/* Copyright or (C) or Copr. GET / ENST, Telecom-Paris, Ludovic Apvrille
* ludovic.apvrille AT
* This software is a computer program whose purpose is to allow the
* edition of TURTLE analysis, design and deployment diagrams, to
* allow the generation of RT-LOTOS or Java code from this diagram,
* and at last to allow the analysis of formal validation traces
* obtained from external tools, e.g. RTL from LAAS-CNRS and CADP
* from INRIA Rhone-Alpes.
* This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
* abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
* modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
* license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL
* "".
* As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
* modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
* with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
* economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited
* liability.
* In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
* with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
* software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
* that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
* therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
* professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
* encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
* requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
* data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
* same conditions as regards security.
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
import com.mxgraph.layout.hierarchical.mxHierarchicalLayout;
import com.mxgraph.swing.mxGraphComponent;
import org.jgrapht.Graph;
import org.jgrapht.GraphPath;
import org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.AllDirectedPaths;
import org.jgrapht.alg.shortestpath.DijkstraShortestPath;
import org.jgrapht.ext.JGraphXAdapter;
import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultDirectedGraph;
import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultEdge;
import tmltranslator.*;
import tmltranslator.tomappingsystemc2.DiploSimulatorCodeGenerator;
import ui.TGComponent;
import ui.TGConnectingPoint;
import ui.TGConnector;
import ui.TMLComponentDesignPanel;
import ui.interactivesimulation.SimulationTransaction;
import ui.tmlcompd.TMLCPrimitivePort;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
* Class DirectedGraphTranslator: this class generate the directed graph
* equivalent for the sysml model
* 23/09/2019
* @author Maysam Zoor
public class DirectedGraphTranslator extends JApplet {
// private TMLArchiPanel tmlap; // USed to retrieve the currently opened
// architecture panel
// private TMLMapping<TGComponent> tmap;
private TMLTask task, task1, task2;
protected TMLActivity activity;
int nodeNbProgressBar = 0;
int nodeNb = 0;
// List<HwNode> path;
private TMLActivityElement currentElement;
private TMLActivityElement backwardElement;
private ArrayList<String> SummaryCommMapping;
private Graph<String, DefaultEdge> g;
public Graph<String, DefaultEdge> getG() {
return g;
public void setG(Graph<String, DefaultEdge> g) {
this.g = g;
private static final Dimension DEFAULT_SIZE = new Dimension(530, 320);
private final List<HwLink> links;
private final TMLMapping<TGComponent> tmap;
private final HashMap<String, String> addedEdges = new HashMap<String, String>();
private final HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> sendEventWaitEventEdges = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>();
private final HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> readWriteChannelEdges = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>();
private final HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> sequenceEdges = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>();
private final HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> orderedSequenceList = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
private final HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> unOrderedSequenceEdges = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>();
