JTextAreajft=newJTextArea("Pragma Guidelines: \n #Authenticity: Compare if two Attributes are equal at given states \n #Confidentiality: Query whether the attacker knows the value of this attribute. \n #PublicConstant: Declare string as public constant \n #PrivateConstant: Declare string as private constant \n #InitialSessionKnowledge: Knowledge at the start of each session\n #InitialSystemKnowledge: Knowledge at the start of the system \n #PrivatePublicKeys: Set two attribute of a block as Private and Public Key respectively \n #Public: Declare variable public \n #SecrecyAssumption: Assume attribute confidential, but query to verify \n #Secret: See #Confidentiality");
@@ -387,6 +389,15 @@ public class JDialogPragma extends JDialogBase implements ActionListener {