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Commit 9f3ee2b3 authored by Felipe Lisboa Malaquias's avatar Felipe Lisboa Malaquias
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Amelioration on time continuous model, many concepts are now implemented

parent 82956f11
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......@@ -44,10 +44,11 @@ VARIABLES
vars == <<time,control,req_under_treatment,queue,request_count,
CMDS == {"NOP","ACT","RD","BUS","WR","PRE","REF"}
......@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ max_requests == 100
\* For now there are no type constraints on : queue, req_under_treatment
TypeOK ==
/\ time \in 0..max_time
/\ time \in 0..500
/\ control \in Control
/\ request_count \in [Requestors -> 0..max_requests]
/\ slot_count \in 1..10
......@@ -68,7 +69,15 @@ TypeOK ==
/\ row_buffer \in [AllBanks -> {"OPEN","CLOSED"}]
/\ slack \in [CrRq -> Nat]
/\ bank_state \in [AllBanks -> CMDS]
(* O problema de usar o modelo com contatdores e clocks (ideal e seguro) é *)
(* a complexidade de checagem do modelo. Pode-se argumentar então que o *)
(* modelo aqui representado não corresponde exatamente ao controlador. O *)
(* controlador implementado em hardware seria correto por design (timing *)
(* constraints usadas como contadores) ou baseado em um modelo tal que *)
(* esse? O controlador desta especificação não representa o mesmo da outra *)
(* Init state predicate *)
......@@ -91,6 +100,7 @@ Init ==
/\ row_buffer = [b \in AllBanks |-> "CLOSED"]
/\ slack = [req \in CrRq |-> 0]
/\ bank_state = [b \in AllBanks |-> "NOP"]
/\ timer = 0
(* Actions that representing the issuing of DRAM commands, they are the *)
......@@ -104,7 +114,7 @@ IssueACT(bank) ==
THEN [bank_state EXCEPT ![bank] = "RD"]
ELSE [bank_state EXCEPT ![bank] = "WR"]
/\ UNCHANGED<<control,req_under_treatment,queue,request_count,
IssueRD(bank) ==
LET t_RCD == 6
......@@ -113,7 +123,7 @@ IN /\ control = "TREATMENT"
/\ time' = time + t_RCD
/\ bank_state' = [bank_state EXCEPT ![bank] = "BUS"]
/\ UNCHANGED<<control,req_under_treatment,queue,request_count,
IssueWR(bank) ==
LET t_RCD == 6
......@@ -122,7 +132,7 @@ IN /\ control = "TREATMENT"
/\ time' = time + t_RCD
/\ bank_state' = [bank_state EXCEPT ![bank] = "BUS"]
/\ UNCHANGED<<control,req_under_treatment,queue,request_count,
\* For RD requests, the PRE command can be issued instanteneously, as for WR requests
\* there is a WR to PRE timing constraint
......@@ -140,9 +150,9 @@ IN /\ control = "TREATMENT"
THEN time + t_RTP - (t_RL + t_BURST)
ELSE time
/\ bank_state' = [bank_state EXCEPT ![bank] = "NOP"]
/\ req_under_treatment' = [req_under_treatment EXCEPT !.owner = "NONE"]
/\ req_under_treatment' = [req_under_treatment EXCEPT !.owner = 0]
/\ UNCHANGED<<queue,request_count,
UsingBus(bank) ==
LET t_RL == 6
......@@ -155,8 +165,9 @@ IN /\ control = "TREATMENT"
ELSE time + t_WL + t_BURST
/\ bank_state' = [bank_state EXCEPT ![bank] = "PRE"]
/\ UNCHANGED<<control,req_under_treatment,queue,request_count,
\* Have to create a completed action, which will say
(* This action has to do the following things 1. Decide which is the next *)
(* request (on the request queue) is to be treated 2. Decide which *)
