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Commit cabf78e4 authored by Felipe Lisboa's avatar Felipe Lisboa
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Added constraint on having one ACT between PREs

parent e6ee8e1c
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......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Section Arbiter.
Arbitrate : Trace_t;
(* All Requests must handled *)
Req_handled : forall req, req \in Requests -> exists cmd : Command_t, cmd \in Arbitrate.(Commands) ->
Match req cmd
Req_handled : forall req, req \in Requests ->
exists cmd : Command_t, (cmd \in Arbitrate.(Commands)) && ((Match req cmd))
End Arbiter.
......@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ Section Commands.
Definition isACT (cmd : Command_t) :=
cmd.(CKind) == ACT.
Definition isPRE (cmd : Command_t) :=
cmd.(CKind) == PRE.
Definition PRE_of_req req t :=
mkCmd t PRE req.
......@@ -218,21 +218,72 @@ Section FIFO.
- by apply (IHReqs' a b) in Ia.
Lemma Between_cons req Reqs a b:
a \in (FIFO_trace Reqs).(Cmds) -> b \in (FIFO_trace Reqs).(Cmds) ->
Between ((FIFO_trace Reqs).(Cmds)) a b =
Between (FIFO_trace (req :: Reqs)).(Cmds) a b.
Lemma FIFO_trace_Cmds_PRE_ok Reqs :
forall a b, a \in (FIFO_trace Reqs).(Cmds) -> b \in (FIFO_trace Reqs).(Cmds) ->
PRE_to_PRE a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
exists c : Command_t, isACT c /\ Same_Bank a c /\ c \in Between (FIFO_trace Reqs).(Cmds) a b.
intros a b a_cmds b_cmds ab_PRE ab_BANK a_not_b.
evar (req_date : nat).
evar (t : nat).
evar (req_kind : Request_kind_t).
set (req := mkReq req_date req_kind a.(Request).(Bank)).
exists (ACT_of_req req t).
- auto.
- split.
- by unfold ACT_of_req, Same_Bank.
- induction Reqs.
- auto.
- simpl in a_cmds.
move : a_cmds => /orP [ /eqP a_eq | /orP [ /eqP a_eq | /orP [ /eqP a_eq | Ia]] ];
move : b_cmds => /orP [ /eqP b_eq | /orP [ /eqP b_eq | /orP [ /eqP b_eq | Ib]] ].
- admit.
- admit.
- admit.
- admit.
- admit.
- admit.
- admit.
- admit.
- admit.
- admit.
- (*they are the same*) admit.
- (*easy due to order*) admit.
- admit.
- admit.
- (* interesting - induction on Reqs until find request of A until I find my ACT cmd (?)*) admit.
- rewrite <- Between_cons. apply IHReqs in Ia. apply Ia. all : auto.
Program Definition FIFO_arbitrate :=
let State := FIFO_trace Requests in
mkTrace State.(Cmds) State.(Time) _ (FIFO_trace_time_ok Requests) (FIFO_trace_T_RC_ok Requests).
mkTrace State.(Cmds) State.(Time) _ (FIFO_trace_time_ok Requests) _ (FIFO_trace_T_RC_ok Requests).
Admit Obligations.
Next Obligation.
induction Requests.
- auto.
- by apply (FIFO_trace_uniq a) in IHl.
- by apply (FIFO_trace_uniq a) in IHl.*)
Lemma FIFO_arbiter_handled req:
req \in Requests -> exists cmd : Command_t, cmd \in FIFO_arbitrate.(Commands) ->
Match req cmd.
req \in Requests -> exists cmd : Command_t, (cmd \in FIFO_arbitrate.(Commands)) /\
((cmd \in FIFO_arbitrate.(Commands)) -> Match req cmd).
exists (Cmd_of_req req 5).
- admit.
unfold FIFO_arbitrate in *. simpl in *.
induction Requests.
- by rewrite in_nil in H.
......@@ -8,14 +8,35 @@ Section Trace.
Definition Same_Bank (a b : Command_t) :=
a.(Request).(Bank) == b.(Request).(Bank).
Definition Same_Bank_3 (a b c : Command_t) :=
Same_Bank a b && Same_Bank a c.
Definition ACT_to_ACT (a b : Command_t) :=
isACT a && isACT b.
Definition PRE_to_PRE (a b : Command_t) :=
isPRE a && isPRE b.
Definition Before (a b : Command_t) :=
a.(CDate) < b.(CDate).
Definition Apart (a b : Command_t) t :=
a.(CDate) + t < b.(CDate).
Fixpoint Between (l : Commands_t) (a b : Command_t) : Commands_t :=
match l with
| [::] => [::]
| hd :: seq => if ((hd.(CDate) >= a.(CDate)) && (hd.(CDate) <= b.(CDate)))
then [:: hd] ++ (Between seq a b)
else [::]
Definition Between (l : Commands_t) (a b : Command_t) : Commands_t :=
[seq cmds <- l | (cmds.(CDate) > a.(CDate)) && (cmds.(CDate) < b.(CDate))].
