The src directory contains all Java sources and images used to generate the jar archive of TTool, and of the launcher.
Basically, sources are dispatched in subdirectories as follows:
* ddtranslator: source files to translate a TURTLE deployment diagram into a RT-LOTOS specification
* launcher: source files of the launcher
* myutil: various fonctions such as graphical functions, graph functions, etc.
* sddescription: source files for textually describing sequence diagrams and interaction overview diagrams
* sdtranslator: source files implementing the translation of sequence and interaction overview diagrams textual description into RT-LOTOS specifications
* translator: source files implementing the translation of TURTLE designs into RT-LOTOS specifications. Also, trasnlation of TURTLE designs into Java code
* ui: all files implementing TTool's graphical interface
In the src directory, the top root file of TTool is provided, as well as other files explaining different ways of starting TTool.
\ No newline at end of file
The src directory contains all Java sources and resources (e.g., images) used to generate the jar archive of TTool, and of the launcher.
Basically, sources are dispatched in subdirectories as follows:
* main/java contains the java source code
* main/resources contains the resources e.g. all icons.