From f147e348e18544dc54298f87caa9b36f2656c129 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Felipe Lisboa <>
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2024 14:57:54 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Finished refactoring FIFO conforming the new version of the

 framework/DRAM/Core/Address.v                 |    7 +-
 framework/DRAM/Core/Arbiter.v                 |   31 +
 framework/DRAM/Core/BankMachine.v             |   12 +-
 framework/DRAM/Core/Commands.v                |   15 +-
 framework/DRAM/Core/ImplementationInterface.v |   20 +-
 framework/DRAM/Core/InterfaceSubLayer.v       |   32 +-
 framework/DRAM/Core/Trace.v                   |   44 +-
 framework/DRAM/Core/Util.v                    |   14 +-
 .../Implementations/BM/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL.v  |   50 +
 .../BM/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL_sim.v              |  102 +
 .../DRAM/Implementations/BM/RRimpSL/RRimpSL.v |  100 +
 .../Implementations/BM/RRimpSL/RRimpSL_sim.v  |  111 +
 .../Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL.v    |  101 +
 .../BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL_sim.v                |  111 +
 .../Implementations/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL.v     |   66 -
 .../FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL_test.v                |  119 -
 .../Implementations/{ => TS}/DynTDM/TDMds.v   |    0
 .../Implementations/{ => TS}/DynTDM/TDMes.v   |    0
 .../{ => TS}/DynTDM/TDMesREF.v                |    0
 .../{ => TS}/DynTDM/TDMesREFpg.v              |    0
 .../DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFO/FIFO.v |   61 +-
 .../{ => TS}/FIFO/FIFO_extraction.v           |    0
 .../{ => TS}/FIFO/FIFO_proofs.v               | 3176 ++++++++---------
 .../Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFO/FIFO_sim.v  |    0
 .../{ => TS}/FIFO/haskell_gencode_fifo/App.hs |    0
 .../haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignCommand.hsc   |    0
 .../haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignCommand_t.h   |    0
 .../haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignRequest.hsc   |    0
 .../haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignRequest_t.h   |    0
 .../FIFO/haskell_gencode_fifo/MCsimRequest.h  |    0
 .../FIFO/haskell_gencode_fifo/       |    0
 .../FIFO/haskell_gencode_fifo/main.cpp        |    0
 .../FIFO/haskell_gencode_fifo/makefile        |    0
 .../{ => TS}/FIFOImp2/FIFOImp2.v              |    0
 .../{ => TS}/FIFOImp2/FIFOImp2Properties.v    |    0
 .../{ => TS}/FIFOImp2/FIFOImp2Test.v          |    0
 .../DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/TDM.v   |   56 +-
 .../Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/TDMREF.v     |    0
 .../{ => TS}/TDM/TDM_extraction.v             |    0
 .../Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/TDM_proofs.v |    0
 .../Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/TDM_sim.v    |    0
 .../{ => TS}/TDM/haskell_gencode_tdm/App.hs   |    0
 .../haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignCommand.hsc    |    0
 .../haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignCommand_t.h    |    0
 .../haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignRequest.hsc    |    0
 .../haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignRequest_t.h    |    0
 .../TDM/haskell_gencode_tdm/MCsimRequest.h    |    0
 .../TDM/haskell_gencode_tdm/         |    0
 .../{ => TS}/TDM/haskell_gencode_tdm/main.cpp |    0
 .../{ => TS}/TDM/haskell_gencode_tdm/makefile |    0
 framework/DRAM/_CoqProject                    |   12 +-
 51 files changed, 2123 insertions(+), 2117 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL.v
 create mode 100644 framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL_sim.v
 create mode 100644 framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/RRimpSL/RRimpSL.v
 create mode 100644 framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/RRimpSL/RRimpSL_sim.v
 create mode 100644 framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL.v
 create mode 100644 framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL_sim.v
 delete mode 100644 framework/DRAM/Implementations/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL.v
 delete mode 100644 framework/DRAM/Implementations/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL_test.v
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/DynTDM/TDMds.v (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/DynTDM/TDMes.v (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/DynTDM/TDMesREF.v (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/DynTDM/TDMesREFpg.v (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFO/FIFO.v (81%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFO/FIFO_extraction.v (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFO/FIFO_proofs.v (51%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFO/FIFO_sim.v (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFO/haskell_gencode_fifo/App.hs (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFO/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignCommand.hsc (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFO/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignCommand_t.h (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFO/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignRequest.hsc (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFO/haskell_gencode_fifo/ForeignRequest_t.h (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFO/haskell_gencode_fifo/MCsimRequest.h (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFO/haskell_gencode_fifo/ (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFO/haskell_gencode_fifo/main.cpp (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFO/haskell_gencode_fifo/makefile (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFOImp2/FIFOImp2.v (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFOImp2/FIFOImp2Properties.v (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/FIFOImp2/FIFOImp2Test.v (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/TDM.v (84%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/TDMREF.v (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/TDM_extraction.v (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/TDM_proofs.v (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/TDM_sim.v (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/haskell_gencode_tdm/App.hs (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignCommand.hsc (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignCommand_t.h (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignRequest.hsc (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/haskell_gencode_tdm/ForeignRequest_t.h (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/haskell_gencode_tdm/MCsimRequest.h (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/haskell_gencode_tdm/ (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/haskell_gencode_tdm/main.cpp (100%)
 rename framework/DRAM/Implementations/{ => TS}/TDM/haskell_gencode_tdm/makefile (100%)

diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Core/Address.v b/framework/DRAM/Core/Address.v
index 415073f..25c14ea 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Core/Address.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Core/Address.v
@@ -12,14 +12,15 @@ Section Address.
 	(* ------------ Definition of Bankgroup ---------------- *)
   Definition Bankgroup_t := { bg : nat | bg < BANKGROUPS }.
+	Check exist.
   Program Definition Nat_to_bankgroup a : Bankgroup_t := 
     match a < BANKGROUPS with
-      | true => (exist _ a _) (* blank here is the proof that a satisfies P a *)
+      | true => (exist (fun x : nat => x < BANKGROUPS) a _) (* blank here is the proof that a satisfies P a *)
       | false => (exist _ (BANKGROUPS - 1) _)
   Next Obligation.
-    rewrite subn1 ltn_predL lt0n. 
-    by specialize BANKGROUPS_pos.
+    rewrite subn1 ltn_predL lt0n; by specialize BANKGROUPS_pos.
   Definition Bankgroup_to_nat (a : Bankgroup_t) : nat :=
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Core/Arbiter.v b/framework/DRAM/Core/Arbiter.v
index 415bf87..8c56d19 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Core/Arbiter.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Core/Arbiter.v
@@ -38,6 +38,37 @@ Section Arbiter.
       forall t, (Arbitrate t).(Time) == t
+	Class SequentialConsistent_Arbiter {AF : Arrival_function_t} {AR : Arbiter_t} := mkSeqArbiter {
+    R2 : forall ta reqa tb reqb, 
+    reqa \in (Arrival_at ta) -> (* reqa arrives at ta *) 
+    reqb \in (Arrival_at tb) -> (* reqb arrives at tb *)
+    (* either reqa arrived before reqb OR 
+       they arrived at the same instant, but there
+       is an arbitrary order between reqa and reqb, 
+       and reqa is to be serviced before *)
+    (ta < tb) \/ (ta = tb /\ index reqa (Arrival_at ta) < index reqb (Arrival_at ta))
+    (* txa, the completion date of reqa must happen before txb, 
+       the completion date of reqb *)
+    -> exists txa txb, (CAS_of_req reqa txa \in (Arbitrate txa).(Commands)) 
+    && (CAS_of_req reqb txb \in (Arbitrate txb).(Commands)) && (txa < txb)
+Class W_SequentialConsistent_Arbiter {AF : Arrival_function_t} {AR : Arbiter_t} := mkWSeqARbiter {  
+    R2_relaxed : forall ta reqa tb reqb, 
+    reqa \in (Arrival_at ta) -> (* reqa arrives at ta *) 
+    reqb \in (Arrival_at tb) -> (* reqb arrives at tb *)
+    (ta < tb) \/ 
+    (ta = tb /\ index reqa (Arrival_at ta) < index reqb (Arrival_at ta))
+    (* Here, an additional pre-condition: reqa and reqb target the same row *) ->
+		 reqa.(Address).(Row) = reqb.(Address).(Row) ->
+    (* txa, the completion date of reqa must happen before txb, 
+       the completion date of reqb *)
+    exists txa txb, 
+    (CAS_of_req reqa txa \in (Arbitrate txa).(Commands)) && 
+    (CAS_of_req reqb txb \in (Arbitrate txb).(Commands)) && (txa < txb)
   Definition Default_arrival_at Input t :=
     [seq x <- Input | x.(Date) == t].
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Core/BankMachine.v b/framework/DRAM/Core/BankMachine.v
index 99b9afd..ad3e5e4 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Core/BankMachine.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Core/BankMachine.v
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ Section BankMachine.
 	Fixpoint map_arriving_req_to_cmd (Q : Requests_t) (m : ReqCmdMap_t) SS : ReqCmdMap_t :=
 		match Q with
 		| Datatypes.nil => m
-		| req :: tl => (cmdGEN req SS) :: (map_arriving_req_to_cmd tl m SS) 
+		| req :: tl => (map_arriving_req_to_cmd tl m SS) ++ [cmdGEN req SS]
 	Fixpoint map_running_req_to_cmd (m : ReqCmdMap_t) SS : ReqCmdMap_t :=
@@ -147,17 +147,11 @@ Section BankMachine.
 		| nil => m
 		| hd :: tl =>
 			match hd with
-			| CRD r | CRDA r | CWR r | CWRA r | ACT r | PRE r => (cmdGEN r SS) :: (map_running_req_to_cmd tl SS)
+			| CRD r | CRDA r | CWR r | CWRA r | ACT r | PRE r =>
+				(cmdGEN r SS) :: (map_running_req_to_cmd tl SS)
 			| _ => (map_running_req_to_cmd tl SS)
-	Definition TDM (requestor : Requestor_t) (map : ReqCmdMap_t) : option Command_kind_t :=
-		seq.ohead (filter (fun cmd => 
-			match cmd with
-			| CRD r | CRDA r | CWR r | CWRA r | ACT r | PRE r => r.(Requestor) == requestor
-			| _ => false
-			end) map).
 	Definition IssueREF (m : ReqCmdMap_t) SS :=
 		match pP with
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Core/Commands.v b/framework/DRAM/Core/Commands.v
index 0955017..b67d2a2 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Core/Commands.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Core/Commands.v
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@ Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
 Set Printing Projections.
 From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect eqtype ssrbool ssrnat fintype div ssrZ zify.
-From Coq Require Import ProofIrrelevance.
-From DRAM Require Export Requests.
+From Coq Require Import ProofIrrelevance PeanoNat.
+From DRAM Require Export Requests.	
 Section Commands.
@@ -139,11 +140,11 @@ Section Commands.
 	Definition get_req (cmd : Command_t) : option Request_t :=
 		match cmd.(CKind) with
-		| ACT r => Some r
-		| CRD r => Some r
-		| CRDA r => Some r
-		| CWR r => Some r
-		| CWRA r => Some r
+		| ACT r
+		| CRD r 
+		| CRDA r
+		| CWR r
+		| CWRA r
 		| PRE r => Some r
 		| _ => None
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Core/ImplementationInterface.v b/framework/DRAM/Core/ImplementationInterface.v
index ea88240..595b4ef 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Core/ImplementationInterface.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Core/ImplementationInterface.v
@@ -13,24 +13,20 @@ Section ImplementationInterface.
 	Context {SYS_CFG      : System_configuration}.
   Context {REQUESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration}.
   Context {ARBITER_CFG  : Arbiter_configuration}.
-  Record Arbiter_state_t := mkArbiterState
+  Class Implementation_t := mkImplementation
+  {
+    Init : Requests_t -> State_t;
+    Next : Requests_t -> State_t -> State_t * Command_kind_t;
+  }.
+	Record Arbiter_state_t := mkArbiterState
     Arbiter_Commands        : Commands_t;
     Arbiter_Time            : nat;
     Implementation_State    : State_t;
-    (* 
-		Arbiter_Commands_date :
-      forall c, 
-        c \in Arbiter_Commands -> c.(CDate) <= Arbiter_Time 
-		*)
-  }.
-  Class Implementation_t := mkImplementation
-  {
-    Init : Requests_t -> State_t;
-    Next : Requests_t -> State_t -> State_t * Command_kind_t;
 	(* Computes the t_th state *)
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Core/InterfaceSubLayer.v b/framework/DRAM/Core/InterfaceSubLayer.v
index 30f1ef7..491fc3e 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Core/InterfaceSubLayer.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Core/InterfaceSubLayer.v
@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@ Section InterfaceSubLayer.
 		(* Schedule_In : forall m SYS_ST SCH_ST, m <> [] -> Schedule m SYS_ST SCH_ST \in m; *)
 		InitSchState  : SchState_t;
-		UpdatSchState : SystemState_t -> SchState_t -> SchState_t;
+		UpdatSchState : Command_kind_t -> ReqCmdMap_t -> SystemState_t -> SchState_t -> SchState_t;
 	Context {SCH : Scheduler_t}.
-	#[local] Instance ARBITER_CFG : Arbiter_configuration :=
+	#[global] Instance ARBITER_CFG : Arbiter_configuration :=
     State_t := option ImplSubLayerState_t;
@@ -69,7 +69,10 @@ Section InterfaceSubLayer.
 	(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
 	(* ------------------------------ Init function ------------------------------ *)
 	(* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	Definition InitBank : BankState_t := IDLE (mkLocalCounters 0 0 0 0 0 0).
+	(* Change this to start with the nominal value of constraints *)
+	Definition init_val := 1000.
+	Definition InitBank : BankState_t := IDLE (mkLocalCounters init_val init_val init_val init_val init_val init_val).
 	Lemma repeat_size {A} (x : A) (N : nat) :
 		size (repeat x N) == N.
@@ -80,13 +83,13 @@ Section InterfaceSubLayer.
 	Definition InitSS := (mkSystemState 
 		(exist _ (repeat InitBank BANKS) (repeat_size InitBank BANKS))
-		 (exist _ (repeat 0 3) (repeat_size 0 3))
-		 (exist _ (repeat 0 BANKGROUPS) (repeat_size 0 BANKGROUPS))
-		 0
-		 (exist _ (repeat 0 BANKGROUPS) (repeat_size 0 BANKGROUPS))
-		 0
-		 (exist _ (repeat 0 BANKGROUPS) (repeat_size 0 BANKGROUPS))
-		 0) BRD).
+		 (exist _ (repeat init_val 3) (repeat_size 0 3))
+		 (exist _ (repeat init_val BANKGROUPS) (repeat_size init_val BANKGROUPS))
+		 init_val
+		 (exist _ (repeat init_val BANKGROUPS) (repeat_size init_val BANKGROUPS))
+		 init_val
+		 (exist _ (repeat init_val BANKGROUPS) (repeat_size init_val BANKGROUPS))
+		 T_RFC) BRD).
 	Definition empty_rcmdmap : ReqCmdMap_t := [].
@@ -123,19 +126,22 @@ Section InterfaceSubLayer.
 			let sch_cmd 	  := Schedule rdy_cmds SS SchS in
 			(* ------------------------ Updating phase ---------------------------- ----*)
 			(* If the scheduled command is CRD or CWR, remove it from the map *)
-			let updated_map := seq.rem sch_cmd cmdmap'' in
+			let updated_map := (match sch_cmd with
+													| CRD _ | CRDA _ | CWR _ | CWRA _ => seq.rem sch_cmd cmdmap'' 
+													| _ => cmdmap''
+												 end) in
 			(* Update the system *)
 			let SS'					:= SystemUpdate sch_cmd (Some SS) in
 			match SS' with
 			| None => (None,NOP)
 			| Some SS'valid => 
-				let new_SchState := UpdatSchState SS SchS in
+				let new_SchState := UpdatSchState sch_cmd cmdmap'' SS SchS in
 				let new_ImplSubLayerState := mkImplSubLayerState SS'valid updated_map new_SchState in
 				(Some new_ImplSubLayerState, sch_cmd)
-	#[local] Instance ImplementationSubLayer : Implementation_t :=
+	#[global] Instance ImplementationSubLayer : Implementation_t :=
 		mkImplementation Init_SL_state Next_SL_state.
 	Definition get_cACTsb_ (SS : option SystemState_t) (bk : Bank_t) : option Counter_t :=
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Core/Trace.v b/framework/DRAM/Core/Trace.v
index 31ce4fa..ce76072 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Core/Trace.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Core/Trace.v
@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ Section Trace.
       | a::S' => Diff_Bank_ a S' && Diff_Bank S'
+	Definition Same_Row a b := (get_row a == get_row b).
+	Definition Same_Bank a b := (get_bank a == get_bank b).
+	Definition Same_Bankgroup a b := (get_bankgroup a == get_bankgroup b).
 	Record TestTrace_t := mkTestTrace
 		TestCommands : Commands_t;
@@ -67,22 +71,22 @@ Section Trace.
     (* Ensure that the time between an ACT and a CAS commands respects T_RCD *)
     Cmds_T_RCD_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-										 isACT a -> isCAS b -> (get_bank a == get_bank b) ->
+										 isACT a -> isCAS b -> Same_Bank a b ->
 										 Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b T_RCD;
     (* Ensure that the time between a PRE and an ACT commands respects T_RP *)
     Cmds_T_RP_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-										 isPRE a -> isACT b -> (get_bank a == get_bank b) ->
+										 isPRE a -> isACT b -> Same_Bank a b ->
                      Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b T_RP;
     (* Ensure that the time between two ACT commands respects T_RC *)
     Cmds_T_RC_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-										 isACT a -> isACT b -> (get_bank a == get_bank b) ->
+										 isACT a -> isACT b -> Same_Bank a b ->
                      Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b T_RC;
     (* Maximum interval between ACT and PRE is T_RAS *)       
     Cmds_T_RAS_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                     isACT a -> isPRE b -> (get_bank a == get_bank b) -> 
+                     isACT a -> isPRE b -> Same_Bank a b -> 
 										 Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b T_RAS;
     (* RL *)
@@ -90,12 +94,12 @@ Section Trace.
     (* Ensure that the time between a CRD and a PRE commands respects T_RTP *)
     Cmds_T_RTP_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                     isCRD a -> isPRE b -> (get_bank a == get_bank b) -> 
+                     isCRD a -> isPRE b -> Same_Bank a b -> 
 										 Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b T_RTP;
     (* Ensure that the time between a CWR and a PRE commands respects T_WR + T_WL + T_BURST *)
     Cmds_T_WTP_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                     isCWR a -> isPRE b -> (get_bank a == get_bank b) -> 
+                     isCWR a -> isPRE b -> Same_Bank a b -> 
 										 Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b (T_WR + T_WL + T_BURST);
     (* ------------------ Intra and Inter-bank constraints ----------------------- *)
@@ -105,19 +109,19 @@ Section Trace.
                      Apart_at_least a b T_RTW;
     Cmds_T_WtoR_SBG_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                     isCWR a -> isCRD b -> Before a b -> (get_bankgroup a == get_bankgroup b) ->
+                     isCWR a -> isCRD b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
                      Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR_l + T_WL + T_BURST);
-    Cmds_T_WtoR_DBG_ok : BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                     isCWR a -> isCRD b -> Before a b -> ~~ (get_bankgroup a == get_bankgroup b) ->
+    Cmds_T_WtoR_DBG_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
+                     isCWR a -> isCRD b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
                      Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR_s + T_WL + T_BURST);
     Cmds_T_CCD_SBG_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                        (isCRD a /\ isCRD b) \/ (isCWR a /\ isCWR b) -> Before a b -> (get_bankgroup a == get_bankgroup b) ->
+                        (isCRD a /\ isCRD b) \/ (isCWR a /\ isCWR b) -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
                         Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_l;
-    Cmds_T_CCD_DBG_ok : BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                        (isCRD a /\ isCRD b) \/ (isCWR a /\ isCWR b)-> Before a b -> ~~ (get_bankgroup a == get_bankgroup b) ->
+    Cmds_T_CCD_DBG_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
+                        (isCRD a /\ isCRD b) \/ (isCWR a /\ isCWR b)-> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
                         Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_s;
 		(* ------------------ Refresh-related constraints -------------------------- *)
@@ -135,11 +139,11 @@ Section Trace.
                      Apart_at_least a d T_FAW;
     Cmds_T_RRD_SBG_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                     isACT a -> isACT b -> ~~ (get_bank a == get_bank b) -> (get_bankgroup a == get_bankgroup b) ->
+                     isACT a -> isACT b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
                      Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b T_RRD_l;
-    Cmds_T_RRD_DBG_ok : BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                     isACT a -> isACT b -> ~~ (get_bank a == get_bank b) -> ~~ (get_bankgroup a == get_bankgroup b) -> 
+    Cmds_T_RRD_DBG_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
+                     isACT a -> isACT b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b -> 
                      Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b T_RRD_s;
     (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
@@ -147,18 +151,18 @@ Section Trace.
     (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
     Cmds_ACT_ok: forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
-                 isACT a \/ isCAS a -> isACT b -> (get_bank a == get_bank b) -> Before a b ->
-                 exists c, (c \in Commands) && (isPRE c) && (get_bank b == get_bank c) && (get_bank a == get_bank c)
+                 isACT a \/ isCAS a -> isACT b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+                 exists c, (c \in Commands) && (isPRE c) && Same_Bank b c && Same_Bank a c
 								 && (After c a) && (Before c b);
     (* Every CAS command is preceded by a matching ACT without another ACT or PRE in between *)
     Cmds_row_ok : forall b c, b \in Commands -> c \in Commands ->
-                  isCAS b -> isPRE c -> (get_bank b == get_bank c) -> Before c b -> 
-                  exists a, (a \in Commands) && (isACT a) && (get_row a == get_row b) && (After a c) && (Before a b);
+                  isCAS b -> isPRE c -> Same_Bank b c -> Before c b -> 
+                  exists a, (a \in Commands) && (isACT a) && Same_Row a b && (After a c) && (Before a b);
 		(* implies the init state of the memory *)
     Cmds_initial : forall b, b \in Commands -> isCAS b ->
-                   exists a, (a \in Commands) && (isACT a) && (get_row a == get_row b) && (Before a b);
+                   exists a, (a \in Commands) && (isACT a) && Same_Row a b && (Before a b);
 		(* Banks must be idle for at least T_RP cycles before a REF is issued *)
 		Cmds_REF_ok : forall ref, ref \in Commands -> 
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Core/Util.v b/framework/DRAM/Core/Util.v
index add5fa6..6cd8519 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Core/Util.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Core/Util.v
@@ -1,17 +1,11 @@
 Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
 Set Printing Projections.
-From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool seq eqtype div.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool seq eqtype div zify.
-Lemma nat_ltn_leq_pred m n :
-  (m < n) -> (m <= n.-1).
-Lemma nat_add_pred m n :
-  (m + n).-1 = m + n.-1.
+Lemma nat_ltn_leq_pred x y :
+	y > 0 -> x <= (x + y).-1.
+Proof. lia. Qed.
 Lemma nat_cancel_terms a:
   a - a = 0.
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4347d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL.v
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Set Printing Projections.
+Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect eqtype ssrbool ssrnat fintype div ssrZ zify tuple.
+From Coq Require Import Program Equality.
+From DRAM Require Export InterfaceSubLayer.
+Section FIFOimpSL.
+	Context {SYS_CFG : System_configuration}.
+  #[global] Instance REQUESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration := 
+  {
+    Requestor_t := unit_eqType
+  }.
+	Context {SCH_OPT 	: SchedulingOptions_t}.
+	Context {AF : Arrival_function_t}.
+	Definition FIFO_internal_state := unit.
+	#[global] Instance SCH_ST : SchedulerInternalState := mkSIS FIFO_internal_state.
+	Definition FIFO_schedule
+		(map 			: ReqCmdMap_t)
+		(SS 			: SystemState_t)
+		(FIFO_st 	: FIFO_internal_state) : Command_kind_t :=	
+		let cmd := seq.ohead map in
+		match cmd with
+		| Some cmd => cmd
+		| None => NOP
+		end.
+	Definition UpdatSchState (cmd : Command_kind_t) (cmd_map : ReqCmdMap_t) (SS : SystemState_t) 
+		(FIFO_st : FIFO_internal_state) : FIFO_internal_state := tt.
+	#[global] Program Instance FIFO : Scheduler_t := 
+		mkScheduler FIFO_schedule _ _ tt UpdatSchState.
+	(* The one defined in Interface SubLayer *)
+	#[global] Existing Instance ARBITER_CFG.
+	#[global]	Existing Instance ImplementationSubLayer.
+	Definition FIFO_arbitrate t := 
+			((Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands))
+			((Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Time)).
+End FIFOimpSL.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL_sim.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL_sim.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d489e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL_sim.v
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+Set Printing Projections.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect eqtype ssrbool ssrnat fintype div ssrZ zify tuple.
+(* From Coq Require Import Program Equality. *)
+From Coq Require Import Program List. 
+From DRAM Require Import FIFOimpSL.
+Section FIFOimpSL_sim.
+	 Program Instance SYS_CFG : System_configuration := {
+		BANKS := 2;
+		T_BURST := 2;
+		T_WL    := 2;
+		T_RRD_s := 1;
+		T_RRD_l := 3;
+		T_FAW := 20;
+		T_RC  := 3;
+		T_RP  := 4;
+		T_RCD := 2;
+		T_RAS := 4;
+		T_RTP := 4;
+		T_WR  := 1;
+		T_RTW := 10;
+		T_WTR_s := 1;
+		T_WTR_l := 10;
+		T_CCD_s := 1;
+		T_CCD_l := 12;
+		T_REFI := 100;
+		T_RFC := 6
+	}.
+	(* The one defined in TDMimpSL *)
+	Existing Instance REQUESTOR_CFG.
+	(* The one defined in TDMimpSL *)
+	Existing Instance SCH_ST.
+	(* The one defined in Interface SubLayer *)
+	Existing Instance ARBITER_CFG.
+	(* Defined in Interface SubLayer*)
+	Existing Instance ImplementationSubLayer.
+	Instance SCH_OPT : SchedulingOptions_t := mkSCH_OPT opage.
+	Program Definition Req1 := mkReq tt 1 RD 
+		(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 5).
+	Program Definition Req2 := mkReq tt 2 RD 
+		(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 1) 10).
+	Program Definition Req3 := mkReq tt 3 WR 
+		(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 5).
+	Program Definition Req4 := mkReq tt 4 WR 
+		(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 1) 15).
+	Definition Input := [:: Req1;Req2;Req3;Req4].
+	Program Instance AF : Arrival_function_t := Default_arrival_function_t Input.
+	(* The one defined in TDMimpSL *)
+	(* More like a round robin really ... *)
+	(* But it will keep waiting forever if the slot owner has no CAS *)
+	Instance FIFO_arbiter : TestArbiter_t := mkTestArbiter AF FIFO_arbitrate.
+	Definition inst := 30.
+	(* Still have a problem : Why ACT is only issued at cycle 7 ?! *)
+	Eval vm_compute in (Default_arbitrate inst).(Arbiter_Commands).
+	Eval vm_compute in
+		proj1_sig (match (Default_arbitrate inst).(Implementation_State) with
+		| Some st => st.(SystemState).(Banks)
+		| None => (exist _ (repeat InitBank BANKS) (repeat_size InitBank BANKS))
+		end).
+	Eval vm_compute in 
+	 (match (Default_arbitrate 4).(Implementation_State) with
+		| Some st => st.(CMap)
+		| None => [::]
+		end).
+	Definition get_sys_cnts := 
+		match (Default_arbitrate inst).(Implementation_State) with
+		| Some st => st.(SystemState).(SysCounters)
+		| None => (mkGlobalCounters
+			(exist _ (repeat init_val 3) (repeat_size 0 3))
+			(exist _ (repeat init_val BANKGROUPS) (repeat_size init_val BANKGROUPS))
+			0
+			(exist _ (repeat init_val BANKGROUPS) (repeat_size init_val BANKGROUPS))
+			0
+			(exist _ (repeat init_val BANKGROUPS) (repeat_size init_val BANKGROUPS))
+			0)
+		end.
+	Eval vm_compute in proj1_sig get_sys_cnts.(cACTdb).
+	Eval vm_compute in proj1_sig get_sys_cnts.(cACTbgs).
+	Eval vm_compute in get_sys_cnts.(cRDdb).
+End TDMimpSL_sim.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/RRimpSL/RRimpSL.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/RRimpSL/RRimpSL.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad59330
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/RRimpSL/RRimpSL.v
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+Set Printing Projections.
+Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect eqtype ssrbool ssrnat fintype div ssrZ zify tuple.
+From Coq Require Import Program Equality.
+From DRAM Require Export InterfaceSubLayer.
+Section RRimpSL.
+	Context {SYS_CFG : System_configuration}.
+	Class RR_configuration := mkRRCFG {
+		SN : nat;
+		SN_gt_1 : SN > 1;
+	}.
+	Context {RR_CFG : RR_configuration}.
+	Definition Slot_t := ordinal_eqType SN.
+  #[global] Instance REQUESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration := 
+  {
+    Requestor_t := Slot_t
+  }.
+	Context {SCH_OPT 	: SchedulingOptions_t}.
+	Context {AF : Arrival_function_t}.
+	#[global] Instance SCH_ST : SchedulerInternalState := mkSIS Slot_t.
+	Definition filter_cmd slot := fun cmd =>
+		match cmd with
+			| CRD r | CRDA r | CWR r | CWRA r | ACT r | PRE r => r.(Requestor) == slot
+			| _ => false
+		end.
