1.1 & 10/02/2017 & Added Eclipse IDE development + tests & All \\
1.2 & 11/02/2017 & Added more info on tests & Tests \\
1.3 & 00/00/2018 & Update and added GUI development & All\\
1.3 & 02/10/2018 & Update and added GUI development & All\\
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ projects. Here is a description of these sub-projects:
graphical user interface.
\item\textbf{graphminimize}. Command line application for minimizing graphs.
\item\textbf{graphshow}. Command line application for displaying graphs.
\item\textbf{launcher}. This is the application that launch the server in order to
\item\textbf{launcher}. TODO
\item\textbf{rundse}. Application that run the \textbf{DSE} (\textit{Design Space Exploration}) of the current project. In \texttt{TTool/DIPLODOCUS}, the DSE evaluates the performance of a mapping solution by simulating the workload of computations and data-transfers
\item\textbf{simulationcontrol}. Application that allow to simulate a remote control between an \texttt{host} and a \texttt{port}
\item\textbf{tiftranslator}. This is the application for translating \textit{TIFT} to other languages (\texttt{LOTOS}, \texttt{RT-LOTOS}, \texttt{UPPAAL} or \texttt{JAVA}). The imput file should be in \textit{XML/TIF} format and be readable.