Pydynamo is a module to define, run and analyse system dynamics.
It was originally created to run the World3 model [2], written in DYNAMO language [1]. Included in the module are functions to convert DYNAMO code to pydynamo syntax. All scenarios of *Limits to Growth*, updated with 2003 version, are shown in [LimitsToGrowth03](./examples/LimitsToGrowth03.ipynb). For a quick tuto of how to use World3 in pydynamo, see [World3](./examples/World3.ipynb). For a quick tuto on how to use pydynamo, see [BTmodel](./examples/BTmodel.ipynb).
Documentation about the World models is in <>.
## Note
_This is a beta version and all documentation and commands may not be complete or updated_
## Usage
- Define the system equations in a function or file with pydynamo syntax
- Get a System object from this function or file
- Run, change parameters, re-run, plot
## Author
Achille BAUCHER for my internship at the LIG-lab. I used some functions from pyworld3 [3], and nice explanations by it's author Charles Vanwynsberghe. I got the 2003 updates from one of the authors, Jørgen Randers.
## References
- [1] How DYNAMO works: <>
- [2] Book describing the world3 model: <>
- [3] Pyworld3: <>