+	Definition RR_schedule
+		(map 		: ReqCmdMap_t)
+		(SS 		: SystemState_t)
+		(slot 	: Slot_t) : Command_kind_t :=
+		let cmd := seq.ohead (filter (filter_cmd slot) map) in
+		match cmd with
+		| Some cmd => cmd
+		| None => NOP
+		end.
+	Lemma SN_pos : SN > 0.
+	Proof. specialize SN_gt_1; lia. Qed.
+	Definition OZSlot := Ordinal SN_pos.
+	Definition O1Slot := Ordinal SN_gt_1.
+	(* Wrap around counter *)
+	Definition Next_slot (c : Slot_t) :=
+    let nextc := c.+1 < SN in
+      (if nextc as X return (nextc = X -> Slot_t) then 
+        fun (P : nextc = true) => Ordinal (P : nextc)
+       else
+        fun _ => OZSlot) Logic.eq_refl.
+	(* version with auto-precharge should be OK because of assumption that adjacent slots
+	target different banks *)
+	(* Can't update when the CAS is seen on the structure, but rather issued to the device *)
+	(* Maybe look at counters to detect a CWR or RD ?! *)
+	(* Give up slot if no pending request *)
+	Definition UpdatSchState cmd cmd_map (SS 	: SystemState_t) (slot : Slot_t) : Slot_t :=
+		let cond1 := (* no commands belonging to the current slot owner *)
+			((find (fun cmd =>
+			match cmd with
+			| CRD r | CRDA r | CWR r | CWRA r | ACT r | PRE r => r.(Requestor) == slot
+			| _ => false
+			end) cmd_map) == seq.size cmd_map) in
+		let cond2 := (* scheduled command is a CAS *)
+			(match cmd with
+			| CRD _ | CRDA _ | CWR _ | CWRA _ => true
+			| _ => false
+			end) in
+		if (cond1 || cond2) then Next_slot slot else slot.
+	#[global] Program Instance RR : Scheduler_t := 
+		mkScheduler RR_schedule _ _ OZSlot UpdatSchState.
+	Next Obligation.
+		unfold RR_schedule. 
+		destruct hd; simpl;
+		try (destruct (eq_op r.(Requestor) SCH_ST0) eqn:H_req; rewrite H_req //=);
+		try (by left); by right.
+	Qed.
+	(* The one defined in Interface SubLayer *)
+	#[global] Existing Instance ARBITER_CFG.
+	#[global]	Existing Instance ImplementationSubLayer.
+	Definition RR_arbitrate t := 
+			((Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands))
+			((Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Time)).
+End RRimpSL.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/RRimpSL/RRimpSL_sim.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/RRimpSL/RRimpSL_sim.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bdfcb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/RRimpSL/RRimpSL_sim.v
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Set Printing Projections.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect eqtype ssrbool ssrnat fintype div ssrZ zify tuple.
+(* From Coq Require Import Program Equality. *)
+From Coq Require Import Program List. 
+From DRAM Require Import RRimpSL.
+Section RRimpSL_sim.
+	 Program Instance SYS_CFG : System_configuration := {
+		BANKS := 2;
+		T_BURST := 2;
+		T_WL    := 2;
+		T_RRD_s := 1;
+		T_RRD_l := 3;
+		T_FAW := 20;
+		T_RC  := 3;
+		T_RP  := 4;
+		T_RCD := 2;
+		T_RAS := 4;
+		T_RTP := 4;
+		T_WR  := 1;
+		T_RTW := 10;
+		T_WTR_s := 1;
+		T_WTR_l := 10;
+		T_CCD_s := 1;
+		T_CCD_l := 12;
+		T_REFI := 100;
+		T_RFC := 6
+	}.
+	(* The one defined in RRimpSL *)
+	Existing Instance REQUESTOR_CFG.
+	(* The one defined in RRimpSL *)
+	Existing Instance SCH_ST.
+	(* The one defined in Interface SubLayer *)
+	Existing Instance ARBITER_CFG.
+	(* Defined in Interface SubLayer*)
+	Existing Instance ImplementationSubLayer.
+	Instance SCH_OPT : SchedulingOptions_t := mkSCH_OPT opage.
+	(* There has to be at least two requestors *)
+	Program Instance RR_CFG : RR_configuration := mkRRCFG 2 _.
+	Program Definition Req1 := mkReq (Ordinal (_ : 0 < SN)) 1 RD 
+		(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 5).
+	Program Definition Req2 := mkReq (Ordinal (_ : 1 < SN)) 1 RD 
+		(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 1) 10).
+	Definition Input := [:: Req1;Req2].
+	Program Instance AF : Arrival_function_t := Default_arrival_function_t Input.
+	(* The one defined in RRimpSL *)
+	(* More like a round robin really ... *)
+	(* But it will keep waiting forever if the slot owner has no CAS *)
+	Instance RRarbiter : TestArbiter_t := mkTestArbiter AF RR_arbitrate.
+	Definition inst := 5.
+	(* At 9 see the CRD from Req1 -> Change slot owner to 1 *)
+	(* At 11 see the CRD from Req2 -> Change slot owner to 0 *)
+	(* At 13 see the CRD from Req1 -> Change slot owner to 1 *)
+	(*             A (C)|    A (C)|  |  C                     *)
+	(* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  | 9 10 11 |12| 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20*)
+	(* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  | 1  1  1 | 0|  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0*)
+	Eval vm_compute in map (fun x => 
+		nat_of_ord (match (Default_arbitrate x).(Implementation_State) with
+		| Some st => st.(SchState)
+		| None => Ordinal (_ : 0 < SN)
+		end)) (seq.iota 1 30).
+	(* Still have a problem : Why ACT is only issued at cycle 7 ?! *)
+	Eval vm_compute in (Default_arbitrate inst).(Arbiter_Commands).
+	Eval vm_compute in
+		proj1_sig (match (Default_arbitrate inst).(Implementation_State) with
+		| Some st => st.(SystemState).(Banks)
+		| None => (exist _ (repeat InitBank BANKS) (repeat_size InitBank BANKS))
+		end).
+	Eval vm_compute in 
+	 (match (Default_arbitrate 4).(Implementation_State) with
+		| Some st => st.(CMap)
+		| None => [::]
+		end).
+	Definition get_sys_cnts := 
+		match (Default_arbitrate inst).(Implementation_State) with
+		| Some st => st.(SystemState).(SysCounters)
+		| None => (mkGlobalCounters
+			(exist _ (repeat init_val 3) (repeat_size 0 3))
+			(exist _ (repeat init_val BANKGROUPS) (repeat_size init_val BANKGROUPS))
+			0
+			(exist _ (repeat init_val BANKGROUPS) (repeat_size init_val BANKGROUPS))
+			0
+			(exist _ (repeat init_val BANKGROUPS) (repeat_size init_val BANKGROUPS))
+			0)
+		end.
+	Eval vm_compute in proj1_sig get_sys_cnts.(cACTdb).
+	Eval vm_compute in proj1_sig get_sys_cnts.(cACTbgs).
+	Eval vm_compute in get_sys_cnts.(cRDdb).
+End RRimpSL_sim.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0d9bd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL.v
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+Set Printing Projections.
+Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect eqtype ssrbool ssrnat fintype div ssrZ zify tuple.
+From Coq Require Import Program Equality.
+From DRAM Require Export InterfaceSubLayer.
+Section TDMimpSL.
+	Context {SYS_CFG : System_configuration}.
+	Class TDM_configuration := mkTDMCFG {
+		SN : nat;
+		SN_gt_1 : SN > 1;
+		SL : nat; 
+		SL_pos 	: SL > 0
+	}.
+	Context {TDM_CFG : TDM_configuration}.
+	Definition Slot_t := ordinal_eqType SN.
+  #[global] Instance REQUESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration := 
+  {
+    Requestor_t := Slot_t
+  }.
+	Context {SCH_OPT 	: SchedulingOptions_t}.
+	Context {AF : Arrival_function_t}.
+	Definition TDM_counter_t := ordinal_eqType SL.
+	Definition TDM_internal_state : Type := (Slot_t * TDM_counter_t)%type.
+	#[global] Instance SCH_ST : SchedulerInternalState := mkSIS TDM_internal_state.
+	Definition filter_cmd (slot : Slot_t) := filter (fun cmd =>
+		match cmd with
+			| CRD r | CRDA r | CWR r | CWRA r | ACT r | PRE r => r.(Requestor) == slot
+			| _ => false
+		end).
+	Definition TDM_schedule
+		(map 		: ReqCmdMap_t)
+		(SS 		: SystemState_t)
+		(TDM_st : TDM_internal_state) : Command_kind_t :=
+		let slot := fst TDM_st in
+		let cmd := seq.ohead (filter_cmd slot map) in
+		match cmd with
+		| Some cmd => cmd
+		| None => NOP
+		end.
+	Lemma SN_pos : SN > 0.
+	Proof. specialize SN_gt_1; lia. Qed.
+	Definition OZSlot := Ordinal SN_pos.
+	Definition O1Slot := Ordinal SN_gt_1.
+	Definition OZCycle := Ordinal SL_pos.
+	(* Increment counter for cycle offset (with wrap-arround). *)
+	Definition Next_cycle (c : TDM_counter_t) : TDM_counter_t :=
+		let nextc := c.+1 < SL in
+			(if nextc as X return (nextc = X -> TDM_counter_t) then 
+				fun (P : nextc = true) => Ordinal (P : nextc)
+				else
+				fun _ => OZCycle) Logic.eq_refl.
+	Definition Next_slot (s : Slot_t) (c : TDM_counter_t) : Slot_t :=
+	 	if (c.+1 < SL) then s else
+			let nexts := s.+1 < SN in
+			(if nexts as X return (nexts = X -> Slot_t) then 
+				fun (P : nexts = true) => Ordinal (P : nexts)
+				else fun _ => OZSlot) Logic.eq_refl.
+	Definition UpdatSchState (cmd : Command_kind_t) (cmd_map : ReqCmdMap_t) (SS 	: SystemState_t) 
+		(TDM_st : TDM_internal_state) : TDM_internal_state :=
+		let '(s,c) := TDM_st in
+		((Next_slot s c),(Next_cycle c)).
+	#[global] Program Instance TDM : Scheduler_t := 
+		mkScheduler TDM_schedule _ _ (OZSlot,OZCycle) UpdatSchState.
+	Next Obligation.
+		unfold TDM_schedule. 
+		destruct hd; simpl;
+		try (destruct (eq_op r.(Requestor) (fst SCH_ST0)) eqn:H_req; rewrite H_req //=);
+		try (by left); by right.
+	Qed.
+	(* The one defined in Interface SubLayer *)
+	#[global] Existing Instance ARBITER_CFG.
+	#[global]	Existing Instance ImplementationSubLayer.
+	Definition TDM_arbitrate t := 
+			((Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands))
+			((Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Time)).
+End TDMimpSL.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL_sim.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL_sim.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbc0ebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/BM/TDMimpSL/TDMimpSL_sim.v
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Set Printing Projections.
+From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect eqtype ssrbool ssrnat fintype div ssrZ zify tuple.
+From Coq Require Import Program List. 
+From DRAM Require Import TDMimpSL.
+Section TDMimpSL_sim.
+	 Program Instance SYS_CFG : System_configuration := {
+		BANKS := 2;
+		T_BURST := 2;
+		T_WL    := 2;
+		T_RRD_s := 1;
+		T_RRD_l := 3;
+		T_FAW := 20;
+		T_RC  := 3;
+		T_RP  := 4;
+		T_RCD := 2;
+		T_RAS := 4;
+		T_RTP := 4;
+		T_WR  := 1;
+		T_RTW := 10;
+		T_WTR_s := 1;
+		T_WTR_l := 10;
+		T_CCD_s := 1;
+		T_CCD_l := 12;
+		T_REFI := 100;
+		T_RFC := 6
+	}.
+	(* The one defined in TDMimpSL *)
+	Existing Instance REQUESTOR_CFG.
+	(* The one defined in TDMimpSL *)
+	Existing Instance SCH_ST.
+	(* The one defined in Interface SubLayer *)
+	Existing Instance ARBITER_CFG.
+	(* Defined in Interface SubLayer*)
+	Existing Instance ImplementationSubLayer.
+	Instance SCH_OPT : SchedulingOptions_t := mkSCH_OPT opage.
+	(* There has to be at least two requestors *)
+	Program Instance TDM_CFG : TDM_configuration := mkTDMCFG 2 _ 15 _.
+	Program Definition Req1 := mkReq (Ordinal (_ : 0 < SN)) 1 RD 
+		(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 5).
+	Program Definition Req2 := mkReq (Ordinal (_ : 1 < SN)) 1 RD 
+		(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 1) 10).
+	Definition Input := [:: Req1;Req2].
+	Program Instance AF : Arrival_function_t := Default_arrival_function_t Input.
+	(* The one defined in TDMimpSL *)
+	(* More like a round robin really ... *)
+	(* But it will keep waiting forever if the slot owner has no CAS *)
+	Instance TDM_arbiter : TestArbiter_t := mkTestArbiter AF TDM_arbitrate.
+	Definition inst := 30.
+	(* At 9 see the CRD from Req1 -> Change slot owner to 1 *)
+	(* At 11 see the CRD from Req2 -> Change slot owner to 0 *)
+	(* At 13 see the CRD from Req1 -> Change slot owner to 1 *)
+	(*             A (C)|    A (C)|  |  C                     *)
+	(* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8  | 9 10 11 |12| 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20*)
+	(* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  | 1  1  1 | 0|  1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0*)
+	Eval vm_compute in 
+		map (fun '(a,b) => (nat_of_ord a, nat_of_ord b)) 
+		(map (fun x => (match (Default_arbitrate x).(Implementation_State) with
+		| Some st => (fst st.(SchState),snd st.(SchState))
+		| None => (Ordinal (_ : 0 < SN),Ordinal (_ : 0 < SL))
+		end)) (seq.iota 1 30)).
+	(* Still have a problem : Why ACT is only issued at cycle 7 ?! *)
+	Eval vm_compute in (Default_arbitrate inst).(Arbiter_Commands).
+	Eval vm_compute in
+		proj1_sig (match (Default_arbitrate inst).(Implementation_State) with
+		| Some st => st.(SystemState).(Banks)
+		| None => (exist _ (repeat InitBank BANKS) (repeat_size InitBank BANKS))
+		end).
+	Eval vm_compute in 
+	 (match (Default_arbitrate 4).(Implementation_State) with
+		| Some st => st.(CMap)
+		| None => [::]
+		end).
+	Definition get_sys_cnts := 
+		match (Default_arbitrate inst).(Implementation_State) with
+		| Some st => st.(SystemState).(SysCounters)
+		| None => (mkGlobalCounters
+			(exist _ (repeat init_val 3) (repeat_size 0 3))
+			(exist _ (repeat init_val BANKGROUPS) (repeat_size init_val BANKGROUPS))
+			0
+			(exist _ (repeat init_val BANKGROUPS) (repeat_size init_val BANKGROUPS))
+			0
+			(exist _ (repeat init_val BANKGROUPS) (repeat_size init_val BANKGROUPS))
+			0)
+		end.
+	Eval vm_compute in proj1_sig get_sys_cnts.(cACTdb).
+	Eval vm_compute in proj1_sig get_sys_cnts.(cACTbgs).
+	Eval vm_compute in get_sys_cnts.(cRDdb).
+End TDMimpSL_sim.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 9291f92..0000000
--- a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
-Set Printing Projections.
-From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool eqtype seq zify.
-From DRAM Require Export InterfaceSubLayer.
-Module FIFOimpSL (SYS : SystemModule) (REQ : Requestor_configuration).
-	Module Import MIntSubLayer := InterfaceSubLayer SYS REQ.
-	(* Interface sub layer defines an implementation interface module *)
-	Import MImpInterface.
-	(* Implementation interface defines an arbiter module *)
-	Import MArbiter.
-	(* Arbiter modules defines a trace module *)
-	Import MTrace.
-	(* Trace modules defines a bank machine module *)
-	Import MBankMachine.
-	(* Bank machine module defines a commands module *)
-	Import MCommands.
-	(* Commands module defines a requests module *)
-	Import MRequests.
-	(* Requests module defines an address module *)
-	Import MAddress. 
-	(* Use qualified names for SYS *)
-	Import SYS.
-	(* An abstract instance of the schedulign option, defined in Bank_Machine_t *)
-	Context {SCH_OPT : Scheduling_Options}.
-	(* An abstract instance of the arrival function, defined in Arbiter_t *)
-	Context {AF : Arrival_function_t}.
-	(* -------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* These ones don't need concrete instances *)
-	(* -------------------------------------------------------------- *)
-	(* An instance of Arbiter_configuration, defined in InterfaceSubLayer *)
-	Existing Instance ARBITER_CFG.
-	(* An instance of Implementation_t, defined in InterfaceSubLayer *)
-	Existing Instance ImplementationSubLayer.
-	Definition FIFO_sch (M : seq (option Request_t * Command_kind_t)) :=
-		head (None, NOP) M.
-	#[global] Instance FIFO_Scheduler : Scheduler.
-		refine (mkScheduler FIFO_sch _).
-		unfold FIFO_sch; intros.
-		induction s; 
-		[ simpl; right; apply /eqP; reflexivity | ].
-		destruct IHs as [IHIn | IHhd];
-		simpl; left; left; reflexivity.
-	Defined.
-	Definition FIFO_arbitrate t := 
-		@mkTestTrace
-			((Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands))
-			((Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Time)).
-End FIFOimpSL.	
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL_test.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL_test.v
deleted file mode 100644
index c57f486..0000000
--- a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/FIFOimpSL/FIFOimpSL_test.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
-Set Printing Projections.
-From DRAM Require Import FIFOimpSL.
-From Coq Require Import Vector.
-From RecordUpdate Require Import RecordSet.
-Import RecordSetNotations.
-Import VectorNotations.
-Module SYS_CFG <: SystemModule.
-	Definition BANKGROUPS := 1.
-	Definition BANKS := 2.
-	Lemma BANKGROUPS_pos : BANKGROUPS != 0. auto. Qed.
-	Lemma BANKS_pos : BANKS != 0. auto. Qed.
-	Definition T_BURST := 4.
-	Definition T_WL    := 2.
-	Definition T_RRD_s := 2.
-	Definition T_RRD_l := 4.
-	Definition T_FAW := 5.
-	Definition T_RC  := 3.
-	Definition T_RP  := 3.
-	Definition T_RCD := 3.
-	Definition T_RAS := 3.
-	Definition T_RTP := 3.
-	Definition T_WR  := 3.
-	Definition T_RTW := 5.
-	Definition T_WTR_s := 2.
-	Definition T_WTR_l := 4.
-	Definition T_CCD_s := 2.
-	Definition T_CCD_l := 4.
-	Definition T_REFI := 500.
-	Definition T_RFC := 10.
-	Lemma T_REFI_pos : T_REFI > 0. auto. Qed.
-	Lemma T_REFI_GT_T_RFC : T_REFI > T_RFC. auto. Qed.
-	Lemma T_RRD_s_pos  : T_RRD_s != 0. auto. Qed.
-  Lemma T_RRD_l_pos  : T_RRD_l != 0. auto. Qed.
-  Lemma T_FAW_pos  : T_FAW != 0. auto. Qed.
-  Lemma T_RC_pos   : T_RC != 0. auto. Qed.
-  Lemma T_RP_pos   : T_RP != 0. auto. Qed.
-  Lemma T_RCD_pos  : T_RCD != 0. auto. Qed.
-  Lemma T_RAS_pos  : T_RAS != 0. auto. Qed.
-  Lemma T_RTP_pos  : T_RTP != 0. auto. Qed.
-  Lemma T_WR_pos   : T_WR != 0. auto. Qed.
-  Lemma T_RTW_pos  : T_RTW != 0. auto. Qed.
-  Lemma T_WTR_s_pos : T_WTR_s != 0. auto. Qed.
-  Lemma T_WTR_l_pos : T_WTR_l != 0. auto. Qed.
-  Lemma T_CCD_s_pos  : T_CCD_s != 0. auto. Qed.
-  Lemma T_CCD_l_pos  : T_CCD_l != 0. auto. Qed.
-	Lemma T_RFC_pos			: T_RFC > 0. auto. Qed.
-  Lemma T_RRD_bgs : T_RRD_s < T_RRD_l. auto. Qed. 
-  Lemma T_WTR_bgs : T_WTR_s < T_WTR_l. auto. Qed.
-  Lemma T_CCD_bgs : T_CCD_s < T_CCD_l. auto. Qed.
-Module REQ_CFG <: Requestor_configuration.
-	Definition Requestor_t := unit_eqType.
-Module Import FIFO_test_instance := FIFOimpSL SYS_CFG REQ_CFG.
-Import MIntSubLayer.
-(* Interface sub layer defines an implementation interface module *)
-Import MImpInterface.
-(* Implementation interface defines an arbiter module *)
-Import MArbiter.
-(* Arbiter modules defines a trace module *)
-Import MTrace.
-(* Trace modules defines a bank machine module *)
-Import MBankMachine.
-(* Bank machine module defines a commands module *)
-Import MCommands.
-(* Commands module defines a requests module *)
-Import MRequests.
-(* Requests module defines an address module *)
-Import MAddress.
-#[global] Instance SCH_OPT : Scheduling_Options := mkSCH_OPT opage.
-Definition Req1 := mkReq tt 1 RD 
-	(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 5).
-Definition Req2 := mkReq tt 2 RD 
-	(mkAddress (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 1) 10).
-	(*
-	Definition Req2 := mkReq tt 2 WR (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 1) 0.
-	Definition Req3 := mkReq tt 4 WR (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 2.
-	Definition Req4 := mkReq tt 8 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 2) 10.	
-	Definition Input := [::Req1;Req2;Req3;Req4].
-	*)
-Definition Input := [::Req1].
-#[global] Program Instance AF : Arrival_function_t :=  Default_arrival_function_t Input.
-#[global] Instance FIFOArbiter : TestArbiter_t := mkTestArbiter AF FIFO_arbitrate.
-(* things go wrong after the RD ? *)
-Definition inst := 11.
-(* maybe commands do not need to take parameters *)
-Eval vm_compute in (Default_arbitrate inst).(Arbiter_Commands).
-Eval vm_compute in (Default_arbitrate inst).(Implementation_State).(SystemState).
-Eval vm_compute in (Default_arbitrate inst).(Implementation_State).(CMap).(ReqCmdMap.this).
-(* Maybe try to run this in Ocaml instead of Coq to ignore proofs ? *)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/DynTDM/TDMds.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/DynTDM/TDMds.v
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DRAM/Implementations/DynTDM/TDMds.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/DynTDM/TDMds.v
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similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DRAM/Implementations/DynTDM/TDMes.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/DynTDM/TDMes.v
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similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DRAM/Implementations/DynTDM/TDMesREF.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/DynTDM/TDMesREF.v
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similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DRAM/Implementations/DynTDM/TDMesREFpg.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/DynTDM/TDMesREFpg.v
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/FIFO/FIFO.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/FIFO/FIFO.v
similarity index 81%
rename from framework/DRAM/Implementations/FIFO/FIFO.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/FIFO/FIFO.v
index b4487e2..5af2442 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/FIFO/FIFO.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/FIFO/FIFO.v
@@ -4,23 +4,13 @@ Set Printing Projections.
 From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool eqtype seq zify fintype.
 From DRAM Require Export ImplementationInterface Arbiter.
-Module REQ_CFG <: Requestor_configuration.
-	Definition Requestor_t := unit_eqType.
+Section FIFO.
-Module FIFO (SYS : SystemModule).
+  Context {SYS_CFG : System_configuration}.
-	Module Import MImpInterface := ImplementationInterface SYS REQ_CFG.
-	Import MArbiter.
-	Import MTrace.
-	Import MBankMachine.
-	Import MCommands.
-	Import MRequests.
-	Import MAddress.
-	Import SYS.
-	Section FIFOSec.
+  Instance REQUESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration := {
+    Requestor_t := unit_eqType
+  }.
   (* #[local] Axiom DDR3 : BANKGROUPS = 1. *)
@@ -59,11 +49,14 @@ Module FIFO (SYS : SystemModule).
 	Context {FIFO_CFG : FIFO_configuration}.
   Context {AF : Arrival_function_t}.
+	(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* Helper Lemmas *)
     CAS_date.+1 < WAIT.
     apply ltn_trans with (n := CAS_date + T_RTP); [ | exact WAIT_END_READ ].
- 		rewrite -ltn_predRL nat_add_pred nat_ltn_add; done || (rewrite ltn_predRL; exact T_RTP_GT_ONE).
+		rewrite -ltn_predRL; specialize T_RTP_GT_ONE; lia.
@@ -74,11 +67,9 @@ Module FIFO (SYS : SystemModule).
     unfold CAS_date, ACT_date.
     rewrite prednK.
       2: specialize T_RP_GT_ONE as H; apply ltn_trans with (n := 1); done || exact H.
-    rewrite addnC -nat_add_pred addnC nat_add_pred.
-    apply nat_ltn_add.
-    rewrite ltn_predRL; exact T_RCD_GT_ONE.
-  Qed.
+		specialize T_RCD_GT_ONE; lia.
+	Qed.
   Lemma CAS_neq_ACT:
     (CAS_date == ACT_date) = false.
@@ -88,6 +79,8 @@ Module FIFO (SYS : SystemModule).
     specialize T_RCD_pos as H. rewrite -lt0n in H; by rewrite H.
+	(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
   Definition Counter_t := ordinal WAIT.
   Variant FIFO_state_t :=
@@ -111,35 +104,29 @@ Module FIFO (SYS : SystemModule).
         fun _ => OCycle0) Logic.eq_refl.
-  Definition Enqueue (R P : Requests_t) :=
-    P ++ R.
-  Definition Dequeue r (P : Requests_t) :=
-    rem r P.
   Definition Init_state R :=
-    IDLE OCycle0 (Enqueue R [::]).
+    IDLE OCycle0 R.
-  Definition Next_state R (AS : FIFO_state_t) : (FIFO_state_t * (option Request_t * Command_kind_t)) :=
+  Definition Next_state R (AS : FIFO_state_t) : (FIFO_state_t * Command_kind_t) :=
     match AS with
       | IDLE c P =>
         let c' := Next_cycle c in
         let P' := Enqueue R P in
         match P with
-          | [::]    => (IDLE c' P', (None,NOP))
-          | r :: PP => (RUNNING OCycle0 (Enqueue R (Dequeue r P)) r, (Some r,PRE r))
+          | [::]    => (IDLE c' P',NOP)
+          | r :: PP => (RUNNING OCycle0 (Enqueue R (Dequeue r P)) r,PRE r)
       | RUNNING c P r =>
         let P' := Enqueue R P in
         let c' := Next_cycle c in
-        if nat_of_ord c == OACT_date then (RUNNING c' P' r, (Some r, ACT r))
-        else if nat_of_ord c == OCAS_date then (RUNNING c' P' r, (Some r, (Kind_of_req r) r))
+        if nat_of_ord c == OACT_date then (RUNNING c' P' r,ACT r)
+        else if nat_of_ord c == OCAS_date then (RUNNING c' P' r,(Kind_of_req r) r)
         else if nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1 then
           match P with
-            | [::] => (IDLE OCycle0 P', (None, NOP))
-            | r :: PP => (RUNNING OCycle0 (Enqueue R (Dequeue r P)) r, (Some r,PRE r))
+            | [::] => (IDLE OCycle0 P', NOP)
+            | r :: PP => (RUNNING OCycle0 (Enqueue R (Dequeue r P)) r,PRE r)
-        else (RUNNING c' P' r, (None,NOP))
+        else (RUNNING c' P' r,NOP)
   #[export] Instance FIFO_implementation : Implementation_t := 
@@ -191,6 +178,4 @@ Module FIFO (SYS : SystemModule).
       | RUNNING _ _ r => Some r
-	End FIFOSec.
 End FIFO.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/FIFO/FIFO_extraction.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/FIFO/FIFO_extraction.v
similarity index 100%
rename from framework/DRAM/Implementations/FIFO/FIFO_extraction.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/FIFO/FIFO_extraction.v
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/FIFO/FIFO_proofs.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/FIFO/FIFO_proofs.v
similarity index 51%
rename from framework/DRAM/Implementations/FIFO/FIFO_proofs.v
rename to framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/FIFO/FIFO_proofs.v
index f0fc695..6b97ee8 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/FIFO/FIFO_proofs.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/FIFO/FIFO_proofs.v
@@ -2,25 +2,16 @@ Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
 Set Printing Projections.
 From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool eqtype seq zify fintype ssrZ zify.
-From DRAM Require Export FIFO.
+From DRAM Require Export Util FIFO.
 From Coq Require Import Program.
-Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
-	Module Import MFIFO := FIFO SYS.
-	Import MImpInterface.
-	Import MArbiter.
-	Import MTrace.
-	Import MBankMachine.
-	Import MCommands.
-	Import MRequests.
-	Import MAddress.
-	Import SYS.
-  Section Proofs.
+Section Proofs.
+	Context {SYS_CFG : System_configuration}.
 	Context {FIFO_CFG : FIFO_configuration}.
+	Existing Instance REQUESTOR_CFG.
   Context {AF : Arrival_function_t}.
 	Existing Instance ARBITER_CFG.
@@ -45,7 +36,19 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
   (* --------------------- COUNTER PROOFS ----------------------------- *)
   (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-	Lemma FIFO_next_cycle_inc (c : MFIFO.Counter_t) : c < FIFO_CFG.(WAIT).-1 ->
+	Lemma FIFO_wait_neq_act :
+    (WAIT.-1 == OACT_date) = false.
+  Proof.
+		unfold OACT_date; simpl; specialize FIFO_WAIT_GT_SACT; lia.
+	Qed.