private final HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> unOrderedSequenceList = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
private final List<String> forEverLoopList = new ArrayList<String>();
private final HashMap<String, List<TMLTask>> requests = new HashMap<String, List<TMLTask>>();
private final HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> requestEdges = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>();
private final HashMap<String, List<String>> requestsOriginDestination = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
private final HashMap<String, List<String>> requestsPorts = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
private final HashMap<String, List<String>> requestsDestination = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
private final Vector<String> allLatencyTasks = new Vector<String>();
private static JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane();
// List<String,String> = new ArrayList<String,String>();
private final HashMap<String, String> nameIDTaskList = new HashMap<String, String>();
private final HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> channelPaths = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
public HashMap<String, String> getNameIDTaskList() {
return nameIDTaskList;
public JScrollPane getScrollPane() {
return scrollPane;
public static void setScrollPane(JScrollPane scrollPane) {
DirectedGraphTranslator.scrollPane = scrollPane;
private Object[][] dataByTask = null;
private Object[][] dataByTaskMinMax = null;
private Object[][] dataByTaskBYRow;
private Object[][] dataByTaskHWBYRow;
HashMap<Integer, List<SimulationTransaction>> dataByTaskR = new HashMap<Integer, List<SimulationTransaction>>();
HashMap<Integer, List<SimulationTransaction>> dataBydelayedTasks = new HashMap<Integer, List<SimulationTransaction>>();
HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>>> timeDelayedPerRow = new HashMap<Integer, HashMap<String, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>>>();
HashMap<Integer, List<String>> detailsOfMinMaxRow = new HashMap<Integer, List<String>>();
HashMap<Integer, List<SimulationTransaction>> dataBydelayedTasksOfMinMAx = new HashMap<Integer, List<SimulationTransaction>>();
private final JFrame frame = new JFrame("The Sys-ML Model As Directed Graph");
List<Integer> times1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<Integer> times2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Vector<SimulationTransaction> transFile;
String idTask1;
String idTask2;
String task2DeviceName = "";
String task1DeviceName = "";
ArrayList<String> devicesToBeConsidered = new ArrayList<String>();
Vector<SimulationTransaction> relatedsimTraces = new Vector<SimulationTransaction>();
Vector<SimulationTransaction> delayDueTosimTraces = new Vector<SimulationTransaction>();
JFrameLatencyDetailedAnalysis frameLatencyDetailedAnalysis;
JFrameCompareLatencyDetail frameCompareLatencyDetail;
int callingFrame;
int nbOfNodes = 0;
HashMap<String, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>> runnableTimePerDevice = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>>();
public DirectedGraphTranslator(JFrameLatencyDetailedAnalysis jFrameLatencyDetailedAnalysis, JFrameCompareLatencyDetail jframeCompareLatencyDetail,
TMLMapping<TGComponent> tmap1, List<TMLComponentDesignPanel> cpanels1, int i) {
links = tmap.getTMLArchitecture().getHwLinks();
// tmlcdp = getCpanels().get(0);
callingFrame = i;
if (callingFrame == 0)
frameLatencyDetailedAnalysis = jFrameLatencyDetailedAnalysis;
} else if (callingFrame == 1) {
frameCompareLatencyDetail = jframeCompareLatencyDetail;
// frameCompareLatencyDetail.pack();
// frameCompareLatencyDetail.revalidate();
// frameCompareLatencyDetail.repaint();
* JGraphXAdapter<String, DefaultEdge> graphAdapter = new JGraphXAdapter<String,
* DefaultEdge>(g);
* mxHierarchicalLayout layout = new mxHierarchicalLayout(graphAdapter);
* layout.setInterHierarchySpacing(100); layout.setInterRankCellSpacing(100);
* layout.setIntraCellSpacing(100);
* layout.execute(graphAdapter.getDefaultParent());
* scrollPane.setViewportView(new mxGraphComponent(graphAdapter));
* scrollPane.setVisible(true);
