Counter_t) then 
+				fun (P : nextc = true) => Ordinal (P : nextc)
+				else
+				fun _ => OZCycle) Logic.eq_refl.
+		(* Increment the slot counter (with wrap-arround) *)
+	Definition Next_slot (s : Slot_t) (c : Counter_t) : Slot_t :=
+		if (c.+1 < SL) then s
+		else
+			let nexts := s.+1 < SN in
+				(if nexts as X return (nexts = X -> Slot_t) then 
+					fun (P : nexts = true) => Ordinal (P : nexts)
+				 else
+					fun _ => OZSlot) Logic.eq_refl.
+	Definition Enqueue (R P : Requests_t) := P ++ R.
+	Definition Dequeue r (P : Requests_t) := rem r P.
+	Program Definition nullreq := mkReq
+		(mkRequestorSlack 0 true _) 0 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Next Obligation.
+		exact SN_pos.
+	Qed.
+	Program Definition edf_slack_crit (cs : Slot_t) (smap : Slack_t) := foldr (fun r_it r_saved => 
+		let cs_nat				:= nat_of_ord cs in
+		let r_it_crit 		:= r_it.(Requestor).(crit) in
+		let r_it_id  			:= r_it.(Requestor).(nb) in
+		let r_saved_crit 	:= r_saved.(Requestor).(crit) in 
+		let r_saved_id		:= r_saved.(Requestor).(nb) in
+		if ~~ (r_it_crit) then 
+			(* safe to choose the non-critical request when the saved 
+			request is not the upcoming one, which has the most priority *)
+			(if (r_saved_id != cs_nat) then r_it else r_saved)
+		else (
+				 (* choose the request if: 
+				 	  a) r_it[i] > r_saved[i] , i.e., r_it has more priority than r_saved
+						b) r_it[i] is the due for the upcoming slot (most priority), this condition
+								is useful to overwrite previously selected non-critical requests
+						c) overwrite the default request, which has special date 0 *)
+				 let cond 	:= (egt cs_nat r_it_id r_saved_id) || (r_it_id == cs_nat) || (r_saved.(Date) == 0) in
+				 let slack 	:= find r_it.(Requestor).(nb) smap in
+				 match slack with
+					| None => if cond then r_it else r_saved
+					| Some sl => 
+						let t := (r_it.(Date) %% (SL * SN)) in
+						if (sl > t) then r_saved else
+						(* if there is enough slack, then the
+						associated request is not priority, don't update variables *)
+						(if cond then r_it else r_saved)
+					end(* how to make sure that the initial request will never be picked ? *)
+		)) (mkReq (mkRequestorSlack (lp cs) true _) 0 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0).
+	Next Obligation.
+		unfold lp; clear H.
+		destruct (nat_of_ord cs == 0); [ rewrite ltn_predL; exact SN_pos | ].
+		destruct cs; simpl; lia.
+	Qed.
+	Definition empty_nat_map := NatMap.empty nat.
+	Definition early_start cs cnt smap req :=
+		let ncs := nat_of_ord (Next_slot cs OLastCycle) in
+		if (ncs == req.(Requestor).(nb)) then true
+		else (let slack := find ncs smap in
+			match slack with
+			| None => false
+			| Some sl => SL.-1 - cnt  < sl
+			end
+		).
+	Definition Next_state (R : Requests_t) (AS : TDM_state_t) 
+		: (TDM_state_t * (Command_kind_t * Request_t)) :=
+    match AS return (TDM_state_t * (Command_kind_t * Request_t)) with
+      | IDLE s slmap c P =>
+				let P' := Enqueue R P in
+        let s' := Next_slot s c in
+        let c' := Next_cycle c in
+				match P with
+					| [::] => (IDLE s' slmap c' P', (NOP,nullreq))
+					| _ => 
+						(* normal start at beginning of slot *)
+						if (c == OZCycle) then (
+							let req := edf_slack_crit s slmap P in
+							(RUNNING s' slmap c' OSlot1 (Enqueue R (Dequeue req P)) req, (PRE, req)))
+						(* early-start optimisation *)
+						else (
+							(* if arbitrating in the middle of slot, then priority rules chance, hence
+								 the different argument sent to the scheduling function *)
+							let req := edf_slack_crit (Next_slot s OLastCycle) slmap P in 
+						 	if (early_start s c slmap req) then
+							(RUNNING s' slmap c' OSlot1 (Enqueue R (Dequeue req P)) req, (PRE, req))
+							else (IDLE s' slmap c' P', (NOP,req)))						
+				end
+			| RUNNING s slmap c cnt_cmd P r =>
+				let P' := Enqueue R P in
+				let s' := Next_slot s c in
+				let c' := Next_cycle c in
+				let cnt_cmd' := Next_cycle cnt_cmd in
+				if (cnt_cmd == OACT_date) then
+					(RUNNING s' slmap c' cnt_cmd' P' r, (ACT, r))
+				else if (cnt_cmd == OCAS_date) then
+					(RUNNING s' slmap c' cnt_cmd' P' r, (Kind_of_req r, r))
+				else if (cnt_cmd == OLastCycle) then
+				  let req_id := r.(Requestor).(nb) in
+					(* slack can be gained in two ways:
+						either by request finishing in the middle of the slot or at the end *)
+					let slack' := if r.(Requestor).(crit) then 
+					(SL.-1 - c) + ((dist SN (nat_of_ord s) req_id) * SL) else 0 in
+					(* replaces existing slack with new slack -- won't accumulate *)
+					let slmap' := NatMap.add req_id slack' slmap in
+					(IDLE s' slmap' c' P', (NOP, nullreq))
+				else 
+					(RUNNING s' slmap c' cnt_cmd' P' r, (NOP, nullreq))
+		end.