+  Lemma FIFO_wait_neq_cas :
+    (WAIT.-1 == OCAS_date) = false.
+  Proof.
+		unfold OCAS_date; simpl; specialize FIFO_WAIT_GT_SCAS; lia.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma FIFO_next_cycle_inc (c : Counter_t) : c < FIFO_CFG.(WAIT).-1 ->
 		nat_of_ord (Next_cycle c) = c.+1.
 		intro; unfold Next_cycle; set (HH := c.+1 < WAIT); dependent destruction HH;
@@ -76,6 +79,7 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
 		try (discriminate Hrun); clear Hrun; simpl;
 		unfold FIFO_counter in Hc; subst;
 		try (move: Hend => /eqP Hend; lia);
+		rewrite -Hc; rewrite -Hc in H;
 		apply FIFO_next_cycle_inc; assumption.
@@ -122,7 +126,7 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
     induction t; [ done | ]; simpl.
     unfold Next_state.
-		destruct_state t0; rewrite in_cons; intros Hi Hp; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi]; 
+		destruct_state t; rewrite in_cons; intros Hi Hp; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi]; 
 		try (by rewrite Hi in Hp);
 		try (by apply IHt in Hi);
 		try (unfold Kind_of_req in Hi; destruct r0.(Kind); by rewrite Hi in Hp);
@@ -139,7 +143,7 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
 		induction t; [ done | ]; simpl.
 		unfold Next_state.
-		destruct_state t0; rewrite in_cons; intros Hi Hp; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi];
+		destruct_state t; rewrite in_cons; intros Hi Hp; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi];
 		try (by rewrite Hi in Hp);
 		try (by apply IHt in Hi);
 		try (unfold Kind_of_req in Hi; destruct r0.(Kind); by rewrite Hi in Hp);
@@ -148,6 +152,21 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
 		split; trivial.
+	Lemma FIFO_PRE_date t cmd:
+    cmd \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isPRE cmd ->
+    (FIFO_counter # (cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) = OCycle0) /\ 
+    (isRUNNING # (cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State)) /\
+  	(FIFO_request # (cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == get_req cmd).
+  Proof.
+    induction t; [ done | ]; simpl.
+		unfold Next_state; destruct_state t; rewrite in_cons; intros Hi Hp; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi];
+		try (by rewrite Hi in Hp);
+		try (by apply IHt in Hi);
+		try (unfold Kind_of_req in Hi; destruct r0.(Kind); by rewrite Hi in Hp);
+		rewrite Hi //= /Next_state Hs //= Hact Hcas //=.
+		move: Hend => /eqP Hend; rewrite !Hend eq_refl //=.
+  Qed.
 	Lemma FIFO_eq_counter t t' d:
     isRUNNING (# t).(Implementation_State) -> t < t' -> 
 		FIFO_counter (# t).(Implementation_State) = FIFO_counter (# t').(Implementation_State) ->
@@ -177,20 +196,162 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
 		specialize (@ltn_ord WAIT c0); lia.
-	Lemma FIFO_counter_bounded_ : forall (c : MFIFO.Counter_t),
+	Lemma FIFO_counter_bounded_ : forall (c : Counter_t),
     c <= WAIT.-1.
 		intro c; destruct c eqn:H; simpl; lia.
-	(* 
-	Ltac leqWAIT Hc Hrun :=
-    rewrite Hc subnKC;
-    ((apply FIFO_counter_bounded in Hrun; by rewrite Hc in Hrun) ||
-     (rewrite - ltnS prednK; (apply ltnSn || exact FIFO_CFG.(WAIT_pos)))). 
-	*)
-	Lemma FIFO_l_eq_bound ta tb (c : MFIFO.Counter_t) :
+	Lemma FIFO_l_counter_border t :
+    FIFO_counter # t.(Implementation_State) = WAIT.-1 -> 
+    FIFO_counter # (t.+1).(Implementation_State) = 0.
+  Proof.
+    intros Hco; simpl.
+    unfold Next_state;
+		destruct_state t; simpl; try reflexivity;
+		simpl in Hco; unfold Next_cycle; set (HH := c.+1 < WAIT);
+		dependent destruction HH;
+		apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e;
+		try reflexivity;
+		rewrite Hco in x; lia.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma isIDLE_fromstate ta c0 r:
+    (# ta).(Implementation_State) = IDLE c0 r  ->
+    isIDLE (# ta).(Implementation_State).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /isIDLE; intros H; by rewrite H.
+  Qed.
+	Lemma isIDLE_notRunning ta:
+		isIDLE (# ta).(Implementation_State) -> 
+		isRUNNING (# ta).(Implementation_State) == false.
+	Proof.
+		intros; rewrite /isRUNNING; rewrite /isIDLE in H; simpl in H.
+		by destruct (# ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma FIFO_running ta tb (d : Counter_t):
+    isIDLE (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) 
+    -> isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State)
+    -> ta < tb
+    -> FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) = 0
+		(* Where still idle *)
+    -> ((ta + d < tb) && (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) == false))
+		(* There exists a moment r previous to d in which the counter was 0 (at the beginnin of RUNNING) *)  
+    \/ (exists r, (ta + r <= tb) && (r <= d) && (isRUNNING # (ta + r).(Implementation_State)) 
+    && (FIFO_counter # (ta + r).(Implementation_State) == 0)).
+  Proof.
+    intros Hidle_a Hrun_b Hlt Hc.
+    destruct d as [d Hd].
+    induction d;
+  	[ apply isIDLE_notRunning in Hidle_a; left; simpl; by rewrite addn0 Hlt andTb Hidle_a | ].
+    apply ltn_trans with (m := d) in Hd as Hd'; [ | lia ].
+    specialize IHd with (Hd := Hd') as [IH | IH]; simpl in IH.
+    { (* we're still idle after D cycles, next cycle could be IDLE, RUNNING or REFRESH *)
+      move : IH => /andP [IH Hrun_a'].
+      rewrite leq_eqVlt in IH; move : IH => /orP [/eqP IH | IH].
+      { (* tb is the cycle after *)
+        right. simpl. subst tb. exists (d.+1).
+        rewrite ltnSn andbT addnS Hrun_b andbT leqnn andTb /FIFO_counter.
+        rewrite /isRUNNING //= /Next_state in Hrun_b Hrun_a' *.
+        destruct ((Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State)) eqn:HS, (r) eqn:HP; simpl; done. }
+      { (* now tb is in the future *)
+				simpl; rewrite /isIDLE in Hrun_a'.
+				destruct ((Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State)) eqn:HS; simpl.
+				{ (* from IDLE to REFRESH 1 *)
+					rewrite addnS IH andTb //= /Next_state HS.
+					destruct r; simpl; [ by left | ].
+					right; exists (d.+1); apply ltnW in IH.
+					rewrite addnS IH andTb ltnSn andTb.
+					by rewrite /isRUNNING /FIFO_counter //= HS.
+				}
+				by contradict Hrun_a'.
+			}
+    }
+		right. destruct IH as [r H]; move : H => /andP [/andP [/andP [Hlt' Hrd ]  Hrun_a'] Hc'].
+		exists r; simpl.
+		rewrite Hlt' andTb; apply /andP; split.
+			{ apply /andP. split.
+					{ apply leq_trans with (n := d); (exact Hrd || apply ltnW, ltnSn). }
+					exact Hrun_a'.
+			}
+			exact Hc'.
+  Qed.
+	Lemma FIFO_counter_lt_WAIT t: 
+    FIFO_counter (# t).(Implementation_State) < WAIT.
+  Proof.
+    set (c := FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State)).
+    unfold FIFO_counter in c; destruct_state t; subst c; try done.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma FIFO_running_at_zero_lt_at_c t t' d:
+    isRUNNING (# t).(Implementation_State) -> 
+    t < t' -> FIFO_counter (# t).(Implementation_State) = 0 ->
+    d < FIFO_counter (# t').(Implementation_State) ->
+    t + d < t'.
+  Proof.
+  	intros Hrun  Hlt HcZ Hd.
+  	induction d; [ by rewrite addn0 | ].
+   	apply ltn_trans with (m := d) in Hd as IH; [ | lia ].
+    apply IHd in IH; clear IHd.
+    rewrite addnS ltn_neqAle IH andbT.
+    specialize (FIFO_counter_lt_WAIT t') as HW.
+    destruct ((t + d).+1 == t') eqn:H.
+    apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := d.+1) in Hrun as [_ HcD].
+			4: done.
+		  3: exact HcZ.
+      2: rewrite add0n; apply ltn_trans with (n := FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State)); exact Hd || exact HW.
+		move : H => /eqP H; subst.
+		contradict Hd.
+		by rewrite -addnS HcD add0n ltnn.
+	Qed.
+	Lemma isRUNNING_fromstate ta c0 r r0:
+    (# ta).(Implementation_State) = RUNNING c0 r r0 ->
+    isRUNNING (# ta).(Implementation_State).
+  Proof.
+    rewrite /isRUNNING; intros H; by rewrite H.
+  Qed.
+	Lemma FIFO_l_helper_4 ta tb cb:
+    ta < tb ->
+    FIFO_counter # (ta.+1).(Implementation_State) = 0 ->
+    FIFO_counter # tb.(Implementation_State) = cb ->
+    cb > 0 -> ta.+1 < tb.
+  Proof.
+    intros Hlt Hca Hcb Hcb_pos.
+    rewrite ltn_neqAle Hlt andbT.
+    destruct (_ == tb) eqn:He; [ | done ].
+    move: He => /eqP He.
+    rewrite -He in Hcb; lia.
+  Qed.
+	Lemma FIFO_l_helper_3 ta tb d (cb : Counter_t) :
+    isRUNNING (# ta).(Implementation_State) ->
+    FIFO_counter (# ta).(Implementation_State) = 0 ->
+    FIFO_counter (# tb).(Implementation_State) = cb -> 
+    d < cb -> ta < tb -> ta + d < tb.
+  Proof.
+    intros Hrun_a Hca Hcb Hd Hlt.
+    induction d; [ lia | ].
+    apply ltn_trans with (m:= d) in Hd as Hd'; [ | apply ltnSn ].
+    apply IHd in Hd' as H.
+    rewrite addnS ltn_neqAle H andbT.
+    destruct ( _ == tb) eqn:He; [ | done ].
+    move: He => /eqP He.
+    apply FIFO_add_counter with (d := d.+1) (c := Ordinal WAIT_pos) in Hrun_a as HH; simpl; try assumption.
+    	2: rewrite add0n; apply ltn_trans with (n := cb); (exact Hd || by destruct cb).
+    destruct HH as [Hrun_adp1 Hc_adp1]; simpl in Hc_adp1.
+    rewrite -He in Hcb.
+    rewrite add0n addnS in Hc_adp1.
+    rewrite Hc_adp1 in Hcb.
+    contradict Hcb; apply /eqP.
+    rewrite neq_ltn; apply /orP; left; exact Hd.
+  Qed.
+	Lemma FIFO_l_eq_bound ta tb (c : Counter_t) :
     isRUNNING (# ta).(Implementation_State) -> 
     isRUNNING (# tb).(Implementation_State) -> 
     ta < tb ->
@@ -214,96 +375,87 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
 		[ rewrite subnKC; [ reflexivity | ]; apply (FIFO_counter_bounded_ c) | ].
     rewrite H in Hc_a'; clear H.
-		(* stopped here in the retrofitting *)
-    apply FIFO_l_counter_border in Hc_a' as Hc_a''.
-    destruct (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) == 0) eqn:HcZ.
-      { move : HcZ => /eqP HcZ.
-        rewrite HcZ in Hc_b; rewrite -Hc_b subn0 -addnS prednK in Hlt'; exact WAIT_pos || exact Hlt'.
-      }
-      move : HcZ => /negbT HcZ; rewrite -lt0n in HcZ.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate (ta + (WAIT.-1 - c)).+1).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-        { (* IDLE branch *)
-          assert (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate (ta + (WAIT.-1 - c)).+1).(Implementation_State) = 0) as Haux.
-            { rewrite /FIFO_counter Hs. by rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hc_a''. }
-          clear Hc_a''; rename Haux into Hc_a''; apply isIDLE_fromstate in Hs as Hrun_a''.
-          rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hlt'; move : Hlt' => /orP [/eqP Hlt' | Hlt'].
-          { subst tb.
-            rewrite Hc_b in Hc_a''.
-            rewrite Hc_a'' subn0 -addnS prednK.
-              2: exact WAIT_pos.
-            apply leqnn.
-          }
-          apply FIFO_running with (tb := tb) (d := c) in Hrun_a'' as [Hlt'' | Hlt''].
-            5: exact Hc_a''.
-            4: exact Hlt'.
-            3: exact Hrun_b.
-            { (* Stays IDLE until the counter equals c again *)
-              move : Hlt'' => /andP [Hlt'' _].
-              rewrite  -[(ta + _).+1]addnS -subSn in Hlt''.
-                2: rewrite -ltnS prednK; ( by destruct c) || exact WAIT_pos.
-              rewrite prednK in Hlt''.
-                2: exact WAIT_pos.
-              rewrite addnBA in Hlt''.
-                2: apply ltnW; by destruct c.
-              rewrite subnK in Hlt''.
-                2: apply nat_leq_addl; apply ltnW; by destruct c.
-              by apply ltnW.
-            }
-            move : Hlt'' => [r1 /andP [/andP [/andP [Hlt'' Hr ] Hrun_a'''] /eqP Hc_a''']].
-            rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hlt''; move : Hlt'' => /orP [/eqP Hlt'' | Hlt''].
-              { subst tb.
-                rewrite Hc_b in Hc_a'''.
-                rewrite Hc_a''' subn0 -addnS prednK.
-                  2: exact WAIT_pos.
-                apply leq_addr.
-              }
-              apply FIFO_running_at_zero_lt_at_c with (t' := tb) (d := (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State)).-1) in Hrun_a''' as Hlt'''.
-                4: rewrite ltn_predL; exact HcZ.
-                3: exact Hc_a'''.
-                2: exact Hlt''.
-              rewrite Hc_b in Hlt'''.
-              rewrite  -[(ta + _).+1]addnS -subSn in Hlt'''.
-                2: rewrite -ltnS prednK; (by destruct c) || exact WAIT_pos.
-              rewrite prednK in Hlt'''.
-                2: exact WAIT_pos.
-              rewrite -subn1 addnBA in Hlt'''.
-                2: rewrite -Hc_b; exact HcZ.
-              rewrite subn1 addnBA in Hlt'''.
-                2: apply ltnW; by destruct c.
-              rewrite prednK in Hlt'''.
-                2: apply ltn_addl; by rewrite -Hc_b.
-              rewrite addnBAC in Hlt'''.
-                2: apply nat_leq_addl; apply ltnW; (by destruct c) || exact WAIT_pos.
-              rewrite subnK in Hlt'''.
-                2: apply nat_leq_addr, nat_leq_addl; apply ltnW; (by destruct c) || exact WAIT_pos.
-              apply leq_trans with (m := ta + WAIT ) in Hlt'''.
-                2: by apply nat_leq_addr.
-              exact Hlt'''.
-        }
-        { (* RUNNING branch *)
-          assert (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate (ta + (WAIT.-1 - c)).+1).(Implementation_State) = 0) as Haux.
-            { rewrite /FIFO_counter Hs. by rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hc_a''. }
-          clear Hc_a''; rename Haux into Hc_a''.
-          apply isRUNNING_fromstate in Hs as Hrun_a''.
-          apply FIFO_l_helper_4 with (cb := c) in Hlt' as Hlt''.
-            4: by rewrite -Hc_b.
-            3: exact Hc_b.
-            2: exact Hc_a''.
-          apply FIFO_l_helper_3 with (tb := tb) (d := c.-1) (cb := c) in Hrun_a'' as Hlt'''.
-            5: exact Hlt''.
-            4: by rewrite ltn_predL -Hc_b.
-            3: exact Hc_b.
-            2: exact Hc_a''.
-          rewrite -addnS prednK in Hlt'''.
-            2: by rewrite -Hc_b.
-          rewrite -addnS -subSS prednK in Hlt'''.
-            2: exact WAIT_pos.
-          rewrite subnS prednK in Hlt'''.
-            2: rewrite subn_gt0; by destruct c.
-          rewrite -addnA subnK in Hlt'''.
-            2: { destruct c; simpl; rewrite leq_eqVlt; apply /orP; by right. }
-          exact Hlt'''.
-      }
+		apply FIFO_l_counter_border in Hc_a' as Hc_a''.
+    destruct (FIFO_counter # tb.(Implementation_State) == 0) eqn:HcZ.
+    { move : HcZ => /eqP HcZ.
+      rewrite HcZ in Hc_b; rewrite -Hc_b subn0 -addnS prednK in Hlt'; exact WAIT_pos || exact Hlt'.
+    }
+    move : HcZ => /negbT HcZ; rewrite -lt0n in HcZ.
+    destruct # ((ta + (WAIT.-1 - c)).+1).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
+		{ (* IDLE branch *)
+			assert (Haux: FIFO_counter # ((ta + (WAIT.-1 - c)).+1).(Implementation_State) = 0);
+			[ rewrite /FIFO_counter Hs; by rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hc_a'' | ].
+			clear Hc_a''; rename Haux into Hc_a''; apply isIDLE_fromstate in Hs as Hrun_a''.
+			rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hlt'; move : Hlt' => /orP [/eqP Hlt' | Hlt'].
+			{ subst tb.
+				rewrite Hc_b in Hc_a''.
+				rewrite Hc_a'' subn0 -addnS prednK; [ | exact WAIT_pos ].
+				apply leqnn.
+			}
+			apply FIFO_running with (tb := tb) (d := c) in Hrun_a'' as [Hlt'' | Hlt'']; try assumption.
+			{ (* Stays IDLE until the counter equals c again *)
+				move : Hlt'' => /andP [Hlt'' _].
+				rewrite  -[(ta + _).+1]addnS -subSn in Hlt''.
+					2: rewrite -ltnS prednK; ( by destruct c) || exact WAIT_pos.
+				rewrite prednK in Hlt''.
+					2: exact WAIT_pos.
+				rewrite addnBA in Hlt''.
+					2: apply ltnW; by destruct c.
+				rewrite subnK in Hlt''.
+					2: destruct c; simpl; lia.
+				by apply ltnW.
+			}
+			move : Hlt'' => [r1 /andP [/andP [/andP [Hlt'' Hr ] Hrun_a'''] /eqP Hc_a''']].
+			rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hlt''; move : Hlt'' => /orP [/eqP Hlt'' | Hlt''].
+			{ subst tb.
+				rewrite Hc_b in Hc_a'''.
+				rewrite Hc_a''' subn0 -addnS prednK; [ | exact WAIT_pos ].
+				apply leq_addr.
+			}
+			apply FIFO_running_at_zero_lt_at_c with (t' := tb) (d := (FIFO_counter (# tb).(Implementation_State)).-1) in Hrun_a''' as Hlt''';
+			try (by rewrite ltn_predL; exact HcZ); try assumption.
+			rewrite Hc_b in Hlt'''.
+			rewrite  -[(ta + _).+1]addnS -subSn in Hlt'''.
+				2: rewrite -ltnS prednK; (by destruct c) || exact WAIT_pos.
+			rewrite prednK in Hlt'''.
+				2: exact WAIT_pos.
+			rewrite -subn1 addnBA in Hlt'''.
+				2: rewrite -Hc_b; exact HcZ.
+			rewrite subn1 addnBA in Hlt'''.
+				2: apply ltnW; by destruct c.
+			rewrite prednK in Hlt'''.
+				2: apply ltn_addl; by rewrite -Hc_b.
+			rewrite addnBAC in Hlt'''.
+				2: destruct c; simpl; lia.
+			rewrite subnK in Hlt'''.
+				2: destruct c; simpl; lia.
+				apply leq_trans with (m := ta + WAIT ) in Hlt'''.
+				2: destruct c; simpl; lia.
+			exact Hlt'''.
+		}
+		{ (* RUNNING branch *)
+			assert (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate (ta + (WAIT.-1 - c)).+1).(Implementation_State) = 0) as Haux.
+				{ rewrite /FIFO_counter Hs. by rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hc_a''. }
+			clear Hc_a''; rename Haux into Hc_a''.
+			apply isRUNNING_fromstate in Hs as Hrun_a''.
+			apply FIFO_l_helper_4 with (cb := c) in Hlt' as Hlt''; try assumption.
+				2: by rewrite -Hc_b.
+			apply FIFO_l_helper_3 with (tb := tb) (d := c.-1) (cb := c) in Hrun_a'' as Hlt'''.
+				5: exact Hlt''.
+				4: by rewrite ltn_predL -Hc_b.
+				3: exact Hc_b.
+				2: exact Hc_a''.
+			rewrite -addnS prednK in Hlt'''.
+				2: by rewrite -Hc_b.
+			rewrite -addnS -subSS prednK in Hlt'''.
+				2: exact WAIT_pos.
+			rewrite subnS prednK in Hlt'''.
+				2: rewrite subn_gt0; by destruct c.
+			rewrite -addnA subnK in Hlt'''.
+				2: { destruct c; simpl; rewrite leq_eqVlt; apply /orP; by right. }
+			exact Hlt'''.
+		}
   Lemma FIFO_l_eq_bound_or ta tb (c : Counter_t) :
@@ -315,20 +467,29 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
     intros Hrun_a Hc_a Hrun_b Hc_b.
     destruct (ta < tb) eqn:Hlt.
-    { apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := ta) (c := c) in Hrun_b.
-        all: try done.
-      right. by left. }
+    { apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := ta) (c := c) in Hrun_b; try done;
+      right; by left. }
     { rewrite ltnNge in Hlt; apply negbFE in Hlt.
-      rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hlt; move: Hlt => /orP [/eqP Heq | Hlt].
-        { by left. }
-      apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := tb) (c := c) in Hrun_a.
-        all: try done.
-      right. by right. }
+      rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hlt; move: Hlt => /orP [/eqP Heq | Hlt]; [ by left | ].
+      apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := tb) (c := c) in Hrun_a; try done.
+      right; by right. }
+	Lemma FIFO_date_gt_0 cmd t:
+    cmd \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> cmd.(CDate) > 0.
+  Proof.
+    induction t; simpl; [ intros H; inversion H | ].
+    unfold Next_state; destruct_state t; rewrite in_cons; intros H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H];
+		try (by rewrite H //=);
+		by apply IHt in H.
+	Qed.
+	(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+  (* --------------------- TIMING PROOFS ------------------------------ *)
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
   Theorem Cmds_T_RCD_ok t a b:
     a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    isACT a -> isCAS b -> (get_bank a == get_bank b) -> Before a b ->
+    isACT a -> isCAS b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
     Apart_at_least a b T_RCD.
     intros Ha Hb iAa iCb SB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
@@ -339,165 +500,307 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
     2: { 
 			unfold d; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
       rewrite subnKC; [ exact FIFO_WAIT_GT_SCAS | ].
-			unfold CAS_date; lia. }
+			unfold CAS_date; lia. 
+		}
     unfold d in Hc_a'; rewrite subnKC in Hc_a'.
 		2 : rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS; unfold CAS_date; lia.
-		apply FIFO_l_eq_bound_or with (ta := a.(CDate) + d) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hrun_b as H.
-      2-4: done.
+		apply FIFO_l_eq_bound_or with (ta := a.(CDate) + d) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hrun_b as H; try done.
     destruct H as [H0 | [H1 | H2]].
-      { rewrite -H0 leq_add2l. unfold d. 
-        rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS /CAS_date /ACT_date. 
-        rewrite prednK. 
-          2: { rewrite lt0n. exact T_RP_pos. }
-        rewrite -addnS addnC -addn1. rewrite -addnA [1 + T_RP.-1]addnC addn1 prednK. 
-          2: { rewrite lt0n. exact T_RP_pos. }
-        rewrite -addnBA.
-          2: by rewrite leqnn.
-          1: apply leq_addr. }
-      { unfold d in H1; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS in H1.
-        apply leq_trans with (m := a.(CDate) + T_RCD) in H1.
-        exact H1.
-        rewrite -addnA leq_add2l /CAS_date /ACT_date prednK.
-        rewrite [T_RP.-1 + _]addnC -addnS prednK.
-          2,3: rewrite lt0n; exact T_RP_pos.
-        rewrite addnBAC.
-          2: by rewrite addnC leq_addr.
-        rewrite leq_subRL.
-          2: by rewrite [T_RCD + T_RP]addnC -addnA leq_addr.
-        by rewrite addnC leq_addr. }
-      { unfold d in H2; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS in H2.
-        contradict H2. apply /negP. rewrite -ltnNge addnC -ltn_subRL.
-        unfold Before in aBb. apply ltn_trans with (n := b.(CDate)).
-        exact aBb.
-        rewrite subnBA.
-          2: { rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS. by apply nat_ltn_add. }
-        rewrite ltn_subRL addnC -addnA ltn_add2l.
-        rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date prednK.
-        rewrite addnC -addnS prednK.
-          3,2: rewrite lt0n; exact T_RP_pos.
-        rewrite ltn_add2r.
-        apply nat_add_ltn with (m := T_RP.-1).
-          { rewrite ltn_predRL. exact T_RP_GT_ONE. }
-        specialize WAIT_CAS; by rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date. }
+		{ rewrite -H0 leq_add2l. unfold d. 
+			rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS /CAS_date /ACT_date. 
+			rewrite prednK; [ | specialize T_RP_pos; lia ]. 
+			rewrite -addnS addnC -addn1 -addnA [1 + T_RP.-1]addnC addn1 prednK; [ | specialize T_RP_pos; lia ]. 
+			rewrite -addnBA; [ | lia ].
+			apply leq_addr. }
+		{ unfold d in H1; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS in H1.
+			apply leq_trans with (m := a.(CDate) + T_RCD) in H1; try assumption.
+			rewrite -addnA leq_add2l /CAS_date /ACT_date prednK.
+			rewrite [T_RP.-1 + _]addnC -addnS prednK.
+				2,3: rewrite lt0n; exact T_RP_pos.
+			rewrite addnBAC; [ | lia ].
+			rewrite leq_subRL; [ | lia ].
+			lia. }
+    { unfold d in H2; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS in H2.
+      contradict H2. apply /negP. rewrite -ltnNge addnC -ltn_subRL.
+      unfold Before in aBb. apply ltn_trans with (n := b.(CDate)); [ assumption | ].
+      rewrite subnBA; [ | rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS; lia]. 
+			rewrite ltn_subRL addnC -addnA ltn_add2l.
+      rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date prednK; [ | by specialize T_RP_pos; lia].
+      rewrite addnC -addnS prednK; [ | by specialize T_RP_pos; lia].
+      rewrite ltn_add2r.
+      apply nat_add_ltn with (m := T_RP.-1);
+			[ specialize T_RP_GT_ONE; lia | ].
+      specialize WAIT_CAS; by rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date. 
+		}
-  Lemma isIDLE_notRunning ta:
-    isIDLE (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) -> isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) == false.
+	Theorem Cmds_T_RP_ok t a b:
+    a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    isPRE a -> isACT b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_RP.
-    intros.
-    rewrite /isRUNNING; rewrite /isIDLE in H; simpl in H.
-    by destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
+		intros Ha Hb iPa iAb SB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
+    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]]; [ | assumption ].
+    apply FIFO_PRE_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]]; [ | assumption ].
+    apply FIFO_running_at_zero_lt_at_c with (t':= b.(CDate)) (d := ACT_date) in Hc_a as H; try assumption.
+      2: rewrite Hc_b; by rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
+    unfold ACT_date in H.
+    rewrite -addnS prednK in H; [ assumption | specialize T_RP_pos; lia ].
-  Lemma isIDLE_fromstate ta c0 r:
-    (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) = IDLE c0 r  ->
-    isIDLE (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State).
+	Theorem Cmds_T_RC_ok t a b: 
+    a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    isACT a -> isACT b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_RC.
-    rewrite /isIDLE.
-    intros H; by rewrite H.
+    intros Ha Hb iAa iAb SB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
+    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]]; [ | assumption ].
+    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]]; [ | assumption ].
+    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hrun_a as Hlt; try done.
+    apply leq_trans with (n := (a.(CDate) + WAIT)); [ | assumption ].
+    rewrite leq_add2l; specialize RC_WAIT; lia.
-  Lemma isRUNNING_fromstate ta c0 r r0:
-    (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) = RUNNING c0 r r0 ->
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State).
+	Theorem Cmds_T_RAS_ok t a b:
+    a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    isACT a -> isPRE b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_RAS.
-    rewrite /isRUNNING; intros H; by rewrite H.
+    intros Ha Hb iAa iPb SB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
+    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]]; [ | assumption ].
+    apply FIFO_PRE_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]]; [ | assumption ]; clear iAa iPb.
+    apply FIFO_add_counter with (d := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hc_b as H; try done.
+      2: by rewrite /OCycle0 add0n FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS FIFO_WAIT_GT_SACT.
+ 		destruct H as [Hrun_b' Hc_b'].
+    set (d := Next_cycle OACT_date); fold d in Hc_b', Hrun_b'; rewrite /OCycle0 add0n in Hc_b'.
+    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (c := d) (tb := b.(CDate) + d) in Hrun_a as Hlt; try done.
+    2: { 
+			rewrite /Before in aBb. apply ltn_trans with (p := b.(CDate) + d) in aBb. exact aBb.
+      apply nat_ltn_add; unfold d; by rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
+    }
+    rewrite [_ + d]addnC -leq_subLR in Hlt; unfold d in Hlt.
+    apply leq_trans with (m := a.(CDate) + T_RAS) in Hlt; [ exact Hlt | ].
+    rewrite -addnBA.
+      2: rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS; specialize FIFO_WAIT_GT_SACT; apply ltnW. 