Check Between.
Record Trace_t := mkTrace
......@@ -28,6 +49,11 @@ Section Trace.
(* All commands have to occur before the current time instant *)
Cmds_time_ok : forall cmd, cmd \in Commands -> cmd.(CDate) <= Time;
(* Between any two PREs to the same bank, there has to be an ACT to the same bank in between *)
Cmds_PRE_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
PRE_to_PRE a b -> Same_Bank a b -> a != b ->
exists c : Command_t, isACT c /\ Same_Bank a c /\ c \in Between Commands a b;
(* Ensure that the time between two ACT commands respects T_RC *)
Cmds_T_RC_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
ACT_to_ACT a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
From mathcomp Require Export ssreflect ssrnat ssrbool ssrfun seq eqtype.
From sdram Require Export Commands Bank.
Section Trace.
Context {BANK_CFG : Bank_configuration}.
Program Instance BANK_CFG : Bank_configuration :=
BANKS := 2;
T_RC := 3
Definition Same_Bank (a b : Command_t) :=
a.(Request).(Bank) == b.(Request).(Bank).
Definition Same_Bank_3 (a b c : Command_t) :=
Same_Bank a b && Same_Bank a c.
Lemma Same_Bank_eq :
forall a b c : Command_t, Same_Bank a b -> Same_Bank a c -> Same_Bank b c.
intros a b c S_ab S_ac.
unfold Same_Bank in *.
move : S_ab => /eqP /esym S_ab.
move : S_ac => /eqP /esym S_ac.
apply /eqP.
by rewrite S_ab.
Lemma Same_Bank_3_eq :
forall a b c : Command_t, Same_Bank_3 a b c -> Same_Bank a b && Same_Bank a c && Same_Bank b c.
intros a b c S_3.
unfold Same_Bank_3 in *.
move : S_3 => /andP S_3.
apply /andP. split.
- by apply /andP. destruct S_3 as [s3_1 s3_2]. move : s3_1 s3_2. apply Same_Bank_eq.
Definition ACT_to_ACT (a b : Command_t) :=
isACT a && isACT b.
Definition PRE_to_PRE (a b : Command_t) :=
isPRE a && isPRE b.
Definition Before (a b : Command_t) :=
a.(CDate) < b.(CDate).
Definition Apart (a b : Command_t) t :=
a.(CDate) + t < b.(CDate).
(* Filters a sequence of commands to include just the ones with date between a and b *)
Fixpoint Between (l : Commands_t) (a b : Command_t) : Commands_t :=
match l with
| [::] => [::]
| hd :: seq => if ((hd.(CDate) >= a.(CDate)) && (hd.(CDate) <= b.(CDate)))
then [:: hd] ++ (Between seq a b)
else [::]
(* Create a boolean function *)
Program Definition req1 := mkReq 0 RD 0.
Program Definition req2 := mkReq 1 RD 1.
Program Definition req3 := mkReq 2 RD 0.
Definition PRE_req1 := PRE_of_req req1 0.
Definition ACT_req1 := ACT_of_req req1 1.
Definition CMD_req1 := Cmd_of_req req1 2.
Definition PRE_req2 := PRE_of_req req2 4.
Definition ACT_req2 := ACT_of_req req2 5.
Definition CMD_req2 := Cmd_of_req req2 6.
Definition PRE_req3 := PRE_of_req req2 7.
Definition ACT_req3 := ACT_of_req req2 8.
Definition CMD_req3 := Cmd_of_req req2 9.
Definition test_CMDS : Commands_t := [::PRE_req1;ACT_req1;CMD_req1;PRE_req2;ACT_req2;CMD_req2;PRE_req3;ACT_req3;CMD_req3].
Print test_CMDS.
Check test_CMDS.
Definition test_between := Between test_CMDS PRE_req1 PRE_req3.
Compute test_between.
Record Trace_t := mkTrace
Commands : Commands_t;
Time : nat;
(* All commands must be uniq *)
Cmds_uniq : uniq Commands;
(* All commands have to occur before the current time instant *)
Cmds_time_ok : forall cmd, cmd \in Commands -> cmd.(CDate) <= Time;
(* Between any two PREs to the same bank, there has to be an ACT to the same bank in between *)
Cmds_PRE_ok : forall a b c, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands -> c \in Commands ->
PRE_to_PRE a b -> isACT c -> Same_Bank_3 a b c ->
c \in Between Commands a b;
(* Ensure that the time between two ACT commands respects T_RC *)
Cmds_T_RC_ok : forall a b, a \in Commands -> b \in Commands ->
ACT_to_ACT a b -> Same_Bank a b -> Before a b ->
Apart a b T_RC;
Program Definition Trace_empty := mkTrace [::] 0 _ _ _.
End Trace.
\ No newline at end of file
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