Ludovic Apvrille authoredLudovic Apvrille authored
HSMGeneration.java 53.41 KiB
package ui;
* Class HSMGeneration
* HSM Generation in separate thread
* Creation: 1/06/2016
* @author Letitia LI
* @version 1.1 5/30/2018
import avatartranslator.*;
import myutil.BoolExpressionEvaluator;
import myutil.Conversion;
import myutil.IntExpressionEvaluator;
import myutil.TraceManager;
import tmltranslator.*;
import tmltranslator.toavatarsec.TML2Avatar;
import avatartranslator.*;
import avatartranslator.toproverif.AVATAR2ProVerif;
import launcher.LauncherException;
import launcher.RemoteExecutionThread;
import launcher.RshClient;
import ui.tmlad.*;
import ui.tmlcd.TMLTaskDiagramPanel;
import ui.tmlcd.TMLTaskOperator;
import ui.tmlcompd.*;
import ui.tmlcp.TMLCPPanel;
import ui.tmldd.*;
import common.ConfigurationTTool;
import ui.tmlsd.TMLSDPanel;
import proverifspec.ProVerifOutputAnalyzer;
import proverifspec.ProVerifQueryAuthResult;
import proverifspec.ProVerifQueryResult;
import proverifspec.ProVerifSpec;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class HSMGeneration implements Runnable {
MainGUI gui;
Map<String, List<String>> selectedCpuTasks;
AVATAR2ProVerif avatar2proverif;
AvatarSpecification avatarspec;
ProVerifSpec proverif;
TMLMapping<TGComponent> tmap;
public HSMGeneration(MainGUI gui, Map<String, List<String>> selectedCpuTasks, TMLMapping<TGComponent> tmap){
this.gui = gui;
this.selectedCpuTasks = selectedCpuTasks;
this.tmap = tmap;
public void proverifAnalysis(TMLMapping<TGComponent> map, List<String> nonAuthChans, List<String> nonSecChans) {
if (map == null) {
TraceManager.addDev("No mapping");
//Perform ProVerif Analysis
TML2Avatar t2a = new TML2Avatar(map, false, true);
AvatarSpecification avatarspec = t2a.generateAvatarSpec("1");
if (avatarspec == null) {
TraceManager.addDev("No avatar spec");
avatar2proverif = new AVATAR2ProVerif(avatarspec);
try {
proverif = avatar2proverif.generateProVerif(true, true, 3, true, true);
//warnings = avatar2proverif.getWarnings();
if (!avatar2proverif.saveInFile("pvspec")) {
RshClient rshc = new RshClient(ConfigurationTTool.ProVerifVerifierHost);
rshc.setCmd(ConfigurationTTool.ProVerifVerifierPath + " -in pitype pvspec");
Reader data = rshc.getDataReaderFromProcess();
ProVerifOutputAnalyzer pvoa = avatar2proverif.getOutputAnalyzer();
pvoa.analyzeOutput(data, true);
if (pvoa.getResults().size() ==0){
TraceManager.addDev("ERROR: No security results");
Map<AvatarPragmaSecret, ProVerifQueryResult> confResults = pvoa.getConfidentialityResults();
for (AvatarPragmaSecret pragma : confResults.keySet()) {
if (confResults.get(pragma).isProved() && !confResults.get(pragma).isSatisfied()) {
nonSecChans.add(pragma.getArg().getBlock().getName() + "__" + pragma.getArg().getName());
TraceManager.addDev(pragma.getArg().getBlock().getName() + "." + pragma.getArg().getName() + " is not secret");
TMLChannel chan = map.getTMLModeling().getChannelByShortName(pragma.getArg().getName().replaceAll("_chData", ""));
for (String block : chan.getTaskNames()) {
nonSecChans.add(block + "__" + pragma.getArg().getName());
Map<AvatarPragmaAuthenticity, ProVerifQueryAuthResult> authResults = pvoa.getAuthenticityResults();
for (AvatarPragmaAuthenticity pragma : authResults.keySet()) {
if (authResults.get(pragma).isProved() && !authResults.get(pragma).isSatisfied()) {
nonAuthChans.add(pragma.getAttrA().getAttribute().getBlock().getName() + "__" + pragma.getAttrA().getAttribute().getName().replaceAll("_chData", ""));
nonAuthChans.add(pragma.getAttrB().getAttribute().getBlock().getName() + "__" + pragma.getAttrB().getAttribute().getName().replaceAll("_chData", ""));
TraceManager.addDev("nonsecchans " + nonSecChans);
TraceManager.addDev("nonauthchans " + nonAuthChans);
TraceManager.addDev("all results displayed");
} catch (Exception e) {