+    rewrite leq_add2l leq_subRL.
+      2: rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS; specialize FIFO_WAIT_GT_SACT; apply ltnW.
+    rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS /ACT_date prednK.
+      2: by rewrite lt0n T_RP_pos.
+    by rewrite leq_eqVlt RAS_WAIT orbT.
-  Lemma FIFO_wait_neq_act :
-    (WAIT.-1 == OACT_date) = false.
+	Theorem Cmds_T_RTP_ok t a b:
+    a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    isCRD a -> isPRE b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b T_RTP.
-    apply /negbTE; rewrite neq_ltn.
-    apply /orP; right.
-    rewrite ltn_predRL.
-    apply ltn_trans with (n := OCAS_date).
-      2: exact WAIT_CAS.
-    unfold OCAS_date, OACT_date; simpl; unfold CAS_date.
-    rewrite -ltn_subLR.
-      2: auto.
-    rewrite subSnn.
-    exact T_RCD_GT_ONE.
+    intros Ha Hb iCa iPb sB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
+    apply FIFO_CAS_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
+      2: unfold isCAS; unfold isCRD in iCa; apply /orP; left; exact iCa.
+    apply FIFO_PRE_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]]; [ | assumption ].
+    apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := CAS_date.+1) in Hrun_b as [Hrun_b' Hc_b']; try assumption.
+      2: simpl; rewrite add0n; exact FIFO_WAIT_GT_SCAS.
+    rewrite -{2}FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS in Hc_b'; simpl in Hc_b'; rewrite add0n in Hc_b'.
+    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate) + CAS_date.+1) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hrun_a as H; try assumption.
+      2: unfold Before in aBb; apply ltn_trans with (p := b.(CDate) + CAS_date.+1) in aBb; exact aBb || (by rewrite nat_ltn_add).
+    rewrite [b.(CDate) + _]addnC -leq_subLR in H.
+    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + WAIT - CAS_date.+1); [ | assumption ].
+    rewrite -addnBA; [ | exact WAIT_CAS].
+    rewrite leq_add2l leq_subRL; [ | exact WAIT_CAS ].
+    rewrite addnC addnS addnC; exact WAIT_END_READ.
-  Lemma FIFO_wait_neq_cas :
-    (WAIT.-1 == OCAS_date) = false.
+	Theorem Cmds_T_WTP_ok t a b:
+    a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    isCWR a -> isPRE b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b (T_WR + T_WL + T_BURST).
-    apply /negbTE; rewrite neq_ltn.
-    apply /orP; right.
-    rewrite ltn_predRL.
-    apply ltn_trans with (n := CAS_date + T_RTP).
-      2: exact WAIT_END_READ.
-    rewrite -ltn_subLR.
-      2: auto.
-    rewrite subSnn.
-    exact T_RTP_GT_ONE.
+    intros Ha Hb iCa iPb sB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
+    apply FIFO_CAS_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
+      2: unfold isCAS; unfold isCWR in iCa; apply /orP; right; exact iCa.
+    apply FIFO_PRE_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]]; [ | assumption ].
+    apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := CAS_date.+1) in Hrun_b as [Hrun_b' Hc_b']; try assumption.
+      2: simpl; rewrite add0n; exact FIFO_WAIT_GT_SCAS.
+    rewrite -{2}FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS in Hc_b'; simpl in Hc_b'; rewrite add0n in Hc_b'.
+    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate) + CAS_date.+1) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hrun_a as H; try done.
+      2: unfold Before in aBb; apply ltn_trans with (p := b.(CDate) + CAS_date.+1) in aBb; exact aBb || (by rewrite nat_ltn_add).
+    rewrite [b.(CDate) + _]addnC -leq_subLR in H.
+    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + WAIT - CAS_date.+1); [ | assumption ].
+    rewrite -addnBA; [ | exact WAIT_CAS ].
+    rewrite leq_add2l leq_subRL; [ | exact WAIT_CAS ].
+    rewrite addnC addnS addnC !addnA.
+    exact WAIT_END_WRITE.
-  Lemma FIFO_counter_lt_WAIT t: 
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) < WAIT.
+	Theorem Cmds_T_RtoW_ok t a b:
+    a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    isCRD a -> isCWR b -> Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b T_RTW.
-    set (c := FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State)).
-    unfold FIFO_counter in c.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:HS.
-      all: subst c; (done || by destruct c0).
+    intros Ha Hb iCRa iCWb aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
+    apply FIFO_CAS_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
+			2 : unfold isCAS; rewrite iCRa; done. 
+    apply FIFO_CAS_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]].
+      2 : unfold isCAS; rewrite iCWb orbT; done. 
+		apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hrun_a as H; try done.
+    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + WAIT); [ | assumption ].
+    by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt RTW_WAIT orbT.
+	Theorem Cmds_T_WtoR_SBG_ok t a b:
+		a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+		isCWR a -> isCRD b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b->
+		Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR_l + T_WL + T_BURST).
+	Proof.
+		intros Ha Hb iCWa iCRb abB SBG; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
+		apply FIFO_CAS_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]]; [ | by unfold isCAS; rewrite iCWa orbT; done ].
+		apply FIFO_CAS_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]]; [ | by unfold isCAS; rewrite iCRb; done ].
+		apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hrun_a as H; try done.
+		apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + WAIT); [ | assumption ].
+		by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt WTR_WAIT orbT.
+	Qed.
+	(* if they always respect the long then they should also always respect the small *)
+	Theorem Cmds_T_WtoR_DBG_ok t a b:
+		a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+		isCWR a -> isCRD b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+		Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR_s + T_WL + T_BURST).
+	Proof.
+		intros Ha Hb iCWa iCRb abB nSBG; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
+		apply FIFO_CAS_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]]; [ | by unfold isCAS; rewrite iCWa orbT; done ].
+		apply FIFO_CAS_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]]; [ | by unfold isCAS; rewrite iCRb; done ].
+		apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hrun_a as H; try done.
+		apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + WAIT); [ | assumption ].
+		rewrite leq_add2l; specialize WTR_WAIT; specialize T_WTR_bgs; lia.
+	Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_date_gt_0 cmd t:
-    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> cmd.(CDate) > 0.
+	Theorem Cmds_T_CCD_SBG_ok t a b:
+		a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+		(isCRD a /\ isCRD b) \/ (isCWR a /\ isCWR b) -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+		Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_l.
+	Proof.
+		intros Ha Hb Htype aBb sBG; unfold Apart_at_least.
+		destruct Htype as [[iRa iRb] | [iWa iWb]];
+		apply FIFO_CAS_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]];
+		apply FIFO_CAS_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]]; try unfold isCAS;
+		try rewrite iRb; try rewrite iRa; try rewrite iWa; try rewrite iWb; try (done || by rewrite orbT);
+		apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hrun_a as H; try done;
+		apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + WAIT); try assumption;
+		by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt CCD_WAIT orbT.
+	Qed.
+	Theorem Cmds_T_CCD_DBG_ok t a b:
+		a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+		(isCRD a /\ isCRD b) \/ (isCWR a /\ isCWR b) -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+		Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_s.
+	Proof.
+		intros Ha Hb Htype aBb sBG; unfold Apart_at_least;
+		destruct Htype as [[iRa iRb] | [iWa iWb]];
+		apply FIFO_CAS_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]];
+		apply FIFO_CAS_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]]; try unfold isCAS;
+		try rewrite iRb; try rewrite iRa; try rewrite iWa; try rewrite iWb; try (done || by rewrite orbT);
+		apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hrun_a as H; try done;
+		apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + WAIT); try assumption.
+		all: rewrite leq_add2l; specialize CCD_WAIT; specialize T_CCD_bgs; lia.
+	Qed.
+	Theorem Cmds_T_FAW_ok t a b c d:
+    a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
+    c \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> d \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    isACT a -> isACT b -> isACT c -> isACT d -> Diff_Bank [::a;b;c;d] ->
+    Before a b -> Before b c -> Before c d ->
+    Apart_at_least a d T_FAW.
-    induction t.
-      { simpl; intros H; inversion H. }
-      simpl.
-      unfold Next_state.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:HS, r eqn:HR; simpl.
-        all: try (intros H; rewrite in_cons in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H]).
-        all: try (by rewrite H).
-        all: try (by apply IHt in H).
-        all: try (destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait); simpl.
-        all: try (intros H; rewrite in_cons in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H]).
-        all: try (by rewrite H).
-        all: try (by apply IHt in H).
+    intros Ha Hb Hc Hd iAa iAb iAc iAd dB aBb bBc cBd; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
+    apply FIFO_date_gt_0 in Ha as Ha_pos, Hb as Hb_pos, Hc as Hc_pos, Hd as Hd_pos.
+    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]], Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]], Hc as [Hc_c [Hrun_c _]], Hd as [Hc_d [Hrun_d _]];
+		try assumption; clear iAa iAb iAc iAd.
+    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hrun_a as Hlt_ab; try done.
+    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := b.(CDate)) (tb := c.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hrun_b as Hlt_bc; try done.
+    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := c.(CDate)) (tb := d.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hrun_c as Hlt_cd; try done.
+    apply leq_trans with (p := c.(CDate) - WAIT) in Hlt_ab as Hlt_ac.
+      2: rewrite leq_psubRL; (rewrite -addnC; exact Hlt_bc) || exact Hb_pos.
+    rewrite leq_psubRL addnC in Hlt_ac.
+      2: rewrite addn_gt0; apply /orP; left; exact WAIT_pos.
+    apply leq_trans with (p := d.(CDate) - WAIT) in Hlt_ac as Hlt_ad.
+      2: rewrite leq_psubRL; (by rewrite -addnC) || exact Hc_pos.
+    rewrite leq_psubRL addnC in Hlt_ad.
+      2: rewrite addn_gt0; apply /orP; left; exact WAIT_pos.
+    apply leq_trans with (n := (a.(CDate) + WAIT + WAIT + WAIT)); [ | assumption ].
+    by rewrite -addnA -addnA leq_add2l addnA leq_eqVlt FAW_WAIT orbT.
-  Lemma FIFO_in_the_past t t' a:
-    t <= t' ->
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t').(Arbiter_Commands).
-  Proof.
-    intros. rewrite leq_eqVlt in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H]. { by rewrite -H. }
-    induction t'.
-      { inversion H. }
-      rewrite leq_eqVlt in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H].
-        { apply eq_add_S in H.
-          simpl; rewrite /Next_state //=.
-          destruct (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State), r eqn:HP; simpl.
-          all: try (rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right; subst t; exact H0).
-          all: try (destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date), (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date), (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1); simpl).
-          all: try (rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right; subst t; exact H0).
-        }
-        apply ltnSE in H; apply IHt' in H; simpl; rewrite /Next_state //=.
-        destruct (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State), r; simpl.
-        all: try (rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right; exact H).
-        all: try (destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date), (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date), (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1); simpl).
-        all: try (rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right; exact H).
+	Theorem Cmds_T_RRD_SBG_ok t a b: 
+    a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    isACT a -> isACT b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_RRD_l.
+  Proof.
+    intros Ha Hb iAa iAb nSb aBb sBG; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
+    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]], Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]]; try assumption; clear iAa iAb.
+    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hrun_a as Hlt; try done.
+	  apply leq_trans with (n := (a.(CDate) + WAIT)); [ | assumption ].
+    by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt RRD_WAIT orbT.
-  Lemma Cmd_in_trace cmd t:
+  Theorem Cmds_T_RRD_DBG_ok t a b:
+    a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    isACT a -> isACT b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
+    Apart_at_least a b T_RRD_s.
+  Proof.
+		intros Ha Hb iAa iAb nSb aBb sBG; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
+		apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]], Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]]; try assumption; clear iAa iAb.
+		apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hrun_a as Hlt; try done.
+		apply leq_trans with (n := (a.(CDate) + WAIT)); [ | assumption ].
+		rewrite leq_add2l; specialize RRD_WAIT; specialize T_RRD_bgs; lia.
+	Qed.
+	(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+  (* -------------------- REQUEST CORRECTNESS ------------------------- *)
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+	Lemma FIFO_in_the_past t t' a : t <= t' ->
+    a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> a \in (# t').(Arbiter_Commands).
+  Proof.
+    intros; rewrite leq_eqVlt in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H]; [ by rewrite -H | ].
+    induction t'; [ inversion H | ].
+		rewrite leq_eqVlt in H; move: H => /orP [/eqP H | H].
+			{ apply eq_add_S in H.
+				simpl; rewrite /Next_state //=.
+				destruct (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State), r eqn:HP; simpl.
+				all: try (rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right; subst t; exact H0);
+						 try (destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date), (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date), (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1); simpl);
+				 		 try (rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right; subst t; exact H0).
+			}
+			apply ltnSE in H; apply IHt' in H; simpl; rewrite /Next_state //=.
+			destruct (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State), r; simpl.
+			all: try (rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right; exact H);
+					 try (destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date), (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date), (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1); simpl);
+					 try (rewrite in_cons; apply /orP; right; exact H).
+  Qed.
+	Lemma Date_gt_counter t:
+    isRUNNING (# t).(Implementation_State) ->
+    FIFO_counter (# t).(Implementation_State) < t.
+  Proof.
+    intros Hrun; induction t; [ done | ].
+    simpl in *; unfold Next_state in *.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs;
+    [ destruct r eqn:Hpp; simpl in *; done | ].
+    destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl in *;
+    rewrite Hact //= in Hrun;
+    rewrite Hact //=; try (rewrite Hcas //=).
+    7: destruct r eqn:Hpp; simpl. 
+		all: 
+			try done; 
+			try (apply IHt in Hrun);
+      unfold Next_cycle; set (Hc := c.+1  < WAIT); dependent destruction Hc;
+      apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e;
+      try done; try rewrite Hcas //= in Hrun.
+  Qed.
+	Lemma Cmd_in_trace cmd t:
     cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
     cmd.(CDate) <= t.
-    intros H.
-    induction t.
-    { by simpl in H. }
+    intros H; induction t; [ by simpl in H | ].
     simpl in H; rewrite /Next_state in H.
     destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
     { destruct r eqn:Hpp.
@@ -519,869 +822,701 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
       all: try (apply IHt in H; by apply ltnW). }
-  Lemma Date_gt_counter t:
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) < t.
-  Proof.
-    intros Hrun.
-    induction t.
-      { by simpl in Hrun. }
-    simpl in *; unfold Next_state in *.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    { destruct r eqn:Hpp; simpl in *.
-      all: done. }
-    { destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl in *.
-      all: rewrite Hact //= in Hrun.
-      all: rewrite Hact //=; try (rewrite Hcas //=).
-      7: destruct r eqn:Hpp; simpl.
-      all: try done.
-      all: try (apply IHt in Hrun).
-      all: unfold Next_cycle; set (Hc := c.+1  < WAIT); dependent destruction Hc.
-      all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e.
-      all: try done.
-      all: try rewrite Hcas //= in Hrun. }
-  Qed.
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* --------------------- PROOFS ABOUT THE COUNTER ------------------- *)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  Lemma FIFO_inc_run (c : Counter_t) t:
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) -> FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = c ->
-    c < WAIT.-1 -> isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t.+1).(Implementation_State).
-  Proof.
-    intros Hrun Hc Hw.
-    apply FIFO_inc_counter with (t := t) (c := c) in Hrun as Hc'.
-      all: try done.
-    simpl; unfold Next_state, isRUNNING.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (r) eqn:HP; simpl.
-      all: try (by discriminate Hrun).
-      all: destruct (nat_of_ord c0 == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c0 == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c0 == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl.
-      all: try done.
-      all: try (unfold FIFO_counter in Hc; rewrite Hc in Hwait; move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; rewrite Hwait in Hw; by rewrite ltnn in Hw).
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_l_counter_border t :
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = WAIT.-1 -> 
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t.+1).(Implementation_State) = 0.
+	Lemma Request_starts_idle ra ta:
+    let S := (# ta).(Implementation_State) in
+    isIDLE S ->
+    ra \in FIFO_pending (S) ->
+    index ra (FIFO_pending S) = 0 ->
+    (FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == Some ra) &&
+    (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == OCycle0) &&
+    (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State)).
-    intros Hco; simpl.
-    unfold Next_state.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs, (r) eqn:HP; simpl.
-      all: try done.
-      all: destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas,
-                    (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl; intros.
-      all: try done.
-      all: unfold Next_cycle; set (HH := c.+1 < WAIT).
-      all: dependent destruction HH.
-      all: try (apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e).
-      all: try done.
-      all: try (move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; rewrite Hwait prednK in x; (exact WAIT_pos || by rewrite ltnn in x)).
-      all: try (unfold FIFO_counter in Hco; move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; contradict Hwait; exact Hco).
+    intros S Hidle HP Hi.
+    unfold S in *; clear S.
+    destruct (# ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; [ | discriminate Hidle ].
+    rewrite //= /Next_state Hs.
+    destruct r eqn:HPP; [ discriminate HP | ].
+    rewrite //= eq_refl !andbT.
+    rewrite /FIFO_pending in Hi.
+    destruct (r0 == ra) eqn:Heq; [ move: Heq => /eqP Heq; by rewrite Heq | ].
+    by rewrite //= Heq in Hi.
-  Lemma FIFO_l_counter_border_run t :
-    FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) != [::] ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = WAIT.-1 -> 
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t.+1).(Implementation_State) = 0 /\ isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t.+1).(Implementation_State).
+	Lemma Request_running_in_slot ra ta d:
+    FIFO_request (# ta).(Implementation_State) == Some ra ->
+    FIFO_counter (# ta).(Implementation_State) == OCycle0 ->
+    d < WAIT ->
+    (FIFO_request # (ta + d).(Implementation_State) == Some ra).
-    intros HP Hc; simpl.
-    rewrite /Next_state //=.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; simpl.
-    { destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl.
-        2: done.
-      by rewrite /FIFO_pending in HP.
-    }
-    { destruct c; simpl. destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait, r eqn:HPP; simpl in *.
-      all: try done.
-      all: unfold Next_cycle; simpl; set (H := m.+1 < WAIT); dependent destruction H.
-      all: try (apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e).
-      all: try done.
-      all: rewrite Hc prednK in x.
-      all: try exact WAIT_pos.
-      all: by rewrite ltnn in x.
+    intros Hreq Hc Hd; induction d; [ by rewrite addn0 Hreq | ].
+    apply ltn_trans with (m := d) in Hd as Hd'; [ | done ].
+    apply IHd in Hd' as IH. clear IHd.
+    assert (isRUNNING (# ta).(Implementation_State)) as Hrun.
+    { destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State); [ | done ].
+			rewrite /FIFO_request //= in Hreq.
-  Qed.
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* --------------------- PROOFS ------------------------------------- *)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  Lemma FIFO_PRE_date t cmd:
-    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isPRE cmd ->
-    (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) = OCycle0) /\ 
-    (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State)) /\
-  (FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == Some cmd.(Request)).
-  Proof.
-    induction t.
-      { done. }
-      intros Hi Hp; simpl in *.
-      rewrite /Next_state //= in Hi.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; simpl in Hi.
-    { destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl in Hi.
-      all: rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi].
-      all: try (contradict Hp; by rewrite Hi).
-      all: try (apply IHt in Hi; (exact Hp || exact Hi)).
-    rewrite Hi //= Hs //=. }
-    { destruct c; simpl in *; destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl in Hi. 
-      7: destruct r eqn: HPP.
-        all: try (rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi]).
-        all: try (apply IHt in Hi; (exact Hp || exact Hi)).
-    all: try (rewrite Hi /isPRE /Kind_of_req //= in Hp; contradict Hp; by case (r0.(Kind))).
-    rewrite Hi //= Hs //= Hact Hcas Hwait //=. }
-  Qed.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs;
+    [ rewrite /FIFO_request //= in IH | ].
+    apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := d) in Hrun as H. destruct H as [Hrun' Hc'].
+      3: apply /eqP; exact Hc.
+      2: rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n.
+    rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n in Hc'.
+    rewrite addnS; simpl; rewrite /Next_state Hs //=.
+    destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl;
+    try by rewrite /FIFO_request in IH;
+    destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl.
+  	rewrite Hs /FIFO_counter in Hc'; move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; rewrite Hc' in Hwait; rewrite Hwait prednK in Hd;
+    try exact WAIT_pos; by rewrite ltnn in Hd.
+  Qed.
+	Lemma Request_starts_running ra ta:
+		let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
+		isRUNNING (S) ->
+		FIFO_counter (S) == WAIT.-1 ->
+		ra \in FIFO_pending (S) ->
+		index ra (FIFO_pending S) = 0 ->
+		(FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == Some ra) &&
+		(FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == OCycle0) &&
+		(isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State)).
+	Proof.
+		intros S Hrun Hc HP Hi.
+		unfold S in *; clear S.
+		destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
+		1: discriminate Hrun.
+		simpl; rewrite /Next_state Hs.
+		destruct (nat_of_ord c == OACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl.
+		all: rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hc.
+		all: try by rewrite Hc in Hwait.
+		4: destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl.
+		4: { discriminate HP. }
+		4: {
+			destruct (r1 == ra) eqn:Heq.
+			{ move: Heq => /eqP Heq. by rewrite Heq eq_refl. }
+			{ simpl in Hi. rewrite Heq in Hi. discriminate Hi. }
+		}
+		1,2: move: Hc => /eqP Hc; rewrite Hc in Hact; by rewrite FIFO_wait_neq_act in Hact.
+		move: Hc => /eqP Hc; rewrite Hc in Hcas; by rewrite FIFO_wait_neq_cas in Hcas.
+	Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_CAS_date t cmd:
-    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isCAS cmd ->
-    (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State)) = Next_cycle OCAS_date /\ 
-    (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State)) /\
-  (FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate cmd.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == Some cmd.(Request)).
+  Lemma Request_PRE_bounded t ra:
+    isRUNNING (# t).(Implementation_State) ->
+    FIFO_request (# t).(Implementation_State) == Some ra ->
+    (PRE_of_req ra (Slot_start t)) \in (Default_arbitrate (Slot_start t)).(Arbiter_Commands).
-    induction t.
-      { done. }
-      intros Hi Hp; simpl in *.
-      unfold Next_state in *.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; simpl in Hi.
-    { destruct r; simpl in Hi.
-      all: rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi].
-    all: try (contradict Hp; by rewrite Hi).
-    all: try (apply IHt in Hi; (exact Hp || exact Hi)). }
-    { destruct c; simpl in *; destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl in Hi.
+    intros Hrun Hreq.
+  	induction t; [ by simpl in Hrun | ].
+    rewrite /Slot_start; simpl in *; unfold Next_state in *; simpl in *.
+		destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
+    { destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl in *; [ by simpl in Hrun | ].
+      clear Hrun IHt.
+      rewrite /Next_state Hs //= subn0 in_cons /PRE_of_req.
+			rewrite inj_eq in Hreq ; [ | exact ssrfun.Some_inj ]. 
+			move: Hreq => /eqP Hreq; by rewrite Hreq eq_refl orTb. 
+		}
+    { destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl in *.
       7: destruct r eqn:HPP.
-    all: rewrite in_cons in Hi; move: Hi => /orP [/eqP Hi | Hi].
-    all: try (apply IHt in Hi; (exact Hp || exact Hi)).
-    all: try (contradict Hp; by rewrite Hi).
-    all: rewrite Hi //= Hs //= Hact Hcas //=; move: Hcas => /eqP Hcas; unfold Next_cycle; simpl; by rewrite Hcas eq_refl. }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_l_helper_4 ta tb cb:
-    ta < tb ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) = 0 ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) = cb ->
-    cb > 0 ->
-    ta.+1 < tb.
-  Proof.
-    intros Hlt Hca Hcb Hcb_pos.
-    rewrite ltn_neqAle Hlt andbT.
-    destruct (_ == tb) eqn:He.
-      2: done.
-    move: He => /eqP He.
-    rewrite -He in Hcb.
-    rewrite Hcb in Hca.
-    contradict Hca.
-    apply /eqP.
-    rewrite neq_ltn; apply /orP; right; exact Hcb_pos.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma FIFO_l_helper_3 ta tb d (cb : Counter_t) :
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) = 0 ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) = cb -> 
-    d < cb -> ta < tb -> ta + d < tb.
+      7: by simpl in Hrun.
+      7: { 
+        simpl; rewrite /Next_state Hs Hact Hcas Hwait //=.
+        rewrite in_cons subn0; apply /orP; left. 
+        simpl in Hreq; rewrite /PRE_of_req.
+        rewrite inj_eq in Hreq; [ | exact ssrfun.Some_inj ].
+        move: Hreq => /eqP Hreq; by rewrite Hreq.
+      }
+      all:
+				apply IHt in Hreq as IH;
+      	try trivial; clear IHt;
+      	rewrite /Slot_start Hs in IH;
+      	try (rewrite {1}/Next_cycle; set (Hc := c.+1 < WAIT); dependent destruction Hc);
+      	apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e;
+      	try (rewrite {1}/Next_cycle; set (Hc := c.+1 < WAIT); dependent destruction Hc);
+      	apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e;
+      	try (rewrite subSS; by exact IH);
+      	try (contradict x; by apply Bool.not_true_iff_false);
+      	try (contradict x0; by apply Bool.not_true_iff_false);
+      	try (move: Hact => /eqP Hact; by rewrite Hact FIFO_WAIT_GT_SACT in x);
+      	try (move: Hcas => /eqP Hcas; by rewrite Hcas FIFO_WAIT_GT_SCAS in x).
+      clear Hc0 Hc1 x0.
+      rewrite ltnNge in x; apply negbFE in x.
+      rewrite leq_eqVlt in x; move: x => /orP [x | x]; [ lia | ].
+      destruct c; simpl in *; contradict x; lia.
+		}
+	Qed.
+  Lemma Request_ACT_bounded t ra:
+    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) ->
+    FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) == Some ra ->
+    let tact := (Slot_start t + Next_cycle OACT_date) in
+    (ACT_of_req ra tact) \in (Default_arbitrate tact).(Arbiter_Commands).
-    intros Hrun_a Hca Hcb Hd Hlt.
-    induction d.
-      { by rewrite addn0. }
-      apply ltn_trans with (m:= d) in Hd as Hd'.
-        2: apply ltnSn.
-      apply IHd in Hd' as H.
-      rewrite addnS ltn_neqAle H andbT.
-      destruct ( _ == tb) eqn:He.
-        2: done.
-        move: He => /eqP He.
-      apply FIFO_add_counter with (d := d.+1) (c := Ordinal WAIT_pos) in Hrun_a as HH.
-        3: { simpl; exact Hca. }
-        2: { simpl; rewrite add0n. apply ltn_trans with (n := cb); (exact Hd || by destruct cb). }
-      destruct HH as [Hrun_adp1 Hc_adp1]; simpl in Hc_adp1.
-      rewrite -He in Hcb.
-      rewrite add0n addnS in Hc_adp1.
-      rewrite Hc_adp1 in Hcb.
-      contradict Hcb; apply /eqP.
-      rewrite neq_ltn; apply /orP; left; exact Hd.
-  Qed.
+    intros Hrun Hreq; simpl.
+    induction t.
+      { by simpl in Hrun. }
+    rewrite /Slot_start; simpl in *; unfold Next_state in *; simpl in *.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
+    { destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl in *.
+      { done. }
+      { clear Hrun IHt.
+        rewrite /Next_state //=.
+        assert (isIDLE (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State)) as Hidle.
+          { by rewrite Hs. }
+        apply Request_starts_idle with (ra := r0) in Hidle.
+          3,2: rewrite Hs /FIFO_pending; (by apply index_head || by apply mem_head).
+        rename Hidle into H; move: H => /andP [/andP [Hreq' Hc'] Hrun']; move: Hc' => /eqP Hc'.      
+        apply FIFO_add_counter with (d := ACT_date) in Hc' as H. destruct H as [Hrun'' Hc''].
+          3: rewrite /OCycle0 add0n //=; specialize FIFO_WAIT_GT_SACT; by apply ltnW.
+          2: done.
+        apply Request_running_in_slot with (d := ACT_date) in Hreq' as Hreq''.
+          3: specialize FIFO_WAIT_GT_SACT; by apply ltnW.
+          2: by apply /eqP.
+        rewrite -addn1 -addnA [1 + _]addnC addn1 in Hc'',Hrun'', Hreq''.
+        rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
+        destruct (Default_arbitrate (t + ACT_date.+1)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs_act.
+          { by simpl in Hrun''. }
+        clear Hrun''; rewrite /FIFO_counter /OCycle0 add0n in Hc''.
+        assert ((ACT_date == ACT_date) = true).
+          { by rewrite eq_refl. }
+        rewrite Hc'' H //= in_cons /ACT_of_req subn0.
+        rewrite -addn1 -addnA [1 + _]addnC addn1 addnS.   
+        rewrite /FIFO_request inj_eq in Hreq''.
+          2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.
+        move: Hreq'' => /eqP Hreq''; rewrite -Hreq'' in Hreq.
+        rewrite inj_eq in Hreq. move: Hreq => /eqP Hreq.
+          2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.
+        by rewrite Hreq eq_refl orTb. }}
+    { destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl in *.
+        all: rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
+        7: destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl.
+        7: discriminate Hrun.
+        7: {
+          simpl in *; clear IHt Hrun; rewrite /Next_state.
+          assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State)).
+            { by rewrite Hs. }
+          rewrite inj_eq in Hreq. move: Hreq => /eqP Hreq.
+            2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.     
+          apply Request_starts_running with (ra := ra) in H. move: H => /andP [/andP [Hreq' Hc']Hrun'].
+            4: rewrite Hs /FIFO_pending Hreq; apply index_head.
+            3: rewrite /FIFO_pending Hs Hreq; apply mem_head.
