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Commit 22a16c7b authored by Florian Brandner's avatar Florian Brandner
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correct T_RC parameter for FIFO, some more proofs.

parent 7b480278
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Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool seq.
From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool seq eqtype.
Definition Bank_number_t := {B : nat | B <> 0}.
Definition Timing_parameter_t := {T : nat | T <> 0}.
Class Bank_configuration :=
BANKS : Bank_number_t;
BANKS : nat;
T_RC : nat; (* ACT to ACT delay intra-bank *)
T_RC : Timing_parameter_t (* ACT to ACT delay intra-bank *)
BANKS_pos : BANKS != 0;
T_RC_pos : T_RC != 0
Section Banks.
Context {BANK_CFG : Bank_configuration}.
Definition BANKS_NAT := proj1_sig BANKS.
Definition T_RC_NAT := proj1_sig T_RC.
Definition Bank_t := { a : nat | a < BANKS_NAT }.
Definition Bank_t := { a : nat | a < BANKS }.
Program Definition Nat_to_bank a : Bank_t :=
match a < BANKS_NAT with
match a < BANKS with
| true => (exist _ a _)
| false => (exist _ (BANKS_NAT - 1) _)
| false => (exist _ (BANKS - 1) _)
Next Obligation.
unfold BANKS_NAT in *.
destruct BANKS. simpl in *.
apply PeanoNat.Nat.lt_pred_l in n as H. move : H => /ltP H. by rewrite subn1.
rewrite subn1 ltn_predL lt0n.
by specialize BANKS_pos.
Definition Bank_to_nat (a : Bank_t) : nat :=
proj1_sig a.
Notation "'#B' b" := (Nat_to_bank b) (only parsing, at level 0).
Notation "'#B' b" := ((exist _ b _) Bank_t) (only printing, at level 0).
Definition Banks_t := seq Bank_t.
Definition All_banks : Banks_t :=
map Nat_to_bank (iota 0 BANKS_NAT).
map Nat_to_bank (iota 0 BANKS).
End Banks.
......@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ Section Commands.
| WR => CWR
Definition isACT (cmd : Command_t) :=
cmd.(CKind) == ACT.
Definition PRE_of_req req t :=
mkCmd t PRE req.
......@@ -80,6 +83,17 @@ Section Commands.
Definition Cmd_of_req req t :=
mkCmd t (Kind_of_req req) req.
Lemma Command_nisACT_PRE req t: ~ isACT (PRE_of_req req t).
by unfold isACT, PRE_of_req.
Lemma Command_nisACT_CMD req t: ~ isACT (Cmd_of_req req t).
unfold isACT, Cmd_of_req, Kind_of_req.
by destruct (Kind req).
Lemma Command_neq_ACT_PRE reqa ta reqb tb:
(ACT_of_req reqa ta) != (PRE_of_req reqb tb).
......@@ -7,8 +7,12 @@ Section FIFO.
Class FIFO_configuration :=
FIFO_wait : {T : nat | 3 < T (* have to issue at least 3 commands *)
/\ T_RC_NAT <= T (* have to respect T_RC *)}
FIFO_wait : nat;
(* have to issue at least 3 commands *)
FIFO_cmds : 3 < FIFO_wait;
(* have to respect T_RC *)
FIFO_T_RC : T_RC < FIFO_wait;
Context {FIFO_CFG : FIFO_configuration }.
......@@ -19,8 +23,7 @@ Section FIFO.
Time : nat;
Local Program Definition FIFO_req req State : FIFO_state_t :=
Local Definition FIFO_req req State : FIFO_state_t :=
let time := maxn State.(Time) req.(Date) in
let PRE_date := time + 1 in
let ACT_date := time + 2 in
......@@ -40,33 +43,39 @@ Section FIFO.
Lemma FIFO_trace_time_monotone req Reqs:
(FIFO_trace Reqs).(Time) < (FIFO_trace (req::Reqs)).(Time).
simpl. destruct FIFO_wait. simpl.
apply proj1 in a as H.
specialize FIFO_cmds as H.
apply ltn_trans with (m := 0) in H.
by move : H => /nat_ltmaxn_l_add H.
- by move : H => /nat_ltmaxn_l_add H.
- auto.
Lemma FIFO_trace_dist req Reqs:
(FIFO_trace Reqs).(Time) + FIFO_wait <= (FIFO_trace (req::Reqs)).(Time).
apply nat_le_add_lemaxn_add.
apply leqnn.
Lemma FIFO_trace_time_ok Reqs:
forall cmd, cmd \in (FIFO_trace Reqs).(Cmds) -> cmd.(CDate) <= (FIFO_trace Reqs).(Time).
specialize FIFO_cmds as Hc.
induction Reqs.
- auto.
- simpl. destruct FIFO_wait. simpl in *.
- simpl in *.
rewrite -> 3 in_cons in H.
move : H => /orP [/eqP H | /orP [ /eqP H | /orP [/eqP H | H]]]; subst; simpl.
- rewrite leq_add2l.
apply proj1 in a0 as H.
by apply ltn_trans with (m := 2) in H.
by apply ltn_trans with (m := 2) in Hc.
- rewrite leq_add2l.
apply proj1 in a0 as H.
by apply ltn_trans with (m := 1) in H.
by apply ltn_trans with (m := 1) in Hc.
- rewrite leq_add2l.
apply proj1 in a0 as H.
by apply ltn_trans with (m := 0) in H.
by apply ltn_trans with (m := 0) in Hc.
- apply IHReqs in H.
by apply nat_le_lemaxn_add with (x := x) (o := (Date a)) in H.
by apply nat_le_lemaxn_add with (x := FIFO_wait) (o := (Date a)) in H.