* scrollPane.revalidate(); scrollPane.repaint(); frame = new
* JFrame("The Sys-ML Model As Directed Graph"); frame.add(scrollPane);
* frame.pack();
// frame.setVisible(false);
// The main function to add the vertices and edges according to the model
private void DrawDirectedGraph() {
nodeNbProgressBar = 0;
nodeNbProgressBar = tmap.getArch().getBUSs().size() + tmap.getArch().getHwBridge().size() + tmap.getArch().getHwA().size()
+ tmap.getArch().getMemories().size() + tmap.getArch().getCPUs().size();
for (HwA node : tmap.getArch().getHwA()) {
if (tmap.getLisMappedTasks(node).size() > 0) {
nodeNbProgressBar = tmap.getLisMappedTasks(node).size() + nodeNbProgressBar;
for (TMLTask task : tmap.getLisMappedTasks(node)) {
nodeNbProgressBar = task.getActivityDiagram().nElements() + nodeNbProgressBar;
for (HwNode node : tmap.getArch().getCPUs()) {
if (tmap.getLisMappedTasks(node).size() > 0) {
nodeNbProgressBar = tmap.getLisMappedTasks(node).size() + nodeNbProgressBar;
for (TMLTask task : tmap.getLisMappedTasks(node)) {
nodeNbProgressBar = task.getActivityDiagram().nElements() + nodeNbProgressBar;
HashSet<String> mappedcomm = new HashSet<String>();
for (HwNode node : tmap.getArch().getBUSs()) {
if (tmap.getLisMappedChannels(node).size() > 0) {
for (TMLElement entry : tmap.getLisMappedChannels(node)) {
if (!mappedcomm.contains(entry.getName())) {
for (HwNode node : tmap.getArch().getHwBridge()) {
if (tmap.getLisMappedChannels(node).size() > 0) {
for (TMLElement entry : tmap.getLisMappedChannels(node)) {
if (!mappedcomm.contains(entry.getName())) {
for (HwNode node : tmap.getArch().getMemories()) {
if (tmap.getLisMappedChannels(node).size() > 0) {
for (TMLElement entry : tmap.getLisMappedChannels(node)) {
if (!mappedcomm.contains(entry.getName())) {
for (TMLChannel ch : tmap.getTMLModeling().getChannels()) {
if (!mappedcomm.contains(ch.getName())) {
if (callingFrame == 0)
if (callingFrame == 1)
HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> cpuTasks;
HashMap<String, HashSet<TMLElement>> buschannel = new HashMap<String, HashSet<TMLElement>>();
HashMap<String, HashSet<TMLElement>> memorychannel = new HashMap<String, HashSet<TMLElement>>();
HashMap<String, HashSet<TMLElement>> bridgechannel = new HashMap<String, HashSet<TMLElement>>();
HashMap<String, HashSet<TMLTask>> cpuTask = new HashMap<String, HashSet<TMLTask>>();
g = new DefaultDirectedGraph<>(DefaultEdge.class);
for (HwNode node : tmap.getArch().getBUSs()) {
if (!g.containsVertex(node.getName())) {
if (tmap.getLisMappedChannels(node).size() > 0) {
buschannel.put(node.getName(), tmap.getLisMappedChannels(node));
for (HwNode node : tmap.getArch().getHwBridge()) {
if (!g.containsVertex(node.getName())) {
if (tmap.getLisMappedChannels(node).size() > 0) {
bridgechannel.put(node.getName(), tmap.getLisMappedChannels(node));
if (tmap.getLisMappedTasks(node).size() > 0) {
cpuTask.put(node.getName(), tmap.getLisMappedTasks(node));
cpuTasks = getCPUTaskMap(cpuTask);
// if (tmap.getLisMappedChannels(node).size() > 0) {
// bridgechannel.put(node.getName(), tmap.getLisMappedChannels(node));
for (HwNode node : tmap.getArch().getMemories()) {
if (!g.containsVertex(node.getName())) {
if (tmap.getLisMappedChannels(node).size() > 0) {
memorychannel.put(node.getName(), tmap.getLisMappedChannels(node));
for (Entry<String, HashSet<TMLElement>> entry : buschannel.entrySet()) {
String busName = entry.getKey();
HashSet<TMLElement> busChList = entry.getValue();
for (TMLElement busCh : busChList) {
String ChannelName = busCh.getName();
if (!g.containsVertex(ChannelName)) {
g.addEdge(busName, ChannelName);
TMLChannel tmlch = (TMLChannel) busCh;
String writeChannel = tmlch.getDestinationTask().getName() + "__" + "writechannel:" + tmlch.getDestinationPort();
String readChannel;
for (Entry<String, HashSet<TMLElement>> entry : bridgechannel.entrySet()) {
String busName = entry.getKey();
HashSet<TMLElement> busChList = entry.getValue();
for (TMLElement busCh : busChList) {
String ChannelName = busCh.getName();
if (!g.containsVertex(ChannelName)) {
g.addEdge(busName, ChannelName);
for (Entry<String, HashSet<TMLElement>> entry : memorychannel.entrySet()) {
String busName = entry.getKey();
