Once the files are copied, log in to the master node and install Coder.
Once the files are copied, log in to the master node and install Coder. In the commands below, we use versions of PostgreSQL and Coder that are known to work with Helm 3.2, which is installed by Magnum. But it is also possible to install a newer version of Helm first (see the method documented in [kube-jupyterhub.md](kube-jupyterhub.md)).
helm install coder-db bitnami/postgresql -n coder -f /tmp/postgresql-values.yml --version 13.0.0 # latest compatible version with Helm 3.2 and thus coreos 38
helm install coder-db bitnami/postgresql -n coder -f /tmp/postgresql-values.yml --version 13.0.0 # latest compatible version with Helm 3.2 which is installed by Magnum