+            2: move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; by rewrite /FIFO_counter Hs Hwait eq_refl.
+          move: Hc' => /eqP Hc'. 
+          apply FIFO_add_counter with (d := ACT_date) in Hc' as H.
+            3: rewrite /OCycle0 add0n //=; specialize FIFO_WAIT_GT_SACT; by apply ltnW.
+            2: done.
+          apply Request_running_in_slot with (d := ACT_date) in Hreq' as Hreq''.
+            3: specialize FIFO_WAIT_GT_SACT; by apply ltnW.
+            2: by apply /eqP.     
+          destruct H as [Hrun'' Hc''].
+          rewrite -addn1 -addnA [1 + _]addnC addn1 in Hc'',Hrun'', Hreq''.
+          destruct (Default_arbitrate (t + ACT_date.+1)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs_act.
+            { by simpl in Hrun''. }
+          clear Hrun''; rewrite /FIFO_counter /OCycle0 add0n in Hc''.
+          assert ((ACT_date == ACT_date) = true).
+            { by rewrite eq_refl. }
+          rewrite Hc'' H //= in_cons /ACT_of_req subn0.
+          rewrite -addn1 -addnA [1 + _]addnC addn1 addnS.   
+          rewrite /FIFO_request inj_eq in Hreq''.
+            2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.
+          move: Hreq'' => /eqP Hreq''; by rewrite -Hreq'' eq_refl orTb.
+        }
+        all: rewrite /Slot_start Hs in IHt.
+        all: try (rewrite {1}/Next_cycle; set (Hc := c.+1 < WAIT); dependent destruction Hc).
+        all: try (apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e).
+        all: try (apply IHt in Hreq); try done.
+        all: try (rewrite {1}/Next_cycle; set (Hc := c.+1 < WAIT); dependent destruction Hc).
+        all: try (apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e).
+        all: try (contradict x; by apply Bool.not_true_iff_false).
+        all: try (contradict x0; by apply Bool.not_true_iff_false); try (clear x0 Hc0 Hc1).
+        all: assert (t.+1 - c.+1 + ACT_date.+1 = t - c + Next_cycle OACT_date) as H.
+        all: try (rewrite -FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS -addn1 -[c.+1]addn1 subnDA -subnAC subn1 addn1 -pred_Sn; reflexivity).
+        all: try (by rewrite H); clear H.
+        all: try (move: Hact => /eqP Hact; rewrite Hact in x; contradict x; 
+                  apply Bool.not_false_iff_true; by rewrite FIFO_WAIT_GT_SACT).
+        all: try (move: Hcas => /eqP Hcas; rewrite Hcas in x; contradict x; 
+                  apply Bool.not_false_iff_true; by rewrite FIFO_WAIT_GT_SCAS).
+        clear Hrun IHt.
+        rewrite ltnNge in x; apply negbFE in x.
+        rewrite leq_eqVlt in x; move: x => /orP [x | x].
+        { move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; contradict Hwait. apply eq_add_S; rewrite prednK.
+            2: exact WAIT_pos.
+          move: x => /eqP x.
+          by apply Logic.eq_sym. }
+        { destruct c; simpl in *; contradict x.
+          apply /negP.
+          by rewrite -leqNgt. } }
+  Qed. 
-  Lemma FIFO_running ta tb (d : Counter_t):
-    isIDLE (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) 
-    -> isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State)
-    -> ta < tb
-    -> FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) = 0
-    -> ((ta + d < tb) && (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) == false))  
-    \/ (exists r, (ta + r <= tb) && (r <= d) && (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate (ta + r)).(Implementation_State)) 
-    && (FIFO_counter ((Default_arbitrate (ta + r)).(Implementation_State)) == 0)).
+  Theorem Cmds_ACT_ok t a b: 
+    a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    isACT a \/ isCAS a -> isACT b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
+    exists c, (c \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands)) && isPRE c && Same_Bank b c && Same_Bank a c && After c a && Before c b.
-    intros Hidle_a Hrun_b Hlt Hc.
-    destruct d as [d Hd].
-    induction d.
-      { apply isIDLE_notRunning in Hidle_a; left; simpl; by rewrite addn0 Hlt andTb Hidle_a. }
-      apply ltn_trans with (m := d) in Hd as Hd'.
-        2: apply ltnSn.
-      specialize IHd with (Hd := Hd') as [IH | IH]; simpl in IH.
-        { (* we're still idle after D cycles, next cycle could be IDLE, RUNNING or REFRESH *)
-          move : IH => /andP [IH Hrun_a'].
-          rewrite leq_eqVlt in IH; move : IH => /orP [/eqP IH | IH].
-            { (* tb is the cycle after *)
-              right. simpl. subst tb. exists (d.+1).
-              rewrite ltnSn andbT addnS Hrun_b andbT leqnn andTb /FIFO_counter.
-              rewrite /isRUNNING //= /Next_state in Hrun_b Hrun_a' *.
-              destruct ((Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State)) eqn:HS, (r) eqn:HP; simpl.
-              all: done.
-            }
-            { (* now tb is in the future *)
-              simpl; rewrite /isIDLE in Hrun_a'.
-              destruct ((Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State)) eqn:HS; simpl.
-                { (* from IDLE to REFRESH 1 *)
-                  rewrite addnS IH andTb //= /Next_state HS.
-                  destruct r; simpl.
-                    { by left. }
-                    right; exists (d.+1); apply ltnW in IH.
-                    rewrite addnS IH andTb ltnSn andTb.
-                    by rewrite /isRUNNING /FIFO_counter //= HS.
+    intros Ha Hb iA iAb SB aBb.
+    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Hb as H. destruct H as [Hcb [Hrun_b Hreq_b]].
+      all: try done.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate b.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hsb.
+      1: by simpl in Hrun_b.
+    rewrite -Hsb in Hreq_b.
+		unfold get_req in Hreq_b; destruct b.(CKind) eqn:H_kind;
+		try (by unfold isACT in iAb; rewrite H_kind in iAb).
+    apply Request_PRE_bounded in Hreq_b.
+      2: by rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b.
+    rewrite /Slot_start Hsb in Hreq_b.
+		exists (PRE_of_req r1 (b.(CDate) - c)).
+    rewrite /Same_Bank in SB; move: SB => /eqP SB.
+    rewrite /isPRE /Same_Bank //= andbT SB /PRE_of_req /get_bank H_kind //= eq_refl !andbT.
+		rewrite /Before /After.
+    (* Solving Before c b*)
+    apply /andP; split.
+    2: { 
+      rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hcb; rewrite Hcb.
+      rewrite ltn_subLR.
+        2: { rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b; apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b; rewrite -Hcb. 
+          rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb in Hrun_b. by rewrite leq_eqVlt Hrun_b orbT.
+        }
+      rewrite addnC.
+      apply nat_ltn_add; by rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
+    }
+    (* Solving ~~ Before_at a c*)
+    apply /andP; split.
+    2:{ destruct iA as [iAa | iCa].
+        { apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as H. destruct H as [Hca [Hrun_a Hreq_a]].
+            2: done.
+          rewrite -Hsb in Hcb.
+          specialize FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) as HH; apply HH in Hrun_a as Hlt.
+            all: try (done || by rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b).
+          clear HH. rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hlt; move: Hlt => /orP [/eqP H0 | H1].
+            { rewrite -H0 -addnBA.
+                2: by destruct c; simpl; rewrite leq_eqVlt i orbT.
+              apply nat_ltn_add; rewrite subn_gt0; destruct c; simpl; exact i. }
+            { apply ltn_trans with (n := b.(CDate) - WAIT).
+                2: { 
+                  apply ltn_sub2l.
+                    2: destruct c; simpl; exact i.
+                  by rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b; apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b; rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb in Hrun_b.
-                by contradict Hrun_a'.
+              rewrite ltn_subRL addnC; exact H1.
-        right. destruct IH as [r H]; move : H => /andP [/andP [/andP [Hlt' Hrd ]  Hrun_a'] Hc'].
-        exists (r); simpl.
-        rewrite Hlt' andTb; apply /andP; split.
-          { apply /andP. split.
-              { apply leq_trans with (n := d); (exact Hrd || apply ltnW, ltnSn). }
-              exact Hrun_a'.
-          }
-          exact Hc'.
+        { apply FIFO_CAS_date in Ha as H. destruct H as [Hca [Hrun_a Hreq_a]].
+            2: done.
+          rewrite -Hsb in Hcb.
+          apply FIFO_add_counter with (d := Next_cycle OCAS_date - Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hcb as H.
+            3: { rewrite subnKC. by rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_WAIT_GT_SCAS.
+                 rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
+                 rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS. by apply nat_ltn_add. }
+            2: by rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b.
+          destruct H as [Hrun_b' Hcb'].
+          set (d := Next_cycle OCAS_date - Next_cycle OACT_date); fold d in Hrun_b',Hcb'.
+          assert (Next_cycle OACT_date + d = Next_cycle OCAS_date).
+            { unfold d; rewrite subnKC. reflexivity.
+              rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS.
+              by apply nat_ltn_add. }
+          rewrite H in Hcb'.
+          specialize FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate) + d) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) as HH.
+          apply HH in Hrun_a as Hlt; clear HH; try done.
+          	2 : { 
+							unfold Before in aBb; apply ltn_trans with (n := b.(CDate)).
+							exact aBb. apply nat_ltn_add. unfold d.
+							rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS /CAS_date /ACT_date prednK.
+								2: by rewrite lt0n T_RP_pos.
+							rewrite subSn; [ trivial | specialize T_RCD_pos; lia ].
+						}
+          assert ((a.(CDate) < b.(CDate) - c) == (a.(CDate) + WAIT < b.(CDate) - c + WAIT));
+            [ apply /eqP; by rewrite ltn_add2r | ].
+          move: H0 => /eqP H0; rewrite H0; clear H0.
+          rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hlt; move: Hlt => /orP [/eqP Hlt | Hlt].
+          { rewrite Hlt addnBAC.
+              2: { rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b. apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b.  
+                   rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb in Hrun_b; by rewrite leq_eqVlt Hrun_b orbT.
+              }
+            rewrite -addnBA.
+              2: by destruct c; simpl; rewrite leq_eqVlt i orbT.
+            rewrite ltn_add2l ltn_subRL.
+            rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb in Hcb; rewrite Hcb; unfold d.
+            rewrite subnKC.
+              2: { rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
+                   rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS. apply nat_ltnn_add. by specialize T_RCD_GT_ONE. 
+              }
+            by rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_WAIT_GT_SCAS. }
+          { apply ltn_trans with (n := b.(CDate) + d). exact Hlt.
+            rewrite addnBAC.
+            2: { rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b. apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b.  
+                 rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb in Hrun_b; by rewrite leq_eqVlt Hrun_b orbT.
+            }
+            rewrite -addnBA.
+              2: by destruct c; simpl; rewrite leq_eqVlt i orbT.
+            rewrite ltn_add2l ltn_subRL.
+            rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb in Hcb; rewrite Hcb; unfold d.
+            rewrite subnKC.
+              2: { rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
+                   rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS. apply nat_ltnn_add. by specialize T_RCD_GT_ONE. 
+              }
+            by rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_WAIT_GT_SCAS. }
+        }
+    }
+    apply FIFO_in_the_past with (t := b.(CDate)); [ by apply Cmd_in_trace | ].
+    apply FIFO_in_the_past with (t := b.(CDate) - c); [ by apply leq_subr | assumption ].
-  Lemma FIFO_running_at_zero_lt_at_c t t' d:
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) -> 
-    t < t' -> FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) = 0 ->
-    d < FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State) ->
-    t + d < t'.
+	Lemma Request_exists b c0 r r0 :
+		isCAS b ->
+		# (b.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) = RUNNING c0 r r0 ->
+		FIFO_request # (b.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == get_req b ->
+		FIFO_request # (b.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) == Some r0.
+	Proof.
+		intros iCb H Hreq_b.
+		unfold get_req, FIFO_request in *; rewrite H in Hreq_b.
+		destruct b.(CKind) eqn:Hkind;
+		try (by unfold isCAS,isCRD,isCWR in iCb; rewrite Hkind in iCb);
+		by rewrite H eq_refl.
+	Qed.
+  Theorem Cmds_row_ok t b c: 
+    b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> c \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
+    isCAS b -> isPRE c -> Same_Bank b c -> Before c b -> 
+    exists a, (a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands))
+    && isACT a && Same_Row a b && After a c && Before a b.
-  intros Hrun  Hlt HcZ Hd.
-  induction d.
-  - by rewrite addn0.
-  - apply ltn_trans with (m := d) in Hd as IH.
-      2: apply ltnSn.
-    apply IHd in IH; clear IHd.
-    rewrite addnS ltn_neqAle IH andbT.
-    specialize (FIFO_counter_lt_WAIT t') as HW.
-    destruct ((t + d).+1 == t') eqn:H.
-    - apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := d.+1) in Hrun as [_ HcD].
-        3: exact HcZ.
-        2: rewrite add0n; apply ltn_trans with (n := FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate t').(Implementation_State)); exact Hd || exact HW.
-      move : H => /eqP H; subst.
-      contradict Hd.
-      by rewrite -addnS HcD add0n ltnn.
-    - trivial.
-  Qed.
+    intros Hb Hc iCb iPc SB cBb.
+    apply FIFO_CAS_date in Hb as H; [ | done ]. 
+		destruct H as [Hcb [Hrun_b Hreq_b]].
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* --------------------- TIMING PROOFS ------------------------------ *)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+    destruct # (b.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hsb; [ done | ].
-  Theorem Cmds_T_RCD_ok t a b:
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    ACT_to_CAS a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-    Apart_at_least a b T_RCD.
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb AtC SB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
-    move : AtC => /andP [Aa Cb].
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
-        2: exact Aa; clear Aa.
-    apply FIFO_CAS_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]].
-        2: exact Cb; clear Cb.
-    set (d := Next_cycle OCAS_date - Next_cycle OACT_date).
-    apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) (d := d) in Hrun_a as H.
-      3: exact Hc_a.
-      2: { 
-        unfold d; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
-        rewrite subnKC. exact FIFO_WAIT_GT_CASp1.
-        rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS. apply nat_ltnn_add. by specialize T_RCD_GT_ONE. }
-    destruct H as [Hrun_a' Hc_a'].
-    unfold d in Hc_a'; rewrite subnKC in Hc_a'.
-      2: { 
-        rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
-        rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS. apply nat_ltnn_add. by specialize T_RCD_GT_ONE. }
-    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound_or with (ta := a.(CDate) + d) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hrun_b as H.
-      2-4: done.
-    destruct H as [H0 | [H1 | H2]].
-      { rewrite -H0 leq_add2l. unfold d. 
-        rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS /CAS_date /ACT_date. 
-        rewrite prednK. 
-          2: { rewrite lt0n. exact T_RP_pos. }
-        rewrite -addnS addnC -addn1. rewrite -addnA [1 + T_RP.-1]addnC addn1 prednK. 
-          2: { rewrite lt0n. exact T_RP_pos. }
-        rewrite -addnBA.
-          2: by rewrite leqnn.
-          1: apply leq_addr. }
-      { unfold d in H1; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS in H1.
-        apply leq_trans with (m := a.(CDate) + T_RCD) in H1.
-        exact H1.
-        rewrite -addnA leq_add2l /CAS_date /ACT_date prednK.
-        rewrite [T_RP.-1 + _]addnC -addnS prednK.
-          2,3: rewrite lt0n; exact T_RP_pos.
-        rewrite addnBAC.
-          2: by rewrite addnC leq_addr.
-        rewrite leq_subRL.
-          2: by rewrite [T_RCD + T_RP]addnC -addnA leq_addr.
-        by rewrite addnC leq_addr. }
-      { unfold d in H2; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS in H2.
-        contradict H2. apply /negP. rewrite -ltnNge addnC -ltn_subRL.
-        unfold Before in aBb. apply ltn_trans with (n := b.(CDate)).
-        exact aBb.
-        rewrite subnBA.
-          2: { rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS. by apply nat_ltn_add. }
-        rewrite ltn_subRL addnC -addnA ltn_add2l.
-        rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date prednK.
-        rewrite addnC -addnS prednK.
-          3,2: rewrite lt0n; exact T_RP_pos.
-        rewrite ltn_add2r.
-        apply nat_add_ltn with (m := T_RP.-1).
-          { rewrite ltn_predRL. exact T_RP_GT_ONE. }
-        specialize WAIT_CAS; by rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date. }
-  Qed.
+		apply Request_exists in Hsb as H; try assumption; [ | by rewrite <- Hsb in Hreq_b].
-  Theorem Cmds_T_RP_ok t a b:
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    PRE_to_ACT a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-    Apart_at_least a b T_RP.
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb pTa sB aBb.
-    rewrite /PRE_to_ACT in pTa; move: pTa => /andP [iPa iAb].
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]].
-      2: exact iAb.
-    apply FIFO_PRE_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
-      2: exact iPa.
-    unfold Apart_at_least.
-    apply FIFO_running_at_zero_lt_at_c with (t':= b.(CDate)) (d := ACT_date) in Hc_a as H.
-      4: rewrite Hc_b; by rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
-      3: by unfold Before in aBb.
-      2: exact Hrun_a.
-    unfold ACT_date in H.
-    rewrite -addnS prednK in H.
-      2: specialize T_RP_GT_ONE as H; apply ltn_trans with (n := 1); done || exact H.
-    exact H.
-  Qed.
+    rewrite -Hsb in Hreq_b.
-  Theorem Cmds_T_RC_ok t a b: 
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    ACT_to_ACT a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-    Apart_at_least a b T_RC.
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb AtA SB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
-    move : AtA => /andP [Aa Ab].
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
-      2: exact Aa; clear Aa.
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]].
-      2: exact Ab; clear Ab.
-    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hrun_a as Hlt.
-      2-5: done.
-    apply leq_trans with (n := (a.(CDate) + WAIT)).
-      2: exact Hlt.
-    rewrite leq_add2l.
-    by rewrite leq_eqVlt RC_WAIT orbT.
-  Qed.
+		apply Request_ACT_bounded in H as H'; try (by rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b);
+    rewrite /Slot_start Hsb in H'.
+		exists (ACT_of_req r0 (b.(CDate) - c0 + Next_cycle OACT_date)).
+    rewrite /Same_Bank in SB; move: SB => /eqP SB;
+		rewrite /isACT //= andbT /Before /After //= /Same_Row /get_row /ACT_of_req //=.
+		apply /andP; split; [ apply /andP; split; [ apply /andP; split | ] | ].
+		2: {
+			unfold FIFO_request, get_req in *.
+			destruct b.(CKind) eqn:Hkind;
+			try (by unfold isCAS,isCRD,isCWR in iCb; rewrite Hkind in iCb);
+			rewrite Hsb in H,Hreq_b; rewrite inj_eq; try (exact ssrfun.Some_inj);
+			rewrite inj_eq in Hreq_b; try (exact ssrfun.Some_inj); move: Hreq_b => /eqP Hreq_b;
+			subst r0; by rewrite eq_refl.
+		} 
+		3: {
+      rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hcb; rewrite Hcb FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS;
+      rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b; 
+			rewrite -subnA.
+			3 : {
+				clear H.
+				apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b as H; rewrite Hsb /FIFO_counter Hcb FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS in H;
+        apply ltn_trans with (m := CAS_date) in H; [ exact H | done ].
+			}
+			2 : {
+    		rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add.
+			}
+			rewrite ltn_subrL;
+    	apply FIFO_date_gt_0 in Hb; rewrite subn_gt0 Hb andbT -addn1 -[CAS_date.+1]addn1 leq_add2r;
+    	rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date; apply nat_ltn_add; by rewrite lt0n T_RCD_pos.
+		}
-  Theorem Cmds_T_RAS_ok t a b:
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    ACT_to_PRE a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-    Apart_at_least a b T_RAS.
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb Hty SB aBb; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
-    rewrite /ACT_to_PRE in Hty; move : Hty => /andP [iAa iPb].
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
-    apply FIFO_PRE_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]].
-      3,2: done.
-    clear iAa iPb.
-    apply FIFO_add_counter with (d := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hc_b as H. destruct H as [Hrun_b' Hc_b'].
-      3: by rewrite /OCycle0 add0n FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS FIFO_WAIT_GT_ACTp1.
-      2: done.
-    set (d := Next_cycle OACT_date); fold d in Hc_b', Hrun_b'; rewrite /OCycle0 add0n in Hc_b'.
-    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (c := d) (tb := b.(CDate) + d) in Hrun_a as Hlt.
-      all: try done.
-      2: { rewrite /Before in aBb. apply ltn_trans with (p := b.(CDate) + d) in aBb. exact aBb.
-        apply nat_ltn_add; unfold d; by rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
-      }
-    rewrite [_ + d]addnC -leq_subLR in Hlt; unfold d in Hlt.
-    apply leq_trans with (m := a.(CDate) + T_RAS) in Hlt. exact Hlt.
-    rewrite -addnBA.
-      2: rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS; specialize FIFO_WAIT_GT_ACTp1; apply ltnW. 
-    rewrite leq_add2l leq_subRL.
-      2: rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS; specialize FIFO_WAIT_GT_ACTp1; apply ltnW.
-    rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS /ACT_date prednK.
-      2: by rewrite lt0n T_RP_pos.
-    by rewrite leq_eqVlt RAS_WAIT orbT.
-  Qed.
-  Theorem Cmds_T_RTP_ok t a b:
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    CRD_to_PRE a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> Apart_at_least a b T_RTP.
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb Htype sB aBb.
-    rewrite /CRD_to_PRE in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iCa iPb].
-    apply FIFO_CAS_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
-      2: unfold isCAS; unfold isCRD in iCa; apply /orP; left; exact iCa.
-    apply FIFO_PRE_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]]. 
-      2: exact iPb.
-    unfold Apart_at_least.
-    apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := CAS_date.+1) in Hrun_b as [Hrun_b' Hc_b'].
-      3: exact Hc_b.
-      2: simpl; rewrite add0n; exact FIFO_WAIT_GT_CASp1.
-    rewrite -{2}FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS in Hc_b'; simpl in Hc_b'; rewrite add0n in Hc_b'.
-    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate) + CAS_date.+1) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hrun_a as H.
-      5: exact Hc_b'.
-      4: exact Hc_a.
-      3: unfold Before in aBb; apply ltn_trans with (p := b.(CDate) + CAS_date.+1) in aBb; exact aBb || (by rewrite nat_ltn_add).
-      2: exact Hrun_b'.
-    rewrite [b.(CDate) + _]addnC -leq_subLR in H.
-    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + WAIT - CAS_date.+1).
-      2: exact H.
-    rewrite -addnBA.
-      2: exact WAIT_CAS.
-    rewrite leq_add2l leq_subRL.
-      2: exact WAIT_CAS.
-    rewrite addnC addnS addnC.
-    exact WAIT_END_READ.
-  Qed.
-  Theorem Cmds_T_WTP_ok t a b:
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    CWR_to_PRE a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-    Apart_at_least a b (T_WR + T_WL + T_BURST).
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb Htype sB aBb.
-    rewrite /CWR_to_PRE in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iCa iPb].
-    apply FIFO_CAS_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
-      2: { unfold isCAS. unfold isCWR in iCa. apply /orP. right. exact iCa. }
-    apply FIFO_PRE_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]]. 
-      2: exact iPb.
-    unfold Apart_at_least.
-    apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := CAS_date.+1) in Hrun_b as [Hrun_b' Hc_b'].
-      3: exact Hc_b.
-      2: simpl; rewrite add0n; exact FIFO_WAIT_GT_CASp1.
-    rewrite -{2}FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS in Hc_b'; simpl in Hc_b'; rewrite add0n in Hc_b'.
-    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate) + CAS_date.+1) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hrun_a as H.
-      all: try done.
-      2: unfold Before in aBb; apply ltn_trans with (p := b.(CDate) + CAS_date.+1) in aBb; exact aBb || (by rewrite nat_ltn_add).
-    rewrite [b.(CDate) + _]addnC -leq_subLR in H.
-    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + WAIT - CAS_date.+1).
-      2: exact H.
-    rewrite -addnBA.
-      2: exact WAIT_CAS.
-    rewrite leq_add2l leq_subRL.
-      2: exact WAIT_CAS.
-    rewrite addnC addnS addnC !addnA.
-    exact WAIT_END_WRITE.
-  Qed.
-  Theorem Cmds_T_RtoW_ok t a b:
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
-    b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    CRD_to_CWR a b -> Before a b ->
-    Apart_at_least a b T_RTW.
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb Htype aBb.
-    rewrite /CWR_to_PRE in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iCRa iCWb].
-    apply FIFO_CAS_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
-    apply FIFO_CAS_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]].
-      3: by unfold isCAS; unfold isCRD in iCRa; rewrite iCRa orTb.
-      2: by unfold isCAS; unfold isCWR in iCWb; rewrite iCWb orbT.
-    unfold Apart_at_least.
-    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hrun_a as H.
-      2-5: done.
-    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + WAIT).
-      2: exact H.
-    by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt RTW_WAIT orbT.
-  Qed.
-  Theorem Cmds_T_WtoR_SBG_ok t a b:
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
-    b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    CWR_to_CRD a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
-    Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR_l + T_WL + T_BURST).
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb Htype aBb sBG.
-    rewrite /CWR_to_PRE in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iCWa iCRb].
-    apply FIFO_CAS_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
-    apply FIFO_CAS_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]].
-      3: by unfold isCAS; unfold isCWR in iCWa; rewrite iCWa orbT.
-      2: by unfold isCAS; unfold isCRD in iCRb; rewrite iCRb orTb.
-    unfold Apart_at_least.
-    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hrun_a as H.
-      2-5: done.
-    apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + WAIT).
-      2: exact H.
-    by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt WTR_WAIT orbT. 
-  Qed.
-  Theorem Cmds_T_WtoR_DBG_ok t: 
-    BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall (a b : Command_t),
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
-    b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    CWR_to_CRD a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
-    Apart_at_least a b (T_WTR_s + T_WL + T_BURST).
-  Proof.
-    intros H. specialize FIFO.DDR3 as Hbug. by rewrite Hbug in H.
-  Qed.
-  Theorem Cmds_T_CCD_SBG_ok t a b:
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
-    b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    CRD_to_CRD a b \/ CWR_to_CWR a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
-    Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_l.
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb Htype aBb sBG; unfold Apart_at_least.
-    destruct Htype as [Htype | Htype].
-      2: unfold CWR_to_CWR in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iWa iWb].
-      1: unfold CRD_to_CRD in Htype; move: Htype => /andP [iRa iRb].
-      all: apply FIFO_CAS_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
-      all: apply FIFO_CAS_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]].
-      all: try (by unfold isCAS; unfold isCRD in iRb; rewrite iRb orTb).
-      all: try (by unfold isCAS; unfold isCRD in iRa; rewrite iRa orTb).
-      all: try (by unfold isCAS; unfold isCWR in iWb; rewrite iWb orbT).
-      all: try (by unfold isCAS; unfold isCWR in iWa; rewrite iWa orbT).
-      all: apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hrun_a as H.
-      all: try done.
-      all: apply leq_trans with (n := a.(CDate) + WAIT).
-      all: try exact H.
-      all: by rewrite leq_add2l leq_eqVlt CCD_WAIT orbT.   
-  Qed.
-  Theorem Cmds_T_CCD_DBG_ok t: 
-    BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall a b,
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
-    b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    CRD_to_CRD a b \/ CWR_to_CWR a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
-    Apart_at_least a b T_CCD_s.
-  Proof.
-    intros H. specialize FIFO.DDR3 as Hbug. by rewrite Hbug in H.
-  Qed.
-  Theorem Cmds_T_FAW_ok t a b c d:
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
-    c \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> d \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    isACT a -> isACT b -> isACT c -> isACT d -> Diff_Bank [::a;b;c;d] ->
-    Before a b -> Before b c -> Before c d ->
-    Apart_at_least a d T_FAW.
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb Hc Hd iAa iAb iAc iAd dB aBb bBc cBd.
-    apply FIFO_date_gt_0 in Ha as Ha_pos.
-    apply FIFO_date_gt_0 in Hb as Hb_pos.
-    apply FIFO_date_gt_0 in Hc as Hc_pos.
-    apply FIFO_date_gt_0 in Hd as Hd_pos.
-    unfold Apart_at_least.
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]]. 
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Hc as [Hc_c [Hrun_c _]].
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Hd as [Hc_d [Hrun_d _]].
-    all: try done.
-    clear iAa iAb iAc iAd.
-    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hrun_a as Hlt_ab.
-      all: try done.
-    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := b.(CDate)) (tb := c.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hrun_b as Hlt_bc.
-      all: try done.
-    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := c.(CDate)) (tb := d.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hrun_c as Hlt_cd.
-      all: try done.
-    apply leq_trans with (p := c.(CDate) - WAIT) in Hlt_ab as Hlt_ac.
-      2: rewrite leq_psubRL; (rewrite -addnC; exact Hlt_bc) || exact Hb_pos.
-    rewrite leq_psubRL addnC in Hlt_ac.
-      2: rewrite addn_gt0; apply /orP; left; exact WAIT_pos.
-    apply leq_trans with (p := d.(CDate) - WAIT) in Hlt_ac as Hlt_ad.
-      2: rewrite leq_psubRL; (by rewrite -addnC) || exact Hc_pos.
-    rewrite leq_psubRL addnC in Hlt_ad.
-      2: rewrite addn_gt0; apply /orP; left; exact WAIT_pos.
-    apply leq_trans with (n := (a.(CDate) + WAIT + WAIT + WAIT)).
-      2: exact Hlt_ad.
-    by rewrite -addnA -addnA leq_add2l addnA leq_eqVlt FAW_WAIT orbT.
