Now, we are going to add the icon to the toolbar.
Notice that the order is important! For example, we aim to place the FPGA icon before the HWACC icon and after the CPU node. Let's notice also that in order to add the icon we do not manipulate the icon object, but the action that contains the icon.
Since the implementation of the FPGA block was not still not supported by the DIPLODOCUS simulator when we created the graphical component, we hide the icon to regular users, and make it available only running TTool with the command line option \texttt{-experimental}. So, within the same class we can add the condition:
if (mgui.isExperimentalOn()) {
button = this.add(mgui.actions[TGUIAction.
\paragraph{Dialog window:} Since the FPGA component is "editable", a double-click on it should open a dialog window in order to be able to edit the attribute of the corresponding component. The classes that handle the dialog box are usually located in \texttt{./src/main/java/ui/window}. Some complex components have these classes in their own subdirectories.
\item Let's have a look to \texttt{}, copy/paste it, git add and modify the import.
\item Let's modify properly this new JDialog class. For example, we modified the JText fields and the getters in accordance to the declared parameters, we modified the constructor and we removed the stuff in which we're not interested on. The latter includes the things related to the MEC (useful for the code generation), tracemode, the useless grids, everything after the getters.
\paragraph{Pivot language}. TTool contains an internal pivot language that is used as an entry point to generate formal or textual specifications (e.g., C code). We therefore need to enhance the pivot language with the FPGA component.
\item Let's have a look to \texttt{src/main/java/tmltranslator/} and copy/paste it renaming the file \texttt{src/main/java/tmltranslator/} (don't forget to change the imports, and to add the new file to the git, as usual).
\item Modify the class according to your previous modifications. In particular, ensure the coherency between the list of attributes of your graphical component and of your pivot component. Then set their default value. Modify \texttt{toXML()} (useful for plugins) and \texttt{getType()} methods as well.
\item Some attributes seems to be absent from the class (e.g., \texttt{EXECI} and \texttt{EXECC}), but they are actually inherited from \texttt{}, in the same package.
\item We also need to update the translation from the graphical DIPLODOCUs diagram to the pivot language. This translation is performed by the \texttt{.src/main/java/ui/} class. In this class, we do quite exactly as for \texttt{HwCPU cpu} and \texttt{TMLArchiCPUNode node}.
\paragraph{Textual representation (TML)} All the graphical components of DIPLODOCUS have a correspondence in a textual format called TML. We thus need to add the FPGA component to the textual format as well, and to update the save and load functions to/from TML.
\item Open \texttt{./tmltranslator/}.
\item Modify the string \texttt{private String keywords[] = {"NODE", "CPU", "FPGA", "SET", "BUS", "LINK", "BRIDGE", "MEMORY", "MASTERCLOCKFREQUENCY", "DMA"};} adding the FPGA word.
\item Exactly like for \texttt{private String cpuparameters[]}, declare \texttt{private String fpgaparameters[] = {"capacity", "byteDataSize", "mappingPenalty", "goIdleTime", "maxConsecutiveIdleCycles", "reconfigurationTime", "execiTime", "execcTime"};}.
\item In the method \texttt{public String makeNodes(TMLArchitecture tmla)} let's declare \texttt{HwFPGA fpga;} variable, then have a look to \texttt{if (node instanceof HwCPU)} and handle similarly the corresponding FPGA case.
\item To load FPGA nodes from TML specification, consider the following method \texttt{public int analyseInstruction(String \_line, int \_lineNb, String[] \_split)}:
if (_split[1].equals("CPU")) {
HwCPU cpu = new HwCPU(_split[2]);
and do the same for the FPGA component.
\item Finally, in the same method, have a look to the case \texttt{if (node instanceof HwCPU)} and do the same for FPGA. To make the comparison easier, capitalize the name of the FPGA's parameters.