public void startThread(){
Thread t = new Thread(this);
try {
catch (Exception e){
TraceManager.addDev("Error in HSM Generation Thread");
public void run(){
Map<String, Integer> channelIndexMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
int channelIndex=0;
TraceManager.addDev("Adding HSM");
String encComp = "100";
String decComp = "100";
String overhead = "0";
String name = "hsm";
if (tmap == null) {
//Clone diagrams
TURTLEPanel tmlap = tmap.getCorrespondanceList().getTG(tmap.getArch().getFirstCPU()).getTDiagramPanel().tp;
int arch = gui.tabs.indexOf(tmlap);
gui.cloneRenameTab(arch, "hsm");
TMLArchiPanel newarch = (TMLArchiPanel) gui.tabs.get(gui.tabs.size() - 1);
TGComponent tgcomp = tmap.getTMLModeling().getTGComponent();
TMLComponentDesignPanel tmlcdp = (TMLComponentDesignPanel) tgcomp.getTDiagramPanel().tp;
// TMLComponentDesignPanel tmlcdp = tmap.getTMLCDesignPanel();
int ind = gui.tabs.indexOf(tmlcdp);
String tabName = gui.getTitleAt(tmlcdp);
gui.cloneRenameTab(ind, name);
TMLComponentDesignPanel t = (TMLComponentDesignPanel) gui.tabs.get(gui.tabs.size() - 1);
TMLComponentTaskDiagramPanel tcdp = t.tmlctdp;
//Create clone of architecture panel and map tasks to it
newarch.renameMapping(tabName, tabName + "_" + name);
//ProVerif analysis
List<String> nonAuthChans = new ArrayList<String>();
List<String> nonSecChans = new ArrayList<String>();
proverifAnalysis(tmap, nonAuthChans, nonSecChans);
TGConnector fromStart;
Map<String, HSMChannel> secChannels = new HashMap<String, HSMChannel>();
//Add a HSM Task for each selected CPU on the component diagram
for (String cpuName : selectedCpuTasks.keySet()) {
Map<String, HSMChannel> hsmChannels = new HashMap<String, HSMChannel>();
TMLCPrimitiveComponent hsm = new TMLCPrimitiveComponent(0, 500, tcdp.getMinX(), tcdp.getMaxX(), tcdp.getMinY(), tcdp.getMaxY(), false, null, tcdp);
TAttribute index = new TAttribute(2, "channelIndex", "0", 0);
tcdp.addComponent(hsm, 0, 500, false, true);
hsm.setValueWithChange("HSM_" + cpuName);
//Find all associated components
List<TMLCPrimitiveComponent> comps = new ArrayList<TMLCPrimitiveComponent>();
//Find the component to add a HSM to
for (TGComponent tg : tcdp.getComponentList()) {
if (tg instanceof TMLCPrimitiveComponent) {
for (String compName : selectedCpuTasks.get(cpuName)) {
if (tg.getValue().equals(compName)) {
comps.add((TMLCPrimitiveComponent) tg);
} else if (tg instanceof TMLCCompositeComponent) {
TMLCCompositeComponent cc = (TMLCCompositeComponent) tg;
List<TMLCPrimitiveComponent> pcomps = cc.getAllPrimitiveComponents();
for (TMLCPrimitiveComponent pc : pcomps) {
for (String compName : selectedCpuTasks.get(cpuName)) {
if (pc.getValue().equals(compName)) {
if (comps.size() == 0) {
for (TMLCPrimitiveComponent comp : comps) {
Map<String, HSMChannel> compChannels = new HashMap<String, HSMChannel>();
String compName = comp.getValue();
TMLActivityDiagramPanel tad = t.getTMLActivityDiagramPanel(compName);
Set<TGComponent> channelInstances = new HashSet<TGComponent>();
Set<TGComponent> secOperators = new HashSet<TGComponent>();
// isEnc = new TAttribute(2, "isEnc", "true", 4);
//Find all unsecured channels
//For previously secured channels, relocate encryption to the hsm
for (TGComponent tg : tad.getComponentList()) {
if (tg instanceof TMLADWriteChannel) {
TMLADWriteChannel writeChannel = (TMLADWriteChannel) tg;
if (writeChannel.getSecurityContext().equals("")) {
String nonceName = "";
int type = -1;
if (nonSecChans.contains(compName + "__" + writeChannel.getChannelName() + "_chData")) {
type = HSMChannel.SENC;
if (nonAuthChans.contains(compName + "__" + writeChannel.getChannelName())) {
nonceName = "nonce_" + writeChannel.getChannelName();
} else if (nonAuthChans.contains(compName + "__" + writeChannel.getChannelName())) {
type = HSMChannel.MAC;
