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Commit accb8140 authored by Felipe Lisboa's avatar Felipe Lisboa
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Haskell extraction: c++ functional application

parent 36e997e8
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Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
From sdram Require Export FIFO.
From Coq Require Extraction.
Require Import Arith.
Require Import ExtrHaskellNatNum.
Extraction Language Haskell.
Extract Inductive nat => "Prelude.Int" [ "0" "Prelude.succ" ]
"(\fO fS n -> if n Prelude.== 0 then fO () else fS (n Prelude.- 1))".
Cd "haskell_gencode_orig/".
Separate Extraction FIFO.
Cd "..".
module App where
import qualified FIFO
import qualified Arbiter
import qualified Bank
import qualified Commands
import qualified Datatypes
import qualified Requests
import qualified Trace
import qualified Eqtype
import qualified Seq
import qualified Ssrbool
import qualified Ssrnat
import qualified Bool
import qualified ForeignRequest
import Foreign
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.C.Types
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
convertReq :: ForeignRequest.ForeignRequest_t -> IO (Requests.Request_t)
convertReq r = do
case (ForeignRequest.requestType r) of
0 -> return (Requests.Coq_mkReq
(FIFO.unsafeCoerce(ForeignRequest.requestorID r))
(fromIntegral $ ForeignRequest.arriveTime r)
(fromIntegral $ r)
(fromIntegral $ ForeignRequest.row r))
otherwise ->
return (Requests.Coq_mkReq -- write case
(FIFO.unsafeCoerce(ForeignRequest.requestorID r))
(fromIntegral $ ForeignRequest.arriveTime r)
(fromIntegral $ r)
(fromIntegral $ ForeignRequest.row r))
convertReqList :: [ForeignRequest.ForeignRequest_t] -> IO (Datatypes.Coq_list Requests.Request_t)
convertReqList [] = do return (Datatypes.Coq_nil)
convertReqList (r:rs) = do
coq_req <- convertReq r
coq_req_tail <- convertReqList rs
return (Datatypes.Coq_cons coq_req coq_req_tail)
--------------------- init state ------------------------------
fifo_init_state_genstate :: [ForeignRequest.ForeignRequest_t] -> IO (Arbiter.Arbiter_state_t)
fifo_init_state_genstate reqlist = do
coq_list <- convertReqList reqlist
-- this should be arguments eventually
let bkcfg = Bank.Build_Bank_configuration 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
let reqcfg = (FIFO.unsafeCoerce CInt)
let fifocfg = 10
-- calling coq
return (FIFO.coq_Init_state bkcfg reqcfg fifocfg coq_list)
foreign export ccall fifo_init_state_wrapper :: CInt -> ForeignRequest.PtrRequest -> IO (StablePtr Arbiter.Arbiter_state_t)
fifo_init_state_wrapper :: CInt -> ForeignRequest.PtrRequest -> IO (StablePtr Arbiter.Arbiter_state_t)
fifo_init_state_wrapper size ptr =
if (size == 0) then do
reqlist <- return []
state <- fifo_init_state_genstate reqlist
newStablePtr state
else do
reqlist <- peekArray (fromIntegral size) ptr
state <- fifo_init_state_genstate reqlist
newStablePtr state
cint2bool :: CInt -> CInt -> Datatypes.Coq_bool
cint2bool a b =
if (a == b) then Datatypes.Coq_true
else Datatypes.Coq_false
cint2reflect :: CInt -> CInt -> Bool.Coq_reflect
cint2reflect a b =
if (a == b) then Bool.ReflectT
else Bool.ReflectF
--------------------- next state ------------------------------
fifo_next_state_genstate :: [ForeignRequest.ForeignRequest_t] -> Arbiter.Arbiter_state_t -> IO (Arbiter.Arbiter_state_t)
fifo_next_state_genstate reqlist as = do
coq_list <- convertReqList reqlist
-- this should be arguments eventually
let bkcfg = Bank.Build_Bank_configuration 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
let reqcfg = FIFO.unsafeCoerce ((Eqtype.Equality__Mixin (cint2bool) cint2reflect))
let fifocfg = 5
-- calling coq
return (FIFO.coq_Next_state bkcfg reqcfg fifocfg coq_list as)
foreign export ccall fifo_next_state_wrapper :: CInt -> ForeignRequest.PtrRequest -> StablePtr Arbiter.Arbiter_state_t -> IO (StablePtr Arbiter.Arbiter_state_t)
fifo_next_state_wrapper :: CInt -> ForeignRequest.PtrRequest -> StablePtr Arbiter.Arbiter_state_t -> IO (StablePtr Arbiter.Arbiter_state_t)
fifo_next_state_wrapper size ptr as = do
