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/* Copyright or (C) or Copr. GET / ENST, Telecom-Paris, Ludovic Apvrille
 * ludovic.apvrille AT
 * This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the
 * edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to
 * allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram,
 * and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces
 * obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP
 * from INRIA Rhone-Alpes.
 * This software is governed by the CeCILL  license under French law and
 * abiding by the rules of distribution of free software.  You can  use,
 * modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
 * license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
 * "".
 * As a counterpart to the access to the source code and  rights to copy,
 * modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
 * with a limited warranty  and the software's author,  the holder of the
 * economic rights,  and the successive licensors  have only  limited
 * liability.
 * In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
 * with loading,  using,  modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
 * software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
 * that may mean  that it is complicated to manipulate,  and  that  also
 * therefore means  that it is reserved for developers  and  experienced
 * professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
 * encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
 * requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
 * data to be ensured and,  more generally, to use and operate it in the
 * same conditions as regards security.
 * The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
 * knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.

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package ui.simulationtraceanalysis;
import com.mxgraph.layout.hierarchical.mxHierarchicalLayout;
import com.mxgraph.swing.mxGraphComponent;
import org.jgrapht.Graph;
import org.jgrapht.GraphPath;
import org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.AllDirectedPaths;
import org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.DijkstraShortestPath;
import org.jgrapht.ext.JGraphXAdapter;
import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultDirectedGraph;
import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultEdge;
import tmltranslator.*;
import tmltranslator.tomappingsystemc2.DiploSimulatorCodeGenerator;
import ui.TGComponent;
import ui.TGConnectingPoint;
import ui.TGConnector;
import ui.TMLComponentDesignPanel;
import ui.interactivesimulation.SimulationTransaction;
import ui.tmlad.*;
import ui.tmlcompd.TMLCPrimitivePort;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

 * Class DirectedGraphTranslator: this class generate the directed graph
 * equivalent for the sysml model
 * 23/09/2019
 * @author Maysam Zoor
public class DirectedGraphTranslator extends JApplet {

    // private TMLArchiPanel tmlap; // USed to retrieve the currently opened
    // architecture panel
    // private TMLMapping<TGComponent> tmap;
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    // private TMLComponentDesignPanel tmlcdp;
    private TMLTask task, task1, task2;
    protected TMLActivity activity;
    int nodeNbProgressBar = 0;
    int nodeNb = 0;
    private TMLActivityElement currentElement;
    private TMLActivityElement backwardElement;
    private ArrayList<String> SummaryCommMapping;
    private Graph<String, DefaultEdge> g;

    public Graph<String, DefaultEdge> getG() {
        return g;

    public void setG(Graph<String, DefaultEdge> g) {
        this.g = g;
    private static final Dimension DEFAULT_SIZE = new Dimension(530, 320);
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    private List<TMLComponentDesignPanel> cpanels;

    private final List<HwLink> links;
    private final TMLMapping<TGComponent> tmap;
    private final HashMap<String, String> addedEdges = new HashMap<String, String>();
    private final HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> sendEventWaitEventEdges = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>();
    private final HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> readWriteChannelEdges = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>();
    private final HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> sequenceEdges = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>();
    private final HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> orderedSequenceList = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
    private final HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> unOrderedSequenceEdges = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>();
    private final HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> unOrderedSequenceList = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
    private final List<String> forEverLoopList = new ArrayList<String>();
    private final HashMap<String, List<TMLTask>> requests = new HashMap<String, List<TMLTask>>();
    private final HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> requestEdges = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>();
    private final HashMap<String, List<String>> requestsOriginDestination = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
    private final HashMap<String, List<String>> requestsPorts = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
    private final HashMap<String, List<String>> requestsDestination = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
    private final Vector<String> allLatencyTasks = new Vector<String>();
    private static JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane();

    // List<String,String> = new ArrayList<String,String>();

    private final HashMap<String, String> nameIDTaskList = new HashMap<String, String>();

    private final HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> channelPaths = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
    public HashMap<String, String> getNameIDTaskList() {
        return nameIDTaskList;

    public JScrollPane getScrollPane() {
        return scrollPane;

    public static void setScrollPane(JScrollPane scrollPane) {
        DirectedGraphTranslator.scrollPane = scrollPane;

    private Object[][] dataByTask = null;
    private Object[][] dataByTaskMinMax = null;
    private Object[][] dataByTaskBYRow;
    private Object[][] dataByTaskHWBYRow;