HSMChannel ch = new HSMChannel(writeChannel.getChannelName(), compName, type);
ch.securityContext = "hsmSec_" + writeChannel.getChannelName();
ch.nonceName = nonceName;
fromStart = tad.findTGConnectorEndingAt(tg.getTGConnectingPointAtIndex(0));
if (fromStart != null) {
if (type != -1) {
compChannels.put(writeChannel.getChannelName(), ch);
if (!channelIndexMap.containsKey(writeChannel.getChannelName())){
} else {
fromStart = tad.findTGConnectorEndingAt(tg.getTGConnectingPointAtIndex(0));
if (fromStart != null) {
SecurityPattern sp = tmap.getSecurityPatternByName(writeChannel.getSecurityContext());
int type = -1;
if (sp.type.equals("Symmetric Encryption")) {
type = HSMChannel.SENC;
} else if (sp.type.equals("Asymmetric Encryption")) {
type = HSMChannel.AENC;
} else if (sp.type.equals("MAC")) {
type = HSMChannel.MAC;
} else if (sp.type.equals("Nonce")) {
type = HSMChannel.NONCE;
HSMChannel ch = new HSMChannel(writeChannel.getChannelName(), compName, type);
ch.securityContext = writeChannel.getSecurityContext();
compChannels.put(writeChannel.getChannelName(), ch);
if (!channelIndexMap.containsKey(writeChannel.getChannelName())){
if (tg instanceof TMLADReadChannel) {
TMLADReadChannel readChannel = (TMLADReadChannel) tg;
if (readChannel.getSecurityContext().equals("")) {
fromStart = tad.findTGConnectorEndingAt(tg.getTGConnectingPointAtIndex(0));
if (fromStart != null) {
if (nonSecChans.contains(compName + "__" + readChannel.getChannelName() + "_chData") || nonAuthChans.contains(compName + "__" + readChannel.getChannelName())) {
HSMChannel ch = new HSMChannel(readChannel.getChannelName(), compName, HSMChannel.DEC);
ch.securityContext = "hsmSec_" + readChannel.getChannelName();
compChannels.put(readChannel.getChannelName(), ch);
if (!channelIndexMap.containsKey(readChannel.getChannelName())){
if (nonSecChans.contains(compName + "__" + readChannel.getChannelName() + "_chData") && nonAuthChans.contains(compName + "__" + readChannel.getChannelName())) {
ch.nonceName = "nonce_" + readChannel.getChannelName();
} else {
fromStart = tad.findTGConnectorEndingAt(tg.getTGConnectingPointAtIndex(0));
if (fromStart != null) {
HSMChannel ch = new HSMChannel(readChannel.getChannelName(), compName, HSMChannel.DEC);
ch.securityContext = readChannel.getSecurityContext();
compChannels.put(readChannel.getChannelName(), ch);
if (!channelIndexMap.containsKey(readChannel.getChannelName())){
if (tg instanceof TMLADEncrypt) {
// TMLADEncrypt enc = (TMLADEncrypt) tg;
if (tg instanceof TMLADDecrypt) {
// TMLADDecrypt dec = (TMLADDecrypt) tg;
List<ChannelData> hsmChans = new ArrayList<ChannelData>();
ChannelData chd = new ChannelData("startHSM_" + cpuName, false, false);
for (String s : compChannels.keySet()) {
hsmChannels.put(s, compChannels.get(s));
chd = new ChannelData("data_" + s + "_" + compChannels.get(s).task, false, true);
chd = new ChannelData("retData_" + s + "_" + compChannels.get(s).task, true, true);
for (ChannelData hsmChan : hsmChans) {
TMLCChannelOutPort originPort = new TMLCChannelOutPort(comp.getX(), comp.getY(), tcdp.getMinX(), tcdp.getMaxX(), tcdp.getMinY(), tcdp.getMaxX(), true, hsm, tcdp);
TMLCChannelOutPort destPort = new TMLCChannelOutPort(comp.getX(), comp.getY(), tcdp.getMinX(), tcdp.getMaxX(), tcdp.getMinY(), tcdp.getMaxX(), true, comp, tcdp);
originPort.commName = hsmChan.name;
originPort.isOrigin = hsmChan.isOrigin;
tcdp.addComponent(originPort, hsm.getX(), hsm.getY(), true, true);
destPort.commName = hsmChan.name;
if (!hsmChan.isChan) {
originPort.typep = 2;
destPort.typep = 2;
originPort.setParam(0, new TType(1));
destPort.isOrigin = !hsmChan.isOrigin;
tcdp.addComponent(destPort, comp.getX(), comp.getY(), true, true);
TMLCPortConnector conn = new TMLCPortConnector(0, 0, tcdp.getMinX(), tcdp.getMaxX(), tcdp.getMinY(), tcdp.getMaxX(), true, null, tcdp, originPort.getTGConnectingPointAtIndex(0), destPort.getTGConnectingPointAtIndex(0), new Vector<Point>());