Lemma FIFO_trace_cmd_notin cmd Reqs:
......@@ -84,6 +93,7 @@ Section FIFO.
Lemma FIFO_trace_uniq req Reqs:
is_true (uniq (FIFO_trace Reqs).(Cmds)) -> is_true (uniq (FIFO_trace (req::Reqs)).(Cmds)).
apply /andP; split.
......@@ -107,9 +117,8 @@ Section FIFO.
Lemma FIFO_trace_T_RC_ok Reqs:
forall a b, a \in (FIFO_trace Reqs).(Cmds) -> b \in (FIFO_trace Reqs).(Cmds) ->
ACT_to_ACT a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
Apart a b T_RC_NAT.
Apart a b T_RC.
set T := (FIFO_trace (Reqs)).(Time).
induction Reqs as [| req Reqs'].
- auto.
- intros a b Ia Ib AtA SB aBb.
......@@ -151,7 +160,15 @@ Section FIFO.
- contradict AtA. subst a.
unfold ACT_to_ACT, isACT, Cmd_of_req, Kind_of_req. simpl.
by destruct (Kind req).
- admit.
- contradict aBb. subst a.
apply /negP.
unfold Before, ACT_of_req. rewrite <- leqNgt. simpl.
apply (FIFO_trace_time_ok Reqs') in Ib.
apply leq_trans with (p := maxn (Time (FIFO_trace Reqs')) (Date req)) in Ib.
- apply leq_add with (m2 := 0) (n2 := 2) in Ib.
- by rewrite addn0 in Ib.
- by apply leq0n.
apply leq_maxl.
- contradict AtA. subst a.
unfold ACT_to_ACT, isACT, Cmd_of_req, Kind_of_req. simpl.
by destruct (Kind req).
......@@ -162,11 +179,12 @@ Section FIFO.
let State := FIFO_trace Requests in
mkTrace State.(Cmds) State.(Time) _ (FIFO_trace_time_ok Requests) (FIFO_trace_T_RC_ok Requests).
Next Obligation.
induction Requests; auto.
by apply (FIFO_trace_uniq a) in IHl.
induction Requests.
- auto.
- by apply (FIFO_trace_uniq a) in IHl.
Program Lemma FIFO_arbiter_handled req:
Lemma FIFO_arbiter_handled req:
req \in Requests -> exists cmd : Command_t, cmd \in FIFO_arbitrate.(Commands) ->
Match req cmd.
......@@ -229,7 +247,7 @@ Section Test.
- by contradict Ha.
Definition test (A := FIFO_arbiter) :=Arbitrate.(Commands).
Definition test (Input : Requests_t) (A := FIFO_arbiter) := Arbitrate.(Commands).
Compute test.
Compute test Input.
End Test.
......@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ Section Requests.
unfold Equality.axiom. intros.
destruct (Request_kind_eqdef x y) eqn:H; unfold Request_kind_eqdef in *.
apply ReflectT. destruct x, y; inversion H; auto.
apply ReflectF; destruct x, y; inversion H; unfold not; intros; inversion H0.
- apply ReflectT. destruct x, y; inversion H; auto.
- apply ReflectF; destruct x, y; inversion H; unfold not; intros; inversion H0.
Canonical Request_kind_eqMixin := EqMixin Request_kind_eqn.
......@@ -5,9 +5,6 @@ From sdram Require Export Commands Bank.
Section Trace.
Context {BANK_CFG : Bank_configuration}.
Definition isACT (cmd : Command_t) :=
cmd.(CKind) == ACT.
Definition Same_Bank (a b : Command_t) :=
a.(Request).(Bank) == b.(Request).(Bank).
......@@ -34,7 +31,7 @@ Section Trace.
(* Ensure that the time between two ACT commands respects T_RC *)
Cmds_T_RC_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
ACT_to_ACT a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
Apart a b T_RC_NAT;
Apart a b T_RC;
Program Definition Trace_empty := mkTrace [::] 0 _ _ _.
......@@ -29,14 +29,34 @@ Proof.
by apply (ltn_trans (m := a) (n := a+x)) in H.
Lemma nat_le_lemaxn_add n m o: forall x, (n <= m) -> (n <= (maxn m o) + x).
Lemma nat_le_lemaxn n m o: (n <= m) -> (n <= (maxn m o)).
unfold maxn.
destruct (m < o) eqn:Hlt.
- move : H => /leP /(PeanoNat.Nat.le_trans n m o) H.
by move : Hlt => /ltP /PeanoNat.Nat.lt_le_incl /H /leP.
- auto.
Lemma nat_le_add_lemaxn_add n m o: forall x, (n <= m + x) -> is_true (n <= (maxn m o) + x).
unfold maxn.
destruct (m < o) eqn:Hlt.
- move : H => /leP /(PeanoNat.Nat.le_trans n m o) H.
by move : Hlt => /ltP /PeanoNat.Nat.lt_le_incl /H /(Plus.le_plus_trans n o x) /leP.
- by move : H => /leP /(Plus.le_plus_trans n m x) /leP.
- rewrite <- (ltn_add2r x m o) in Hlt.
apply ltnW in Hlt.
by apply leq_trans with (n := m + x) (m := n) (p := o + x) in Hlt.
- auto.
Lemma nat_le_lemaxn_add n m o: forall x, (n <= m) -> (n <= (maxn m o) + x).
apply nat_le_lemaxn with (o := o) in H.
apply leq_trans with (p := (maxn m o) + x) in H.
- auto.
- apply leq_addr.
Lemma all_filter [T : eqType] a (p : pred T) S:
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