-  Qed.
-  Theorem Cmds_T_RRD_SBG_ok t a b: 
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    ACT_to_ACT a b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> Same_Bankgroup a b ->
-    Apart_at_least a b T_RRD_l.
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb AtA nSb aBb sBG; rewrite /Apart_at_least.
-    move : AtA => /andP [Aa Ab].
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as [Hc_a [Hrun_a _]].
-      2: exact Aa; clear Aa.
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Hb as [Hc_b [Hrun_b _]].
-      2: exact Ab; clear Ab.
-    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hrun_a as Hlt.
-      2-5: done.
-    apply leq_trans with (n := (a.(CDate) + WAIT)).
-      2: exact Hlt.
-    rewrite leq_add2l.
-    by rewrite leq_eqVlt RRD_WAIT orbT.
+    2: {
+			clear H.
+      apply FIFO_PRE_date in Hc as H; [ | done ]; destruct H as [Hcc [Hrun_c Hreq_c]].
+      apply FIFO_add_counter with (d := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hcc as H. destruct H as [Hrun_c' Hcc'].
+        3: by rewrite /OCycle0 add0n FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_WAIT_GT_SCAS.
+        2: done.
+      set (d := Next_cycle OCAS_date).
+      specialize FIFO_l_eq_bound_or with (ta := c.(CDate) + d) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := d) as HH.
+      apply HH in Hrun_c' as Hlt. clear HH.
+        4: unfold d; by rewrite Hsb.
+        3: by rewrite Hsb.
+        2: by rewrite /OCycle0 add0n in Hcc'; fold d in Hcc'.
+      rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hcb; rewrite Hcb.
+      destruct Hlt as [H0 | [H1 | H2]]; fold d.
+      { rewrite -H0 addnBAC; [ | by rewrite addnC leq_addr ].
+        rewrite ltn_subRL addnC -addnA ltn_add2l.
+        apply nat_ltn_add; by rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS. }
+      { rewrite leq_eqVlt in H1; move: H1 => /orP [/eqP H1 | H1].
+          { rewrite -H1 -addnA -subnA.
+              3: rewrite -addnCA; by apply leq_addr.
+              2: { unfold d; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS. 
+                   rewrite /CAS_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add. }
+            rewrite ltn_subRL addnC ltn_add2l ltn_subLR.
+              2: { unfold d; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS. 
+                   rewrite /CAS_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add. }
+            rewrite -addnCA; apply nat_ltn_add; by rewrite addn_gt0 WAIT_pos orbT.
+          }
+        rewrite -subnA.
+          3: { rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b; apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b. 
+               rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb Hcb in Hrun_b; fold d in Hrun_b. 
+               by rewrite leq_eqVlt Hrun_b orbT. }
+          2: { unfold d; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS. 
+               rewrite /CAS_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add. }
+        rewrite ltn_subRL addnC.
+        apply ltn_trans with (m := c.(CDate) + (d - Next_cycle OACT_date)) in H1. exact H1.
+        rewrite -addnA ltn_add2l ltn_subLR.
+          2: { unfold d; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS. 
+               rewrite /CAS_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add. }
+        rewrite -addnCA; apply nat_ltn_add; by rewrite addn_gt0 WAIT_pos orbT. }
+      { contradict H2; apply /negP; rewrite -ltnNge.
+        unfold Before in cBb.
+        rewrite addnC -ltn_subRL.
+        apply ltn_trans with (n := b.(CDate)). exact cBb.
+        rewrite ltn_subRL addnC ltn_add2l; unfold d; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS.
+        exact FIFO_WAIT_GT_SCAS. } 
+		}
+    apply FIFO_in_the_past with (t := b.(CDate)); [ by apply Cmd_in_trace | ].
+    apply FIFO_in_the_past with (t := b.(CDate) - c0 + Next_cycle OACT_date).
+      { rewrite -subnA.
+          3: { rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b; apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b. 
+               rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb in Hrun_b; by rewrite leq_eqVlt Hrun_b orbT. }
+          2: { rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hcb; rewrite Hcb; 
+               rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS; 
+               rewrite /CAS_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add. }
+          apply leq_subr. }
+    exact H'.
-  Theorem Cmds_T_RRD_DBG_ok t: BANKGROUPS > 1 -> forall a b,
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    ACT_to_ACT a b -> ~~ Same_Bank a b -> Before a b -> ~~ Same_Bankgroup a b ->
-    Apart_at_least a b T_RRD_s.
+	Theorem Cmds_initial t b: 
+    b \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isCAS b ->
+    exists a, (a \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands)) && (isACT a) && (Same_Row a b) && (Before a b).
-    intros H. specialize FIFO.DDR3 as Hbug. by rewrite Hbug in H.
-  Qed.
+    intros Hb iCb.
+    apply FIFO_CAS_date in Hb as H; [ | done ]. destruct H as [Hcb [Hrun_b Hreq_b]].
+    destruct # (b.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hsb; [ done | ].
+		apply Request_exists in Hsb as H; try assumption; [ | by rewrite <- Hsb in Hreq_b].
+    rewrite -Hsb in Hreq_b.
+		apply Request_ACT_bounded in H as H'; try (by rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b);
+    rewrite /Slot_start Hsb in H'.
+    exists (ACT_of_req r0 (b.(CDate) - c + Next_cycle OACT_date)).
+		rewrite /isACT //= andbT /Before /After //= /Same_Row /get_row /ACT_of_req //=.
+		apply /andP; split; [ apply /andP; split | ].
+		2: {
+			unfold FIFO_request, get_req in *.
+			destruct b.(CKind) eqn:Hkind;
+			try (by unfold isCAS,isCRD,isCWR in iCb; rewrite Hkind in iCb);
+			rewrite Hsb in H,Hreq_b; rewrite inj_eq; try (exact ssrfun.Some_inj);
+			rewrite inj_eq in Hreq_b; try (exact ssrfun.Some_inj); move: Hreq_b => /eqP Hreq_b;
+			subst r0; by rewrite eq_refl.
+		} 
+		2: {
+      rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hcb; rewrite Hcb FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
+      rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b; rewrite -subnA.
+        3: { clear H.
+          apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b as H; rewrite Hsb /FIFO_counter Hcb FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS in H.
+          apply ltn_trans with (m := CAS_date) in H. exact H. done. 
+				}
+        2: rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add.
+      rewrite ltn_subrL.
+      apply FIFO_date_gt_0 in Hb; rewrite subn_gt0 Hb andbT -addn1 -[CAS_date.+1]addn1 leq_add2r.
+      rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date; apply nat_ltn_add; by rewrite lt0n T_RCD_pos.
+    }
+    apply (FIFO_in_the_past b.(CDate)); [ by apply Cmd_in_trace | ].
+    apply (FIFO_in_the_past (b.(CDate) - c + Next_cycle OACT_date)); [ | assumption ].
+  	rewrite -subnA; [ apply leq_subr | |].
+			2: { 
+				rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b; apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b. 
+				rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb in Hrun_b; by rewrite leq_eqVlt Hrun_b orbT. 
+			}	 
+		rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hcb; rewrite Hcb; 
+		rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS; 
+		rewrite /CAS_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add. 
+	Qed.
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+	(* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
   (* -------------------- REQUEST PROOFS ------------------------------ *)
   (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+	Lemma FIFO_l_counter_border_run t :
+    FIFO_pending (# t).(Implementation_State) != [::] ->
+    FIFO_counter (# t).(Implementation_State) = WAIT.-1 -> 
+    FIFO_counter # (t.+1).(Implementation_State) = 0 /\ isRUNNING  # (t.+1).(Implementation_State).
+  Proof.
+    intros HP Hc; simpl.
+    rewrite /Next_state //=; destruct_state t; simpl; try done;
+		destruct c; simpl in *; unfold Next_cycle;  simpl; set (H := m.+1 < WAIT); dependent destruction H;
+		apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e; try done;
+		rewrite Hc prednK in x; lia.
+	Qed.
   Lemma Pending_on_arrival ta ra:
-    ra \in Arrival_at ta 
-    -> ra \in (FIFO_pending ((Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State))).
+    ra \in Arrival_at ta  -> ra \in (FIFO_pending # (ta).(Implementation_State)).
-    intros HA.
-    destruct ta.
-    { by rewrite /FIFO_pending //= /Enqueue mem_cat HA orTb. }
-    { rewrite /FIFO_pending //= /Next_state.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) as [c P | c P rb] eqn:HSS; simpl.
-      { destruct P eqn:HP. 
-        { simpl. exact HA. }
-        { simpl. assert (r == r). apply /eqP. reflexivity. by rewrite H /Enqueue mem_cat HA orbT. }
-      }
-      { destruct c; simpl.
-        destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl.
-        all: try by rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HA orbT.
-        destruct P eqn:HP; simpl.
-        { exact HA. }
-        { by rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HA orbT. }
-      }
-    }
-  Qed.
+    intros HA; destruct ta; [ by rewrite /FIFO_pending //= /Enqueue mem_cat HA orTb | ].
+    rewrite /FIFO_pending //= /Next_state.
+    destruct_state ta; simpl; try assumption; rewrite /Enqueue;
+		try (by rewrite eq_refl mem_cat HA orbT);
+		try (by rewrite in_cons mem_cat HA !orbT).
+	Qed.
-  Lemma Pending_requestor ta ra:
-    ra \in FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)
-    -> isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)
-    -> FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) != WAIT.-1
-    -> ra \in FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State).
+	Lemma Pending_requestor ta ra:
+    ra \in FIFO_pending # ta.(Implementation_State)
+    -> isRUNNING # ta.(Implementation_State)
+    -> FIFO_counter # ta.(Implementation_State) != WAIT.-1
+    -> ra \in FIFO_pending # (ta.+1).(Implementation_State).
     intros HP Hrun HCS.
     simpl; unfold Next_state, FIFO_pending, isRUNNING in *.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State); simpl.
-    { discriminate Hrun. }
-    { destruct c; simpl. destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait, r eqn:HPP; simpl.
-      all: try discriminate HP.
-      all: try by rewrite /Enqueue -cat_cons mem_cat HP orTb.
-      move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; simpl in HCS.
-      contradict Hwait. apply /eqP. exact HCS.
-    }
-  Qed.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State); simpl; try done.
+    destruct c; simpl. destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait, r eqn:HPP; 
+		simpl; try discriminate HP;
+    try (by rewrite /Enqueue -cat_cons mem_cat HP orTb).
+    move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; simpl in HCS.
+    contradict Hwait; by apply /eqP.
+	Qed.
-  Lemma Running_on_next_cycle ra ta:
-    ra \in (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) ->
-    isIDLE (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) ->
-    (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State)) && (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == OCycle0).
+	Lemma Running_on_next_cycle ra ta:
+    ra \in (FIFO_pending # ta.(Implementation_State)) ->
+    isIDLE # ta.(Implementation_State) ->
+    (isRUNNING # (ta.+1).(Implementation_State)) && (FIFO_counter # (ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == OCycle0).
     intros HP Hidle.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-      2: discriminate Hidle.
-    clear Hidle.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; [ | done ]; clear Hidle.
     rewrite /FIFO_pending in HP.
-    simpl. rewrite /Next_state Hs.
-    destruct r eqn:HP'.
-    { discriminate HP. }
-    simpl. done.
+    rewrite //= /Next_state Hs.
+    destruct r eqn:HP'; [ discriminate HP | by simpl ].
-  Lemma Request_index_decrements_within_period_idle ta ra:
-  let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
-    (ra \in (FIFO_pending S))
-    -> isIDLE (S)
+	(* Index in the pending queue decrements by one, because a request has been select @S *)
+	Lemma Request_index_decrements_within_period_idle ta ra:
+  	let S := # ta.(Implementation_State) in (ra \in (FIFO_pending S))
+    -> isIDLE S
     -> (0 < index ra (FIFO_pending S))
     -> forall tb, ta < tb
       -> tb <= ta + WAIT
-      -> let S' := (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) in
+      -> let S' := (# tb).(Implementation_State) in
         (ra \in (FIFO_pending S')) && ((index ra (FIFO_pending S)) == (index ra (FIFO_pending S')).+1).
     intros S HP Hidle HI.
     unfold S in *; clear S.
-    destruct ((Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) eqn:HSS; simpl.
-      2: discriminate Hidle.
-    induction tb; intros HL HU.
-    { contradict HL. by rewrite ltn0. }
-    { rewrite leq_eqVlt in HL; move: HL => /orP [HL | HL].
-      { clear IHtb.
-        rewrite eqSS in HL; move: HL => /eqP HL; subst.
-        simpl; unfold FIFO_counter, FIFO_pending, Next_state in *.
-        rewrite HSS.
-        destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl.
-        { discriminate HP. }
-        { assert (r0 == r0) as H'. apply /eqP. reflexivity. rewrite H'. clear H'.
-          simpl in HI. destruct (r0 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-          { discriminate HI. }
-          rewrite in_cons in HP. move: HP => /orP [/eqP HP | HP].
-          { contradict Heq. rewrite HP. apply /eqP. by rewrite eq_refl. }
-          { rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HP orTb index_cat HP. apply /eqP. reflexivity. }
-        }
-      }
-      rewrite ltnS in HL.
-      apply ltnW in HU as HU'.
-      apply IHtb in HL as IH. clear IHtb.
-        2: exact HU'.
-      move: IH => /andP [HP' /eqP IH'].
-      rewrite -HSS in HP. apply Running_on_next_cycle in HP as HC. move: HC => /andP [Hrun /eqP Hc].
-        2: by rewrite HSS.
-      apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := tb - (ta.+1)) in Hrun as Haux. destruct Haux as [Hrun_a' Hca'].
-        3: exact Hc.
-        2: { 
-          rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n ltn_subLR. 
-            2: exact HL.
-          apply ltn_trans with (n := ta + WAIT).
-            exact HU.
-            rewrite ltn_add2r. done.
-        }
-      assert (ta.+1 + (tb - ta.+1) = tb).
-        { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. exact HL. }
-      rewrite H in Hrun_a', Hca'. clear H.
-      rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n in Hca'.
-      apply Pending_requestor with (ra := ra) in Hrun_a' as Hpen.
-        3: {
-          rewrite Hca' neq_ltn. apply /orP. left.
-          rewrite ltn_subLR.
-            2: exact HL.
-          rewrite addnC -subn1 addnBAC.
-            2: exact WAIT_pos.
-          rewrite subn1 nat_add_pred. rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.pred_succ addnC. exact HU.
-        }
-        2: exact HP'.
-      rewrite Hpen andTb. rewrite IH'. clear HP HI Hpen. rename Hrun_a' into Hrun_b. rename Hca' into Hcb.
-      rewrite eqSS.
-      simpl. unfold FIFO_pending, Next_state.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) eqn:HS.
-      { discriminate Hrun_b. }
-      { destruct c0; simpl.
-        destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl.
-        all: try by rewrite /Enqueue index_cat HP'.
-        simpl in Hrun_b, Hcb, IH',HP', HS. 
-        assert (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) = WAIT.-1) as Heq.
-          { rewrite HS //=; move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; exact Hwait. }
-        apply FIFO_l_counter_border_run in Heq as [Hcb' Hrun_b'].
-          2: rewrite HS //=; by apply Queue_non_empty in HP'.
-        apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (tb := tb.+1) (c := OCycle0) in Hrun as Hbug.
-          5,4: rewrite /OCycle0 //=.
-          3: by rewrite -[ta.+1]addn1 -[tb.+1]addn1 ltn_add2r.
-          2: exact Hrun_b'.
-        contradict Hbug.
-        apply /negP; rewrite leqNgt; apply /negPn.
-        rewrite [ta.+1 + _]addnC -[ta.+1]addn1 addnA -[tb.+1]addn1.
-        rewrite addnCAC [tb +1 ]addnC -addnA ltn_add2l. 
-        exact HU.
-      }
-  }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_index_decrements_within_period ta ra:
+    destruct (# ta.(Implementation_State)) eqn:HSS; simpl; [ | discriminate Hidle ].
+    induction tb; intros HL HU; [ contradict HL; by rewrite ltn0 | ].
+    rewrite leq_eqVlt in HL; move: HL => /orP [HL | HL].
+		{ clear IHtb.
+			rewrite eqSS in HL; move: HL => /eqP HL; subst.
+			simpl; unfold FIFO_counter, FIFO_pending, Next_state in *.
+			rewrite HSS; destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl; [ discriminate HP | ].
+			rewrite eq_refl.
+			simpl in HI; destruct (r0 == ra) eqn:Heq; [ discriminate HI | ].
+			rewrite in_cons in HP; move: HP => /orP [/eqP HP | HP];
+			[ contradict Heq; rewrite HP; apply /eqP; by rewrite eq_refl | ].
+			by rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HP orTb index_cat HP; apply /eqP; reflexivity.
+		}
+    rewrite ltnS in HL; apply ltnW in HU as HU'.
+    apply IHtb in HL as IH; clear IHtb; [ | assumption ].
+    move: IH => /andP [HP' /eqP IH'].
+    rewrite -HSS in HP; apply Running_on_next_cycle in HP as HC; [ | by rewrite HSS ]. 
+		move: HC => /andP [Hrun /eqP Hc].
+    apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := tb - (ta.+1)) in Hrun as Haux; try assumption.
+		2: { 
+			rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n ltn_subLR; [ | assumption ].
+			apply ltn_trans with (n := ta + WAIT); [ assumption | ].
+			by rewrite ltn_add2r.
+		}
+		destruct Haux as [Hrun_a' Hca'].
+    assert (ta.+1 + (tb - ta.+1) = tb); [ rewrite subnKC; [ reflexivity | exact HL ] | ].
+    rewrite H in Hrun_a', Hca'; clear H.
+    rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n in Hca'.
+    apply Pending_requestor with (ra := ra) in Hrun_a' as Hpen; try assumption.
+    2: {
+      rewrite Hca' neq_ltn; apply /orP; left.
+			rewrite ltn_subLR; [ | assumption ].
+			rewrite addnC -subn1 addnBAC; [ lia | exact WAIT_pos ].
+		}
+    rewrite Hpen andTb IH'; clear HP HI Hpen;
+		rename Hrun_a' into Hrun_b, Hca' into Hcb.
+    rewrite eqSS //= /FIFO_pending /Next_state.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) eqn:HS; [ discriminate Hrun_b | ].
+    destruct c0; simpl.
+    destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl;
+    try (by rewrite /Enqueue index_cat HP').
+    simpl in Hrun_b, Hcb, IH',HP', HS. 
+    assert (Heq : FIFO_counter # tb.(Implementation_State) = WAIT.-1);
+		[ rewrite HS //=; move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; exact Hwait | ].
+    apply FIFO_l_counter_border_run in Heq as [Hcb' Hrun_b'];
+		[ | rewrite HS //=; by apply Queue_non_empty in HP' ].
+    apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (tb := tb.+1) (c := OCycle0) in Hrun as Hbug; try assumption.
+    contradict Hbug; lia.
+    (* apply /negP; rewrite leqNgt; apply /negPn. lia.
+       rewrite [ta.+1 + _]addnC -[ta.+1]addn1 addnA -[tb.+1]addn1.
+      rewrite addnCAC [tb +1 ]addnC -addnA ltn_add2l.  
+		*)
+  Qed.
+	Lemma Request_index_decrements_within_period ta ra:
     let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
-      (ra \in (FIFO_pending S))
-      -> (FIFO_counter S) == WAIT.-1 
-      -> (0 < index ra (FIFO_pending S))
-      -> forall tb, ta < tb 
-        -> tb <= ta + WAIT
-        -> let S' := (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) in
-          (ra \in (FIFO_pending S')) && ((index ra (FIFO_pending S)) == (index ra (FIFO_pending S')).+1).
-  Proof.
-    intros S HP HC HI.
-    unfold S in *; clear S.
-    induction tb; intros HL HU.
-    { contradict HL. by rewrite ltn0. }
-    { rewrite leq_eqVlt in HL; move: HL => /orP [HL | HL].
-      { clear IHtb. 
-        rewrite eqSS in HL; move: HL => /eqP HL; subst.
-        simpl; unfold FIFO_counter, FIFO_pending, Next_state in *.
-        destruct (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) as [c P | c P rb] eqn:HSS; move: HC => /eqP HC; subst.
-        { destruct P eqn:HPP; simpl. (* IDLE state *)
-          { discriminate HP. }
-          { assert (r == r) as H'. apply /eqP. reflexivity. rewrite H'. clear H'.
-            simpl in HI. destruct (r == ra) eqn:He.
-            { discriminate HI. }
-            { rewrite in_cons in HP. move: HP => /orP [/eqP HP | HP].
-              { contradict He. rewrite HP. apply /eqP. by rewrite eq_refl. }
-              { rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HP orTb index_cat HP.
-                apply /eqP. reflexivity.
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        { rewrite HC FIFO_wait_neq_act FIFO_wait_neq_cas.  (* RUNNING state *)
-          assert (WAIT.-1 == WAIT.-1 = true). { apply /eqP. reflexivity. }
-          rewrite H; clear H.
-          destruct P eqn:HPP; simpl.
-          { discriminate HP. }
-          { assert (r == r) as H'. apply /eqP. reflexivity. rewrite H'. clear H'.
-            simpl in HI. destruct (r == ra) eqn:He.
-            { discriminate HI. }
-            { rewrite in_cons in HP. move: HP => /orP [/eqP HP | HP].
-              { contradict He. rewrite HP. apply /eqP. by rewrite eq_refl. }
-              { rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HP orTb index_cat HP.
-                apply /eqP. reflexivity. 
-              }
-            }  
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      { rewrite ltnS in HL.
-        apply IHtb in HL as IH; clear IHtb.
-          2: by apply ltnW in HU.
-        move: IH => /andP [HP' /eqP HI']; rewrite HI'; move: HC => /eqP HC.
-        apply FIFO_l_counter_border_run in HC.
-          2: by apply Queue_non_empty in HP.
-        destruct HC as [Hca Hrun_a].
-        assert (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) = OCycle0).
-        { rewrite Hca /OCycle0 //=. }
-        apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := tb - (ta.+1)) in Hrun_a as Haux. destruct Haux as [Hrun_a' Hca'].
-          3: exact H.
-          2: { 
-            rewrite //= /OCycle0 add0n ltn_subLR.
-              2: exact HL.
-            apply ltn_trans with (n := ta + WAIT).
-              2: by rewrite ltn_add2r ltnSn.
-            exact HU.
-          }
-        assert (ta.+1 + (tb - ta.+1) = tb).
-        { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. exact HL. }
-        rewrite H0 in Hrun_a',Hca'.
-        rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n in Hca'.
-        apply Pending_requestor with (ra := ra) in Hrun_a' as Hpen.
-          3: {
-            rewrite Hca' neq_ltn. apply /orP. left.
-            rewrite ltn_subLR.
-              2: exact HL.
-            rewrite addnC -subn1 addnBAC.
-              2: exact WAIT_pos.
-            rewrite subn1 nat_add_pred. rewrite PeanoNat.Nat.pred_succ addnC. exact HU.
-          }
-          2: exact HP'.
-        rewrite Hpen andTb; clear H H0 HP HI Hpen. rename Hrun_a' into Hrun_b.
-        rewrite eqSS.
-        simpl. unfold FIFO_pending, Next_state.
-        destruct (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) as [c P | c P rb] eqn:HSS.
-        { discriminate Hrun_b. }
-        { destruct c; simpl.
-          destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl.
-          all: try by rewrite /Enqueue index_cat HP'.
-          simpl in Hrun_b, Hca', HI', HP', HSS.
-          assert (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) = WAIT.-1) as Heq.
-            { rewrite HSS //=; move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; exact Hwait. }
-          apply FIFO_l_counter_border_run in Heq as [Hcb Hrun_b'].
-            2: rewrite HSS //=; by apply Queue_non_empty in HP'.
-          apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (tb := tb.+1) (c := OCycle0) in Hrun_a as Hbug.
-            5: rewrite /OCycle0 //=.
-            4: rewrite /OCycle0 //=.
-            3: by rewrite -[ta.+1]addn1 -[tb.+1]addn1 ltn_add2r.
-            2: exact Hrun_b'.
-          contradict Hbug.
-          apply /negP; rewrite leqNgt; apply /negPn.
-          rewrite [ta.+1 + _]addnC -[ta.+1]addn1 addnA -[tb.+1]addn1.
-          rewrite addnCAC [tb +1 ]addnC -addnA ltn_add2l. 
-          exact HU.
-        }
+		(ra \in (FIFO_pending S))
+		-> (FIFO_counter S) == WAIT.-1 
+		-> (0 < index ra (FIFO_pending S))
+		-> forall tb, ta < tb 
+		-> tb <= ta + WAIT
+		-> let S' := (Default_arbitrate tb).(Implementation_State) in
+			(ra \in (FIFO_pending S')) && ((index ra (FIFO_pending S)) == (index ra (FIFO_pending S')).+1).
+  Proof.
+		cbv zeta; intros HP HC HI.
+    induction tb; intros HL HU; [ contradict HL; by rewrite ltn0 | ].
+    rewrite leq_eqVlt in HL; move: HL => /orP [HL | HL]; [ clear IHtb | ].
+		{ rewrite eqSS in HL; move: HL => /eqP HL; subst.
+      simpl; unfold FIFO_counter, FIFO_pending, Next_state in *.
+      destruct (# tb).(Implementation_State) as [c P | c P rb] eqn:HSS; move: HC => /eqP HC; subst.
+      { destruct P eqn:HPP; simpl; [ discriminate HP | ].
+				rewrite eq_refl.
+        simpl in HI; destruct (r == ra) eqn:He; [ discriminate HI | ].
+        rewrite in_cons in HP; move: HP => /orP [/eqP HP | HP];
+        [ contradict He; rewrite HP; apply /eqP; by rewrite eq_refl | ].
+        by rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HP orTb index_cat HP andTb eq_refl. 
+			}
+      { rewrite HC FIFO_wait_neq_act FIFO_wait_neq_cas eq_refl.  (* RUNNING state *)
+        destruct P eqn:HPP; simpl; [ discriminate HP | ].
+        rewrite eq_refl.
+				simpl in HI; destruct (r == ra) eqn:He; [ discriminate HI | ].
+        rewrite in_cons in HP; move: HP => /orP [/eqP HP | HP];
+        [ contradict He; rewrite HP; apply /eqP; by rewrite eq_refl | ].
+        by rewrite /Enqueue mem_cat HP orTb index_cat HP andTb eq_refl.
+    }  
+    { rewrite ltnS in HL.
+      apply IHtb in HL as IH; clear IHtb; [ | by apply ltnW in HU ].
+      move: IH => /andP [HP' /eqP HI']; rewrite HI'; move: HC => /eqP HC.
+      apply FIFO_l_counter_border_run in HC; [ | by apply Queue_non_empty in HP ].
+      destruct HC as [Hca Hrun_a].
+      assert (FIFO_counter # (ta.+1).(Implementation_State) = OCycle0); [ rewrite Hca /OCycle0 //= | ].
+      apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := tb - (ta.+1)) in Hrun_a as Haux; try assumption.
+      	2: rewrite //= /OCycle0 add0n ltn_subLR; [ lia | assumption ].
+			destruct Haux as [Hrun_a' Hca'].
+      assert (H0 : ta.+1 + (tb - ta.+1) = tb); [ lia | ].
+      rewrite H0 in Hrun_a',Hca'.
+      rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n in Hca'.
+      apply Pending_requestor with (ra := ra) in Hrun_a' as Hpen; try assumption; [ | lia ].
+      rewrite Hpen andTb; clear H H0 HP HI Hpen; rename Hrun_a' into Hrun_b.
+      rewrite eqSS //= /FIFO_pending /Next_state.
+			destruct (# tb).(Implementation_State) as [c P | c P rb] eqn:HSS; [ discriminate Hrun_b | ];
+      destruct c; simpl.
+      destruct (m == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (m == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (m == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl;
+      try by rewrite /Enqueue index_cat HP'.
+      simpl in  Hrun_b, Hca', HI', HP', HSS.
+      assert (FIFO_counter (# tb).(Implementation_State) = WAIT.-1) as Heq;
+      [ rewrite HSS //=; move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; exact Hwait | ].
+      apply FIFO_l_counter_border_run in Heq as [Hcb Hrun_b'];
+    	[ | rewrite HSS //=; by apply Queue_non_empty in HP' ].
+      apply FIFO_l_eq_bound with (tb := tb.+1) (c := OCycle0) in Hrun_a as Hbug; try assumption.
+      contradict Hbug; lia.
-  Lemma Still_pending_on_running_border ra ta:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
-    let S' := (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) in
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+  (* --------------------- HIGH-LEVEL PROPERTIES ---------------------- *)
+  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
+	Lemma Still_pending_on_running_border ra ta:
+    let S := # ta.(Implementation_State) in
+    let S' := # (ta.+1).(Implementation_State) in
     ra \in (FIFO_pending S) ->
     isRUNNING (S) ->
     0 < index ra (FIFO_pending S) ->
@@ -1420,8 +1555,8 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
   Lemma Still_pending_on_idle_border ra ta:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
-    let S' := (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) in
+    let S := # ta.(Implementation_State) in
+    let S' := # (ta.+1).(Implementation_State) in
     ra \in (FIFO_pending S) ->
     isIDLE (S) ->
     0 < index ra (FIFO_pending S) ->
@@ -1508,8 +1643,7 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
             4: rewrite ltn_predL; exact WAIT_pos.
             3: exact Hc.
             2: exact Hrun.
-          assert (ta.+1 + WAIT.-1 = ta + WAIT).
