For users of TTool: (e.g., for users having a read-only access to the git)

Ludovic Apvrille
You can clone the repository, and compile TTool as explained in the developer section below.

Ludovic Apvrille
Beware, if you want to use other options of TTool, please, start it with the needed command line,
or make your own ttool.exe. See the online documentation for more information

Ludovic Apvrille

Ludovic Apvrille
* Compiling the latest version of TTool:
make ttool
* Compiling the latest version of TTool + companions software:

Ludovic Apvrille
If the compilation fails with the following error: 'unmappable character for encoding ASCII', you need to do, before the compilation process:
export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF8
* Installing TTool once compiled
make install
This installs all necessary files in bin/

Ludovic Apvrille
make release
* Starting TTool from the git clone
You should not modify bin/config.xml. Create your own config.xml (e.g. myconfig.xml), and create your own "ttool.exe" file (e.g., myttool.exe)
if you need to modify the config.xml file
-> proceed as follows:
$ cp ttool.exe myttool.exe
$ cp bin/config.xml bin/myconfig.xml
Then edit myttool.exe and replace config.xml with myconfig.xml
You can now start TTool:
$ ./myttool.exe