case size of
0 -> do
reqlist <- return []
oldstate <- deRefStablePtr as
newstate <- fifo_next_state_genstate reqlist oldstate
newStablePtr newstate
otherwise -> do
reqlist <- peekArray (fromIntegral size) ptr
oldstate <- deRefStablePtr as
newstate <- fifo_next_state_genstate reqlist oldstate
newStablePtr newstate
module ForeignRequest where
import Foreign
import Foreign.StablePtr
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.C.Types
#include "ForeignRequest_t.h"
data ForeignRequest_t = ForeignRequest_t {
requestType :: CInt,
requestorID :: CUInt,
requestSize :: CUInt,
address :: CULLong,
ddata :: StablePtr CInt,
arriveTime :: CUInt,
rank :: CUInt,
bankGroup :: CUInt,
bank :: CUInt,
subArray :: CUInt,
row :: CUInt,
col :: CUInt,
addressMap :: CIntPtr
} deriving (Eq)
type PtrRequest = Ptr ForeignRequest_t
instance Storable ForeignRequest_t where
sizeOf _ = (#size ForeignRequest_t)
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
peek ptr = do
r_type <- (#peek ForeignRequest_t, requestType) ptr
r_requestorID <- (#peek ForeignRequest_t, requestorID) ptr
r_requestSize <- (#peek ForeignRequest_t, requestSize) ptr
r_address <- (#peek ForeignRequest_t, address) ptr
r_ddata <- (#peek ForeignRequest_t, ddata) ptr
r_arriveTime <- (#peek ForeignRequest_t, arriveTime) ptr
r_rank <- (#peek ForeignRequest_t, rank) ptr
r_bankGroup <- (#peek ForeignRequest_t, bankGroup) ptr
r_bank <- (#peek ForeignRequest_t, bank) ptr
r_subArray <- (#peek ForeignRequest_t, subArray) ptr
r_row <- (#peek ForeignRequest_t, row) ptr
r_col <- (#peek ForeignRequest_t, col) ptr
r_addressMap <- (#peek ForeignRequest_t, addressMap) ptr
return ForeignRequest_t {
requestType = r_type,
requestorID = r_requestorID,
requestSize = r_requestSize,
address = r_address,
ddata = r_ddata,
arriveTime = r_arriveTime,
rank = r_rank,
bankGroup = r_bankGroup,
bank = r_bank,
subArray = r_subArray,
row = r_row,
col = r_col,
addressMap = r_addressMap
poke ptr (ForeignRequest_t requestType requestorID requestSize address ddata arriveTime rank bankGroup bank subArray row col addressMap) = do
(#poke ForeignRequest_t, requestType) ptr requestType
(#poke ForeignRequest_t, requestorID) ptr requestorID
(#poke ForeignRequest_t, requestSize) ptr requestSize
(#poke ForeignRequest_t, address) ptr address
(#poke ForeignRequest_t, ddata) ptr ddata
(#poke ForeignRequest_t, arriveTime) ptr arriveTime
(#poke ForeignRequest_t, rank) ptr rank
(#poke ForeignRequest_t, bankGroup) ptr bankGroup
(#poke ForeignRequest_t, bank) ptr bank
(#poke ForeignRequest_t, subArray) ptr subArray
(#poke ForeignRequest_t, row) ptr row
(#poke ForeignRequest_t, col) ptr col
(#poke ForeignRequest_t, addressMap) ptr addressMap
-- foreign export ccall showRequest :: PtrRequest -> IO()
-- showRequest :: PtrRequest -> IO()
-- showRequest ptr = do
-- request <- peek ptr
-- print (arriveTime request)
\ No newline at end of file
typedef enum{
} RequestType;
typedef struct{
RequestType requestType;
unsigned int requestorID;
unsigned int requestSize;
unsigned long long address;
void *ddata;
unsigned int arriveTime;
unsigned int returnTime;
unsigned int rank;
unsigned int bankGroup;
unsigned int bank;
unsigned int subArray;
unsigned int row;
unsigned int col;
unsigned int addressMap[4];
} ForeignRequest_t;
#endif /* REQUEST_H */
#ifndef REQUEST_H
#define REQUEST_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
namespace MCsim
enum RequestType
class Request
Request(unsigned int id, RequestType requestType, unsigned int size, unsigned long long addr, void *data) : requestType(requestType),
// Fields
RequestType requestType;
unsigned int requestorID;
unsigned int requestSize;
unsigned long long address;
void *data;
unsigned int arriveTime;
unsigned int returnTime;
unsigned int rank;
unsigned int bankGroup;
unsigned int bank;
unsigned int subArray;
unsigned int row;
unsigned int col;
unsigned int addressMap[4];
// Rank, BankGroup, Bank, SubArray
} // namespace MCsim
#endif /* REQUEST_H */
## C++ application
This is a C++ application that uses the haskell-generated code to run the controller.