tcdp.addComponent(conn, 0, 0, false, true);
int xpos = 0;
int ypos = 0;
//Remove existing security elements
for (TGComponent op : secOperators) {
TGConnector prev = tad.findTGConnectorEndingAt(op.getTGConnectingPointAtIndex(0));
//TGConnectingPoint point = prev.getTGConnectingPointP1();
TGConnector end = tad.findTGConnectorStartingAt(op.getTGConnectingPointAtIndex(1));
TGConnectingPoint point2 = end.getTGConnectingPointP2();
tad.addComponent(prev, 0, 0, false, true);
//Modify component activity diagram to add read/write to HSM
//Add actions before Write Channel
for (TGComponent chan : channelInstances) {
String chanName = "";
if (!(chan instanceof TMLADWriteChannel)) {
TMLADWriteChannel writeChannel = (TMLADWriteChannel) chan;
chanName = writeChannel.getChannelName();
HSMChannel ch = hsmChannels.get(chanName);
xpos = chan.getX();
ypos = chan.getY();
fromStart = tad.findTGConnectorEndingAt(chan.getTGConnectingPointAtIndex(0));
TGConnectingPoint point = fromStart.getTGConnectingPointP2();
int yShift = 50;
TMLADSendRequest req = new TMLADSendRequest(xpos, ypos + yShift, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
req.setRequestName("startHSM_" + cpuName);
req.setParam(0, Integer.toString(channelIndexMap.get(chanName)));
tad.addComponent(req, xpos, ypos + yShift, false, true);
tad.addComponent(fromStart, xpos, ypos, false, true);
//Add connection
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
TMLADWriteChannel wr = new TMLADWriteChannel(xpos, ypos + yShift, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
yShift += 50;
//Add write channel operator
wr = new TMLADWriteChannel(xpos, ypos + yShift, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
wr.setChannelName("data_" + chanName + "_" + compName);
tad.addComponent(wr, xpos, ypos + yShift, false, true);
tad.addComponent(fromStart, xpos, ypos, false, true);
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, xpos, ypos, false, true);
//Add read channel operator
yShift += 60;
TMLADReadChannel rd = new TMLADReadChannel(xpos, ypos + yShift, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
rd.setChannelName("retData_" + chanName + "_" + compName);
tad.addComponent(rd, xpos, ypos + yShift, false, true);
yShift += 50;
//Add connector
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, xpos, ypos, false, true);
yShift += 50;
//Direct the last TGConnector back to the start of the write channel operator
//Shift components down to make room for the added ones, and add security contexts to write channels
for (TGComponent tg : tad.getComponentList()) {
if (tg.getY() >= ypos && tg != wr && tg != req && tg != rd) {
tg.setCd(tg.getX(), tg.getY() + yShift);
tad.setMaxPanelSize(tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMaxY() + yShift);
//Add actions after Read Channel
for (TGComponent chan : channelInstances) {
String chanName = "";
if (!(chan instanceof TMLADReadChannel)) {
TMLADReadChannel readChannel = (TMLADReadChannel) chan;
chanName = readChannel.getChannelName();
HSMChannel ch = hsmChannels.get(chanName);
xpos = chan.getX() + 10;
ypos = chan.getY();
fromStart = tad.findTGConnectorStartingAt(chan.getTGConnectingPointAtIndex(1));
if (fromStart == null) {
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, xpos, ypos, false, true);
TGConnectingPoint point = fromStart.getTGConnectingPointP2();
int yShift = 50;
yShift += 50;
TMLADSendRequest req = new TMLADSendRequest(xpos, ypos + yShift, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
req.setRequestName("startHSM_" + cpuName);
req.setParam(0, Integer.toString(channelIndexMap.get(chanName)));
tad.addComponent(req, xpos, ypos + yShift, false, true);
yShift += 50;
//Add write channel operator