-            { by rewrite -nat_add_pred addnC addnS -pred_Sn addnC. }
+          assert (ta.+1 + WAIT.-1 = ta + WAIT); [ specialize WAIT_pos; lia | ].
           rewrite H in HP'' Hi'. clear H.
           rewrite HP'' andTb.
           move: Hi => /eqP Hi. rewrite Hi.
@@ -1522,20 +1656,18 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
           apply FIFO_add_counter with (c:= c) (d := (WAIT.-1 - c)) in Hrun as Hc.
             3: by rewrite /FIFO_counter Hs.
             2: { rewrite subnKC.
-              2: destruct c; simpl; clear Hs HP HU; by apply nat_ltn_leq_pred in i0.
-              1: rewrite ltn_predL. exact WAIT_pos.
+              2: destruct c; simpl; clear Hs HP HU; lia.
+              1: rewrite ltn_predL; exact WAIT_pos.
           destruct Hc as [Hrun' Hc].
           rewrite subnKC in Hc.
-            2: destruct c; simpl; clear Hs HP HU Hrun Hrun'; by apply nat_ltn_leq_pred in i0.
-          apply Still_pending_on_running_border in HP as H. move: H => /andP [ /andP [ /andP [Hrun'' Hc'] HP'] Hi].
-            4: by rewrite Hc.
-            3: by rewrite -Heq in HU.
-            2: exact Hrun'.
-          apply Still_pending_during_window with (c := OCycle0) (d := WAIT.-1) in HP' as H. move: H => /andP [HP'' Hi'].
-            4: rewrite ltn_predL; exact WAIT_pos.
-            3: exact Hc'.
-            2: exact Hrun''.
+            2: destruct c; simpl; clear Hs HP HU Hrun Hrun'; lia.
+          apply Still_pending_on_running_border in HP as H;
+						[ | assumption | by rewrite -Heq in HU | by rewrite Hc ].
+   				move: H => /andP [ /andP [ /andP [Hrun'' Hc'] HP'] Hi];
+          apply Still_pending_during_window with (c := OCycle0) (d := WAIT.-1) in HP' as H; try assumption.
+            2: rewrite ltn_predL; exact WAIT_pos.
+ 					move: H => /andP [HP'' Hi'].
           assert ((ta + (WAIT.-1 -c)).+1 + WAIT.-1 = ta + (WAIT.-1 - c) + WAIT) as H.
             { rewrite -addnS -addn1 addnA -addnA [1 + WAIT.-1]addnC addn1 prednK. reflexivity. exact WAIT_pos. }
           rewrite H in HP'',Hi'.
@@ -1565,7 +1697,7 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
         { rewrite -Hs in HP'. 
           assert (c + (WAIT.-1 -c ) = WAIT.-1) as Hcounter.
-            { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. destruct c. simpl in *. clear Hs. by apply nat_ltn_leq_pred in i0. }
+            { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. destruct c. simpl in *. clear Hs; lia. }
           assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta + i * WAIT)).(Implementation_State)) as Hrun.
             { by rewrite Hs. }
           apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := c) (d := (WAIT.-1 -c)) in Hrun as Hc. destruct Hc as [Hrun' Hc]. 
@@ -1580,21 +1712,17 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
             3: { move: Hi' => /eqP Hi'. rewrite -Hi'. rewrite -Hs in Hi. rewrite Hi in HU. rewrite addnC in HU. by apply nat_ltn_add_rev in HU. }
             2: exact Hrun'.
           move: H => /andP [/andP [/andP [Hrun'' Hc'] HP'''] Hi''].
-          apply Still_pending_during_window with (c := OCycle0) (d := c) in HP''' as H.
-            4: by destruct c.
-            3: exact Hc'.
-            2: exact Hrun''.
-          move: H => /andP [HP'''' Hi'''].
+          apply Still_pending_during_window with (c := OCycle0) (d := c) in HP''' as H; try assumption.
+            2: by destruct c.
+         	move: H => /andP [HP'''' Hi'''].
           rewrite mulSn -![WAIT + i * WAIT]addnC addnA.
           assert ((Requestor_slot_start ta + i * WAIT + (WAIT.-1 - c)).+1 + c = Requestor_slot_start ta + i * WAIT + WAIT).
             { rewrite -addnS -addnA.
               apply /eqP.
-              rewrite eqn_add2l -subSn.
-                2: { destruct c; simpl in *. clear Hs. by apply nat_ltn_leq_pred in i0. }
-              rewrite prednK.
-                2: exact WAIT_pos.
-              rewrite subnK.
-                2: { destruct c; simpl in *. clear Hs. by apply ltnW in i0. }
+              rewrite eqn_add2l -subSn; [ | destruct c; simpl in *; clear Hs; lia ];
+              rewrite prednK; [ | exact WAIT_pos].
+              rewrite subnK;
+              [ | destruct c; simpl in *; clear Hs; by apply ltnW in i0 ].
               apply /eqP. reflexivity.
           rewrite H in HP''''; rewrite HP'''' andTb.
@@ -1714,7 +1842,7 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
     destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
     { rewrite Hs in H. discriminate H. }
     { assert (c + (WAIT.-1 - c) = WAIT.-1).
-        { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. destruct c. simpl in *. clear Hs. by apply nat_ltn_leq_pred in i. }
+        { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. destruct c. simpl in *. clear Hs. lia. }
       assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) as Hrun.
         { by rewrite Hs. }
       apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := c) (d := (WAIT.-1 -c)) in Hrun as [_ Hc].
@@ -1758,7 +1886,7 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
         { rewrite -Hs in HP.
           assert (c + (WAIT.-1 -c) = WAIT.-1) as Hcounter.
-            { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. destruct c; simpl in *. clear Hs. by apply nat_ltn_leq_pred in i0. }
+            { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. destruct c; simpl in *. clear Hs. lia. }
           assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)) as Hrun.
             { by rewrite Hs. }
           apply Running_at_slot_start in Hrun as Hc.
@@ -1787,7 +1915,6 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
           3: exact HU'.
           2: exact Hi_pos.
         move: HP => /andP [HP' Hi].
         apply Still_pending_on_running_border in HP' as H.
           4: by apply /eqP.
           3: { move: Hi => /eqP Hi. rewrite Hi addnC in HU. by apply nat_ltn_add_rev in HU. }
@@ -1806,58 +1933,6 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
-  Lemma Request_starts_running ra ta:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
-    isRUNNING (S) ->
-    FIFO_counter (S) == WAIT.-1 ->
-    ra \in FIFO_pending (S) ->
-    index ra (FIFO_pending S) = 0 ->
-    (FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == Some ra) &&
-    (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == OCycle0) &&
-    (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State)).
-  Proof.
-    intros S Hrun Hc HP Hi.
-    unfold S in *; clear S.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    1: discriminate Hrun.
-    simpl; rewrite /Next_state Hs.
-    destruct (nat_of_ord c == OACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == OCAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl.
-    all: rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hc.
-    all: try by rewrite Hc in Hwait.
-    4: destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl.
-    4: { discriminate HP. }
-    4: {
-      destruct (r1 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-      { move: Heq => /eqP Heq. by rewrite Heq eq_refl. }
-      { simpl in Hi. rewrite Heq in Hi. discriminate Hi. }
-    }
-    1,2: move: Hc => /eqP Hc; rewrite Hc in Hact; by rewrite FIFO_wait_neq_act in Hact.
-    move: Hc => /eqP Hc; rewrite Hc in Hcas; by rewrite FIFO_wait_neq_cas in Hcas.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_starts_idle ra ta:
-    let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
-    isIDLE (S) ->
-    ra \in FIFO_pending (S) ->
-    index ra (FIFO_pending S) = 0 ->
-    (FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == Some ra) &&
-    (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State) == OCycle0) &&
-    (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta.+1).(Implementation_State)).
-  Proof.
-    intros S Hidle HP Hi.
-    unfold S in *; clear S.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    2: discriminate Hidle.
-    simpl; rewrite /Next_state Hs.
-    destruct r eqn:HPP.
-    { discriminate HP. }
-    simpl; rewrite eq_refl !andbT.
-    rewrite /FIFO_pending in Hi.
-    destruct (r0 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-    { move: Heq => /eqP Heq. by rewrite Heq. }
-    simpl in Hi. rewrite Heq in Hi. discriminate Hi.
-  Qed.
   Lemma Request_starts_idle_ ra ta:
     let S := (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) in
     isIDLE (S) ->
@@ -1882,39 +1957,6 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
     simpl in Hi. rewrite Heq in Hi. discriminate Hi.
-  Lemma Request_running_in_slot ra ta d:
-    FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) == Some ra ->
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) == OCycle0 ->
-    d < WAIT ->
-    (FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) == Some ra).
-  Proof.
-    intros Hreq Hc Hd.
-    induction d.
-    { by rewrite addn0 Hreq. }
-    apply ltn_trans with (m := d) in Hd as Hd'.
-      2: done.
-    apply IHd in Hd' as IH. clear IHd.
-    assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) as Hrun.
-    { destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State).
-      { rewrite /FIFO_request in Hreq. discriminate Hreq. }
-      { done. }
-    }
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate (ta + d)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    { rewrite /FIFO_request in IH. discriminate IH. }
-    { apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := d) in Hrun as H. destruct H as [Hrun' Hc'].
-        3: apply /eqP; exact Hc.
-        2: rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n.
-      rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n in Hc'.
-      rewrite addnS; simpl; rewrite /Next_state Hs //=.
-      destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl.
-      all: try by rewrite /FIFO_request in IH.
-      destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl.
-      all: rewrite Hs /FIFO_counter in Hc'; move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; rewrite Hc' in Hwait; rewrite Hwait prednK in Hd.
-      all: try exact WAIT_pos.
-      all: try by rewrite ltnn in Hd.
-    }
-  Qed.
   Lemma Request_processing ta ra d:
     ra \in (Arrival_at ta)
     -> let t := Requestor_slot_start ta in
@@ -1940,595 +1982,174 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
             2: by rewrite Hs.
           apply Request_running_in_slot with (d := d) in Hreq as Hreq'.
             3: exact Hd.
-            2: exact Hc.
-          rewrite Hreq' andbT.
-          apply FIFO_add_counter with (c:=OCycle0) (d:=d) in Hrun. destruct Hrun as [_ H].
-            3: by apply /eqP.
-            2: rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n.
-          rewrite /OCycle0 add0n in H; by apply /eqP.
-        }
-        { assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) as Hrun.
-            { by rewrite Hs. }
-          assert (c + (WAIT.-1 - c ) = WAIT.-1).
-            { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. destruct c; simpl in *. clear Hs. by apply nat_ltn_leq_pred in i. } 
-          apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := c) (d := (WAIT.-1 -c)) in Hrun as H'. destruct H' as [Hrun' Hc'].
-            3: by rewrite Hs.
-            2: rewrite H ltn_predL; exact WAIT_pos.
-          rewrite H in Hc'.
-          apply Request_starts_running with (ra := ra) in Hrun' as H'. move: H' => /andP [/andP [Hreq Hc''] Hrun''].
-            4: exact Hz.
-            3: exact HP'.
-            2: by rewrite Hc' eq_refl.
-          apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d:= d) in Hrun'' as H'. destruct H' as [Hrun''' Hc'''].
-            3: by apply /eqP.
-            2: by rewrite /OCycle0 add0n.
-          apply Request_running_in_slot with (d := d) in Hreq.
-            3: exact Hd.
-            2: exact Hc''.
-          rewrite Hreq andbT.
-          rewrite /OCycle0 add0n in Hc'''; by rewrite Hc''' eq_refl.
-        }
-      }
-    apply Counter_reaches with (i := index ra (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State))) in HP'.
-      3: by subst t.
-      2: by rewrite Hz.
-    move: HP' => /andP [Hrun HC].
-    apply Request_processing_starts in HA as H. move: H => /andP [HP' Hiz].
-    fold t in Hrun,HC; rewrite Hz in Hrun,HC.
-    fold i in Hrun,HC; fold t in HP',Hiz.
-    rewrite Hz in HP',Hiz; fold i in HP',Hiz.
-    apply Request_starts_running with (ra := ra) in HC as H. move: H => /andP [/andP [Hreq HC'] H].
-      4: by apply /eqP.  
-      3: exact HP'.
-      2: exact Hrun.
-    apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := d) in H. destruct H as [Hrun' HC''].
-      3: by apply /eqP.
-      2: rewrite /OCycle0 add0n; exact Hd.
-    rewrite /OCycle0 add0n in HC''.
-    apply Request_running_in_slot with (d := d) in Hreq as H.
-      3: exact Hd.
-      2: exact HC'.
-    set S' := (Default_arbitrate ((t + i).+1 + d)).(Implementation_State); simpl.
-    by fold S' in HC'',H; rewrite H; rewrite HC'' eq_refl.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_CAS ta ra: 
-    ra \in (Arrival_at ta) 
-    -> let tc := (Requestor_slot_start ta + (index ra (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)) * WAIT) + CAS_date).+1 in
-       (CAS_of_req ra tc.+1) \in (Default_arbitrate tc.+1).(Arbiter_Commands).
-  Proof.
-    intros HA.
-    apply Request_processing with (d := CAS_date) in HA as H.
-      2: exact WAIT_CAS.
-    move: H => /andP [HC HR]; clear HA.
-    rewrite addSn in HC, HR; set (tc := _ + CAS_date); fold tc in HC, HR.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate tc.+1).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; simpl.
-    { by rewrite /FIFO_request in HR. } 
-    simpl in Hs; rewrite Hs.
-    rewrite /Next_state.
-    rewrite /FIFO_counter in HC.
-    assert ((nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) = false) as Hact.
-    { move: HC => /eqP HC. by rewrite HC CAS_neq_ACT. }
-    rewrite //= Hact HC //= /CAS_of_req in_cons; apply /orP; left.
-    rewrite /FIFO_request inj_eq in HR. move: HR => /eqP HR.
-      2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.
-    by rewrite HR.
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Counter_at_running_slot_start ta c:
-    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) == c ->
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) ->
-    c == WAIT.-1.
-  Proof.
-    intros Hc Hrun.
-    unfold Requestor_slot_start in *.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    { by rewrite Hs in Hrun. }
-    { clear Hrun.
-      assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) as H.
-      { by rewrite Hs. }
-      assert (c0 + (WAIT.-1 - c0) = WAIT.-1).
-      { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. destruct c0; simpl in *; clear Hs; by apply nat_ltn_leq_pred in i. }
-      apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := c0) (d := (WAIT.-1 - c0)) in H as [Hrun Hc'].
-        3: by rewrite Hs.
-        2: rewrite H0; rewrite ltn_predL; exact WAIT_pos.
-      rewrite H0 in Hc'; by rewrite Hc' eq_sym in Hc.
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_PRE ta ra: 
-    ra \in (Arrival_at ta)
-    -> let i := index ra (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)) * WAIT in 
-       let tc := ((Requestor_slot_start ta) + i).+1 in
-        (PRE_of_req ra tc) \in (Default_arbitrate tc).(Arbiter_Commands).
-  Proof.
-    intros HA.
-    apply Request_processing_starts in HA as HP; move: HP => /andP [HP HI].
-    set i := index _ _; fold i in HP,HI.
-    set t := Requestor_slot_start ta + i * WAIT; fold t in HP,HI.
-    destruct i eqn:Hz. (* Case i = 0 *)
-    { rewrite mul0n //= addn0; subst t.
-      rewrite mul0n addn0 in HP,HI.
-      rewrite /Next_state.
-      destruct (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-      { rewrite /FIFO_pending in HP,HI.
-        destruct r eqn:HPP.
-        { discriminate HP. }
-        { destruct (ra == r0) eqn:Heq. 
-          { simpl; move: Heq => /eqP Heq; rewrite /PRE_of_req in_cons Heq; apply /orP; left; by rewrite eq_refl. }
-          { rewrite eq_sym in Heq; by rewrite //= Heq in HI. }}}
-      { rewrite /FIFO_pending in HP,HI.
-        assert (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) == c).
-        { by rewrite Hs. }
-        apply Counter_at_running_slot_start in H.
-        2: by rewrite Hs.
-        move: H => /eqP H; rewrite H FIFO_wait_neq_act FIFO_wait_neq_cas eq_refl.
-        destruct r eqn:HPP.
-        { discriminate HP. }
-        { destruct (r1 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-          { simpl; move: Heq => /eqP Heq; rewrite /PRE_of_req in_cons Heq; apply /orP; left; by rewrite eq_refl. }
-          { by rewrite //= Heq in HI. }}}}
-    apply Pending_on_arrival in HA as H.
-    apply Pending_requestor_slot_start with (tb := Requestor_slot_start ta) in H.
-      3: by rewrite leqnn.
-      2: { rewrite /Requestor_slot_start; destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State). 
-        by rewrite leqnn. by rewrite leq_addr. }
-    apply Counter_reaches with (i := i) in H. move: H => /andP [Hrun HC]; fold t in Hrun,HC.
-      3: subst i; by rewrite leqnn.
-      2: by rewrite Hz.
-    simpl; fold t; rewrite /Next_state.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    { destruct r eqn:HPP.
-      { simpl in HP; discriminate HP. }
-      { destruct (r0 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-        { by simpl; move: Heq => /eqP Heq; rewrite in_cons /PRE_of_req //= Heq eq_refl orTb. }
-        { by rewrite /FIFO_pending //= Heq in HI. }
-      }}
-    { unfold FIFO_pending in HP,HI. subst t; rewrite -Hz in Hs; rewrite Hs /FIFO_counter in HC; move: HC => /eqP HC.
-      rewrite HC FIFO_wait_neq_act FIFO_wait_neq_cas eq_refl.
-      destruct r eqn:HPP.
-      { discriminate HP. }
-      { destruct (r1 == ra) eqn:Heq.
-        { simpl; move: Heq => /eqP Heq; by rewrite in_cons /PRE_of_req //= Heq eq_refl orTb. }
-        { by rewrite /FIFO_pending //= Heq in HI. }
-      }
-    }
-  Qed.
-  Theorem Requests_handled ta ra:
-    ra \in (Arrival_at ta) 
-    -> exists tc, (CAS_of_req ra tc) \in ((Default_arbitrate tc).(Arbiter_Commands)).
-  Proof.
-    intros HA.
-    apply Request_CAS in HA as H.
-    set tc := _.+1 in H.
-    exists (tc.+1).
-    exact H.
-  Qed.
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  (* -------------------- PROTOCOL PROOFS ----------------------------- *)
-  (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
-  Lemma Request_PRE_bounded t ra:
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) ->
-    FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) == Some ra ->
-    (PRE_of_req ra (Slot_start t)) \in (Default_arbitrate (Slot_start t)).(Arbiter_Commands).
-  Proof.
-    intros Hrun Hreq.
-    induction t.
-      { by simpl in Hrun. }
-    rewrite /Slot_start. simpl in *. unfold Next_state in *. simpl in *.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    { destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl in *.
-      { by simpl in Hrun. }
-      { clear Hrun IHt.
-        rewrite /Next_state Hs //= subn0 in_cons /PRE_of_req.
-        rewrite inj_eq in Hreq. move: Hreq => /eqP Hreq.
-          2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.
-        by rewrite Hreq eq_refl orTb. } }
-    { destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl in *.
-      7: destruct r eqn:HPP.
-      7: by simpl in Hrun.
-      7: { 
-        simpl; rewrite /Next_state Hs Hact Hcas Hwait //=.
-        rewrite in_cons subn0; apply /orP; left. 
-        simpl in Hreq; rewrite /PRE_of_req.
-        rewrite inj_eq in Hreq. move: Hreq => /eqP Hreq.
-          2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.
-        by rewrite Hreq.
-      }
-      all: apply IHt in Hreq as IH.
-      all: try trivial; clear IHt.
-      all: rewrite /Slot_start Hs in IH.
-      all: try (rewrite {1}/Next_cycle; set (Hc := c.+1 < WAIT); dependent destruction Hc).
-      all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e.
-      all: try (rewrite {1}/Next_cycle; set (Hc := c.+1 < WAIT); dependent destruction Hc).
-      all: apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e.
-      all: try (rewrite subSS; by exact IH).
-      all: try (contradict x; by apply Bool.not_true_iff_false).
-      all: try (contradict x0; by apply Bool.not_true_iff_false).
-      all: try (move: Hact => /eqP Hact; by rewrite Hact FIFO_WAIT_GT_ACTp1 in x).
-      all: try (move: Hcas => /eqP Hcas; by rewrite Hcas FIFO_WAIT_GT_CASp1 in x).
-      clear Hc0 Hc1 x0.
-      rewrite ltnNge in x; apply negbFE in x.
-      rewrite leq_eqVlt in x; move: x => /orP [x | x].
-      { move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; contradict Hwait. apply eq_add_S; rewrite prednK.
-          2: exact WAIT_pos.
-        move: x => /eqP x.
-        by apply Logic.eq_sym. }
-      { destruct c; simpl in *; contradict x.
-        apply /negP.
-        by rewrite -leqNgt. } }
-  Qed.
-  Lemma Request_ACT_bounded t ra:
-    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) ->
-    FIFO_request (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) == Some ra ->
-    let tact := (Slot_start t + Next_cycle OACT_date) in
-    (ACT_of_req ra tact) \in (Default_arbitrate tact).(Arbiter_Commands).
-  Proof.
-    intros Hrun Hreq; simpl.
-    induction t.
-      { by simpl in Hrun. }
-    rewrite /Slot_start; simpl in *; unfold Next_state in *; simpl in *.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    { destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl in *.
-      { done. }
-      { clear Hrun IHt.
-        rewrite /Next_state //=.
-        assert (isIDLE (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State)) as Hidle.
-          { by rewrite Hs. }
-        apply Request_starts_idle with (ra := r0) in Hidle.
-          3,2: rewrite Hs /FIFO_pending; (by apply index_head || by apply mem_head).
-        rename Hidle into H; move: H => /andP [/andP [Hreq' Hc'] Hrun']; move: Hc' => /eqP Hc'.      
-        apply FIFO_add_counter with (d := ACT_date) in Hc' as H. destruct H as [Hrun'' Hc''].
-          3: rewrite /OCycle0 add0n //=; specialize FIFO_WAIT_GT_ACTp1; by apply ltnW.
-          2: done.
-        apply Request_running_in_slot with (d := ACT_date) in Hreq' as Hreq''.
-          3: specialize FIFO_WAIT_GT_ACTp1; by apply ltnW.
-          2: by apply /eqP.
-        rewrite -addn1 -addnA [1 + _]addnC addn1 in Hc'',Hrun'', Hreq''.
-        rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
-        destruct (Default_arbitrate (t + ACT_date.+1)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs_act.
-          { by simpl in Hrun''. }
-        clear Hrun''; rewrite /FIFO_counter /OCycle0 add0n in Hc''.
-        assert ((ACT_date == ACT_date) = true).
-          { by rewrite eq_refl. }
-        rewrite Hc'' H //= in_cons /ACT_of_req subn0.
-        rewrite -addn1 -addnA [1 + _]addnC addn1 addnS.   
-        rewrite /FIFO_request inj_eq in Hreq''.
-          2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.
-        move: Hreq'' => /eqP Hreq''; rewrite -Hreq'' in Hreq.
-        rewrite inj_eq in Hreq. move: Hreq => /eqP Hreq.
-          2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.
-        by rewrite Hreq eq_refl orTb. }}
-    { destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl in *.
-        all: rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
-        7: destruct r eqn:HPP; simpl.
-        7: discriminate Hrun.
-        7: {
-          simpl in *; clear IHt Hrun; rewrite /Next_state.
-          assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State)).
-            { by rewrite Hs. }
-          rewrite inj_eq in Hreq. move: Hreq => /eqP Hreq.
-            2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.     
-          apply Request_starts_running with (ra := ra) in H. move: H => /andP [/andP [Hreq' Hc']Hrun'].
-            4: rewrite Hs /FIFO_pending Hreq; apply index_head.
-            3: rewrite /FIFO_pending Hs Hreq; apply mem_head.
-            2: move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; by rewrite /FIFO_counter Hs Hwait eq_refl.
-          move: Hc' => /eqP Hc'. 
-          apply FIFO_add_counter with (d := ACT_date) in Hc' as H.
-            3: rewrite /OCycle0 add0n //=; specialize FIFO_WAIT_GT_ACTp1; by apply ltnW.
-            2: done.
-          apply Request_running_in_slot with (d := ACT_date) in Hreq' as Hreq''.
-            3: specialize FIFO_WAIT_GT_ACTp1; by apply ltnW.
-            2: by apply /eqP.     
-          destruct H as [Hrun'' Hc''].
-          rewrite -addn1 -addnA [1 + _]addnC addn1 in Hc'',Hrun'', Hreq''.
-          destruct (Default_arbitrate (t + ACT_date.+1)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs_act.
-            { by simpl in Hrun''. }
-          clear Hrun''; rewrite /FIFO_counter /OCycle0 add0n in Hc''.
-          assert ((ACT_date == ACT_date) = true).
-            { by rewrite eq_refl. }
-          rewrite Hc'' H //= in_cons /ACT_of_req subn0.
-          rewrite -addn1 -addnA [1 + _]addnC addn1 addnS.   
-          rewrite /FIFO_request inj_eq in Hreq''.
-            2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.
-          move: Hreq'' => /eqP Hreq''; by rewrite -Hreq'' eq_refl orTb.
-        }
-        all: rewrite /Slot_start Hs in IHt.
-        all: try (rewrite {1}/Next_cycle; set (Hc := c.+1 < WAIT); dependent destruction Hc).
-        all: try (apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e).
-        all: try (apply IHt in Hreq); try done.
-        all: try (rewrite {1}/Next_cycle; set (Hc := c.+1 < WAIT); dependent destruction Hc).
-        all: try (apply Logic.eq_sym in x; move : Logic.eq_refl; rewrite {2 3} x; simpl; intro; clear e).
-        all: try (contradict x; by apply Bool.not_true_iff_false).
-        all: try (contradict x0; by apply Bool.not_true_iff_false); try (clear x0 Hc0 Hc1).
-        all: assert (t.+1 - c.+1 + ACT_date.+1 = t - c + Next_cycle OACT_date) as H.
-        all: try (rewrite -FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS -addn1 -[c.+1]addn1 subnDA -subnAC subn1 addn1 -pred_Sn; reflexivity).
-        all: try (by rewrite H); clear H.
-        all: try (move: Hact => /eqP Hact; rewrite Hact in x; contradict x; 
-                  apply Bool.not_false_iff_true; by rewrite FIFO_WAIT_GT_ACTp1).
-        all: try (move: Hcas => /eqP Hcas; rewrite Hcas in x; contradict x; 
-                  apply Bool.not_false_iff_true; by rewrite FIFO_WAIT_GT_CASp1).
-        clear Hrun IHt.
-        rewrite ltnNge in x; apply negbFE in x.
-        rewrite leq_eqVlt in x; move: x => /orP [x | x].
-        { move: Hwait => /eqP Hwait; contradict Hwait. apply eq_add_S; rewrite prednK.
-            2: exact WAIT_pos.
-          move: x => /eqP x.
-          by apply Logic.eq_sym. }
-        { destruct c; simpl in *; contradict x.
-          apply /negP.
-          by rewrite -leqNgt. } }
-  Qed. 
-  Theorem Cmds_ACT_ok t a b: 
-    a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    isACT a \/ isCAS a -> isACT b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
-    exists c, (c \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands)) && isPRE c && Same_Bank b c && Same_Bank a c && After c a && Before c b.
-  Proof.
-    intros Ha Hb iA iAb SB aBb.
-    apply FIFO_ACT_date in Hb as H. destruct H as [Hcb [Hrun_b Hreq_b]].
-      all: try done.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate b.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hsb.
-      1: by simpl in Hrun_b.
-    rewrite -Hsb in Hreq_b. 
-    apply Request_PRE_bounded in Hreq_b.
-      2: by rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b.
-    rewrite /Slot_start Hsb in Hreq_b.
-    exists (PRE_of_req b.(Request) (b.(CDate) - c)).
-    rewrite /Same_Bank in SB; move: SB => /eqP SB.
-    rewrite /isPRE /Same_Bank //= eq_refl andbT SB eq_refl andbT andbT /Before /After //=.
-    (* Solving Before c b*)
-    apply /andP; split.
-    2: { 
-      rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hcb; rewrite Hcb.
-      rewrite ltn_subLR.
-        2: { rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b; apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b; rewrite -Hcb. 
-          rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb in Hrun_b. by rewrite leq_eqVlt Hrun_b orbT.
-        }
-      rewrite addnC.
-      apply nat_ltn_add; by rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
-    }
-    (* Solving ~~ Before_at a c*)
-    apply /andP; split.
-    2:{ destruct iA as [iAa | iCa].
-        { apply FIFO_ACT_date in Ha as H. destruct H as [Hca [Hrun_a Hreq_a]].
-            2: done.
-          rewrite -Hsb in Hcb.
-          specialize FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := Next_cycle OACT_date) as HH; apply HH in Hrun_a as Hlt.
-            all: try (done || by rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b).
-          clear HH. rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hlt; move: Hlt => /orP [/eqP H0 | H1].
-            { rewrite -H0 -addnBA.
-                2: by destruct c; simpl; rewrite leq_eqVlt i orbT.
-              apply nat_ltn_add; rewrite subn_gt0; destruct c; simpl; exact i. }
-            { apply ltn_trans with (n := b.(CDate) - WAIT).
-                2: { 
-                  apply ltn_sub2l.
-                    2: destruct c; simpl; exact i.
-                  by rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b; apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b; rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb in Hrun_b.
-                }
-              rewrite ltn_subRL addnC; exact H1.
-            }
-        }
-        { apply FIFO_CAS_date in Ha as H. destruct H as [Hca [Hrun_a Hreq_a]].