You need to have ghc installed, with hsc2hs in it.
1) run
in the parent folder to copy the generated haskell code into this folder
2) run
make main
in this folder to compile and run the application
\ No newline at end of file
#include <iostream>
#include "MCsimRequest.h"
#include "ForeignRequest_t.h"
#include "App_stub.h"
using namespace std;
#define PRINT(str) std::cerr << str << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
unsigned long long * data = (unsigned long long *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned long long));
* data = 0xDEADBEEF;
/* This is the C-equivalent request representation */
ForeignRequest_t req1 = {
DATA_WRITE, // type
1, // id
10, // size
0x0004, // @
data, // data
0, // arriveTime
1, // returnTime
0, // rank
0, // bankgroup
0, // bank
0, // subArray
0, // row
0, // col
{0,1,0,1} // @ map
ForeignRequest_t req2 = {DATA_READ,2,20,0x0008,data,10,20,0,0,1,0,50,0,{1,0,1,0}};
ForeignRequest_t req3 = {DATA_READ,3,40,0x000c,data,30,40,0,0,5,0,10,0,{1,0,1,0}};
ForeignRequest_t req4 = {DATA_WRITE,4,10,0x0010,data,40,50,0,0,5,0,10,0,{1,0,1,0}};
ForeignRequest_t reqlist[] = {req1,req2};
ForeignRequest_t reqlist2[] = {req3,req4};
PRINT ("Initializing haskell runtime");
PRINT ("Calling haskell function");
// don't know what is inside the pointer
void * init_state = fifo_init_state_wrapper(2,&reqlist[0]);
void * next_state_1 = fifo_next_state_wrapper(2,&reqlist2[0],init_state);
void * next_state_2 = fifo_next_state_wrapper(0,&reqlist[0],next_state_1);
void * next_state_3 = fifo_next_state_wrapper(0,&reqlist[0],next_state_2);
void * next_state_4 = fifo_next_state_wrapper(0,&reqlist[0],next_state_3);
void * next_state_5 = fifo_next_state_wrapper(0,&reqlist[0],next_state_4);
void * next_state_6 = fifo_next_state_wrapper(0,&reqlist[0],next_state_5);
void * next_state_7 = fifo_next_state_wrapper(0,&reqlist[0],next_state_6);
PRINT ("Return from haskell function");
PRINT ("Finishing haskell runtime");
\ No newline at end of file
OBJ := Nat.o Bool.o Datatypes.o Specif.o Ssrbool.o Fintype.o Eqtype.o Seq.o Bank.o Ssrnat.o Requests.o Commands.o Trace.o Arbiter.o FIFO.o ForeignRequest.o App.o main.o
INCLUDE_DIR := /usr/lib/ghc/include
ForeignRequest.hs : ForeignRequest.hsc
hsc2hs $^
App.o: App.hs ForeignRequest.hs
ghc $^
main.o: main.cpp
g++ -c -I${INCLUDE_DIR} $^ -o $@
main: App.o main.o
ghc -no-hs-main ${OBJ} -lstdc++ -o $@
rm -f main *.o *.hi ForeignRequest.hs App_stub.h
\ No newline at end of file
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