    HashMap<Integer, List<SimulationTransaction>> dataByTaskR = new HashMap<Integer, List<SimulationTransaction>>();
    HashMap<Integer, List<SimulationTransaction>> dataBydelayedTasks = new HashMap<Integer, List<SimulationTransaction>>();
    HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>>> timeDelayedPerRow = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>>>();
    HashMap<Integer, List<String>> detailsOfMinMaxRow = new HashMap<Integer, List<String>>();
    HashMap<Integer, List<SimulationTransaction>> dataBydelayedTasksOfMinMAx = new HashMap<Integer, List<SimulationTransaction>>();
    private final JFrame frame = new JFrame("The Sys-ML Model As Directed Graph");
    List<Integer> times1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    List<Integer> times2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    Vector<SimulationTransaction> transFile;
    String idTask1;
    String idTask2;
    String task2DeviceName = "";
    String task1DeviceName = "";
    ArrayList<String> devicesToBeConsidered = new ArrayList<String>();
    Vector<SimulationTransaction> relatedsimTraces = new Vector<SimulationTransaction>();
    Vector<SimulationTransaction> delayDueTosimTraces = new Vector<SimulationTransaction>();
    JFrameLatencyDetailedAnalysis frameLatencyDetailedAnalysis;
    JFrameCompareLatencyDetail frameCompareLatencyDetail;
    int callingFrame;
    int nbOfNodes = 0;
    HashMap<String, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>> runnableTimePerDevice = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>>();
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    public DirectedGraphTranslator(JFrameLatencyDetailedAnalysis jFrameLatencyDetailedAnalysis, JFrameCompareLatencyDetail jframeCompareLatencyDetail,
                                   TMLMapping<TGComponent> tmap1, List<TMLComponentDesignPanel> cpanels1, int i) {
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        links = tmap.getTMLArchitecture().getHwLinks();

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        // tmlcdp = getCpanels().get(0);

        callingFrame = i;

        if (callingFrame == 0)

            frameLatencyDetailedAnalysis = jFrameLatencyDetailedAnalysis;
        } else if (callingFrame == 1) {
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            frameCompareLatencyDetail = jframeCompareLatencyDetail;
            // frameCompareLatencyDetail.pack();
            // frameCompareLatencyDetail.revalidate();
            // frameCompareLatencyDetail.repaint();
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         * JGraphXAdapter<String, DefaultEdge> graphAdapter = new JGraphXAdapter<String,
         * DefaultEdge>(g);
         * mxHierarchicalLayout layout = new mxHierarchicalLayout(graphAdapter);
         * layout.setInterHierarchySpacing(100); layout.setInterRankCellSpacing(100);
         * layout.setIntraCellSpacing(100);
         * layout.execute(graphAdapter.getDefaultParent());
         * scrollPane.setViewportView(new mxGraphComponent(graphAdapter));
         * scrollPane.setVisible(true);
         * scrollPane.revalidate(); scrollPane.repaint(); frame = new
         * JFrame("The Sys-ML Model As Directed Graph"); frame.add(scrollPane);
         * frame.pack();
        // frame.setVisible(false);


    // The main function to add the vertices and edges according to the model

    private void DrawDirectedGraph() {
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        nodeNbProgressBar = 0;

        nodeNbProgressBar = tmap.getArch().getBUSs().size() + tmap.getArch().getHwBridge().size() + tmap.getArch().getHwA().size()
                + tmap.getArch().getMemories().size() + tmap.getArch().getCPUs().size();

        for (HwA node : tmap.getArch().getHwA()) {
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            if (tmap.getLisMappedTasks(node).size() > 0) {
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                nodeNbProgressBar = tmap.getLisMappedTasks(node).size() + nodeNbProgressBar;
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                for (TMLTask task : tmap.getLisMappedTasks(node)) {
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                    nodeNbProgressBar = task.getActivityDiagram().nElements() + nodeNbProgressBar;
        for (HwNode node : tmap.getArch().getCPUs()) {
            if (tmap.getLisMappedTasks(node).size() > 0) {
                nodeNbProgressBar = tmap.getLisMappedTasks(node).size() + nodeNbProgressBar;
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                for (TMLTask task : tmap.getLisMappedTasks(node)) {
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                    nodeNbProgressBar = task.getActivityDiagram().nElements() + nodeNbProgressBar;
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