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  • Kare Morstol's avatar
    Initial Commit · d8a0a4df
    Kare Morstol authored
    swiftkit new
     ____          _  __ _   _  ___ _
    / ___|_      _(_)/ _| |_| |/ (_) |_
    \___ \ \ /\ / / | |_| __| ' /| | __|
     ___) \ V  V /| |  _| |_| . \| | |_
    |____/ \_/\_/ |_|_|  \__|_|\_\_|\__|
    📦  What is the name of your Kit?
    (Leave empty to use: TextPicker)
    👨‍💻  What's your name?
    (Leave empty to use: Kare Morstol)
    📫  What's your email address which is used for Podspec?
    (Leave empty to use:
    🌎  The Repository URL which is used for Podspec?
    (You may leave this empty)
    🛠️   Which CI-Service should be used?
    1) Travis CI - macOS only
    2) Travis CI - macOS & Linux
    3) GitLab CI
    4) Azure Pipelines
    (Type in the number or leave this empty to use none of them)
    > 2
    🏢  What's your organization name?
    (Leave empty to use: TextPicker)
    > NotTooBad Software
    🖋️   What's your organization identifier?
    (Leave empty to use com.NotTooBad)
    > com.nottoobadsoftware
    TextPicker Summary:
    💾  Destination: Path(rawValue: "/Users/karemorstol/Programming/Xtracter/TextPicker")
    📦  Kit Name: TextPicker
    👨‍💻  Author: Kare Morstol
    📫  E-Mail:
    🌎  Repository URL:
    🏢  Organization: NotTooBad Software
    🖋️   Organization Identifier: com.nottoobadsoftware
    🛠️   CI-Service: Travis CI - macOS & Linux
    📱  Targets: iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macOS
    Generate TextPicker? 
    (Simply hit enter or type N/n (no) to abort)
    TextPicker is ready to go 🚀
    Initial Commit
    Kare Morstol authored
    swiftkit new
     ____          _  __ _   _  ___ _
    / ___|_      _(_)/ _| |_| |/ (_) |_
    \___ \ \ /\ / / | |_| __| ' /| | __|
     ___) \ V  V /| |  _| |_| . \| | |_
    |____/ \_/\_/ |_|_|  \__|_|\_\_|\__|
    📦  What is the name of your Kit?
    (Leave empty to use: TextPicker)
    👨‍💻  What's your name?
    (Leave empty to use: Kare Morstol)
    📫  What's your email address which is used for Podspec?
    (Leave empty to use:
    🌎  The Repository URL which is used for Podspec?
    (You may leave this empty)
    🛠️   Which CI-Service should be used?
    1) Travis CI - macOS only
    2) Travis CI - macOS & Linux
    3) GitLab CI
    4) Azure Pipelines
    (Type in the number or leave this empty to use none of them)
    > 2
    🏢  What's your organization name?
    (Leave empty to use: TextPicker)
    > NotTooBad Software
    🖋️   What's your organization identifier?
    (Leave empty to use com.NotTooBad)
    > com.nottoobadsoftware
    TextPicker Summary:
    💾  Destination: Path(rawValue: "/Users/karemorstol/Programming/Xtracter/TextPicker")
    📦  Kit Name: TextPicker
    👨‍💻  Author: Kare Morstol
    📫  E-Mail:
    🌎  Repository URL:
    🏢  Organization: NotTooBad Software
    🖋️   Organization Identifier: com.nottoobadsoftware
    🛠️   CI-Service: Travis CI - macOS & Linux
    📱  Targets: iOS, tvOS, watchOS, macOS
    Generate TextPicker? 
    (Simply hit enter or type N/n (no) to abort)
    TextPicker is ready to go 🚀
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