diff --git a/controller/python/controller.py b/controller/python/controller.py
index dca5074e409e0a2afe1ce0fdb2ea347d1af19a91..60750a8bddf7e6ef3d46c1b7a8b6fe1bfa960177 100644
--- a/controller/python/controller.py
+++ b/controller/python/controller.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import smbus
 import struct
-from typing import Optional
+from typing import Any, Optional
 class Controller:
@@ -12,30 +12,43 @@ class Controller:
     MOTOR_SPEED = 0x30
     ENCODER_TICKS = 0x32
+    STATUS = 0x36
     def __init__(self):
         self.i2c = smbus.SMBus(self.I2C_BUS)
+    def _read(self, command, n, unpack_spec) -> tuple:
+        return struct.unpack(
+            unpack_spec,
+            bytes(self.i2c.read_i2c_block_data(self.I2C_ADDR, command, n)),
+        )
+    def _write(self, command: int, data: list[int]):
+        self.i2c.write_i2c_block_data(self.I2C_ADDR, command, data)
     def who_am_i(self) -> int:
         """Check that the motors controller board is present. This should return
         the same value as Controller.I2C_ADDR."""
-        return self.i2c.read_i2c_block_data(self.I2C_ADDR, self.WHO_AM_I, 1)[0]
+        return self._read(self.WHO_AM_I, 1, "B")
     def set_max_percentage(self, percent: int):
         """Set the maximum percentage of power which will be used (between 1 and 100)
-        for further speed instructions. This has no effect on an running command."""
+        for further speed instructions. This has no effect on an running command.
+        """
         if percent <= 0 or percent > 100:
             raise ValueError
-        self.i2c.write_i2c_block_data(
-            self.I2C_ADDR, self.MAX_MOTOR_PERCENTAGE, [percent]
-        )
+        self._write(self.MAX_MOTOR_PERCENTAGE, [percent])
+    def get_max_percentage(self) -> int:
+        """Get the maximum percentage of power which will be used (between 1 and 100)."""
+        return self._read(self.MAX_MOTOR_PERCENTAGE, 1, "B")[0]
     def set_motor_speed(self, left: Optional[int], right: Optional[int]):
         """Set the motor speed between -100 and 100. None means not to change the
         motor value. Using None for both motors will put the controller board in standby
         mode and motors will stop."""
-        def convert(v, arg):
+        def convert(v: Optional[int], arg: str):
             if v is None:
                 return -128
             if not isinstance(v, int) or v < -100 or v > 100:
@@ -44,12 +57,18 @@ class Controller:
             return v
-        self.i2c.write_i2c_block_data(
-            self.I2C_ADDR,
+        self._write(
-            list(struct.pack("bb", convert(left, "left"), convert(right, "right"))),
+            list(
+                struct.pack(
+                    "bb", convert(left, "left"), convert(right, "right")
+                )
+            ),
+    def get_motor_speed(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
+        return self._read(self.MOTOR_SPEED, 2, "bb")
     def set_left_motor_speed(self, speed: int):
         """Set the left motor speed between -127 and 127."""
         self.set_motor_speed(speed, None)
@@ -62,11 +81,15 @@ class Controller:
         """Stop the motors by putting the controller board in standby mode."""
         self.set_motor_speed(None, None)
-    def get_encoder_ticks(self) -> (int, int):
+    def get_encoder_ticks(self) -> tuple[int, int]:
         """Retrieve the encoder ticks since the last time it was queried. The ticks must be
         retrieved before they overflow a 2 byte signed integer (-32768..32767) or the result will
         make no sense. Return a pair with left and right data."""
-        return struct.unpack(
-            "hh",
-            bytes(self.i2c.read_i2c_block_data(self.I2C_ADDR, self.ENCODER_TICKS, 4)),
-        )
+        return self._read(self.ENCODER_TICKS, 4, "hh")
+    def get_status(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
+        """Return a dict with various status fields:
+        - "moving": True if at least one motor is moving, False otherwise
+        """
+        (status,) = self._read(self.STATUS, 1, "?")
+        return {"moving": (status & 1) != 0}
diff --git a/controller/src/logic.rs b/controller/src/logic.rs
index 23cc17d8dcf2b059072263ac18296890a2920c38..3168fa972ae2f50a09f942e35cbbb420b1cbc4b8 100644
--- a/controller/src/logic.rs
+++ b/controller/src/logic.rs
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ const WHO_AM_I: u8 = 0x0f;
 const MAX_MOTOR_PERCENTAGE: u8 = 0x11;
 const MOTOR_SPEED: u8 = 0x30;
 const ENCODER_TICKS: u8 = 0x32;
+const STATUS: u8 = 0x36;
 fn handle_command(command: &[u8], response: &mut Deque<u8, MESSAGE_SIZE>) {
@@ -55,7 +56,7 @@ fn handle_command(command: &[u8], response: &mut Deque<u8, MESSAGE_SIZE>) {
     defmt::trace!("Processing command {:?}", command);
     match command {
         [WHO_AM_I, ..] => {
-            let _ = response.push_back(0x57);
+            response.push_back(0x57).unwrap();
         &[MAX_MOTOR_PERCENTAGE, p] => {
             if (1..=100).contains(&p) {
@@ -65,7 +66,7 @@ fn handle_command(command: &[u8], response: &mut Deque<u8, MESSAGE_SIZE>) {
         [MAX_MOTOR_PERCENTAGE] => {
-            let _ = response.push_back(state.max_motor_percentage);
+            response.push_back(state.max_motor_percentage).unwrap();
         [MOTOR_SPEED, ms @ ..] if ms.len() == 2 => {
             let (max_pwm, mmp) = (
@@ -101,17 +102,20 @@ fn handle_command(command: &[u8], response: &mut Deque<u8, MESSAGE_SIZE>) {
         [MOTOR_SPEED] => {
-            for &s in &state.motor_speed {
-                let _ = response.push_back(s);
-            }
+            response.push_back(state.motor_speed[0]).unwrap();
+            response.push_back(state.motor_speed[1]).unwrap();
         [ENCODER_TICKS] => {
             let (left, right) = state.encoders.ticks();
             let (left, right) = (left.to_le_bytes(), right.to_le_bytes());
-            let _ = response.push_back(left[0]);
-            let _ = response.push_back(left[1]);
-            let _ = response.push_back(right[0]);
-            let _ = response.push_back(right[1]);
+            response.push_back(left[0]).unwrap();
+            response.push_back(left[1]).unwrap();
+            response.push_back(right[0]).unwrap();
+            response.push_back(right[1]).unwrap();
+        }
+        [STATUS] => {
+            let moving = (state.motor_speed != [0, 0]) as u8;
+            response.push_back(moving << 0).unwrap();
         &[_, ..] => {
             defmt::warn!("unknown command or args {:#04x}", command);