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mbe-tools / TTool
OtherTTool (pronounced "tea-tool") is a toolkit dedicated to the edition of UML and SysML diagrams, and to the simulation and formal verification (safety, security, performance) of those diagrams. See ttool.telecom-paris.fr and @TTool_UML_SysML
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RAMSES (Refinement of AADL Models for Synthesis of Embedded Systems) is a model transformation and code generation tool that produces C code for ARINC653-compliant operating systems and OSEK-compliant operating systems.
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simple python script to convert Synapses csv schedules to ics calendars.
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ring / MERLIN
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
Modèle pour la génération de supports de cours (poly+slides) au format html, pdf et même docx à partir d'une source unique (au format markdown/pandooc).
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Modified version of QEMU for teaching (M2 SETI Embedded Linux, SE758 Linux Device Drivers...).
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mbe-tools / OSATE-DIM
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Software / DC motor driver hat
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterAlternate free software firmware for DFRobot DFR0592 DC motor driver hat
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mbe-tools / VaFL
Eclipse Public License 2.0Experiment Specification (ExSpec) is a language to specify the provenance of experiment/simulation data. ExSpec models are the basis of the Validity Frame Language (VaFL, pronounced "waffle") to specify the validity frames of models.
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sdram20 / coqdram
Apache License 2.0Updated -
sdram20 / MCsimCoq
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Example of Verilog/SystemVerilog + SystemC TB simulation using Verilator
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