TMLADWriteChannel wr = new TMLADWriteChannel(xpos, ypos + yShift, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
wr.setChannelName("data_" + chanName + "_" + compName);
tad.addComponent(wr, xpos, ypos + yShift, false, true);
//Add connection
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, xpos, ypos, false, true);
//Add read channel operator
yShift += 60;
TMLADReadChannel rd = new TMLADReadChannel(xpos, ypos + yShift, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
rd.setChannelName("retData_" + chanName + "_" + compName);
tad.addComponent(rd, xpos, ypos + yShift, false, true);
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, xpos, ypos, false, true);
yShift += 50;
if (point != null) {
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, xpos, ypos, false, true);
//Direct the last TGConnector back to the start of the write channel operator
yShift += 50;
//Shift components down to make room for the added ones, and add security contexts to write channels
for (TGComponent tg : tad.getComponentList()) {
if (tg.getY() >= ypos && tg != wr && tg != req && tg != rd && tg != chan) {
tg.setCd(tg.getX(), tg.getY() + yShift);
tad.setMaxPanelSize(tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMaxY() + yShift);
int xpos = 0;
int ypos = 0;
//Build HSM Activity diagram
TMLActivityDiagramPanel tad = t.getTMLActivityDiagramPanel("HSM_" + cpuName);
TMLADStartState start = (TMLADStartState) tad.getComponentList().get(0);
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
TMLADReadRequestArg req = new TMLADReadRequestArg(300, 100, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
tad.addComponent(req, 300, 100, false, true);
req.setParam(0, "channelIndex");
//Connect start and readrequest
tad.addComponent(fromStart, 300, 200, false, true);
TMLADChoice choice = new TMLADChoice(300, 200, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
tad.addComponent(choice, 300, 200, false, true);
//Connect readrequest and choice
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, 300, 200, false, true);
int xc = 150;
//Allows 9 channels max to simplify the diagram
//If more than 3 channels, build 2 levels of choices
if (hsmChannels.keySet().size() > 3) {
TMLADChoice choice2 = new TMLADChoice(xc, 400, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
int i = 0;
for (String chan : hsmChannels.keySet()) {
HSMChannel ch = hsmChannels.get(chan);
if (i % 3 == 0) {
//Add a new choice every third channel
choice2 = new TMLADChoice(xc, 250, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
tad.addComponent(choice2, xc, 400, false, true);
//Connect new choice operator to top choice
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
fromStart.setP1(choice.getTGConnectingPointAtIndex(i / 3 + 1));
tad.addComponent(fromStart, 300, 200, false, true);
TMLADReadChannel rd = new TMLADReadChannel(xc, 300, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
rd.setChannelName("data_" + chan + "_" + hsmChannels.get(chan).task);
tad.addComponent(rd, xc, 300, false, true);
//Connect choice and readchannel
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
fromStart.setP1(choice2.getTGConnectingPointAtIndex(i % 3 + 1));
tad.addComponent(fromStart, 300, 200, false, true);
TMLADWriteChannel wr = new TMLADWriteChannel(xc, 600, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
wr.setChannelName("retData_" + chan + "_" + hsmChannels.get(chan).task);
tad.addComponent(wr, xc, 600, false, true);
if (hsmChannels.get(chan).secType == HSMChannel.DEC) {
TMLADDecrypt dec = new TMLADDecrypt(xc, 500, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
dec.securityContext = ch.securityContext;
tad.addComponent(dec, xc, 500, false, true);
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, 300, 200, false, true);
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, 300, 200, false, true);
