Created a file in src/java/resources/help to define all the commands needed by the simulator.
Run "make internalhelp" to generate the helpserver.html file automatically as well as then execute a bash script in src_simulator folder to create a HelpServerData.h in order to define the STRING_HELP on C++ side.
Added tests for helpsever and helpcommand.
Basically, now user can look for the information of commands by 3 ways:
Open TTool GUI and search for command keyword on TTool help repository.
Open Simulator interface and use the functions on "Text commands" field.
Without GUI, just run "./run.x -help" for display help commands, then "./run.x -helpserver" for all available commands, and "./run.x -helpcommand cmdName" for any specific command (e.g. : ./run.x -helpcommand rntb for run-to-next-breakpoint command). The cmdName can be a full command name or command alias as well.