HashSet<TMLElement> busChList = entry.getValue();
for (TMLElement busCh : busChList) {
String ChannelName = busCh.getName();
if (!g.containsVertex(ChannelName)) {
g.addEdge(busName, ChannelName);
DiploSimulatorCodeGenerator gen = new DiploSimulatorCodeGenerator(tmap);
for (TMLChannel ch : tmap.getTMLModeling().getChannels()) {
List<HwCommunicationNode> pathNodes = gen.determineRoutingPath(tmap.getHwNodeOf(ch.getOriginTask()),
tmap.getHwNodeOf(ch.getDestinationTask()), ch);
if (!g.vertexSet().contains(ch.getName())) {
if (!pathNodes.isEmpty()) {
for (HwCommunicationNode node : pathNodes) {
if (channelPaths.containsKey(ch.getName())) {
if (!channelPaths.get(ch.getName()).contains(node.getName())) {
} else {
ArrayList<String> pathNodeNames = new ArrayList<String>();
channelPaths.put(ch.getName(), pathNodeNames);
if (!g.containsEdge(node.getName(), ch.getName())) {
g.addEdge(node.getName(), ch.getName());
SummaryCommMapping = tmap.getSummaryCommMapping();
for (HwNode node : tmap.getArch().getCPUs()) {
cpuTask = new HashMap<String, HashSet<TMLTask>>();
if (tmap.getLisMappedTasks(node).size() > 0) {
cpuTask.put(node.getName(), tmap.getLisMappedTasks(node));
cpuTasks = getCPUTaskMap(cpuTask);
for (HwLink link : links) {
if (g.containsVertex(link.hwnode.getName()) && g.containsVertex(link.bus.getName())) {
g.addEdge(link.hwnode.getName(), link.bus.getName());
g.addEdge(link.bus.getName(), link.hwnode.getName());
if (addedEdges.size() > 0) {
for (Entry<String, String> edge : addedEdges.entrySet()) {
g.addEdge(edge.getKey(), edge.getValue());
if (sendEventWaitEventEdges.size() > 0) {
for (Entry<String, HashSet<String>> edge : sendEventWaitEventEdges.entrySet()) {
for (String waitEventEdge : edge.getValue())
g.addEdge(edge.getKey(), waitEventEdge);
if (readWriteChannelEdges.size() > 0) {
for (Entry<String, HashSet<String>> edge : readWriteChannelEdges.entrySet()) {
for (String readChannelEdge : edge.getValue())
g.addEdge(edge.getKey(), readChannelEdge);
if (sequenceEdges.size() > 0) {
for (Entry<String, HashSet<String>> edge : sequenceEdges.entrySet()) {
for (String sequenceEdge : edge.getValue())
g.addEdge(edge.getKey(), sequenceEdge);
if (unOrderedSequenceEdges.size() > 0) {
for (Entry<String, HashSet<String>> edge : unOrderedSequenceEdges.entrySet()) {
g.addEdge(edge.getKey(), sequenceEdge);
if (requestEdges.size() > 0) {
for (Entry<String, HashSet<String>> edge : requestEdges.entrySet()) {
for (String requestsingleEdges : edge.getValue()) {
g.addEdge(edge.getKey(), requestsingleEdges);
// draw the vertices and edges for the tasks mapped to the CPUs
private void updatemainBar(String string) {
if (callingFrame == 0)
} else if (callingFrame == 1) {
public HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> getCPUTaskMap(HashMap<String, HashSet<TMLTask>> cpuTask) {
HashMap<String, HashSet<String>> cpuTaskMap = new HashMap<String, HashSet<String>>();
if (tmap == null) {
return cpuTaskMap;
for (Entry<String, HashSet<TMLTask>> entry : cpuTask.entrySet()) {
String key = entry.getKey();
HashSet<TMLTask> value = entry.getValue();
Vector<TMLActivityElement> multiNexts = new Vector<TMLActivityElement>();
TMLActivityElement elt;
// Map <String, String> sendEvt;
HashMap<String, List<String>> sendEvt = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
HashMap<String, List<String>> waitEvt = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
HashMap<String, String> sendData = new HashMap<String, String>();
HashMap<String, String> receiveData = new HashMap<String, String>();
// GEt List of all requests
for (TMLTask task : value) {
if (task.isRequested()) {
TMLRequest requestToTask = task.getRequest();
String destinationRequest = requestToTask.getDestinationTask().getName() + "__"
+ requestToTask.getDestinationTask().getActivityDiagram().get(0).getName() + "__"
+ requestToTask.getDestinationTask().getActivityDiagram().get(0).getID();
String destinationRequestName = requestToTask.getDestinationTask().getName();
for (TMLTask originTask : requestToTask.getOriginTasks()) {
String requestOriginTaskName = originTask.getName();
if (requestsOriginDestination.containsKey(requestOriginTaskName)) {