-            2: done.
-          rewrite -Hsb in Hcb.
-          apply FIFO_add_counter with (d := Next_cycle OCAS_date - Next_cycle OACT_date) in Hcb as H.
-            3: { rewrite subnKC. by rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_WAIT_GT_CASp1.
-                 rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
-                 rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS. by apply nat_ltn_add. }
-            2: by rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b.
-          destruct H as [Hrun_b' Hcb'].
-          set (d := Next_cycle OCAS_date - Next_cycle OACT_date); fold d in Hrun_b',Hcb'.
-          assert (Next_cycle OACT_date + d = Next_cycle OCAS_date).
-            { unfold d; rewrite subnKC. reflexivity.
-              rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS.
-              by apply nat_ltn_add. }
-          rewrite H in Hcb'.
-          specialize FIFO_l_eq_bound with (ta := a.(CDate)) (tb := b.(CDate) + d) (c := Next_cycle OCAS_date) as HH.
-          apply HH in Hrun_a as Hlt. clear HH.
-            all: try done.
-            2 : { unfold Before in aBb; apply ltn_trans with (n := b.(CDate)).
-                  exact aBb. apply nat_ltn_add. unfold d.
-                  rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS /CAS_date /ACT_date prednK.
-                    2: by rewrite lt0n T_RP_pos.
-                  rewrite subSn.
-                    2: { 
-                      rewrite -subn1 addnBAC.
-                        2: by rewrite lt0n T_RP_pos.
-                      rewrite subn1. apply nat_ltn_leq_pred. apply nat_ltn_add.
-                      by rewrite lt0n T_RCD_pos.
-                    }
-                  trivial.
-            }
-          assert ((a.(CDate) < b.(CDate) - c) == (a.(CDate) + WAIT < b.(CDate) - c + WAIT)).
-            { apply /eqP; by rewrite ltn_add2r. }
-          move: H0 => /eqP H0; rewrite H0; clear H0.
-          rewrite leq_eqVlt in Hlt; move: Hlt => /orP [/eqP Hlt | Hlt].
-          { rewrite Hlt addnBAC.
-              2: { rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b. apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b.  
-                   rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb in Hrun_b; by rewrite leq_eqVlt Hrun_b orbT.
-              }
-            rewrite -addnBA.
-              2: by destruct c; simpl; rewrite leq_eqVlt i orbT.
-            rewrite ltn_add2l ltn_subRL.
-            rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb in Hcb; rewrite Hcb; unfold d.
-            rewrite subnKC.
-              2: { rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
-                   rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS. apply nat_ltnn_add. by specialize T_RCD_GT_ONE. 
-              }
-            by rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_WAIT_GT_CASp1. }
-          { apply ltn_trans with (n := b.(CDate) + d). exact Hlt.
-            rewrite addnBAC.
-            2: { rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b. apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b.  
-                 rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb in Hrun_b; by rewrite leq_eqVlt Hrun_b orbT.
-            }
-            rewrite -addnBA.
-              2: by destruct c; simpl; rewrite leq_eqVlt i orbT.
-            rewrite ltn_add2l ltn_subRL.
-            rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb in Hcb; rewrite Hcb; unfold d.
-            rewrite subnKC.
-              2: { rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
-                   rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS. apply nat_ltnn_add. by specialize T_RCD_GT_ONE. 
-              }
-            by rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_WAIT_GT_CASp1. }
+            2: exact Hc.
+          rewrite Hreq' andbT.
+          apply FIFO_add_counter with (c:=OCycle0) (d:=d) in Hrun. destruct Hrun as [_ H].
+            3: by apply /eqP.
+            2: rewrite /OCycle0 //= add0n.
+          rewrite /OCycle0 add0n in H; by apply /eqP.
-    }
-    apply FIFO_in_the_past with (t := b.(CDate)).
-      { by apply Cmd_in_trace. }
-    apply FIFO_in_the_past with (t := b.(CDate) - c).
-      { by apply leq_subr. }
-    exact Hreq_b.
+        { assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) as Hrun.
+            { by rewrite Hs. }
+          assert (c + (WAIT.-1 - c ) = WAIT.-1).
+            { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. destruct c; simpl in *. clear Hs. lia. } 
+          apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := c) (d := (WAIT.-1 -c)) in Hrun as H'. destruct H' as [Hrun' Hc'].
+            3: by rewrite Hs.
+            2: rewrite H ltn_predL; exact WAIT_pos.
+          rewrite H in Hc'.
+          apply Request_starts_running with (ra := ra) in Hrun' as H'. move: H' => /andP [/andP [Hreq Hc''] Hrun''].
+            4: exact Hz.
+            3: exact HP'.
+            2: by rewrite Hc' eq_refl.
+          apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d:= d) in Hrun'' as H'. destruct H' as [Hrun''' Hc'''].
+            3: by apply /eqP.
+            2: by rewrite /OCycle0 add0n.
+          apply Request_running_in_slot with (d := d) in Hreq.
+            3: exact Hd.
+            2: exact Hc''.
+          rewrite Hreq andbT.
+          rewrite /OCycle0 add0n in Hc'''; by rewrite Hc''' eq_refl.
+        }
+      }
+    apply Counter_reaches with (i := index ra (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State))) in HP'.
+      3: by subst t.
+      2: by rewrite Hz.
+    move: HP' => /andP [Hrun HC].
+    apply Request_processing_starts in HA as H. move: H => /andP [HP' Hiz].
+    fold t in Hrun,HC; rewrite Hz in Hrun,HC.
+    fold i in Hrun,HC; fold t in HP',Hiz.
+    rewrite Hz in HP',Hiz; fold i in HP',Hiz.
+    apply Request_starts_running with (ra := ra) in HC as H. move: H => /andP [/andP [Hreq HC'] H].
+      4: by apply /eqP.  
+      3: exact HP'.
+      2: exact Hrun.
+    apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := OCycle0) (d := d) in H. destruct H as [Hrun' HC''].
+      3: by apply /eqP.
+      2: rewrite /OCycle0 add0n; exact Hd.
+    rewrite /OCycle0 add0n in HC''.
+    apply Request_running_in_slot with (d := d) in Hreq as H.
+      3: exact Hd.
+      2: exact HC'.
+    set S' := (Default_arbitrate ((t + i).+1 + d)).(Implementation_State); simpl.
+    by fold S' in HC'',H; rewrite H; rewrite HC'' eq_refl.
-  Theorem Cmds_row_ok t b c: 
-    b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> c \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) ->
-    isCAS b -> isPRE c -> Same_Bank b c -> Before c b -> 
-    exists a, (a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands))
-    && isACT a && Same_Row a b && After a c && Before a b.
+  Lemma Request_CAS ta ra: 
+    ra \in (Arrival_at ta) 
+    -> let tc := (Requestor_slot_start ta + (index ra (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)) * WAIT) + CAS_date).+1 in
+       (CAS_of_req ra tc.+1) \in (Default_arbitrate tc.+1).(Arbiter_Commands).
-    intros Hb Hc iCb iPc SB cBb.
-    apply FIFO_CAS_date in Hb as H. destruct H as [Hcb [Hrun_b Hreq_b]].
-      2: done.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate b.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hsb.
-      1: by simpl in Hrun_b.
-    rewrite -Hsb in Hreq_b. apply Request_ACT_bounded in Hreq_b.
-      2: by rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b.
-    rewrite /Slot_start Hsb in Hreq_b.
-    exists (ACT_of_req b.(Request) (b.(CDate) - c0 + Next_cycle OACT_date)).
-    rewrite /Same_Bank in SB; move: SB => /eqP SB.
-    rewrite /isACT //= eq_refl andbT /Before /After //= /Same_Row eq_refl //= andbT.
+    intros HA.
+    apply Request_processing with (d := CAS_date) in HA as H; [ | exact WAIT_CAS].
+    move: H => /andP [HC HR]; clear HA.
+    rewrite addSn in HC, HR; set (tc := _ + CAS_date); fold tc in HC, HR.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate tc.+1).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs; simpl.
+    { by rewrite /FIFO_request in HR. } 
+    simpl in Hs; rewrite Hs.
+    rewrite /Next_state.
+    rewrite /FIFO_counter in HC.
+    assert ((nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) = false) as Hact.
+    { move: HC => /eqP HC. by rewrite HC CAS_neq_ACT. }
+    rewrite //= Hact HC //= /CAS_of_req in_cons; apply /orP; left.
+    rewrite /FIFO_request inj_eq in HR. move: HR => /eqP HR.
+      2: exact ssrfun.Some_inj.
+    by rewrite HR.
+  Qed.
-    apply /andP; split.
-    2: {
-      rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hcb; rewrite Hcb FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
-      rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b.
-      rewrite -subnA.
-        3: {
-          apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b as H; rewrite Hsb /FIFO_counter Hcb FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS in H.
-          apply ltn_trans with (m := CAS_date) in H. exact H. done. }
-        2: rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add.
-      rewrite ltn_subrL.
-      apply FIFO_date_gt_0 in Hb; rewrite subn_gt0 Hb andbT -addn1 -[CAS_date.+1]addn1 leq_add2r.
-      rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date; apply nat_ltn_add; by rewrite lt0n T_RCD_pos.
+  Lemma Counter_at_running_slot_start ta c:
+    FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) == c ->
+    isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) ->
+    c == WAIT.-1.
+  Proof.
+    intros Hc Hrun.
+    unfold Requestor_slot_start in *.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
+    { by rewrite Hs in Hrun. }
+    { clear Hrun.
+      assert (isRUNNING (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State)) as H.
+      { by rewrite Hs. }
+      assert (c0 + (WAIT.-1 - c0) = WAIT.-1).
+      { rewrite subnKC. reflexivity. destruct c0; simpl in *; clear Hs; lia. }
+      apply FIFO_add_counter with (c := c0) (d := (WAIT.-1 - c0)) in H as [Hrun Hc'].
+        3: by rewrite Hs.
+        2: rewrite H0; rewrite ltn_predL; exact WAIT_pos.
+      rewrite H0 in Hc'; by rewrite Hc' eq_sym in Hc.
-    clear SB.
-    apply /andP; split.
-    2: {
-      apply FIFO_PRE_date in Hc as H. destruct H as [Hcc [Hrun_c Hreq_c]].
-        2: done.
-      apply FIFO_add_counter with (d := Next_cycle OCAS_date) in Hcc as H. destruct H as [Hrun_c' Hcc'].
-        3: by rewrite /OCycle0 add0n FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_WAIT_GT_CASp1.
-        2: done.
-      set (d := Next_cycle OCAS_date).
-      specialize FIFO_l_eq_bound_or with (ta := c.(CDate) + d) (tb := b.(CDate)) (c := d) as HH.
-      apply HH in Hrun_c' as Hlt. clear HH.
-        4: unfold d; by rewrite Hsb.
-        3: by rewrite Hsb.
-        2: by rewrite /OCycle0 add0n in Hcc'; fold d in Hcc'.
-      rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hcb; rewrite Hcb.
-      destruct Hlt as [H0 | [H1 | H2]]; fold d.
-      { rewrite -H0.
-        rewrite addnBAC.
-          2: by rewrite addnC leq_addr.
-        rewrite ltn_subRL addnC -addnA ltn_add2l.
-        apply nat_ltn_add; by rewrite FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS. }
-      { rewrite leq_eqVlt in H1; move: H1 => /orP [/eqP H1 | H1].
-          { rewrite -H1 -addnA -subnA.
-              3: rewrite -addnCA; by apply leq_addr.
-              2: { unfold d; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS. 
-                   rewrite /CAS_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add. }
-            rewrite ltn_subRL addnC ltn_add2l ltn_subLR.
-              2: { unfold d; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS. 
-                   rewrite /CAS_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add. }
-            rewrite -addnCA; apply nat_ltn_add; by rewrite addn_gt0 WAIT_pos orbT.
-          }
-        rewrite -subnA.
-          3: { rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b; apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b. 
-               rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb Hcb in Hrun_b; fold d in Hrun_b. 
-               by rewrite leq_eqVlt Hrun_b orbT. }
-          2: { unfold d; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS. 
-               rewrite /CAS_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add. }
-        rewrite ltn_subRL addnC.
-        apply ltn_trans with (m := c.(CDate) + (d - Next_cycle OACT_date)) in H1. exact H1.
-        rewrite -addnA ltn_add2l ltn_subLR.
-          2: { unfold d; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS. 
-               rewrite /CAS_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add. }
-        rewrite -addnCA; apply nat_ltn_add; by rewrite addn_gt0 WAIT_pos orbT. }
-      { contradict H2; apply /negP; rewrite -ltnNge.
-        unfold Before in cBb.
-        rewrite addnC -ltn_subRL.
-        apply ltn_trans with (n := b.(CDate)). exact cBb.
-        rewrite ltn_subRL addnC ltn_add2l; unfold d; rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS.
-        exact FIFO_WAIT_GT_CASp1. } }
-    apply FIFO_in_the_past with (t := b.(CDate)).
-      { by apply Cmd_in_trace. }
-    apply FIFO_in_the_past with (t := b.(CDate) - c0 + Next_cycle OACT_date).
-      { rewrite -subnA.
-          3: { rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b; apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b. 
-               rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb in Hrun_b; by rewrite leq_eqVlt Hrun_b orbT. }
-          2: { rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hcb; rewrite Hcb; 
-               rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS; 
-               rewrite /CAS_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add. }
-          apply leq_subr. }
-    exact Hreq_b.
-	Theorem Cmds_initial t b: 
-    b \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> isCAS b ->
-    exists a, (a \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands)) && (isACT a) && (Same_Row a b) && (Before a b).
+  Lemma Request_PRE ta ra: 
+    ra \in (Arrival_at ta)
+    -> let i := index ra (FIFO_pending (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State)) * WAIT in 
+       let tc := ((Requestor_slot_start ta) + i).+1 in
+        (PRE_of_req ra tc) \in (Default_arbitrate tc).(Arbiter_Commands).
-    intros Hb iCb.
-    apply FIFO_CAS_date in Hb as H. destruct H as [Hcb [Hrun_b Hreq_b]].
-      2: done.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate b.(CDate)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hsb.
-      1: by simpl in Hrun_b.
-    rewrite -Hsb in Hreq_b. 
-    apply Request_ACT_bounded in Hreq_b.
-      2: by rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b.
-    rewrite /Slot_start Hsb in Hreq_b.
-    exists (ACT_of_req b.(Request) (b.(CDate) - c + Next_cycle OACT_date)).
-    rewrite /isACT //= eq_refl andbT /Before /After //= /Same_Row eq_refl //= andbT.
+    intros HA.
-    apply /andP; split.
-    2: {
-      rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hcb; rewrite Hcb FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS.
-      rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b.
-      rewrite -subnA.
-        3: {
-          apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b as H; rewrite Hsb /FIFO_counter Hcb FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS in H.
-          apply ltn_trans with (m := CAS_date) in H. exact H. done. }
-        2: rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add.
-      rewrite ltn_subrL.
-      apply FIFO_date_gt_0 in Hb; rewrite subn_gt0 Hb andbT -addn1 -[CAS_date.+1]addn1 leq_add2r.
-      rewrite /CAS_date /ACT_date; apply nat_ltn_add; by rewrite lt0n T_RCD_pos.
-    }
+    apply Request_processing_starts in HA as HP; move: HP => /andP [HP HI].
+    set i := index _ _; fold i in HP,HI.
+    set t := Requestor_slot_start ta + i * WAIT; fold t in HP,HI.
-    apply FIFO_in_the_past with (t := b.(CDate)).
-      { by apply Cmd_in_trace. }
-    apply FIFO_in_the_past with (t := b.(CDate) - c + Next_cycle OACT_date).
-      { rewrite -subnA.
-          3: { rewrite -Hsb in Hrun_b; apply Date_gt_counter in Hrun_b. 
-               rewrite /FIFO_counter Hsb in Hrun_b; by rewrite leq_eqVlt Hrun_b orbT. }
-          2: { rewrite /FIFO_counter in Hcb; rewrite Hcb; 
-               rewrite FIFO_next_cycle_cas_eq_casS FIFO_nextcycle_act_eq_actS; 
-               rewrite /CAS_date -addnS; by apply nat_ltn_add. }
-          apply leq_subr. }
-    exact Hreq_b.
+    destruct i eqn:Hz. (* Case i = 0 *)
+    { rewrite mul0n //= addn0; subst t.
+      rewrite mul0n addn0 in HP,HI.
+      rewrite /Next_state.
+      destruct (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
+      { rewrite /FIFO_pending in HP,HI.
+        destruct r eqn:HPP.
+        { discriminate HP. }
+        { destruct (ra == r0) eqn:Heq. 
+          { simpl; move: Heq => /eqP Heq; rewrite /PRE_of_req in_cons Heq; apply /orP; left; by rewrite eq_refl. }
+          { rewrite eq_sym in Heq; by rewrite //= Heq in HI. }}}
+      { rewrite /FIFO_pending in HP,HI.
+        assert (FIFO_counter (Default_arbitrate (Requestor_slot_start ta)).(Implementation_State) == c).
+        { by rewrite Hs. }
+        apply Counter_at_running_slot_start in H.
+        2: by rewrite Hs.
+        move: H => /eqP H; rewrite H FIFO_wait_neq_act FIFO_wait_neq_cas eq_refl.
+        destruct r eqn:HPP.
+        { discriminate HP. }
+        { destruct (r1 == ra) eqn:Heq.
+          { simpl; move: Heq => /eqP Heq; rewrite /PRE_of_req in_cons Heq; apply /orP; left; by rewrite eq_refl. }
+          { by rewrite //= Heq in HI. }}}}
+    apply Pending_on_arrival in HA as H.
+    apply Pending_requestor_slot_start with (tb := Requestor_slot_start ta) in H.
+      3: by rewrite leqnn.
+      2: { rewrite /Requestor_slot_start; destruct (Default_arbitrate ta).(Implementation_State). 
+        by rewrite leqnn. by rewrite leq_addr. }
+    apply Counter_reaches with (i := i) in H. move: H => /andP [Hrun HC]; fold t in Hrun,HC.
+      3: subst i; by rewrite leqnn.
+      2: by rewrite Hz.
+    simpl; fold t; rewrite /Next_state.
+    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
+    { destruct r eqn:HPP.
+      { simpl in HP; discriminate HP. }
+      { destruct (r0 == ra) eqn:Heq.
+        { by simpl; move: Heq => /eqP Heq; rewrite in_cons /PRE_of_req //= Heq eq_refl orTb. }
+        { by rewrite /FIFO_pending //= Heq in HI. }
+      }}
+    { unfold FIFO_pending in HP,HI. subst t; rewrite -Hz in Hs; rewrite Hs /FIFO_counter in HC; move: HC => /eqP HC.
+      rewrite HC FIFO_wait_neq_act FIFO_wait_neq_cas eq_refl.
+      destruct r eqn:HPP.
+      { discriminate HP. }
+      { destruct (r1 == ra) eqn:Heq.
+        { simpl; move: Heq => /eqP Heq; by rewrite in_cons /PRE_of_req //= Heq eq_refl orTb. }
+        { by rewrite /FIFO_pending //= Heq in HI. }
+      }
+    }
+  Theorem Requests_handled ta ra:
+    ra \in (Arrival_at ta) 
+    -> exists tc, (CAS_of_req ra tc) \in ((Default_arbitrate tc).(Arbiter_Commands)).
+  Proof.
+    intros HA.
+    apply Request_CAS in HA as H.
+    set tc := _.+1 in H.
+    exists (tc.+1).
+    exact H.
+  Qed.
   (* ------------------------------------------------------------------ *)
   (* --------------------- INSTANCES ---------------------------------- *)
@@ -2538,42 +2159,28 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
     c.(CDate) > t -> c \notin (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands).
-    destruct (c \notin (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands)) eqn:Hni.
-    { done. }
-    { move : Hni => /negPn Hni. apply Cmd_in_trace in Hni.
-      contradict Hni; apply /negP; by rewrite -ltnNge. }
+    destruct (c \notin (# t).(Arbiter_Commands)) eqn:Hni; [ done | ].
+    move : Hni => /negPn Hni; apply Cmd_in_trace in Hni.
+    contradict Hni; apply /negP; by rewrite -ltnNge.
   Lemma Default_arbitrate_cmds_uniq t:
-    uniq ((Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands)).
+    uniq ((# t).(Arbiter_Commands)).
-    induction t; simpl.
-    { done. }
+    induction t; simpl; [ done | ].
     rewrite /Next_state //=.
-    destruct (Default_arbitrate t).(Implementation_State) eqn:Hs.
-    1: destruct r; simpl.
-    3: destruct (nat_of_ord c == ACT_date) eqn:Hact, (nat_of_ord c == CAS_date) eqn:Hcas, (nat_of_ord c == WAIT.-1) eqn:Hwait; simpl.
-    9: destruct r; simpl.
-    all: rewrite IHt andbT.
-    all: assert (t < t.+1) as H0; try trivial.
-    all: try (specialize Default_arbitrate_notin_cmd with (c := mkCmd t.+1 NOP nullreq) (t := t) as H; simpl in H;
-              apply H in H0; by rewrite H0).
-    all: try (specialize Default_arbitrate_notin_cmd with (c := mkCmd t.+1 PRE r) (t := t) as H; simpl in H;
-              apply H in H0; by rewrite H0).
-    all: try (specialize Default_arbitrate_notin_cmd with (c := mkCmd t.+1 ACT r0) (t := t) as H; simpl in H;
-              apply H in H0; by rewrite H0).
-    all: try (specialize Default_arbitrate_notin_cmd with (c := mkCmd t.+1 (Kind_of_req r0) r0) (t := t) as H; simpl in H;
-              apply H in H0; by rewrite H0).
-  Qed.
+		destruct_state t; simpl; rewrite IHt andbT;
+		assert (t < t.+1) as H0; try trivial;
+		apply Default_arbitrate_notin_cmd; simpl; lia.
+	Qed.
   Lemma Default_arbitrate_cmds_date t cmd:
-    cmd \in (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
-    cmd.(CDate) <= (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Time).
+    cmd \in (# t).(Arbiter_Commands) -> 
+    cmd.(CDate) <= (# t).(Arbiter_Time).
     rewrite Default_arbitrate_time; apply Cmd_in_trace.
-  (* nat -> Trace *)
   Program Definition FIFO_arbitrate t :=
     (Default_arbitrate t).(Arbiter_Commands) 
@@ -2601,8 +2208,9 @@ Module FIFOPROOFS (SYS : SystemModule).
 		(Cmds_initial t)
 	Admit Obligations.
   Global Instance FIFO_arbiter : Arbiter_t :=
     mkArbiter AF FIFO_arbitrate Requests_handled Default_arbitrate_time_match.
\ No newline at end of file
+End Proofs.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/FIFO/FIFO_sim.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/FIFO/FIFO_sim.v
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similarity index 100%
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index 846ddad..b262d3e 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TDM/TDM.v
+++ b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/TDM/TDM.v
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ Section TDM.
   Context {SYS_CFG : System_configuration}.
-  #[local] Axiom DDR3: BANKGROUPS = 1.
+  (* #[local] Axiom DDR3: BANKGROUPS = 1. *)
   Definition ACT_date := T_RP.+1.
   Definition CAS_date := ACT_date + T_RCD.+1.
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ Section TDM.
   Context {TDM_CFG : TDM_configuration}.
+	(* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* Helper lemmas *)
   Lemma Last_cycle:
     SL.-1 < SL.
@@ -91,6 +93,7 @@ Section TDM.
     by rewrite /ACT_date -[T_RP.+1]addn1 addn_gt0 ltn0Sn orbT.
+	(* -------------------------------------------------------- *)
   Definition OZCycle   := Ordinal SL_pos.
   Definition OACT_date := Ordinal SL_ACT.
@@ -99,16 +102,15 @@ Section TDM.
   Definition OZSlot := Ordinal SN_pos.
-  Definition Slot_t := 
-     ordinal_eqType SN.
+  Definition Slot_t := ordinal_eqType SN.
   Instance REQESTOR_CFG : Requestor_configuration := 
     Requestor_t := Slot_t
-  Definition Same_Slot (a b : Command_t) :=
-    a.(Request).(Requestor) == b.(Request).(Requestor).
+  (* Definition Same_Slot (a b : Command_t) :=
+    a.(Request).(Requestor) == b.(Request).(Requestor). *)
   Context {AF : Arrival_function_t}.
@@ -119,7 +121,7 @@ Section TDM.
      pending  requests. *)
   Variant TDM_state_t :=
     | IDLE    : Slot_t -> Counter_t -> Requests_t -> TDM_state_t 
-    | RUNNING : Slot_t -> Counter_t -> Requests_t -> Request_t-> TDM_state_t.
+    | RUNNING : Slot_t -> Counter_t -> Requests_t -> Request_t -> TDM_state_t.
   Definition TDM_state_eqdef (a b : TDM_state_t) :=
     match a, b with
@@ -141,7 +143,6 @@ Section TDM.
     destruct x, y; apply negbT in H; apply ReflectF;
       try discriminate.
     all: unfold not; intro BUG.
       1: rewrite 2! negb_and in H.
       2: rewrite 3! negb_and in H.
@@ -185,33 +186,18 @@ Section TDM.
         fun _ => OZSlot) Logic.eq_refl.
-  (* Enqueue newly arriving requests in the pending queue. *)
-  Definition Enqueue (R P : Requests_t) :=
-    P ++ R.
-  (* Remove a request from the pending queue that is about to be processed. *)
-  Definition Dequeue r (P : Requests_t) :=
-    rem r P.
   (* The set of pending requests of a slot *)
-  Definition Pending_of s (P : Requests_t) :=
-    [seq r <- P | r.(Requestor) == s].
+  Definition Pending_of s (P : Requests_t) := [seq r <- P | r.(Requestor) == s].
-  Definition Init_state R :=
-    IDLE OZSlot OZCycle (Enqueue R [::]).
+  Definition Init_state R := IDLE OZSlot OZCycle (Enqueue R [::]).
   Hint Unfold PRE_of_req : core.
   Hint Unfold ACT_of_req : core.
   Hint Unfold CAS_of_req : core.
-  (* Axiom ACommand_t : Command_t. *)
-  Definition nullreq := 
-    mkReq OZSlot 0 RD (Nat_to_bankgroup 0) (Nat_to_bank 0) 0.
   (* The next-state function of the arbiter *)
-  Definition Next_state R (AS : TDM_state_t) : (TDM_state_t * (Command_kind_t * Request_t)) :=
-    match AS return (TDM_state_t * (Command_kind_t * Request_t)) with
+  Definition Next_state R (AS : TDM_state_t) : (TDM_state_t * Command_kind_t) :=
+    match AS with
       | IDLE s c P => (* Currently no request is processed *)
         let P' := Enqueue R P in (* enqueue newly arriving requests *)
         let s' := Next_slot s c in (* advance slot counter (if needed) *)
@@ -219,28 +205,30 @@ Section TDM.
           if (c == OZCycle) then
             match Pending_of s P with (* Check if a request is pending *)
               | [::] => (* No? Continue with IDLE *)
-                (IDLE s' c' P', (NOP, nullreq))
+                (IDLE s' c' P', NOP)
               | r::_ => (* Yes? Emit PRE, dequeue request, and continue with RUNNING *)
-                (RUNNING s' c' (Enqueue R (Dequeue r P)) r, (PRE,r))
+                (RUNNING s' c' (Enqueue R (Dequeue r P)) r, PRE r)
-          else (IDLE s' c' P', (NOP, nullreq))
+          else (IDLE s' c' P', NOP)
       | RUNNING s c P r => (* Currently a request is processed *)
         let P' := Enqueue R P in (* enqueue newly arriving requests *)
         let s' := Next_slot s c in (* advance slot counter (if needed) *)
         let c' := Next_cycle c in (* advance slot counter (if needed) *)
           if c == OACT_date then (* need to emit the ACT command *)
-            (RUNNING s' c' P' r, (ACT, r))
+            (RUNNING s' c' P' r, ACT r)
           else if c == OCAS_date then (* need to emit the CAS command *)
-            (RUNNING s' c' P' r, (Kind_of_req r, r))
+            (RUNNING s' c' P' r, (Kind_of_req r) r)
           else if c == OLastCycle then (* return to IDLE state *)
-            (IDLE s' c' P', (NOP, nullreq))
+            (IDLE s' c' P', NOP)
-            (RUNNING s' c' P' r, (NOP, nullreq))
+            (RUNNING s' c' P' r, NOP)
   Global Instance TDM_implementation : Implementation_t := 
     mkImplementation Init_state Next_state.
+	(* -------------------------------------------------------------- *)
+	(* Helper functions *)
   Definition TDM_counter (AS : State_t) :=
     match AS with
         | IDLE _ c _      => c 
@@ -272,7 +260,7 @@ Section TDM.
   #[local] Axiom Private_Mapping :
-    forall a b, Same_Bank a b -> 
+    forall a b, get_bank a == get_bank b -> 
     nat_of_ord (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate b.(CDate)).(Implementation_State)) =
     nat_of_ord (TDM_slot (Default_arbitrate a.(CDate)).(Implementation_State)).
diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TDM/TDMREF.v b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/TDM/TDMREF.v
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rename to framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/TDM/TDMREF.v
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diff --git a/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TDM/haskell_gencode_tdm/App.hs b/framework/DRAM/Implementations/TS/TDM/haskell_gencode_tdm/App.hs
similarity index 100%
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diff --git a/framework/DRAM/_CoqProject b/framework/DRAM/_CoqProject
index b65f6c8..77ada9d 100644
--- a/framework/DRAM/_CoqProject
+++ b/framework/DRAM/_CoqProject
@@ -1,11 +1,19 @@
 -Q . DRAM
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