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From sdram Require Export Requests.

Section Commands.
  Context {BANK_CFG : Bank_configuration}.

  Inductive Command_kind_t : Set :=
    ACT |
    PRE |
    CRD |

  Local Definition Command_kind_eqdef (a b : Command_kind_t) :=
    match a, b with
      | ACT, ACT
      | PRE, PRE 
      | CRD, CRD
      | CWR, CWR => true
      | _, _     => false

  Lemma Command_kind_eqn : Equality.axiom Command_kind_eqdef.
    unfold Equality.axiom. intros.
    destruct (Command_kind_eqdef x y) eqn:H; unfold Command_kind_eqdef in *.
      apply ReflectT. destruct x, y; inversion H; auto.
      apply ReflectF; destruct x, y; inversion H; unfold not; intros; inversion H0.

  Canonical Command_kind_eqMixin := EqMixin Command_kind_eqn.
  Canonical Command_kind_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType Command_kind_t Command_kind_eqMixin.

  Record Command_t : Set := mkCmd
    CDate    : nat;
    CKind    : Command_kind_t;
    Request  : Request_t

  Local Definition Command_eqdef (a b : Command_t) :=
    (a.(CDate) == b.(CDate)) &&
    (a.(Request) == b.(Request)) &&
    (a.(CKind) == b.(CKind)).

  Lemma Command_eqn : Equality.axiom Command_eqdef.
    unfold Equality.axiom. intros. destruct Command_eqdef eqn:H; unfold Command_eqdef in *.
      apply ReflectT.
      move: H => /andP [/andP [/eqP CD /eqP R /eqP C]].
      destruct x,y. simpl in *. subst. auto.
    apply ReflectF. unfold not in *. intro BUG.
    apply negbT in H; rewrite negb_and in H.
    destruct x, y.
      rewrite negb_and in H.
      move: H => /orP [H | /eqP CK].
      move: H => /orP [H | /eqP R].
      move: H => /eqP CD.
      by apply CD; inversion BUG.
      by apply R; inversion BUG.
      by apply CK; inversion BUG.

  Canonical Command_eqMixin := EqMixin Command_eqn.
  Canonical Command_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType Command_t Command_eqMixin.

  Definition Kind_of_req req :=
    match req.(Kind) with
      | RD => CRD
      | WR => CWR

  Definition PRE_of_req req t :=
    mkCmd t PRE req.

  Definition ACT_of_req req t :=
    mkCmd t ACT req.

  Definition Cmd_of_req req t :=
    mkCmd t (Kind_of_req req) req.

  Lemma Command_ne_ACT_PRE
    reqa ta reqb tb: (ACT_of_req reqa ta) != (PRE_of_req reqb tb).
    unfold ACT_of_req, PRE_of_req. unfold "==". simpl. unfold Commands.Command_eqdef. simpl.
    rewrite negb_and. apply /orP. by right.

  Lemma Command_ne_CMD_ACT
    reqa ta reqb tb: (Cmd_of_req reqa ta) != (ACT_of_req reqb tb).
    unfold ACT_of_req, Cmd_of_req, Kind_of_req. unfold "==". simpl. unfold Commands.Command_eqdef. simpl.
    rewrite negb_and. apply /orP. 
    destruct (Kind reqa);by right.

  Lemma Command_ne_CMD_PRE
    reqa ta reqb tb: (Cmd_of_req reqa ta) != (PRE_of_req reqb tb).
    unfold PRE_of_req, Cmd_of_req, Kind_of_req. unfold "==". simpl. unfold Commands.Command_eqdef. simpl.
    rewrite negb_and. apply /orP. 
    destruct (Kind reqa);by right.

  Definition Commands_t := seq Command_t.
End Commands.