if (!requestsOriginDestination.get(requestOriginTaskName).contains(destinationRequestName)) {
} else {
ArrayList<String> destinationRequestNames = new ArrayList<String>();
requestsOriginDestination.put(requestOriginTaskName, destinationRequestNames);
for (TMLCPrimitivePort requestsPort : requestToTask.ports) {
String requestsPortName = requestsPort.getPortName();
if (requestsPorts.containsKey(task.getName())) {
if (!requestsPorts.get(task.getName()).contains(requestsPortName)) {
} else {
ArrayList<String> requestsPortNames = new ArrayList<String>();
requestsPorts.put(task.getName(), requestsPortNames);
if (requestsDestination.containsKey(destinationRequestName)) {
if (!requestsDestination.get(destinationRequestName).contains(destinationRequest)) {
} else {
ArrayList<String> destinationRequestNames = new ArrayList<String>();
requestsDestination.put(destinationRequestName, destinationRequestNames);
for (TMLTask task : value) {
* for (TMLComponentDesignPanel dpPanel : getCpanels()) { String[] taskpanel =
* task.getName().split("__");
* if (dpPanel.getNameOfTab().equals(taskpanel[0])) { tmlcdp = dpPanel; }
* }
// get the names and params of send events per task and their corresponding wait
// events
for (TMLSendEvent sendEvent : task.getSendEvents()) {
TMLCPrimitivePort sendingPortdetails = sendEvent.getEvent().port;
TMLCPrimitivePort receivePortdetails = sendEvent.getEvent().port2;
String sendingPortparams = sendEvent.getAllParams();
TMLTask destinationTasks = sendEvent.getEvent().getDestinationTask();
sendEvt.put("sendevent:" + sendingPortdetails.getPortName() + "(" + sendingPortparams + ")", new ArrayList<String>());
for (TMLWaitEvent wait_sendEvent : destinationTasks.getWaitEvents()) {
String receivePortparams = wait_sendEvent.getAllParams();
sendEvt.get("sendevent:" + sendingPortdetails.getPortName() + "(" + sendingPortparams + ")")
.add("waitevent:" + receivePortdetails.getPortName() + "(" + receivePortparams + ")");
// get the names of read channels per task and their corresponding write
// channels
for (TMLReadChannel readChannel : task.getReadChannels()) {
int i = readChannel.getNbOfChannels();
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
String sendingDataPortdetails = readChannel.getChannel(j).getOriginPort().getName();
String receiveDataPortdetails = readChannel.getChannel(j).getDestinationPort().getName();
if (!sendingDataPortdetails.equals(receiveDataPortdetails)) {
receiveData.put(receiveDataPortdetails, sendingDataPortdetails);
// get the names of write channels per task and their corresponding read
// channels
for (TMLWriteChannel writeChannel : task.getWriteChannels()) {
int i = writeChannel.getNbOfChannels();
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
// writeChannel.getChannel(j);
String sendingDataPortdetails = writeChannel.getChannel(j).getOriginPort().getName();
String receiveDataPortdetails = writeChannel.getChannel(j).getDestinationPort().getName();
if (!sendingDataPortdetails.equals(receiveDataPortdetails)) {
sendData.put(sendingDataPortdetails, receiveDataPortdetails);
// get the names and params of wait events per task and their corresponding send
// events
for (TMLWaitEvent waitEvent : task.getWaitEvents()) {
// TMLCPrimitivePort portdetails = waitEvent.getEvent().port;
TMLCPrimitivePort sendingPortdetails = waitEvent.getEvent().port;
TMLCPrimitivePort receivePortdetails = waitEvent.getEvent().port2;
String receivePortparams = waitEvent.getAllParams();
// tmlcdp.tmlctdp.getAllPortsConnectedTo(portdetails);
waitEvt.put("waitevent:" + receivePortdetails.getPortName() + "(" + receivePortparams + ")", new ArrayList<String>());
TMLTask originTasks = waitEvent.getEvent().getOriginTask();
for (TMLSendEvent wait_sendEvent : originTasks.getSendEvents()) {
String sendingPortparams = wait_sendEvent.getAllParams();
waitEvt.get("waitevent:" + receivePortdetails.getPortName() + "(" + receivePortparams + ")")
.add("sendevent:" + sendingPortdetails.getPortName() + "(" + sendingPortparams + ")");
if (!g.vertexSet().contains(key)) {
if (!g.vertexSet().contains(task.getName())) {
g.addEdge(key, task.getName());
String taskStartName = "";
String taskEndName = "";
int countTillStart = 0;
boolean hasSequence = false;