//Connect encrypt and writechannel
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, 300, 200, false, true);
} else {
TMLADEncrypt enc = new TMLADEncrypt(xc, 500, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
enc.securityContext = ch.securityContext;
if (hsmChannels.get(chan).secType == HSMChannel.SENC) {
enc.type = "Symmetric Encryption";
} else if (hsmChannels.get(chan).secType == HSMChannel.AENC) {
enc.type = "Asymmetric Encryption";
} else if (hsmChannels.get(chan).secType == HSMChannel.MAC) {
enc.type = "MAC";
} else if (hsmChannels.get(chan).secType == HSMChannel.NONCE) {
enc.type = "Nonce";
enc.message_overhead = overhead;
enc.encTime = encComp;
enc.decTime = decComp;
enc.nonce = hsmChannels.get(chan).nonceName;
tad.addComponent(enc, xc, 500, false, true);
//Connect encrypt and readchannel
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, 300, 200, false, true);
//Connect encrypt and writechannel
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, 300, 200, false, true);
//Add Stop
TMLADStopState stop = new TMLADStopState(xc, 600, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
tad.addComponent(stop, xc, 700, false, true);
//Connext stop and write channel
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, 300, 200, false, true);
xc += 300;
} else {
int i = 1;
for (String chan : hsmChannels.keySet()) {
//Add guard as channelindex
HSMChannel ch = hsmChannels.get(chan);
TMLADReadChannel rd = new TMLADReadChannel(xc, 300, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
rd.setChannelName("data_" + chan + "_" + hsmChannels.get(chan).task);
tad.addComponent(rd, xc, 300, false, true);
//Connect choice and readchannel
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, 300, 200, false, true);
TMLADWriteChannel wr = new TMLADWriteChannel(xc, 600, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
wr.setChannelName("retData_" + chan + "_" + hsmChannels.get(chan).task);
tad.addComponent(wr, xc, 600, false, true);
if (hsmChannels.get(chan).secType == HSMChannel.DEC) {
//Add Decrypt operator
TMLADDecrypt dec = new TMLADDecrypt(xc, 500, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
dec.securityContext = ch.securityContext;
tad.addComponent(dec, xc, 500, false, true);
//Connect decrypt and readchannel
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, 300, 200, false, true);
//Connect encrypt and writechannel
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, 300, 200, false, true);
//Add Stop
TMLADStopState stop = new TMLADStopState(xc, 700, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
tad.addComponent(stop, xc, 700, false, true);
//Connect stop and write channel
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, 300, 200, false, true);
} else {
TMLADEncrypt enc = new TMLADEncrypt(xc, 500, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
enc.securityContext = ch.securityContext;
if (hsmChannels.get(chan).secType == HSMChannel.SENC) {
enc.type = "Symmetric Encryption";
} else if (hsmChannels.get(chan).secType == HSMChannel.AENC) {
enc.type = "Asymmetric Encryption";
} else if (hsmChannels.get(chan).secType == HSMChannel.MAC) {
enc.type = "MAC";
} else if (hsmChannels.get(chan).secType == HSMChannel.NONCE) {
enc.type = "Nonce";
enc.message_overhead = overhead;
enc.encTime = encComp;
enc.decTime = decComp;
tad.addComponent(enc, xc, 500, false, true);
//Connect encrypt and readchannel
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, 300, 200, false, true);
//Connect encrypt and writechannel
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, 300, 200, false, true);
//Add Stop
TMLADStopState stop = new TMLADStopState(xc, 700, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
tad.addComponent(stop, xc, 700, false, true);
//Connect stop and write channel