......@@ -176,10 +187,10 @@ LET deadlines == {queue[n].deadline : n \in 1..Len(queue)}
ResumeTreatment == UNCHANGED<<queue,req_under_treatment,bank_state>>
IN /\ (control = "ARRIVAL") \/ (control = "COMPLETE" \/ queue /= <<>>)
/\ control' = "TREATMENT"
/\ IF req_under_treatment.type = "NONE"
/\ IF req_under_treatment.owner = 0
THEN StartTreatment
ELSE ResumeTreatment
/\ UNCHANGED<<time,request_count,slot_count,slot_owner,row_buffer,slack>>
/\ UNCHANGED<<time,request_count,slot_count,slot_owner,row_buffer,slack,timer>>
(* Actions that model the arrival of new tasks into the system. They are *)
......@@ -207,32 +218,46 @@ LET so_did == IF slack[req] >= (slot_count*TDM_Slot - time)
deadline |-> calc_deadline,
type |-> ty,
hit_miss |-> hm]
IN /\ time - request_count[req]*arrival_rate >= 0
\*/\ control \in {"IDLE","COMPLETED"}
\* Requist arrival
\* 1. Only one request per requestor in the queue
\* 2. No consecutive arrivals
\* 3. There are at least arrival_rate cycles between two requests of the same requestor
IN /\ req \notin {queue[n].owner : n \in 1..Len(queue)}
/\ control /= "ARRIVAL"
/\ time - request_count[req]*arrival_rate >= 0
/\ control' = "ARRIVAL"
/\ request_count' = [request_count EXCEPT ![req] = request_count[req] + 1]
/\ queue' = Append(queue,request_instance)
/\ UNCHANGED<<time,req_under_treatment,slot_count,slot_owner,row_buffer,slack,bank_state>>
/\ UNCHANGED<<time,req_under_treatment,slot_count,slot_owner,row_buffer,slack,bank_state,timer>>
\* From RealTimeNew Module
IntervalLB(t,Acts,B,v,min,lb) ==
LET TNext == t' = IF <<B>>_v \/ \neg(ENABLED <<Acts \/ B>>_v)'
ELSE t + (time' - time)
LowerBound == B => IF lb THEN t >= min ELSE t > min
IN /\ TNext
/\ LowerBound
(* Next Predicate *)
Next ==
\/ request_arrival(1,"RD","HIT",5)
\/ request_arrival(2,"WR","MISS",10)
\/ request_arrival(1,"RD","HIT",10)
\/ request_arrival(2,"WR","HIT",20)
\/ treat_request
\/ \E b \in AllBanks : \/ IssueACT(b)
\/ IssueRD(b)
\/ IssueWR(b)
\/ IssuePRE(b)
\/ UsingBus(b)
/\ LET t_RCD == 6 IN \A b \in AllBanks: IntervalLB(timer,TRUE,IssueRD(b),vars,t_RCD,TRUE)
(* Fairness and Temporal Formula *)
L == /\ WF_vars(request_arrival(1,"RD","HIT",5))
/\ WF_vars(request_arrival(2,"WR","MISS",10))
L == /\ WF_vars(request_arrival(1,"RD","HIT",10))
/\ WF_vars(request_arrival(2,"WR","HIT",12))
/\ WF_vars(treat_request)
/\ \A b \in AllBanks : /\ SF_vars(IssueACT(b))
/\ SF_vars(IssueRD(b))
......@@ -245,8 +270,19 @@ Spec == Init /\ [][Next]_vars /\ L
(* Invariants *)
\* The queue never becomes full
FullQueue == Len(queue) =< Queue_Capacity
\* The queue never has two requests of the same requestor
OneRequestInTheQueue ==
LET Owners == {queue[n].owner : n \in 1..Len(queue)}
IN \A requestor \in Requestors : Cardinality({owner \in Owners : owner = requestor}) =< 1
(* Temporal Properties *)
\* Requests are eventually served
MaxTime == <>(time = max_time)
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Tue Feb 23 13:59:40 CET 2021 by felipe
\* Last modified Fri Feb 26 18:53:51 CET 2021 by felipe
\* Created Fri Feb 19 10:11:16 CET 2021 by felipe
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