boolean hasForLoop = false;
HashMap<String, List<String>> forLoopNextValues = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
// loop over all the activites corresponding to a task
while (count <= activity.nElements()) {
String eventName;
String preEventName;
if (currentElement.getName().equals("Stop after infinite loop")) {
if (count <= activity.nElements()) {
if (currentElement.getNexts().size() == 1) {
currentElement = currentElement.getNexts().firstElement();
} else if (!multiNexts.isEmpty()) {
currentElement = multiNexts.get(0);
} else if (currentElement.getReferenceObject() instanceof TMLADRandom) {
eventName = task.getName() + "__" + currentElement.getName() + "__" + currentElement.getID();
} else {
eventName = task.getName() + "__" + currentElement.getReferenceObject().toString() + "__" + currentElement.getID();
if (currentElement.getNexts().size() > 1) {
for (TMLActivityElement ae : currentElement.getNexts()) {
// in case an end was encountered , the previous activities should be checked:
// in
// case it is an end for a loop or sequence speavial edges should be added
if (currentElement.getReferenceObject() instanceof TMLADStopState) {
taskEndName = task.getName() + "__" + currentElement.getName() + "__" + currentElement.getID();
preEventName = task.getName() + "__" + activity.getPrevious(currentElement).getReferenceObject().toString() + "__"
+ activity.getPrevious(currentElement).getID();
// allTasks.add(taskEndName);
if (!(activity.getPrevious(currentElement).getReferenceObject() instanceof TMLADSequence)) {
g.addEdge(preEventName, taskEndName);
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
AllDirectedPaths<String, DefaultEdge> allPaths = new AllDirectedPaths<String, DefaultEdge>(g);
if (orderedSequenceList.size() > 0) {
int noForLoop = 0;
// get path from sequence to end
for (Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> sequenceListEntry : orderedSequenceList.entrySet()) {
int directlyConnectedSeq = 0;
if (g.containsVertex(sequenceListEntry.getKey())) {
List<GraphPath<String, DefaultEdge>> path = allPaths.getAllPaths(sequenceListEntry.getKey(), taskEndName, false,
for (Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> othersequenceListEntryValue : orderedSequenceList.entrySet()) {
for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
if (!othersequenceListEntryValue.getKey().equals(sequenceListEntry.getKey())) {
if (path.get(i).getVertexList().contains(othersequenceListEntryValue.getKey())) {
if (path.size() > 0 && sequenceListEntry.getValue().size() > 0 && directlyConnectedSeq == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < path.size(); i++) {
for (String sequenceListEntryValue : sequenceListEntry.getValue()) {
if (g.containsVertex(sequenceListEntryValue)) {
if (path.get(i).getVertexList().contains(sequenceListEntryValue)) {
if (forLoopNextValues.size() > 0) {
for (Entry<String, List<String>> forloopListEntry : forLoopNextValues.entrySet()) {
if (path.get(i).getVertexList().contains(forloopListEntry.getValue().get(0))) {
if (forEverLoopList.size() > 0) {
for (String forloopListEntry : forEverLoopList) {
if (path.get(i).getVertexList().contains(forloopListEntry)) {
if (noForLoop == 0) {
int nextIndex = sequenceListEntry.getValue().indexOf(sequenceListEntryValue) + 1;
if (nextIndex < sequenceListEntry.getValue().size()) {
HashSet<String> endSequenceVertex = new HashSet<String>();
if (sequenceEdges.containsKey(taskEndName)) {
if (!sequenceEdges.get(taskEndName)
.contains(sequenceListEntry.getValue().get(nextIndex))) {
sequenceEdges.put(eventName, endSequenceVertex);
} else if (nextIndex == sequenceListEntry.getValue().size()
&& orderedSequenceList.size() > 1) {
for (Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> othersequenceListEntryValue : orderedSequenceList
.entrySet()) {
if (!othersequenceListEntryValue.getKey().equals(sequenceListEntry.getKey())) {
int connectedSeq = 0;
List<GraphPath<String, DefaultEdge>> pathBetweenSeq = allPaths.getAllPaths(
othersequenceListEntryValue.getKey(), taskEndName, false,
for (int j = 0; j < pathBetweenSeq.size(); j++) {
for (Entry<String, ArrayList<String>> adjacentsequenceListEntryValue : orderedSequenceList