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, 300, 200, false, true);
xc += 300;
//For all the tasks that receive encrypted data, decrypt it, assuming it has no associated HSM
for (TMLTask task : tmap.getTMLModeling().getTasks()) {
int xpos, ypos;
TMLActivityDiagramPanel tad = t.getTMLActivityDiagramPanel(task.getName());
HashSet<TGComponent> channelInstances = new HashSet<TGComponent>();
for (String chan : secChannels.keySet()) {
HSMChannel ch = secChannels.get(chan);
for (TGComponent tg : tad.getComponentList()) {
if (tg instanceof TMLADReadChannel) {
TMLADReadChannel readChannel = (TMLADReadChannel) tg;
if (readChannel.getChannelName().equals(chan) && readChannel.getSecurityContext().equals("")) {
fromStart = tad.findTGConnectorStartingAt(tg.getTGConnectingPointAtIndex(1));
if (fromStart != null) {
for (TGComponent chI : channelInstances) {
TMLADReadChannel readChannel = (TMLADReadChannel) chI;
xpos = chI.getX();
ypos = chI.getY() + 10;
fromStart = tad.findTGConnectorStartingAt(chI.getTGConnectingPointAtIndex(1));
if (fromStart == null) {
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, xpos, ypos, false, true);
TGConnectingPoint point = fromStart.getTGConnectingPointP2();
//Add decryption operator
int yShift = 100;
TMLADDecrypt dec = new TMLADDecrypt(xpos, ypos + yShift, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
dec.securityContext = ch.securityContext;
tad.addComponent(dec, xpos, ypos + yShift, false, true);
if (point != null) {
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(dec.getX(), dec.getY(), tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, xpos, ypos, false, true);
//Direct the last TGConnector back to the next action
//Shift components down to make room for the added ones, and add security contexts to write channels
for (TGComponent tg : tad.getComponentList()) {
if (tg.getY() >= ypos && tg != dec) {
tg.setCd(tg.getX(), tg.getY() + yShift);
tad.setMaxPanelSize(tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMaxY() + yShift);
//Next find channels that send encrypted data, and add the encryption operator
for (String chan : secChannels.keySet()) {
HSMChannel ch = secChannels.get(chan);
for (TGComponent tg : tad.getComponentList()) {
if (tg instanceof TMLADWriteChannel) {
TMLADWriteChannel writeChannel = (TMLADWriteChannel) tg;
if (writeChannel.getChannelName().equals(chan) && writeChannel.getSecurityContext().equals("")) {
fromStart = tad.findTGConnectorEndingAt(tg.getTGConnectingPointAtIndex(0));
if (fromStart != null) {
for (TGComponent chI : channelInstances) {
TMLADWriteChannel writeChannel = (TMLADWriteChannel) chI;
xpos = chI.getX();
ypos = chI.getY() - 10;
fromStart = tad.findTGConnectorEndingAt(chI.getTGConnectingPointAtIndex(0));
TGConnectingPoint point = fromStart.getTGConnectingPointP2();
//Add encryption operator
int yShift = 100;
TMLADEncrypt enc = new TMLADEncrypt(xpos, ypos, tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad);
tad.addComponent(enc, xpos, ypos, false, true);
enc.securityContext = ch.securityContext;
enc.type = "Symmetric Encryption";
enc.message_overhead = overhead;
enc.encTime = encComp;
enc.decTime = decComp;
enc.size = overhead;
fromStart = new TGConnectorTMLAD(enc.getX(), enc.getY(), tad.getMinX(), tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMinY(), tad.getMaxY(), false, null, tad, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
tad.addComponent(fromStart, xpos, ypos, false, true);
//Direct the last TGConnector back to the start of the write channel operator
//Shift components down to make room for the added ones, and add security contexts to write channels
for (TGComponent tg : tad.getComponentList()) {
if (tg.getY() >= ypos && tg != enc) {
tg.setCd(tg.getX(), tg.getY() + yShift);
tad.setMaxPanelSize(tad.getMaxX(), tad.getMaxY() + yShift);
