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Commit 54840a1a authored by Cédric Ware's avatar Cédric Ware
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Start implementing "make release".

parent a3a25c25
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......@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ TOP ?= model.pdf
TOP_NAME = $(patsubst %.pdf,%,$(TOP))
EXT = pdf log aux out bbl blg toc snm nav fdb_latexmk fls
STYS = $(wildcard texinputs/*.sty)
FIGS = $(wildcard figs/*.fig)
FIGS_PDF = $(patsubst %.fig,%.pdftex,$(FIGS))
FIGS_PDF_T = $(patsubst %.fig,%.pdftex_t,$(FIGS))
......@@ -19,6 +21,7 @@ NEEDED = $(FIGS_PDF) $(FIGS_PDF_T) $(SVGS_PDF) $(ODGS_PDF)
# Only for package documentation.
NEEDED_DOC = $(TOP_NAME)-slide2.pdf
RELEASE_SCRIPT = debian/make-release
PREVIEW_OPTS = \RequirePackage[active,delayed,tightpage,graphics,pdftex] {preview}
PREVIEW_OPTS += \PreviewMacro[{*[][]{}}]{\incode}
......@@ -27,7 +30,7 @@ export TEXINPUTS := ./texinputs/:$(TEXINPUTS)
.PHONY: all clean dep preview
.PHONY: all clean dep preview release
all: $(TOP)
......@@ -35,8 +38,8 @@ $(TOP) : dep
%.pdf:%.tex texinputs/beamerthemetptnew.sty
@echo "Latex search path $(TEXINPUTS)"
%.pdf:%.tex $(STYS)
@echo "LaTeX search path $(TEXINPUTS)"
@latexmk -pdf $<
preview: dep
......@@ -66,3 +69,10 @@ clean:
# Only for package documentation.
$(TOP_NAME)-slide2.tex : $(TOP_NAME).tex
@perl -pE 'if (m{^%+ Stop ici}i) { say "\\end{document}"; last; }' $< > $@
# Only for package installation and packaging.
# Usage: make release V=-v<x>.<y>.<z>. If V is not given,
# it will be calculated from the latest version-like tag
# (and incremented unless working copy is clean and at the tag).
perl -i.orig $(RELEASE_SCRIPT) $(V) $(STYS) $(TOP_NAME).tex
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# Filter calls to some LaTeX macros:
# \date{...} -> \date{date}
# \ProvidesPackage{...}[...] -> \ProvidesPackage{...}[date version]
# If you want to filter and replace files instead of stdin,
# invoke with perl -i.
# Version and date are either specified on the command line (-v, -d)
# or determined from Git tags and/or today's date. If the Git
# working copy in the current directory is clean and exactly at a
# version tag, use that version and commit date. Otherwise use
# a version number incremented from the last version tag,
# and today's date.
use 5.012;
use strict;
use warnings;
use FindBin;
use Date::Simple qw(date today);
use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling);
# Function prototypes and global variables.
sub parse_options();
sub get_version_from_git();
sub get_date_from_git();
sub next_version($);
our ($version, $date);
# Program logic.
# Get options and version from Git tags.
# Increase version from Git tag unless working copy is exactly at this tag,
# in which case also get commit date of this tag.
my ($v, $c) = get_version_from_git() unless $version;
$v = next_version($v) if ($v && ! $c);
$version //= $v;
$version =~ s{^v?}{v}; # Make sure version starts with "v".
$date //= $c ? get_date_from_git() : today();
say STDERR "Updating to version $version, date $date.";
# Standard LaTeX date isn't ISO but uses slashes.
my $date_l = "$date";
$date_l =~ y{-}{/};
# Filter.
while (<>) {
}{$1\[$date_l $version\]}gx;
# If working copy was previously in a clean state, check whether it still is.
# In which case everything is already up to date.
if ($c) {
my ($v, $d, $c) = get_version_from_git();
if ($c) {
say STDERR "Everything already up to date.";
exit 0;
} else {
sat STDERR "Bad version tag. Re-run script.";
exit 3;
# Say what to do now.
Now check that the version is correct, commit, and apply version tag:
\tgit status
\tgit commit -a
\tgit tag $version
\tgit push origin $version
exit 0;
# Functions.
sub parse_options() {
my $usage;
my $date_t;
GetOptions('help|h|?' => sub { $usage = 1; die('!FINISH'); },
'version|v=s' => \$version,
'date|d=s' => \$date_t)
or $usage = 1;
if ($version && $version !~ m{^v?\d([\d\w.-])*$}) {
say STDERR "Illegal version: '$version'";
$usage = 2;
if ($date_t) {
$date = date($date_t);
if (! $date) {
say STDERR "Illegal date: '$date_t'";
$usage = 2;
if ($usage) {
say STDERR "Usage: $FindBin::Script [-v <version>] [-d <YYYY-MM-DD>]";
exit $usage;
# Get version from Git tags.
# Returns ($version, $clean_at_tag).
sub get_version_from_git() {
# Last tag and working copy state. Use "git describe" to get
# latest tag matching "v<number>". If the working copy is not
# at this tag, it appends -<number of commits>-g<last commit hash>;
# it it is dirty, it appends "-*". Remove these parts, but note
# that the working copy is not at the tag.
my $clean_at_tag;
my $tag = `git describe --tags --always --dirty='-*' --match 'v[0-9]*'`;
chomp $tag;
if ($tag =~ m{-+(\*|\d+-g[0-9a-f]+)$}) {
$tag = $`;
} else {
$clean_at_tag = 1;
return ($tag, $clean_at_tag);
# Get date of Git last commit (as Date::Simple object).
sub get_date_from_git() {
my $commit_date =
`git --no-pager log -1 --date=short --pretty=format:\%cd HEAD`;
my $d = date($commit_date)
or die("Git returned invalid date '$commit_date'");
return $d;
# Increase version number.
sub next_version($) {
my ($v) = @_;
my @items = split(m{\b}, $v);
# Increment the last part of the version.
# Make sure the version has at least 2 parts, and starts with "v".
push @items, ".", "0" if ($#items < 2);
$v = join "", @items;
$v =~ s{^v?}{v};
return $v;
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