use crate::{ encoders::{Encoders, Relative}, tb6612fng::Tb6612fng, }; use embassy_executor::Spawner; use embassy_stm32::{peripherals::WWDG, time::hz}; use futures::FutureExt; use heapless::Vec; use i2c2_target::{I2C2, MESSAGE_SIZE}; use support::boot_control; mod motor_control; mod watchdog; pub const I2C_ADDRESS: u8 = 0x57; struct State { _i2c: I2C2, encoders: Encoders<'static>, tick_count: Relative, } impl State { fn new(i2c2: I2C2, encoders: Encoders<'static>) -> Self { let tick_count = Relative::new(&encoders); Self { _i2c: i2c2, encoders, tick_count, } } } #[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_value, clippy::used_underscore_binding)] // Clippy bug pub fn start_i2c_target( spawner: Spawner, i2c2: I2C2, motors: Tb6612fng<'static>, encoders: Encoders<'static>, _wwdg: WWDG, ) { spawner.spawn(i2c_engine(i2c2, encoders)).unwrap(); spawner.spawn(watchdog::watchdog()).unwrap(); spawner.spawn(motor_control::motor_control(motors)).unwrap(); } #[embassy_executor::task] async fn i2c_engine(i2c2: I2C2, encoders: Encoders<'static>) { let state = State::new(i2c2, encoders); I2C2::start(&i2c_callback, state).await; } fn i2c_callback(command: &[u8], response: &mut Vec<u8, MESSAGE_SIZE>, state: &mut State) { if process_command(state, command, response) { watchdog::ping(); } else { // If this does not succeed, this will reset due to // a lack of petting the window watchdog. while motor_control::standby().now_or_never().is_none() {} } } const CMD_FIRMWARE_VERSION: u8 = 0x08; const CMD_WHO_AM_I: u8 = 0x0f; const CMD_PWM_FREQUENCY: u8 = 0x10; const CMD_MAX_MOTOR_PERCENTAGE: u8 = 0x11; const CMD_MOTOR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT: u8 = 0x28; const CMD_MOTOR_SPEED: u8 = 0x30; const CMD_ENCODER_TICKS: u8 = 0x32; const CMD_STATUS: u8 = 0x36; const CMD_RESET: u8 = 0xe0; const CMD_RESET_BOOTLOADER: u8 = 0xe1; const CMD_DEVICE_ID: u8 = 0xf0; include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/")); #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation)] fn process_command( state: &mut State, command: &[u8], response: &mut Vec<u8, MESSAGE_SIZE>, ) -> bool { defmt::trace!("Processing command {:?}", command); match command { [CMD_FIRMWARE_VERSION] => { for b in PKG_VERSION { response.push(b).unwrap(); } } [CMD_WHO_AM_I] => { response.push(I2C_ADDRESS).unwrap(); } &[CMD_PWM_FREQUENCY, a, b, c] => { let f = u32::from_le_bytes([a, b, c, 0]); if (1..=100_000).contains(&f) { if motor_control::set_pwm_frequency(hz(f)) .now_or_never() .is_none() { defmt::error!("unable to queue up motor frequency"); return false; } } else { defmt::warn!("incorrect PWM frequency {}", f); return false; } } [CMD_PWM_FREQUENCY] => { let freq = motor_control::get_pwm_frequency(); for &b in &freq.0.to_le_bytes()[..3] { response.push(b).unwrap(); } } &[CMD_MAX_MOTOR_PERCENTAGE, p] => { if (1..=100).contains(&p) { motor_control::set_max_motor_percentage(p); } else { defmt::warn!("incorrect max percentage {}", p); return false; } } [CMD_MAX_MOTOR_PERCENTAGE] => { response .push(motor_control::get_max_motor_percentage()) .unwrap(); } &[CMD_MOTOR_SPEED, left, right] => { if motor_control::set_speed(left, right) .now_or_never() .is_none() { defmt::error!("unable to queue up motor speeds"); return false; } } [CMD_MOTOR_SPEED] => { let (left, right) = motor_control::get_speed(); response.push(left).unwrap(); response.push(right).unwrap(); } &[CMD_MOTOR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT, ticks] => { if (1..=100).contains(&ticks) { watchdog::set_shutdown_timeout(ticks); } else { defmt::warn!("ticks out of range: {}", ticks); return false; } } [CMD_MOTOR_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT] => { response.push(watchdog::get_shutdown_timeout()).unwrap(); } [CMD_ENCODER_TICKS] => { let (left, right) = state.tick_count.ticks(&state.encoders); let (left, right) = (left.to_le_bytes(), right.to_le_bytes()); response.push(left[0]).unwrap(); response.push(left[1]).unwrap(); response.push(right[0]).unwrap(); response.push(right[1]).unwrap(); } [CMD_STATUS] => { response.push(u8::from(motor_control::is_moving())).unwrap(); } [CMD_RESET] => { defmt::info!("resetting device after receiving the RESET command"); boot_control::reboot(); } [CMD_RESET_BOOTLOADER] => { defmt::info!("resetting device into bootloader mode"); boot_control::reboot_to_bootloader(); } [CMD_DEVICE_ID] => { for &b in support::device_id() { response.push(b).unwrap(); } } _ => { defmt::warn!("unknown command or args {:#04x}", command); return false; } } true }