for (String cpuName : selectedCpuTasks.keySet()) {
//Add a private bus to Hardware Accelerator with the task for hsm
//Find the CPU the task is mapped to
TMLArchiDiagramPanel archPanel = newarch.tmlap;
TMLArchiCPUNode cpu = null;
String refTask = "";
for (TGComponent tg : archPanel.getComponentList()) {
if (tg instanceof TMLArchiCPUNode) {
if (tg.getName().equals(cpuName)) {
cpu = (TMLArchiCPUNode) tg;
TMLArchiArtifact art = cpu.getArtifactList().get(0);
refTask = art.getReferenceTaskName();
if (cpu == null) {
//Add new memory
TMLArchiMemoryNode mem = new TMLArchiMemoryNode(cpu.getX() + 100, cpu.getY() + 100, archPanel.getMinX(), archPanel.getMaxX(), archPanel.getMinY(), archPanel.getMaxY(), true, null, archPanel);
archPanel.addComponent(mem, cpu.getX() + 100, cpu.getY() + 100, false, true);
mem.setName("HSMMemory_" + cpuName);
//Add Hardware Accelerator
TMLArchiHWANode hwa = new TMLArchiHWANode(cpu.getX() + 100, cpu.getY() + 100, archPanel.getMinX(), archPanel.getMaxX(), archPanel.getMinY(), archPanel.getMaxY(), true, null, archPanel);
archPanel.addComponent(hwa, cpu.getX() + 100, cpu.getY() + 100, false, true);
hwa.setName("HSM_" + cpuName);
//Add hsm task to hwa
TMLArchiArtifact hsmArt = new TMLArchiArtifact(cpu.getX() + 100, cpu.getY() + 100, archPanel.getMinX(), archPanel.getMaxX(), archPanel.getMinY(), archPanel.getMaxY(), true, hwa, archPanel);
archPanel.addComponent(hsmArt, cpu.getX() + 100, cpu.getY() + 100, true, true);
hsmArt.setFullName("HSM_" + cpuName, refTask);
//Add bus connecting the cpu and HWA
TMLArchiBUSNode bus = new TMLArchiBUSNode(cpu.getX() + 100, cpu.getY() + 100, archPanel.getMinX(), archPanel.getMaxX(), archPanel.getMinY(), archPanel.getMaxY(), true, null, archPanel);
bus.setName("HSMBus_" + cpuName);
archPanel.addComponent(bus, cpu.getX() + 200, cpu.getY() + 200, false, true);
//Connect Bus and CPU
TMLArchiConnectorNode connect = new TMLArchiConnectorNode(cpu.getX() + 100, cpu.getY() + 100, archPanel.getMinX(), archPanel.getMaxX(), archPanel.getMinY(), archPanel.getMaxY(), true, null, archPanel, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
TGConnectingPoint p1 = bus.findFirstFreeTGConnectingPoint(true, true);
TGConnectingPoint p2 = cpu.findFirstFreeTGConnectingPoint(true, true);
archPanel.addComponent(connect, cpu.getX() + 100, cpu.getY() + 100, false, true);
//Connect Bus and HWA
connect = new TMLArchiConnectorNode(cpu.getX() + 100, cpu.getY() + 100, archPanel.getMinX(), archPanel.getMaxX(), archPanel.getMinY(), archPanel.getMaxY(), true, null, archPanel, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
p1 = bus.findFirstFreeTGConnectingPoint(true, true);
p2 = hwa.findFirstFreeTGConnectingPoint(true, true);
archPanel.addComponent(connect, cpu.getX() + 100, cpu.getY() + 100, false, true);
//Connect Bus and Memory
connect = new TMLArchiConnectorNode(cpu.getX() + 100, cpu.getY() + 100, archPanel.getMinX(), archPanel.getMaxX(), archPanel.getMinY(), archPanel.getMaxY(), true, null, archPanel, null, null, new Vector<Point>());
p1 = bus.findFirstFreeTGConnectingPoint(true, true);
p2 = mem.findFirstFreeTGConnectingPoint(true, true);
archPanel.addComponent(connect, cpu.getX() + 100, cpu.getY() + 100, false, true);
class HSMChannel {
public String name;
public static final int SENC = 0;
public static final int NONCE_ENC = 1;
public static final int MAC = 2;
public static final int DEC = 3;
public static final int AENC = 4;
public static final int NONCE = 5;
public String task;
public String securityContext = "";
public int secType;
public String nonceName = "";
public HSMChannel(String n, String t, int type) {
name = n;
task = t;
secType = type;
class ChannelData {
public String name;
public boolean isOrigin;
public boolean isChan;
public ChannelData(String n, boolean orig, boolean isCh) {
name = n;
isOrigin = orig;
isChan = isCh;