@@ -456,6 +458,48 @@ triggered from the \textit{Debug As} button. By default, the program execution
will automatically stop at the first instruction of the program. This behavior
can be changed by editing the debug launch configuration.
\section{Coding Instructions}
Here are gather all tricks on how TTool source codes are organized, and what function is coded where, and also how to extend TTool, e.g. adding a new diagram.
\subsection{How to output debug information}
Do as follows:
TraceManager.addDev("blah blah blah");
Then, start TTool with the
Thus, to print information, never use:
System.out.println("blah blah blah");
or similar ways of doing.
\subsection{Code organization}
Sources of "TTool" are located in "src/"\\
Basically, all graphical-related elements are put in "ui". All other subdirectories of "src" are used to code generic functions ("myutil") or non graphical languages and model transformation. for example, in "avatartranslator/" you find all classes related to the internal avatar language, and all transformations from the internal avatar to other languages (e.g. to UPPAAL) are in subdirectories of "avatartranslator/touppaal"
\subsubsection{User Interface directories}
Main classes are located directly in "src/ui". Subdirectories of "ui/" are mostly used for diagrams (one diagram per subdirectory, e.g. avatarbd for the Avatar Block Diagram). Other subdirectories are explained in the following table.
file&Contains the definition of file extensions used by TTool\\
graph&AUT graph definition, and how to display an AUT graph\\
interactivesimulation&Graphical part of Diplodocus model simulation\\
tree&Ttree located in the upper left part of the main TTool Window.\\
window&Sub-windows: dialogs, frames, etc.
\subsection{Structure of the User Interface}
Actions of the main user interface are defined in "TGUIActions.java". The corresponding method which is called when an action occurs is defined in "ActionPerformer.java".
\subsection{Structure of a diagram}
It is planned to develop more and more tests for TTool in order to improve the