+	Definition Init_state R :=
+    IDLE OZSlot empty_nat_map OZCycle (Enqueue R [::]).
+  Instance TDMes_implementation : Implementation_t := 
+    mkImplementation Init_state Next_state.
+	Program Definition TDMes_arbitrate t :=
+		mkTrace 
+		(Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands)
+		(Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Time)
+		_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.
+	Admit Obligations.
+	Program Instance TDMes_arbiter : Arbiter_t :=
+		mkArbiter AF TDMes_arbitrate _ _.
+	Admit Obligations.
+End TDMes.
+Section TDMes_sim.
+	Program Instance SYS_CFG : System_configuration :=
+	{
+		BANKS := 8;
+		T_BURST := 1;
+		T_WL    := 1;
+		T_RRD_s := 1;
+		T_RRD_l := 3;
+		T_FAW := 20;
+		T_RC  := 3;
+		T_RP  := 1;
+		T_RCD := 1;
+		T_RAS := 4;
+		T_RTP := 4;
+		T_WR  := 1;
+		T_RTW := 10;
+		T_WTR_s := 1;
+		T_WTR_l := 10;
+		T_CCD_s := 1;
+		T_CCD_l := 12;
+		T_REFI := 10;
+		T_RFC := 10;
+	}.
+	Program Instance TDMds_CFG : TDMds_configuration :=
+	{
+		SN := 2;
+		SL := 8;
+	}.
+	Existing Instance REQUESTOR_CFG.
+	Existing Instance TDMes_implementation.
+	Existing Instance TDMes_arbiter.
+	Program Definition ReqA0 := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 0 true _) 2 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 5.
+	Program Definition ReqB0 := mkReq (* 3 instead of 14 *)
+		(mkRequestorSlack 1 true _) 14 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 10.
+	Program Definition ReqC0 := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 2 false _) 26 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Program Definition ReqB1 := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 1 true _) 28 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Program Definition ReqA1 := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 0 true _) 40 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Program Definition ReqC1 := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 2 false _) 40 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Program Definition ReqB2  := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 1 true _) 44 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Program Definition ReqA2  := mkReq 
+		(mkRequestorSlack 0 true _) 62 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
+	Definition test_req_seq := [:: ReqA0;ReqB0;ReqC0;ReqB1;ReqA1;ReqC1;ReqB2;ReqA2].
+	Program Instance AF : Arrival_function_t := Default_arrival_function_t test_req_seq.
+	Compute (Arbitrate 80).(Commands).
+	(* Next: introduce the concepts of page open / closed *)
+	(* Do proofs about TDMes ? *)
+End TDMes_sim.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Trace.v b/framework/DRAM/Trace.v
index 25d8708ff01bf47adb49499d13d4d5f86ee12bb2..31c3af57a502b6c14716f89713907487a83d24fb 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Trace.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Trace.v
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
 Set Printing Projections.
 From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool seq eqtype.
 From DRAM Require Export Commands.
@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ Section Trace.
                      CWR_to_CRD a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
                      Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR_s + T_WL + T_BURST);
-    (* Ensure that the time between a CAS and a CAS commands respects T_CCD *)
+    (* Ensure that the time between a CAS and a CAS commaCWR_to_PREnds respects T_CCD *)
     Cmds_T_CCD_SBG_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
                         CRD_to_CRD a b \/ CWR_to_CWR a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
                         Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_l;
@@ -165,6 +166,14 @@ Section Trace.
     Cmds_T_CCD_DBG_ok : BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
                         CRD_to_CRD a b \/ CWR_to_CWR a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
                         Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_s;
+		(* Refresh related constraints *)
+		Cmds_T_RFC_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
+										isREF a -> ~~ isNOP b -> Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b T_RFC;
+		(* Upper bound *)
+		Cmds_T_REFI_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
+										isREF a -> isREF b -> Before a b -> b.(CDate) <= a.(CDate) + 9 * T_REFI;
     (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -195,6 +204,20 @@ Section Trace.
     (* Every CAS command is preceded by a matching ACT without another ACT or PRE in between *)
     Cmds_row_ok : forall b c, b \in Commands -> c \in Commands ->
                   isCAS b -> isPRE c -> Same_Bank b c -> Before c b -> 
-                  exists a, (a \in Commands) && (isACT a) && (Same_Row a b) && (After a c) && (Before a b)
+                  exists a, (a \in Commands) && (isACT a) && (Same_Row a b) && (After a c) && (Before a b);
+		(* implies the init state of the memory *)
+    Cmds_initial : forall b, b \in Commands -> isCAS b ->
+                   exists a, (a \in Commands) && (isACT a) && (Same_Row a b) && (Before a b);
+		(* Banks must be idle for at least T_RFC cycles before a REF is issued *)
+		Cmds_REF_ok : forall ref, ref \in Commands -> 
+									(exists prea, (prea \in Commands) && 
+									(isPREA prea) && (Before prea ref) && (prea.(CDate) + T_RP <= ref.(CDate)))
+									\/
+									(forall bank, bank \in All_banks -> exists pre, (pre \in Commands) &&
+									(isPRE pre) && (Before pre ref) && (bank == pre.(Request).(Bank)) 
+									&& (pre.(CDate) + T_RP <= ref.(CDate)))
 End Trace.
\ No newline at end of file